Leaky Gut Syndrome in Plain English – and How to Fix It — SCD Lifestyle

August 3, 2017 | Author: musatii | Category: Gastrointestinal Tract, Coeliac Disease, Food Intolerance, Immune System, Digestion
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Leaky Gut Syndrome in Plain English – and How to Fix It by Jordan Reasoner

Leaky Gut can be so confusing, but it’s becoming more and more of an epidemic. Many of the causes and cures of Leaky Gut are widely debated, but Doctors are becoming more aware of the condition and ways to treat it. This article is meant to shine some light on how to treat Leaky Gut Syndrome and why the SCD Diet is such a critical component to it.

Leaky Gut Explained The term Leaky Gut Syndrome is used to describe the condition of “Hyperpermeable Intestines,” a fancy medical term that means the intestinal lining has became more porous, with more holes developing that are larger in size and the screening out process is no longer functioning properly. The fallout results in larger, undigested food molecules and other “bad stuff” (yeast, toxins, and all other forms of waste) that your body normally doesn’t allow through, to flow freely into your bloodstream. So now that we have the general essentially meaningless definition out of the way let’s find out what is really going on… The intestinal lining is the first mechanism of defense for our immune system. The outer layers of intestinal cells (epithelial) are connected by structures called tight junctions. At the tips of these cells are the microvilli, which absorb properly digested nutrients and transport them through the epithelial cell and into the bloodstream. During the normal digestion process the tight junctions stay closed forcing all molecules to effectively be screened and only pass into the blood stream through the mucosa cells (think of them like bouncers at the front of a classy bar). For reasons we will discuss later, these tight junctions can become “open” or permeable allowing un-screened molecules to flow directly into the bloodstream (think of it like a fish net with very small holes).

Graphic From: www.leakygutcure.com

So, Then What Happens? The first reaction your body has to these “foreign” bodies in your blood is to fight like hell. Initially, your Liver is called into action to work overtime and try to screen out all the particles that your intestinal lining was supposed to be taking care of. In most cases, the liver has no chance of keeping up with the constant flow of waste into your blood and all the toxins, undigested food molecules, yeast, and other pathogens start to accumulate in your body. Now, the sleeping giant wakes up (your immune system) and it is not happy. It goes into full battle mode to fight the evil intruders and get them out of the body ASAP. More often than not, the body cannot keep up with the task at hand and the majority of these foreign bodies absorb into tissues throughout the body… causing them to inflame. Inflammation is also an immune response and causes even more stress on your system. Now that your body is focused on fighting the large war, the little battles are starting to be ignored, like filtering out the blood, calming inflamed areas of the body, fighting bacteria, regulating the gut, etc. This process flow can lead to your body fighting itself and an array of autoimmune diseases such as Chronic Fatigue, MS, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, and Fibromyalgia. Now, your body will begin to produce antibody soldiers designed to fight against these foreign objects (which can be things such as the Casein protein from the milk you’re drinking, or other proteins in nuts, grains, or eggs). Even chemicals normally found in foods such as Phenols and Glycerin can now trigger immune responses when they enter the body. For instance, I immediately react to diary of any kind. I get instant brain fog, a headache, sore throat, and horrible sinus drainage. A similar reaction happens when I eat foods high in phenols such as tomato juice. I am confident that it is all part of a reaction as a result of years with leaky gut from my Celiac Disease. If you’re having sensitivities to more than a dozen foods, you likely have leaky gut. Any undigested foods that are absorbed into the blood stream are now considered enemies of the state, and your immune system

will develop reactions to many of them, leading to food intolerances. When you have a Leaky Gut condition, the damaged microvilli along the intestinal lining cannot manufacture the digestive enzymes they need to break down the food for proper digestion. The resulting condition allows food molecules to flow into the bloodstream that have not been completely broken down into the nutrients your body needs. Bottom Line: The foods that you’re eating are not the root of the problem; it’s the leaky gut letting the food molecules into your bloodstream. Of course, the caveat is severe food allergies such as gluten to a Celiac or deadly peanut allergies.

How Do I Know if I Have Leaky Gut Syndrome? Symptoms of Leaky Gut can vary from person to person depending on the level of damage and the tissues being affected. Multiple Food Sensitivities can be a sign that your immune system is developing antibodies to everything you’re eating. Nutritional deficiencies are a sign of lacking vitamins and minerals from the improper breakdown of food in your intestines. Chronic diarrhea and constipation are signs of inflammation of the intestinal walls from Leaky Gut. Skin rashes are your body’s way of trying to dump the toxins through the skin perforations. A poor immune system will result from your body trying to wage war on itself and ignoring all the virus and bacteria we encounter on a daily basis, allowing you to get sick more often. Headaches, brain fog, memory loss, and excessive fatigue are a result of the inflammation of tissue and toxin build up. Yeast overgrowth (Candida) will cause cravings for sugar and carbs, gas, bloating, and anxiety. All of these things add up to a host of symptoms with a myriad of explanations… all leading back to one thing: the constant river of foreign objects being allowed to enter your bloodstream. We’ve put together a 3-min leaky gut quiz, which will examine the most important risk factors in your body and provide a custom analysis of your likelihood of having a leaky gut. You can take the quiz here: http://scdlifestyle.com/solving-leaky-gut-quiz

What Causes Leaky Gut? The cause of Leaky Gut is widely debated in the medical community. However, there is some level of consensus that the following are the basic contributors: – Diet: Consuming high amounts of refined sugars, processed foods, preservatives, refined flours, and flavorings introduces massive amounts of chemicals into the body that is seen as toxic. If your body has a hard time keeping up the toxins start to build up and cause inflammation (like we talked about earlier). – Chronic Stress: Chronic stress almost always results in a suppressed immune system. A weakened immune system cannot handle doing it’s normal job and gets overrun with pathogens very quickly. This increases overall gut inflammation leading to increased permeability of the intestinal lining. – Inflammation: Any type of inflammation in the gut can lead to leaky gut. This can be brought on by low stomach acid (which passes undigested food into the small intestine irritating everything it passes by), yeast overgrowth (Candida), bacteria overgrowth, infection, parasites and excessive environmental toxins. – Medications: Any medication prescriptions or even over-the-counter pain relievers with Aspirin or Acetaminophen irritate the intestinal lining and decrease the mucosal levels (a membrane produces mucus on the intestinal lining as a natural protective measure). This can start or help to continue the inflammation cycle (more bacteria, yeast, and digestion issues) and promotes an increase in permeability. – Yeast: Yeast is found in normal gut flora but as soon as it begins to get out of hand it mutates into a multi-

celled fungus (usually Candida) that grows tentacles to grab onto the intestinal lining and stay put, consequently making its own holes in the lining. – Lack of Zinc: Zinc is a critical piece of maintaining a strong intestinal lining. A deficiency of the vitamin can lead to the mucosal lining losing strength and becoming more permeable. There are studies that show that supplementing with Zinc when it is deficient can dramatically improve intestinal lining integrity.

How to Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome… The medical community is also still rather divided about the methods used to alleviate leaky gut. Treating Leaky Gut is a multi-faceted approach that requires many different pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. If each one is utilized, the holes in the sinking ship will plug up and allow the body to return to a more normal state. Here are a few of the most agreed upon avenues and also where the SCD Diet comes into play: – Diet Restrictions: Eliminating sugars, starches, grains, and any other irritating foods alleviates the inflammation and starves out the yeast overgrowth (this is where the SCD diet takes over the healing process). Reducing both of these allows the intestinal tract to slowly return to its normal permeability, stopping the flow of foreign objects into the blood, which will stop food intolerance symptoms and eventually help stop the vicious cycle just as the book described it. I would argue that the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is the foundation of curing leaky gut, but it does need some help from the next three pieces. Here’s a free guide to get started on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet: “How To Start The SCD Diet In 24Hours“ – Nutritional Supplementing: The conditions that lead to leaky gut can also cause mal-absorption and improper digestion, both of which are going to leave you with nutritional deficiencies. First and foremost: supplementing with a good multi-vitamin, large amounts of vitamin D, and Zinc will help the intestinal lining return to normal (assuming the irritants from the diet are removed by following the SCD diet). Essential fish oils have also been shown to really help improve the condition of the intestinal mucosal lining (omega-3’s greatly reduce inflammation among a host of other benefits). – Probiotics: Now that the Candida is being knocked down by your adherence to the SCD diet, mixing in a solid foundation of probiotics, and more specifically, the friendly bacteria Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a must. The diet gets rid of the bad bacteria and you need a constant feed of the good bacteria to replace it. Friendly bacteria stop the inhabitance of bad bacteria and yeast, heal the gut lining, help nutrients get absorbed, and keep the vicious cycle in check. Studies suggest that keeping a ratio of 85% good to bad bacteria in the gut will stop the cycle from starting back up. A good non-dairy SCD legal lactobacillus acidophilus will be very beneficial. – Digestive Enzymes: Digestive enzymes are critical to properly breaking down the foods we eat. They are found naturally in the raw form of foods to help break them down, unfortunately, in the beginning stages of the SCD diet we have to cook all of our fruits and veggies, rendering them useless for enzymes. The have multi-faceted skills to help alleviate leaky gut. First, plant based enzymes will break down food into very small particles before it leaves the stomach, preventing large undigested molecules from irritating the intestinal lining and increasing nutritional uptake. They also work through your intestines acting as garbage collectors by removing toxins, bacteria, and damaged cells of the mucosal lining. The whole process gives the gut a clean slate of healthy cells to rebuild with. While the leaky gut permeability remains, they do the same garbage collecting in the bloodstream if they are passed through the intestinal lining. The bromelain and papain enzymes are shown to reduce inflammation in the gut lining and throughout other tissues in the body, allowing the immune system and the liver some reprieve. Any SCD legal, plant based enzyme will make a world of difference here.

In good health, – Jordan P.S. – If you’d like to find out it you have leaky gut, we’ve put together an in-depth risk analysis for you. Click the big orange box below to take the leaky gut quiz right now.,.

About the author Jordan Reasoner is a health engineer and author. He was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2007 and almost gave up hope when a gluten-free diet didn’t work. Since then, he transformed his health using the SCD Diet and started SCDLifestyle.com to help others naturally heal stomach problems. You can check out his story here and find him on Google+, Facebook or Twitter. More at

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Tracee March 27, 2010 at 8:19 pm This is a great explanation of leaky gut. My son (recovering from autism) and myself (celiacs and crohn’s) both had an ELISA IgG Food Allergy Panel done at our allergists office. Both of us had lots of antibodies to almost everything we ate. I suppose this would be a good way to see if you have leaky gut. It was a $150 bloodtest and it checked IgG antibodies to about 100 different foods. We both feel better on the SCD and my son’s improvement has been nothing short of miraculous! Reply

Lynn April 27, 2010 at 12:26 pm Hi With candida you have to be careful of the sugars evan during intro phase(juice-cant find grape juice not from concentrate) and carrots. Also an IgG food test from Genova said trouble with eggs(already noticed) and almonds. Stopped eggs for 3 months will try , also definatley need enzymes, acidof.,and posilby other helpers(garlic,catsclaw..) Thank you Lynn D Reply

karen soloman November 4, 2010 at 9:46 am How often and when is the best time to take enzymes, probiotics and vitamins…can they be taken together? Reply

Steven Wright November 6, 2010 at 3:17 pm @ Karen – Enzymes should be taken after each meal that includes proteins and fats, probiotics are best taken without food either right away in the morning or before bed. Vitamins can be taken at anytime, most experts agree it is best to take them at a meal time to help absorption. Reply

sharon December 19, 2010 at 2:51 pm I have been doing well on the SCD diet, had a very bad day today. Struggling with SIbo for several months. I had a few pieces of pizza and half of a fast food burger and thought i was going to die. Reply

Evanir February 18, 2011 at 11:05 am I have been doing the SCD diet and my digestion has improved a lot. No more gas and bloating, the esophagus feels totally well. Thank you for all the information here. I have a question about the products from GI ProHealth. Are these the only ones you recommend, because I can’t take their multi, it has iodine. With Hashimoto thyroiditis it is not advisable to take any iodine, or the thyroid will deteriorate faster. Can you suggest other companies that make SCD approved vitamins? Reply

Jordan Reasoner February 20, 2011 at 8:59 pm Hi Evanir – glad to hear that you’re feeling so much better. Good call on the Iodine, have you checked out Freeda vitamins? They also have some SCD Legal vitamins that are free of iodine (I think). Stay in touch and keep feeling good!

Jordan Reply

Evanir February 23, 2011 at 7:29 pm Thank you Jordan, I just ordered the SCD Freeda Multi without iodine and also their Betaine Hcl. From GI Pro Health I got the enzymes that you recommended. Thank you for all the good advice. Evanir Reply

Rhonda April 24, 2011 at 11:38 pm Diagnosed with leaky gut a year and a half ago.. went off gluten completely, and have been off dairy for 17 years, allergic to everything under the sun. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, numbing depression, heat intolerance. and mold all walked into my life. Had no idea so much was driven by one’s digestive tract. Thyroid off, adrenals pooped and I had parasites. Rid myself of the parasites. Went on pharmaceutical grade probiotic, digestive enzymes (Standard Process) works well for me, betaine and L-Glutamine. It is a long journey, but I believe I will walk away from this much healthier. Am combining SCD with GAP diet… the no grains is hard, but I think very beneficial. Food preparation is a full time job right now. Not much change yet, but only 10 days into the diet. This was a very complete and informative description of leaky gut. thanks Reply

Jordan Reasoner May 4, 2011 at 12:10 am Thanks Rhonda. Keep pushing through and over time things will melt away. Stay in touch. Reply

emily January 8, 2013 at 1:51 am Hi Rhonda I was wondering how you were doing? I sound just like you and I am allergic to everything under the sun how did the diet go? did you heal? Reply

angela April 30, 2011 at 7:23 pm Hello, I was diagnosed with celiac 3 years ago and in 4 decades I have had only 2yrs without diarrhea due to steroids. The steroids are not working anymore and on top of that I became “allergic” (hives all over my face and neck) to almost everything from food to animals to flora. I heard about SCD about a year ago, before all of my allergies showed up, and now I am ready to do it. I am so excited to finally have a better understanding about what is going on inside my body. As a small child, my mother tried feeding me just rice with no improvement in the diarrhea. And as an adult, I now understand why I have not responded to a gluten-free diet like I hoped I would. I am starting the intro diet tomorrow. I can not tolerate any dairy and I seem to be sensitive to coconut. My allergy test said that I am allergic to egg whites but not the yolk. I see that you can not tolerate eggs. I have heard that duck eggs do not cause reactions. Do you have any thoughts? Reply

Jordan Reasoner May 4, 2011 at 12:19 am Hi Angela – I can really appreciate your story. It sounds just like my failures on the gluten-free diet (you can listen to it here: http://scdlifestyle.com/jordan/). You can try the duck egg but I would guess that based on what you’ve said, your leaky gut and damaged gut is pretty severe. It’s likely you have some healing to do before any type of egg, dairy, nuts, or other sensitivities will begin to subside. Hang in there, eat dairy, egg, and nut free and you will feel much better soon. Stay in touch, Jordan Reply

Beatrice Latherings November 22, 2012 at 2:08 pm Your leaky gut may be linked to toxic mold exposure; most doctors don’t know to look for this and end up treating the symptoms of it rather that it as cause. It’s always worth checking out; major educational web site is this: http://www.survivingmold.com Good luck. Reply

Chris May 16, 2014 at 8:15 am I had a SEVERE mold exposure in 2011 and my health has deteriorated tremendously since. 5 medical doctors and an asthma/allergy specialist have NO idea what to do with the mold exposure. I now have pretty severe leaky gut (undigested food showing up in fecal matter), severe bloating and food sensitivities, but the most alarming is SEVERE asthma with NO family history. I have NEVER had asthma, EVER and now I have to take an inhalable steroid and ventolin (2 puffs ec/twice daily) to just subsist, not even live the active lifestyle I was used to. I have begun seeing a naturopath for healing–of all of me. I will go to an out of the machine med doc for blood work and stool test Jordan suggested. I want my body, health and life back. NOW. Gentlemen, thank you for sharing your stories, experience and wisdom with all of us. Reply

Chris May 16, 2014 at 8:18 am I forget to mention, I do take digestive enzymes. Reply

Karen Brimeyer May 14, 2011 at 11:06 pm When lining of mucosal barrier starts to wear off, this is the point where leaky gut starts to develop.

