Learn to Breathe Energy

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Learn to Breathe Energy Conscious Breathing - Rebirthing

Sara Dawn Rebirthing Breathworker www.Learn-To-Breathe-Energy.com

Table of Contents Introduction……………………………………………….…1 My First Conscious Breathing Experience………...…….…..2 Origins of Conscious Breathing……………………………..3 Why is it also called Rebirthing?…………………………….3 Why Individual Sessions and not Groups?………...………..4 What is an Energy Cycle?……………………..…………...…5 Every Session You Complete is a Success…………………....5

Part II Breathing Exercises You can Start Today Heal Your Inhibited Breathing Patterns Twenty Connected Breaths………………………….……….6 -Variations to Twenty Connected Breaths…………...…...…8 Alternate Nostril Breathing………………………………….8 Choosing a Rebirther…………………………..…………...10 Resources ©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved

Introduction As a society, we tend to focus so much of our energy on external beauty. But how is the state of your Inner Beauty, your inner most dwelling? Do you feel enthusiasm, joy, and gratitude for your life? Are you meeting each person, your job, or other challenges filled with love and excitement? Are you happy to be alive? Do you Love your Life? Are you experiencing yourSelf as the special, unique, and abundant Being you truly are? So many times we have been looking to be given this awakening from something outside of ourselves. But what controls your Inner Beauty? Who decides, in the moments of your life, who you will be, how you will respond, and how you will face life's many situations? There is an indwelling Spirit, residing in each Soul's heart, which is the very essence and Source of all life. It is the spark of Being, limitless and pure, which is one with all of Eternity. Conscious Breathing is an inner journey into that life. It is your own breath, inviting Life force energy into your body, mind, and Being, while watching with consciousness, and allowing the magnificent, radiant, abundant Being that you truly are to be revealed in this moment. It is to awaken to the Natural Divinity within, and experience the truth and power of your inner most nature. You can learn to breathe energy and experience greater aliveness and joy. Prana, (life force energy) is available to everyone, not just enlightened spiritual masters! I hope you discover, experience, and receive as much joy as I do from Conscious breathing. Once you do, it will become your life-long friend and trustworthy companion!


©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com

My First Conscious Breathing Experience In April of 2002, with my health at its all time worst, I reached the turning point of my life in which I decided to accept full responsibility for my physical health and well being. I was having severe symptoms of endometriosis and had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. I despaired of being healthy again - then I had my first Conscious Breathing experience. Because of the severity of the symptoms, I had been using several alternative health modalities for relief of symptoms- mainly acupuncture. During one of many visits to my acupuncturist, he exclaimed, “Hey, I know a great breathing exercise that I think might help you. Would you like to try it?” I thought it sounded a bit ridiculous. What’s the big deal about breathing? I already know how to breathe; but since breathing is harmless, I agreed to try it. One hour into my Conscious Breathing session, I was still lying in the treatment room crying for what seemed like eternity. A wave of sadness would wash over me as I continued to breathe and cry, and then a very deep, calm, and serene feeling took its place. I went through several cycles like this, letting go of long forgotten suppressed memories, grief and sadness, which gave way to a deep, all-pervading peace. After my first Conscious Breathing session I knew my life would never be the same. I left my acupuncturist’s office feeling a kind of energy in my body I could have never even dreamed of experiencing. I felt surreal and amazingly alive at the same time. Something gloriously divine had opened up in my life in a very real and practical way.

What is Conscious Breathing – Rebirthing? Conscious Breathing (also known as Rebirthing) utilizes a simple breathing technique called connected breathing, where the inhale and exhale are merged, with no hesitation or holding in between. This is our natural breathing pattern. Babies & animals are breathing connectedly all the time. As we grow and experience life, we develop inhibited breathing patterns.

©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com


Various traumas, ideas, and experiences influence us to begin to control or unconsciously inhibit our natural breathing rhythm. This causes tension, blocked energy, suppressed emotions, and pain to accumulate in our bodies on a cellular level. Our bodies become like giant containers of information, storing these suppressed energies, until we learn to release them. Practicing Conscious Breathing sends the signal to your body that now is the time for these old energies to rise to the surface and be let go.

Origins of Conscious Energy Breathing/Rebirthing Conscious Breathing was discovered by Leonard Orr while he was a college student, majoring in theology in the mid 1960's. For a period of twelve years Leonard had hundreds of spontaneous experiences related to birth memories and infancy regressions. Leonard perfected the breathing technique in 1974 and began training others to do the same, creating an entirely new profession and world-wide Breathwork movement. There are now over 100,000 Breathworkers around the globe, and it is estimated that every hour someone new is being ‘initiated’ into the power of Rebirthing.

Why is it Also Called Rebirthing? Conscious Energy Breathing is also commonly known as Rebirthing, due to the fact that many people remember and heal the trauma of their birth through the connected breathing technique. Somehow, in our ‘modern day science and civilization,’ we got the idea that babies don’t feel or have consciousness at the time of their birth. Birth is our first experience of the outer world, -our first direct contact with people. The transition from the warm, cozy, completely protected environment of the womb to the outer world was our first experience of major change, and it was traumatic. This is a good basis for the overpoweringly common ‘fear of change’ that many people unnecessarily suffer from.


