Legal Ethics Digests Print

December 14, 2018 | Author: joan dlc | Category: Lawsuit, Lawyer, Complaint, Judgment (Law), Pleading
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I. LA!E"#S FID$CIA"! %&LI'ATI%(S (Laarnie Llamas) 1. Angeles )s. $y *r. ++, SC"A - 1/ 0,,,2 Facts: In a letter addres sed to the Office of the Chief Justi ce, Judge Angeles of the RC of Calooc an Cit! charged Att!. "! Jr. #ith $iolation of Canon 1% of the Code of &rofessional Res'onsiilit!. he accused manifested that she had alread! settled in full the ci$il as'ect in the criminal case handled ! res'ondent under the sala of udge com'lainant. Accused further alleg ed that she 'aid &*+,+++.++ directl! to the 'ri$ate com'lainant and the alance of &1%,++.++ #as deli$ered to Att!. "!, Jr., the la#!er of the 'ri$ate com'lainant and conformal! 'roduced in o'en court the recei't for such 'a!ment signed ! no less than the aforesaid la#!er. -o#e$er, 'ri$ate com'lainant manifested that she did not recei$e the amount 'aid to his la#!er, herein res'ondent, there! constraining the court to direct res'ondent to turn o$er the mone! to 'ri$ate com'lainant #hich he recei$ed in trust for the client. Att!. "! ho#e$er argued that his client did not lie to acce't the mone! ut the assertion of the la#!er #as elied ! his o#n client, the herein 'ri$ate com'lainant, #ho manifested in o'en court her #illingness to acce't the mone!. he Court again directed Att!. "! to 'roduce the mone! ut the latter argued that he e't it in his office. Conse/uentl!, the Court sus'ended the 'roceedings to enale Att!. "! to get the mone! from his la# office #hich is located onl! at the second floor of the same uilding #here this court is located. -o#e$er, res'ondent did not sho# u' an!more. Issue: Is the res'ondent guilt! of 'rofessional misconduct0 -eld: 23. he relationshi' et#een a la#!er and a client is highl! fiduciar!4 it re/uires a high degree of fidelit! and good faith. It is designed 5to remo$e all such tem'tation and to 're$ent e$er!thing of that ind from eing done for the 'rotection of the client.5 hus, Canon 1% of the Code of &rofessional Res'onsiilit! 'ro$ides that 5a la#!er shall hold in trust all mone!s and 'ro'erties of his client that ma! come into his 'ossession.5 Furthermore, Rule 1%.+1 of the Code also states that 5a la#!er shall account for all mone! or 'ro'ert! collected or recei$ed for or from the client.5 he Canons of &rofessional 2thics is e$en more e6'licit: 5he la#!er should refrain from an! action #here! for his 'ersonal enefit or gain he auses or taes ad$antage of the confidence re'osed in him ! his client. In the 'resent case, it is clear that res'ondent failed to 'rom'tl! re'ort and account for the &1%,++ he had recei$ed from raano on ehalf of his client. Although the amount had een entrusted to res'ondent, his client re$ealed during the hearing that she had not !et recei$ed it. 7orse, she did not e$en no# #here it #as. he records do not clearl! sho# #hether Att!. "! had in fact a''ro'riated the said amount4 in fact, his client acno#ledged that she had recei$ed it. he! do sho#, ho#e$er, that res'ondent failed to 'rom'tl! re'ort that amount to her. his is clearl! a $iolation of his 'rofessional res'onsiilit!. It is settled that mone! collected ! a la#!er in fa$or of his clients must e immediatel! turned o$er to them and that la#!ers are ound to 'rom'tl! account for mone! or 'ro'ert! recei$ed ! them on ehalf of their clients and failure to do so constitutes 'rofessional misconduct. 8eril!, the /uestion is not necessaril! #hether the rights of the clients ha$e een 'reudiced, ut #hether the la#!er has adhered to the ethical standards of the ar. In this case, res'ondent has not done so. *. (a34il )s. 5al6es 17- SC"A /87 019972 Facts:Jose 9a'il #as interested in a 'iece of 'ro'ert! situated in oran, ;aguio. -e #ent into an agreement #ith Att!. Carlos 8aldes for thelatter to u! the 'ro'ert! in trust for 9a'il. 8aldes did u! the 'ro'ert! ! contracting * loans. he lands< titles #ere transferred to his name.7hen Jose 9a'il died, Imelda 9a'il (his #ife) ac/uired the ser$ices of 8aldes and his accounting and la# firms for the settlement of the estate of Jose 9a'il. 7hat 8aldes did #as to e6clude the 'ro'ert! in ;aguio from thelist of assets of Jose 9a'il (he actuall! transferred the 'ro'ert! to his com'an!, the Ca$al Realt! Cor'oration) #hile including the loans he contracted.7hat Imelda did #as to file a suit for recon$e!ance in the CFI.7hile the case #as 'ending, Imelda also filed an administrati$e com'laintf or disarment against 8aldes. he CFI dismissed the action for recon$e!ance. he CA re$er sed the CFI.he com'laint for recon$e!ance #ent u' to the 3C and #as decided in fa$or of 9a'il. he 3C held that 8aldes onl! held the lots intrust for 9a'il. Issue:7=n Att!. 8aldes should e administrati$el! sanctioned for hisacts, namel!:o 26cluding the 'ro'ert! in ;aguio from the estate of Jose 9a'il4 Including his loans as claims on the estate4 and A''arentl!, re'resenting conflicting interests #hen his accounting firm 're'ared the list of claims of creditors Angel 9a'il and 29OR9 against the estate of Jose 9a'il, #hich #as re'resented ! his la# firm. • •

