Las Palmas Internas de Los 8 Animales Del Baguazhang
February 4, 2017 | Author: Roberto González Delgado | Category: N/A
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Download Las Palmas Internas de Los 8 Animales Del Baguazhang...
La palma formadora de Yin (yin zhang) Cuando se habla de la fijación de la energía mediante la palma, se presupone el llenado del vaso de la mano con energía y su fijación allí. En este caso se considera que la palma forma a Yin. Cuando se habla del desarrollo de la energía mediante la palma, se habla de la palma que forma a Yang.
La palma formadora de Yang (yang zhang) La formación de la energía mediante las manos es la cima de la técnica que utiliza al movimiento. La palma de un hombre común no se encuentra en condiciones de influir en los procesos energéticos de su cuerpo; ella es pasiva independientemente de cuáles sean la acciones que ejecuta. La mano puede participar en la construcción alquímica sólo en unión con el centro del abdomen si el cuerpo se halla en quietud, y con el centro de los pies si el cuerpo se halla en movimiento. En su máxima manifestación, la mano capta los cambios en sí misma, en el codo, en el hombro, en la cintura, en las caderas, en las rodillas, en los pies — éste es el telar de la mano. La rueda de alfarero para la mano son: el abdomen, el pecho, la cabeza. La rueda de alfarero forma a la energía, el telar la
desarrolla Cuando la mano se enrosca y se desenrosca se habla de la formación del espíritu del Cielo; cuando se enrolla y se desenrolla se habla de la formación de la fuerza de la Tierra.
La mano orientada hacia arriba, los dedos abiertos respecto del centro Lao Gong. La densidad del mantenimiento de la mano se correlaciona con la fuerza que se le adjudica al león. Para el desarrollo de esta fuerza en la mano hay que observar la forma de la mano que se llena con la energía de todo el cuerpo.
QUALITIES OF THE LION: The Lion is a Strong and
Solemn creature, when he fights he is Clever and Brave and uses Explosive and Aggressive movements, he turns his paws to the Sky just before they strike. His body is Solid and Powerful, he has Untiring Strength and Takes the Initiative. He is a symbol of Heaven, he is the Leader, he is Active, Creative & Decisive. NUMBER: 6 FAMILY: Father AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: Head/brain, Heart and Lungs ELEMENT: Hard Metal ( Like a hard metal weapon we should use our palms to cut, chop and stab our opponent ) The martial applications of this form are just like the behavior of a wild Lion. He flexes his claws in the shade, we wait for the right timing and opportunity to counterattack. He is powerful and solemn gathering his energy, we have acquired our energy through chi kung practice within the form. Suddenly he becomes violent and aggressive is full of chi, leaps in the air and attacks explosively, dislocates the opponents joints and crushes his bones and uses his paws to swipe, catch, hook and claw. When attacked we become an offensive fighter use direct attacks and great strength and ferocity, we instantly turn around the situation and we become the dominant aggressor. The Quan trigram is maximum Yang and our response is the most extreme possible, this not only gives us the physical edge over our opponent but also we upset his mental state. He believed he was the attacker and we were the victim so by immediately, aggressively counterattacking, we make him take the role of victim, he will then have self doubt, feel vulnerable and so be easier to physically defeat. To make our movements work, they must be vigorous and robust like a lion shaking its main. This means
when we fa jin our whole body should violently rotate a twist. (If you cannot picture a lion shaking its mane then imagine a dog shaking of the water when it comes out of a pond.) Our fingers should be forcefully stretched like a lion extending its claws, this increases the flow of chi to the hands and creates within us a fierce fighting spirit that makes us formidable and confident. The Lion is not indigenous but they have been presented as gifts to the Imperial court of China for over two thousand years by diplomatic delegations from countries that traded with China. Stone lions, a male and a female can often be seen in front of the gates of imperial buildings, representing power and prestige. The male lion is on the left with his right paw resting on a ball, symbolizing the unity of the Chinese Empire (there is a posture in Bagua called Lion Holds the Ball). The female is on the right with her left paw fondling a cub this not only symbolizes thriving offspring but also the idea of their protection. This is why we train in the martial arts, to defend our families and friends and those innocent people who are unable to defend themselves.
The Linear Lion Qi Awakening Form Start facing north, left leg forwards, hands outstretched earth palms. Do Lion Qi Gong Breathing with the palms. Rock forwards clawing back hands breath in using reverse breath, rock back breathing out, releasing palms and fingers, pushing out pericardium 8. Do this seven times to generate qi to perform next explosive move. The idea is to balance the deep, calm yin Qi Gong with the explosive, yang fa jin action of this form. Inhale one last time, the eighth, then as you exhale roar and leap round to face south kicking with the right foot, the right hand goes high in heaven palm to strike opponent’s eyes ( and flexing your heart meridian), left palm stays low in heaven palm to strike their throat. Your right foot is forwards and you are facing south. Now claw, 1, 2, 3, 4 ( right hand claws first ) then hands go the other way and claw, 1, 2, 3, 4 ( again right hand claws first ) then hook the left hand behind the opponent’s neck and dragging him down, then the right hand does the same, then step forward making a strike with both hands side by side in heaven palm, then return to Lion Qi Gong position. Perform Lion Qi Gong exactly the same as before then do the same movements, leap, claw, hook etc so that you end up were you began facing north.
