Legends of the Expanse (8-25-15).pdf

April 30, 2017 | Author: christopher1007 | Category: N/A
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Legends of the Expanse

Ascendant Characters of the Koronus Expanse

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction Chapter 1: New Career Paths Adepta Sororitas Arbitrator Assassin Chapter 2: Expanded Core Career Paths Rogue Trader Arch Militant Astropath Transcendent Explorator Missionary Navigator Seneschal Void Master Optional Advances Chapter 3: Expanded Xenos Careers Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior Dark Eldar Wych Kroot Mercenary Ork Freebooter Ork Weirdboy Tau Fire Warrior


3 4 5 13 21 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 47 48 50 52 54 56 58

Chapter 4: New Talents Chapter 5: Expanded Armory Weapon Qualities Melee Weapons Ranged Weapons Armour Shields Gear and Tools Ammunition Upgrades Cybernetics Compiled Armory Tables Chapter 6: Expanded Vehicles New Vehicles Vehicle Rarity/Weapon Stats New Vehicle Weapons Vehicle Character Sheet

60 76 76 76 78 81 86 87 91 92 95 98 100 101 126 127 131

A Note From the Author


This guide is meant to provide additional ranks for the Rogue Trader system, bringing it's Experience Totals up to equal those presented in the Dark Heresy: Ascension Rules Supplement and the Deathwatch Core Rulebook. This supplement provides three new Ranks for each Career Path presented in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. These ranks follow the normal rules for Rank progression as detailed in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. They may also be replaced by Alternate Ranks as detailed in Into the Storm and other Rogue Trader Supplements. There are also several new talents and abilities available as characters progress into this level of expertise and ability, which are all detailed in the New Talents section. These talents are all based off existing talents present in other lines, and inherent abilities presented at the end of the Career Paths section of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. The intent is to provide special abilities to every character at this power level, but not to cause power levels to become too divergent.

Remember to check the New Talents section for clarification of any talents that are not presented in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, and apply the benefits described to the character. In addition to the new Talents, also included for purchase is new Equipment. Included in the New Gear section, you will find a series of new weapons and a substantial number of new Weapon Upgrades. These new upgrades provide an unparalleled new level of customization to the Rogue Trader Experience, and allow for increased versatility with many Ranged weapons. Chapter 6 provides statistics for new vehicles which requires the vehicle rules from Into the Storm to fully utilize. I hope you enjoy the Expanded Career Paths, Additional Characteristics, and new options present in the Legends of the Expanse Supplement!

The three new Expanded Ranks utilize the following experience levels: Rank 9: 35,000-39,999 Rank 10: 40,000-44,999 Rank 11: 45,000-49,999 These Expanded Ranks function identically to the ranks described in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, and function in exactly the same manner. Upgrades are purchased from the given rank or a previous one until the requisite amount of experience has been spent to reach the next rank. Also provided are two Additional Characteristic Advances. These Additional Characteristic Advances each provide an additional +5 to attributes, and are purchased in the same fashion as regular characteristics as detailed in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. These new ranks may, at the player's option, be swapped out for alternate ranks provided in Into the Storm and other Rogue Trader Supplements, following the standard rules for Alternate Ranks.




Chapter 1: New Career Paths

New Careers

Included in this supplement are three new Career Paths for players to choose. They include the Adepta Sororitas, a member of a holy organization committed to protecting the material plane from Daemonic incursion and rooting out heretical influence, the Arbitrator, a law enforcer who attempts to impose order on the chaos of Imperial society and bring the justice of the law to those who might otherwise escape it, and the Assassin, a highly skilled warrior who is trained in eliminating high value targets, who may or may not be involved with a death cult or assassin temple. To use these Career Paths, simply follow the instructions for Character Creation listed on page 13 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook,


making sure to follow all the instructions. If other supplements are available, you may also use the Expanded Origin Path presented in the Into the Storm supplement, though it is not required for play. The Special Ability for each new rank is detailed in each Rank's starting statistics section. These new Career Paths function in the same manner as those presented in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook and advance by progressing through the ranks detailed on page 38 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. They also make use of the Expanded Ranks presented in this supplement on page 3. I hope you enjoy these new additions to the Legends of the Expanse Supplement!

Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from the Inquisitor's Handbook from the Dark Heresy RPG.

To be a sister of the Adepta Sororitas in the coreward worlds is to have a holy and divinely ordained calling to do the Emperor’s will, to lead the faithful by example and to punish and destroy the heretic wherever and whenever it is found. The Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas (or the Daughters of the Emperor to give them their archaic title), are a powerful and largely independent collection of religious orders that form the militant wing of the Imperial Ecclesiarchy, protecting its domains, enforcing its will, destroying its enemies and defending the faithful. Each member of this allfemale sisterhood is sworn to the Imperial Creed, relentlessly trained to excel and is utterly devoted to her Order, her work and the Imperial faith. The Sororitas is formed into two divisions: the great Convent Prioris on Terra and the Convent Sanctorum of the shrine world of Ophelia IV. The Sororitas is further subdivided into several component Orders. The principle task of the Orders Militant or Sisters of Battle

is to persecute the Ecclesiarchy’s wars of faith and serve as a fighting arm of Ordo Hereticus. Members of the Orders Famulous specialise as councillors, diplomats, teachers and investigators. The Orders Dialogous serves in translating and understanding ancient, xenos or heretical texts, ciphers and history. Finally, the Orders Hospitaller provides skilled surgeons and physicians to the Imperial military. Regardless of her Order, each Sororitas sister is a highly trained and adaptable agent of the God-Emperor. Each is willing to lay down their lives for Creed and mankind: strong of will and firm of purpose. They are also armed with one of the greatest of weapons in humanity’s arsenal —faith. The power of the purity, will and faith of an Adepta Sororitas sister is a tangible and real thing, capable of shielding her from the psyker’s power or the Daemon’s wrath and enabling her to perform deeds that are nothing short of miraculous. A Sororitas sister’s faith manifests as a series of specialised Talents that allow the character to use her Fate Points in unique ways to achieve extraordinary effects.


Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas Career Path

Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is fan written. Feel free to use or disregard as needed.

Adepta Sororitas

To be a member of the Adepta Sororitias on the fringes of the galaxy is somewhat different. While some Adepta Sororitas in the Koronus Expanse can follow the traditional mentality of their order, many have adopted what would be considered by their contemporaries to be heretical beliefs. Amongst the wilds of the Expanse there are many different methods of following the word of the Emperor, and many different interpretations that are permitted. It is these varying beliefs that have caused the members of the Sororitas to have a much different outlook than their coreward counterparts. With so many Rogue Traders and so much interaction with the various Xenos of the galaxy, their fervor in that regard has been tempered. The primary goal of the Sororitas in the Expanse is to guard against Daemonic incursion from all sides, as the passage to the Expanse still skirts the boundaries of two warp storms. The ever present danger of such Incursions may also have played a part in the more liberal views of the Sororitas of the Expanse. This is what drives many to join and travel with the Rogue Traders of the Expanse. By traversing the void they find more loyal allies to bolster their numbers and can find powerful


artifacts to defend the material plane against the unknowable. Rogue Traders find the Sororitas to be steadfast and loyal allies with incredible skills in situations social and martial, making an excellent addition to their crew. Adepta Sororitas Characters begin play with the following Skills, Talents, Gear, and Special Ability: Starting Skills: Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed), Forbidden Lore (Heresy), Literacy, Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic), Starting Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Pure Faith, Unshakeable Faith Starting Gear: Good Craftsmanship Hellgun or Common Craftsmanship Boltgun, Good Craftsmanship Hellpistol or Common Craftsmanship Bolt Pistol, Best Craftsmanship Pneumoshock (Mono) Maul or Common Craftsmanship Power Maul, Micro Bead, Void Suit, Chaplet Ecclesiasticus (Charm), Rebreather, Lamp Pack, Enforcer Light Carapace Special Ability: Pure Faith: the Adepta Sororitas begins play with the Pure Faith Talent (See page 104 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook for more details).


Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas



Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas



Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas


Arbitrator Career Path In the coreward systems, there is a need for justice. Throughout the millions of worlds of the Imperium, crime is rife. Not just the petty crimes of individuals for personal gain, but organised crime on a scale never even considered in humanity’s past. Entire subsectors and planets have been in the thrall of illegal cartels and criminal organisations. There are even wayward planetary governors who shun the Imperium and treat the dominion as their own paltry fiefdom, claiming the planet’s natural resources, labour and riches for their own. In these dire situations it falls to the Adeptus Arbites to defend the Imperium’s rights and prevent whole sub-sectors going rogue for generations, or even permanently. The Adeptus Arbites is not a galactic police force; it has little interest in petty crimes such as theft, murder or tax evasion, for these fall under the responsibility of the local planetary forces. The Adeptus Arbites is there to keep order on a far greater scale, to root out corruption, maintain the Imperial tithe and to guard against witchery. From the Adeptus Arbites come the fearsome Arbitrators. Also known as Judges, these men and women are stoic in their duty and unquestionably loyal to the Imperium. Rogue Traders often go to the Adeptes Arbites when in need of a trustworthy ally, trained to think on their feet, combat-hardened and beyond reproach in their faith. Arbitrators are infamous for their prodigious stamina and zeal, and their ability to survive all manner of wounds and punishment in the quest to catch their quarry. Arbitrators are resolute and fearless. They demand utter obedience from the citizens they come into contact with. Where civil unrest and crime threaten the stability of a world, the Arbitrators are in the field: unflinching, ordering the local enforcers, and hunting down the rabble-rousers, to restore law and order. The means used can be different depending on their mentors, what Schola Progenium the individual attended and other such factors. Regardless of their origins, all members of the Adeptes Arbites have the same goal and responsibility— to uphold the Emperor’s justice. The Judges’ methods are varied, not unlike the way Rogue Traders go about their duties.

While the Emperor's Justice might be more spelled out in the more civilized sectors of the galaxy, the Arbitrator's responsibilities in the Koronus Expanse are incredibly difficult ones. The law of the land is, in many cases, that of the Rogue Trader who has been given one of the highest Imperial decrees to settle worlds, explore the unknown, and speak with the voice of the Emperor. It is for this reason that many Arbitrators join Rogue Traders on their excursions throughout the Expanse, as the Rogue Trader is the greatest authority in the region. Many Rogue Traders are simply happy for the additional layer of legitimacy that an Arbitrator can bring to their dealings. Those Rogue Traders who uphold the duties of their writ tend to forge strong alliances with the Arbites forces in the Expanse.



Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from the Source Disclaimer: Lore beyond this point is fan written, feel Dark Heresy Core Rulebook, but with references to the free to use or disregard as needed. Inquisition replaced with Rogue Traders.


Conversely, some Arbitrators join up with Rogue Trader crews to expose corruption and failure to uphold their warrant's duties. These arbitrators collect evidence and ready themselves to begin a long uphill battle to bring down a supremely powerful individual. Still more Arbitrators have come to the understanding that the Emperor's Justice is not as cut and dry on the edges of the galaxy as it is in the coreward worlds. With a multitude of dangers and the relatively weak Imperial presence within the Expanse, they have come to the belief that there is a certain practicality that must be considered when dispensing Justice, and that there are more shades of gray than many others in the Arbites would refuse to admit exist. Whatever their disposition, the presence of an Arbitrator on a Rogue Trader's crew can provide an incredible asset with their skills, knowledge, and experiences.

Arbitrators begin play with the following Skills, Talents, Gear, and Special Ability: Starting Skills: Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites, Imperium), Interrogation, Inquiry, Literacy, Scrutiny, Scholastic Lore (Judgement), Speak Language (Low Gothic) Starting Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Pistol Weapon Training (Universal) Starting Gear: Best Craftsmanship Ius Automatic or Common Craftsmanship Raffir Ringleader Pistol, Best Quality Shotgun or Common Craftsmanship Vox Legi-Pattern Arbites Combat Shotgun, Common Craftsmanship Power Maul, Micro-Bead, Void Suit, Rebreather, Lamp Pack, Manacles, Enforcer Light Carapace Special Ability: Bulwark Mastery: The ranks of the Adeptus Arbites often call for the use and mastery of defensive formations. When using a large shield that normally grants protection to an arm and body the Arbitrator applies that armour bonus to all locations.














Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook with references to the Inquisition replaced with Rogue Traders.

In the Imperium assassination is a valued tool and it is used by all, from the agencies of the Adepta down to petty crime lords of the underhives—a professional killer is always in demand. Such individuals can range from freelancers, who are self-taught, to members of Assassin Orders and Guilds. Assassins come in all shapes and guises, and it is often the person a potential target least expects that is their killer. These can range from unsubtle brutes, who will crush every bone in the target’s body, to mundane-looking everymen who practice the use of potions and poisons, and are able to slip a deadly concoction into the unsuspecting target’s next meal. There are many Orders, Guilds and Death Cults that thrive in the Imperium. Though there will be an element of penitence to the Emperor, in the duties they perform the Orders are either a functioning off-shoot of some monolithic Adepta or may even have a commercial interest, so some sort funding or tithe would be required to gain their services. Unbeknownst to even the aspirants that belong to these semilegal organizations and cults most, if not all, are fronts for the Assassin Temples that form the highly secretive Officio Assassinorum, for this is where the Temple Masters recruit and induct the most promising individuals. The Assassins of such Orders are highly trained killers capable of feats far and above that of mere humans. Whether a Death Cultist or member of an Assassin Order, they are experts in exotic weaponry but they also have intimate knowledge of other lethal crafts, such as the use of poisons and the creation of fatal booby traps. The methods, demeanour, and personality of an Assassin can vary as much as there are ways to kill, though this will be heavily influenced by the teachings and training, be it from a Death Cult or Order. If an Assassin survives long enough into his career and his superiors deem him worthy, he

will be unknowingly tested. The trials are likely extremely lethal, and so those who are found lacking are unlikely to survive. The few who do successfully make it through the trials become initiates in one of the Assassin Temples, although the Assassin is unaware of this even at this stage, such is the secrecy surrounding the Officio Assassinorum. Source Disclaimer: Lore beyond this point is fan written feel free to use or disregard as needed.

Assassins in the Koronus Expanse are a unique entity in that there is no known central organization of them in the sector. Perhaps they are simply that much better hidden, but perhaps those that journey to the Expanse are looking for a freedom that the coreward worlds cannot offer. Whatever the motivation, Assassins are a tool highly prized by any who have the means to compensate them for their services, especially Rogue Traders.



Assassin Career Path


Understanding the value of the elimination of key targets, the Rogue Traders of the Expanse and those Assassins who work within it have a known relationship. Whether it be to remove a rival who has been causing problems for the dynasty, a pesky government official preventing trade routes, or a dangerous Xeno leader causing problems, the Rogue Traders are always willing to pay highly for the services of a trained killer. Those Assassins who work with Rogue Traders often accompany them for extended contracts. After all, one enormous payday can be good, but a lifetime of payments can be priceless. There are those who are trained in the arts of assassins who have no connection to the Assassin Temples or the Death Cults at all as well, such is the nature of the varied talents in the Expanse. These individuals still possess incredible skills, and are often even more sought after as there is no connection to the temples that might cause problems for the employer in the future.


Assassins begin play with the following Skills, Talents, Gear, and Special Ability: Starting Skills: Awareness, Concealment, Dodge, Shadowing, Silent Move, Speak Language (Low Gothic), Tracking Starting Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Pistol Weapon Training (Universal) Starting Gear: Best Craftsmanship Long-Las or Common Craftsmanship Triplex-Pattern Lasgun, Best Craftsmanship Las Pistol or Common Craftsmanship Bolt Pistol, Best Craftsmanship Mono-Sword or Common Craftsmanship Power Sword, Chameleoline Cloak, Grapnel, Micro Bead, Stummer, Void Suit, Synskin Special Ability: Deliverer of Death: The Assassin has trained extensively in the art of the demise of others. Choose one group of weapons. The Assassin gains +3 Initiative and +3 Damage when wielding weapons of the chosen type.













This section contains the Expanded Career Paths for all of the Careers presented in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. Within each rank there are a multitude of new talents and abilities, as well as some imported from some of the other Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay lines. For details on the new talents check Chapter 4: New Talents on page 60.

In addition to a series of universal talents, each Career Path has also been given a series of unique talents that further develop the abilities of each individual class. These new talents are designed to showcase the strengths of each individual career path and give them abilities more in line with the higher levels of play in Dark Heresy: Ascension and Deathwatch.


Expanded Careers

Chapter 2: Expanded Core Career Paths

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader Expanded Career Path



Rogue Trader


Arch-Militant Expanded Career Path




Astropath Transcendent

Astropath Transcendent Expanded Career Path



Astropath Transcendent


Explorator Expanded Career Path





Missionary Expanded Career Path




Navigator Expanded Career Path

Navigator 40




Seneschal Expanded Career Path




Void Master

Void Master Expanded Career Path



Void Master

Optional Advances

Optional Advances

As is sometimes the case when integrating a cross-systems game utilizing Dark Heresy (1st Edition), Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch, the Rogue Trader Career Paths in the Core Rulebook are almost always overlooked. Generally people will opt to play the Space Marines with their incredible abilities and Unnatural Attribute modifiers, or play a Guardsman, Assassin, or Magos and obtain the same modifiers in Dark Heresy Ascension. With that in mind, the following additional advances have been provided as a way to bring up the Rogue Trader Career Paths to match the power level of those classes. WARNING: GMs, utilizing these advances may seriously unbalance your game if you are unprepared for it. Unnatural modifiers make your players significantly more powerful. If you are not doing a cross-systems game, it may be better to not allow these advances. Players, you MUST check with your GM to see if these advances are allowed before purchasing any of them. They are not inherently part of the Expanded Career Paths, and as such the GM has final say in what is an is not allowed in their game.

Adepta Sororitas Optional Advances Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Strength (x2) 1000 Rank 11: Unnatural Willpower (x2) 3000 Arbitrator Optional Advances: Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Strength (x2) 2000 Rank 11: Unnatural Intelligence (x2) 1000 Assassin Optional Advances Rank 9: Unnatural Agility (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 11: Unnatural Strength (x2) 2000 Rogue Trader Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Strength (x2) 2000 Rank 11: Unnatural Fellowship (x2) 1000 Arch-Militant Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) Rank 10: Unnatural Strength (x2) Rank 11: Unnatural Agility (x2)

2000 2000 2000

Astropath Transcendent Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Perception (x2) 1000 Rank 11: Unnatural Willpower (x2) 3000 Explorator Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Strength (x2) 2000 Rank 11: Unnatural Intelligence (x2) 1000 Missionary Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Strength (x2) 2000 Rank 11: Unnatural Willpower (x2) 3000 Navigator Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Perception (x2) 1000 Rank 11: Unnatural Willpower (x2) 3000 Seneschal Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Fellowship (x2) 1000 Rank 11: Unnatural Agility (x2) 2000


Void-Master Rank 9: Unnatural Toughness (x2) 2000 Rank 10: Unnatural Agility (x2) 2000 Rank 11: Unnatural Speed (x2) 1000

This chapter was a desire of many who were interested in the first version of Legends of the Expanse, and has finally come to fruition. This section of the guide provides Expanded Career Paths for each of the official Fantasy Flight Games Xenos Career Paths, including the Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior, Dark Eldar Wych, Kroot Mercenary, Ork Freebooter, Ork Weirdboy, and Tau Fire Warrior. These Career Paths function in the same manner as their human equivalents and are intended to bring the Xenos Career Paths up to the same experience level presented in Dark Heresy Ascension and Deathwatch. The new talents for this section are presented in the “New Talents” section on page 60 alongside the universal talents also presented in these Paths.

Always remember to first check with your GM before playing a Xenos character, as it is best to make sure that they will fit in with the party you are playing with. Just because the rules are presented here as an option does not mean that every GM allows Xenos characters, and it does not mean that they will be appropriate for every game. One difference between this section and the last is that there are not optional rules for Unnatural Characteristic Advances for these Career Paths, as the majority of them get them inherently or have gear and special abilities that grant sufficient equivalents already. I hope that you all enjoy this robust and long requested addition to the Legends of the Expanse supplement!


