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From Hello To Sex: The Man's Guide To Getting Laid By Jon Sinn

Text copyright © 2012 Sinns of Attraction All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Contents Introduction 4 Sexcalation – Ramp Up Her Desire for You in Minutes 5 Secrets of Sexual Attraction – Getting HER to Chase YOU 17 Cold Reading - Bringing Out A Woman’s Sexual Side 28 Logistics – Getting Her Back to Your Place and Closing the Deal Conclusion – Becoming a Master of Seduction 38


Introduction If you’re expecting to learn how to wine and dine a woman … buy her the right things to make you fall in love with you, then stop reading this book right now! Because what you have in your hands isn’t about love or about romance. I’m not here to give you the formula for the perfect date. And I’m definitely not going to treat you with kid gloves or pull any punches. This book is about ONE thing … getting laid! And, although my attraction and seduction techniques could land you in a loving, romantic relationship, what you’re about to learn is going to help you meet a ton of women. You’ll meet chicks that are so hot you’ll be blown away. Best of all, you’ll learn how to get laid … quickly and as OFTEN as you want! I promise, by the time you’re done reading, you’re going to have all the tools you need to become a master of attracting and seducing women. My name is Jon Sinn, and I was recently ranked by TSB Magazine as the Number One Pickup Artist in the World for the second year in a row. I’ve spent almost 10 years in the seduction community and have taught thousands of men how to become masters of seduction. If you want power and choice over women, then you are in the right place. I’ve dedicated my life to “reading” women. I’ve had relationships with hundreds of women. And, I know exactly what they want. Let’s get at it!

Sexcalation – Ramp Up Her Desire for You in Minutes The first step to getting laid is to understand female psychology. Plain and simple, when meeting and seducing women you have to realize that women think a LOT differently than men do. If you want to unlock her defenses and dramatically improve your success rate, you have to tune in … and understand … her methods, her subtle cues, and her language. But understanding the female mind is only half the battle. Once you understand her mind you have to use that knowledge to escalate the interaction towards sex. I call this process, “sexcalation.” Sexcalation is my funny made-up word for sexually escalating the interaction. I actually made up the word “sexcalation” (beside the fact that it sounds awesome), because I realized that a lot of what I did was to move the conversation quickly towards sex. I wasn’t really escalating but rather sexcalating, because I was just making sex basically the overt undertone of the interaction in a funny, socially acceptable way. Sexcalation is the art of moving the physical touching towards physical teasing (touching, and arousal which is kind of quasi-sexual but not offensive touching) … and getting a girl logistically into a place where I could fuck her – as quickly as possible. Sexcalation uses releases and other techniques to escalate an interaction verbally, physically and logistically, so the interaction is focused on sex. It’s the biggest thing that I do differently than a lot of other guys out there. I think it's okay to let the girl know that you're trying to get her into bed, or want to have sex with her overtly right there on the table. I believe that the biggest mistake guys make is NOT being open enough about their intentions. Too many guys believe that if they talk about themselves, build commonalities, build rapport, build vulnerability, and tell the girls things they like about her, eventually they will just magically hop into bed. They’re WRONG! For me, I never really got amazing results until I started bringing up the subject of sex, interacting more sexually and escalating things to a higher sexual level. If you talk to girls enough about sex, they will eventually think of having sex with you. When you start talking to girls about sex, and openly touch girls in a sexual way …and I don’t mean groping or fingering girls on the dance floor … but do it right and you’ll be amazed at how better your game will be. The big thing to realize is that women want sex just as badly as we do. But they also want someone who knows what they're doing, and who will make sex a fun and entertaining ride, rather than a slow process of getting to know them. So stop wasting time doing all the stuff that girls don’t necessarily need.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you don’t need to get to know girls … or that getting o know girls during sexcalation isn’t meaningful … but the “get to know” part is minimal. You want to emphasize the size of the sexual connection that the two of you could or would have. The first sexcalation technique is use is humor. I use humor to sexually escalate the conversation 100 percent of the time. If you're not funny, you're not going to have very much success with women. I don’t know anyone who isn't funny who does well with girls. It's just doesn’t seem to happen. You need to find ways to make girls laugh. The idea is to redefine things in a sexual manner that are funny. A lot of people get a little confused because some of the stuff you say is going to sound cocky, and you're going to be like accusing girls of using you for sex, etc. but the bottom line is that this stuff generates sexual attraction. One of the big differences that you have to understand between what I'm doing and what a lot of other people are doing is that my system operates on the idea that there are a couple different types of attraction.


Interest-based attraction


Sexual/Physical attraction


Value-based attraction

When escalating, you have to think about those three key distinctions. Just because you have attraction in an interaction, doesn’t necessarily mean you have sexual attraction. You might have value-based or interest-based attraction, at which point sexual escalation would be not the correct sequence. To build sexual attraction FIRST, I do it by teasing girls sexually. Teasing is pretty much a common practice for guys who get laid. But, a couple of years ago I re-tooled my game and started making all my teases more sexual and more over the top. I did this to see what extremes I could go to, and soon realized that once you're pretty good at attraction, you can really push the teasing to some pretty far extremes. So I started teasing girls sexually saying things like, "I don't know who your last boyfriend is, but he obviously didn’t spank you enough." Or I'd say things like, "Oh my God, you're such a naughty girl." Sometimes I’ll go really extreme and play this whole celibacy role play: “You know what, you girls are really cool, but we're not having sex tonight because I'm fucking celibate. Yes, I think sex is for losers—for people who don’t have dreams and goals and ambitions; who don’t want to make the world a better place. It's not for people like me. I'm a winner, that's why I’m celibate. I have this kind of thing that sex is for losers. But you know what? It's fucked up, because I'm telling you that now and like now you're going to be all over me for the rest of the night. You're going to be like, "Oh make out with me, because making out doesn’t make you not celibate."

Then you'd be like, "Oh, come home with me. I'm going to get naked and get in bed with you, and then, you know, like an addict, like someone taking that first drink—I'd be back to that place where I'm a sexual addict. My life is filled with pain and misery, and everyone is just a pawn in my sexual game. But I won't do it, not again. I'm going to be good. You stay away. “ I'll keep going for a few more minutes; it's introducing the idea of sex really early on in a funny fashion. Another thing I'll say is, "Yes, you guys are really nice but we're not having sex. Girls are just using me for sex lately, like I am not just a human sausage. I mean, yes, it is huge, but I'm not just here to be used like this. I have feelings and emotions and deep, deep thoughts, and I write poetry, like haikus. I wrote one today, it goes: Cat, mat, hat—isn't that good? I'm not just a sexual thing; none of you guys is going to break through my shell. I'm sick of this—sick, tired of it.” Sometimes I'll say things like, “Girls are such sexual predators, because when girls get mad at their boyfriends. They can do their pushup bras and make their hair nice and put on their fake nails, and they can go out and meet a new guy in like 30 seconds. Meanwhile, what do most guys do when they're mad at their girlfriend, punch the wall and shit? Plus girls have one organ that's for nothing but sexual pleasure. But I'm onto you guys, I've figured it out. I'll not be used. Not again!” Another good one is to tell her something like, “you someone to put you in your place.” That's a great one for submissive girls; that kind of plays a different kind of sexual role. It’s a dominant line where you would do something like lean in, pull a girl's hair and say, “You need someone to put you in your place.” If she agrees then it would super on, and you could basically take her somewhere and have sex with her. This brings us to the idea of setting roles. Setting roles is really important because every same-night-lay or every fast escalation has to have some sort of fantasy element in it or way that she can understand who you are and why this is fun and awesome. You want to take these roles because it allows you to define the frames (underlying tone of the interaction). Roles define frames. For example, if I'm the boss and someone else is the employee, the rules dictate that I can order the guy around with impunity. I can say, "Hey, can you grab that for me. Do you have those forms I needed? Can you take this meeting for me?” I can just tell him what to do, whereas under normal social situation we'd probably have the same value, or he might be a cooler guy and he might have better girlfriends. Roles are not only going to define what your behavior is, but they're also going to define how she behaves in relation to you. Here are a couple of roles that I use and a couple of things you can do. The first role is the "Daddy Role”. This is a dominant role. Dominant roles are going to play on the very powerful, dominant, demanding, domineering, sexually aggressive stereotypes. You’re going to tell her what to do. You're going to give her really explicit things to do. That's where something like: "You need someone to put you in your place." Things like,

"You're such a little slut," whispered in her ear after you've been making out with her for five minutes. Things like telling her to touch her pussy, etc. However, you are going to be demanding - like in a 'daddy' voice. Any flinch or show that you're not completely dominant and in control of the situation, or that you are in anyway uncomfortable is going to really mess you up. You have to be completely comfortable, even if you're doing something you've never done before. Even if you've like pulled the girl into the bathroom and you tell her to get down on her knees. You can't crack your voice. Believe me, I've done it both ways, and one way gets you into a debate about what's going to go down, and the other one gets you what you want. You have to really pass flinch points. You have to be able to handle congruence test, and you have to be able to dominate her physically too. Like putting her hands behind her head, even pulling her hand behind her back, kind of like handcuff-style… But not actually handcuffing her unless she agrees to it. Think dominance and submission, like she's going to be submissive here. The role that you're allowing her to play is submissive. You're allowing her to give up all control. To go with her emotions and just do things that she never would've done because she's being told to do them. It gives her a higher authority to listen to, but you have to be able to be that higher authority. Role number two is “The Tease”. I love this role … and do it really, really well. I learned it from strippers I was dating who just happen to be experts at teasing. There was a period of my life where I dated a TON of strippers, and one thing I always noticed was how good they were at pushing and pulling. Think of the way stripper pull in a guy by his tie, and push him out with her heels. That’s what I’m talking about. These girls were very, very good at it. They were great at making me want them, but they’d pull away as soon as they saw I thought I was going to get it. It drove me nuts. I loved it. I was around these girls all the time and I kept falling into their trap over and over again. That's what I started to do with girls. Because I started to figure out how I could apply that to gaming girls for BIG TIME success. The tease not only operates from a position of higher authority, but also from knowing what girls want. This is where you project a vibe that you get a lot of girls, and you do stuff that lets her know you know what you're doing in bed. You never outright come out and say you know what you're doing in bed, but you imply it – sometimes even joking that you’re bad in bed. For example, I'll pull a girl's hair and say,” Oh my god, you like that so much." Then I’ll follow with, "Don’t get any more ideas, that's basically all I know about pleasing a woman. I had to stop having threesomes, because I couldn’t deal with two women looking at me disappointed." I also might say, "Really I'm terrible in bed, do yourself a favor, don’t let me undercook your muffins, like honestly—bad, bet out. It will be the worst 30 seconds of your life." That's good for a tease game.

