Lean Manufacturing A Vital Tool To Enhance Productivity in Manufacturing

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Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736

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Lean manufacturing a vital tool to enhance productivity in manufacturing ⇑

Atul Palange Palange , Pankaj Dhatrak Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Vishwanath Karad, MIT-World Peace University, Pune 411038, India

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t

 Article history: Received 30 November 2020 Received in revised form 30 November 2020 Accepted 7 December 2020 Available online 23 January 2021

The goal of any manufacturer is customer’s satisfaction this can be achieved by delivering the quality product, right on time at reasona reasonable ble cost. Any organization organization whether manufacturing manufacturing or service service will survive and sustain the competency if it is flexible enough to continuously and systematically respond to the customers need and accordingly accordingly adds value to the produc product. t. Equipment, Materi Material, al, and labou labourr cost will increase incre ase with the inflation rate which are the dominant paramet parameters ers that affect affect the price of the product. A simple mathematics, underutilization of equipment, material and labour is direct loss incurred. So,

Keywords: DMAIC FMEA Industry 4.0 Kaizen Lean Manufacturing Six Sigma

without any doubt the first focus of attention must be towards maximum utilization of this dominant parameters followed by reducing wastages in manufacturing activities. Lean manufacturing are now vital tools in all manufacturing sectors like automotive, electronics, plastic, textile, food, dairy, foundry, stampings, maintenance. The benefit observed after implementation of individual or combined lean manufacturing turin g techn technique ique was reduc reduction tion in cycle time, eliminati elimination on of non-valued activities, activities, clean, tidy, and hygienic workplace. Besides this there will be a smooth production flow, increase in productivity, reduction in production cost, involvement of employees, documentation of orders, reduction of inventory, breakdown with better intra and inter connectivity to take decisions fast and quick response. The present review focuses on different manufacturing sectors to see the effect of lean manufacturing techniques implemented for improving the process and reducing the wastages.    2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.

1. Introduction

the exis existing ting manu manufact facturin uring g methods methods and proce processes sses by redu reducing cing

 Japanese automotive company, Toyota, founded lean manufacturing (LM) or Toyota Production System (TPS), now been adopted by most of the countries across the word due to its proven advantages in quality improvement, cost reduction, flexibility and quick  [1].. Lean manufacturing can be best defined as waste disrespond [1] respond posal pos al in a pro produc ductio tion n sys syste tem m that that mig might ht be relat related ed to human human efforts, time inventory at various stages of production   [2] [2].. Lean manufacturing is an effective and popular tool in most of the manufacturing and service sector to tackle non valued activities and wastes [3] wastes  [3].. Any sort of wastage, in the true sense the activity that doesn’t add any value to the end product, have to be reduced or if  possible, eliminated to lower cost of production [4] production  [4].. As the saying goes a penny saved is penny earned and it does matter lot in manufacturing.The main theme behind lean methodology is to reform ⇑

Corresponding [email protected] [email protected] u.in (A.  (A. Palange). E-mail address:  author.

waste to excel towards cost reduction, increase in quality, increase in profit and maximizing customer value  [5,6].  [5,6]. But challenges ahead of them are neck to neck competition, unpredict unpr edictabl able e econ economic omic envi environm ronment ent and scar scarcity city of resource resourcess [7] [7].. It is a business strate strategy gy tool used by the company to stay ahead of the competitors by adding value in the product and enhancing the productiv productivity ity main maintain taining ing healthy healthy compe competiti titive ve envi environm ronment ent [8] [8].. Companies implement LM to keep their competitiveness over their competitors by improving the manufacturing system’s productivity and quality enhancement of the product. Hence most of  the research researchers ers in the acad academic emic and manu manufact facturin uring g worl world d are attracted towards lean manufacturing practices. Each activity has to be scrutinized before implementing, right from the design to despatch, furthermore each person from the organization pyramid someway or other will be responsible with an authority to take decision at his own level in real time. Lean manufacturing is not a gimmick or magic but identifying the non-valued things around the production industry and trying

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.12.193 2214-7853/  2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.


