1. Statement no. 1: The creditor may be compelled to accept payment in checks as long as the check is negotiable. Statement no. 2: An obligation payable “should the client die of diabetes” is an obligation subject to a period. a. Statement o. 1 is false !hile statement o.2 is true. b. Statement o. 1 is true !hile statement o. 2 is true. c. "oth Statement are false d. "oth Statement are true 2. The buyer has the right to the fruit of the thing from: a. The time the thing is deli#ered b. The time the contract is perfected c. The time the obligation to deli#er the thing arises d. The time the fruits are deli#ered $. Statement no. 1: %ust before the obligation became due and demandabl demandable& e& the debtor debtor proposed proposed to the creditor that he !ould gi#e him a speci'c car instead of paying paying 1()&) 1()&))) )).) .))& )& and !hich !hich propo proposal sal !as acce accept pted ed by the the cre credito ditorr. *ere *ere&& ther there e is e+tinguishment of an obligation by !ay of dacion en pago. Statement Statement no. 2: After After substituti substitution on in facultati facultati#e #e obligations& the loss of the principal through the fault or negligence of the debtor shall render him liable for damages in fa#or of the creditor. a. "oth are true b. "oth are false c. o. 1 is true& o. 2 is false d. o. 1 is false& o. 2 is true ,. -eeting in one person of the characterist characteristics ics of both the debtor and creditor in one and the same obligation e+tinguishers the obligation by !ay of: a. o#ation b. ompensation or set/o0 c. ondonation or remission d. -erger or confusion (. onsignation alone& as a special form of payment& may e+tingu e+tinguish ish an obliga obligatio tion n under under any of the follo!ing instances. hich is the e+ception e+ception a. hen the creditor is absent& or is unkno!n or does not appear in the place of payment. b. he hen n the cr credi editor tor is cap capaci acitat tated ed to re rece cei#e i#e payment c. hen the creditor refuses to issue receipts d. hen there are t!o or more persons claiming title to one and the same obligation e. hen title to the same obligation has been lost
3. Statement no. 1: in alternati#e obligations& it is the notice of !hich prestation to perform made by the debtor shall con#ert the alternati#e obligation into a pure or simple one. Statement no. 2: 4n the case of a joint obligation& the co/debtors may be held liable for the share of an insol#ent co/debtor. a. "oth Statement are true b. "oth statement are false c. Statement no. 1 is true !hile statement no. 2 is false d. Statement no. 1 is false !hile statement no. 2 is true 5. An obligation based on positi#e la! and gi#e right to enforce its performance. performance. a. i#il 6bligation b. -oral 6bligation c. 7egal 6bligation d. atural 6bligation 8. An obligation !herein #arious things are due& but the payment of one of them is su9cient to e+tinguish the obligation is called: a. Simple obligation b. onjoint obligation c. Alternati#e 6bligation d. acultati#e 6bligation ;. An obligation !herein #arious things are due but the complete performance of all of them is necessary to e+tinguish the obligation a. acultati#e obligation b. onjoint obligation c. Alternati#e obligation d. o. 2 is false d. o. 1 is false> o. 2 is true 22.4n an “in#itation to bud”& " proposes the follo!ing: “4 !ill buy the property for
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