Xenos Careers

Chapter 3: Expanded Xenos Careers

Kabalite Warrior

Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior Expanded Career Path



Kabalite Warrior

Wych Expanded Career Path

Wych 50



Kroot Mercenary

Kroot Mercenary Expanded Career Path



Kroot Mercenary

Ork Freebooter

Ork Freebooter Expanded Career Path



Ork Freebooter

Ork Weirdboy

Ork Weirdboy Expanded Career Path



Ork Weirdboy

Fire Warrior

Fire Warrior Expanded Career Path



Fire Warrior

Chapter 4: New Talents

New Talents

This sections pertains to a host of new Talents for players to purchase and the rules of how they function. These talents are partly scavenged from other Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay lines, but mostly have been custom created for this supplement. These new custom Talents represent the specialization of each of the Career Paths as they become incredibly powerful examples of those of their station.


Included in this sections are more ubiquitous talents available to multiple Career Paths as well as a bevy of them only available to certain Career Paths, designed to further their starting abilities and those developed over the course of the 8 Ranks prior to reaching this supplement. Hopefully these new Talents accurately reflect power levels equal to Ascension and Dark Heresy, I hope you enjoy using these new rules in your game!

removing a target. The Assassin gains an additional reaction per round equal to the number in parentheses. This reaction is in addition to the standard reaction per round, Step Aside, and Wall of Steel and can be used to either Parry or Dodge.

Accrue Pain Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Siphon Pain The Dark Eldar's need for suffering grows and they grasp further and further afield to sate their vile hunger. The Dark Eldar adds five times the first digit of their corruption points in meters to the range at which they can gain pain tokens.

Astounding Leader Prerequisites: Rogue Trader The Rogue Trader has learned how to direct an astounding number of subordinates in a coherent and productive manner, a feat not to be taken lightly. The Rogue Trader may now use the Exceptional Leader Special Ability a number of times per round equal to one-half their unmodified Fellowship Bonus.

All O Da Dakka Prerequisites: Ork, Exotic Weapon Training (Any Ork) x5 The Ork has practiced with the many practical and impractical weapons in the Ork arsenal, and has learned the intricacies of their operation. The Ork is considered to be proficient with all Ork Weapons.

Adaptable Assault Prerequisites: Tau The Tau has learned how to drill and teach the operation of weapons to their fellows with such reliable results that they can rapidly instruct those who have no experience in operating with them. As a full round action the Tau may spend a Fate Point to confer the Fire Caste Weapon Training Talent to a number of allies (including themselves) equal to their fellowship bonus for the duration of the encounter. If the character already has the Fire Caste Weapon Training Talent they instead gain a +5 bonus to all tests to utilize those weapons. Additional Pilot Mastery (x3) Prerequisites: Void Master This talent may be taken up to three times. Each time it is taken, the Void Master selects an additional Mastery aspect from the Void-Master Special Ability list located on page 72 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. Additional Reaction (X) Prerequisites: Assassin, Additional Reaction (X-1) The Assassin has perfected their skill in avoiding dangers to complete the goal of


New Talents

A Leaf on the Wind Prerequisites: Drive (Ground Vehicle) +20, Drive (Skimmer/Hover) +20, Drive (Walker) +20, Pilot (Aeronautica) +20, Pilot (Personal) +20, Pilot (Spacecraft) +20 Countless hours of practice have honed a truly remarkable skill with vehicle operations. The Void Master now adds an additional +10 to all Drive and Pilot checks, and is considered to be Trained at Master Level (+20) with all Drive and Pilot Skills. This means that the Void Master now treats all Pilot and Drive Skills as though they are at +30 before any other modifiers. They may also now re-roll any failed Pilot (Personal) tests.

New Talents

Armour Monger Prerequisites: Intelligence 35, Tech-Use, Trade (Armourer) The finest armours and most powerful shields are all products of the followers of the machine god, based on the fabled and ancient designs of man’s glorious past. With years of training, the Explorer can learn to enhance these protections, or use them in their optimum fashion. The Explorer increases the Armour Points of any armour he wears by 2 on all locations it would normally cover as long as he has at least an hour each day to bless and prepare the armour. This bonus applies only to armour worn by the Explorer. Aura of Faith Prerequisites: Missionary Daemonic entities reel from the Missionary, their daemonic powers cleansed in their presence. Any Daemon within a radius equal to the Missionary's Willpower Bonus in meters suffers 1d5 damage if it fails a Warp Instability Test plus an additional 1d5 damage per degree of failure. This damage is not affected by armour or Toughness Bonus. Biggest 'n Baddest Prerequisites: Ork, Da 'Ardest Eva The Ork has become even tougher and more resilient than almost any other creature in the galaxy. The Ork subtracts their unmodified

toughness bonus from the critical effects table. This in effect gives them an additional number of levels of critical damage equal to their unmodified Toughness bonus. Ex: An Ork with an Unmodified Toughness Bonus of 7 would move the effects of a -1 Critical Effect to a -8 Critical Effect, and a -10 Critical Effect to a -17. The additional critical levels granted to not have any penalties associated with them. Blade Dancer Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) The character has mastered the difficult ability to wield a blade or other melee weapon in either hand, making expert simultaneous attacks as they weave a deadly pattern of steel. When armed with two single-handed melee weapons with the Balanced Quality, the character reduces the penalties for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to +0. Blessed Bolt Weapons Prerequisite: Adepta Sororitas The Adepta Sororitas has become so proficient with the often preferred Bolt Weapons of the order that they have begun to ring with the blessings of the Emperor. The character now adds their unmodified Willpower Bonus to the Damage and Pen of all Bolt Weapons. Blessed Bolts Prerequisites: Bolt Weapon Training (Any) The Explorer's faith in both the GodEmperor of Mankind and his trusted weapon causes Psybolt ammunition to burn even brighter. The Explorer is treated as having a Psy Rating of 3 when using weapons loaded with Psybolt Ammunition. Bulwark Mastery Prerequisites: Arbitrator The Arbitrator has become so skilled in the art of protecting themselves with their shield that they can use even smaller variants of shield to the same effect as large. The Arbitrator now adds the AP provided by a shield to all locations regardless of what size the shield may be.


Cold Hearted Prerequisites: None Either chemical and surgical treatments or sheer will has rendered the character immune to most mundane temptations. Seduction attempts against him automatically fail and Charm Tests increase their Difficulty by one level. Taking this Talent causes one Insanity Point. If the Explorer possesses the Chem Geld talent, they instead gain the benefits of the difficulty increase to any skill with the Interaction descriptor, not just charm.

Da 'Ardest Eva Prerequisites: Ork, 'Ard, Dead 'Ard, Too 'Ard to Care The Ork's resilience has become legendary even amongst their own kind and they are able to stand until completely decimated. The Ork also becomes immune to the effects of Critical Hits that do not cause death. While tougher than most creatures in the galaxy they still fall to critical effects that cause death. Da Orkier Da Originz... Prerequisites: Ork The Ork has embraced their origins, be they the Klan or their Know Wotz. They gain the Peer and Good Reputation Talents for their Klan, and treat the skills they gained from the Klan and Know Wotz are treated as being at Trained (+20).

Commerce Savant Prerequisites: Seneschal The Seneschal now adds an additional bonus degrees of success on any successful Commerce, Inquiry, or Evaluate test. This stacks with the Seeker of Lore ability for a total of two bonus degrees of success to these skills. Common Lore Mastery Prerequisites: Seneschal, Common Lore (Any 3) +20, Total Recall The Seneschal is treated as though they have all Common Lore Skills at the Mastered (+20) level. Constant Training Prerequisites: Tau The Tau has learned how to best direct the skills of their team. As a full round action the Tau may spend a Fate Point to confer the benefits of any Tau Talent to a number of allies equal to their Fellowship Bonus for the duration of the encounter. Crime Scene Investigator Prerequisites: Arbitrator, Any Investigation Skill +20 (x5) The Arbitrator has witnessed so many crime scenes that they begin to quickly identify important elements of any scene. The Arbitrator may make an Intelligence Test in place of any skill Test with the Investigation skill descriptor.


New Talents

Burning Light of the Astronomican Prerequisites: Navigator The Navigator has become incredibly adept at locating the Astronomicon, and gains a +20 to all tests to Locate the Astronomicon (See page 184 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook.)

New Talents

Dark Eldar Weapon Mastery Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Exotic Weapon Training (Any Dark Eldar) x5 The Dark Eldar has trained with such a wide variety of exotic Dar Eldar weapons that they have learned the fundamentals of their operation. The Dark Eldar is considered proficient with all Dark Eldar Weapons. Deadly Beak Prerequisites: Kroot The Kroot has spent much time perfecting the assault with their naturally sharp beak, and has honed it to deadly effect. They now treats their beak as an Improved Natural Weapon with the following profile: 1d10+SB, Pen 2 Death Dealer Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 45, Ballistic Skill 45 The Explorer can place his hits where they inflict maximum harm, such as gaps or joints in armour. When the character’s attack in that combat type inflicts Critical damage, he adds his unmodified Perception bonus to the damage result.

Deflect Shot Prerequisites: Agility 50 The character’s weapons move with such speed that they can deflect thrown weapons and shots fired from primitive weapons. When the character is armed with a readied melee weapon, they add their Weapon Skill Bonus to their Armour Points on all locations (even unarmoured locations) when calculating Damage from hits from ranged weapons with the Primitive Special Quality or Thrown weapons. This bonus armor does not apply to Blast weapons. Deny the Witch Prerequisites: Willpower 35 The Explorer draws on his faith and mental fortitude to act as his shield against those tainted by the Warp. The character may use his Willpower characteristic when making an Evasion Reaction against ranged or melee attacks against him made with psychic powers. When successfully evading an attack with an area of effect, the character does not move but instead is simply unaffected by the psychic power. Devastating Weapon Mastery Prerequisites: Arch-Militant The Arch Militant's mastery of their chosen weapons becomes so devastating that few can stand in their way. The Arch Militant now adds an additional +10 to hit, +2 to damage, and +2 initiative when wielding any weapon with which they have the Weapon Master Special Ability. These benefits stack with those provided by Weapon Master. Distant Pain Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Accrue Pain The Dark Eldar's need for suffering grows and they grasp still further afield to sate their vile hunger. The Dark Eldar adds ten times the first digit of their corruption points in meters to the range at which they can get pain tokens.


Embracing the Order Prerequisites: Adepta Sororitas, Skill from related descriptor group +20 (x4) While there are many orders within the Adepta Sororitas, there are those who embody the skills that their order traditionally follows. When taking this talent, choose one skill descriptor (Crafting, Exploration, Interaction, Investigation, Movement, or Operator). The Sororitas gains a +10 bonus to all skills from the group of their choice, reflecting their superior training and use of these skills. Emperor's Blessing Prerequisites: Adepta Sororitas, Pure Faith, Tests of Faith (1) Only those Adepta Sororitas who have learned to channel the true power of that which protects humanity ever receive this potent blessing. Once per session, the Sororitas may treat a Faith Talent that has been activated by spending a Fate Point as though it were spent by Burning a Fate Point, with all the benefits that entails.

Encompassing Hatred Prerequisites: Adepta Sororitas, Hatred (Any) (x3) Bringing down their wrath so strongly on some enemies has led them to understand all available means of dealing with a particular group of foes. The character now adds the bonus from hatred to all tests versus the foe of their choice, including Ballistic Skill and Skill Tests involving these foes, representing an all encompassing knowledge of how best to deal with them. This bonus also applies to allies if using the Litany of Hate talent. Eye of Vengeance Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 50 The character can focus their intent on where it is likely to do most damage to their enemy and then strike them down with a single shot. Before making a ranged Standard Attack Action, the character may spend a Fate Point. If he does so, his attack deals +X Damage and gains +X Pen, where X equals the number of Degrees of Success scored on the attack roll. Exotic Weapon Mastery Prerequisites: Arch-Militant, Exotic Weapon Training (Any) (x4) Having become familiar with the various Exotic weapons of the Koronus Expanse, the Arch Militant is now treated as proficient in all Exotic Weaponry, and can use it without penalty. Firing Solutions Prerequisites: Arch-Militant The Arch-Militant has become incredibly adept at the art of precision fire and instructing others in their use. The Arch-Militant may reroll any failed Ballistic Skill Test once per round, or may grant any other Explorer a re-roll on a Ballistic Skill Test once per round. Flame Weapon Expert Prerequisites: Missionary, Flame Weapon Training (Universal) When wielding a Flame Weapon, the character knows exactly when to release the trigger to avoid jamming the weapon or when to push its functions in the glorious name of the God-Emperor. A Missionary with this talent may treat all Flame weapons as reliable and gain the Proven (4) Quality.


New Talents

Drill Instruction Prerequisites: Arch-Militant The Arch-Militant bellows instructions about the use of weaponry to those around him, giving a crash course in their use. The character chooses a single weapon training skill that he has and makes a Challenging (+0) Command Test. If successful, anyone under his command or who chooses to obey (including other Explorers) are treated as if they too have that weapon training talent until the end of the encounter or until this talent is used again.

New Talents

Flames of Faith Prerequisites: Missionary, Flame Weapon Training (Universal) The Explorer's faith in both the GodEmperor of Mankind and his trusted weapon causes Psyflame ammunition to burn even brighter. The Explorer is treated as having a Psy Rating of 3 when using weapons loaded with Psyflame Ammunition. Forbidden Lore Mastery Prerequisites: Seneschal, Forbidden Lore (Any 3) +20, Total Recall The Seneschal is treated as though they have all Forbidden Lore Skills at the Mastered (+20) level. Furious Litanies Prerequisite: Missionary By inscribing powerful litanies and prayers onto weapons, the Missionary can instill the fervor of the Emperor into the weapons of their allies. The Missionary may grant the Sanctified trait to a number of weapons equal to their Willpower Bonus. Sanctified weapons ignore the toughness bonus granted by the Daemonic trait. If the weapon already possesses the Sanctified Trait or is treated as having it, the weapon instead gains the Felling quality against any creature with the Daemonic trait. This lasts for one day or until the Missionary grants the benefit to a different weapon. Hammer Blow Prerequisites: Crushing Blow The character strikes a single blow with such focus and force that it breaks armour and pulps flesh as it strikes. When the character uses an All Out Attack manoeuvre to make a single melee attack, they may add half their Strength Bonus to the weapon’s Armour Penetration. The attack also counts as having the Concussive Special Quality to represent the shocking force of the blow’s impact. Holy Purging Prerequisites: Missionary, Flame Weapon Training (Universal) When wielding a Flame Weapon, the character knows how to infuse the very spirit of their faith into cleansing fire. Any Flame Weapon wielded by the Missionary gains additional Damage and Pen equal to the


Missionary's Willpower Bonus, and treats all Flame Weapons as though they were Sanctified. Sanctified weapons ignore toughness bonus granted by the Daemonic trait. Intellectualization Prerequisites: Arbitrator The Arbitrator has memorized such a large number of regulations, statues, and information that they have become skilled at rationalizing words, text, and undesirable situations and stripping them of their power over themselves. If called to make a Test against Fear, Insanity or Corruption, the character may re-roll any failed Willpower Tests substituting his Intelligence for Willpower on the re-roll. Interaction Mastery Prerequisites: Rogue Trader, Interaction Skills +20 (Any 4) The Rogue Trader has become incredibly adept at interacting with others and getting what they want from them. The Rogue Trader now adds +10 to all skills with the Interaction Descriptor.

Killing Strike Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 50 Certain Explorers are amongst the deadliest warriors in the galaxy, and they have learned how best to place their blows for maximum effect. When taking the All-Out Attack action, an Explorer may spend a Fate Point (before rolling the dice) to make his melee attacks for that round impossible to parry or dodge. Land Vehicle Operation Mastery Prerequisites: Additional Pilot Mastery This talent represents a true mastery of vehicle operation. The Void Master may now re-roll all tests associated with operating land vehicles. This extends to all Drive (Ag) Skill Tests. Land Vehicle Systems Mastery Prerequisites: Land Vehicle Operation Mastery This talent allows the Void Master to re-roll

all Gunnery and Augury checks that involve vehicle mounted or integrated systems. Leaping Dash Prerequisites: Kroot, Kroot Leap, Strength 45+, Agility 45+ The Kroot may now utilize the Kroot Leap talent in spaces where there is not sufficient overhead space by leaping off of walls or other obstructions. They may also land in the same square as an enemy with a successful Acrobatics Test. Legendary Leader Prerequisites: Rogue Trader, Masterful Leader Able to bring order to even the most chaotic of voidships, the Rogue Trader has become a paragon of efficiency and direction. The Rogue Trader may now utilize the Exceptional Leader a number of times per round equal to their Fellowship Bonus. Lore Savant Prerequisites: Seneschal The Seneschal gains a +10 bonus to the Ciphers, Commerce, Common Lore, Evaluate, Forbidden Lore, Inquiry, Lore, Logic, and Scholastic Lore skills. In the even that a skill has multiple specializations (in particular the Ciphers or Lore skills), this bonus applies to all specializations.


New Talents

Investigation Mastery Prerequisites: Rogue Trader, Investigation Skills +20 (Any 4) The Rogue Trader has refined their abilities to uncover the truth as they have traversed the expanse and grown quite adept at uncovering it. The Rogue Trader now adds +10 to all skills with the Investigation descriptor.

New Talents

Luminen Barrier Prerequisites: Luminen Shield, Electoo Inductors, Potentia Coil. Much like the celebrated Electro-Priests, the Explorator can draw upon all of his power to create a shimmering barrier of pure energy, one capable of deflecting any attack. As a Full Action, the player can activate a Luminen Barrier which remains active for a number of Rounds equal to the Explorators’s base Willpower Bonus. The barrier has a Rating equal to the Explorators’s base Willpower Characteristic. As long as the barrier is active, the Explorator can attempt to stop incoming Ranged and Melee attacks by rolling a 1d100 and comparing it to the barrier’s Rating. If the roll is equal to or under the Rating, the attack is stopped completely. If the roll is over the Rating, the attack penetrates the barrier and causes Damage as normal. This roll is made before reductions for Armour and Toughness Bonus. If the 1d100 roll ever results in a 01-05, the barrier stops the attack, but is overloaded in the process. It instantly collapses, and the Explorator must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or gain 1 level of Fatigue. An Explorator can use Luminen Barrier a number of times equal to his Willpower Bonus every 24 hours; however, upon the second activation of the ability within 24 hours, and upon each subsequent activation in that time, he gains 1 level of Fatigue. Luminen Flare Prerequisites: Luminen Blast, Mechanicus Implants The Explorator has mastered the ability to channel his will through the Potentia Coil into a powerful blast of energy that brings the fury of the Omnissiah to all who might stand in his path. On a successful Ballistic Skill Test, he may direct this energy at a single target within 20 metres The attack deals 1d10 plus his Willpower Bonus in Energy Damage, and has the Blast (X) Quality, where X equals the Explorator’s Willpower Bonus. This counts as a Half Action, and each time the Explorator uses this Talent, he must first pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or gain a level of Fatigue. Luminen Shield Prerequisites: Mechanicus Implants Focusing his energy in all directions at once, the Explorator is capable of creating a hazy


field of static, strong enough to turn aside incoming blows and stop weapons fire in its tracks. As a Full Action, he may activate a Luminen Shield which remains active for a number of Rounds equal to the Explorator’s base Willpower Bonus. The shield has a rating equal to the half the Explorator's Willpower Characteristic, rounded up (e.g. an Explorator with a Willpower of 43 would have a Luminen Shield with a Rating of 22). As long as the shield is active, the Explorator may attempt to stop incoming Ranged and Melee attacks by rolling a 1d100 and comparing it to the shield’s Rating. If the roll is equal to or under the Rating, the attack is stopped completely. If the roll is over the Rating, the attack penetrates the shield and causes Damage as normal. This roll is made before reductions for Toughness/Armour. If the 1d100 roll ever results in a 01-04, the shield stops the attack, but is overloaded in the process. It instantly collapses, and the Explorator must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or gain 1 level of Fatigue. An Explorator can use Luminen Shield a number of times equal to his Willpower Bonus every 24 hours; however, upon the second activation of the ability within 24 hours, and upon each subsequent activation in that time, he gains 1 level of Fatigue.

