This Th is is in co conn nnec ecti tion on wi with th yo your ur un unpa paid id re rent ntal als s co cove veri rin n the the pe peri riod od !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the total amount o" #!!!!!! $ein re"erred to me $y %irst &ord 'omes #hilippines nc* the owner o" the property you are occupyin "or leal action warranted under the circumstances*
+epe peat ate ed dema mand nds s were ma made de up upon on you $y my clie lient to upd pda ate your rental arrearaes in violation o" the lease areement and to vacate the premises you are occupyin $ut you "ailed and re"used and still "ails and an d re re"u "use ses s to va vaca cate te the the sa same me to the the da dama mae e an and d pr pre, e,ud udic ice e o" my client*
Please be reminded that our client has sent you several letters of demand for you to pay your back rentals and to vacate the prem pr emis ises es but the the same same le lett tter ers s ha have ve bee been n left left un unans answe werred. Consider this then, as our client’s FINA !"#AN! for you to PA$ $%&' $ %&' ACC%&N( within FI)" *+ !A$!A$- from receipt and to )ACA(" (" premises within FIF(""N */+ !A$- from receipt of this thi s notice notice.. %therw %therwise ise,, we will $e constrained to "ile the necessary leal action aainst you to protect our client-s interest without "urther notice*
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