Law of Attraction : Secrets of the Overachievers

February 25, 2017 | Author: saifuldinho | Category: N/A
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Secrets of the Overachiever

Secrets of the

Overachiever 5 Magic Steps To Turn Your Thoughts Into Money Or Anything Else

Saiful Rizal © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author . DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserve the rights to alter and update their opinions based on the new conditions. This report is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author and his resellers and affiliates cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.

© Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever

Introduction The True Confession of the World's First Teen Personal Development Video Blogger

Congratulations! By taking time out to read this E-book, you've made the first step in not only becoming a person of unlimited power, but possibly also becoming what Napolean Hill referred to as an educated person:

“He who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he can acquire anything he wants or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.”

Now, you might read this halfway and lose interest - you aren't ready for success.

Or you might read this all the way to the end, but not do the exercises - you aren't ready for success.

Or you might read this all the way through, complete the exercises and begin your © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever journey towards becoming an Overachiever – you're born for success.

So you might want to take note of the above definition because that's what you are.

Once you've mastered these 5 steps, you can quickly and effortlessly attract anything you want to have, do or be.

Whether you know it or not, you have used the Law of Attraction before in your life to get that elusive A in a Math Exam in school or win the competition that seemed impossible to win simply because you wanted it bad enough. You know what I'm talking about.

And although this could be the first time you've heard the concept of the Law of Attraction, you've really realised its power once or twice in your life, but was never really conscious of it.

And you can't control what you're not conscious of. This is the purpose of this E-book, to make you aware of the Law of Attraction so that you can take 100% responsibility for your life and start achieving more!

Is this exciting or what?


I want to be able to talk to you freely and openly, so before we get into the meat of this © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever book, I want to tell you something few people know.

I only discovered this breakthrough system a month ago.

Okay you're probably wondering, "If this guy's new to this concept, then why should I be listening to him?!"

I've got two reasons for you.

1) The Combination To Life's Secrets : The right information in the right order executed the right way.

You see, like you, I've attracted some really great miracles into my life but some of the processes towards achieving my goals have been downright painful or especially slow.

As I look back, I realize it's because I've been subconsciously exercising the system in parts and sometimes in the wrong order.

But now that I am aware there is a system – the right information in the right order executed the right way – that will guarantee the success I have in getting the Law of Attraction to work for me, I can attract anything I want much, much, much more easily and quickly to me.

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Secrets of the Overachiever

2) I'm very confident this system will work for you because none of it's mine!

Yes you heard me right. None of this is mine! I've gathered this information from the world's greatest thinkers and personal development Gurus and that's exactly how I know the further and further you read this E-book, the closer and closer you'll be to becoming an Overachiever.

Let me explain…

About a month ago, a friend approached me out of the blue asking me to write a book on the Law of Attraction due to the high demand generated by the Hit movie "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

Now sure, I've watched "The Secret"(who hasn't?) but it was quite clear that I had very little idea what the Law of Attraction was and how to make it work when I asked him, "It's something like goal-setting right?"

And with that, I went to work. I only managed to type out about half a page even though I wrecked my brain, so I grudgingly went to the library to do my research.

As I was browsing through the "Self-Improvement" shelf, I almost instantly caught the words "The Secret". It was almost as if the book jumped out at me from the hundreds sitting there.

On my first reading, what the Gurus said about this law excited me and I was whispering © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever "The Secret, The Secret, The Secret" every time a good thing happened. Silly I know, but finding out that you can use it to attract money, relationships, health and whatever you want?!

That's like finding a magic lamp!

I went online to search for more information, and somehow was attracted to Mr. Fire a.k.a Dr. Joe Vitale - one of the stars featured on "The Secret" and a long time proponent of the Law of Attraction.

That was when things started to change very quickly for me. I saw the countless testimonials for his Bestseller "The Attractor Factor", ran to the library to get a copy, ran back home, shut the door, opened the book and couldn't put it down.

The fascinating journey had begun.

I tried using his system and it started to work for me, very small things at first but about 3 weeks in, much bigger, unanticipated opportunities and experiences started showing up in my life.

I was convinced they weren't coincidences anymore.

I did more extensive research, and then stumbled upon Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles", which provided more tangible methods on "How to get from where you are to where you want to be" in that, they didn't require as much belief so much so than logic. © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever Interweaving some of the principles in Jack Canfield's book with Dr Joe Vitale's 5-step system proved to be the hybrid system I needed – a mix of head and heart, mind and spirit – that works every single time.

And that's the system you're about to discover!

So let''s get to it…

Oh, I almost forgot!

I want to tell you the biggest attraction I've made so far…You! The fact that you're reading this right now is a miracle to me and is easily another reason for you to read on.

Only 14 days ago, Saif Improvement was a Divine-inspired idea in my head. Everything related to it - the website design, the social network, the content, the videos and everything else -came to me easily and quickly to make this a reality.

And just a few days ago, I unexpectedly met a family friend at a function who told me that he liked the idea behind my video blog – which left me perplexed because I hadn't told him about it.

It turns out that without my knowledge and intervention, just the day before; my uncle had shown my website to his friend who happens to be a personal coach to youths and corporations.

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Secrets of the Overachiever

We talked for about an hour or so on our favourite subject – personal development of course – and I know he will be a long time friend and partner in the exciting years to come.

P.S. He's already invited me to be part of a community project as a public speaker that I believe will be the first steps to realizing my long term vision of becoming a successful life coach and speaker.

Like I said, it's too strange to be a coincidence. I used the system and suddenly I've attracted an astonishing opportunity.

STOP! I want to tell you that what I'll be sharing with you throughout this book is my perspective.

I do not want you to believe anything I say. I'm not saying reject it but what I'm saying is that you should be open to it as a possibility, but not just accept it on faith.

I want you to test out every technique that you find in this book and decide what works by basing it on your own experience.