Master of Blades Prerequisites: Assassin, Blademaster The Assassin has trained with bladed implements for so long that they have become an extension of their arms. The Assassin may now re-roll any weapon skill test with any bladed weapon, successful or not. They may select which roll is the one used. Master of Death Prerequisites: Assassin The Assassin has perfected the art of death with weapons of both close range and long. The Assassin gains the benefit of the Deliverer of Death Special Ability with all weapons.

character will pass it by a number of Degrees of Success equal to it's associated Characteristic Bonus. This Talent may be taken more than once, each time for a different Skill. Material Emergence Prerequisites: Navigator The Navigator has learned to locate with incredible accuracy the points that connect the Immaterium back to real space. The Navigator now treats the Perception test to leave the Warp (See page 186 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook) as a Challenging (+0) instead of a Hard (-20) test. Meditative Frenzy Prerequisites: Frenzy, Battle Rage, Willpower 45 So practiced is the character in the art of fury and destruction that is has become a natural state for them. The character no longer suffers a -20 to Ballistic Skills and Willpower Tests. So focused is their fury that they are able to act more freely under it's influence, and as such are no longer required to move closer to their target or utilize the All-Out Attack action.

Masterful Leader Prerequisites: Rogue Trader So adept has the Rogue Trader become at leading and directing their fellows that they can coax even more out of their crew. Whenever the Rogue Trader utilizes the Exceptional Leader Special Ability (See page 72 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook), they grant a +20 bonus instead of the normal +10 Mastery Prerequisites: Any Skill +20 The character has become a consummate master of a single Skill and can perform feats with it that would baffle lesser men. The character may spend a Fate Point to automatically pass a Skill Test with his chosen Skill (which must be at +20), provided the final modifier to his Skill Test is 0 or better. In addition to simply passing the Test, the


New Talents

Luminen Surge Prerequisites: Luminen Shock, Mechanicus Implants The Explorator is able to channel even more power through his hands, sheathing them in a glowing torrent of power that can rend armour and bone alike. He must touch his enemy for this ability to work. In combat, he must either make a successful Challenging (+0) Weapon Skill Test or be Grappling to deliver the blast. Each Luminen Surge deals 2d10+3 points of Energy Damage. This counts as a Half Action, and each time the Explorator uses this Talent, he must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or gain a level of Fatigue.

New Talents

Mercenary's Avarice Prerequisites: Kroot, Mercenary The Kroot has fully devoted themselves to the payment and favors of their benefactor. They may now utilize Profit Factor in place of Willpower for any Willpower test they may be required to make. This does not allow them to replace Willpower for the purpose of utilizing skills. Miraculous Survival Prerequisites: n/a The Explorer is not merely protected by their faith in the Emperor, it is clear to all that He has plans for them and they will not die until He ordains it. When the Explorer burns a Fate Point to avoid death, they stands up (or climbs their way out of the rubble, etc.) at the beginning of their next action completely unharmed in any way. They have full wounds, no fatigue and are cured of any critical effects that they had sustained, even if the damage was incurred before the event that would have caused their death.

Movement Mastery Prerequisites: Assassin, Any Movement Skill +20 (x3) The Assassin's movements have become a thing of almost unnatural grace with no movements wasted in the application of physicality. The Assassin gains a +10 bonus to all skills with the Movement descriptor. Navigating the Eddies Prerequisites: Navigator The Navigator has become skilled at perceiving the interaction between the material of a Voidship and the immaterial of the Empyrean. The Navigator gains a +20 bonus to the Steering the Vessel stage of Warp Travel (See page 184 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook). In addition, they become incredibly attuned to any possible incursions that may happen aboard the vessel. Add a +20 bonus to all rolls made during the Encounters in the Warp test (See page 185 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook). Never Die Prerequisites: Toughness 50, Willpower 50 The character’s will or devotion to the Emperor can sustain him when his mortal body fails him. The character can spend one Fate Point to ignore the effects of injury, Fatigue, and Stunning for a single combat. This Talent does not prevent the Damage, but allows the character to temporarily ignore its effects for the duration of the combat. Death still affects him normally. Nymune Equilibrium Prerequisites: Kroot, Hyperactive Nymune Organ The Kroot's Nymune Organs have been utilized and exercised enough that they have grown accustomed to use. The Kroot may now utilize the Hyperactive Nymune Organ Talent indefinitely without fear of gaining Fatigue or needing a Toughness Test.


Orky Enuf Prerequisites: Ork, Mob Rule, Da Nekst Best Fing The Ork has become used to the strange non-orky companions that they travel with, and has grown to respect their contributions in a fight. The Ork gains gains the full benefit of Mob Rule from their non-ork companions instead of half. They still do not gain a bonus from lesser orkoids such as Gretchins/Squigs.

Perceiving the Currents Prerequisites: Navigator The Navigator has become incredibly adept at perceiving turbulence, strange phenomena, or storms that lie hidden in the Empyrean that will affect vessels as they travel through them. The Navigator gains a +20 bonus on the Perception Check made during the Charting the Course step of Warp Travel (See page 184 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook).

Persistent Pain (X) Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Any 5 Dark Eldar Talents The Dark Eldar has truly embraced their ability to gain power through pain, and so much so that they are able to push themselves further than other Dark Eldar purely with the memory of previous acts. The Dark Eldar begins each encounter with a number of pain tokens equal to the number of times this talent has been taken, noted by a number in place of the X. Physiological Adaptation Prerequisites: Kroot The Kroot has come to learn how to utilize their skills while heavily encumbered by increasing their reliance on visual cues and practicing movement in armor. The Kroot now retains the Unnatural Perception and Fieldcraft Traits in armor with more than 3 AP. Preturnatural Speed Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40, Agility 50 The character is a swift moving bringer of death, a living, bloody scythe before whom foes die like corn before the reaper. The character may use Swift Attack and Lighting Attack as a Half Action rather than a Full Action. In addition, the character may use the Swift Attack and Lightning Attack Talents during a Charge.

Quantifying the Immaterial Prerequisite: Navigator The Navigator has become incredibly well at judging the time it will take to complete a Warp Jump. When making a Navigation (Warp) test to estimate duration (See page 183 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook) the Navigator adds a +20 bonus to their check, though the results remain secret. Reliable Assault Prerequisites: Tau, Adaptable Assault The Tau has further refined their abilities in weapon drills. They now confer a +5 bonus to those who do not have the Fire Caste Weapon Training Talent when utilizing the Adaptable Assault, and a +10 bonus to those who do have the Fire Caste Weapon Training Talent.


New Talents

Peerless Marksmanship Prerequisites: Deadeye Shot, Marksman, Sharpshooter, Ballistic Skill 40, Perception 40 The character has perfected the art of leading and adjusting for atmospheric conditions so frequently that it has become second nature. So great is the character's skill with firearms that they may now utilize the Called Shot special action as a half action.

New Talents

Rite of Inspiration Prerequisites: Missionary This rite allows the missionary to make manifest the protections and inspirations of the Emperor and inspire those who serve with them. During Void Combat, the Missionary may take an extended action to restore Crew Morale. With a successful Challenging (+0) Charm or Command test, they restore an amount of Morale equal to their Fellowship Bonus. This may be done only once per instance of Cohesion Damage Suffered and cannot increase it above maximum, but may be performed multiple times. This may not heal cohesion damage suffered in a previous round. For example, if a ship took ten Crew Morale damage during a boarding action and the Missionary decided to Inspire the crew with the Rite of Inspiration and succeeded, they would restore an amount equal to their Fellowship Bonus. For the sake of example, we will assume this recovered five. On the next turn, they suffer 3 more crew morale damage, and the Missionary takes this action again, and again succeeds. He would only be able to restore 3 crew morale, as that is all that was taken this turn. Scholastic Lore Mastery Prerequisites: Seneschal, Scholastic Lore (Any 3) +20, Total Recall The Seneschal is treated as though they have all Scholastic Lore Skills at the Mastered (+20) level. Shotgun Surgeon Prerequisites: Arbitrator, Mighty Shot, Hip Shooting Like many of their fellow Arbitrators, Arbitrators have a judicious amount of training with one of the signature weapons of their organization, the Shotgun. Far beyond the traditional training, the Arbitrator's skill with these weapons far outshines the basic instruction. As such, the Arbitrator now adds their Ballistic Skill Bonus (the tens place) to the Pen value of any shotgun they wield. Sidearm Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40, Ballistic Skill 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic, Melee) Many Rogue Traders among the stars of the Koronus Expanse favour fighting with both


blade and pistol. When armed with a pistol in one hand and melee weapon in the other (both of which the character could normally use single-handed), the character reduces the penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to 0. Speed Reading Prerequisites: Literacy, Total Recall Through years of practice the character has developed the ability read text at an astonishing rate. The character may make a Challenging (+0) Literacy Test to read text at the rate of 20 pages per minute, plus an additional 5 pages per minute per degree of success. The character automatically passes any Total Recall Tests required of him to recall the information within the book.

Storm of Iron Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 45 When facing massed enemies on the battlefield, the character lays down a storm of firepower that even the most foolhardy cannot push through. When the character deals Damage to a target with a semi-auto burst or a full-auto burst, the character may allocate his extra hits to any other target within five metres, instead of the usual two metres.

Street Fighting Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 30 The character is adept in close and dirty fighting, favouring small weapons or even his bare hands to take down his foes. When armed with a knife (powered, chain or otherwise), similar small weapon, or simply armed with his bare hands, he adds half his Weapon Skill Bonus to any Critical Damage he inflicts. Target Selection Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 50 The character’s dread gaze marks out his chosen victim and not even the riotous confusion of close combat interferes. The character may shoot into melee with no penalty. If he aims beforehand, he can avoid any chance of hitting friendly targets. Tests of Faith (X) Prerequisites: Adepta Sororitas, Pure Faith The Adepta Sororitas's faith has been tested in the fires of combat and she has emerged with her faith tempered and sharpened. The Adepta Sororitas gains a fate point that can be spent to activate any of her Faith Talents, but may not be burnt to activate them. They cannot be used in any other fashion Fate Points are typically used. Thunder Charge Prerequisites: Strength 50 The Explorer charges into combat using his armoured body as an additional weapon. Driven by his armour and the Explorer’s enhanced muscle, the impact of such a charge is like being struck by a thunderbolt. When the Explorer makes a Charge Action, first make an unarmed attack against every opponent he is charging. This represents slamming into the enemy with the character’s armoured bulk. This attack automatically also has the potential to knock the opponent down in the same way as if the Explorer had used the Knock Down Action. Once this attack has been resolved, the Explorer may make his normal Charge Attack as normal. Tormentor's Indestructibility Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Tormentor's Might, Tormentor's Vigour The Dark Eldar is an unstoppable fury on the battlefield, able to shrug off the mightiest of blows in the pursuit of causing more anguish. After gaining five Pain tokens, the Character may spend a Fate Point to gain the Unnatural Toughness (x2) Trait for the remainder of the encounter. 73

New Talents

Stalwart Defense Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 50, Fearless The Explorer stands immovable and indomitable, as if he were made of rock and iron against which foes break like water against a cliff. The Explorer may spend a Fate Point as a Full Action to adopt a Stalwart Defense. While adopting this condition, the Explorer may not move and may not Dodge. He may make a Parry reaction against all successful strikes against him, and all Damage he suffers is reduced by –2. Furthermore, the character’s enemies gain no benefits for outnumbering the Explorer in close combat. These effects last until the Explorer chooses to end his Stalwart Defense or until he is rendered incapable of fighting.

New Talents

Unified Cooperation Prerequisites: Tau, Constant Training The Tau has learned how best to direct their fellows in a variety of circumstances. As a full round action the Tau may spend a Fate Point to confer the benefits of any two Tau Talents to a number of allies equal to their Fellowship Bonus for the duration of the encounter. Unpowered Weapon Mastery Prerequisites: Melee Weapon Training (Universal) The Explorer has learned the art of deflecting power weapons on the field of battle in such a fashion as to preserve non powered ones meeting them by swatting them aside and catching hilt and haft instead of the power field directly. Explorers with this talent ignore the chance that power weapons have to destroy non-powered weapons when parrying or being parried. Versatile Weapon Mastery Prerequisites: Arch-Militant The Arch-Militant chooses an additional class of weapons. They gain the benefits of the Weapon Master Special Ability (See page 72 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook) with this class of weapons.


Warp Lock Prerequisites: Willpower 50, Psy Rating, Strong Minded The character has learned to swiftly cut himself off from the Warp to protect himself from harm. Once per game session, the character may ignore a Psychic Phenomenon result he has rolled (including a result that would indicate rolling on the Perils of the Warp Table) completely negating its effects. Such rapid dislocation from the Warp, through, is stressful and traumatic to the character’s mind and they will suffer 1d5 Energy Damage to the Head location (not reduced by Armour or Toughness) as a result, and may not make any Focus Power Tests or sustain other Psychic Powers until the beginning of his next Turn. Weapon Master Prerequisites: Arbitrator, Blademaster, Melee Weapon Training (Universal) The Arbitrator has trained with the melee weapons for so long that they have become an extension of their arm. The Arbitrator may now use the Blademaster talent with any melee weapon, not just bladed weapons.

Whirlwind of Death Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40 When facing massed opponents in combat, the character becomes a whirlwind of death,

moving, hacking, gutting, and beheading with ceaseless fury. When attacking more than one foe in close combat, the character may make one melee attack for each foe he is facing, up to a maximum equal to his Weapon Skill Bonus. Each additional attack beyond the first counts as a Free Action, but cannot be combined with any other Talents or abilities which would grant extra attacks or hits (i.e. Lightning Attack, Furious Charge, etc.). The character may choose in which order he attacks his opponents. Wisdom of the Greater Good (X) Prerequisites: Tau The Tau has fully embraced the elements of the Greater Good and it has in turn granted them a measure of power. The Tau gains a number of Fate Points equal to the (X) that can only be utilized to activate Tau Talents.


New Talents

Weapon Tech Prerequisites: Tech-Use +10, Intelligence 40 The character has developed an extensive understanding of advanced technological weapons and their functions, opening them up and learning what makes them tick, hum, or click. Once per combat, the character can enhance his weapon, increasing its firepower and deadliness. For one Round per combat encounter, a weapon personally wielded by the character from the Las, Melta, Plasma, Power, or Exotic category increases its Damage and Penetration by an amount equal to his Intelligence Bonus.

Chapter 5: Expanded Armory

Expanded Armory

This section of the guide holds within a host of new equipment options selected from the various Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay lines but never made it into any offical Rogue Trader release. A portion of the gear does reflect the new Career Paths, but it is also available to any who might wish to use it. This section includes rules for new Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Armor, Shields, Gear and Tools, Ammunition, Equipment Upgrades, and Cybernetics. Enjoy these new additions to the Rogue Trader Armory!

Damage lower than the value in parenthesis as if it were that number instead. For instance, a Proven (3) weapon treats any die roll of 1 or 2 as 3 for the purposes of calculating Damage.

New Weapon Qualities

Melee Weapons

Concussive The weapon causes a barrage of sound and force upon impact. When you strike an opponent with a Concussive weapon, he must make a Toughness Test at a Difficulty of –10 per degree of success by which the attack succeeded or be Stunned for 1 Round. Auditory protection confers a +10 bonus to this Test, but does not negate the kinetic energy of the blast. Additionally, any target taking Damage greater than his Strength Bonus from a Concussive weapon is automatically knocked down.

Agni-Pattern Power Maul A relatively small and inexpensively manufactured model of power maul, this weapon is weighted towards the hilt, and as such is regarded by some power weapon connoisseurs as somewhat graceless. It iscommon in “second line” precincts (as they are locally known) where trouble is not particularly expected, or among vehicle crews who value its handy proportions. Like all true power mauls, it has energy settings which can be adjusted to the circumstances. The user may switch settings on their power maul between low and high power once per turn as a Free Action.

Crippling (X) Particularly cruel or deadly weapons sometimes include things like living barbs or shards that remain in their victims’ wounds, causing them immense pain and even slowly killing them. When a target suffers at least one Damage (after reductions for Armour and Toughness Bonus) from a weapon with the Crippling Quality, it counts as being “Crippled” for the remainder of the encounter or until healed of all Damage. If a Crippled character takes more than a Half Action on a single turn, that character suffers Rending Damage equal to the number in parenthesis (X). This damage is not reduced by Armour or Toughness Bonus. Felling (X) Designed to puncture and to mangle, Felling weapons are capable of toppling even the mightiest foes. If the weapon hits, it ignores a number of levels of Unnatural Toughness possessed by the target equal to the number in parenthesis. For instance, a Felling (1) weapon ignores the benefits of Unnatural Toughness (x2) and would reduce the benefits of Unnatural Toughness (x3) by one multiplier. Proven (X) Weapons with the Proven Quality always inflict significant injuries and treat any die roll for


Sanctified Damage inflicted by a sanctified weapon counts as Holy Damage, which has certain effects on some Daemonic and warp creatures. All weapons with this special quality must be of either Good Craftsmanship or Best Craftsmanship.

Bakka-Pattern Power Ram This power ram is a heavy tube with a pair of long handles running down each side of its length. Inside the tube is a potent power field connected to a piston, the head of which is often sculpted to resemble an Imperial Aquila. These tools were crafted for use on Karrik, and other Calixian worlds with high gravity, because of the requisite sturdy construction of the doors and walls. Usually held by two Arbitrators, who swing it against a door or even a wall, the Bakka-pattern Power Ram drives the piston forward, surrounded by the flickering energies of the disruption field. The weapon is powerful enough to blow most doors clean off their hinges, and is more than capable of knocking holes in solid brick walls in seconds. Although this weapon can theoretically be used in combat, it is really not designed for this— its primary use is as an entry device. All Weapon Skill Tests made using the weapon in melee combat are at -20 to represent how bulky it is. However, the ram is assumed to do double damage against inanimate structural objects such as doors and walls. Unless the GM wishes, for dramatic reasons, to prevent a wielder entering a building, this weapon should allow entry into most normal structures instantly.

Lathe-Pattern Power Maul A light, slender, and elegant model of power maul, this unusual weapon (crafted only on demand in the Calixis Sector) has a spiked handguard and a long, straight, un-weighted haft. It must be handled more like a sword than a club, which some users find frustrating, and critics have labelled the weapon fussy and difficult to master. However, the Arbitrators manning the Precinct Fortresses of the Lathe Worlds find that the slender profile is highly effective in the dense manufactorum corridors. Those who take the time to familiarise themselves with the pattern’s idiosyncrasies declare it one of the finest examples of a power maul. The apparent fragility of the design is misleading, and the versatile power field is more than capable of inflicting the same damage against opponents as models with a more brutal heft. The user may switch settings once per turn as a Free Action. This weapon is so well made and finely balanced that it adds +5 to the user’s Weapon Skill when attempting to Parry.

Neuro Gauntlet Neuro-Gauntlets are subtle weapons, but noless vicious for that. Prized by assassins and torturers, the neuro-gauntlet is a glove constructed from a flexible adamantine hyperalloy, with neuro-toxin injectors fitted into each finger. Each injector is diamond-hard and incredibly sharp, allowing it to slice through armour and into the vulnerable flesh below. The cuts from a neuro-gauntlet are deceptively small. However, the poisons they produce are some of the most potent and crippling toxins known to the Officio Assassorium. Neuro-Gauntlets have the Toxic Quality; if the target fails its Toughness Test, in addition to suffering damage as normal, all his Characteristics are halved for 1d5 minutes. This specific effect is not cumulative, and does not affect targets with the Daemonic or Machine Traits. The toxins within the neuro-gauntlets may be replaced by different toxins (including one that mimics the effect of a Hallucinogen Grenade).


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Cyclopea-Pattern Power Maul A huge and intimidating two-handed weapon unique to the Calixis Sector, this power maul contains a monstrously overcharged disruption field which actively shatters the bonds between the molecules contained within items it strikes. Resembling a feudal mace, this maul has only one power setting: maximal. Potent enough to crush groundcars or send shattered opponents flying dozens of feet with a single stroke, this weapon is reserved for the most intense riots. It is designed to awe and terrorise the enemies of the Arbites, to send entire mobs cowering before the user. An Arbitrator who hits a target with a Cyclopea-pattern Power Maul gains the Fear (1) Trait against that targets allies for the remainder of the encounter.

