
September 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Cartomancy vs. Petit Lenormand Card Meanings








Positive: someone ne Positive: someone

Positive: Positive: ,  , delivery"

enters yo!r lie / catches yo!r re$istered mail% -!ic* to react eye nes rom aar 

international 'ostal service

Negative: Lac* o

Negative: 'oor Negative: 'oor attention to

The Wish Card

commitment +ad nes

detail many 'ro.ects on the

s!ccess" victory"

reacts instead o thin*in$

$o" and cant inish hat they

thin$s thro!$h


real ali# i#in in$ $ a drea dream% m% 01 –  – Rider ((9♥ 9♥) re

&m &m'o 'ort rtan antt M Mes essa sa$e $es s

Positive: a Positive: a chance meetin$" Positive: Creativity" Positive: Creativity" Credit Loans

!ne3'ected lirtin$/visit lirtin$/visitor or

&nvestments a small &nvestments

ha''y moments ith riends 'romotion" or reco$nition or

amo!nt o money

creative l!c*y

or* done

holdin$ thin$s in shy"

Negative: Negative: one  one ni$ht stands

Negative: Lac* o creativity

nervo!s or ithdran

allin$ in love and o!t o love 'oor 'lannin$ not +ein$

(somethin$ im'edes

4!ic*ly lac* o creativity

reco$ni#ed 'assed over or a

don on yo!r l!c*


0 –  – Clover ((2 2) $roth)%

L!c* / Creativity

Thet ('hysical"

lon$ distance relationshi'"

emotional) 8ein$

leavin$ love or someone

ta*en advanta$e o

+ehind someone rom ar

Fears and Worries 6hi'(107) (107) i$ht time% 05 –  – 6hi'

+rainstormin$" a small

the start o enter'rise" '!ttin$

Travel 6tart o a e aay (another state" near the yo!r e$$s in one +as*et travel :ent!res


or +!siness or 'leas!re

 , ather ather i$!re" a h!s+and a man that is loved a man that cares a+o!t the 'erson +ein$ read or  –  – Tree(? Tree(?♥ ♥)

Relection +ein$

Positive: a stron$ *armic Positive: a

+eore $od at the

relationshi' $ood health

altar re'etition

Negative: *armic iss!es


st!ntin$ 'ersonal evol!tion


(=A) , m mat!re at!re (!s!ally 0 –Clo!ds –Clo!ds(=A) married) man ith +ron hair !s!ally

) orei$n investment" money transer" inancial inancial s!ccess in +!siness

6hi' P stars (1) dream vacation" 'romisin$ .o!rney

6hi' P stor* (1?) chan$e o residence" a tri' +rin$s chan$e

6hi' P do$ (1D) travelin$ ith a riend" riend rom another co!ntry

6hi' P toer (19) travelin$ alone" $overnment related travel" orei$n $overnment

6hi' P $arden (0) travelin$ to an event" orei$n co!ntry" co!ntry" international tri'

6hi' P mo!ntain (1) travel is delayed or 'ost'oned" a tri' to the mo!ntains

6hi' P crossroad () to .o!rneys" decision a+o!t a tri'" chan$in$ 'lanes/shi's/trains

6hi' P mice (5) stress!l .o!rney" mechanical 'ro+lems" tri' is canceled

6hi' P heart (;) honeymoon" travelin$ ith a love" romantic $etaay

6hi' P rin$ (>) honeymoon" overseas eddin$" orei$n +!siness contract

6hi' P +oo* () ed!cational .o!rney" sec secret ret tri'" 'ass'ort

6hi' P letter (?) nes ne s rom ar aay" 'lane/train/shi' tic*et" tic*et" inormation a+o!t a tri'

6hi' P man (D) orei$ner" travel traveler" er" someone ho or*s on a +oat or in the travel ind!stry

6hi' P oman (9) orei$ner" traveler traveler"" someone ho or*s on a +oat or in the travel ind!stry

6hi' P lily (50) older orei$n man" senior cr!ise" a rela3in$ vacation" inter .o!rney" se3!al se3!al advent!re

6hi' P s!n (51) s!mmer vacation" desert or tro'ical location" s!ccess!l tri'" s!ccess!l +!siness deal

6hi' P moon (5) travel at ni$ht" romantic tri'

6hi' P *ey (55) im'ortant tri'" tri' ill deinitely ha''en" +!siness s!ccess

6hi' P ish (5;) ishin$ tri'" money arrivin$" +!siness 'artner 


6hi' P anchor (5>) lon$ travel" reachin$ yo!r destination" cr!ise" or* that involves +oats or travel

6hi' P cross (5) destined tri'" 'il$rima$e

) inheritance" inancial t!rnaro!nd" ill mother i$!re

Coin P stars (1) 'ositive transormation" reason to ho'e

Coin P stor* (1?) lettin$ $o" chan$e o residence" ne$ative chan$e" no chan$e

Coin P do$ (1D) riendshi' evolves" riend needs hel'" sic* riend" !nrelia+le riend

Coin P toer (19) ail!re ith a!thorities" im'risonment

Coin P $arden (0) event is canceled" cemetery

Coin P mo!ntain (1) nothin$s ha''enin$" isolation" st!c*

Coin P crossroad () $oin$ in a ne direction

Coin P mice (5) end o orry" de'ressio de'ression n

Coin P heart (;) heartache" $rie 

Coin P rin$ (>) end o a relationshi'/contract" startin$ over" com'letion com'letion

Coin P +oo* () secret is revealed

Coin P letter (?) ne$ative messa$e" cancellation

Coin P man (D) ill man" de'ressed man

Coin P oman (9) ne$ative oman" ill oman

Coin P lily (50) no se3 lie" old a$e

Coin P s!n (51) in the end" there ill +e s!ccess

Coin P moon (5) ne$ative emotions" $rie 

Coin P *ey (55) thin$s ill im'rove" necessary endin$

Coin P ish (5;) loss o money" ! !neral neral +!siness


Coin P anchor (5>) end o sec!rity" lon$in$ lon$in$

Coin P cross (5) 'ain" sadness" $rie 

8o!4!et P rider (1) ha''y nes" ne 'erson comin$ into yo!r lie

8o!4!et P clover () .oy!l invitation" $ood l!c* 8o!4!et P shi' (5) lovely vacation" cr!ise

8o!4!et P ho!se (;) 'arty" cele+ration" lovely ho!se

8o!4!et P tree (>) $ood health" nat!re

8o!4!et P clo!ds () !nclear invitation" daydreamin$" la#iness

8o!4!et P sna*e (?) to omen" .ealo!sy

8o!4!et P coin (D) disa''ointment" !n'leasant $atherin$

8o!4!et P scythe (10) $ood decision" 'ositive s!r$ery

8o!4!et P hi' (11) !n ni$ht o!t" ha''y conversations

8o!4!et P +irds (1) to invitations" !n conversation

8o!4!et P child (15) charmin$ child" childrens 'arty 'arty"" small 'arty

8o!4!et P o3 (1;) .o+ related to ashion or +ea!t y" ha ha''iness ''iness at or* 8o!4!et P +ear (1>) 'ositive inances