It’s also important to make sure you're always physically releasing. I'll do things like run my nails up and down the girl's legs, even if she's wearing jeans, and just kind of like massage her. The key is to be arousing and then breaking the arousal. I'll also do things like an “almostkiss” where I get her really close to my face so she expects us to kiss, but don’t actually do it. I'll even tell her I'm a tease, and that she's not going to get any – which actually allows further escalation because, if she tries to give last minute resistance later you can say, “I'm not going to do anything. I'm just teasing you.” I'll even tell girls that I'm not going to let them come. I'd say, "Don’t worry I'm not going to let you come. So don’t get any ideas, it's not going to be fun for you. It would probably kind of painful." I'll even take the teasing into foreplay. I'll finger them until they're about to cum and then stop. If a girl is going to give you last-minute resistance and you do that, she's not going to give you last-minute resistance anymore. The tease is about escalating and pulling away. Escalating, pulling away, and then letting her think you're going to escalate by using bait and then not escalating. The last role is “The Lovable Sex Addict.” In this role, you can come off as a guy that's just extremely sexual and completely embraces it. This is where you can get away with some really raunchy stories. You can get away with talking about how you're going to go jerk off in the bathroom and ask the girl if she wants to watch. The lovable sex addict is just blatantly sexual and offers no apologies for it. He never does it in a creepy way. He uses releases as early as possible to make the girls work for the sexuality so he never creeps them out. Instead of saying something like, “Do you think men know how to please women?” you'd say something like, "Hey, can I ask you a question? Actually I'm not sure—wait, how old are you?" Something like that would release the question and build a hoop for them to jump through first in order for you to actually ask the question. You can also use unanswered questions and say something like, "You totally remind me of my ex Maria, though I'm sure you and her differ in a couple ways." Now she's going to want to know what those “couple of ways” are. Another thing you do is always blame the girl for escalation. If you're putting on the table that you're just a sexual guy, then you make the escalation her fault. You put your arm around her and say, "Oh God, you're so bad, look at what you're making me do. I never do this." Then you push her away, or you kiss her, and say, "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm making out with you in a fucking public place. This is so tacky; you're just turning me on too much. Get away." You blame her for the escalation, and you push her away. This combination is really, really effective. So what is the psychology behind verbal escalation? A lot of it has to do with the idea of sub-personalities. Most people believe they have one personality, and that any time they're being themselves, so they have to act exactly the same in every situation. This is ridiculous.

Every one of us has sub-personalities that we bring out in different situations. So inside of everyone, we have a work mode, a family mode, a religious mode, a sexual mode, and we have a gross fantasy mode, all of which live inside our personality. While we think our personality is whole, it actually consists of a bunch of different sub-personalities. Now this is important … because inside of each woman exists different sub-personalities. And, I'm sure you can think of some sub-personalities in women that will be useful to bring out? How about the dismissive part of her personality? How about the adventurous part of her personality? Or wild part of her personality; the aggressive, sexual, part of her personality? There are all these different parts and sub-personalities that we want to highlight while minimizing the focus on everything else. That is the basis of framing. We want to bring to the forefront the parts of her personality that already exist. It's not manipulative as much as it’s allowing her the space to bring out certain parts of her personality. And, it’s the lack of judgment which allows those parts of her personality to actually surface. In addition to sub-personalities is also the concept of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the idea that we, as people, have a self-image of ourselves, and we are going to act in a way to preserve certain ideas we have about ourselves. For example, think about going into car dealership. You start talking to a car salesman. "Man, I really want to buy this car but I'd love a soda. Do you mind giving me a soda?" The guy is going to get you a soda because he wants to make the deal. He still thinks of himself as a salesman and he can still be a salesman and get you a soda. That's just sweetening the deal a little bit. Then, when he comes back and you say, "Man, I really want to buy this car, but I think I really want to come over for a home-cooked meal to talk about it. Then I'll definitely buy it." Now he has to think, alright, now I have to have a meal with guy and invite him into my house. Now it’s kind of a friend thing. So now he's going to have cognitive dissonance and decide, is he a sales whore or does he think you're a friend and he can have dinner with you and happen to make a sale? People are consistently creating meanings like that, using cognitive dissonance. Women especially—cognitive dissonance is very important to the idea of seduction because sex has to just happen. There has to be cognitive dissonance to sex because even when she wants to do it, she has to be able to retain her reputation if people ask. It’s the reason you usually can’t go up to a girl and say, "Hey, let's go back to my place and fuck," even if it's super on – she doesn’t want to make herself look bad. You can achieve sexual cognitive dissonance by way of emotional stimulation. Emotional stimulation is a big part of sexuality because for women, emotions run their lives. That's not all women and it's not 100 percent of the time, but usually what gets you the girl is what you make her feel emotionally.

By telling a story that's really emotional, or talking about yourself and your emotions and how the experiences in your life have brought you to where you are today, you ground yourself and establish an emotional baseline. From your emotional baseline, you can start to frame her and start to play with her identity. Her identity is something that can be shaped, and something that can be changed and made better, and that's something that you want to build into your stimulation- the idea of being shaped by the emotional experiences that you've had. By opening yourself up, you open the idea of reciprocity. When you ground yourself emotionally early on, you establish who you are as a person through stories and anecdotes. For example, I might say something like, "You guys are in trouble here because I'm a writer, so I can keep coming up with material all night, plus I'm going to think that I'm right or that you should, at least, listen. I always think I'm right—actually, I kind of know I'm always right." Just that little bit of fluff talk establishes a bit of character and emotion. Next I could say, "Actually you know, I used to always think I was right, but I had this experience…" By going first, I'm demonstrating that I'm willing to give value, and I'm willing to tell them things about me, which brings in the idea of reciprocity. Evolutionarily, humans are not the strongest of creatures. We are the smartest, but we don’t have claws or big coats or anything to really help us survive. That why we became social animals. We were stronger when we pooled all our resources together. We are able to build amazing cities, and do what we've done across the world as human beings. We bonded socially and reciprocity because it is really the engine driving our bonds. It’s also the reason that interview-style pick-ups and dating don’t work. When you go into a conversation with the new person and you just try to get them to talk about themselves, there's nothing for them to reciprocate and they resist. However, if you talk about yourself first, people are more likely to share experiences and to build rapport. Sorry if this material sounds a little too heavy on emotional stimulation early on. But as long as you understand these basics on changing emotions, you can hook into deeper comfort … start to define an identity … and then do your attraction stuff retroactively by doing takeaways or sexual push-pull. Sexcalation is actually a completely different type of game because you're hooking in with emotions, then defining a sexual identity, and finally arousing her and doing takeaways to keep that attraction stimulated. So after you ground yourself, next you want to start molding her sexual identity. To do this we use the framing model. Which is frame, qualify, prep, release. The frame is the sexual identity that we want her to have. Some useful frames are: independent, nonjudgmental, sexually aggressive, emotional, decisive, goes after what she wants, always gets what she wants, etc.