©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com

During Conscious Breathing people have reported experiencing full blown memories of their birth, in such detail that it was like watching a movie screen. They saw exactly who was there, what was said in the delivery room, and were even aware of the emotions of each person present. Often people will regress to prenatal memories and experience the blissful, euphoric, floating feeling of being in the womb. People who have these experiences often share at the end of their session that they feel as though they are opening their eyes for the very first time. Colors seem brighter and more alive. They experience a renewed sense of play. Everything seems fresh, new, and divinely delicious. I like to call this re-entering into the ‘baby bliss.’ Not everyone recalls their birth with such detail, and it is not the main purpose of Rebirthing, which is to learn to breathe energy. Many people simply breathe through the cellular memory and physical sensations of their birth without any conscious knowledge or visual details, and the benefits are still just as good.

Why Individual Sessions and not Groups? While group Rebirthing can be a powerful and transformative experience, individual sessions provide a peaceful atmosphere for you to focus on your own experience, energy, and thoughts, which allows you to experience deeper states of tranquility, bliss, and peacefulness. Groups often lack the one-on-one attention that is so preciously vital to you in your Conscious Breathing experience. Having the constant presence of a Breathworker, (or Rebirther,) who has undergone the process many times and practices Conscious Breathing regularly, brings an irreplaceable quality and energy to the session. Having a Breathing guide provides complete assistance, feedback, and support to you throughout your entire Conscious Breathing Experience, and ensures that you have a completed energy cycle.

©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com


What is an Energy Cycle? In a Conscious Breathing session, a completed energy cycle usually takes about one hour. The first 15-20 minutes of the session is focused on breathing in a connected rhythm. In the next 20-30 minutes most people will have some form of experience that may include physical sensations of energy moving in the body on a cellular level, emotional release, deep spiritual experiences, childhood or past life memories, and/or more. In the final stage of the session people often experience a deep tranquility, peacefulness, stillness, omnipresence, or bliss. It is important to continue to breathe through to this final stage to complete the energy cycle.

Every Session You Complete is a Success Someone recently asked me if Conscious Breathing could be successful for an issue in one session. I answered that every session is a success, and that breathing connectedly is a life long process! Once a person has completed an energy cycle there is no returning to that former, less expanded state. While a person may have several rebirths centered around one issue, it is always a different facet, or new layer being revealed. Once a layer has been peeled away it does not need to be re-experienced or rehashed through again. I have seen people have ‘miraculous’ experiences of healing chronic back pain in one session. Others were able to reach core emotional issues that seemed blocked or inaccessible through merely talking about it. Several clients dealing with asthma were able to stop using their inhalers for prolonged amounts of time by completing ten sessions and healing their inhibited breathing patterns. Many people have used connected breathing to cope with and heal chronic diseases. Other people report having out of body experiences, past life regressions, infancy, birth, and womb memories, and much more. The possibilities are endless and unlimited. There are as many different variations in Rebirths as there are in people. Experiences vary greatly, as each individual will have the experiences they personally need to transcend their current limitations.


©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com

The entire scope of Rebirthing and its potential seems unfathomable to our minds at this time. Perhaps as we expand more in consciousness and science, its mysteries will be revealed. It is truly a blessing and a gift to receive such powerful healing through the breath. In my own experience, I would call it nothing less than Divine Grace, which I am eternally grateful for, and completely humbled by.

Part II Breathing Exercises You can Start Today to Heal your Inhibited Breathing Patterns Twenty Connected Breaths Twenty Connected Breaths can be practiced anywhere at anytime. It is ideal for anyone who wants to heal their own inhibited breathing patterns, has shallow breathing, asthma, wants to increase their lung capacity, cope with stress, fatigue, or pain. It is an easy and simple practice that can give you a kick of energy any time you need it. Many people use it while driving their car to help with tiredness, boredom, or even road rage! You can practice it standing in line at the store, upon waking up in the mornings, in the shower, while relaxing in your bath tub, while taking a walk, sitting through long meetings, trainings, or workshops. Many people are able to release headaches and migraines just by practicing Twenty Connected Breaths. The possibilities are endless. It is recommended that you practice Twenty Connected Breaths only once per day, until you can do it without any ‘symptoms,’ –mainly light headedness. The lightheadedness you may experience is not from over-breathing. It is a symptom that goes away with time as your body releases toxins and blocked energy, and also as it re-adjusts to receiving enough oxygen!

©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com


How to Practice Twenty Connected Breaths The Method: Method: 1.

Before beginning, take a deep, relaxed breath; place the focus on pulling in the inhale, and then completely relax and let go on the exhale.


Now take in four short, rapid breaths; again, pulling in on the inhale, and completely relaxing the exhale. If you need to, you can count the four short breaths on your fingers.


On the Fifth Breath, take in as deep and long of an inhale as you can, and completely release the exhale, giving it a little ‘snap’ on the exhale. This is the completion of the first cycle.


