Legal Opinion
October 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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C. JAGADISH, ADVOCATE, HIGH COURT ADVOCATE, & SPECIAL COUNSEL FOR SC/ST FAKE CERTIFICATE CASES No. 22, 2nd floor, 1st Main Road, Nehru Nagar, Seshadripuram, Bangalore – 560 020. Mob. 9448124825
TO The Principal Secretary to Govt., Department of Social Welfare, Vikasa Soudha, Soudha, Bangalore – 560 001. Sir, Sub:
Furnishing of my legal opinion
Ref: E En ndorsement dated 4.08.2012 bearing No. SC/ST SC /ST/C /CR/ R/198 1985/ 5/1111-12 12 is issue sued d by th the e Ta Tahsi hsilda ldar, r, Ma Manga ngalor lore e Taluk in the case of Vijith Kishan V. State of Karnataka & Others in pursuance of the direction issued by the Hon’ble High Court in W.P. No. 24690/2011 (GM-CC). --With reference reference to the above subject, I would like to state that as against the order passed by the Hon’ble High Court in the above writ petition cited in reference, the State Government has decided to prefer S.L.P. before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. However, in the meanwhile, the Tahsildar, Mangalore Taluk has issued the above said Endorsement Endorsement dat dated ed 4.08.2012 4.08.2012.. In the said Endorsem Endorsement, ent, the reaso reasons ns assigned runs contrary to the directions issued by the Hon’ble High Court in the abo above ve writ said writ peti petitio tion. n. the Agg Aggriev rieved edle by theCourt sam same, e,of Sri Vijith Kisha Kishan n has filed one more wri t petitio petition n before Hon’b Hon’ble High Karnat Karnataka. aka. The Hon’b Hon’ble le High Court has taken serious view in the matter regarding the reasons assigned in the Endorsement. I hav have e peru peruse sed d the the En Endo dorse rseme ment nt date dated d 4.8 4.8.2 .2012 012.. It is a fac factt tha thatt th the e Endorsement Endorse ment issued by the Tahsildar virtually amounts to Contempt of Court order. Therefo The refore, re, I req request uest your goo goodse dself lf to dire direct ct the Tahsild Tahsildar, ar, Mang Mangalo alore re Talu Taluk k to withdraw the above said Endorsement, enabling the State Government to pursue the matter before the Hon’ble Supreme Court by challenging the order passed in the above said Writ Petition. This is for your kind information. Yours faithfully, faithfully, (C. JAGADISH)
C. JAGADISH, ADVOCATE, HIGH COURT ADVOCATE, & SPECIAL COUNSEL FOR SC/ST FAKE CERTIFICATE CASES No. 22, 2nd floor, 1st Main Road, Nehru Nagar, Seshadripuram, Bangalore – 560 020. Mob. 9448124825
TO The Managing Director, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Development Corporation Ltd., 9th Floor, Vishveswaraya Mini Tower, Bangalore – 560 001. Sir, Sub: Su b: Fu Furn rnis ishi hing ng of my leg legal al adv advis ise e in the ma matt tter er of pu purc rcha hase se of property for the residential use of Chairman. Ref:
Your letter dated 7.9.2012.
--With reference to the above subject, I would like to furnish the my legal opinion as follows: I have gone through the following documents: 1) Xe Xero rox x ccop opy yo off th the eR Reg egist ister ered ed Sal Sale ed dee eed dd dat ated ed 17. 17.10. 10.199 1994 4e exe xecut cuted ed by Sri N. Dhamodaran, Dhamod aran, President of the Ministry of Communicatio Communications ns Emplo Employees’ yees’ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. In favour of Smt. K. Vanidevi, W/o Shri K. Venkataramana Rao, registered as Document No. 3758/1994-95 at pages 55-58, Volume No. 471 of Book No. I in the office of the Sub-Registrar, Yelahanka, Bangalore; 2) Xe Xero rox x co copy py o off the P Pos oses essi sion on Ce Cert rtif ific icat ate e dat dated ed 4 4.3 .3.1 .199 995 5 issu issued ed b by y th the e Vi Vice ce President and President of the Ministry of Communication Employees’ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. 3) Xe Xero rox x co copy py of Kha Khattha Ce Cert rtif ific icat ate e da date ted d 20 20.7 .7.1 .199 995 5 issu issued ed by th the e Re Reve venu nue e Officer, B.D.A., Bangalore standing in the name of Smt. K. Vanidevi, W/o Shri K. Venkatramana Venkat ramana Rao Rao;; 4) Xe Xero rox x ccop opy yo off Pa Part rtic icula ulars rs o off la land nd a and nd Bui Buildi lding ng T Tax ax e ext xtrac ractt for for the the y yea earr 20 2003 03-04 issued by the Commissioner, Byatarayanapura City Municipal Council, Bangalore; 5) Xe Xero rox x co copy py o off Re Regi gist ster ered ed D Dee eed do off Gi Gift ft d dat ated ed 30 30.06 .06.20 .2003 03 e exe xecu cute ted db by y Sm Smt. t. K K.. Vanidevi, Vanidev i, W/o Late K. Venkat Venkataramana aramana Rao in favour of her son Shri Koka Venkat Ramesh S/o Late K. Venkataramana Rao, registered as Document No. 4449/03-04 dated 5.7.2003 in the office of the Sub-Registrar, Yelahanka.