Our digestive tract from end to end is lined up with a single cell layer of mucous for 80% of our immune system. Reply

maria diabetes-nurse November 22, 2011 at 9:53 pm This is THE BEST article/ info on leaky gut I have ever seen. WOW. EXCELLENT. Reply

Jordan Reasoner November 26, 2011 at 12:43 pm Thanks @Maria! Reply

maedeh December 5, 2011 at 6:31 pm Hello, Thanks for your useful article.I am on SCD for 4 monthes.Yesterday I had some guests and I cheated every thing.Again now I am on SCD.How many days my healing will be stopped?Should I obey 100% to take the result? Thanks, Maedeh Reply

Steven Wright December 11, 2011 at 4:57 pm @ Meedeh – Great job getting on SCD! Eating illegals happens to many people including me! It’s okay just take a deep breath, regroup and get committed to your health and healing again. Yes you should stay 100% faithful to the diet unless you’ve been symptom-free for a long time

and are ready to try something new. Reply

Nikki February 27, 2012 at 10:02 am Thanks for the post. I know I have Leaky Gut after my years with UC. I started the SCD in January amidst the worst flare of my life. While on SCD, my bloating and pain has gone away, but I am having trouble finding foods that I can eat. Due to my Leaky Gut, I can’t have any dairy, any eggs, any beef, or any almond flour. I still can’t eat berries of any kind or lettuce. That knocks out a world of SCD approved foods. And I’m really sick of having meat and veggies for lunch and dinner, especially since my choices are very limited. Do you have any advice to stick with it? I’m about to give up and just go gluten-free/dairy-free and start adding in back some of the other grains. I feel optionless. I know you have your post about the turkey sausage for breakfast, but that only goes so far. Thanks. Reply

Steven Wright February 29, 2012 at 9:38 am @ Nikki – you might want to try our “tough case” meal plans. They layout a 6 week program to rebuild your diet. You also need to try to figure out what is causing the leaky gut to persist. It can be parasites, SIBO, yeast, stess or many other things. Try to get a Metametrics mycology stool test to test for all talk with your doctor. Also if you haven’t gone through our advanced class yet, you will likely find some of your answers in there. http://scdlifestyle.com/advanced-scd/get-started/ Reply

Candra Adams May 10, 2012 at 2:08 am I have not been diagnosed with leaky gut, though two ND’s think I may have it. I don’t have diarrhea, quite the opposite ;). But I get sick from most anything I eat lately. My stomach always feels full after eating, no matter how little I eat or what. One psych. I went to thought my mood swings, depression and brain fog were from a leaky gut. However, many of these problems started after I was exposed to toxic black mold, and my dog (the absolute love of my life) crossed over. So, how does one know if it’s leaky gut or just other things? One thing i have noticed is that when I’m in certain towns up in the north with clean air, and a relaxing atmosphere, I can eat ANYTHING without it affecting me mentally

or physically – pizza, bagels, cookies, cream, healthier versions and in moderation). When I’m in a city with pollution and a lot of stress and I hate where I am, I cannot eat anything, even healthy food without it making me sick. Has anyone else noticed a similar trend? Reply

Jordan Reasoner May 10, 2012 at 11:50 am @ Candara – Wow that is really interesting observation about pollution and air quality. I never noticed it but also never looked for it. To me that says that your body is at a really really high inflammation level, if air quality affects you that much. I would suggest trying something like SCD for 30 days and seeing what changes you observe. You don’t have much to lose. All of the symptoms you described are very common with leaky gut. Reply

Crystal February 28, 2013 at 8:03 pm Candra – I have the same thing. I lived in Arkansas – ate anything – healthy. Moved to Phx, AZ – since Oct 2012 – everything has gone haywire. I use restroom fine. Chinese herbalist told me stay off spices of all kinds – really works. Then all diff kinds of foods started affecting me in the wrong way. Trip to CA beaches really worked. I have multiple allergies for life. Now foods are getting knocked out of my diet, one-by-one. Dr said I can eat beef & pork – & allergic to all other things. No more fruits – veggies – finding new homes for dog & cat – no wheat or corn – etc. This is getting rediculous. Thanks for all leads from everyone – new stuff to try. Reply

Steven Wright March 5, 2013 at 6:44 pm @Crystal – we see this with our personal clients a lot. And it’s usually related to other dysregulation in the body like adrenal/hormone issues. Reply

Tobi July 16, 2013 at 11:17 am Crystal, I moved to Phoenix 9 years ago from a small town in Central WA state and holy moly are my allergies horrendous! I’m miserable and have tried everything! Hope you are feeling better. Reply

Bev August 3, 2013 at 3:52 am I’m really facinated to hear that moving places has affected other people too. My family moved from Zimbabwe (where I was slim and healthy) to England and then again to Australia. In 12 years I have doubled my weight, been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroditis (then thyroid cancer) and now recently a leaky gut. i have always blamed the food, but the rest of my family are still slim, how is that? Reply

Maria October 31, 2013 at 3:36 pm I know bev I moved from zim too and change of environment and fast foods has done damage to my gut

Susan August 7, 2013 at 2:40 pm I too notice a huge change in my body when in a clean air environment…like Austria or Normandy, France. I never realized how heavy and dirty the air was in ft Lauderdale until I was in clean air. We also live beneath a flight path..so noise AND air pollution. Reply

MimiLee January 17, 2014 at 4:26 am I have noticed more problems in big ‘dirty’ cities as well! I now live in Los Angeles, originally from San Francisco, and have had a lot more ‘toxic body’ and leaky gut issues since I moved to L.A., also exacerbated by the air quality? I have to eat super clean here, whereas I grew up on pizza, burritos, cereal, toast…I would DIE if I ate that stuff now. Also notice I can drink more alcohol in cleaner environments. In Los Angeles, I have to be super careful, or I get a wicket hangover. Drinking is never healthy, period, I know (and contributes to leaky gut), it’s just that I can’t do it at all here without getting majorly sick. Looking forward to healing my leaky gut, sans alcohol of course! All this testing and diets and supplements are enormously expensive, but everyones posts have inspired me to keep going! My Cyrex Labs array 3 and 4 showed leaky gut, gluten antibodies, cross reactivity to dairy and soy. I have IGg allergies to garlic, oats, eggs, ginger, pinto beans, kidney beans, yogurt, soy, coffee, chocolate, sesame, peanut…all the good stuff, probably due to leaky gut. I look forward to introducing some of my IGg allergen foods back in the picture after I am done with a gut repair program. Reply

Osman May 24, 2012 at 5:48 pm I have a general question: Once “healed,” can one go off of the diet? How long, generally-speaking, does it take to heal on the SCD? In response to Candara Adams’ post, I truly believe that environmental factors play a big, big role. Enough cannot be said about a clean environment. One example I can think of is a good night’s rest. Our body heals when we sleep, and if you do not sleep well, your body suffers. I would imagine that being in an environment with fresh air, where you can crack the window open at night, and breath fresh, clean air all the time would help one sleep, which in turn helps one heal. So, in my opinion, environment plays a big role in the body’s ability to heal itself. Reply

Jordan Reasoner June 2, 2012 at 3:57 am Hi Osman, that’s a great question… I think I answered it well in this post: http://scdlifestyle.com/2012/04/how-long-does-it-take-to-heal-from-ibd/ I hope that helps, Jordan


Gaye Sunshine June 12, 2012 at 9:52 am Was told by a chiropractor I have leaky gut — makes sense for all the health issues I’m dealing with. My MD diagnosed me with IBS and collagenous colitis. They put me on the fodmap diet for the IBS which in some cases is opposite to what I’m reading about leaky gut. I also am VERY sensitive to medicines and supplements. The Chiropractor put me on TerrainZyme LGS-Zyme, but I started having alot of weird side effects. I see it has extra ingredients outside of the enzyme. What is a good example of a pure exzyme that might be a little more easy on my system. Also would love to hear what you recommend for a pro-biotic. Thank you! Reply

Steven Wright June 22, 2012 at 9:36 am @Gaye – It’s hard to say what is working for you or not. I’ve never heard of those supplements. But If you don’t start seeing significant changes in your health soon, I would recommend changing to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It is much more effective for leaky gut than FODMAPS from what we’ve seen. Especially if you do it “tough case” style. Reply

blackbass June 26, 2012 at 9:12 am i know that fish oils can reduce inflammation…but they always contain glycerin….and i notice that when i take them…my eyes get really inflammed…i eat lots of salmon…but its cooked, reducing omega 3 content…is there a fish oil out there without the added chemicals…since you are saying glycerin exacerbates leaky gut? Reply

Jordan Reasoner June 26, 2012 at 12:58 pm

Great question. I think most contain glycerin, I haven’t seen one without. Have you tried Krill Oil to see if you notice a difference? You can find our recommended brand here: http://scdlifestyle.com/recommended-products/ Otherwise, eating salmon twice a week will help, no doubt about that. Jordan Reply

Nicole Jones July 19, 2012 at 5:24 pm I was diagnosed with candida and was told I have leaky gut, but no test was done for that. I have always been petite. 5’6 and 115 lbs (46 years old) over the past two years I gained 60 lbs and can not get it off. I feel horrible, brain fog, lethargic, aches, bloating, gas etc….I am more bloated than overweight. I do not know what diet to follow, everyone tells me something different. I was told, no gluten, no sugar, no yeast, no fruits, no soy, no dairy is this correct? and is there anything else I shouldn’t do? I will do whatever I need to do, but no one will tell me what I should do. I get totally different stories. Needing help in the south! Reply

Steven Wright July 20, 2012 at 2:53 pm @Nicole – Unfortunately I’ve meet a lot of people with your story. Fortunately many of them have bought our books, meal plans and started seeing signs of changes in the first few weeks of doing our program. If you have Candida it will create leaky gut which is why they probably didn’t test you for it. With Candida it is always a good idea to use an anti-fungal with the best diet approach with would be SCD without dairy and low fruit like less than 2 cups a day. Nystatin has the most research and appears to be the safest, it’s what I used. Also get your thyroid levels checked. Reply

Susan August 7, 2013 at 2:46 pm Steven has good advice… But regarding thyroid tests…you need to request the Ts 3, 4, or something like that. It is different than the run of the mill thyroid test. Also check your alkalinity….use alkaline balancing drops or capsules and Adhere to an alkaline friendly diet. But investigate mega doeses of he probiotics and take or at bedtime for max absorbtion. Reply

Scotty81 July 24, 2012 at 4:41 pm Hello, The information on Leaky Gut is very informative. I do have 2 follow up questions about it. You explain that if a person is sensitive to numerous foods, it is likely leaky gut. But question #1 is: is there a gold standard test, such as a stool test to diagnose leaky gut. An endoscopy only goes down to the stomach or so, and a colonoscopy (not that I’m wishing that on anybody) only goes up so far either. With the small intestine stuck in the middle, I’m just wondering how to rule leaky gut out/or confirm it, if one is sensitive to only a few foods. Question #2 actually has to do with the results of a stool test. I’ve seen postings where people have been helped by being diagnosed with yeast/candida – and then taking the appropriate actions to modify their diet, etc. But, what are patients supposed to say to their docs when the docs say that yeast/candida is an overblown phenomena, and that everyone has these sort of species in their bodies? I’m certainly not saying that conventional docs know best, but if are working within the constrains of the medical/HMO system, is there some peer reviewed scientific literature that one could point to – in order to warrant further investigation, and concern on the part of our conventional docs? Reply

Steven Wright July 25, 2012 at 10:06 am @Scotty81 – Great questions, 1. the golden standard for leaky gut right now is a lactosemannitol breath test but overtime there are some newer tests coming out that might prove to be even better. It is generally a rule that if you have digestive issues you have leaky gut. It’s better to spend your time and money on finding out what is causing the leaky gut then focusing on the leaky gut diagnosis itself. 2. Only some stool test are actually accurate. The best use DNA PCR technology to genetically look for problematic bacteria, yeast and parasites. My advice to you is

that you tell your doctor, great I hope it’s overblown and that I don’t have Candida let’s do this test and rule it out for sure. Metametrixs 2100 or 2105 tests are the golden standard (covers yeast, bacteria and parasites all of which can cause leaky gut). Reply

Paolo Manzelli August 14, 2012 at 12:06 pm Plase see and collaborate with Nutra Scienza in Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/groups/195771803846822/ Reply

maverick August 26, 2012 at 2:55 am Deal All, I have leaky gut, not able to eat any cooked vegetables :((. Only can eat whole grains and raw vegetables, any cooked vegetables gives be bad bad cramps. I know in leaky gut the system cannot poduce enzymes to break down the food. Should I be on enzymes? and what kind? and how long I should take it ? Please help. Best Reply

Jordan Reasoner August 26, 2012 at 1:00 pm I’d highly recommend the digestive enzymes that I’ve used for years: giprohealth.com/prozymes.aspx We have no financial affiliation with them, they are just good people with a high quality product. In good health,

Jordan Reply

Kathryn Trautvetter August 28, 2012 at 5:19 pm Super Thanks – This was the Best and most helpful email yet! Tomorrow I go to see a Gastroenterologist and pray that I can now know how to speak to him. I’m on Day 19 and will not give up SCD but I will need a Dr. to follow up with my electrolytes, blood sugar and help make changes in my current RX’s as my body changes. The last couple of days in the AM – my whole body feels JITTERY – inside and out for an hour. It is not nerves or stress – just a physiological event. Could that be an indication of needing to change my Thyroid med??? Reply

Jordan Reasoner August 31, 2012 at 1:51 pm Hi Kathryn, we’re not doctors, but it could be a sign that you need to tweak the meds based on your diet changes improving things, I’d get some thyroid blood work done that also includes morning cortisol, because it could also be related to a super high morning cortisol. In good health, Jordan Reply

Paul August 31, 2012 at 2:31 pm I’m not sure but I think I ave leaky gut even if I’m only 20 years old. I used to party and eat a lot of gluten (bodybuilding) in my past 2 years and I think now I’m paying for that. I often have joint pain (especially in the morning and after drinking alcohol the pain is not tolerable) and since a year I now have dermatitis herpetiformis (not sure but I have huge rash around my mouth/nose and on the back of my shoulder). I can be under control using several cream & stuff but I’m tired of spending money on that stuff. I know that my kind of ”acne” got worst when drinking or eating badly (especially gluten), I am not

celiac since I never had physical alergic reaction to gluten. In my case it is kind of impossible to see a doctor until october so i’m on my own, do you think this diet with supplement could help my situation? I also heard kefir yogurt and prebiotics adding to this diet could be beneficial. I was thinking about going 3 weeks only meat & vegetables and then add some non-sweet fruits and slowly add stuff in my diet. I never had allergy to food, but I know that when I eat almond or carrots(yes carrots) I have huge pain in stomach, dizziness and nausea, I also think I’m intolerant to eggs (hard to have breakfast without eggs/bread/oat) thanks for your help Reply

