Lesson 3 - Thrown in A Well - Tafseer Surah Yusuf - Ustadh Asim Khan

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[THROWN IN A WELL – TAFSEER SURAT YUSUF] YUSUF]  Ustadh Asim Khan Thrown in a Well | Lesson 3

  ‫م‬ ‫ث‬‫د‬‫ل ا ح‬‫و‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ك‬ُ ‫ ك‬‫ك ر‬ ‫ذ ك ج‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ذ ك ج‬ ُ ‫ ك‬‫ك ر‬ ‫ذ ك ج‬ ‫ع ك ع ى آ‬ ‫ ع ك ع ى‬  ‫م‬ ‫ث‬‫د‬‫ل ا ح‬‫و‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ك‬ُ ‫ ك‬‫ر‬ ‫ق‬‫م سح‬‫ ل را‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ ع ى ك‬  ‫وب‬ ‫آل‬ ‫م‬‫م ح‬ ‫ ك ع‬‫ن ر‬  









































•6. Accordingly your Lord will pick you out and teach you the true meaning of events and perfectly fulfil His blessing on you as well as on the family of Ya‘qub as He fulfilled it perfectly before upon your forebears, Ibrahim and Ishaq. Most certainly your Lord is Knowing, Wise.’ ’ Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ continues his advice to his son. He already advised Yusuf, don’t relate your amazing dream to your brothers, because they may well end up plotting and scheming against you. And also, shaytan is a clear cut enemy to man. The second part of the advice is very different from the first part. When we study the tafseer, think about the tafseer in the context of a conversation happening between a father and a son, a  

father advising a son. Think about it in that perspective. Think about what advice fathers can learn. The dream that you just told me, that represents you being honoured and respected by others, namely your family, in that way will Allah select you. Ijtiba means to select you over and above others. In that way will Allah select you over and above your brothers. The dream you saw will come true. Not only will the dream come true, but also, Allah will select you over and above your brothers. b rothers. Imam ash-Shawqani   ‫رحح‬ said, from another perspective, ijtiba, you are going to be selected, is a way of praising. So he starts by praising his son. Son, you are going to be someone special. That’s how Allah is going to  

make you special, select you. That’s how he praises him. If that wasn’t enough, he goes on to layer on more praises.  

And also, son, a second thing, this is the way also that Allah will teach you ta’weel al -ahadeeth. There are a number of opinion about what ta’weel al -ahadith means:

1.  Qurtubi said, and there is an agreement, that one of the main meanings is that Allah will teach you how to interpret dreams. And he mentioned that Yusuf ‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫ عع‬ was the most qualified in interpreting dreams of all time.  

Notice here how Yaqoob is saying Allah will teach you, which shows us that dream interpretation is not just a mystical exercise. It is not something someone can learn independently. It is a pert learned science. What that means is that to interpret dreams, there is a knowledge that was once upon a time, taught by Allah to somebody, and then that knowledge was passed down. If you want to interpret dreams, part of interpreting dreams is to have knowledge of that knowledge. The other part of dream interpretation is having inside wisdom, firasa, having interpretative wisdom about abo ut you, good judgment, those two things come together in a person and he is able to interpret dreams. Part

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learned, and also part to do with one’s own hikmah  (wisdom), this comes from Allah. It is not

something you can just know by yourself. There is a learned aspect to this. 2.  The second opinion is that Allah will teach you how to interpret ahadith, where ahadith is the plural of hadith (speech). What speech? Divine speech. So Allah will teach you how to interpret, or make tafseer of revelation. Allah will reveal things to you, or the revelation given to me, or your forefather Ibraheem. And even Muhammad Amin al-Shinqeeti said both opinions can be true at the same time. He taught him how to interpret dreams and also taught him how to interpret revelation. 3.  The third opinion is that Allah will give you knowledge and wisdom so that you will know how to make good judgment calls, how to make good decisions in your life. And we see that, later on in his life Yusuf ‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ finds himself in a dilemma, inside the house of Aziz, the wife of Aziz is coming after him, he is young, he has just reached the age of full maturity, and this woman is trying to incite and seduce him. Yet he makes a very good decision to abstain and to run away from that situation. But there, he is a young man, but he makes a good decision. Some scholars say that is part of ta’weel al ahadith. Third thing, son, Allah will complete his favour upon you. That is a lot of praise there. Ibn Ashur says that Yaqoob is ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ saying that Allah will make you into a prophet which will give you the best of the akhirah. If Allah makes you a prophet, your akhirah is sorted. You will be the best of all the believers. The best of the  

