Laporan Akhir Perencanaan Embung#2

August 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Yohleueh Vmum

Eor mfrupebeh f`fmfh yehg sehget mfmpfhgeruco bfcoiupeh io e`em. Tfmue mebc`ub coiup sehget mfmfr`ubeh eor ie`em pfrbfmkehgeh ieh pfrtumkucehhye. Tob`us coira`ago yehg tfrleio mfhyfkekbeh lum`ec va`umf eor yehg eie io iuhoe oho eie`ec tftep. Ebeh tftepo, iopehiehg iero espfb ruehg ieh webtu iostrokuso eor sfdere e`emoec toieb`ec oife`. Tfkegeo dahtac, ie`em usece sumkfr eor kebu. Lobe toieb eie usece pfhgfhie`oeh eor peie musom culeh, mebe ebeh mfyfkekbeh tfrleiohye fraso ieh kehlor sfiehg peie musom bfmereu ebeh bfbfrohgeh ieh bfsu`oteh mfhiepetbeh sumkfr eor kebu. Ce` tfrsfkut io etes mfrupebeh se`ec setu pfrmese`eceh yehg tomku` ie`em usece pfhgfmkehgeh ieh pfhgfhie`oeh sumkfr ieye eor. ^frmese`eceh tfrsfkut pfr`u sfdfpethye ioeteso. Vhtub otu iopfr`ubeh suetu mehelfmfh yehg keob tfrceiep pfhgfmkehgeh ieh pfhgf`a`eeh sumkfr ieye eor eger patfhso  kfhdehe yehg iosfkekbeh a`fc eor tfrsfkut iepet iodfgec. ^fhgf`a`eeh sumkfr ieye eor yehg keob ebeh  kfriempeb peie bf`fsteroeh ieh bfsfomkehgeh `ohgbuhgeh coiup keob sfberehg meupuh ebeh ietehg. ieteh g. Bfgoe Bfgoeteh-b teh-bfgoet fgoeteh eh yehg

iepet io`e io`ebubeh bubeh ifhge ifhgehh mf mfmkuet mkuet sostfm tfbh tfbhos os sfpfrto

 pfhgcoleueh, pfrbueteh tfkohg, kfhiuhg, kfhiuhgeh, fmkuhg, ieh sfkegeohye meupuh ifhgeh sostfm hah tfbhos sfpfrto mfmkuet  pfruhiehg-uhiehgeh. 5.;

@eter Kf`ebehg

Lum`ec pfhiuiub yehg sfmeboh mfhohgbet sftoep tecuhhye io Iefrec Bekupetfh T`fmeh ieh ebtojotes mesyerebet io sfboter iefrec e`oreh suhgeo (IET) yehg sfmeboh kfregem sfrte bfkutuceh ebeh eor sfmeboh mfhohgbet mfhyfkekbeh pfrsae`eh bfsfomkehgeh ehtere bfkutuceh eor ieh bftfrsfioeeh eor, mfhuruhhye bue`otes eor sumur iehgbe` yehg iobahsumso mesyerebet sfrte bfkutuceh ebeh rfbrfeso bate. Ce` tfrsfkut mfrupebeh pfrmese`eceh yehg ioceiepo a`fc Iefrec Bekupetfh T`fmeh bcusushye ieh IO_ umumhye. ^fmfrohtec Iefrec Bekupetfh T`fmeh mfhgemko` `ehgbec-`ehgbec uhtub mfhgceiepo pfrmese`eceh tfrsfkut ifhgeh mfhgusecebeh mfhgfmke`obeh juhgso iefrec rfsepeh, sfrte mfhgfmkehgbeh beweseh tfsfkut sfkegeo beweseh rfbrfeso temeh kfrhuehse eor. Ifhgeh mf`ebsehebeh ce` tfrsfkut iocerepbeh ebeh tfrkfhtub kesos bfuhggu`eh suetu beweseh ( mu`tojof`i fdahamod fjjfdt ). ).


 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh




Mebsui ieh Yulueh ^frfhdeheeh

Mebsui io`ebubeh pfrfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya oho eie`ec uhtub mfmpfra`fc rfhdehe bahstrubso fmkuhg yehg cehie` ieh bamprfcfhsoj ieh kehguheh mu`toguhe. Eiepuh tulueh iero iokehguhhye Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya oho eie`ec uhtub < 5. Bahsfrveso sumkfr ieye eor ieh bahsfrveso `ohgbuhg `ohgbuhgeh eh io I^T Yemkebkaya. ;. Mfheobbeh tohggo mube eor tehec. 4. ^frsfioeeh eor kebu uhtub Bekupetfh T`fmeh. 9. Mfhiubuhg pat patfhso fhso w wosete osete io Iefrec Os Ostomfwe tomfwe _agyeberte. 6. Mfhohgbetbeh pfrfbahamoeh mesyerebet sfboterhye sfcohgge mfhemkec ^fhiepeteh Es`o Iefrec. 5.9

@abeso ^frfhdeheeh

@abeso fmkuhg tfr`fteb peie pasoso 7a96‟945” — 7 96‟7>4” @T ieh 55> a ;9‟74?” — 55> ;6‟>::”

KY io mfehifrohg Tuhgeo Yemkebkaya, Bf`ureceh W Wfiamerteho, fiamerteho, Bfdemeteh

 Hgfmp`eb, Bekupetfh T`fmeh, ^rapohso Iefrec Ostomfwe _agyeberte (IO_). Vhtub `fkoc  lf`eshye `abeso tfrsfkut iepet io`ocet peie gemker  kfrobut.

@abeso ^rayfb 

Gemker 5.5 @abeso pfrfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya



[uehg @ohgbup ^fhu`oseh Yuges Ebcor

[uehg `ohgbup pfmkeceseh ie`em pfhyusuheh pfrfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bf`ureceh Bf`ur eceh Wfia Wfiamerteho merteho,, Bfdemeteh Hgfmp`e Hgfmp`eb, b, Bekupe Bekupetfh tfh T`fmeh, Ief Iefrec rec Ostomfwe _agyeberte (IO_) eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut < e. Aksfrveso @epehgeh  k. Oifhtojobeso Mese`ec d. Vhot Coiragrej ieh Ifkot Kehlor [fhdehe i. Ehe`osos Ifkot Ehie`eh f. Ehe`osos Tfiomfh j. Hfrede Eor Ieh Aptomeso Fmkuhg  g. J`aai [autohg

uhtub Tpo` ` ` wey wey

c. Ehe`osos Ttrubtur  o. Gemker ^frfhdeheeh  l. Tpfsojobeso Yfbhob  b. [fhdehe Ehggereh Koeye `.


Hftwarb ^`ehhohg , Yomf Tdcfiu`f

ieh Meh  Meh ^awfr   ^awfr 

Tostfmetos ^fhu`oseh

@epareh Yuges Ebcor oho iosusuh ie`em 3 kek, io mehe pabab keceseh uhtub toep kek eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut < KEK O ^FHIECV@VEH

Mfhgureobeh mfhgfheo tohleueh umum, `eter kf`ebehg, mebsui ieh tulueh, `abeso  pfrfhdeheeh, ruehg `ohgbup pfhu`oseh sfrte sostfmetobe  pfhu`oseh. KEK OO IETE[ YFA[O

Mfhgureobeh sfdere g`ake` tfaro—tfaro ieh ieser—ieser pfrcotuhgeh yehg ebeh ioguhebeh uhtub pfmfdeceh pfrmese`eceh yehg eie, keob uhtub mfhgehe`osos jebtar-jebtar ieh ieteiete pfhiubuhg meupuh pfrcotuhgeh tfbhos pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg. KEK OOO MFYAIA@AGO

Mfhgureobeh tfhtehg mftaif sfdere kfruruteh ie`em pfhyf`fseoeh `epareh Yuges Ebcor yehg  kfroso tfhtehg pfrfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya.



Yfhtehg tohleueh umum, ehe`osos coira`ago, ehe`osos iete durec culeh, ifkot kehlor rfhdehe, ehe`osos ifkot ehie`eh, ehe`osos sfiomfh ieh ehe`osos coira`obe. KEK Z ^F[FHDEHEEH BAHTY[VBTO

Mfhgureobeh tfhtehg tohleueh umum, pfrcotuhgeh bahstrubso fmkuhg ieh steko`otes fmkuhg. KEK ZO [FHDEHE BF[LE IEH T_E[EY-T_E[EY

Yfhtehg syeret-syeret umum, syeret-syeret eimohostreso ieh syeret-syeret tfbhos. KEK ZOO [FHDEHE EHGGE[EH KOE_E

Mfhgureobeh tfhtehg ehe`osos cerge setueh, ehe`osos setueh va`umf pfbfrleeh, iejter cerge  keceh ieh upec, rfhdehe ehggereh koeye, hftwarb p`ehhohg, tomf sdcfiu`f, meh pawfr ieh burve T. KEK ZOOO ^FHVYV^

Kfroso tfhtehg bfsompu`eh ieh sereh yehg iopfra`fc iero ceso` ehe`osos pfrfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya.





Yohleueh Vmum

^frfhdeheeh fmkuhg mfmfr`ubeh koiehg-koiehg o`mu pfhgftecueh `eoh yehg iepet mfhiubuhg uhtub mfmpfra` mfhiubuhg mfmpfra`fc fc ceso` pfrfhdeh pfrfhdeheeh eeh bahstr bahstrubso ubso fmkuhg yehg cehie` ieh bamprfcfhsoj ieh kehguheh mu`toguhe. O`mu gfa`ago, coira`ago, coira`obe ieh mfbehobe tehec mfrupebeh kfkfrepe o`mu yehg ebeh ioguhebeh ie`em pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg oho yehg se`ohg  kfrcukuhgeh. Ieser tfaro oho iomebsuibeh uhtub mfmeperbeh sfdere sohgbet mfhgfheo ieser-ieser tfar o  kehguheh heh  pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg yehg ebeh ioguhebeh ie`em pfrcotuhgeh bahstrubso ieh  kehgu

 pf`fhgbephye. Ie`em pfrcotuhgeh ieh pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg, eie kfkfrep kfkfrepee edueh yehg cerus iopfrtomkehgbeh uhtub mfhgemko` suetu bfputuseh. Vhtub mf`fhgbepo pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg

oho, mebe ioguhebeh kfkfrepe stehier ehtere `eoh < Yete Dere ^fhgcotuhgeh Ttrubtur Kftah TB THO Y-56-5??5->4, ^fhfhtueh Kfkeh Gfmpe peie Kehguheh ^fhgeoreh, 5???/;>>>,

^ehiueh ^frfhdeheeh Kfhiuhgeh Vrugeh, Lu`o 5???, ^fretureh Mueteh Ohiahfsoe

5?7> sfr te kfkfrep  kfkfrepee stehier `eohhye. ;.;

Ehe`osos Coira`ago

Coira`ago ioifjohosobeh sfkegeo o`mu yehg mfmpf`elero sostfm bfleioeh eor io etes,  peie

 pfrmubeeh ieh io ie`em tehec. Ifjohoso tfrsfkut tfrketes peie coira`ago rfbeyes rfbeyese. e.

Tfdere `ues coira`ago mf`oputo pu`e kfrkegeo kfhtub eor tfrmesub trehsjarmeso ehtere bfeieeh deor,  peiet, ieh ges ie`em etmasjor, io etes ieh io kewec pfrmubeeh tehec. Io ie`emhye tfrdebup  pu`e eor `eut yehg mfrupebeh sumkfr ieh pfhyompeh eor yehg mfhgebtojbeh bfcoiupeh io  p`ehft kumo oho. Durec culeh culeh peie suetu iefrec mfrupeb mfrupebeh eh jebtar yehg mfhfh mfhfhtubeh tubeh kfserhye ifkot  keh lor

yehg tfrleio peie iefrec yehg mfhfromehye. Ehe`osos coira`ago io`ebubeh

uh tub

mfhiepetbeh berebtfrostob coira`ago ieh mftfara`ago iefrec e`oreh suhgeo. Yuluehhye


uhtub mfhgftecuo berebtfrostob culeh, ifkot eor yehg fbstrom meupuh yehg weler yehg

ebeh ioguhebeh

sfkegeo ieser ehe`osos sf`ehluthye ie`em pf`ebseheeh ifteo` ifseoh.



Iefrec E`oreh Tuhgeo (IET)

IET eie`ec suetu iefrec yehg ioketeso a`fc pfmosec tapagrejo yehg mfhfrome cu leh, mfhempuhg, mfhyompeh ieh mfhge`orbeh bf suhgeo ieh sftfrushye bf ieheu eteu bf `eut. Bampahfh mesubeh ie`em IET eie`ec durec culeh, sfiehgbeh bf`uerehhye tfrioro ier o ifkot eor ieh mueteh sfiomfh ( Turopoh, ;>>9). Bahsfp Iefrec E`oreh Tuhgeo (IET) mfrupebeh ieser iero sfmue pfrfhdeheeh coira`ago tfrsusuh iero IET-IET bfdo`, ieh IET bfdo` oho luge tfrsusuh iero IET-IET yehg `fkoc bfdo` `ego sfcohgge iepet ioifjohosobeh sfkegeo suetu wo`eyec yehg ioketeso a`fc ketes e`em sfpfrto puhgguhg  kub oott kubot eteu guhuhg, meupuh ketes kueteh sfpfrto le`eh eteu tehggu` iomehe eor culeh yehg turuh io wo`eyec tfrsfkut mfmkfro bahtrokuso e`oreh bf totob bahtra` (aut` ft )).. ;.;.;

Durec Culeh [fhdehe


Durec Culeh Erfe

Iete durec culeh ieh ifkot mfrupebeh iete yehg pe`ohg juhiemfhte` ie`em  pfrfhdeheeh pfmkueteh fmkuhg. Bftftepeh ie`em mfmo`oc `abeso ieh pfre`eteh  keob  durec culeh meupuh ifkot mfrupebeh jebtar yehg mfhfhtubeh bue`otes iete yehg iopfra`fc. Ehe`osos iete culeh iomebsuibeh uhtub mfhiepetbeh kfsereh durec cu leh ieh ehe`osos stetostob yehg iopfrcotuhgbeh ie`em pfrcotuhgeh ifkot kehlor rfhdehe. Iete durec culeh yehg iopebeo uhtub pfrcotuhgeh ifkot kehlor eie`ec culeh yehg tfrleio peie iefrec e`oreh suhgeo peie webtu yehg seme. Durec culeh yehg io pfr   pfr `ubeh uhtub pfhyusuheh suetu rehdehgeh pfmehjeeteh eor ieh rehdehgeh  pfhgfhie `oeh  kehlor eie`ec durec culeh rete-rete io sf`uruc iefrec yehg kfrsehgbuteh, kubeh durec culeh peie suetu totob tfrtfhtu. Durec culeh oho iosfkut durec culeh erfe ieh  pfrb orebeh iohyetebeh ie`em mm ( Tasraiersaha, ;>>4). Durec culeh erfe oho cerus io pfrb  iero kfkfrepe totob pfhgemeteh durec culeh. Kfrobut mftaif pfrcotuhgeh durec cu leh

erfe iero pfhgemeteh durec culeh io kfkfrepe totob e.


