Latihan Industri UiTM

January 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Industrial training is a one of the higher learning institutions for students to get used to the actual working environment. As a Mechanical Engineering student, knowledge and work skill is needed simultaneously. It allows students to practice the knowledge in the relevant field and apply it based on their knowledge that lead to better soft skills. This report describes a three-month industrial training that took place from 29th June 2015 to 18th September 2015 at a local company named Sawit Kinabalu Apas Balung Mill, Tawau Sabah. Apas Balung Mill is Palm Oil Mill operate under the auspices of Sawit Kinabalu Berhad. Main activity or production of this company is to process Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) to Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel (PK). The product must undergo various test of quality test to control its quality. Then, this product will be sent to Kunak Refinery for purifying process before it can be sold to customers. Collaboration between Apas Balung Mill and Kunak Refinery is a long term contract. 12 weeks of industrial training under supervision from Sir Mohamed Bin Hj. Tagin (Workshop Supervisor), internship student was exposed to actual working culture and industrial practice. Several tasks had been given based on main processing station at Apas Balung Mill, which is Weighting Station, Loading Ramp Station, Grading Station, Sterilizer Station, Thresher Station, Press Station, Clarification Station, Palm Kernel Station and etc. The objective of the task is to improve our skills of engineers, theoretical and practical by troubleshoot problem and finding solutions. The industrial training is reported as task were carried out throughout the period.


Table of Contents ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 History .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Structural Of Main Activity .......................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Mill Production ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 Laboratory Activities ............................................................................................................. 5 1.3 Objective Of Practical Training .................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Scope Of Training / Schedule ....................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Company Organizational Chart .................................................................................................... 7 2.0 INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Adaptation And Adjustment To The Industry .............................................................................. 8 2,1.1 Weighing Station.................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 Grading Station ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.3 Loading Ramp Station ........................................................................................................... 8 2.1.4 Sterilizer Staton ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.5 Thresher Station ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.6 Press Station ........................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.7 Clarification Station ............................................................................................................. 10 2.1.8 Sweco Vibrating Screen ....................................................................................................... 10 2.1.9 Crude Oil Tank .................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.10 Pure Oil Tank ..................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.11 Oil Purifier ......................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.12 Sludge Tank ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.13 Desander ............................................................................................................................ 11 2.1.14 Decanter ............................................................................................................................. 11 2.1.15 Sludge Seperator ................................................................................................................ 12 2.1.16 Vacuum Drier..................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.17 Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Tank .............................................................................................. 12 2.2 Practice Of Occupational Safety And Health Environment ........................................................ 12 3.0 INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE ....................................................................................................... 14 3.1 Task And Activities .................................................................................................................... 14 3.1.1 Grading Station .................................................................................................................... 14 3.1.2 Sterilizer Station................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.3 Laboratory Activiti............................................................................................................... 17 3.1.4 Analyse Machine Effiiency .................................................................................................. 19 2

3.1.5 Workshop Activities ............................................................................................................ 19 3.1.6 Boiler Station ....................................................................................................................... 20 4.0 INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS............................................................................................................. 22 4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 22 4.2 Press Station ................................................................................................................................ 22 4.2.1 Repairing And Maintaining ................................................................................................. 22 4.2.2 Problem And Solution.......................................................................................................... 24 4.2.3 Mechanical Engineer’s Perspective ..................................................................................... 25 4.3 Skimmer, flange and pump base ................................................................................................. 25 4.3.1 CAD Drawing ...................................................................................................................... 25 4.3.2 Technical Skill ..................................................................................................................... 26 5.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 27 6.0 REFERENCE ...................................................................................................................................... 28