So without further ado, I present to you the one law that will change your life. (Pardon the cliché, but trust me it really will…)

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Secrets of the Overachiever However, don't take my word for it because…

Obviously This Works! Here's what the people who've read these 3 books had to say:

On "The Attractor Factor":

"I was heavily in debt and had lost my job and my car. Within 48 hours of discovering Joe's five steps in "The Attractor Factor", I got another car, which cost me nothing, and received my first freelance writing project. In less than five months, the debt was gone, I paid cash for a brand-new SUV, started my own successful online business, met my future wife, and moved to a dream setting in the Texas hill country. This book will help you attract whatever you wish to bring into your life – fast!"

-Bill Hibbler, Owner, On "The Secret":

Put your bias and previous misconceptions aside - open up - and just sit back and soak it all up. I just realised after it all that I had a book previously on this subject and hadn't applied it and had forgotten all about it. I recommend it to all who are confident enough to take command of their own lives and live it to it's fullest potential."

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Dr. Am Stewart, New Zealand

Secrets of the Overachiever

On "The Success Principles":

“When it comes to success, Canfield knows of what he speaks: he is co-creator, with Mark Victor Hansen, of the seemingly endless Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He presents 64 success principles that he claims "always work" -- and draws on his own experience and that of others to illustrate them. Sixty-four principles may seem like a lot, but each receives a concise, easy-to-digest chapter that challenges readers to risk creating their lives exactly as they want them...” - Publisher's Weekly

You are ready for success aren't you?

So What's This Law You've Been Raving About? It's attraction!

If you've watched "The Secret" you probably don't need this introduction.

But if you haven't, remember when you were in high school and your science teacher told you that everything on Earth, even you, are made of particles – atoms, molecules, compounds etc – that hold energy within them?

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Secrets of the Overachiever

The Law of Attraction works because of that energy, more specifically the energy of your thoughts.

If you've studied physics, you would know that similar electromagnetic waves reinforce each other while unlike waves cancel each other's effects out.

So it is with the Law of Attraction.

As you begin to focus on a thought (energy), you will attract more like thoughts, opportunities and experiences that will ultimately lead to the inevitable manifestation of that thought if acted upon.

So in other words, as you begin to focus on the thoughts of what you want, your life will begin to reflect that change or if you're a classics guy, James Allen said it best when he said "As a man thinketh, so is he"

How is this logical?

Here's a fact for you: 5/6 of the thoughts you have are subconscious. For instance, you do not breathe because you're consciously thinking of breathing in and out every second of the day.

Another example: Right now, you're not aware of what you're feeling on your left hand.

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Secrets of the Overachiever But I'm quite sure the moment I said that, you thought about it, and you felt what you're feeling on your left hand. How about the warmth of your rear as you sit in that chair now? ;)

SCIENTIFIC FACT: The Reticular Activating System (RAS) in our brains serve as an information filter. There's a multitude of information out there, and as the demonstrations above prove, it only brings into your conscious mind what you want it to be aware of i.e. what you focus on.

The Greek Philosopher Socrates speculated, and now Neuro Science have confirmed, that the brain is theological (Greek for goal-seeking) and that's the basis of how the Law of Attraction works.

When you have a picture of what you want, the subconscious mind will bring it to you. Things, opportunities and experiences that you would have otherwise missed are now alerted to you by the RAS and can be used to receive what you asked for from the Universe.

Sounds logical right? But trust me when I say it's more spiritual than logical.

%*$@ You "The Secret" "The Secret" has attracted bad press partly and ironically, due to the extraordinary marketing employed that has changed hundreds of thousands of lives. © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever

The emphasis of "The Secret" was on thoughts becoming things – with very little hint about taking MASSIVE ACTION.

I believe the emphasis of the movie is the rather attractive but incomplete idea that we can get anything we want simply by visualizing, on our sofas, already having our objects of desire.

But of course, like Jack Canfield said in the interview on Oprah, "If you're visualizing of already getting that Ferrari everyday on your sofa and doing nothing else, you know what? You'll lose your home and that sofa, and you'll be visualizing on the streets!"

It's a great marketing ploy, but it is a movie and was introductory probably for the better, so that people like you and me can look into it further and make our own discoveries.

STOP! Let's look at the definition of the Law of Attraction again:

As you begin to focus on a thought (energy), you will attract more like thoughts, opportunities and experiences that will ultimately lead to the inevitable manifestation of that thought if acted upon.

In order to avoid the same deadly trap, we have to remember these two key words before we dive into the nitty-gritty:

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Secrets of the Overachiever Focus and acted upon.

The One Proven Way of Asking That Always Works Do you know that the guy sitting next to you on the bus and the guy sitting next to him have close to 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day?

Follow me here…

In addition, would you agree with me if I say a large fraction of those thoughts is asking for something, be it consciously or subconsciously?

But did you know that most of those requests never get manifested because even the first step is wrong?

You have probably achieved some great things in your life.

It could be the number of sparkling trophies sitting on your shelf, the certificates proudly framed on your wall, the number of people you've touched through community work, the wonderful partner you’ve attracted or even the fact that your body doesn’t seem to have heard that there’s a flu going around.

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Secrets of the Overachiever Maybe some of these accomplishments came in the state of flow.

Maybe you did manifest some of them intentionally.

But wouldn’t it be great to have a proven way of asking that always works, every single time?

You don’t know this yet but by the time you finish reading this, you’re going to internalise this proven way and be on your way to attracting whatever you want.

But before I reveal to you the steps towards this massive abundance I want to tell you that it all boils down to this.

Anthony Robbins said it best when he said (repeatedly in every audio program) :

Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find. Quite simple eh?

Even so, most people fail to manifest their wants.

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Secrets of the Overachiever Why?

For the most part, people know what they want.

A fraction of them know why they want it.

And only a fraction of that fraction know how to get it.

Lucky for you, you’re going to learn the right way of asking.

Are you beginning to see how this material will help you attract whatever you want?

