Lección número 02 de Pimsleur English for Spanish Speakers Nivel 3

July 6, 2017 | Author: William Gallego | Category: N/A
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Aquí esta la transcripción con algunas notas de la lección 02 de Pimsleur Inglés para Hispanohablantes Nivel 3. Que lo d...


PIMSLEUR ENGLISH 03 LESSON 02 - Listen to this conversation. Mr. Mendez has arrived at the Johnson’s Place. -

Oh, hello, Mr. Mendez Come in, please. Thank you. I’m sorry I’m late. That’s all right. How did you get here? I came by bus. Mr. Mendez, this is my husband Peter. Please to meet you Mr. Johnson. Listen again

ENGLISH 1. I’m sorry I’m late 2. That’s ok 3. Did you come by train? 4. You came by train 5. You came by train, didn’t you? 6. Yes, I did 7. And the train was late this morning 8. Later you call a friend. She asks 9. You arrived this morning, didn’t you? 10. Why don’t you come to my place? 11. For some coffee and cake? 12. Or come for dinner… 13. Here’s a map of Boston 14. Ask 15. Can you show me where Dickens Street is? 16. She says 17. Yes, of course 18. I can show you on the map 19. I can show you on the map where Dickens Street is 20. Look. Here’s Dickens Street 21. Say 22. Thanks. I’m going to Dickens Street 23. To have dinner with a friend of mine 24. Say that she lives at 140 Dickens Street 25. She lives at 140 Dickens Street 26. Now ask 27. How do i get to Dickens Street? 28. Ask if you can get ther by bus 29. Can I get there by bus? 30. She says… 31. No, to get to Dickens Street 32. You take the subway 33. To get to Dickens Street you take the subway 34. I’m sorry I’m late 35. That’s ok 36. Now she asks 37. Did come by taxi? 38. You came by taxi, didn’t you? 39. No, I didn´t 40. Say 41. I came by bus

SPANISH Siento estar retrasado Está bien ¿Vino en tren? Vino en tren ¿Vino en tren, verdad? Si Y el tren estaba retrasado esta mañana Más tarde usted llama a una amiga. Ella pregunta… ¿Llegaste esta mañana, verdad? ¿Porque no vienes a mi casa? ¿Para un café y pastel? O venga a comer… Aqui tiene un mapa de Boston Pregunte Me puede mostrar donde queda la Calle bickens? Ella dice Si claro Le puedo mostrar en el mapa Le puedo mostrar en el mapa donde esta la Calle Dickens Mire. Aqui esta la Calle Dickens Diga Gracias. Voy a la Calle Dickens Para cenar con una amiga mia Diga que ella vive en 140 Calle Dickens Ella vive en 140 Calle Dickens Ahora pregunte ¿Cómo llego a la Calle Dickens? Pregunte si usted puede ir alla en bus Puedo llegar alla en bus? Ella dice… No, para llegar a la Calle Dickens Usted toma el metro Para llegar a la calle dickens usted toma el metro Siento estar retrasado Esta bien Ahora ella pregunta ¿Vino en taxi? Viniste en taxi, verdad? No Diga Vine en autobús


42. And the bus was late this morning 43. Say again 44. I’m sorry I’m late 45. That’s ok 46. Listen and repeat 47. Cheers 48. Cheers! 49. Pleased to meet you 50. He asks 51. Where are you from? 52. Answer him 53. I’m from México 54. He asks 55. Which city? 56. Puebla 57. I’m from Puebla 58. You’re American, aren’t you? 59. He answers 60. Yes, I’m from Washington D.C. 61. Ask him how the weather is there now 62. How’s the weather there now? 63. He answers 64. It’s pretty cold 65. Now you want to ask 66. Does it snow? 67. Listen and repeat 68. Snow 69. Snow 70. Does it snow? 71. Does it ever snow? 72. Ask again 73. Does it ever snow? 74. Now try to ask 75. Does it ever snow in Washington? 76. Try to say 77. It snows / SNOWZ 78. Sometimes it snows a little 79. Try to say 80. It snowed a little last year 81. How does he say that it never snows very much 82. It never snows very much 83. Last year 84. It snowed a little 85. It snowed a little last year 86. Try to say 87. My name is Carlos Montero 88. My name 89. My name’s Carlos Montero 90. Carlos is a friend of mine 91. I’m sorry 92. I have to leave 93. Have to 94. Say 95. I have to leave 96. I’m sorry. I have to leave now

Y el autobus estaba retradado esta mañana Diga otra vez Siento estar retrasado Está bien Escuche y repita Salud Salud Mucho gusto en conocerlo El pregunta ¿De dónde es usted? Respóndale Soy de México El pregunta ¿Qué ciudad? Puebla Soy de puebla Usted es americano, verdad? El responde Soy de Washington dc Pregúntele como está el clima allá ahora Como esta el clima alla ahora? El contesta Hace bastante frio Ahora usted quiere preguntar ¿Nieva? Escuche y repita Nevar Nevar ¿Nieva? ¿Nieva alguna vez? Pregunte otra vez ¿Nieva alguna vez? Ahora trate de preguntar ¿Nieva alguna vez en Washington? Trate de decir Nieva A veces nieva un poco Trate de decir Nevo un poco el año pasado Como le dice que nunca nieva mucho Nunca nieva demasiado El año pasado Nevo un poco Nevo un poco el año pasado


97. I have a lot of work 98. Try to say 99. And I have to buy something 100. For my younger daughter 101. She arrived last night 102. And she needs a lot of things 103. Too many things 104. Try to ask 105. Do you have to leave now? 106. Do you have to? 107. Say that: yes, you have to leave now 108. Yes, I have to leave now 109. So, do I 110. Do 111. Listen 112. So, do I 113. See you later 114. There’s Leo Martinez 115. He’s a friend of mine 116. My name is Leo Martinez 117. Pleased to meet you 118. Pleased to meet you Mr. Martinez 119. I’m sorry. But we have to leave now 120. See you tomorrow 121. Where are you going? 122. I have to go into town 123. Town 124. Into 125. Into town 126. To go into town 127. I have to go into town 128. I want to go into town 129. Say 130. So, do I 131. Ask if she likes to go with you 132. Would you like to go with me? 133. Yes, I would 134. I’d like to go into town with you 135. In the morning we went to Long Island 136. Try to say 137. We saw some friends of mine 138. And we spoke a lot of English 139. A lot of English 140. I went to Washington yesterday 141. You friend asks 142. Really? What did you do there? 143. I saw the White House 144. And I bought too many things 145. I ate at a Spanish restaurant 146. But I spoke English with the waiter 147. Do you know Washington? 148. No, I haven’t been to Washington 149. You haven’t been to Washington? 150. Not yet 151. I haven’t been to Washington yet 152. It’s not a big city


153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162.

But I don’t have much time Now say Excuse me. I have to leave now I have to go into town There’s a friend of mine His name is Marcos Lopez His a very good friend Excuse me, I have to leave now So do I See you tomorrow morning


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