1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 History

Apas Balung Mill located at Mile 24, Apas Balung road, Tawau, Sabah wholly owned by Borneo Samudera Sdn. Bhd under the auspices of Sawit Kinabalu Berhad that operates in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Apas Balung Mill was established in 1971 by two French engineers are a crude palm oil and palm kernel processing plant with average processing is 60 metric tons per hour. There are 135 workers at Apas Balung Mill, and the highest position is Mill Manager, followed by Mill Engineer and assists by Assistant Engineer. Apas Balung Mill has 5 major divisions which are Production, Laboratory, Workshop, Safety and Utility. Each division has their own Supervisor to handle and supervise their workers. In addition, Apas Balung Mill used the double line system during processing, which mean if any minor damage happened at some machine, they have a backup to continue processing, but if the damage on major components like conveyor, mill will stop processing because raw material which are FFB cannot be transferred to another station for further processing. Sawit Kinabalu Berhad (formerly registered) was formed when the State Government of Sabah, in its continuing efforts to encourage the people of Sabah to assume a more responsible role in the growth of the State, decided to corporatize the Sabah Land Development Board (SLDB). The State Government believed that this will bring about greater efficiency and effectiveness, thereby optimizing profitability and contributing directly to the economic growth of the nation. The Sawit Kinabalu Berhad’s Logo defines its corporate professionalism and commitment to galvanizing growth. The prominent gold signifies strength and growth into a new era of the Sawit Kinabalu Berhad’s diversified activities. The deep red shade of a ripe oil palm seed represents the core activity of the Sawit Kinabalu Berhad in the palm oil industry and symbolizes maturity and stability of its operation as it further embarks on a journey towards greater excellence.


1.2 Structural Of Main Activity 1.2.1 Mill Production

Apas Balung Mill main activity is to process fresh fruit bunch (FFB) to produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel (PK). To produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel (PK), a fresh fruit bunch (FFB) will be processed stage by stage according to their station. Below are the main stations that have in Apas Balung Mill: i.

Weighing Station


Loading Ramp station


Grading Station


Sterilizer Station


Thresher Station


Press Station


Clarification Station


Palm Kernel Station

1.2.2 Laboratory Activities

Laboratory act as quality control and quality assurance for Apas Balung Mill because they will examine, analyze, and record oil quality every day. Besides, they also analyze the mill efficiency covering the mill machine

1.3 Objective Of Practical Training

Industrial training is one of the requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical and also known as EM220 by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). The objective of industrial training is: 1) To Expose students to actual working culture and industrial practice in palm oil mill industry especially in the engineering department 2) To allow students to extend their theoretical knowledge and practice in university use in working environments. 5

3) To motivate the students to work in a right way with good working attitudes and professionalism to increase their employability potential. 4) To facilitate student to potential employers and work experience. 5) To provide student with basic skills of technical staff 6) To expose students to safe practices and regulations in the industry

1.4 Scope Of Training / Schedule

Training schedule for practical trainee is same as other workers, which are from 7.00 am until 4.00 pm, Monday to Saturday. Below is the working schedule at Apas Balung Mill and a summary of my activities during ten (12) week industrial training. Table 1.1: Working Schedule Days


Monday Tuesday

7.00 am – 4.00 pm


(Rest 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm)

Thursday 7.00 am – 4.00 pm


(Friday Prayer 11.30 am – 1.30 pm) 7.00 am – 4.00 pm


Table 1.2: Summary of Activities Week



Study about Loading Ramp station.


Study about Grading system


Study about Sterilizer Station


Study about Thresher Station


Study about Press Station


Study about Clarification Station


Study about Palm Kernel Station 6


Study about Boiler


Workshop Activities


Workshop Activities


Workshop Activities


Workshop Activities


Laboratory Activities


Laboratory Activities

1.5 Company Organizational Chart






















2.0 INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Adaptation And Adjustment To The Industry

2,1.1 Weighing Station This station is intended the net weight for the fresh fruit bunch (FFB) that sent to mill in a day. It’s also enable mill staff to know either their expectation/target will achieve or not in a month. For this purpose, a computer software Weighman for Windows are used. Basically, the truck will be weighed twice, which is during the truck are loaded with fresh fruit bunch (FFB) and unloaded with FFB. To get the net weight, the truck loaded with FFB minus unloaded with FFB.

2.1.2 Grading Station The quality of FFB gives effect to the quality of crude palm oil (CPO) that will produce. Therefore, received fruit will be graded according to standard grading rules that consistent with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) requirements. According to research, fresh palm fruit is a fruit that reclaimed not more than 24 hours, while palm fruit that has been stored more than 48 hours categorized as old fruit due to the colour change of the fruit stalk from white to black followed by shrinkage and finally will become old. Fruits that received by Apas Balung Mill will be graded to ensure the quality of FFB and how much oil extraction rate (O.E.R) can be achieved. Furthermore, this is the basic activities to determine the amount to be paid by Apas Balung Mill to smallholders.