 A. Palange and P. Dhatrak

Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736 

bers. To set the goal, select the facilitator, schedule the quality circle circl e acti activity vity in vari various ous departme department, nt, moni monitori toring ng the ongoi ongoing ng activitie acti vities, s, be pres present ent during pres presenta entation tion,, define define the policy for appraisal, training, promotion, raise etc. Circle leader, head of the respecti resp ective ve circ circle le gene generall rally y a super supervisor visor initial initially ly late laterr migh mightt be transferred to workmen rotationally. Workmen are the members of this circle. Leader must maintain enthusiasm and motivate the members. memb ers. Memb Members ers with posit positive ive attitude attitude shou should ld participa participate te whole heartedly to resolve the problems related to productivity, quality and improvement. [12] improvement.  [12]..

to reduce or eliminate it to increase the productivity or profit with streamlining of the process are some silver lining associated with it. The seven types of waste that are considered in lean manufacturing are Overprocessing, Overproduction, High inventory, Waiting time operator/ operator/ Mate Material rial,, unne unnecess cessary ary motion, motion, Defe Defects cts and Unnecessary Unnecessar y transporta transportation tion [9]  [9].. Besides that, at every step of product development, development, the conce concerne rned d wast wastages ages are depic depicted ted in the 1.. Fig. 1 The tool toolss of lean manu manufact facturin uring g were deve develope loped d for maxim maximizing izing capacity utilization, reduction in cycle time, lead time and inventory, enhancing the product value [10] value  [10] . .

1.1.2. Kaizen Kaizen Kaiz en is a Japanese Japanese philosop philosophy hy that promotes promotes cont continuo inuous us improveme impro vement nt as a resu result lt of cont continuou inuouss effort effort and empl employee oyees’ s’ Apprecia eciate te even for the small impr improvem ovement ent involvement   [13]. [13]. Appr and encourage to continue in future.

1.1. Various lean manufacturing tools

Lean manufactur manufacturing ing tools are effe effectiv ctive e wher whereve everr ther there e is a selection of correct tool, genuity in collected data, involvement of  people around with positive mindset, to bring out and accept the change in there working method or culture that will lead to better working environmen environmentt  [11].  [11]. The different Lean manufacturing tools is shown in Fig. in  Fig. 2 and 2  and discussed briefly

1.1.3. 50 s There is a place for everything and everything has to be at its pla place, ce, ke kept pt at the the rig right ht pla place, ce, in goo good d condit condition ion and avail availab able le whenever when ever is require required d   [7] [7].. Elimi Eliminat nate e what is not needed (Sort (Sort), ), organize remaining items (Set in order), Keep clean and inspect work area (Shine), write standards for above (Standardize), regularly apply the standards (Sustain).

1.1.1. Quality circle Provide the platform for a person to put forth his idea, no one better knows the problem associated with its work than the person who does the work over there and his teammates by brain storming. Teamwork is the core behind the improvement. The top management agem ent shoul should d enco encourag urage, e, support, support, and acti actively vely part participa icipate te in quality circle programs. Steering committee is headed by managing directors or CEO whereas head of the department being mem-

1.1.4. Cause and effect diagram This tool is used to graphically represent the factors that influences the problem along with brainstorming session to reach the root cause of the identified problem [5] problem  [5]..

Fig. 1.  Wastages identified at different stages of product development.



 A. Palange and P. Dhatrak

Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736 

Fig. 2.   Various Techniques in Lean Manufacturing.

1.1.5. Fmea For each component of the product, find the mode of failure, its effect if it fails and considering the severity, its frequency of occurrence and prior detection find its Priority Risk Number (PRN) ranking and the one that is ranked first have to be dealt urgently.

1.1.11. Time and motion study  [19] study  study and to record To record time of various activity time  [19] every motion during the activity motion study is conducted. 1.1.12. Value stream mapping (VSM) This process initially begins with current state mapping depicting the the flow of materia material, l, acti activitie vitiess perf performe ormed d duri during ng manu manufact facturin uring g and if required betwee between n manufacturers, suppliers, and distributor distributorss to deliv deliver er prod products ucts to cust customer omers. s. Follo Followed wed by propo proposed sed future

1.1.6. Poka-yoke Mistake proofing, it might be successive checking, contact type

devices/ non-contact type devices to check the one missing or a smart design that will accept the part in only way.parts Humans are prone to commit the mistake and if this mistake is unnoticed in the manufac manufacturi turing ng cycle it late laterr manifest manifestss itself itself as a defe defect. ct. Using some devices or mechanism at critical stages, if we could make out these mistakes beforehand it will be a step towards zero defect and valued product. Poka yoke is any idea, device, mechanism or solution in prior detection of mistakes  [14]  [14]..

state map with its benefit. The steps followed in VSM is shown in in Fig.  Fig. 4 4..

