Legal Ethics Case Digests
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2014 legal ethics cases...
A.C. No. 4545 February 5, 2014 CARL CARLIT ITO O ANG, ANG, Comp Compla lain inan ant, t, !. !. ATT TT" ". #A$% #A$%& & #O&% #O&%'( '( G)' G)'ANA, ANA, Re!pon*ent. Le+al %ti-! Rule /.01, Canon Rule /.01, Canon / FACTS: The case stemmed from an adavit-complaint led by complainant Carlito Ang against respondent. Ang alleged that he and the other heirs of the late Candelaria Magpayo namely !"ricacion #iamante and $illiam Magpayo e%ec"ted an &%tra-'"dicial #eclaration of (eirs and !artition involving a land )hich )as covered by Transfer Certicate of Title *o. +T-,,/0-122. (e )as given his share of ,2 s3"are meters designated as 4ot *o. ,11-5-,-5- together )ith all the improvements thereon. (o)ever )hen he tried to sec"re a TCT in his name he fo"nd o"t that said TCT TCT n"mber had already been cancelled and in lie" thereof ne) TCTs CTs had been iss"ed in the names of $illiam Magpayo Antonio #iamante !atricia #iamante 4olita #. Can3"e 6regorio #iamante 7r. and Fe #. Montero. Ang alleged that there is reasonable gro"nd to believe that respondent had a direct participation in the commission of forgeries and falsications beca"se he )as the one )ho prepared and notari8ed the Adavit of 4oss and #eed of Absol"te Sale that led to the transfer and iss"ance of the ne) TCTs. Ang pointed o"t that the #eed of Absol"te Sale )hich )as allegedly e%ec"ted by Cand Candel elar aria ia Magp Magpay ayo o on Ap Apri rill 9 9 9/ 9/;/ ;/ )as )as ante anteda date ted d and and Cand Candel elar aria ia Magpayo of Co"rt of the ?egional Trial Co"rt +?TC0 of Ceb" since the *otarial ?eport ind"bitably sho)ed that the doc"ment e%ec"ted )as an adavit not a #eed of Absol"te Sale. As to the the A Ada davi vitt of 4oss oss )hic )hich h )as )as alle allege gedl dly y e%ec"t ec"ted ed by the the late late Candelaria Magpayo on April ,/ 9// it co"ld not have been e%ec"ted by her as she #ied three years prior to the e%ec"tion e%ec"tion of the said adavit of loss. Ang f"rther alleged that respondent made himself the attorney-in-fact and e%ec"ted a #eed of Sale selling the lot to 4im @im So Mecantile Co even tho"gh a civil case )as pending before the ?T ?TC of Manda"e City Ceb". ?espondent espondent denied denied any )rongdoi )rongdoing. ng. Ac Accor cording ding to the responde respondent nt in the pending civil case Ang anchored his claim on the &%tra-'"dicial #eclaration of (eirs and !artition and so"ght to ann"l the deed of sale and prayed for recon reconvey veyanc ance e of the s"b'ec s"b'ectt parcel parcel of land. land. (o)eve (o)ever r beca"se beca"se of Ange)ise violated ?"le /.9 Canon / of the Code of !rofessional ?espons esponsibi ibilit lity y )hich )hich provi provides des that that BaG BaG la)yer la)yer shall shall not delega delegate te to any "n3"alied person the performance of any tas> )hich by la) may only be performed performed by a member of the 5ar in good standing.B in notari8ing an adavit e%ec"ted by a dead person respondent is liable for miscond"ct. Ender the facts and circ"mstances of the case the revocation of his notari notarial al commi commissi ssion on dis dis3"al 3"ali icat cation ion from from being being commis commissio sioned ned as a notary p"blic for a period of t)o years and s"spension from the practice of la) for one year are in order.
A.C. No. 31 February February 12, 2014 IL%R IL%RTO TO C. TALI&I ALI&IC, C, Compla Complaina inant, nt, !. ATT". 'RI$O 'RI$O R. RIN%N RIN%N,, Re!pon*ent. Le+al %ti-! Rule! on Notarial 'ra-ti-e FACTS: An administr administrative ative case led by complainant complainant $ilbert $ilberto o C. Talisic alisic +$ilber +$ilberto0 to0 agai against nst Atty tty. !rimo rimo ?. ?ine ?inen9 n9 +A +Att tty y. ?ine ?inen0 n0 char chargi ging ng the the latt latter er )ith )ith falsication of an &%tra 7"dicial !artition )ith Sale )hich allo)ed the transfer to spo"ses 5en'amin #"rante and &leonor 4avia +Spo"ses #"rante0 of a parcel of land formerly o)ned by $ilbertoHs mother A"rora Corp"8 +A"rora0. Co"r Co"rtt refer eferrred the the case case to the the nte ntegr grat ated ed 5ar 5ar of the the !h !hil ilip ippi pine nes s +5! +5!0 0 Commission on 5ar #iscipline for investigation report and recommendation. $ilberto claimed that his mother died and left behind as heirs her spo"se Celedonio Celedonio Talisic alisic and their three three childre children n namely namely:: Arlene Arlene $ilbert $ilberto o and Alvin. t )as only after his fatherne) of the transfer of the s"b'ect parcel via the s"b'ect deed. $hile $ilberto believed that his fatherno) of the transaction bet)een the Spo"ses #"rante and the Talisics )hen they approached him in his oce as the then !residing 7"dge of the M"nicipal. After After d"e proceed proceedings ings nvestigat nvestigating ing Commissio Commissioner ner Felimon elimon C. Abelita Abelita +Comm +Commiss ission ioner er Abelit Abelita0 a0 iss iss"ed "ed the ?eport eport and ?ecomm ecommend endati ation on dated dated
*ovember , ,9, for the cancellation of Atty. ?ineneted the complaint. 5! 5! 5ar Com Commissi ission one er #el #ela ?ama ama stat stated ed that hat =ng had had s" s" cient ientlly establ establish ished ed the e%ist e%istenc ence e of the dis dishon honor ored ed chec>I chec>I and that Atty Atty.. #elos #elos Sant Santos os did did not not le le his his ans) ans)er er desp despit ite e noti notice ce and and did did not not also also pres presen entt contrary evidence. (e recommended that Atty. #elos Santos be held liable for violating Canon 9 ?"le 9.9 and Canon ?"le .2 of the Code of !rofe !rofessi ssional onal ?espons esponsibi ibilit lity y and that that the penalt penalty y of s"s s"spen pensio sion n from from the practice of la) for three years pl"s the ret"rn of the amo"nt of !9. to the complainant. The 5! 5oard of 6overnors iss"ed ?esol"tion adopting the Commissioner involved herein >no)ingly violated 5atas !ambans ambansa a 5lg. 5lg. ,, ,, and e%hib e%hibite ited d his indi indier erenc ence e to)ar to)ards ds the pernic pernicio" io"s s eect eect of his illega illegall act to p"bli p"blic c inter interest est and p"bli p"blic c order order.91 .91 (e there thereby by s)ept aside his 4a)yer
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