2.1.3 Loading Ramp Station Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) that sent to a mill will place at the loading ramp for placing after grading process and waited for Sterilization Process. Loading ramp has 60 doors that divided into two parts, 30 doors at part A and 30 doors at part B. Every door can accommodate up to 10 metric ton Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) and a total of 60 doors is 600 metric tons. Used First In, First Out (FIFO) systems to ensure the quality of FFB always maintained. To get the high quantity of Crude Palm Oil (CPO), strict supervision must be taken at Loading Ramp because lots of loose seeds scattered on the floor. FFB from loading ramp will transfer to Sterilize by FFB Conveyor. 8

2.1.4 Sterilizer Staton Sterilizer station is a station to cook fresh fruit bunch (FFB) so that the fruits can be detach easily from the bunch. Apas Balung Mill has four spherical sterilizer and each sterilizer can accommodate up to 20 – 22 metric ton FFB. Nevertheless, spherical sterilizer cannot be fully stocked because it requires air spaces to make evaporation process can be completely done. Overall process to cook FFB in one spherical sterilizer is 61 minutes or 1 hour 1 minute with average steam 2.80 bars or 40 p.s.i. Steams are used to break up the grafting between fruit and the bunch. Before the FFB enter Spherical Sterilizer, it will pass through the FFB Hooper with capacity 10 – 15 metric tons. FFB Hopper has the same design with truck dealer was controlled manually with Hydraulic Power Pack to enter the FFB into Sterilizer. After 61 minutes, FFB will transfer to Sterilizer Fruit Bunch (SFB) conveyor by Mechanical Bunch Feeder. The function of Mechanical Bunch Feeder is to control the FFB when entering Sterilizer Fruit Bunch Conveyor regularly.

2.1.5 Thresher Station This station is to detach fruit from its bunch to get palm oil. Fruits will rotate inside the machine called Thresher Drum and will go through Fruit Elevator before entering the digester. While, the bunch will go through empty bunch recovery before be destructed at bunch crusher, after that it will pressed at bunch press to get the oil. Nevertheless, if bunch press trap or conveyor block, empty bunch will go to disposal warehouse. Before FFB enter to Thresher, it will store at Auto-feeder because Thresher cannot accommodate a lot of FFB at one time.

2.1.6 Press Station At this station, fruit that has been detached from the bunch will press to get oil and kernel. Press station is the important part in mill production because from this station, it will produce two main product of Apas Balung Mill which are Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel (PK). Press machine used hydraulic system to move the screw press and the pressure is about 50 to 65 Bar. If the hydraulic pressure exceeds this range, it will cause nut losses at high rate. Before the fruit enters the Press Machine, it will store at digester to break up the cell from the fruit mesocarp that has been sterilized. Temperature in digester is about 90°C to 9

100°C and during processing Apas Balung Mill has fixed the temperature at 95°C. In Digester, there are five sets of expeller and impeller arm. The function of expeller arm is to blend the fruit while impeller arm to push down the fruit to ease it entering the screw press. The capacity of digester can accommodate up to 15 tons metric of FFB, and press can produce 15 tons metric of crude palm oil depends on digester capacity.

2.1.7 Clarification Station Crude Palm Oil (CPO) from press station must be refined to clean it from dirt like fibre and sands. A component that has in clarification station comprising Sweco vibrating screen, crude oil tank, pure oil tank, sludge tank, oil purifier, desander, decanter, sludge separator, vacuum drier and CPO Tank.

2.1.8 Sweco Vibrating Screen Sweco Vibrating Screen used as refining the oil from any dirt. This component consists of many single decks with diameter 20 mm used to trap the dirt from entering the crude oil tank. To avoid oil from solidified, we need to maintain oil temperature at 90°C to 95°C.

