Law of Sale of Goods Act 1930 Notes

May 23, 2018 | Author: Adeel Muzaffar | Category: Auction, Sales, Civil Law (Legal System), Contract Law, Virtue
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Sale of Goods Act 1930...


LAW OF SALE OF GOODS ACT, 1930 Lecture Notes

INTRODUCTION  Till 1930, 1930, transactions relating relating to sale and purchase of goods were were regulated ! the Indian Indian Contract "ct, 1#$%& 1#$%& In 1930, 'ections $( to 1%3 of the Indian Contract "ct, 1#$% were repealed and a separate "ct called )The Indian 'ale of *oods "ct, "ct, 1930 was passed& It ca+e into force force on 1 st ul!, 1930& -ith e.ect fro+ fro+ %% nd 'epte+er, 19(3, the word )Indian/ was also re+oed&& Now, the present re+oed present "ct "ct is called called )The 'ale of *ood "ct, "ct, 1930/& 1930/& This "ct etends to the whole of India ecept the 'tate of a++u and 2ash+ir&

"ccording to 'ection 3, the proisions of the Indian Contract "ct, 1#$%, still continue to appl! to contracts for the sale of goods ecept where )The 'ale of *oods "ct/, 1930 proides for the contrar!&

eaning of contract of 'ale "ccording to 'ection 4516 of the 'ale of *oods "ct, 1930, 7Contract of sale of goods is a contract where! where! the seller transfers transfers or agrees to transfer transfer the propert! in goods to the u!er for a price8& )Contract of 'ale/ is a generic ter+ which includes oth a sale as well as an agree+ent to sell&


;ssential ;le+ents of Contract of 'ale  The aforesaid de of loss of goods ta>es place 4:

=u!er does not get such right to enAo! the goods& It onl! creates Aus in persona+ 5Right against the person6&

 Transfer of ris> of loss of goods does not ta>e place

& Rights of seller against the u!er/s reach

i++ediatel! ecause ownership is transferred& "s a result, in case of destruction of goods, the loss shall e orne ! the u!er een though the goods are in the possession of the seller&

ecause ownership is not transferred& "s a result, in case of destruction of goods, the loss shall e orne ! the seller een though the goods are in the possession of the u!er&

'eller can sue the u!er for the price een though the goods are in his possession&

'eller can sue the u!er for da+ages een though the goods are in the possession of the u!er&


(& Rights of u!er against the seller/s reach

=u!er can sue the seller for da+aged and can sue the third part! who ought those goods, for goods&

=u!er can sue the seller for da+ages onl!&

$& ;.ect of insolenc! of seller haing possession of goods

=u!er can clai+ the =u!er cannot clai+ the goods goods fro+ the ocial een when he has paid the receier or assignee price ecause the ownership ecause the ownership has not transferred to the u!er& of goods has transferred  The u!er who has paid the to the u!er& price can onl! clai+ rateale diidend&

#& ;.ect of insolenc! of the u!er efore pa!ing the price

'eller +ust delier the goods to the ocial receier or assignee ecause the ownership of goods has transferred to the u!er& Ee can onl! clai+ rateale diidend for the unpaid price&

'eller can refuse to delier the goods unless he is paid full price of the goods ecause the ownership has not transferred to the u!er&

eaning of *oods 'ection %5$6: *oods +eans eer! >ind of +oale propert! other than actionale clai+s and +one!, and includes the followingB 5a6 'toc> and shares 56 *rowing crops, grass and thing attached to or for+ing part of the land which are agreed to e sered efore sale or under the Contract of 'ale&


Type of Goods

 T!pes of *oods

;isting goods +ean the goods which are either owned or possessed ! the seller at the ti+e of contract of sale& Future goods 'ection %5(6: Future goods +ean goods to e +anufactured or produced or acGuired ! the seller after the +a>ing of the contract of sale&  These are the goods the acGuisition of which ! the seller depends upon a contingenc! which +a! or +a! not happen&

CONDITIONS AND WARRANTIES It is usual for oth seller and u!er to +a>e representations to each other at the ti+e of entering into a contract of sale& 'o+e of these representations are +ere opinions which do not for+ a part of contract of sale& -hereas so+e of the+ +a! eco+e a part of contract of sale& Representations which eco+e a part of contract of sale are ter+ed as stipulations which +a! ran> as condition and warrant! e&g& a +ere co++endation of his goods ! the seller doesn/t eco+e a stipulation and gies no right of action of the u!er against the seller as such representations are +ere opinion on the part of the seller& =ut where the seller assu+es to assert a fact of which the


u!er is ignorant, it will a+ount to a stipulation for+ing an essential part of the contract of sale&

eaning of 'tipulation 'ection 1%516: " stipulation in a contract of sale of goods +a! e a condition or warrant! 'ection 1%516:&

eaning of Condition 'ection 1%5%6: " condition is a stipulation 5a6 -hich is essential to the +ain purpose of the contract, and 56  The reach of which gies the aggrieed part! a right to ter+inate the contract&

eaning of -arrant! 'ection 1%536: " warrant! is a stipulation 5a6 -hich is collateral to the +ain purpose of the contract, and 56  The reach of which gies the aggrieed part! a right to clai+ da+ages ut not right to reAect goods and to ter+inate the contract&

-hen condition to e treated as warrant! 'ection 13: In the following three case, a reach of a condition is treated as a reach of a warrant!B 5a6 -here the u!er waies a conditionB once the u!er waies a condition, he cannot insist one its fulnowledge that the seller had no authorit! to sell&

5c6 'ale ! a person in possession under oidale contract

5i6 The seller +ust e in possession of goods under a contract oidale uMs 19 or 19" of Indian Contract& "ct, 1#$% on ground of coercion, undue inuence, +isrepresentation of fraud& 5ii6 The goods +ust hae een sold 1(:

efore the contract is rescinded& 5iii6 The u!er +ust hae ought the goods in goods faith& 5i6 The u!er +ust hae no >nowledge that the seller/s title is defectie&

5d6 'ale ! seller in possession after sale 'ection 30516:

5i6 The seller +ust e in possession of goods or of a docu+ent of title to the goods, in the capacit! of a seller and not in an! other capacit! such as ailee& 5ii6 The u!er +ust hae ought the goods in good faith& 5iii6 The u!er +ust hae no >nowledge aout the preious sale&

5e6 'ale ! a u!er in possession efore the transfer of ownership 'ection 305%6:

5i6 The u!er +ust e in possession of the goods or a docu+ent of title to the goods, with the consent of the original seller and +ust hae ought or agreed to u! the goods& 5ii6 The new u!er +ust hae ought the goods in good faith& 5iii6 The new u!er +ust hae no >nowledge aout an! lien or other right of the original seller in respect of good&

"n unpaid seller +ust hae eercised his right of lien or stoppage in transit&

5f6 "n unpaid seller 'ection

5i6 The owner cannot e found with 1$:


reasonale diligenceH or 5ii6 The owner, if found refuse to pa! the lawful charges of e use of pretended idding to raise the price, the sale is oidale at the option of the u!er 'ec& (45(6:& 2noc> out or agree+ent not to id against each other& -here a group of persons for+ a co+ination to preent co+petition etween the+seles at an auction and arrange that onl! one of the+ will id& %:

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