Learn Five Classic Blues guitar Turnarounds

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Learn Five Classic Blues guitar Turnarounds...


Learn Five Classic Classic Blues Turnarounds: Turnarounds: Bars 11 11 and 12, Delta Style! Style! | TAB... TAB...

http://www.guitarplayer http://www.guitarplayer.com/blues/1 .com/blues/1125/learn-five-cl 125/learn-five-classic-blues-tur assic-blues-turnaro... naro...

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Learn Five Classic Blues Turnarounds: Bars 11 11 and 12, Delta Style! | TAB GP Editors October 6, 2015

 A blues turnaround occupies occupies the final two measures—11 measures—11 and 12—of the 12-bar 12-bar form. Bar 11 typically contains contains some sort of lick or phrase phrase over the I chord harmony, harmony, and  bar 12 shifts to the  chord, resultin! resultin! in tension that sets up up resolution to the I chord at the top of the form.

"ften, however, early acoustic #elta bluesmen would $ust sit on the I chord in bar 12. %or e&le, in 'harlie (atton)s *+creamin) and ollerin) the Blues, the turnaround which is similar to the one shown in FIGURE 1, be!ins on the bth /#0 and descends down the i&olydian mode to the ma$or rd /340, skippin! the 5th /A0 alon! the way. 6otice that measure 2 sticks with the I chord /70.

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