So here you are. You're holding the combination to the lock of the secret only the top 1% of the world know. Do you stand there cynically or do you start punching in the combination and begin to make your orders with the Universe?

FACT: I can only show you the door, you have to walk through it. Use this material wisely.

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Secrets of the Overachiever

“You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not in just some of us, it's in us all.”

- Marriane Williamson

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Secrets of the Overachiever

Your Journey Begins The Story of the Mystical Man Who Asked The Question ...

Imagine yourself walking down a deserted road one hot afternoon.

In the distance you see the fumes just above the tar of the road.

You look further to see what's beyond it because you've been walking for hours in search of a ride to hop on, and see something shiny in the distance. You walk faster and as you approach the anomaly, kneel down and pick it up. A golden lamp covered in dirt, just like the one you saw in Aladdin.

Nobody's looking so what the hell, might as well give it a try. You rub the lamp, wishing in your heart that something mystical would appear no matter how crazy that sounds. No, it doesn't happen. That was too stupid to be true. So you chuck the lamp away, and as you continue walking, you hear footsteps behind you..

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Secrets of the Overachiever Who could it be? You haven't seen a town for miles. You turn around guardedly.

A well-groomed man of medium height, probably in his mid-twenties, stands in front of you.

He walks to you, his inviting blue eyes fixed onto yours with every light step.

You look into his eyes, and every time you try to break the connection, you get sucked into them more.

His eyes are more than inviting..

Almost under the effect of a black hole, your eyes start to focus on his pupils - a world of emptiness.

No, a universe of emptiness. "What do you want?, he bellowed, instantly bringing you out of your trance.

You're about to say "I need a car to get out of here!" but somehow, the expression on his face suggests that he wasn't asking what you want superficially.

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Secrets of the Overachiever The way his lips pursed perfectly together, his thick brown hair perfectly combed back and the fact that there was nobody behind you for miles makes you think that this guy could be something else. Before you've got time to figure out what he is, he speaks again, this time in a less intimidating manner.

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, I can achieve…"

What does he mean by… "…but only if you tell me in the next 5 minutes" Your mind goes blank as you stand there in front of him, motionless, not believing how this stranger has triggered something in you to ask yourself "what do you want?" Once again, you look into his eyes for an explanation but not getting a response, you think back to when you were 4 and your Mom asked you," What do you want to be when your grow up?"

What did I want to be when I was 4?

Why did I want to be that? © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever “Where are you heading?"

"Hey kid, where are you heading?!", a rough man's voice shot from behind you.

You look blankly at him, as you stand in front of the old, worn out blue pick-up.

"Somewhere", you blurt out.

The pick-up starts moving, you look out the window but the question lingers on your mind…

"What do I really want out of my life?"

Moment Of Enlightenment Do you realise that everything we've ever wanted or wanted to become have something in common?

They all have 1 or 2 drives behind them that defines who we really are at the very core. But along the way….

Our parents tell us that they hope we can make their dreams of becoming a lawyer, a

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Secrets of the Overachiever doctor or whatever it is, come true.

The teachers in school tell us that we should be doing more calculus instead of enjoying the sense of satisfaction from expressing ourselves fully through art.

Our friends tell us about the cool new features of the PSP Slim, persuading us to get one so that we can play the latest games together.

The TV ad on the bus compels us to get a copy of FHM to find out the 10 things not to do on a date if we want to get 10 more.

Given the constant barrage of marketing messages and advertising, and the highly unrealistic expectations and hopes imposed upon us, it's a wonder how we're still able to discern what we want from what others want of us.

In fact, if you have yet to find out what you really want in life, it likely has nothing to do with you.

If the preceding pages have left you more confused than empowered, take a deep breath and relax. We're about to take aim at this confusion, blow away the smoke and make things as simple as possible.

In fact, we'll nail it down to just 5 steps.

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Secrets of the Overachiever And with these 5 steps, we can work miracles.

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Secrets of the Overachiever

“My life is my message.”

- Mohandas Gandhi

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Secrets of the Overachiever

Step One: The Man With A Mission

I believe that deep down, you know what you're put on this Earth to do.

Do you remember the time when you had a lot of fun doing something, and people praised you and kept saying how gifted you were when they saw what you did or created, although it almost took you no effort at all?

I cannot tell you with absolute certainty but that's probably what you're put here to do.

Maybe the following story will give you a clue of what I'm talking about:

I still remember the first time I acted in a play – it was in Secondary School (High School). I was given one of the lead roles as Count Orsino from Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" but I was nervous about acting because the rest of my classmates who were acting with me were Drama Club Seniors.

However, during rehearsals I found that acting was heap loads of fun and that it came very naturally to me, and till today I cannot understand why some people can't act – simply because it's as natural as walking to me. © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever Once I found out I had this Gift, I went on to play many lead and supporting roles during public performances for my Theatre Studies & Drama (TSD) Program, a short film, a Singapore Arts House performance, and recently in January 2007 as a lead in my first professional play at the Singapore Repertory Theatre.

I have to point out to you that I only got a B for my TSD A Level Examination and wasn't paid in my professional acting debut. (It was self-produced by my friends and me)

More importantly, I've never felt so fulfilled in my life before, that getting a B paled in comparison to the joy, laughter, and "in-flow" experiences that I had over the 2 year TSD Program.

And not getting paid wasn't really not getting paid because the laughter I heard from the 200 people every single time my character said something humorous (which was a lot of times) and the number of people who come up to me every single night telling me how much they loved my performance was just priceless.

You see, nothing else matters if you enjoy doing what you do best.

So I believe the question you have to ask yourself is "What is something that I really enjoy doing and excel at that comes effortlessly to me?"

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Secrets of the Overachiever

“You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?' ”

- George Bernard Shaw

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Secrets of the Overachiever

Step Two: The Question That Will Change Your Life

I can ask you 1 question that will determine with 99% accuracy, where you'll be 20 years from now.

But before I do, let me tell you the shocking results of a study done at Yale University in 1952.