8o!4!et P stars (1) achievements" ho'es and dreams

8o!4!et P stor* (1?) 'ositive chan$e" redecoratin$

8o!4!et P do$ (1D) $ood riend" nice com'any

8o!4!et P toer (19) memorial" hi$h society

8o!4!et P $arden (0) 'ar*" nat!re" loer sho

8o!4!et P mo!ntain (1) o!tdoors" hi*in$" ha''iness comes sloly


8o!4!et P crossroad () al* in nat!re" o''ort!nities

8o!4!et P mice (5) ha''iness is short" antici'ation

8o!4!et P heart (;) love" en$a$ement

8o!4!et P rin$ (>) ha''y marria$e" $ood contract" 'ro'osal

8o!4!et P +oo* () $ood st!dies" learnin$ somethin$ 'leasant" +lind date

8o!4!et P letter (?) invitation" ha''y nes

8o!4!et P man (D) charmin$ man

8o!4!et P oman (9) lovely lady

8o!4!et P lily (50) 'eace" harmony" contentment

8o!4!et P s!n (51) $reat s!ccess" cele+ration

8o!4!et P moon (5) art sho" 'leasant date" satisaction

8o!4!et P *ey (55) $reat s!ccess" very attractive attractive

8o!4!et P ish (5;) $it o money" e3'ensive e3'ensive invitation" +ea!ty ind!stry

8o!4!et P anchor (5>) lon$term ha''iness" achievin$ $oals

8o!4!et P cross (5) ha''iness is destined" charity" ha''iness has a 'rice

6cythe P rider (1) a c!t to allo ne thin$s to come in" s!dden messa$e

6cythe P clover () l!c*y decision" s!dden l!c*

6cythe P shi' (5) tri' is cancelled" emi$ration

6cythe P ho!se (;) sale o a ho!se" diic!lties ith the ho!se or in the amily

6cythe P tree (>) s!r$ery" e3trac e3traction tion

6cythe P clo!ds () !ncertainty" indecision

6cythe P sna*e (?) attac*" emale s!r$eon


6cythe P coin (D) termination" inal endin$

6cythe P +o!4!et (9) 'ositive o!tcome

6cythe P hi' (11 ( 11) ) violence" attac*" ea'on" martial arts

6cythe P +irds (1) ar$!ment" yellin$

6cythe P child (15) a+ortion" Csection" child has a toothache

6cythe P o3 (1;) .o+ loss

6cythe P +ear (1>) inancial decision" s!r$ery or ei$ht loss

6cythe P stars (1) chan$e o ate" ta*in$ action on yo!r dreams

6cythe P stor* (1?) initiatin$ chan$e" chan$e o residence" ast chan$e

6cythe P do$ (1D) end o riendshi'" 'et has s!r$ery

6cythe P toer (19) trial" co!rtroom

6cythe P $arden (0) $ardenin$" +ad com'any

6cythe P mo!ntain (1) slo o'eration" +loc*s end

6cythe P crossroad () ast decision" se'aration

6cythe P mice (5) emotional/'hysical +rea*don" end o orry

6cythe P heart (;) heart+rea*" heart s!r$ery

6cythe P rin$ (>) contract ends" relationshi' +rea* !'

6cythe P +oo* () secret is revealed

6cythe P letter (?) cancellation" notice

6cythe P man (D) decisive man" leader 

6cythe P oman (9) decisive oman" s!r$eon

6cythe P lily (50) se3!al a$$ression" healin$


6cythe P s!n (51) s!ccess" electricity

6cythe P moon (5) emotional insta+ility insta+ility"" release o emotions" emotional decision

6cythe P *ey (55) im'ortant decision" necessary decision" ate

6cythe P ish (5;) +!siness decision" decision im'acts inances

6cythe P anchor (5>) 'ermanent decision" decision +rin$s saety

6cythe P cross (5) in.!ry" sacri sacriice" ice" s!dden 'ain

Whi' P rider (1) tro!+lin$ nes" eed+ac*

Whi' P clover () $am+lin$ on a s'ortin$ event

Whi' P shi' (5) tro!+led .o!rney" e3'lorat e3'loration ion

Whi' P ho!se (;) home $ym" domestic a+!se" amily ar$!ments

Whi' P tree (>) diic!lt health 'ro+lems

Whi' P clo!ds () not s!re here to $o" con!sin$ ar$!ments

Whi' P sna*e (?) tro!+lema*er" +rea*!' or a oman" dan$er 

Whi' P coin (D) destr!ction" i$ht leads to +rea*!'

Whi' P +o!4!et (9) en.oya+le 'hysical activity" dancin$ Whi' P scythe (10) accident" tro!+les" cancellation

Whi' P +irds (1) ar$!ments" de+ate" many conversations" hectic

Whi' P child (15) athletic child" tro!+lesome ne start

Whi' P o3 (1;) military military"" athlete" tro!+le on the .o+

Whi' P +ear (1>) athlete" +ody +!ilder" 'ersonal trainer 

Whi' P stars (1) coachin$" s!ccess!l com'etition

Whi' P stor* (1?) ast chan$e" tro!+lesome chan$e


Whi' P do$ (1D) 'ersonal trainer" coach" tro!+le ith a riend

Whi' P toer (19) tro!+le ith a!thorities" ortress" military +ase

Whi' P $arden (0) '!+lic s'ortin$ event" stadi!m" '!+lic de+ates

Whi' P mo!ntain (1) limitations" +!ttin$ o heads/ills" conversations conversations that dont lead anyhere

Whi' P crossroad () not s!re hich ay to $o" !nsettled" m!lti'le decisions

Whi' P mice (5) stress!l 'hysical activity" e3ha!s e3ha!stion tion

Whi' P heart (;) 'assionate relationshi'" conlict in love

Whi' P rin$ (>) relationshi' tro!+le" a+!se

Whi' P +oo* () academic com'etition

Whi' P letter (?) threat" si$ned contract

Whi' P man (D) 'hysically it man

Whi' P oman (9) intense" se3y oman

Whi' P lily (50) 'hysical activity slos don" arthritis" e3ha!stion e3ha!stion

Whi' P s!n (51) charisma" innin$

Whi' P moon (5) o+session" se3!al sed!ction

Whi' P *ey (55) necessary action" im'ortant disc!ssions

Whi' P ish (5;) ar$!ments a+o!t money

Whi' P anchor (5>) consistent" steady

Whi' P cross (5) hard lessons" challen$es

8irds P rider (1) many messa$es" res'onse" disc!ssio disc!ssions" ns"  +oys

8irds P clover () 'rod!ctive conversations" l!c*y 'hone call

8irds P shi' (5) to travelers" conversations conversations/'hone /'hone call a+o!t a tri'


8irds P ho!se (;) conversations a+o!t a ho!se" roommates" real estate sales and mar*etin$

8irds P tree (>) im'ortant conversations" n!rses" s'irit!al disc!ssions" +ird atchin$

8irds P clo!ds () mis!nderstandin$" con!sin$ conversation

8irds P sna*e (?) $ossi'" diic!lt disc!ssions" 'hone call rom a oman

8irds P coin (D) silence" +rea* !'

8irds P +o!4!et (9) ha''y conversation" !n date

8irds P scythe (10) s'lit" diic!lt ne$otiations

8irds P hi' (11) ar$!ments" disa$reements

8irds P child (15) to children" tins" si+lin$s

8irds P o3 (1;) dishonest messa$e" .o+ related conversations/'hone call

8irds P +ear (1>) conversations ith a +oss or mother i$!re

8irds P stars (1) 'romisin$ 'hone call

8irds P stor* (1?) conversations +rin$ chan$e

8irds P do$ (1D) tal*in$ ith riends or relatives

8irds P toer (19) le$al disc!ssions

8irds P $arden (0) conventions" seminars seminars"" s'eeches

8irds P mo!ntain (1) no res'onse

8irds P crossroad () 'hone call a+o!t a decision" se'aration

8irds P mice (5) stress and an3iety an3iety"" no disc!ssions

8irds P heart (;) lovers" tal*s a+o!t love

8irds P rin$ (>) a$reement" m!lti'le contracts

8irds P +oo* () st!dents" teachers" secrets


8irds P letter (?) media" many messa$es

8irds P man (D) salesman" tal*ative man

8irds P oman (9) mediator" $ood s'ea*er 

8irds P lily (50) elderly co!'le" len$thy disc!ssions

8irds P s!n (51) s!ccess!l intervie" $reat 'hone call

8irds P moon (5) creative s'ea*er" 'ero 'erormer  rmer 

8irds P *ey (55) $ood comm!nication" 'romisin$ connect connection ion

8irds P ish (5;) sales ind!stry" leetin$ money

8irds P anchor (5>) sta+le relationshi'" meetin$

8irds P cross (5) hard conversation

Child P rider (1) messa$e a+o!t a child" a male child" messa$e a+o!t a ne start

Child P clover () 'ositive ne ne  start" l!c*y child

Child P shi' (5) short tri'" ne tri'" ne +!siness

Child P ho!se (;) daycare" +a+ysittin$" ne ho!se" small ho!se

Child P tree (>) sic* child" ertility

Child P clo!ds () con!sed child" 'ro+lems ith a child" a ne start is !ncertain

Child P sna*e (?) child ca!ses 'ro+lems" oman ith a child" ne start or a oman

Child P coin (D) miscarria$e" a+ortion" sic* child

Child P +o!4!et (9) ha''y child" attractive child" childrens 'arty" 'arty" $it or a child