1.1.7. Single minute exchange dies (SMED) The technique to shorten the changeover time to one minute is SMED [15 SMED  [15 –17] –17].. Its importance is in discrete or batch production, during the change of product the change over time can be reduced by transformation of the internal set up activity to external one and simplification of internal activity to happen it fast.

 2.1. Copper wire drawing firm

2. Implementation of lean manufacturing in various industry 

Different lean manufacturing methodologies are implemented in wide spectrum of manufacturing hubs to improve the processes and enhance productivity.

The firm makes copper wires from the solid copper rods and delivers the final products to the other companies. The problems identified were Unorganized floor settings resulted in time lost to stack raw and finished goods, untidy place always misplaced small essential components, mess in documentation excessive searching, and diffic difficulty ulty in sort sorting, ing, unor unorgani ganized zed system system addi adding ng frus frustrat tration ion and fatigue fatigue amon among g emplo employee yees, s, unde underrat rrated ed perf performa ormance nce of mach machine ine [1]. [1]. Implemen Impl ementat tation ion of 50 s lean lean too tooll sta start rtss with with three three ‘R’ retain retain,, return, rid. What is been observed is that, the difficult step in 50 s is to convin convince ce the the emplo employe yees es be becau cause se peo people ple are are reluc relucta tant nt to accept the new methods or follow the standards which are different from those, till now they were following or accustomed to. How much easy or advantageous it might be, change in mindset of person either by training or convincing is required. ABC microscale Company accepted the improvements/changes/modification suggested by ‘‘5S” tool of Lean  [20]  [20].. Cleaning the floors changed the appearance of workplace, made the ambience enjoyable and more hygienic, reducing frustration and fatigue among worker leading to higher efficiency. Machine operators were provided with personal toolboxes, supply closets, trash cans, sitting stools and workbenches that reduced searching

1.1.8. Kanban A si sign gnal alli ling ng card card meth method od to su supp pply ly th the e part partss on only ly when when  [2].. The Kanban system is based on a customer of a part required [2] required pulling the part from the supplier of that part. The customer of  the part can be an actual consumer of a finished product (external) or the production personnel at the succeeding station in a manufacturing facility (internal). This pull type concept aids in reducing inventory and overhead costs. 1.1.9. Just in time In the era of mass customization, push type of manufacturing is not going to work, gone are the days customers were supposed to choose the product available on the shelf. Hereafter pull type of  manufacturing will be on the driver’s seat, as per the customer’s requirement the product will be produced and delivered.

time tim e dur during ing workin working g and hours hours. . Per Period iodic ic maint mai ntena enance nce increa inc reased sed machines performance life. Organized and labelled files led to the quick searching of the required document resulting to saved time, no frustration, and unnecessary disputes. Sorting of the store avoided mixing up of the orders helped to maintain better inter [21].. departmental department al relations relations [21]

1.1.10. Dmaic  DMAIC is a data-driven quality technique used to improve processes. DMAIC is an acronym that stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control [18] Control  [18].. It is a five-step continuous activity cycle shown in Fig. in  Fig. 3 3.. 731


 A. Palange and P. Dhatrak

Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736 

Fig. 3.   DMAIC Cycle (Data driven quality technique) to improve manufacturing process.

Fig. 4.   Steps in Visual Stream Mapping to enhance the existing process.

bility of beforehand detection. The component that has Risk Priority Number (RPN) ranking one, has to be dealt urgently followed by others in this case it was connecting rod shank. Optimum layout for the connecting rod manufacturing was found out by using a software. Slight modification in the sequence of operations was done and again the time study was conducted. The result of implementin men ting g the lean con concep ceptt wer were e the optim optimum um lay layout outss of the machine mach ine floor, redu reduction ction in compo component nent handling handling time and the reduction redu ction in oper operatio ation n time time.. Achi Achievem evement ent was redu reduction ction in the manufa man ufact cturi uring ng tim time e of the com compon ponent ent lea leadin ding g to incre increase ase in

