Lesson Plan Leaving

June 12, 2019 | Author: Emma Malek | Category: Lesson Plan, Education Theory, Pedagogy, Teaching, Cognitive Science
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Short Description

Lesson Plan for short story Leaving...


Date: 22.3.2016  Time: 11 a.m - 11.35 a.m Class: 4 Anggerik Enrolment: 22 Language pro!ien!": A#erage  Topi!:  Topi!: Literature $ %&ort %tor" %u'-topi!: Lea#ing (eneral o')e!ti#e: %tu*ents +ill 'e a'le to e,plain t&e plot o t&e s&ort stor" Lea#ing/. %pe!i! o')e!ti#es: " t&e en* o t&e lesson stu*ents +ill 'e a'le to: 1. earrange earrange t&e !orre!t !orre!t seuen!e seuen!e o t&e plot elements in t&e s&ort stor". stor". 2. resent resent t&eir point point o #ie+s regar* regar*ing ing t&e statement +&i!& is 'ase* on t&e s&ort stor". stor".  Tea!&ing  Tea!&ing ai*s: Laptop LCD ro)e!tor ro)e!tor anila !ar*s %ti!k" %ti!k" Ta!k Ta!k arker pen an* &ite'oar*

%tage7Time %et

Tea!&er/s a!ti#it" 1. %&o+ stu*ents a


pi!ture o ;&uru

93 minutes

%treet using t&e

%tu*ents/ a!ti#it" 8otes 1. ='ser#e t&e pi!ture Laptop s&o+n on t&e LCD. 2. Ans+er uestion.

LCD ro)e!tor

LCD. 2. Ask stu*ents to ans+er uestion: ase* on t&e s&ort stor" Lea#ing +&ere *o "ou t&ink t&is pla!e is< &"

%tep 1 915 minutes

*o "ou sa" so< 1. %&o+ t&e plot

1. (et into groups. 2. Listen to t&e


stru!ture. 2. E,plain a'out plot instru!tion. elements o a s&ort 3. earrange t&e


stor". 3. Ask t&e stu*ents to

anila !ar*s

ragments into t&e


!orre!t seuen!e o  %ti!k" Ta!k orm our groups. 4. Distri'ute manila !ar*s t&at are marke* +it& E,positor"/ ising

t&e plot.

arker pen &ite'oar*


Tea!&er/s a!ti#it" A!tion/ Clima,/

%tu*ents/ a!ti#it"


an* >alling A!tion ? esolution/ along +it& t&e ragments o t&e plot a!!or*ingl". 5. @nstru!t t&e stu*ents to rearrange t&e gi#en ragments into t&e !orre!t seuen!e o 

%tep 2 9 minutes

t&e plot. 1. Ask one representati#e rom ea!& group to

1. resent t&e plot elements o t&e

anila !ar*s %ti!k" ta!k

s&ort stor". 2. aste t&e manila

present +&at t&e" !ar*s on t&e +all. &a#e *one. 2. Tell t&em to paste t&e manila !ar*s on

%tep 3

t&e +all. 1. %&o+ a statement

1. Dis!uss an* present LCD

%tage7Time 9B minutes

Tea!&er/s a!ti#it" to t&e stu*ents

%tu*ents/ a!ti#it" t&e ans+ers.

using t&e sli*e: Aloo s&oul* pursue


&is *ream an* stu*" in Ameri!a./ 2. Di#i*e t&e stu*ents into t+o groups. =ne group +ill support t&e statement an* t&e ot&er +ill oppose it. 9ma,imum 3 reasons 3. (i#e t&em 3 minutes to *is!uss t&e ans+ers. 4. Ask representati#es to #oi!e out t&eir

Closure 91 minute

reasonings. 1. %um up t&e lesson '" re!alling +&at

8otes Laptop

1. %tu*ents respon* to t&e tea!&er/s


Tea!&er/s a!ti#it" t&e stu*ents &a#e learne* or to*a"/s lesson.

%tu*ents/ a!ti#it" ree!tion.


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