For example, suppose we want her to be decisive. Why? Because later on we will be trying to pull her out of the venue, and we want to be able to call that frame back if she says, "Oh I don’t know if I should leave my friends." You would respond, "I thought you were decisive, I thought you went for what you wanted. Come on, don’t change being the girl that I really liked;" and that is a heart-melting line that will make her come and throw her panties at you. To define this decisive identity, early on you might say to her, "Do you know what I really like about you, is you seem like a really decisive girl, that's a rare characteristic. I usually attract women who are aggressive, but you're just really assertive and I really, really like that." This is a shaping statement. It's a statement towards something I want her to be. Next I'm going to prep her for later, and will say something like, "And I mean that even though I'm trying to get into your pants." Then I'm going to release, because saying I want to get into your pants is pretty hardcore. So then I’ll say "Too bad you're such a dork," and at which point they'll say something like, "Oh, at least you're honest." Now I can use the identity shaping to build onto something else. I can say, "You know, you remind me of a girl I used to know. She was really, really decisive too, and she was really funny because she was super-promiscuous and she would always tell me these funny stories. Like she took some guy home a couple weeks ago, and the next morning he was like, "Wow! It's so great to have a girlfriend. That's so weird. Don’t you think it's weird when guys get superattached?" Now I can say she's decisive, and she thinks it's weird if I was going to get really attached. Now she knows if she wants to sleep with me, I'm not going to get weird the next morning, and to understand that people do sleep together and still are good people. That's another way of shaping that sexual identity. You can also shape a sexual identity with cold reads. Cold reads are basically presumptions about women that they are likely to agree with, but frame her in the way you want her to be. I might say things like, "I bet you that you're a little bit sexually insecure in a relationship." Or, "I can tell that you're totally the type of girl who goes after what she wants. Like if your friends are telling you not to do something and you still wanted to do it, you'd do it. I bet you have some sort of piercing or tattoos you regret." Cold reading is a great way to shape identity. The next step is sexual arousal. I’d say things like: "If no one else was here right now, you have no idea what I would do to you," or, "If no one was here right now, I'd bend you over this table and take care of business." Or, things like, "I totally have an idea. I bet your favorite sexual position is either doggie style or on top." Or, sexual cold reads like, "You totally have a fractured sexual identity. You know sometimes you need to be treated sweet and sensually, and other times you need to be fucked like a dirty slut." All that kind of stuff goes into the idea of arousal, and that comes after you've shaped her sexual identity. So you want to talk about yourself, so you can ground your emotional baseline and give her ideas of what to expect from you. I like to talk about how I'm nonjudgmental … how I'm

sexually open… how I've been engaged in long-term relationships … and how I know what I want in girls. I let girls know that I have a lot of female friends … that I'm not someone who jumps into relationships … that I'm very passionate and I don’t think there's anything wrong with having sex the first night you meet someone. If you ground your emotional baseline it will all work in your favor. So remember you need to use your framing, qualify, prep, release, cold reads, and start molding her sexual identity. Then you cycle in arousal—physical, verbal, sexual. You might make out with her, then start fingering her, then break it off. You push her away, and the pushing away and the releasing and the slowing down is the real power in sexcalation. You can get super-fast escalations by telling girls no … by slowing things down when they're really hot and heavy and she's about to say no … and by using the “sexual push-pull.” Sexual push-pull is an attraction tactic. It's where I'll pull a girl in really close, and say something like, "You know, you are sexy as hell, but I don’t think it's going to work out tonight," and I'd push her away. She'd be like, "Why? I would be like, "Well you're just not really wild enough for me. I just tend to go for girls that are a little more open… maybe I go for crazy girls, I don’t know—but what would you do to be wild right now?" So I'm pushing and pulling her, and you're going to use this as a tool to gain compliance for sexual escalation. If you noticed, what I’m doing is to push her and pull her and then I'd give her a way to become more of what I want her to be. So I might say, "It's just not going to work tonight. You're really, really awesome, but you're just way too much of a nice girl. It's just not going to work out." She'd be like, "I'm not nice." I'd respond, "No, you're really, really nice. You're like the type of girl who has to have sex with the lights on the first time. You're the type of girl who has missionary sex for like six months, and I would need you to be way, way dirtier. What would you do to be dirtier? What would you do to be more sexual?" You give her another chance to redeem herself after you've pushed and pulled her a couple times, and that's going to generate a lot of compliance. And, if you think you’re going to get some last-minute resistance, you can make out with her and follow up with, "Oh my God, this is so amazing. You're so hot, we can't do this," and push her away, and then go back, "Oh my God, you turn me on so much, why are you turning me on so much, stop? Oh, God, you're looking at me again." Back and forth, back and forth, pushing and pulling until she is really escalating in the interaction. That's something that's really important for sexcalation. Equally important in sexcalation is the idea of sexual confidence. Sexcalation comes from a place of high sexual confidence. It comes from a place of knowing that that a girl is going to get her vagina pounded and have multiple orgasms and really enjoy the shit out of having sex with me. Confidence comes from sexual education and experience … from experience throughout the whole range of sex … and knowing what your quirks and kinks are. Everyone has a different level of sexuality. You have to know what you're comfortable with and what

you're not comfortable with. Some guys are going to be comfortable double-teaming a girl. Not me. I have nothing against the guys who do it, it just wouldn’t turn me on, and whatever turns you on, or doesn’t turn you on is your own business. But you should definitely figure out what turns you on, and try things that have turned you on with girls that you're having sex with. Don’t be afraid (especially after the first or second time you've had sex with a girl) to talk about fantasies. What they are and what turns them on. In fact, sometimes I'll even do that in set, when I'm talking to the girl. Sometimes I'll just assume that we're going to have sex. So I'll say things like, when we have sex, and just fill in the blanks. Or, I'll be like “when we have sex it's going to be so hot, it's going to melt the curtains off the windows. When we have sex, I'm just going to do horribly bad things to you. When we have sex you're going to pay for that, right?” The main point is… when sexcalating, you should be the more sexually alluring one in the relationship. You have to be the one who is frustrating her. You have to be the one who is turning her on and then denying her. It's all about the two tracks. I think of men and women as on two separate trains going towards sex land. The girls' train just happens to be about 15 behind minutes the guys' train, but they're both going to the same place. So being sexually confident, means you know that you just have to slow down 15 minutes. You know that you just have to slow down enough that she gets comfortable enough to have sex with you. When you know what to do with her, you're the more powerful one in the interaction, because you're going to be the one who's going to make her cum. That's a big inner game shift from where most guys are. Most guys think that the girl is the prize… that they really want her to fuck them. I on the other hand think, "Okay, well this girl is going to be really itching to get the Jon-sexy-time experience. As far as physical sexcalatons, I have a couple different ones that are really good. The first one is the scratch, neck, hair pull. A lot of guys do the hair pull, but very few of them do it in what I consider the sexually arousing way. I’ve got a way that makes a girl's hair stand on end. So what I'll do at some point in the interaction (usually when we're in comfort or something) I'll just reach over and I'll put my hand on the base of her neck, upside down, like my palm facing my elbow (if that makes sense). Then I'll pull my fingers up her neck. Hopefully she moans, or bites her lip, and at that point I'll grab the root of her hair and give a little tug, not enough to move her head. Trust me. She’ll get really turned on. Another really good one is the kiss and blow on the neck. This is a really good one for hugging her. I'll just put my lips on her neck enough to make it wet, and then I'll blow on it. That's a really good arousal technique. Another good one is, when you're hugging a girl from behind, grab like where her thigh meets her butt, if you can imagine that, and pull out and that will separate the labia, which is

sexually arousing for the ladies. When you're sexcalating both physically and verbally, as soon as you see that arousal is there, pull the girl out of the club and get her somewhere where you can have sex with her. I was in a club with a couple of pick up artists. We're standing on the dance floor and this girl kept walking around us. She was obviously looking for dudes. She was talking to every dude. Anyway, she comes over, talks to us and is very touchy-feely. She touched my face, and I was like, alright time to escalate this girl because she was so obviously looking. So I grabbed her, she started grinding up on me and putting her hands under my shirt. I suggested we take a walk. This was at a place called Black Fin in Dallas. I took her outside and there was this little parking lot in the back. There was a brick wall by some restaurant, so I pull her back there and I pushed her against the wall and started making out with her … pulled out the dick, blow job of glory and that was one of the times I looked for an in-venue or outdoor lay. So when arousal is really high … when a girl is making out with you and grinding you really hardcore nasty on the dance floor, just be like, "Hey, let's go take a walk." Pull her out of the bar, or try to pull her into a bathroom or like a closet, or wherever - Anywhere that people are not going to see you and you can sexually escalate and pull out your dick. Even take her out to your car, or whatever. You can have sex and sexually escalate on girls physically in public or semi-public places. You'll be surprised at how often you can do stuff like that. As important as sexcalation is, it’s incomplete without releases, because the key is to actually slow it down. Releases can be both physical and verbal. A verbal release would be something like a non sequitur tease like, "Too bad you're such a dork," or, "I hate you," or "You're such a pain in the ass”, or “stop being cool;" any non sequitur release. You can also use releases that step back from what you just said. So a release could be something like a pacing statement. If you said something sexually, you could be like, "See, you're getting a little nervous here, but the reason I ask is…" So a step back, a pace and a redefine is also a good way to release. So you would say something like, "Oh my God, if nobody was here right now I'd bend you over the table." The girl was like, "Not the first night we met." I'd be like, "You know, I can tell you're a little nervous." Now I've paced the situation, so now I need to explain her nervousness in a way that suits me. I might say something like, "I know a lot of the times in the past, you've probably attracted the wrong type of guy and now you're really unsure about guys. I get that, I respect that, I still do think you're really cool, and then I would further escalate, but now I've explained that in the past she's attracted bad guys, but in the past she hasn’t met someone like me. So that's another way to release. Physical release is pushing the girl away. Ending the contact and making it obvious that you're ending the contact. You don’t always need to push the girl off, but she always needs to know that you're ending the touching, not her. It could be as simple as putting a girl's hand on your arm and then brushing it off. It could be as simple as letting go of her hand when you're

