August 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Short Description
Fosusun Lmad; EQDYDHNHD :09:090::
Vamhd fosatukuo phfh
Paejoejong Hbhfaeob Bmonob
H. Facanoso JJMZ
Jhyo jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd ohmhd jhyo jhru mhdor yhng jarht jhfhnnyh shht mhdor burhng burhn g fhro :100 grhe (WDL, 8?38). 8?38). Jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd hfhmhd hfhmhd jhyo fanghn jarht jhfhn burhng fhro :100 grhe grhe phfh whbtu mhdor. (Dufh fhn Dhrfdo, :089). Eanurut Zojab fbb. (:088). Jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd yhotu jhyo yhng mhdor fanghn jarht jhfhn burhng fhro :100 grhe thnph eaepardhtobhn usoh gasthso (fodotung shtu khe satamhd eamhdorbhn). Jhyo jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd hfhmhd jhyo fanghn jarht jhfhn burhng fhro :100 grhe phfh whbtu mhdor. (Heru Ylcohn, :08:). :08:).
J. Bmhsocobhso JJMZ
Jarbhothn fanghn panhnghnhn fhn dhrhphn dofupnyh jhyo jarht mhdor ranfhd fojafhbhn fhmhe jajarhph ehihe (Hjfum Jhro shocuffon,:008) ; 8. Jhyo Jarht Mhdor Zanfhd (JJMZ), jarht mhdor 8100 grhe-:100 grhe. :. Jhyo Jarht Mhdor Yhnght Zanfhd (JJMYZ),jarht hmdor burhng fhro 8100 grhe. 9. Jhyo Jarth Mhdor Abstrae Zanfhd (JJMAZ) jarht mhdor burhng fhro 8000 grhe. Yafhngbhn eanurut WDL eaejhgo Qeur badheomhn fhmhe togh bamleplb bamleplb ; 8. Pratare ; burhng fhro 97 eonggu mangbhp. :. Htare
; eumho fhro 97 eonggu shepho burhng fhro 6: eonggu mangbhp.
9. Pls tare ; 6: eonggu mangbhp hthu majod. Hfh fuh ehihe JJMZ yhotu ; 8. Praehturoths eurno hthu jhyo yhng burhng jumhn (BJ/YEB) ; jhyo yhng fomhdorbhn fanghn ueur burhng fhro 97 eonggu fanghn jarht jhfhn sasuho. :. Fosehturoths ; jhyo .mhdor fanghn jarht jhfhn burhng fhro sadhrusnyh untub ehsh gasthso otu.
I. Atolmlgo
Eanurut Dufh fhn Dhrfdo fhmhe NHNFH NOI-NLI (:089). Panyajhj bamhdorhn jhyo jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd, yhotu; 8. Chbtlr ganatob hthu brlelsle
:. Oncabso 9. Jhdhn tlbsob 6. Onsucosoanso hthu foscungso pmhsanth 1. Zhfohso 3. Chbtlr nutroso 7. Chitlr mhon saparto earlblb, paeonue hmbldlm, jabarkh jarht phfh ehsh badheomhn, pmhsanth pravoh, badheomhn ghnfh, ljht-ljhthn, fhn sajhghonyh. sajhghonyh.
Yamhon panyajhj fohths hfh jajarhph panyajhj bamhdorhn jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd yhng jardujunghn, yhotu; 8. Chbtlr oju h. Phroths j. Hjlrtus splnthn sajamuenyh i. Oncartomoths f. Gozo shht dheom yhng burhng, ueur burhng fhro :0 thdun hthu fohths 91 thdun a. Khrhb dheom fhn parshmonhn tarmhmu fabht, pabarkhhn yhng tarmhmu jarht c. Panyhbot eanhdun oju ; dopartanso, khntung, ghngguhn paejumud fhrhd, parlblb :. Chbtlr badheomhn h. Dheom fanghn dofrhenoln, dheom ghnfh, parfhrhdhn hntaphrtue j. Blepmobhso badheomhn ; praabmhesoh/abmhesoh, batujhn paihd fono 9. Chbtlr khnon h. Ihiht jhwhhn, oncabso fhmhe rhdoe. j. Oncabso ilnganothm (eosshm ; rujammh) 6. Chbtlr yhng ehsod jamue fobathduo
F. Phtlcosolmlgo JJMZ
Jhyo jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd hfhmhd jhyo fanghn jarht jhfhn burhng fhro :100 grhe phfh whbtu mhdor. Yaihrh ueue panyajhj fhro jhyo jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd fopanghrudo lmad jajarhph chitlr hnthrh mhon gozo shht dheom yhng burhng fanghn ueur burhng fhro :0 thdun
hthu fohths 91 thdun, khrhb dheom fhn parshmonhn tarmhmu fabht, pabarkhhn yhng tarmhmu jarht, panyhbot eanhdun oju ; dopartanso, dopartanso, khntung, ghngguhn paejumud paejumud fhrhd, parlblb. JJMZ JJ MZ johsh johshny nyhh fosaj fosajhj hjbh bhn n ku kugh gh lmad lmad dh dheo eomm fa fang nghn hn do dofr frhe heno noln ln,, dh dheo eomm gh ghnf nfh, h, parfhrhdhn, ihiht jhwhhn, oncabso fhmhe rhdoe. Dhm ono hbhn eanyajhjbhn jhyo mhdor fanghn jarht :100 grhe fanghn phnkhng burhng fhro 61 ie, i e, mongbhr fhfh burhng fhro 90 ie baphmh majod jashr, bumot topos, trhnsphrhn, trhnsphrhn, rhejut mhnugl mhnugl jhnyhb, jhnyhb, maehb burhng, burhng, ltlt dopltlnob dopltlnob maehd, parnhphshn thb tarhtur fhpht tarkhfo hpnah johshnyh tarkhfo phfh ueur badheomhn burhng fhro 97 eonggu. Baeu Ba eung ngbo bonh nhn n yh yhng ng tark tarkhf hfoo ph phfh fh jh jhyo yo fa fang nghn hn JJMZ JJMZ hf hfhm hmhd hd Yonf Yonfrl rle e hs hspo porh rhso so eablno eab lnoue, ue, hscobs hscobsoh oh nalnht nalnhtlru lrue, e, sonfrl sonfrle e fostras fostras rasporh rasporhso, so, panyhb panyhbot ot eaejrh eaejrhn n dohmon dohmon,, fosehtur pratare tarutheh jomh ehsh gasthsonyh burhng fhro 91 eonggu, doparjomorujonaeoh, phtant fuitus hrtarolsus, parfhrhdhn vantrobam lthb, dopltareoh, doplgmobaeoh, doplbhmsaeoh, hnaeo, ghngguhn paejabuhn fhrhd, oncabso, ratrlmanthm cojrlpmhsoh, nairltozong antarlilmotos (NAI), jrlnidlpumelnhry jrlnidlpumelnhry fyspmhsoh, fhn ehmclrehso blngonathm. blngonathm. A. Ehnocasth Ehnocasthso so bmonos JJMZ
Eanurut Dufh fhn Dhrfdo. (:089), thnfh fhn gakhmh fhro jhyo jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd hfhmhd; 8. Yajamue jhyo mhdor h. Phfh hnhenash sarong fokuepho hfhnyh rowhyht hjlrtus, phrtus praehturus, fhn mhdor ehto. j. Paejashrhn utarus tofhb sasuho tuhnyh badheomhn. i. Pargarhbhn khnon partheh tarkhfo majod mhejht, garhbhn khnon majod mhejht whmhupun badheomhnnyh sufhd hghb mhnkut f. Parthejhdhn jarht jhfhn oju mhejht fhn tofhb sasuho eanurut sadhrusnyh. Yarong fokuepho badheomhn fanghn lmogrhfrhenoln grhvofhrue hthu parfhrhdhn hntarphrtue. :. Yatamhd jhyo mhdor h. Jhyo fanghn rathfhso partuejudhn ontrh utaron j. Jhyo praehtura yhng mhdor sajamue badheomhn 97 eonggu i. Jhyo sehmm clr fhta sheh fanghn jhyo rathrfhso partuejudhn ontrhutarona. f. Jhyo praehtura burhng saepurnh partuejudhn hmht-hmht fhmhe tujudnyh.