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Power Stakes The Power Stake is another item in the Explorer's arsenal that is designed to be as much a symbol as a weapon. It takes the form of a solid metre-long shaft of cold-forged iron, tapering to a wicked point on one end. The other end is fashioned into a handle, containing a power field generator. All along the shaft are thousands of etched runes, each a prayer against the psyker and an invocation against the warp. The power stakes of Witch Hunter Rykehuss were specially commissioned by that noted Inquisitor to be a bane against the witch and psy-user. He has actually commissioned several dozen, which by now have been scattered throughout the Sector with his blessing, to do the God-Emperor’s holy work. If this weapon strikes a target with a Psy Rating, it deals an additional 1d10 damage for every point of Psy Rating the target possesses (so a target with Psy Rating 3 would take an additional 3d10 damage). A Power Stake of Witch Hunter Rykehuss is always considered a Best craftsmanship weapon, granting the user +10 to Weapon Skill Tests and +1 damage, which has already been included in the profile.

Ranged Weapons Astartes Incinerator Incinerators are Heavy Flamers that use a psychically impregnated promethium so that they might burn with hotter and more fierce flames. An Incinerator ignores any protective benefits granted by Psychic Abilities or Sorcery. Its damage counts as Sanctified, ignoring any Toughness Bonus granted by the Daemonic Trait, and targets in the its area of affect suffer a –5 penalty to the Agility Test to avoid the blast for every point of the wielder’s Psy Rating.


Autocannon Autocannons are large-calibre support guns that fire dense, high-velocity solid shells designed to punch through armour. These heavy weapons see widespread service by the Imperial Guard, as well as by many planetary militias and renegade armies. Though unlikely to penetrate the adamantium and ceramite of power armour, they can devastate light and medium vehicles. Autocannons can also provide effective anti-infantry support, especially the shooter uses high explosive shells to augment their lethality against smaller targets. The M34 autocannon is an older version of a common Imperial Guard pattern used throughout the Calixis Sector and uses a tripod mount. It can be manned by one person, though it ideally employs a crew of two to move, set up, and assist with reloading the weapon. If it has a second crew member, he can spend his Actions to Reload the autocannon.

Digital Explosive Among the most popular types of digital weapons amongst the those who traverse the Expanse are the digital explosives. Digital explosives are made to look like a wide variety of jewellery, are armed by applying precise pressure to certain points, and then thrown. As such, digital explosives are strictly one use only. Executor Pistol This combi-pistol is rarely seen in Imperial space, despite (or perhaps because of ) the fact that it is used by one of the Imperium’s most dangerous killers. The Eversor Assassins, skullfaced slaughterers of the Officio Assasinorum, carry these weapons in addition to their lethal array of close-combat gear. The Executor is an unusual example of a combi-weapon. Instead of being one weapon grafted crudely onto another, it is a seamless joining of two individual firearms. The Executor is a bolt pistol with an under-slung needle pistol beneath the barrel, allowing the wielder to choose between the destructive power of the bolt weapon, or the

Exitus Pistol The Exitus pistol is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, a weapon as elegant as it is deadly. Unlike the larger rifle, the Exitus pistol is mainly considered a backup weapon for the Vindicare Temple, primarily used in those rare circumstances where the Assassin is discovered, cornered, or in need of rapidfire capability. Under those circumstances, the Exitus pistol performs admirably, and more than a few Vindicare Assassins owe their lives to this weapon. The Exitus Pistol has a built-in silencer and is manufactured at the Best craftsmanship level.

Exitus Rifle The signature weapon of the Vindicare Temple, this rifle is amongst the finest examples of Imperial weaponsmithing. Handcrafted by a Magos-Artisan of the Adeptus Mechanicus, each Exitus rifle is part of a matched set—both pistol and rifle customised to the specifications of the individual Assassin. The Exitus weapons contain sophisticated machine-spirits and utilise ammunition constructed from special heavy-gravity alloys to penetrate nearly all forms of known protection. All Exitus weapons incorporate a silencer and a selector switch. The Exitus rifle has a built-in telescopic sight. Exitus weapons are manufactured at the Best craftsmanship level. The firer may load one round as a half action (normally for one of the special issue ammunition loads). If the firer has the Rapid Reload Talent, he may instead use a Reaction to load a single round.

Ius Automatic Not even planetary lords can gainsay an Arbites Precinct commander’s choice of the weapons issued to his officers. Load-outs range from innocuous unpowered batons to full blown military weapons like bolters or krak grenades. However, there are certain weapons that are distributed to the Arbites by Lord Marshal Goreman as a matter of course, and the Ius pistol falls within this category. Normally used as a backup weapon alongside the Arbites shotgun, the Ius is ubiquitous amongst both the Calixian Arbites and planetary enforcers of Scintilla. This weapon is a solid and unspectacular yet utterly reliable pistol, crafted by the gunsmiths of Gunmetal city to be as


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quiet lethality of the needle weapon. It is this versatility, combined with the exquisite craftsmanship of every Executor pistol, that makes them such a popular choice for one of the Imperium’s sanctioned assassins. The weapon incorporates the heights of arcane tech-lore in its construction. It incorporates a bi-stabilised targeting sight, and its polymorphic grip is genetically coded to the individual Assassin. Even if an opponent was able to somehow gain control of an Executor, he would be unable to fire it. In addition, the needle pistol uses a synthesised neuro-toxin to incapacitate its target. An Executor Pistol can always be fired as either a bolt pistol or needle pistol, although the bearer may only fire it in one mode per turn. The entire weapon counts as Best craftsmanship. An Executor Pistol is programmed to be used by a single individual when it is crafted. Changing the weapon’s programming requires either access to secret Officio facilities (something that is almost impossible even for members of the Holy Ordos), or success on a Hellish (–60) Tech-Use Test. In addition, the needle pistol’s toxins are so potent that whenever a target is hit by a shot, he must succeed on a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or take 1d10 wounds ignoring armour or toughness; the shot does not need to wound the target.

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sturdy as possible. Typically issued to junior ranks within both organisations, this weapon is designed to be foolproof and to withstand punishment that would damage other firearms Many of these humble weapons are thousands of years old, having served generations of lawmen and women in some of the toughest hives in the galaxy Multi-Laser Often found mounted on vehicles as a counter to infantry and light vehicles, the multilaser is a multi-barrelled gatling laser with an impressive rate of fire. However, its blasts lack the penetration of the lascannon, making it less effective against heavy armour. Raffir Ringleader Pistol Gifted to the Arbites as part of the planetary tithe by the Raffir clan manufactory smithmasters of Hive Subrique, these beautiful weapons are produced under licence using ancient Adeptus Mechanicus archprints. The pistols produced are huge, intimidating shockand-terror weapons, designed for the execution of high profile targets at the height of antiImperial riots. These weapons are issued to senior Arbites officers, not so much for their accuracy or utility in a fi re fight, but for the damage they inflict on both the person of rabble rousers and on the morale of their followers. Raffir 'Pax Factotem' Rifle Both Assassins and the Enforcers in Gunmetal city make use of sharpshooter teams, snipers who ensconce themselves among the


gargoyles, heating ducts, and gantries of the great hives, the better to watch over every aspect of the lives of the fearful citizens below, and, when needed, to bring death. A variety of local-pattern sniper rifles are used for this purpose, including long-las and needler weapons. However, many skilled riflemen rely upon more traditional solid projectile weapons, such as the Raffir ‘Pax Factorem’, a large calibre semi-automatic rifle of sturdy construction common amongst the weapons made in Gunmetal City Triplex Pattern Lasgun A highly refined variant of the standard lasgun, the triplex offers alternative firing modes that make the weapon more versatile on the battlefield. When fired in standard mode, the weapon uses the Rate of Fire, Range, and Damage listed. When fired in precision mode, the Rate of Fire is changed to S/–/–, the Range is changed to 150m, and the weapon gains the Accurate Quality. When fired in burst mode, the Rate of Fire is changed to S/–/–, the Range is changed to 50m, and the weapon gains Proven (5) and Felling (1) Qualities.

New Armour Arbites Carapace Armour The appearance of the Adeptus Arbites strikes fear into the hearts of criminals and the lawless. The task of crafting the signature carapace armour of the Adeptus Arbites falls to a variety of worlds in the Calixis Sector. The Calixian Adeptus sees to the manufacturing of equipment for its Fortress Precincts on many of the Forge Worlds, so that it would require a sector wide revolt to jeopardise the supply lines. The carapace armour is constructed from dense plasteel plates overlaying a synthetic polyplastic fibre weave that must be produced in the orbital null-gravity manufactorum above the Lathe worlds. Calixian Arbites carapace armour is designed to be clipped together and worn over a light, breathable bodyglove, the armour carefully constructed and tailor-made to the proportions of the Arbitrator concerned. Given that the armour must be worn for hours at a time, often during periods of extreme


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Vox-Legi Pattern Arbites Combat Shotgun The primary weapon of the Arbites is the combat shotgun. It is valued for its stopping power, simplicity, reliability, and for its ability to intimidate. Even the most dusty, ancient Judge haunting the Halls of Judgement on Terra will have cut his teeth on the brutally effective shotgun drills which form the foundation of all Arbites combat training. A huge variety of different shotgun designs are used in different Precinct Fortresses across the galaxy, depending upon local forge worlds. The Vox Legi-pattern is particularly widespread amongst the Arbitrators of The Periphery, and is broadly typical of the weapons favoured by Calixian Arbitrators. Effectively a large-bore, locally manufactured version of the shotgun designs used by many planetary enforcers, the Vox Legi is a devastating and adaptable weapon that fi res shotgun shells nearly the size of those employed by the Adeptus Astartes. The increased size of the weapon reduces its ammunition capacity compared to that of its fellow shotguns, but it still remains more powerful and adaptable than a standard shotgun. Most patrolling Arbitrators take advantage of this flexibility by carrying a variety of shotgun shell types so as to offer them different tactical options in the event of encountering a situation that requires their intervention. Over-engineered by a considerable margin, the weapon is also perfectly capable of being used as a large club— indeed, it is expressly designed with this secondary purpose in mind. It is also designed for maximum psychological impact, with a very audible pump action (standard Arbites riot training makes use of this) The sound of a hundred Arbitrators simultaneously chambering their weapons has ended countless riots over the millennia. The Vox Legi counts as a club when used in melee. The user may opt to hand load a single shotgun shell into the specially designed tube magazine as a single Full Action. This shotgun shell may be of a different type to the other shells in the gun, but must be the next shell fired from the weapon.

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physical exertion, it must be light and comfortable, and it succeeds surprisingly well on these fronts. The armour is completely unpowered, though it is often equipped with a number of mag-strips which permit weapons and other equipment to be attached directly to the armour without the need for clumsy straps and external clips. The Carapace helm is equipped with a micro-bead (or “vox-torc”) and is open at the mouth to allow easier verbal communication. The helm is, however, capable of being hermetically sealed in seconds; and has mountings for a rebreather, which is usually magnetised to the belt when not in use. It also contains polarising lenses which react instantly to light over a certain lumen level, and which have the effect of negating photon flash grenades completely. A beneficial side effect of this approach is that it makes it impossible to see which direction an Arbitrator is looking. The armoured gloves are cunningly wrought devices colloquially known as “lock gloves” in Calixian Arbites terminology, which count as recoil gloves. The armour has a number of magnetised attachment strips that are capable of carrying the Arbitrator’s weapons and equipment. Typically, an Arbitrator in the field will be equipped with a holstered Ius automatic pistol, three clips of ammunition, a rebreather, a voxtorc, a lamp pack that can be handheld or swiftly attached to any Arbites weapon, a power maul, two grenades (of any type), and two pairs of magnacles in addition to a basic weapon and ammunition. The armour has a very large magstrip on the back which is capable of mounting a single basic weapon of up to 10kg in weight.


Hospitaller Carapace Often serving in combat zones, Sisters Hospitaller require more protection than other Non-militant Orders. The distinctive armour is a welcome sight to injured guardsmen and Acolytes alike, an angel of mercy sent by the God-Emperor himself. In addition to its protective qualities, the hooded habit is often coated in incense and unguents and the rest of the armour is sealed and treated against toxins. This grants the wearer a +20 to resist toxins or diseases that do not penetrate the armour (such as a poison dart) and a +10 on any Fear Test with an olfactory component (such as rotting bodies). The helm incorporates a re-breather.

Cameleoline. It should be noted that the equipment issued to a Vindicare Assassin is often gene-coded to that individual and no other, and that it would take a great deal of effort—and a Very Hard (– 30) Tech-Use and Medicae Test—to adjust the gene-coding for another user. Infiltrator Suit This item of wargear appears as a matteblack bodyglove, specially fitted for the individual Explorer, though it is most often associated with the Vindicare Temple. The Vindicare Temple has a long-standing pact with the Adeptus Mechanicus to craft these equisite suits, each one combining Cameleoline laced materials with a complex version of “synskin.” This material bonds with the Assassin’s body, enhancing his reflexes and protecting him from poisons, gases, and other hazards of the battlefield. Each suit is supple and silent, allowing the Assassin to move with perfect freedom whilst still retaining its protective qualities. The Stealth Suit may not be worn under any form of armour. It provides 3 points of Armour to all locations and incorporates all the benefits of synskin. The Stealth Suit grants a +10 bonus to Dodge Tests and to Toughness tests to resist any form of toxin, and a +20 bonus to Concealment and Silent Move Tests. The wearer may attempt a Concealment Test as a Half Action instead of a Full Action, and may make the attempt even whilst being observed. If the wearer remains stationary, he counts as being one range bracket further away for all ranged attacks against him. The Stealth Suit makes the wearer invisible to the Dark Sight Trait, preysense, and infared sensors of all kinds. This item is manufactured at the Best craftsmanship level. It should be noted that the equipment of a Vindicare Assassin is often gene-coded to that individual and no other, and that it would take a great deal of effort—and a Very Hard (–30) Tech-Use and Medicae Test—to adjust the gene-coding for another user.


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Infiltrator Mask Of the same make as those Issued to Imperial Assassins of the Vindicare Temple, this wargear’s systems are incredibly advanced and sophisticated. It is said that the design for the Infiltrator Mask is little-understood even by the Tech-Priests of Mars. The spy mask contains cartridges of concentrated food and water for extended operations, and a multichannel comm sensor (both vox and pict) for monitoring enemy communications. Its main feature is a wide-spectrum visor which can pick out heat and energy sources at tremendous distances. The mask includes a built-in auspex, advanced high quality magnoculars, goodquality photo-visor (granting the wearer the Dark Sight Trait and making him immune to the effects of photon flash grenades), pictrecorder, re-breather, and vox- aster. In addition, the wearer may re-roll any failed Perception-based Test, and does not suffer a change to the range bracket when firing a ranged weapon at a target protected by

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Judge Armour Judges have the authority to requisition whatever equipment is held within the armouries or Cold Vaults of their planet’s Precincts, and as such will wear whatever they want in the field. Some pride themselves on wearing the same battered carapace armour they wore when patrolling decades ago as a humble arbitrator; however, most accept that their superior station as a lord of the Emperor’s justice demands more spectacular and intimidating garb. Judges will typically wear the finest examples of carapace armour available, constructed by master artisans, together with antique flowing robes and elaborate headdresses from different periods of humanity’s judicial history. A Judge’s armour will vary from world to world, as he or she seeks to refine their appearance so that it causes the most awe and fear in an individual planetary population. Judge armour is broadly similar to normal Arbites carapace armour in terms of its level of protection, but it incorporates theatrical and gaudy elements which suggest (in local historical terms) the power and majesty of the Arbites. When a Judge is required to take an Interrogation or Intimidate Test, they gain a +5 bonus against individuals from the sector where the Judge is stationed while wearing this armour. Sanctified Carapace Created with great care (and great expense), a sanctified carapace features engraved prayers on each layered plate. Additional prayers and wards border each primary piece (such the rim of the helmet or edges of the chest plate), while large holy symbols are set into the centre of the chest and along each limb. Finally, the entire suit is blessed and then anointed with sacred machine oils. Once complete, a sanctified carapace grants the wearer a number of protective benefits. First, it provides a +10 bonus on Tests made to resist any direct psychic attack or manipulation used against the user. Additionally, it provides full Armour Points against attacks of psychic force or warp energy that deal damage directly as well as attacks made with the Warp Weapon effect. Blows made with the carapace’s gauntlets are considered to be “Holy” in nature


and will have additional certain effects on some Daemonic creatures and warp entities (as will be noted in their description). Finally, the armour’s sanctified nature give it an aura of purity, causing all supernatural creatures within 20 metres to take a -10 penalty on Willpower Tests. Shield Robes When not clad in their well-known power armour, the Adepta Sororitas will often wear their armoured robes. These are consecrated mesh robes designed for both devotional study and martial training. Traditionally worn by the Orders Non- Militant in their support roles and by noviciates as they are being instructed in the ways of the Sisterhood, they act as secondary clothing for a Battle Sister while their power armour is being maintained or when they return to their Convent. Eschewing regular clothing, the robes and the power armour are typically all a Battle Sister will wear. Shield Robes are not limited to the Adepta Sororitas. Clerics who fi nd themselves in combat or who bring faith and fi re to the enemies will also wear them. Often these robes are stylized and detailed with images from the lives of Saints or with iconography meaningful to a single cult.

suit. If the wearer takes Critical Damage to the Body from behind, consult the Power Unit Critical Effects chart below (in addition to normal Critical Effects). The problems continue until the unit can be repaired with a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test.

NOTE: Damaging Power Armour: Sororitas power armour uses a fusion generator backpack which can sustain power forever with proper care. However, it is possible for the power unit to be damaged, hindering or even disabling the


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Sororitas Power Armour Commissioned by Goge Vandire, it is the only part of his legacy that was not removed along with his head. Created initially by the forges on Mars for the Adepta Sororitas, this lighter power armour provides excellent protection and increased strength with little to no reduction in movement speed or agility. The armour uses a similar power supply as the armour for the Adeptus Astartes and does not run out of power unless damaged. A Sister of Battle within the Calixis sector is not typically issued a helmet until she has proven herself. Sororitas Power Armour adds +10 to the user’s strength and the helmet includes an integrated targeter (+5 to BS), a rebreather, and a comm-link. User’s with a Heavy weapon treat it as Braced.

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Verispex Armour The Verispex Adepts on are individuals with a unique perspective on the galaxy, a skewed outlook gained by years of focused study. These crime-teks do not require the same standard of protective armour as frontline Arbitrators, yet they are still operating alongside Arbites agents, and must be clothed in garments that express their standing. Verispex armour symbolically resembles Arbitrator carapace armour, but is far lighter and more comfortable. It contains a variety of special tools and scanners, including an auspex, chrono, combi-tool and data-slate. In addition, the armour has storage space for specialised tools, granting a +10 bonus Awareness and Medicae tests made to find information in the field (such as looking over a dead body or tracing the trajectory of a bullet). Verispex Helm In order to comprehend the often mystifying scenes left behind by the galaxy’s killers and assassins, the Verispex Adepts employ a wide variety of tools, custom crafted by Calixian Manufactorums. Issued with the Adept’s Verispex armour, the Verispex helm is a diagnostic and detective device resembling prey-sight goggles mounted with a variety of eyepieces and lamps. The helm employs a number of polarised eyelenses and lume frequencies to locate bloodstains and other bodily fluids. The rare chemicals found in the oceans of Landunder also allow the Verispex helm to analyze scent and pheromone trails, an invaluable tool for the Verispex Adepts working beside the Calixian Arbites. Many Verispex Adepts will attempt to acquire a Verispex helm for their own use, especially when in the field with an Inquisitorial cell. The Verispex helm includes both infra-red goggles and a photo-visor. In addition, the Verispex helm adds +10 to Search and Tracking Tests. New Shields Enforcer Riot Shield These transparent circular shields have a diameter of about 2 feet, and are constructed of


lightweight polycarbonate that offers protection against impact attacks and limited protection against many other types of assault. Because the shield is attached at the wrist, an Enforcer may prefer this shield over other protection, as it keeps his hand free to operate other equipment (such as a vox) or a pistol. These shields offer +3 AP against attacks made against the body and one arm from weapons with the Primitive quality, and +1 AP to attacks of all other kinds made against the same areas. An Acolyte using an Enforcer riot shield may still carry and manipulate objects in his shield hand, up to pistol-sized weapons. Synford Pattern “Lockshield” The Arbites commonly make use of heavy, ceramite shields during operations of all types. These are rectangular plates, worn on one arm, which are typically equipped with a heavily armoured viewport that offers protection to the operator. The Synford “Lockshield” is a relatively standard example of the type, but with one unusual and defining feature. The lockshield, like most Arbites shields, is designed with an armourglass viewport and a firing port through which a basic or pistol weapon can be fired without penalty. It also contains a powered vox- ailer linked to the voxtorc of the most senior Arbitrator present, allowing that officer to rebuke and remonstrate over even the most deafening racket. It contains mag-strips on both sides, which enable prisoners to be secured directly to the shield by magnacles. Its most unusual feature is its ability to lock solidly with adjacent lockshields to create an armoured wall behind which Arbitrators can advance as a unit. A lockshield requires one hand to use and provides +4 AP to that arm and the torso of the user. The shield is taller than most Arbites shields, and as such can additionally provide the +4 AP protection to the head when the user is in motion, or the legs when stationary. The shield can be locked using mag- trips to shields adjacent to it; the Arbites use this to create walled “Lockshield” formations during particularly lethal riots, or to advance large groups of Arbites down wide, fire swept corridors.

