LCHS 4000 LNG Description of System Eng

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© Transas Ltd. November, 2005

© Transas Ltd. 2005 All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary to Transas Ltd. and shall not be duplicated in whole or in part. The technical details contained in this manual are the best that are available at the date of issue but are subject to change without notice. Transas Ltd. pursues the policy of continuous development. This may lead to the product described in this manual being different from the product delivered after its publication. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

 2005, D.Kazunin PhD, associated prof., LCHS product manager, Transas Ltd.

This document contains: Introduction ................................................................................................................3 Purpose ................................................................................................................3 Printing House Conventions.................................................................................4 Tanks Overview Layout.............................................................................................5 Purpose ................................................................................................................5 System Description ..............................................................................................5 Controls ................................................................................................................5 Indicators, Monitored Parameters ........................................................................5 Alarms ..................................................................................................................6 Protection .............................................................................................................6 Principal Faults.....................................................................................................6 Exercise Limits and Termination ..........................................................................7 Ballast System ...........................................................................................................8 Purpose ................................................................................................................8 System Components ............................................................................................8 Controls ................................................................................................................8 Indicators ..............................................................................................................9 Alarms ..................................................................................................................9 Protection .............................................................................................................9 Principal Faults.....................................................................................................9 Exercise Limits and Termination ..........................................................................9 Cargo Handling System (Medium-Liquid) .............................................................11 Purpose ..............................................................................................................11 System Components ..........................................................................................11 Controls ..............................................................................................................11 Indicators ............................................................................................................12 Alarms ................................................................................................................12 Protection ...........................................................................................................13 Principal Faults...................................................................................................13 Exercise Limits and Termination ........................................................................13 Spray System ...........................................................................................................16 Purpose ..............................................................................................................16 System Components ..........................................................................................16 Controls ..............................................................................................................16 Indicators ............................................................................................................16 Alarms ................................................................................................................17 Protection ...........................................................................................................17 Principal Faults...................................................................................................17 Exercise Limits and Termination ........................................................................17 Cargo Handling System (Gas Medium) .................................................................18 Purpose ..............................................................................................................18 System Components ..........................................................................................18 Controls ..............................................................................................................19 Indicators ............................................................................................................19 Alarms ................................................................................................................19 Protection ...........................................................................................................20 Principal Faults...................................................................................................20 Exercise Limits and Termination ........................................................................20

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Fuel Gas Supply System ........................................................................................ 21 Purpose.............................................................................................................. 21 System Components ......................................................................................... 21 Controls.............................................................................................................. 21 Indicators ........................................................................................................... 21 Alarms................................................................................................................ 22 Protection........................................................................................................... 22 Principal Faults .................................................................................................. 22 Exercise Limits and Termination ....................................................................... 22 Inert Gas Generation System ................................................................................. 23 Purpose.............................................................................................................. 23 System Components ......................................................................................... 23 Controls.............................................................................................................. 24 Monitored Parameters ....................................................................................... 24 Alarms................................................................................................................ 25 Protection........................................................................................................... 25 Principal Possible Faults.................................................................................... 25 Exercise Limits and Termination ....................................................................... 26 Nitrogen Generation System.................................................................................. 27 Purpose.............................................................................................................. 27 System Components ......................................................................................... 27 Controls.............................................................................................................. 27 Monitored Parameters ....................................................................................... 28 Alarms................................................................................................................ 28 Protection........................................................................................................... 28 Principal Faults .................................................................................................. 28 Exercise Limits and Termination ....................................................................... 29 Inert Gas Distribution System................................................................................ 30 Purpose.............................................................................................................. 30 System Components ......................................................................................... 30 Controls.............................................................................................................. 31 Monitored Parameters ....................................................................................... 31 Alarms................................................................................................................ 31 Protection........................................................................................................... 31 Principal Fault .................................................................................................... 31 Exercise Limits and Termination ....................................................................... 32


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


INTRODUCTION Purpose The Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator (Liquid Natural Gas Tanker) is intended for the training and practising of tanker personnel in the cargo handling and auxiliary operations control functions in compliance with he requirements of the STCW-95, MARPOL 73/78 and other international regulations and conventions. The general description of systems provided in this document is the basis for familiarizing with the simulator structure and serves for studying the tanker systems within the framework of standard IMO courses: IMO 2.06 “Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator” and IMO 1.01 “Tanker Familiarization”, 1.06 “Specialized Training for Liquefied Gas Tankers”. LCHS 4000 LNG simulator models two different types of LNG tankers operating under the supervision of a single Instructor Console. The first one is a spherical LNG with Moss type cargo tanks (LNG-s), and the second one is membrane LNG with No96 type of cargo tanks (LNG-m). For a prototype, an LNG-s was selected tanker with deadweight 67900 tones, length overall 290 m, breadth 48 m and depth 27 m. The tanker has been built in compliance with all the up-to-date requirements. Cargo spaces consist of four selfsupporting independent spherically shaped tanks of B type. Cargo column are located in the central part of the tank. The cargo is pumped from the bottom by using submerge electric driven pumps. For a prototype, an LNG-m was selected tanker with deadweight 62700 tones, length overall 275 m, breadth 43 m and depth 27 m. The tanker has been built in compliance with all the up-to-date requirements. Cargo spaces consist of four non-self-supported membrane tanks Cargo column are located in the afterpeak part of the tank. The cargo is pumped from the bottom by using submerge electric driven pumps through pipe lines or by portable pump through emergency column. Ballast tanks are exclusively for receiving clean ballast. Tonnage and dimensions: • Deadweight

67.900 t

• Length overall

290.0 m

• Length b.p.

