Leadership Skills Self Assessment

August 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Leadership Skills Self-Assessment Test

The survey will help you identify your leadership skills as a student taking up occupational therapy, which is a necessary for a successful planning and implementation of group dynamics and activities. There is no right or wrong responses, as you respond to each of the statements, be as truthful and honest as possible. Mark the most appropriate response for each statement listed: Skill Assessment Scoring Answers: 1 - I nee need d hel help p wit with h thi thiss sski killls and and requi equirre tr trai aini ning ng 2 - I ha have ve some some kn know owle ledg dgee of of thi thiss sski kill ll,, but but n nee eed d fur furth ther er tr trai aini ning ng an and d experience 3 - I ha have ve trai traini ning ng an and d exp exper erie ienc ncee wit with h thi thiss sski kill ll,, but but ne need ed fe feed edba back  ck  4 - I have have co com mpete petenc ncee tto o per perfo forrm thi thiss sski kill ll succe uccess ssfful ully ly 5 - N/A (Not Applicable)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Interpersonal Skills I estab establish lish positiv positivee and produ productiv ctivee worki working ng rela relations tionships hips with with others, others, including including those who may hold divergent points of view. I maint maintain ain posi positive tive and product productive ive relation relationships ships with with oth others, ers, includi including ng those who who may hold divergent points of view. I give instr instructiv uctivee feedback feedback,, both p posit ositive ive and and nega negative tive to others. others. I seek and ac accept cept con construc structive tive fe feedbac edback, k, both pos positiv itivee and negat negative, ive, from from othe others. rs. I liste listen n caref carefully ully and re respond spond ap appropr propriatel iately y to verbal verbal and non-verbal non-verbal message messages. s. I main maintain tain tthe he trust trust of other otherss by respec respecting ting confid confidentia entiality lity.. Marketing and Public Communication Skills I pres present ent ide ideas as eff effectiv ectively ely (w (writt ritten, en, face-toface-to-face face,, over te telepho lephone). ne). I effect effective ively ly par partic ticipa ipate te in gro group up dis discus cussio sion. n. I effe effective ctively ly func function tion within within a partic particular ular gr group oup culture culture or dynam dynamic. ic. I ut utiliz ilizee campus campus and community community media media resour resources. ces. I arti articula culate te the is issues, sues, purpos purposes, es, and functi functions ons related related to m my y program. program.


I effec effectiv tively ely pro produc ducee a marke marketin ting g pla plan. n.Personal/Academic Balance Skills


1. 2. 3. 4.

I under understand stand ho how w I respond respond to pressur pressuree and make decisi decisions ons about about my commit commitments ments accordingly. I have m many any eeffec ffective tive and and heal healthy thy sstrat trategies egies ffor or managing managing stress. stress. I main maintain tain eeffec ffective tive li limits mits based on on tim timee and rresour esources ces availab available. le. I regul regularly arly partic participat ipatee in a health healthy y combin combinati ation on of activitie activitiess (personal, (personal, social social and academic). I am ab able le to eenjoy njoy ssolit olitary ary aactiv ctivitie itiess as well well as g group roup aactivi ctivities ties.. I don’t ssacri acrifice fice my aacade cademic mic pro progress gress for for other other areas areas of involveme involvement. nt. Organization Management Skills I delega delegate te duties duties tto o othe others rs membe members rs of my grou group. p. I work ef effect fectivel ively y with or organiz ganization ation aadviso dvisors rs and other other adm adminis inistrat trators. ors. I mo motiva tivate te ot others hers in tthe he or organiz ganization ation to b bee product productive. ive. I orga organize nize tasks tasks accordi according ng to a time time line line and then then me meet et that that deadline deadline..

5. 6.

I fac facilita ilitate te the developme development nt of goals goals for the the organiz organizatio ation. n. I use iinnova nnovative tive ttechni echniques ques tto o plan and and acc accompli omplish sh the group’s group’s goals. goals.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Decision – making skills I use an effe effecti ctive ve dec decisi isionon-mak making ing proc process ess.. I tra train in othe others rs and ffacil acilitate itate group groupss in a decisi decision-ma on-making king pr proces ocess. s. I imp implem lement ent eff effect ective ive dec decisi isions ons.. I take take rresp espons onsibi ibilit lity y ffor or deci decisio sions. ns. I ev evaluat aluatee the effects effects and and eeffect ffectivene iveness ss of a decisio decision. n. I am ffle lexi xibl blee with with dec decis isio ions ns..

Problem – solving skills I def define ine problem problemss and identi identify fy possib possible/a le/appare pparent nt causes. causes. I identi identify fy creat creative ive sol soluti utions ons.. I fac facilita ilitate te the g group roup in in identify identifying ing and and implemen implementing ting ssolut olutions. ions. I handl handlee sever several al prob problem lemss at one time time.. I media mediate te cconf onflic licts ts w with ithin in tthe he g grou roup. p. I resolv resolvee confli conflicts cts betw between een othe others rs an and d me. Community/Citizenships Skills 1. I share my ttalent alentss with oth others ers through through particip participatio ation n in univer university sity activit activities ies and  programs. 2. I suppor supportt and parti participa cipate te in volun volunteer teer activit activities ies and ch charit aritable able fun functio ctions ns at the

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

university through attendance and/or financial contribution. My invo involvem lvement ent in univ universi ersity ty activiti activities es and prog programs rams has has made me a better better citizen. citizen. Thro Through ugh part participa icipation tion in unive university rsity activi activities, ties, I have a bett better er understan understanding ding of local, local, state, and national events. I have g gaine ained d a comm commitme itment nt to the the univ universi ersity ty through through my inv involve olvement. ment. Thro Through ugh part participa icipation tion in uni univers versity ity act activiti ivities, es, I have ga gained ined a sens sensee of belonging belonging and feel that I am an important part of the university communit community. y. Diversity Awareness and Acknowledgement skills I am know knowledge ledgeable able abo about ut the re religio ligious, us, cultural cultural,, lingu linguisti istic, c, ability ability and and socioeconomic backgrounds of people in my community. In my posi position, tion, I mo model del respect respect for, for, and inclusion inclusion of, of, people who who differ differ in reli religion, gion, race, language, abilities and socioeconomic class. I know know wh where ere to to find find reso resourc urces es for for my n need eeds. s. In prog programm ramming ing and advert advertising ising,, I invi invite te and accomm accommodate odate ALL ALL attendee attendeess and  provide sufficient accessibility. I acti actively vely seek seek out people people fr from om diverse diverse populati populations ons to w work ork with with me on committ committees. ees. I recog recognize nize and constr constructiv uctively ely address address val value ue conf conflicts licts based based on race, race, religion, religion, ability, or socioeconomic class. Knowledge Gained I valu valuee non-clas non-classroom sroom aactivi ctivities ties aass being education education o opport pportuniti unities. es. I have ga gained ined kno knowled wledge ge from m my y non-clas non-classroom sroom aactivi ctivities ties th that at modifie modifiess my  behaviors, thoughts, and/or beliefs. I am committed committed to tthe he value value of llife-l ife-long ong llearn earning. ing. I have b been een exposed exposed tto o a topi topicc are areaa that I had not experien experienced ced before. before. I have ga gained ined an aappre ppreciati ciation on for how the the topic topic learned learned impacts impacts indivi individuals duals,, campus and communities. I use the sskill killss acqui acquired red in extrac extracurri urricular cular activi activities ties tto o enhance enhance my ac academ ademic ic  performance.

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