Jordan Reasoner September 1, 2012 at 10:37 pm Hey Paul, you described classic symptoms of leaky gut man. I’d highly recommend you get on a diet like SCD that eliminates all sugar, grains, starches, and legumes. Test it for 30-days, even what you were thinking about testing for 3 weeks is a great place to start. I’d expect to see some dramatic improvements in your skin after 30-days. Keep us posted on your progress and keep working hard on your health! In good health, Jordan Reply

Sandy September 28, 2012 at 12:17 pm Hi, I have always been small, but recently I have been losing weight and finding it hard to put it back on. Post nasal drip, acne, hot flushes and white tongue are also some symptoms. Could this be leaky gut? At the moment I am taking allicinmax (garlic supplement) which has helped me a lot. I have a digestive enyzme called ‘GI Tract’ which when I took I lost more weight so I stopped. The main thing is the weight, how do I put it back on, what would you recommend to take. kThank you. Reply

Steven Wright October 2, 2012 at 3:48 pm @Sandy – It’s a simple question but a very complex answer that is usually involves different things for each person. However there are 2 things you can focus on right away that will get you headed in the right direction. #1 Track your stool quality you want a Bristol stool chart #4 if you’re not there then you could have incomplete food absorption. #2 Track your food intake and make sure you start eating at least 500 calories more than what you already are. While I don’t believe 100% of the calories in calories out argument part of it is very real. Reply

knox May 19, 2013 at 9:00 pm Hi Sandy I have the exact same symptoms. losing weight, nasal drip, white tongue etc… I am wondering how you are doing now and what did you do to recover? I went to the doctor and all my blood work came back fine. My CBC, enzymes, proteins, no inflammation, WBC were all great. My Hemoglobin was a bit high. They have no idea what is going on with me. Did your head feel “weird” at times? The head thing is not fun, it’s kind of scary. Also had a stool test where everything was fine there as well. any suggestions would be helpful. Steven or Paul as well. thank you – Knox Reply

Relentless Mom October 4, 2012 at 12:37 am My daughter is 10 years old. She had surgery when she was 2 y.o. for chronic UTI’s & took 18 mos of daily antibiotics for UTI’s before surgery. Surgery corrected problem, but has had “idiopathic” problems w/ bladder spasms, etc ever since. She has been on antibiotics a whole lot of her life. It has been a CONSTANT battle for 9 years. It became debilitating last fall. After an upper & lower g.i. scope, along w/ scope of bladder (all w/ biopsies) came back perfect, and we were told we needed to see a psychologist, I took matters in to my own hands – with a lot of prayer too! I put her on a good probiotic & life became barable for her again. Also, in the past 8 mos she has developed 40+ food sensitivities. Just last week, the puzzle pieces were put together. She has Candida, dysbiosis and leaky gut. Her MAIN symptom – BLADDER SPASMS! Just 3 days ago, we have started a food program that is a lot more restrictive than the SCD and we have been told that in order for her body to heal, she HAS

to drink these horrible 8 oz drinks every a.m. for b’fast (no other food then) and for her snack after school. She is totally on board w/ being compliant w/ food (even though she doesn’t like it) but simply CANNOT get the drinks down and she is famished – still trying to go to school, play soccer, etc. Is the SCD w/ supplements sufficient, do you think, without the medical drinks? Keep in mind she is 10, very compliant, but the reality of the drinks happening like they should is a/b 0%. I’m so curious as to your thoughts! Can’t wait to hear – eagerly awaiting a renewed life! Abi P.S. I asked specifically a/b Candida & leaky gut last fall and I was quickly shot down as to the validity of any of it – so frustrating – so thrilled a/b what y’all are doing! Reply

Steven Wright October 9, 2012 at 1:22 pm @Relentless mom – SCD is really a whole food un-processed diet so in my opinion yes it can totally meet and surpass any crap they cram into can. But it sounds like you need to find a new medical team to look after your daughter one who will listen to you, design a diet and supplement protocol to help her. Reply

Relentless Mom October 9, 2012 at 5:00 pm Finding a new medical team is the key. We live in Memphis, TN. A city known for the children’s medical facilities. We have been to Vanderbilt. I have talked to Mayo Clinic, have multiple friends that are Dr’s, etc, etc, and have found no one that is trying to figure her out or will validate leaky gut & Candida. It’s really unbelievable. So, for now, we are on day 2 of the SCD intro diet & am hopeful that it doesn’t vary for Candida pts. Reply

Jordan Reasoner October 10, 2012 at 1:09 pm Congrats, you rock! I’m so excited for your future health. There’s more and more practitioners out there “getting it” and I think sooner than later it will become the norm. Maybe not in our lifetime though If you need a practitioner, our friend Chris Kresser is top notch: http://chriskresser.com/

In good health, Jordan Reply

Victoria February 3, 2013 at 11:08 am After seeing perhaps as many as 30 doctors for my fatigue, osteoarthritis, stomach problems, etc., I was told to see a doctor of integrative medicine. I live in Maine and getting help here can be problematic. But the integrative medical doctor told me I had leaky gut and candida and has begun treating me and resolving my issues. (I’ve even lost 30 lbs. that had slowly crept on through no fault of my own.) There was an informative article on leaky gut in today’s 2/3/13 NY Times magazine which mentioned the fact that some hospitals even have “integrative medicine programs.” Anyway, I’d try looking in your area under this heading and see if that doesn’t help. Good luck. Reply

Vanessa February 27, 2013 at 2:25 pm Hi Victoria, I live in Maine as well…and have been struggling with trying to find someone that understands and treats leaky gut/ candida issues. I was wondering if you mind sharing the name of person or the practice where you are seeking help from. Thanks in advance. Vanessa Reply

Steven Wright February 27, 2013 at 3:54 pm @Vanessa – Jordan and I have both overcome leaky gut and now help others. You can work with us here -> http://scdlifestyle.com/consulting/ Reply

Blackbass October 17, 2012 at 10:56 am I have leaky gut/candida issues…its so hard getting enough probiotics to combat the candida with pills…so i have been researching coconut water kefir…it has made a nice impact so far…dairy free, practically all sugar is eaten by kefir grains. Over 35 strains of probiotics…no pill nor yoguart can give you that…plus the benefits of the coconut water, like potassium and electrolytes. Anyone needing to give candida a punch in the mouth should try it. Very cost effective versus pills. Coconut water is pricey whether you buy fresh or ZICO brand…you could just use the natural sugar water…its suppose to be eaten up during fermentation. I feel more energized, since Im on a very low carb diet. Reply

Steven Wright October 17, 2012 at 11:50 am @blackbass – Great to hear man! So you just use the Zico brand and a scoby to make what you are drinking? Reply

Anita February 9, 2013 at 12:00 pm I’m dealing with long-term, severe candida. The last part of this message and Steven’s answer “scoby?” are greek to me! Could you please explain – I’m looking for all the help I can gather! Thanks! Reply

Michele October 18, 2012 at 6:51 am Thanks for your very informative article. Regarding Digestive enzymes; I read in a previous article of yours that it is not advisable for someone taking steroids to use digestive enzymes. I really feel I need them, as I could check off most of the signs you listed.

I am currently taking Prednisolone 12mg daily; having been on a cycling dose from 60 to 10 mg for 20 years. Can you recommend any product that would be ok for me to use while weaning off steroids, as it is likely to be a long, slow process due to the length of use. I’m very grateful for your site and all the information and inspiration I’m finding there. Thanks, Michele Reply

Steven Wright October 18, 2012 at 10:55 am @Michele – Digestive Enzymes are perfectly fine to take with steroids or any other drugs. Betaine HCL can be problematic when combined with anti-inflammatory meds that already compromise the gut lining. Reply

Michele October 24, 2012 at 5:05 am Thanks for responding so quickly, I have ordered Digestive Enzymes and am looking forward to successful healing with the SCD lifestyle! Michele Reply

Blackbass October 18, 2012 at 9:04 am i bought water kefir grains from cultures for health…and use a 2 quart glass jar …our two bottles of Zico coconut water in…with grains…cover with coffee fliter and rubber band…let ferment for48-72 hours…add a lemon..(peel if not organic)…and then you have a slightly sour, fizzy, carbonated beverage full of vitamins and most importantly many strains of probiotics!!! No immune response like I get with dairy kefir or yoguart. I would love to use fresh coconuts but they are hard to find around here…the young green ones. I would have to travel about an hour to Tallahassee, FL. Im in South Ga. Reply

Rebecca Efrem January 13, 2013 at 8:55 pm Wow, that sounds great! I’ve been wanting to try the SCD yogurt but was wary about the milk i’d have to use. This seems like a simple (and delicious) version. But is it SCD legal? Sorry if I read wrong, but you said “kefir grains” and “with grains” and grains are illegal. I just want to make sure before I try it. Also, do you know of any other SCD legal coconut water? Reply

Steven Wright January 14, 2013 at 8:46 am @Rebecca – Kefir “grains” are not grains. It’s kind of slang to mean these milky white microbial communities that are the Kefir. Reply

Christine B. October 26, 2012 at 12:27 am Great info here. Ive read a lot about leaky gut in the past but not in combine with SCD. I have celiac and tested positive for permeability. After 4 years of gluten free living I just started SCD. After only a short week Ive noticed the white coating on my tongue has decreased. Also is buckwheat allowed? Its a fruit seed not a grain. And what about coconut flour? Why are eggs bad for some? Thanks…….I’m excited about SCD and feel like ive lost a pound or two already! Reply

Steven Wright October 26, 2012 at 2:44 pm @Christine B – LOL I changed it for ya no more “celibacy. OMG too funny!” for you Buckwheat is not allowed. Coconut flour is. And read this to learn more about eggs and figuring out how to create the custom diet that will support your health -> http://scdlifestyle.com/2011/03/what-to-do-when-the-scd-diet-isnt-working/


Christine B. October 27, 2012 at 11:09 pm First week under my belt……..feeling more energy, less coating on tongue, but I worry about two things: will I developed ketosis from not enough carbs (dangerous condition for the kidneys) and will I make my body too acid from all the meat I’m eating? Thanks for this site. I’m sure it will make the journey much easier. Reply

Christie November 6, 2012 at 10:25 am How do i purchase products from you like enzymes? Reply

Jordan Reasoner November 9, 2012 at 4:33 pm Hi Christie, our recommendations are here: http://scdlifestyle.com/recommended-products/ In good health, Jordan Reply

Joan December 2, 2012 at 7:35 am Had intestine surgery to scrape off adhesions from previous surgeries and ever since – highly allergic to yeast, autolyzed yeast extract that is in everything. Developed fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue, etc. My only problem with this is that since this leaky gut thing kicked my butt, I can not ingest ANYTHING with lactobillius in it. Since 2007 – ate dannon activia yogurt 3x – 3x developed severe cornea ulcers resulting in eye surgery. The eye dr. said their was a nasty culture in my eye of some sort.

Ok. So I never touch probiotics until february of this year and took a supplement with the lactobacillius acidopholus that I thought was just vitamins – within 24 hours in ER with cornea ulcer in left eye. If my leaky gut is so bad that I can’t eat anything with yeast in it, at this point, wouldn’t the lactobacillius “good bacteria” also travel thru my blood stream and cause this problem with my eyes? I want to try the steps you suggest in this article to get better, but I know the moment I ingest probiotics, I will be in for the painful ordeal of cornea ulcers. Like clockwork this has happened 4 times. $185 for a tiny bottle of eye drops to cure it. Reply

Jordan Reasoner December 2, 2012 at 12:17 pm Hi Joan, that’s really interesting. You might want to avoid probiotics for a while then Focus on healing leaky gut through diet and supplements first. Then later on you can test probiotics again. Jordan Reply

joan January 5, 2013 at 7:30 am Thank you so much. Since a clinic is pushing me to get a flu vaccine, I googled the ingredients and found that it has formaldehyde, and MSG in it as well as eggs. All things I am allergic to. Since I had a horrible reaction and mild case of Guillene Barr in 1976 after swine flu vaccination, I am afraid to get the flu shot. Will Vitamin D help avoid the flu? I check the labels of B supplements to make sure that there is no yeast added. And what is the best course, besides the elimination diet, to pinpoint the food additive that are causing so much misery? Reply

Steven Wright January 5, 2013 at 10:22 am @Joan – I’m biased but I think our method laid out in our eBook (http://scdlifestylebook.com) is the best method. We use SCD and simple rules based on actual science to help you recreate your diet testing every single food along the

way. So that by the 90 day mark you have a diet that is completely healthy and unique to you. Reply

Kris Campbell January 3, 2013 at 3:15 pm Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Reply

DavidD January 7, 2013 at 12:22 pm I have had leaky gut for seversl years without knowing. i wa always wondering why i wa constantly fatigued, sometimes id muddle my words up etc, drained, you name it. I then realsied a direct connection that has got worse everytime, whenever i eat food i just wanted too fall asleep. Ive been messing around with this for months and yes i believe the gaps diet is the way forward. You really have too limit your consumption of solid food, I my self can eat gluten etc without problem but one piece too much and i can find my self exhausted for 2-3 hours a time. I also have parasites and have ventured too humaworm, They are in my opinion one of the best concoctions of natural medicine around for ridding of parasites. I first found out about this when i DIDNT eat, i didnt eat for 10 hours and i felt fantastic, literally. This condition is hard work and i am still working things out, but the gaps diet is the way forward, home made broth 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks small small servings of real good and you should see results, quite quicklly Reply

Andi January 12, 2013 at 1:55 pm My 21 year old son has brought us through a nightmare in the last few years; I’ll give an account. After sustaining a frontal lobe closed head trauma at age 12, his health has slowly declined. He was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and panic disorder with agoraphobia last year and blood tests found he was so severely deficient in B12 and D that he had rickets. He is suspected celiac but cannot mentally endure the endoscopy. He is gluten free and has been for 8 months now. We have recently gone through a severe, long lasting bout of extended panic with severe migrane and full digestive upheaval that required hospitalization, yet his insurance denied him that option even with 2 different doctors attempts to have him admitted. We believe this lead to some sort of psychological breakdown; he was giving up. He went for an osteopathic treatment as a last hope and the doctor said to cut casein immediately and

get on and live by the GAPs diet. Does this intro diet cover the GAPs diet or is it even deeper than your intro? We are completely overwhelmed and want this diet to go right from the start. He feels he has little options left and we need to get this right. Thanks for any advice you can offer in advance. Reply

Steven Wright January 14, 2013 at 8:37 am @Andi – I’m sorry to hear about your son’s struggle. The Gaps intro diet is basically the same as ours. We do use the SCD intro diet soup more and I think it is a good food for him to be eating. But they are like 95% the same when you cut out dairy. Reply

Rebecca Efrem January 13, 2013 at 9:09 pm I find myself asking a lot of questions on here lately…i’m suspecting either leaky gut, candida, low stomach acid, or any combination of the three. In other words, i’m only at the beginning of my journey. But i’m stumped by a few things: I am a fruit fanatic but i’ve been trying to cut down on it due to heartburn. But bananas seem fine for me. Elaine said no more than 2 a day, but because my stomach’s happy with it, is it ok if I eat a few a day? Dillema 2: I love raw veggies and never had problems with them but now that i’m boiling and pureeing them, they make me feel really nauseated. Like hard-to-swallow nauseated. But apperantly I have to keep boiling/pureeing for the first few stages. Can I at least bake and puree? I don’t know why all these veggies are suddenly making me sick! Reply

Steven Wright January 14, 2013 at 8:48 am @Rebecca – yes of course the goal is the cook the vegetables to make them easier to digest. How you cook them is up to you and no need to puree after 15 days. Reply