275.0 m

• Breadth moulded

48.1 m

• Depth moulded

27.00 m

• Summer load line draft

11.77 m

Cargo capacities and facilities: • Cargo


• Water ballast

63.000 m3

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.



Tonnage and dimensions: • Deadweight

62.700 t

• Length overall

275.0 m

• Length b.p.

260.0 m

• Breadth moulded

43.4 m

• Depth moulded

26.00 m

• Summer load line draft

11.95 m

Cargo capacities and facilities: • Cargo


• Water ballast

46.000 m3

Operations connected with a transfer of the cargo vapours are performed by centrifugal compressors installed in a special room on the main deck. During the transfers, the cargo vapours are supplied to the main boiler where they are burnt, and if surplus, are released into the atmosphere. To generate an inert environment in the cargo tanks, auxiliary spaces and pipelines, inert gas generators are installed. For an inert gas either nitrogen or carbon dioxide can be used. All the tanker systems except ballast system are implemented as a linear structure. Tanker systems are considered below.

Printing House Conventions


Sample of notation

Usage comments

“Open Sea”

To highlight names of windows, pages, buttons, etc.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Tanks Overview Layout

TANKS OVERVIEW LAYOUT Purpose General information on the location of tanks on board the ship and in-tank parameters. There are indicators of main parameters: metal temperatures in 5 vertical points and gas pressure, levels in cargo the tanks and level in ballast tanks.

System Description The essential system equipment is shown in the drawing (see Fig 1, 2). The system shows information about: •

General tank location on bard the ship: ballast and cargo tanks and auxiliary Engine Room tanks;

General in-tanks information;

For LNG-s: annular/hold space information;

For LNG-m: primary/secondary barrier void space information.

Controls There are no controls on the screen.

Indicators, Monitored Parameters •

Tanks location on board the ship: – for LNG-s: 22 Ballast tanks: BS1P, BD2P, BS4P, BD5P, BS7P, BD8P, BS10P, BD11P – portside tanks; BS1S, BD2S, BS4S, BD5S, BS7S, BD8S, BS10S, BD11S – starboard tanks; BC3, BC6, BC9-three central tanks; BFP, BFT – two forepeak tanks; BAP – afterpeak tank; 4 Cargo tanks: C1, C2, C3, C4. – for LNG-m: 10 Ballast tanks: B1P, B2P, B3P, B4P – portside tanks; B1S, B2S, B3S, B4S – starboard tanks; BFP, BD – two forepeak tanks; 4 Cargo tanks: C1, C2, C3, C4.

Level on all tanks;

Gas pressure and temperature in 5 levels for cargo tanks;

Gas pressure for annular space (LNG-s) or primary barrier void space (LNG-m);

Gas and temperature in hold space (LNG-s) or secondary barrier void space (LNG-m);

In pop-up window there are: tanks general information: capacity, current level, cargo density, cargo weight, inlet or out flow rate, average temperature, gas pressure, concentration (mix indicator).

On the top line (for all screens) there are: •

Brief tanker information: deadweight, displacement, cargo and ballast quantity in LNG tanks;

LNG forepeak, middle and afterpeak drafts and list;

“Open Sea” or “Terminal connection” indicator.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Tanks Overview Layout

Alarms There are tow alarms in ballast tanks: •

High level;

Low level.

There are three alarms in cargo tanks: •

Very high (99,5%), high-high (98%), high (95%) level;

Low (10%) and low-low (5%), very low (3%) level.

Protection There is no protection of the system.

Principal Faults There are no faults of the system.


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Tanks Overview Layout

Exercise Limits and Termination There is no exercise termination.

Fig. 1 LNG-s overview screen

Fig. 2 LNG-m overview screen

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Ballast System

BALLAST SYSTEM Purpose The system is used for ballasting operations on the ship. The main purpose of the system is to ensure the ship trim and stability in order to maintain its seaworthiness and admissible stresses on the hull.

System Components The system consists of: •

LNG-s ballast tanks including: 3



– eight portside tanks: BS1P – 2055 m , BD2P – 3594 m , BS4P – 2379 m , 3 3 3 3 BD5P – 4238 m , BS7P – 2706 m , BD8P – 4262 m , BS10P – 2462 m , 3 BD11P – 2108 m ; 3



– eight starboard tanks: BS1S – 2055 m , BD2S – 3594 m , BS4S – 2379 m , 3 3 3 3 BD5S – 4238 m , BS7S – 2706 m , BD8S – 4262 m , BS10S – 2462 m , 3 BD11S – 2108 m ; 3





– three central tanks: BC3 – 1500 m , BC6 – 1500 m , BC9 – 1500 m ; – two forepeak tanks: BFP – 7782 m , BFT – 1500 m (void space); 3

– afterpeak tank: BAP – 3110 m . •

LNG-m ballast tanks including: 3



– four portside tanks: B1P – 4751 m , B2P – 6182 m , B3P – 6233 m , 3 B4P – 5518 m ; 3



– four starboard tanks: B1S – 4751 m , B2S – 6182 m , B3S – 6233 m , 3 B4S – 5518 m ; 3


– two forepeak tanks: BD – 1167 m , BFT – 1780 m (void space). •

Ballast tanks communicate with ballast lines via throttling valves: – throttling valves for filling tanks: Bv…P, Bv…S and Bv…C, Bv6, Bv9, Bv22, Bv23, Bv24.