Perform Lion Qi Gong to generate qi to perform next move, leap to the east stepping forward with right foot to make double heaven palm strikes to east. Make right hand pounding lion paw strike to opponent’s face, closely followed by right elbow strike. Strike other side of opponent’s neck with right hand ( heart meridian flexed ), using earth palm and spin round on left heel so end up with right foot forward facing south west and do Lion Qi Gong. Leap to west making double heaven palms to west. Hook both opponent’s arms with yours. Twist side to side breaking opponent’s arms four times, then step forward elbowing opponent’s ribs four times. Finish by kicking south with right foot, and striking north with right hand in earth palm shape. Land with right foot forwards facing south, ready to commence the Lion form on the other side.
La mano se orienta hacia abajo con la reunión hacia el centro. Al mismo tiempo, la densidad de la mano es única, lo que se entiende como densidad Yin. Antes de alcanzarla, se deberá obtener la forma de relajación, en la que predomina la quietud, por lo que se produce una unión natural de tres esfuerzos tridimensionales, y el jilin — animal mítico que encarna la cualidad de la triple unidad — comienza a moverse. Las fuerzas se reúnen en el centro.
QUALITIES OF THE UNICORN: The Chinese Unicorn (called a Lin) has the body of a deer so it is Soft and Calm. It has great sensitivity because it is Responsive, Receptive and Yielding, like mother Earth. The Unicorn is also Flexible and has Sustaining Power, so it can continuously kick whilst Spinning on one leg like a tornado. NUMBER: 2 FAMILY: Mother AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: Stomach, abdomen, reproductive organs. ELEMENT: Earth ( we should sink down internally so that we have a low centre of gravity, we need to be close to the earth not only for stability when fighting but also for nourishing our body with earth energy to heal it. ) Kun is the most yin trigram so the Unicorn is associated with being receptive to the opponent, being able to intuitively sense his intentions and the quality of yielding. It must be remembered that yielding does not refer to weakness or continuous defensive maneuverings. Rather it means that like the Unicorn ones movements can fly unpredictably were the opponent least expects. Yielding does not mean retreating it means re attacking from an unexpected and obscure position. The body when moving like the Unicorn can turn like a tornado and move with great
light, free and fast movements, our feet kicking out like the hind legs of a wild horse to dislocate the opponents knees, we also stamp on their feet with our heels, like a horse trained in crowd control. Our palm strikes are like the front hooves of a horse kicking with great power and our fingertips stab the opponent as if he was struck by the horn of the Unicorn. So the yin qualities of the Unicorn are sensitivity and yielding and the Yang qualities are the ferocious kicks and fa jin explosive heel palm strikes. To be a competent martial artist one needs both. One also needs to consider that just being a fighter is to yang, one needs to be a healer (yin) as well or else ones life will become unbalanced. Bagua is a great healing art that contains all the principles of Tao Yin bending and stretching exercises as well as Chi Kung energy exercises. Once we have mastered Bagua then we can teach others so they can heal themselves. The Chinese Unicorn, the Lin, has the body of a deer, the hooves of a horse and a beautiful horn. It is a magical flying creature from Chinese mythology.
In the Unicorn form the idea of flying is expressed through our sudden turns and twists and spinning kicks, we fly about unpredictably. When we are comfortable with the twisting and changing, when we can change with change, then not only will our Bagua be at a high level but also we will be able to enjoy our lives more because the true nature of life is change and unpredictability.
The Linear Unicorn Qi Awakening Form Start facing north left foot in front, hands by sides in Earth Palm. Back straight and chest pushed forwards to open up lungs and chest cavity standing like a stallion. Spin round on left heel and step forwards with right foot to the north. Block strike with right forearm, circle arm clockwise to deflect and grab. Make a right heel kick to opponent’s front knee and a left toe kick the their back knee. At the same time strike out with a unicorn horn blow to the face, throat or head with your left palm. Spin round clockwise to face south making the same heel and toe kicks in the air. This time the arms are held out in earth palm shape at shoulder level. Turn the left foot in, turning on the left heel, swing the left arm around and down to put opponent in a lock. Continue turning to face north, picking up the right foot and placing it toe down behind the left. Then use unicorn hoof to the opponents face with your right palm. Spin on the heels with an outside turn to face south, dragging opponent’s arm off and strike him in the back of the neck with right elbow. Open the arms out wide. Circle the right arm down and under the opponent’s throat, and he left arm up and over to chop down on it.