akhirah, and the best of dunya too, because Allah will give you mulk (the station of authority) later on in your life. When he becomes the Aziz later on, that is the best of the dunya – living like royalty, having tremendous influence over people, etc. So completing the favour means the best of dunya and akhirah. He becomes a prophet –best of akhirah. He is given mulk – best of dunya. And he adds to that. Because of Allah blessing you, son, your family, the aal of Yaqoob, me, your mother and your brothers, who I just mentioned are going to plot against you, are all going to be blessed because of you. Later on we find that there is a drought that takes place in Egypt and spreads all the way to Sham, which is where Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ and Yusuf’s brothers are. Because of the famine, there is no f ood, they have to make their way to Egypt. Who helps them in Egypt? Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬. They don’t know that at the time. In the end, they move and gain entry into Egypt. And live alongside Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ who is the Aziz in Egypt, one of the greatest empires in human history. So true were the words of Yaqoob, that because of you, we are also going  



to be favoured. And that is so true from the story, that the brothers and all of the family are favoured because of him. The lesson we also learn, Imam as- Sa’di mentioned, that when Allah blesses someone, then that blessing, many a time, passes on and spills over on to the people around that individual. Allah blesses this person and those that are closest to him. His family members, his children, even his friends, they all get a share of that blessing simply because they are close to him. And that teaches us the benefit of having good friends, good company. Maybe Allah may not bless you per se, but if you are a re close to someone who is blessed, you will get a portion of that blessing as well. More praise. Allah is going to bless you, and because of that all of us are going to be blessed, just like He blessed your forefathers Ibraheem ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ and Ishaq ‫م‬  ‫س‬ ‫ا‬  ‫عع‬. Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ son of a prophet Yaqoob  ‫عع‬ ‫م‬‫س‬‫ا‬. Yaqoob son of a prophet Ishaq ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬. Ishaq ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬, son of a prophet Ibraheem ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬.So his  



forefathers also would be so proud of him. 34  Activity | Sirat Initiative





[THROWN IN A WELL – TAFSEER SURAT YUSUF] YUSUF]  Ustadh Asim Khan The detailed story was that Ishaq ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ was saved from slaughter 2. Allah replaced him with a sheep and that is how you will also be saved from harm’s way. And Ibraheem ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ was thrown into a fire and he was saved from the fire by Allah and in the same way Allah will also confer favour upon you.  


Then right at the end of this advice, he says indeed your Master is all-Knowing, all -Knowing, all-Wise. Now the question here is, after giving him this amazing piece of advice in two parts, at the end he selects two attributes of Allah to end the advice. Allah is all-Knowing and all-Wise. Why did Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ choose these 2 attributes to to complete his advice to his son? Why these 2? 2? What link did these 2 have with what was just mentioned in the advice? How do they tie up the whole advice very nicely? How to they add extra meaning? Why these 2 attributes?  

Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ selected these 2 attributes because Allah’s choosing Yusuf is based on His supreme  

knowledge. You don’t know what is going to happen, but Allah knows. How will the events unfold? The plan is

that of Allah, and with that he consoles him as well. What is amazing is if you look later on in the story, in ayah 100, Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ summarizes his life. And when he is summarizing his life, he mentions these same 2 attributes. He says, Allah has been so good to me. Dad, you weren’t here, but Allah saved me from prison and he brought you and me and my brothers all back together again after shaytan, who you told me about in the beginning, was an enemy, after he created enmity  

between me and my brothers. And you know dad, you were right, Allah is al-Aleem al-Hakeem. The same 2 attributes he mentions in the end.

Lessons What lessons do we learn from this?

Parenting Skills: Discipline & Praise Dad is giving advice to the son. The advice is in 2 parts. He says don’t tell your brothers about th e dream. He gives him a mu’iza, admonition about shaytan. Then he praises him. He goes into detail. Lavish praise. Many

times, parents find it difficult to praise their children. They compare them to siblings or others who are better.  

The child can never do anything right. Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ had no qualms praising the child. What came first? Disciplining the child and then praise or praise and then disciplining the child? Discipline came first. Is that something that we can take from? With our children in general, we should do both. Some people think they should only praise and not tell off kids. Some have this ethos. That’s wrong. Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ gave  

him mu’iza just like Luqman gave his son mu’iza, both were needed. If you could choose the order, this way around. Why not the other way around? If you begin with praise, the child will already be on cloud 9 and won’t 


 Q. You mentioned Ishaq was saved from being sacrificed. But isn't that the Jewish version of the story? Don't Muslims believe it was ismaeel who was saved from being slaughtered? A. You may not be aware of this but there is a strong difference of opinion opini on amongst ahl al-Sunnah regarding which son. The view of al-Tabari is that it was Ishaaq. Sirat Initiative | Activity



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pay attention or focus on what follows. So he begins with strong advice and then he doesn’t hold back on

lavish praise.