Unlike many studies that require people to answer many questions, the undergrads were asked only one. And what they responded to this question proved to be a prophecy for every single one of them.

When the analysts caught up with them 20 years later, the combined income of the 3% who answered "Yes" to this question was more than the 97% who said “No”,COMBINED!

Isn't that mind-boggling?!

So I'm going to ask you the question now, and let's see how you'll do in the future.

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Secrets of the Overachiever "Do you have clearly specified and written down goals?"

It's a yes or no question.

If you answered "Yes", then you're very well on your way to receiving whatever you have on that piece of paper or card you're carrying around.

If you answered "No", you don't have to wait around and find out if what the study claims is true.

Now is the time! Carpe Diem! (Seize the day!)

Here's the part that you'll really enjoy.

1) Write down every single thing you want! Don't worry if it's possible or not, just go back to the time when you were a kid and make a wish list.

One method that helped me during this exercise was to put myself in the place of Mandy Moore's character from the touching movie, "A Walk To Remember".

In other words, if you had just one more year to live, what do you want to experience, be or have that would really make your life a fulfilled one?

One year, that's all you have... © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever 2) Look at your list and choose the 2 most outrageous objects of desire, one for the shortterm and another for the long-term.

"I want to be able to buy anything I want without worrying about money problems." Before we go on, can you spot what's wrong with that declaration?

Does what you have on that piece of paper look something like this?

Remember I told you to keep two keywords in mind at the beginning of this book? The problem has to do with the first word, FOCUS.

Read the above declaration again. Now can you tell me what's wrong with it? I'll give you a clue, what you focus on expands.

If you're like me, you'd want another clue : Mother Teresa once said "If u want to invite me to a anti-war rally, then I won't come. But if you have a peace rally invite me"

Yes! We're focusing on "worrying about money problems". The way we use words to describe our wants plays a huge role simply because those are the thoughts that we'll be focusing on everyday until we manifest them.

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Secrets of the Overachiever 3a) Remove any negatives you have in your declaration, words like not, don't want, without etc. Those are what you don't want.

b) At the same time, also write down what you know you don't want in relation to that declaration and turn it on its head.

Using the example of "I want to be able to buy anything I want without worrying about money problems"

a) Replace "without worrying about money problems" with "and still have an abundant supply of money in the bank"

b) Knowing what you don't want specifically in relation to that declaration: "I don't want to have credit card debt and debt from family and friends" becomes "I want to have money coming to me from multiple sources of income."

4) Now look at what you want. Will achieving them be something totally extraordinary for you? Do you feel excited but have doubts as to how you're going to get it at the same time?

If yes, you're on the right track!

If not, let me ask you a question: Why do you think Donald Trump has one of the highest net worth in the world?

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Secrets of the Overachiever Is it any coincidence that his latest book is called “Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life”?

So for instance, if you said you want to get a B for the next Math Exam (Yikes! Math!!!) wouldn't getting an A+++ be more of an achievement?

Think about it. I'm going to be in-your-face here and tell you that you can ask for anything, anything at all because the Universe is abundant. Capitalism may have us think otherwise, but do you really think God or the Universe whatever you want to call It, has any limits?

So go ahead and ask. Write it down.

A powerful technique that really got me to release all my inhibitions when doing this exercise is what Dr Joe Vitale in his book, "The Attractor Factor" called "Think Like God":

"No matter how you view God, you probably admit that your concept is a being with enormous power and no limits. Well, if you thought like that God, what would you want for yourself? What would you want for the world?"

5) Dash into the future.

Most Gurus in "The Secret" recommend writing your wants down as if you already have it.

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Secrets of the Overachiever If you're like me, doing that makes you feel a bit phony and the alternative that I've found to work is writing "I choose" in front of your want"

So : "I choose to be able to buy anything and still have an abundant supply of money in my bank coming from multiple sources of income,"

6) Write "this or something better" at the end of the want.

This is to signal to the Universe that you are not coming from a place of Ego but realise that you are just an extension of the Universe and that you are open to getting something similar to what you want or better, if that's what you're supposed to get from the Universe and that's what it wills.

We'll elaborate more on this in Step 5.

Now, put that piece of paper aside for a moment and continue reading.

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Secrets of the Overachiever

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate"

- Carl Jung, Swiss Psychiatrist

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Secrets of the Overachiever

Step Three: The Hidden Agenda

I was waiting for the shuttle bus to the National University Hospital with my mom today, and I noticed something really peculiar and fascinating at the same time.

From where I sat, about 2 feet out was a blue line that ran along the sidewalk.

And as I peered up from my book, I realized that people were walking along the side of the blue line further from me, and not a single one of them walked on the other side!

I kept on observing, and finally this woman dressed in brown did something different. She walked on the line but never really crossed it!

Peculiar behaviors like this are what this step's all about. Programming.

When we see a piece of information, we evaluate what it is, why it is there, what to do with it and everything else about it so that we can familiarize ourselves with that piece of information and recall that program when we encounter it again in the future.

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Secrets of the Overachiever Yes, a program is very much like a memory but it differs in that most programming will drive you to do things subconsciously – just like the people at the bus stand!

Programming is there simply because we can't be processing every minor piece of information every single time.

" According to Dr. Sulcus' calculations, a typical human brain is capable of "between 411,000 and 436,000 thoughts before neural degradation makes the further generation of original thoughts impossible." © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever So, I speculate that in order to survive, the brain creates these programs that run on autopilot, so for instance a line could mean "A boundary you should not cross" or something to that effect; probably due to seeing boundary lines on roads and train stations that signal "Warning!"

So even though the blue line wasn't really a boundary one shouldn't cross, people still run on auto-pilot and simply don't cross it!

Amazing eh? Unfortunately, our programming can also do a lot of harm to our success.

For one, programming can shape your beliefs and as we learnt from the above story, programs do not always hold true which would consequently lead to false (and damaging) beliefs that limit us.

And this is what we'll be attempting to get clear of.

