Lesson 5. Artist and Artisans
September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Artist is
an art practitioner such as painterr, sculptor painte sculptor,, c choreog horeographer rapher,, dancer, musician, etc. who produces or creates indirectly functional arts
with aesthetic value using imagination.
is a craftsman, such as carpenter, carver, plumber, blacksmith, weaver, embroider, etc. who produces directly functional
A r ti s an
and/or decorative arts.
is the mode of expression in which the concept, idea or message is conveyed.
are the materials which
are used by an artist to interpret his feelings or thoughts. Many
mediums are use in
Is the manner in which artist
controls his medium to achieve the desired effect.
It has something to do with the way he manipulates his
mediums to express his idea.
VISUAL ARTS are those mediums that can be seen and which occupy space.
Art of creating meaningful effects on flat surface by the use of pigments.
Painter uses:
Pigments on wood or canvas
WATERCOLOR it is difficult to handle because it is difficult to produce warm and rich tones but it invites brilliance
and a variety of hues.
GOUACHE An opaque watercolor painting the major effects of which are caused by the paper itself.
FRESCO pigments are mixed with water and applied on a wet plaster.
pigments mixed with egg yolk or egg white.
PASTEL a stick of dried paste made of pigment round with chalk and compounded with gum water.
ENCAUSTIC used by Egyptians for painted portrait on mummy cases. It is done by painting with wax colors
fixed with heat.
OIL oil painting is the one of the most expensive art activities of today because of the materials.
pigments are mixed with linseed oil and applied to canvas.
ACRYLIC the medium used today by the modern painters and the only thinner used is water.
Most common medium in drawing.
Pencil leads are graded in different degrees of hardness or
one of the oldest mediums still in use.
offers great variety of qualities, depending on the tools and
techniques used in application. India ink – comes in liquid form; favo fa vori rite te medi medium um of of comic strip illustrators and
BISTRE brown pigment extracted from the soot of wood.
CRAYONS pigments bound by wax and compressed into painted sticks.
CHARCOAL carbonaceous materials obtained by heating wood or organic substances in the absence of
SILVERPOINT silver stylus that produce a thin grayish line.
the art of making two or three dimensional representation by means of carving, casting, mode mo deli ling ng and and fa fabri bricat catio ion. n.
hard and brittle substance formed from mineral and earth material.
IVORY comes from the tusk of elephants, the hard white substance used to make carving and billiard balls.
can be cast, cut, drilled, filled, bent, forged and stamped.
compose of lime, sand, and water.
used extensively in making mannequins, models, molds,
architectural decoration and other indoor sculptures.
possesses little strength intention or compression and requires an armature for support.
GLASS medium that is hard, brittle, more or less transparent substances produced by fusion.
WOOD easier to carve than any mediums available. They are lighter and softer to carve despite of having
greater tensile strength.
a brownish red clay that has been baked and used for making pots and small statues.
1. CARVING – involves cutting or chipping away a shape from a mass of stone, wood or other hard materials.
2. MODELING – built using an armature and then shaped to create a form.
3. CASTING – reproducing the form from an original clay or wax model.
Bronze 4. ASSEMBLING ASSEMBLING / FABRIC ABRICA ATION – putting together of different materials to create an assembled sculpture. GENERAL MARIANA by Josephine Tur ural alba ba (N (NCR CR)) (plastic, brass, copper, steel, gold)
the art of designing a building and supervising its construction.
a shelter to serve as protection of all activities of men.
Rock materials
Metal materials
Organic materials
Hybrid Materials
Synthetic materials
history, support for the arts
and culture is not limited to the allocation of funding or patronship. The
artist are given incentives and an dh hon onor or fo forr tthe heir ir wo work rk through state-initiated and
given awards and citations.
2 MAJOR A AW WARDS GIVEN TO PHILIPPINE ARTISTS A. Orden ng Pambansang Alagad ng Sining Sin ing (Order (Order of Nationa Nationall Arti Artists) sts)
The Order of National Artists is the highest National Recognition Recognitio n given to Filipino individuals who have made significant contributions contributions to the development of Philippine arts. (Music, Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, Literature, Film,
Jointly administered by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) and conferred by the President of the Philippines upon recommendation by both institutions.
The first recipient was Fernando
Amorsolo Amorso lo in 19 1972 72 ((Nati Nationa onall Arti Artist st for Visual Arts).
INCENTIVES AND PRIVILEGES 1. the rank and title 2. meda dalllion or ins nsiign gniia a and nd a citation 3. benefits cash a aw wa(monthly rds a an nd alife hopension, st o off medical and hospitalization
and life insurance coverage)
4. a s sta tatte ffu une nerral a and nd bu burrial ial a att the L Liibingan ng mga Bayani. 5. a pl plac ace e of ho hono nor r or de desi sign gnat ated ed area during national state functions, along with recognition or acknowledgement acknowled gement at cultural
B. Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan (National Living Treasures Award)
conducts the search for the finest traditional artists of the land whose distinctive skills have reach a high level of technical and artistic excellence and have been passed on to and widely practice by the present
generation in his community.
(weaving, carving, graphic and plastic arts, textile, pottery and other artistic expressions of traditional culture) created
in 1992 under RA# 7355 by the NCCA.
INCENTIVES AND AND PRIVI PRIVILEGES LEGES 1. a specially designed gold medallion 2. an in init itia iall g gra rant nt of 100, 100,00 000p 0php hp and a 10,000php monthly stipend for life (later increase
to 14,000php)
3. maxi xim mum cu cumulat atiive amount of 750,000php medical and hospitalization benefits 4. fu fune nera rall assi assist stan ance ce and and tribute fit for a national
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