2.1.9 Crude Oil Tank After oil purifying process finished, Crude Palm Oil (CPO) will stored in Crude Oil Tank before transfer to Pure Oil Tank and Sludge Tank. This tank has two partitions separate by plate divider; one part is for crude oil while another part for sludge. Heavy sludge in this tank will stay at the bottom while crude oil that has light density will fix at the upper position. Sludge is the voluminous liquid waste that comes from the sterilization and clarification processes. The raw sludge contains 90 – 95% water and includes residual oil, soil particles and suspended solids. Crude oil from this tank will enter the skimmer and go into Pure Oil Tank for purification process and sludge will be pumped out to decanter. Skimmer is a component that we can adjust the position up and down according to crude oil level. To avoid crude oil from solidified temperature must be maintained at range 90°C to 98°C. Capacity of crude oil tank can accommodate 12 metric tons of crude oil.


2.1.10 Pure Oil Tank The function of this tank is to store oil from crude oil tank before it enters the purifier machine. This tank can accommodate 6 metric tons of crude oil. There is steam coil in the inner part of this tank, the function is to supply steam for oil to avoid it from solidified and the steam temperature is about 70°C to 85°C.

2.1.11 Oil Purifier The purpose of oil purifier is to purify oil from any dirt with rotating method. The speed for bowl rotated is 7500 r.p.m. Dirt and water content in oil before entering oil purifier is 0.5%, and after the purifying process it will reduce to 0.24% - 0.30% for water and 0.0016% - 0.0012% of dirt.

2.1.12 Sludge Tank Function of Sludge Tank is to store the sludge before entering sludge separator machine. Same with Pure oil tank, the differences are only the material that they saved. Inner tank has a steam coil to supply steam for sludge.

2.1.13 Desander The function of desander is to separate sand from the oil. This is important to avoid sludge separator from damaged.

2.1.14 Decanter Decanter function as oil filter to separate it from sludge. It have two types of disposal which are cake (solid remaining after pressing) and oil. Oil from decanter will go into crude oil tank for purification process while cake will be sold for fertilizer.


2.1.15 Sludge Seperator Sludge Separator used to extract oil from sludge. There is 5% oil in the sludge and we don’t want to waste any oil that we can get from any source. Oil will extract by rotating the bowl of sludge separator with 5400 r.p.m. 2.1.16 Vacuum Drier Vacuum Drier is to reduce moisture content of crude palm oil. Presence of high moisture content enhances oxidative degradation. During entering the vacuum drier, oil at temperature 70°C - 75°C will burst into fine droplets and the vapour will suck out from the vacuum at vacuum pressure between 65cm/Hg to 75cm/Hg and oil will drop to bottom channel.

2.1.17 Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Tank CPO tank used as oil stored after finished clarification process and ready to send to Kunak Refinery. Apas Balung Mill has three CPO tank and each tank can accommodate up to 1,781,480 litres of CPO. Oil will supply with steam at 59°C to avoid it from solidified. Basically, capacity of CPO depends on how much FFB mill received in a day and to calculate the daily capacity of CPO tank, the laboratory staff will make measuring process to get the value and this will explain on section Laboratory Activities.

2.2 Practice Of Occupational Safety And Health Environment Personal Protective Equipment, commonly referred to as PPE, is equipment worn to minimize exposure to a variety of hazards. Examples of PPE include such items as Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes, Hearing protection, Eye protection, Gloves and Respiratoty. 1) Safety Helmet a) Class C hard hats i.

Provide lightweight comfort and impact protection, but offer no protection from electrical hazards

2) Safety Shoes i.

Impact-resistance toes and heat-resistance soles that protect the feet against hot work surface. The metals insoles of some safety shoes protect against puncture wounds. Safety shoes may also be designed to be electrically conductive to 12

prevent the build-up of static electricity in areas with the potential for explosive atmosphere or non-conductive to protect workers from workplace electrical hazards. 3) Hearing Protection a) Single-use earplugs i.

Made of waxed cotton, foam, silicone rubber or fiberglass wool.


They are self-forming and, when properly inserted, they work as well as most molded earplugs.

b) Pre-formed or molded earplugs i.

Individually fitted by a professional and can be disposed or reusable. Reusable plugs should be cleaned after each use.

c) Earmuff i.

Require a perfect seal around the ear.


Glasses, facial hair, long hair, or facial movements such as chewing may reduce the protective value of the earmuff.