Centrifugal pumps BP…. The pumps have identical characteristics and provide 3 charging pressure of ~2,8 bar at a flow of ~2.800 m /h);

Two sea chests Bch1, Bch2 with strainers;

Throttling valves on the charging line of each pump: Bv1...Bv3;

Cut-off valves: BV4… BV19;

Non-return valve Bv20.



ON/OFF pump control buttons;

Control of cut-off valves;

Control of variable valves;

Control of the non-return valve.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Ballast System

Indicators •

Level indicator (in each tank);

Animation of pumps BP… operation;

ON/OFF pump status indicator (for each pump);

Pressure indicators on the suction and charging lines (for each pump);

Position indicator for each variable valve;

Status indicator for each cut-off and non-return valve.

Alarms •

Liquid levels in ballast tanks: – volume of more than 95 per cent; – volume of less than 5 per cent.

Tanker heel of more than 2 degrees (information is output in the LCS program);

Bending moment and shearing forces exceeding marine limitations (information is output in the LCS program).

Protection No protection is provided.

Principal Faults Faults are set by the instructor. The following types of faults are implemented for the system components: •

Faults in pumps (Pump switching ON/OFF failure, spontaneous stop);

Fault in valves (Valve failure to respond: jamming, remote control system failure).

Exercise Limits and Termination For the training purposes, an exercise is terminated if: •

The tank is overfilled;

Admissible heel and draft values have been attained.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Ballast System

Fig. 3 LNG-s Ballast System

Fig. 4 LNG-m Ballast System


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Cargo Handling System (Medium-Liquid)

CARGO HANDLING SYSTEM (MEDIUM-LIQUID) Purpose The cargo handling system (liquid lines) is designed for the loading and discharging of a single cargo grade into/from the four tanks. The system is used for the process of stripping, cooling down, filling of tanks and pipelines with cargo vapours or inert gas.

System Components The cargo handling system is implemented as a linear structure. The system includes: •

For LNG-s there are four tanks C1, C2, C3, C4, each of them has a volume 3 of 33750 m . Tanks are independent, self-supporting, spherically shaped (“В” type). In an emergency, tanks withstand an excessive pressure of P = 2 bar;

For LNG-m there are four tanks C1 – 19750 m , C2 – 37686 m , C3 – 38795 m , 3 C4 – 34126 m . Tanks are membrane, non-self-supported, prismatic form. In emergency condition tanks discharging by portable cargo pump.




Tanks are fitted out with P/V venting valves which maintain the surplus pressure of 100-200 mbar under normal conditions. In the emergency conditions, the safety relief valve pressure setting can be changed. •

Eight main electrically driven centrifugal submerge pumps (Cp11, Cp12), (Cp21, Cp22), (Cp31, Cp32), (Cp41, Cp42) installed in tanks С1...С4 in pairs. Each pump’s discharge is ~1350 m³/ hour at P=~ 15 bar;

Cut-off valves for the communication of (liquid) manifolds (Cv1pL…Cv4pL on the portside) and (Cv1sL…Cv4sL on the starboard) with shore pipelines;

Additional cut-off valves for the communication of (liquid) manifolds (Cv12pL, Cv21pL, Cv34pL, Cv43pL on the portside) and (Cv12sL, Cv21sL, Cv34sL, Cv43sL on the starboard) with the ship cargo line;

Throttling valves on the drop line (Cv13, Cv23, Cv33, Cv43);

Throttling valves on the charging line of pumps (Cv11, Cv12), (Cv21, Cv22), (Cv31, Cv32), (Cv41, Cv42);

Pipelines for the distribution of cargo among the tanks;

Cut-off valves CvL1, CvL2 for the communication of cargo lines with auxiliary pipelines;

Spool-pieces Gls1 and CGvLM for connection liquid and gas lines of Cargo system;

Spool piece for connection liquid and IGG line.

Controls System controls are shown on the mnemonic diagram: •

Cut-off valves on drop line (Cv13, Cv23, Cv33, Cv43);

Throttling valves on the charging line of pumps (Cv11, Cv12), (Cv21, Cv22), (Cv31, Cv32), (Cv41, Cv42);

Start/Stop of cargo pumps (Cp11, Cp12), (Cp21, Cp22), (Cp31, Cp32), (Cp41, Cp42);

Button for the emergency stop of the gas carrier cargo handling operation;

Cut-off valves CvL1, CvL2;

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Cargo Handling System (Medium-Liquid)

Cargo distribution cut-off pumps Cv…pL, Cv…sL;

Spool-pieces Gls1 and CGvLM.

Indicators •

Animation of the pumps operation (Cp11, Cp12), (Cp21, Cp22), (Cp31, Cp32), (Cp41, Cp42);

ON/OFF pumps status indicator;

Cargo pump charging pressure;

Current in the windings of the cargo pump drive’s electric motor;

Indicators of the throttling valves’ open position;

Cargo level, type and density in the tanks;

Cargo temperature in the tanks: at four two tank height levels;

Rate of cargo delivery into the tanks;

Gas pressure and temperature in the tanks;

Gas medium composition in the tanks;

Pressure in the cargo line Cg1L, Cg3L.

Alarms •

High level of cargo in the tanks: – (High) generated at 95 per cent filling of the tank capacity, a warning is provided; – (High High) generated at 98 per cent filling of the tank capacity, an alarm is provided; – (Very High) generated at 99 per cent filling of the tank capacity, an alarm is provided.

Low level of cargo in the tanks: – (Low) low cargo level in the tank (5%); – (Low Low) very low cargo level in the tank (2%); – (Very Low) the lowest cargo level in the tank (1%).

Cargo temperature in the tanks: – Limit lowest value; – Limit top value.