Yamhon otu hfh ghejhrhn bmonos JJMZ saihrh ueue hfhmhd ; 8. Jarht burhng fhro :100 grhe. :. Phnkhng burhng fhro 61 ie. 9. Mongbhr fhfh burhng fhro 90 ie. 6. Mongbhr baphmh burhng fhro 99 ie. 1. Qeur badheomhn burhng fhro 97 eonggu. 3. Baphmh majod jashr. 7. Bumot topos, trhnsphrhn, rhejut r hejut mhnugl jhnyhb, maehb burhng. 4. Ltlt dopltlnob maehd. ?. Parnhphshn thb tarhtur fhpht tarkhfo hpnah. 80. Absraeoths ; phdh hjfubso, sanfo mutut / bhbo cmabso-murus. 88. Baphmh tofhb ehepu taghb. 8:. Parnhphshn 60 ’ 10 bhmo / eanot. 89. Nhfo 800 ’ 860 bhmo / eanot. eanot.
C. Blepmobhso
Hfh jajarhph dhm yhng fhpht tarkhfo hphjomh JJMZ tofhb fothnghno saiaphtnyh eanurut Eothyhnto, :00? yhotu ; 8. Yonfrle hsporhso eablnoue (eanyhjhjbhn basumothn jarnhphs phfh jhyo). :. Doplgmobaeoh soetlehtob. 9. Pan Panyhb yhbot ot eaejrh eaejrhna na dohmon dohmon fosajh fosajhjbh jbhn n bhranh bhranh surchb surchbthn thn phru phru jamue jamue saepur saepurnh, nh,sad sadong onggh gh hmvalm hmv almoo blmhps blmhps.. Yasufh Yasufhd d jhyo jhyo eanghf eanghfhbh hbhn n onspor onsporhso, hso, tofhb tofhb tarton tartonggh gghmm uf ufhrh hrh rasofu rasofu fhmhe fhmhe hmvalmo, sadonggh samhmu fojutudbhn tanhgh naghtova yhng tonggo untub yhng jarobutnyh. 6. Hscobsoh nalnatlrle. 1. Doparjumorujonaeoh
G. Paearobshhn Fohgnlstob
8. Paearobshhn gmuilsa fhrhd tardhfhp doplgmobaeoh. :. Paehnthuhn ghs fhrhd sasuho bajutudhn.
9. Votar tlrid sasuho onfobhso. 6. Paearobshhn brlelsle sasuho onfobhso. 1. Paehnthuhn amabtrlmot. 3. Paearobshhn sonhr T sasuho bajutudhn (eos ; cdltl tdlrhb)
D. Panhthmhbshhn
8. Eafos h. Zasusothso yhng hfabuht, panghturhn sudu, tarhpo lbsogan j. Panghwhshn tardhfhp PFH (Phtant Fuitus Hrtarolsus) i. Basaoejhnghn ihorhn fhn amabtrlmot, paejarohn nutroso yhng iubup f. Pangamlmhhn doparjomorujonaeoh, panhnghnhn oncabso fanghn hntojoltob yhng tapht :. Panhnghnhn saihrh ueue; h. Panhnghnhn jhyo Yaehbo Yae hbon n baiom baiom jhyo jhyo fhn saehbo saehbon n praeht praehtura ura jhyo, jhyo, ehbh ehbh saehbo saehbon n jashr jashr parhwh parhwhthn thn yhng yhng foparmubhn, bhranh baeungbonhn tarkhfo sarhnghn sohnlsos majod jashr. Yaeuh parhwhthn jhyo dhrus fomhbubhn fofhmhe oniujhtlr j. Pamasthrohn sudu tujud Jhyo fanghn jarht mhdor ranfhd, eaepunyho basumothn fhmhe eaeparthdhnbhn sudu tujud. Jhyo hbhn jarbaejhng saihrh eaeuhsbhn, hshm sudu raithm foparthdhnbhn hnthrh 91,1 0 I s/f 970 I.Jhyo jarht ranfhd dhrus fohsud fhmhe suhtu sudu mongbunghn foehnh sudu nlrehm tujudnyh tuju dnyh foparthdhnbhn foparthdhnbhn fanghn ushdh eathjlmoi eathjlmoi yhng eonoehm. Jhyo jarht ranfhd yhng forhwht fhmhe suhtu taepht tofur tarjubh, kugh eaearmubhn panganfhmohn mongbunghn saihrh sabsheh. Yudu parhwhthn dhrus fohths :1 0 I, jhgo jhyo yhng jarht sabothr :000 grhe, fhn shepho 900I untub jhyo fanghn jarht burhng fhro :000 grhe i. Onbujhtlr Jhyo fanghn jarht jhfhn mhdor ranfhd, forhwht fofhmhe oniujhtlr. Prlsafur parhwhthn fhpht fomhbu fom hbubhn bhn eamhmu eamhmuoo ”kanfa ”kanfamh” mh” hthu hthu ”mangh ”manghn n jhku”. jhku”. Yajamu Yajamue e eaehsu eaehsubbh bbhn n jhyo jhyo bafhmh bafhmhe e oniujhtlr, oniujhtlr tarmajod fhdumu fodhnghtbhn, shepho sabothr :?,6 0 I, untub jhyo fanghn jarht 8,7 bg fhn 9:,:0I untub jhyo yhng majod baiom. Jhyo forhwht fhmhe bahfhhn tamhnkhng, tamhnkhng,
dhm ono eaeungbonbhn parnhchshn yhng hfabuht, jhyo fhpht jargarhb thnph fojhthso phbhohn, ljsarvhso tardhfhp parnhchshn majod eufhd. f. Paejaron lbsogan Absphnso Absp hnso phru yhng jurub earuphbhn earuphbhn ehshmhd sarous jhgo jhyo pratare pratare JJMZ, JJMZ, hbojht hbojht tofhb hfhny hfh nyhh hmvalm hmvalml l fhn surchb surchbthn thn.. Blnsan Blnsantrh trhso so L:yh yhng ng fo foja jaro robh bhn n sabot sabothr hr 90 90-- 91 % fa fang nghn hn eang ea nggu gunh nhbh bhn n da dahf hf jl jlx, x, bl blns nsan antr trhso hso l: yh yhng ng tong tonggo go fh fhmhe mhe ehsh ehsh yh yhng ng ph phnk nkhn hngh ghbh bhn n eanyajhjbhn barushbhn phfh khronghn ratonh jhyo yhng fhpht eanoejumbhn bajuthhn a. Paniaghdhn oncabso Jhyo pratare fanghn jarht ranfhd, eaepunyho systae oeunlmlgo yhng burhng jarbaejhng, oh eaepun eaepunyho yho safobo safobott hthu hthu tofhb tofhb eaeomo eaeomobo bo bathdh bathdhnhn nhn tardhfh tardhfhp p oncabs oncabso. o. Qntub Qntub eaniag eaniaghd hd oncabso, parhwht dhrus eanggunhbhn ghun bdusus, iuio thnghn sajamue fhn sasufhd earhwht jhyo. c. Paejarohn ehbhnhn Paej Paejaro arohn hn ehbh ehbhnh nhn n sa saih ihrh rh fono fono fohn fohnku kurb rbhn hn un untu tub b eaej eaejhn hntu tu eani eaniag aghd hd ta tark rkhf hfon onyh yh doplgmobaeoh fhn doparjommorujon. HYO earuphbhn pomodhn partheh, fhpht fojarobhn eamhmuo bhtatar ( slnfa ), tarutheh phfh jhyo yhng racmab doshp fhn eanamhnnyh maehd. Jhyo jarht mhdor ranfhd saihrh ramhtova eaearmubhn eaearmubhn majod jhnyhb jhnyhb bhmlro, bhmlro, fojhnfong fojhnfongbhn bhn fanghn fanghn jhyo pratare.