Releasing the right foot to point north, chop the arms through the opponent’s throat thrusting up this is the unicorns horn with the right hand. Looking at pericardium 8 on the palm of the right hand sink back down to a comfortable position. You are now standing with the right foot in front facing north. Step forward north east with right foot to evade strike from north west, holding right hand out palm up in heaven palm do a counter clockwise circle. Step forward with left foot to the north west corner sliding the left palm under the right arm, then rock back onto the right foot as the left heaven palm does a unicorn horn strike to the north west corner. Turn the left palm over face down into an earth palm and turn the left foot out slightly. Step forward with the right foot to the north west corner and with the right palm in an earth palm shape do a unicorn horn strike to the north west corner as you rock back onto left foot.
Leap to face north east with the left elbow held up in the air and the right palm in a heaven palm shape next to it. The arms should be parallel and sloping at 45 degrees. Step forward to the north east corner using unicorn stomps his feet and do an elbow and a palm strike, repeat this four times. Circle arms down to sides, spin on right heel to face south in position to start form in opposite direction.
La mano apoyada en el plano orientado hacia afuera. Se elabora una sensación de «desatornillamiento». Es el pájaro listo a despegar.
QUALITIES OF THE HAWK: The Hawk is Beautiful and Elegant, the Hawk twists and turns, rolls and flips. Its talons are Clinging and as sharp as stabbing knives. The hawk is Agitated and Dedicated darting through the air seeming as fast as the speed of Light. He looks like a Hot meteor hurtling out of the Sun, he is Intelligent and Enlightened. NUMBER: 9 FAMILY: Second/middle Daughter AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: Eyes, chest and heart ELEMENT: Fire, in the healing arts this means we need to keep the fire in the belly burning, when this life force flame goes out we die. In the martial arts our attacks need to be like an exploding fireball, dramatic, decisive and devastating. The trigram Li is associated with the eyes and the Hawk, like this bird of prey we use our periphery view to pick up the overall movement of the opponent. Our periphery view connects directly with our subconscious so when the opponent attacks we can react with immediate reflex reactions. The Hawk has a clinging quality, this does not mean that we grab the opponent, it means that our counterattacks are unrelenting, we pursue the opponent so closely that it is as if we were clinging to him. When we strike in this form we fly through the air like a Hawk in a power dive, the weight of our impact shocking his body.
Our fingers are extended and flexed like piercing talons puncturing the opponents throat, eyes and neck. This is a very extreme method of self defense but better to have it and not need it, than not have it when you need it. The yang self defense qualities of this form are balanced by the beautiful yin smooth, flowing movements. This form heals the heart, the continuous flowing way we move encourages the blood to flow more smoothly through the heart. We are like an agile hawk flying at great speed through the forest, flipping and turning, tumbling, darting and spinning as it chases its quarry. We avoid the opponents strikes like dodging and weaving our way between branches. We slip past the opponent’s defenses and strike with great penetrating power. The trigram Li is associated with the element of Fire and to fire up the body when performing the hawk form we have a lot of moves in which we slam the acupuncture point Kidney 1 into the ground. This releases a large amount of kidney yang energy and adrenalin. The effect this has on the body is to make it more yang, more fired up, more determined and decisive. We need to have these qualities to succeed in combat and in life. When we are fired up our eyes glow with our energy and intention. Another benefit of having ones chi fired up is that after we have finished training there is still a lot of chi vigorously circulating around the body. This chi can be used by the mind for a creative project like writing or painting, or a flight of the imagination.
The Linear Hawk Qi Awakening Form Start in left toe stance, head up, chin pulled in. Hands in front of lower dan dien in wind palm shape. Then hawk spreads wings; left hand up, right hand down. Then a heel strike with left foot. Release kick and lift left knee remaining standing on one leg, bring hands together to make wind palms at chest height. Simultaneously, chop down with the palms pushing out the lower edges, and stamp the ball of the left foot onto the ground to activate Kidney 1. Step forward with the left foot, stamping it flat on the ground to activate kidney one again, make a high double wind palm strike forwards, this is the movement hawk stretches talons. Make a wing arm block with the right wing/forearm stepping the right foot up to the left to make L shape stance with the toes, and now the body is facing west. Circle the right wing arm clockwise to deflect the opponent’s arm releasing the left foot, chop then grab opponent’s head with right hand, slide left hand under the right arm so it can now pull the opponents head towards you then strike into his neck with the right fingers (hawk talons ). Fly through the air round to the right to get to the south, swinging out the arms and scanning the skies as you go.
Land with left foot in front and make a high double fire palm strike forwards, this is the movement hawk stretches talons. Step right foot up to left to make L with the toes, making wing arm with right forearm, twist body to face the north, releasing the left foot, after making the block circle both arms over the opponent’s head clockwise to strike the opponent’s eyes and throat with the fingers, then circle them low anticlockwise to strike the side of the head and neck with the thumb side of the palms. Repeat the exact same movement to end up facing again to the south. Make wing up block/strike with right arm, step through to south east corner chopping neck with right hand, palm strike neck with left hand and right forearm together, strike P8 onto LI10.