Allah gives you the tools & ability to cope with trials The ability to interpret dreams gets him out of so much trouble. He interprets his own dream. Then he interprets the dreams of the 2 prisoners. And because he knows dream interpretation, he realizes that one of gets out eventually comes back to him to interpret the king’s dream. them to get out. the one that Whenishegoing interpreted the And king’s dream, he gets out of prison. When Allah puts us through trials he gives us the

resources and the strength to overcome challenges in our o ur lives. Allah doesn’t burden any soul more than it can bear. And one way is He gives us our own calamities and he gives us that which we need to cope with those calamities. That is how that calamity doesn’t burden us more than we can bear.  

Some dreams are true & Divinely inspired [al-Sa’di]  This dream is an example.

Dream Interpretation part learned discipline This is mentioned earlier.

Blessings & Barakah affect those around you This is mentioned earlier.

The role of the father to give sound advice to children The impact of tarbiyah coming to a young person and the effect it has on the rest of their lives. Here, Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ was given sold advice by dad. And the fact that dad spoke to him with affection, and the son spoke to dad with affection shows that there was a loving close relationship there plus the advice impacted on Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ in such a big way. How was Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ able to find it in his heart to forgive his brothers? How was he able to say no blame will fall on you today? They threw him in a well and left him for dead. How can he forgive them? Partly because Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ told him your brothers will be nasty to you but then there is shaytan as well.  




Set a vision for your child at an early age The impact of tarbiyah coming at a young age shapes the mind and the character of a person. Tarbiyah can be translated as development or nurturing, but the reality is that tarbiyah can come at any stage in your life. When it comes in the beginning at an early stage, that’s when it has the deepest impact and the longest lasting effect

as well.

A unique quality of Yaqoob Some of the scholars mentioned that each of the prophets of Allah had their own unique qualities. In the Qur’an, when Allah mentioned about those messengers, He focussed on the unique quality. Ibraheem  ‫عع‬ ‫م‬‫س‬‫ا‬ for example, was good at debating. When he debated with the king, he left him speechless. And when he

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[THROWN IN A WELL – TAFSEER SURAT YUSUF] YUSUF]  Ustadh Asim Khan debated with the people about the sun and moon, Allah mentions it is Our reasoning that We gave him. So it is an ability that Allah gave. Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ both here as well as towards the end of Surat al-Baqarah, when Allah gives parting advice to his sons, he says who will you worship after me? The most important thing to him is this. And they say they will worship Allah, showing the brothers later on reform themselves. So the fatherhood of Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ is said to be one of the amazing qualities of this prophet of Allah.  


My Reflections

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Ustadh Asim Khan

‫ن‬ ‫س‬  ‫ت‬ ‫ آ‬ ‫ي وسف خ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫د‬  






•7. In Yusuf and his brothers there are Signs for every one of those who wants to ask  When you read the story of Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬, who is the main person you focus on? Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬, because he  


is the hero of the story. However, Allah mentions Yusuf and his brothers. So we learn a number of things here. First of all, don’t just focus on Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬. Focus on the other characters in the story. Secondly, when you learn from the story, it contains ayaat (signs). So what signs exactly does this story point to? Who exa ctly are the saa’ileen? Who are those who are asking?    

Who are Saa_ileen? According to one view, the companions were asking. According to another view, the Jews were asking, to test. Either they sent someone to ask or came themselves and said tell us about the story about the man from the prophets whose son was kidnapped and he cried and ended up becoming blind out of sorrow for him. They knew no one in Makkah knew of that story. So they were asking as king about it. Allah mentions, there are not just a sign, but signs for those who are asking. But they did not ask sincerely. So the irony is that the ones that benefit are not the one that ask for it, the ones that asked don’t get anything from it, in fact it is an evidence

against them.

What are the Signs that it points to?

Two main things: Al-Qasimi   ‫رحح‬ mentions that the main sign of this story is the power of Allah to do as He wishes. The fact that Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ goes from a well to a throne and from a prison to state treasurer, and being accused of zina to the person accusing of zina confessing against her own self, Allah can do whatever He wishes. This story point towards the qudrah of Allah.  


Secondly, it points to the veracity of the prophet . How could he have known the details? In this story, there is a sign that points to his veracity because he didn’t learn it from anyone, it was revealed to him.  