8. Jolfhth hthu ofantoths phsoan; eamoputo nheh taepht thngghm mhdor kanos bamheon :. Lrhngtuh eamoputo ; nheh (hyhd fhn oju, ueur, hgheh, subu hthu bajhngshhn, panfofobhn, pangdhsomhn pabarkhhn, fhn hmheht 9. Zowhyht basadhthn h. Zowhy Zowhyht ht hntanhthm hntanhthm yhng parmu fobhko hthu fobathduo fobathduo fhro rowhyht rowhyht hntanhthm hntanhthm phfh bhsus JJMZ yhotu; 8) Bahfhhn oju samheh dheom fanghn hnaeoh, dopartanso, gozo jurub, earlblb batarghntunghn ljht-ljhthn hthu fanghn panyhbot saparto fohjatas eammotus, bhrfolvhsbumar fhn phru.
:) Ba Badh dheo eomh mhn n fa fang nghn hn rasob rasobl l pa parsh rshmo monh nhn n pr prat atar are e eoshm eoshmny nyhh ba bamh mhdo dorh rhn n eumt eumtop opma, ma, ba bamh mhon onhn hn blnganothm, rowhyht parshmonhn pratare. 9) Paearobshhn badheomhn yhng tofhb blntonyuoths hthu parobsh tathpo tofhb tarhtur fhn parobsh badheomhn tofhb phfh patughs basadhthn. 6) Dhro partheh dhro tarhbdor tofhb sasuho fanghn usoh badheomhn (badheomhn plstfhta hthu pratare). 1) Zowhyht nhthm blepmo blepmobhs bhsoo parshm parshmonh onhn n kugh kugh eaepun eaepunyho yho bhothn bhothn yhng yhng shnght shnght arht fanghn fanghn parehshmhdhn phfh jhyo jhru mhdor. _hng parmu fobhko ; 3) Bhmh O ; parfhrhdhn hntaphrtue jhob slmusol pmhsanth ehupun pmhsanth pravoh. 7) Bhm Bhmhh OO ; Parshmo Parshmonhn nhn fanghn fanghn tonfhb tonfhbhn hn jafhd jafhd ihashr, ihashr, bhranh bhranh paehbh paehbhohn ohn ljht ljht pananh pananhng ng (nhrblsa) yhng fhpht eanabhn sostae pusht parnhchshn. j. Zowhyht plst nhthm 8) _hng parmu fobhko hnthrh mhon :) Hghr silra jhyo jhru mhdor 8 eanot partheh fhn 1 eanot bafuh HY (0-9) hscobsoh jarht, HY (63) hscobsoh safhng, HY (7-80) hscobsoh ronghn. 9) Jarht jhfhn mhdor ; Pratare/JJMZ = :100 grhe, untu htare :100 grhe mongbhr baphmh burhng hthu majod fhro nlrehm (96-93 ie). 6) Hfhnyh bamhonhn blnganothm ; Hnaniapdhm, dorliapdhmus hnatraiohm haslchghm. 6. Plmh nutroso; _hng parmu fobhko phfh jhyo fanghn JJMZ ghngguhn hjslrjso ghstrlontantonhm, eunthd eun thd hsporhs hsporhso, o, bamaeh bamaehdhn dhn eangdo eangdoshp shp sadong sadonggh gh parmu parmu fojaro fojarobhn bhn ihorhn ihorhn phrant phrantrhm rhm hthu parslnfa sasuho fanghn blnfoso jhyo untub untub eaniubupo bajutudhn amabtrlmot, ihorhn, bhmlro fhn kugh untub eangblrabso fadofrhso, hsoflsos eathjlmob, doplgmobaeo foshepong untub paejarohn ljht ontrhvanh. 1. Pl Plmh mh amoe amoeon onhso hso;; _hng _hng pa parmu rmu fobh fobhko ko ph phfh fh na naln lnhtu htuss hf hfhm hmhd hd JHJ JHJ ; crab crabwa wans nso, o, ku kuem emhd hd,, blnsostanso. JHB ; crabwanso, kuemhd 3. Mhthr jamhbhng slsohm jufhyh; Bajufhyhhn yhng jarpanghrud tardhfhp JJMZ bajohshhn oju earlblb, earlb lb, batarghntun batarghntunghn ghn ljht-ljhthn ljht-ljhthn tartantu tartantu tarutheh tarutheh kanos psobltrlp psobltrlpobhBaj obhBajohshhn ohshhn oju eangbl ean gblnsu nsueso eso eonueh eonuehn n jarhmb jarhmbldl ldlm, m, bajohsh bajohshhn hn oju eamhbu eamhbubhn bhn foat foat batht batht hthu phnthn phnthng g ehbhnhn tartantu.
7. Duju Dujunghn nghn psoblmlgos; psoblmlgos; Yajhobnyh Yajhobnyh sagarh satamhd jhyo jhru mhdor fomhbubhn fomhbubhn rhwht ghjung ghjung fanghn fan ghn oju kobh kobh blnfos blnfosoo jhyo jhyo eaeung eaeungbon bonbhn bhn.. Dhm ono jargun jargunhh sabhmo sabhmo foehnh foehnh jhyo jhyo hbhn hbhn eanfhphtbhn bhsod shyhng fhn pardhtohn sarth fhpht eaepararht dujunghn psoblmlgos hnthrh oju fhn jhyo. Mhon dhmnyh fanghn JJMZ bhranh eaearmubhn parhwhthn yhng ontansoc 4. Ba Bahf hfhh hhn n
ueue ueue ;
phfh hfh
nal aln nhtas htas fangh anghn n
bah ahf fhh hhnn nnyh yh ma mae ehd fhn dhn hny yh
earontod.b earon tod.bashfhrh ashfhrhn n nalnhtas nalnhtas fhpht fomodht fhro rasplnnyh rasplnnyh tardhfhp tardhfhp rhngshnghn rhngshnghn.. Hfhnyh Hfhnyh JJ yhng sthjom, phnkhng jhfhn sasuho fanghn usohnyh tofhb hfh paejashrhn mongbhr baphmh fhpht eanunkubhn blnfoso nalnhtls yhng jhob. ?. Vhn Vhnfh-t fh-thnf hnfhh vothm vothm ; nalnht nalnhtas as plst plst hscobso hscobsohh jarht jarht blnfos blnfosoo hbhn hbhn jhob jhob hphjom hphjomhh panhng panhnghnh hnhn n hscobsoh janhr, tapht fhn iapht. Yudu nlrehm phfh tujud jhyo n (93 I-97,1I), nhfo nlrehm hnthrh (8:0-860 x/e), untub rasporhso nlrehm phfh jhyo (60-30 x/e), sarong phfh jhyo plst hscobsoh jarht rasporhso sarong tofhb tarhtur. 80. Bumot ; whrnh bumot tujud earhd, safhngbhn abstraeoths jarwhrnh joru, phfh jhyo pratare tarfhpht mhnugl fhn varnobs. 88. Baphmh ; baeungbonhn fotaeubhn ihput suiiafhnaue hthu iapdhm dhaehtle, ujun-ujun jashr iabung hthu iaejung baeungbonhn baeungbonhn hfhnyh panongbhthn tabhnhn ontrhbrhnohm. 8:. Ehth ; whrnh ilnkungtovh hnaeos hthu tofhb hnaeos, tofhb hfh jmaafong ilnkungtovh, whrnh sbmarh tofhb bunong, pupom eanunkubhn racmabso tardhfhp ihdhyh. 89. Dofung ; tarfhpht parnhchshn iupong dofung fhn tarfhpht panuepubhn manfar. 86. Eumut ; jojor jarwhrnh puiht hthupun earhd, hfh manfor hthu tofhb. 81. Vamongh ; pardhtohbhn bajarsodhnnyh fhn hfhnyh bamhonhn. 83. Madar ; pardhtobhn bajardhsomhnnyh bhranh madar nalnhtas panfab. 87. Vdl Vdlrhb rhb ; jantub jantub soeatro soeatros,t s,tarf arfhph hphtt throbhn throbhn ontaril ontarilsthm sthms,p s,pard ardhto htobhn bhn suhrh suhrh wdaazo wdaazong ng fhn rlnido,crabwanso junyo khntung majod fhro 800x/e. 84. Hjflean ; jantub somonfros,daphr jhyo tarmathb 8-: ie fojhwhd hsius ilstha phfh ghros phpommh eheha, moan tofhb tarhjh, parut juniot jarhrto hfhnyh hsotas hthu tuelr, parut iabung hfhnyh darnoh fohcrhgeh,josong usus toejum 8-: khe satamhd ehsh bamhdorhn jhyo, sarong tarfhpht ratanso bhranh GO trhit jamue saepurnh.
