LESSON 2. Prepare Materials and Tools Used for Configuration

August 13, 2018 | Author: Jonathan Cayat | Category: Windows Registry, Booting, Graphical User Interfaces, Microsoft Windows, Windows 2000
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Short Description




 A key to a well-tuned, well-tuned, trouble-free system system is proper configuration. In order to accomplish this, you must start by understanding its configuration. It can be difficult difficult to figure out all the devices in your system and the resources they are using. To assist in this, several software tools have been created. These are typically called diagnostic utilities or programs.

Some of them are built-in to your operating system and others are available either for free download or commercial purchase. Some of the built-in tools used in Microsoft system configuration involves Microsoft System onfiguration, !egister "dit, #irect $ and ontrol %anel  Applets.

1. Microsoft System Confi!r"tion This boot configuration utility allows you to set the programs that will run at startup and to edit configuration files. It also offers simplified control over &indows Services. System onfiguration 'tility consists of five functional tabs such as (eneral, )oot, Services, Start'p and Tools. The succeeding table describes the use and functionality of each tab

T"#$e 1. Gener"$ T"# of System Confi!re Uti$ity Tab


Function and Description  The general tab is the default tab in the System conguration and shows how the computer will start, by default Normal startup should be selected. List of choices for startup configuration:  Normal Startup. Starts Windows in the usual manner. Use this mode to start Windows after you are done using the other two modes to troubleshoot the problem. iagnostic Startup. Starts Windows with basic ser!ices and dri!ers only. This mode can help rule out basic Windows les as the problem. Selecti!e Settings. Starts Windows with basic ser!ices and dri!ers and the other ser!ices and startup programs that you select. •

Table 2. Boot Tab of System Cong Utility Tab


Function and Description This tab allows you to ma"e the same ad#ustments you can ma"e in the Windows boot.ini le without ha!ing to edit the le. $t shows conguration options for the operating system and ad!anced debugging settings, including the following: •

Safe boot &'inimal(: )oots the Windows graphics user interface in safe mode running only critical system ser!ices. Networ"ing is disabled. Safe )oot &*lternate Shell(: )oots the Windows +ommand rompt in safe mode running only critical system ser!ices. Networ"ing and the graphical user interface are disabled. Safe )oot &*cti!e irectory -epair(: )oots the Windows graphical user interface in safe mode running critical system ser!ices and *cti!e irectory. Safe boot &Networ"(: )oots the Windows graphical user interface in safe mode running only critical system ser!ices. Networ"ing is enabled.



Function and Description No U$ boot. oes not display Windows splash screen when booting. )oot Log. Stores all information from the boot process in the file /System-oot/ Ntbtlog.t0t.  )ase 1ideo. )oots to the Windows graphical user interface in minimal 1* mode. This loads standard 1* dri!ers instead of display dri!ers specic to the !ideo hardware on the computer.  2S boot information. Shows dri!er names as dri!ers are being loaded during the boot process.  'a"e all boot settings permanent. oes not trac" changes made in System +onguration. 2ptions can be changed later using System +onguration, but must be changed manually. When this option is selected, you cannot roll bac" your changes by selecting Normal startup on the eneral tab.

T"#$e %. Ser&ices T"# of System Confi Uti$ity Tab


Function and Description The Ser!ices tab allows you to enable or disable any of the 'icrosoft Windows ser!ices or other program ser!ices running on the computer. $t lists all the ser!ices that start when the computer boots, along with their status &-unning or Stopped(. )y chec"ing the 34ide all 'icrosoft ser!ices3 bo0 at the bottom of the window, you can see all non5Windows ser!ices such as dri!er ser!ices and program ser!ices that are often the cause of startup problems. Unchec"ing a bo0 will disable the ser!ice from starting. Warning: isabling ser!ices that normally run at boot time might cause some programs to malfunction or result in system instability. o not disable ser!ices in this list unless you "now they are not essential to your computer6s operation. Selecting isable all will not

Table . Start Up Tab of System Cong Utility Tab

Function and Description


The Startup tab is one of the most fre7uent reasons most Windows users enter the System +onguration utility. $n the Startup tab, you will be able to see the list of applications that run when the computer boots, along with the name of their publisher, the path to the e0ecutable le, and the location of the registry "ey or shortcut that causes the application to run. These startup programs are often one of the biggest causes for a computer to startup and run slow. 8ou can clear the chec" bo0 for a startup item to disable it on your ne0t boot. $f you ha!e chosen Selecti!e startup on the eneral Tab, you must either choose Normal startup on the eneral tab or select the startup item6s chec" bo0 to start it again at boot time. $f you suspect an application has been compromised, e0amine the +ommand column to re!iew the path to the e0ecutable le. Windows 9 'icrosoft has remo!ed this Startup feature in the System +onguration utility and mo!ed it into the Windows 9 Tas" 'anager. Unchec" any program that you want to disable from starting up each time. Note: isabling applications that normally run at boot time might result in related applications starting more slowly or not running as e0pected.

T"#$e '. Too$s T"# of System Confi Uti$ity

Tab Tools

Function and Description  This ro!ides a con!enient list of diagnostic tools and other ad!anced tools that you can run.

2. Reister e(it This application allows you to edit the registry. The &indows !egistry, usually referred to as *the registry,* is a collection of databases of configuration settings in Microsoft &indows operating systems. In &indows + and &indows $%, the !egistry is stored in several ives, located in the following path /windows/system0+/config and /#ocuments and Settings/ 1username2 folders.

Str!ct!re of t)e Reistry 3. The !egistry has a hierarchical structure, like the directories on your hard disk. "ach branch 4denoted by a folder icon in the !egistry "ditor, see below5 is called a key. "ach key can contain other keys, as well as 6alues. "ach value contains the actual information stored in the !egistry. There are three types of values String, )inary, and #&7!# - the use of these depends upon the conte8t. +. There are si8 main branches 4five in &indows + and &indows $%5, each containing a specific portion of

9 *+E,-CLASSES-ROOT - this branch contains all of your file types as well as 7:" information for all your 7:"-aware applications. 9 *+E,-CURRENT-USER - this branch points to the part of ;"etwork connections  Add

or !emove %rograms An applet to add or remove programs and windows components safely

 Sounds,

Speech, and Audio #evices Applets that control all the settings for

sound Sounds

and audio devices

Speech %ortable

media devices

/. Contro$ P"ne$ "00$ets  %erformance

and Maintenance Applets to find information about your computer or perform maintenance  Administrative %ower


options Scheduled tasks System

/. Contro$ P"ne$ "00$ets  %rinters

and 7ther ardware Applets to configure devices connected to your computer (ame

controllers ;eyboard  Mouse %hone and modem options %rinters and fa8es  Scanners and cameras

/. Contro$ P"ne$ "00$ets  'ser

Accounts Applets to configure options for users and their email "-mail 'ser


 #ate,

Time, :anguage, and !egional 7ptions Applets to change settings based on your location and language #ate

and time !egional and language options

/. Contro$ P"ne$ "00$ets  Accessibility

7ptions A wiFard used to configure windows for vision, hearing, and mobility needs

 Security

enter Applet used to configure security settings for Internet

options  Automatic updates &indows firewall

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