 2.2. Connecting rod manufacturing industry

A private connecting rod manufacturing industry manufactures a connecting rod an engine component that transfers motion from the piston to the cranks crankshaft haft and func function tionss as a leve leverr arm. Opera Opera-tions performed performed on conn connecti ecting ng rod involves involves drilling drilling,, bori boring, ng, oil hole drilling, inner diameter surface grinding and outer diameter surface grinding. Data collection, Time study for various operations were conducted duct ed base based d on that averag average e time period between between operat operations ions and operators are brain calculated [19]sessions   [19]. . The cause and effect were drawn after storming to identify the diagram possible causes for the slower manufacturing manufacturing time. Furthermore, the Failure [22]   for the connecting rod compoMode Effect Analysis (FMEA)   [22] nents were conducted to find the risk priority ranking of them based on severity of failure, frequency of its occurrence and possi-

productivity.  2.3. Plastic bags manufacturing 

The firm under study is a manufacturing of plastic bags and sheets to be used for storing sheets storing explosiv explosives. es. A Lean manufa manufactur cturing ing 732


 A. Palange and P. Dhatrak

Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736 

framework is developed using value stream mapping for a plastic bag manufacturing unit. It consists of mapping the current process of the industry and evaluating the same to identify wastes and bottleneck processes. The problem observed were operator idle time and long cycle times of downstream processes, work in process inventory, underutilization of machine discontinuous flow, push system was observed Instead of that the current and future state maps provide vital information related to production process time such as cycle time, lead time and TAKT time [23] time  [23].. Analysis of current and future state maps were done by creating

the beginning before the breakdown occurs   [27] [27].. Here the lean technique is been used with the aid of computer in which data is to be filled by the concerned person in three record form for fast maintenance and smooth production without breakdown. The employee must fill   Breakdown request form  furnishing the details like date, time, department, workstation and the probable reason of break down forwarding it to department of maintenance planning. plann ing. The maintena maintenance nce depar departmen tmentt sche schedule duless the main maintena tenance nce plan and atte attends nds the work workstat station ion according accordingly ly to elim eliminat inate e the breakdown. Main Maintenan tenance ce form recor records ds [27] the infor informati mation on at whic which h

models into a simulation software, numerous simulation iterations results in the most optimum future state map which was then implem imp lemen ented ted ont onto o the sho shop p flo floor. or. Sim Simula ulatio tion n als also o min minimi imises ses chances of problems that may come across while actual implementationoffuturestatemapontotheshopfloor.Thefuturestatemapis validated after its implementation on the shop floor. Pull system, eliminat elim ination ion of in-h in-houseprocessreplacin ouseprocessreplacing g it by suppliers suppliers,, implemenimplementation of Kanban, shifting of operators to smoothen the process, reduction of cycle time, efficient utilization of machine. VSM tools eliminat elim inated ed non valu value e addin adding g acti activiti vities es redu reducingthe cingthe cycl cycle e time time.. TAKT time tim e wa wass re reduc duced ed from from 46 46.6 .6 minto 26 min min.. Nu Numbe mberr of rol rolls ls pro produc duc-tion increased to 50 per day from 28 per day  [24]  [24].. Inventory was reduce red uced d by scr scrapi aping ng pus push h syste system m andshift andshiftingto ingto pull pull syste system. m. Tra Transnsfer of operator from mixing to extrusion and packaging helped to maint mai ntainthe ainthe con contin tinuo uous us flowand runni running ng mac machin hine e to itsmaximum itsmaximum output capacity. Weekly demand of 15 tons is satisfied.