Chaplet Ecclesiasticus Every member of the Adepta Sororitas carries a Chaplet Ecclesiasticus either around her neck or her waist. Each adamantium bead serves as a reminder of an act of penitence, but in the case of very experienced Sisters each bead could represent many more such acts. A Sister who openly displays her Chaplet Ecclesiasticus may re-roll any failed Charm Tests made against members of the Ecclesiarchy who are of equal or lower status (as determined by the GM). Cilice These are garments and other accessories designed to cause a level of discomfort when worn. Examples include shirts made from rough and/or coarse cloth, lengths of heavy chain, belts of crude rope and unscraped hide or coarse cloth, or garters of metal links adorned with small hooks. Shirts are normally worn under regular clothing, while the other forms of cilice are strapped around the waist or limbs. The purpose of a cilice is to remind the wearer of the burdens he bears as a citizen of the Imperium, as well as the trials and tribulations endured by the Saints and the GodEmperor himself. A form of corporal mortification, wearing a cilice is meant to bring about a purification of the soul and serve as an act of penance. Cilice are common on Feral Worlds and, strangely enough among the

nobility of many Hive Worlds, although the latter seem to consider wearing a cilice (usually in the form of a shirt) to be a point of pride and not humility. A cilice does however help to focus the character’s mind and remind him of his devotion to the God-Emperor. This has the effect of granting a +10 on Willpower Tests to resist Fear, Charm, Intimidation or other kinds of social manipulation. However, characters who adorn themselves with an excess of chains and hooks or wear their cilice for longer then the proscribed period of time (usually twice their Toughness Bonus in hours) must make a Toughness Test or suffer 1 Level of Fatigue. Dialogous Staff Many sisters of the Ordo Dialogous choose to carry the Dialogous staff. Fitted with a Laud Hailer and an audio recording device. It is sturdy enough to be used in combat as a Staff and grants a +10 to understand sounds at a distance Gene Printer This compact piece of apparatus can be worn as a backpack, and will provide (with reasonable accuracy) confirmation as to whether two pieces of biological residue come from the same person. They are used by the Arbites Verispex teams to prove guilt based upon gene-spoor (hair follicles, skin, etc) left at crime scenes. While many would-be criminals decry this “evidence” as suspicious at best, Lord Marshal Goreman asserts that the devices are serviced regularly by trained Adeptus Mechanicus personnel. Gene printers are relatively simple devices, and lack the nuanced power of the larger, holy Omnissian constructs stored within the great altar-templums of the Mechanicus. These legendary devices are said to be able to unspool a supplicant’s genome all the way back to ancient Terra, providing a wealth of genetic information about him and his entire line. The gene-printer requires an Ordinary (+20) Tech-Use Test to perform the proper rituals of tek-obeisance. A success will confirm whether or not two gene-spoor samples placed within the device come from the same person. The machine-spirits of gene-printers are relatively simple, however, and at the GM’s discretion, complex genetic factors (genetic manipulation, twins, xenos tampering, etc.) may interfere with the result.


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New Gear

Expanded Armory

Hospitaller Medicae Tools The Order Hospitaller equips its Sisters with the best battlefi eld medicine tools found outside the Apothecaries of the Adeptus Astartes. The kit has a variety of sacred oils, unguents, surgical tools, and sterilisers to help those who lay wounded in battle. The Hospitaller Medicae Tools count as a medkit, 2 doses of De-tox, and 2 doses of Stimm. In addition the Sister Hospitaller may amputate a damage limb (or what remains) and inject a cocktail of drugs that provide succour and cauterises the wound. The amputation is a Hard (-10) Medicae Test. If successful the patient is missing the limb but removes all other effects caused by damage to the limb, including Fatigue, Blood Loss and (per GM discretion) heals 1d5 wounds suffered in the loss of the limb. Liber Heresius Containing the collected writings, philosophies, musings, sayings, and wisdom of thousands of Witch Hunters of the Holy Ordos, the Liber Heresius is the defi nitive guide to heresy in all of its forms. It details the structure, activities, and nature of many infamous heretical cults, as well as how they were detected and destroyed. Treatises can be found on how to identify incipient heresy, the signs and symbols commonly used by heretics, and the various heretical creeds and mottos. As can be expected, the tome is a closely guarded secret among the Holy Ordos, who realise that not only is the Liber Heresius an excellent guide to the nature of heresy, it’s also the perfect primer on how to start a heretical cult and keep one hidden. The book is only issued to those Witch Hunters who have proved their loyalty and devotion and even then the owner may be called upon to surrender his copy at a moment’s notice. The Liber Heresius normally appears as a massive armoured book. The symbol of the Ministorum is set into the outer cover and contains a lock coded to the owner’s genetic structure. The Liber Heresius provides a +20 bonus on Research Tests involving Forbidden Lore (Cults, Heresy). Litanies of Faith These books come in a variety of forms, ranging from massive tomes of hand-written parchment to compact dataslates. They contain


the teachings of the Ecclesiarchy, with a special emphasis on chants and hymnals. Compact versions of the Litanies (concentrating primarily on prayers) are common among the possessions of Ministorum preachers. A complete copy of the Litanies Of Faith provides a +20 bonus on Research Tests involving Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) and Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed). Abridged versions of the Litanies only provide a +10 bonus. Lock Punch A simple two-handed cylinder with a salvaged grav-plate generator built in, the lockpunch is designed to quickly disable door locks. The user presses the cylinder against the lock and triggers the plate, which generates a localized maelstrom of gravitic energies that tear the lock (or occasionally the entire door) apart. The user must be wary, however, as the temperamental mechanism may backfire and throw the user across a room—or into the ceiling. The most common form of the lock-punch is crafted from stolen grav-plating found in long forgotten corridors of Hive Subrique. It is rumoured that the entire Hive was built on the remnants of a Rogue Trader’s vessel, but more level heads point to deep sea pressures as a reason to install grav-plates deep within the Hive’s infrastructure. Using the lock-punch is a Full Round Action. The user must press the device’s barrel against the lock and make a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test. Success destroys a lock on a standard door of AP 16 or less (this usually includes thin rockcrete, iron, and steel). Particularly flimsy doors, such as wooden ones, are blown apart in their entirity. Tough doors such as adamantium hatches or ceramite vault doors cannot be affected by the lock-punch. If the user rolls 4 or more Degrees of Failure, the device misfires and it throws him 2d10 metres away. This deals damage as if he had fallen from the same height, and may have other adverse environmental effects as well (such as if the user is standing on a ledge!). Good and Best Craftsmanship versions throw the user 5 and 6 Degrees of Failure, respectively. Poor Craftsmanship versions impose a –10 on Tech-Use Tests.

Magnetic Harness The Magnetic Harness finds use on many Calixian worlds where Hive structures and readily abundant metal surfaces are not common occurances, or where an Explorer must operate alone. The multiple magnets can either be used as simple surfaces, or as magnetic field generators of their own. The first of their type were simple metal plates, strapped to the arms, legs, and torso of the Arbitrators of Iocanthos, but the system has long since been refined by Calixian Tech-Adepts. Each magnetic plate can be activated and deactivated individually, holding a weapon, piece of equipment, or even a suspect to the plate. Simple taps on the center of the plate set the device to release when pressure is applied, or to hold until the Explorer inputs a command sequence. An Explorer with a magnetic harness is treated as having the Quick Draw Talent, usable on any object stored on his magnetic harness. In addition, if an Explorer has the Quick Draw Talent he may also stow equipment weapons as a Free Action.

Pinner Scintilla’s Arbites make extensive use of magnetic latches and holsters to carry their gear and secure prisoners. To help foil their operations, certain factions of the Kasballica have invested in devices called pinners. These coil-generators emit a charged fluctuating magfield. Though it does not magnetically charge items itself, it greatly amplifies the power of existing magnets. Once activated, the device affects all magnetic devices within 30 metres for 2d10 Rounds, supercharging them. Any attempt to separate the magnet from the surface they are attached to requires a Hellish (–60) Strength Test. Good and Best Craftsmanship versions increase the radius by 5 metres and 10 metres, respectively. Poor Craftsmanship versions decrease the radius by 10 metres.


Expanded Armory

Magnacles These are magnetised handclamps—a snapopen hoop constructed of hardened and tempered steel that seals around a suspect’s wrist and locks together using powerful magnets. These same magnets (controlled by a simple set of buttons operated by the keyholder) allow suspects to be rapidly clamped to lampposts, Rhino APCs, or other metallic objects. The magnets are intensely powerful, and almost impossible to separate from each other or whatever they are attached to. Arbites officers usually carry at least two pairs of these on their person at any time, and most Arbites vehicles contain dozens. Magnacles are about as advanced and well constructed as wrist restraints can get. All Tests (Contortionist, Security, or even pure Strength) to escape the bonds are always taken with at least a Very Hard (-30) penalty, and take three times as long as normal.

Expanded Armory

Vox-Pickup These tiny devices, taking the form of black boxes no larger than the joint of a child’s thumb, are technological wonders from a forgotten age. They are capable of eavesdropping upon any conversation within a 10-metre radius. They can either record up to 100 hours of such conversation, or directly transmit them contemporaneously in short, secure bursts to waiting receivers. The Arbites make extensive use of this equipment to obtain damning evidence against suspects. Enforcers make use of similar devices, though usually they are less sophisticated and easier to detect. The Inquisition also has a great fondness for these machines. Activating a vox-pickup is a Full Action, though they are so simple to use that no TechUse Test is required. Detecting an activated vox-pickup is a far harder proposition: anyone searching for one that has been planted must make an Opposed Search Test, pitting his Search Test against an Intelligence Test taken by the person who concealed the vox-pickup. At the GM’s discretion, modifiers may be applied for possessing equipment which can detect burst transmissions, or for having foreknowledge of the actual existence of vox pickups in a given location.

better to smoothly affect the lucrative transactions these underworld lords and ladies thrive upon. A privacy field generates a dome of flickering blue light with a ten-foot radius that cannot be seen through or eavesdropped upon. The field offers no physical protection whatsoever, other than visual cover. Each is unique, usually mounted in a small handled case or on a Servo-Skull. Witch Cage The Witch Cage is an ancient device created on Veneris to control Psykers who would otherwise be killed but who need to be kept alive due to extreme circumstances. This simple iron box is placed over the head of the psyker and restricts both his vision and hearing. Runes inscribed within stop the psyker from effectively using his unholy gifts. In addition the Witch Cage has dozens of rings and spikes so that the psyker is easy to control by slapping the cage or pulling on ropes looped through rings. A psyker wearing a Witch Cage deducts 4 from his effective Psy Rating, takes a -40 penalty to all Willpower and Willpower based Tests and is considered Blind and Deaf. New Ammunition

Vox-Privacy Field Much in demand amongst the secretive Kasballica crime lords, these energy fields create a shimmering dome of force which sound and light do not penetrate. These fields are used to obfuscate their users from the prying eyes of Arbites and Enforcers alike, the


Executioner Shotgun Shells These rare and specialised shells (whose use is often limited to the upper echelons such as Judges and important members of the Castigators and Mortiurges of the Adeptus Arbites) contain miniaturised propulsion and stabilisation systems allowing the shell to lock on and track its target. The mechanisms that achieve this are little understood and extremely hard to replicate, and so remain within the purview of those Magos-Munitorium that provide the Arbites with their sanctioned and ordained arms. Effects: The weapon loses the Scatter Quality, but adds +4 to its base Damage and +1 to its base Penetration. Ballistic Skill Tests for shots that miss at short or standard range may be rerolled, and the defensive value of any cover for your target is ignored. When firing Executioner rounds, the weapon may not be used for SemiAutomatic or Automatic fire. Used With: Any Shotgun

Exitus Hellfire Rounds The Hellfire round has devastating effects on organic matter— its core is filled with a vial of mutagenic acid. Thousands of armour-piercing micro-needles inject the target with this acid upon impact, eating away flesh and metal alike with horrific speed. Effects: The weapon inflicts +1d10 damage and may inflict Righteous Fury on any damage die results of a 9 or 10. In addition, the weapon gains the Tearing Quality. These rounds are incredibly hard to come by. Each successful check to obtain this ammunition results in one clip of this ammo. It must be reacquisitioned and does not replenish inherently. Used With: Exitus Pistol and Exitus Rifle Exitus Shieldbreaker Rounds This round is a specially-treated with a psychically-charged imprint, and contains a complex circuit of anti-phase technology that is little understood even by the Mechanicus. Effects: This ammunition ignores the Daemonic Trait, any protection from a Psychic Power, and the protection from any Field item. When this round hits a target utilising a protective Psychic Power and/or an item with the Field quality, that Psychic Power and/or Field ceases to function for 1 Round. These rounds are incredibly hard to come by. Each successful check to obtain this ammunition results in one clip of this ammo. It must be reacquisitioned and does not replenish inherently. Used With: Exitus Pistol and Exitus Rifle

Exitus Turbo-Penetrator Round The turbo-penetrator round is a hypervelocity, adamantine jacketed shell surrounding a special magno-sealed flux needle. These special rounds are renowned for their ability to pierce nearly any armour, and the hypervelocity shell wreaks havoc upon any target, often by the secondary effects of its passage through the target’s molecular structure. Effects: The weapon inflicts +2d10 Damage and adds +5 to its Penetration. In addition, the weapon ignores any increase to a target’s base Toughness Bonus from the Unnatural Toughness Trait (but does not ignore the Daemonic Trait, nor the Toughness Bonus associated with that Trait). These rounds are incredibly hard to come by. Each successful check to obtain this ammunition results in one clip of this ammo. It must be reacquisitioned and does not replenish inherently. Used With: Exitus Pistol and Exitus Rifle High Grade Promethium Most promethium is poorly refined or has already been through the engines of a shuttle or generator before it finds its way into the canisters of a flamer; high-grade promethium, as the name suggests, is of a much better quality and allows a flamer to fire further with a cleaner jet. The weapon adds 20 to its range. Used With: Any Flame Weapon Psybolt Ammunition Psychically charged bolt shells tipped with truesilver and etched with powerful rites, Psybolt ammunition glows with an eerie blue light when fi red from a bolt weapon. Any Bolt weapon equipped with Psybolt ammunition ignores any protective benefits the target has based on psychic powers or Sorcery. In addition, the weapon counts as Sanctifi ed and adds the Psy Rating of the user to the damage dealt. Used With: All Bolt Weapons Psyflame Ammunition The promethium used in flamers can be replaced with the psychically charged promethium, like that used in Incinerators, with a few simple modifications that prevent undue stress on the weapon. Flamer weapons equipped with Psyflame Ammunition ignore any protection based on psychic powers or Sorcery. The weapon’s damage counts as Sanctified, and targets in the weapon’s area of affect suffer a –5 modifier to the Agility Test to avoid the blast for every point of Psy Rating of the user. Used With: Any Flame Weapon


Expanded Armory

Exitus Ammunition All Exitus ammunition (including all special rounds) contain miniaturised cogitator targetingspirits that make them nearly impossible to avoid. Any attempt to Dodge an attack from an Exitus rifle or pistol suffers a –20 penalty. Exitus rounds can also be programmed to selfdestruct. The rounds are disintegrated, consumed as if destroyed by a virus, and leave no trace behind. Used With: Exitus Pistol and Exitus Rifle

New Weapon Upgrades

Expanded Armory

Combi-Weapon Mounting This mounting allows the wielder to create a Combi Weapon with two weapons that they possess as opposed to purchasing one already created. Any two basic ranged weapons or any two pistol weapons can be combined into a combi-weapon. First, select which weapon is the primary weapon and which is the secondary weapon. The primary weapon retains its statistics—rate of fire, ammo capacity, and so forth—while the secondary weapon has its clip size reduced to one and its rate of fire becomes S/–/–. The weight of the new, combined weapon is equal to the weight of the primary weapon plus half the weight of the secondary weapon. Upgrades: Any two Basic Ranged weapons or any two Pistol weapons. Customization Kit This kit allows the user to modify and tweak the specifications of the weapon in such a fashion that is individually tailored to the owner's needs. This grants the Customized Quality to any weapon with this upgrade. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon Devastating Heraldry A multitude of heraldry now covers the weapon, making it more devastating when used as an improvised weapon and making those weapons designed for melee altercations all the more deadly. Ranged Weapons with this upgrade count as an Unbalanced Sword in close combat. Melee weapons with this upgrade gain +1 Damage.


Dipole Mag-Lock For Explorers in power armour, mag-locks are as common as holsters for securing weapons. The typical mag-lock consists of strong electromagnets near a suit of power armour’s surface, and mirrored magnets on the weapon to be attached. A dipole mag-lock can reverse its magnetic field to literally propel the weapon into the wielder’s hand. This is typically accomplished by embedding small proximity triggers in the glove of the weapon hand that cause the magnet to reverse polarity when brought near it. However, versions using verbal and more sophisticated somatic cues also exist. A dipole mag-lock grants the Quick Draw Talent for the upgraded weapon. If the character already has Quick Draw, he may draw his weapon as part of a Parry, allowing him to go from unarmed to deflecting an enemy blade with his own in the blink of an eye. Upgrades: Any Pistol or Basic ranged weapon, or any melee weapon that may be wielded in one hand Electromagnetic Enhancement A series of Electromagnetic Emitters are placed within the barrel of a firearm, augmenting any ammunition, projectile, or energy beam passing through. Any weapon with this upgrade gains +3 damage and +2 Penetration, and loses the Primitive Quality if it has it. Upgrades: Any Ranged Weapon

Lasgun Variable Setting The Lasguns in use by the Imperium utilize a standard power pack, and with a modification attachment can be made to be more tactically flexible. This attachment comes with a variable setting option, allowing it to fire higherpowered bursts. It may be changed to overcharge mode, dealing +1 Damage, but using two shots worth of ammunition per shot fired. Further, the lasgun may be changed to overload mode, dealing +2 Damage and gaining +2 Penetration. In this case, the lasgun uses four shots of ammunition per shot fired, loses Reliable, and gains Unreliable. Upgrades: Any Pistol or Basic Las Weapon Laud Hailer Attachment Equipped with a vox system that blasts Imperial battle hymns, weapons with this upgrade strike terror into any foolish enough to charge them. When using the Suppressing Fire action, any weapon with this upgrade applies a -10 penalty to all tests made to resist pinning. Upgrades: All weapons capable of Suppressing Fire

Precision Barrel A longer and more precisely machined barrel allows the shots fired from the weapon it is installed in to fire longer ranges with increased accuracy. Increase the weapon's range by 10 meters. Upgrades: Any Ranged Weapon Power Field Emitter An ancient and powerful piece of technology, this emitter produces a Power Field that envelops the blade of any weapon it is affixed to. Any weapon with this upgrade gains the Power Field Quality and increases it's Damage and Pen by 2. Upgrades: Any Melee Weapon without the Power Field Quality Shock Emitters A series of electrical shock emitting attachments, these allow the wielder to more easily take down foes. A weapon with this upgrade gains the Shocking Quality. Upgrades: Any Melee Weapon Targeter Expensive, heavy and rarely used except by elite forces, a targeter uses a variety of guidance cogitators and omni-sights to improve accuracy. These upgrades are normally hard-wired into a specific weapon for maximum efficiency. Commonly viewed as adding to the weapon’s machine-spirit, they create an even closer bond between gunner and gun. A targeter grants a +10 bonus on all Ballistic Skill Tests made with the weapon. Upgrades: Any Basic, Pistol, or Heavy Weapon