holding hands. It can be as simple as stopping kissing her and pulling away first. You always want to physically release first. State breaks are another important type of release. You can break a girl's state when you're getting too hardcore into sexual state. For example, if you really hardcore into sexual state and you're telling her how you're going to fuck her in the ass, you could be like, "Oh man, we've got to stop. We've got to cool down. I need like a cold shower." That will be a state break and then, "Let's talk about the weather or something." I might say, "You know what, we should totally slow down, let's talk about the weather." Or, I'll even bounce it back even further by talking about family or my niece. If I'm getting really sexually aroused, I'd be like, "Oh my God, this is so bad; do you know what my niece was telling me today?" And that's going to really mess her up. Or, "I was just thinking about my mom." Those things are really going to break her state and show her that you're still in control of the sexuality. The key is that sexual confidence and being in control of the situation. There is this great Shakira lyrics in Hips Don't Lie, "I don’t know what I'm doing, but I know you have a plan." Women are attracted to men who are in control of their emotions and their sexuality and don’t let a girl have it until they've earned it. There are actually a couple games I like to play that help escalate and sexcalate. The first one is the “teasing game”. I would say, "I'm a really, really big tease” to which most girls will respond, "I'm a big tease too." Then I’ll propose we play the teasing game. Whoever gets teased into quitting first – all strictly above the belt, all strictly public stuff—the loser gets the other a drink. At that point I'll go in and kiss their ears, and she’ll kiss my neck, and I'll rub my hands on their neck and pull their hair, and escalate like that. There’s also the “nervous game”. The nervous game is a game that 17 and 18-year-old kids play, where you put your hand progressively higher and higher up the other person's knee and ask them if they're nervous. You put your hand right by her knee on her thigh. Are you nervous? Move it up. Are you nervous? All the way up to the vagina, and then start rubbing it through her pants or skirt. If you're up her skirt, then you have her do the same thing to you, and see how close she gets to your dick.

Secrets of Sexual Attraction – Getting HER to Chase YOU Before I get into the real nitty-gritty of sexual attraction, I want to take a moment to define the five types of sexual attraction: Emotional: This is the most common type of attraction. When you do things like role playing and teasing, you’re creating emotional attraction. You’re getting a woman emotionally engaged in the interaction. Sexual Attraction: Pretty obvious, this is a combination of factors that creates a situation where two people are sexually charged and literally thinking of nothing else in that moment than tearing the clothes off of the other person and having sex. Value-Based Attraction: This is the attraction that rich guys get. This type of attraction usually follows those with high social value, guys with a lot of connections and with a lot of social proof. Things that translate to real world values create attraction. Physical Attraction: Physical attraction is obviously pretty straight forward. It’s attraction based on what you look like, which is usually how men pick women, and sometimes how women pick men. Luckily for us, women are less into physical attraction than we are. Intrigue: Intrigue attraction is when you get a girl curious. You use things like cold reads, acting mysterious, holding back a little, using open loops, and pauses, and hook questions, all the stuff that really intrigues a women and makes her want to know more about you. Attraction is a Valuable Emotion Going back, sexual attraction is a type of attraction consisting of two parts that are separate but equal. First, you need a filter of sexuality over the emotion of attraction. Attraction is an emotion of “I want that.” and “I want more of that.” And it is also an emotion of “reaching out for.” The second thing you need is physical arousal. When it comes to sexual attraction, arousal doesn’t always have to be physical. Arousal is what sparks sexual attraction and is an actual physical process where the woman gets ready for sex. She gets wetter, her body gets warmer, etc. Sexual attraction is an emotional attraction – the emotion of “I want that” that creates that longing with a filter of sexuality over it. There’s going to be a filter of sexuality over

everything we do in sexual attraction, combined with sparking arousal – but not necessarily physically. We don’t necessarily need to be touching the woman to cause sexual attraction, but generally if you get sexual attraction quickly, the second part comes more naturally. My system is really different from the other techniques used to teach attraction. Most guys teach emotional or value-based attraction. They teach you talk about how cool you are … to demonstrate values … or they teach you how to engage a woman’s emotions with cockiness, funniness, or teasing. Those have their place, but they’re different from what I’m talking about. Sexual attraction plays such an important role in pickup because it is the most useful type of attraction. If you can get a woman to be attracted to you … to want you with a filter of sexuality and physical arousal … it’s really easy to take things to the next level, which may mean you get laid that night, or on the next date. When you build that sexual attraction, women are much more likely to want to get physical really quickly, regardless of what’s happening. When you don’t create sexual attraction, you end up in the dead friend zone with a woman who thinks you’re nice or fun, but not sexy. I know a lot of you have been in the friend zone before, and I don’t want you to end up there again. When you build up sexual attraction, woman will be 100% sure that you are interested in her and she can’t put you in the friend zone. So now that you understand sexual attraction, I’m going to go over my “5-Step Method for Creating Powerful Sexual Attraction”. Step #1: Display Dominance Dominance is the most scientifically-proven form of sexual attraction. If you look at all the evolutionary biology reading, all the stuff academically out there, it all boils down to dominance. Step #2: Use Sexual Non-Verbal Communication You need to use your body in a sexual way to communicate with a woman. I’ll talk about three different ways to do that. Step #3: Create and Pass Her Tests One of the most consistent ways to gain attraction (regardless of looks, race or anything else) is to pass her tests. If a woman tests you and you can consistently pass them, you will gain her attraction. It’s a very consistent mechanism for building attraction – probably the most consistent, which is why I put it in here. You need to pass tests even if they’re not there. This will build attraction while layering on step four, which is: Step #4: Progressive Sexualization While we’re creating and passing these tests, we’re also progressively moving things in a

sexual direction. As things move forward, they have to run smoothly. Do this by progressing slowly. In other words, don’t immediately just pull out your dick and act like, “Hey look at my dick!” You have to turn her on step-by-step. That’s what step four is all about – progressively desensitizing her to sex. Step #5: Demonstrate Direct Interest Demonstrating direct interest is more than just qualifying a girl. You’re letting her know you like her so she doesn’t feel like you’re just using her for sex. We’re going to go into each of these steps in a lot more detail now so you can understand, “Okay, if I do these five things, I can create sexual attraction every single time.” Displaying Dominance First, I have a quote that comes from Naomi Wolf. “Beauty is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, it’s determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West is the last best belief system that keeps male dominance intact.” This is an interesting quote because she is saying that beauty is a currency system, and it’s determined by politics and it’s the best belief system for keeping male dominance intact. The idea that beautiful women are thought to be the one aspect that can motivate men more than anything else is pretty true in my experience. I think in the global economy, women are motivating standards and are a tangible asset. Women are used in business transactions; there’s a pretty face in the room a lot of the times. A way of being more dominant is to have more women. It’s kind of a two-way street; the more dominant you are, the more women you’re going to get, and the more women you get, the more dominant you’re going to look. Dominance is the most academically recognized source of sexual attraction. I’ve boiled down all the evolutionary biology for you. I’ve read “The Red Queen” by Matt Ridley, and “Sperm Wars” by Robin Baker, and “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins. They all share the idea that the most dominant male gets access to 90% of the sex, and everyone else gets to fight for 10% of the scraps. Oftentimes, this idea manifests itself in the idea of the “alpha male.” I put alpha male in quotes because the typical alpha male is very misunderstood. Really, dominance is about being in control of you, the situation, and the conversation. It’s not letting other people get you emotional; it’s not reacting too much to other people – it’s leading, and a few other things, which I’m going to address. Leading When it comes to displaying dominance, the best advice I can give you is to lead. As a man, we’re designed to be sexually aggressive, while women are designed to be sexually receptive. You have to be the leader. You have to start the conversation, lead the conversation and then you are going to have to transition off your opener. However even though you started the conversation, whether it was direct or indirect, it’s up to you to lead into a normal conversation.

You are going to have to lead the conversation into a direction that is all about her. You’re going to need to lead the conversation into qualification, into sexuality, into getting a phone number or trying to go back to your place. You will have to lead the conversation the whole way. You’re going to have to know where you’re going and push consistently to get there. A lot of time, men think I meet a woman and end up pulling her home that night. They think it was simple and I acted like, “You want to go back to my house?” and she was like, “Yeah of course!” Right? Wrong! A lot of the time you have to push things; you have to move things forward; you have to convince girls to do things. That’s very important to being dominant. You need to lead. The next step is to lead her physically. You’re going to need to initiate the touching, the first kiss. You are re going to need to take the first article of clothing off, and so on and so forth. Again, women are just not designed to do that. Do they sometimes? Of course, there are always exceptions that prove the rule, but 90% of the time, you’re going to be the one who makes all the physical moves. You’re going to need to lead logistically. You will need to either set up a date, or try to move her back to your place, or go somewhere where you can have sex. The girl is not going to do that for you and she won’t just give you her phone number. Even if she likes you and wants to see you again, most girls are not going to make that step. Women will sit and wait and leave opportunities open for you to ask. But they won’t just come out and be like, “Here, have my phone number.” You need to lead that. You will also need to lead on the date. You need to set up the date, get her phone number, call her and/or text her. You need to lead the date back to your house or it won’t just happen. You will need to use whatever means of transportation you have to get her there and yes, you will need to lead this. That is part of being dominant. You need to be in control of yourself, the conversation, and the situation. Conversation Control When it comes to displaying dominance, unfortunately we can’t just walk up and club a girl on the head and drag her back to our place. Instead we need display dominance socially through leading the conversation. This means you need to control the subject of the conversation, the pace (how fast you’re talking – slow down or speed up), and control what you’re building up to (getting a phone number, setting up a date, or getting her to come back home with you). It’s also where you do the majority of the talking. In the first five to ten minutes, to display dominance, you need to do like 75% of the talking and pick most of the subjects. We do this because we want to show her that we’re in control and things are fun when she can relax. Sexual Tension