Trish Barlow-Jones January 15, 2013 at 7:08 am Hi – 1 month into SCD diet – such happy results… ordering Jordan & Steve’s book made a huge difference to my healing in terms of “living and fine-tuning the SCD diet”,., if that makes any sense. Two questions. I live in SA does anyone else ??? and if so do you know any SCD legal vitamins/enzymes…. have contacted a few well known co’s here but their products always contain something illegall…. can anyone help? I have lost so much weight, which I cannot afford and need supplements but too scared to take tablets as they all contain either starch or sugar ….. I am slowly introducing more fruit and nuts …… what will help me put on weight, or must I just be patient. x Guys thanks so much for all you do – Reading you regular e-mails is like reading one of my favourite mags….. I was sceptical about you at first but one of the best things I did this year was order and download all your books. SCD not well known in SA and I battled to get Elaine’s book. One of my wishes for 2013 – if you have any digestive problems order Elaine’s book and also Steve and Jordans. Reply

Tracey L. Moore January 17, 2013 at 4:11 am Reading this article and all of these posts has been enlightening. I have just been diagnosed by a naturopathic doctor as having leaky gut syndrome. This has helped to shed more light on it for me. I have already changed my diet to include meat, veggies and fruit and that’s it. It’s tough, but my original problem, GERDS, has been helped tremendously by changing my diet. I am going to look further into this SCD and see if I can tweak further and get even better results. I so appreciated your candid video about your journey, Jordan. I felt so happy for you that you found an answer and now you’re healthy and enjoying your life. It gives me hope. Thanks for that. Reply

Linda January 22, 2013 at 1:04 pm I have a son with very high candida, both Igg and Iga. We have tried using the usual meds, diflucan, nystatin and nothing has helped. He is also allergic to phenols and not sure if he is allergic to sals, also has allergy to gluten and dairy. In your opinion, do you think this diet would be benificial for him? Reply

Jordan Reasoner January 22, 2013 at 8:07 pm Hi Linda, this diet has helped many many people with Candida problems. Jordan Reply

kobi February 8, 2013 at 1:17 am I’ve had crohn’s for 20 years now… been through 2 bowel resections at the ileum. Everything I read about LGS seems like it is written about me… Would like to know if anyone else post-resection has had any luck w/ SCD… your intestines are never the same after a resection so I am not sure how it will play out. Also, I take Questran daily for bile diarhea, which I suspect is not SCD safe… would luv to hear any thoughts! Reply

Joan Emm November 26, 2013 at 7:47 am Hi Kobi, JUst found your post by scanning a lot of the old messages. Hope I know that you are feeling better. I have Crohn’s for 30 years and had resection 2 years ago. A lot of related health problems are getting worse. I am finally desperate enough to follow Steve and Jordon’s advice and the diet, supplements, etc. I think Crohn’s with resection puts us in a kind of fragile state. Sadly I now have to take Humira injections, however it is probably saving my life at the moment. My goal is to one day get off it, & I think the things that I am learning here (if I can stick with it) will help me reach that goal.You can reach me here if you would like to be Crohn’s buddies: [email protected]. ‘Till then, take care. Reply

Anita February 9, 2013 at 2:36 am I purchased your book and have been attempting the SCD for the past month, along with help from a functional med. doc. I am doing better, but am quite sure I have a candida overgrowth issue that the plain SCD diet doesn’t address. Although the website states that the SCD has “Diet Restrictions: Eliminating sugars, starches, grains, and any other irritating foods alleviates the inflammation and starves out the yeast overgrowth”, there is a lot of starch and sugar in the diet, albeit natural ones, in the pear and apple sauces, as well as the carrot and squash sauces, and certainly in the grape juice, that directly feed the yeast. Steve says he did the Candida SCD. Where can I find how to follow the diet that way? I don’t think my healing can progress without addressing this “sugar” issue. It seems to make sense to me that my leaky gut will remain compromised, and my healing won’t progress, unless the candida yeast is brought under control. I have searched the website for answers and was unable to find any, so I’m looking forward to your reply so I can get on with the healing!!! Reply

Alexandra October 20, 2014 at 11:16 am I’m in the same boat. The book does not address this which I thought it would so that was frustrating. I’m feeling like I’m flying blind. There seems to be a lot on SCD that I’m not sure I can eat. I suspect I have something more akin to leaky gut (major acid reflux, constipation and rashes and skin inflammation (including T-cell immune response). So, having read the 4 Horseman article, I’m not eating eggs or dairy. And I’m avoiding sugar because it messes me up. I am literally eating the chicken soup and hamburgers. This is nuts! I feel like I’m flying blind even with the book and am extremely hungry and getting depressed. Apples, pears – are both trigger foods for me. I feel like I can’t eat anything and I still feel sick! I am very frustrated. I hope by now you are better. If any moderator reads this and can link the Candida SCD ideas, I would be more than appreciative. Reply

Brent Kovacs October 20, 2014 at 5:33 pm Hi Alexandra, Sorry to hear that you’re having such a difficult time right now. We’re very grateful that

you have reached out to us, though. Please start by watching Steve’s video on anti-Candida diets: http://scdlifestyle.com/2013/02/3-anti-candida-diet-problems/ Typically, diet alone isn’t going to be enough to get rid of Candida for good… but there are many things that can be done. Reply

Di February 9, 2013 at 3:26 pm This is an outstanding article. Thank you for the detailed description of leaky gut, and all the problems that result from this condition. I understand the reasons behind the food allergies so much better now. Since becoming sick, I have lost far too much weight. I am thrilled to know that I may very well be able to eat these foods again, once the gut is healed and sealed. This will also facilitate the weight gain. Thank you. Cheers. Reply

Salwa Wazwaz February 11, 2013 at 9:32 pm Thank you for the information ,it was a great help I”m going to try it and I will see if it will take all my joint pain and stiffness .I never heard of this illness but I hope a lot of people will get educated about it. Reply

Connie Tanaka February 13, 2013 at 8:55 pm Hi, I have had Crohns Dis. for 20 years, 2 bowel resections, remicade which caused lupus symdrome, more steroids than I want to think about and now on humira. I tried the SCD diet shortly after I was diagnosed and became sicker than I had ever been and after several months had to stop. The gas and pain were too much. I became very sick again after my last re-section. Severe pain after the first bowel movement of the day. Many, many trips to the emergency room and my GI guy telling me that there are only a few signs of the disease….and that my problems after bowel movements are not Crohns related. I am a very sick, very frustrated person. I don’t know where to turn. Connie Reply

Robin February 22, 2013 at 9:03 am I was watching Dr. Oz yesterday and the subject was leaky gut syndrome. I was amazed what they were saying as I felt they were talking about me. I had Roux-enY Gastric bypass surgery in 2005,I weighed 261 lbs. the day of surgery,after 1 1/2 years I was down to 168 pounds. I was feeling terriffic with the weight off. I would sometimes get yeast infections and be treated with diflucan. When the surgery was done it seemed to cure my GERD as well.The last 3 years I have put back on 30 lbs. But I noticed I feel extremely exhausted physically I make it through the work day as a cook only because I have too…When I am home I have like no energy it is different tiredness than before I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, with that it was a sleepy tired. I have been on Synthroid and am stable so far with that.I also Has Ehrlicciosis in the past and was treated with antibiotics. I mention these because I have been going nuts trying to figure out where this extreme exhaustion is rooted. The Lyme has not come back and the thyroid is ok,so I am trying to find what all my symptoms add up too. Leaky gut seems the most logical to me. My symptoms are these: exhaustion,awful smelly bowel movements,and gas,I also feel bloated after eating to the point I can appear pregnant, I puke from icecream and can have acid reflux again I also cannot eat cereal with milk,makes me puke. I noticed swelling in my ankles. I also feel depressed and can cry easily. I have to say too that I havent had alcohol in 19 years when I went into recovery for that I feel I have gotten hooked on carbs-I crave them like an addict I recently gave up drinking Monster energy drinks(I used drink up to 4 or more a day)I was hooked on those drinks for a couple years to combat the tiredness and keep me awake and moving. I mentioned to my fiancee I felt good the other morning just having fruit for breakfast.(sorry For rambling) I am just at such a low point right now and want to help myself,I feel I need to do something because I can’t handle this anymore…something on the news or in a magazine or talked about with other people confuses me and I don’t know what is the right thing to do to feel better,seeing this subject on Dr.Oz gave me that A-ha moment. Can anybody reply with any suggestions?I would very much appreciate it. Reply

Jennifer February 22, 2013 at 1:20 pm Hi Guys! I had never heard of Leaky Gut before yesterday, when I happen to overhear a bit of discussion on “The Dr. Oz Show”. My 6 year old daughter has been struggling for the last 5 years. It started at age 1 with a life-threatening case of head-to-toe severe hives. This was followed by many doctors, allergists and tests. Initially, she had a mild positive allergy test to tree nuts which the doctors thought had caused her hives (I knew that she had not eaten any). Further testing showed signs of inflammation which equaled autoimmune disorder – but no one could ever tell me WHY? She continues to have hives periodically and “itches” quite often. About 18 months ago, she started to have urinary issues – inability to empty her bladder completely and dripping after urination. After seeing more doctors and urologists and having more tests, they concluded that she is “holding” feces in her intestines which is causing her urinary issues. She doesn’t seem to be constipated, but she does have a lot of gas and complains of stomach aches almost everyday. The only solution that the doctors have offered has been to put her on Rx strength laxatives. This is a long post to ask you: do these symptoms

sound familiar to you? Could this be LGS? I’m confused by all the different symptoms that folks seem to have here. Help? Reply

Steven Wright February 27, 2013 at 3:56 pm @Jennifer – She might have Leaky Gut but more likely that she has a GI infection from a parasite or bacteria. If you haven’t done advanced stool testing with Biohealth labs or Metamertrix that’s where to start. If you need help sign up here -> http://scdlifestyle.com/consulting/ Reply

Gail February 25, 2013 at 10:34 pm Hi – this website is amazing and full of great information, thank you! I have had IBS for over 20 years (constipation type) and last year I got sick whilst travelling and ended up with ecolli infection in my bladder. Since returning home I have had numerous Urinary Tract Infections and nothing seems to be working. My naturopath has me on a gluten/dairy/alcohol free program for 3 weeks (I’m halfway) due to suspected Leaky Gut. Do you think your diet would help and should I start now or after my 3 week ‘detox’ is over. thanks Gail Reply

Steven Wright February 28, 2013 at 9:49 am @Gail I think SCD will help, just start it after your 3 weeks are done. If you’ve been dealing with IBS for 20 years it’s highly likely that you have some kind of root cause problem like a gut infection or hormone dysregualtion. Reply

Nancy Heitschmidt February 27, 2013 at 2:04 pm I am making the yogurt the first time and cannot determine if I am to strain the yogurt before cooling it for eight hours or after. I have read the instructions multitudinous times. Thank you. Reply

Steven Wright February 27, 2013 at 3:53 pm You can strain it before or after cooling, no worries just do it before you begin fermenting. Reply

Tonya Covert March 1, 2013 at 9:54 pm I just read your article on Leaky gut and it describes my 18 year old daughters symptoms. She has been sick since she was a child but seriously sick the last 4 years. The only symptom she has that you have not mentioned is vomiting. She is nauseous all the time and vomits almost every day. She has taken Advil, aleve and Tylenol for headaches a lot. As a young child she was allergic to eggs, wheat, dairy and dairy protein. At about age 12 she was tested and we were told those allergies were not present but a slight allergy to peanuts was present. Last year she had her gallbladder removed. That did not solve the problem. She is in constant pain. Has Headaches, back pain, vomits and is nauseous all the time. I(mom) have celiac, my mother had celiac of the skin, my sister and her daughter have celiac and my husbands nephews and niece have food allergies and celiac. We put Our daughter on gluten free diet and it did not help. We are going to Cleveland Clinic on March 4th. I will ask about this. Is vomiting a symptom. Thanks Tonya covert Reply

Kim Koplien March 7, 2013 at 10:25 pm

What did youfind out? Did you see a GI Dr? Wondering about Gastroparesis? Reply

Kim Koplien March 7, 2013 at 10:20 pm Love the article. Just wondering if your SCD diet would help my daughter with her Gastroparesis. They want her to try a FODMAP diet but there are foods she can’t have on the Gastroparesis diet that she can have on theFODMAp diet and the other way around. No red meats or Veggies. That will kill her. Wondering what your thought is on this? Reply

Pamela Yenawine March 11, 2013 at 5:17 pm Wow – so glad someone shared this on FB. Inquiring minds want to know how many with leaky gut were formula fed, and did their mothers put cereal (rice usually) into their formula to “help them sleep?” Having working with autistic children, many of whom have leaky gut, that has sometimes been the case… pediatrician suggests a little rice cereal in the formula. But, baby guts have LARGE openings because mother’s milk molecules are LARGE. But when the rice cereal gets added to the formula, guess what…. that foreign substance actually creates a ‘high’ in the baby’s brain! No wonder he sleeps! And no wonder so many have allergies later in life! Sad. let’s remember what the universe/nature/mother nature provides for us and stop thinking we can do better! Reply

Tas'. March 11, 2013 at 7:35 pm How much zinc do we need? Reply

Julie Rider March 19, 2013 at 7:55 am

A great down to earth explanation of leaky gut…when I mention leaky gut to my clients they give me a blank stare and this will help! Reply

Matthew April 6, 2013 at 10:48 pm Been diagnosed with IBS after several hard hitting rounds of antibiotics back to back to back. My oily smooth skin on my face is now dry, I can peel small flakes of skin off every morning, super huge pores, and an overall reddened blotchy (looks like alot of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, left over from acne) and I am getting congested pores and small pimples with the occasional large red inflamed one. My digestion has gone to shit, and my stomach is always making noise, especially after I eat….ANYTHING. My doctor is useless and just said it was IBS and dismissed it as that. I have no idea what’s going on, but I suspect candida. So here’s my plan Low carbs/sugar diet Candida Cell wall suppressor Niacinamide SF722 (10-Undecenoic acid) Fungal defense Now Foods Candida clear Candex Now Foods Astaxanthin Some sort of “azole” drug…MAYBE (modern medicine got me into this mess) Intramax all in one, liquid organic multivitamin Dr Ohhira probiotic original formula Probiota 12 powder Bios beauty probiotic face wash Bios beauty probiotic refining stick SpaBoutique Probiotic mask I’m going to hit this from as many angles as I can, as I’ve only had this for maybe 6 months, so I feel my chances are good. Please review these items as my doctor thinks he’s the full book of all human knowledge, and somehow is quite useless… Thoughts, advice, suggestions appreciated, as that’s why I’m here Matthew


Adam April 10, 2013 at 11:13 am Hello All, I am really hoping someone out there can help me, as my body has been in bad shape physically, mentally, & emotionally for many years. The specialists that I have seen, both medical & natural alike, are all stumped at what exactly is going on as a whole. I have had various tests over the years showing digestive sensitivities, Candida in my blood, neuro-transmitters crittically low, amino acid deficiencies/surplus, organic acid deficiencies, causing to anxiety & depression. Treatment however is the problem, because it seems I am unable to tollerate taking most vitamins & minerals without it triggering anxiety & significant stomach upset. I am also not able to take digestive enzymes containing protease nor broken down amino acid supplements to help get the building blocks necessary to heal this. I am guessing this is related to my intestinal lining although haven’t done the formal liquid test for it due to costs & fear of discomfort from the liquid. Does anyone understand what I am going through & have advice to get through this very rough time? How do I bridge this to get to where I can feel in charge of my health? Thank you, Adam W Reply

Steven Wright April 15, 2013 at 9:11 am I’d start with what you can control the foods you eat. I’d be eating a ton of highest quality seafoods, grass fed organ meats and fermented foods I could. Get out in the sun a lot and reduce stress daily. If you want more support then 1-on-1 consulting would be the best place for us to help you. Reply