4) Eye Protection a) Goggles i.

Tight-fitting eye protection that completely covers the eyes, eye sockets and the facial area immediately surrounding the eyes and provide protection from impact, dust and splashes. Some goggles will fit over corrective lenses.

b) Welding shields i.

Constructed of vulcanized fiber or fiberglass and fitted with a filtered lens, welding shields protect eyes from burns caused by infrared or intense radiant light.


They also protect both the eyes and face from flying sparks, metal spatter and slag chips produce during welding, brazing, soldering and cutting operations.

5) Gloves a) Cover and protect hands from wrist to the fingers. b) Save the user’s hand and fingers from unnecessary wound such as cuts, blisters, splinters, skin punctures or heat and chemical burns. 6) Respirators a) Protect the user from breathing in contaminations in the air, thus preserving the health of one’s respiratory tract.


3.0 INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE Throughout the training, trainee had been exposed with real situation with real problem that needed to be solved as a real worker. Wide spectrum of work, ranging from doing documentation works to being tasked to perform technical works. In this chapter, it will be more on the production unit regarding on how to manage the mill efficiently without sacrificing quality and quantity.

3.1 Task And Activities

3.1.1 Grading Station In order to achieve better production of CPO, it’s compulsory to grade the FFB by choosing the best from the best. Below is the procedure on how to grade FFB. 1) Grading must be done in the presence of the supplier or his representative like truck driver or attendant. 2) Selected truck should depreciate their loading on a platform near the loading ramp. Make sure the bunch in a flat condition which is not accumulating or layered. 3) Randomly, take 100 samples of the bunch and classified it to the following classes: i.

Ripe bunch a) Reddish orange of fresh bunch and external layer of mesocarp is orange. b) At least ten (10) fresh fruit socket detach from bunch and more than 50% fruit still stick to bunch during the grading process. Bunch and detach fruit must be sent to mill within 24 hours after reclaimed.


Under ripe bunch a) Has reddish orange or purplish red of fresh bunch. b) Less than ten (10) fragmentary of fresh fruit socket during grading. Bunch and detach fruit must be sent to mill within 24 hours after reclaimed.


Unripe bunch a) Purplish black colored fruits, covering more than 90% of the bunch surface. b) Didn’t have detached fruit of fresh bunch during grading.


Over ripe bunch a) More than 80% of the fruits in the bunch appear darkish red. b) More than 50% of the detach fruit from the bunch, but at least 10% fresh fruit still stick to bunch during grading. 14

c) Bunch and detach fruit must be sent to mill within 24 hours after reclaimed. v.

Long stalk bunch a) Fresh bunch that have stalk more than 5 cm measured from lowest bunch stalk.

Figure 3.1 : Ripe bunch

Figure 3.1 : Under Ripe Bunch

Figure 3.3 : Unripe Bunch

Figure 3.4 : Over Ripe Bunch

Figure 3.5 : Long Stalk Bunch Socket

No socket

Less than 10

More than 10





Yellowish orange


Under Ripe


Yellow (Hard Bunch)




White (black Bunch)




Colour of Mesocarp

Table 3.1 : Matrix Table for Ripening Stage 15

3.1.2 Sterilizer Station Sterilizer is a crucial in gathering oil from the FFB, by using steam produce from the boiler with certain temperature and pressure to break up the oil cell and detach the fruit from its branch. If the sterilization process is incomplete, unbroken oil cell may result in oil losses at high rate. 1) Removal of Air a. Air is a bad heat conductor; with his presence heat from steam cannot be transfer to sterilize the fruit completely. b. To reduce oil oxidation because the oxidized oil is difficult to throw the colour during deflection process. 2) Removal of Sterilizer condensate a. To dispose excessive water and steam in Sterilizer b. If condensate not disposes, water will stagnant and contribute to oil losses from fruit. c. Fruit will incompletely sterilize. Step Time (m) Acc Time (m)




Wi Wo W1 W2 W3 W4


FFB loaded & Release condensed Input steam


Input steam continue



Input steam continue




Release exhaust steam




Input steam




Release exhaust steam




Holding steam




Holding steam




Release condensed




Holding steam




Release condensed














  