Spin round on right heel holding arms up to face the north, grab opponent’s striking hand with left hand and pull, strike opponent’s throat with right fingers. Grab opponent’s neck with right hand, use change step to pull him and step forward with the left foot and fire palm strike. Grab opponent’s neck with left hand, spin on left heel throwing them forwards so we end up facing south, with the left arm extended forwards. Make a palm out upward block with the left hand, and a palm strike to the floating rib with the right hand. Bring right foot up to left to make L step, lifting opponent’s arm up high with left hand, continue turning until facing the north. Use the right hand to strike the back of the opponent’s head first then it swings down into the opponent’s groin. Then use an outside turn with the arms at shoulder height and end up with your body facing south striking the opponent in the back of the neck with your left earth palm, your arms are now facing the east. Draw the hands in towards you in the shape of double wind palms then leap forward with right foot in front and striking with double fire palms, this is the movement hawk stretches talons. Then sit back on to left leg, right foot forward with just toes and ball of foot touching the ground. You are now in position to do the form on the other side.
Jing Cui Pulgar -> Shao Shang Le Que La mano que se prende de la rama. El rey de los monos se mueve hacia el occidente. El esfuerzo en la mano se dispone de tal modo que la energía se compacta hacia el área del pulgar. El pulgar es el eje de la espiral que une el centro Shao Shang con los centros Jing Cui y Le Que. La ubicación de la mano también puede señalarse como lo que alimenta al cuerpo. Sugerimos prestar atención a que aquí las acciones de la mano, en primer lugar, se contemplan en relación al centro del vaso de la mano y en el movimiento según el sistema Wen Wang (cuando el movimiento de las fuerzas está determina- do por la esfera exterior).
No hay que confundir esta disposición de fuerzas respecto al centro único Fu Xi, cuando la posición de la mano está determinada por la combinación de todas las fuerzas y la mano se considera ante todo como una forma única. Aquí, la adjudicación de un significado a la posición de la mano tiene carácter convencional, necesario para explicar otros procesos de la alquimia o alcanzar el desarrollo de una fuerza definida.
QUALITIES OF THE SNAKE: The Snake invokes a sense of impending Peril in the opponent who fears he will be Enveloped. The Snake is Dangerous, Cunning, Deceitful and Clever. The Snake is Wise and presents others with Difficulty because the soft movements of the Snake appear Harmless but his movements are Disturbing. The Snakes is usually Hidden and Concealed, this causes people near him to have Distress of the Mind. The Snake is a very Yin creature associated with the Moon (when I look at the moon I see the Yin Yang symbol in the shadows on its surface, I wonder if this is where the ancients found it ?) NUMBER: 1 FAMILY: Second Son AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: Lower abdomen and Kidneys and nourishes the essence of the body and improves the hearing. ELEMENT: Water. We move our bodies like water and find the areas of least resistance and slip through the opponents defenses. FIGHTING CHARACTERISTIC: The Snake uses flowing fa jin strikes just like when a snake darts its head forward to bite then on the point of contact its fangs shoot out and inject the venom. Our fingertips become like fangs and can sink deep into the opponent’s neck. The Snake form is associated with the trigram Kan, The Water Palm, it nourishes the essence of the body that is stored in the kidneys.
This is good for the flexibility of the tendons and the whole body and the nourishment of all the internal organs. Life can sometimes stress us out so much that we overheat. If the brain gets to hot we over think, if the heart gets to hot we are too emotional and if our nervous system starts to overheat we become agitated very easily. So it is important to nourish our essence to keep our whole body cool. The applications of the Snake form have several different qualities. Sometimes we are shooting out our fingertips for strikes to the eyes neck and throat like a snake spitting venom. At other times we are wrapping our arms around the opponents neck and squeezing and twisting like a snake constricting its prey. We also have some movements where we drop down to strike low, like a snake in the grass unexpectedly appearing and attacking. When the snake moves one part of its body its whole body moves, this is also the correct way for a Bagua practitioner to move. Our hands and feet like the head and tail of a snake are both connected to and moved by the centre. We can do strikes from the hands and feet that appear to be unconnected but internally we can feel one single flow throughout the body.
If our movements are fluid on the outside, like a snake coiling and uncoiling, then it will encourage our chi to flow on the inside and we will have good health. If we move in a flowing way like water or a snake, smooth, circular and spiraling it will keep our internal energy smoothly circulating around our body. When our energy is balanced and harmonious, then our body, mind emotions and spirit can also more easily find balance and harmony. We can then flow more smoothly through our lives.
The Linear Snake Qi Awakening Form With right foot forwards, arms at shoulder height palms down begin by moving the whole body - flowing like a snake. Block with right forearm, guard opponent’s fist with left palm. Circle arms clockwise to deflect opponents arm, Lunge forward striking to throat with right fingers, this is the move snake spits venom. Move forward onto right foot, making L step against it with the left foot strike down with right palm to block punch to kidneys. Facing east circle opponent’s arm anticlockwise with right arm and chop into opponent’s elbow crease with right hand. Release right foot, strike into opponent’s throat with right fingers using snake spits venom. Grab opponent’s neck with right hand, bring left foot forward to make 'L' step against right foot. Drag opponent’s head under own right armpit and ease right foot to enable you to turn to the south west, strike opponent with right forearm. Bring left foot forward to make another L step and strike opponent with a left forearm. Raise left arm over head in heaven palm, place right hand behind back fingers pointing south west. Place right toes in front of left foot. Make drilling palm strike to the south west , sitting back as you strike forwards with the right hand in the fire palm.