One of my favorite quotes about sexual tension and pickup in general is from a guy named Paul Janka out in New York. He says, “In some of the best pickups I’ve done, there’s a level of condescension, combativeness, and dismissiveness that isn’t acceptable in calm society. But they are fun and they do produce great results.” One is condescension, which means talking down to her. We all know exactly what he’s talking about. It’s not mean or rude, but it is really the best description of sexual tension that I’ve ever read. Keep that in mind. It’s fun, not rude, and is more of a play fight that really starts the sexual tension. Combativeness creates sexual tension, and tension needs a resolution. For example, when you want to mess with a woman, pick on her a little. This is how you start a little fake fighting. It’s really important to display dominance in this situation. When people are talking about sexual tension, they are talking about sexualized, attractive combat with no resolution which leaves sex as the only way to end the frustration. Remember, emotions are your friends, even if this emotion you’re creating in a woman frustrates her. You always want to pick a fight, in a playful way. Again, you’re not going to be rude. You’re not going to pick a fight about anything that’s too important or close to her heart. But you want pick on her just enough to create a little tension. This sexual tension brings on the condescension, combativeness and dismissiveness that, when done in a fun, playful way – without insulting or attacking her – creates massive amounts of sexual tension. Because the two of you are fighting, you know it has to be resolved somehow. If you combine that with the other steps in this book, you’re going to see that the resolution leads to sex a lot of the time. Now let’s talk about sexual nonverbal communication (step 2). When it comes to communicating sexually nonverbally, we want to focus on three main areas: eye contact, touching, and facial expressions. I am going to get in more detail into each of these, starting with eye contact. Sexual Eye Contact Eye contact is one of the best ways to send signals of sexuality. The eyes are a great way to lead a woman, as well as give a sexual subtext without saying anything. If I look at a woman a certain way, all she can really say is, “What are you looking at me like that for?” You can reply with, “How am I looking at you?” But she gets it. When you look at a woman in the sexual ways that I’m going to talk to you about – these three ways – she understands what’s happening. The first one is the triangular gaze. This is a classic. This is when you look from a woman’s eye, to her other eye, to her lips. It’s the eye, eye, lips triangle (or lips, eye, eye). This is a great thing to do before you go in for a kiss, because it really slows the woman down. You can get close and build a lot of sexual tension.

The second technique I like is called “bedroom eyes”. This is when I look at a woman as if we were having sex and I imagine all the things I want to do to her. Sometimes I’ll do this with a woman from the beginning, and you can really see the effect it has on her. My eyes are burning a little hot. She can see it. She’s attracted to it, but there is nothing to talk about. This is a great punctuator, especially once you already have some attraction. The third one is dominant eye contact. This is where you stare straight at a woman to show her your strength. When you get into those fun, play-fighting, combative situations, make dominant eye contact with a smile. It shows a woman you aren’t backing down, but you’re not mad. You’re not domineering or threatening, either. It’s also good to use when we talk about creating and passing her tests. Sexual Touching When you’re touching a woman sexually, you need to think about what arouses her and turns her on. But be carefully not to get too carried away and go over the line into foreplay. There’s a thin line between foreplay and sexual touching. Sexual touching builds arousal, foreplay starts to let that arousal out. Foreplay is things like touching a woman’s vagina, touching her boobs and her ass. You can go ahead and finger a woman at a club and sometimes that leads to getting laid, but sometimes it doesn’t. It all depends on the woman. However it is safer to try things like running your nails down her back, lightly stroking her hair, massaging her neck, nibbling, breathing in her ears, whispering, holding her wrists tight, controlling her hips, lightly rubbing her legs (without getting too close), and slightly touching her lower back once she’s comfortable with you. All these things can really get a woman aroused and turned on, but don’t go over the line. That’s what you want to do: sexual touching. You want it to almost be subtext. Sexual Facial Expressions Facial expressions are incredibly powerful. However, for creating sexual attraction, you want to use facial expressions in two ways. First, you want to flash her sexual expressions. You want to make a really sexual face and look at her like that for a second or two, and then smile and break it. By flashing these sexual expressions, we’re kind of sending nonverbal signals that she’s registering. Is the girl going to start sucking your dick because you do this? Of course not, but it starts to send the signals of sex on all the various channels that are open to us. You don’t want to stare at her like you want to fuck her, because she will be weirded out. But if you flash it for a few seconds and take it away, you can start to get her comfortable with it. The second thing you want to do is watch her facial expressions and while you’re escalating. This is one of the major benefits of being able to read facial expressions. You want to watch her face closely as you move forward with these techniques. Does it change? If it changes, is she uncomfortable, or is she comfortable?

As you’re physically escalating and verbally escalating, watch the women’s face to see if she flinches or acts uncomfortable. Does she look mad, sad, surprised or disgusted? Any one of these universal expressions besides happy, or blank, and you know that something is not right with your escalation. Slow it down and keep this in mind as you move forward. Let’s move on to step number three, which is creating and passing her tests. One of the most consistent ways to create attraction is to pass a woman’s tests. This is even more true with sexual attraction as being able to pass her tests related to sex; it gets you that much closer to having sex with her. Let’s look at how to use creating and passing a woman’s tests to escalate the interaction. Step 3 – Escalating Using a Women’s Test There are a lot of ways to create tests, and just so everyone knows, a test is when a woman asks you a question or says something to get a reaction from you, and then judges you based on your reaction. The best ways to create tests in my experience are: Cocky and Funny If you overdo the cocky and funny act, most women will test you. Being too cocky, and that will prompt tests as well. The idea here is to say something so outrageous that the woman feels prompted to call you on it, giving you an opportunity to pass that test. You’re basically baiting her by saying stupid shit, hoping she’s going to test you on it. Player Game This requires you to brag about your sex life or dating status. I brag a lot about the women I have dated or the many girlfriends I juggle or that I have been compared to a porn star. Doing so will make her want to test you. This is not always the best strategy and sometimes back fires. They may feel they can’t trust you, but it does prompt testing. Obvious Lies or Messing With Her Telling women that you’re a virgin … that you have been compared to a porn star … that you’re celibate… messing-with-her-type statements … or any other obvious lie will cause tests. Sometimes I tell women that I’m Brad Pitt’s brother. I will say, “No, Chad Pitt. That’s my name.” That sparks a woman to test me immediately. Again, it’s fun and they know I’m messing with them, but they will test, and they will become attracted when I pass the test. Push Backs This is one of my favorites. This is where you brand the girl with an unflattering stereotype, like being prude, not getting out much, being old-fashioned, or being a missionary/lights-on kind of girl. This will cause her to push back and test you. Be careful using this strategy, because if you do them the wrong way, they become insults, and then the woman gets mad and she’s no longer testing you, and will likely tell you to fuck off. Make sure the woman knows that you don’t think she sucks and stack a push back with a

compliment, like “You know what? You’re a really cool girl, but I can tell we probably wouldn’t be able to hang out because you’re a little prude. It’s not a big deal.” Then the woman may respond with, “No, I’m not a prude.” And that’s what you want, control of the conversation. Don’t overdo it, because it will end with you looking cocky and not getting laid. It’s a good general rule to follow with push backs. Passing Tests There is just one rule when it comes to passing tests: don’t try to argue. If the woman says something like, “Oh my God, you’re such a player. You say this to all the girls. You’re so cocky and such asshole,” in a playful way, don’t try to argue. Always agree, and then use one of the following tactics. The first one is the classic agree and exaggerate. You want to make it absurd, so when she says, “You’re an asshole,” you would respond with, “Yeah, you’re totally right. I actually am a really big asshole. And it doesn’t get better. It’ll just get worse the longer you stay. Pretty soon, I’ll be asking you to borrow money and seeing if I can move into your place. You should really leave.” Make a point and be a little ridiculous about it. You want to make the test seem silly. That’s the whole point of agreeing and exaggerating. Number two is, go silly. Don’t even address it. Tickle her or start singing. Sing something on the spot, such as, “Oh my God, you think I’m gay,” Make her laugh. Mock her even. I will sometimes repeat the question, like, “Are you a player?”, “Are you a player?” That works. Those going-silly tactics will make sure you pass the tests and show her don’t take things too seriously. Fourth-grade comebacks are also one of my favorites. “I know you are, but what am I?” is a classic and is used in the: “Are you a player?”, “I know you are, but what am I?” situation. This will pass the test because, again, you’re not taking it too seriously. Those are the three ways to pass tests. They really do work and are considered to be 100% foolproof, so anybody could do this! Next, how to use her tests to escalate. Eventually you want to start ramping up the sexuality by getting a girl to test you about sexual things. To do this, I like to use a technique called fast forward/rewind, which works like this: Fast forwarding is when you joke in a way that takes sexuality too far. For example, “When we have sex, it’s going to melt the paint of the walls.” I’m just assuming we’re going to save sex. Once you’ve done this, the girl will either agree – at which point, it’s on. And if she’s says “Yeah, it’s totally going to be hot,” you just need to hang out, wait a little bit longer, and move her somewhere, where you can have sex. Or she may disagree, and argue, or test you on this statement. She could say “We’re not having sex.” Or, “What makes you think we’re having sex? I’m not having sex with you I’m not that kind of girl.” So this brings us to the next step…