Michelle April 26, 2013 at 1:50 pm Steven — what are your thoughts regarding Leaky Gut Syndrome and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in corn, sugar and soy products in addition to processed foods? Could these GMO food items be linked with LGS? Reply

kefir milk May 1, 2013 at 11:22 am My spouse and i got so glad when Michael could round up his preliminary research because of the ideas he came across from your very own web site. It’s not at all simplistic to simply continually be giving away techniques which the rest could have been trying to sell. And we also understand we now have the blog owner to be grateful to for that. The most important illustrations you’ve made, the easy blog menu, the relationships you aid to instill – it’s got many impressive, and it’s really assisting our son and our family reckon that this concept is cool, and that’s extraordinarily essential. Many thanks for the whole thing! Reply

Gina May 3, 2013 at 12:32 am I have had a history of chronic constipation then four rounds of episodes last year of flares where my food was passing through undigested. I was sent to a GI Dr, that gave me the hydrogen breath test and I tested positive for SIBO. They told me I should seek holistic methods and that they really don’t know what to do with the diet part, they did put me on Fodmap. Now going to a chiropractor who has me on hundreds of dollars of suuplements and skakes from Metagenics. Also told me to stay away from top 8 allergens. Stomach pain is better but still not gone….other symptoms arising after 4 weeks on this program are sore throat that wont go away, chest tightness and burning, don’t know ehat to eat……and now caught strep throat. So confused on what to eat and why is there so much controversy on food … what testing would you suggest for me? Looking for an osteopath in Minneapolis. Thanks, Gina. Reply

Denise May 4, 2013 at 5:31 pm Hi, what about Kirkman’s complete enzymes (plant based)? They’re fairly hypoallergenic…but do contain maltodextrin. I can’t take hcl or fungal enzymes like enzymedica though and seriously need digestive help. The maltodextrin is corn based but they said it doesn’t contain the proteins of corn? Reply

Barb May 7, 2013 at 9:04 am I love digestive enzymes…can’t stay “regular” without them. I would like to mention that I had to try several different brands before I found one that works for me. The 1st 3 brands I tried gave me a horrible itchy rash on my palms. After looking at the ingredients, the 3 enzymes I tried ALL had ginger in them. So I looked for an enzyme mix without ginger – lo & behold, no rash! Now that I’ve found ones that work for me I’m a happy camper. Thanks guys for doing such an awesome job of keeping us all informed! Reply

"am I going crazy?" May 8, 2013 at 1:13 pm A couple of years ago I was under such stress at work that I would have to go to my car to calm down and would feel like I was going to faint, heart pounding, etc. Changed jobs, then about a year ago, I started to have the same symptoms, faint, heart pounding, sweaty, cold and add to that dull head ache, aching horribly all over, pain in my left side and then the urge to have a BM, along with a rash and hives on my neck, chest and upper body.. Had every test known to man, cat scan, ultra sound, 24 hr. urine test, barium swallow, test for lulpus and IVP. Still have the symptoms, and nothing can be found that is wrong with me. I think I may have leaky gut since this started back after i was on a round of antibiotics and steriods fora rash. Since no medical person can help me, I need to help myself. Those with experience of leaky gut, do you think this is what I may be suffering. Milk, flour,sugar….seem to react to all these, immediately, or even two to three days after. thanks for your help! Reply

knox May 19, 2013 at 9:27 pm Hey “am I going crazy?” – I have been having very similar symptoms for about 2 months now. Went to the Doctor and my complete blood count, kidneys, liver, proteins, enzymes, were all great. My hemoglobin was a bit high but nothing to worry about. Had a stool test and everything was fine there as well. I get the fast heartbeat and a pressure in my head feeling. For the first 6 weeks my stomach and intestines hurt quite a bit to where I could not eat anything. I just did juices and bananas. I did not get rashes or hives at all. The weirdest feeling is the pressure in the head. I’ve also lost weight and have been tired. My stomach does not hurt as much at all but I still get the head pressure thing. I hear that the pressure in the head comes from food particles and bad bacteria getting into your blood. Have you figured anything out that helps? Thanks – Knox Reply

Arla Moen February 28, 2014 at 3:33 pm Research and go on the Paleo Diet. Get and read the book The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf. It does transform your life. I’ve been on this food plan for 8 months and feel it saved my life. I went to a homeopathic dr after being hospitalized three different times with sky highB/P, headaches for many years, had parasites and acute colitis, and leaky gut. I was put on good oils and the paleo way of living. My B/P is normal and I feel great. I will be on the paleo the rest of my life, lots of cookbooks and online recipes. Good luck and God Bless. Reply

Linda May 16, 2013 at 9:38 pm I switched to non gmo diet (All organic), clay detox twice per day and fiber twice per day and i feel lile a new person. My eaky gut got so bad that i finally said it must be cance. Thank god a customer raught me about gmos and gave me the detox, fiber and digest enzyme. Ive never felt better! Reply

Gina May 17, 2013 at 4:17 am Found an osteopath in msp,,,, he thinks I have low stomach acid and suggested I try Now HCL. I judt can’t shake this sore throat and gland soreness, achey liver and now urinary pressure. Have gotten to the point after years of dealing with this that I have major concerns there is something seriously wrong with me. Reply

Nicole May 23, 2013 at 12:31 pm Hi there, My partner has been suffering from what we think might be leaky gut/ candida issues. Over the past serval years he has developed allergic reactions to several types of fruits, nuts and wheat. He also has constant bloating and gas and general experience of fatigue. We recently started trying for a family and found out that he is sterile and his hormones are out of whack. Is it possible that the fertility issues may be connected to the leaky gut issue? Just curious if this is a potential link and something you have come across. Reply

Mona May 26, 2013 at 4:45 pm Hi there, I need some help. I was diagnosed with leaky gut two months ago and I still have all these reactions. My skin has cleared up and I’m less emotional but in the morning and at night I get severe brain fog, depression, and achey all over my body. I’m only eating about six things right now so I’m always tired, but then when I eat my stomach is always upset. Right now I’m eating celery kale zucchini green beans hemp protein and rice protein. What can I do to live my life and not have these symptoms all day? Is this normal to just go through this until I’m healed? I currently take a probiotic and then digestive enzymes and betaine every time I eat. How do I know that I’m healing? I’ve taken the food sensitivity tests so I know exactly what to avoid. Any advice would be wonderful as I start feeling hopeless sometimes. Thank you;) Reply

Mike July 6, 2013 at 12:58 am Thanks for the very informative article guys, makes me feel like I’m not alone in this. I’ve been on the SCD for 3 months and have seen improvement, but I have a major problem with anything fatty. I get bad gas and bloating after eating anything with even a little fat (i.e. chicken, pork, beef, fat). If I say, eat trimmed chicken breast then I’m generally OK, but fatty parts of the animal cause a horribly smelly gas. Could this be leaky gut? I feel like I can’t move on the diet and advance (i.e. yoghurt and cheese cause the same reaction) until I get over this problem… do you have any recommendations? Any help much appreciated. M Reply

Kris July 8, 2013 at 8:32 pm My daughter was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder 7 years ago. Her lab work still comes back high with the IGG, IGA and IGM. Her Sed rate is also high, as well as her antibody titer, and SSA and SSB titers. She has food sensitivities to gluten/wheat/barley/and other foods. She is high in Candida. I would love to know if we could get her numbers down by the SCD diet? If we could I would be hopeful that she could get off her medication. Thank you. Reply

Steven Wright July 10, 2013 at 11:22 am Yes – Kids respond the fastest. Honestly the only thing to do is test it for 30-60 days and then rerun the numbers they wont lie. Reply

a. mcardle July 22, 2013 at 7:16 am

I was just wondering if you could clarify a few things about the SCD diet? It allows vegetables and fruit with a high starch & fructose content e.g. carrots and bananas. Is this not contradictory to feeding the associated candida? If so, what other vegetables/fruit can substitute for it? I also wondering if vegetables that contain high amounts of fibre like onions and cabbage worsen the effect on Leaky Gut Syndrome, initially Many Thanks Reply

Steven Wright July 29, 2013 at 10:37 am Well everyone has a different GI tract which is why we advocate a reverse elimination diet following SCD principles. Then you will know for sure what foods affect you rather than relaying on theory. Reply

Laura July 25, 2013 at 12:59 pm Hi guys I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance 8 years ago and have many autoimmune issues. OFf and on for the last year i have had short bouts of nausea. Then 6 weeks ago I started vomiting once and a while after dairy and sugar and it just got worse. I was diagnosed with sibo a month ago. My natural doc an reg doc took a while to figute out antibiotics i should do and how much. Anyway while they figured that out I had already taken out dairy and sugar (except honey) and was doing great after a week of that. I felt good on gf df bread, meat, veggies, eggs and a little fruit plus small amounts of brown rice. Also almond butter was ok. Then a week ago I started my meds and also started the scd diet totally cutting out grains all together. I was told by my doc since i did so well just cutting dairy and sugar that i could skip the intro. (also during my half asssed scd i was also eaiting a bit of dairy free dark chocolate without much pain). Ok so a week ago I started diet but no intro. I have not cheated once. For first 3 days I had terrible low blood sugar ( i am hypoglycemic ) and lots of dizziness. My tummy was decent though. By 4th day tummy decent and less blood sugar issues. (craved garins like crazy first fe days). Then 5th day I felt amazing. No low blood sugar for first time in years and tummy amazing. I was so excited. Then that night i had some butternut squash baked wiht just salt and pepper. I felt sick right after eating it and threw up a couple hours later. I could not believe it. I felt bad all of day 6 and started to get better at nihgt. I decided to make coconut flour blueberry muffins( blueberries were going well). I felt kinda babd after those and then stupidly at another 2 on day 7. AFter eating those two on day secven i had terrible pain and the only thing i could handle last night was chicken and veggies. I hate some cashews and blueberries for snack later on(those had been fine all along). They made me sick. I woke today day 8 and had eggs and had tummy pain for hours. I ate a piece of chicken and had pain. I just ate a turkey patty and it has gone down better than others but still in constant pain. What is going on? Why would i feel worse and be reacting to things i was not reacting to when i was

still doing rice? Did the coconut flour cause inflamation so i am getting sick with everything? I about to start over and do the soup. I am so scrared and freaked out and I am wasting away. Thin to start with! help! STarted the soup/ meat /carrot thing today. Everything is making me want to throw up and causing me immediate pain (even the soup) in upper abdomen. Reply

Sarah July 29, 2013 at 5:06 pm Thank you for such a great explanation of LGS. I have been diagnosed with LGS and candida overgrowth after 7 years of extensive testing, surgeries, and procedures. My holistic doctor, who found the LGS and candida, has put me on a regimen of probiotics, s. bourlardii, and l-glutamine. Have you had any experience with these? Any known side effects? There isn’t a lot of info online and I’m TERRIFIED it’ll kill my stomach even more. I’m taking a probiotic and been following the SCD very strictly. I have not cheated. I believe I have an almond flour intolerance. You think s. boulardii and lglutamine will be ok? Thanks for the info. I’m one scared, sick girl! Reply

Lori Niemtschk August 8, 2013 at 3:46 pm Yes, leaky gut is allowing for all these things to escape into our bloodstream, causing inflammation, autism, autoimmune disease, cancers… but what is causing the leaky gut to begin with??? “Many of the health problems now linked with Bt crops have risen exponentially since their introduction to the market. The fact that the toxin is flowing through your bloodstream and passing from pregnant women to their babies is a strong warning that Bt crops cannot be considered harmless. Additionally, government-sponsored research in Italy11 showed a wide range of problematic responses in mice fed Bt corn, including multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease and multiple forms of cancer. A study in February 2012 demonstrates that Bt toxin does break open the little pores in human cells, so it could potentially cause the same problem in your gut as it does for the insects it kills. Consuming Bt corn or soy could potentially cause gut permeability (“leaky gut”), which can predispose you to all sorts of health problems. Your gut is the frontline of your immune system. When your gut lining is too permeable, or “leaky,” larger bits of food can pass directly into your blood, undigested, triggering food allergies and intolerances. Children are particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of leaky gut and dysbiosis

(imbalance in natural flora, which is critical for their health). Studies also suggests eating Bt corn might actually turn your intestinal flora into a “living pesticide factory,” essentially manufacturing Bt-toxin from within your digestive system on a continuous basis. For decades now, people have been eating these frankenfoods, and allergies have been on the rise. In fact, five million children now suffer from food allergies…” @ http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/09/15/genetic-roulette-gmo-documentary.aspx Scientists already know and they are trying to get the word out. Check some facts, read some references: 1 CDC 2 Autism Today 3 CDC 4 Mayo Clinic 5 CDC 6 UPI February 2008 7 GMO Journal June 21, 2012 8 The Atlantic June 19, 2012 9 GMO Myths & Truths June 2012 10 ReprodToxicol May 2011 11 J Agric Food Chem December 10, 2008 Reply

Kimberly August 14, 2013 at 3:04 am Hi Steve and Jordan, I know I have leaky gut although not formally diagnosed with it. Back in 2008 I had a positive Klebsiella (4+) test result and was told that was “normal as long as it doesn’t get outside your intestines”. What do you think of that? I have many food intolerances and almost daily diahrrea, gas, and bloating. I’d like to retest for the Klebsiella……do you know if the Metametrix 2105 test covers that? And if so, do you know of any website where I can order the test myself? I know your are both very busy but I’d so appreciate just a quick answer, Thank you! Kimberly Reply

Donna August 20, 2013 at 9:42 am I just had both my daughter and I tested for leaky gut. Involved sending blood serum in a tub via UPS to Arizona from Pennsylvania. Seems a bit weird that it will not go bad by the time they test it and how

do they test it? Anyway, I’m pretty sure I suffer from leaky gut and she may too at age 20. I have always had terrible bloating, in fact, I bloat so big, I look 8 months pregnant. I have been using Digestive Enzymes for about a year now, but still bloating and realize I may need to use Betaine HCL after meals due to low stomach acid also. I have been doing some things right, but not everything needed to repair the leaky gut, it seems. Finally found a functional medical doctor (chiropractor) to help, but he charges a fortune for his services regarding the tests, results, consulations etc. Reply

AmiAnn August 20, 2013 at 2:36 pm I am very confused about our guts. I was diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis. Too many mast cells. It causes a lot of the descriptions listed here. Any corolation? Wonder if this diet would help me. I sound like everyone here. Reply

Indoor Plants September 15, 2013 at 12:33 pm You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it! Reply

Sadie September 18, 2013 at 3:51 pm What is the debate on coconut water? Coconut is allowed but since the water is derived from the young coconut is this similar to eating an unripe banana? Too much sugar and starch? I feel good when I drink it but don’t want to intake the wrong sugar thinking I”m doing something positive. I’m in phase 1 going to phase 2 (3 weeks into diet) in the process of trying to figure out my issues: Possible adreanal fatigue (overuse of fitness stimulants and stress), IBC-C other issues still looking for a dr to help wrap my arms around what is going on–haven’t really been well since I had my baby a year ago. I”m used to being a very fit, active and viberant woman. I suffer from brain fog and dull headaches on top of this now. Have a cup of bulletproof coffee in the AM with a bit of grassfed butter and coconut oil but in the PM coffee doesn’t help but Coconut water seems to assist in the afternoon with hydration and energy

levels. Typically drink 1-2 cups of coffee daily now that I’ve removed all pre workout drinks and thermos that I have cycled for way to long. Not intaking a lot of fruit. Since I don’t have D I have been adding the green veggies in 1 every 3 days or so so I’m moving through phase 1 quickly. Will start youghart in 2 weeks. Feedback on thoughts regarding coconut water if it’s truely legal. Not seeing any specifics on the sites. Reply

Kim October 17, 2013 at 2:20 pm Could my dermographic skin be related to leaky gut? Reply