-eld:he 3C found 8aldes guilt! of misconduct and sus'ends him for 1 !ear.he Court held that the first t#o acts clearl! sho# that 8aldes roe the trus t re'osed on him ! Imelda 9a' il #hen the latt er agreed to use his 'rofessional ser$ices as a la#!er and an accountant. As to the third charge, #e hold res'ondent guilt! of re'resenting conflicting interests #hich is 'roscried ! Canon 1 Rule1.+>. In the case at ar, there is no /uestion that the




interests of the estate and that of its creditors are ad$erse to each other. Res'ondent?s accounting firm 're'ared the list of assets and liailities of the estate and, at the same time,com'uted the claims of t#o creditors of the estate. here is clearl! a conflict et#een the interests of the estate #hich stands. >. Liwag )s. (eri 1,/ hil. 78 019-,2 Facts: he com'lainants #ere re/uested ! the &inedas to act as counter@indemnitor #ith the anila 3uret!  Fidelit! Com'an! in a ond 'osted for the &inedas in fa$or of 9ARIC. 7hen the &inedas failed to li/uidate their oligation, the 9ARIC enforced the ond against the anila 3uret!  Fidelit! Com'an! and the latter in turn collected from the com'lainant. -a$ing failed to collect from the &inedas, the com'lainant engaged the ser$ices of the res'ondent #ho agreed to handle the matter on a contingent fee of fort! 'ercent. he res'ondent tried to tal to the &inedas. 7hen no 'a!ment had een made, the res'ondent #rote a letter of demand, threatening to tae udicial action if the &Inedas #ould still not meet their oligation. he com'lainant gi$e the res'ondent the needed filing fee for the com'laint. he res'ondent did not actuall! file an! com'laint, although he informed the com'lainant that he alread! done so. It did not tae long efore the truth #as disco$ered and efore the com'lainant #as 'ro$oed to file an administrati$e case. Issue: 7hether or not Att!. Bilerto 9eri should e disar. -eld: he res'ondent has committed a reach of 'rofessional ethics #hen he made the com'lainant elie$e that the &ineda s'ouses had alread! een sued in court and did not return the amount intended for the filing fee. Considering ho#e$er, that the res'ondent has not !et recei$ed an!thing for his ser$ices and that the com'lainant has suse/uentl! een 'aid, disarment or e$en sus'ension of the res'ondent from the 'ractice of his 'rofession #ould e too harsh and unind. he res'ondent #as re'rimanded for his offense, #ith the #arning that a re'etition of similar misconduct or an! $iolation of his oath #ill e dealt #ith more drasticall!. . Dia )s. ;a4) [email protected]. 3& 9o. 11%+ M An Action For the Annulment of Decisions And=Or Reformation or 9o$ation of Decisions filed #ith the Court of A''eals4 ()

B.R. 9o. %+ M &etition For Re$ie# On Certiorari filed #ith the 3u'reme Court4


[email protected]. 3& 9o. 1++ M A''eal And=Or Re$ie# ;! Certiorari, 2tc. filed also #ith the Court of A''eals4 and,

(%) 3& Ci$il Action 9o. %* M &etition For Certiorari, &rohiition, andamus #ith &reliminar! Issuance of &rohiitor! Order filed #ith the Regional rial Court, ;ranch 1, ;angued, Ara. I33"2: 1. 7hether or not res'ondent resorted to de$ious and underhanded means to dela! the e6ecution of the udgment rendered ! the C ad$erse to his clients. 23 *.

