Late Marriage

December 18, 2016 | Author: a1n2u3s4h5a6 | Category: N/A
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Late Marriage...


Astrological combinations for Late Marriage Marriage is a major landmark in life and Vedic Astrology deals with all aspects of marriage in depth. The most important planet for marriage in case of females is Jupiter and in case of males is Venus. Saturn has a major role in the delay of marriage. In this webcast, we will analyze the astrological combinations for a delayed marriage. Planets in the 7th House The placement of Sun in the 7th house indicates delay in marriage and a troubled marriage. The native may not be firm on his principles. In some cases the wife may not have loyalty towards the husband. Placement of Saturn in the 7th house indicates late marriage or more than one marriage. In this case, a person may get married to a widow, divorcee or someone elder in age. Mars in the 7th house is also not a healthy sign for a timely marriage because it indicates strong Manglik effect. Such people should marry after 28 years of age. Saturn and Late Marriage Saturn in conjunction with Moon and the Sun or in aspect indicates a delay in marriage. A delay in marriage also occurs when Saturn is placed in the 7th house or in the ascendant. If Saturn is placed in the 7th house being the lord of 7th house and forms a samsaptak yoga with Sun, it indicates a late marriage. Let us now talk about the position of Saturn in a Navamansh Kundali. If Saturn and Moon are placed together in the 7th house in a Navamsha Kundali, it indicates a late marriage. Role of Venus in Late Marriage If Vivahkaraka Venus is in conjunction with the Sun and Moon in the 7th house, it indicates a late marriage. If Venus, ascendant or the 7th house are in Paap Kartari Yoga then the possibility of a late marriage are strong. It is believed that Venus is the enemy of the Sun and Moon. Hence, if Venus is placed in the sign of Sun and Moon which is Leo and Cancer respectively, there might be an undue delay in marriage. If the ascendant and Venus are placed in Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Sagittarius sign, the native will have a late marriage. Role of 2nd house in Late Marriage According to Vedic astrology a retrograde planet causes loss, change of state, and forces the person to try and try again to achieve a goal. The 2nd, 7th and the 8th houses are checked to find out whether the person will have an early or delayed marriage. The 2nd house is the house of the family, and the 7th and 8th houses are for marital happiness. If the 2nd house has a retrograde planet, the person will have to try repeatedly to get married. That’s why if the planet placed in the 2nd house is retrograde or if the lord of 2nd house is retrograde then it depicts a delay in marriage. The 12th house is the house of expenses. If the lord of the 2nd house is in the 12th house it causes expenditure on the 2nd house. If your kundali has a malefic planet in the 2nd house then it afflicts the house. That’s why if the 2nd house is occupied by malefics and the lord of 2nd house is placed in the 12th house then also the native will have late marriage.

If the 2nd house is occupied by the Moon and Saturn then also there are all chances of delay in marriage. Other reasons of delay in marriage If the lord of ascendant and Moon sign are placed with a malefic planet and placed in the 7th house, also the 7th lord is placed in the 12th house. This combination indicates late marriage. If the 6th, 7th or 12th house lord is placed in the 7th house or aspect the 7th house it indicates delay in the happiness of married life. If the 5th house lord and 7th house lord mutually aspect each other and are in conjunction with the malefic planets the marriage will be delayed due to some opposition. But if the 5th or 7th lord are in own house or exalted then the marriage won’t be delayed. Remedies to avoid marriage problems Vedic mantras are a simple remedy to prevent delay of marriage due to bad astrology combinations. If the delay is due to Manglik dosha recite Mangal Mantra “Om Kram Kreem Krom Saha Bhoumaye Namah”. For other combinations, chant “Om Brahm Brahaspataye Namah” if the person is female, and “ Om Shum shukraye Namah” if the perosn is a male. There is a popular that says “strike the iron when it is hot”. This is also applicable here. If the dasha, antardasha and transits are favorable, it will be easy to find the right partner and marry, so do check your running dasha and transit. ************************************************************************************************ ************* Marriage is a sacred bond which creates the relationship as wife and husband between two different sexes. Marriages are made in heaven. Is it true? Of course, to some extent. It is the destiny that acts between the wife and husband to live long together with happiness or unhappiness. Sometimes, the wedlock breaks at the initial stage or after some years. In some cases the individuals live without marriage at all. What are the factors responsible for all these features? The individual horoscopes will reveal their. The astrologer can indicate in a way, what will take place in future, but what else, except the Almighty can say with certainty what will definitely happen. Now let us discuss briefly some points astrologically on marriage in the Horoscope of individuals. The planet Venus, who is karaka for marriage; the 7th, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and the 8thlords are responsible for marriage life. Besides this, the placement of other planets and the aspects of the planets to the above houses are to be studied. Marriages may be early, late or denial. Early marriage is possible in the following cases:

1. The 7th lord should be in Kendra or trikona with the constellation of benefic planets. 2. The 7th house should be aspected by benefic planets and no papakartari yoga is present. 3. Venus should be well placed in Kendra and trikona in the star of benefic planet. Venus should not be in the company of malefic planets. 4. Lagna lord should be strong or aspected to the 7th house. 5. The placement of benefic planets in the 7th house. 6. The 2nd house should be free from affliction and with benefic rays. 7. The 4th, for happiness, 5th for children, and 12th for bed comforts. So the lords of these houses should be free from afflictions.