Who are the main characters of the story? Major Characters   Yusuf   Yaqoob   Brothers   Wife of Aziz, she is spoken about at length. •

Minor Characters   Prisoners   Caravaners •


King Aziz 38  Activity | Sirat Initiative




Two prisoners Women of Egypt

So we should look at them and see what lessons we can learn. There are signs for a particular group of people – those that ask. So the more you ask and explore, the more you will find. Ibn Qayyim   ‫رحح‬ said there are more than 1000 points of benefits.  

How do you uncover them? Come to them with an open heart, looking and searching and asking, then Allah will show you ayaat.

My Reflections

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Ustadh Asim Khan


‫ن‬ ‫ حن عص ة‬    ‫ب ى‬  ‫ وا وسف خ وه ح‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫ن‬  ‫ل‬‫ي ض‬      














•8. When they declared, ‘Why! Yusuf and his brother are dearer to our father than we are although we constitute a powerful powe rful group. Our father is clearly making m aking a mistake 

Prevalence of hasad The scene cuts to the brothers. The brothers are all together having a huddle. When they were having the secret meeting, they said, Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ and his brother (they are distinguishing the other brother from Yusuf’s ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ mother) are more beloved to our father than us.  


There are a number of linguistic points here. Notice how they said ‫خوه‬ ibtida, which gives emphasis.


‫ وسف‬ , laam here, Ibn Ashur said of

Second linguistic point, they said, they are more beloved to our father than us, instead of saying our father loves them more than us. The second way around, they are placing the blame on dad. The first way around, the way they said it, they are directing their negativity and anger towards those two.  

Third linguistic point, ‫ حن عص ة‬ whilst we are an usbah. Usbah comes from the root of asabiya. Asabiya means fanaticism. And it can also refer to a gang mentality. So they are saying, ten of us, we are tough guys. So they are saying Yusuf and his brother are more beloved to our dad than us while we are an usbah. They are expressing jealousy, or rather envy towards their half brothers. They are bringing the reasoning as well, trying to justify it. The reason why dad should love us more than them is because we are an usbah. We are more in number, we are tougher than them. The reasoning is not very strong. ,

Destructive nature of hasad We learn something about envy here. They are saying dad loves them more than us. They could have said dad should love us like he loves them (put us on the same level). They said, why does dad love them more than us whilst we are an usbah, meaning, he should love us more than them. This is the worst form of envy. Someone is given a blessing and you don’t say, I wish I had those trainers. No, you say I wish I had them and he didn’t

have them. This is the worst type of envy, where you wish that the blessing that Allah gave him is robbed of him. So he is robbed of that blessing and instead instead you are given that blessing in his place.

Dalaal linguistically vs. religiously [S hanqeeti]   Then they spoke badly of their dad. Apparently, the man they want to love them the most, they said he is clearly misguided. How does he love them more than us? As Imam Shanqeeti mentioned, there is a difference between the linguistic meaning of dalaal and the religious meaning of dalaal. Religiously, dalaal means misguided, meaning off the manhaj, or another religion, or gone astray, etc. Linguistically it means mistaken. He doesn’t know something this is the linguistic meaning being applied here. They are not saying dad, who is a  

prophet of Allah is misguided. m isguided. They mean mistaken.

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[THROWN IN A WELL – TAFSEER SURAT YUSUF] YUSUF]  Ustadh Asim Khan There is something that came before as well, where we had to distinguish between the religious meaning and the linguistic meaning. Allah mentions, we relate the best of stories, and before this he was from the ghafileen. Ghafileen, religiously refers to heedless, backward, on another an other road spiritually, but linguistically, it means being unaware of something that is present in reality. This is the linguistic meaning being used here, just as dalaal is being used in its linguistic meaning. Now we will take some of the analysis of Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. The brothers come together and  

express their envy against Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ as well as his younger brother. And what follows thereafter is that they accuse their father of being mistaken in his having more love l ove for them. And then afterwards, they declare their intention to kill Yusuf or toss him aside to another land, let’s get rid of him basically. At this point, Ibn Taymiyyah   ‫رحح‬ has something to say. We have translated to the best of our ability.  

Yusuf ‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ ه‬‫ي‬‫ع‬  was put to trial by the envy of his brothers towards him as can be seen from their saying: “Truly Yusuf and his brother (Binyameen) are more beloved to our o ur father than we, while we are a strong group. Really, our father is in plain error”, so they envied both of them because their father preferred them (both) over their brothers. For this reason, Yaqoob ‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ ه‬‫ي‬‫ع‬  advised Yusuf against them saying, “O my son! Relate not your vision to your brothers, lest they should arrange a plot against you. Verily, Shaytan is to man an open enemy.  After that they they were unjust to him, discussing discussing whether they should kill him or ditch him in a well. They They then sold him off (according to one view) as a slave to be taken to another country of disbelievers, making him a slave to disbelievers.

