3 Police Patrol Reviewer 1842 - the London Metropolitan Police established the frst detective branch.
Bobbies - British police.
Boston Police - frst public police orce established in 1!31.
Bow "treet Patrols - a s#all bod$ o police in London who had been or%ani&ed or%ani&ed in the #id-18th centur$ b$ the novelist and #a%istrate 'enr$ (ieldin% and his hal brother) "ir *ohn (ieldin%.
+o#pur%ation - also called ,a%er Law) in earl$ n%lish law) #ethod o settlin% issues o act b$ appeal to a t$pe o character witness.
%$pt - the frst policin% or%ani&ation was created created in about 3/// B+.
#peror 0u%ustus - or%ani&ed one o the earliest or# o or%ani&ed policin% in Ro#e in B+. 'e divided the cit$ o Ro#e into 14 re%iones wards) each consistin% o vici precincts overseen b$ vico#a%istri) who were responsible or fre protection and other ad#inistrative and reli%ious duties.
ew "cotland 5ard - the head6uarters o the London Metropolitan Police.
ew 5or7 Police - he frst police depart#ent in the 9nited "tates) it was established in 1844 and it was o:ciall$ or%ani&ed in 184;.
Patrol - 7eep watch over an area b$ re%ularl$ wal7in% or travellin% around it.
PeelFs ine Principle Principle 1. he basic #ission or which the police eGist is to prevent cri#e and disorder. Principle 2 - he abilit$ o the police to peror# their duties is dependent upon public approval o police actions. Principle 3 - Police #ust secure the willin% cooperation o the public in voluntar$ observance o the law to be able to secure and #aintain the respect o the public.
Principle 4 - he de%ree o co-operation o the public that can be secured di#inishes proportionatel$ to the necessit$ o the use o ph$sical orce. Principle ; - Police see7 and preserve public avour not b$ caterin% to the public opinion but b$ constantl$ de#onstratin% absolute i#partial service to the law. Principle ! - Police use ph$sical orce to the eGtent necessar$ to secure observance o the law or to restore order onl$ when the eGercise o persuasion) advice and warnin% is ound to be
Principle - Police) at all ti#es) should #aintain a relationship with the public that %ives realit$ to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the policeH the
police bein% onl$ #e#bers o the public who are paid to %ive ull-ti#e attention to duties which are incu#bent on ever$ citi&en in the interests o co##unit$ welare and eGistence.I Principle 8 - Police should alwa$s direct their action strictl$ towards their unctions and never appear to usurp the powers o the Eudiciar$. Principle - he test o police e:cienc$ is the absence o cri#e and disorder) not the visible evidence o police action in dealin% with it.
Peeler - a police o:cer) especiall$ in the 9nited @in%do# and 0ustralia. =erived ro# the na#e o "ir Robert Peel who developed the Metropolitan Police 0ct in 128 which proved to be the oundation or the #odern police orce in Britain.
Police (unctional 9nits 1. Bureau - the lar%est or%anic unctional unit within a lar%e depart#ent. ?t co#prises o nu#bers o divisions. 2. =ivision - a pri#ar$ subdivision o a bureau. 3. "ection -unctional unit within a division that is necessar$ or speciali&ation. 4. 9nit -unctional %roup within a sectionH or the s#allest unctional %roup within an or%ani&ation.
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