Lesson 3 and 4

October 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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NAME: GENEROSO, RB MAE R. BSED – II ENGLISH ACTIVITY/APPLICATION/LET’s DO THIS Task 1. True or False. On the space provided before each item, write TRUE if the statement is factual and FALSE if it’s erroneous. TRUE 1. The news wr writer iter is bound by the style se sett by senior news writer. FALSE 2. Facts are woven depending primarily on the interest of the readers and the choice of the editor editor.. FALSE 3. Citing the source of the statement should be done in writing the news; however, there are instances when the4.source is silent inexpressions the article. are overused phrases in writing. FALSE Grandiloquent TRUE 5. In news wr writing, iting, the writer considers considers the length of the choice of word to use. TRUE 6. A feature story is another output of a literar literary y work. FALSE 7. Idiomatic expressions are weak in explaining and describing the subject in a feature story. TRUE 8. In feature writing, a reporter is given the freedom freedom to choose his subject and theme, but is limited on the style he may use. TRUE 9. The nut g graph raph is a fe feature ature story h has as similar character characteristics istics to a lea lead d in news art articles. icles. FALSE 10. Like news, feature feature story needs a vast array of facts on the subje subject ct but does not need quote quoted d statements anymore. FALSE 11. An editorial article is by-lined by the one who wrote it. TRUE 12. Like news, the editorial follows the iinverted nverted triangle in presenting the facts. facts. 13. An editorial of interpretation in terpretation explains or brings out the significance of event situation or idea. TRUE 14. In editorial writing, a writer is g given iven the fre freedom edom to choose his subject and theme but is limited on the style he may use. FALSE 15. Written especially in the beginning of an editorial, news peg is the term referring to the five W’s and H in editorial writing.

Task 2.  Supp upply the sen entten ence cess wit ith h pro rop per tr tran anssit itio iona nall devi devicces allowed to use the devices as many times they are applicable   Consequently because furthermore   Instead for example although   In addition on the other hand meanwhile   Indeed in fact unfortunately

foun ound



box box.


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Three students of John Wesley College will compete in the National Sports Olympics on August 14, 2016 at Phaerto Princesa City, Palawan. Pau aull Polo lo,, Mari Marica carr Agapi gapitto and Marlo arlon n Su Suyu yut, t, all all fro rom m the Ag Agri ricu cullture ture Dep epar artm tmen entt will represent the College in track and field. In fa fact ct 1. All of them are now graduating students, they said that their grades are still passing. Their coach, Dr. William John Pacleb, revealed that Polo is indeed 2. Vying for cum laude. Polo said in an interview that he is determined to win in the walkathon “Huling hirit ko na ito”, he added. Alt Althou hough gh 3. It is a national level, Apapito mentioned that she is practicing well in high jump. Asked about her training, the 19-year old fisheries major said that she practices every day at the shore. In addition 4. I also ensure that l oat balanced diet she mentioned. Meanwhi Mean while le 5. Suyut recalled his experience two years ago when he was unable to win in the regional level; bec becau ause se 6. He did not experience joining the nationals. “I did not stop there”, suyut said. “I challenged myself and cultivated my craft instead 7.” Dr. Pacleb, cons consequ equentl ently y 8. Revealed that the team is now looking for sponsor of the three athletes. f actt “In fac 9. We are still looking for sponsors; we are doing our best to train for the Palaro. We are hopeful we could land there,” Pacleb said.


NAME: GENEROSO, RB MAE R. BSED – II ENGLISH Asked Aske d about the reac reaction tionss of their their classmat classmates es and schoolmat schoolmates es about the join joining ing of these studen students, ts, they ad dition ion 10. We are very proud of them. exclaimed.” In addit

Task 3. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE NEWS?  A sample news story is presented. Each paragraph infracts a general guideline in news writing. The part that violates a general guideline is underlined. Your task is to explain how such word or group of words breaks the rules in news writing. Put your answer in the box provided.

128Cauayan science elementary of public schools the divisions of Cagayan and the cities of  Santiago At andleast nearby participatedteachers in the one-day Seminar oninInstructional Methods for Teaching Science conduc con ducted ted at the Isabel Isabelaa Cen Centra trall Sch School ool her heree last last Jul July y 30 with with the theme, theme, “Keepi “Keeping_ ng_Exc Excell ellenc encee in Sc Scien ience ce Teaching” with Dr Reynaldo Vizquera as the guest speaker.

The words underlined can be considered a significant information, which implies that they should be placed at the start of the phrase. Because, in journalism and news writing, facts should always come first.

The seminar was conducted by the (VIT) of the Rotary International, District 5020 of Canada and the United States of America headed by Rotarian Glynn Currie.

In this sentence they should always put the meaning first before the acronym.

The The sem semina inarr was was con conduc ducted ted by the Victorian Institute of Teaching  (VIT) of the Rotary International, District 5020 of Canada and the United States of America headed by Rotarian Glynn Currie.

Task 4. Show, don’t tell . Writing Mental Images. In each item, you are tasked to revise the statement by creating mental images. Apply the technique in showing other than purely telling it. Write your answer in the box provided after each statement. The first is done for you.


The The Ar Ariu iuss cand candy y is del delic icio ious us..

 Not all bombs are dangerous, Once you taste the Arius Arius candy, your tongue us usually ually feels the explosion of the candy’s candy’s combined sweetness and sourness. The taste leaves a bang in your head which will make your taste buds crave for  tongue-bombing Ivatan delicacy.


It is Ch Chri rist stma mass tim time! e!


NAME: GENEROSO, RB MAE R. BSED – II ENGLISH Every holiday is beautiful, but as Christmas approaches, expect your neighbors to bid you welcome. It's a moment when everyone provides something valuable without asking anything in return.


Mt Mt.. May Mayon on is be beau auti tifu ful. l.

Every country has mountains, but the Philippines has a unique geographical location and a well-known landmark. The wondrous beauty of Mt. Mayon in the Province of Albay in Bicol regions would captivate your heart and soul.

4. He iiss so tall. Everyone have problem when it comes to height, especially those who are tall, finds it difficult to enter or seat after  others because of their height. They are, however, able to achieve anything they desire.


Jo Joh han is sso o moo moody dy..

Johan's moody attitude indicates that he is aware of his emotions, or, in other words, that he has good awareness.

Task 5. Clip the latest three editorials from the back issues of school paper. Compare them and identify their  similarities in terms of techniques employed. Identify also some weaknesses and suggest a way to improve them. Use the matrix below: Title of the Editorial

JHCSC Pagadian Annex provides support for stranded students due to ECQ implementaon



Because of its persuasion style, it grabs the reader's interest.

The picture is too small for  the article.

Suggestions for   Improvement Should use pictures that can be seen clearly.


NAME: GENEROSO, RB MAE R. BSED – II ENGLISH Because of its persuasion style, it grabs the reader's interest.

In terms of this article, I didn't discover any flaws. It is undeniably an excellent article.

They must consider the style of their article

Because of its persuasion style, it grabs the reader's interest.

This article is boring to me  because it does not have any graphi graphics cs that that mig might ht draw the reader's attention.

They should put some  pictures to the article.

JHCSC FABLAB produces Aerosol Boxes to protect Medical Workers against COVID-19 infecon

JHCSC establishes Conngency Plan on COVID-19

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