Here’s where you rewind, by now taking it too far in the other direction. I’ll say, “I mean, not tonight, because I’m a virgin and I don’t believe in sex before marriage because it’s a sin, and Jesus died for our sins.” This is a rewind. Now I’m taking it so far the other direction. Once the woman starts to play with the rewind and settles down and realizes I’m just messing with her, it’s time to fast forward again with sexuality. This way the girl never gets offended, and you’re able to escalate consistently. Once she plays along, then I fast forward again and say, “I don’t believe in sex before marriage, but if I bang you in the bathroom, then it doesn’t really count, because God isn’t watching in the bathroom.” Then she will say something like, “Oh my God, we’re not doing that.” Now I rewind again, and I can just keep this pattern going for five or ten minutes. The pattern of the fast forward/rewind goes like this: you make a sexual statement, which is your fast forward, she’s going to test you, at which point you rewind, then she’s going to settle down, and then you make a sexual statement again to fast forward to cause another test. This can literally lead all the way to the bedroom. I’ve literally had women test me all the way to sex – “I’m not getting in the cab with you. I’m not coming back to the hotel with you. I’m not having sex with you. Get a condom,” just because I passed the tests all the way through, and that really can be the difference between getting laid and not. Progressively Sexualize You can’t just make it sexual right away. You can’t just say, “Look at my dick!” You need to progressively desensitize the girl to being sexual with you. This process is very important and must be handled carefully. When you’re building sexual attraction, it can be tempting to really push the envelope and see how far you can get, but you have to pace the interaction. The pace of the escalation is how fast it can go. Sometimes you can go really fast, like when you get back to your apartment with a woman who you’ve built a lot of sexual attraction with. I will get her in the apartment, push her against the wall, start making out with her, and carry her into the bedroom. I wouldn’t do that in a club, because it’s really fast. I also wouldn’t do that with a woman who’s barely making out with me. You want to keep your eyes on the prize, which is getting the woman in bed. Just because you can finger her in a club or in the cab doesn’t make it a good idea. You really want to hold out and build that arousal until you get her somewhere you can gain the advantage. With that being said, keep control of the situation and end the sexuality first. She will only want you more when you get her back to your place. I like to consider myself a tease in these situations. I call this frame of mind, the tease frame. I think about how I know exactly what this woman wants sexually, and I know exactly how to get her really turned on, but I’m going to make her wait. I’m going to give her little bits of it, but then I’m going to stop so that she gets really turned on and then eventually I will have sex with her. But first I’m going to get her really turned on to the point where she’s almost begging me to have sex with her. I’ll often tell the woman that I’m a tease and initiate a teasing

game of chicken. Never chase. These are good words to live by, but especially when it comes to turning an interaction sexual. If the woman keeps stonewalling you, just stop. You want to make sure that you’re in control. Remember what I said about dominance? A woman wants to know you can handle her all the way to the bedroom. So if she’s stonewalling, that means she’s not even letting you show her you can handle her, and if she is not into the kissing and the touching, you just have to stop. You never want to chase. You never want to try to force anything or deal with last-minute resistance. You’ve fucked up already. Once the girl is not into it, just stop and let her chase you. Maybe she’ll change her mind, maybe she won’t. Demonstrating Direct Interest Demonstrating direct, non-qualification-based interest in the woman is one of the best ways to create sexual attraction. It defines the pickup for the woman. When I demonstrate direct interest, I basically just tell her I like her and give her reasons why, without her doing anything – just me volunteering them. Now she knows I’m really interested in her … and not just as a one-night stand. Also, it helps to escalate the interaction, because now I’ve put it out there, “I like you, I want you. Now it’s up to you.” That puts the ball in the woman’s court, proverbially. Another way to use direct interest is something I like to call a “Why I Like You” statement (or a WILKY). These are compliments which you frame specifically as the reason why you like her. You could say, “I think the whole reason I like you is your freckles,” or, “You know why I like you? Because you laugh at the same things I do.” It’s pretty basic. “I like you because…” Obviously, you can make up these as you go along, or you can have a few canned ones like I just gave you. Statements of Intent Statements of intent are exactly what they sound like. You give the woman a statement of what you’re going to try to do. Statements of intent really prep the women for further interaction. I might say, “I’m totally hitting on you,” or “I’m really attracted to you,” or “I’m trying really hard not to kiss you,” or “I’m really trying not to picture you naked,” etc. They’re a statement of your intent. They’re meant to prepare them for further escalation down the road, not right now. Notice I’m not saying, “I’m going to kiss you now,” “I’m going to hit on you now.” You’re just saying, “I am totally going to hit on you. I’m totally attracted to you. I’m totally trying not to kiss you.” That’s an important part with statements of intent. You don’t want them to be in the present tense; you want them based on the future. Relationship Questions Relationship questions are questions like, “Are you the jealous type?” These serve to frame the interaction in a romantic context because you would never ask a woman if she was

the jealous type unless you were considering her for a relationship, and this interest is expressed very subtly. “Do you take good care of your guy? What’s the nicest thing you’ve done for a guy? What’s your longest relationship? Are you single?” These are questions that serve to demonstrate interest without (with the exception of “Are you single?”) being very obvious that you’re interested. They’re, again, sub-textual under the surface. But just by asking it, it demonstrates a little bit of direct interest, and displays interest in a very subtle manner, which is very powerful. I think of questions that I wouldn’t ask a guy. For example, I would never ask a dude if he was the jealous type or if he was good to his woman.

Cold Reading - Bringing Out A Woman’s Sexual Side Now let's jump right in to the first tool, maybe the best tool, for bringing out that woman's sexual side—cold reads. Cold reading is an amazing technique for almost every area of picking up women, from attracting them to building comfort, to getting them to go sexual, to getting them to show up for dates. It's a really, really powerful technique. It’s so powerful that I recommend you spend a little more time on this one, than the techniques that you learn overall. You will be much better with women. So what is cold reading? Cold reading is a series of techniques used by mentalists, illusionists and psychics to determine or express details about another person. It’s used to convince a person that the reader knows much more about a subject than they actually do. Let me repeat that… “To convince the subject that they know much more about them than they actually do.“ You want to use cold reads to unleash a woman's sexual side by convincing her that you know her better than she knows herself. It’s saying that she wants to get sexual because since you know her so well you can see her sexual side is aching to get out (which, for the most part, is true about most women). Warm reading is good when you know a little bit more about girls. Warm reading is the stuff we want to mix in with our cold reading. For example, let's say I just nailed a cold read and a girl is really reeling, I follow up with something that I already know about her to kind of tie it down. So let's say I'm talking to a girl and I just cold read her about something, about thinking too much, and earlier she told me that she's an interior designer, I might now say, “I bet that when you're doing interior design, you totally spend like 30 minutes figuring out where to put a lamp. I can tell that you're totally the kind of person who micro-analyses everything and wants everything to be beautiful and perfect. Because what do interior designers want, their job is to make everything perfect and beautiful and make you feel good about the fact that you spend a lot of money to have someone decorate your house for you. “ Don’t be afraid to mix in the warm reads and feed her back things that she told you about herself. That sounds like it wouldn’t work, but you'd be amazed. Girls never seem to realize that you're just telling them things they’ve already told you. And people don’t mind because there are things that generally do tend to be true about them as well. Now an important part of cold reading is the process of setting cold reads by pacing and leading. So what we're trying to do when we're pacing, is we are trying to get their mind to subconsciously agree with what we're saying. Because the more someone subconsciously agrees with you, the more authority the things you're saying are given. If you don’t pace, if you don’t

get the girl to accept you as an authority first, she's never going to accept your critique of her sexuality. So by the time you're trying to land a big cold read about her sexuality you want to already establish a lot of pacing. And we establish the pacing early on with things that she can easily agree on. So let's say we are at this club and I say something like—“You know, it's crazy, like we're here at ____and I can tell that it's going to be a great night, I'm really excited. You know, it's Friday night, it's getting late…” all of these are statements that are pacing and that I can use— before cold reads—to get the girl's mind agreeing with me before I start trying to direct it. So if you just bust out cold reads out of nowhere without a little bit of pacing first, it will be way less effective. Another example would be where I say something like—“You know, I'm so glad we met. I came out and I was not expecting to meet someone. I'm sure you weren’t expecting to meet someone really cool either?“ Her mind is going to agree to that. And then I’ll say, “It's crazy, we've been talking all night. I feel like, you know, I know you so much more.” All of these little statements are going to make your cold reads land harder, so keep in mind that when you're cold reading, you want to arrange all of your cold reads in the order of pacing and leading. So I might say something like—“You know, it's crazy, like we are at Crest on a Friday night, and I can tell it's going to be a good night, but you seem a little nervous”. Or—“I can tell you're an intuitive person. It's getting late, I can tell you are an intuitive person, and I know that like most guys would be asking for your number now, but I don’t want to let you leave, so come back with me.” You're going to have a much better chance of landing them once she’s been conditioned with warm reads. When it comes to cold reading, you are trying to build a cold read ladder. The more a person believes you, the more you pace, the more you do things that agree with what the girl believes, and the more you can start leading. So when you're starting to do cold reads, start out with innocuous ones. Cold reading builds momentum because every time you're right, the person wants you to be right more and more, and it's really cool that you seem to know more about them than they know about themselves. Next, I’m going to talk about cold reads that unleash a woman's sexual side, but by the time you get to these sexuality cold reads, you should have used three to five cold reads already. So think about cold reading in a process as a ladder where each cold read is building upon itself. We use innocuous ones like—“Oh, my God, you seem nervous, I bet you that when you get nervous you get really clumsy.” Or—“I can tell that when most people meet you they think you're kind of shy.” Or—“I can tell like you definitely like to be the center of attention, but sometimes you just don’t want the pressure of it.” Plan out your cold reads so you can use them later on to build sexual attraction or to build comfort. I might say something like—“You know I bet with you that people see a totally different