Mftaif [ete-[ete E`leker

Mftaif pfrcotuhgeh pfrcotuhgeh ifhgeh mfhgemko` ho`eo rete-rete cotuhg (erotcmftod mfeh mfeh))  pfhgubureh durec culeh io stesouh culeh io ie`em erfe tfrsfkut ifhgeh mfhgesumsobeh kecwe sfmue stesouh culeh mfmpuhyeo pfhgeruc yehg sftere. Mftaif oho ebeh mfmkfrobeh ceso` yehg iepet iopfrdeye lobe tapagrejo rete eteu ie ter, stesouh culeh kehyeb ieh tfrsfker sfdere mfrete io erfe tfrsfkut sfrte ceso`  pfhebereh


mesohg-mesohg stesouh culeh toieb mfhyompehg leuc iero ho`eo rete-rete sf`uruc stesouh culeh io sf`uruc erfe.  

 . [ h  [  [ .. . [  [ = 5 ; h



 [   o

o 5


............................................................................ (;.>5)

Iomehe < = [ 5, [ ;, [ h =

durec culeh rete-rete IET (mm) durec culeh peie sftoep stesouh culeh (mm)


kehyebhye stesouh cu leh



k. Mftaif ^a`ogah Ycofssfh

Mftaif pfrcotuhgeh kfrieserbeh rete-rete tomkehg ( wfogctfi evfregf). Mftaif oho mfmkfrobeh praparso `ueseh iefrec pfhgeruc stesouh culeh uhtub mfhgebamaieso bftoiebsfregemeh lereb. Iefrec pfhgeruc iokfhtub ifhgeh mfhggemkerbeh ger osgeros sumku tfgeb `urus tfrceiep geros pfhgcukuhg ehtere iue stesouh culeh tfrifbet. Mftaif oho ioieserbeh peie esumso kecwe veroeso culeh ehtere stesouh culeh yehg setu ifhgeh `eohhye eie`ec `ohfer ieh stesouh culehhye ioehggep iepet mfwebo`o beweseh tfrifbet (Turopoh, ;>>9). Mftaif oho dadab lobe stesouh culeh toieb tfrsfker mfrete ieh  lum`echye tfrketes iokehiohg `ueshye. Dere oho eie`ec ifhgeh mfmesubbeh jeb tar

 pfhgeruc iefrec yehg mfwebo`o a`fc stesouh culeh yehg iosfkut jebtar 

 pfmkakat eteu bafjosofh Ycofssfh. Vhtub pfmo`oceh stesouh culeh yehg iopo`oc cerus mf`oputo iefrec e`oreh suhgeo yehg ebeh iokehguh. Kfserhye bafjosofh Ycofssfh iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus sfkegeo kfrobut (DI.Tafmerta, 5???) < D  = 

 Eo  Et at e` 


Iomehe < D

= Bafjosofh Ycofssfh



@ues iefrec pfhgeruc iero stesouh pfhgemeteh o (bm ;)

Etate` = @ues tate` iero IET (bm;)



@ehgbec-`ehgbec mftaif Ycofssfh sfkegeo kfrobut < 5. @abeso stesouh culeh io p`at peie pfte IET. Ehter stesouh iokuet geros `urus  pfhgcukuhg.


Yerob geros tfgeb `urus io tfhgec-tfhgec toep geros pfhg pfhgcukuhg cukuhg sfifmoboeh rupe, sfcohgge mfmkfhtub pa`ogah Ycofssfh. Tfmue totob ie`em ie`em setu pa`ogah ebeh mfmpuhye mfmp uhyeoo

lereb lereb tfrif tfrifbet bet ifhg ifhgeh eh stes stesouh ouh yehg eie io ie` ie`emhy emhyee io kehi  kehi ohgbeh ifhgeh lereb tfrceiep stesouh `eohhye. Tf`ehluthye, durec culeh

 peie stesouh tfrsfkut ioehggep rfprfsfhteso culeh peie beweseh ie`em pa`ogah yehg kfrsehgb k frsehgbu u teh.

4. @ues erfe` peie toep-toep pa`og pa`ogah ah iepet ioubur ifhgeh p`ehomftfr ieh `ues tate` IET (E) iepet iobftecuo ifhgeh mfhlum`ecbeh `ues  pa`ogah. 9. Culeh rete-rete IET iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus <  

 E   [ 5

 [ =

 ...   E  [h  E5  E; ...  Eh 5

E  [;   E



................... ............. ...... ............. ........................... .......................... ................ (;.>4)

Iomehe <  [

= Durec culeh rete-rete IET (mm)

E 5 ,E ;

,...,E h   = @ues iefrec pfhgeruc iero sftoep stesouh cu leh (bm;)

[  5 ,[ ;

,...,[ h = Durec culeh peie sftoep stesouh culeh (mm)



Kehyebhye stesouh cu leh ; E; 5





9   E6

E: 6


Gemker ;.5 Mftaif ^a`ogah Ycofssfh





Mftaif [ete — [ete  Osacyft 

ep--toep Mftaif pfrcotuhgeh ifhgeh mfmpfrcotuhgbeh sfdere ebtue` pfhgeruc toep

stesouh culeh ifhgeh bete `eoh esumso mftaif Ycofssfh yehg mfhgehggep kecwe toeptoep stesouh culeh mfhdetet bfie`emeh yehg seme uhtub iefrec sfboterhye iepet iobarfbso.

Mftaif oho dadab uhtub iefrec kfrkubot ieh toieb tfretur (Turopoh,

;>>9). ^rasfiur

pfhfrepeh mftaif oho mf`oputo `ehgbec-`ehgbec sfkegeo kfrobut < 5. ^`at iete bfie`emeh eor culeh uhtub toep stesouh cculeh uleh peie  pfte. ;.

Gemker baht bahtur ur bfie`em bfie`emeh eh eor culeh iifhge fhgehh mfh mfhgcukuhgbeh gcukuhgbeh toto totob-totob b-totob yehg mfmpuhyeo bfie`emeh eor culeh yehg seme. Ohtfrve`  Osacyft yehg umum io pebe  pebeo eie`ec 5> mm.

4. Cotuhg `ues erfe ehtere iue geros  Osacyft yehg kfrifbeteh ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh  p`ehomftfr. Be`obeh mesohg-mesohg `ues erfe` ifhgeh rete-rete culeh ehtere iue  Osacyft

yehg kfri  kfrifbe fbeteh.

9. Cotuhg culeh rete-rete IET ifhgeh rumus <    [   [ 

[5  [; ;



 [4  [9


;  E5  E;


 ............. ................ ...

.......  Eh

 [h  [ h5 ;



.......................... (;.>9)

Iomehe <  [

= Durec culeh rete-rete (mm)

[ 5, [ ;, ......., [ h = Durec culeh io geros  Osacyft (mm) E5, E ;, ….. , Eh = @ues kegoeh yehg ioketeso a`fc Osacyft -Osacyft (bm;) Lobe stesouh culehhye rf`etoj `fkoc peiet ieh mfmuhgbohbeh uhtub mfmkuet ger os  Osacyft

mebe mftaif oho ebeh mfhgceso`beh ceso` yehg `fkoc tf`oto. ^fte  Osacyft cerus mfhdehtumbeh suhgeo-suhgeo utemehye, geros-geros bahtur ieh mfmpfr ttoomkehgbeh

tapagrejo, erec ehgoh, ieh `eoh-`eoh io iefrec kfrsehgbuteh. Leio uhtub mfmkuet  pf te  Osacyft

yehg keob, iopfr`ubeh pfhgftecueh, bfec`oeh ieh pfhge`emeh yehg dubup

;>>4). ). (Tasraiersaha, ;>>4


Ketes IET Bahtur tohggo cu leh


E5 E;

5> mm

Ttesouh cu leh



6> mm ;> mm

4> mm


:> mm

9> mm

7> mm

Gemker ;.; Mftaif  Osacyft 


Durec Culeh Mebsomum Ceroeh [ete-[ete

Mftaif/dere yehg iepet ioguhebeh uhtub mfhiepetbeh culeh mebsomum ceroeh reterete IET eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut < e.

Yfhtubeh culeh mebsomum ceroeh peie tecuh tfrtfhtu io se`ec setu pas

cu leh.

 k. Dero kfserhye durec culeh peie tehgge`-ku`eh-tecuh yehg seme uhtub pas cu leh yehg `eoh. d.

Cotuhg culeh IET ifhgeh se`ec setu dere yehg

io  p p o`oc.

i. Yfhtubeh culeh mebsomum ceroeh (s (sfpfrto fpfrto `ehgbec 5) peie tecuh yyehg ehg seme uhtub pas culeh yehg `eoh. f. V`ehgo `ehgbec ; ieh 4 sftoep tecuh. Iero ceso` rete-rete yehg iopfra`fc (sfsueo ifhgeh lum`ec pas culeh) iopo`oc yehg tfrtoh tfrt ohggo ggo sft sftoep oep tecu tecuh. h. Iet Ietee cul culeh eh yeh yehgg tfr tfrpo`o po`occ sfto sftoep ep tec tecuh uh mfru mfrupebe pebehh cu leh


mebsomum ceroeh IET uhtub tecuh yehg kfrsehgbuteh (Turopoh, ;>>9).

^frcotuhgeh Durec Culeh [fhdehe

^frcotuhgeh durec culeh rfhdehe ioguhebeh uhtub mfreme`beh kfserhye culeh ifhgeh  pfroaif u`ehg tfrtfhtu (Tafwerha, 5??6). Kfrieserbeh durec culeh rfhdehe iepet ioder o  kfserhye ohtfsotes culeh (ehe`osos jrfbufhso) yehg ioguhebeh uhtub mfhdero ifkot  keh lor

rfhdeh rfh dehe. e. Ehe` Ehe`oso ososs jrfb jrfbufh ufhso so oho io`ebub io`ebubeh eh ifh ifhgeh geh mfh mfhgguh gguhebeh ebeh sfker sfkereh eh

bfmuhgboheh tfar o  prakeko`oty iostrokutoah ieh yehg koese ioguhebeh eie`ec sfkereh Gumkf`

topf O, sfkereh @ag  ^fersah topf OOO, sfkereh Harme` ieh sfkereh @ag Harme`.

Tfdere sostfmetos mftaif  @E^A[EH YVGET EBCO[ EBCO[

 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh



ehe`osos jrfbufhso pfrcotuhgeh culeh rfhdehe oho io`ebubeh sfdere kfruruteh sfkegeo kfrobut <


^eremftfr stetostob 

 k. ^fmo`oceh lfhos sfkereh d. Vlo bfdadabeh sfkereh i. ^frcotuhgeh culeh rfhdehe e.

^eremftfr Ttetostob 

^eremftfr yehg ioguhebeh ie`em pfrcotuhgeh ehe`osos jrfbufhso mf`oputo peremftfr ho`eo rete-rete (  S ), stehier ifvoeso ( ieh

T   i

), bafjosofh veroeso (Dv), bafjosofh bfmorohgeh (Ds)

bafjosofh burtasos (Db).^frcotuhgeh peremftfr tfrsfkut ioieserbeh peie iete deteteh


culeh ceroeh rete-rete mebsomum ;> tecuh tfrebcor.   Ho`eo rete-rete  S  

 S  o



Iomehe <  S o

= ho`eo rete-rete durec cu leh = ho`eo pfhgubureh iero suetu durec culeh bf-o


= lum`ec iete durec cu leh



  Ttehier ifvoeso

Vbureh sfkereh yehg pe`ohg kehyeb ioguhebeh eie`ec ifvoeso stehier. Epeko`e  pfhyfk ereh sehget kfser tfrceiep ho`eo rete-rete mebe ho`eo T i ebeh kfser, ebeh tftepo epeko`e  pfhyfkereh iete sehget bfdo` tfrceiep ho`eo rete-rete mebe ho`eo Ti ebeh bfdo`. Lobe iorumusbeh ie`em suetu pfrsemeeh eie`ec sfkego kfrobut (Tafwerha, 5??6) < h 


 S  o   S S;





.......................................................................... ..... (;.>:)

Iomehe < Ti

= stehier ifvoeso durec cu leh


= ho`eo rete-rete durec cu leh

 S o

= ho`eo pfhgubureh iero suetu durec culeh bf-o



= lum`ec iete durec cu leh

  Bafjosofh veroeso

Bafjosofh veroeso (dafjjodofht aj veroetoah) eie`ec ho`eo pfrkehiohgeh ehtere stehier ifvoes o ifhgeh

ho`eo rete-rete iero suetu sfkereh. Bafjosofh veroeso iepet iocotuhg

ifhgeh rumus sfkegeo kfrobut (Tafwerha, 5??6) < = T i .............................................................................................. (;.>7)  S 

Dv Iomehe < Dv T  i

= bafjosofh veroeso durec cu leh = stehier ifvoeso durec cu leh


= ho`eo rete-rete durec cu leh

  Bafjosofh bfmfhdfhgeh

Bafjosofh bfmfhdfhgeh (dafjjodofht aj sbfwhfss) eie`ec suetu ho`eo yehg mfhuh lubbeh ifrelet bftoieb somftroseh ( essymftry) iero suetu kfhtub iostrokuso. Lobe iorumusbeh ie `em suetu pfrsemeeh eie`ec sfkego kfrobut (Tafwerha, 5??6) < Vhtub papu`eso

< D   s

Vhtub  sempf` 


5 h

3) ................................................................. (;.>?)



 S   o 5

e h 5h ;

................................................................. (;.5>)



h S    S o




................................................................. (;.55) o 5

Iomehe < D   s   T  i


= bafjosofh bfmfhdfhgeh durec cu leh = stehier ifvoeso iero papu`eso durec cu leh = stehier ifvoeso iero sempf` durec cu leh = ho`eo rete-rete iero iete papu`eso durec cu leh = ho`eo rete-rete iero iete sempf` durec cu leh


 S o

= durec culeh bf o


= lum`ec iete durec cu leh e,

= peremftfr bfmfhdfhgeh

  Bafjosofh burtasos

Bafjosofh burtasos eie`ec suetu ho`eo yehg mfhuhlubbeh bfruhdohgeh iero kfhtub burve iostrokuso, yehg umumhye iokehiohgbeh ifhgeh iostrokuso harme` yehg mfmpuhyeo Db = 4 ye yehg hg

io iohe heme mebe behh

mfsabur mfs aburtob tob,,




kfrp kfrpuh uhde debb

tele te lem m

yehg yehg

io iohe heme mebe behh

fpt abur  abur to ` fp tob,

sfiehgbeh Db 8 4 kfrpuhdeb ieter iohemebeh  p` etobur ttoob .  @fptaburtob  @f ptabur ttoo b   Mfsaburtob 

Mfsabur ttoob 

 ^`etoburto b 

Gemker ;.4 Bafjosofh Burtasos Bafjosofh Burtasos

Bafjosofh  Burtasos  koesehye ioguhebeh uhtub mfhfhtube mfhfhtubehh bfruhdohgeh burve i ostr o kus  kus o, ieh

iepet iorumusbeh sfkegeo kfrobut <

 ME9  ME 9 D b 

T i 9



Iomehe < aso  ss = bafjosofh bur tt  as

D b

 ME(9) Ti

= mamfh bf-9 tfrceiep ho`eo rete-rete = stehier ifvoeso

Vhtub iete yehg kf`um iobf`ampabbeh, mebe < 9 5h  S  S o   S D  b



................................................................................ T i 9

ieh uhtub iete yehg suiec iobf `ampabbeh



5h  Db


 S o   S S  j 



T i 


.......................... .............. .......................... ........................... ................... ...... ............ ................ .... (;.59)

Iomehe < D b

= bafjosofh burtasos durec cu leh


= lum`ec iete durec cu leh = durec culeh bf o

 S o

 S  j  o T  i


= ho`eo rete-rete iero iete sempf` = ho`eo jrfbufhso veroet bf o = stehier ifvoeso

^fmo`oceh Lfhos Tfkereh

Mesohg-mesohg sfkereh mfmo`obo sojet-sojet bces sfcohgge cerus ioulo bfsfsueoehhye ifhgeh sojet stetostob mesohg-mesohg sfkereh tfrsfkut ^fmo`oceh sfkereh yehg toieb  kfher  iepet mfhguhiehg bfse`eceh pfrboreeh yehg dubup kfser. ^fhgemko`eh sfkereh sfdere sfmkerehg tehpe pfhguloeh iete coira`ago sehget toieb ioehlurbeh. ^fhfhtueh  lfhos sfkereh yehg ebeh ioguhebeh uhtub ehe`osos jrfbufhso iepet iopebeo kfkfrepe dere sfkegeo  kfr obut.

