VARIABLE LOADS 1. A Di Dies esel el power power plant plant has a ma maxi ximum mum deman demand d of 12 !" wi with th a lo load ad fa#to fa#torr of .$ .$ an and d #apa#it% of .&. Estimate the plant #apa#it%. A. 1 !" B. 160 MW '. 1$ !" D. 2 !" Solution( Average load Loadfactor = Peak load 0.80
Average load 120
Average load= 96 kw
Usefactor =
Average load Plant capacit 96
Plant capacit
= 160 kw Plant capacity 2. 'al#ul 'al#ulate ate the !" pow power er #apa#it #apa#it% % of a )eo )eother thermal mal plant plant with a loa load d fa# fa#tor tor of .$2 and 12 !" pea* load. +he operation is limited to $, hours a %ear with a use fa#tor of .-. A. 1-, B. 1 '. 2// D. 145 Solution( Average load Loadfactor = Peak load 0.82
Average load 120
Average load= 98.4 kw
Usefactor =
Average load Plant capacit
Plant capacit
= 144.9 kw Plant capacity /. A 0ien euipment euipment #onsumes #onsumes , *w3hr4month *w3hr4month at 256 rated plant plant #apa#it% #apa#it%.. It operates at 25 hours7 / da%s4month. "hat is the rated #apa#it%8 A. 1-., *w 1
B. 2/. *w C. 28.90 kw D. $2. 2. 5 *w Solution(
= 28.93 kw Ratingof equipment 5. A #entral station station is suppl%in0 suppl%in0 ener0% ener0% to a #ommun #ommunit% it% throu0h throu0h two su9stations. su9stations. One su9statio su9station n feeds four distri9ution #ir#uits: the other7 six. +he maximum dail% re#orded demandsare( ;ower station 127 *w Su9station A &7 *w
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