7hether or not res'ondent is guilt! of forum sho''ing. 23

-2LD: "nder Canon 1 of the Code of &rofessional Res'onsiilit!, a la#!er is re/uired to re'resent his client 5#ithin the ounds of the la#.5 he Code enoins a la#!er to em'lo! onl! fair and honest means to attain the la#ful oecti$es of his client (Rule 1.+1) and #arns him not to allo# his client to dictate the 'rocedure in handling the case (Rule 1.+>). In short, a la#!er is not a gun for hire. "nder Canon 1* of the Code of &rofessional Res'onsiilit!, a la#!er is re/uired to e6ert e$er! effort and consider it his dut! to assist in the s'eed! and efficient administration of ustice. A la#!er shall not file multi'le actions arising from the same cause (Rule 1*.+*). A la#!er shall not undul! dela! a case, im'ede the e6ecution of a udgment or misuse court 'rocesses (Rule 1*.+) he rights of res'ondent?s client in Ci$il Case 9o.  of the C #ere full! 'rotected and her defenses #ere 'ro'erl! $entilated #hen he filed the a''eal from the C to the RC. ;ut res'ondent thereafter resorted to de$ious and underhanded means to dela! the e6ecution of the udgment rendered ! the C ad$erse to his client. he said decision ecame e6ecutor! e$en 'ending its a''eal #ith the RC ecause of the failure of Co to file a su'ersedeas ond and to 'a! the monthl! rentals as the! fell due. Furthermore, his 'etition for annulment of the decisions of the C and RC #hich he filed #ith the CA ([email protected]. 9o. 11%+) #as defecti$e and dilator!. According to the CA, there #as no allegation therein that the courts had no urisdiction, that his client #as denied due 'rocess, or 5that the udgments in the former cases #ere secured through fraud.5 Judging from the numer of actions filed ! res'ondent to forestall the e6ecution of the same udgment, res'ondent is also guilt! of forum sho''ing. he Court e6'lained that forum sho''ing e6ists #hen, ! reason of an ad$erse decision in one forum, defendant $entures to another for a more fa$orale resolution of his case ;! ha$ing #ilfull! and no#ingl! aused his rights of recourse in his efforts to get a fa$orale udgment, #hich efforts #ere all reuffed, res'ondent $iolated the dut! of a memer of the ;ar to institute actions onl! #hich are ust and 'ut u' such defenses as he 'ercei$es to e trul! contestale under the la#s 7-2R2FOR2, res'ondent is 3"3&29D2D for one !ear. . Choa )s. Chiongson(A.. 9o. J@@1+%>. Feruar! , 1%) FAC3: A com'laint #as filed against Alfonso Choa for maing untruthful statements or falsehoods in his &etition for 9aturaliEation. he case #as doceted as Criminal Case 9o. +>** and #as assigned to unici'al rial Court in Cities (CC) of ;acolod Cit! ;ranch III 'resided ! the res'ondent Judge Roerto Chiongson. On Feruar! *1, 1, res'ondent Judge found the com'lainant guilt! of the crime of 'erur!. Later on, Att!. Ra!mundo A. KuiroE as counsel for the com'lainant and $erified ! the latter, charged Judge Chiongson #ith gra$e misconduct, gross ias and 'artialit!, and ha$ing no#ingl! rendered an unust udgment ased on ne6t@door@neighor relationshi' et#een Choa?s #ife the 'ri$ate com'lainant in the 'erur! case and res'ondent udge. Also, a''eal on the criminal case #as filed together #ith the administrati$e com'laint. Issue: 7hether or not Att!. KuiroE assisted in filing a groundless, unfounded, or false suit against res'ondent udge. -eld: 23.La#!ers must al#a!s remind himself of the oath he too u'on admission to the ;ar that he #ill not #ittingl! or




