Lesson Plan in Mapeh 10 1st Quarter
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Mariveles Natonal high School-Alasasin School-Alasasin Alasasin, Mariveles, Baaan Augus 08, 2018 10-Philippians 11:10-12:10
I. Objectves: A he end of he lesson, sudens are expeced o; 1. Discuss school spors inramural. inramural.
2. Show appreciaton in he discussion of school spors inramur inramural. al. 3. Creae ideas relatng school spors inramural in real life. II. Subjec Maer: “Actve Recreaton” Reference: Learner’s Material P.E. and Health 10, pp. 27-35 Maerials: visual aids, picure, leer cus III. Procedures: Procedures: A. Actvites Game Puzzle Group yourself ino four; each group is given a puzzle picure. Assemble he puzzle o form a picure and describe. You have one minue o do. Jumbled Leers In he same group, assemble he hree ses of jumbled leer cus o form words. You have one minue o do.
Based on he actviy ac tviy,, wha do you hink our lesson for oday? A School Spors Inramurals even is an ahletc competton wihin he four walls of your school. The word “inramural” “inramural” comes from he words “inra” meaning, “wihin” and “murus” which means “wall.” Thus, inramural actvites are held wihin he school for he sudens. Thiss spors Thi spors actvi actviy y will will be he appli applicat caton on of knowle knowledge dge and ski skills lls learne learned d during during he previous years in Physical Educaton. Sudens’ experiences in playing and ociatng will conribue o he successful managemen of school spors inramur inramurals. als. Buzz Sessions Group Discussion Reportng In he same group, discuss he opic given wihin he group in a couple of minues. Then, assign a member of your group o repor in fron. GROUP 1 There are several actvites ha are signican in running a successful school spors inramural. inramural. Actvites should vary according o he needs of he sudens, he facilites, and e equipmen quipmen available. A. Pre-game actvites Prepare he lis of spors evens o be played. Lis he available facilites and equipmen. Prepare he enry forms for he partcipans. Prepare he dieren forms o be used in each even. Prepare he guidelines for he partcipatng eams.
GROUP 2 B. Pung up an organizatonal srucure ha will serve as he leaders in running school spors
inramurals. General Manager- heads and organiz organizes es he inramur inramural al even. Ahletc Manager- assiss he General Manager, Manager, especially in managing he spors competton; usually he Deparmen Head of MAPEH. Technical Ocials- ociae during each spors even. Tournamen Managers- assiss he ahletc Manager in running he dieren dieren spors even Tournamen CoordinaorsCoordinaors- prepare ground facilites and equipmen e quipmen before he schedule of games. Recorders-- keep all ocial records and resuls. Recorders
The spors manager, manager, cognizan of he purpose and objectves of he inramural even, should see o i ha he opporuniy for partcipaton is provided o all sudens and ha he scope is sucien o mee heir needs and ineress.
GROUP 3 C. Ociatng Ocials- These are he game ocials who will handle he dieren games. 1. A good ociatng ocial should possess he following qualites: Complee knowledge of he rules. Sucien game experience. Physical Physi cal Finess Good Judgmen Couresy
Courage.are he ocials and heir roles in he dieren evens: 2. The following Baskeball Referee Adminisers ers a jump ball a he cener o sar each half half.. Adminis Calls fouls and oher violatons commied by he players. Makes he nal decision aer consulaton wih he umpire and able ocials regarding calls and oher violatons. Score Keeps lis of players. Records he score, fouls, tmeous, and substuton in he game. Assisan Scorer Assisan Manages he scoreboard Time Keeper Keeps all he record of playing tme and tme of soppage.