High current in the electric motor windings;

Low current in the electric motor windings (to prevent the shaft bearings from operating in the conditions of no lubrication);

High pressure in the cargo lines.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Cargo Handling System (Medium-Liquid)

Protection Cargo pumps are stopped automatically in the following cases: •

Low pressure in the tanks;

High current in the electric motor windings;

Low current in the electric motor windings (to prevent the sliding bearings from operating in the conditions of no lubrication);

Automatic stop of pumps in case of overload.

All the pumps can be stopped simultaneously from the cargo post in the area of the cargo manifold connection.

Principal Faults Faults are set by the instructor. The following types of faults are implemented for the system units: •

Faults in pumps (switching ON/OFF failure, spontaneous stop, cargo pump break-down);

Faults in cut-off and throttling valves (valve failure to respond: jamming, remote control system failure);

Imperfection of cargo composition characteristics as a result of its mixing and spoiling.

Exercise Limits and Termination For the training purposes, an exercise is terminated if: •

Overfilling of a cargo tank, as this causes its destruction;

Pressure in the cargo lines is 1.5 times the rated value (message about damage construction is appear);

Thermal stress which is a result of the inadmissible change rate of the tank wall temperature. Admissible values are within 0 – 10 degrees/h interval (message about damage construction is appear).

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Cargo Handling System (Medium-Liquid)

Fig.5 LNG-s Cargo Handling System (afterpeack par)

Fig. 6 LNG-s Cargo Handling System (forpeack part)


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Cargo Handling System (Medium-Liquid)

Fig. 7 LNG-m Cargo Handling System (afterpeack part)

Fig. 8 LNG-m Cargo Handling System (forpeack part)

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Spray System

SPRAY SYSTEM Purpose The system serves for lowering the temperature of medium in tanks (by atomizing liquid cargo), cargo pipelines (by filling), and pumping out of cargo residue to the shore and for other auxiliary operations.

System Components The system includes: •

Cargo tanks C1….C4;

Cargo handling system lines with valves;

4 centrifugal pumps Cps1….Cps4. Each pump has a discharge of 50 m /h at a head of ~ 13.5 bar;

4 cut-off valves Cv1….Cv4 which connect deck cargo lines with the charging line of pumps Cps1….Cps4;

Throttling valves (Cv14, Cv24, Cv34, Cv44) on the pumps’ charging line and on the drop line (Cv15, Cv25, Cv35, Cv45);

For LNG-s: Three loop pipelines which are located in the top half of the tank. Liquid is fed through valves (Cv…6, Cv…7, Cv…8) into these pipelines and is then atomized through the nozzles into the tank;

For LNG-m: Two loop pipelines which are located in the top part of the tank. Liquid is fed through valves (Cv…7, Cv…8) into these pipelines and is then atomized through the nozzles into the tank.


As a result, there is a drop of the tank medium temperature. Liquid cargo can be supplied to the loop pipelines both, from pumps Cps1….Cps4, and from the main cargo pumps. •

Pumps (Cps1,Cps2) and (Cps3,Cps4) can be connected to the main deck small diameter line via valves CvL12, CvL34. This line communicates with evaporator Forcing V. via valve CvF, with cargo line via valves CvL3 and CvL…p, CvL…s., and also with the Evaporator via valves CvL3, CvV.

Controls Main units of the control system are shown on the drawings of the cargo handling system: •

Cut-off valves CvL…;

Throttling valves (Cv14, Cv24, Cv34, Cv44), (Cv15, Cv25, Cv35, Cv45);

Start/Stop of pumps Cps1…Cps4.



Animation of pumps Cps1…Cps4. operation;

ON/OFF pump status indicator;

Charging pressure of pumps Cps1…Cps4;

Current in the drive electric motor windings;

Position of cut-off valves CvL…;

Position of throttling valves (Cv14, Cv24, Cv34, Cv44), (Cv15, Cv25, Cv35, Cv45);

Cargo levels in tanks C1…C4.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Spray System

Alarms No alarms are provided.

Protection No protection is provided.

Principal Faults Faults are set by the instructor. The following types of faults are implemented for the system components: •

Faults in pumps Cps1…Cps4 (Pump switching ON/OFF failure, spontaneous stop, pump break-down);

Faults in cut-off and throttling valves CvL…, (Cv14, Cv24, Cv34, Cv44), (Cv15, Cv25, Cv35, Cv45). (Valve failure to respond: jamming, remote control system failure).

Exercise Limits and Termination Emergency termination of an exercise is not provided.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Cargo Handling System (Gas Medium)

CARGO HANDLING SYSTEM (GAS MEDIUM) Purpose The cargo handling system (gas lines) is designed for the gas exchange in the process of the cargo handling operations performed with the liquid. The system is used for pumping the gas over to the shore and reception of gas from the shore for filling in the space over the cargo level in the tanks. In addition, the system is used for the pipeline purging after the end of loading/ discharging, as well as for the process of tank inerting and cooling down of the pipes and tanks.

