Lease Deed Kukatpally Stock Yard
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model lease writing...
LEASE DEED This This Deed of Lease is Lease is made and executed on this the ___ day of May, 2015 at Hyderabad by and between: Smt. N.Neeraja W/o !"!#! $rishna %rasad, a&ed about '' years, #/o H!o!1()11) 1(/(/1, "ri*uram +oony, Maa-*et, Hyderabad).(! Henceforth, The ""# which ex*ression sha, uness re*u&nant to the context, aways mean and incude his re*resentati3es, attornies, executors, e&atees, e&a heirs and successors in interest and tite etc!,4 In Favour Of M/S.Varun Motors Pvt., Ltd.,. Ltd.,. a com*any incor*orated and re&istered under the *ro3isions of the ndian +om*anies 6ct 175( ha3in& its office at 81)10)199, arun Towers, ;e&um*et, Hyderabad < 50001( re*resented by its =irector and 6uthori>ed "i&natory "ri =!$!#a?u,"/o! =!"!#ao, a&ed about '5 years! Henceforth, the "" which ex*ression sha, uness re*u&nant to the context, aways mean and incude their re*resentati3es, attorneys, executors, e&atees, e&a heirs and successors in interest etc!,4
WH#6" the essor is the soe and absoute owner and *ossessor of the entire *ro* *ro*er erty ty bear bearin in& & House House o! .)1/2 .)1/2 on *ot *ot o! o! 7./M 7./M@ @ in "ur3 "ur3ey ey o! o! 1'. and 1'', 1'', admeasurin& .00 sA!yds or 250!B sA!mtrs, situated at =harmareddy +oony, %hase < , Hyderna&ar Hyderna&ar ia&e ia&e,, -u-at*ay Munici*aity Munici*aity,, #!#!=istrict #!#!=istrict Henceforth Henceforth the "chedued "chedued %ro*erty, more fuy described in the schedue annexed hereto 4, ha3in& acAuired the same from "ri $! %rabha-ar "/o =r! $! "uryanarayana 3ide #e&istered "ae =eed dt: 2'!0'!177. bearin& number _______________! 6nd therefore, The "" a**roached the ""# offerin& to ta-e the entire "ched "chedu ued ed %ro*e %ro*ert rty y on eas easee basis basis from from the esso essorr for for their their busin busines esss *ur*o *ur*ose, se, and and ne&otiations and discussions on the sub?ect cuminated in the ""#" a&reein& to dei3er the "chedued %ro*erty to The "", abeit on certain terms and conditions mutuay a&reed by the *arties which both considered ex*edient shoud be reduced into writin&!
Thus, Ths Lease Deed !ITNESSET" 1! That in *ursuance *ursuance of the the said offer offer and acce*t acce*tance ance ,the ,the ""#" ""#" hereby hereby dei3ers dei3ers the "chedued %ro*erty by way of ease to the "" for a *eriod of 5 Ci3e4 years i!e!, from ____________ to ___________ commencin& from ____________ as *er n&ish caendar sub?ect to the terms, conditions and co3enants hereinafter contained durin& the currency of the ease! 1/'
2! n case essee o*ts to continue in the schedue *ro*erty for any reason after the ex*iry of this indenture the essee shoud con3ey their intention and execute a renewa ease deed with re3ised terms and conditions mutuay a&reed by essor and essee then a**icabe three months notice in ad3ance before the date of ex*iry! #. Month$% &enta$s' a4 t is hereby mutuay a&reed that the consoidated monthy renta for the eased "chedued *ro*erty sha be #s! 10,000/) #u*ees Ten Thousand ony 4 *er month and the said monthy renta sha be sub?ect to escaation at the end of e3ery year of the ease D 5E on the ast due monty renta as *er the foowin& schedue! b4 t is mutuay a&reed that the "" sha re&uary remit the monthy rents, *ositi3ey by 09th of foowin& month of tenancy by way of cheAue! '! That the ""# *romises the "" that she is the awfu owner of the schedued *ro*erty free of *endin& iti&ations and ""# is en?oyin& it *eacefuy! n the e3ent of any char&es, caims, iti&ations from @o3ernment 6uthorities /6&encies and /or Third %arties arisin& on the schedued *ro*erty, The ""# sha be res*onsibe towards such char&es, caims, iti&ations and sha ensure *eacefu *ossession / occu*ation by the "" and sha aso -ee* the "" indemnified a&ainst a osses arisin& out of such char&es, caims, iti&ations from @o3ernment authorities / a&encies and /or Third %arties! 