Jump step out right foot to north with long step, like a flying side kick but on the ground, striking with right palm to inside of opponent’s thigh, the opponent is kicking with his left foot from the north. Turn to the north and do the move snake steels eggs with right hand, folding the left thumb over the crease of the right elbow. Hop step back into a toe stance and then step forwards with low palm strike, this is snake returns broken eggs to nest. Spin round on right heel to face south and palm strike opponent’s wrist with left palm and their elbow crease with the right palm, using two earth palms. Then strike into their throat with the right fingers using snake spits venom. Grab opponent’s arm with right hand. Draw them in with a change step. Step forward with the left foot, striking into throat with left fingers, using snake spits venom. You will then be in the starting position to do the form on the other side.
La mano orientada hacia uno mismo, reunida, contenedora. Forma la fuerza en el centro de la palma, une los centros de la mano, el codo y el hombro.
QUALITIES OF THE MONKEY: The Monkey has great Agility, he can leap from tree to tree and jump from rock to rock, his movements are Wild and Tricky. The Monkey gets Excited he moves Quickly and has Crafty and Deceptive techniques. In his attacks he Surprises the opponent, appearing to Shrink away but actually drawing them onto a counterattack. NUMBER: 7 FAMILY: Youngest Daughter AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: Right side of Abdomen and the lungs and mouth. ELEMENT: Soft Metal. We are as heavy as lead and as flowing as mercury DEVELOPES: Agility, speed, natural power and a playfull attitude. FIGHTING CHARACTERISTIC: The Monkey is fast and wild, he leaps on the opponent and unleashes unexpected natural power. The Monkey form has movements just like the activities of a small, agile monkey. When we are practicing we have crafty and tricky techniques, just like a small monkey who quickly leaps out to steal a piece of fruit (this is a darting poke to the eyes) and then retreats and shrinks in to a small space to eat it (this is drawing their attack onto a counter strike) but his eyes are bigger than his stomach so he spits out the rest (this is following the opponent as he retreats and hitting him again). Our eyes behave just like a monkeys, we look around in a quick, curious and alert way.
We see and sense when it is time for action and responds like a sprightly Monkey. We also have moves like a great ape charging, leaping and thrashing with the knuckles and palms of its open hands. The Monkey is the trigram Tui, Cloud Palm and the great apes live high up in the mountains in the cloud covered forests. Monkeys are like people but they do not have the same inhibitions about fighting, they can go into a wild frenzy very quickly. We need to cultivate this ability to tap into our wild side so that when we are attacked or threatened with attack we can immediately tap into our natural survival energy and respond. So the Monkey form gives us great skills and abilities. It also cultivates another important Monkey characteristic, playfulness. Monkeys are always monkeying around. Martial arts training and life in general can often be quite tough so we need to remember occasionally to lighten up, laugh about it and enjoy our experience.
The Linear Monkey Qi Awakening Form Basic stance facing north, right foot forwards, hands outstretched at shoulder height palms facing down. Step forward with right foot, and do monkey picks fruit movement, then do monkey shrinks into cave to eat the fruit movement in a toe stance and then strike with right hand. Place right foot down in L stance. Strike large (casual, and nonchalant) circular blow with heel of right palm from right to left. Place left toe in front of right foot, spin round making drilling palm to the north with left hand. Sit back, striking out with left palm. Spread arms open to both sides. Circle right palm anticlockwise up over and down to knock down opponent's punch ou the way. Circle left hand upwards palm down touching inside of right elbow, transfer weight forwards making backhand strike to opponents eye socket or throat. Left hand grabs back of opponent's neck, strike their throat with right forearm ( P8 onto LI10 ) Then twist neck their neck. Step across with right foot to end up facing south. Sit back and do monkey offers fruit movement, forwards and upwards using cloud palms. Step forwards with left leg, dropping arms and circling them over to adopt position for starting the form on the other side
La palma abierta de modo tal que la presión se encuentra en la base de la mano Los dedos pueden estar abiertos o ligeramente flexionados, pero en todo caso, deben sostener el esfuerzo de la base. Esta posición de la mano es interesante, porque de esta manera la energía no se escurre de los dedos y no se transforma, sino que se halla en una permanente procreación, alimenta o cultiva la fuerza de toda la mano. Esta postura de la mano y su esfuerzo se correlaciona con el dragón.