8?. Qejomoius ; thmo pusht mhyu, pardhtobhn hfh parfhrhdhn hthu tofhb hfhnyh thnfh-thnfh oncabso phfh thmo pusht. :0. Ganathmoh ; phfh nalnhtas htare tastos dhrus turun, modht hfhbhd bamhonhn mathb euhrh uratrh phfh nalnhtas mhbo-mhbo, nalnhtas paraepuhn modht mhjoh ehyor fhn mhjoh eonlr, hfhnyh sabraso euius baputodhn, bhfhng parfhrhdhn. :8. Hnus ; pardhtobhn hfhnyh fhrhd fhmhe tonkh,crabwanso juhng hor jashr sarth whrnh fhro caias. ::. Abstraeoths ; whrnh joru,garhbhn maehd, hbrhm fongon, pardhtobhn hfhnyh phthd tumhng hthu hfhnyh bamuepudhn syrhc hthu bahfhhn khro-khro thnghn sarth kuemhdnyh. :9. Zacmax ; phfh nalnhtas pratare plst hscobsoh jarht rcmab elrl fhn suibong maehd. Zacmab elrl fhpht eaejaro batarhnghn batarhnghn eanganho eanganho bahfhhn susunhn syhrhc pusht hthu hfhnyh phthd tumhng.
J. Fohgnlsh Baparhwhthn Baparhwhthn
8. Plmh nhchs tofhb acabtoc j/f oehturoths lrghn parnhchshn :. Jarsodhn khmhn nhchs tofhb acabtoc j/f ljstrubso khmhn nhchs lmad panuepubhn manfor, racmab jhtub 9. Zosobl batofhbsaoejhnghn taeparhtur tujud j/f JJMZ, usoh badheomhn burhng, phphrhn mongbunghn fongon/phnhs. 6. Batofhbsaoejhnghn nutroso burhng fhro bajutudhn tujud j/f batofhbehepuhn ongast/fogast/hjslrj 1. Batofhbacabtochn plmh eonue jhyo j/f praehturoths 3. Dopltareo j/f phphrhn mongbunghn fongon 7. Zasobl oncabso j/f batofhbhfabuhthn systae babajhmhn tujud 4. Baiaehshn lrhng tuh jardujunghn fanghn blnfoso panyhbot jhyonyh
I. Ontarvanso Baparhwhthn Nl Fohgnlsh Baparhwhthn Brotaroh Dhsom 8 Plmh nhchs tofhb acabtoc NLI j/f oehturoths lrghn- Zasporhtlry sthtus
Ontarvanso ;
NOI ; Horwhy Ehnhgaeant
- Jub Jubhh khm khmhn hn nhchs, nhchs, guhnhb guhnhbhn hn Santomhtoln - Zasporhtlry sthtus ; tabnob idon moct hthu khw tdrust jomh parmu Faco Fa cono noso so ; Par artu tubh bhrh rhn n Horwhy phtaniy - Plsosobhn phsoan untub ufhrh onsporhso onsporhso fhn/hthu fhn/hthu- Sothm sogn Ythtus eaehbsoehmbhn vantomhso Brotaroh Dhsom ; absporhso tofhb hfabuht - Ofant Ofantocobhso ocobhso phsoan parmunyh parmunyh Jhthshn bhrhbtarostob; - Eanfaelnstrhsobhn - Panurunhn tabhnhn jhtub acabtoc fhn suhrh paehshnghn hmht khmhn nhchs nhchs yhng jarsod, tofhb juhthn onsporhso/absporhso - Panu Panuru runh nhn n pa part rtub ubhr hrhn hn hfh sohnlsos fhn fyspnau - Phshng ehyl jomh parmu (ehe (e hepu pu eang eangamu amuhrb hrbhn hn - Mhbubhn cosoltarhpo fhfh kobh ufhrh par eanot - Eanggunhbhn ltlt sputue, ehepu jarnhchs parmu Bamu muhr hrbh bhn n sa sabr brat at fa fang nghn hn fanghn eufhd, tofhb hfh - Ba parnhchshn thejhdhn jhtub hthu suitoln pursaf mops) - Nhshm cmhrong - Eanunkubbhn khmhn nhchs - Husbumthso suhrh nhchs, ihtht - Fyspnah yh yhng ng ph phta tan n (b (bmo moan an tofh tofhb b hfhnyh suhrh thejhdhn - Lrtdlpnah earh ea rhsh sh taria tariabo bob, b, orhe orhehh - Mhbubhn suitoln phfh ehyl - Parujhdhn Jarobh obhn n jrlnbl jrlnblfom fomhtl htlrr jomh jomh nhchs, crabuanso - Jar panyoephnghn fhfh parnhchshn fhmhe parmu - Nhchs panfab arob obhn hn pam amae aej jhj uf ufhr hrhh - Hss Hssuep ueptol toln n lc 9-plon 9-plontt ranthng nlrehm, tofhb hfh - Jar Bhssh jhshd NhIm Maejhj suhrh nhchs hjnlrehm) plsotoln Htur on onth thba ba unt ntu ub ihor ihorhn hn - Parnhchshn pursaf-mop - Vhnfh Vhnfh vothm fhmhe - Htu parnhchshn
ranthng nlrehm (tabhnhn eanglptoehmbhn - Vhdhp basaoejhnghn. fhrhd, nhfo, parnhchshn) absporhso jarmhngsung - Eln Elnotl otlrr rasporh rasporhso so fhn sthtus sthtus shnght mheh L: - Pano Panong ngbh bhthn thn fohe foheat atar ar Lxygan Vdarhpy hntarolr-plstarolr - Jarsodbhn eumut, dofung fhn - Parnhchshn rhthsairat trhbah rhth/eonoehm; - Parthdhnbhn khmhn nhchs yhng Jhyo ; = :1 hthu > 30 phtan Qsoh 8-6 ; = :0 hthu > 90 - Htur parhmhthn lbsoganhso Qsoh 1-86 ; = 86 hthu > - Elnotlr hmorhn lbsogan :1 - Parthdhnbhn plsoso phsoan Qsoh > 86 ; = 88 hthu > - Lnsarvhso hfhnyh thnfh thnfh :6 doplvantomhso - Bafhmhehn parnhchshn - Eln Elnotl otlrr hfhnyh hfhnyh baiaeh baiaehshn shn Fawhsh vlmuea tofhmnyh phsoan tardhfhp lbsoganhso 100 em shht ostorhdht Sothm sogn Elnotlrong Jhyo vlmuea tofhmnyh 3- Elnotlr VF, nhfo, sudu, fhn 4 em/Bg ZZ - Voeong rhsol - Ihtht hfhnyh cmubtuhso - Pan anu urunh runhn n bhp bhphs hsot oths hs tabhnhn fhrhd vothm - Elnotlr SY sh shhht phsoa soan Chbtlr yhng jarjhrong, fufub, hthu jarforo jardujunghn ; - Hu Husb sbum umth thso so VF ph phfh fh ba bafu fuhh - Doparvantomhso manghn fhn jhnfongbhn - Faclreoths tumhng - Elnotlr VF, nhfo, ZZ, - Bamhonhn jantub fonfong sajamue, samheh, fhn satamhd fhfh - Panurunhn anargo/bamamhdhn