Child P scythe (10) a+ortion" s!r$ery" ill child

Child P hi' (11) +!lly +!lly"" tro!+lesome ne start

Child P +irds (1) ne tal*s" tins" si+lin$s" a $ro!' o yo!n$ children


Child P o3 (1;) or*in$ ith children" ne .o+" c!nnin$ child

Child P +ear (1>) ( 1>) overei$ht child" stron$ child ('hysically)" mother and child

Child P stars (1) talented child" child star" ne start $oes ell

Child P stor* (1?) 're$nancy" ne chan$es

Child P do$ (1D) yo!n$ riend" riend rom childhood" child ith a do$

Child P toer (19) school" child elare" ed!cation oice

Child P $arden (0) day care" 'lay$ro!nd" event or children

Child P mo!ntain (1) lonely child" ne delays" +loc*s or a child

Child P crossroad () tins" short tri's" si+lin$s" ne decision" ne 'ath

Child P mice (5) small losses" sic* child

Child P heart (;) lovin$ child" ne love" ne start in love" a yo!n$er rival

Child P rin$ (>) ne contract" ado'tion

Child P +oo* () school" homeor*" a child has a secret

Child P letter (?) +irth anno!ncement" 'ositive messa$e" minor nes

Child P man (D) yo!n$ man" immat!re man" ne start or a man

Child P oman (9) oman ho loo*s yo!n$er than she is" immat!re oman" 'etite oman

Child P lily (50) oldest child" older than one loo*s

Child P s!n (51) s!ccess!l child" ha''y child

Child P moon (5) creative child" ne start is emotional" e Moon

Child P *ey (55) im'ortant ne start" s!ccess!l child

Child P ish (5;) childrelated +!siness" ne +!siness" small amo!nt o money

Child P anchor (5>) res'onsi+le child" or* ith children" ne start is certain


Child P cross (5) de'ressed child" diic!lt childhood

Fo3 P rider (1) messa$e a+o!t a .o+" ne em'loyee

Fo3 P clover () l!c* at or*" 'romotion

Fo3 P shi' (5) .o+related travel" 'ro+lems ith a tri' Fo3 P ho!se (;) 'ro+lems ith a ho!se" deceit!l amily mem+er" or*in$ rom home

Fo3 P tree (>) healthcare or*er" 'ossi+le misdia$nosis misdia$nosis

Fo3 P clo!ds () dishonest em'loyee" .o+ !ncertainty

Fo3 P sna*e (?) liar" dece'tion" dan$er 

Fo3 P coin (D) lay o" resi$nation" termination

Fo3 P +o!4!et (9) en.oya+le .o+" or* in the +ea!ty ind!stry

Fo3 P scythe (10) resi$nation" termination" or*related accident

Fo3 P hi' (11) 'ro+lems ca!sed +y dishonesty" 'ersonal trainer" violent em'loyee

Fo3 P +irds (1) dishonest conversation" or*related meetin$

Fo3 P child (15) ne .o+" c!nnin$ child" or*in$ ith children

Fo3 P +ear (1>) inancial ind!stry em'loyee" +oss" inancial 'ro+lems" shred ith money

Fo3 P stars (1) 'romotion" .o+ in aeros'ace ind!stry

Fo3 P stor* (1?) .o+ chan$e" chan$e d!e to intri$!e

Fo3 P do$ (1D) dishonest riend

Fo3 P toer (19) $overnment em'loyee" old secrets

Fo3 P $arden (0) or*in$ ith the '!+lic" .o+ meetin$" '!+lic ra!d

Fo3 P mo!ntain (1) !nem'loyment" 'ro+lems on the .o+" lies ca!se 'ro+lems

Fo3 P crossroad () smart decision" shred decision" decision a+o!t a .o+


Fo3 P mice (5) .o+ loss" .o+ stress

Fo3 P heart (;) ellloved .o+" dishonesty in aairs o the heart

Fo3 P rin$ (>) lies in +!siness/relationshi'" .o+ contract

Fo3 P +oo* () li+rarian" acco!ntant" cons'iracy

Fo3 P letter (?) alse messa$e" .o+ nes

Fo3 P man (D) or*aholic" redhaired man" dece'tive man

Fo3 P oman (9) smart oman" short oman" cheater 

Fo3 P lily (50) esta+lished career" older em'loyee" se3!al 'ro+lems

Fo3 P s!n (51) .o+ s!ccess" s!ccess isnt everythin$ it a''ears to +e

Fo3 P moon (5) 'sychic" emotional dishonesty

Fo3 P *ey (55) intri$!e" im'ortant .o+" im'ortant em'loyee

Fo3 P ish (5;) or*in$ in ishin$ ind!stry" inancial inancial ra!d

Fo3 P anchor (5>) .o+ sec!rity" lon$term dishonesty

Fo3 P cross (5) lies are a +!rden" lon$term lies" or* related to reli$ion or charity

8ear P rider (1) messa$e a+o!t money" money is comin$

8ear P clover () 'ros'erity" $ood l!c* $am+lin$

8ear P shi' (5) e3'ensive tri'" international investment

8ear P ho!se (;) real estate a$ent" ho!se e3'ansion

8ear P tree (>) healthy diet" n!trition

8ear P clo!ds () inancial !ncertainty

8ear P sna*e (?) inancial 'ro+lems" inancial deceit" +oss and a oman" mother and a oman

8ear P coin (D) ill mother/$randmother" inancial loss


8ear P +o!4!et (9) 'ros'erity 'ros'erity"" $reat +oss

8ear P scythe (10) inancial decision" money comin$ to an end" closin$ an acco!nt

8ear P hi' (11) inancial 'ro+lems" ar$!ments a+o!t money

8ear P +irds (1) conversations a+o!t money" conversations ith a +oss or mother" inancial ne$otiations

8ear P child (15) overei$ht child" stron$ child" $randmother and $randda!$hter" ne start inancially

8ear P o3 (1;) .o+ in the inance or health ind!stry" inancial lies" dishonest +oss

8ear P stars (1) inancial im'rovement

8ear P stor* (1?) chan$e in inances" diet chan$es" ne +oss

8ear P do$ (1D) riendly +oss" 'ersonal trainer" n!tritionist

8ear P toer (19) co!rtho!se" +an*

8ear P $arden (0) or*in$ o!t or dietin$ ith a $ro!' o 'eo'le" CK

8ear P mo!ntain (1) inancial +loc*s" income is delayed

8ear P crossroad () inancial decision" m!lti'le so!rces o income" +oss/mother i$!re ma*es a decision

8ear P mice (5) inancial loss" inancial orry

8ear P heart (;) $enero!s ith money" love o 'oer" love o ood" in love ith ones +oss

8ear P rin$ (>) inancial a$reement" relationshi' ith a 'oer!l 'erson

8ear P +oo* () inancial secret" !n*non man" a!dit

8ear P letter (?) invoice" inancial nes" chec* in the mail

8ear P man (D) 'oer!l man" overei$ht man" +ody+!ilder 

8ear P oman (9) mother" oman and her +oss" overei$ht oman" 'oer!l oman

8ear P lily (50)  men" older 'erson ith money" +!sines +!siness s 'artner" inancial advisor 

8ear P s!n (51) inancial s!ccess" 'ros'erity


8ear P moon (5) money rom creative endeavors

8ear P *ey (55)  inancial s!ccess

8ear P ish (5;)  inancial +!siness" a lot o money" diet ind!stry

8ear P anchor (5>) inancial sta+ility" lon$term +oss

8ear P cross (5) inancial +!rden" donations

6tar P rider (1) $reat nes" ins'iration" dreams come tr!e

6tar P clover () s!ccess" $ood l!c*" ha''iness

6tar P shi' (5) dream vacation" somethin$ 'romisin$ ill ha''en d!rin$ a tri'" international re'!tation