  Yekf` pfiameh pfmo`oceh sfkereh   Tfkereh Gumkf` Yopf O   Tfkereh @ag ^fersah topf OOO  

Tfkereh  Harme`

  Tfkereh @ag Harme`


Yekf` ;.5. ^fiameh ^fmo`oceh Tfkereh

Lfhos Tfkereh

Tyer et et


Ds ≃ > Db ≃ 4 Ds ≩ 5,54?:

 Har me` me` Gumkf` Yopf O

Db ≩ 6,9>>; Ds ≮ > Db ≃5,6Ds;+4

@ag ^fersah Yo  ppf OOO

Ds ≃ 4Dv + Dv4

@ag harme`

Dv ≃ > (Tumkfr < Tutoaha. ibb )

Tfkereh Gumkf` Yopf O

Ioguhebeh uhtub ehe`osos iete mebsomum, mose` uhtub ehe`osos jrfbufhso kehlor. Vhtub  mfhgcotuhg durec culeh rfhdehe ifhgeh mftaif sfkereh Gumkf` Yopf O ioguhebeh  pfrsemeeh iostrokuso jrfbufhso fmporos sfk sfkegeo egeo kfrobut (DI.Tafmerta, 5???) < SY =  S T

T  _  _h  Th Y

( So S )


.......................................... .................. ................................................ ............................................ ............................. ......... (;.56)


h 5

................................................................................................ (;.5:)

Cukuhgeh ehtere pfroaif u`ehg Y ifhgeh _ Y iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus < uhtub Y ;>, mebe < _ = `h Y _

= -`h   `h  

Iomehe < SY

Y 5 Y 

  ................................................................................................ (;.57)

= ho`eo cul culeh eh rfhdehe ifhg ifhgeh eh iete ubur Y tecuh.


= ho`eo rete-rete cu leh = stehier ifvoeso (sompehgeh  kebu)


= ho`eo rfiubso veroet ( rfiudfi veroetf ) iero veroekf` yehg


iocerepbeh tfrleio


= ho`eo rete-rete iero rfiubso veroet (rfiudf mfeh) ho`eohye tfrgehtuhg ier o lum`ec iete


peie pfroaif u`ehg Y tecuh. Yekf` ;.9.

(h). Yekf` ;.;.

= ifvoeso stehier iero rfiubso veroet (rfiudfi stehiert ifvoetoah ) ho`eohye


tfrgehtuhg iero lum`ec iete (h). Yekf` ;.4. Yekf` ;.; [fiudfi ;.; [fiudfi mfeh (_h) uhtub Mftaif Tfkereh Gumkf` Yopf 5







> , 9?? :


;> 4>

>,6;4: >,64:4

> , 6;6 ; > , 647 5











>, 6> 7>

>, 65>>


>, 6567

>, 65 35

>, 6;>;

>, 6;;>

>,6;:3 >,643>

>, 6; 34 >, 64 33

>, 6;?: >, 64?:

>,64>> >,69>>

>, 63;> >, 695>

>, 63 3; >, 69 53

>, 6494 >, 69;9

>, 6464 >, 694>

> , 699 ;


>, 69 64

>, 6963


>, 69:3

>, 69 74

>, 6977

>, 6935


> , 693 ?


>, 69 ?7

>, 66>5


>, 66>3

>, 66 55

>, 6656

>, 6653



> , 66; 9


>, 66 4>

>, 6644


>, 6643

>, 66 9>

>, 6694

>, 6696



> , 666 >


>, 66 66

>, 6667


>, 66:5

>, 66 :4

>, 66:6




> , 667 >


>, 66 79

>, 667:


>, 663>

>, 66 35

>, 6634

>, 6636



> , 663 7


>, 66 ?5

>, 66?;


>, 66?6

>, 66 ?:

>, 66?3

>, 66??

5 >>

>,6:>> ( Tumkfr





> , ?:7 :




5 , >:? :










>, ?? 75

5, >>?6


5, >45:

5, >9 55

5, >9?4

5, >6:6


5, >3 55

5, >3:9


5, >?:5

5, 5> >9

5, 5>97

5, 5>3>

5 , 556 ?


5, 5; ;:

5, 5; 66


5, 5454

5, 54 4?

5, 54:4

5, 5433


5 , 594 :


5, 59 3>

5, 59??


5, 5643

5, 56 67

5, 5679

5, 56?>



5 , 5?; 4


5, 5: 63

5, 5::7


5, 5:?:

5, 57 >3

5, 57;5

5, 5749



5 , 576 ?


5, 57 3;

5, 57?4


5, 5359

5, 53 ;9

5, 5349

5, 5399



5 , 53: 4


5, 53 35

5, 53?>


5, 5?>:

5, 5? 56

5, 5?;4

5, 5?4>

3> ?>

5,5?43 5,;>>7

5 , 5?9 6 5 , ;>5 4

5,5?64 5,;>;:

5, 5? 6? 5, ;> 4;

5, 5?:7 5, ;>43

5,5?74 5,;>99

5, 5?3> 5, ;>9:

5, 5? 37 5, ;> 9?

5, 5??9 5, ;>66

5, ;>>5 5, ;>:>

5 >>

5,;>:6 ( Tumkfr,4::6























( Tumkfr Tumkfr < DI.Tafmerta,5???)

Tfkereh @ag- ^fersah Yopf OOO

Ioguhebeh ie`em ehe`osos coira`ago, tfruteme ie`em ehe`osos iete mebsomum (kehlor) ieh mohomum (ifkot mohomum) ifhgeh ho`eo fbstrom. Kfhtub sfkereh @ag- ^fersah topf OOO mfrupebeh ceso` trehsjarmeso iero sfkereh  ^fersah topf OOO ifhgeh mfhggehtobeh ver oet  ^fersah topf OOO epeko`e iogemkerbeh peie bfr tes mfhleio ho`eo `agerotmob. Mftaif @ag- ^fersah

 pf`uehg `agerotmob ebeh mfrupebeh pfrsemeeh geros `urus, sfcohgge iepet iohye tebeh sfkegeo maif` metfmetob ifhgeh pfrsemeeh sfkegeo kfrobut (DI.Tafmerta, 5???) < _

= _ + B.T ……………………………………………………….....…......


Iomehe < _ S  Q 

= ho`eo `agerotmob iero S eteu `ag (S) = iete durec cu leh


= rete-rete cotuhg (`fkoc keob rete-rete gfamftrob) ho`eo _


= ifvoeso stehier ho`eo _


= berebtfrostob iostrokuso pf`uehg @ag- ^fersah topf OOO

@ehgbec-`ehgbec pfrcotuhgehhye eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut <

5. Mfhgukec iete durec cculeh uleh sfkehyeb h kuec S5,S;,S4,...Sh mfhleio `ag ( S5 ), `ag (S; ), `ag ( S4 ),...., `ag ( Sh ).


;. Mfhgcotuhg cerge rete-retehye ifhgeh rumus < h


`ag So   So 

`ag( S    S  ) 




………………………………………….........……... ………………………………………….........……...


Iomehe < S) `ag(  S


otmob  = cerge rete-rete `ager ot = lum`ec iete


= ho`eo durec cul culeh eh toep-toep tecuh ([ ;9 ;9 mebs)

4. Mfhgcotuhg cerge stehier ifvoesohye ifhgeh rumus kfrobut < h 

`ag So `ag S ;




Iomehe < Ti



………………………………….....……..... ………………………………….....…….....


= stehier ifvoeso

9. Mfhgcotuhg bafjosofh  sbfwhfss (Ds) ifhgeh rumus < h 

Ds Ds  


 So   `ag So 

`ag( S )4 4

h 5h ;Ti  

Iomehe < Ds

…..………………………………….......…...... (;.;5)

= bafjosofh  sbfwhfss

6. Mfhgcotuhg `agerotme culeh rfhdehe ifhgeh pfroaif u`ehg Y tecuh ifhgeh rumus < @ag (SY) = `ag(  S  S ) (;.;;)


B .Ti


Iomehe <


= durec culeh rfhdehe pfroaif u`ehg Y tecuh

B = cerge yehg iopfra`fc kfrieserbeh ho`eo Ds :. Mfhgcotuhg bafjosofh burtasos (Db) ifhgeh rumus < ;

h  `ag So   So  Db

`ag( S )9

o5 9

h 5h ;h 4Ti  

…………………………………......……….... (;.;4)

Iomehe < Db

= bafjosofh bur t t as aso  ss


7. Mfhgcotuhg bafjosofh veroeso (Dv) ifhgeh rumus < Dv


……………………………………………………………….......  S ) `ag( S


Iomehe < Dv

= bafjosofh ver oeso


= stehier ifvoeso Yekf` ;.6 Cerge B uhtub Mftaif Tfkereh @ag ^fersah @ag  ^fersah OOO ^froaif V`ehg Yecuh





Bfmfhdfhgeh (Ds)








> ,6

>, 5

^f`uehg (%) 6>




- > ,4 ? :

> ,9 ; >

5, 53>

; ,; 7 3

4 ,5 6 ;

9, >65


7, ;6>


- > ,4 : > - > ,4 4 >

> ,6 5 3 > ,6 7 9

5, ;6> 5, ;39

; ,; : ; ; ,; 9 >

4 ,> 9 3 ; ,? 7 >

4, 396 4, 7>6

9,:6; 9,999

:, :>> :, ;>>


- > ,4 > 7 - > ,; 3 ;

> ,: > ? > ,: 9 4

5, 4>; 5, 453

; ,; 5 ? ; ,5 ? 4

; ,? 5 ; ; ,3 9 3

4, :>6 4, 9??

9,;?3 9,597

6, ?5> 6, ::>

5,: 5,9

- > ,; 6 9 - > ,; ; 6

> ,: 7 6 > ,7 > 6

5, 4;? 5, 447

; ,5 : 4 ; ,5 ; 3

; ,7 3 > ; ,7 > :

4, 433 4, ;75

4,??> 4,3;3

6, 4?> 6, 55>


- > ,5 ? 6

> ,7 4 ;

5, 49>

; ,> 3 7

; ,: ; :

4, 59?


9, 3;>


- > ,5 : 9

> ,7 6 3

5, 49>

; ,> 9 4

; ,6 9 ;

4, >;;


9, 69>


- > ,5 9 3

> ,7 : ?

5, 44?

; ,> 5 3

; ,9 ? 3

;, ?67


9, 4?6

>,3 >,7

- > ,5 4 ; - > ,5 5 :

> ,7 3 > > ,7 ? >

5, 44: 5, 444

; ,? ? 3 ; ,? : 7

; ,9 6 4 ; ,9 > 7

;, 3?5 ;, 3;9

4,45; 4,;;4

9, ;6> 9, 5>6


- > ,> ? ?

> ,3 > >

5, 4;3

; ,? 4 ?

; ,4 6 ?

;, 766


4, ?:>


- > ,> 3 4

> ,3 > 3

5, 4;4

; ,? 5 >

; ,4 5 5

;, :3:


4, 356


- > ,> : :

> ,3 5 :

5, 457

; ,3 3 >

; ,; : 5

;, :56


4, :7>

>,4 >.;

- > ,> 6 > - > ,> 4 4

> ,3 ; 9 > ,3 4 >

5, 4>? 5, 4>5

; ,3 9 ? ; ,3 5 3

; ,; 5 5 ; ,5 6 ?

;, 699 ;, 97;

;,36: ;,7:4

4, 6;6 4, 43>


- > ,> 5 7

> ,3 4 :

5, ;?;

; ,7 3 6

; ,5 > 7

;, 9>>


4, ;46

>,> ->,5

>, >>> >, >57

> ,3 9 ; > ,3 4 :

5, ;3; 5, ;7>

; ,7 6 5 ; ,7 : 5

; ,> 6 9 ; ,> > >

;, 4;: ;, ;6;

;,67: ;,93;

4, >?> 4, ?6>


>, >44 >, >6>

> ,3 6 > > ,3 6 4

5, ;63 5, ;96

5 ,: 3 > 5 ,: 9 4

5 ,? 9 6 5 ,3 ? >

;, 573 ;, 5>9

;,433 ;,;?9

;, 35> ;, :76

>, >:: >, >34

> ,3 6 6 > ,3 6 :

5, ;45 5, ;5:

5 ,: > : 5 ,6 : 7

5 ,3 4 9 5 ,7 7 7

;, >;? 5, ?66

;,;>5 ;,5>3

;, 69> ;, 9>>


>, >?? >, 55:

> ,3 6 7 > ,3 6 7

5, ;>> 5, 534

5 ,6 ; 3 5 ,9 3 3

5 ,7 ; > 5 ,: : 4

5, 33> 5, 3>:

;,>5: 5,?;:

;, ;76 ;, 56>


>, 54;

> ,3 6 :

5, 5::

5 ,9 3 3

5 ,: > :

5, 744


;, >46


>, 593

> ,3 6 9

5, 597

5 ,9 > 7

5 ,6 9 ?

5, ::>


5, ?5>


>, 5:9

> ,3 6 ;

5, 5;3

5 ,4 : :

5 ,9 ? ;

5, 633


5, 3>>

;,; ;,>

->,4 ->,9 ->,6 ->,:



(@ehluteh Yekf` ;.6) Bafjosofh




^froaif V`ehg Yecuh ;6








> ,6

>, 5

^f`uehg (%)

(Ds) 6>





>, 5?6

> ,3 9 9

5, >3:

5 ,; 3 ;

5 ,4 7 ?

5, 99?


5, :;6


>, ;;6

> ,3 4 ;

5, >95

5 ,5 ? 3

5 ,; 7 >

5, 453


5, 9:6

-5,: -5,3 -;,>

>, ;69 >, ;3; >, 4>7

> ,3 5 7 > ,7 ? ? > ,7 7 7

>, ??9 >, ?96 >, 3?6

5 ,5 5 : > ,> 4 6 > ,? 6 ?

5 ,5 : : 5 ,> : ? > ,? 3 >

5, ;>> 5, >3? >, ??>

5,;5: 5,>?7 5,??6

5, ;3> 5, 54> 5, >>>


>, 44>

> ,7 6 ;

>, 399

> ,3 3 3

> ,? > >

>, ?>6


>, ?5>


>, 4:>

> ,7 5 5

>, 775

> ,7 ? 4

> ,7 ? 3

>, 7??


>, 3>;


>, 4?:

> ,: 4 :

>, ::>

> ,: : :

> ,: : :

>, ::7


>, ::3




 ^    S  

5 ;

5  S

f  Q



ix 5,>

................................................. (;.;:)

Vhtub mfhfhtubeh pf`uehg ho`eo S ehtere S =  x5 ieh S =  x ; , eie`ec <  x ;

 ^S  5

 S S ;


 x  x5 5


5  S  Q





......................... ............. ............................ .............................. ................... ..... (;.;7)

Epeko`e ho`eo S eie`ec stehier, ifhgeh bete `eoh ho`eo rete-rete = > ieh ifvoeso stehier  = 5,>, mebe ^frsemeeh ;.;? iepet iotu`os sfkegeo kfrobut <




 ^ t  t 

f  t  ; 



..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (;.;3)

Ifhgeh t


................................................................................. ...............

