LASER MRU With Diode Laser

October 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Acronym  AcronymofLASE ofLASER R

L - LIGHT A - AMPLIFICATION S -  STIMULATED E -  EMISSION R -  RADIATION The LASER beam was invented by the physicist MAIMAN in 1960


ModuleI-A:LASER  Characteristics of lasers 

Absorption, Spontaneous and Stimulated transitions  Einstein’ Einstein’ss coefficients and relations between them  Population inversion  Pumping – Optical and Electrical  Meta stable state 

Three and four level pumping schemes

 Ruby LASER   Helium-Neon LASER   Semiconductor Diode LASER 


WhatistheIm WhatistheImportanceof portanceofLaserinda Laserindailylife? ilylife?




Characteristics of lasers • •

Monochromatic: ForOrdinarywhitelight,∆λ=300nm, Formonochromaticlight,∆λ=5-10nm ForLaserlight,∆λ=0.2nm


laserwillspreadtolessthan1cmdiameteratadistanceof10m fromthelaser.

• •

Coherence: Highintensity: Highintensity : I=P/A=E/At P-POWER,E-ENERGY,t-TIME







Band gap (Eg)

 Every atom or molecule have different energy levels  Atoms in their ground state level stays for long period  When external energy is provided, atom in the ground state

absorbs energy and move to excited state  The external energy should satisfy the condition, [hν ≥ Eg]


ABSORPTION An atom or molecule in the ground state E 1 can absorb a photon of energy hν and go to the higher energy state E2, this process is known as absorption.





Let, 12 – upward transition from E1 to E2 R 12  N1 – number of atoms in ground state (E1) ρ ν – energy density of radiation

B12 – probability of absorption per unit time


SPONT SPONTANEOUS ANEOUS EMISSION An atom or molecule in the higher energy state E 2 returns to the ground state E1 by emitting their excess energy spontaneously, spontaneously, this  process is known as spontaneous emission E2 E2



Let, R 21 (SP) – downward transition from E 2 to E1  N2 – Number of atoms in excited state (E 2) ρ ν – Energy density of radiation A21 – Probability of spontaneous emission per unit time


STIMULATED EMI SSION STIMULATED EMISSION In this type of emission, a photon stimulate an atom in the higher state E2 to make a transition to lower state E 1with the creation of second photon E2




Let, R 21 – Downward transition from E 2 to E1  N2 – Number of atoms in excited state (E 2) ρ ν – Energy density of radiation B21 – Probability of stimulated emission per unit time










It is a natural process

It is stimulated process

One radiation or photon is

Two radiation or photon is

emitted in each transation emitted in each transation Emitted photon is in random Emitted photons are in direction single direction For multiple transitions, the emitted photons are out of

For multiple transitions, the emitted photons are in phase

 phase It is observed in ordinary

It is observed in LASER

light source



Einstein's coefcient coefcient and Einstein's relation Let N1 & N2 be the no. of atoms in the ground state and excited state and is the energy density per unit volume Rate of absorption α N1 Rate  of absorption α ρ(r) Then the rate of absorption per unit volume Rate of spontaneous emission α N2 Rate of spontaneous emission per unit volume Rate of stimulated emission α N2 Rate  of stimulated emission α ρ(r) Rate of stimulated emission per unit volume Where B12,B21 and A21 are Einstein's coefficient under thermal equilibrium, the rate of absorption = rate of emission








 In general,


 Number of atoms or molecules in the ground state (N1) is greater than the number atoms or molecules in the excited state (N2) i.e., N1 > N2 

 In ordinary source, spontaneous emission dominates (N 1 > N2)  To obtain lasing action, stimulated emission should be dominate (N2 > N1)  Inverse of this condition is said to be population inversion. i.e.,

 N2 > N1


PUMPING: The process of creating population inversion is called as pumping

Mainly two types of pumping

1. Opti Optica call pump pumpin ing g 2. El Elec ectri trica call Pum Pumpi ping ng Other pumping mechanisms are 

X-ray pumping, e-beam pumping, chemical pumping and gas dynamic pumping


Optical pumping:  The pump is a powerful lamp, emitting light in all directions, over a

 broad spectrum 

Lamps are commonly used for many solid state lasers  When the lamp and laser rod is close together the pumping will be more uniform

Electrical pumping:

 Free electrons and ions are initially created through the high voltage.

These charges are then accelerated in the same electric field. Free electrons then generate excited atoms through collisions e + X → X* + e Where, e – electron, X – atom before excited, X* - atom after excited


Metastable state:  It is an excited state of state of an atom that has a longer lifetime than the ordinary excited states and shorter lifetime than the ground state. state. 