side to you than what your close friends might see. Like I bet if someone asked you like what I just asked you, where you worked—or what's the craziest thing you've ever done, you would probably hold back, but with someone that’s like really close to you they would never ask that because they were probably there when you did it. I mean, I can just tell from talking to you, you're probably one of those people that likes the kind of darker side of things, but it's only really with people you really you're really comfortable with.“ What we're doing is we are separating the girl into parts to bring out sub-personalities. So—“I bet with you, I bet that people really see a different side to you than what your close friends might see.” Obviously that's a pacing statement. Obviously everyone's friends see a different side than everyone else. “I bet if someone asked you, at work, what the craziest thing you've ever done was, you probably would hold back.” Again, a pacing statement; most people aren’t going to be talking about the craziest thing they've ever done at work. But with someone that's really close to you, they would never ask that because they were probably there when you did it, more pacing. Again, we're talking about crazy things. She's thinking about all the stuff she's done. ”I mean I can just tell from talking to you that you're probably one of those people that like the darker side of things, but only really, with people you're really comfortable with”. Then leading statements—“I can tell just from talking to you that you're probably one of those people that like the darker side of things.” If you just say that to a girl, she's going to reject it. But if you put the pacing in front of it, she's going to accept it, and now you're building momentum; and then, again, you go back to the pacing—“Only with people you're really comfortable with”. While she's getting really comfortable with us right now, we're having this conversation, we're building comfort, we're doing all the other things that build sexual comfort, and we are also bringing out that sexual side and showing her that she can do that, be sexual, and we don’t judge. Here’s another cold read—“Have you ever been in one of those relationships that's totally selfish? Actually, you know what, forget I said that. I bet you can be someone who totally takes and takes and takes. Men are probably afraid to break up with you, so they do a bunch of stupid shit that gets them dumped anyway. You know, my ex-girlfriend really was someone who never had a problem with maintaining attraction. I was always attracted to her, but with you, I can tell that you can actually push men away. That's just like my gut opinion, you know—sorry, in the field I work in I'm paid for my gut opinion”. Now let’s break it down—“have you ever been in one of those relationships that's totally selfish?” We're just using that question to frame our cold read and it doesn’t matter if she answers it or not. Ideally, if she's hesitating, then you can say— “Actually, forget I said that. I bet you can be someone who totally takes and takes and takes. Like, men are probably afraid to break up with you so they do a bunch of stupid shit so they get dumped.” Every girl in the world has had that experience where a guy was afraid to break up with her so they did a bunch a stupid stuff to get them dumped. Now we've led her and now we need to pace—“My ex-girlfriend really was someone who never had a problem with maintaining

attraction, like I was always attracted to her”. Now we are tying it down. We're framing this a little bit to let her know why we understand that. Then we're going to go for one more lead. “With you, I can tell that you can actually push men away, you know, that's just my gut opinion.” And then—this part is actually from one of my stack—“So in the field I work in I am paid for my gut opinion.” That cold read is really effective because it frames her as someone who takes and takes, which she's going to want to push against. It also shows her as attractive but, someone who pushes people away. So now her natural inclination is not going to be to push away, but to go closer because this cold read is actually what I like to think about as a push back - that means we're saying it so that the girl actually does the opposite. If we just keep telling the girl how she is, then eventually she'll kind of starts to disagree. However, if you give her a mix of pushing and pulling with your cold reads, you're going to have a much better reaction. You're going to get her to do the things that she wants to do. Here’s one last really good one. “The thing is that with you being a woman, you had to deal with much more judgment in society than I did. What most guys don’t get is that women are more sexual than men, it's just how they express it is socially ridiculed by society and they often feel uncomfortable about it. If most guys just knew how to let women be women, things would go a lot easier in relationships.” So these are some cold read examples that you can use in various parts of the interaction. It's up to you to figure out what order those should go in, so get out there and experiment. Like I told you, the more sexual ones come later, but throw those into an order. I'm specifically not giving you an order so that you go out and use these and figure out where they fit in into the model, because that's the stuff that supercharges things in moving towards sex.

Logistics – Getting Her Back to Your Place and Closing the Deal Considering logistics is incredibly important for a guy who wants to get laid a lot. Logistics are a major reason why a lot of guys don’t get laid. You can play your game absolutely perfectly, but if you don’t plan your logistics right, you’re not going to get laid. I’m always baffled at how many guys don’t think of this stuff and blow great opportunities for sex time and time again. But obviously, you’re not going to be that guy. That’s because I’m about to break down the way you should plan for logistics that will not only eliminate any chance of you not getting laid, but will actually make it way easier. A lot of guys think that if a girl is into you, then it’s automatic that she will be going home with you. The thing is, there are certain situations where you can kind of keep things going but you have to have common sense. For example, if I'm trying to get this girl to come back to my house, it's two hours away, does it make a lot of sense that she's going to come two hours at 4:00 am or 2:00 am when the clubs close and then she has to go back another two hours. No, that doesn’t make any sense. Sure, I’ve heard stories of girls living seven hours away that drove down just for a night of sex with a guy that she was obsessing over. But, that’s now normal. If you’ve seen the movie, He's Just Not That Into You, there’s a great line in the movie that goes, "It's the exception, not the rule." Someone managed to do it once, great for them, good job, I guarantee that you're not doing it consistently - it's an exception. The first step of logistics is isolation. So many students do not isolate. It drives me insane every time I teach a program. It’s amazing how few guys actually get into a one- on-one conversation with a girl, away from her friends. Some guys even try to make out with her in front of everyone, which frequently makes the group uncomfortable. As much as her friends love you, when you're a stranger making out with her in front of them, it's going to make them uncomfortable. Sometimes it may be OK, but it’s an exception, not the rule. But here’s the BIG problem with that. And believe me, I know because I used to always go into venues and try to make out with chicks as soon as possible. If I make out with a girl in 10 minutes in front of her friends, when I'm trying to get that girl to come home with me later, those friends are going to be all over it. They are going to know exactly what's going on, because we started making out really fast, so obviously they know I'm trying to fuck their friend and will not comply. What you should do is, after you've got the girl into position where you can actually do something sexual with her create a plan in your mind. Where can we possibly have sex? Where are those locations? So you'd have ONE location … could be your apartment, or your home, and set that in mind. Then location 2, which might be an in-venue lay, and then potential third location would be like a friend's house that's, or what have you. Once you've outlined the entire possibilities of where you can actually close and seal the deal, then when you’re talking to that girl, once

you've isolated her, you need to be thinking, which of these three is most likely to be one that I'm going to get the event to happen at. That doesn’t mean you should disregard the other two, because again, it’s very important that to maintain flexibility. I might be pitching to go to my house because it makes sense, it's comfortable. So if I finally find out because actually she's really, really freaky, she's willing to doing something right now, and she lives a long way from where I live, so I will have a logistical issue once I get to my house with her maybe wanting to leave early, it might make sense to just go for it and do it in-venue. Then again, if not, and I want to have a full plan of how will I actually get to leave the nightclub, how will I get from the nightclub to my house, what is that logistical funnel that I'm going to be feeding her through to get to the result that I want? So your first move is isolation. Isolation is super easy. You just need an excuse. "Hey, it's too hot in here … it's too cold … let's go grab a seat. I'm going to go outside and smoke a cigarette." Let's go grab a drink, let's go find my friends." “The music is too loud, I can't hear you.” This is pretty easy – just say something to isolate her. The trick is to give her a reason for isolation. Don’t just say, “Hey come talk to me in this corner.” You need to create some kind of reason, and it doesn’t even have to be that good. In 1975, Stanley Milgram did a test on the New York subway, looking into how he could get compliance from people. What he found was that if you just ask someone a question, you're very unlikely to get the response you want. For example, he was saying, "Would you mind if I sit down?" And everyone is like, "No." But as soon as he gave that reason, it jumped from 80 percent of people saying no, to 80 percent of people saying yes, and it didn’t even matter what the reason was. It didn’t have to be believable. At one point, he was like, "Do you mind if I take that seat because I really need to sit down." That's not a very good reason, “because I really need to sit down,” but just adding that reason, meant that they would be absolutely okay in giving up that seat. So, it's the same thing with isolation. As soon as you add that justified reason, you're essentially performing that same psychological experiment from the 70s in giving a reason of why they should be compliant. So once you’re in isolation, you should really start nailing down logistics. Where is the best place to go next that will result in sex? One thing that guys do - that I’m not the biggest fan of - is pulling a girl out of the venue to go grab food. I hate pulling girls for food, because I just feel like it kills the sexy vibe, it's bright in the food place, she's eating, now she feels a little self-conscious about eating, maybe she's eating garlic, or she's now full, it kills another hour of time which means it's later, which means the time that she has to get up is getting closer, you still have to get back to the house. So I never opt for food. I want an activity that socially sounds acceptable, but really sub-textually means we're going to have sex. So things like, we're having an after-party back at mine, or “you've got to check out the view from my balcony,” or “we are going to go in the Jacuzzi back at my

