Lesson 3 Constructivist Theory in Teaching Mathematics in The Primary Grades

October 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Lesson 3: Constructivist Theory in Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Grades Lesson Objectives: 1. Demonstrat Demonstratee understanding understanding and appreciat appreciation ion of the constructi constructivist vist learning learning theory theory 2. Determine Determine how the constru constructivi ctivist st learning learning theory theory is applied applied in teaching teaching mathematics mathematics in the early grades Constructivist Learning Theory Stat St ates es that that the the le lear arni ning ng is an ac acti tive ve proc proces esss of cr crea eati ting ng mean meanin ing g fr from om di diff ffer erent ent experiences. In other words, students learn best by trying to make sense of something on their own with a teacher as a guide. According to DepEd, knowledge is constructed when the learner is able to draw ideas from his/her own experiences and connect them to new ideas. Constructivism Was conceptualized by educational theorist Jean Piaget. He believed that young children learn by doing, constructing knowledge from experiences rather than from adults telling them about their world. Accord Acc ording ing to Jean Jean Piaget Piaget,, and others others who practic practicee what is known as constructivist education, the method most likely to truly educate the students is the one in which they experience their world. Characteristics of constructivist teaching: (Brooks and Brooks, 1993) Constructivist teachers invite students' questions and ideas. Constructivist teachers accept and encourage students’ invented ideas. Constructivist teachers encourage student’s leadership, cooperation, seeking information and the presentation of ideas. Constructivist teachers modify their instructional strategies in the process of teaching  based upon students; thought, experience and interest. Constructivist teachers use printed materials as well as experts to get more information. Constructivist teachers encourage free discussions by way of new ideas inviting student questions and answers.

Constructivist teachers encourage or invite student predictions of the causes and effects in relation to particular cases and events. Constructivist teachers helps the student to test their own ideas. Constructivist teachers invite students’ ideas before the student is presented with the ideas and instructional materials. Constructivist teachers encourage student to challenge the concept and ideas of others. Constructivist teacher use cooperative teaching strategies through student interactions and respect, sharing ideas and learning tasks. Constructivist teachers encourage student to respect, sharing ideas and learning task. Constructivist teachers encourage student to request.

How the constructivist classroom different from a traditional classroom?

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In the constructivist classroom, the focus shifts from the teacher to the students. The classroom is no longer a place where the students are seen as empty vessels to be filled by the teacher. In the constructivist classroom, the students are actively involved in their own learning. The teacher functions as facilitator who guides, prompts and helps student to develop and assess their own understanding.


The constru constructi ctivis vistt learni learning ng theory theory states states that that learni learning ng takes takes pla place ce when when we build build on what what students already know. Moreover, it is student-centred, allowing the students to take ownership of their own learning.

Activity 2. Class participation/E-recitation (Deadline is on March 26, 2022)

For this week’s activity, study the module provided. Take a video of yourself y ourself on: 1. How you you understa understand nd the constructi constructivist vist learning learning theory. theory. Page | 2


2. How will you apply constru constructi ctivis vistt learni learning ng theory in teaching teaching mathema mathematic ticss in the early early grades. Time limit is up to maximum of 3 minutes only. You may send your video in FB messenger  group chat.

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