Expanded Armory

Extra-Large Duplex Magazine This modified magazine system is capable of holding an enormous amount of ammunition, and is available in a wide variety of styles, including magazines, ammunition belts, and high yield batteries. Weapons with this upgrade double their Clip size. Upgrades: Any Ranged Weapon

New Armor Upgrades

Expanded Armory

Ecclesiarchal Overlay Comprised from the extensive Ministorumapproved iconography, engraved prayers, mottos, and purity seals, an Overlay can be applied to any normal suit of armour. Aside from marking the wearer as a devout follower of the God-Emperor, it also grants +10 bonus to Command and Fellowship Tests when the character seeks to inspire, lead, and rally the faithful. Upgrades: Any Armour Hexagrammatic Wards Powerful wards, null-psy lattice circuits and prayers of protection are woven into armour carrying this upgrade, often visually represented by ornate carvings and graven icons embellishing its surface. Armour upgraded in this way serves not only to protect the wearer’s body but also their soul. Armour with this upgrade provides it wearer with a +20 bonus on Tests made to resist any direct psychic attack or manipulation used against them. Additionally, the armour provides double the Armour Points against attacks of psychic force or warp energy that directly deal Damage (such as the Psychic Blade or Fire Bolt powers), and keeps its value against attacks made with the Warp Weapon effect. Upgrades: Any fully encompassing suit of armour. Power Armor Microfusion Power Supply This power supply is constructed utilizing the same methods as the power packs utilized by the Adeptus Sororitas and the Adeptus Astartes. Utilizing an arcane power source not fully understood, this allows suits of Powered Armour to function indefinitely. Limitations on oxygen and other consumable concerns do not change. Note: Damaging Microfusion Packs Microfusion generator backpacks can sustain power forever with proper care, however it is possible for the power unit to be damaged, hindering or even disabling the suit. If the wearer takes Critical Damage to the Body from behind, consult the Power Unit Critical Effects chart below (in addition to normal Critical Effects). The problems continue until the unit can be repaired with a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test. Upgrades: Any Power Armor


Column 2

Cranial Armour Inserted just beneath the skin, Cranial Armour adds an extra level of protection that could be the difference between life and death. Cranial Armour adds +1 to any armour on the head, stacking with other types of armour as well as Talents that provide Armour Points (such as The Flesh is Weak). Poor- uality Cranial Armour is crude and obvious, permanently reducing the user’s Fellowship by 1d10. Good-Craftsmanship Cranial Armour adds an additional +1 (for a total of +2)Armour to the head. Enhanced Potentia Coil Designed as a more heavy-duty replacement for standard internal power units, the Enhanced Potentia Coil can be taxed at a far greater level in order to enhance the many abilities common to members of the Machine Cult. Installation of an Enhanced Potentia Coil involves difficult and invasive surgery, and thus the time taken to add the Enhanced Potentia Coil is 1d5+1 weeks. Poor- Quality Enhanced Potentia Coils leave the user with a noticeably hunched form, permanently reducing their Agility by 1d10. An Enhanced Potentia Coil can be used for all of the following benefits: ● Luminen Blast/Luminen Flare: Gain +1d10 Damage, a Penetration value equal to the user’s Willpower Bonus, and the Shocking Quality. ● Luminen Shock/Luminen Surge: Gain a Penetration value equal to the user’s Willpower Bonus as well as the Shocking and Tearing Qualities. ● Luminen Shield/Luminen Barrier: Can be activated as a Reaction. ● Luminen Charge: Tests are 2 steps easier (i.e. Hard (–20) Test becomes a Challenging (+0) Test). ● Maglev Grace/Maglev Transcendence: Maintaining these abilities becomes a Free Action. Maglev Grace can be performed once every 6 hours. Maglev Transcendence can be performed twice every 6 hours. ● Electrical Succour: Takes half a minute to conduct and becomes an Easy (+30) Toughness Test. ● Ferric Lure/Ferric Summons: Become Free Actions.

Karrikan Lock-Arm On the high gravity world of Karrik, the Arbitrators must augment their armour and equipment with powerful servomotors to operate outside of the orbiting Precinct Fortress. The tithe of Ogryns to the Imperial Guard regiments is constantly under threat by slavers who see the worlds location on the outskirts of the sector as a sign of easy prey. While the enhanced power armour of the Arbitrators and Judges who serve there has suited them well over the last century, the LockArm has become a right of passage for local Adeptus Arbites personnel. Those Ogryn who have fallen under the sway of slavers make excellent body guards, and while easily tricked, they are violent and potent melee combatants. When they turn their formidable mass to an Arbitrator, armour can sometimes prove useless. The Ogryn will often attempt to tear off the arm of a subject, mangling it within the power armour in the process. It is in this way that many Karrikian Arbitrators come to possess a Lock-Arm, a powerful servo- nhanced augmetic that is powerful even by the standards of an Ogryn. In addition to the enhanced strength, the arm contains dozens of magnetic field generators, and reactive grapple stakes. Such a powerful cybernetic would otherwise be torn from the body of the user, or they would be lifted from the ground. When required, the arm fires the stakes or magnetic grapples to nearby supports at multipe angles, bracing against a more sturdy frame, allowing a unnaturally strong suspect to be restrained without harming the user. A character with a Karrikian Lock-Arm is treated as having Unnatural Strength (x3) for the purposes of grappling or restraining a target. In addition, the user gains a +20 bonus to Strength when making melee attacks using the arm.


Expanded Armory

New Cybernetics

Expanded Armory

Landrian Revealer The Cyber-Mastiff ’s of Hive Subrique are well known for their augmented gene-spoor and scent tracking abilities. Several attempts have been made to create portable versions of the device, but none have met with any success among the Calixian Adeptus Mechanicus. Refusing to believe that such a thing was impossible, Tech-Wright Ontuo began a lifelong quest to uncover the secrets of the chemicals in the oceans of Landsunder, and to unlock their detection secrets. The end result was the Landrian Revealer. Rather than processing the data through a cogitator, the Landrian Revealer fills the users eyes with phero-conductive chemicals, literally allowing him to see scents and other biological markers. This augmetic is typically installed on a single eye, so that the user may still choose to see the world normally most of the time. A character equipped with a Landrian Revealer gains the Heightened Sense (Smell) and Talented (Tracking) talents. In addition, when blinded he may locate targets by their smell and only suffers a -10 penalty to Ballistic or Weapon Skill tests. It is a half-action to flood the eye with chemicals, activating the device. Good Quality versions of the Landrian Revealer impose no penalty to Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill Tests when blinded. Those of Best Quality also include powerful Photovisors or Infra-Red goggle augmentations. Malfian Dermaguise Imposters from around the Calixis Sector routinely make a pilgrimage to Malfi to see one of the few surgeons capable of performing a unique, painful, and dangerous operation. Hundreds of electro-flexible plates are inserted beneath the subject’s skin, and linked into a series of micro-servo’s. Using a data-slate, the subject is able to manipulate the plates so that his facial structure is reshaped. The process is extremely painful; many users of the Malfian Dermaguise become addicted to drugs to help compensate for the pain. The movement of the plates can tear through the skin or stretch flesh in odd ways. After using the Dermaguise it often takes days for the skin to heal around the new form properly, although minor alterations can heal much quicker. Over-use of the device can damage muscles and facial tissue, even


rendering a subject unable to make normal facial expressions without using the device. It requires 5 rounds and a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test to change the user’s visage, which grants a +20 bonus to any Disguise Tests made to impersonate another person and causes 1 level of Fatigue. This bonus increases to +30 after the Fatigue has been removed (as the stretched skin heals). If the Tech-Use Test is failed, the user suffers 1 point of Tearing Damage (not reduced by Toughness) per Degree of Failure as his muscles are strained and his face is torn open by metal. If the test is failed by more than 3 Degrees of Failure, the user must succeed on a Hard (-20) Toughness Test or lose 1d5 Fellowship as his face is permanently damaged. The process of facial reconfiguration may be shortened from 5 rounds to as little as 1 round, but every round reduced imposes a cumulative -10 penalty to the Tech-Use Test. Good Quality versions of this augmetic include small pigment scrubbers strategically placed all over the body, allowing the user to darken or lighten his skin tone as well. There are no Best Quality versions of this augmetic. Mechadendrite Stabilizers The Lathes are known for mysterious and frequent gravity shifts, which can overcome even experienced Tech-Priests when they are in areas not properly shielded with additional grav plating. Years of study indicated that replating the myriad facilities would be impractical, so many in the far edges of the system began surreptitiously developing a radical mechadendrite design to aid in their work. Instead of adding additional manipulation capabilities, pairs of gyroscopically stabilised, heavily clawed talons can anchor a Tech-Priest firmly onto a surface, where he can conduct his furtive research more peacefully. Though somewhat heretical, more and more are appearing across the Lathe Worlds. Lathes Stabilisers require a Half Action to activate or deactivate. Once active, if the Acolyte remains in place, he counts as being Braced and gains the Sturdy Trait. The Acolyte also ignores modifiers to his Movement in areas of High, Low, or Zero Gravity and in areas with Tremors or other uncertain stability, as well as gaining a bonus to Climb Tests. The Mechadendrite Use (Utility) Talent applies to this Mechadendrite.

any one weapon on the harness. The attachments on the Perinetus-pattern ServoHarness can be swapped out for other items, such as other forms of Mechadendrites, Bulkhead Cutters, and even full-sized ServoArms. The Talents Mechadendrite Use (Weapon) and (Utility) are required in order to use a Perinetus-pattern Servo-Harness, and the user must possess the Mechanicus Implants Trait. Servo Claw A large number of Mechanicum technologies, such as Manipulator Mechadendrites and Servo-Arms, are designed for a specific practical purpose; whatever use they have as a weapon is often secondary and incidental. The Servo-Claw is the opposite, a form of Mechadendrite designed purely for its combat applications that can also be used as a makeshift tool. Consisting of tightly wound bundles of synthetic muscle fibres contained within a small metal framework, the ServoClaw ends in a sharp, serrated claw that can cut through armour and snap bones with remarkable ease, leaving the user’s hands free for other matters. A Servo-Claw is usually mounted at waist height, as not to interfere with the movement of the arms or any other Mechadendrites. It can be used to make any normal Attack Action as if it were a regular Melee weapon, or can be used to make a Standard Attack as a Reaction (but never both in the same Round). This attack is made with the user’s Weapon Skill, and deals 1d10+12 Rending Damage with a Penetration of 4 and the Tearing Quality. The servo-claw never adds the Strength of the user to its Damage. It can be used to grip and lift objects using its Strength of 60 and Unnatural Strength (x2) Trait, and can be used as a makeshift Manipulator Mechadendrite, with a –10 penalty to all associated Tests. The Mechadendrite Use (Utility) Talent applies to this Mechadendrite.


Expanded Armory

Perinetus-Pattern Servo-Harness As one of the main voidship construction and repair facilities within the Calixis Sector, forge world Perinetus has developed numerous adaptive technologies to make working in zerogravity environments easier and more efficient. One such device is the Perinetus-Pattern ServoHarness, a large, backpack-like cybernetic that gives its user the ability to carry and use more tools simultaneously as they float around damaged and unfinished vessels. Additionally, small manoeuvring thrusters sprout from various points across the harness, allowing for greater control in environments without gravity. At a minimum, each Perinetus-Pattern Servo-Harness consists of one Manipulator Mechadendrite, one Utility Mechadendrite, a Combi-tool, a Fyceline Torch, and a Plasma Cutter. The torch is identical to a Flamer. The plasma cutter can burn through a metre of adamantine plating up to 20 centimetres thick every minute (thinner material can be cut through faster); it may also be used as a Plasma Pistol with a Range of 10m. A Perinetus-pattern Servo-Harness also has several manoeuvring thrusters, that grant the user the Flyer (6) Trait when used in areas with very low or no gravity. A character with Talents that allow him to make Multiple Attacks may use any weapon (or equivalent) on his Perinetus-Pattern ServoHarness for any of the attacks he would normally be allowed, subject to all normal limitations including weapon Class. Additionally, the user may use his normal Reaction to make a single shot or strike with

Expanded Armory



Expanded Armory

Chapter 6: Expanded Vehicles

Expanded Vehicles

This section of the supplement adds in multiple new Vehicles for purchase and use. The statistics presented here are largely from the armories of the Imperial Guard and can pack some serious firepower. As such, you may want to carefully consider allowing players to purchase these conveyances. To fully utilize this section of the supplement you will need the Vehicle rules presented in the Rogue Trader Supplement Into the Storm. This section does not cover rules of


how vehicles function in the rules, only presents new options. In addition, weapon statistics are not included in the initial vehicle stat block. The statistics for emplacement weapons can be found in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook and the Ranged Weapons Section of this supplement. Vehicle Weapon Statistics are included later in this chapter on page 126. I hope you enjoy these new additions to the Rogue Trader vehicle lineup!

The Atlas is a heavily stripped down variant of the Leman Russ used for towing immobilised or damaged vehicles to safety. The Atlas’ engine is powerful enough to tow a fully-loaded Leman Russ, and can even tow something as large as a Baneblade when matched with three or four other recovery vehicles. The Atlas performs its tasks by means of its heavy duty winch and hydraulic spade, both of which allow the Atlas to stay steady during recovery operations and pull even the most crippled vehicles from ditches or craters. Atlas Recovery Vehicles also assist with field repairs as their ability to lift stricken vehicles gives Enginseers the chance to restore what would normally require a full repair facility. With no turret and little armour to speak of, the Atlas is extremely vulnerable to enemy attack and thus tends to wait in reserve until called upon. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 40 kph Structural Integrity: 35 Armour: Front 28, Side 18, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 14m Manoeuvrability: -10 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, Operator

Weapons ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows all the rules for Ground Vehicles ● Reliable: All tests made to repair this vehicle gain a +10 bonus ● Repair Winch: Decreases the difficulty of repairing other vehicles by one step (ex: A Hard (-20) test would become Difficult (-10)) ● Towing: May tow a single vehicle up to Massive Size, two may move an Immense, four may move Monumental or Larger. When more than one Atlas tows in unison their speeds are halved and they suffer an additional -10 to Manoeuvrability. Attaching the winch takes 24 Full Actions (2 minutes) and the Atlas must remain stationary. Availability: Very Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Atlas Recovery Vehicle

Bane Wolf Chem Tank

Expanded Vehicles

An exceptionally lethal variant of the Hellhound Flame Tank, the Bane Wolf replaces the inferno cannon with a short ranged chemical spray cannon. Each burst from the chem cannon sends a cloud of toxin so potent that it can melt armour and dissolve flesh. More pervasive than even the best types of promethium, the chem cannon is usually the best weapon for dislodging heavily entrenched infantry. The effects of the toxins are horrifying to behold, and exposed infantry often give the Bane Wolf a wide berth, letting it go about its grizzly work before following up the advance. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 70kph Structural Integrity: 30 Armour: Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: Manoeuvrability: Size: Crew: Commander, Driver, Gunner

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing): Chem Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Enhanced Motive Systems: This vehicle may move twice their tactical speed as a half action and may move three times tactical speed as a full action. This applies to the Floor It! Action and causes the vehicle to move three times tactical speed. ● Extremely Volatile: Double the chance of exploding when this vehicle catches fire, on explosion all those in the blast must make a Difficult (-10) Agility Test or catch fire. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles ● Noxious Fuel: In addition to being extremely flammable, the Bane Wolf utilzes fuel with toxic fumes. If the Bane Wolf is ruptured, all those within the flame radius must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or take 1d10 Toxic damage ignoring Armor. ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. Availability: Extremely Rare


The Baneblade is easily one of the most dangerous vehicles on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. Colossal vehicles, Baneblades make Leman Russ battle tanks look tiny and pathetic in comparison, and the morale boost from seeing one of these metal leviathans can never be underestimated. Baneblades are bristling with weapons and can engage more targets by themselves than most vehicle squadrons. Their armour is nigh on impenetrable to small arms fire and they can shrug off hits that would core even a Leman Russ Demolisher. A Baneblade’s main weapon is the huge baneblade cannon. Firing a specially designed rocketpropelled warhead, it can remove entire chunks of the battlefield in fiery plumes of death and destruction. An autocannon is slaved to the main cannon in a co-axial mount, mainly used to guide the larger gun’s shots. However, unlike some superheavy vehicles, the Baneblade’s arsenal does not end with its primary weapon. A hull-mounted demolisher cannon gives the Baneblade added punch at shorter ranges and a trio of twin-linked heavy bolters give it the defensive firepower of an entire squadron of Leman Russ. Finally, two strategically placed lascannon turrets give the Baneblade protection against flanking vehicles, especially walkers, who can often turn the Baneblade’s sluggish speed against it. To be the commander of a Baneblade is to be a god among other tank crews. Baneblades are always in high demand and most Imperial Guard armies will be lucky to have one in their service, let alone a full squadron. However, even one Baneblade can turn the tide of a losing battle, or make the break in a vital siege—there is almost nothing that can stand in a Baneblade’s way. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 25kph Structural Integrity: 120 Armour: Front 45, Side 38, Rear 30 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 8m Manoeuvrability: -30 Size: Monumental Crew: Commander, Driver, 5 Gunners, 2 Support

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing): Baneblade Cannon with mounted Auto Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing): Demolisher Cannon ● Turret Mounted (All Facing): Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter ● 2 Sponson Mounted (Left/Right Facing): 2 Twin Linked Heavy Bolters ● 2 Turret Mounted (All Facing): 2 Lascannons ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Command and Control: +10 to command tests while in this vehicle ● Damage Control: When this vehicle takes critical damage the result may be re-rolled, but the second result stands. Putting out fires in this vehicle is a free action. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles ● Ponderous: May not use the Floor It! Action and moving tactical speed requires a Full Action. ● Problematic Targeting: The Baneblade's size is so great that any All Facing weapon may have difficulties targeting certain enemies as their line of site will be blocked. ● Improved Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. If a Mechanic is stationed onboard this rule applies to Righteous Fury rolls as well and provides a +20 bonus to put out all fires. ● Super-Heavy: This vehicle may drive over obstacles 5 meters high or bulldoze it's way through walls, forests, or medium size buildings with no negative effects. Availability: Unique


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Baneblade (Continued)

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Showing just how multi-purpose the basic Chimera chassis is, the Basilisk is not a transport vehicle at all but is instead the premiere artillery unit of the Imperial Guard. Entire sectors have had their fates decided by the power and roar of the Basilisk’s mighty earthshaker cannon, and, true to its basic construction, it remains one of the more versatile artillery units available to Guard commanders. Basilisk batteries are capable of flattening entire cities, decimating tank formations and cutting a swathe through massed ranks of advancing infantry. This ability stems from the earthshaker artillery shell, a type of ordnance so potent and so powerful that it tends to literally shake its targets apart. Destroying the enemies of the God-Emperor is not the only thing a Basilisk can do, as its main gun can fire a variety of shells in order to support its fellow infantry. Illumination shells can carpet battlefields in daylight, forcing heretics and xenos alike out of the darkness, and smoke shells can keep Imperial Guard infantry and tanks safe as they advance towards their targets. With abilities like these, the Basilisk becomes more than just another artillery piece—it becomes a vital part of the Imperial Guard war machine. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 35 kph Structural Integrity: 40 Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 12m Manoeuvrability: -15 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader

Weapons ● Fixed Turret (Front Facing): Earthshaker Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles Availability: Extremely Rare


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Centaur Carrier

Expanded Vehicles

Easily one of the smallest vehicles employed by the Imperial Guard, the Centaur Carrier is an exceptionally versatile vehicle that uses speed and a uniquely modular design to fulfil a number of roles. Centaurs act as command crew transports, supply transports and communication vehicles, but they most often find use as towing vehicles for field artillery as well as transporting the gun crews that operate these weapons. The Centaur itself has few weapons, often just a single pintle mount, but its hull incorporates a modular weapon mount adapted for numerous weapon types. This makes it an ideal transport for small units of well-equipped infantry, such as Storm Troopers or Grenadiers. Not considered fighting vehicles, Centaur crews tend to fall back from concentrated pockets of enemy resistance using their high speed to get away quickly. Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20m Cruising Speed: 110 kph Manoeuvrability: +10 Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous Armour: Front 25, Side 16, Rear 12 Crew: Driver, Gunner Carrying Capacity: 5 Explorers plus wargear Weapons ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing): Heavy Stubber Special Rules ● Artillery Towing: Centaurs may tow Artillery Pieces up to Massive Size, though it halves the vehicles speed and applies a -20 penalty to Manoeuvrability. Coupling and uncoupling a piece takes 12 full actions (1 minute) and the Centaur must remain stationary during this time. ● Enhanced Motive Systems: This vehicle may move twice their tactical speed as a half action and may move three times tactical speed as a full action. This applies to the Floor It! Action and causes the vehicle to move three times tactical speed. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles ● Modular Weapon Mount: The Centaur is equipped with a modular front weapon mount that can be fired by the passengers in the vehicle. The mount can accept a Heavy Stubber, Heavy Flamer, or Grenade Launcher. ● Open Topped: Crew of this vehicle may be targeted with the Called Shot action ● Reliable: Tests made to repair this vehicle get a +10 bonus Availability: Very Rare