Now, the programming is not so much of a problem if we're conscious that we're operating on a program and that we can get behind the wheel anytime.

However, when we're not, our programs can and will shape our beliefs. I believe they call it limiting beliefs. They tend to stand in between us and our goals just when we're inches away to achieving it.

Have you heard of people chasing their dreams who started off great, did fine throughout the process and all of a sudden self-sabotaged themselves just when they were about to make it big?

There was part of them that didn't want the success, believe it or not.

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Secrets of the Overachiever Once again in "The Attractor Factor", Dr Joe Vitale gave a very good tip to discovering whether you have conflicting parts in you that don't want what you asked for in step 1.

"Think of something that you want to have, do or be.

Why don't you have it yet?

If your answer is something negative, you aren't clear. If you say anything except an honest "I know it's on the way to me," you probably aren't clear inside with what you want."

He refers to these limiting beliefs as something clogging the flow of energy within us. So, the only way to get that internal energy flowing again and be in the same vibrational state as the Universe is to unclog the system.

“Anger is something you can't get rid of by losing it” That line from the Adam Sandler movie, “Anger Management” has something to do with unclogging your system.

It's good to know that Hollywood gets at least something right.

What I'm about to share with you is the most powerful yet simplest technique that I've come across in © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever overcoming limiting beliefs.

WARNING! Do not dismiss this method and be fooled by it's simplicity.

1)Write down everything negative that you responded to the question Dr Joe Vitale asked above.

Read one of the limiting beliefs you have on that paper and really FEEL what that's like, stop the suppression already; the energy built up within you can't flow.

So, if you said, “I don't have enough money”, really feel the pain that comes with not having enough money. Feel the pain of putting back something on the shelf simply because you can't afford it. Feel the pain of not living in the luxurious lifestyle that you want.

Trust me, it's going to hurt.

2) Now's the time when I unveil to you the 4 simple but effective questions of the Sedona Method. I. In this moment can you just simply welcome whatever you feel about that limiting belief? II. And can you let it go, just could you? III. Would you? IV. When? Ask these questions to yourself in a quiet setting where there are no distractions over and over again. As you begin this process, you will feel a certain lightness in your mind as the limiting beliefs are let go.

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Secrets of the Overachiever I have a special audio where the proponent of the Sedona Method, Hale Dwoskin assists me with this healing process, asking these questions in a serene setting.

You can sign up for the introductory CD 1 download at and listen to Track 6 “The Basic Releasing Process.

To read more about a sample of the process, go to:

I hope the Sedona Method helps you as much as it does for me.

I just want to add that the Sedona Method can be used to let go any unwanted on uncomfortable feeling that you may be having in the moment.

Remember to focus on the feeling in the moment

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Secrets of the Overachiever

“All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.” - T.E. Lawrence

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Secrets of the Overachiever

Step Four: Are You The Lead Actor Of Your Own Movie?

Highly-acclaimed Russian playwright and actor, Stanislavski is responsible for "The Method" where actors "Be".

Let me briefly explain this concept of "Being".

He believed that for an actor to deliver a sincere and true-to-life performance, the actor has to live the life of his character literally, and not rely on memory recalls.

In other words, he has to re-enact every aspect of the character's life as the script demands during the character development process so that when the performance begins, he arrives on stage as the character, having really led his life.

To give you an idea of how drastic their methods are, let me tell you what a follower of Stanislavski's "Method" back in Singapore did prior to his performance.

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Secrets of the Overachiever His character is a Prisoner Of War who has just undergone the infamous ice water torture and the performance begins as he is thrown into his cell, where he delivers a monologue.

The actor, I was told actually immersed his whole body into an empty rubbish bin filled with ice water and got a junior actor to repeatedly push his head underwater whenever he tried to gasp for air, thus simulating the torture.

Talk about passion for the Arts!

The purpose of me telling you this story isn't to tell you to dip yourself in ice water of course but to tell you that I have practiced "The Method" at much less intense levels, and I find it rather disturbing that I can't stop being a character even a week or two after the performance ends.

No matter how hard I try, there will always be remnants of the character that wants to come out.

I believe it has something to do with the fact that your brain forms a new brain pattern after 21 days, which will then turn into a habit after 90 days, but that's besides the point.

Now, you may be wondering, "How is this related to the forth step."

This has EVERYTHING to do with step four my friend and is possibly the most important step that will keep you motivated to follow that goal. © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever This is the step where you take out that sheet of paper, and start visualizing already having it.

So, if you "choose to be able to buy anything and still have an abundant supply of money in my bank coming from multiple sources of income", you would visualize buying all the things you want from the shopping mall and coming home to be greeted by a few checks in the mail.

Now, this may sound phony due to the near impossibility of that happening especially if you don't have money now.

But the aim of doing this exercise is to evoke a particular feeling that comes from already having what you asked for in Step 2. This feeling will make the Law of Attraction work many times faster, depending on how strong it is.

WAIT! I'm going to give you a very important tip here, so if you only remember one thing from this book, remember this:

You can make the Law of Attraction work for you in 2 steps if you have GRATTITUDE. You can simply ask for what you want, feel grateful for what you already have and you will already have it.

If you're confused about what I just said don't worry, I'll elaborate more on the power of gratitude in Step 5.

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Secrets of the Overachiever But for now remember this, gratitude is to the Law of Attraction as fuel is to a car.

When you visualize already having, being or doing what you want, don't you feel great?

Try it. Imagine already having that money.

Imagine going to the finest restaurant in town and ordering the most delicious food for your family and friends to enjoy.

Imagine feeling the wind blowing on your face as you drive home in your new red-hot Ferrari.

Imagine being greeted by a butler as you step out of the convertible and as you walk up the steps of your huge white mansion, another butler hands you the checks that have just arrived in the mail.

Imagine walking to your table, sitting on that new brown leather chair, and feeling so happy and grateful as you think back and remember that just a year ago, you were struggling to keep your 2 room apartment.