Adam Carangi October 20, 2013 at 10:06 am This page builds a good foundation, but I think there is a lot missing that would prevent some people with leaky gut from conclusively “curing” themselves. First, I’m surprised that there is no recognition here that the dysbiosis may often NOT be candida. There is a lot of overlap between symptoms and treatment of yeast vs. bacterial dysbiosis, but not completely. During a flare-up of my leaky gut symptoms a few years ago, it wasn’t until I integrated a product called SilverCillin into my anti-dysbiotic routine that I finally was able to kill off the gut infection completely. While I had it, even at a low level, it kept re-aggravating my gut lining and I simply could not heal, despite following a very paleo/SCD diet. This was very pernicious because I could reduce it to the point of almost not being noticeable at times, based on the rotation of herbal dysbiotics. It could then be easily “set off” again, leading to a full outbreak of gut and body-wide symptoms (in my case running the gamut from general crappy feeling to chronic fatigue, brain fog, systemic rheumatoid arthritis, lower back pain and subluxation to the point of severe nerve pinches, anxiety/nervousness, and poor healing/recovery). Second, I think to completely characterize leaky gut and know how to cure it, you need to understand and integrate more the effect of adaptive intolerances and allergies. Case in point: despite following the strategies discussed here to the letter, I’ve had a lengthy symptomatic period stemming from my flare-up two years ago (caused by antibiotics of course), and I’ve pinned the reason for that down to immunity and intolerance which developed DURING the lengthy “leaky” phase. In specific, food intolerances may get so out of control because of a “primed” immune system that one pretty much cannot eat according to ANY pre-set dietary plan — one instead needs an ALCAT-type food intolerance test in hand whenever sitting at the table, since the food intolerances (really a type of

allergy) will be unique to the person. I found this to be the case and got great relief when eating according to my own test results (which need to be repeated every 3 months because the intolerances will change as your system adapts). Another hazard related to this is chemical intolerances. In my case I discovered that I was having a problem with any foods with sulfites (wine, vinegar, sulfited fruits and shredded coconut, pickled goods, veggies like broccoli and onions, etc.), ergo, the foods themselves were less the issue than the sulfites! A little research shows this related to a disabled enzyme that converts sulfite to sulfate (which the body actually needs). This seems to be a poorly-understood area: leaky gut leading to SECONDARY enzyme dysfunction, which then leads to chemical sensitivites, which cause inflammation and nutrient malabsorbtion — both of which exacerbate leaky gut! So in my case I got instant relief when I began avoiding sulfites and started to get sulfates through supplements and Epsom salt. Never seen any mention of this in connection with leaky gut, but I keep coming across people with the same symptoms! Finally, while probiotics are great, there is the potential for probiotic intolerances/allergies! The basic fact simply stands that a leaky gut can heighten intolerance or allergy to pretty much ANYTHING present in the gut, and that includes “good” bacteria. I have seen this mentioned before but I pretty much had to establish that this can actually happen from experience. I had noticed that probiotics which were initially very good for me (eliminated virtually all if not all symptoms) actually could TRIGGER symptoms when I went back to them after a while. Most recently I’ve found that probiotic blends containing only anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine strains seem to always be helpful or at least benign, but when I try blends containing certain strains (like l. casei — which is known to be inflammatory), I instantly get a flare-up of autoimmune symptoms. (Dave Asprey’s post “Why Yogurt and Probiotics Make you Fat and Foggy” was a page I found to be a very useful guide in this… though I reacted negatively to the “Amasai” product he recommends). Currently I suspect my own gut is near completely “healed” after heeding the above, but that because of the learned immune sensitivity, I can still easily “flare up” and get a regression of overall symptoms. It may take 6-12 months for that to go away. However, some of the enzyme deficiencies may be in-born and actually lead to the propensity for leaky gut (in my case this may actually include MTHFR mutation, leading to inadequate sulfate enzymes generally, requiring continual supplementation. Many others may share this issue). But the way, most of the advice on this page is great, though I am surprised to see no mention of magnesium or molybdenum. If everyone could take just one micronutrient supplement for not only leaky gut but general health, it would be magnesium. Molybdenum is a trace element often neglected, but key in many enzymatic reactions throughout the body (for example the sulfite->sulfite conversion mentioned above). If anyone wants to contact me to discuss any of the above, please do! I am semi-actively doing my own lay research in this area, and would love to compare notes. acarangigng AT gmail. Reply

Kirk October 25, 2013 at 10:53 pm

These replies are not doing anyone any good because the site moderators are not responding back to most of the comments. It would create good discussion if this were a discussion board but unfortunately these posts are replies to the article. Is there a a discussion board where users can post their stories, feedback and assistance on this site anywhere? Thanks, Kirk Reply

franny November 11, 2013 at 3:43 pm Every time I use the protocol to get rid of systemic candida it causes my severe psoriasis to be an understatement. My skin feels like it turns inside out, cracking, bleeding, painful and raw. How can I heal the gut without causing this to happen. I have gone 4 attempts at this, and so painful. What can I do? Reply

Steven Wright November 15, 2013 at 1:18 pm Franny – Stop focusing on the gut and focus on the systems that support it. Specifically hormones and the detox pathways. If those are sub optimal you’ll never fix the gut issues. Reply

Kelly June 15, 2015 at 11:48 pm What? Wasn’t the whole point of this article about how important it is to fix leaky gut first? Also, how would one fix hormones and detox pathways? Reply

Brent Kovacs June 18, 2015 at 7:54 pm Hi Kelly, thanks for your questions! Sorry for any confusion we might have caused… was not our intention. Leaky gut is definitely a tough subject. It’s important to address the issue from a Functional Medicine perspective, in that the hormones and detox pathways in most cases need to be supported while trying to heal the gut. I would suggest registering for the webinar, where we give the steps to healing your gut and keep it that way. We also have various posts on these subjects on our site if you’re interested. Hope that helps! Reply

Anonymous sufferer December 2, 2013 at 6:36 pm Can anyone explain to me how alcohol affects a leaky gut? Some experts say that 1 or 2 drinks are okay, others say it must be avoided completely. Then some say clear distilled vodka is okay if having 1 or 2 and others say whiskey is also okay but not other dark spirits. Its all so confusing. Also if a person does have 1 or 2 drinks is there anything they can take before and or after to prevent or lessen any harm to a leaky gut? I don’t plan on drinking but if I do I at least want to know the risks involved if any. Thanks Reply

Brian J December 3, 2013 at 3:03 pm Hi all, My name is Brian. I have a few questions regarding Leaky Gut Syndrome & Candidiasis & the various types of treatments available. I have read the book ‘One Cause, Many Ailments’ & found it to be very informative & insightful. Can anyone recommend any other helpful books on Leaky gut and also on Candida Abicans/candidiasis? I’d also like to get some valuable tips from anyone who had any success attempting the more unconventional & not so common forms of treatment but I will get to more of that in a bit. I would like to tell you a bit about myself and my struggles thus far. I’ve been dealing with Leaky Gut Syndrome probably for some time without even knowing it & Candida overgrowth too. Just recently things got so bad that it literally took over my entire life & completely stopped me from living. Never before in my 38 years on this earth have I ever experienced such incapacitating feelings of absolute horror!

Wen I First started feeling ‘sick’ I went to my Doctor who took a urine sample, did a few minor checks & gave me a clean bill of health. I thought he wasn’t very thorough but I ignored it & left. Then still felt sick a few days later & a bit worse so I went for numerous scans, blood tests & so on. You name it I got tested for it & tests all came back negative which made me think I was going crazy! You must understand, I’m a big built guy & on the outside I look healthy as can be so Doctors kept saying I have nothing to worry about! This went on for nearly 10 months & I just kept getting worse & worse. Everyone kept telling me I’ve been for every test imaginable so I must be fine but my body & mind told me otherwise. Anyway I found a Doctor who specialized in integrative & alternative forms of medicine who said my symptoms could be related to Leaky gut &/or Candidiasis so I was tested and after 2 weeks tests confirmed I have both! I always thought there was nothing in life I couldn’t handle. That I would always be able to rise above challenging situations & not let it get the better of me. I am an ex marine, I went through the most extreme training & in the worst conditions imaginable so I am physically strong, extremely tough & always thought I could handle anything but I can’t seem to handle this! It seems impossible! Since discovering I have LGS & Candidiasis & the symptoms I’ve been experiencing especially as of late, I just lost all interest in life. I can’t even build up the energy or enthusiasm to play with my little boy & I used to play with him every day after day care. I have since lost my job due to this, my wife is constantly threatening to divorce me(we are currently separated), I never leave the apartment anymore I basically don’t have a life anymore whatsoever. I have been robbed of it thanks to LGS & candidiasis & no one seems to understand what I’m going through & it makes this that much harder to cope with! Just knowing I could lose my wife at any moment causes me so much stress & makes my condition a lot worse. I keep getting ‘advice’ from friends & family on how to deal with this but no one I know has dealt with this before so how can they think they know what they’re talking about or what I’m going through?? I know they have good intentions but when I tell them their advice or tips does not work or help my situation they think I’m just being difficult or unreasonable & this infuriates me!!! Even my family doesn’t really support me through this because they think I’ve turned into this evil monster who wants nothing to do with them & that’s the furthest thing from the truth! I was always full of life & the one constantly cracking jokes but now I am the complete opposite. I have started treatment & I know I will get better but it doesn’t make things any easier for me. I’ve read about & spoken to so many people online who went through this, overcame it & had the support of their loved ones but my own wife can’t understand how I can let this affect our marriage. Like I would do that intentionally! I have done everything for her, helped her through a serious drug addiction just 2 years ago when no one wanted anything to do with her & now that I’m sick all she does is complain that I’m not there for her & our boy. When she was battling addiction she wanted to be left alone but I stuck by her & when I bring that up she says I can’t compare what I have to the addiction she had. She claims my situation isn’t as serious as hers was! I can’t believe she would say something like that! All I expect from her is to try & understand like I did & be patient with me & allow me to deal with this & not make everything about her! It’s going to take time but I will get better. & when I do I will spend time with her again doing romantic things but right now that’s the last thing on my mind because of how dreadful I feel on most days. I can’t force myself to feel happy no matter what anyone thinks. It’s just not possible. I learned a lot about Leaky gut so far but the way I understand it is that food particles leak through the

gut & into the blood stream causing the immune system to spring into full on attack mode. This causes a variety of symptoms which may vary from person to person. My symptoms vary from time to time but include overwhelming fatigue, itchiness in the face/neck, major anxiety/depression, feeling cold, pins & needles, muscle weakness, severely itchy skin, tremors/muscle twitches & a few other symptoms. Candidiasis alone can give you most of the symptoms I mentioned & lots more. The main thing I can’t get a grip on is how severely my mood & state of mind is affected & how awful & hopeless it makes me feel! When this all occurs I can’t do anything, I just have to wait until it fades away. It’s not just a matter of changing my attitude or finding fun things to do like so many people tell me to do because that doesn’t work! Are you kidding me? It takes over my mind and body & no amount of focus can alter the physical & mental hell I endure during the course of these episodes! I simply have to lay still until I feel better & that sometimes takes a few hours. That’s all I can do but people seem to think I’m allowing this to control my life. I’m not allowing it to, it’s doing it all on its own, I don’t have a say in the matter FFS!! I get these symptoms on & off generally after eating & I’ve learned it’s because of multiple food sensitivities developed from having a leaky gut. When I’m in bed at night especially after about 9pm I basically never get any of these symptoms. It makes a lot of sense as my last meal I eat is around 5pm so by 6pm my food will have been digested. If I experience any symptoms after that then it stops after a few hours & I don’t eat any more after that so no more symptoms because I haven’t eaten again. So usually after 9pm I am almost guaranteed to not experience any episodes unless of course I eat something. I never do though. Too risky. I don’t experience symptoms all the time & every day. I do go through occasional days with no bad symptoms but it’s still hard to get out because I know my symptoms come at random times & so unexpectedly & the only place I want to be when I get them is at the apartment so I permanently stay there. Again-no one understands this because they don’t have to worry about having these nasty episodes in the middle of a dinner or movie, I do, so how can they give advice on something they personally know nothing about? I have tried to continue working & tried to get out at times when I felt okay enough but I so often got my symptoms while being out & it sometimes turned into what can only be described as a full blown panic attack which seriously freaked me out! Other times while being out or at my job I didn’t get the panic attacks but the symptoms would be so extreme that I just had to leave & get to the apartment & into my bed because I felt if I didn’t I would just lose all control. That’s the anxiety which I also can’t control. At those particular moments, it didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, all I knew is I needed to get to the apartment & I needed to get there fast! Again, no one understood how any type of symptom could cause me to need to get to my apartment & away from everyone but to me it’s the only place I felt I could go to feel a bit of relief. Of course I lost my job & that’s something I have to deal with but there was no way I could continue to function with my symptoms being that severe. I just had to accept that fact. No one will understand it & I try to accept that too but it’s difficult. All everyone says is how can I allow myself to lose my job or neglect my wife & my little boy! No matter how many times I try to explain it or how many different ways I try, no one ever tries to believe me or at least attempt to understand how this all really affects me & others out there! Makes me so freakin mad that no one gets it or even attempts to be more understanding of what I tell them! It’s as if everyone thinks I’m making all of this up & wanted to lose my job & cause my wife to move out with our little boy. The only people who understand are fellow sufferers & I am grateful for

meeting them online. Makes me feel like I’m not crazy & I’m not alone & just knowing others out there can relate to what I’m going through helps immensely. I am already noticing some slight improvements & a reduction in the severity of my symptoms due to the treatment plan I’m on so I am feeling good about that. I would like to know if anyone has tried any unconventional methods that have helped with recovery in both Candidiasis & leaky gut? There are so many different methods, a lot of conflicting info but a lot of people with success stories too. Some who I have already been in contact with. I’m always open to new ideas. Any tips or advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance & thanks for reading my story. I am willing to listen to & offer support to anyone who needs it. I feel we can all help each other even if in just a small way, it all helps. Sincerely Brian Reply

Maggie January 18, 2014 at 12:28 am You should read up on corn allergies and intolerances. It is very hard to avoid corn with all of its derivations but worth it. It sure sounds like you may be having a corn reaction. Reply

Livin4kj March 9, 2014 at 3:16 pm Brian, my heart goes out to you and your family. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. I had to reply because your situation sounds so much like mine. My body was out of control and I couldn’t understand why – physically, mentally, and emotionally. After lots of reading and elimination diets, I got better, but then I’d feel bad again. I kept eliminating foods, and although I’m not at 100%, I am SO much better in every way. Definitely had leaky gut! I had to eliminate everything, except veggies, fruits, chicken and fish. I also had to eliminate all nightshade vegetables. There are still a few veggies and fruits that caused me problems. (I learned what they were from the Blood type diet)…. made a huge difference. It’s hard and boring because it is my diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But once you’ve suffered through that kind of misery, once you find something that works, you just tend to stick to it. IT IS NOT IN YOUR HEAD, and my heart goes out to you for not having a firm support system. The one thing my naturopathy doctor/herbalist taught me that helped a ton was to give up exercise for a while (that was tough!), but I found that it helped. Your body needs the energy to repair itself. If you use all of your energy exercising, your problem will take much longer to resolve. Also stress is your enemy – mental, emotional and physical!! You have to find ways to relax, allow your body to heal itself with the proper nutrition and supplements. My doctor does phone and email consults. She finally

help me to rid my body of all of the pain killers that my medical doctors had me on. The brain fog and depression lifted, the inflammation and pain are 90% better and I never thought I’d feel this good again. Let me know if you are interested in speaking with her.. (the most knowledgeable human being I know). Never give up! Keep reading and researching. You can get better. Find a naturopathic doctor/herbalist! Seeking help from the medical doctors in my community was a waste of time and prolonged my suffering. You’ll be a better husband, father and employee when you become a better you. Take this time and heal yourself. Everybody else (including you) will notice the difference. All my best!! Reply

Jon June 12, 2014 at 12:02 pm Hey Livin4kj – I’d be interested to know the name/website for your naturopathy doctor. Thanks! Jon Reply

Suzie December 3, 2013 at 8:57 pm Hi, My daughter,Amy is two and about four months old. She began to get cradle cap around 1 and a half and hair began to fall out by her two year birthday. She never grew at the rapid rate many told me to expect but because I am a small person the doctors never told me to be concerned but her weight gain continued to slow down. Finally a friend told me that it may be yeast issue since she basically craved pasta, breads, fruit (closest thing to sugar in diet) and milk. I decided that a yeast overgrowth made a lot of sense and that it was possibly brought on by the antibiotics she recieved at birth due to me having Strep B but was kept abate becaus I breast fed her until her she was a year old. Since then we have gone gluten free and tried to be as organic as possible for someone who is charting new territories in a healthy diet herself! We have been giving her probiotics with her almond milk each morning and multi vitamin with iron drops. After a very bad detox period she will eat pretty much anything she’s given… But not a lot of weight gain has come or healing to the cradle cap which seems to only return with a Vengence after being treated with coconut oil.