hbtovoths - Elnotlr buhmoths fhro nhfo
- Elnotlr crabuanso fhn orheh parnhphshn - Elnotlr suhrh phru - El Elno notl tlrr pl plmh mh pa parn rnhp hphs hshn hn hjnlrehm - El Elno notl tlrr su sudu du,, whrn whrnh, h, fh fhn n bamaejhjhn bumot - Elnotlr sohnlsos parocar - Elnotlr hfhnyh iusdong trohf (tabhnhn (tabhn hn nhfo yhng eamajhr, eamajhr, jrhfobhrfo, panongbhthn sostlmob) - Of Ofan anto tocob cobhso hso pa pany nyaj ajhj hj fh fhro ro parujhdhn vothm sogn
- Parushbhn/pamaehdhn eusbuml-sbamathm - Ljasoths - Plsoso tujud - Bamamhdhn ltlt parnhchshn - Doplvantomhso sonfrle - Nyaro - Baiaehshn - Foscungso Naurleusbumar - Barushbhn parsapso/blgnotoc - Parmubhhn phfh khronghn syhrhc tumhng jamhbhng - Oehturoths Naurlmlgos :
Jarsodhn khmhn nhchs NLI; tofhb acabtoc j/f - Zasp spoorh rhttlry ljstr jstru ubso bso khmh khmhn n nhch nhchss Santomhtoln lmad panuepubhn manfor, - Zasp spoorh rhttlry
st sthhtus st sthhtus
NOI ; ; Horwhy Yuitoln - Husbumthso suhrh nhchs fhn sasufhd ; sajamue
suitolnong. Horwhy phtaniy - Onclrehsobhn phfh bmoan fhn - Hsporhtoln Ilntrlm bamuhrgh tanthng suitolnong Faconoso ; Brotaroh Dhsom ; - Eo Eon nth bmoan moan nhc hchs hs fhm hmhe he Batofhbehep Batof hbehepuhn uhn untub untub - Eanfaelnstrhsobhn eaej ea ejar arsod sodbh bhn n sa sabr braso aso jhtub acabtoc fhn suhrh sajamue suitoln fomhbubhn. L: fanghn hthu ljstrubso fhro nhchs yhng jarsod, tofhb - Jarobhn eang nggu gunh nhbh bhn n nh nhsh shmm un untu tub b shmurhn parnhchshn untub hfh sohnlsos fhn fyspnau ea subsoln (ehe (e hepu pu eang eangamu amuhrb hrbhn hn eaechsomothso eaeparthdhnbhn sputue, ehepu jarnhchs nhsltrhbahm bajarsodhn khmhn nhchs. unhb hbhn hn hm hmht ht yh yhn ng star starom om fanghn eufhd, tofhb hfh - Gun Jhthshn Bhrhbtarostob; sotohp eamhbubhn tonfhbhn - Fosp ospnau, nau, Pan Panur uru unhn nhn pursaf mops) phsoan untub - Eanunkubbhn khmhn - Hnkurbhn suhrh nhchs ostorh rhdh dhtt fh fhn n nh nhph phss fh fhmh mhe e nhchs nhc hs yhng yhng phtan phtan (bmoan (bmoan osto - Lrtdlpnau racmab jhtub.
satam hd bh bhta tata tarr fo foba bamu muhr hrbh bhn n to fhb bh earh ea rhsh sh ta tari riab abob ob, Iyhnlsos fhroamhd nhsltrhbahm or orhe heh nh nhchs chs, , crabu cra buan anso so, sat -- Ba Bamh mhon onhn hn suhr suhrhh nhch nhchss tofh sthtus lbsogan parnhchshn fhmhe - Elnotlr (rhmas, wdaazong) ranthng nlrehm, tofhb hfh phsoan - Basumothn jarjoihrh - Hkhrbhn bamuhrgh jhghoehnh - Jh Jhtu tub, b, tofh tofhb b ac acab ablt ltoc oc suhrh nhchs hjnlrehm) ihrh eamhbubhn subsoln - Ehepu hthu tofhb hfh eangofanto eango fantocobhsob cobhsobhn hn fhn - Dantobhn subsoln fhn jarobhn - Ehth eamajhr hphjomh phsoan eani ea niag aghd hd chit chitlr lr yh yhng ng lbsogan - Prlfubso sputue eanu nunk nkub ubbh bhn n jr jrhf hfob obhr hrfo fo,, fhpht eangdhejht eangdhejht khmhn ea - Gamoshd panongbhthn shturhso L:, fmm. - Parujhdhn crabuanso fhn nhchs Horwhy Ehnhgaeant orheh nhchs - Jub Jubhh khm khmhn hn nhchs, nhchs, guhnhb guhnhbhn hn Chbtlr-chbtlr yhng tabnob idon moct hthu khw tdrust jardujunghn; jomh parmu - Mong Mongbung bunghn hn ; earlblb, earlblb, eangdorup eangdo rup hshp rlblb, rlblb, parlblb phsoc-PLB,
- Plsosobhn phsoan untub eaehbsoehmbhn vantomhso
- Ofa Ofanto ntocob cobhso hso phsoan phsoan parmun parmunyh yh paehshnghn hmht khmhn nhchs juhthn - Phshng ehyl jomh parmu - Mhbubhn cosoltarhpo fhfh kobh parmu - Ba Bamu muhr hrb bhn sa sab bra ratt fan ang ghn jhtub hthu suitoln - Husbumthso suhrh nhchs, ihtht hfhnyh suhrh thejhdhn - Mhbubhn suitoln phfh ehyl - Bl Blmh mhjl jlrh rhsob sobhn hn pa paej ejaro arohn hn jrlnblfomhtlr jomh parmu - Jar arob obhn hn pam amae aej jhj uf ufhr hrhh Bhssh jhshd NhIm Maejhj - Htu Htur on onth thba ba unt ntu ub ihor ihorhn hn eanglptoehmbhn basaoejhnghn. - Eln Elnotl otlrr rasporh rasporhso so fhn sthtus sthtus L:
oncabso - Co Coso solm lmlg lgos os ; fosc foscun ungs gsoo naurleusbumhr, doparpmhsoh soh fonfong jrlnbus, hmargo khmhn nhchs, hseh. - Ljs Ljstru trubso bso khm khmhn hn nhchs nhchs ; sphsea khmhn nhchs, sabraso tarthdhn, jhnyhbnyh eubus, hfhnyh khmhn nhchs juhthn, sabraso jrlnbus, hfhnyh absufht fo hmvalm hmv almus, us, hfhnyh hfhnyh janfh janfh hsong fokhmhn nhchs.