The late marriages may take place where there is slight malefic influence to the 7th house, 7th lord and Venus besides having benefic influences to the above which override malefic influences. Denial of marriage is possible where there is strong malefic influence to the 7th house, 7th lord, Venus, 2ndhouse, and 2nd lord. Break in wedlock is possible even though there are benefic positions for marriage, the malefic influences prevail more and override the benefic influences. This leads to divorce or death of the partner. We cannot elaborate unless the individual horoscopes are being studied elaborately and decide the result. The 8th house denotes longevity of the natives. In the case of female horoscopes, if there are benefics in the 8th house or aspected by the benefic planets to the 8th house would confer soubhagyam which means the wife predeceases her husband. Reverse is the case for opposite results. Mars Dosha: This is an important aspect to be considered while deciding the marital prospects. Mars dosha occurs where Mars is placed in the 2nd or 4th, or 7th, or 8th, or 12th houses from ascendant or Moon, or Venus. While matching the horoscopes of the male and female, if one of them is having Mars dosha marriage should not be performed. If both are having Mars dosha, marriage can be performed according to the strength of the same. There are some exceptions to the rule and the same are stated below. Different classic texts stated different exceptions and sometimes contradict each other. After analyzing many horoscopes the following are to be considered while matching horoscopes. 1. If there is any conjunction with or aspected by Jupiter, or benefic Mercury or waxing Moon to the Mars. 2. For Cancer and Leo ascendants there is not Mars dosha. 3. For Aries and Scorpio lagnas 4th Mars, for Taurus and Libra lagnas 12th Mars, for Gemini and Virgo lagnas 2nd Mars, for Capricorn and Cancer lagnas 7th Mars, for Sagittarius and Pisces lagna 8th Mars, for Aquarius and leo lagnas no dosha wherever Mars is situated.

4. There is a saying that for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Saggittarius, and Pisces lagnas no mars dosha. 5. When Mars is in movable sign, no Mars dosha exists.

There are controversial astrological works between Jataka Chandrika, Naradeeyam, and Kalidasa. Further, no mention about Mars dosha has been given in any standard works of ancient origin like Parsara Hora, Phaladeepika, Brihat jataka, Jataka Parijatha, Jatakalankara, Satya Charya’s, Pancha Siddhanta etc. Hence too much emphasis need not be given to Mars dosha. It is the astrologer who has to go deep into the strength of other planets besides the position of Mars in the horoscope and judge the influence of Mars on the individual. Mars and Saturn: The planets Mars and Saturn are enemies. These two planets create havoc in respect of married life. The combination of Mars and Saturn in any house is undesirable especially in the houses of lagna, 2 nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. It is also undesirable to have Mars and Saturn in angles to each other. Their aspect to each other also creates unhappiness in married life. In the above cases, where if unsullied benefics like Jupiter, Venus, and waxing Moon are in conjunction with Mars and Saturn or aspect to Mars and Saturn will mitigate the bad effects to some extent. Besides the above, the 7th lord should not be in the evil houses of 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th. Venus should also be free from affliction. Mars and Venus combination is bad for marital happiness since Mars is fiery planet and Venus is watery planet. Both are enemies, they create over sex and separation if they are not associated with benefic planets. For information sake, we furnish here under the benefic and malefic planets. Benefic Planets: Jupiter, Venus, waxing Moon, unsullied Mercury, and functional benefics. Malefic Planets: Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, waning Moon, and functional malefics. Besides this, the planets who own bad houses like 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th. Further it is desirable to have conjunction of 7th lord with karaka Venus in any house. But please note that in the case of Taurus and Libra langnas the 7 th lord is Mars and his association with Venus is not bad as he happens to be the lagna lord. Rahu in the 7th house creates death or divorce to the spouse unless he is in the star of benefic planet or in conjunction with benefic planets or aspected by benefic planets. Second marriage should be predicted only if karaka Venus is not strong and well placed in the horoscope with benefic planets company or aspect. Finally, matching of horoscope of boy and girl is very important before proceeding for marriage. *************************************************************************** The 7th house mainly refers to marriage, wife or husband and marital happiness. So any afflictions to this house or it’s lord cause delay in marriage and even sometimes

denial. If 7th house under influence of Mars by aspect or placement it give rise to manglik or kuja dosha. When Mars is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from Lagna one is said to be a manglik, but some astrologer consider this position of Mars from moon i.e. Chandra Lagna and from Venus too. Not only mars negative influence only cause affliction to 7th house but other aspect and placement of other natural malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun also equally exert same negative results. Placement of 7th lord also determines the married life if lord of 7th house is in dushtana’s i.e. 6, 8 or 12th it also hampers one’s married life. Karkas of 7th house in males which is Venus and in case of females is Jupiter also plays significant role in judging the married life. If karka of a house is placed in that house then it destroys the affects of that house, so when Venus is placed in 7th house of a male it is harmful for married life and if Jupiter which is kark of marriage in the case of females is placed in the said house then it cause obstructions in marriage and problems in married life. There are few general combinations which cause delays in marriage which are mentioned below: 1) If Saturn is either in 1st, 3rd, 5th,7th , 10th from Lagna or Moon sign and if Saturn does not have beneficial houses. 2) A malefic in the 7th house, Saturn, or even Mars in own sign delays marriage. 3) If Mars and Venus combine in 5th , 7th or 9th house, but receive evil aspect from Jupiter. 4)