I = Input, E=Exhaust, C=Condensate, Wi=Water in, Wo=Water out Table 3.2 : Sterilizer Operation 16









Spherical Sterilizer





Sterilizer fruit







Load / unload sterilizer door


Hydraulic Power





Controller the fruit into









Open / closed steam valve


Mechanical Bunch





Controlled the fruit into SFB




SFB Conveyor





Deliver SFB into Auto feeder







Pump out the condensate into

Recycle Pump 8

condensate pit

Oil Recycle Pump





Pump recycle oil to sterilizer

Table 3.3 : Components in Sterilizer

3.1.3 Laboratory Activiti Free Fatty Acid (FFA) content in oil must be analyse to make sure it didn’t exceeds the prescribed rate which is less than 5.00%. If FFA content is high, it will cause a metal solubility process like copper and iron easily happened. Below are the procedure, material and apparatus to analyse FFA content in oil. a) Apparatus 1. 2 units of 150 ml conical flask 2. 2 unit of 100 ml beaker 3. Stirring Hotplate

Figure 3.6 : Stirring Hotplate 17

4. Precisa 205AM-FR SCS weighing

Figure 3.7 : Precisa 205AM-FR SCS weighing b) Materials 1. Isopropyl Alcohol 2. Phenolplithalein Indicator 3. Sodium Hydroxide 0.098% 4. 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide c) Procedure 1. Record the weight of empty 150 ml conical flask. 2. Put in the oil in the conical flask until the weight exceeds 5.00 g. 3. Heat isopropyl alcohol at stirring hotplate. 4. Put in five drops of Phenolplithalein Indicator and Sodium Hydroxide 0.098% into isopropyl alcohol. 5. Heated oil sample. 6. Put in 50 mm mixed chemical at step 4 into the oil and 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide until the oil colour change to reddish. 7. Record how much litres 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide enter into oil until the colour change. 8. Calculate FFA content using formula 𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠 0.1𝑁 𝑆𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑚 𝐻𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑥𝑖𝑑𝑒 × 0.1 × 25.6 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 9. Repeat step 1 until 8 for second sample.


3.1.4 Analyse Machine Effiiency The purpose of this analysis is to make sure the efficiency of Nut Cracker exceeds 97% to avoid a lot of kernel losses during processing. a) Apparatus 1. Precisa 205AM-FR SCS weighing b) Materials 1) Palm Kernel c) Procedure 1. Take a kernel sample from cracked mixture conveyor 2. Weigh the sample until the weight become 1 kg 3. From that sample, separated Nut and Partial Cracker Nut (PCN) for weighing process. 4. To get the efficiency of king cracker, the weight of 1kg sample minus with the weight of Nut and PCN 3.1.5 Workshop Activities Workshop is the important division in Apas Balung Mill because they will fix any breakdown and troubleshooting occurred on the machine. Every 1st day of a month, mill will do preventative maintenance to repair and install new components at any broken machine. Below is the example of maintenance that was done during the industrial training.

Unplanned Maintenance

Breakdown Maintenance Corrective Maintenance


Routine Maintenance Planned Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance Predictive Maintenance Figure 3.8: Type Of Maintenance


3.1.6 Boiler Station Boiler is components used to produce steam for generating turbine rotor via alternator and for sterilization process. There are two types of Boiler, which are Water Tube Boiler and Fire Tube Boiler. In Apas Balung Mill, they used Water Tube Boiler because it can generate steam faster than Fire Tube Boiler. In addition, steam pressure limit of the fire tube boiler lies between 20 – 30 bar and the pressure limit of the water tube boiler is much more than the fire tube boiler and is unlimited within the design limit. Water tube Boiler at Apas Balung Mill used fiber and dry kernel as fuel for providing the heat. Mechanical Energy

Kinetic Energy

Figure 3.9: Conservation of energy Main component: 1) Boiler Boiler is the heart of the factory, it’s the main component to generate steam to run the factory. By physical appearance, rectangular in shape and full of water that will be heated to transform water into steam. It has the same principal as boiling water in a kettle at boiling point, but at a larger volume. In this mill, it has 2 steam boiler which is water tube. During process, 1 boiler is sufficient to generate steam needed by this mill. a) Boiler No. 5 -