6tar P ho!se (;) dream ho!se" amo!s ho!se

6tar P tree (>) s'irit!al healin$" destiny

6tar P clo!ds () !ncertainty" con!sion

6tar P sna*e (?) amo!s oman" 'ro+lems reachin$ $oals

6tar P coin (D) $ivin$ !'" comin$ to an end

6tar P +o!4!et (9) cele+rity cele+rity"" $ood re'!tation" $reat ha''iness

6tar P scythe (10) ast action" im'lementation

6tar P hi' (11) s!ccess" athlete

6tar P +irds (1) '!+lic s'ea*er" conerenc conerence" e" netor*in$" amo!s co!'le

6tar P child (15) amo!s child" s!ccess s!ccess!l !l ne start

6tar P o3 (1;) c!nnin$ idea" 'romotion

6tar P +ear (1>) inancial $oals" investment ideas

6tar P stor* (1?) 'ositive chan$e" chan$e o mind

6tar P do$ (1D) amo!s riend" l!c*y riend


6tar P toer (19) s!ccess ith oicials oicials"" loty $oals

6tar P $arden (0) '!+lic event" 'arty" ellrece ellreceived ived +y the '!+lic

6tar P mo!ntain (1) slo 'ro$ress" dreams are +loc*ed

6tar P crossroad () im'ortant decision" s!ccess!l decision

6tar P mice (5) ear o ame" loss o res'ect

6tar P heart (;) cr!sh" l!c*y love

6tar P rin$ (>) contract is si$ned" $ood relationshi'

6tar P +oo* () +estseller" ort!ne teller" secret invention

6tar P letter (?) recommendation" $reat nes

6tar P man (D) s!ccess!l man" amo!s man

6tar P oman (9) 'o'!lar oman" 'sychic oman

6tar P lily (50) older cele+rity cele+rity"" s!ccess ith/or an older man

6tar P s!n (51) +i$ in" honor 

6tar P moon (5) honor" s!ccess s!ccess"" ame" creative ideas

6tar P *ey (55) inner" aards" s!ccess

6tar P ish (5;) inancial s!ccess" ne ideas are inancially reardin$

6tar P anchor (5>) lon$term ame" hall o ame" le$end

6tar P cross (5) s'irit!al ideas" ate

6tor* P rider (1) Chan$e +rin$s a ne 'erson into yo!r lie" nes o chan$e

6tor* P clover () l!c*y chan$es" $ood move

6tor* P shi' (5) chan$e o residence" travel 'lans chan$e

6tor* P ho!se (;) movin$" renovation


6tor* P tree (>) health im'rovements" lon$ lastin$ chan$es

6tor* P clo!ds () !ncertain chan$e" lac* o oc!s

6tor* P sna*e (?) chan$es or a oman" chan$e +rin$s tro!+le

6tor* P coin (D) cancelled" no chan$e

6tor* P +o!4!et (9) redecoratin$" r edecoratin$" 'ositive chan$e" im'rovements

6tor* P scythe (10) s!dden chan$e" 'ermanent chan$e

6tor* P hi' (11) (11) !neasy chan$e" conversations +rin$ transormation

6tor* P +irds (1) relationshi' evolves" !neasy chan$e

6tor* P child (15) 're$nancy" +irth" chan$es or a child

6tor* P o3 (1;) .o+ chan$e" 'romotion" 'ositive chan$e (related to c!nnin$/intri$!e)

6tor* P +ear (1>) inancial increase" ne +oss

6tor* P star (1) ma*in$ 'ro$ress" 'ositive chan$e

6tor* P do$ (1D) ne riend(s)

6tor* P toer (19) end o loneliness" $overnment chan$e

6tor* P $arden (0) 'ositive chan$e" chan$e +ecomes '!+lic

6tor* P mo!ntain (1) slo 'ro$ress" chan$es are stalled

6tor* P crossroad () chan$e +rin$s a decision" $oin$ se'arate 'aths

6tor* P mice (5) stress!l chan$e" disco!ra$ement" ne$ative chan$e

6tor* P heart (;) 'ositive relationshi' chan$es" chan$es yo!ve ho'ed or 

6tor* P rin$ (>) en$a$ement" 'romise" contract chan$es

6tor* P +oo* () secret is revealed" research

6tor* P letter (?) nes o chan$e


6tor* P man (D) le3i+le man" man ho ants chan$e

6tor* P oman (9) chan$e or a oman" inde'endent oman

6tor* P lily (50) older man ca!ses chan$e" 'ersonal $roth" mat!rity

6tor* P s!n (51) 'ositive chan$e" s!ccess" hi$h ener$y

6tor* P moon (5) s!ccess s!ccess!l !l chan$e" emotional contentment

6tor* P *ey (55) si$niicant chan$e" chan$e ill deinitely ha''en" liechan$in$ event

6tor* P ish (5;) inancial chan$e" 'roita+le chan$e

6tor* P anchor (5>) lon$term res!lts" $ood 'ro$ress

6tor* P cross (5) diic!lt chan$es" !nanted chan$e

Bo$ P rider (1) ne riendshi'" someone yo! *no is comin$ to see yo!

Bo$ P clover () l!c*y riend" hel'!l riend

Bo$ P shi' (5) travel com'anion" riend visits

Bo$ P ho!se (;) 'et" do$ho!se" amily riend" nei$h+or 

Bo$ P tree (>) ( >) doctor" n!rse" ill riend

Bo$ P clo!ds () !ncertain riendshi'" indecisive riend

Bo$ P sna*e (?) dishonest riend" riendly oman" oman and a do$" do$ ca!$ht a sna*e

Bo$ P coin (D) end o riendshi'

Bo$ P +o!4!et (9) $ood riendshi'" riendly 'eo'le

Bo$ P scythe (10) someone yo! *no has an accident" riendshi' ends" riend ma*es a ast decision

Bo$ P hi' (11) (11) do$ trainer" ar$!ments ith a riend

Bo$ P +irds (1) conversations" meetin$s" sociali#in$" tal*ative riend

Bo$ P child (15) child ith a do$" ne do$" yo!n$ do$" small do$" school riends


Bo$ P o3 (1;) alse riend" h!nter 

Bo$ P +ear (1>) inancial advisor" 'oer!l riend

Bo$ P star (1) amo!s riend" l!c*y riend

Bo$ P stor* (1?) riendshi' chan$es

Bo$ P toer (19) riend in the $overnment" 'rivate riend" lonely riend

Bo$ P $arden (0) social ac4!aintance" netor*in$" 'o'!lar riend" meetin$ a riend at an event

Bo$ P mo!ntain (1) 'ro+lems in a riendshi'" distance +eteen riends

Bo$ P crossroad () someone yo! *no aces a decision

Bo$ P mice (5) stress!l riendshi'" loss o a riend

Bo$ P heart (;) riendshi' +ecomes love" lovin$ riend

Bo$ P rin$ (>) devotion" commitment" loyalty

Bo$ P +oo* () riend ith a secret" someone yo! *no is st!dyin$" introvert

Bo$ P letter (?) messa$e rom a riend

Bo$ P man (D) riendly man" com'anion

Bo$ P oman (9) loyal oman" tr!storthy oman

Bo$ P lily (50) old riends" riends ith +eneits

Bo$ P s!n (51) $ood riendshi'" stron$ riends

Bo$ P moon (5) creative riend

Bo$ P *ey (55) im'ortant riend" $ood riend

Bo$ P ish (5;) +!siness 'artner" inancially s!cess!l riend

Bo$ P anchor (5>) sta+le riendshi'" lon$term riendshi'

Bo$ P cross (5) diic!lt riendshi'" riend 'rovides s!''ort in to!$h times


To Toer er P rider (1) $overnment messa$es" 'ost oice

To Toer er P clover () o''ort!nity ith a!thorities" l!c*y school

To Toer er P shi' (5) air'ort" +!siness tri'

To Toer er P ho!se (;) +i$ ho!se" a'artment +!ildin$

Toer P tree (>) hos'ital" meditation center 

To Toer er P clo!ds () tro!+led $overnment" !ncertainty ith a!thorities

To Toer er P sna*e (?) inde'endent oman" 'ro+lems ith $overnment" le$al 'ro+lems

Toer P coin (D) cemetary" loneliness ends

To Toer er P +o!4!et (9) !niversity 'arty" 'ositive le$al o!tcome

Toer P scythe (10) le$al decision" destr!ction

Toer P hi' (11) $ym" itness center 

To Toer er P +irds (1) Con$ress" @arliament" le$al orries

Toer P child (15) colle$e" !niversity" ado'tion a$ency

To Toer er P o3 (1;) civil service em'loyee" cor'orate em'loyee" $overnment dece'tion