QUALITIES OF THE DRAGON: The Dragon takes the
Initiative, he becomes Excited and is Forceful, Angry and Threatening, his strikes have Shocking Power. When the Dragon is Aroused and Active he can Fly in any direction, his Movement is Unpredictable, he undulates and changes shape, he has a twisting and turning Motion and as he coils and uncoils he releases his Shaking Power. NUMBER: 3 FAMILY: Eldest Son AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: Centre of Abdomen, connecting Heaven and Earth, grounding our spirit to keep us centred. ELEMENT: Hard Wood. The idea of the fa jin beginning as a vibration in the lower Dan Dien and then going to the five extremities of the body is like when the trunk of the tree (the torso) shakes, all the branches, the hands, feet and head, also shake. The Dragon has been found on four thousand year old inscriptions in China, it is a mystical creature which has the head of a camel with the horns of a deer, the ears of an ox and the eyes of a hare. It has the neck of a snake, the abdomen of a large cockle shell and is covered with the scales of a carp. It has the paws of a tiger with the claws of an eagle, it is the most unpredictable of all the animals and can strike unexpectedly from any direction. The enemy is unable to comprehend how he was defeated, like water the dragon can flow and continually transform, no one can match his versatility. The smooth flowing movements help the blood flow through the liver keeping its filtering and detoxifying
abilities working well, so with a good healthy liver, we can liver bit longer. In the Bagua Dragon form we undulate and twist and smoothly change from sliding down into a low strike to leaping high into a flying spinning kick, like a Dragon rising into the sky. All our movements are as fluid as a Dragon coiling and uncoiling and our fa jin is as explosive as Thunder, the trigram Zhen. Our dragon stepping methods are very complex and allow us to appear behind the opponent and strike him in the back of the head without warning. The dragons legs and feet are very versatile, hooking and sweeping, striking and tripping, kicking and stomping. The dragons arms and hands are also varied in their use, chopping and cutting, smashing and grabbing, clawing and jabbing, palm striking and point striking. The attacks by the arms and hands are at almost the same time as the legs and feet. So if he defends from one he is hit by the other, the enemy feels surrounded by an army of flying dragons, he has no escape and is defeated. The dragon was on the national flag of the Qing Dynasty and it was Yin Fu (1841-1909), one of the top disciples of Tung Hai Chuan the creator of Bagua who was chosen to be the bodyguard of the last Qing Empress of China. Dragons are symbols of the natural world, adaptability and transformation, two dragons placed together but turned away are the famous Yin Yang symbol. The movements of the Dragon form balance our Yin and Yang energy and unite Heaven and Earth within us and stabilize our spirit.
The Linear Dragon Qi Awakening Form Start facing north with the left foot in front, hands in fire palm, hips stay to the north ribs turn to face the west. Sink weight onto right leg until feels heavy in Gall Bladder 31. Retract left foot and draw in the arms, then push left foot further out (going round a circle on the ground to the north west corner) and strike out with the left hand. Circle left arm anti clockwise around opponent’s arm to finish palm up in a heaven palm arm lock. Spin on left foot kicking with right foot and striking with right (cupped ) palm. Place left hand behind back and right hand palm up over head in heaven palm, make drilling palm to west with left hand, drop right arm down into earth palm, sinking weight onto right leg. The drilling palm is to activate the triple warmer meridian in the upper arm. Pull in opponent with left hand, dragon palm strike with right hand then the right hand makes a small anti clockwise circle and dragon claw to the north as right foot sweeps to the south. Keep arms and right leg in air, swing round to face north, standing on left leg only, making a right heel kick and a left wind palm strike to the north. Without turning round, swing arms behind palms facing and moving one over the other to block to the south, the left hand is an earth palm the right hand in heaven palm. Make low side kick to the south placing foot on floor.
Swing right arm over shoulder and under arm pit to strike palm upwards behind. Hand finishes above head height, weight on left leg. From this position, circle the right arm out low anticlockwise to the north in the earth palm shape, as it comes to the centre, circle the left arm out high anti clockwise. The left hand grabs the opponent’s wrist with a dragon claw technique. Our right hand in the earth palm shape cuts across their eyes. We spin round on left foot, our right foot sweep kicking across to the north. Then place foot down and do an outside turn, we end up facing the north. Left hand makes dragon claw and pulls down, dragging in opponent’s arm, continue turning out left foot to point west. Continue turning to face south, making L step with right foot to left toes. Bring right arm up inside other arm and use dragon claw to strike opponent’s eyes. You are facing the south and are striking over your right shoulder with your right hand to the north. Then strike opponent in the throat with your right dragon claw and then spin around doing an outside change and strike with the left palm outstretched in the fire palm shape into the back of their head. You are now facing the north. Step out to north east and intercept the opponents punch as you step strike him in the back of the neck. Then as the foot lands do a neck break.
