Introduction to Contemporary Philippine arts from the region...
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions Albert M. Pallaya
Lecture Notes S.Y. S.Y. 20!"20 20 !"20# # $ee% Ca&eat' Not all things( e)amples an* situational scenarios insi*e the class are are re+ec e+ecte te* * her here. Nece Necess ssar ary y rea*i ea*ing ngs s an* an* resea esearrches ches are are grea greatl tly y encourage*. . Art Art' *e, *e,ne a. -he imitation imitation of life an* of the orl* orl* ren*er ren*ere* e* beautifully beautifully(( hich gi&es pleasure b. A huma human n purs pursui uitt to imita imitate te life life an* an* the the orl orl* * in to some someth thin ing g pleasing/beautiful c. A replicatio replication/r n/recr ecreatio eation n of reality reality. *. le lement ents' i. Sub1ect ii. Me*ium Phili Phi lippi ppine ne art' art' in+uen in+uence* ce* by our coloni colonial al histor history y an* migra migrant nt reality i. $hen $hen it *epi *epict cts s the the ilip ilipin ino o ay ay of li&i li&ing ng ii. ii. -he -he ilip ilipin ino" o"ne ness ss is pres presen entt 2. Art' Art' Purpo Purpose se an* unc unctio tion n a. P' -o allo in*i&i*ual in*i&i*ual to e)perience e)perience life an* grasp grasp it3s meaning b. ' 4eco 4ecora rati tion on(( )pr )pres essi sion on of emot emotio ions ns an* an* sent sentim imen ents ts an* an* ntertainment 5. Contem Contempor porary ary Art Art'' 4e,ne 4e,ne a. Art pro pro*uc *uce* e* by artis artistt to*ay to*ay b. Not Not restr estric icte te* * to the the in*i in*i&i &i*u *ual al e)per )perie ienc nce e of the the arti artist st but but is re+ecti&e re+ecti&e of the orl* that e li&e in. c. An art that that has has a orl orl* * &ie &ie an* is sensit sensiti& i&e e to the chang changin ing g times. *. 6s a statem statement ent that an artist artist ma%es ma%es about about life( life( though thoughts( ts( i*eas( i*eas( beliefs an* many other things that *e,ne human life. e. Refers efers to all artor% artor%s s creat create* e* by artist artist that are li&ing li&ing an* are &ery representati&e of our times( capturing mo*ern"*ay realities rangin ranging g from from consta constant nt an* instan instantt connec connecti& ti&ity ity to bor*er bor*erles less s societies. 7. Character Characteristic istics s of Contem Contemporar porary y Arts Arts a. 6t is not con,ne* con,ne* to the museum museum.. -he pro*u pro*ucti ction on process process gi&es gi&es meaning to art ma%ing an* originality is not issue b. -ra*iti ra*itional onal artist artist perfec perfects ts their their art by practi practicin cing g 8mime 8mimesis sis9 9 or copy copyiing the mo*e o*el e)act actly as it is( cont conte empo mporary ary art artist ist *eliberately bro%e bro%e the rules of tra*itional art c. -he -he esse essenc nce e of art relie elies s on the art" art"ma ma%i %ing ng.. 6t is the the proc proces ess/ s/ 8e)perience9 Page 1 of 2
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions Albert M. Pallaya
:. Proponents of Contemporary Art in the Philippines a. ;ictorio *a*es" he *i* not sho the natural forms nor perspecti&es but uses bol* stro%es an* bright colors b. Carlos 8campo" in+uence* by $estern artist( the use of abstraction( e)pressionism an* surrealism in painting c. Artist that e)perimente* on forms' i. Romeo -abuena ii. ?ernan*o >campo" uses of geometric forms iii. ;icente Manansala" abstract cubism i&. Cesar Legaspi" transparent cubism !. Contemporary Art' lements/Principles a. Appropriation' -ra*itional Art@ie' Paintings an* Portrait appropriate*/ use*/ place* in -"shirts( Mugs an* the li%es b. Performance' -he *epictions of or*inary e&ents/acti&ities into socially rele&ant themes such as po&erty( commercialism an* the li%es. c. Space' transformation of space @sculpture installation in malls an* par%s( +ash mobs presentations *. ?ybri*ity' -he mi)ing of unli%ely materials to pro*uce an artor% @san*( mu*( coBee an* the li%es e. -echnology' the use of &i*eo an* social me*ia/ internet @youtube sensations( instagram/faceboo%
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