Volleyball Firs Referee Sars he game wih a oss coin and ends i wih a handshake. players. s. Calls violatons commied by he player Second Referee following violatons Checks he following
peneraton ino he opponen’s cour o positonal fauls of he receiving eams o fauly conac wih ne blocking by back-row player and he libero( a player specialize in o defensive defensiv e skills and canno block or aack he ball when i is entrely above he ne heigh signs he scoreshee Line Judges Call if he ball was ouched by a player of he defending eam before going o
ou of he cour. Check on he positoning of he foo of he ser server ver.. Sae wheher he ball lands in or ou of he cour Scorer Sounds he buzzer o give signals. Regiserss he daa of he mach and eams Regiser sartng line-ups of each eam, he poins scored, tme ous, Records sartng substuton, nal resul, and signs he scoreshee. Fooball Referee Sars he kick-o beween he wo eams Warns and penalizes players who violae fooball rules. Linesman Calls wheher he ball is “in” or “ou” of he cour Chess Arbier draw. Decides which player wins, losses, or scores a draw. Baseball/ Soball Chief Umpire Shous “play ball” a he sar of he game Calls “srike” or “ou’, “fair” or “foul ball”, “ou” or “safe” srike ou, y ou, and pu ou. Calls oher violatons like srike Base Umpire Rules “safe” or “ou” a heir respectve bases. Scorer Keeps he record of he players’ and eam’s scores.
B. Analysis Questoning
Wha is a school spors inramurals? The word inramural is derived from wha w ha words? Which means? Wha are he pre- game actvites? Is i imporan? Why? Why do we need o pu up an organizatonal srucure? Wha are heir dutes and responsibilites? Wha a spor manager mus be? Why do we need an ociatng ocial? Wha qualites should hey possess? Who are he ociatng ocials of a baskeball? In, baskeball, who adminisers a jump ball a he cener ce ner o sar each half? Records he score, fouls, tmeous, and substuton in he game?
Who are he ociatng ocials in volleyball? Wha are heir roles? C. Absracton Word Srips In he same group, mach he word o is deniton on a given maerial. _______________ _________ ______- prepare prepare ground facilites facilites and equipmen before before he schedule of games.
_______________- keep _______________keep all ocial records and and resuls. _______________ _________ ______- assiss assiss he General Manager, Manager, especially in managing he spors competton; competton; usually he Deparmen Head of MAPEH. _________ _____________________ahe nd organizes organiz he inramural even. evgen. _______________ _________ ______- heads assiss assiss and ahletces Manager in running runnin he dieren spors even. even. _______________ _________ ______- ociae ociae during each spors even. even. D. Applicaton Brainsorming Have you experience spors inramural even even in your school las year? How was your experience? Share your ideas. IV. IV. Evaluaton Wrie he True if he saemen is correc, and False if he saemen is wrong.
_________ 1. Pre-game actvites are prepared _________ prepared and followed followed o avoid problems problems during he competton. _________ ________ _ 2. A good ociatng ocial should should possess complee complee knowledge of he rules. _________ ________ _ 3. Sudens’ experiences in playing playing and ociatng will con conribue ribue o he successful managemen of school spors inramurals. _________ 4. The ournamen manager heads _________ heads and organizes organizes he inramural inramural even. _________ ________ _ 5. The spors manager is no cognizan cognizan of he purpose and objectves of he in inramural ramural even. _________ ________ _ 6. In baskeball, baskeball, he referee adminisers adminisers a jump ball a he cen cener er o sar each half half.. _________ ________ _ 7. Pre-game actvites prepare prepare he lis of spors evens o be pl played. ayed. _________ ________ _ 8. Pre-game actvites lis lis he available facilites facilites and equipmen. _________ ________ _ 9. A good ociatng ocial should should no necessarily possess sucien sucien game experience _________10. ________ _10. Dutes and responsibilites responsibilites in he srucural or organiza ganizaton ton guide players in performing performing heir dutes eectvely.
V. Assignmen Topic: Single and Double Eliminaton Types of Tournamen 1. Discuss he meaning of single and double ypes of eliminaton. 2. Explain how o compue for he single and double ypes of ournamens. P.E. and Health 10, pp. 27-35 Reference: Learner ’s Material P.E.
Aleca N. Medina MAPEH Teacher
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