Ibn Taymiyyah says they start off, they envied him because their father preferred their brothers to them. The question to be asked is, Yaqoob ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ was such an outstanding father. How was he showing favouritism  

towards some of his sons so that some others became envious of them? Aren’t we supposed to be fair, didn’t

the prophet

say Fear Allah and be just amongst your children?

According to one view, after throwing him into a well, they sold him into slavery, making him a slave to disbelievers.

Thereafter, Yusuf ‫ م‬  ‫ ل‬ ‫ ه‬ ‫ ي‬  ‫ع‬ was  then trialled after this oppression by the lady who called him to an illicit deed and attempted to seduce him, seeking help from her inner circle, ci rcle, but Yusuf would not yield to their call and instead opted for imprisonment over the illicit deed. He chose the punishment of dunya over the anger of Allah. In this instance, this oppression was brought about due to the love of someone for him based on desire and a mischievous goal.

So the scheming of the brothers was one trial, and then the seduction of the woman was another trial. They were different kinds of trial, and we will see that later. In one it is envy and in the th e other it is lust.

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Ustadh Asim Khan


She doesn’t actually be mocked by the women of Egypt. They mock her and she has a plan against them in

seducing Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬. She gets the aid and support of the women of Egypt. And Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬ does not relent. He refuses her. He chose prison over the anger of Allah.  


It seems that Ibn Taymiyyah   ‫رحح‬ is saying that both trials t rials stem from love. Brothers envied him because of love, and the woman tries to plot against him because of love. But the love translated into different evil ways. As for the first, it translated to trying to get rid of him. As for the second, it was trying to get to him.  

This lover loved him purely out of desire and the only thing that would remedy that desire would be b e for him to accept her request. As for those haters, they hated him to the extent that they threw him in the well and thus he became an owned slave without his choice.

Ibn Taymiyyah is comparing the 2. Both stem from love. As for her, the only thing that would remedy it would be to give in. He ends up in prison out of choice. As for the brothers, they hated him to the extent that they threw him in the well and he became a slave. And this latter was without his choice. He ends up in slavery through no choice of his own .

This woman however caused him to become a prisoner but by his own choice and volition, and so this was in fact a  greater and tougher tougher trial. Here, his patience patience was a patience by way way of choice intertwined with with taqwa, which was was different to the patience he practiced that was brought about through the brother’s oppression. The patience he practiced in this case is of the type brought about by calamities which one has no control over; he who is not honourably patient in the face of such calamities follows the behaviour of animals. The second type of patience is better, for this reason Yusuf will later on declare that: “Verily he who fears Allah has taqwa, and is patient, then surely Allah makes not the reward of the Muhsineen to be lost.”  lost.”   [Majmu al-Fataawaa al-Fataawaa volume 10 page 121-122]

Calamities are of different types. For example, losing a job, someone dies, you don’t have a choice. The other type of calamity is one where you don’t have a choice. For example, the only way he could avoid the evil deed

was to go to prison. He had a choice. So the grade of reward will be higher. And the type of calamity is one where he has no choice. If you choose to suffer for Allah’s sake, that is greater than suffering because you have

no choice. Ibn Taymiyyah also says that these 2 tests, hasad and shahwah, as well as the other 2, zulm (oppression) and mulk, they are the 4 most common fitan known to man. People go through difficulties in their life either because someone is hating on them (envy), or simply because the test that they are going through is related to shahwah, a lot of tests coming your way just because you cannot control your own desire, or zulm. Look at the 42  Activity | Sirat Initiative


[THROWN IN A WELL – TAFSEER SURAT YUSUF] YUSUF]  Ustadh Asim Khan world at the moment, how many people are being oppressed, how many are going through this trial. And how many people are tried when they are given a position of authority? They turn into different people altogether, very oppressive and abusive just because the power has got to their heads. These are the 4 most common trials that people experience and this is one of the reasons why people love to read about the story of Yusuf ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫عع‬, because they can identify with him in so many different ways.  

One of the evil fruits of envy is that it can make you go crazy.

Emotion blinds you [R as ashi hid d R i da]

Why did Shaytan refuse to bow down to Adam ‫م‬‫س‬‫ ا‬ ‫ ?عع‬At-Tabari said, hasad.  

Qabeel-Habeel. Why did he commit the first murder known to mankind? Hasad. First murder in mankind goes back to hasad. First kufr in the deen goes back to hasad. And here we can see how hasad is driving those brothers to do a criminal act, which is to kill their own brother.

Was Yaqoob being unfair & showing favouritism? My Reflections

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