Then elbow strike followed by outside turn elbow strike and then you curl your right arm around opponent’s neck, left arm now strikes down as right arm strikes up, this posture is called dragon looks to the sky, our eyes look up at pericardium 8 of our right hand which is in the shape of the thunder palm. The left hand should be at waist height, in water palm. Step out to south west with right foot, blocking across with right thunder palm followed by left foot lifting up facing south. Slide left hand under right forearm also in thunder palm as your left foot steps to the south, then turn the hands down and slam the left foot on the ground as the left hand strikes down at head height. Step out to south east with left foot, blocking across with left thunder palm followed by right foot lifting up facing south. Slide right hand under left forearm also in thunder palm as your right foot steps to the south, then turn the hands down and slam the right foot on the ground as the right hand strikes down at head height. These last two foot slamming moves have a very strong grounding effect on the energy and also stabilize and center the spirit. So we finish facing the south with the right foot forward we keep our hips facing south and turn our ribs and hands to the west ready to commence the form on the other side
La mano que emerge sigilosamente. Se ubica de tal manera que la presión queda en su parte externa. El meñique un poco separado, para que la fuerza pueda reunirse en la superficie. La posición del esfuerzo se asemeja al aspecto externo de la pata del oso, está reunida y comprimida.
QUALITIES OF THE BEAR: The Bear appears to be Quiet and Slow but when he fights he is Tough and Hard. NUMBER: 8 FAMILY: Youngest Son AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: Neck, upper back, arms, hands and stomach. ELEMENT: Earth. The Bear lives in a cave deep in the earth. In the Bear posture we can sink into the earth and connect with its healing energy. DEVELOPES: A loose heavy body, heavy bones, a sturdy frame. FIGHTING CHARACTERISTIC: The Bear has strong, sturdy counterattacks and uses his paws for very powerful whipping, pounding palm strikes. The arms and hands are also held in such a way as to depict the crushing jaws of the great Bear, so one of the many possible applications of this shape could be the lower arm would intercept their attack and the upper arm would be the counterstrike or visa versa. The Bear is associated with the trigram Ken, Mountain Palm. In the Bear form when we spin around to intercept and counterattack the next opponent
there is a moment when we sink and become as steady as a Mountain, just before we whip out our paw for a palm strike. The sudden turning around is known as,‘ Bear Looks Back ’ and contains important awareness training methods. The old Bagua Masters would say that the Bear has the ability to ‘ Shake its fur’, this is a reference to the way Bagua practitioners shake their bodies when they fa jin (explosively release internal power). The Bear is an earth element and moves in a loose, heavy way, these yin qualities enable his palm strike to contain great yang energy. The type of palm strike that we practice in the Bear form has its power come not only from the rotation of the hips but also the Opening and Closing of the spine. In particular making use of the power that this delivers from the upper back through the neck and shoulders into the arms and hands. We do not want to lift the opponent up, nor do we want him to be thrown back by our palm strike. What we want is to hit him with such great internal power in our palm strike that he spits blood and falls to the ground like a tree that has been struck, splintered and smashed down by the great Bear. In the Bear form we spin on our heels, this activates the kidney meridian, which runs through the heel.
The Kidney meridian is a yin meridian and in Chinese medicine it is said that if the kidneys are strong, the bones will be strong and ones hearing will be good. So the Bear form is an excellent foundation form, if trained regularly it will give many martial and healing benefits. It also contains qualities that would be useful for those who would like to go on an internal journey to find their soul. We should remember that the Bear was the original totem animal of the Shaman. Entering ones own subconscious is like a Bear going into his cave, and like the Bear, one needs to be steady, move slowly and be tough enough to cope with what one finds.
The Linear Bear Qi Awakening Form Long low stance facing north so that the feet are two shoulder widths apart, the knees are bent low and pushed out sideways slightly. The arms are at the sides. Spin round on left heel to face South. On turning counterstrike strike going to north with right forearm. Kick low with right leg. Sit back into right heel striking their kidney with right palm strike. Circle both arms up and round anticlockwise, blocking strike to head from south with left ( front ) hand. Right ( rear ) hand bear paw strike to face. Spin round on left heel to face north. Circle arms upwards clockwise to block strike to head from north with right (back) hand. Left hand to make bear paw strike to face this is your (front) hand. Place right hand palm up over head in heaven palm, and the left hand behind back with the fingers pointing south. Glance over left shoulder to see opponant striking from south. Spin on right heel making drilling palm to the south. Circle left hand over the outside of the opponent's right arm. Then circle both arms clockwise to deflect opponents arm further. Then double bear paw strike to opponent face or chest.
Spin on right heel and swing the left foot back behind you. Circle arms clockwise your right hand which is your front hand both blocks and strikes with a bear paw strike. Drop hands to sides facing south in position and stance to commence doing the form in reverse.