apartment,“ of “let's go have a glass of champagne.” Things that really sub-textually suggest what's going to happen if they come with me, but socially don’t scream "Hey, let's go fuck." That's really important because you need to have that social idea of cognitive dissonance. How about some other logistical situations that you may think are obvious but you would be surprised as to how many guys overlook them? For one, make sure you have condoms (and really, you’re an idiot if you’re having promiscuous sex and don’t use condoms – you’re playing Russian roulette with your life). Next, make sure you have transportation – you’ve got to know how you're going to get where you're going next. If you're in a city like New York, where there is a lot of public transportation, you have to know when those trains are running and you have to know where you can get a cab. You don’t want to be spending time trying to keep the girls entertained as you're trying to flag down a cab on a busy street. I've had so many situations like that. Keeping that in mind, don’t risk losing attraction to try and keep logistics. For example, if you know that the trains leave every hour on the hour—not every hour but every half hour additionally, if you know that the way you're moving you're going to miss the train, don’t try and rush her. Don’t be like, "Come we've got to go, we're going to miss the train." Instead relax, do the opposite, allow it to pass and get on the next train. Figure out who drove, because who drove is going to give you a major indication of the logistics. One of the key logistics gathering questions I always ask is, "How did you guys get here? Did you guys meet here, or did you come together?" I want to know who drove in that group. I want it to be that my girl came with her friends, she didn’t drive, and she lives separately from them, etc. This way, at the end of the night I can get her and know exactly how her logistics work out without having to scramble and find a solution. So if she drove by herself to meet her friends at a bar, that's the ideal logistics, because then at the end of the night she can get in her car and drive home, or follow me over to my place, and there are no problems. The worst logistics are if she drove and she's the driver for like three other girls that she has to take home. That's going to be a mess. But if you know that situation is coming early, you can either move on if you’re not looking at seeing this girl beyond the night, or you can have some time to develop a logistical solution. I’ve frequently just whipped out $20 bill and given it to the girls to cover cab fare home. Another thing that I used to do is to get the girls phone number and arrange to go over there later, after she takes her friends home. You also want to find out what the girl has to do the next day. If they have to be up at 5:00 in the morning for work or something, then you've got a logistical issue that needs to be handled. My friend Adam in England told me a story with a girl that reeked of poor logistics, but that he made something happen with. He met this girl in a club, a super-hot blond from New York living in London. He got talking to her, and she was like really busy and just one of those girls who works a lot. They made out that night, but she had to take her friend home, and what have you, so he didn’t

chase the logistics that night. He attempted a couple of times to take her out, but she was always busy with work stuff. He could have thought, maybe there isn't enough attraction here, but instead, he chose to look at what it was. She was a girl, from New York, with a placement in London. It was a temporary placement and she was doing it to further her career. Knowing the intensity of the financial marketing and that a lot of people do work 12-hour days, it's not unlikely that she really is busy. So rather than seeing it as her blowing him off, he decided to investigate further, and asked her if she had time in London to see cool things, or what she'd done, and the answer was that she hadn't. So by backing it up with that she hadn't really gotten around to seeing anything, gave him the knowledge that this girl definitely wasn’t going out and was actually working. So instead, he decided to meet her at lunch time, and started traveling to her workplace, meeting her where she worked at lunch and having lunch with her. What happened is that over a period of three weeks he became the only male that was willing to put in the time to meet up with this girl. After about three weeks of hanging out with her at lunch time, she felt, obviously, that she wanted to meet with him outside, so she took an afternoon off, and they then spent an entire afternoon at her house which started off watching the movies and ended up with about eight hours in bed. It was just because he twisted the logistics around and made it so that, logistically, he was the only person in her life. So staying in a girl’s life, either on the phone or Facebook or whatever can be good if the logistics are not there when you first meet her. Several times, I’ve met girls who kind of has an on again, off again boyfriend, and you call or text her for may be a few weeks and nothing’s really happening because of logistics and then all of a sudden it happens, and you get laid really quickly, and you're like, “what the hell is that sudden shift from you never want to meet up to you're having sex with me in an hour and a half?” I literally asked this to a girl recently. She responded, "Well I was dating someone." This happened to me maybe 15 times over the years. You do have to be patient when it comes to logistics. Not everything is going to happen right away. A good general rule is that if you haven’t gotten a girl out on a date within a week or so, and there isn't extenuating circumstances, then you might have a problem, because that's where the cold approaches tend to blur. If it's a social circle, it's completely different because that’s likely someone you're going to see again. With a cold approach, a week is really like the hot-potato time I find, anything more than that, unless you have really good phone game or text game, you're probably going to blur somewhere along the line. You should also be aware of what type of girl she is before taking her on a date. This will eliminate things like flaking. I knew a pick up artist in L.A. that had this girl who was this earthy kind of hippie chick, who was really hot, and he kept taking her to the Grammy's and the Oscars, and after a while, she just befriended him because, really she was a girl who just wanted to go walk around the forest and smoke pot. He kept taking her to all these things that

he thought were impressing her, and really she didn't give a hoot about it. He ended up losing the girl because of that. You want to make your logistics as enticing for the girl as possible and if I hit a commonality with a girl, where we have something in common, then that's what I want to make a plan for. If I have something that she's really interested in going to do or see, then that's where I want to make my plan, because the more enticed she is to do the actual thing, the less she has to like you to actually show up, and then once she shows up, you can get more into it. Similarly, it’s important to customize logistics so you’re picking up the type of girls you really want. For example, if you’re really into hippie chicks, then you’re probably wasting your time trying to pick up chicks at a club because those aren’t the type of chicks who are going to share a lot of commonalities with you. I personally like girls who are a little more “out there”, so I like to go to places that are a little more “out there”. I like suicide girl shows and rock shows and that's where I find a lot of the girls that I really get along with. If you're not customizing your logistics of where you're picking up girls to fit the girls you want, then you're really paralyzing your game. There was a month recently where I slept with three girls who were Playboy and Hawaiian tropics models. Each of them happened in about two hours, because I just kept running into girls that I had a lot in common with who all had a really sarcastic sense of humor, who were kind of mean, and who just happened to be hot. Every now and then, there are girls who you are very physically attracted to, who have the characteristics and qualities that you want, and it's going to be easier to pick those girls up, than it is to pick up a different type of girl. Another logistical point I want to address is the idea of not making assumptions. Don’t make assumptions about what's going to happen, just try it and then figure it out afterwards. Too many guys get in trouble because they don’t want to do something wrong, so they don’t do anything at all. I cannot overstate how bad this is as a sticking point. If you get something unexpected in an interaction with a girl where you don’t know what to do and you leave, or you stand there in silence, both of those are losing moves. We know definitively, that leaving and standing there in silence do not get you laid. You have to be responsible for not taking the easy way out. I understand, it's scary, there are mass of things going on in your brain, but that's where you need to take a deep breath and try something, ANYTHING. Ask a rapport question or ask the most average Joe question you can because it's better than standing there in silence or leaving. Finally, I think the biggest thing that's going to help you the most is to be really prepared for when you get them back to your place. I prepare things before I leave. I turn the lights by my front door on full blast, but set my bedroom lights really low. I'd have candles by the side of my bed that wouldn’t be lit, with a lighter next to them. So when I bring a girl back to my place, the lights are bright by the front door, so there would be no need to turn the lights on. If I left them dimmed, when we come in, there would be a temptation to turn them up.

But what happens, is as you move through my house from the hallway right into the front room and eventually into my bedroom, the lights would automatically go dimmer and dimmer. Another thing I’ll do is turn my air conditioner on really high before I leave, so as soon as we get into the apartment, it's really cold, so of course, now it makes sense to get a blanket to cuddle under. Sometimes, logistical things as simple as going from the couch to the bedroom are important. I had a fuckup where I met this girl at a bar during the day, bounced her around all these bars, and after about seven or eight hours we were making out. Her clothes were off and then I didn’t try to move her into the bedroom, and she ended up giving me last-minute resistance. I know if I had just gotten her into the bedroom it would’ve been on because on the couch, I couldn’t get her legs all the way open enough to really go down on her, or do anything. So the logistics of the couch was just not going to work for sex, and by not making that move to the bedroom, I lost a sure lay. So you can see, when you really think about and address logistics early on, getting a girl to come home with you and have sex with you is actually pretty easy. You just need to remove all of the potential obstacles and her clothes will practically fall off!

Conclusion – Becoming a Master of Seduction I sincerely hope that you use the knowledge in this book to really change your life for the better. You no longer have to feel alone and powerless when it comes to your romantic life. With the tools I’ve provided you, you now can have the ultimate power and choice with women you’ve always dreamed of. It’s now up to you to actually go out and put into practice the things I’ve shared with you in this book. Every day, I share my latest breakthroughs and innovations in the world of seduction. If you’re interested in learning the latest techniques and tools when it comes to attracting and seducing women, visit my website at http://www.sinnsofattraction.com and be sure to sign up for my newsletter. In my newsletter, I send you extremely POWERFUL stuff that will turn you into a complete master when it comes to attracting and seducing beautiful women. I look forward to continuing to help you in your journey to gaining the ultimate power and choice with women in your life.

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