Lesson Plan-conditional Clauses

July 11, 2019 | Author: Monik Ionela | Category: Kalimat (Linguistik), Klausa, Rencana Belajar, Gaya (Fiksi), Tata Bahasa
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english grammar...



Teacher: School: Date: Class: XI C (L2) No. of students: 24 Textbook : Prospects Upper-Intermediate Unit !: Welcome to Britain! Lesson : Revision  Conditional Clases T"#e of lesson: "rammar lesson Ti$e: #$ mintes Ai$s:

%t t&e end o' t&e lesson stdents s&old e ale to: -se all t*pes o' conditional clases correctl* in

Class or&ani'ation : locstep pair0or .rop0or 0&ole class

%nticipated prolems: i' t&ere are an* prolems t&e teac&er 0ill clari'* t&em

Sta&es of the lesson

Nr. Crt.

Lesson sta&es Or&ani'in& the class


Teacher(s acti)it"

Student(s acti)it"



,o$e-ork checku#





3&e teac&er .reets t&e stdents, s&e ass t&em estions lie: 56o0 are *o toda*711 5W&o is missin.71 etc8 3&e teac&er  c&ecs i' t&ere are an* asents and prepares 'or t&e lesson8 3&e teac&er ass t&e stdents ;W&at 0as *or &ome0or 'or toda*7$1

Acti)it" :


3&e teac&er ass t&e stdents to loo at t&e sentences a.ain and sa* 0&ic& tense is sed in t&e main clase and 0&ic& tense is sed in t&e secondar*@sordinate clase8

9tdents read t&e sentences and decide 0&ic& tenses are sed8

3&e teac&er 0rites t&e tenses on a 'lipc&art s&eet8@lacoard t&en ass t&e stdents to mae t&eir o0n sentences8

9tdents listen to t&e teac&er1s e+planation and mae t&eir o0n sentences8

3&e teac&er c&ecs t&e mistaes8 3&e teac&er ass t&e stdents to rep&rase t&e sentences 'rom t&e e+ercise on 0ors&eet 2   t&e* &ave to trans'orm t&e sentences into 'irst second or t&ird conditional clases8

3&e teac&er s&o0s t&e

-to arose stdent1s interest in t&e topic8

In pairs stdents rep&rase t&e sentences8

-to practise t&e .rammar strctres

In .rops o' t&ree

-to practise 4


-lacoard -'lipc&art

-0&ole class




3eac&er  9tdent 9tdent 3eac&er  9tdent9tdent

3eac&er 




stdents an e+ercise (po0erpoint presentation) In .rops o' t&ree stdents are spposed to solve it8 3&e teac&er c&ecs t&e e+ercise t&en ass t&e stdents to come to t&e  lacoard and 0rite t&e ans0ers 3&e teac&er ass stdents to 0or in pairs and mae a dialo.e sin. as man* conditional sentences as  possile8 3&en t&e teac&er  c&ooses t0o dialo.es to  e acted ot in 'ront o' t&e class8

stdents solve t&e e+ercise8 3&e* 0rite t&e vers on a 'lipc&art s&eet8

t&e second


 presentation -'lipc&art

In pairs stdents 0rite t&e dialo.e and t&e c&osen stdents act ot t&e dialo.es8

-to mae t&eir o0n sentences sin. t&e second conditional



-pair0or   -role pla*

3eac&er  9tdent 9tdent -9tdent


9tdent 9tdent9tdent

Acti)it" +: S#eakin&


4ollo- u# Acti)it" :


-9tdents &ave to solve e+ercises > and ># 'rom 0ors&eet 8 3&e* mst pt t&e vers in t&e correct tense 'or e+ercise > and 0rite real  present nreal present or nreal past conditionals 'or e+ercise >#8

3&e stdents solve t&e e+ercises and in trns come and 0rite t&eir ans0ers on t&e  lacoard

-to c&ec nderstand in.

-readin. -0ritin.


-0&ole classs

-teac&erstdent -stdentstdent



3&e stdents mst solve

3&e stdents 0rite t&e

-to .ive



-0&ole class

3eac&er -


e+ercise >4 on 0ors&eet 48 3&e teac&er e+plains t&e stdents 0&at t&e* &ave to do8 9&e .ives an e+ample and 0rites it on t&e lacoard8 3&e teac&er maes sre t&at all t&e stdents nderstand t&e &ome0or8


Dis$issin& students


9tdents .et mars8 "reetin.s

&ome0or and t&e e+amples in t&e noteoos8

'rt&er  practice





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