Laude vs Judge Ginez
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Laude vs Judge Ginez...
LAUDE VS. JUDGE GINEZ-JABALDE G.R. No. 217456, November 24, 2015
o!"#$ %-&'( No)"#e R*+e *&er R*+e 15, Se#)"o 4 o!"#$ I #r"m"'+ #'e, )e /eo!+e " )e re'+ !'r)( " ")ere) '#)$ On October 11, 2014, Jeffrey "Jennifer" Laude was killed at the Celzone Lodge in Olongao City allegedly by 1!yearold #$ %arine L&C'L Joseh $cott 'e(berton) On October 1*, 2014, a Co(laint for (urder was filed by Jennifer+s sibling, %arilou $) Laude, against 'e(berton before the Olongao City Office of the City 'rosecutor) On October 22, 2014, 'e(berton was detained in Ca( guinaldo, the general head-uarters of the r(ed .orces of the 'hiliines) On /ece(ber 1*, 2014, the 'ublic 'rosecutor filed an nfor(ation for (urder against 'e(berton before the egi egional onal rial rial Cour Courtt in Olon Olongao gao City) warrant of arrest against 'e(berton was issued on /ece(ber 13, 2014) 'e(berton surrendered ersonally to Judge oline %) inezJabalde on /ece(ber 1!, 2014, and he was then arraigned)
On the sa(e day, %arilou $) Laude filed an #rgent %otion to Co(el the r(ed .orces of the 'hiliines to $urrender Custody of ccused to the Olongao City Jail and a %otion to llow %edia Co5erage) he %otion was heard and denied by Judge inezJabalde for lack of (erit) 'etitioners filed a %otion for econsideration which was also denied) 'etitioners argue that esondent Judge co((itted gra5e abuse of discretion tanta(ount to an e6cess or absence of 7urisdiction when she dis(issed the #rgent %otion to Co(el the r(ed .orces of the 'hiliines to $urrender Custody of the ccused to the Olongao City Jail based on (ere technicalities) n articular, they they argue that the threeday rule on (otions under ule 1*, $ection 4, of the 1!!8 ules of Cour Co urtt is no nott ab abso solu lute te,, an and d sh shou ould ld be li libe bera rall lly y in inte ter rre rete ted d wh when en a ca case se is at atte tend nded ed by e6 e6ig igen entt circu(stances) 'etitioners ad5ance that the rationale behind the threeday notice rule is satisfied when there is an oortunity to be heard, which was resent in this case since 'e(berton+s counsel and the 'ublic 'rosecutor were resent in the hearing of the two %otions filed by etitioners) 'etitioners allege that the court noted their attendance, and were able to (ake co((ents during the /ece(ber 22, 2014 %otion hearing) hey assert that the rights of 'e(berton were not co(ro(ised) 'etitioners also a5er that the threeday notice rule should be liberally alied due to the ti(ing of the arrest and arraign(ent) $he also argue that e5en though the 9isiting .orces gree(ent gi5es the #nited $tates the "sole discretion" to decide whether to surrender custody of an accused (erican (ilitary ersonnel to the 'hiliine authorities, "the rule is that ) ) ) the Court still has control o5er any roceeding in5ol5ing a 7urisdictional (atter brought before it, e5en if it (ay well in5ol5e the country+s relations with another foreign ower)
s for the nonconfor(ity of the 'ublic 'ublic 'rosecutor, etitioners argue that the 'ublic 'ublic 'rosecutor+s refusal to sign the #rgent %otion to Co(el the r(ed .orces of the 'hiliines to $urrender Custody of ccused to the Olongao City Jail rendered the re-uire(ent for confor(ity suerfluous) 'etitioners allege that the 'ublic 'rosecutor+s act is contrary to /eart(ent of Justice $ecretary Leila %) /e Li(a+s ) hey -uote $ecret $ec retary ary /e Li( Li(a a as ha5 ha5ing ing said the followi following ng sta state( te(ent ent in a new news s art articl icle e dat dated ed /ec /ece(b e(ber er 18, 2014:chanobles5i 2014: chanobles5i he 'hiliines will now insist on the custody of 'e(berton now that the case is filed in court and
esecially since the warrant of arrest has been issued," /e Li(a told reorters in an a(bush inter5iew)48cralawlawlibrary 'etitioners also -uoted $ecretary /e Li(a as ha5ing stated in another news article dated /ece(ber 1;, 2014 the following:
Justice $ecretary Leila /e Li(a stressed that 'e(berton should be under the custody of 'hiliine authorities, following the filing of charges) "here is also a ro5ision in the 9isiting .orces gree(ent that, in cases of e6traordinary circu(stances, the 'hiliine go5ern(ent can insist on the custody and for (e, there are enough such circu(stances, such as cruelty and treachery, that 7ustified the filing of the (urder and not ho(icide," /e Li(a said)r he contrary (anifestations (ade by $ecretary /e Li(a, according to etitioners, (eant that "the confor(ity of the 'ublic 'rosecutor is a (ere suerfluity" and was (eant "to deny etitioners+ +-uest for 7ustice) n his Co((ent dated June 13, 201*, 'e(berton argues that Judge inezJabalde did not co((it gra5e abuse of discretion in denying the #rgent %otion to Co(el the r(ed .orces of the 'hiliines to $urrender Custody of ccused to the Olongao City Jail since etitioners 5iolated the threeday notice rule and failed to secure the confor(ity of the 'ublic 'rosecutor assigned to the case) either was there any such order fro( $ecretary /e Li(a) 'etitioners+ clai(s are, therefore, without legal basis) s for the issue of custody under the 9isiting .orces gree(ent, 'e(berton argues that there is a difference between "7urisdiction" and "custody)"
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