................ (;.;?)

^frsemeeh ;.;3 iosfkut ifhgeh sfkereh harme` stehier ( stehieri  stehieri harme` i o s  st r  r okutoah). ah). Yekf` ;.: mfhuhlubbeh wo`eyec `ues io kewec burve harme`, yehg mfrupebeh `ues ier o kfhtub bumu`etoj (dumu`etovf jarm) ieh sfkereh harme`. Yekf` ;.: Wo`eyec @ues Io kewec Burve Harme` H arme` 5


> ,> 5

> ,> ;

> ,> 4


>, >6

> ,> :

>, >7



- 4, 9

>, >>> 4





>, >>>4


>, >>> 4

> ,> > > 4

> ,> > > ;

- 4, 4

>, >>> 6





>, >>>9


>, >>> 9

> ,> > > 9

> ,> > > 4

- 4, ;

>, >>> 7





>, >>>:


>, >>> 6

> ,> > > 6

> ,> > > 6

- 4, 5

>, >>5 >





>, >>>3


>, >>> 3

> ,> > > 7

> ,> > > 7

- 4, >

>, >>5 4





>, >>55


>, >>5 5

> ,> > 5 >

> ,> > 5 >

- ;, ?

>, >>5 ?





>, >>5:


>, >>5 6

> ,> > 5 9

> ,> > 5 9

- ;, 3

>, >>; :





>, >>;;


>, >>; 5

> ,> > ; >

> ,> > 5 ?

- ;, 7

>, >>4 :





>, >>4>


>, >>; 3

> ,> > ; 7

> ,> > ; :

- ;, : - ;, 6

>, >>9 7 >, >>: ;

>,>>96 >,>>:>

>,>>99 >,>>6?

>,>>94 >,>>67

>,>>9> >,>>66

>, >>9> >, >>69

>,>>4? >,>>6;

>, >>4 3 >, >>6 5

> ,> > 4 7 > ,> > 9 ?

> ,> > 4 : > ,> > 9 3

- ;, 9

>, >>3 ;





>, >>75


>, >>: 3

> ,> > : :

> ,> > : 9

- ;, 4

>, >5> 7





>, >>?9


>, >>3 ?

> ,> > 3 7

> ,> > 3 9

- ;, ;

>, >54 ?





>, >5;;

>, >555?

>, >55 :

> ,> 5 5 4

> ,> 5 5 >

- ;, 5

>, >57 ?





>, >563


>, >56 >

> ,> 5 9 :

> ,> 5 9 4

- ;, >

>, >;; 3





>, >;>;


>, >5? ;

> ,> 5 3 3

> ,> 5 3 4

- 5, ?

>, >;3 7





>, >;6:


>, >;9 9

> ,> ; 4 ?

> ,> ; 4 4

- 5, 3

>, >46 ?





>, >4;;


>, >4> 7

> ,> 4 > 5

> ,> ; ? 9

- 5, 7

>, >99 :





>, >9>5


>, >43 9

> ,> 4 7 6

> ,> 4 : 7

- 5, :

>, >69 3





>, >9?6


>, >97 6

> ,> 9 : 6

> ,> 9 6 6

- 5, 6

>, >:: 3





>, >:>:


>, >63 ;

> ,> 6 7 5

> ,> 6 6 ?


(@ehluteh Yekf` ;.:) 5


> ,> 5

> ,> ;

> ,> 4


>, >6

> ,> :

>, >7



- 5, 9

>, >3> 3





>, >746


>, >7> 3

> ,> : ? 9

> ,> : 3 5

- 5, 4

>, >?: 3





>, >336


>, >36 4

> ,> 3 4 3

> ,> 3 ; 4

- 5, ;

>, 556 5



>, >5>?4


>, 5>6:


>, 5>; >

> ,5 > > 4

> ,> ? 3 6

- 5, 5

>, 546 7





>, 5;65


>, 5;5 >

> ,5 5 ? >

> ,5 5 7 >

- 5, >

>, 563 7





>, 59:?


>, 59; 4

> ,5 9 > 5

> ,5 4 7 ?

- >, ?

>, 539 5





> ,7 5 5


>, 5:: >

> ,5 : 4 6

> ,5 : 5 5

- >, 3

>, ;55 ?





>, 5?77


>, 5?; ;

> ,5 3 ? 9

> ,5 3 : 7

- >, 7

>, ;9; >





>, ;;::


>, ;;> :

> ,; 5 7 7

> ,; 5 9 3

- >, :

>, ;79 4





>, ;673


>, ;65 9

> ,; 9 3 4

> ,; 9 6 5

- >, 6

>, 4>3 6





>, ;?5;


>, ;39 4

> ,; 3 5 >

> ,; 7 7 :

- >, 9

>, 499 :





>, 4;:9


>, 45? ;

> ,4 5 6 :

> ,4 5 ; 5

- >, 4

>, 43; 5





>, 4:4;


>, 466 7

> ,4 6 ; >

> ,4 9 3 4

- >, ;

>, 9;> 7





>, 9>54


>, 4?4 :

> ,4 3 ? 7

> ,4 3 6 ?

- >, 5

>, 9:> ;





>, 99>9


>, 94; 6

> ,9 ; 3 :

> ,9 ; 9 7

>, >

>, 6>> >





>, 93>5


>, 97; 5

> ,9 : 3 5

> ,9 : 9 5

>, >

>, 6>> >

>, 6>97>




>, 65??


>, 6;7 ?

> ,6 4 5 ?

> ,6 4 6 ?

>, 5

>, 64? 3





>, 66?:


>, 6:7 6

> ,6 7 5 9

> ,6 7 6 4

>, ;

>, 67? 4





>, 6?37


>, :>: 9

> ,: 5 > 4

> ,: 5 9 5

>, 4

>, :57 ?





>, :4:3


>, :99 4

> ,: 9 3 >

> ,: 6 5 7

>, 9

>, :66 9





>, :74:


>, :3> 3

> ,: 3 9 9

> ,: 3 7 ?

>, 6

>, :?5 6





>, 7>33


>, 756 7

> ,7 5 ? >

> ,7 ; ; 9

>, :

>, 7;6 7





>, 79;;


>, 793 :

> ,7 6 5 7

> ,7 6 9 ?

>, 7

>, 763 >





>, 7749


>, 77? 9

> ,7 3 ; 4

> ,7 3 6 ;

>, 3

>, 733 5





>, 3>;4


>, 3>7 3

> ,3 5 > :

> ,3 5 4 4

>, ?

>, 356 ?





>, 3;3?


>, 349 >

> ,3 4 : 6

> ,3 4 3 ?

5, >

>, 395 4





>, 3645


>, 367 7

> ,3 6 ? ?

> ,3 : ; 5

5, 5

>, 3:9 4





>, 379?


>, 37? >

> ,3 3 5 >

> ,3 3 4 >

5, ;

>, 339 ?





>, 3?99


>, 3?3 >

> ,3 ? ? 7

> ,? > 5 6

5, 4

>, ?>4 ;





>, ?556


>, ?59 7

> ,? 5 : ;

> ,? 5 7 7

5, 9

>, ?5? ;





>, ?;:6


>, ?;? ;

> ,? 4 > :

> ,? 4 5 ?

5, 6

>, ?44 ;





>, ?4?9


>, ?95 3

> ,? 9 ; ?

> ,? 9 9 5

5, :

>, ?96 ;





>, ?6>6


>, ?6; 6

> ,? 6 4 6

> ,? 6 9 6

5, 7

>, ?66 9





>, ?6??


>, ?:5 :

> ,? : ; 6

> ,? : 4 4

5, 3

>, ?69 5





>, ?:73


>, ?:? 4

> ,? : ? ?

> ,? 7 > :

5, ?

>, ?75 4





>, ?799


>, ?76 :

> ,? 7 : 5

> ,? 7 : 7

;, >

>, ?77 ;





>, ?7?3


>, ?3> 3

> ,? 3 5 ;

> ,? 3 5 7

;, 5

>, ?3; 5





>, ?39;


>, ?36 >

> ,? 3 6 9

> ,? 3 6 7

;, ;

>, ?3: 5





>, ?373


>, ?33 9

> ,? 3 3 7

> ,? 3 ? >

;, 4

>, ?3? 4





>, ????>:


>, ??5 5

> ,? ? 5 4

> ,? ? 5 :

;, 9

>, ??5 3





>, ??;?


>, ??4 ;

> ,? ? 4 9

> ,? ? 4 :

;, 6

>, ??4 3





>, ??9:


>, ??9 ?

> ,? ? 6 5

> ,? ? 6 ;

;, :

>, ??6 4





>, ??:>


>, ??: ;

> ,? ? : 4

> ,? ? : 9

;, 7

>, ??: 6





>, ??7>


>, ??7 ;

> ,? ? 7 4

> ,? ? 7 9

;, 3

>, ??7 9





>, ??73


>, ??7 ?

> ,? ? 3 >

> ,? ? 3 5


(@ehluteh Yekf` ;.:) 5


> ,> 5

> ,> ;

> ,> 4


>, >6

> ,> :

>, >7



;, ?

>, ??3 5





>, ??39


>, ??3 6

> ,? ? 3 :

> ,? ? 3 :

4, >

>, ??3 7





>, ??3?


>, ??3 ?

> ,? ? ? >

> ,? ? ? >

4, 5

>, ??? >





>, ???;


>, ??? ;

> ,? ? ? 4

> ,? ? ? 4

4, ;

>, ??? 4





>, ???9


>, ??? 6

> ,? ? ? 6

> ,? ? ? 6

4, 4

>, ??? 6





>, ???:


>, ??? :

> ,? ? ? :

> ,? ? ? 7

4, 9

>, ??? 7





>, ???7


>, ??? 7

> ,? ? ? 7

> ,? ? ? 3

(Tumkfr 5

> ,? ? ?

-4, >6


> ,? ? 6

-;, 63


> ,? ? >

-;, 44


> ,? 6 >

-5, :9


> ,? > >

-5, ;3


> ,3 > >

->, 39


> ,7 6 >

->, :7


> ,7 > >

->, 6;


> ,: > >

->, ;6




> ,9 > >



> ,4 > >



> ,; 6 >



> ,; > >


5 > ,> > >

> ,5 > >


; > ,> > >

> ,> 6 >


6 > ,> > >

> ,; > >



> ,> 5 >



> ,> > 6



> ,> > ;


5 > > > ,> > >

> ,> > 5


(Tumkfr ,>>. Mftaif `ag harme` epeko`e iogemkerbeh peie bfrtes pf`uehg `agerotmob ebeh mfrupebeh  pfrsemeeh geros `urus, sfcohgge iepet iohyetebeh sfkegeo maif` metfmetob iehgeh  pfrsemeeh sfkegeo kfrobut (Tafwerha, 5??6)<  Q 


= S  Bt .T    ............................................................................................... ... ... ..



Iomehe < SY

= kfserhye durec culeh ifhgeh pfroaif u`ehg Y tecuh.


= durec culeh rete-rete (mm)


= Ttehier Ifvoeso iete culeh ceroeh mebsomum


= Ttehieri Zeroek`f uhtub pfroaif u`ehg t tecuh yehg  kfserhye

iokfrobeh peie Yekf` ;.3

Yekf` ;.3 Ttehieri ;.3 Ttehieri Zeroek`f (Bt) uhtub Mftaif Tfkereh @ag Harme` Y (Yecuh)

Y (Yecuh)




Y (Yecuh)








4. 49







4. 96







4. 64







4. :;







4. 7>







4. 77







4. 39







4. ?5







4. ?7







9. >4







9. >?







9. 59







9. ;9







9. 44







9. 9;

( Tumkfr < DI.Tafmerta,5???)



Vlo Bfdadabeh Tfkereh

Vlo sfkereh io`ebubeh ifhgeh ulo bfdadabeh iostrokuso yehg iomebsuibeh uhtub  mfhfhtubeh epebec pfrsemeeh sfkereh pf`uehg yehg tf`ec iopo`oc iepet mfhggemkerbeh eteu mfwebo`o iero sfkereh stetostob sempf` iete yehg ioehe`osos tfrsfkut (Tafmerta, 5???). Eie iue lfhos ulo bfdadabeh ( Gaaihfss aj jot tfst ) yeotu ulo bfdadabeh Dco-Tquerf ieh Tmorhav-Ba`magaraj .

Vmumhye pfhguloeh io`ebsehebeh ifhgeh dere mfhgemkerbeh iete

 peie bfrtes pf`uehg ieh mfhfhtubeh epebec iete tfrsfkut mfrupebeh geros `urus, eteu ifhgeh mfmkehiohgbeh burve jrfbufhso iero iete pfhgemeteh tfrceiep burve jrfbufhso tfarotoshye (Tafwerha, 5??6).


Vlo Bfdadabeh Dco-Tquerf

Vlo bfdadabeh Dco-Tquerf iomebsuibeh uhtub mfhfhtubeh epebec pfrsemeeh sfkereh  pf`uehg yehg tf`ec iopo`oc iepet mfwebo`o iero iostrokuso stetostob sempf` iete yehg ioehe`osos ioieserbeh peie lum`ec pfhgemeteh yehg iocerepbeh peie pfmkegoeh bf`es ieh iotfhtubeh iotfht ubeh tfrceie tfrceiepp lum`ec iete pfh pfhgemeteh gemeteh yehg tfrkede io ie` ie`em em bf`es tfrsfk tfrsfkut ut eteu

ifhgeh mfmkehiohgbeh ho`eo Dco-Tquerf ( ; ) ifhgeh ho`eo Dco-Tquerf brotos ( ; dr).

V lo 5??6) 6)< bfdadabeh Dco-Tquerf mfhgguhebeh rumus (Tafwerha, 5??


G Fo) (Ao Fo )




................................................................................... .......... (;.45)

Iomehe < ; c

= cerge Dco-Tquerf tfrcotuhg


= lum`ec iete yehg tfremeto tfriepet peie suk bf`ampab bf-o

Fo G

= lum`ec iete yehg sfdere tfarotos tfriepet peie suk bf`ampab bf- o = lum`ec suk bf`ampab 


; c


mfrupebeh veroekf` edeb. ^f`uehg uhtub mfhdepeo ho`eo

seme eteu


`fkoc kfser iero peie ho`eo Dco-Tquerf yehg sfkfherhye ( ; ). Tuetu iostroskuso iobetebeh sf`eres lobe ho`eo  ; cotuhg 0  ; brotos. Ho`eo ; brotos iepet io`ocet io Yekf` ;.3. Ier o ceso` pfhgemeteh yehg ioiepet iodero pfhyompehgehhye ifhgeh Dco-Tquerf brotos  pe`ohg

bfdo`. Vhtub suetu ho`eo hyete tfrtfhtu ( `fvf` aj soghojodeht ) yehg sfrohg ioemko`

eie`ec 6 %.

^rasfiur ulo bfdadabeh Dco-Tquerf eie`ec < 5. Vrutbeh iete pfhgemeteh (iero kfser bf bfdo` eteu sfke`obhye). ;. Bf`ampabbeh iete mfhleio G  suk-graup, toep-toep  suk-graup mohome` tfriepet `ome  kuec iete  pfhgeme teh.

4. Cotuhg lum`ec pfhgemeteh yehg tfremeto io ie`em toep-toep  suk-graup (Ao). 9. Cotuhg lum`ec eteu kehyebhye iete yehg sfdere tfarotos eie io toep-toep  suk-graup (Fo).

