Ch emtg`ud pcruemd hd`rû sustcmter su ehglcmtekgûm cm ume e`rgkuhture cm kdmstemtc acserrdhhd y ume `emeacrìe quc he kdlphclcmteie. Cstd Cstd tremsbdrlû pdr kdlphctd su vgae, sur`gcmad hes kuhtures prcgmkes. Ch tcfgad y he kcrålgke kdmstgtuycm ume `rem bucmtc adkulcmteh pere mucstre yeac quc `reieiem cskcmes jgstdrge, y ch ldad vgae ac sus pucihds. pucihds.
Kjevìm Kuhture Kjevìm V V V V
[c acserrdhhû cm ch acpertelcmtd acpertelcmtd ac Åmkesj. Åmkesj. Hds jdlircs Kjevìm bucrdm jåighcs cskuhtdrcs cm pgcare. pgcare. [u ektgvgaea lås glpdrtemtc buc he e`rgkuhture. e`rgkuhture. [u kcrålgke cs ac kdhdr mc`rd kdm espcktd ac ac pgcare. pgcare.
[eiìes quc… quc… _rc
Kuhture Qgejuemekd Qgejuemekd
emtcs emtcs
emtcs ac hds gmkes gmkes
[c ac acse serrd rrdhhû hhû cm ch acper acperte telcm lcmtd td ac _um _umd. d. ckdmdlìe. V He `emeacrìe buc he iesc ac su ckdmdlìe. V Ycmaìem kuhtd e lgstcrgdsd agdscs tehheads cm hes pdrteaes y cm hds ldmdhgtds. ldmdhgtds. Jugrekdkje. V [u agds prgmkgpeh buc Jugrekdkje. V [u kcrålgke cstå rcprcscmteae pdr p dr ch ncr ncrd, d, quc cre um vesd kcrcldmgeh. kcrcldmgeh.
Ldkjgke Kuhture Ldkjgke V V
[c acserrdhhû cm ch vehhc ac Ldkjc, cm he ektueh kguaea ac Qrufghhd. Qrufghhd. Kdmstruycrdm ldmulcmtehcs juekes ac ead ic y ierrd. ierrd.
He kcrålgkeach ac hds juekd rctretds cxprcsgdmcs rdstrd julem julemd. d. rc`gstre [c jem cmkdmtread tulies rcehcs gmtektes, ac pcrsdmefcs ac `rem pdacr pdhìtgkd y rchg`gdsd. rchg`gdsd.
Kuhture _erekes _erekes V V V V
Kuhture Kjglö Kjglö
[c acserrdhhû cm ch acpertelcmtd ac a c Gke. Gke. Acstekerdm pdr sus beldsds tcfgads ac ichhds kdhdrcs. kdhdrcs. _rektgkerdm kdm jeighgaea hes trcpemekgdmcs kremcemes. kremcemes. [us berads bumcrergds crem vcraeacrds kdbrcs ac ealgreihcs tcfgads. tcfgads.
[c acserrdhhû cm ch acpertelcmtd ac He Hgicrtea. Hgicrtea. V Bucrdm hds lcfdrcs erqugtcktds ac he kdste, su låxgle cagbgkekgûm cs he kguaeache ac Kjem Kjem. Kjem. Sser Sserdm dm ch`remacs tulg ac a c drd dmevc`emtcs, rd kdld kukjghhd kcrcldmgeh. Bucrdm perekcrcldmgeh. chhd utghgze iem hds keiehhgtds ac tdtdre. tdtdre.
Meske Kuhture Meske V V V
[c acserrdhhû cm ch acpertelcmtd ac a c Gke. Gke. Jgkgcrdm ch kehcmaergd lås `remac ach lumad, kdmdkgad kdld hes «Hìmces ac Meske¾. Meske¾. Kdmstruycrdm rcprcses y kemehcs suitcrråmcds pere hhcver h hcver e`ue. e`ue.
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