A nurse practitioner finally ordered blood tests showing she was not anemic, does not have a thyroid issue, and does not have celiac. We go to a gi doc. In a couple of weeks but I’m feeling very lost and wonder if anyone will have any answers. Reply

Desperate Mom December 9, 2013 at 11:51 am Have you seen an relation between leaky gut and Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome? In reading everything posted, I see strong possibility of a relationship. I am desperate to find something to help my daughter, and with no cure and minimal productive research out there I am hitting a wall. I know it is a rare disease, so if you aren’t familiar with it I totally understand. Reply

Kris December 13, 2013 at 8:11 am Has anyone ever tried just fasting for a number of days? Would that kill off the bacteria and reduce the inflammation? I realize you’d still have to change what you eat afterwards, but wondering if this would be a good start. Reply

lawrence sikarskie December 17, 2013 at 10:42 am BT Toxin GMO class bacillus thuringiensis, this is in the seed itself so when a worm or bug bites into the corn kernal or plant to feed it ingests the bt toxin and it goes into the stomach…of th eworm or bug…and explodes the stomach…we then eat these plants and animals who were raised on this GMO food..now we have leaky gut, Acid re-flux and many other bi-product diseases from BT toxin in our food supply Reply

Mark10 January 9, 2014 at 5:43 pm I have had candidiasis for a while now.very annoying situation though…I used coco virgin oil.stayed away from all kinds if sweet things and I have been fine…my only problem is now is how to stop my over feeling hot……maybe is the brown rice I eat all the time.but I really wanna feel normal again like others when they say I m cold I m saying I don’t .. Any clue??anyone?? Reply

brad January 28, 2014 at 7:46 am I have been following this diet for 2 months religiously. I have psoriasis and arthritis. I even got allergy tested so my options are even more limited. My stomach is clearing but the rest of my body seems to be the same skin wise. As for the arthritis it is no better. Reply

Dr. Craig A. Maxwell February 6, 2014 at 8:40 pm This is a very comprehensive article. In my practice, I’ve often run into opposition by colleagues who simply don’t believe this condition exists. In my opinion, leaky gut syndrome is linked with myriad developmental, skin, digestive, and autoimmune disorders. It can be fixed and healed with patience and time. The tips you’ve outlined here are very helpful. Keep up the good work! Reply

Jon February 7, 2014 at 7:22 pm Zinc is not a vitamin. It’s a mineral. Reply

Joe February 8, 2014 at 6:26 pm THANK YOU all so very much for your posts! They have helped me very much. I have started on a grain free, dairy free diet. Almost a Palio diet and taking L-Glutamine and the other supplements you all have mentioned. My big question is, how long did it take you guys to feel better?? I don’t have any pains in my gut, but I do have brain “sensations” and it is very uncomfortable Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have some good advise. God bless you all! Joe Reply

jenny February 27, 2014 at 8:33 am Thank you for all the info. I struggle alot with LGS. I am on chronic meds for acid/reflux. Certain foods like banana, brown bread, triggers more the burn down under. I have constant burning and “leaking”. I see most of you guys went off dairy and of course sugar… Is this really that bad… I haven’t been for a scope in years, should I go back to the specialist? Reply

Colleen March 3, 2014 at 5:06 pm I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism about 12 years ago. For the past several years I have been plagued with recurring hives, each time more frequent and more severe. I was tested for allergies and it showed a slight sensitivity to a few things. My DR said I have a Candida Overgrowth, not surprising because my diet was terrible. I have been on a strict Candida diet and total avoidance of the “sensitivity” foods. It’s been 4 weeks and I’m still breaking out in hives. How long before I start to see a difference? The upside is I’ve lost 9 pounds so far! Reply

michelle March 26, 2014 at 6:04 pm Are you eating corn or using corn starch? Wheat will also break me out.


Ellie March 4, 2014 at 4:28 pm Please can anyone advise me where I can buy SCD legal supplements in the UK? I can easily import them from the USA on various websites but then have to pay import VAT and a customs handling charge which makes them outrageously expensive. Are there any UK distributors? Thanks. Reply

Kumar March 6, 2014 at 10:42 am Hi everyone, I have had so many symptoms for 2 years now. The symptoms are gradually getting worse. I live in the Uk and I don’t see much information here. It all started off with weakness, went to the Dr and was told iron levels are at border level. Took iron tablets and it did not help so tested again and was said low B12. So took B12 shots. Lately I have been having constant diarrhea, every day for the last 7 months. Dr has no clue. I did a lot of research and finally taught I may have celiacs. Asked the Dr for test and was referred. Blood and biopsy results came back negative(only 2 gut samples were taken). I don’t know what to do now as the tests came back negative for celiacs. Do I have leaky gut? Can someone help me point to right direction? Symptoms: 1. Diarrhea 2. Left abdominal pain (recently started) 3. Chest pain 4. Very weak 5. Muscle pain 6. Joint pain. 7. Sever burning of the eyes 8. Burning feet and palms 9. Memory loss (both short and long term) 10. No energy Please help Reply

michelle March 26, 2014 at 6:02 pm I have had this for so long and have given up so many foods I like. The one thing I won’t to know is, does anyone have a cheese substitute? I have tried things from the store (vegan brands) and they still give me a headache and mess with my sinuses. Reply

nada March 29, 2014 at 6:28 pm Hi, About 2 years ago I dont know what happened to my gut but all of a sudden I couldnt have dairy anymore. I would get bloating and gas whenever I did. Was put on PPIs for about 3-4 months. Stopped them and will hopefully NEVER take them again. Now my symptoms of bloating are returning and I get lots of gas…. I am thinking of either starting SCD or GAPS diet. I know I need to start taking charge and heal myself before it gets out if hand. NOT TO MENTION IVE BEEN HAVING A LOT OF NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS It started with numbness in hands and feet, and now its getting worse and worse:( Was also very deficient in Vitamin D, and low in B12. Ive just gotten my levels up again. Will these diets put my vitamin d or b12 level at risk?? Please help! Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks a lot. Reply

Norma April 8, 2014 at 3:07 pm Accident in 1984, ruptured intestines in 3 places. Was wondering if this would be leaky gut syndrome ? Have all the symptoms mentioned. Been diagnosed with Eosinophilic esophagitis(EEOS) difficulty in swallowing. Eosinophilis attack the esophagus causing irritation. Unable to swallow pills of any kind ! Esophageal dilatation done 2 times with little effect. Have watched diet to eliminate all culprits and still have symptoms ! Can organic foods still be GMO foods ??? Food allergy testing said allergic to : all milk products, egg whites, wheat, oats, bakers yeast, strawberries, peanuts, soy, apples, carrots, potatoes, celery, tomatoes, the list goes on. Will try your diet and see if it helps. Suggestions welcomed. Reply

Teri April 10, 2014 at 2:23 pm My daughter has suffered from abdominal pain on alternating years since 2nd grade. She’s in 6th grade now. Her “attacks” have lasted 6-8 months before she was able to feel somewhat normal. This time around there is no sign of recovery (it’s been 6 months) and she deals with severe pain every day. She was diagnosed with IBS, but diet modification (gluten, dairy and fructose) did not help. Working on doing the SCD diet, but she still is eating a small amount of sugar in ketchup (doesn’t like the homemade version) ranch dressing and Applegate Farms hot dogs and ham. She is also eating quite a bit of fruit. Is it possible that the diet won’t help her if she eats a small amount of sugar? Trying to get her back into school for partial days, but it’s so hard when she feels so poor. Anyone have thoughts? Reply

Teri April 11, 2014 at 7:36 am More…She was diagnosed with fructose, lactose, dairy and gluten intolerance…but I was letting her have more fruit on the SCD diet. She seems to have even more pain, so I’m guessing that wasn’t a good call. We used to put dextrose on fruit to counteract the fructose (according to the Cleveland Clinic), but I took away the dextrose on the SCD diet. We’re struggling to come up with a diet that fits both SCD and fructose malabsorption. Any thoughts? Reply

Jim April 29, 2014 at 7:30 am Hello, I believe I have a leaky gut. I struggle with chronic fatigue and chronic pain… I take ibuprofen for the pain but now realize that this may be the cause ironically of the leaky gut. I have tried Aleve but it does not help with the pain… What other choices non-steroid noninflammatories may work for me? Thanks. Reply

Paul Denis May 11, 2014 at 9:41 am

I am on the tough case protocol ,re Scd lifestyle leaky gut program ….Am avoiding inflammation foods ie eggs /soy /nuts gluten etc etc ….all to heal a leaky gut and resulting case of psoriasis …..One of the recommended supplements is colostrum …i have had to stop using as it was causing inflammation and irritation to my skin ….be aware that everyone is different …im getting frustrated with spending money on supplements that end up aggravating my condition ….cheers Reply

Robbo May 13, 2014 at 6:18 am Hi All. I’ve been interested in Health Reform since I was introduced to the SDA people & their Health Message from Ellen G. White. At almost 57 y.o. – I have COMPLETELY lost faith in traditional medicos & medicines. A dear (lady) friend [who I hardly know] was recently diagnozed as having had Parkinson’s Disease (symptoms) for the last 2 years. Researching PD has lead me to this site. Thanks Jordon & Steven !!! In the last 10 years – I’ve developed Alopecea, was diagnozed with Polycythemia, was diagnozed with O.C.P.D. [NOT O.C.D.], had an Inguinal AND a Femoral Hernia repaired (at the same time, on the same side – in 2007), and – to top it all off, had a Heart Attack at age 53, in 2011. I’ve avoided Gluten [which I have a mild intolerance to] and Honey & Bananas since the age of 21. The ONLY grains I’ve consumed since then, have been Rice & Corn. My Blood Group says I should avoid Corn !! Potatoes will be going soon. Needless to say – I’m taking some prescription medications (including Aspirin) for the Heart, and one drug to kill red blood cells as they’re produced (for the Polycythemia). If the latter is left untreated – it can lead to Leukemia. I have also “improved” my diet, somewhat. In late November 2013 – I developed a serious “DIRE-REAR” that lasted 7 weeks. It was debilitating. (NOTE : I’ve been unemployed for over 5 years now). The day I developed that condition – I ceased Alcohol consumption; having had only a few social drinks since then. I’m about to have a Fistulotomy (to “cure” a Fistula in Ano problem). I don’t believe “surgery” is “necessary”, BUT – I’m suffering. Typical traditional medico’s . . . . . remove the symptom & not the cause !!!! Having read through Fred Phillips’ blog, this page on Leaky Gut (both as a result of the news about my friend & her PD diagnosis), has made me more earnest in attempting to regain MY health. I, like Fred, believe that Healing can be expedited by Diet (along with proper sleep, etc, etc, etc). ANY part of the body, that is !!! Including Leaky Gut, PD, Food Allergies (I’m severely allergic to Honey & Bananas), etc, etc, etc. What is the only organ/part of the body that medico’s say WON’T (isn’t able to) heal itself ?? Is it the Liver or Pancreas ?? NOTHING is mentioned about the BRAIN !!!! I firmly believe that PD can be at least HALTED.

What I really want to say, is – People . . . . . . PLEASE, strive to effect a cure/relief for your dis-ease NATURALLY. Be it employing the likes of SCD, Paleo Diet, Colonic Irrigations, Fasting, Herbals, Tissue Salts, Bach Flower Remedies, Blood Group Diet principles, correct Food Combining, Yoga, Body Stress Relief/Release, etc, etc, etc – DO IT !!!! RELAX !! Grow some Native plants. Feed the Birds. Sit back and WATCH the antics of the birds. Sit back and view the Butterflies, other Insects & Birds, etc that might start living in, or visiting, your garden. KNOW that YOU are doing something POSITIVE to bring a “natural existance” back to NATURE. The rewards you obtain, by doing this sort of thing, have tremendous healing properties. You CAN heal yourself !! Cheers from Oz. Best wishes to ALL. Robbo Reply

Estelle June 26, 2014 at 11:58 am I have been diagnosed with leaky gut, candida and irritable bowl syndrome for about a year now. I checked the SCD diet and was disappointed since every meal has meat. Do you think it is possible to heal my health issues with a vegan diet? I could maybe just eat TONS of fruit and vegetables. What do you think? Reply

Kristen July 3, 2014 at 3:40 pm Hi there, I am unsure if this is the right spot to look for help but I need some advising. Hi, my name is Kristen and I am a 19-year-old girl who has been suffering with stomach issues for 8 months now. At first it started with just bloating so I thought nothing of it but when my mom had asked me the last time I had had a BM, I could not remember. At first, I would take Mirolex a couple times a day, and it worked. When it didn’t work, I would use some dulcolex or enemas to get my system moving. Eventually, I bumped up to 4 Mirolex a day and still no BM, and both the enemas and dulcolex stopped working. It’s gotten so bad that one day recently, I had to take 4 mirolex, 4 dulcolex, 4 enemas, and 2 magnesium citrate bottles to eventually have a BM. I’ve seen several docs, upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, and all they have found so far is: high monocyte count, low iron (anemia), low vitamin D, genetic predisposition to celiac disease, extremely long colon, and small section of IBS in my colon. My last GI said to just get on a GF diet (even though I don’t have celiac) and come back in 5 months to see how I am feeling. Well after 3-4 weeks of GF and still losing weight (I am 5’6ʺ″ and 105lbs), extremely

fatigued, bloated, and constipated, we decided to start the SCD diet. I am on Day 11 and have definitely seen improvements! I had my first BM by myself in 8 months a couple days ago, and it feels great. I am following the constipation protocol with magnesium, betaine HCL, proenzymes, prune juince with OJ, etc and a high dosage of vitamin C to get my bowels moving but at least it’s natural! Now, I still have some concerns. First being that I am unsure of what caused my stomach to get into this mess. I have literally tried all tests and have no idea. I just went to go take a personal lab the other day to check for a milk allergy to see if it was that since no doctor had the brains to do that, so maybe that will be the answer. If it’s not, how important is it to know what caused it? Because I don’t want to get better and then turn into a tailspin again. Secondly, if I start having regular BM’s with all the supplements, should I ever be able to wean off of the supplements? Also, after I have a BM, my stomach still feels all messed up (I haven’t been hungry in 8 months) and I was wondering if it’ll ever go back to normal; maybe its overwhelmed with all the supplements? Lastly, I have researched this diet, read testimonies, the Breaking the Vicious Cycle book, bought Jordan and Steve’s ebook, and I totally believe in what you all are saying. However, like I said I am losing weight at a critical level and cannot function. Furthermore, I am a college student, and I have limited time to get healthy or at least gather some energy to walk to class and study and hopefully have some bit of a social life. Would it be a problem to try to integrate some pureed sweet potatoes or rice? Or maybe speed up the transitions into the different phases? Also, there is no way I can follow this diet into college because I have no time to cook. Any suggestions? I really just want to do all I can to get better and live a normal life. PLEASE HELP JORDAN AND STEVE!!!!! Reply