How did that feel?

What we just did together is visualization, and boy does it feel WONDERFUL!

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Secrets of the Overachiever

If Your Life Was A Movie, Would It Win The Golden Globe?

I'm about to share with you a technique that I believe is much more powerful and effective than visualization.

I call it "Writing Your Movie"

You know, most people don't actively write their movies. They'd rather stand on the sidelines and watch other people run the show. They are never the lead-actors of their own movie and maybe, just maybe they make a cameo appearance but only give themselves a line or two.

I find that rather sad and I want to tell you that if this is how you've been leading your lives, I advise you to please, please, please take control of the wheel again.

And how you can easily do that is to forget the past. As Anthony Robbins always says "The past does not equal the future!" You are who you are right now, and you're where you are today because of what you did in the past.

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Secrets of the Overachiever That past has NO BEARINGS on your future. You manifested the things in your life today, desirable or undesirable, because your dominant thoughts were on them.

To get what you want in the future, you have to simply plant the seed now by controlling your dominant thoughts and focusing on what you want.

And to do that, you simply have to write the script to the remaining scenes of your movie now, before it is projected on the screen.

Makes sense? Great, let's get to it!

Today you will be writing a script to the scene where you are already enjoying what you asked for in Step 2.

A script has 3 very important elements to it. 1) Setting 2) Dialogue 3) Stage Directions

Let's look at an example from the play "Misery" by Simon Moore where I'm supposed to play the character Paul:

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Secrets of the Overachiever ACT 1



Twenty-sixth Annual Romantic Fiction Awards.

A microphone stands down stage; a giant cut-out of a romantic novel "Misery's Child, by Paul Sheldon" behind it. The cover shows a nineteenth century heroine with windswept hair, voluptuous but vulnerable, in the arms of a dashing young hero. Behind them is another, older man, grey haired but vigorous and attractive.

There is huge applause as Paul, an attractive middle-aged man, stands in front of the microphone, hugging a large bronze award in the shape of a rose. He is wearing an expensive suit, and has a relaxed, confident manner: this is not the first time he's won an award. He has a little index card with notes on, which he sneaks a look at from time to time.

Flashbulbs are going off all the time.

Paul Thank you, thank you for this… Thank you.

He waits for the applause to subside

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I want to dedicate this, this wonderful award, to you ladies. And maybe a few of your husbands, if they're honest enough to admit they read me too. When I sit down to write a book, you're the people I do it for. It's as simple as that. You know, it's become very fashionable to ridicule romantic fiction. But in this world of… of chaos, and violence, I don't think we can have too much romance, do you?

Applause. He lifts the statuette, kisses it.

The question that everyone always asks writers is "Where do you get all your ideas from?" Everywhere I go, I get the same question. If I ever get to Heaven, St Peter's going to stop me at the gates and say "Hey Paul, where do you get all the ideas from?" Well, ten years ago, when I got the biggest idea of my life, I ran away to a little hotel in Colorado, and wrote all winter, and the results was the first of the Misery novels. When I leave here today, I'm going to go to that same hotel, and no, ladies, (he smiles) I'm not telling you where it is, and I'm going to sit in the same room, and write on the same hotel typewriter. And the day I finish I'll smoke a single cigarette and drink a bottle of Dorn Peringon, just as I've done every year, and you'll have the new Paul Sheldon. I just hope you like it as much as the others. Thank you truly, and I'll see you when the snow melts!

Applause. He starts to go and then stops

I forgot the whole point of what I was going to say! Ideas! I was going to tell you where ideas come from. Ten years ago, halfway between my first divorce and my second divorce… Laughter © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever

…I was on a plane from Munich to Denver for a sales conference, and I was very depressed. There was a woman next to me reading a newspaper, and I was reading over her shoulder, like you do. There was a small piece about tourists stranded in the Bahamas because of some airport strike, and the headline was "Misery in Paradise". And I became fixated by that headline. I was not a writer until that exact moment. I never went to the sales conference, I resigned from my job. Because I'd had an idea that wouldn't go away. And the idea was: what if Misery was a person?

The audience applauds wildly. Paul soaks it up.

Now you know why I love to act? I get to become a best-selling author!

All right, do you now understand why I prefer scripts to visualization? You can feel yourself being there, right in the moment as every one of your senses are involved.

Oh by the way, I just picked up this script out of the many from the pile and it seems to suit the purpose of this explanation perfectly! Must be the Law of Attraction at work *winks*

The idea here is to replicate the detail in this script so that nothing is left to the imagination, thus allowing you to create every single aspect of the experience you want to have in the future. You can use the above script as a template if it's suitable, or find another one at the library or simply write one of your own – but remember, leave nothing to the imagination. © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever

Then, I want you to memorise the script or record yourself saying it with full emotion and conviction ( I know that sounds silly but that's how I memorise my scripts) and then replay it to yourself as often as you can.

I know this chapter's a bit lengthy but just hold on a bit more…

Remember at the beginning of this section, I told you about "The Method"?

Jack Canfield in his book, "The Success Principles" has a similar principle called "Acting As If".

The concept is very simple. If you already have what you desire, how would you talk, walk, speak and do everything else?

To integrate this principle with "Writing Your Movie", I would think of my script as something that has already happened, and then act as if I've got that achievement under my belt and voila, I'm filled with JOY and GRATTITUDE!

P.S. Remember at the beginning, I told you that some parts of the characters I play will always stay with me? Imagine the power of being able to write a script of who you want to become, first living it in your mind and then outside it.

P.P.S. Interviews were conducted with top CEO's and one trait stood out like a sore

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Secrets of the Overachiever thumb. No matter how arduous or impossible the road to success may be, each and every one of them never had a doubt in their minds that they would come up tops. They EXPECTED success, and so will you!

P.P.P.S . Oh yes, I forgot to mention something. HAVE FUN WITH THIS PROCESS! Ask yourself this, "If this was a script to a real movie, and knowing that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE in movies, who do I want to be?"