Repeat this cycle three more times. You can count how many cycles you have gone through on your other hand.


After completing three more cycles, take Three Deep Breaths.

The complete end result will look like this: To Begin: take One deep, relaxed inhale and exhale. First Cycle: (Four short, rapid connected breaths) One… Two… Three… Four…. And Five….(One Deep, long Breath) Second Cycle: (Four short, rapid connected breaths) One… Two… Three… Four…. And Five….(One Deep, long Breath) Third Cycle: Cycle (Four short, rapid connected breaths) One… Two… Three… Four…. And Five….(One Deep, long Breath) …continued…. 7

©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com

Fourth Cycle: (Four short, rapid connected breaths) One… Two… Three… Four…. And Five….(One Deep, long Breath) To complete, take Three Deep Breaths, and notice how much more free your breathing is. Most people are able to noticeably increase their lung capacity by the end of completing Twenty Connected Breaths.

Variations to Twenty Connected Breaths Once you have learned Twenty Connected Breaths and can practice it effortlessly and spontaneously, you can play with variations of it. I like to practice it and try to make no noise through my nose at all. Another variation is to do twenty connected breaths breathing through your mouth only. This is very helpful for moving ‘an excess’ of emotional energy. You can repeat Twenty Connected Breaths several times, until you notice ‘symptoms’ that arise in your body. Many people teach themselves to ‘Rebirth themselves‘ by first learning Twenty Connected Breaths and then repeating it for an hour until they have a completed energy cycle.

Alternate Nostril Breathing Alternate Nostril Breathing, like Twenty Connected Breaths, can be used any where you go, at anytime you feel you need it. Alternate Nostril Breathing is one of the most centering, calming, and grounding practices I know.

©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com


Alternate Nostril Breathing balances the left and right hemispheres, is calming in times of stress or anxiety, and promotes clear thinking. Like Twenty Connected Breaths and Rebirthing, it also cleans out the nadis, -the glands, or energy centers, located in the nose, where all the meridians and energy flows come to an end and meet. The nadis are the body’s channels through which prana flows. Practicing alternate nostril breathing balances and activates the ida and pingala; the two kundalini energies running along the spine. The following is a very simple version of Alternate Nostril Breathing that is good for anyone beginning this breathing practice. The Method: 1. Hold your Right hand out, palm facing you, and bend your index finger and middle finger to the center of your palm, as shown in the illustration. Keep your thumb, ring finger, and small finger extended.


Take in a deep relaxed breath and exhale. 3. Take in another regular sized breath, and this time before exhaling, gently plug your right nostril with your thumb, and exhale through your left nostril. With your thumb still in place, take in a relaxed breath through your left nostril.

4. Next gently plug your left nostril with your ring finger while still keeping your thumb in place. Hold your breath for one brief moment, (one to two seconds) and then release your thumb, gently exhaling through your right nostril. Take in a gentle inhale through your right nostril.



©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com

5. Gently plug your right nostril with your thumb again, hold your breath briefly, and release your ring finger from your left nostril, exhaling softly.

You have just completed one cycle of Alternate Nostril Breathing. You can repeat this process as long for any amount of time you like. I like to repeat it at least 3 times. Often I will practice it until I can begin to feel the energy softening in my central channel or the ‘core’ of my body. Upon completion of as many cycles as you like, take in some deep, connected breaths, inhaling and exhaling through both nostrils, and notice how your breathing and your body feel. Like Twenty Connected Breaths and Rebirthing, the longer you practice it, the more deeply rooted its benefits become.

Choosing a Rebirther It’s important to find a Rebirther who you feel comfortable with and has adequate training. Good Rebirthers provide a truly Sacred Space filled with warm, loving energy where you can unwind and reconnect with your own Divine Life Essence, in a safe, peaceful atmosphere. It is recommended that you complete ten sessions with the same Rebirther. This builds a deeper sense of trust in the client – practitioner relationship, which can enable you to go deeper into your experiences. It has also been found beneficial to do rebirthing with two Rebirthers working together, one male and one female. Having both present in the Rebirth can act as a catalyst to your subconscious and help release many core issues around parents, siblings, or gender related issues.

©2006, Sara Dawn, All Rights Reserved www.SaraDawn.com


Resources To learn more about the healing system of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, attend workshops and trainings, or find a Conscious Breathing guide near you, contact:

Rebirth International / Inspiration University www.RebirthingBreathwork.com Ph: 540-885-0551 Fax: 540-885-1230 PO Box 1026 Staunton, VA 24402 USA

Sara Dawn www.SaraDawn.com www.Learn-To-Breathe-Energy.com [email protected] USA

About Sara Dawn

Sara Dawn’s personal experience of physical healing, inner growth, and transformation has inspired her to share this work with others. She began her training as a Breathing Guide in January of 2003 with Leonard Orr (discoverer of Rebirthing and founder of the worldwide Rebirthing Breathwork movement and RBI –Rebirth International). To learn more about Sara Dawn or purchase her books visit her website at www.SaraDawn.com.

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