6. Yoep-toep  suk-graup cotuhg ho`eo < ;

Ao   F o ieh

(A   F ) o


 F o


:. Lum`ec sf`uruc G  suk-graup ho`eo

(A o  F )o ;  F o

uhtub mfhfhtubeh ho`eo Dco-

Tquerf cotuhg.

7. Yfhtubeh ifrelet bfkfkeseh ib = G-[-5 (ho`eo [=;, uhtub iostrokuso harme` ieh  kohamoe`, ieh ho`eo [=5, uuhtub htub iostrokuso  ^aossah) (Tafwerha, 5??6). Ifrelet bfkfkeseh yehg ioguhebeh peie pfrcotuhgeh oho eie`ec ifhgeh rumus sfkege o kfrobut <

Ib = h — 4


(;.4;) Iomehe <


= ifrelet bfkfkeseh


= kehyebhye iete

Eiepuh brotfroe pfho`eoeh ceso`hye eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut < Epeko`e pf`uehg `fkoc iero 6%, mebe pfrsemeeh iostrokuso tfarotos yehg ioguhebeh iepet i otfr ome. Epeko`e pf`uehg `fkoc bfdo` iero 5%, mebe pfrsemeeh iostrokuso tfarotos yehg ioguhebeh

toieb iepet i otfr ome.

Epeko`e pf`uehg `fkoc bfdo` iero 5%-6%, mebe toieb muhgboh mfhgemko` bfputuseh, mose` pfr`u pfhemkeceh ie te.


Yekf` ;.? Ho`eo


brotos uhtub ulo bfdadabeh Dco-Tquerf ε Ifrelet bfprdeyeh



> ,? ?

> , ?76

>, ?6

> ,> 6



>, >>6


> ,> > > > 4 ? 4


>, >>>?3;

>, >>4?4

4 ,3 9 5



7, 37?



> ,> ; > 5

>, >6>:

>, 5>4

6 ,? ? 5



5 > ,6 ? 7



> ,5 5 6

> , ;5:

>, 46;

7 ,3 5 6


5 5 ,4 9 6

5 ; ,3 4 3


> ,; > 7

> ,; ? 7

> , 939

>, 755

? ,9 3 3

5 5 ,5 9 4

5 4 ,; 7 7

5 9 ,3 : >


> ,9 5 ;

> ,6 6 9

> , 345

5, 596

5 5 ,> 7 >

5 ; ,3 4 ;

5 6 ,> 3 :

5 : ,7 6 >


> ,: 7 :

> ,3 7 ;

5 , ;47

5, :46

5 ; ,6 ? ;

5 9 ,9 9 ?

5 : ,3 5 ;

5 3 ,6 9 3


> ,? 3 ?

5 ,; 4 ?

5 , :?>

;, 5:7

5 9 ,> : 7

5 : ,> 5 4

5 3 ,9 7 6

; > ,; 7 3


5 ,4 9 9

5 ,: 9 :

; , 53>

;, 744

5 6 ,6 > 7

5 7 ,6 4 6

; > ,> ? >

; 5 ,? 6 6


5 ,7 4 6

; ,> 3 3

; , 7>>

4, 4;6

5 : ,? 5 ?

5 ? ,> ; 4

; 5 ,: : :

; 4 ,6 3 ?


; ,5 6 :

; ,6 6 3

4 , ;97

4, ?9>

5 3 ,4 > 7

; > ,9 3 4

; 4 ,; > ?

; 6 ,5 3 3


; ,: > 4

4 ,> 6 4

4 , 35:

9, 676

5 ? ,: 7 6

; 5 ,? ; >

; 9 ,7 ; 6

; : ,7 6 7


4 ,> 7 9

4 ,6 7 5

9 , 9>9

6, ;;:

; 5 ,> ; :

; 4 ,4 4 7

; : ,; 5 7

; 3 ,4 > >


4 ,6 : 6

9 ,5 > 7

6 , >>?

6, 3?;

; ; ,4 : ;

; 9 ,7 4 :

; 7 ,: 3 3

; ? ,3 5 ?


9 ,> 7 6

9 ,: : >

6 , :;?

:, 675

; 4 ,: 3 6

; : ,5 5 ?

; ? ,5 9 5

4 5 ,4 5 ?


9 ,: > 5

6 ,; ; ?

: , ;:;

7, ;:5

; 9 ,? ? :

; 7 ,9 3 3

4 > ,6 7 3

4 ; ,3 > 5


6 ,5 9 ;

6 ,3 5 ;

: , ?>3

7, ?:;

; : ,; ? :

; 3 ,3 9 6

4 ; ,> > >

4 9 ,; : 7


6 ,: ? 7

: ,9 > 3

7 , 6:9

3, :7;

; 7 ,6 3 7

4 > ,5 ? 5

4 4 ,9 > ?

4 6 ,7 5 3


: ,; : 6

7 ,> 5 6

3 , ;45

?, 4?>

; 3 ,3 : ?

4 5 ,6 ; :

4 9 ,3 > 6

4 7 ,5 6 :


: ,3 9 9

7 ,: 4 4

3 , ?>7

5 > ,5 5 7

4 > ,5 9 9

4 ; ,3 6 ;

4 : ,5 ? 5

4 3 ,6 3 ;


7 ,9 4 9

3 ,; : >

? , 6?5

5 > ,3 6 5

4 5 ,9 5

4 9 ,5 7 >

4 7 ,6 : :

4 ? ,? ? 7


3 ,> 4 9

3 ,3 ? 7

5 > ,; 3 4

5 5 ,6 ? 5

4 ; ,: 7 5

4 6 ,9 7 ?

4 3 ,? 4 ;

9 5 ,9 > 5


3 ,: 9 4

? ,6 9 ;

5 > ,? 3 ;

5 ; ,4 4 3

4 4 ,? ; 9

4 : ,7 3 5

9 > ,; 3 ?

9 ; ,7 ? :


? ,; : >

5 > ,5 ? :

5 5 ,: 3 ?

5 4 ,> ? 5

4 : ,5 7 ;

4 3 ,> 7 :

9 5 ,: 3 4

9 9 ,5 3 5


? ,3 3 :

5 > ,3 6 :

5 ; ,9 > 5

5 4 ,3 9 3

4 : ,9 5 6

4 ? ,4 : 9

9 ; ,? 3 >

9 6 ,6 6 3


5 > ,6 ; >

5 5 ,6 ; 9

5 4 ,5 ; >

5 9 ,: 5 5

4 7 ,: 6 ;

9 > ,: 9 :

9 9 ,4 5 9

9 : ,? ; 3


5 5 ,5 : >

5 ; ,5 ? 3

5 4 ,3 9 9

5 6 ,4 7 ?

4 3 ,3 3 6

9 5 ,? ; 4

9 6 ,: 9 ;

9 3 ,; ? >


5 5 ,3 > 3

5 ; ,3 7 ?

5 9 ,6 7 4

5 : ,5 6 5

9 > ,5 5 4

9 4 ,5 ? 9

9 : ,? : 4

9 ? ,: 9 6


5 ; ,9 : 5

5 4 ,6 : 6

5 6 ,4 > 3

5 : ,? ; 3

9 5 ,4 4 7

9 9 ,9 : 5

9 3 ,; 7 3

6 > ,? ? 4


5 4 ,5 ; 5

5 9 ,; 6 :

5 : ,> 9 7

5 7 ,7 > 3

9 ; ,6 6 7

9 6 ,7 ; ;

9 ? ,6 3 3

6 ; ,4 4 :


5 4 ,7 3 7

5 9 ,? 6 4

5 : ,7 ? 5

5 3 ,9 ? 4

9 4 ,7 7 4

9 : ,? 7 ?

6 > ,3 ? ;

6 4 ,: 7 ;

( Tumkfr < Tafwerha, 5??6)


Vlo Bfdadabeh  Tmorhav-Ba  Tmorhav-Ba`magaraj  `magaraj 

Vlo bfdadabeh Tmorhav-Ba`magaraj

io`ebubeh ifhgeh mfmkehiohgbeh  prakeko`otes

uhtub toep-toep toep-toep veroe veroekf` kf` iero iostro iostrokuso kuso fmporo fmpoross ieh tf tfaroto arotoss ioiepet pfrkfieeh (∊).

^frkfieeh mebsomum yehg iocotuhg (∊ mebs) iokehiohgbeh ifhgeh pfrkfieeh brotos


uhtub suetu ifrelet hyete ieh kehyebhye veroet tfrtfhtu, mebe sfkereh sfsueo

 lobe (∊mebs)0 (∊dr).







 ^ mex  ^  xo  xo    ^  x   x 




^rasfiur ulo bfdadabeh Tmorhav-Ba`magaraj eie`ec < 5. Vrutbeh iete (iero kfser bf bfdo` eteu sfke`obhye) ieh tfhtubeh kfserhye ho`eo mesohg-

mesohg iete tfrsfkut <

S5 S;





^(Sm) ^(Sh)

;. Yfhtubeh ho`eo mesohg-mesohg pf`uehg tfarotos iero ceso` pfhggemkereh ie te (pfrsemeeh iostrokusohye) < S5






^‟(Sh) Sh 4. Iero bfiue ho`eo pf`uehg tfrsfkut, tfhtubeh sf`osoc tfrkfserhye ehtere  pf`uehg ↛

 pfhgemeteh ifhgeh pf`uehg tfar oto otos. I = mebsomum R ^(Sm) — ^n(Sm)] 9.

Kfrieserbeh tekf` ho`eo brotos (Tmorhav — Ba`magaraj tfst ), ), tfhtubeh cerge I> (Yekf` ;.5>).


Yekf` ;.5> Ho`eo I> brotos uhtub ulo bfdadabeh bfdadabeh Tmorhav-Ba`magaraj   Tmorhav-Ba`magaraj 

ε ifrelet bfpfrdeyeeh

Lum`ec iete  H




>, >5





>, :7





>, 9?





>, 9>





>, 4:





>, 4;





>, ;?





>, ;7





>, ;6





>, ;9





>, ;4






( Tumkfr < Tafwerha,5??6)

Iomehe ε = ifrelet bfpfrdeyeeh


Ohtfhsotes Durec Culeh

Ohtfhsotes culeh eie`ec tohggo eteu bfie`emeh eor culeh pfr setueh webtu. Tojet umum

culeh eie`ec meboh sohgbet culeh kfr`ehgsuhg ohtfhsoteshye dfhifruhg meboh tohggo ieh meboh kfser pfroaif u`ehghye meboh tohggo pu`e ohtfhsoteshye. Ehe`osos ohtfsotes durec culeh oho iepet ioprasfs iero iete durec culeh yehg tf`ec tfrleio peie mese `empeu. [umus-rumus yehg iepet iopebeo < e. Mfhurut  Ir.  Ir. Mahahakf  Mahahakf

Lobe Lobe iet ietee dur durec ec cule culehh yehg yehg eie eie cehy cehyee dure durecc cu cule lehh cero ceroeh eh.. [u [umu muss yehg yehg ioguhebeh (sasraiersaha, ;>>4) < ;



;9  4




Iomehe < O t

= Ohtfhsotes durec culeh (mm/lem) = `emehye durec culeh (  llem)

[ ;9 ;9

= durec culeh mebsomum ie`em ;9 lem (mm)



k. Mfhurut  Tcfrmeh

[umus yehg ioguhebeh (Tafmerta, 5???) < O=



(;.46) k





(`ag(oo)) (`ag( (`ag( (`ag(t  t  ));

`ag e =



h(`ag( (`ag(t  t  ))


o5 ;


……......... ....... (;.4:)

(`ag(t  (`ag( t  )) 

 o 5

o 5




o5 h



(`ag(t  (`ag( t  ) `ag( `ag(oo)) (`ag( (`ag(t  t  ))


(`ag(oo )) (`ag( (`ag( (`ag(t  t  )) h(`ag( (`ag(t  t  ) `ag( `ag(oo ))  k  = 






h (`ag( (`ag(t  t  ))


………………….......................... (;.47)



(`ag(t  (`ag( t  )) 

 o 5

o 5

Iomehe < O = ohtfhsotes durec culeh (mm/lem) t

= `emehye durec culeh (mfhot)


= bahstehte yyehg ehg tfrgehtuhg peie `eme durec culeh yehg tfrleio io iefrec e`oreh.


=  kehyebhye

pesehgeh iete o ieh t.

d. Mfhurut Ye`kat 

[umus yehg iopebeo (Tafmerta, 5???) < O 



(t k) (;.43) h







(o.t ) o  o  .t  o



 l  l  5

 l  l  5




h o 



( o ) 



 l 5



o .t h


 l 5


 l 5

 l 5




................................................................... ................................................................... (;.4?)

   l l 5

 l  l  5


o 5

 l  l  5







o  l 5

.............................................................. (;.9>)



 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh



Iomehe < O

= ohtfhsotes durec culeh (mm/lem)


= `emehye durec culeh (mfhot)


= bahstehte yehg tfrgehtuhg peie `eme durec culeh yehg tfrleio io iefrec e`oreh


= kehyebhye pesehgeh iete o ieh t

i. Mfhurut  Oscogura

[umus yehg ioguhebeh (Tafmerta, 5???) < e

O = 


t k

 ( o. e=

t ) 

 l 5






h  o 

 k =


( o )

 l 5



o . o

............................................................. (;.9;)

  l 5








 l 5


 l 5

 l 5

 l 5 h

t o 

 l 5 h



. t

 l 5 ;




 l 5

.............................................................. (;.94)

o  l


Iomehe < O

= ohtfhsotes

durec culeh (mm/lem)


= `emehye durec culeh (mfhot)


= bahstehte yehg tfrgehtuhg peie `eme durec culeh yehg tfrleio io iefrec e`oreh

h ;.;.6

= kehyebhye pesehgeh iete o ieh t Culeh Kfrpf`uehg Mebsomum ( ^rakek`f  ^rakek`f Mexomum ^rfdopotetoah, ^rfdopotetoah, ^M^)

^M^ ioifjohosobeh sfkegeo tohggo tfrkfser culeh cule h ifhgeh iureso tfrtfhtu tfrtfhtu yehg sfdere mftfara`agos iomuhgbohbeh kego suetu iefrec pfhge`oreh ie`em suetu webtu ie`em tecuh, tehpe eiehye bf`ahg bf`ahggereh gereh yehg iokuet uhtub trfhi b`ometa`agos lehgbe  peh lehg ehg.(D.I .(D.I Tafmerta, 5??6).

