Economics studies ho# indi$iduals" %rms" go$ernment" and other organi&ations #ithin our societ' ma(e ma(e choices" and ho# these t hese choices determine societ')s use o its resources*
Grifths Grift hs and Wall: Economics Economics or Business Business and Manage Management ment 3rd 3rd edition edition
ortunit' cost ndi$idual : u'ing more $ideo games ma' mean less aid music do#nloads
4irm: using more caital e5uiment to roduce chocolates ma' mean less used to roduce s#eets
Go$ernment: using ta6 re$enue to uild more hositals ma' mean less ne# schools Grifths Grift hs and Wall: Economics Economics or Business Business and Manage Management ment 3rd 3rd edition edition
n ma(ing choices" indi$iduals resond to incentives. the rice o =en MP3la'ers alls relati$e to the rice o iPods" there is a greater incenti$e to u' a =en* the salaries or engineers rise relati$e to the salaries o eole #ith an MB" there is an increased incenti$e to choose to stud' or an engineering degree rather than a usiness degree*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
4inall'" the choices #e ma(e>aout ho# much education to get" #hat occuation to enter" and #hat goods and ser$ices to u'>determine the distribution o #ealth and income in our societ'*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
shit out#ards in the PP4 reresents the ailit' to roduce more goods and ser$ices #ith the same inuts* Ahis ma' e the result o technological change or other roducti$e imro$ements*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
ndi$iduals ma(e decisions that reCect their o#n desires as the' resond to the incenti$es the' ace* • 4irms ma(e decisions that ma6imi&e their ro%ts" and to do so the' stri$e to roduce the goods that consumers #ant at the lo#est ossile cost* • Ahis rocess determines #hat is roduced" ho# it is roduced" and or #hom* Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
n the #hole" mar(ets ensure that societ')s resources are used efcientl'* Mar(ets ma' lead to outcomes that societ' ma' %nd inade5uate* 4or e6amle there ma' e too much ollution" too much ine5ualit'" and too little concern aout education" health" and saet'* When the mar(et is not ercei$ed to e #or(ing #ell" eole oten turn to go$ernment
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
Go$ernments la' a critical role in all mar(et economies* 4or e6amle" go$ernments ro$ide the legal structure #ithin #hich ri$ate %rms and indi$iduals oerate* @o one #ould oen a store i others could siml' steal things o9 the shel #ith imunit'< the store o#ner needs to (no# there is a legal s'stem that he can use to rosecute thet*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
Go$ernments also regulate usinesses in man' #a's* Ahere are regulations to ensure %rms do not discriminate ' race or se6" do not mislead consumers" and are careul aout the saet' o their #or(ers* • Go$ernments can sul' ser$ices such as education and mail ser$ice* • Ahe Go$ernment can e a maDor urchaser in some industries" such as the deence industr'* Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
ntil recentl'" go$ernments in countries such as the ormer !o$iet nion and /hina attemted to control racticall' all maDor decisions regarding resource allocation* E$en in Euroe" not long ago man' go$ernments ran oil comanies" coal mines" and the telehone s'stem* ncreasingl'" ho#e$er" go$ernments ha$e sold these enterrises to the ri$ate sector" a rocess called ri$ati&ation*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
3 maDor mar(ets • 8 roduct mar(et • 8 laour mar(et • 8 caital mar(et Ao economists" eole are usuall' consumers in the roduct mar(et" #or(ers in the laour mar(et" and orro#ers or lenders in the caital mar(et* Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
t#o maDor ranches o economics are microeconomics and macroeconomics* Microeconomics ocuses on the eha$ior o the %rms" households" and indi$iduals that ma(e u the econom'* Macroeconomics ocuses on the eha$iour o the econom' as a #hole*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
Economists use models to stud' ho# the econom' #or(s and to ma(e redictions aout #hat #ill haen i something is changed* model can e e6ressed in #ords or e5uations and is designed to mirror the essential characteristics o the articular henomena under stud'* correlation e6ists #hen t#o $ariales tend to change together in a redictale #a'* o#e$er" the simle e6istence o a correlation does not ro$e that one actor causes the other to change
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
Positi$e economics is the stud' o ho# the econom' #or(s* ?isagreements in ositi$e economics centre on the aroriate model o the econom' or mar(et and the 5uantitati$e magnitudes characteri&ing the models* @ormati$e economics deals #ith the desirailit' o $arious actions* ?isagreements in normati$e economics centre on di9erences in the $alues laced on the $arious costs and ene%ts o di9erent actions*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
Mo$ement along the demand cur$e is the result o a rise or all in the rice o the roduct itsel*
Ahe terminolog' #e use to descrie this mo$ement along the demand cur$e is to sa' that there has een either an expansion or contraction in demand or the roduct*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
Mar(et demand cur$e is the total amount that consumers demand at a articular rice o$er a gi$en eriod o time* Ahe mar(et demand cur$e is deri$ed rom summing the indi$idual demand cur$es hori&ontall'*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
Market economy: resources allocated through the rice mechanism" #ith mar(et rices eing determined ' the orces o demand and sul'*
Planned economy: the go$ernment ma(es the decisions aout #hat is roduced" ho# resources are allocated and ho# the %nished roducts are distriuted*
Mixed economy: contains eatures o oth the mar(et and lanned economic s'stems" #ith the go$ernment inter$ening in $arious #a's to inCuence mar(et rices and resource allocation*
Grifths and Wall: Economics or Business and Management 3rd edition
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