System Components The system is implemented as a linear structure. It includes:


Four tanks C1, C2, C3, C4;

Valves (GCv11,GCv12) (GCv21,GCv22) (GCv31,GCv32) (GCv41,GCv42), which enable the tanks to communicate with the gas line;

Ship gas line has valves GvL and (Gv1pL, Gv2pL), (Gv1sL Gv2sL) which allow communication with shore pipeline both, on the portside and starboard;

Venting devices CGmr1…CGmr4 which are fitted out with safety release valves which control pressure in the tanks. In the normal conditions, the surplus pressure of 250 mbar is maintained (valve popping pressure). The valve actuation pressure is +250 mbar/-40 mbar);

Two gas centrifugal compressors CHD1, CHD2. The discharge of each compressor is ~25.500 m³/hour at P=~ 0.96 bar and temperature of –106°C, (suction pressure of P=~ 0.03 bar, T=-140°С);

Heat exchanger HD Heater which is used for increasing the gas temperature in the range of -106°C (Pin=1.96 bar) to +70°C (Pout=1.8 bar). Gases at high temperature are used for the Warming-up operation;

Throttling and cut-off valves Gv… for the control of the system;

Valves Gv1, Gv3 enable the system’s communication with the ship gas main;

Valves Gv5, Gv7 enable the system’s communication with the gas manifold which is connected to the shore lines;

Valves Gv16, Gv11, Gv6 enable the system’s communication with the auxiliary system which supplies cargo vapours for burning in the engine room boiler;

Liquid cargo Evaporator which is used for the change of the cargo aggregate state as a result of throttling and heat influx. Heating is by the water steam fed from the Engine Room under a pressure of 8 bar and at a temperature of +175 degrees. The evaporator is used for obtaining cargo vapours during the filling of cargo tanks with gas, during the discharging, emergency cargo transfer, i.e. in all the cases when it is impossible to receive gaseous cargo from the shore. The evaporator is used for the generation of nitrogen vapours where liquid nitrogen is supplied from the terminal. In the discharging mode without return of cargo vapours to the shore, the output is 11 000 kg/hour (at Pin =2 bar, Tin=-163°C, Pout=0.3 bar, Tout= -60°C). In the tank gassing-up mode, output is 6716 kg/hour (at Pin =2 bar, Tin=-163°C, Pout=0.3 bar, Tout= +20°C). In an emergence, the device is used for building up surplus gas pressure of 2 bar in the tanks (liquid pressure of Pin =5 bar, gas pressure of Pout=2 bar);

Valves СvV, СvV1, СvV2 enable the supply of liquid cargo to the Evaporator;

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Cargo Handling System (Gas Medium)

Spool–pieces Gls2, Gls4 and CGvGM, CGvp0 for connection gas lines of cargo system;

Spool piece for connection gas and IGG line.

Controls System controls are shown on the mnemonic diagram: •

Cut-off valves (Gv1, Gv2, Gv5, Gv6, Gv9, Gv10, Gv11,Gv19, Gv21, Gv23, Gv26, Cv29, CvV);

Throttling valves (Gv3, Gv4, Gv7, Gv8, Gv13, Gv12, Gv15, Gv14, Gv18, Gv27, Gv28);

Start/Stop of compressors (CHD1, CHD2);

Auto/Manual operating mode switch; in the automatic mode, gas temperature at the heat exchanger outlet is analyzed, and control of the bypassing is exercised);

Valves Gv6, Gv11, Gv16;

Valves V1, V3 for the supply of steam into the evaporator and cargo heater;

Spool–pieces Gls2, Gls4 and CGvGM, CGvp0 for connection gas lines of cargo system;

P/V spring adjusting.

Indicators •

Animation of compressors operation (CHD1, CHD2);

Animation of heat exchangers operation (Evaporator, HD Heater);

Indicator of the automatic control over heat exchangers;

Compressors charging and suction pressure;

Indicators of throttling valves open position;

Gas pressure in the tanks;

Pressure in the cargo line Cg2G;

In-tank gas medium monitoring system – carbohydrates, oxygen, carbon dioxide content and dew point;

Spool–pieces position;

P/V spring set parameters.

Alarms •

High pressure in the tanks: – alarm is generated at +220 mbar.

Low pressure in the tanks: – alarm is generated at +20 mbar.

High pressure in the gas line.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Cargo Handling System (Gas Medium)

Protection Compressors are stopped automatically in the following cases: •

Low gas pressure in the tanks;

High current in the electric motor windings.

Principal Faults Faults are set by the instructor. The following types of faults are implemented for the system components: •

Faults in compressors (compressor switching ON/OFF failure, spontaneous stop);

Faults in valves (valve failure to respond: jamming, remote control system failure).

Exercise Limits and Termination For the training purposes, an exercise is terminated and message about damage construction is appear if: •

pressure in the gas lines is more than 1.5 times the rated value;

low pressure in the tank, as this causes the tank destruction;

high pressure in the tank, as this causes the tank destruction;

temperature drop in the tank at a high humidity of the gas medium, as this causes ice to form and damage to the pump.

For the training purposes, units will be damaged if: •

there are explosive concentrations in the tanks;

compressor operates with closed valves for a long time.

Fig. 9 Auxiliary systems


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Fuel Gas Supply System

FUEL GAS SUPPLY SYSTEM Purpose The system is used for supplying engine room boilers with natural gas and, simultaneously, for maintaining surplus pressure in the gas tanks within the admissible limits during the sea passage.

System Components The system includes the following units: •

Valves (Gv16, Gv11, Gv6) which enable the system’s communication with the cargo gas lines;

Mist separator;

Two gas centrifugal compressors (CLD1, CLD2). The discharge of each compressor is ~8.500 m³/hour at P=~ 0.96 bar and temperature of –103°C, (suction pressure of P=~ 0.03 bar, T=-140°С);

Heat exchanger LD Heater which used for increasing gas temperature in the range of -103°C (Pin=1.96 bar) to +40°C (Pout=1.8 bar);

Throttling and cut-off valves Gv… for the system control;

Valve Gv30 which provides gas supply to the engine room;

Evaporator Forcing V. which generates additional gas is case of pressure drop before the compressors. The liquid cargo evaporator changes the cargo’s aggregate state as a result of heat exchange with the water steam. The evaporator output is 7000 kg/hour (at Pin =3 bar, Tin=-163°C, Pout=0.2 bar, Tout= -40°C);

Valves СvF, СvF1, СvF2 which provide the liquid cargo supply to evaporator Forcing V.