To Toer er P +ear (1>) inancial com'any" +an*" 'rotectin$ inances

To Toer er P star (1) loneliness hile '!rs!in$ dreams" $!arded dreams

To Toer er P stor* (1?) $overnment chan$e" sae chan$e

To Toer er P do$ (1D) 'rotectin$ a riend

To Toer er P $arden (0) hos'ital" '!+lic +!ildin$

To Toer er P mo!ntain (1) $overnment road+loc*s" loneliness

To Toer er P crossroad () lonely decision" lonely 'ath" $overnment o'tions

To Toer er P mice (5) cor'orate loss" !niversity loss


To Toer er P heart (;) lonely relationshi'" se'aration

To Toer er P rin$ (>) $overnment contract

Toer P +oo* () teacher" 'roessor 

To Toer er P letter (?) notice rom a!thorities

To Toer er P man (D) tall man" $overnment em'loyee" e3ec!tive

To Toer er P oman (9) arro$ant oman" lonely oman" cor'orate e3ec!tive

Toer P lily (50) seniors center" senator 

To Toer er P s!n (51) $overnment leader" s!ccess ith '!+lic a!thorities

To Toer er P moon (5) creative enter'rise" emotional 'rotection

To Toer er P *ey (55) s!ccess ith le$al a!thorities" inde'endence" stron$ 'rotection

Toer P ish (5;) +an*" trade center 

To Toer er P anchor (5>) 'ort" lon$term 'rotection

To Toer er P cross (5) 'ro+lems ith a!thorities" ch!rch" tem'le

Earden P rider (1) meetin$ someone ne

Earden P clover () !n 'arty" s!c s!ccess!l cess!l netor*in$

Earden P shi' (5) cr!ise shi'" 'arty on a shi'" to!r $ro!'

Earden P ho!se (;) 'arty at home" ho!se ith a $arden" visitors to a ho!se

Earden P tree (>) healthoc!sed activities activities"" hos'ital" s'a

Earden P clo!ds () '!+lic disr!'tion" 'ro+lems ith an event" tro!+les ith $!ests

Earden P sna*e (?) meetin$ a oman" dist!r+ance

Earden P coin (D) '!+lic endin$" destr!ction" canceled event

Earden P +o!4!et (9) ha''y event" $ood meetin$" 'o'!lar 


Earden P scythe (10) $ro!' decision

Earden P hi' (11 ( 11) ) '!+lic ar$!ment" de+ate

Earden P +irds (1) s'eech" concert" '!+lic $atherin$

Earden P child (15) event ith children" 'lay$ro!nd

Earden P o3 (1;) coor*ers" 'ro+lems ith a meetin$

Earden P +ear (1>) ( 1>) caterer" lottery

Earden P star (1) s!''ort $ro!'" motivational seminar" '!+lic s!ccess s!ccess

Earden P stor* (1?) '!+lic chan$es" $roth

Earden P do$ (1D) 'o'!lar riend" meetin$ a riend" re!nion

Earden P toer (19) society" '!+lic +!ildin$

Earden P mo!ntain (1) +orin$ event" canceled meetin$" 'ro+lems ith the '!+lic

Earden P crossroad () '!+lic decision" hi*in$" al*in$ tho!$h a $arden

Earden P mice (5) orrisome event" event is canceled" '!+lic stress

Earden P heart (;) meetin$ a lover" en$a$ement 'arty

Earden P rin$ (>) en$a$ement" '!+lic a$reement" eddin$

Earden P +oo* () school" li+rary" st!dents

Earden P letter (?) invitation to an event

Earden P man (D) 'o'!lar man" man in the '!+lic eye" 'layer 

Earden P oman (9) oman in '!+lic" socia+le oman" 'hilanthro'ist

Earden P lily (50) stri' +ar" meditation center" meetin$ an older man

Earden P s!n (51) s!ccess" ame

Earden P moon (5) art sho" cele+rity


Earden P *ey (55) s!ccess ith the '!+lic" im'ortant meetin$

Earden P ish (5;) +an*" !nion

Earden P anchor (5>) sta+ility

Earden P cross (5) 'rayer" +!rial" thera'y

Mo!ntain P rider (1) nes arrivin$ ater delays" someone inally arrives

Mo!ntain P clover () thin$s are loo*in$ !'" 'ro+lems end ell

Mo!ntain P shi' (5) travel occ!rs ater delays" 'lane is late

Mo!ntain P ho!se (;) loneliness" ca+in

Mo!ntain P tree (>) health 'ro+lems" lin$erin$ illness

Mo!ntain P clo!ds () lost" 'rocrastination" con!sion

Mo!ntain P sna*e (?) ma.or 'ro+lems" oman is late

Mo!ntain P coin (D) o+stacles end

Mo!ntain P +o!4!et (9) mo!ntains" relie 

Mo!ntain P scythe (10) delayed action

Mo!ntain P hi' (11) (11) im'atience" lon$term ar$!ments

Mo!ntain P +irds (1) reconnectin$" r econnectin$" lon$aaited 'hone call

Mo!ntain P child (15) lonely child" 'ro+lems ith a ne start

Mo!ntain P o3 (1;) lac* o career $roth" leave o a+sence" !nem'loyment

Mo!ntain P +ear (1>) literally a +ear in the mo!ntains" inancial restrictions" diet

Mo!ntain P star (1) lac* o motivation" dreams are +loc*ed

Mo!ntain P stor* (1?) thin$s are movin$ orard a$ain" restartin$

Mo!ntain P do$ (1D) sin$le riend" loneliness" a+andoned do$


Mo!ntain P toer (19) im'risonment" $overnment/le$al restrictions" isolation

Mo!ntain P $arden (0) vacation" delayed meetin$

Mo!ntain P crossroad () delayed decision" hi*in$" al*s

Mo!ntain P mice (5) 'ro+lems end

Mo!ntain P heart (;) lonely" c cold old heart

Mo!ntain P rin$ (>) lonely relationshi'" d!ty

Mo!ntain P +oo* () slo st!dies

Mo!ntain P letter (?) delayed nes" no res'onse

Mo!ntain P man (D) indierent man" man has +loc*s

Mo!ntain P oman (9) cold oman" stressed oman

Mo!ntain P lily (50) no se3 lie" isolation" inter 

Mo!ntain P s!n (51) s!ccess inally occ!rs

Mo!ntain P moon (5) de'ression" insensitiv insensitive e

Mo!ntain P *ey (55) o+stacles are overcome

Mo!ntain P ish (5;) inancial 'ro+lems" money is late" ishin$

Mo!ntain P anchor (5>) lon$term +loc*s

Mo!ntain P cross (5) +!rdens" at the end o yo!r ro'e" de'ression

Crossroad P rider (1) a messa$e that aects a decision" m!lti'le messa$es

Crossroad P clover () l!c*y decision" ort!nate 'ath

Crossroad P shi' (5) m!lti'le travel o'tions" car tri'

Crossroad P ho!se (;) to ho!ses" decision aects a amily

Crossroad P tree (>) decision a+o!t ones health" *armic .o!rney


Crossroad P clo!ds () !ncertain decision" no clear o'tion

Crossroad P sna*e (?) diic!lt choices" 'ro+lems ith a decision

Crossroad P coin (D) no o'tions" ne$ative o!tcome" end o the road

Crossroad P +o!4!et (9) al* in nat!re" 'ositive o!tcome

Crossroad P scythe (10) inal decision" 'ro+lematic decision" accident

Crossroad P hi' (11) (11) diic!lt decision" decision ro!$ht ith ar$!ments

Crossroad P +irds (1) m!lti'le decisions" a lot o disc!ssions

Crossroad P child (15) tins" si+lin$s" decision +rin$s a ne +e$innin$

Crossroad P o3 (1;) .o+related decision"  .o+s" 'arttime or*

Crossroad P +ear (1>) m!lti'le so!rces o income" decision aects inances

Crossroad P star (1) 'ositive o!tcome" leader 

Crossroad P stor* (1?) decision +rin$s chan$e" 'ro$ress" movement

Crossroad P do$ (1D) to riends" decision a+o!t a riend

Crossroad P toer (19) le$al decision" decision to $o alone

Crossroad P $arden (0) al* in a $arden" m!lti'le 'arties

Crossroad P mo!ntain (1) delayed decision" no res!lts

Crossroad P mice (5) ( 5) stress!l choices" e3ha!stion" strain

Crossroad P heart (;) not committed" to 'artners

Crossroad P rin$ (>) m!lti'le oers" a$reement

Crossroad P +oo* () discovery" to +oo*s

Crossroad P letter (?) m!lti'le letters" nes is on its ay" decision +rin$s aaited nes