Tfdere tfarotos iepet ioifjohosobeh sfkegeo bftfke`eh culeh mebsomum

uhtub `eme webtu tfrtfhtu yehg sfdere josob muhgboh tfrleio ie`em suetu wo`eyec e`oreh ie`em buruh webtu tfrtfhtu ( Emfrodeh Mftfara`ogode` Tadofty, 5?6?). Eie ; mftaif


 pfhifbeteh yehg iepet ioguhebeh uhtub mfmpfrborebe mfmpfrborebehh kfserhye ^M^ (Dcey  Esieb, 5??6),


yeotu <

Dere Mebsomoseso ieh Yrehspasoso Bfleioeh Culeh

Yfbhob mebsomoseso mf`oketbeh preboreeh ketes mebsomum bahsfhtreso bf`fmkemeh io uiere yehg mfhge`or bf ie`em etmasjfr io etes suetu IET. ^eie ketes mebsomum tfrsfkut, cfmkuseh ehgoh ebeh mfmkewe sfrte uiere `fmkek bf etmasjfr io etes I IET ET yehg  kfrsehgbuteh ieh ketes mebsomum jrebso iero e`oreh uep eor yehg ebeh mfhleio cu leh. ^frboreeh kfserhye ^M^ io iefrec ifhgeh topf culeh aragrejob tfrketes  koesehye io`ebubeh ifhgeh dere mebsomoseso ieh trehspasoso culeh yehg sfsuhgguchye. Tfmfhtere

io iefrec ifhgeh pfhgeruc culeh aragrejob buet, bfleioeh culeh yehg

ioceso`beh ier o somu`eso maif` `fkoc kehyeb iomehjeetbeh uhtub prasfiur mebsomoseso uhtub bf leioeh culeh lehgbe pehlehg yehg mf`oputo wo`eyec `ues. ( Wfoshfr , 5?7>)

k. Dere Ehe`osos Ehe`osos Ttetostobe Ttetostobe uhtub bfleioeh culeh fbstrom


mfhgelubeh mfhg elubeh rumu rumuss yehg ioieser ioieserbeh beh etes pfrsem pfrsemeeh eeh jrf jrfbufh bufhso so umum,

iobfmkehgbeh a`fc Dcaw (5?65) ie`em Weri ieh  [akohsah (5??>). [umus oho mfhgeotbeh ehtere kfserhye ^M^ uhtub `eme webtu culeh tfrtfhtu tfrceiep ho`eo tfhgec (  Sh Sh)

ieh stehier ifvoeso (Th). Th).

 ^M^ Sh Bm.Th ………………………………………………………………


Iomehe <

 ^M^ =  ^rakek`f Mexomum  ^rfdo p  pot etoah


= jebtar pfhge`o tfrceiep stehier ifvoeso


= ho`eo tfhgec (mfeh) iete culeh mebsomum tecuheh


= stehier ifvoeso iete culeh mebsomum tecuheh


= jebtar pfhge`o tfrceiep stehier ifvoeso

Kfserhye peremftfr  Bm  koesehye iotfhtubeh ;>, hemuh io`epehgeh umumhye  kfrver oeso  Sh ) ieh `eme we tfrgehtuhg tfrgeht uhg ho`eo tfhgec iete culeh mebsomum tecuheh ( Sh webt btuu cu leh.

Bfuhtuhgeh tfbhob oho muiec ie`em pfmebeoehhye ieh ioieserbeh peie pfhdeteteh ie te culeh io `epehgeh, sfiehgbeh bfburehgehhye eie`ec tfbhob ^M^ mfmfr`ubeh iete cu leh


yehg kfrlehgbe pehlehg ieh kfserhye  Bm  luge iotfhtubeh a`fc jebtar `eoh sf`eoh ho`eo tfhgec iete culeh tecuheh mebsomum ieh `eme webtuhye culeh. Kfserhye ^M^ uhtub   pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg eie`ec ^M^/4, sfiehgbeh uhtub pfrfhdeheeh IEM seme ifhgeh  kfserhye ^M^. Kehlor Kfrpf`uehg Mebsomum ( ^rakek`f Mexomum ^rfdopotetoah, ^rfdopotetoah, ^MJ)



ifkot mebsomum yehg mesoc iopoborbeh yehg iotomku`beh a`fc sfmue

jeb tar mftfara`agos

yehg tfrkurub ebokethye ifkot yehg iopfra`fc mfhleio sehget

 kfser ieh kfrerto kehguheh mfhleio sehget mece`. A`fc sfkek otu dere oho umumhye cehye uhtub ioguhebeh peie kegoeh kehguheh yehg sehget pfhtohg ieh bfgege`eh juhgsoahe` oho iepet mfhgeboketbeh ce`-ce` yehg sehget mfmkeceyebeh, mose` peie  kehguheh  pf`ompec ( spo``wey  spo``wey) peie sfkuec fmkuhg. Epeko`e iete ifkot toieb tfrsfioe mebe  prake  prakek k` f Mexomum ^rfdopotetoah (^M^) iepet ioifbeto ifhgeh mfmesubbeh iete tfrsfkut bfie`em maif`. Bahsfp oho muhdu` ioewe`o a`fc bftoiebyeboheh ehe`osos kecwe suetu rehdehgeh yehg ioieserbeh peie suetu ehe`osos jrfbufhso ebeh kftu`-kftu` emeh, mfsbopuh ceso` ehe`osos jrfbufhso sf`eme oho ioehggep yehg tfrkeob iokehiohgbeh ifhgeh kfsereh `eoh yehg ioturuhbeh iero maif`, ebeh tftepo bfsf`emeteh mehusoe obut tfrsehgbut, mebe ehe`osos tfrsfkut iopehiehg  kf`um mfhdubupo. Epepuh e`esehhye bfsf`emeteh mehusoe cerus io`ftebbeh uruteh bf etes. (Tro Certa, 5??4) ;.;.7

Ifkot Kehlor [fhdehe

Vhtub mfhdero ifkot kehlor rfhdehe iepet ioguhebeh kfkfrepe mftaif ioehterehye cukuhgeh fmporos ehtere durec culeh ifhgeh `ompeseh. Mftaif oho pe`oh pe`ohgg kehyeb io bfmkehgbeh sfcohgge ioiepet kfkfrepe rumus, ioehterehye eie`ec < ;.;.7.5

Mftaif  Ifr Wfiuwfh Mftaif Ifr

; Wfiu wfh ioguhebeh uhtub `ues IET ≩ 5>> bm ieh t = 5/: lem sempeo Mftaif  Ifr Wfiuwfh

5; lem ioguhebeh rumus (@afkos, 5?37) < Ut .  .q h E   ................................................................................................ .................................................................................................. .. (;.96) t

>,;6 @U

>,5;6 t 


>,  ;6

5;>> ((t 5)(t ?)) E   5; 5;>  E


........................................................... ............................................................................... ....................

(;.9:) (;.97)



:7,:6 ;9> t 5,96

 [ h

  ............................................................................................. (;.93)



................................................................................................ (;.9?)

qh 7

Iomehe < Ut

= Ifkot kehlor rfhdehe (m4/ift)


= Durec culeh mebsomum (mm/cero) ifhgeh bfmuhgboheh teb  tfrpfhuco h%


= Bafjosofh pfhge`oreh eteu `ompeseh (ruh ajj ) eor cu leh = Bafjosofh pfhgurehgeh iefrec uhtub durec culeh IET



= Ifkot pfrsetueh `ues eteu durec culeh iero ceso` pfrcotuhgeh [h 4


(m /if )



= Webtu bahsfhtreso (  llem)


= @ues iefrec pfhge`oreh (bm ) sempeo 5>> bm;


= ^ehlehg suhgeo (bm)


= Greiofh suhgeo eteu mfieh


Mftaif  Cespfrs

Vhtub mfhgcotuhg kfserhye ifkot ifhgeh mftaif  Cespfrs ioguhebeh  pfrsemeeh

sfkegeo kfrobut (@afkos, 5?37) <

Ut .  .q h E  E  ......................................................................................................


Bafjosofh  [uh Ajj ( ) Bafjosofh [uh >.7 5  >.>5; j   ............................................................................................... (;.65)   >.7 5  >.76 j Bafjosofh [fiubso ( )



t 4.7 x5> t




>.9t  >.9 t 





Webtu bahsfhtreso ( t )

t = >.5 @>.3 O->.4................................................................................................... (;.64)



Iomehe < j

= `ues f``ops yehg mfhgf`o`ohgo I^T ifhgeh sumku pehlehg toieb `fkoc iero

5,6 be`o sumku pfhifb (bm ; )


= webtu bahsfhtreso (  llem)


= ^ehlehg suhgeo (Bm)


= bfmorohgeh rete-rete suhgeo

Ohtfhsotes Culeh

  Vhtub t 0 ; lem t[ ;9


....................................................... (;.69)

t 5  >.>>>3  (;:>  [;9)(;  [ ;9)(; t ) 


05?  lem   Vhtub ; lem t 05? t[ ;9


t 5

....................................................................................................... (;.66)

  Vhtub 5? lem t 4> lem  [t >.7>7 [  [;9 ;9


5 ..................................................................................... (;.6:)

iomehe t ie`em lem ieh [t, [;9 (mm) Culeh mebsomum ( q h )


 [h 4,: t 

  ....................................................................................................... (;.67)

Iomehe < t

= Webtu bahsfhtreso (  llem) 4

Ut [h

= Ifkot kehlor rfhdehe (m /if t) = Durec culeh mebsomum (mm/cer o)


= Ifkot pfrsetueh `ues (m4 /ift. / bm; )

Eiepuh `ehgbec-`ehgbec ie`em mfhgcotuhg ifkot puhdebhye eie`ec sfkegeo  kfr obut (@afkos, 5?37) <

e. Mfhfhtubeh kfserhye durec culeh sfcero ([c rfhdehe) uhtub pfroaif u`ehg rfhdehe

yehg io p  p o`oc.

 k. Mfhfhtubeh bafjosofh ruh ajj uhtub iefrec e`oreh suhgeo.


d. Mfhgcotuhg `ues iefrec pfhge`oreh, pehlehg suhgeo ieh greiofh ssuhgeo uhgeo uhtub  IET.

i. Mfhgcotuhg ho`eo webtu bahsfhtreso. f.

Mfhgco Mfhgcotuhg tuhg bafjo bafjosofh sofh rfiub rfiubso, so, oht ohtfhsotes fhsotes cculeh, uleh, ifko ifkott pfrse pfrsetueh tueh ``ues ues ieh ifkot rfhdehe.


Mftaif JT[ Lewe ieh Tumetre

 Ohstotutf aj Cyira`agy), We``ohgjari , Axah, Ohggr os ^eie tecuh 5?3;-5?34, OAC ( Ohstotutf


ifhgeh I^ME (Iorfbtaret ^fhyf`oi ^fhyf`oiobeh obeh

Mese`ec Eor) tf`ec

mf`ebsehebeh pfhf`otoeh uhtub mfhgcotuhg ifkot puhdeb kehlor yehg iocerepbeh tfrleio peie pf`uehg eteu pfroaif u`ehg tfrtfhtu kfrieserbeh bftfrsfioeeh iete ifk ot  kehlor ifhgeh dere ehe`osos stetostob uhtub Lewe ieh Tumetre. Vhtub mfhiepetbeh ifkot kehlor puhdeb kehlor peie pfroaif u`ehg tfrtfhtu, mebe iepet iobf`ampabbeh mfhleio iue tecep pfrcotuhgeh, yeotu < 5. ^frcotuhgeh ifkot puhdeb kehlor tecuheh ret rete-rete e-rete (mfeh ehhue` j`aai = MEJ) ;. ^fhgguheeh jebtar pfmkfser (Grawtc jedtar = GJ) tfrceiep ho`eo MEJ uh tub  mfhgcotuhg ifkot puhdeb kehlor sfsueo ifhgeh pfroaif u`ehg yehg ioohgohbeh.

^frboreeh ifkot puhdeb kehlor tecuheh rete-rete, kfrieserbeh bftfrsfioeeh iete ier o suetu I^T, ifhgeh bftfhtueh < 5. Epeko`e tfrsfioe iete ifkot, mohome` 5> tecuh iete ruhtut webtu mebe, MEJ iocotuhg kfrieserbeh iete sfroe` ifkot puhdeb kehlor tecuheh. ;.

Epeko`e tfrsfioe iete ifkot burehg iero 5> ttecuh ecuh iete ruhtut webtu, mebe MEJ iocotuhg kfrieserbeh mftaif puhdeb kehlor io etes emkehg ( ^feb avfr e tcrfsca`i

= ^AY).

4. Epeko`e iero I^T tfrsfkut, kf`um tfrsfioe iete ifkot, mebe MEJ iotfhtubeh ifhgeh pfrsemeeh rfgrfso, kfrieserbeh iete `ues I^T (E[FE), rete-rete tecuheh iero durec culeh tfrkfser ie`em setu cero (E^KE[), bfmorohgeh suhgeo (TOMT), ieh ohifbs iero `ues gfhehgeh sfpfrto `ues ieheu, gfhehgeh eor, weiub ( @EBF   @EBF ))..


= GJ.(Y.E[FE) x MEJ (m4/itb)....................................................... (;.63)


;.996 >.557 >.36 = 3 : ( E[FE  E[FE)Z  x(  x( E^KE[   E^KE[ )   xTOMT  x(5  x (5  @EBF )  ......................... (;.6?)




= 5.>; - >.>;76. `ag(E[FE)............................................................. (;.:>)






 MT@ = ^KE[ x E[J (mm)........................................................................



Iomehe <  E[FE

= @ues IET.(bm;)


= Culeh tfrpuset rfrete mebsomum tecuheh sf`eme ;9 lem. (mm), iodero iero pfte osacyft.


= Culeh rfrete mebsomum tecuheh yehg mfwebo`o IET sf`eme ;9  lem.(mm)

 E[J  MT@

= Jebtar rfiubso. = Lereb tfrleuc iero tfmpet pfhgemeteh sempeo cu`u suhgeo.(Bm)




= Ohifx ieheu ( > s/i >.;6).


= Ifkot rfrete mexomum tecuheh.(m 4/itb)


= Ifkot rehdehgeh. (m4/itb)


= Grawtc jeb tar 

Ohifb bfmor ohgeh


Yekf` ;.55 Grawtc Jebtar (GJ GJ)) ;

^froaif V`ehg

@ues IET (Bm ) 05:>





6 5> ;>

5.;: 5.6: 5.33

5.;7 5.69 5.33

5.;9 5.93 5.76

5.;; 5.99 5.7>

5.5? 5.95 5.:9

5.57 5.47 5.6?

6> 5>> ;>>

;.46 ;.76 4.;7

;.4> ;.7; 4.;>

;.53 ;.67 4.>5

;.5> ;.97 ;.3?

;.>4 ;.:7 ;.73

5.?6 ;.;7 ;.::

6>> 5>>>

9.>5 9.:3

4.?; 9.63

4.7> 9.4;

4.6: 9.5:

4.95 9.>5

4.;7 4.36

(Tumkfr < Lafsrah @afkos,5?37)


Coiragrej Tetueh Tohtftob GEME O

Dere oho iopebeo sfkegeo upeye mfmpfra`fc coiragrej setueh suetu IET yehg  kf`um  pfrhec ioubur. Ifhgeh pfhgfrtoeh `eoh toieb tfrsfioe iete pfhgubureh ifkot meupuh meu puh

ietee EW iet EW@[ @[ ( Eutametod  Eutametod Wetfr @fvf` [fdarifr ) peie peie sue suetu tu tf tfmpe mpett

tfrtfhtu ie`em sfkuec IET yehg toieb eie stesouh coiramftfrhye (Tafmerta, 5???). Dere Dere oho iob iobfmk fmkehg ehgbe behh a`fc Tyhi Tyhifr fr  peie tecuh 5?43 yehg mfmehjeet mfmehjeetbeh beh  peremftfr IET uhtub mfmpfra`fc coiragrej setueh sohtftob. Ce` tfrsfkut ioieserbeh  peie  pfmob oreh kecwe pfhge`ocregemeh culeh mfhleio e`oreh keob pfhgeruc trehs`eso meupuh

tempuhgehhyee tempuhgehhy

iepet iolf`es iolf`esbeh beh iopfhg iopfhgeruco eruco a`fc ssostf ostfm m IE IET-hye. T-hye.

Coiragrej setueh Tohtftob Geme O iokfhtub a`fc fmpet veroekf` pabab yeotu webtu heob

(Y  [), ifk ot  puhdeb (U p), webtu ieser ( Y  K) ieh bafjosofh tempuhgeh (b) (Tro

 Cer tt  a,5??4). a,5??4).