Controls System controls are shown on the mnemonic diagram: •

Cut-off valves (Gv11, Gv21, Gv23, Gv9, Gv26, CvF);

Throttling valves (Gv6, Gv16, Gv20, Gv22, Gv17, Gv16, Gv24, Gv25, Gv30, CvF2, CvF1);

Start/Stop of compressors (CLD1, CLD2);

Auto/Manual operating mode switch;

Valves V2 and V4 for the supply of heating steam into the evaporator and cargo heater;

Automatic valve is controlled via the controller which analyses gas temperature at the heater outlet.

Indicators •

Animation of compressors operation (CLD1, CLD2);

Animation of heat exchangers operation (Forcing V., LD Heater);

Indicator of the automatic control over heat exchangers;

Compressors charging and suction pressure;

Indicators of throttling valves open position.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Fuel Gas Supply System

Alarms High pressure in the gas line.

Protection No protection.

Principal Faults Faults are set by the instructor. The following types of faults are implemented for the system components: •

Faults in compressors (compressor switching ON/OFF failure, spontaneous stop);

Faults in valves (valve failure to respond: jamming, remote control system failure).

Exercise Limits and Termination For the training purposes, an exercise is not terminated. For the training purposes, units will be damaged if: •

compressor operates with closed valves for a long time;

pressure in the gas lines is more than 1.5 times the rated value.

Fig.10 Auxiliary systems


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Inert Gas Generation System

INERT GAS GENERATION SYSTEM Purpose The inert gas generation system produces cooled down inert gas. For the inert gas, carbon dioxide СО2 produced by burning diesel oil, is used. The system enable performance of auxiliary operations connected with the filling of cargo lines, tanks and hold spaces with the inert gas, which rules out formation of explosive gas concentrations in these spaces. In addition, the system is used for feeding damp or dry air into the tanks, hold space and pipelines.

System Components The system includes the following units: •

Gear type pumps Ipf1 and Ipf2. The fuel pressure is controlled by recycle valve Iv7. Pumps taken out of operation are cut off with valves Iv19, Iv21 and Iv20, Iv22;


Air blowers Ib1, Ib2. Air is sucked in from the atmosphere and is fed to the furnace through cut-off valves Iv18, Iv17. Each air blower has an output of 3 11000 m /h at a pressure of P=350 mbar (3500 mmWC);

Controls of the burner/scrubber furnace device – Burning Control. The unit controls automatically throttling valves Iv4, Iv7. Throttling valve Iv4 sets the gas flow through the burner/scrubber;

Centrifugal pumps Ips1, Ips2 supply water through throttling valve Iv5 to the burner/scrubber cooling system, and for the spraying used for the cooling of hot furnace gases. Pumps taken out of operation are cut off with valves Iv14, Iv12 and Iv15, Iv13;

One automatic refrigerator module Iref which cools down the inert gas. The cooling is performed for the primary lowering of the inert gases dew point (to ~+5°C). For the cooling agent, freon R22 is used. The running time is about 7 – 12 minutes;


Drying module which consists if two units: Idryer1, Idryer2 containing 4800 kg of alumina each. For the alumina regeneration, the module includes air blower Ib3 and heater Ih1. The air blower provides an output of 4400 m3/h at 20 mbar (200 mmWC). The air is supplied from the atmosphere through valve Iv40. Heater Ih1 ensures the rise of air temperature up to +150 С. A complete regeneration process takes about 8 hours. (Partial adsorbent regeneration which occurs after 4 hours of processing is permissible). To cool down aluminium oxide to the operating temperature range (+3°С – +5°С), gases to air blower Ib3 are supplied through valve Iv41;

Drying module control valves Iv40…Iv50. Automatic regeneration cycle mode is provided;

Non-return valve Iv1 which protects the plant from the gas backflow. Gad is fed to the cargo gas or liquid line via valve Iv1;

Automatic valves Iv3 and Iv2 which are controlled at a signal from Ig1 (analyzer of oxygen content and dew point, temperature and pressure sensors);

Cut-off valve Iv26 which maintains permanent water level in the burner/scrubber;

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Inert Gas Generation System

Unit for the automatic control (Аuto/Мanual) of inert gas supply to the deck line through valve Iv2 or gas discharge into the atmosphere via valve Iv3: – in “Аuto” mode, the unit receives information and automatically controls throttling valves Iv2 and Iv3; – in “Мanual” mode, control of throttling valves Iv2 and Iv3 is exercised arbitrarily.

Controls •

Burning control: – selection of the burner start mode; – operating mode selection: manual/automatic; the automatic start performs the ~ 15 min long plant running program; – control of the burner/scrubber capacity is exercised by manipulating the valves: Iv7 – valve for the control of fuel supply in the burner/scrubber; Iv4 – valve for the control of gas flow through the burner/ scrubber. – emergency stop.

Ipf1, Ipf2 fuel pumps start and stop buttons;

Cut-off valves of fuel pumps Iv19, Iv21 and Iv20, Iv22;

Air blowers start and stop buttons;

Refrigerator module start/stop;

Drying module control valves Iv40…Iv50;

Spool pieces for the connection with deck lines.