#illingl! 'romote or sue an! groundless, false or unla#ful suit nor gi$e aid nor consent to the sameP4 9eedless to state, the la#!er, 'etitioner CF37" otained from the Court of Industrial Relations the third alias #rit of e6ecution for the satisfaction and enforcement of the udgment in its fa$or. hereafter, #rit #as ser$ed Januar! 1 and 1, 1>, le$!ing on the 'ersonal 'ro'erties of the Cosmos Foundr! 3ho' or the 9e# Centur! Foundr! 3ho' for the 'ur'ose of conducting the 'ulic auction sale. Res'ondent Lo ;u filed an urgent motion to recall #rit of e6ecution, asserting lac of urisdiction of the Court of Industrial Relations (CIR). he CIR, in its order dated Fe *>, 1>, denied his motion. 3o lie#ise #as the motion for reconsideration. Lo ;u a''ealed ! certiorari ut the Court denied this 'etition in its resolution dated Jul! 1, 1>. In the mean#hile, there #as a re'le$in suit ! Lo ;u in the Court of First Instance (CFI) anila co$ering the same 'ro'erties. "'on recei't of order from the Court den!ing certiorari, 'etitioner Laor "nion filed a second motion to dismiss com'laint. After the com'laint #as dismissed ! the lo#er court, decision #as ele$ated to the Court of A''eals. Att!. ;usmente, counsel for res'ondent Lo ;u, did s'ecificall! maintain: order to $indicate his rights o$er the le$ied 'ro'erties, in an e6'editious or less e6'ensi$e manner, herein a''ellant $oluntaril! sumitted himself, as a forced inter$enor, to the urisdiction of res'ondent CIR, ! filing an urgent ?otion to Recall 7rit of 26ecution,? 'recisel! /uestioning the urisdiction of said Court to 'ass u'on the $alidit! and legalit! of the sale of the ?9e# Centur! Foundr! 3ho'? to him, #ithout the latter eing made a 'art! to the case, as #ell as the urisdiction of said Court to enforce the Decision rendered against the res'ondents in the "L& Case ! means of an alias #rit of e6ecution against his 'ro'erties found at the ?9e# Centur! Foundr! 3ho'. Issues: (1) 7hether or not counsel Att! ;usmente 'erformed his oligation as an officer of the court #hile sustaining the dignit! of the 'rofession #hile acting as counsel for Lo ;u. -eld: A legal counsel is e6'ected to defend a client*. he first motion #as filed to 'rotect his clients? 'ossessor! rights o$er the 'ro'ert! in dis'ute #hile the second motion #as made to 'rocure e6ecution of the decision in Ci$il Case 9o. >*. Issue: 7O9 the acts of att!. Lim #ere correct. -eld: es. A la#!er o#es fidelit! to the cause of his client and must e mindful of the trust and confidence re'osed in him. -e shall ser$e his client #ith com'etence and diligence, and his dut! of entire de$otion to his client?s cause not onl! re/uires, ut entitles him to em'lo! e$er! honorale means to secure for the client #hat is ustl! due him or to 'resent e$er! defense 'ro$ided ! la# to enale the latter?s cause to succeed. An attorne!?s dut! to safeguard the client?s interests commences from his retainer until the effecti$e release from the case 1% or the final dis'osition of the #hole suect matter of the litigation. During that 'eriod, he is e6'ected to tae such reasonale ste's and such ordinar! care as his client?s interests ma! re/uire. his is 'recisel! #hat Att!. Lim #as doing #hen he filed the motions com'lained of. -e should e commended, not condemned, for diligentl! and com'etentl! 'erforming his duties as an attorne!4 ACCORDI9BL, the administrati$e charges against retired Judge Fernando Alcantara and Att!. Joselito Lim are DI3I332D for lac of merit. .) *. . *$A(  S%(S I(C. 5S. LIA('A I(D$ST"IES I(C. ;acground: his is a sim'le collection case that unnecessaril! reached the 3u'reme Court &AL2 related 'hrase=s: URules of Court #ere de$ised to limit the issues and a$oid unnecessar! dela!s and sur'rises. -ence mandator! (are the) 'ro$isions of the Re$ised Rules of Court for a 're@trial conferenceP he Rules further re/uire that 5e$er! 'leading shall e signed ! at least one attorne! of record Uthat signature constitutes a certificate ! him that he read the 'leading and to the est of his no#ledge there is good ground to su''ort it4 it is not inter'osed for dela!5 #ith the e6'ress admonition for a #illful $iolation of this rule, an attorne! ma! e suected to disci'linar! action. he coo'eration of litigants and their attorne!s is needed so that the salutar! oecti$es of these Rules ma! e attained.P oo+oo