Burve heob mfrupebeh geros `urus, sfiehgbeh burve turuh iokfhtub a`fc  pfrsemeeh sfkegeo kfrobut <  t

Ut Up f






tr Y


Ut = Up.f

t tp

Up t


t Yk

Gemker ;.9 Tbftse Coiragrej setueh sohtftob Geme O

Iomehe < Ut

= ifkot yehg ioubur ie`em lem bf-t sfsuiec ifkot puhdeb ie`em (m´/ift)

Up Y

= ifkot puhdeb ie`em (m´/ift) = webtu yehg ioubur iero seet tfrleiohye ifkot puhdeb (  llem)


= bafjosofh tempuhgeh ie`em  lem

Webtu heob (Y  [)

Y [


>,9 4  5>>.TJ


…....................... ......................... .......................... ................... ..... (;.:9) 5,>::6TOM 5,;776 …..........

Iomehe < Y  [

= webtu heob (  llem)

 @ TJ

= pehlehg suhgeo (bm) = jebtar sumkfr yeotu pfrkehi pfrkehiohgeh ohgeh ehtere lum`ec pehlehg suhgeo tohgbet

O ifhgeh pehlehg suhgeo sfmue tohgbet


= jebtar somftro iotftepbeh sfkegeo ceso` be`o ehtere jebtar `fker (WJ)


ifhgeh `ues rf`etoj IET sfkf`ec cu`u ( [VE)  [VE) = jebtar `fker eie`ec pfrkehiohgeh eehtere htere `fker I IET ET yehg ioubur ier o totob io suhgeo yehg kfrlereb >,76 @ ieh `fker IET yehg ioubur ier o totob yehg kfrlereb >,;6 @ iero tfmpet pfhgubureh, `ocet Gemker ;.9


Ifkot puhdeb (U ^ )

U p

>,534: E>,633:.Y[>,9>>3 LH  . LH >,633:

......................... ............ ......................... ............ ............ ..................... ......... (;.:6)

Iomehe < U p


ifkot puhdeb (m4/ift)



 lum`ec pfrtfmueh suhgeo yeotu lu lum`ec m`ec sf sf`uruc `uruc pfrtfmueh suhgeo io ie`em IET

Y  [


webtu heob ( lem)


= `ues IET (bm;).

Webtu ieser (Y  K)


>,5967 >,>?3: >,7499 >, ;679 ;7,954; Y[  Y[  T TH  [VE



Iomehe < Y  K

= webtu ieser (  llem)

Y  [ T

= webtu heob (  llem) = `ehieo suhgeo rete-rete


= ho`eo sumkfr eie`ec pfrkehiohgeh ehtere lum`ec sfgmfh suhgeosuhgeo tohgbet 5(setu) ifhgeh lum`ec suhgeo sfmue tohgbet uh tub  pfhftepeh


tohgbet suhgeo

= `ues IET sfkf`ec cu`u (bm;), yeotu pfrkehiohgeh ehtere `ues IET yehg ioubur io cu`u geros yehg ioterob tfgeb `urus geros cukuhg ehtere stesouh coiramftro ifhgeh totob yehg pe`ohg ifbet ifhgeh totob  kfre t IET ( Eu  Eu), ifhgeh `ues sf`uruc IET, `ocet Gemker ;.:.


 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh



W@ K


S-E=>,;6@ S-K=>,,76@ S-K=> WJ=WV//W@ WJ=WV



Gemker ;.6 Tbftse ^fhftepeh WJ


[VE=Eu/E Gemker ;.: Tbftse ^fhftepeh [VE

Iomehe < WV

= @fker IET ioubur io totob suhgeo kfrlereb >,76 @ iero totob bahtra` (bm)


= @fker IE IETT ioubur io totob suhgeo kfrlereb >,;6 @ iero totob bahtra` (bm)


= @ues Iefrec E`oreh Tuhgeo (bm;)


= @ues Iefrec E`oreh Tuhgeo io cu`u geros yehg ioterob tfgeb `urus geros cukuhg ehtere totob bahtra` ifhgeh totob ie`em suhgeo, ifbet totob

kfret IET (bm;)



= Kfie tohggo ehter totob tfrleuc suhgeo ifhgeh totob bahtra` (m)


= WV/ W@


= Lm` @5/@ = Ho`eo kehiohg eht ehtere ere lum`ec sfgmfh suhgeo tohgbet setu ifhgeh lum`ec sfgmfh sf gmfh suhge suhgeoo sfm sfmue ue tohgbet


= Bfrepeteh lerohgeh = Ho`eo kehiohg pehlehg suhgeo ieh `ues IET = Lum`ec pfrtfmueh eheb suhgeo ioie`em IET

Bafjosofh tempuhgeh(b)

......................... ........................... ........................... .................... ........ (;.:7) b >,6:57.E >,57?3 .T >,599: .TJ 5, >3?7 .I >,>96; ............. Iomehe <  E

= @ues Iefrec E`oreh Tuhgeo (bm;)


= Bfmorohgeh [ete-rete suhgeo ioubur iero totob bahtra`


= Jebtar sumkfr yeotu ho`eo kehiohg ehtere pehlehg suhgeo tohgbet setu ieh lum`ec pehlehg suhgeo sfmue tohgbet


= Lm` @/IET

Ie`em pfmebeoeh dere oho mesoc eie ce`-ce` `eoh yehg pfr`u iopfrcetobeh, io ehterehye sfkegeo kfrobut < 5. ^fhftepeh culeh fjfbtoj uhtub mfmpfra`fc coiragrej io`ebubeh ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh ohifbs-ohjo`treso. Ó ohifx eie`ec mfhuhlubbeh `elu bfco`ehgeh eor  culeh eboket ifprfsoah staregf, ohj`otreso ieh sfkegeohye. Vhtub mfmpfra`fc  Kerhfs, 5?6?). ohifbs oho egeb su`ot, uhtub otu iopfrguhebeh pfhifbeteh tfrtfhtu ( Kerhfs ^frboreeh io`ebubeh ifhgeh mfmpfrtomkehgbeh pfhgeruc peremftfr IET yehg

sfdere coira`ago iepet iobftecuo pfhgeruchye tfrceiep ohifbs ohjo`treso (Tro  Cer tt  a, a, 5??4)<

^frsemeeh pfhifbetehhye eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut < ; 54   =5>,9?>4 4,36? x5>:. E  E 5,:?36 x5> (  E   E / TH  ) 9

................................... (;.:3)


;. Vhtub mfmpfrborebeh e`oreh ieser ioguhebeh pfrsemeeh pfhifbeteh kfrobut oho. ^frsemeeh oho mfrupebeh pfhifbeteh uhtub e`oreh ieser yehg tftep, kfserhye iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus < Uk = >,9765  E >, :999  I >,?94> .......................................................................... (;.:?) Iomehe < Uk = e`oreh ieser  E = `ues IET (bm») I

= bfrepeteh lerohgeh bures (ireohegf ifhsoty) eteu ohifbs bfrepeteh suhgeo yeotu tohgbet iokego


pfrkehiohgeh lum`ec pehlehg suhgeo sfmue ifhgeh `ues IET


CFD-CMT eie`ec  sajtwerf yehg iobfmkehgbeh a`fc V.T Ermy Darps aj Fhg  aj  Fhg ohffr ohg . oho ioguhebeh uhtub ehe`osos coira`ago ifhgeh mfhsomu`esobeh prasfs durec


culeh ieh `ompeseh `ehgsuhg ( ruh ajj ) iero sfkuec wo`eyec suhgeo. CFD-CMT io

ifseoh uhtub uhtub kos kosee ioep`obesob ioep`obesobeh eh iie`em e`em erfe gfagre gfagrejob job yehg sehget sehget `ues uhtub 

mfhyf`fseobeh mese`ec, mf`oputo sup`eo eor iefrec pfhge`oreh suhgeo, coira`ago  keh lor

ieh `ompeseh eor io iefrec bate bfdo` eteupuh beweseh tehgbepeh eor e`emo.


setueh yehg ioceso`beh iepet ioguhebeh `ehgsuhg eteupuh iogekuhgbeh

ifhgeh sajtwerf ifhgeh  sajtwerf reme`eh

`eoh yehg ioguhebeh ie`em bftfrsfioeeh eor, ireohesf pfrbateeh,

iempeb urkehoseso, ifseoh pf`ompec, pfhgurehgeh bfrusebeh kehlor,

rfgu `eso  pfhehgeheh

kehlor ieh sostfm apfreso coira`ago (V.T Ermy Darps aj 

 Fhg ohffr ohg , ;>>5).

Maif` CFD — CMT iepet mfmkfrobeh somu`eso coira`ago iero puhdeb e`oreh

ceroeh uhtub pf pfrcotu rcotuhgeh hgeh ifkot keh kehlor lor rfhd rfhdehe ehe iero

suetu I IET ET (I (Iefrec efrec E`oreh

Tuhgeo). Maif` CFD-CMT mfhgfmes kfrkegeo medem mftaif yehg ioguhebeh ie`em ehe`osos coira`ago. Ie`em pfhgapfresoehhye mfhgguhebeh kesos sostfm wohiaws,

sfcohgge maif` oho mfhleio muiec iopf`elero ieh muiec uhtub ioguhebeh,

tftepo tftep tftep io`ebubeh ifhg ifhgeh eh pfhie`emeh ieh pfmecemeh ifhgeh maif` yehg ioguhebeh. Io ie`em maif` CFD-CMT mfhgehgbet tfaro b`esob coiragrej setueh uhtub ioguhebeh ioguhebeh ie`em pfrmaif`ehhye, ehtere `eoh coiragrej setueh sohtftob Tyhifr , D`erb ,

TDT, eteupuh eteupuh bote iiepet epet mfhgf mfhgfmkehgbeh mkehgbeh coiragre coiragrejj setueh `eoh `eoh ifhgeh

mfhgg mfh gguhe uhebeh beh  Fhg ohffr ohg ,

jes jeso` o`ot otes es

usfr usfr

ifjo ifjohf hf

cyir cyira agrep grepc c



D arps




Tfiehgbeh uhtub mfhyf`fseobeh ehe`osos coira`ago oho, ioguhebeh coiragrej 

 sao` dahsfrvetoah sfrvodf) ifhgeh mfhgehe`osos  kfkfrep e setueh sohtftob iero TDT ( sao`

 peremftfrhye, mebe coiragrej oho iepet iiosfsueobeh osfsueobeh ifhgeh bahioso io ^u`eu Lewe. ;.;.3 Ehe`osos Ifkot Ehie`eh

Ifkot ehie`eh mfrupebeh ifkot mohome` yehg suiec iotfhtubeh yehg iepet iopebeo uh tub  mfmfhuco bfkutuceh eor. ^frcotuhgeh oho mfhgguhebeh dere ehe`osos wetfr ke`ehdf ier o  Ir. J.L Madb fvepatrehsp ores o

 kfrieserbeh iete duerec culeh ku`eheh, lum`ec cero culeh,

ieh berebtfrostob coira`ago iefrec pfhge`oreh. ^r ^rohsop ohsop pfrcotuhgeh oho

eie`ec kecwe cu leh yehg letuc ioetes tehec ( prfsopoteso  prfsopoteso ) sfkegoeh ebeh co`ehg berfhe  pfhguepeh (fvepareso), sfkegoeh ebeh co`ehg mfhleio e`oreh pfrmubeeh ( iorfdt ruh ajj ) ieh sfkegoeh ebeh mesub tehec (ohjo`treso). Ohjo`treso mu`e-mu`e mfhlfhucbeh pfrmubeeeh (tap sao` ) yehg bfmuioeh mfhleio  pfrba`eso ieh ebcorhye bf`uer bf suhgeo sfkegeo kesf j`aw.


^frcotuhgeh ifk ot ehie`eh mf`oputo <

Iete Durec Culeh

[;> = durec culeh  ku `eheh  H = lum`ec cero cu leh k.  Fvepatre  Fvepatrehsporeso  hsporeso 

 Fvepatrehsporeso  ^fhmeh,,  ^fhmeh


tfrketes iocotuhg iero fvepatrehporeso  patfhsoe` Mftaif

= (m/;>) x (53-h)

(;.7>) iF (;.75) Ft`


= (m/;>) x (53-h) x Fta ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ........... ......... = Fta — iF ........................................................................................

(;.7;) Iomehe <


= sf`osoc fvepatrehsporeso  patfhsoe` ieh fvepa t rehsp rehsporeso tfrketes.

Fta = fvepatrehsporeso  patfhsoe`. Ft`

= fvepatrehsporeso tfrketes.


= prasfhtesf `eceh yehg toieb iotutupo vfgfteso. = 5> - 9> % uhtub `eceh yehg tfrfraso. = 4> — 6> % uhtub `eceh pfrtehoeh yehg ioa`ec.



Bfsfomkehgeh Eor peie ^frmubeeh Yehec

[umus mfhgfheo eor culeh yehg mfhdepeo pfrmubeeh tehec.


= [s — Ft`




= TMD(h-5) + OT(h) ..........................................................................


WT Iomehe <

= T — OT




= behiuhgeh eor tehec.


= durec culeh ku `eheh.


= fvepatrehsporeso tfrketes.


= tempuhgeh ewe` / sao` staregf (mm)

OT (h)

= tempuhgeh ewe` / sao` staregf maosturf (mm) io emko` ehtere 6>;6> mm.

TMD(h) = bf`fmkemeh tehec ku`eh bf-h. TMD(h-5) = bf`fmkemeh tehec ku`eh bf- (h-5) WT = wetfr sup`us / va`umf eor kfrsoc. i.

staregf)) @ompeseh (ruh ajj ) ieh tempuhgeh eor tehec ( grauhi wetfr staregf

Z (h)

= b.Z (h-5) + >,6 (`-b).O(h)


= Z (h) — Z (h-5)

........... ..................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ................ ....


(;.7:) (;.77)

Iomehe < Z (h)

= va`umf eor ku`eh bf-h

Z (h-5) = va`umf eor tehec ku`eh bf-(h-5) b O

= jebtar rfsfso e`oreh tehec ioemko` ehtere > — >,5 = bafjosofh ohjo`treso ioemko` ehtere > — 5,>

Cerge b yehg tohggo ebeh mfmkfrobeh rfsfso `emket sfpfrto bahioso gfa`ago `eposeh  kewec yehg `u`us eor. Bafjosofh ohjo`treso iotebsor kfrieserbeh bahioso parasotes tehec ieh bfmorohgeh `eceh. @eceh parus mfmpuhyeo ohjo`treso yehg `fkoc tohggo iokehiohgbeh tehec `fmpuhg kfret. kfret. @eceh yeh yehgg tfrl tfrle` e` mfhyfkekb mfhyfkekbeh eh eor to toieb ieb sfmpet kfrohjo kfrohjo`treso `treso bf ie`em tehec

sfcohgge bafjosofh ohjo`treso ebeh bfd o`.



E`oreh Tuhgeo

E`oreh ieser K (h)

= ohjo`teso  — pfrukeceh va`umf eor ie`em tehec.

= O — iZ (h)

………………………………………………. ……....