5! "ub?ect to condition o!9that if the essee is de*ri3ed of from the *eacefu en?oyment of the *ossession of the schedue *ro*erty or any *art thereof from the date of execution of this indenture, by the essor or for the reason of any char&es, caims, iti&ation, any other e&a issue whatsoe3er from @o3ernment a&encies and/or third *arties or due to any defect in the *ossession con3eyed by the essee to the essor, the essor sha com*ensate and indemnify the essee, the entire *ayment made to the essor ti then, within Cifteen 154 days from the date of such de*ri3ation durin& the subsistence of this indenture! (! That the essee sha use the schedued *ro*erty for stoc- yard *ur*ose, the essee sha conduct its o*erations smoothy and *eace fuy in the schedue *ro*erty! 9! t is hereby mutuay a&reed that the essee has a&reed to remit the monthy eectricity, water char&es if any which may be e3ied or im*osed by the res*ecti3e =e*artments or any other statutory body or cor*oration su**yin& water and eectricity and sha *ay the same directy to the concerned de*artments from the date of execution of this indenture! Howe3er the essor are a&reed to *ay the *ro*erty tax and any other taxes from time to time reated to the schedued *ro*erty! B! That the essee is entited to erect and insta name boards, si&n boards, hoardin&s etc to fu extent on the faFade, road sides and any other *art of the eased *remises 2/'
for its business *ur*ose durin& the *eriod of ease without disturbin& other ease hoders / tenants in the eased *remises! With re&ard to the boards instaed any demands raised by the @o3ernment de*artment/a&encies, the same sha be borne by the essee ony! 7! That the essee hereby co3enants with and assures the essor that the schedue eased *ro*erty sha be maintained in a habitabe and decent condition durin& the tenure of this ease and to aow the essor or his re*resentati3es to ins*ect the schedue *remises at a reasonabe times! 10! t is hereby mutuay a&reed that in the e3ent of the eased *remised bein& effected by road widenin& whereby, the schedued *remises or any *art or *ortion is demoished, and the sub?ect ease sha be re)ne&otiated by the *arties herein! 11! t is hereby mutuay a&reed that this document is executed in two ori&ina sets and the ""# is retainin& one of the ori&ina documents and the "" is retainin& another! 12!t is mutuay a&reed that this indenture sha be &o3erned by and construed in accordance with the aws of ndia! 6ny dis*ute under this 6&reement which the *arties are not abe to sette amicaby within Thirty .04 days from the date of arisin& of such dis*ute sha be referred to arbitration by a soe arbitrator in accordance with the 6rbitration and +onciiation 6ct 177( at Hyderabad and the *roceedin&s sha be conducted in n&ish and the 6rbitration 6ward sha be fina and bindin& on the *arties! "ub?ect to the abo3e, if any a**eas sha be the excusi3e ?urisdiction of the +ourts in Hyderabad! 1.! t is hereby mutuay a&reed that the essor is handin& o3er 3acant and *eacefu *ossession of the schedued eased *ro*erty to the essee on ____________ in terms of these *resents! The rent *eriod wi commence from ____________! 1'! The "chedue *ro*erty is not *rohibited for re&istration under any statute or aw or court orders i!e!, @o3ernment ands / 6ssi&ned ands / Wa-f ands / ndowments ands etc! This decaration is made in accordance with the section B2 of the ndian #e&istration 6ct 170B! S("ED)LE OF T"E P&OPE&T* 6 that entire *ro*erty bearin& House o! .)1/2 on *ot o! 7./M@ in "ur3ey o! 1'. and 1'', admeasurin& .00 sA!yds or 250!B sA!mtrs, situated at =harmareddy +oony, %hase < , Hyderna&ar ia&e, -u-at*ay Munici*aity, #!#!=istrict bounded by: #TH : %ot o! 55/M@ "GTH : .0 Wide #oad 6"T : %ot o! 7'/M@ W"T : ei&hbourIs House in %ot o! 72/M@ ./'
n witness whereof the essors and essee ha3e si&ned on this deed of ease with free wi and sound mind on the abo3e said date in the *resence of the foowin& witnesses!
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