Facts: &laintiff sought reco$er! from defendant of the sum of &++ re'resenting the un'aid alance of office e/ui'ment and also for the 'a!ment of legal interests and costs for attorne!?s fees. Judgment #as rendered in fa$or of 'laintiff and defendant a''ealed the same to the Court of First Instance of anila. Defendant filed its Ans#er #here it denied s'ecificall! all the allegations of 'aragra'hs of the com'laint, #hich are the material allegations referring to its 'urchase of the office e/ui'ment, its 'artial 'a!ment and refusal and failure to 'a! the un'aid alance des'ite re'eated demands. Defendant did not den! under oath the authenticit! of the 'urchase order anne6ed to the com'laint. he lo#er Court rendered its decision granting 'laintiff?s motion for udgment on the 'leadings. "'holding the 'laintiff?s 'osition that 5#hen defendant?s ans#er denies the allegations ecause the defendant ?has no no#ledge or information sufficient to form a elief? and ?s'ecificall! denies? other allegations, denials are in fact mere general denials amounting to admissions. Defendant filed its notice of a''eal asing that its a''eal e ele$ated to the Court of A''eals, resulting in further dela! in the resolution of this sim'le collection case, 9o facts are dis'uted in this a''eal defendant@a''ellant sim'l! insists that it had tendered issues of fact and the Court erroneousl! rendered udgment on the 'leadings. he /uestions 'resented are issues onl! of la#. Conse/uentl!, the 'o#er of a''ellate re$ie# in this instance elongs to the 3u'reme Court. Issue: 7hether the a''eal should e dismissed0 Issue related to &AL2: he dut! of a litigant and his attorne! in a$oiding the needless clogging of court docets. Ruled 7e find defendant?s a''eal to e fri$olous. 9o error #as committed ! the Court elo# in ruling that 5s'ecific denials5 are in la# general denials amounting to admissions of the material allegations ased on the 'ro$isions of Rule , section 1+ and Rule , section 1 in relation to Rule 1, section 1 and Rule *+, section > of the Re$ised Rules of Court. he 3u'reme Court has stressed that An une6'lained denial of information and elief of a matter of records, the means of information concerning #hich are #ithin the control of the 'leader, or are readil! accessile to him, is e$asi$e and is insufficient to constitute an effecti$e denial.P Defendant@a''ellant has no cause to com'lain of the udgment a''ealed from. Its claim that it tendered an issue #ith affirmati$e defense of ha$ing no oligation to 'a! #as a mere conclusion not 'remised on an allegation of material facts. Failure to den! under oath the authenticit! of the 'urchase order anne6ed re/uired ! Rule , section  of the Re$ised Rules of Court #as 'ro'erl! deemed an admission of the genuineness and due e6ecution thereof. Cases such as this contriute to the needless clogging of the court docets. he Rules of Court #ere de$ised to limit the issues and a$oid unnecessar! dela!s and sur'rises. -ence, the mandator! 'ro$isions of Rule *+ of the Re$ised Rules of Court for a 're@trial conference for the sim'lification of the issues and the consideration of all matters #hich ma! aid in the 'rom't dis'osition of an action. he Rules further re/uire in Rule  section  that 5e$er! 'leading of a 'art! re'resented ! an attorne! shall e signed ! at least one attorne! of record in his indi$idual name5 and that 5the signature of an attorne! constitutes a certificate ! him that he has read the 'leading and that to the est of his no#ledge, information and elief, there is good ground to su''ort it4 and that it is not inter'osed for dela!5 #ith the e6'ress admonition that 5for a #illful $iolation of this rule, an attorne! ma! e suected to disci'linar! action.5 he coo'eration of litigants and their attorne!s is needed so that the salutar! oecti$es of these Rules ma! e attained. . *$A( A%" com4lainant )s. ATT%"(E! E$STAB$I% &ELT"A( res4on6ent. FAC3: 2usta/uio ;eltran, a memer of the &hili''ine ar, #as accused of taing or causing to e detached from the rollo of 3'ecial 9o. %% of the Court of court First Instance of Camarines AEor as &roceedings e6ecutor, as #ell as the order of the terminating the same4 of3ur, the financial re'ort of com'lainant Juan thereafter filing a motion to re/uire com'lainant to render an accounting and to deli$er the 'ro'ert! left in the #ill to the eneficiaries4 and of ha$ing instructed his client Lorelie ;ornales and the latter?s mother, Aniana 3adol@2scria to enter forcil! a 'arcel of land forming a 'art of the estate #hen he ne# of its ha$ing een 're$iousl! sold, thus