More than a simple armoured personnel carrier, the Chimera is both a transport vehicle and light tank, and its dependable frame and universal design forms the backbone of the Imperial Guard’s armoured might. The Chimera is designed to transport a full squad of Guardsmen into the thick of the fighting, whilst still providing support in the form of heavy firepower. The Chimera’s heavily armoured front makes it ideal for head-on assaults where lines of Chimeras can form an exceptionally effective spearhead, backed up by the infantry within them. The Chimera’s success is also down to its versatility. More vehicles are based upon the Chimera design than any other, from command tanks like the Salamander to self-propelled artillery like the Medusa. Even the basic Chimera itself has many variants, and its modular turret and hull mounts can be adapted to a number of different weapon configurations to ensure a level of tactical flexibility not normally achievable with other Guard vehicles. The Chimera’s adaptability is such that many other organisations, such as the Inquisition and the Adeptus Arbites, also employ the vehicle, making it one of the most ubiquitous designs in the galaxy. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 70kph Structural Integrity: 35 Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: 12 Explorers plus gear

Tactical Speed: 15m Manoeuvrability: +0 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, Gunner

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Autocannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Amphibious: This vehicle treats bodies of water as open ground ● Firing Ports: This vehicles has ports (3 per side) that the occupants of the vehicle may use to shoot at enemies outside of the vehicle. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles ● Reliable: Tech-use tests to repair the vehicle gain a +20 bonus Availability: Very Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Chimera Armoured Transport

Cyclops Demolition Vehicle

Expanded Vehicles

A diminutive vehicle that none would ever describe as a “tank,” the Cyclops Demolition Vehicle is a remote controlled siege weapon packed with an inordinate amount of high explosives. Upon command the Cyclops detonates with a thunderous crack, ripping apart fortifications and annihilating exposed infantry over a large area. However against the heavily entrenched forces of the Severan Dominate, the Cyclops more often find itself deployed for mine and tank trap clearance despite its overwhelming explosive power. The small size of the Cyclops allows it to fit inside the hulls of Chimeras, Crassus Armoured Assault Transports and even Valkyries. Always in high demand and low supply, the Cyclops holds a special place in many Spinward Front regiments. A Cyclops Demolition Vehicle takes up the equivalent space of 5 Guardsmen (so a Chimera could carry two Cyclops Demolition Vehicles and the two Guardsmen that control them) although due to their weight a Valkyrie can only ever carry a single Cyclops. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 42 kph Structural Integrity: 10 Armour: Front 10, Side 10, Rear 8 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 12m Manoeuvrability: -10 Size: Average Crew: n/a

Weapons ● Integrated Explosive: Cyclops Demolition Charge Special Rules Extremely Volatile: Double the chance of exploding when this vehicle catches fire, on explosion all those in the blast must make a Difficult (-10) Agility Test or catch fire. Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles Ponderous: May not use the Floor It! Action and moving tactical speed requires a Full Action. Remote Controlled: Must be driven via remote at a range of 200m utilizing the Tech-Use Skill to operate. This requires the actions of the operator and range may be impeded by walls or inclement weather. Detonating the Demolition Charge is an attack action and destroys the Cyclops in the process. If it would explode, use the Demolition Charge statistics instead of the normal critical rules. The Cyclops is destroyed immediately upon suffering a Righteous Fury. Availability: Rare


Criticised for its lack of firepower, the Griffon Heavy Mortar is something of a rarity among dedicated artillery regiments. The heavy mortar lacks the punch of its larger cousins such as the earthshaker or bombard, and the heavy mortar’s significantly reduced range makes it ill-suited to the task of sustained suppressive barrages. Nevertheless as an infantry close support weapon the Griffon shines above more cumbersome artillery pieces, and as each individual shell tends to be smaller the vehicle’s rate of fire is much higher than more traditional barrage weapons. The Griffon’s main strength is its versatility, and the heavy mortar is capable of utilising many different shell types. The siege shell is unique to the Griffon, its specialised design allowing it to burrow into the ground before exploding, concentrating the blast within a smaller area and giving it greater armour cracking potential. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 70kph Structural Integrity: 40 Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 15m Manoeuvrability: +0 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader

Weapons ● Fixed Weapon (Front Facing): Griffon Heavy Mortar ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles ● Open Topped: Crew of the vehicle may be targeted with the Called Shot action Availability: Very Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Griffon Heavy Mortar

Hades Breaching Drill

Expanded Vehicles

Not a true tank by any means, the Hades Breaching Drill is essentially a piece of mining equipment commonly found within combat engineer regiments. Consisting of four diamantinetipped rotary power cutters and a high-power melta-cutter, the Hades can plough through just about any surface. The Hades is used to grind through massive walls and other obstructions, usually in underground tunnels to guard its crew from enemy fire as it is brought into position. Piloted through man-made, braced tunnels, the Hades acts as the final blow, boring through rockcrete, plasteel, and adamantium with equal ease. This unique ability gives the Hades its role as a subterranean ambush vehicle. With a single command the small vehicle rips into fortified enemy positions from beneath, scattering defenders in a maelstrom of dust and sprays of near-molten rock. Moments later the Hades’ attendant combat engineers swarm the breach, securing the position before the enemy has regrouped. Across the Spinward Front the regiments of Krieg make the most use of the Hades, and the small vehicle has a proven track record against the forces of the Severan Dominate. However, against the unpredictable nature of the Orks and nimble raiding parties of the Dark Eldar, the Hades is often of little use. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 25 kph Structural Integrity: 20 Armour: Front 30, Side 16, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 10m Manoeuvrability: -15 Size: Enormous Crew: Driver

Weapons ● Emplacement: Fixed Rotary Power/Melta Cutters Special Rules ● Burrower: This vehicle may move underground as though it had the Burrower (6) Trait, and leave behind a semi-stable tunnel for infantry to pass through. These tunnels may collapse suddenly. Targets attacked by Burrowing into them count as surprised. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles ● Limited Attacks: This vehicle may only attack via the Ram! Action, however the Hades uses the weapon profile for the rotary power/melta cutters to determine the damage and the Hades takes no damage itself for the Ram. ● Open Topped: Crew of this vehicle may be targeted with the Called Shot action. ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. Availability: Average


One of the more specialist variants of the Chimera chassis, the Hellhound Flame Tank is a dedicated anti-infantry tank designed to clear out masses of troops with its fearsome inferno cannon. Watching a Hellhound in action is a frightening prospect, as great gouts of fiery promethium spray outwards in a large arc. The effect is short lived, but the roar of its scorching payload is soon replaced by the tortured screams of those unfortunate enough to be caught in the wave of fire. Hellhounds are suited to the more reckless and cavalier of vehicle crews, as while they may have increased armour across their flanks, they do carry vast amounts of highly explosive promethium fuel. Every hit could spell potential disaster for a Hellhound and its crew, and exposed infantry tend to give the tank a wide berth in case a well-aimed shot from an enemy turns the tank into a raging fireball of titanic proportions. Despite these obvious drawbacks, the Hellhound itself has a good reputation as a quick strike vehicle, moving ahead of the main line to torch dug-in enemy positions and burn away obstructions for the slower and heavier vehicles that follow behind it. The enemies of Mankind know to fear the Hellhound and their crews exploit this well-deserved dread at every opportunity. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 70kph Structural Integrity: 30 Armour: Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 18m Manoeuvrability: +10 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, Gunner

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing): Inferno Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Enhanced Motive Systems: This vehicle may move twice their tactical speed as a half action and may move three times tactical speed as a full action. This applies to the Floor It! Action and causes the vehicle to move three times tactical speed. ● Extremely Volatile: Double the chance of exploding when this vehicle catches fire, on explosion all those in the blast must make a Difficult (-10) Agility Test or catch fire. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles. ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. Availability: Very Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Hellhound Flame Tank

Hydra Flak Tank

Expanded Vehicles

The Hydra Flak Tank is one of the most sought-after vehicles in the Imperial Guard arsenal, and its distinctive silhouette and four long-barrelled autocannons have kept the skies clear of enemy aircraft for millennia. Hydras are usually organised into large anti-aircraft batteries, but individual vehicles regularly find themselves seconded to specific companies where even a single tank can make a huge difference to the unit’s defensive capabilities. Artillery companies almost always have attached Hydra support, as they are often the most vulnerable to enemy bombing raids and quick strike aircraft. Infantry units also adore the Hydra, as it can both watch the skies for them as well as point its guns directly forward where the high explosive flak shells can cut enemy infantry to ribbons. Much like the Manticore, the Hydra features highly sophisticated targeting equipment, and the turret is capable of locking onto a single airborne target and tracking it automatically without the need for manual readjustment by the crew. Combined with its prodigious rate of fire most aircraft that find themselves in a Hydra’s sights do not leave in one piece. Deployed by the thousands across the entire Spinward Front, most Hydra crews find their versatile guns pressed into a variety of tasks from standard AA operations, to infantry suppression and even rapid emergency forest clearing. There are few targets they cannot handle, and all Guardsmen feel safer when there’s a Hydra or two backing their lines. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 50 kph Structural Integrity: 40 Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 15m Manoeuvrability: +0 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, 2 Gunners, Loader

Weapons ● 2 Turret Mounted: Hydra Autocannons ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Anti-Air: This vehicle is designed to eliminate threats in the air. It suffers a -20 to Ballistic Skill against any Ground Targets. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles. ● Sustained Fire: As long as the Hydra continues to target the same Aerial vehicle with both Autocannons they count as having benefited from a Half Action Aim. This benefit ends if the cannons target different enemies or the target is destroyed. This benefit never applies to Ground Vehicles. Availability: Extremely Rare


The Leman Russ is the workhorse of the Imperial Guard’s armoured companies. Deployed to virtually every warzone across the galaxy for thousands of years, there is no other type of tank that sees more combat than the Leman Russ. A robust and rugged design, the Leman Russ actually benefits from its unsophisticated construction techniques that allow it to traverse all sorts of terrain types and ensure that it can operate in almost any local conditions. Its heavy armour, mostly concentrated towards the front, provides a level of protection that outweighs all but the greatest tanks of the Adeptus Astartes, and its weapon configuration allows it to take on a varied range of targets. The Leman Russ is slow and bulky, yet adaptable, forming the basis for several variants such as the Executioner and the Annihilator. It is one of the most recognisable silhouettes on the battlefield and the sound the Leman Russ’ battle cannon makes as it fires high explosive rounds towards the enemies of the Imperium can be as inspirational as a Ministorum Priest’s battle hymn or the shouts of a Commissar. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 35 kph Structural Integrity: 55 Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 12m Manoeuvrability: -10 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, 4 Gunners/Loaders

Weapons ● Turret (All Facing): Battle Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Heavy Flamer ● 2 Sponson Mounted (Left/Right Facing) Weapons (Choose One): 2 Heavy Bolters, 2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Plasma Cannons ● Pintle Mounted Weapon (All Facing) (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. ● Reliable: Tests to repair this vehicle gain a +20 bonus Availability: Extremely Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Leman Russ Battle Tank

Leman Russ Demolisher

Expanded Vehicles

The Demolisher gets its name from the enormous siege cannon that sits within its turret. This demolisher cannon fires massive shells that can level buildings, annihilate heavily armoured infantry, and obliterate vehicles in a single hit. However, the main cannon is not the only thing that makes the Demolisher so dangerous and so popular amongst the infantry of the Imperial Guard. Based on the venerable chassis and construction techniques of the Leman Russ, the Demolisher strains its engine by adding even more armour to its rear quarters and thickening the armour in all other locations. This makes it one of the slower vehicles in the Imperial Guard arsenal, almost as slow as some of the colossal super-heavy tanks, but also one of the most resilient. Demolishers can form bulwarks in defensive actions, and a line of these tanks can hold off a determined attacker for hours, if not days, when properly supplied with ammunition. On the offensive, the Demolisher acts as a siege tank, spearheading attacks against the most hardened points of enemy resistance. Often equipped with hull lascannons and exceptionally dangerous sponson weaponry such as plasma cannons and multi-meltas, these siege tanks can blast holes in enemy formations, allowing for faster elements to move in and claim their objectives. The Demolisher is a vital and powerful element of any Armoured Company. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 28kph Structural Integrity: 60 Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear: 22 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 10m Manoeuvrability: -15 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, 4 Gunners/Loaders

Weapons ● Turret (All Facing): Turret Mounted Demolisher Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Heavy Flamer ● 2 Sponson Mounted (Left/Right Facing) Weapons (Choose One): 2 Heavy Bolters, 2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Plasma Cannons, 2 Multi-Meltas ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. ● Ponderous: May not use the Floor It! Action and moving tactical speed requires a Full Action. Availability: Extremely Rare


The Leman Russ Executioner has all but disappeared from the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. Rarer than even the Leman Russ Vanquisher, the Executioner features a primary weapon that virtually no Forge World can replicate: the plasma destroyer. Volatile, unreliable and devastatingly powerful, this relic of the Age of Technology disgorges gouts of incandescent death that no personal armour can withstand. The plasma destroyer’s fusillade makes the Executioner one of the most dangerous tanks available to the Imperial Guard. However this power comes at a price, and the Executioner has a number of serious drawbacks. Such ancient tech-secrets require dedicated Enginseer support. Prone to massive overheating, the plasma destroyer’s troubles only get worse if errant small arms fire or explosive shrapnel cut the external coolant lines. Overtaxed main guns have led to catastrophic detonations, meaning only the most skilled tank crews ever pilot these formidable, if unpredictable, tanks to their full potential. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 35 kph Structural Integrity: 55 Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 12m Manoeuvrability: -10 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, 3 Gunners, 1 Gunner/Loader

Weapons ● Turret Mounted: Plasma Destroyer ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Heavy Flamer, Plasma Cannon ● 2 Sponson Mounted (Left/Right Facing) Weapons (Choose One): 2 Heavy Bolters, 2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Plasma Cannons ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Extremely Volatile: Double the chance of exploding when this vehicle catches fire, on explosion all those in the blast must make a Difficult (-10) Agility Test or catch fire. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles. ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. Availability: Unique


Expanded Vehicles

Leman Russ Executioner

Leman Russ Exterminator

Expanded Vehicles

Although it carries considerably lighter armaments than the standard Leman Russ, the Exterminator is no less heavily armoured than its more common cousin. A simple modification of the Leman Russ design, the Exterminator replaces the battle cannon with a set of autocannons commonly referred to as an exterminator cannon. The higher rate of fire afforded by this weapon system allows the Exterminator to blast through ranks of infantry and lighter vehicles, and the internal space freed up by the removal of the heavy shells gives the Exterminator deep ammunition reservoirs allowing it to operate for longer periods of time without resupply. The rest of the Exterminator’s chassis remains almost identical to that of the venerable Leman Russ, but the robust (if inefficient) engine no longer need cope with the massive weight of the battle cannon and its ammunition, making the Exterminator significantly faster for a vehicle of its type. Often used in a scouting role when armoured companies require recon in force, the Exterminator is reliable, easy to maintain and very dangerous. Although unsuited to the task, Exterminators can be pressed into ad-hoc anti-aircraft duty when more dedicated AA assets are unavailable. Their main armament is perfect for bringing down enemy fliers, but the Exterminator lacks the sophisticated targeting equipment needed to properly track and eliminate fast-moving airborne targets. Nevertheless squadrons of Exterminators can, at a pinch, mimic the effect of a single Hydra battery. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 40 kph Structural Integrity: 55 Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 14m Manoeuvrability: -10 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, 3 Gunners, 1 Gunner/Loader

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing): Exterminator Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Lascannon ● 2 Sponson Mounted (Left/Right Facing) Weapon (Choose One): 2 Heavy Bolters, 2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Plasma Cannons ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles. ● Gyroscopic Stabilization: This vehicle does not take penalties for firing while moving ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. ● Reinforced Turret: Any hits against the turret of this vehicle count as having armor 42 ● Reliable: Tech-Use tests made to repair this vehicle gain a +10 bonus. Availability: Extremely Rare


An extremely sophisticated and rare variant of the basic Leman Russ, the Vanquisher is a dedicated vehicle destroyer and command tank. Equipped with the exceptionally longbarrelled vanquisher cannon, a Vanquisher is capable of sending specialist anti-tank shells that far outclass standard anti-tank munitions. Their built-in command and control systems also make them natural choices for squadron and company command vehicles, and Vanquisher crews are usually hand-picked from the best within any given regiment. The unfortunate reality when it comes to the Vanquisher is that they are in short supply. Very few Forge Worlds now possess the ability to make vanquisher cannons and the specialist ammunition they use, and many Vanquishers have to make do with standard types of ammunition when their namesake rounds are unavailable. Vanquishers are usually kept towards the middle of an armoured advance as to not expose them to enemy fire too early into a confrontation and to ensure that they can keep an eye on the battle around them, putting their command and control systems to better use. The extra range their vanquisher cannons afford mean they can often snipe enemy vehicles from afar before moving in closer to use their secondary weapons. Tank commanders privileged enough to find themselves leading the crew of a Vanquisher often have good prospects for rank advancement, and their tanks are often afforded much glory in the name of the God-Emperor. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 35kph Structural Integrity: 55 Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 12m Manoeuvrability: -10 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, 4 Gunners/Loaders

Weapons ● Turret (All Facing): Turret Mounted Vanquisher Cannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Heavy Flamer ● 2 Sponson Mounted (Left/Right Facing) Weapons (Choose One): 2 Heavy Bolters, 2 Heavy Flamers, 2 Plasma Cannons ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Command and Control: + 10 to Command Tests while in this vehicle ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles ● Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. Availability: Near Unique


Expanded Vehicles

Leman Russ Vanquisher

Manticore Rocket Battery

Expanded Vehicles

Whilst the Basilisk is the mainstay artillery piece of the Imperial Guard, the Manticore stands above it for sheer destructive firepower. Utilising fairly sophisticated technology by Guard standards the Manticore’s four massive rockets—each one nearly the length of the vehicle itself—possess the ability to level massive swathes of infantry, crack open enemy fortifications, or blast enemy aircraft right out of the sky. Typically a Manticore barrage lasts only seconds as the vehicle’s high rate of fire quickly overwhelms its limited ammunition capacity. Nevertheless, with secured supply lines, rearming takes little time and it is never long before the crews hear the distinctive sound of another salvo racing into the sky to bring death to the Emperor’s foes. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 60 kph Structural Integrity: 40 Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 16m Manoeuvrability: +0 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing): Multiple Rocket Launcher ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles ● Rocket Ordinance: A manticore must select a single type of rocket and all four must match. Loading a Maticore require a special facility (such as a voidship bay) or a Trojan Support Vehicle. Reloading the Manticore takes 36 Full Actions (3 Minutes) per rocket. If the firing mechanism jams it must be manually removed, which requires time equal to loading. Availability: Extremely Rare


Sabre Gun Platforms are simple and relatively robust point defence weapons often used as a light support weapon or as a way of shoring up strong points with additional firepower. Consisting of paired heavy weapons and designed with a single operator in mind, the Sabre’s simple yet elegant gyroscopic frame provides ample range of movement for both anti-ground and anti-air targeting. Type: Gun Platform Cruising Speed: n/a Structural Integrity: 14 Armour: Front 12, Side 10, Rear 8 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: n/a Manoeuvrability: +0 Size: Hulking Crew: Gunner