It is an temporary trapmay or stable stage of a system, the energyenergy of which be lostintermediate in discrete amounts.  Thus creating metastable state, population inversion can be achieved and lasing action takes place


1. If the collectio collection n of atoms atoms is intensely intensely pumped, pumped, a large large number of atoms are excited through stimulated absorption 2. If the excited excited energy energy state state has very very short lifetim lifetime, e, the atoms atoms decay decay fast to ground level. 3. If we can able able to make make one sub level level or metastabl metastablee where the atoms can stay for long period when excited than the population inversion is easily achieved.  E populat 4. There are mainly mainly two two E types of schemes schemes to achieve achieve population ion inversion  E3  E 1. Thr hree ee le leve vell E2 Fast decay Fast decay 2. Fou ourr le level  E2  E2  E1 Pum ping Laser actio  E1 Pumping

Laser action  E1 Fast decay  E0

 E0  N

 N After pumping


After pumpi  

Before pumping  

Four level um i

Components of LASER   Activemed  Activemedium ium 

ExcitationMechanismorEnergySource forPumping Resonantcavity

 The cavity or resonator is composed of several mirrors that bounce the beam back and forth through the amplifying medium. There are two different types: linear cavities (light is reflected back and forth) and ring cavities (light circulates round and round).

u y


 Three major parts

1. Ruby rod 2. Re Reso sona nati ting ng ca cavi vity ty 1. Ruby rod3:. Xen enon on fl flas ash h lam lamp p  It is a combination of 99.95% aluminum oxide doped with 0.05% of chromium oxide  Chromium ions replaces aluminum atoms in the crystal lat 2. Resonating cavity:  It consist of 4 cm in length and 0.5 cm diameter of ruby (Pink) rod  The two ends of the rods are strictly grounded so they are parallel to each other   The end faces are silvered in such a way that one end is fully reflecting and the other is  partially reflecting 3. Xenon flash tube:  It is used for optical pumping  It is helical shaped surrounds the ruby rod  It provides pumping light to raise the chromium


ions to the u

er levels



Usingwhererequiredshortpulsesofred Usingwhererequiredshor tpulsesofredlight light Holographicportraitswith Holograph icportraitswithrubylasers,in rubylasers,insizes sizes uptoametersquared. Manynondestructive Manynon destructivetestinglabsu testinglabsuseruby seruby laserstocreatehologra laserstocrea tehologramsoflargeo msoflargeobjective bjective suchasaircrafttirestoloo suchasaircra fttirestolookforweaknes kforweaknessesin sesin thelining. Rubylaserswereusedexte Rubylaserswe reusedextensivelyintat nsivelyintattoo too andhairremoval.


He-Ne Laser •

Thislaserconsists oftwogases He-Ne. two gases do not interact from a molecule.

This is one type of atomic gas LASER . And four level laser.


Gasdischargetubeof length30cmanddiameter 1.5cm.Thistubeismade upquartzandisfilledwith mixtureofneonunderthe pressureof0.1mmof Hg.heliumunderthe pressureof1mmofHg.is 10:1bothgasses


• Laser produced by atomic transitions within the neon atom.the atom.the helium does not directl  produce laser light but acts as a buffer gas, this purpose of which is to assist/help the of the other gas to produce prod uce lasing action. • atoms He-three active energy levels & Ne-six active energy energy levels Ne-metastable levels Ne-metastable state are E and E6 • Excited He atoms collision with Ne atoms results in energy transfer to He to Ne . • Stimulated emission takes place b/w E6-E3-----6328A

•• Stimulated emission takes place b/w E6-E5-----33910A Stimulated emission takes place b/wE4-E3----1 b/wE4-E3----11520A 1520A

• Optical elements placed insides the laser system are absorb the IR rays hence output  



1.The narrow red beam is used in supermarkets to read bar codes 2.Used in holography in producing the 3D image of objects. 3.Used in industrial and scientific laborites ….


Semiconductor Lasers •

Semiconductordiode(the firstlaserdiode)was demonstratedin1962by twoUSgroupsledby RobertN.Hall •

Thesemiconductorlaser ismadeinmass quantitiesfromwafersof galliumarsenideorsimilar crystals.


SemiconductorLaser Construction: 1.Active Medium:

PN junction acts as active medium in Semiconductor Laser Laser.. GaAs semiconductor is doped with Al or Se for P-type and N-type Thickness of junction is about 0.1µm



2.Pumping or Excitation mechanism:

PN diode must be connected in forward bias to produce the laser   When p-region is connected to positive terminal of the battery and

n region is connected to negative terminal of the battery, then said to b   in forward bias. The majority carriers in P-type material are holes and these are in the valence band of P-type material. The majority carriers in N-type material are electrons and these

are in the conduction band of N-type material.  

3.Optical Resonator:

Both sides of junction are polished. 

One side is 100% polished and the side is partially polished

Remaining sides of pn diode are metal shielded to avoid the loss



Principle: Recombination  When a pn junction is forward biased, e-’s from n region and holes from p region cross the junction & recombine with each other  This is called Recombination process. In the Recombination process photons are emitted.  In the pn diode, n region is highly doped as compared to p-type. Hence the no. of e-’s in conduction band of n-region greater than

  the no. of holes in valence band of p-region.  

When the junction is forward biased, e-’s from n-region and holes from p-region are injected into junction.  No. of electrons are greater than no. of holes and hence Population inversion condition is achieved. Then immediately electrons are recombined with holes  in the junction with the help of potential from battery. battery. In the recombination process, photons are emitted  These photons are emitted through the process stimulation  emission.  Hence this radiation is coherent light i.e. Laser light.

The wavelength of laser is 8300A to 8500A  



Medical Applicatons Laser Eye Surgery


Laser in MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging )


Laser Taoo Removal


Laser In Surv Surveyi eying ng And Ranging Ranging




Curren Applicatons Curren Applicatons


Laser in Garment Industry


CO2 laser engraving Designs

Laser Textile Stitching  



Laser In Holography


LaserInBarcode Scanning



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