Lean Rolling Stock Maintenance

October 19, 2017 | Author: Joaquim Reis | Category: Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Performance Indicator, Top Down And Bottom Up Design, Sustainability
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December, 2009

Lean Rolling Stock Maintenance How to improve efficiency of rolling stock maintenance operations

C O N F I D E N T I A L | www.oliverwyman.com


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© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

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Introductory Remarks

 The present document provides insights on Oliver Wyman’s approach to lean rolling stock maintenance  The intention of the document is to provide a base for discussion on how to optimize rolling stock maintenance operations using lean management methods and tools  Therefore parts of this document may not entirely be self explanatory and may require additional verbal explanations  For any questions please contact:

Joris D’Incà Oliver Wyman AG Tessinerplatz 5 8027 Zürich Tel.: +41 (1) 208 7749 Mobile: +41 (79) 4212484 [email protected]

© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

Jochim Wegner Oliver Wyman Consulting GmbH Kasernenstr. 69 40213 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 (211) 8987 694 Mobile: +49 (151) 21225386 [email protected]

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 Rolling stock maintenance: A major cost factor for rail operators  Oliver Wyman approach to reach best-in-class lean rolling stock maintenance  How to unlock the potential of maintenance operations through lean management  Oliver Wyman qualifications

© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

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Rolling Stock Maintenance: A major cost factor for Rail Operators Maintenance accounts for approx. 30% of the lifecycle costs of a high-speed train, making it the largest rolling stock operating cost factor besides energy Life Cycle Costs – High-speed fleet In percent

100% 7% 11%

Cleaning Tech. management


Maintenance (incl. spare parts)







 Besides energy and depreciation, maintenance is the largest cost factor of a high speed train  Over the lifecycle of a high-speed train, maintenance costs exceed depreciation  Approx. 60% of maintenance costs are personnel cost and 40% for material / spare parts  For a fleet in service, maintenance cost is the major cost position subject to optimization as depreciation and energy stay constant during the fleet’s lifecycle


Source: Oliver Wyman

© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

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Example Rolling Stock Maintenance: A major cost factor for Rail Operators Therefore, effective maintenance is a driver of competitive advantage for rail operators

Example: Cost comparison of freight wagon refurbishment

Example: Comparison of availability of reference locomotive

93% +47%


Adjustment for labor rates




Direct labor

9,2 7,6 1.4





Hours worked on wagon:



Railroad A

Railroad B




Railroad A

Railroad B


Overall, in this example, Railroad A has a cost advantage of 3-4% over Railroad B

Source: Oliver Wyman Open-Book-Benchmarking

© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

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 Rolling stock maintenance: A major cost factor for rail operators  Oliver Wyman approach to reach best-in-class lean rolling stock maintenance  How to unlock the potential of maintenance operations through lean management  Oliver Wyman qualifications

© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

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Objectives of Lean Rolling Stock Maintenance The overall objective of Lean Rolling Stock Maintenance is to reach an optimum between maintenance costs, availability and quality of the fleet


Optimization of vehicle reliability, security and comfort

Maintenance costs

Vehicle availability

Minimization of personal and material costs

Maximization of vehicle availability for operations

Source: Oliver Wyman

© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

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Lean Rolling Stock Maintenance – Overall KPI targets Measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPI) should be the guiding line for lean maintenance optimization

Lean Rolling Stock Maintenance Overall KPI examples


Vehicle availability

Maintenance costs

Failure rate

Cycle time for interventions

Preventive maintenance

Reliability (MTBF/MDBF)

Delivery times (inbound/outbound)

Curative maintenance

Customer comfort

Response times to failures

Costs of indirect functions

Condition of rolling stock

Downtime due to failures

Assets and facilities


© Oliver Wyman  www.oliverwyman.com

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Oliver Wyman lean maintenance approach – Overview Lean Maintenance can be achieved in three stages B



Maintenance Strategy Setup

Maintenance Process Redesign

Lean Workshop Transformation

 Re-definition of maintenance regimes – Modularization – Condition based – Stretching

 Redesign of maintenance core processes – Planning and Controlling – Fleet Management – Technical engineering – Repairs – Retrofitting / Modernization – Spare part/Component logistics and procurement

 Implementation of lean methods to optimize workshop efficiency – Standardized work – Workplace organisation – Shopfloor management

 Scope of activity  Workshop footprint  Leadership organization and systems Impact on operating costs

Time horizon

2+ years

1 - 2 years

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