department, departme nt, whic which h work workstat station ion whic which h mach machine ine was attaint attainted ed part partss replaced during the maintenance. This record helps in expediting the maintena maintenance nce whe wheneve neverr bre breakdow akdown n occur occurss on the samemachine without any delay. Also, it is easier to supervise the performance of  employees as the dates of maintenance carried out is recorded. The person who is been assigned the maintenance task provides the details deta ils like his name name,, date date,, depa departme rtment, nt, work workstat station, ion, star startt time and completion time of maintenance, type of maintenance, reason [28].. Inventory record of brea breakdow kdown n andthe partrepair partrepaired ed or repl replaced aced[28] keeps kee ps therecor therecord d of par parts ts con consum sumed ed and and the the balanc balanced ed left left andtrac andtracks ks the reorder quantity and place the order for the same, so that no unwanted parts are ordered thus saving the cost of inventory [29] inventory  [29].. Continuo Cont inuous us and smooth smooth production production is achie achieved ved with sufficie sufficient nt employees emplo yees reducing the brea breakdow kdowns, ns, inve inventor ntory y of spar spare e part parts, s, enhancin enha ncing g the produ productivi ctivity, ty, ef efficien ficiency cy of mach machines ines,, life of mach machines ines and equipment, product quality. The direct benefit observed were reduction in production cost, maintenance cost, energy cost and repair cost ensuring the safety of employees.

 2.4. Small and medium sscale cale enterprises

SME’s limitation is financial crunch, working with general purpose machines without accepting modern manufacturing technolog ogy, y, trad tradit itio iona nall ap appr proa oach ch ha hard rd work workin ing g will will su suffi ffice ce,, larg large e inventor inve ntory. y. Furt Furtherm hermore, ore, un fami familiar liar to stan standard dards, s, dele delegati gation on of  processes proce sses,, conc concurre urrent nt engi engineer neering ing with within in and betw between een vari various ous sections. decision is taken based on experience of the employees and instinct of management without analyzing the trend in the global market and forecasting techniques. Lack of strong supplier network depend on only few suppliers. Rigid culture [5] culture  [5].. Factors in internal organizational that boosts lean manufacturing in SME are: are: Lead Leadersh ership, ip, commi commitmen tment, t, suppo support. rt. invol involveme vement nt and approach of top management as it sets the pace. Literacy of  the employees about lean philosophy either by education or training programs awareness about recent trends, methods and techniqu niques es In Invo volv lvem emen entt an and d em empo powe werm rmen entt of em empl ploy oyee ee with with teamwork spirit, self-motiva self-motivation, tion, appreciation, achievement achievementss highlighted and promotion with incentives. Flexible working culture, out of box think thinking ing,, re remov moving ing of me menta ntall blo block ck to opp oppose ose the change just for sake to oppose. Two-way communication between top management and employees breaking the barriers of owner and servant. Sufficient capital, employee’s and time [25] time  [25].. External organizationall factors, All the activities have to be focussed on cusorganizationa tomer satisfaction so their views have to be given utmost importanc tance. e. Su Supp ppor ortt an and d en enco cour urag agem emen entt of th the e go gove vern rnme ment nt irrespective of the party in the power, accordingly, should frame its policies and legislation.

 2.6. Construction management 

 2.5. Computer assisted maintenance

 2.7. Green lean manufacturing 

Traditional repair and maintenance are replaced by computerized main maintena tenance nce syst system em that maintai maintains ns the details details rega regardin rding g

Social and environmental concern has also provoked manufacturing sector to implement green lean concept in manufacturing.

breakdown [26] breakdown  [26].. Periodic maintenance is a type ofisplanned maintenance irrespective of breakdown maintenance carried out at certain interval and possible breakdowns are prevented. Predictive Maintenance analyses the various parameters performance with standard values and based on its result predicts the problem to correct and eliminate it. Preventive Maintenance is carried out in

Concept of thisaspect lean manufacturing focus on the profit, an economical but also showsdoes the not responsibility towards nature and society by maintaining its sanity. Green lean manufacturing deals with hazardous waste, wastage of water, pollution of water, land and air, wastage of energy and also encourages reduce-reuse-recycling concept during the manu-

In construction, survey and the questionnaires, along with the series of intervie series interviews ws with the personn personnel el of all levels right from the top to bottom hierarchy of the company was carried out for the data colle collectio ction, n, to unde understa rstand nd the ground reality of the company and its actual working conditions. Follow up interviews, surveys and questionnaires that were framed in related to the Lean technique were conducted based on the answers received from the person personne nel. l. Proble Problems ms wer were e ide ident ntifie ified d aft after er ana analys lysing ing the responses, surveys and the data collected. The questionnaire was framed in related to the Lean technique, the app applic licat ation ion of it and the per period iodic ic vis visits its,, cle clear arly ly sho showe wed d improvements when compared to the initial situation. The major outcome was cultural resistance minimized and added values to the daily life at the construction construction si site te and the empl employees’ oyees’ lives, since there mindset now is ready to accept the professional improvement. The development of a productive environment which aims to reduce waste, costs, deadlines meeting customer needs, increasing efficiency and productivity in construction sites, after implementation of the concepts of Lean Manufacturing in Civil works broke old paradigms in this sector. The estimated cost reduction for company ‘A’ was 9%, for company ‘B’ 5% and for company ‘C’ [30] if  if the method is followed till the completion of the con7% 7%   [30] struction. The cost reduction was mainly due to the process loss and variability reduction, which could require rew rework ork in the future.



