Lesson 2 With Answers - Research

September 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Lesson Objectives: 1. Define variables, and 2. Identify the different research variables.

2.2Meaning of Variables variable   is defined as a quantity or a “characteristics that has two or more  A variable

mutually exclusive values of properties” (Sevilla et al., 1992). Numerical values or  categories represent these quantities or characteristics. Hence, variables are the basic elements that are measures in any study. These are observable or measurable characteristics of persons or objects that are capable of taking several values or of being expressed in different categories. Thus, person’ age and practice are variables because these are directly observable or indirectly measurable, and can take several values or different categories. Likewise, type, size, color, thickness, cost, and length of communication materials are variables because these can be observed or measured.

2.3Types 2.3 Types of Variable Variable

There are 5 types of variables. These are the (1) independent variable, (2) dependent variable, (3) moderate variable, (4) control variable, and (5) intervening variable. Independent Variable Variable. This is the stimulus variable which is chosen by the 1.   Independent

resear res earch cher er to deter determin mine e its relat relation ionsh ship ip to an obse observe rved d phen phenome omeno non. n. For  For  instance, an investigator wants to determine the effect of NCEE percentile rank (independent variable) on achievement (dependent variable). He takes a group of students with high NCEE percentile rank and observes their achievement. Likewise, he takes another group of students with low NCEE percentile rank and


also observes their achievement. The NCEE percentile rank is the independent variable because it is the stimulus variable that is manipulated.  Another example of independent independent variable is when a research research worker  wants to ascertain the effect of educational qualifications (EQ) on performance. He takes a group of high EQ teachers and observes their performance. Likewise, he takes another group of low EQ mentors and observes their performance. In th this is part partic icu ular lar exam examp ple, le, EQ is the the ind indepen epende dent nt vari variab able le beca becaus use e it is manipulated. Variable. This 2.   Dependent Variable This is the the resp respons onse e variab variable le which which is observ observed ed and and

measured to determine the effect of the independent variable. For instance, a re rese sear arch cher er wi wish shes es to dete determ rmin ine e the the effe effect ct of NCEE NCEE perc percen enti tile le rank rank on achievement. He takes a group of students with high NCEE percentile rank and observes their achievement. The dependent variable is achievement because it changes when the independent variable (NCEE percentile rank) varies. In anoth another er examp example, le, an inves investig tigat ator or wants wants to deter determin mine e the the effec effectt of  educational qualification (EQ) on performance. He takes a group of high EQ teachers and observes their performance. Likewise, he takes another group of  low EQ teachers and observes their performance. In this example, the dependent variable is performance because it changes as a result of variation in EQ. If EQ is high high,, what what happ happen ens s to perfo erform rman ance ce? ? If EQ is low, low, what what happ happen ened ed to performance? Performance.  This 3.   Moderate Performance. This is a secon secondar dary y or speci special al type type of varia variable ble of 

independent variable chosen by the researcher to ascertain if it alters or modifies the re relat lation ionsh ships ips betw betwee een n the indep independ enden entt and depe depende ndent nt varia variabl bles. es. For  For  instance, if an investigator wants to determine the effects of the independent variable A on the dependent variable B, but suspects that a third factor C, alters or modi modifi fies es the the rela relati tion onsh ship ip betw betwee een n A and and B, then then C is cons consid ider ered ed the the moderator variable. 4.   Control Variable. This is a variable controlled by the researcher in which the effects can be neutralized by eliminating or removing the variable. For example, the researcher wishes to determine the effects of A (independent variable) on B


(dependent variable). He may control D (control variable) because he cannot do many variables simultaneously. simultaneously. In other words, he may remove or eliminate D to neutra neu traliz lize e the the effec effects. ts. Contr Control ol varia variable ble wi willll guara guarante ntee e that that it will will not have have a moderating effect on the relationship between A and B. 5.   Intervening Variable.  This is a variable which interferes with the independent and dependent variables, but its effects can either strengthen or weaken the independent indepen dent and dependent dependent variables. For example, a research worker wants to ascertain how A (independent variable) will affect B (dependent variable). It is possible that F (intervening variable) might have an effect on B. Supp Su ppos ose e a rese resear arch cher er wishe ishes s to know know the the effe effect ct of educ educat atio iona nall qualif qua lifica icatio tions ns (E (EQ) Q) on perfo performa rmance nce.. EQ is the the indepe independe ndent nt varia variable ble and and performance is the dependent variable. But it is possible that age, sex, civil status, experiences, socio-economic status, values, and attitudes as intervening variables might have an effect on performance.  Another example: example: suppose suppose an investigator investigator wants wants to determine determine the effect effect of  NCEE percentile rank on achievement. achievement. NCEE percentile rank is the independent independent variable and achievement is the dependent variable. But it is possible that age, sex,, socio sex socio-e -eco conom nomic ic back backgro groun und, d, value values, s, and and attitu attitude de toward towards s stud study y as intervening variables might have an effect on achievement. Figu Fi gure re 1 show shows s the the illu illust stra rati tion ons s of inde indepe pend nden ent, t, inte interv rven enin ing, g, and and dependent variables. Illustration 1