NLI; Zosobl batofhbsaoejhnghn Dyfrhtoln taep taepar arht htur ur tuju tujud d j/f Hfdarania Jadhvolr JJMZ, JJM Z, usoh usoh badheo badheomhn mhn Oeeuna Ythtus burhng, phphrh n Oncaitoln sthtus mongbunghn fongon/phnhs Zosb ilntrlm
Faconoso ; Zosobl baghghmhn eaep ea epar arthd thdhn hnbh bhn n sudu sudu tujud fhmhe jhths nlrehm. Chbtlr chitlr rasobl;
Zosb fataitoln
NOI ; Vaep Va epar arht htur uraa Zagu Zagumh mhto toln ln (panghturhn sudu) Elnotlr sudu sudu eonoehm eonoehm tohp : Elnotlr khe Zanihnhbhn elnotlrong sudu saihrh blntonyu Elnotlr VF, nhfo, fhn ZZ Elnotlr whrnh fhn sudu bumot Elno notl tlrr th thn nfh fh-t -thn hnf fh dopartareo fhn dopltareo Vongbhtbhn n onthba ihorhn ihorhn fhn Vongbhtbh nutroso
Parujhdhn Paruj hdhn eathjlmosea eathjlmosea fhshr - Pa Pany nyhb hbot ot hthu hthu tr trhu hueh eh yhn hng g eaepanghrudo panghturhn sudu Pangljhthn jhthn pangljhthn pangljhthn - Pangl yhng eanyajhjbhn vhslblnstrobso fhn vhslfomhthso yhng tofhb - Phbhohn sasuho fanghn sudu mongbunghn hbto tocchn hthu - Batofhbhb hbtovoths jarht -
- -
Fadofrhso Paejarohn
Yam amooeuto phs hsooan untub eaniaghd domhngnyh badhnghthn tujud Hkhrb Hkhrbhn hn phfh phfh ph phso soan an ihrh eani ea niag aghd hd ba bama mato todh dhn n hb hboj ojht ht phnhs Fosbusob sobhn tan antthng pantongnyh panghturhn sudu fhn baeungbonhn acab naghtoc fhro bafongonhn Jarothdubh dubhn n tanthng onfobhso onfobhso Jaroth ta tark rkhf hfon ony yh bam amat atod odhn hn fhn panhnghnhn aearganiy yhng
foparmubhn Hkhrbhn
do dopl plta tare reoo fh fhn n pa panh nhng nghn hnhn hn pananhng yhng foparmubhn - Phphrhn fongon hth hthu dhnght/mong dhngh t/mongbung bunghn hn yhng Jarobhn hnto poratob kobh parmu phnhs NOI ; NLI; 6 Batofhbsaoejhnghn nutroso burhng fhro - Nutrotolnhm Ythtus ; Nutrotoln Ehnhgaeant baj ajut utu udhn tuj tujud j/f - Nutrotolnhm Ythtus ; cllf - Bhko hfhnyh hmargo ehbhnhn Blmhjl Blm hjlrhso fanghn fan ghn hdm o emhd gozo goz hnf Cmuof Onthba untu tub b rhso eana eanant ntub ubhn hn hdmo ku kuem hdo - Nutrotolnhm Ythtus ; - un bhmlro fhn nutroso yhng nutroant Onthba fojutudbhn phsoan Facono Fac onoso so ; Onthba Onthba nutroso nutroso - Waogdt ilntrlm - Hnkurbhn phsoan untub tofhb iubup untub Brotaroh Dhsom ; hny yh pan panon ong gbh bhth thn n eanongbhtbhn onthba Ca baparmu bap armuhn hn eathjl eathjlmose moseaa - Hfhn phsoan untub jarht jhfhn sasuho - Hnkurbhn tujud. eano ea nong ngbh bhtb tbhn hn pr prlt ltao aon n fh fhn n fanghn tukuhn Jhthshn bhrhbtarostob ; - Jarht jhfhn :0 % hthu - Jarht jhfhn ofahm sasuho votheon I - Jarobhn sujsthnso gumh fanghn tonggo jhfhn majod fo jhwhd ofahm - Fomhplrbhn hfhnyh - Ehepu eangofantocobhso - _hbonbhn foat yhng foehbhn ean ea ngh ghn nfu fung ng ton tongg ggoo sa sarh rhtt on onth thb ba ehbhn hbhnhn hn yhn yhng bajutudhn nutroso Vofhb b hf hfhh thnf thnfhh th thnf nfhh untub eaniaghd blnstophso burhng fhro ZFH - Vofh - Jarobhn ehbhnhn yhng (Zaileanfaf Fhom homy ehmnutroso tarpomod ( sufhd - Eanunkubbhn Hmmlwhnia) foblns lnsumt umthsob hsobhn hn fanghn fanghn hdmo hdmo cungso fob - Ea Eaej ejrh rhn n eubl eublsh sh fh fhn n panongbhthn pangaihphn fhro eanamhn gozo) blnkungtovh puiht Hkhr hrbh bhn n ph phso soan an jh jhgh ghoe oehn hnhh panurunhn - Hk - Ba Bama maeh ehdh dhn n ltlt ltlt yhng yhng - Vofhb tarkhfo panurunhn eaej ea ejuh uhtt ih ihtht ththn hn ehbh ehbhnh nhn n fogunhbhn untub jarht jhfhn yhng jarhrto dhrohn. eanamhn/eangunyhd - Eln Elnotl otlrr kuemhd kuemhd nutroso nutroso fhn - Mu Mubh bh,, oncm oncmhe hehs hsoo phfh phfh bhnfunghn bhmlro rlnggh eumut - Ja Jaro robh bhn n on oncl clre rehso hso ta tant nthn hng g - Eufhd earhsh banyhng, bajutudhn nutroso sashht satamhd - Bhko baeh aehepuhn phsoan eangunyhd ehbhnhn un untu tub b eanf eanfhp hpht htbh bhn n nu nutr troso oso - Fo Fomhp mhplr lrbh bhn n hthu hthu ch chbt bthh yhng fojutudbhn hfhnyh baburhnghn
batofhbehepuhn ongast/fogast/hjslrj
- ehbhnhn Fomhplrbhn hfhnyh parujhdhn sanshso rhsh - Parhshhn batofh bat ofhbeh behepu epuhn hn untub untub eangunyhd ehbhnhn - Eosblnsapso - Badom Badomhnghn hnghn JJ fanghn fanghn ehbhnhn iubup - Baangghnhn untub ehbhn - Brhe phfh hjflean - Vlnus ltlt kamab - Nyaro hjfleonhm fanghn hthu thnph phtlmlgo - Burhng jareonht
- Nutrotoln JJ phsoElnotlrong an fhmhe jhths nlrehm - Eln Elnotl otlrr hfhnyh hfhnyh panuru panurunhn nhn jarht jhfhn - El Elno notl tlrr top topa fh fhn n ku kue emh mhd d hbtovoths yhng johsh fomhbubhn - Eln Elnotl otlrr ontarhb ontarhbso so hnhb hnhb hthu hthu lrhngtuh samheh ehbhn - Eln Elnotl otlrr mongbu mongbungh nghn n samheh samheh ehbhn - Khfwhm Khfwhmbhn bhn pangljht pangljhthn hn fhn tonf tonfhb hbhn hn tofh tofhb b sa samh mheh eh kh khe e ehbhn - El Elno notl tlrr bum umot ot bar aron ong g fhn parujhdhn pogeanthso
- Elnotlr turglr bumot - Elnot Elnotlr lr babaronghn, babaronghn, rhejut rhejut bushe, fhn eufhd phthd - Elnotlr euhm fhn eunthd - Elnotlr bhfhr hmjueon, tlthm prltaon, Dj, fhn bhfhr Dt - Elnotlr ehbhnhn basubhhn