 A. Palange and P. Dhatrak

Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736 

 Table 1

Summary of the manufacturing industries and the lean tools used in process improvement.

Manufacturing Industries

Lean manufacturing techniques 50 s DMAIC Fishbone diagram

Food processing industry Nikhil Nandakumara, et al [3] al  [3] Color industry  Jafri Mohd et al [8] al  [8] Case study in Indian SMERamakrishnan V et al [39] al  [39] Management of Consumable in maintenance Tomé Pombal et al[40] al[40]


Engine assembly P. Sivaraman et al [41] al  [41] Plastic bag manufacturing Adwait Deshkar et al [23] al  [23]   Pasta manufacturing Mauton Gbededo et al  [4] Line balancing of windmill gear boxS. Vijay et al [42] al  [42] Indian textile industry M. Mohan Prasad et al [43] al  [43] Pharmaceutical industry Al-Akel Karam et al [17] al  [17]   SME’s Katarzyna Antosz et al [44] al  [44]









p p

p p  

p   p p

p p

p p p p 





  p  p



p  p p












facturing process [31] process  [31].. As a social responsibility green lean manufacturing not only improves the customer safety and health aspect but also of employees. Can hazard be eradicated, any alternative option, modification to reduce its effect, quarantined to avoid contact with people or environment, possibility to avoid it through engineering, management setting rules or norms to be strictly followed, lowe d, provi providing ding pers personal onal prot protecti ective ve equi equipmen pment. t. Illn Illness, ess, inju injury, ry,

 3.1. Lean six sigma

working work ing ambience ambience,, psychologi psychological cal or emot emotional ional imba imbalanc lance e and insurance these are the vital parameters that affects performance of human being [32] being  [32]..

formance and objective were achieved by combined strategy of  lean and six sigma known as Lean Six Sigma  [36]  [36]..

Lean manufacturi manufacturing ng tools helps to elim eliminat inate e wast wastes, es, redu reduces ces cycle time by eliminating non valued activities from the manufacturing process. Whereas Six Sigma is a statistical Quality tool that identifies the variations in the product and uses DMAIC methodology to reduces it. Remarkable improvement in overall process per-

 3.2. Lean Industrial 4.0  2.8. Information technology

Digitalization Digitalizatio n chains both Information Technology (IT) and production any digital adaptation affects existing production systems. The digital technology has revolutionized the traditional manufacturing processes due to fast developments in areas like artificial intellige inte lligence, nce, robo robotics tics and auto automati mation, on, 3D printing printing,, huma human–ma n–ma-chine interaction, interaction, analysin analysing g in virt virtual ual envi environm ronment ent along with transfer and sharing of data and fast computing capabilities  [37].  [37]. Industrial 4.0 (I4.0) which is nothing but the networking of people and equipment to communicate rapidly with the aid of computer and connectivity to operate, to resolve existing problems or virtually dealing with the problems that might occur. Computerization and conne connectiv ctivity ity are prer prerequi equisite sitess for imple implement menting ing I4.0, I4.0, this means all the processes of a company are connected and cross departmental information sharing is possible. Combined use of lean and I4.0 for evaluation is more prospective rather than considering separately [38] separately  [38].. Increasing use of ICT in manufacturing sector has explored its potential that was not yet tapped. Today’s smart factories are integrated with cyber components like cloud computing, data analytics, software to the manufacturi ufac turing ng reso resource urcess like mach machines ines,, proc processe esses, s, transport transportatio ation, n, sales, and distribution. Important aspects in I4.0 are Horizontal integration that integrates various IT systems within the company and suppliers to have update of stock whenever required. Vertical integration integrati on integrates IT systems in different authorit authority y levels in the company. End-to end engineering tracks the product record right from the day one till it ceases to give the desired performance maintaining connectivity end to end.