I've always wanted to be Clark Kent from Smallville…

Ooops, did I just say that out loud?

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Secrets of the Overachiever

"Intention is not simply whim. It requires attention and it also requires detachment. Once you've created the intention mindfully, you must be able to detach from the outcome, and let the universe handle the details of fulfillment."

- Deepak Chopra

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Secrets of the Overachiever

Step Five: Trust The Only Thing You Can, Trust The Universe.

Do you remember the time when you were really, really, really in "love" with someone that you would do anything to get that person to "love" you back?

Oh, come on, you know what I'm talking about.

The moment you see that person your heart starts racing, and you get very nervous. Then you saw or heard something that gave you a hint that the feelings might be mutual.

And the more you thought about that person, the more you wanted him or her as your boyfriend or girlfriend.

So you went for it and pursued the person. Just random "Hi"s at first, then lunch's together. Then maybe you asked for a dinner date but the person declined, so you decided to call the person every single night and then SMS-ed him or her every few hours asking "What are you doing?" until he or she stopped replying your messages.

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Secrets of the Overachiever Did you realise that the more you wanted and needed that person, the more he or she tries to run away from you?

The Law of Attraction works the same way.

Every single time you need an outcome to happen as opposed to wanting it but being able to go without it.

This is one of the paradoxes of life, and you have to fully understand this concept before you can truly realise the power of the Law of Attraction.

When you want something but can still be fulfilled and happy without having it, the faster the Universe will bring what you asked for to you.

Does that make sense? No?

All right, remember in step 3 I gave you a tip that you can get the Law of Attraction to work for you simply by asking for something and having gratitude for what you already have.

When you are grateful you are telling the Universe that you appreciate what It has given to you, and that creates more room in your life for more.

In other words, as you focus your energy on gratitude, the Universe will bring to you © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever more things and experiences that will bring you even more gratitude i.e. what you asked for.

This is almost like there's a Law of Attraction working inside the process of getting the Law of Attraction to work for you.

So you can say, it's (Law of Attraction) squared, which makes manifesting something much faster.

Now you may be asking yourself "But how do I have gratitude? My life is not really where I want it to be – I just failed my Math Exam, I recently lost my hand phone, and to top it all off, my hamster died!"

OKAY, don't rub off that negative energy on me now, just kidding. I mean, it's not like you could even if you wanted to.

Here's the secret: As soon as you realise that what you want is not really what it appears to be, you can choose to be happy and grateful now.

What we asked for in Step 2 is really wearing a disguise that can take the form of grades, money, cars and even people.

So when we take the masks off, we realise that what we want is at times importance, at others approval, usually appreciation and more commonly, success.

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Secrets of the Overachiever But the common denominator of all the above is happiness and love.

And the sooner you realise this is readily available ALL AROUND YOU now, you can choose to be happy, loved and grateful NOW.

If you have a hard time doing this, start small.

You can start by saying thanks for having the ability to read this.

You can start by saying thanks for being able to walk.

You can start by saying thanks for having another day on God's Green Earth.

You can start by saying thanks for being able to spend time and laugh with your loved ones.

Whatever it is, feel grateful for the life you have now and all will be fine.

STOP: Before we get to the next profound concept, I want you to get this crystal clear:

When we want something but don't need it, we will get what we desire faster.

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Secrets of the Overachiever

"Yes, I Did That!" In the "Attractor Factor", Dr Joe Vitale recollected an event that occurred at the grave of P.T. Barnum, one of America's first millionaires.

He found 7 words engraved on Barnum's tombstone that would radically change the way you look at the Law of Attraction and the speed at which it will work for you.

But before I do, where do you think your desires and goals come from?

Would you agree with me if I told you that your goals come from your Ego?

They come from your need to feel loved, accepted, important, appreciated, and for attention – everything that's self-serving.

Now what does that mean to you?

It means that you goals need to come from a place of Higher Self. The Law of Attraction would work for you more effectively if (going back to step 1) your goal is aligned to what your purpose in life is.

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Secrets of the Overachiever So, if your natural Gift comes in the form of Teaching, then your intention for Step 2 would be "Helping 10 more students get straight A's in their final Exams by enrolling them into my tuition programme" and not "Earning a higher income from my tuition programme by enrolling 10 more students."

It's quite easy to see why the Universe would bring to you the former intention.

Which brings us back to the 7 words on P.T. Barnum's tombstone that will rapidly change the way you look at the Law of Attraction.

Can you already guess what it is?

"Not My Will But Thine Be Done"

Read that again. Let it seep into your mind.

I might not know what's your religion, or even if you have one for that matter. But I believe you know that there's a Higher Power, a God, a Divinity, The Universe or whatever you might call it.

Remember in Step 2, we added the line," this or something better"?

That is to signal to the Universe that although we might have tried our best to align ourselves with what It has planned for us, in the grander scheme of things, we might be © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever wrong and sometimes we don't get what we want.

Instead we might fail drastically and that could be a signal from the Universe that It has something better planned for us.

Napolean Hill said it best when he said "Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage", in his classic "Think & Grow Rich".

In Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles", his first principle revealed the formula E + R = O which stands for Event + Response = Outcome.

So that means that if we look for what is good in a potentially crippling experience, we will find the good in it no matter how bad it truly is.

We can use the same formula here by looking for opportunities when met with failure.

For instance, when my Achilles Tendon ruptured November last year, I was very upset at the thought that I can't enjoy a game of soccer anymore.

However, the 6 months when I was bedridden proved to be a transitional time for me as I started looking for ways to earn an income from home. It proved to be a catalyst for improving my business knowledge and financial IQ which will definitely be a life skill.

So what I've learnt to do is not to get too attached to an outcome and be open to receiving © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever something better.

Not getting too attached to the outcome and open to receiving the outcome we request, we will receive it or something better

What Inspired You To Do That? Something really weird and freaky happens when you ask correctly, and I think I should warn you that…

… you'll get an answer…

… in the form of a voice in your head telling you to do something.