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, 2 TwinLinked Heavy Stubbers, Twin-Linked Lascannon, Twin-Linked autocannon Special Rules ● Immobile: This vehicle cannot move under it's own power and must be towed by another. ● Open-Topped: Crew of this vehicle may be targeted with the Called Shot action ● Reliable: Rests made to repair this vehicle gain a +10 bonus Availability: Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Sabre Gun Platform

Salamander Command Vehicle

Expanded Vehicles

An even more specialised variant of the Chimera chassis, the Salamander Command Vehicle often finds itself at the head of Armoured Fist Companies and artillery batteries where it can act as a spotter and coordinate the actions of its fellow vehicles. Not designed for combat and equipped with only the most cursory of defensive weaponry, the Salamander’s chief strength lies in its multispectral auspex surveyor. The device gives the Salamander’s crew a commanding view of the battlefield allowing for better organisation and a more fluid response to enemy movements. Unfortunately for the forces of the Spinward Front, the Severan Dominate makes extensive use of the Salamander Command Vehicle, and its sophisticated command and control features have led to numerous crushing defeats on many worlds. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 70 kph Structural Integrity: 35 Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 15m Manoeuvrability: +0 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Driver, Comm-Operator, Gunner

Weapons ● Fixed Weapon Mount (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Amphibious: This vehicle treats open water as covered ground. ● Command and Control: Command tests gain a +10 bonus while aboard this vehicle. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles. ● Multi-Spectral Auspex: This device grants a +30 to Awareness Tests and one of the Crew may make an Ordinary (+10) Tech-Use test to detect things not normally detectable to human senses. This functions to a range of 500m though it can be blocked by 1m or thicker walls and certain shielding materials. ● Open-Topped: Crew of this vehicle may be targeted by the Called Shot action Availability: Extremely Rare


Mostly seen in pairs ranging ahead of Imperial lines, the Salamander Reconnaissance Vehicle is a lightly armed and armoured variant of the Chimera chassis. Used in a similar role to the Sentinel, Salamanders use their high speed to move beyond the main advance and identify important targets. Outside of reconnaissance, Salamanders act as sentries and guards for supply depots where their thin armour and limited armaments make them less of a liability. Crews are trained to withdraw to friendly lines rather than engage in pitched battles as the Salamander is neither designed for nor capable of protracted engagements. Capable of covering more terrain types at a greater rate than their walker cousins, Salamanders give Imperial Guard commanders a real edge when scouting uneven ground. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 100 kph Structural Integrity: 35 Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 20m Manoeuvrability: +10 Size: Massive Crew: Commander, Drive, Comm-Operator, Gunner

Weapons ● Fixed Emplacement (Front Facing): Autocannon ● Hull Mounted (Front Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer Special Rules ● Amphibious: This vehicle treats open water as solid ground. ● Enhanced Motive Systems: This vehicle may move twice their tactical speed as a half action and may move three times tactical speed as a full action. This applies to the Floor It! Action and causes the vehicle to move three times tactical speed. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles. ● Open-Topped: Crew of this vehicle may be targeted by the Called Shot action. Availability: Very Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Salamander Reconnaissance Vehicle


Expanded Vehicles

Sister tank to the Baneblade, the Shadowsword’s formidable frame is home to the mighty Volcano Cannon, a Titan-killing weapon capable of punching through massed void shields and sheering titan- sized limbs off in a single blast. As one of the largest non-starship-based weapons in the Imperial arsenal, the Volcano Cannon is a sight to behold on the battlefield. Each lance of white-blue energy that leaps from its barrel blinds any foolish enough to look directly upon it, and seconds later whatever the Shadowsword targeted is often reduced to a massive smoking crater. The weapon is overkill in most instances, but as most Shadowswords hail from worlds that maintain their own Titan Legions, the Shadowswords act as additional anti-Titan firepower, working as hunterkiller tanks that enemy titans tend to neglect in favour of larger targets. This is useful as the gun must recharge after each shot, leaving the Shadowsword stationary and temporarily vulnerable to counter-attack. Type: Tracked Vehicle Cruising Speed: 25 kph Structural Integrity: 120 Armour: Front 48, Side 40, Rear 30 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 8m Manoeuvrability: -30 Size: Monumental Crew: Commander, Driver, 4 Gunners, Enginseer

Weapons ● Fixed Mounting (Front Facing): Volcano Cannon, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter ● 2 Sponson Mounted (Left/Right Facing): 2 Twin Linked Heavy Bolters ● 2 Turret Mounted (All Facing): 2 Lascannons ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapons (Choose One): Heavy Stubber, Storm Bolter Special Rules ● Command and Control: +10 to command tests while in this vehicle ● Damage Control: When this vehicle takes critical damage the result may be re-rolled, but the second result stands. Putting out fires in this vehicle is a free action. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for ground vehicles ● Ponderous: May not use the Floor It! Action and moving tactical speed requires a Full Action. ● Problematic Targeting: The Shadowsword's size is so great that any All Facing weapon may have difficulties targeting certain enemies as their line of site will be blocked. ● Improved Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with Reinforced Hull receives a critical hit, halve the result rounding up. This does not affect rolls on the critical hit chart from Righteous Fury. If a Mechanic is stationed onboard this rule applies to Righteous Fury rolls as well and provides a +20 bonus to put out all fires. ● Super-Heavy: This vehicle may drive over obstacles 5 meters high or bulldoze it's way through walls, forests, or medium size buildings with no negative effects. Availability: Unique, Best Craftsmanship


The Tarantula Sentry Gun comes from an ancient design lost to the vagaries of time. Found throughout the Imperium, the Tarantula is a short multi-legged turret that features two heavy weapons and no crew. Within the armoured shell of each Tarantula lies a simple logis engine capable of guarding defined areas and approach paths far more effectively than living sentries. Tarantulas never sleep, never waver in their duty and relentlessly hammer their targets until their ammunition bays run dry. Type: Gun Platform Cruising Speed: n/a Structural Integrity: 12 Armour: Front 12, Side 10, Rear 10 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: n/a Manoeuvrability: +0 Size: Hulking Crew: n/a

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Twin Linked Heavy Bolter, Twin Linked Lascannons. Weapons are assumed to have a Preysense Sight and a Targeter. Special Rules ● Automated Logis Engine: This weapon has a logis engine that has the follow statistics: Ballistic Skill 45, Agility 40, Perception 35, and Awareness +10. ● Immobile: This vehicle cannot move under it's own power and must be towed by another. ● Sentry: Once put in a position and activated this vehicle will automatically target and attack any enemies that pass within it's sensor range. A successful Tech-Use test can assign more specific Targeting Parameters. Availability: Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Tarantula Sentry Gun

Tauros Assault Vehicles

Expanded Vehicles

An all-terrain vehicle found mostly in use by Elysian regiments, the Tauros Assault Vehicle’s compact design and sophisticated drive system make it a remarkable asset to regiments that lack traditional armoured support. Featuring a silent-running long-ranged electric engine and set of special galvanic motors that powers each wheel individually the Tauros is very hard to stop, and can still maintain considerable speeds even when half of its wheels are damaged or destroyed. Limited weapons and negligible armour make the Tauros unsuitable for frontal attacks, but the speed and reliability of its motive systems make it a great harassing unit and an excellent scout vehicle. Type: Wheeled Vehicle Cruising Speed: 120 kph Structural Integrity: 20 Armour: Front 16, Side 14, Rear 14 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 20m Manoeuvrability: +15 Size: Enormous Crew: Driver, Gunner

Weapons ● Pintle Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Heavy Flamer, Tauros Grenade Launcher Special Rules ● Enhanced Motive Systems: This vehicle may move twice their tactical speed as a half action and may move three times tactical speed as a full action. This applies to the Floor It! Action and causes the vehicle to move three times tactical speed. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles. ● Open-Topped: Crew of this vehicle may be targeted with the Called Shot action. ● Reliable: Tech-Use tests made to repair this vehicle gain a +10 bonus Availability: Rare


A further modification of the Tauros Assault Vehicle, the Venator is larger and more heavily armed, featuring a powered turret and an additional set of independently powered wheels. The increased size also allows for slightly thicker frontal armour, making the Venator capable of withstanding more punishment whilst engaging in flanking or hit and fade attacks. Designed to give Elysian regiments a form of fastmoving heavy weapon support, the Venator’s turret and missile hard points allow it to excel at both antiinfantry and anti-tank duty. Type: Wheeled Vehicle Cruising Speed: 110 kph Structural Integrity: 25 Armour: Front 18, Side 15, Rear 15 Carrying Capacity: n/a

Tactical Speed: 20m Manoeuvrability: +10 Size: Enormous Crew: Driver, Gunner

Weapons ● Turret Mounted (All Facing) Weapon (Choose One): Twin-Linked Multi-Lasers, Twin-Linked Lascannons ● Fixed Emplacement (Front Facing) Weapon: 2 Hunter-Killer Missiles Special Rules ● Enhanced Motive Systems: This vehicle may move twice their tactical speed as a half action and may move three times tactical speed as a full action. This applies to the Floor It! Action and causes the vehicle to move three times tactical speed. ● Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows the rules for Ground Vehicles. ● Open-Topped: Crew of this vehicle may be targeted with the Called Shot action. ● Reliable: Tech-Use tests made to repair this vehicle gain a +10 bonus Availability: Very Rare


Expanded Vehicles

Tauros Venator

Expanded Vehicles


This section contains descriptions and statistics for the new and deadly vehicular weapons detailed above. Remember to check the descriptions of the weapons to see if there are any special rule that apply to using them. For a more complete vehicle reference you can fill out the Vehicle Character Sheet located at the end of this chapter. Baneblade Cannon A Baneblade’s main weapon is the huge baneblade cannon. Firing a specially designed rocket-propelled warhead, it can remove entire chunks of the battlefield in fiery plumes of death and destruction. Battle Cannon A massive version of the autocannon, the battle cannon fires a huge, explosive shell which is proportionately more damaging. One of the largest and most destructive weapons that see common use on the battlefield, these cannons, their ammunition, and support equipment are far too large for infantry units to carry and use. Instead, the weapons are generally mounted upon vehicles or fortifications. The Leman Russ main battle tank most commonly employs a battle cannon in its main turret.

Cyclops Demolition Charge These are the explosive charges placed within the Cyclops Demolition Vehicle. Detonating the Cyclops’ demolition charge is a Half Action with the Attack and Concentration subtypes. Once detonated the Cyclops is automatically destroyed and cannot be repaired or salvaged. Cyclops Demolition Vehicles automatically detonate if they suffer Righteous Fury. If a Cyclops ever explodes due to accumulated Critical Damage use the Damage profile for the demolition charge rather than the standard Damage for exploding vehicles. Demolisher Cannon A variant of the battle cannon, the demolisher cannon is specifically designed as a siege support weapon. While it suffers a decreased range, its plasma charged shells are capable of blasting through layers of plasteel and ceramite with each devastating volley. Its massive shells wrap an outer layer of explosives and shrapnel around an unstable chemical core. When the outer explosives detonate, weakening their target, they also trigger the chemical reagents to unleash a potent jet of plasma that is channelled directly into its victims. The combination of shrapnel and flaming metal can eliminate even the most robust defences.

Chem Cannon A frightening and hazardous weapon to use, the Bane Wolf ’s chem cannon is often more of a burden than a boon. Firing a dense cloud of exceedingly dangerous chemicals, some so powerful that they dissolve organic material on contact, the chem cannon is a true terror weapon. Exposed infantry die within seconds, reduced to puddles of stinking infected ooze, any survivors lurching away screaming, their bodies covered with steaming chemical burns. After completing a chem cannon attack find the general centre of the area affected by the attack. A toxic cloud with a radius of 1d5 metres remains in place for 1d5 rounds. Any character who ends his Turn within the cloud suffers 2d10+5 Energy Damage with the , Felling (1) and Toxic Qualities. Any character who ends his Turn within the cloud also begins to suffocate until they leave the cloud or the cloud dissipates.


Expanded Vehicles

Vehicle Weapons

Expanded Vehicles

Earthshaker Cannon This massive artillery gun is designed for long range bombardments, but it may also be used as a direct fire weapon when necessary. In either situation, it is ideal for levelling fortifications, destroying massive war machines, and obliterating any unsuspecting infantry. Earthshaker cannons are far larger than the indirect weapons carried by infantry, and fire over a much longer distance. Exterminator Cannon This weapon is a set of autocannons commonly referred to as an exterminator cannon. The higher rate of fire afforded by this weapon system allows the Exterminator to blast through ranks of infantry and lighter vehicles, and the internal space freed up by the removal of the heavy shells gives the Exterminator deep ammunition reservoirs allowing it to operate for longer periods of time without resupply. Fixed Rotary Power/Melta Cutters These incredibly powerful mining tools allow the Hades to burrow through virtually any substance and perform devastating ramming attacks on those unfortunate enough to get in their way. Griffon Heavy Mortar Despite its name, the heavy mortar is one of the smallest artillery weapons in service to the Imperial Guard. As the main armament of the Griffon artillery vehicle, the heavy mortar makes up for its lack of punch with a higher rate of fire and a broad suite of ammunition types, including the specially designed Siege Shell. In addition the specialist ammunition listed in this book, heavy mortars may also fire anti-plant rounds, smoke rounds, and starflare rounds, adding +2 to any Blast or Smoke Radiuses (or an extra minute of illumination for starflare rounds). Heavy Frag Shell (Mortar) The standard shell of the heavy mortar, the heavy frag shell lacks the punch of the bigger Earthshaker shell, but covers a much wider area than the standard frag shells used by regular mortars.


Heavy Minefield Shell (Mortar) Most often used to block enemy infantry movement, heavy minefield shells scatter multiple sub-munitions across a wide area. The mines are hard to see and easily catch the unwary underfoot with lethal consequences. A heavy minefield shell creates a minefield 1d10 metres in diameter. This minefield remains in place until ten mines have exploded, or if the area is cleared by a minesweeper. Mine detonations cannot be Dodged unless the victim is aware he is in a minefield. Hellstrike Missiles The hellstrike missile is an air to surface missile commonly mounted on Imperial attack and assault craft used in support of groundbased operations. These weapons use a solid propellant core to deliver a high explosive load, designed to effectively penetrate even wellarmoured targets. Because they are generally launched from fixed wing aircraft, these missiles often strike their targets with a speed that substantially exceeds that of rockets fired from ground-based platforms. Hellstrike missiles may not be loaded with unusual ammo. Hunter-Killer Missiles This missile launcher is often mounted on vehicles and fires a specialised krak missile. Fitted with advanced guidance systems and fuel, it has longer range and better accuracy than standard missiles, as the internal cogitator’s sensorum suite guides it to the target. Each comes in a complete launching package, good for one shot only. A hunter-killer missile grants a +20 to Ballistic Skill Tests made to fire it. HunterKiller Missile Launchers cannot be loaded with unusual ammo.

Manticore Missiles Easily the most common type of warhead used by the Manticore, the standard manticore missile has an enormous blast radius and can tear infantry and heavy vehicles apart with ease.

Inferno Cannon Specifically designed as part of the Hellhound Flame Tank, the inferno cannon has a limited number of other uses within the Tactica Imperialis. These enormous flamers send huge gouts of white hot flames over an extended portion of the battlefield. Their accelerated pumping mechanisms grant the turreted weapons the abilities to shoot massive jets of destruction at a range that drastically exceeds that of a traditional flamer. Because of this, when calculating the weapon’s spray area, the cannon’s wielder may choose to begin the spray at a point up to half the weapon’s range away from the firing point. Due to the inferno cannon’s power, other vehicles do not add their Armour value when making the Drive Test to avoid catching on fire from the Flame Quality. The inferno cannon draws fuel from a large storage tank, and can’t be easily reloaded on the battlefield. Reloading one requires at least thirty minutes at a properly equipped facility.

Multiple Rocket Launcher This incredibly versatile Rocket Launcher has more space than the standard model, allowing it to load four rockets and fire them with astounding speed. This weapon's damage and special effects are dependent on the type of ammunition utilized with it.

Infernus Mortar Shell (Mortar) Much like the heavy frag shell, the infernus mortar shell lacks the punch of standard sized infernus shells, but the roaring inferno that follows is no less dangerous to lightly armoured infantry.

Seige Shell (Mortar) A shell unique to the griffon, the siege shell contains a specialised fuse that detonates only after it has punctured the hard exterior of an enemy fortification or building. This makes the round excellent at destroying bunkers, but limits its use against standard targets. When fired at buildings or other fortifications the siege shell increases its Penetration to 20 and inflicts an extra 2d10 Damage. Storm Eagle Rockets (Manticore) A slightly longer rocket that is gaining popularity among Spinward Front artillery crews stationed on worlds with heavy Ork populations, the Storm Eagle Rocket deploys multiple smaller warheads that lack the penetrative capabilities of the standard missiles but more than make up for it with their explosive yield. Once the final hit location for a Storm Eagle rocket is determined, the Explorer


Expanded Vehicles

Hydra Autocannons These autocannons are specially designed to be particularly devastating to aircraft, though they may be used on other types of vehicle as well to equally devastating effect.

that fired it should scatter 1d5 additional hits 2d10 metres away from the initial hit. Once the location of every hit has been determined resolve Damage as normal.

Expanded Vehicles

Sky Eagle Rockets (Manticore) Sky Eagle rockets change the mission capabilities of the Manticore from heavy ground suppression to anti-air support. Sky Eagle Rockets are lethal weapons that track their targets with surprising accuracy, making them far more effective than most “spray and pray” anti-aircraft weapons. They can be fired directly at ground targets, but suffer a Ballistic Skill penalty of –30 when used in this manner. Tauros Grenade Launcher This Grenade Launcher comes with an expanded magazine and rapid launching system, allowing it to hurl grenades at an incredible rate and cause much havoc amongst enemy lines. Vanquisher Cannon Veteran tank commanders highly respect this rare pattern battle cannon for its unique efficacy in battles against heavily armoured opponents. While few forge worlds remain capable of producing it, the legends of its ability to penetrate any known armour make its extended profile immediately recognisable. The vanquisher battle cannon gains the extra


Damage granted by Accurate Quality as if it were a Basic weapon. Volcano Cannon In the realm of ground-based warfare there are few weapons larger and more powerful than the volcano cannon. Measuring over 13 metres in length, the volcano cannon’s range and firepower make it one of the most feared and destructive weapons available to the Imperial Guard. More commonly seen on the massive God-machines of the Titan Legions, volcano cannons are also found on the Shadowsword super-heavy tank, a variant of the Baneblade chassis. The Shadowsword must remain stationary when the volcano cannon fires and recharges, but the effects are unmistakable; virtually nothing short of an Ork Gargant or Reaver Titan can stand up to the firepower of such an immense weapon. The destructive force of the volcano cannon against regular infantry is nearly incalculable, and as such anything anything with a Size of Hulking or below that suffers even a single point of Damage is instantly obliterated in a torrent of ravening flame. Against larger targets, or any vehicle with the Super-Heavy Vehicle Trait, roll Damage as normal. If it is not a Titan, the platform for the volcano cannon cannot move in the same Turn it fires, or whilst it is recharging.


A Note from the Author

Author's Note

After many hours of hard work and re-revision, the now current draft of the Legends of the Expanse Supplement as of 8-25-15 (US Date Notation) is available for download! This revision was a major one to say the least, and includes a whopping 90 pages of additional content including new Career Paths, new Expanded Career Paths, and a prolific amount of new weapons, gear, and cybernetics. I decided to add in a multitude of new vehicles in chapter 6, though it does break my usual rule for guide creation and requires a book outside the core rules to use that chapter. I highly recommend picking up the Into the Storm supplement if you don't have it, it is a fantastic addition to any game and the options are truly worthwhile. The images used in my guide have been found with search engines and presently have no accreditation, so if you see your work here or supply the link I will create an artist's credits page and include a link to the original source. An enormous thanks goes out to Libre Office, whose Draw program is used to create all of these PDFs. A new thanks goes out to GIMP image editing software recommended by Elavion on the forums which has allowed me to really refine the graphics and images in my guides. A colossal thanks goes out to Jerichoreach.com for creating the wonderful high-res vehicle character sheet included with this guide. It's a fantastic sheet and my players loved it during the Deathwatch game that I ran. A huge thanks goes out once again to everyone on the Rogue Trader Forums who has helped me with editing and given such wonderful feedback over the many guide releases and revisions. I hope you all enjoy this version of the Legends of the Expanse supplement! Happy gaming! -LodgeBlackman99


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