Law Students Prayer.docx

June 21, 2018 | Author: Marco Arpon | Category: N/A
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Law Students Prayer

O God, Our Cool Best Friend and best teacher, you are the true source of light and wisdom. Cont Contin inue ue to insp inspir ire e us with with your your ord. ord. !hat !hat befo before re stud studyi ying ng our our sub" sub"ec ectt matt matter er## we shal shalll see$ see$ to medi medita tate te %rst %rst the the boo$ boo$ of Law Law inspired by your &oly Spirit. Grant me silence so that ' may process the $nowledge ' ha(e obtained. Grant me the talent of being e)act in my e)planations and the ability to e)press myself with thoroughness and charm. Guide me during the times of trouble. &elp me to reali*e that ' ha(e done my best possible wor$. Let me be satis%ed with the wor$ ' ha(e done, but also help me to see area that ' may impro(e upon academically in the future. &elp us to pass each %nal test as a passport for facing the real world that we may contribute our learnings and wisdom to the world and we may not succeed this test without your help and guidance. +midst dierence, help me e)press lo(e and appreciation not only to my law boo$s, but also to my classmates, professors and school administrators and sta. Gi(e us a spirit of understanding and appreciation of each other. -emind us not to focus on the "ourney of being a Lawyer alone, but but fo focu cus s on beco becomi ming ng your your best best chil child d who who ad(o ad(oca cate tes s true true lo(e lo(e peace, "ustice and lo(e for our country, neighbors and family. Be with me, Lord, during this time. ndoubtedly, there will be moments when ' want to /uit and gi(e up but ' $now that you will sustain me, Lord. ith you, there0s nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. &old me tig tight in your your embra brace, so that hat ' can be stro stron nger ger than than the the challenges in my life. e $now that nothing is going to happen that you 1GO23 and ' cannot together handle. Lord, point out the beginning, direct the progress, and help in the completion. !han$ you, Lord and ' Lo(e 4ou.

!his is our sincere prayer in the precious name of  5esus Christ our our Lord and Sa(ior Sa(ior..


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