La mano que abarca la superficie. La postura de la mano es como si abrazara algo. El pájaro previo al aterrizaje. Los dedos ligeramente dispersos. Al mismo tiempo, se retiene la superficie entre los dedos y en la puerta superior de la mano-
QUALITIES OF THE PHOENIX: The Phoenix is always Swirling in a Continuous Circle, his wings look like they would be Gentle and Yielding, because they are Flexible and Pliant, but when striking they have a force that is deadly because it is so Penetrating. NUMBER: 4 FAMILY: Eldest Daughter AS A CHI KUNG HEALS: The first seven vertebrae and thighs. ELEMENT: Soft Wood. Our upper body should be like the branches of a willow tree, soft supple wood that is flexible FIGHTING CHARACTERISTIC: The Phoenix uses the arms to strike by hitting with the forearms in large sweeping motions. The hands are like swirling wing tips and sometimes like talons. The Phoenix form is so graceful and flowing it is as if ones arms where huge wings gently rolling in the high altitude spiraling updrafts. We feel as if we have caught the wind in our wings, the Phoenix trigram Xun is the Wind Palm. There is a rolling movement of the forearms in the Phoenix form, it looks gentle but it is used with great effect in the martial applications to break the opponents arms and neck. This is because of the immense penetrating power that this type of movement creates. The Phoenix circles and spirals on the wind and our movement is like a whirlwind, a tornado, we can smash anything in our path but have a calm center like the eye of the storm.
The Phoenix beats its wings, so on the downwards movements we destroy his attacking limbs, on the upwards movement we attack his head. When the Phoenix brings his wings together and then apart, we are intercepting the opponents strike and attacking across his neck. The hands at the ends of the arms are like feathers at the end of the wings of the Phoenix, they trail behind the arm in the same way that a feather would were it to be held in the hand and moved from side to side. In the Phoenix form we are continuously improving the circulation because of our circular movements. This helps heal the liver, in Chinese medicine the liver stores and releases the blood. If the liver is strong the tendons will be strong and ones eyesight will be good. When we consider the qualities of the Phoenix from a spiritual perspective we can see so many useful ideas. Yes we want to let our spirits, find true freedom and fly but we need to be flexible with our approach and be gentle with ourselves because true spiritual attainment is a long and circular process. Over the decades we re experience our lives and find though this observation of the cycles of our lives truths that were obscure in our youth. It is only from the high altitude of a mature adult, like a Phoenix in the sky, that we can look back down on our lives and see clearly and have a broader view.
The Linear Phoenix Qi Awakening Form Starting stance, be in a toe stance facing north, weight on back left leg. Left hand down and slightly away from left thigh. Right hand held up high. Hold position until heaviness felt in left thigh on GB 31. Phoenix spread wings (open arms out). Make figure of eight with right hand, strike down and across with back of right forearm. Closely followed by figure of eight movement with left hand strike down with back of left forearm to arrive just after the right hand. These two moves are done with the spine going concave. Next the spine goes convex as the fingers of the right hand strike by flicking up, striking the face and eyes of the opponent. This is the talons of the phoenix being unleashed.This same right hand then claws downwards. Using hips, strike opponent’s neck with back of hands, left then right. Then chop nech with heaven palms first left then right. Then further attack throat with hook hand first left then right. Hook hands into body closing back and crouching inwards. Spin round to face south left foot infront. On turning block with back of left hand. Strike through face with right palm, rotating from hips. Grab opponent’s arm, turn back with hips to break arm, rotate hips forward again lifting right heel, making right elbow strike to opponent’s face. Sit back on right leg into starting position to do the form on the other side.
CONCLUSION De este modo, los ocho esfuerzos convencionales de la palma transforman a la energía durante el proceso de su movimiento o quietud. Estas transformaciones alquímicas son la cima de la transformación de la energía en movimiento. Si, en cambio, el cuerpo se halla en quietud, la utilización de cada posición se considera como el cierre de lo interno con lo externo. Toda la técnica bagua zhang, si la vemos desde adentro, está dirigida a alcanzar el nivel en el que la palma esté dispuesta a participar en el proceso alquímico no como una parte pasiva del cuerpo, sino como una parte activa. Las posibilidades de las manos son únicas. Ellas se encuentran en condiciones de influir en el desarrollo de la energía Yang más activamente que cualquier otra parte del cuerpo, por cuanto hacia aquí se van reuniendo todos los meridianos Yang del nivel del Cielo. Pero lograr un cambio cualitativo en la práctica es posible con la condición de un cambio de toda la estructura energética del cuerpo. En el caso contrario, la energía no tendrá la posibilidad de engancharse. Solamente en un contexto de trabajo en la zona de las energías jing y shen (energías que tienen la posibilidad de entrar en enganche mutuamente), son posibles las sutiles transformaciones alquímicas. Si, en cambio, nos apoyamos únicamente en la energía qi, los cambios serán insignificantes e imperceptibles, por lo tanto, no podrán ser considerados efectivos. En el momento actual de desarrollo, para estar dispuestos a trabajar con el cierre externo (cuando las manos físicamente pasan por el cambio) e interno (cuando el estado de la mano no cambia), se debe preparar todo el cuerpo. Sin esa preparación, ejerciendo la práctica de cierres, más que ayudar,
vamos a perjudicar nuestro trabajo. Se trata de que si no se ha adquirido el apoyo en los pies (en el caso de movimiento) y en el abdomen (en caso de la meditación sentada), el trabajo energético de las manos es sumamente limitado. Estas limitaciones provienen del hecho de la pérdida de la energía por la manos, cuando no haya dónde aplicarla.
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