In any company communication and information processes is particularly important. It can create a havoc if any Wrong or distorted information is passed on or there is a delay in sending the information. organized and strong coordination in processes, abolishment of redundant information smooth flow, and improvement in communication within the department and vendor.It is been revealed that information technology can aid administrators, planers and employees with accurate, reliable and timely information for decision-mak decision-making ing [33]. [33]. Structu Structured red infor informat mation ion thro through ugh anal analytic ytical al  [34].. The measure hurdle in data models support decision-mak decision-making ing [34] acquisit acqu isition ion arewhen require required d no resource resourcess or acti activiti vities es areavailable areavailable thatcould furn furnish ish the info informat rmation. ion. Time and resource resourcess are deplo deployed yed in investigating the information that is already available, to tackle overload or excess of information, for verifying and correcting the information that may also contain some irrelevan irrelevantt activities. These wastes are not noticeable, it might be the struggle to search the required data or assess the information, checking the authenticity and if required correction of data. It also involved in just in time manufacturing, recently Toyota Motor Company adopted ‘‘e-Kan ban’’’ syst ban’ system em [35] [35].. to control control suppl supply y chai chain n In toda today’s y’s chan changingmarket gingmarket demand, IT can play an important role because software is a core component in automatic production system. Software makes the manufact manu facturi uring ng flex flexiblewired iblewired as it adap adapts ts itse itself lf to anygiven situ situatio ation n in real real tim time. e. Thi Thiss is ess essent entialfor ialfor mos mostt of the the lean lean Imp Implem lement entingcomingcompanies as speed and cost has to be synchronized 3. Quality tools and digitalization influence in lean manufacturing 

4. Summary and discussion

Along with lean manufacturing tools, information technology,  [8] and  and software’s statistical quality tool six sigma (Lean six sigma) sigma) [8] also has significant role to improve productivity and quality of the product Table product  Table 1.

Lean manufacturing is not a gimmick or magic but is an effective tool in identifying the non-valued things in any processing industry and trying to reduce or eliminate for increasing the productivity or profit. It accelerates the company makes it more alert 734


 A. Palange and P. Dhatrak

Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 729–736 

and dynamic to meet future expectations and encourage a culture of continuous improvement in activities at various sections routinely and amongst all the employees. The success of Lean Manufact factur urin ing g depe depend ndss on au auth then enti tici city ty of data data coll collec ecte ted, d, to tota tall integrat inte gration ion of vari various ous manu manufact facturin uring g depa departme rtments nts and depl deployoymentt of syn men synchr chroni onised sed lea lean n elemen elements ts in pro proper per sequen sequence. ce. It is observed that VSM technique is commonly used, for reduction in cycle time, lead time and reso resolving lving bottle bottleneck neck issues. Wherea Whereass for clean and tidy place 50 s is commonly implemented.  Cause and effect analysis  are done to reach the root cause of problem and FMEA is done to decide the priority of the problem to be solved. The biggest hurdle in its implementation is the mindset of the employer and employees. Employer on his level has the apprehension of failure and the cost associated with it. Employees are very rigid to accept the changes especia especially lly from someone who is outside and reluctant to change his working habit to which he was till now accustomed. Its effect is observed if it is followed routinely with a positive attitude. Cleanliness, tidiness,  and going by the saying ‘‘only one thing is constant in life and it is change” so continuous improvement at our work place, healthy interdisciplinary discussions, platform to put fort forth h idea ideass and appr apprecia eciation tion makes makes work working ing environm environment ent pleasant and better to work. Because at the end of the day from top to bottom of the organization the goal is, to build the name and fame of the company that makes everyone proud.  Lean green manufacturing   is is also aware of its social, ecological, and environmental responsibility keeping it ahead of its economic profit. In social arena it plays an important role to maintain the hygiene, health, psychological and safety of employees and in environmental it deals with hazardous waste released in air, water, and land. Industry Indu stry 4.0   that that is nothin nothing g bu butt the netw network orking ing of peo people ple and equipment to communicate rapidly with the aid of computer and connectivity also known as digitalization., also plays an important role in lean manufacturing known as Lean I4.0.

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