Legal Opinion Letter sample

February 1, 2019 | Author: Nissah Grace Rabuya Cape | Category: N/A
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Legal Opinion Letter sample...


ABC Law Ofce Cebu City

26 September 2016 Mrs. Maria Rosas-Doe is!ers "s#a$% &ew 'or( Re) *ossib#e %i+orce procee%i$,s betwee$ i#ipi$a a$% America$ !usba$% Dear Mrs. Doe  !is is t!e #e,a# opi$io$ op i$io$ pertai$i$, to t!e imp#icatio$ o/ you or your !usba$% obtai$i$, a possib#e %i+orce i$ t!e $ite% States w!ic! you !a+e reueste%.  !e /o##owi$, are t!e /acts prese$te% as per our %iscussio$. 'ou a$% your !usba$% Mr. o!$ Doe were marrie% i$ t!e $ite% States a$% !a+e #i+e% to,et!er /or te$ 3104 years. 'our re#atio$s!ip !as %eteriorate% a$% $ow you are co$si%eri$, o$ a possib#e %i+orce i$ t!e $ite% States. As /ar as *!i#ippi$e #aw is co$cer$e% as a ,e$era# ru#e abso#ute %i+orce obtai$e% by a i#ipi$o spouse abroa% is $ot reco,$i5e% as +a#i% !ere because we a%!ere to t!e $atio$a#ity t!eory u$%er Artic#e 1 o/ t!e Ci+i# Co%e. 1 7!e$ it pertai$s to /ami#y /ami#y ri,!ts a$% %uties status co$%itio$s co$%itio$s a$% #e,a# capacity capacity as a i#ipi$o you are ,o+er$e% by your $atio$a# #aws w!ere+er you may ,o.  !is is true e+e$ i/ your spouse spouse Mr. Mr. Doe is $ot a i#ipi$o. i#ipi$o. "/ t!e %i+orce was obtai$e% by your America$ !usba$% capacitati$, !im to remarry t!e same may be reco,$i5e% as +a#i% i$ t!e *!i#ippi$es as we## capacitati$, you to remarry. "t is pro+i%e% i$ par 2 Art. 26 o/ t!e ami#y Co%e) 7!ere a marria,e betwee$ a i#ipi$o citi5e$ a$% a /orei,$er is +a#i%#y ce#ebrate% a$% a %i+orce is t!erea/ter +a#i%#y obtai$e% abroa% by t!e a#ie$ spouse capacitati$, !im or !er to remarry t!e i#ipi$o spouse s!a## !a+e capacity to remarry u$%er *!i#ippi$e #aw. 3As ame$%e% by 89ecuti+e Or%er 22:4 ;owe ;owe+e +er r /or /or t!e t!e /or /ore,oi e,oi$, $, ru#e ru#e to app# app#y y it is impor importa ta$t $t t!at t!at it is your your !usba$% w!o !as
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