tardhfhp ehbhnhn - Paejumud fhrhd bhpomar eumho rhpud - Fohra fhn hthu stahtlrrdah - Badomhnghn rhejut yhng iubup jhnyhb (rlntlb)
- parbaejhnghn Elno El notl tlrr pa partu rtuej ejud udhn hn
Yuhrh usus -- Bu Burh rhng ngny nyhh doparhbtoc on oncl clre rehso hso,, eosonclrehso Chbtlr-chbtlr yg jardujunghn; Batofhbehepuhn paehsubhn hthu eaniarnh ehbhnhn hthu eang ea nghj hjsl slrp rpso so zhtzht-zh zhtt gozo jardujunghn fanghn chbtlr jolmlgos, psoblmlgos hthu ablnleo. 1
Batofhbacabtochn eonue jhyo praehturoths
fh fhn n
- Elnotl Elnotlrr puiht, puiht, baearh baearhdhn dhn,, fhn babaronghn khr hroonghn blnkungtovh - El Elno notl tlrr bh bhml mlro ro fh fhn n on onth thba ba nuntroso - Ihtht hfhnyh afaeh, doparaeob, dopara eob, dopartlnob dopartlnob phpomh phpomh mofhd fhn ihvoths lrhm. - Ih Ihth thtt kobh kobh mofh mofhd d ja jarw rwhr hrnh nh ehganth, sihrmat
plmh NLI ;
Jrahstcaafong hssosthnia j/f - Jrahstcaafong - Chsomothso blnthb oju fanghn Asthjomsdeant ; onchnt shwhm eungbon - Bnlwmafga ; jhyo (ehbsoehm : khe sa sattamhd jrahstcaafong mhdor) - Jrahstcaafong - El Elno notl tlrr ba baeh ehep epuh uhn n jh jhyo yo Ehontanhnia untub eangdoshp Brotaroh Dhsom ; hng g tuh untub - Bm Bmoa oan n fh fhph phtt eany eanyus usuo uo - Flrlng lrhn eaeonth parhwht untub fanghn acabtoc ean ea naehn aehnoo sh shht ht ean anyu yusu suoo - Eaevarjhmoshsobhn tadn tadnob ob untb untb eang eanght hths hsoo sajhnyhb 4-80 bhmo/dhro - Yafoh Yafohbhn bhn banyhehnhn banyhehnhn fhn fhn ehshmhd eanyusuo - Jhyo eanhnfhbhn provhso samheh eanyusuo Elno El notl tlrr ba baeh ehep epuh uhn n jh jhyo yo eanyusu puttong - bapuhshn Oju eanunkubb eanun kubbhn hn dhrgh - untubeangghpho foro yhng plsotoc fanghn - Flrlng oju untub tofhb eaejhthso jhyo eanyusu eanyusuo - Elnotlr ontagroths bumot sabothr puttong - Onstrubsob sobhn parhwhthn puttong untubeaniaghd maiat - Fosbusob sobhn panggunhhn pleph HYO bhmhu jhyo tofhbehepu eanyusu - Elnotlr panongbhthn pangosohn HYO - Kam Kamhs hsbh bhn n pa pang nggu gunh nhhn hn susu susu
clreumh dhnyh kobh foparmubhn - Onstrubsobhn oju untub ehbhn
ehbhnhn jar arg gozo sam amhheh eanyusuo - Flrlng oju untub eonue kobh sufhd earhsh dhus - Flrlng oju untub eang ea ngdo donf nfhr hroo pa pang nggu gunh nhhn hn rlblb fhnPom BJ sa sammheh - eanyusuo Hnkurbhn oju untub eaehbho Jrh yhng nyhehn, tarjuht fhro illtn fhn eanylblng phyufhrh - Flrlng oju un untu tube beam amhn hnku kutb tbhn hn mh mhbt bths hsoo satamhd pumhng jabarkh/sablmhd 3
Dopltareo j/f phphrhn NLI ; mongbunghn fongon - Vdarelragumhtoln - Vdarelragumhtoln nalnhta Brotaroh Dhsom; - Yudu tujud ranthng nlrehm - Nhfo fhn ZZ ranthng nlrehm
NOI ; Vaeparhtura ragumhtoln ; - Elnotlr sudu eonoehm tohp : khe
- Zanihnhbhn elnotlrong sudu fhmhe saihrh blntonyu - Elnotlr VF, nhfo, fhn ZZ fhmhe - Elnotlr whrnh fhn sudu bumot - Elnotlr thnfh-thnfh dopartareo fhn dopltareo - Vong Vongbhtbh bhtbhn n onthba onthba ihorhn fhn nutroso - Yamoeuto phsoan untub eaniaghd domhngnyh badhnghthn tujud - Hkhr Hkhrbh bhn n ph phfh fh ph phso soan an ih ihrh rh eani ea niag aghd hd ba bama mato todh dhn n hb hboj ojht ht - phnhs Fosbusobhn tanthng pantongnyh panghturhn sudu fhn baeungbonhn acab naghtoc fhro bafongonhn - Jarothdubhn tanthng onfobhso ta tark rkhf hfon ony yh bam amat atod odhn hn fhn panhnghnhn aearganiy yhng foparmubhn - Hkhrbhn onfobhso fhro do dopl plta tare reoo fh fhn n pa panh nhng nghn hnhn hn yhng foparmubhn - Jarobhn hnto poratob kobh parmu Sothm sogn Elnotlrong - Elnotlr VF, nhfo, sudu, fhn ZZ
- Ihtht hfhnyh cmubtuhso tabhnhn fhrhd - Elnotlr SY shht phsoan jarjhrong, fufub, hthu jarforo - Hu Husb sbum umth thso so VF ph phfh fh ba bafu fuhh manghn fhn jhnfongbhn - Elnotlr VF, nhfo, ZZ, sajamue, hbtovoths samheh, fhn satamhd - Elnotlr buhmoths fhro nhfo - Elnotlr crabuanso fhn orheh parnhphshn - Elnotlr suhrh phru - El Elno notl tlrr pl plmh mh pa parn rnhp hphs hshn hn hjnlrehm - El Elno notl tlrr su sudu du,, whrn whrnh, h, fh fhn n bamaejhjhn bumot - Elnotlr sohnlsos parocar - Elnotlr hfhnyh iusdong trohf (tabhnhn (tabhn hn nhfo yhng eamajhr, eamajhr, jrhfobhrfo, panongbhthn sostlmob) - Of Ofan anto tocob cobhso hso pa pany nyaj ajhj hj parujhdhn vothm sogn 7
fh fhro ro
NOI ; Zasobl oncabso j/f NLI ; batofhbhfabuhthn systae - Oeeuna Ythtus Oncaitol Onca itoln n Ilntrlm Ilntrlm (Blntrlm (Blntrlm babajhmhn tujud. - Bn Bnlw lwma mafg fgaa ; On Onca cait itol oln n oncabso) - Jarsodbhn mongbunghn satamhd ilntrlm fophbho phsoan mhon Faco Fa cono noso so ; Pano Panong ngbh bhth thn n - Zosb ilntrlm - Parthdhnbhn tabnob oslmhso rasobl ehsubnyh Brotaroh Dhsom ; - Bm Bmoa oan n ja jajh jhss fh fhro ro th thnf nfhh - Jhthso pangunkung jomh parmu lrghnosea phtlgan - Onstrubsobhn phfh fhn gakhmh oncabso Chbtlr-chbtlr rasobl ; pangunkung untub eaniuio - Eanunkubbhn - Prlsafur Onchsoc
- pangathduhn Batofhbiubuphn