Monitored Parameters Generated gas flow in the burner/scrubber (BURNING CONTROL panel):


Gas colour – Smoke (BURNING CONTROL panel);

Fuel and air flow (BURNING CONTROL panel);

Water temperature, pressure Ig5 at the burner/scrubber inlet;

Oxygen temperature and cubic contents in gas at the outlet from burner/ scrubber Ig3;

Water temperature in burner/scrubber Ig4;

Gas temperature at the outlet from refrigerator module Ig7;

Gas temperature at the inlet to regeneration plant Ig6;

Gas temperature and pressure at the outlet from regeneration plant Ig8;

Gas temperature at the outlet from drying module Ig9;

Temperature, pressure, cubic content of oxygen and dew point of the gas at the plant outlet.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Inert Gas Generation System

Alarms •

High temperature of gases Ig3 at the outlet from the burner/scrubber;

High cubic content of oxygen at the outlet from the burner/scrubber;

High/low gas pressure Ig1;

High oxygen and moisture content in the generated gas Ig1;

High temperature of gases at the plant outlet Ig1;

Low water pressure that the inlet to burner/scrubber Ig5;

High water level in burner/scrubber Ig4;

Alarm is generated in case of an emergency stop of the burning process in the burner/scrubber.

Protection •

In case of high temperature Ig3 of gases at the outlet from the burner/scrubber, fuel pumps Ipf1, Ipf2 are stopped;

In case of high water level Ig4 in the burner/scrubber, fuel pumps Ipf1, Ipf2 are stopped;

In case of high oxygen (О2) and humidity content, gas pressure Ig1, valve Iv2 is closed and valve Iv3 opens up;

In case of low pressure (BURNING CONTROL) of fuel and cooling water Ig5, fuel pumps Ipf1, Ipf2 are stopped;

The heater is turned off in case of high temperature in the drying module;

The heater is turned off if air blower Ib3 does not operate for 5 minutes.

Principal Possible Faults Faults are set by the instructor. The following types of faults have been implemented for the system units: •

break-down and unsteady operation of the burner/scrubber air blowers;

stop of burning in the burner/scrubber in case low-quality burning of fuel, high temperature of exhaust gases and high О2 percentage in them;

break-down and unsteady operation of fuel pumps;

breakdown and unsteady operation of the burner/scrubber cooling pumps;

breakdown of the regenerator air blower;

faulty valves.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Inert Gas Generation System

Exercise Limits and Termination For the training purposes, an exercise is terminated if: •

inert gas (СО2) is fed into the tanks where the temperature is below minus 45°С, as this causes crystallization of carbon dioxide in these tanks;

inert gas with inadmissible parameters is fed into the tanks.

Fig. 11 Inert gas generation system


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Nitrogen Generation System

NITROGEN GENERATION SYSTEM Purpose The system is intended for the generation of nitrogen which is used as an inert gas for the purging of cargo lines; drying of tank insulation and surface, cargo pumps, compressors, heaters. The system maintains surplus pressure in the annular space, gas seals. The use of nitrogen rules out formation of explosive gas concentrations in these spaces.

System Components The nitrogen generation system includes: •

Two screw air compressors cooled with water. Each compressor has a 3 discharge of 285 Nm /h of gas at P=10 bar. At the compressors outlet, the air passes through the special filter and air refrigerator cooled with water. This results in the primary separation of moisture and oil vapours. The temperature of air at the outlet should not be more than 45°С;

Two electric heater. In the heater, the air is heated to 50°С, where after is it fed to the diffusive generators;

Two diffusive type generators. The heated air is supplied to the generator where oxygen and moisture are separated. The separated components are discharged to the atmosphere, and the nitrogen is fed to the gas analyzers. Each generator 3 has an output of 60 Nm /h of gas which contains 97 per cent of nitrogen and has a dew point of –70°C. The simulator uses the diaphragm type generator where nitrogen is passed through the diaphragm. Oxygen stays before the diaphragm and is discharged into the atmosphere;

Throttling valves (Iv78, Iv77) (Iv76, Iv75) which determine oxygen/nitrogen ratio at the plant outlet. These valves maintain the compressor pressure at about 9.5 bar;

Four control valves (Iv82, Iv81) (Iv80, Iv79) which maintain the nitrogen concentration of more than 97 per cent in the mixture. Otherwise gas is discharged into the atmosphere through Iv83;

Buffer tank. In the 10 m tank, pressure of 5 – 8 bars is maintained. With the pressure drop to less than 3 bars, the compressor have to be started; it will be turned off at a pressure of 7 bars;

Cut-off control valves;

System of pipelines;

Nitrogen supply to High Duty compressor seals.



With two compressors and two generators operating, the output of 120 Nm /h is provided.

Controls The nitrogen generator consists of two single type modules controlled separately. The main module controls are: •

Turning ON/OFF of water supply to the compressor and air refrigerators;

Turning ON/OFF of the air compressor;

Compressor operation mode switch. In the automatic mode, the pressure in the buffer tank is maintained within the range of 3 to 7 bars;

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Nitrogen Generation System

Throttling valves for maintaining the nitrogen concentration in the range of 97 to 100 per cent and counter pressure of 9.5 bars;

Throttling valves which keep the nitrogen medium parameters under control: when within the standard range, gases are directed to the buffer tank; if they are out of the standard range, discharge into the atmosphere is opened;

Control of the throttling and cut-off valves;

Control of spool pieces for the connection with deck lines;

Nitrogen supply valve GvHD to High Duty compressor seals.