6. Xe Xero rox x co copy py o off Kha Khath tha a Ce Cert rtif ific icat ate e dat dated ed 2 27. 7.11 11.2 .200 008 8 issu issued ed b by y the A Ass ssis ista tant nt Revenue Officer, Byatarayanapura Range, BBMP, Bangalore standing in the name of Sri Koka Venkat Ramesh, S/o Late K. Venkataramana Rao. 7. Xe Xero rox x co copy py o off the e ex xtra ract ct o off the H Hou ouse sess an and d va vaca cant nt si sittes Re Regi gist ster er fo forr th the e yearr 2007 yea 2007-08 -08 issu issued ed by the Assi Assistan stantt Exe Execut cutive ive Offi Officer cer,, Byat Byatara arayanap yanapura ura SubDivision, BBMP, Yelahanka, Bangalore. 8.
Xe Xero rox x co copy py of th the e Pr Pro ope pert rty y Ta Tax x Re Rece ceip iptt dat dated ed 30 30.0 .05 5.2 .201 012 2 issue issued d by the
Assistant Revenu Revenue e Officer Officer,, BBMP Help Centr Centre, e, Sahakaranag Sahakaranagar, ar, Bangalo Bangalore re for the year 2012-13. 9. Xe Xero rox x co copy py o off the a ap ppro prove ved d pl plan an d dat ate ed 9. 9.1. 1.20 2011 11 issu issued ed b by y th the e Ci City ty P Pla lan n Assistant Direct Director, or, Byat Byatarayanap arayanapura ura Rang Range, e, Bang Bangalore. alore. From the above said documents, it is clear that originally the Residential Site bearing No. 2152/2 in the layout plan approved by the B.D.A. in several survey numbers num bers at Kod Kodige igehalli halli,, Kot Kothiho hihosahal sahallili and Byat Byataray arayanap anapura ura Vil Village lages, s, Yel Yelahank ahanka a Hobli, Bangalore North Taluk named as ”SAHAKARA NAGARA”, measuring East to West 40 ft. and North to South 70 ft. was allotted in favour of Smt. K. Vanidevi, W/o Shri K. Venkataramana Venkataramana Rao. Posse Possession ssion Certifi Certificate cate and Khath Khatha a Certificates Certificates were issued in the name of the above said allottee. Subsequ Subse quent ently, ly, the sai said d allot allotte tee e by nam name e Sm Smt. t. K. Va Vanid nidev evi, i, W/ W/o o Shr Shrii K. Venkataramana Venkat aramana Rao has exec executed uted a Deed of Gift dated 30.6.20 30.6.2003 03 in favour of her son by name Shri Koka Venkat Ramesh, S/o Late K. Venakatamana Rao out of natural love and affection. Subsequently, Khatha in respect of the said prope property rty has been changed in the name of her son by name Shri Koka Venkat Ramesh, S/o Late K. Venakatamana Venakatamana Rao. The Prope Property rty Tax Receipt date dated d 30.5.2012 reve reveals als that the said Shri Koka Venkat Ramesh has paid uptodate tax in respect of the above said proper pro perty. ty. The app approve roved d plan revea reveals ls that the son of the ori original ginal allo allotte ttee e has constructed a residential building in accordance with the approved plan.
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