Crossroad P man (D) hesitant man" !ncommitted man


Crossroad P oman (9) !ncertain oman" !nsettled oman

Crossroad P lily (50) decision +rin$s 'eace

Crossroad P s!n (51) s!ccess!l o!tco o!tcome" me" ma*in$ the ri$ht choice

Crossroad P moon (5) emotional decision" s!ccess!l decision

Crossroad P *ey (55) im'ortant decision" destiny

Crossroad P ish (5;) m!lti'le +!sinesses" m!lti'le incomes" trade

Crossroad P anchor (5>) decision +rin$s sta+ility" or*related decision" conidence

Crossroad P cross (5) diic!lt choice" destiny

Mice P rider (1) a''rehensive a+o!t someone comin$" tro!+lin$ nes

Mice P clover () nervo!s e3citement" +!tterlies in the stomach

Mice P shi' (5) trans'ortation 'ro+lems" car thet" mechanical iss!es

Mice P ho!se (;) re'airs needed at home (e%$%" 'l!m+in$" roo)" 'est 'ro+lem

Mice P tree (>) de'ression" stress!l illness

Mice P clo!ds () s!icidal" de'ression" lost

Mice P sna*e (?) thet involvin$ a oman" ma.or 'ro+lems" diic!lty co'in$

Mice P coin (D) orries end" relie" r elie" e3ha!stion

Mice P +o!4!et (9) antici'ation" e3cite e3citement ment

Mice P scythe (10) se'aration" stress!l decision

Mice P hi' (11) stress stress!l !l ar$!ments" challen$in$ loss" stress has 'hysical side eects

Mice P +irds (1) stress!l conversations" nervo!s ener$y" diic!lty stay stayin$ in$ in one 'lace" ri$ht

Mice P child (15) hy'er child" im'rovements

Mice P o3 (1;) stress!l .o+" .o+ loss


Mice P +ear (1>) inancial loss" dietin$

Mice P star (1) 'ress!re to achieve $oals

Mice P stor* (1?) diic!lt chan$es" !nanted chan$e

Mice P do$ (1D) e3ha!stin$ riendshi'" orried riend" sic* do$

Mice P toer (19) 'ro+lems ith the $overnment or la

Mice P $arden (0) stress!l event" +eare o 'ic* 'oc*ets

Mice P mo!ntain (1) $ivin$ !'" lon$term orry" stress!l o+stacles o+stacles"" r!stration

Mice P crossroad () !ncertain choices" orrisome decision

Mice P heart (;) heartache" emotional stress

Mice P rin$ (>) +rea*!' o a rrelationshi'" elationshi'" stress!l relationshi relationshi'" '" !nde'enda+le a$reement

Mice P +oo* () secret is revealed" stress!l st!dies" inal e3ams" orried a+o!t the !n*non

Mice P letter (?) stress!l nes" lost messa$e

Mice P man (D) ill man" orried man" de'ressed man

Mice P oman (9) e3ha!sted oman" overor*ed oman

Mice P lily (50) end o an aair" se3!al dys!nction" dys!nction" a$erelated health 'ro+lems

Mice P s!n (51) victory comes ater hard or*" lac* o ener$y

Mice P moon (5) emotional stress" moody" de'ression

Mice P *ey (55) im'rovements" thin$s arent as $ood as they a''ear 

Mice P ish (5;) inancial loss" +!siness 'ro+lems

Mice P anchor (5>) !nem'loyment" diic!lt sit!ation" lon$term stress

Mice P cross (5) $rie" loss" an3iety

) married" en$a$ed" committed

Woman P +oo* () ed!cated" secretive" intelli$ent" oman the 4!erent doesnt *no" introverted

Woman P letter (?) messa$e rom a oman" 'ostal or*er" .o!rnalist

Woman P man (D) a co!'le" connection

Woman P lily (50) older oman" 'atient" esta+lished" retired

Woman P s!n (51) s!ccess!l" o'timistic

Woman P moon (5) creative" artistic" emotional

Woman P *ey (55) s!ccess!l" de'enda+le" im'ortant oman

Woman P ish (5;) +!sinessoman" ealthy

Woman P anchor (5>) sta+le" de'enda+le" slo to act

Woman P cross (5) reli$io!s" +!rdened" h!rt

Lily P rider (1) old nes" messa$e rom a lover" 'eace comes rom some nes ne s

Lily P clover () $ood times" $ood se3" an older man is l!c*y

Lily P shi' (5) rest!l tri'" inter tri'

Lily P ho!se (;) old ho!se" mans amily

Lily P tree (>) a$erelated health iss!es" se3!al health 'ro+lems

Lily P clo!ds () discontent" !ncertainty" se3 se3!al !al 'ro+lems" 'ro+lems ith amily" senile

Lily P sna*e (?) man and a oman" se3!al 'artners" tro!+lesome older man" meanness

Lily P coin (D) no se3 lie" or$et!l" 'eace ends" divorced man

Lily P +o!4!et (9) .oy!l retirement" ha''y man" +o!4!et o lilies

Lily P scythe (10) accident" older s!r$eon" harmony ends" lac* o 'assion

Lily P hi' (11) st!++orn ar$!ments" old conlicts" slo to act


Lily P +irds (1) older co!'le" co!nselin$" lon$ conversations

Lily P child (15) oldest child" $randather and $randchild

Lily P o3 (1;) lon$term .o+" aair" snea* snea*in$ in$ aro!nd" se3!al 'ro+lems

Lily P +ear (1>) 'ension" money or retirement" ;01(*)" a$$ressive +!sinessman

Lily P star (1) lietime achievement reard" amo!s man" $ood se3

Lily P stor* (1?) chan$es inally ha''en" man ma*es chan$e" 're$nancy

Lily P do$ (1D) old do$" lielon$ riend

Lily P toer (19) assisted livin$ center" $overnment oicial" CK

Lily P $arden (0) senior center" se3 in '!+lic

Lily P mo!ntain (1) no movement" 'ro$ress is +loc*ed" no se3 lie

Lily P crossroad () man ma*es a decision" man has choices

Lily P mice (5) ,l#heimers" se3!ally transmitted disease

Lily P heart (;) older love" 'assionate love

Lily P rin$ (>) married later in lie" man ma*es an a$reement

Lily P +oo* () old +oo*s" e3'ertise" secret aair aair"" !n*non man

Lily P letter (?) old letters" man receives a messa$e" 'rovocative letter 

Lily P man (D) older man" mentor" $randather" to men

Lily P oman (9) older oman" man and a oman" $randmother" mother 

Lily P s!n (51) s!ccess!l man" s!cces s!ccess s comes late in lie" 'ositive se3!al e3'erience

Lily P moon (5) se3!al enco!nter" creati creative ve man

Lily P *ey (55) im'ortant man" mentor" certai certainty nty Lily P ish (5;) amily +!siness" old money


Lily P anchor (5>) thin$s ont chan$e or a hile" inheritance" lon$term 'eace and calm

Lily P cross (5) de'ression" +ad se3

6!n P rider (1) $reat visit is a+o!t to ha''en" $ood nes" s!ccess!l enco!nter 

6!n P clover () $reat l!c*" $am+lin$ s!ccess" $ood timin$

6!n P shi' (5) s!mmer tri'" s!ccess overseas

6!n P ho!se (;) s!ccess at home" 'erect ho!se" hot ho!se (e%$%" air conditionin$ not or*in$)