Capacity of 35 ton of water


Maximum temperature at range 1000-2000 ⁰C


Consist of 1000 pipe inside the boiler

b) Boiler No. 4 -

Capacity of 20 ton of water


Maximum temperature at range 1000-2000 ⁰C


Consist of 700 pipe inside the boiler

2) Steam Turbine Steam turbine function to create rotational motion that generates by steam from the boiler. Boiler will produce high speed and pressurized steam into the steam turbine


3) Feed Pump Water pump function to pump water from storage tank into desired location. In this mill, it consist of 2 types of pump which is pump that powered by electrical motors and steam. 4) Condenser Steam that enters the turbine will slowly change into liquid due to its kinetic energy inside the water molecule decreasing. Because of that, steam that changes into liquid will transfer into the condenser and most of the liquid will pass through a copper pipe with full of cold water. This proses called heat transfer where steam changing into water. 5) Storage Tank Any resources needed to run the boiler are stored here. There are 2 types of storage tank which is water storage tank and fuel storage tank. 6) Cooling Tower Cooling tower function as water supplier for all of the tube inside the condenser. Water that enter the condenser will be hot due to heat transfer. So, water pump needed to pump the hot water into the condenser.

Figure 3.10: Boiler No 5

Figure 3.11: Boiler No 4


4.0 INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS 4.1 Overview As workers in workshop department, maintaining and repairing machine is our priority. This department responsible to make sure that all machines work well and repair it if the machine breaks down. Some modification might needed to ease the flow of the process or the machine was too ancient to be used anymore. In this chapter, it will emphasize on workshop and repairing machine suit as a Mechanical Engineering student.

4.2 Press Station 4.2.1 Repairing And Maintaining If all of the press machines break down, this will be a major break down where all process will be stopped. By using line production, we can avoid this by changing the line process with the other line. In this mill, it has 2 lines with 3 press machine in each line. Major issues caused by this machine are its screw press always breaks may be due to worn out because of long usage or unnecessary object enter the press machine and stuck into the screw press that lead to the screw to break in half. As an engineer, we should able to determine the problem and come out with the solution. Troubleshooting should be done by observing the machine, leaking in its bearing or amount of fibre suddenly decreasing is one of the signs to show that there is problem about the machine. Below is the procedure about overhauling press machine. 1) For safety measures, open the pulley cover and v belt even if the fuse from the circuit board had been turned off. Then, we can proceed by loosening all bolts on the press body using spanner size 15, 21 and 24. Bringing adjustable spanner might come in handy. 2) Using multiple chain block that attached to the ceiling, remove the press body and cone section. Chain and belt might be used to attach the body with the chain block. Workers should wear PPE such as gloves when handling the chain block. 22

Figure 4.1: Cone section

Figure 4.2: Press body

3) Screw press consists of Right Hand Side (RHS) and Left Hand Side (LHS), rotate RHS anticlockwise and LHS clockwise to remove the screw press. Make sure that screw press was hold using chain block. After that, screw cage can be lifted out using chain block. 4) Remove the coupling cover so that both long shaft and short shaft can be removed. Long shaft will connect with the coupling and using spur gear to rotate both shafts. Each shaft will contain 3 bearings which are 2 roller bearings and 1 cone bearing.

Figure 4.3: Long and short shaft with bearing 5) If the bearing was broken, removing the bearing by tapping slowly using hammer. The

other method is by heating the bearing or cut it using oxyacetylene. This process might take a while, but it’s the proper way because using oxyacetylene or heating might result in expanding the shaft. Manufacturer of the bearing is FAG. Code number of roller bearing: i.




Code number cone bearing: i.

24420-E1 23

6) Clean the spacer and install new bearing with the same code number. Apply High Temperature RTV Silicon Gasket Marker. This function as a gasket to avoid any leak. After installing the coupling cover, refill the lubricating oil which is OMALA 320.

Figure 4.4: Installing new shaft

7) Install cone section and press body, tighten all the bolt securely. Run and test the machine to make sure that it’s working fine. If any unusual sound or sign occurs, recheck the machine so that there will be no more break down.

