Lesbian Sex Tips and Sensual Lovemaking : Female sexual pleasure tips

May 12, 2017 | Author: lesbianlovemaking | Category: N/A
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Descripción: For the full version visit http://www.lesbian-lovemaking.com Learn lesbian sex tips to please any...


The Complete Guide to Lesbian Lovemaking and Lesbian Sex

May 2010 - 2011

© May 2006 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

Table of Contents 5



Chapter One: Body Awareness


Chapter Two: Care of the Soul - Spiritual Sex


Chapter Three: Seduce Me


Chapter Four: Arousing Mind, Body and Spirit


Chapter Five: Position Me Now


Chapter Six: Tongue Tease


Chapter Seven: Sell The Sizzle


Chapter Eight: No Not There! What Really Turns a Woman Off


Chapter Nine: Parting Words

To look more strong and confident 1. Stand straight, with shoulders open, and soft, and down. 2. Maintain an engaging look in the eyes. This gives the impression that you are intelligent and interested in what’s going on. 3. Relax the hips. 4. Breathe slowly and deeply.

To look more sexually appealing 1. Point thumbs to certain parts of body – subtly of course! 2. The main flirting tools are the eyes – so draw attention to them. 3. The look – a normal face scan is usually 3 seconds. To display interest in a person, 4.5 seconds is recommended. The extra eye contact produces emotional reactions in your object of desire – activating the nervous system, increasing heart rate, blow flow, and the release of hormones. 4. Preen yourself. This not only draws desired attention to you, it gives the impression that you take care of yourself. To avoid making someone feel uncomfortable, it is better to alternate looks with looking away.

Psychologist John Gottman analyzed the body language of 700 couples and was able to predict with 75% accuracy the couples that would divorce within 6 years after studying them for 3 minutes. After 15 minutes of observation, the accuracy increased to 85%! 14

Nine Parts of Desire

Secrets of Sex Appeal: Flirt Coach 1. Symmetry of Face and Body: Maintain a calm and balanced facial expression and balanced posture – don’t slouch or lean on one leg. 2. Mimic genitalia: For the ladies out there – moisten those lips and add some color. 3. Large eyes and lips: Ladies can achieve this through strategic eye make-up. Generally after age 40, women should avoid heavy eye make-up (especially heavy black mascara and eye liner), opting instead for softer browns. This will create a more youthful look 4. Walk with energy: Put some swing in your hips and a little energy in your step and you’ll appear more vibrant and youthful. 5. Women respond better to being approached from the front, and men from the side. 6. Softer look: Research has discovered that women actually favor more feminine looking men when considering a partner. This may be because they appear more nurturing and reliable. Therefore, men may consider ditching the stubble! 7. Compliment others, but don’t go overboard. A simple, “You have a nice smile,” can go a lot further than a fawning list of compliments. Saying a lot with a little adds excitement. 8. Let people know if you like them – A smile, a bit of eye contact, and a hello all help in making someone more comfortable and receptive to you. Nine Parts of Desire


Chapter Two:

Care of the Soul - Spiritual Sex

“Love knows not its own depth until the moment of separation.” -Unknown Expectations Now that you’ve started the process of becoming more comfortable with and aware of your body, it’s time to increase expectations of yourself, your partner, and your life. Live beyond your comfort zone. You and your partner deserve to be completely satisfied sexually – this kind of satisfaction is found by nourishing not only the body, but the spirit as well.

Expectations of yourself: Take Stock -

Make time for yourself Assess your needs and wants Set goals: Relationship, career, interests, development, spiritual, community Drop your load: Drop past issues and grievances they will only wear you down Breathe, breathe, breathe: Center yourself

Increase the Positives - Do more of what you enjoy - Plan time to just laugh - Relax


Nine Parts of Desire

Reduce the Energy Wasters - Over-activity and late nights - Resentments: Don’t hang on to unfinished goals and anger - Negative people: Spend less time with them, or remove them completely

Overall, you should expect more quality, love, fun and friendship from a relationship, while still being realistic and appreciating that we all have faults. Understanding your faults and quirks – and those of your partner – enriches and invigorates your sexuality

Spiritual Sex Spiritual sex is the essence of Tantra, Tao, and Karezza. Focusing firstly on Karezza, the philosophy can be summed up in this quote by Walter Last: “In its positive aspects, our sexuality can open our heart to love, and enable us to have experiences similar to meditative states and mystical bliss during or instead of an orgasm and its afterglow.” Tantra, Tao and Karezza all describe the process of channeling our sexual energy up and throughout the body, thereby in the process energizing our body, soul, and leading to spiritual realization and a profound feeling of bliss. Tantra details this process, which can be understood by looking at energy centers. These seven areas of the body correlate to different emotional and physical areas of the body, and also reflect major glands. Sexual energy focuses on the 1st and 2nd energy centers – by awakening this energy, this should be channelled to develop emotions, creativity, communication, insight and awareness, and spirituality i.e. union between self and humanity, and union between self – and god/spirit. i.e. bliss – where you are whole and complete and there is nothing missing or desired. A partner is not needed for this process, as sexual energy can be channeled in other areas. The significant difference between Western focus and Eastern, is that the relationship in Tantra becomes the tool with which you use and develop to reach your spiritual goal, as opposed to the Western philosophy, in which you focus on the relationship. Nine Parts of Desire


Diagram of Seven Chakras


Nine Parts of Desire

Crown/Head (White): Relates to spiritual connection. If open, sex can feel enlightening and ecstatic; however, if closed, it can become just about the self and the present moment. Throat (Blue): Relates to communication. If closed there is difficulty in expressing feelings, needs, and frustrations. Throat/Third Eye (Indigo): Relates to intuition, Vision and Foresight. If closed, leads to insecurity, as you cannot see yourself and life clearly. Heart (Green): Relates to love and warmth. Open when we are in love whether it be with a partner, life, child, etc. If closed, you feel overly vulnerable, inhibited, you fear getting hurt, and are afraid of commitment. Solar Plexus/Stomach (Yellow): Relates to personal identity. If blocked, you feel vulnerable, and sex/interaction can feel threatening. Sacral (Orange): Relates to creativity and sexuality. If sexual energy is blocked, may be experienced as stiff back, and other lower back problems. Base of Spine (Red): Related to security and the seat of kundalini life energy. Nine Parts of Desire


Gentle or sensual sex involves looking inward, and being aware of your feelings. Either alone or with a partner, gentle caresses, resting positions, (either with or without penetration) and coordinated breaths all generate a slow and steady increase in sexual energy, which over a period of time leads to a state of calm, bliss, and satisfaction. The orgasm is delayed or avoided, and the caresses continue for an hour or so. Focus on your heart chakra, and imagine pink light flowing around you (around the both of you if you are with a partner). Also, you can feel gentle sexual energy building in the groin; imagine this energy slowly moving up the body, throughout the energy centers, from the head and back around.

Tantric Exercises 1. Eye-Gazing: Sit opposite your partner and look into each other’s eyes. 2. Sit opposite your partner with foreheads touching. All chakras should be facing each other. 3. Standing forehead to forehead with your partner with foreheads touching. All chakras should be facing each other.

Exercise #2


Nine Parts of Desire

Exercise #4

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