6!n P tree (>) $ood health" !ll o ener$y

6!n P clo!ds () s!ccess is leetin$" thin$s arent hat they a''ear 

6!n P sna*e (?) s!ccess!l omen" s!ccess +rin$s 'ro+lems

6!n P coin (D) s!ccess!l endin$" tro!+les co!ld occ!r 

6!n P +o!4!et (9) s!ccess and ha''iness

6!n P scythe (10) 'ositive decision" ast endin$" $ood res!lts

6!n P hi' (11) com'etition" se3" de+ate

6!n P +irds (1) $ood conversations" $reat s'eech

6!n P child (15) 'romisin$ start" ener$etic child

6!n P o3 (1;) s!ccess +ased on somethin$ !nconventional" s!ccess +ased on dece'tion" .o+ s!ccess

6!n P +ear (1>) money is on its ay" ort!nate man

6!n P star (1) someone amo!s" honor" achievement achievement"" aard

6!n P stor* (1?) 'ositive chan$e" desired o!tcome

6!n P do$ (1D) s!ccess!l riend" $ood riend

6!n P toer (19) electric com'any" increased 'oer" increased 'rotection

6!n P $arden (0) s!ccess!l event" $ood 'arty


6!n P mo!ntain (1) delayed dela yed s!ccess" volcano

6!n P crossroad () +ranchin$ o!t" e3'andin$" 'leasant al*

6!n P mice (5) loss o ener$y" ati$!e" 'oer o!ta$e

6!n P heart (;) 'assion" si$niicant love

6!n P rin$ (>) $reat relationshi'" si$ned contract is s!ccess!l

6!n P +oo* () s!ccess at school" im'ortant inormation

6!n P letter (?) $ood nes" aard

6!n P man (D) charismatic" s!ccess!l

6!n P oman (9) hi$h ener$y" o!t$oin$" o'timis o'timistic tic

6!n P lily (50) s!ccess comes sloly" s!ccess later in lie

6!n P moon (5) creative s!ccess" $reat romance

6!n P *ey (55) certain s!ccess" yes

6!n P ish (5;) s!ccess!l +!siness" inancial increase

6!n P anchor (5>) $oal is reached" s!ccess leads to stayin$ '!t

6!n P cross (5) s!ccess is a +!rden" s!ccess is destined

Moon P rider (1) romance ith a ne love interest" emotional visitor 

Moon P clover () !ne3'ected ame" $ood ort!ne

Moon P shi' (5) honeymoon" ni$ht cr!ise

Moon P ho!se (;) s!ccess!l amily" c!s c!stom+!ilt tom+!ilt ho!se

Moon P tree (>) emotional health" de'ression

Moon P clo!ds () de'ression" romantic !ncertainty" !ncertain ame

Moon P sna*e (?) emotional oman" emotional dishonesty" creative creative oman" disa''ointment


Moon P coin (D) sadness" mental health" lac* o creativity

Moon P +o!4!et (9) ha''iness" art or*

Moon P scythe (10) emotional decision" se'aration" insta+ility

Moon P hi' (11) (11) to!chy s!+.ect" ar$!ments related to creativity (e3 tem'eramental artist)" conlicted a+o!t s!ccess" ore'lay

Moon P +irds (1) lovers" 'romisin$ disc!ssion

Moon P child (15) ertility" creative child

Moon P o3 (1;) creative .o+" s!ccess!l .o+

Moon P +ear (1>) amo!s +oss" inancially reardin$ 'ro.ect" reco$nition +y mana$ement

Moon P star (1) 'sychic" honor" the ni$ht s*y

Moon P stor* (1?) s!ccess +rin$s chan$e" creativity

Moon P do$ (1D) emotional s!''ort" aections or a riend" s!ccess!l riend

Moon P toer (19) emotional 'rotection" +i$ ame" honored +y the $overnment

Moon P $arden (0) meetin$ at ni$ht" ni$ht lie" 'o'!lar 

Moon P mo!ntain (1) lac* o creativity creativity"" loneliness" no romance

Moon P crossroad () emotional decision" lac* o commitment"  'aths o s!ccess

Moon P mice (5) insec!re" de'ression" insomnia

Moon P heart (;) romance" dee' love/'assion

Moon P rin$ (>) marria$e" creative contract

Moon P +oo* () s!ccess!l +oo*" ni$ht class" icti iction on +oo*

Moon P letter (?) love letter" aard" acce'tanc acce'tance e

Moon P man (D) charmin$ man" emotional man Moon P oman (9) sensitive oman" int!itive oman


Moon P lily (50) romance ith a mat!re man" emotional sec!rity

Moon P s!n (51) chemistry" +i$ s!ccess

Moon P *ey (55) s!ccess is certain" im'ortant 'ro.ect

Moon P ish (5;) s!ccess!l +!siness" creative +!siness" dee' emotional connection

Moon P anchor (5>) lon$term s!ccess" emotional sta+ility

Moon P cross (5) emotional +!rden" challen$in$ creative 'ro.ect

=ey P rider (1) im'ortant messa$e" si$niicant inormation" im'ortant visitor  visitor 

=ey P clover () l!c*" 'ositive times" synchronicity

=ey P shi' (5) s!ccess!l travels" im'ortant +!siness

=ey P ho!se (;) im'ortant amily" amily" literally *ey to a ho!se

=ey P tree (>) needed health im'rovements" s'irit!al matters

=ey P clo!ds () ( ) needed clarity clarity"" intererence

=ey P sna*e (?) im'ortant oman" dan$er" act isely

=ey P coin (D) illness" im'ortant transormation

=ey P +o!4!et (9) +e ha''y" $ood times

=ey P scythe (10) im'ortant decision" +e care!l

=ey P hi' (11) si$niicant conversa conversations" tions" im'ortant actions" im'ortant com'etition

=ey P +irds (1) 'oer co!'le" im'ortant 'hone call

=ey P child (15) s'irit!al child" necessary ne +e$innin$

=ey P o3 (1;) im'ortant .o+" need to +e craty

=ey P +ear (1>) inancial $ain" ta*e char$e

=ey P star (1) s!ccess and res'ect" im'ortant reco$nition


=ey P stor* (1?) necessary chan$e" si$niicant chan$e

=ey P do$ (1D) necessary assistance" im'orta im'ortant nt riend

=ey P toer (19) s!ccess ith a!thorities" im'ortant com'any

=ey P $arden (0) si$niicant netor*" somethin$ +ecomes '!+lic

=ey P mo!ntain (1) necessary delays" s'irit!al retreat

=ey P crossroad () decision needs to +e made

=ey P mice (5) +eare o loss or dama$e" +e vi$ilant

=ey P heart (;) si$niicant love interest" e3'ress yo!r aection

=ey P rin$ (>) necessary commitment commitment"" stay on yo!r 'ath" *ee' yo!r ord

=ey P +oo* () secret is revealed" s'irit!al st!dies =ey P letter (?) re4!ired nes" im'ortant messa$e

=ey P man (D) si$niicant man" de'enda+le man

=ey P oman (9) sae oman" im'ortant oman

=ey P lily (50) remain calm" si$niicant older man

=ey P s!n (51) s!ccess" yo! have hat it ta*es to reach yo!r $oals

=ey P moon (5) 'sychic dreams" s!ccess

=ey P ish (5;) needed money" +e alert

=ey P anchor (5>) im'ortant haven" reachin$ $oals

=ey P cross (5) destiny" sacriice

Fish P rider (1) inancial o''ort!nity" +!siness nes" ne em'loyee

Fish P clover () inancial l!c*" $ood +!siness 'artner 


shi' (5) international +!siness" money rom aar" ishin$ tri'


Fish P ho!se (;) home +!siness" ealthy amily

Fish P tree (>) stron$ +!siness" old money" alco alcoholism holism

Fish P clo!ds () inancial !ncertainty

Fish P sna*e (?) ealthy oman" +!siness 'ro+lems" inancial concerns

Fish P coin (D) han$over" inancial loss" +an*r!'tcy

Fish P +o!4!et (9) inheritance" $it o money

Fish P scythe (10) +!siness decision" layo 

Fish P hi' (11) inancial ar$!ments" +!siness conlict

Fish P +irds (1) +!siness 'artners" inancial disc!ssions" to so!rces o income

Fish P child (15) ne em'loyee" s!+sidiary Fish P o3 (1;) Ncoo*in$ the +oo*sO" +!siness ra!d" em'loyees