4.2.2 Problem And Solution Some problem might occur with or without our will, the best solution is to calm down and find the solution. Discussion among workers and supervisors is important if any undesired problem occurs. When repairing press machine, various problem happens that require us to take apart the machine twice. The first problem is the bearing wouldn’t come out and the shaft cannot be separated from the old bearing. After being tapped using hammer couple of times, the bearing still wouldn’t come out. The best solution is to cut the shaft by half, even though that the shaft can be reused. The shaft needs to be cut to separate the bearing so that the time taken to overhaul the machine wouldn’t take too long. The second problem is that the screw cage need to be replaced after the machine run for 48 hours. Comparing its performance from before, quantity of fibre came out from the machine is less than usual. After getting reports from production unit, the machine need to be taken apart again to change the screw cage. Most of the workshop’s workers came to help so that the machine can be repaired as fast as could. The third problem is the coupling wouldn’t come out from the shaft. The best way is to cut the shaft without damaging the coupling using oxyacetylene. 24

Figure 4.5: Cutting the shaft

Figure 4.6: Cutting the bearing

4.2.3 Mechanical Engineer’s Perspective It takes 2 weeks to repair press machine, the first step in performing a task should be planning. Workers didn’t take planning as a serious matter and most of the time they will require a long period of time to repair a minor breakdown. By having planning, time taken can be reduced so that workers can perform their task on time.

4.3 Skimmer, flange and pump base An oil skimmer is a machine that separates a liquid from particles floating on it or from another liquid. A common application is removing oil floating on water. Pump base is base structure that holds the pump and the motor in place. Task had been given to fabricate the part on maintenance day, which is the first week of every month. As a trainee, most of the work was done by the workers. But the learning process still can be done by helping them. 4.3.1 CAD Drawing As a mechanical engineering student, CAD drawing was taught at UiTM in the third year. By applying the skill to help the company to fabricate the part easier. After drawing using CATIA, the drawing with dimension distributed among the workers.

Figure 4.7: Skimmer

Figure 4.8: Flange


4.3.2 Technical Skill Both knowledge and technical skill is necessary in the engineering field. Lack one of this component, might fail the purpose of the industrial training. After applying the knowledge taught at university, learning the skill is compulsory at industrial training. The important process of fabricating parts in this factory is by welding, cutting, milling and lathe machine. Commonly, cutting was done using oxyacetylene. Having exposed to the real work experience was scared for the first time, but after doing it frequently make me get used to it.

Figure 4.9: Cutting using oxyacetylene


5.0 CONCLUSION As an undergraduate of the University Of Technology MARA (UiTM) I would like to say that this training program is an excellent opportunity for us to get the ground level and experience the things that we would have never gained through going straight into a job. I am grateful to the University Of Technology MARA (UiTM) and Apas Balung Mill for giving us this wonderful opportunity. The main objective of the industrial training is to provide an opportunity for undergraduates to identify, observe and practice how engineering is applicable in the real industry. It is not only to get experience on technical practices, but also to observe management practices and to interact with fellow workers. It is easy to work with sophisticated machines, but not with people. The only chance that an undergraduate has to have this experience is the industrial training period. I feel I got the maximum out of that experience. Also, I learnt the way of work in an organization, the importance of being punctual, the importance of maximum commitment, and the importance of team spirit. The exposure has definitely contributed a lot in developing me to become a wellrounded future engineer and provide me the insights of employment and endeavour me to undertake in the future. In my opinion, I have gained lots of knowledge and experience needed to be successful in a great engineering challenge, as in my opinion, Engineering is after all a challenge, and not a job.



1. Leo Finkelsten, jr., Pocket Book of Technical Writing for Engineer and Scientist, Third Edition, McGraw, 2008 (ISBN: 978-0071259255) 2. Howard F. Gospel, Industrial Training and Technology Innovation: A Comparative and Historical Study, Vol. 4, Taylor & Francis, 2010 (ISBN: 978-0415043403) 3. Howard K. Morgan, Industrial Training and Testing, BiblioBazaar, 2011 (ISBN:9781406713954 4. Lokesh Choudhary, Industrial Training and Education, Mittal Publication, 2007( ISBN: 9788183242363) 5. Diana Reep, Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies and Readings, Pearson Education Canada, 2010 (ISBN: 978-0205721540)


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