5) Malefics in either side of 7th house also cause delays in marriage in this case 7th house comes under papkirti yoga. 6)










7) When 7th lord is posited in 6th, 2nd and 12th from 7th house, girl’s marriage is delayed. This is a powerful yoga for delayed marriage and is further strengthened when malefic associates with 7th lord or in the 7th house. 8) Rahu and Venus in Lagna or in 7th house or Mars and Sun in the 7th house with other afflictions cause delay in marriage. 9) When Sun, Moon and the 5th lord are in conjunction with or aspected by Saturn.

10) If the 7th lord, Lagna and Venus fall in barren signs viz. Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius. 11) Venus conjoins Moon aspected by Mars and Saturn and the 7th house is not aspected by Jupiter or malefic in 1st , 7rh and 12th houses. 12) Saturn in 2nd, Rahu in 9th , 7th lord and a malefic in the 3rd house.

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Astrology and Marriage Issues

Astrology and Marriage Issues By:- Shubha Rangaswamy This article will give a bird's eye view of various aspects of marriage that Astrology can cover to ensure harmony and happiness in marriage. Certain simple combinations that cover nine aspects of marriage issues are indicated below. 1. Timing of marriage 1. Saturn, during transit, should create a relation with 7th house or 7th lord from Lagna, Moon or 'kalatra' significator Venus (for men) and Jupiter (for women). 2. Examine whether Jupiter also creates a relation by way of conjunction or aspect. Check also, if Jupiter during transit creates relation with 7th house or 7th lord from Moon or significator Venus (and Jupiter) or lords of their stars 2.

Delay in marriage

1. When Sun, Rahu and Saturn aspect the 7th lord or occupy the 7th house from Ascendant/Moon it indicates considerable delay. 2. When Venus, Moon and Saturn are in 7th house marriage can be delayed upto the age of 30 to 35 years 3.


1. Marriage to a person in far off place is indicated when Moon is in 7th house and malefics occupy 5th and 9th houses from Moon marriage. 2. Early marriage to a partner living nearby can be predicted when Venus occupies 7th house and aspects its own dispositor. 3. If the Sun and Venus are in 5th, 7th or 9th house, there can be weakness to the limbs of the spouse. 4.

Matching of horoscopes

1. Matching of Guna/Kuta can be done considering the birth star of boy and girl.

1. If the maximum number of gunas is 36 and a minimum 18, the match is approved as Guna/Kuta compatible. 2. A happy married life is indicated if 1. The Sun of the girl's chart and the Moon of the boy's chart are 120 deg apart 2. The Sun of the girl and Moon of the boy interchange their houses and 3. The Sun of the girl and Moon of the male aspect each other. 3. The match is approved if Samasaptama is present 1. Ascendant/Moon/Navamsa of the girl is 7th to the Ascendant of the boy. 4. The running Dasa of the boy and the girl should be mutually friendly 5. There should be no Dasa Sandhi at the time of marriage. 5.

Love Marriage

1. Successful, 1. If the 5th house and 5th lord , 7th lord , Venus and Jupiter in both the charts are strong. 2. If 7th lord , 5th lord and Venus are strong with benefic aspect/s and related to each other 2. Unsuccessful 1. If Venus is in 7th in the natal chart and Navamsa. 2. If Venus , Mars and Saturn in 7th or Saturn in 2nd house. 6.

Marital Separation/Discord/Divorce

1. Separation is indicated if Mars and Saturn relate to the 7th lord or Venus. 2. Discord is indicated 1. if Mars, Saturn and Venus are together in 8th house. 2. If Mars and Saturn are in ascendant 3. If Venus is in an angle opposite Mars and Jupiter, divorce is indicated 7.

Second Marriage if

1. Moon and Venus join together and are strong. 2. 7th lord's Navamsa is debilitated, combust or in enemy's house. 3. Venus in 2,5,8,11 sign with Ketu or aspect of Ketu 4. Moon and Saturn in 7th house. 8.

No Marriage if

1. Ascendant lord and 7th lord are in 2/12 position. 2. Ascendant lord and 7th lord in 6/8 position. 3. 7th lord and Sun in 1, 4 ,7 and 10 signs Marriage is a sacred institution that imposes equal moral, social and spiritual responsibility to husband and wife. The institution of a hindu marriage includes the Saptapadi or the taking of seven steps by the bridegroom and the bride jointly before the sacred fire. The marriage becomes complete and binding when the seventh step is taken. The bride and the groom vow that they would be true and loyal to each other and would remain companions and friends for a lifetime.

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