Independent Variable

Intervening Variable

Dependent Variable

Educaonal Qualicaon (EQ)

Age, Sex, Civil Status, Experience, Socio-


Economic Status, Values, Atude toward work, etc.

Independent Variable

Intervening Variable

Dependent Variable


Age, Sex, Civil Status,


Percenle Rank

Experience, SocioEconomic Status, Values, Atude toward work, etc.


Figure 1. Illustrations of Independent, Intervening, and Dependent Variables.

ACTIVITY 2 Research Methodology SUMMER 2020

Name: Rhea Jane N. Lampaso Program: Ma.Ed – Administration and Supervison Class Schedule: Sunday 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM

1. Identify the the dependent dependent and and independent independent variables variables of the following following research. research. Discuss what makes it as dependent and independent variable. a. This research assessed the attitude and performance of third year education

st stud uden entt

towa toward rds s

team team spor sports ts in CTUCTU-Mo Moal albo boal al Camp Campus us,,

Mala Malabu buyo yoc c

Exte Ex tensi nsion on,, Acad Academ emic ic Year Year 20182018-20 2019, 19, as basis basis for desi designi gning ng learn learning ing activities activitie s (Pepito, 2018). – Answer: Dependent Variable because the basis for designing learning activities will depends on the attitude and performance of a student.

b. This research research determin determines es the effect effect of Differen Differentiat tiated ed Instructio Instruction n to learners’ learners’ level of competence in TLE 10 at Guihulngan National High School- Hilaitan (Trinidad Annex) Negros Oriental during the School Year 2018-2019 as inputs for instruction (Marco, 2018). Answer: Independent Variable  c. This research research determi determined ned the effect effect of Tiered Tiered instruct instruction ion in Mathemat Mathematics ics

performa perf ormance nce and learnin learning g experien experiences ces of Grade Grade 7 learners learners at Guiwan Guiwanon on National High School, Ginatilan, Cebu during the School Year 2018 – 2019 as


Answ swer er : Independent  basis for tiered learning activities activities (Mascardo, 2018). An Variable d. This research determined the effects of modular approach to the Araling

Panlipunan performance of Grade 10 learners who engaged in fishing activity in Basay National High School, Negros Oriental during the school year 20182019 20 19 as basi basis s for for enha enhanc nced ed lear learni ning ng modu module le (Gag (Gagaa aa,, 2019 2019). ). Answer: Dependent Variable

e. Is there a significan significantt relationsh relationship ip between between the responden respondents’ ts’ level level of reading reading performa perf ormance nce and their their identif identified ied profile profile? ? (Robel (Robelyn yn Golbin, Golbin, 2017) 2017) Answer: Independent Variable

2. Look for 2 studies that are related related to your field. field. Identify then the independ independent ent and depende dep endent nt variabl variables. es. Discuss Discuss how the connect connectivit ivity y or relation relationshi ship p of these these variables are justified by the researcher.  Answer:

“There will be a statistically significant difference in graduation rates of at risk high school seniors who participate in an intensive study program as oppos opp osed ed to at risk risk high high schoo schooll senior seniors s who who do not not parti partici cipat pate e in the the intensive study program” The Independent Variable – Participation in intensive study program The Dependent Variable – Graduation rates Because graduation rates of at risk high school seniors depends on the Participation in intensive study program. “A Director of residential living on a large university campus is concerned about the large turnover rate in resident assistants. In recent years many resident assistants assistants have left their positions before completing even 1 year  in their assignments. assignments. The Director wants to identify the factors that predict commitment as a resident assistant (defined as continuing in the position a minimum of 2 years). The Director decides to assess knowledge of the


position, attitude toward residential policies, and ability to handle conflicts as predictors for commitment to the position”. Independent endent Variable Variable  – knowl The Indep knowled edge ge of posit position ion,, attit attitud ude e towa toward rd

policies, and ability to handle conflicts. The Dependent Variable – Commitment to position (continuing in position for 2 years or not continuing)  

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