necessitating a com'laint for forcile entr!. I33"2: 7hether or not ;eltran is guilt! of mal'ractice and gross misconduct ased on the alleged acts. -2LD: 9o. he court ado'ts the re'ort and recommendation of the 3olicitor Beneral #hich states that: 5he records are entirel! ereft of an! direct, 'ositi$e and com'etent e$idence to su''ort the charge that res'ondent detached and remo$ed official records from the Office of the Cler of Court of Camarines 3ur, 'articularl! the financial re'ort in, and the order of closure of, 3'ecial &roceeding 9o. %%. If at all, com'lainant a''ears to ha$e merel! assumed that ecause, #hen he #as allegedl! sho#n ! the cler of court the records of said case, the same 'ur'ortedl! contained at the time onl! the 'roated #ill and res'ondent?s motion for an accounting therein then res'ondent must ha$e s'irited a#a! the financial re'ort filed therein ! com'lainant and the order of the court for the closure of said 'roceedings. On the other hand, res'ondent did not onl! $igorousl! den! the im'utation that he too said records from the e6'ediente of the case, ut he also sumitted in e$idence a certification of the ranch cler of the Court of First Instance of Camarines 3ur attesting to the fact that the records of the aforecited 'roate 'roceedings, including the allegedl! missing financial re'ort and order, are all intact and unaltered. 9eedless to state, mere assum'tions cannot e the asis of an! finding against an! memer of the ar #ho, as an official of the court, is 'resumed to act #ith the utmost decorum and good faith in all his dealings.5 As to the accusation that res'ondent still filed a motion for accounting on Jul! , 11 des'ite his 're$ious no#ledge that the com'lainant as e6ecutor had alread! filed his financial re'ort and that in fact the 'roate 'roceedings had een closed and terminated, the re'ort characteriEed it as 5unfounded and aseless. Res'ondent e6'lained that #hen he e6amined the records of said case on Jul! , 11, he found on the last 'age thereof the financial re'ort of com'lainant of a! 11, 1, together #ith the latter?s motion for the consideration and a''ro$al thereof, ut that as said motion a''eared not to ha$e een resol$ed ! the court, he then got the im'ression that the 'roate 'roceedings had not !et een finall! terminated. hat such e6'lanation is reasonale and elie$ale is sho#n ! the fact that e$en the 'roate court found com'lainant?s financial re'ort on the last 'age of the record of the case still unacted u'on, #hich situation lie#ise led it to elie$e that the case had not !et een terminated. Of course, had res'ondent made a more diligent and e6hausti$e e6amination of the records of said 'roate 'roceedings, he #ould ha$e found some#here therein com'lainant?s financial re'ort of Jul! , 1 and the court?s order of closure of Januar! , 1, and he #ould not ha$e filed his motion for accounting in /uestion. ;e this as it ma!, ho#e$er, #e fail to discern in res'ondent?s filing of his aforesaid motion for accounting an! delierate attem't or intention on his 'art to mislead the 'roate court in said case, or to cause com'lainant discredit or 'ut him in disre'ute so as to ustif! disci'linar! action against him in this case. here #as no ustification either for the allegation that res'ondent induced his clients, Lorelie ;ornales and the latter?s mother Aniana 3adol@2scria, to enter forcil! one of the 'arcels of land suect of 3'ecial &roceeding 9o. %%. hus, res'ondent should he asol$ed of the charges hurled against him. Com'lainant ought to ha$e dis'la!ed a greater sense of res'onsiilit!. -e should ha$e refrained from im'osing on this Court or the Office of the 3olicitor Beneral a needless urden and incon$enience. A''arentl! #hat moti$ated him in filing his com'laint #as the Eeal #ith #hich res'ondent fought for the interests of his client. Com'lainant should e a#are that this Court does not loo #ith fa$or u'on accusations arising from dissatisfaction and resentment at the mode in #hich a la#!er diligentl! and tenaciousl! 'rosecutes matters entrusted to him. Instead of eing condemned under the circumstances, he should e commended. Fairness to oth com'lainant and res'ondent com'els the oser$ation that the latter, as a memer of the ar, is called u'on to e much more careful and meticulous in e6amining the records of a case and noting e$er! 'leading, e$en if as has ha''ened in not a fe# cases, the 'a'ers are not e't in as orderl! a manner as is oth 'ro'er and desirale. .) ALF%(S% 5ISITACI%( )s. 5ICT%" A(IT s
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