Monitored Parameters •

Pressure, temperature, flow, dew point and oxygen content at the system outlet;

Pressure in the buffer tank;

Pressure before the constant counter-pressure valves (Iv78, Iv77);

Temperature after compressors coolers;

Pressure after compressors coolers.

Alarms •

Low pressure in the buffer tank: 2.5 bars;

High pressure in the buffer tank: 9 bars;

Very high pressure in the buffer tank: 9.5 bars;

High counter-pressure at the plant outlet: 10 bars;

High moisture content at the nitrogen generator outlet (dew point of > -70 degrees at the atmospheric pressure);

High oxygen content at the nitrogen generator outlet: > 4 per cent;

Very high oxygen content at separator outlet: > 5 per cent;

High air temperature at the compressor outlet;

High pressure at the compressor outlet.

Protection Emergency safety relief valve on the buffer tank opens up at a pressure of more than 10 bars.

Principal Faults Faults are set by the instructor. The following main types of faults have been implemented for the system units:


Faults in compressors (compressor switching ON/OFF failure, spontaneous stop);

Faults in valves (valve failure to respond: jamming, remote control system failure);

Faulty generator.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Nitrogen Generation System

Exercise Limits and Termination For the training purposes, exercise units are damaged if: •

Compressor operation without flow for 10 minutes;

High gas temperature before the diaphragms.

Fig. 12 Nitrogen generator

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Inert Gas Distribution System

INERT GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Purpose The system is intended for maintaining positive pressure in cargo tank annular spaces for LNG-s and in primary/secondary barrier for LNG-m, monitoring of gas medium in the cargo tank space and ventilation of the cargo tank insulation. These prevent formation of explosive gas concentrations and frosting of the tank surface.

System Components The LNG-s system consists of: •

Four hold spaces H1….H4 which surround cargo tanks;

Inert gas feeding line whereto the gas is supplied from the IG generator located in the ship superstructure;

Throttling valves Hv1…Hv4 which enable the supply of inert gas into hold spaces H1….H4 respectively;

Tanks orifice stations are equipped by flowmeter and Av…2, Av…3 valves;

Throttling valves (Hv11…Hv41) and automatic valves (Hv12…Hv42) which maintain the pressure in the hold space within the admissible range;

Nitrogen feeding line where to the gas is supplied from the nitrogen generator which is located in the ship superstructure;

Throttling bypass valves Av1…Av4 which enable the supply of nitrogen to the automatic supply units;

Nitrogen automatic supply units At 15, 25, 35, 45 on tanks which enable the supply of nitrogen to the annular space or bypass it in hold space;

Throttling valves Av11…Av41 which maintain nitrogen pressure in the annular space. The discharge of nitrogen is from the annular space to the hold space;

Pipeline system.

The LNG-m system consists of:


Four primary barrier void space At1….At4 which surround cargo tanks;

Four secondary barrier void space H1….H4 which surround cargo tanks;

Four cofferdams which segregate cargo tanks holds;

Cofferdams are equipped by heating coils with inlet Hivt1…Hivt4 and outlet Hiv11…Hivt44 valves. Heat agent is supplying to the coils from Engine room through Hiv1 and returns back through Hiv2 valve. Hiv3 is used as bypass valve;

Nitrogen gas feeding line where the gas is supplied from the generator located in the ship superstructure;

Nitrogen gas feeding line where gas is from Manifold (shore) through AAvM valve;

Supply pressure control station which include AA1, AA2, AA3 pressure auto controllers;

Throttling valves Hv1…Hv4 which enable the supply of nitrogen into secondary barrier void space H1….H4 respectively;

P/v valves Hv1…Hv4, which maintain nitrogen pressure in the secondary barrier void space. The discharge of nitrogen is from the space to atmosphere;

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

Inert Gas Distribution System

Throttling bypass valves Av1…Av4 which enable the supply of nitrogen to the primary barrier void space At1….At4 respectively;

Throttling valves AvAt1… AvAt4 and p/v valves AAt1…Aat4, which maintain nitrogen pressure in the primary barrier void space. The discharge of nitrogen is from the space to nitrogen vent riser;

Deck pressure control station which include AA4, AA5, AA6 pressure auto controllers;

Vacuum compressors Icom1, Icom2, which is connected with nitrogen vent riser;

Pipeline system.

Controls •

Control of the throttling and cut-off valves;

P/V spring adjusting;

Control of the system configuration through the connection/disconnection of spool pieces;

Compressor start/stop buttons.

Monitored Parameters •

Pressure, temperature and oxygen/CHx content in the gas atmosphere of cargo tanks;

Pressure, temperature and oxygen/CHx content in the spaces;

Pressure in pipe lines;

Valve positions.

Alarms •

Excessive hydrocarbons content in the hold space atmosphere;

“High” – high pressure in the hold space;

“Very-Low” – very low pressure in the hold space;

“Low-Low” – low pressure in the hold space;

“Low” – low pressure in the hold space;

“High” – large pressure drop between the tank and hold space;

“High-High” – large pressure drop between the tank and hold space.

Protection The safety release valve is opened automatically if the pressure or vacuum limit is exceeded in the space. Destroy of AAvM in case of liquid flow.

Principal Fault Faults are set by the instructor. Some faults in valves have been implemented for the system units.

LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.


Inert Gas Distribution System

Exercise Limits and Termination For the training purposes, the exercise is terminated when: •

pressure in the gas lines is more than 1.5 times the rated value;

explosive concentrations are attained in the hold space.

Fig. 13 LNG-s Inert gas and nitrogen distribution system

Fig. 14 LNG-m nitrogen distribution and cofferdam heating system


LCHS 4000. LNG TANKER. Description of Systems.

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