Leaving - form 4 literature component

July 10, 2017 | Author: diyana | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Leaving, new literature component (2015) -short synopsis -characters and characteristics with examples -simple plot o...


Synopsis Aloo and the narrator of the story are the youngest children in a singleparent family. Their older siblings have all left home. Their mother is a widow who has raised five children on her own. Aloo wants to study medicine, not agriculture. He harbours the ambition to go to America to study. He writes to some American Universities hoping to get a scholarship. When a well-known American University offers him a scholarship, Aloo’s dream looks set to come true. However, his mother says that she cannot afford to send him to America. Aloo is very upset. Mother seeks advice from Mr Velji, a school officer. He tells her that getting scholarship is good for Aloo’s future he also cautions her that she may lose him if she lets him go so far away. Seeing her son’s disappointment, Mother decides to let her son go in the end.


falling action


rising action

• Aloo writes home from London where he has stopped to visit an old schoolmate. THe letter reveals his fascination with the foreign land.

• Mother goes to Mr Velji for advice. He confirms that the scholarship is a great opportunity for Aloo. After thinking about it, Mother relents and finds the money to send Aloo to America. Before giving in, she makes Aloo promises not to marry foreign wife and stay away from bad habits.

• Mother says that there is no money to send him to America . She accuses Aloo of being a disloyal son for wanting to leave her. Aloo is very upset.

• Aloo spends time with Mr Datoo, an ex-teacher at their local school who moved to America and returns for a visit. Aloo starts dreaming about going to study in America. He writes to American universities to apply for a scholarship. A famous university offers him a scholarship.

exposition After Aloo's sister Razia married and leaves home, their • mother sells her shop and they move to Upanga, a remote part of town. She wants her two youngest children to have a better life instead of helping in her store.


Characters and characteristics Aloo   

The youngest child in the family Finishing secondary school A smart student- achieve all A’s in the school exam

Character traits Obedient dutiful child

Ambitious Determined


Adventurous Emotional

Examples of textual evidence  Promise his mother not to marry a foreign wife and to avoid smoking and drinking. (p.40)  Writes home soon after he leaves. (p.40)  Wants to study medicine. (p.33)  Writes to universities in America. (p.32)  Willing to work in America to get money for his studies. (p.34)  Looks up names of universities in books to apply for scholarships on his own. (p.32)  Wants to go another country, likes travelling. (p.32)  Cries and shouts when mother does not support his decision to study in America. (p.36)  Angry at Mr Velji remark. (p.37)

 

Mother Became a widow at the age of thirty-three Ran a shop business in town Character traits

Strong and independent Responsible mother

Loving, protective

Possessive of her children



Examples of textual evidence Raised five children without a husband. (P.38) Her children are polite and smart Reminds Aloo not to smoke and drink when he is away from home (p.40) Gives up her shop so that her children can focus on their studies instead of helping her in the shop (p.31) Refuse to remarry for the sake of her children (P.38) Narrator remembers how Mother used to hug him/her so tightly that is was hard to breathe (p.40) Sad to see her daughters leave home (p.31) Does not want her son to leave her (P.34) Let’s Aloo go to America even though she knows that he may not return to her and that she may lose her youngest son (p.40) Makes Aloo promises not to marry a foreigner (p.40)

Narrator  The fourth of the five siblings  A university student Character traits Understanding

Examples of textual evidence  Understands Mother’s struggles and sacrifice for


Responsible, mature


Quite , passive

the children when she choose not to remarry (p.38) Plays card games with Mother when she is sad (P.32) Mother looks to him/her for confirmation about the scholarship offer (P.34) Notices when Mother is sad (P.32) Watches what happens but does not interfere

Mr Velji  

A school officer He has a large head, a small neat body and looks clever Character traits


Examples of textual evidence Understand Mother’s concern`if you send him, you will lose your son…’ (p.37)

Mr Datoo  

An ex-schoolteacher who went to America Influences Aloo to dream of going to America to study

Mehroon  

The oldest of the five siblings Married and lives in the same town with her husband

Razia  

The second of the five siblings Married to a rich man and lives in the town called Tanga

Firoz   

The third of the siblings He did not complete his final year in school He works in the office of a big shop

Setting The story opens in a small town in Tanzania, in a less populated area called Upanga. The family has moved there from Kichwele Street which was later called Uhuru Street. There are only a few houses in Upanga and it adjoins a forested area. The sound of insects, small animals and the wind rustling leaves are in sharp contrast to Kichwele Street where the sounds were of vehicles in a busy street.

Physical setting

Place Kichwele Street/ Uhuru Street Central part of Dar es Salam, the commercial capital of Tanzania. Upanga

 

Social setting Present day Tanzania, Africa In this society ,education is highly regarded School officers and school teachers are respected and influential

 

  

Key event Where Aloo’s family lived before his sisters left home to be married Aloo’s mother has a shop here Where Aloo’s family moved after Mother sold the shop

 

Life was hard for women and children. If a woman remarries, her children from the first marriage cannot stay with her but are sent to a children’s home. The education system does not allow students to choose their course of study - `nobody could change the list’ (p.33)

Theme     

Leaving and letting go Loneliness and sadness Understanding the sacrifices of others Having hope for the future Understanding one’s finance

Moral values Self-sacrifices 

Aloo’s mother became a widow at a young age. She had five children to care for. If she remarried she would have an easier life. However, in their country, her children from the first marriage will have to go to a children’s home. She refused to marry again because she wanted to keep her children safe with her. She sacrificed the hope of an easier life for the sake of her children.

Self-reliance 

Aloo’s mother could have married again so that she had a husband to take care of her. However, for the sake of her children, she decided to be self-reliant and take care of her family herself. She provided for the family by opening a shop. Her children have turned out well.

Leaving By: M.G Vassanji

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