Fish P +ear (1>) seaood resta!rant" sta+le inances" a lot o money

Fish P star (1) ell*non +!siness" innovative +!siness" inancial s!ccess

Fish P stor* (1?) ( 1?) +!siness $roth" +!siness e3'ansion" ac4!isition

Fish P do$ (1D) +!siness 'artner" ealthy riend

Fish P toer (19) +an*" a sae" inancial reserves" savin$s

Fish P $arden (0) c!stomers" !ndraisin$

Fish P mo!ntain (1) delayed money" sta$nant +!siness

Fish P crossroad () inancial decision" +!siness decision

Fish P mice (5) +!siness loss" inancial 'ro+lems" red!ctions

Fish P heart (;) love o money/or*" so!lmate connection" $reat love Fish P rin$ (>) marria$e o convenience" +!siness contract" s'irit!al connection


Fish P +oo* () acco!ntin$ +oo*s" !n*non so!rce o income" !n*non +!siness

Fish P letter (?) ishin$ 'ermit" inancial nes" +!siness license

Fish P man (D) Wealthy" +!sines +!sinessman" sman" inde'endent

Fish P oman (9) Materialistic" +!siness oman" ealthy oman

Fish P lily (50) esta+lished +!siness

Fish P s!n (51) inancial s!ccess" +!siness s!ccess

Fish P moon (5) inancial creativity" +!sines +!siness s dream comes tr!e

Fish P *ey (55) inancial s!ccess" im'ortant +!siness

Fish P anchor (5>) esta+lished +!siness" lon$term income

Fish P cross (5) inancial +!rden" diic!lt +!siness" reli$io!s or$ani#ation

 ,nchor P rider (1) someone ne is c comin$" omin$" or*related ne nes s

 ,nchor P clover clover () $ood l!c*" e en.oya+le n.oya+le destinati destination on

 ,nchor P shi' (5) movement" lon lon$ $ voya$e

 ,nchor P ho!se (;) 'lace yo!ll +e livin$ or a hile" renovations are co com'leted m'leted

 ,nchor P tree (>) lon$ and healthy li lie" e" healthrelated or*

 ,nchor P clo!ds () !ncertainty !ncertainty"" insta+i insta+ility lity

 ,nchor P sna*e sna*e (?) +eare" 'ro+lems" emale coor*er 

 ,nchor P coin coin (D) thin$s are $oin$ to chan$e" in insta+ility sta+ility

 ,nchor P +o!4!et (9) cele+ration" .o+ ell ell done

 ,nchor P scythe scythe (10) s!dden cha chan$e" n$e" discontent

 ,nchor P hi' (11) (11) lon$ter lon$term m conlict" 'hysical a+!se

 ,nchor P +irds (1) lie lon$ 'artners" la+orio!s disc!ss disc!ssions ions


 ,nchor P child (15) ne start in llie" ie" childhood

 ,nchor P o3 (1;) 'ro+lems at  or*" or*" lon$term .o+" achievin$ $oals thro!$ thro!$h h c!nnin$ methods

 ,nchor P +ear (1>) lon$term lon$term income" ttr!st r!st !nd" livin$ tr!st

 ,nchor P star (1) s!ccess in reachin$ $oals" $reat achievement

 ,nchor P stor* (1?) career chan$e" li lie e chan$es

 ,nchor P do$ (1D) lon$term lon$term riend" sta+le sta+le riendshi'" co common mmon $oals

 ,nchor P toer (19) old com'any com'any"" ederal $ov $overnment ernment

 ,nchor P $arden (0) en.oyin$ lie" rest rest and rela3ation" ret retirement" irement" or*in$  ith ith '!+lic

 ,nchor P mo!ntain mo!ntain (1) no movement" +i$ o+stacles

 ,nchor P crossroad crossroad () or*related dec decision" ision" decidin$ hat hat to do ater reac reachin$ hin$ ones $oals  ,nchor P mice mice (5) st!c*" stress!l lilie" e" lac* o  or*" or*" red!cin$ e3c e3cesses esses (e3 ov overs'endin$" ers'endin$" drin*in$ too m!ch" etc)

 ,nchor P heart (;) lon$term love" a aith!l" ith!l" loyal" c certain ertain love

 ,nchor P rin$ (>) commitment" lon$term relationshi'

 ,nchor P +oo* () or*related st!dies st!dies"" research

 ,nchor P letter (?) or*related doc! doc!ments" ments" ill

 ,nchor P man (D) (D) aith!l" st sta+le" a+le" hardor*in$

 ,nchor P oman (9) determined" relia+le" mentor 

 ,nchor P lily (50) +oss" co contentment ntentment

 ,nchor P s!n (51) (51) s!ccess at or*" reachin$ ones $oals" island v vacation acation

 ,nchor P moon (5) 'o'!lar or*" stayin$ stayin$ '!t or a mon month" th" or*in$ at ni ni$ht $ht

 ,nchor P *ey (55) s!ccess at or*" certai certainly nly reach ones $oals  ,nchor P ish (5;) ealthy ealthy"" ishi ishin$ n$ +!siness" s sta+le ta+le investment investments s


 ,nchor P cross (5) destined" lon$term +!rden

Cross P rider (1) hel' is on its ay" dest destined ined visitor 

Cross P clover () im'rovements" ho'e

Cross P shi' (5) diic!lt .o!rney" ated tri'

Cross P ho!se (;) ch!rch" mos4!e" tem'le" syna$o$!e" destined ho!se

Cross P tree (>) +ac*ache" health concerns

Cross P clo!ds () $!ilt" de'ression

Cross P sna*e (?) lac* o control" +!rdened oman

Cross P coin (D) $rie" de'ression" s'irit!al transormation

Cross P +o!4!et (9) im'rovement" relie" desired/ha''y destiny

Cross P scythe (10) accident" s!dden 'ain

Cross P hi' (11) 'hysic 'hysical al a+!se" !navoida+le conlict

Cross P +irds (1) hard conversations" co!nsel co!nselin$ in$

Cross P child (15) s'irit!al child" 'ain!l child +irth" +a'tism

Cross P o3 (1;) diic!lt .o+" addiction

Cross P +ear (1>) 'oer!l ally" inanci inancial al +!rden" inancial donation

Cross P star (1) 'rayer" ate

Cross P stor* (1?) im'rovement" destined chan$e

Cross P do$ (1D) co!nselor" hel' rom a riend

Cross P toer (19) reli$io!s/s'irit!a r eli$io!s/s'irit!all center" le$al +!rdens" 'ro+lems ith the $overnment

Cross P $arden (0) s!''ort netor*" cemetery cemetery"" ated meetin$

Cross P mo!ntain (1) loneliness" s!icidal tho!$hts


Cross P crossroad () diic!lt decision" 'ain!l 'artin$

Cross P mice (5) de'ression" emotional +rea*don" s!icidal tho!$hts

Cross P heart (;) heartache" destined love

Cross P rin$ (>) diic!lt commit commitment" ment" 'ain!l relationshi'" remorse

Cross P +oo* () reli$io!s doc!ments" 8i+le" =oran" tro!+le *ee'in$ a secret

Cross P letter (?) diic!lt nes" +ad nes" ne s" destined messa$e

Cross P man (D) reli$io!s r eli$io!s man" $!ilty" de'ress de'ressed ed

Cross P oman (9) s'irit!al oman" in 'ain" tired

Cross P lily (50) se3!al dys!nction" 'ains associated ith old a$e

Cross P s!n (51) destined s!ccess" relie  Cross P moon (5) selsacriice selsacriice"" ated reco$nition

Cross P *ey (55) destiny

Cross P ish (5;) charity" non'roit or$ani#ation" s'irit!al/reli$io!s +!siness" inancial +!rdens

Cross P anchor (5>) challen$in$ or*" re$ret" destined or*

The First Type of Reading The First ty'e o readin$ is hat & call a strin$% This is here yo! lay o!t the cards rom let to ri$ht in one line% These strin$s are !s!ally !sed to anser one 4!estion" and are ty'ically com'osed o 5> cards in a s'read% &t isnt !nheard o to have more cards" +!t $enerally 'eo'le stic* to 5 or >%

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