WAIT! Don't close this E-Book!

I know this sounds really crazy, but the only friend I taught this system to, like me, heard the voice.

Personally, I hear my own voice urging me to do something but it's not an impulse thought, it's really different but I can't describe it in words.

Dr Joe Vitale in "The Attractor Factor" suggests that the Universe provides us with

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Secrets of the Overachiever opportunities by planting the same thought in a few of us, and those who act upon it will reap the most rewards.

He also suggests that the faster you act upon getting the idea, the more likely it will become a reality for you.

He calls it, taking "Inspired Action"

I think it'll be interesting for me to show this concept in action through the movie "I Am Legend".

In the movie, Will Smith's character is the last human in New York City, a city now filled with virus-infected and highly aggressive humans that come out at night. One night, he decides to avenge his dog's death (the only companion he had) by ramming every one of the monsters at the pier with his car.

Just when one of those monsters was inches from getting to him, a bright UV light shone in the background and the monsters ran away (they burn when exposed to UV light) as we find out that he's saved by a woman.

The woman like Will Smith's character, is part of the 5% of the world that's immune to the virus. When asked how she found him, her reply was that she just happened to have heard the radio transmission he had sent on the AM frequency and had come just in time to save his life. She believes that it's not just a coincidence and that Will Smith's character must join her to search for other Humans at a certain location. © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever Will Smith's character then asks "How do you know there are still people out there?"

"I just know", she replies.

"How could you know?!" he retorted.

"I know because God told me."

And we find out at the end of the movie that she was right, there was a colony of people living at the location she said it would be.

Two points to note here:

1) She took inspired action by turning on the radio at the exact time he was broadcasting the message, allowing her to reach just in time to save his life. 2) Although she was wrong about getting Will Smith's character to join her, she got something better by taking inspired action – Will Smith's character finds the antidote to the virus and gives it to her to bring to the colony, which I assume will result in the world returning to a state of flux.

Lesson of the day : Take inspired action, and realise that you are part of a greater plan.

If Step 5 is a lot for you to take in, just remember one thing: It's not possible for you to determine how you will get what you asked for, and even if you'll get something or worse (an opportunity to get something better in disguise) for that matter. You will just have to © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever trust that the Universe will bring it to you through Its own means.

In the words of the Scofield Brothers:

“Just have a little faith.”

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“You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully.”

-Anthony Robbins

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Take a Left or A Right? What Is Your Heart Telling You To Do?

Wow! You've reached the end of this book!

I'm impressed!

It's been shown that less than 20% of people who buy a book actually finish it. Could be the Pareto Principle working there, but that's another story for another time.

So what are you going to do? Are you going to take the road that looks less daunting or the one less travelled? (TIP: Look where the majority of people are going, and run the other way)

Because you really want to succeed, I'm going to give you two hidden links that not many know about.

1) In this book, Dr Joe Vitale's Best-seller "The Attractor Factor" was mentioned a lot and some of the more powerful concepts came from this book. Dr Vitale has more techniques

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Secrets of the Overachiever for each of the above steps and the ones that I reveal here might not suit you, but don't worry because I'm going to share with you a secret that will save you US$27.

Did you know that "The Attractor Factor" was actually called something else prior to this?

It was called "Spiritual Marketing"

I consider this version of the "Attractor Factor as rare simply because it's different – it's forwarded by Bob Proctor – and oh, did I tell you that it's out of print.

The great thing is Dr Joe Vitale is giving it away for free BUT you can only get it from a hidden link.

I only want to reward those who have read the entirety of this book, so if you're not done with Secrets of the Overachiever yet, finish it and then reward yourself at :

Psttt… Come in a little closer.

I have something that will help you discover the true potential of the Law of Attraction:

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Who Else Wants To Learn How To Create His Own Magical Reality From The Masters of the Secret? One of the things that has led me to achieving clarity on the Law of Attraction and realising its true power is learning it from the best.

I truly believe that the only way to exponentially shorten your learning curve is by learning it from the people who have already done what you want to do, and I know you will agree with that.

I have a link to a course where you can learn how to use the Law of Attraction easily to create your own magical reality.

But before I do, let me show you the list of the “Masters of the Secret”:

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Secrets of the Overachiever

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Secrets of the Overachiever

I believe none of these wonderful Guru's need any introduction if you've been part of the Personal Development community for some time.

If not, that's just another reason for you to get this course.

And believe it or not, I'm going to give this amazing 9 hours of content to you for FREE!

Yes that's right, you read that correctly.

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Secrets of the Overachiever What's the catch?

Yes, there's always a catch isn't there?

THE CATCH : When you enroll for this course, you must promise me – no – you must promise yourself to treat this material with the respect it deserves and ACT ON IT.

I truly believe the interviews are PRICELESS, but if I were to put a price tag on it, the course could easily sell at $597 considering the fees these speakers command for their seminars that range from hundreds to the thousands of dollars.

So, that is all I ask of you.

Treat this material as if it costs you $597 because only then will you value the information within.

I listened to the interviews live and had one per week.

I find that it is best for you to listen to ONE Master of the Secret per week because you have 6 days to digest the information and act on it before you move on to the next one.

Here's your $597 gift, open it now! © Saiful Rizal - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Secrets of the Overachiever Why are you still here?!

Did You Know That I Run A Social Network For Motivated People Like Us? The social network is called Master Minds, obviously inspired by the Mastermind principle from Napolean Hill's "Think & Grow Rich".

It's original intention was to allow people to create their own Master Mind groups but it has expanded to become a place where: ●

we share motivational videos

we discuss the latest technologies in personal development

we share our vision boards

we share what pictures, videos and blogs of past achievements

and many more…

I would really love to see you at as a member.

Join Master Minds, "Your One Stop For Personal Development And Motivation", and be part of the community that WANTS you to succeed!


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