Brent Kovacs July 8, 2014 at 10:20 pm Hi Kristen, sorry to hear that you’re having such a difficult time right now! We understand it can be really difficult to take on this diet all by yourself when you’re really busy with something like college. Some people have had great success by outsourcing the cooking of most of their food so they can focus on other things. Hang in there and keep choosing health. Reply

Stephanie July 7, 2014 at 8:45 pm Hi, can you pls help me, I am so confused about scd. I have been on the diet before for Crohn’s disease and yes it helped. Now years later after following it in a round about way I have so many intolerances, I am sure I am fructose intollerant. I also am glucose and lactose intollerant and can’t eat wheat and many starches due to causing bowels to react, I also have arthritis, just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and IBS, also believe I am salicaylate intollerant. All the recipes I look at I can’t find any that I can eat

that don’t seem to cause headaches. I am going crazy trying to find what to eat. The scd recipes have honey, almond or coconut flours and some nuts. I seem to get headaches from most foods. I feel like I am going totally crazy. I do hope you can offer me some good advice, many thanks. Reply

Brent Kovacs July 8, 2014 at 9:58 pm Hi Stephanie, Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear that you’ve been having such a difficult time… hang in there though. Try starting with our Free Quick Start Guide here: http://scdlifestyle.com/scdquick-start-guide/ Also, Jordan wrote a really good post about salicylates: http://scdlifestyle.com/2010/04/phenolsand-salicylates-what-they-are-and-why-it-matters/ Hope this helps! Brent Reply

Mike Mutzel July 8, 2014 at 11:55 am Great post Jordan! I would like to add one more nutrient that is particularly effective…zinc carnosine! The clinical studies on this material and feedback from practitioners using it has been pretty amazing. Only draw back is it’s slightly expensive Reply

Brent Kovacs July 8, 2014 at 10:14 pm Thanks for the feedback Mike! It is definitely a great nutrient =) Reply

Tia July 24, 2014 at 10:09 am Thank you for this information on leaky gut, which is what I believe I’m dealing with now. I’ve just experienced the worst time in my life that was kicked off by a round of fluoroquinolone (Cipro). This set up C diff, which I took Flagyl for, setting up even more intestinal issues. I’ve been dealing with this since mid May. I’m much better than I was but still a LONG way from being recovered. I’m 3 wks gluten free, just cut out the dairy, and am about to look at cutting out the eggs. My worst, persistent symptoms are AM loose bowel movements, PM constipated bowel movements, some anxiety, muscle twitching, shaking/vibration, staying asleep, & head wooziness. I have negative tests for ova & parasites, c diff, & h pylori. All T levels tested fine. D is low; taking supplements. Gallbladder & liver are normal function. I’m currently taking digestive enzymes, Glutathione recycler, curcumin, probiotic foods, pro & prebiotic (have a hard time with stomach cramps with probiotics. Tried 3 different kinds), trace minerals drops, aloe vera gel, coconut oil, & therapeutic grade essential oils (topically). I’m still in the process of learning what is happening to my body and how I can recover. Every day is a challenge. If there is another direction I should look into, I would appreciate some guidance or someone to point the way. Thank you! Reply

Mark August 9, 2014 at 7:25 am I’m in desperate need of some help. I lived a normal healthy life up the age of 20, but I’ve been very unwell for 3 years now. Had severe fatigue, anxiety, sleep problems. Doctors told me I had Chronic Fatigue. I went gluten free a year ago and started to feel a bit better almost instantly, my anxiety got a lot better, I slept better. (I suspect I developed a gluten intolerance, my brother and sister are also gluten sensitive). But after a few months of going GF I started having food reactions (feeling unwell, mild stomach pains). I’m now very unwell again, also constipated, with bowel movements only once a week. I react to almost all foods, my diet compromises of chicken, cod, b squash, carrots, fresh herbs, olive oil. I’ve been trying the SCD for six months but can’t add in anything because I react to it. I also react to all supplements. I’m completely stuck. I suspect I have leaky gut, but how do I stop reacting to everything??? I can’t take supplements or add in new foods to heal my gut. Any feedback would be amazing. No doctors seem to have a clue what’s wrong with me. Thanks


Brent Kovacs August 11, 2014 at 3:13 pm Hi Mark, sorry to hear that you’re having such a difficult time right now with your health. Based on everything you’re telling us, it definitely sounds like you have severe leaky gut issues. Have you heard about Jordan and Steve’s new product, Solving Leaky Gut? You can read about it, take a free quiz, and more here: http://solvingleakygut.com/ Reply

Mike August 13, 2014 at 9:16 pm Hi Jorday. About digestive enzymes, I’m in phase 1 of the diet but have not had any relieving symptoms until I stopped taking the enzymes and HCL. Then the bloating constipation stopped cold. I want to take the enzymes for the reasons you give, but what do you think? Thanks Mike Reply

Lori Jo Berg August 14, 2014 at 7:23 pm Hi Mike, thank you for reaching out. It is possible to react to some of the additives and fillers in the product, so you may want to check the bottle. Your body knows best, so if you feel better when not taking the enzymes, we always suggest listening to your body first. Reply

Adam December 30, 2014 at 12:37 pm Hey guys, I’m an 18 year old boy from Michigan and was diagnosed with Crohns disease

approximately 2 years ago, and let me tell you it’s been a journey… I started off seeing a conventional doctor and was put on steroids to calm down the issue. After a month or two of gaining ridiculous weight (went from 162lb to 196lb) i found myself at a standstill with my disease. I wasn’t getting better anymore. Then, out of the blue, my mom found a chiropractor who practices holistic medicine, and the idea of herbs and things really turned me on to going in that direction. I stayed on the steroid, but started taking probiotics and digestive enzymes like crazy, along with chlorophyll and other supplements. This worked for a while, but the diarrhea persisted and all they could do was up the probiotic dosage. I then found a D.O. that practiced holistic medicine as well. He tapered me off my steroid, and put me on a candida diet upon arrival. Turns out i had parasites, very bad candida and leaky gut was beginning to appear. Taking herbs for my adrenals, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and L-Glutamine, i now had a diet to work in conjunction with it. I started to feel invincible, kind of arrogant, in fact. I partied with my friends, stayed up late, started to drink pop and junk again (still no wheat, unless by accident) and eventually it all collapsed on me again. Last summer, i got another food sensitivity test back and the results were devastating. I can’t eat many vegetables, a few fruits, no nuts at all, no grains, no legumes, and dairy makes me feel sick, though there was low sensitivity. I’ve found myself at a point where i’m losing hope. Recently, however, i discovered bone broth and kefir, both with great benefits. I was also informed of this website and all of the success here. I want to start the diet, and like your video the other day stated, i’ve gone through plenty enough pain in this chronic disease to be absolutely determined to succeed. My only question before starting is this: if i have sensitivities to foods that are on the diet, and are pretty crucial (onions, carrots, celery, etc.) can i eat them and suffer for a while, then will they disappear as i heal? Or will this cause the inflammation to keep getting worse. I’ve been searching for this answer for a long time, and i’ve finally found hope in your website. If you spend the time to read this (sorry it’s kinda long), please help me. You seem like wonderful people and have brought me hope. Thank you. Reply

Lori Jo Berg December 30, 2014 at 7:39 pm Hi Adam, thanks for reaching out! This is a great question and one that unfortunately does not have a black and white answer. In general, the overall goal of the SCD diet is to of course heal the gut but also to create a custom diet that works specifically for you. In this process, we ask that you build your custom safe food zone by testing and retesting foods to see what your body can handle. This, of course, will change as you begin to heal. You can substitute zucchini for carrots, beef for chicken and do not have to consume the grape juice in the gelatin if you feel you will react to it. IN a case like this where people are sensitive to everything, it is best to work in conjunction with a trusted practitioner, as supplements and other testing may be necessary. If you are in need of one, you can find one here: http://scdlifestyle.com/practitioners/ Reply

Shannon January 8, 2015 at 12:57 pm Hello, I was wondering if this diet would help my 20 year issue with generalized anxiety and especially the many years of agoraphobia that hold me back. Just to add, I had great success getting rid of my lifelong chronic skin rashes, eczema and psoriasis by eliminating wheat and dairy a few years ago…. thank you for your help! Reply

Lori Jo Berg January 11, 2015 at 3:46 pm Hi Shannon, thanks for reaching out! Changing your diet is a great start to feeling better, but it is only one piece of the puzzle. We highly suggest a comprehensive program that addresses not only diet, but your lifestyle as well as possible underlying causes: solvingleakygut.com Reply

Leaky Gut Video February 11, 2015 at 3:54 am Do you guys think that leaky gut syndrome can cause bad breath? If so it should be removed once the leakygut is treated. My assumption is that some particles might pass through the leakage and reach mouth via saliva. Reply

Lori Jo Berg February 11, 2015 at 10:09 pm Hi, thanks for reaching out! Leaky gut can be correlated with bad breath for a few different reasons, and the most obvious being an increase in toxic materials with in the body. We suggest starting with the diet to see how this affects your symptoms.


Guna April 16, 2015 at 6:39 am Hi Need your help!!!Desperately It all started from early 2015, I had boils on skin, i thought it is some skin allergy or boil is due to heat. Went to doctor and it got fixed. Then after 15 to 20 days, my right eye lid was swollen, went to ophthalmologist and the doctor said this is because of protein diet. I was having 5 egg whites as a part of my gym diet (which I started 5 months ago from the month of Dec 2014) and that was fixed. Then again after 2 weeks boils started on my head. 5 to 6 at once with puss and it pains like hell. Then again I visited Dermatologist. Doctor said I had some type of bacteria (Folliculitis) and gave me few tablets. I took those and the boils were healed but started to have white patches on head (Without hair) where I had boils previously. Again I visited doctor she said this is auto immune disorder and gave some lotions and tinctures. When I write this I again have one boil on my head and have thrush infection. How to go about to solve my health issues? Is it something related to Leaky Gut? Reply

Lori Jo Berg April 16, 2015 at 4:52 pm Hi Guna, the skin is definitely tied to the gut and we suggest the Leaky gut program as a great starting approach to this issue. With in the program there is also a masterclass specifically on the link between skin and the gut. Reply

phoebe May 19, 2015 at 3:02 am m being treated for peptic ulcer andI have been having a water dripping sensation in my stomach,I even feel it dripping into my pelvic area,it stopped a little but after taking soy beans I felt it coming up again.pls what can I do? m scared. Reply

Lori Jo Berg May 20, 2015 at 10:30 am Hi Phoebe, it sounds like you need the help of a trusted practitioner and if you are in need of one, you can go here: http://scdlifestyle.com/practitioners/ Reply

Jessi May 20, 2015 at 1:43 pm Hi, I have had “mysterious” side pain for 8 years now. Its always on my right side and it varies in pain. Sometimes its dull and annoying, sometimes its so painful I have problems moving my mid section like to bend and at its worse I am unable to really function. During the worst episodes I am in so much pain I am throwing up. I have went to the ER every time during these episodes because it feels like I am dying. The last time I was given 2 very strong pain meds and it did nothing for the pain. I have been to every DR possible, every test done and nothing has came up. Everything is always “fine”. Everything is most definitely not “fine” and I often fear to be left alone with my 3 kids for long periods of time in the thought of an episode happening. I recently was tested for Porphyria. And I thought I had finally found out what was wrong and was so happy to finally get an answer. But of course that came up negative as well. My doctor then told me about Leaky Gut Syndrome and iv been doing some google research. A lot of the symptoms I can relate to but have not found anything that state the horrible/at my worst pain so im curious if anyone has experience with this kind of pain with Leaky Gut Syndrome. And also, where to start with a special diet and vitamins. I am willing to try anything in hopes to rid me of this awful mysterious pain. I want my life back. Reply

Lori Jo Berg May 22, 2015 at 12:08 pm Hi Jessi, thanks for reaching out. Constipation can cause serious side pain but it is hard to say for sure in your case. Please go here to register for a free webinar Leaky Gut: : http://solvingleakygut.com/webinar/live/ Reply

Karen Stiles May 26, 2015 at 2:54 pm Hi I am a sufferer of histamine intolerance and I know I need to start with fixing my leaky gut. I get severe migraines from histamine, and almost all supplements and medications. I am wondering if scd protocol could be a good starting point for healing. Anyone try scd that has histamine intolerance? Steven and Jordan I would love an article about the correlation between leaky gut and histamine. Seems like there are a growing number of people on Paleo diets discovering histamine issues. I am soon to be a Transformational Nutrition Coach and would love to understand this better to apply it to my future practice. Thanks Reply

Lori Jo Berg May 27, 2015 at 9:56 am Hi Karen, you are definitely correct that there is a correlation between gut impairment and histamine intolerance. There is also more to it than that and our friend Chris Kresser does a great job of explaining more here: http://chriskresser.com/what-you-should-know-about-histamineintolerance/ Reply

karen June 13, 2015 at 12:41 am Hi, I had an Upper GI done 2 years ago. About a week after I went to my Dr. cause I was having a dull pain in my left ribs. I was told it was muscle. Well now it is full blown 24/7 pain. It feels like squeezing or my intestines being really huge and pushing up. About 5 years ago I was told I have a Hiatal Hernia but showed no signs of reflux. I feel that the barium stuff has done harm to me(even though they say it doesn’t stay in your system) Can it lead to a leaky gut as well as a HH causing your digestive track to go hay wire? I am not 100% positive but I feel like I have intestinal spasms. I feel a “lump” in my throat and I feel like I can’t take a deep breath. Is there a way to fix it? I feel like I am going nuts with it. I’m in constant aware of it and it makes life difficult with 4 kids. Reply

Mariel Heiss June 15, 2015 at 8:11 pm Hi, Karen. There are many causes of leaky gut, and it usually is a combination of these causes that leads to leaky gut symptoms. I recommend you take this quiz: http://solvingleakygut.com/myquiz/ We also recommend you consult with your doctor about the pain you’re having and the difficulty taking deep breaths. Reply

marcelo June 15, 2015 at 7:34 pm Hi, I´m from Brasil and I read your book, but i´m fireman and life-guard, i must to train and some make hard helps in the beach.. So I eat to much calories and suplements… How can I do your diet in this specific case?? Tks.. Reply

Brent Kovacs June 18, 2015 at 7:53 pm Hi marcelo, it sounds like you work really hard pushing yourself physically throughout the day so it is definitely important to maintain extra caloric intake. This diet doesn’t put any restrictions on the serving size, so feel free to eat as much as you need to meet your daily needs. Focus on fattier cuts of meat and healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, ghee (butter if tolerate dairy), avocados, nuts (if tolerated). We suggest starting off by getting your hands on our quick start guide here: http://scdlifestyle.com/scd-quick-start-guide/ Reply

Jay June 17, 2015 at 2:12 pm everyday I think death would be better then this Reply

Brent Kovacs June 18, 2015 at 7:51 pm I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way Jay. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if there is anything we can do support you. We’d be more than happy to do so. Looking forward to hearing from you. Keep fighting my friend! Reply

Csrol July 11, 2015 at 5:27 pm I can’t find the quiz when I click on the link that says Take the quiz here? Anyone know why? Reply

Mariel Heiss July 13, 2015 at 12:07 pm Hi Carol, I’m sorry you’re having problems. The quiz opens in a new window when you click the button. Here’s a direct link in case you’re still having issues: http://solvingleakygut.com/myquiz/ You can always reach out to us at [email protected], too, if you need more help or have questions Reply Leave a Comment Name * E-mail * Website


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