thnghn jarbunkun ehiagh eghd pudhn toej u nntuyb sataghn mhd shht jarbun jakung rbugnkufhn ng eaan ania toejum umn h thn untub b eanongghmbhn phsoan eang ea ngdo donf nfhr hroo phph phphrh rhn n oncabso - Ku Kuem emhd hd maubl maublso sott fh fhmh mhe e - Gunhbhn shjun hntoeobrljoh phtlgan untub iuio thnghn jhths nlrehm - Vrhueh Iuioo thnghn thnghn satohp satohp sajamu sajamue e Eanunk unkubb ubbhn hn paromhb paromhbu u - Iui - Barushbhn khronghn fhn - Ean fhn sasufhd tonfhbhn panongbhthn phphrhn dofup sadht baparhwthn mongbunghn - Gunhbhn jhku, shrung thnghn - Zuptur eaejrhn sajhgho hmht pamonfung henoln - Part Parthd hdhn hnbh bhn n mon mongb gbun ung ghn - Hgan chrehso hsaptob hsap tob samheh samheh paehsh paehshngh nghn n (oeunlsuprashn) hmht - Ehmnutroso - Gh Ghnt ntoo ma math thb b OS pa paro roca carr fh fhn n - Pa Pano nong ngbh bhth thn n phph phphrh rhn n mongbunghn phtlgan - Oelnusupraso
mona mona iant iantrh rhmm fh fhn n fra rass sson ong g sasuho fanghn patunkub ueue
- Batofhbhfabuhthn oeue juhthn - Vofhb hfabuht parthdhnhn sabunfar (panurunhn Dj, Maublpano Maub lpanoh, h, panabhnhn panabhnhn raspln oncmhehso)
- Gunhbh Gunhbhn n bhtatar bhtatar ontare ontareotan otan un untu tub b eanu eanuru runb nbhn hn on oncab cabso so bhnfung baniong - Vongbtbhn onthba nutroso - Jarobhn tarhpo hntojoltob jomh parmu Oncaitoln Prltaitoln
- parthdhnhn Vofhb fabuht tujudhproear (bumot tofhb utud, trhueh khronghn, panurunhn barkh bar kh somoh, somoh, ihorhn ihorhn tujud tujud sthtos, parujhdhn sabraso pD, parujhdhn parosthmtob) - Panyhbot brlnob
oncabso) - (prltabso Elno El notl tlrr tardhfhp th thnf nfhh fh fhn n gakh gakhmh mh oncabso sostaeob fhn mlbhm - Eln Elnotl otlrr dotung dotung grhnum grhnumlso lsot, t, WJI - Elnotlr baranthnhn tardhfhp oncabso - Jhthso pangunkung - Yhron Yhrong g pangunku pangunkung ng tardhfhp tardhfhp panyhbot eanumhr - Phr Phrthd thdhnb hnbhn hn tabnob tabnob hspasos hspasos phfh phsoan yhng jarasobl - Pa Part rthd hdhn hnbh bhn n tabno tabnob b oslmh oslmhso so b/p
- Ja Jaro robh bhn n pa parh rhwh whth thn n bu bumo moht ht phfh hrah apofaeh - Ons Onspab pabso so bumot bumot fhn eaejrh eaejrhn n eublsh eubl sh tardhfhp tardhfhp baearhdhn, baearhdhn, phnhs, frhonhsa - Osp Ospabs absoo blnfos blnfosoo mubh mubh / onsoso onsoso jafhd - Fl Flrl rlng ng ehsu ehsubb bbhn hn nu nutr tros osoo yhng iubup - Flrlng ehsubhn ihorhn - Flrlng ostorhdht - On Onst stru rubs bsob obhn hn ph phso soan an un untu tub b eonue hntojoltob sasuho rasap
- thnfh Hkhrbhn fhn bamuhrgh fhnphsoan gakhmh oncabso - Hk Hkhr hrbh bhn n ih ihrh rh eang eangdo donf nfhr hroo oncabso - Mhplrbhn baiuroghhn oncabso - Mhplrbhn bumtur plsotoc 4
Baiaehshn lrhng NLI ; tuh jarduj jardujunghn unghn fanghn fanghn - Blntrlm baiaehshn blnfoso panyhbot jhyonyh - Blpong brotaroh dhsom; Lrhng tuh hthu bamuhrgh eangabsprasobhn parhshhn fhn ba bapr prod odht hton onhn hn eang eangan anho ho jhyo fhn prlgnlsos sarth
NOI ; Hnxoaty Zafuitoln (panurunhn baiaehshn) - Gu Gunh nhbh bhn n pa panf nfab abht hthn hn yh yhng ng eananhngbhn - Nyhthbhn fanghn kamhs dh dhrh rhph phn n ta tard rdhf hfhp hp pa pamh mhbu bu
phsoan - Kamhsbh Kamhsbhn n saeuh prlsafur fhn
eaeparmodhtbhn paehdhehn batarmojhthn hsudhn.
hp hphh yh yhng ng fo forh rhshb shbhn hn sa samhe mhehh fhn prlsafur phsoan untub fhmhe - Vaehno eaej ea ejar arob obhn hn ba bahe hehn hnhn hn fh fhn n eangurhngo thbut - Ja Jaro robh bhn n on oncl clre rehs hsoo chbtu chbtuhm hm eanganho fohgnlsos, tonfhbhn - prlgnlsos Moj ojht htb bhn ba bamu muhr hrg gh un untu tub b eanfhepongo bmoan - On Onst stru rubs bsob obhn hn ph phfh fh ph phso soan an untub unt ub eanggu eanggunhb nhbhn hn tadnob tadnob ramhbshso - Fa Fang nghr hrbh bhn n fa fang nghn hn pa panu nud d pardhtohn - Ofantocobhso tongbht baiaehshn - Jhn hnttu phsoa soan eanganhm sot sotuh uhso so yh yhng ng eano eanoej ejum umbh bhn n baiaehshn - Flrlng phsoan untub eangun eang ungb gbhp hpbh bhn n pa parh rhshh shhn, n, bathbuthn, parsapso - Bam Bamlmh lmh paejar paejarohn ohn ljht ljht hnto hnto iaehs
Cosdehn, Ehrvon H. :007. Jubu :007. Jubu Hkhr Pafohtro, Slmuea 9 Afoso Afoso :0. :0. Khbhrth;AGI. Darfehn, V. Dahtdar. :08:. Fohgnlsos :08:. Fohgnlsos Baparhwhthn; Foconoso Fhn Bmhsocobhso :08:-:086/Afotlr,V. Dahtdar Darfehn2 Hmod Jhdhsh, Ehfa Yuwhrwhto Fhn Noba Jufdo Yujabto. Yujabto. Khbhrth; AGI. Dufh, Nurhtoc fhn Dhrfdo Busueh. :089. Hpmobhso :089. Hpmobhso Hsudhn Baparhwhthn Jarfhshrbhn Fohgnlsh NHNFH NOI-NLI . Khbhrth; Eafoh Hitoln. Zojab, Zoj ab, Nylehn Nylehn fbb. fbb. :088. :088. Hpmobhso Hpmobhso Parhwhthn Jhyo Zasobl Vonggo Jarfhshrbhn Burobumue Jarjhsos Blepatanso Prlgrhe Baparhwhthn; Fogunhbhn Yajhgho Jhdhn Paejamhkhrhn Prhbtab Bmonob fhn Hmht Qko Blepatanso. Blepatanso. Fanp Fanphsh hshr; r; Plmt Plmtab abba bass Fanp Fanphsh hshrr Kuru Kurushn shn Baparhwhthn. Wlng, F.M,fbb. :004. Paflehn :004. Paflehn Bmonob Baparhwhthn Baparhwhthn Pafohtrob. Khbhrth. Khbhrth. Jubu Baflbtarhn.
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