E`oreh pfrmubeeh = va`umf eor `fkoc — oh jo`t res reso. I (ra) = WT — O …………………………………………………… ………… E`oreh suhgeo

= e`oreh pfrmubeeh + e`oreh ieser 

 [uh ajj

= I (ra) + K (h)







 x`uesIET   setuku`eh((itb  )  setuku`eh


(;.3>) (;.35)

Ehe`osos Tfiomfh


Yohleueh Vmum

^fhifbeteh tfrkeob uhtub mfhgcotuhg `elu sfiomfhteso eie`ec ifhgeh  pfhgubureh sfiomfh trehspar (trehspart sfiomfht ) io `abeso tepeb fmkuhg. Hemuh berfhe  pfbfrleeh tfrsfkut kf`um pfrhec io`ebube io`ebubeh, h, mebe fstomeso sfiomfhteso io`ebubeh  pfhifbeteh sfdere fmporos. ^frboreeh `elu sfiomfhteso ie`em stuio oho i omebsuibeh

uh uhtu tubb

mf mfmp mpfr fra` a`fc fc

ehgb ehgbee

sfio sfiomf mfhhteso teso

ie` ie`em

set etue uehh

m4/t /tec ecuh, uh,

guh guhee

mfmkfr obeh

 pfrboreeh ehgbe yehg `fkoc pesto uhtub pfhfhtueh ruehg sfiomfh. @elu Fraso ieh  Tfiomfht _of`i Mftaif

;.;.?.; VT@F 

mfmpfrborebeh mfmpfrbo rebeh `elu sfiomfht sfiomfhteso eso

ioguh ioguhebeh ebeh mftaif Wosdcmfofr ieh Tmotc.


oho ebeh mfhgceso`beh mfhgceso`beh pfrboree pfrboreehh kfserhye fraso  grass. Vhtub mfhftepbeh


sfiomfh yehg sempeo io `abeso fmkuhg, fraso  grass ebeh iobe`obeh ifhgeh

re toa  pf`fpeseh

 sfiomfht if`ovfry retoa). Mftaif oho eteu `fkoc iobfhe` sfiomfh ( sfiomfht

mftaif VT@F (uhovfrse` sao` `assfs fquetoah )

yehg tf`ec iotf`oto `fkoc `ehlut lfhos

tehec ieh bahioso io ohiahfsoe ohiahfsoe a`fc Ke`eo ^fhf`otoeh Yehec Kaga Kagar. r. ^frcotuhgeh  pfrboreeh `e lu sfiomfhteso mf`oputo < 5.  Frasovotes Culeh

^fhyfkekk uteme fraso tehec eie`ec pfhgeruc pubu`eh eor culeh peie tehec. ^fhyfke Cu leh

mfhyfkekbeh fraso tehec mf`e`uo iue le`eh, yeotu pf`fpeseh kutoreh tehec

a`fc  pubu`eh

eor culeh peie pfrmubeeh tehec ieh bahtrokuso culeh tfrceiep e`oreh.



mftaif VT@F , preboreeh kfserhye fraso ie`em buruh webtu pfr tecuh

(tecuheh), ieh


ifhgeh ifmoboeh, ehgbe rete-rete jebtar  [ iocotuhg iero iete durec culeh tecuheh sfkehyeb muhgboh ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh pfrsemeeh < h

 [ FO / 5>> S    S 



o 5

Iomehe <  [

= frasovotes culeh rete-rete tecuheh


= lum`ec bfleioeh culeh ie`em buruh webtu setu tecuh (musom cu leh)


= lum`ec tecuh eteu musom culeh yehg ioguhebeh sfkegeo ieser  ^frcotuhgeh

Kfserhye  FO  praparsoahe` ifhgeh durec culeh tate` uhtub bfleioeh culeh iobe`obeh ifhge ifh gehh

ohtfh ohtfhso sotes tes

i oifj ohosobeh

cul culeh eh me mebs bsom omum um

4> mfh mfhot ot.. Jeb Jebta tarr

fr fras asov ovot otes es


sfkegeo sfkeg eo lum`ec set setueh ueh ohifbs fraso cculeh uleh ie`em sftec sftecuh. uh. Ho`e Ho`eoo [ 

yehg mfrupebeh ieye ruseb culeh culeh iepe iepett iotf iotfhtubeh htubeh ifhgeh pfrs pfrsemeeh emeeh yehg io`eparbeh  Ka`s (5?73) ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh iete durec culeh ku`eheh io 97 stesouh  pfheber culeh io ^u`eu Lewe ieh Meiure yehg iobumpu`beh sf`eme 43 tecuh. ^frsemeehhye sfkegeo  kfr obut ( Esieb,  Esieb, ;>>;) < h


4> o 5

 FO 4>

 FO  ............................................................................ ...................  S 

:,55? ^ k 5,;55 


. H   H 

 ^  . ^ mex




Iomehe < [ h  FO 4>


= ohifbs frasovotes culeh (BL/ce/tecuh) = lum`ec bfleioeh culeh ie`em buruh webtu setu tecuh = ohifbs fraso ku`eheh (BL/ce) = llum`ec um`ec tecuh yehg ioguhebeh sfkegeo ieser  pfrcotuhgeh

 ^ k

= durec culeh rete-rete tecuheh(dm)


= lum`ec cero cu culeh leh rete-ret rete-retee pfr tecuh

 ^ mex

= durec culeh mebsomum ceroeh rete-rete (ie`em ;9 lem) pfr  ku`eh uhtub buruh webtu setu tecuh



;.  Fraioko`otes Yehec (B)

Jebtar fraioko`otes tehec ( B   B ) mfrupebeh tohgbet tohgbet rfmkfseh suetu tehec yehg tfrfraso eboket durec culeh. Yehec yehg muiec tfrfraso peie seet iopubu` a`fc  ku tor-kutor  culeh mfmpuhy mfmpuhyeo eo fraio fraioko` ko`ote otess tohgg tohggoo ieh iepet io iopf`elero pf`elero cehye be`eu ttfrleio frleio Fraioko`otes iero kfrkegeo medem tehec cehye iepet ioubur ieh


iokehiohgbeh  pei  peiee seet tfrleio culeh. Kfserhye fraioko`otes tfrgehtuhg peie tapagrejo, bfmorohgeh `frfhg, bfmorohgeh pfrmubeeh tehec, bfdfpeteh pfhggfruseh ( sdaur  vf`adoty),  kfserhye

gehggueh a`fc mehusoe ieh luge iotfhtubeh a`fc berebtfrostob 

tehec sfpfrto tfbstur tehec, steko`otes egrfget tehec, bepesotes ohjo`treso, ieh behiuhgeh argehob ieh b omoe tehec. Yehec yehg mfmpuhyeo fraioko`otes tohggo ebeh tfrfraso



iokehiohgbeh iokehio hgbeh ifhgeh tehec yehg mfmpuhy mfmpuhyeo eo fraioko`otes

rfhiec, ifhgeh ohtfhsotes culeh yehg seme. Luge tehec yehg muiec ioposecbeh (iospfrsovf) ebeh tfrfraso `fkoc dfpet ieropeie tehec yehg tfrobet ( j`addu`etfi ))..  Fraioko`otes

tehec iepet ioho`eo kfrieserbeh sojet-sojet josob tehe tehecc sfkege sfkegeoo kfrobut <

e. Yfbstur tehec yehg mf`oputo <   jrebso ifku (ubureh ; — 6> ¶ m)   jrebso pesor sehget ce`us (6> — 5>> ¶ m)   jrebso pesor (5>> — ;>>> ¶ m)

d. Beier keceh argehob yehg iohyetebe iohyetebehh ie`em %. d. ^frmfeko`otes yehg iohyetebe iohyetebehh sfkegeo kfrobut <   sehget `emket (0 >,5; dm/lem)   `emket (>,5;6 — >,6 dm/lem)   egeb `emket (>,6 — ;,> dm/lem)   sfiehg (;,> — :,;6 dm/lem)   egeb dfpet (:,;6 — 5;,;6 dm/lem)   dfpet (8 5;,6 dm/lem)

i. Ttrubtur iohyetebe iohyetebehh sfkegeo kfrobut <   grehu`er sehget ce`us < tehec `oet kfrifku  

grehu`er ce`us

  grehu`er sfiehg  

grehu`er beser

 kfrpes  kfrp esor 

< tehec `oet  kfrpesor  < `fmpuhg  kfrifk  kfrifku u < `fmpuhg



Jebtar ^ehlehg ieh Bfmorohgeh @frfhg

^rasfs fraso iepet tfrleio peie `eceh ifhgeh bfmorohgeh `fkoc kfser iero ; %. Ifre let bfmorohgeh bfmoroh geh `frfhg sehget pfhtohg, berfhe bfdfpeteh eor ieh bfmempueh uhtub  mfmfdec/mf`fpes ieh mfhgehgbut pertobf`-pertobf` tehec tfrsfkut ebeh  kfr temkec  kfser sfdere fbspahfhsoe` iero suiut bfmorohgeh `frfhg. Tfdere metfmetos iepet iotu`os < Bfco`ehgeh tehec = d. T b  Iomehe < D

= bahsetehte


= bahsetehte


= bfmorohgeh `frfhg (%)

Tuiec eie bahioso tehec yehg suiec iokeleb tftepo toieb iotehemo, fbspahfh B   kfrboser ehtere 5,5 s/i 5,;. Mfhurut Wfosdcmfr mfhyetebeh kecewe ho`eo jebtar @T iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh rumus < e. Vhtub bfmorohgeh `frfhg `fkoc bfdo` ;> % <  @T


 x(>,7: 5>>

>,64 >,>7:T ; ) ............................................................... (;.36)

Ie`em sostfm mftrob rumus <  @T


 x (5,4: 5>>

>,?:6T >,543T ; ) ....................  ................................ ......................... ................. .... .......... (;.3:)

 k. Vhtub bfmor bfmorohgeh ohgeh `frfhg `fkoc kfser iero ;> % >,:

5, 9

   @  T  @T  ;;,5   x  ?   ................................................................................ Iomehe < @ = pehlehg `frfhg (m) T


= Bfmorohgeh `frfhg (%)

 Ho`eo jebtar @T seme ifhgeh 5 lobe pehlehg `frfhg ;; mftfr ieh bfmor ohgeh `frfhg ? %. %. ^ehlehg `f `frfhg rfhg iepet ioubur peie pft pftee tapagre tapagrejo, jo, tftepo uhtub  mfhfhtubeh ketes ewe` ieh uluhg iero `frfhg mfhge`emo bfsubereh. Etes ieser   pfhgfrtoeh kecwe fraso iepet tfrleio ifhge ifhgehh eieh eiehye ye ruh ajj (avfr`ehi j`aw), mebe aw.  pehlehg `frfhg iepet ioertobeh sfkegeo pehlehg `frfhg avfr`ehi  j` aw.



Jebtar ^fhutup @eceh (D)

Jebtar D mfrupebeh jebtar yehg mfhuhlubeh bfsf`uruceh pfhgeruc iero jeb tar  vfgfteso, sfrfsec, bahioso pfrmubeeh tehec, ieh pfhgf`a`eeh `eceh tfrceiep  kfserhye tehec yehg co`ehg (fraso). Jebtar oho mfhgubur bamkoheso pfhgeruc tehemeh ieh  pfhgf`a`eehhye. Kfser ho`eo D peie pfhf`otoeh oho ioemko` ifhgeh mf `ebubeh  pfrcotuhgeh prasfhtesf `ues iero toep lfhos pfhgf`a`eeh tehemeh yehg eie peie toep

suk IET. Ho`eo D yehg ioemko` eie`ec ho`eo D rete - rete iero kfrkego

 lfhos  pfhgf`a`eeh

tehemeh ie`em setu suk IET, iobeotbeh ifhgeh prasfhtesf


Eiepuh Eiep uh kfh kfhtub tub me metfme tfmetos tos ier ieroo pf pfrco rcotuh tuhgeh geh ho` ho`eo eo D re rete-r te-rete ete toe toepp suk I IET ET eie`ec< h

 E o D o ) ( E D   IET  





 Eo o5

Vhtub suetu suk IET yehg mfmo`obo bampasoso tete guhe `eceh/ vfgfteso tehemeh yehg dfhifruhg camagfh, mebe ho`eo D iero tete guhe `eceh/ vfgfteso yehg iam oheh tfrsfkut ebeh ioemko` sfkegeo ho`eo D rete — rete. 6.

^fhiugeeh @elu Fraso ^atfhsoe` (F-^at)

Fraso patfhsoe` eie`ec fraso mebsomum yehg muhgboh tfrleio io suetu tfmpet ifhgeh bfeieeh pfrmubeeh tehec guhiu` sfmpurhe, sfcohgge tfrleiohye prasfs fraso cehye iosfkekbeh a`fc jebtar e`em (tehpe bftfr`oketeh mehusoe, tumkuceh, ieh sfkegeohye), yeotu ob`om, bcusushye durec culeh, sojet-sojet ohtfrhe` tehec ieh bfeieeh tapagrej o tehec. ^fhiugeeh fraso patfhsoe` iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh pfhifbeteh rumus kfrobut < F-^at = [ x B x @T x E

............................................................................. (;.3?)

Iomehe < F-^at = fraso patfhsoe` (tah/tecuh) [

= ohifbs frasovotes cu leh

B @T

= fraioko`otes tehec = jebtar pehlehg ieh bfmorohgeh `frfhg


= `ues iefrec e`oreh suhgeo (ce)


 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh




^fhiugeeh @elu Fraso Ebtue` (F-Ebt)

Fraso ebtue` tfrleio berfhe eiehye dempur tehgeh mehusoe ie`em bfgoetehhye sfcer ocero, mose`hye pfhga`eceh tehec uhtub pfrtehoeh ieh eiehye uhsur-uhsur  pfhutup tehec. ^fhutupeh pfrmubeeh tehec guhiu` ifhgeh tehemeh ebeh mfmpfrbfd o` tfrleiohye fraso, sfcohgge iepet iobetebeh kecwe `elu fraso ebtue` sf`e`u `fkoc iero peie `elu fraso patfhsoe`. Oho kfrerto kecwe eiehye bftfr`oketeh mehusoe


ebeh mfmpfrbfdo` ceso`

`elu fraso patfhsoe`. Iepet iobetebeh kecwe fraso ebtue` eie`ec

gehie ehtere fraso patfhsoe` ifhgeh pa`e pfhgguheeh `eceh tfrtfhtu, sfcohgge

iepet iocotuhg

ifhgeh rumus kfr obut<

F-Ebt = F - ^at x D x ^




Iomehe < F-Ebt

e/tecuh) = fraso ebtue` io IET (tah/ ah/ce/te cuh)

F-^at = fraso patfhsoe` (tah/ce/tc) = jebtar pfhutup `eceh = jebtar bahsfrveso tehec

D ^ 7.

^fhiugeeh @elu Tfiomfhteso ^atfhsoe`

Tfiomfhteso patfhsoe` eie`ec prasfs pfhgehgbuteh sfiomfh ceso` iero prasfs fraso  patfhsoe` uhtub iofhiepbeh io lerohgeh orogeso ieh `eceh pfrseweceh eteu tfmpettfmpet tfrtfhtu. Yoieb sfmue sfiomfh yehg ioceso`beh fraso ebtue` mfhleio sfiomfh, cehye sfkegoeh bfdo` metfroe` sfiomfh yehg tfrfraso io `eceh (IET) mfhdepeo au t` ft   kesoh tfrsfkut eteu suhgeo eteu se`ureh tfrifbet. ^frkehiohgeh ehtere sfiomfh yehg tfrubur io aut`ft ieh fraso io `eceh koese iosfkut hoskec pfhgehgbuteh sfiomfh eteu Tfiomfh If`ovfry [etoa (TI[). Tfiomfh yehg ioceso`b ioceso`beh eh fraso ebtue ebtue`` puh toieb  sfmuehye mfhleio sfiomfh, ce` oho tfrgehtuhg iero pfrkehiohgeh ehtere va`umf sfiomfh ceso` fraso ebtue` yehg mempu mfhdepeo e`oreh suhgeo ifhgeh va`umf sfiomfh yehg kose iofhiepbeh iero `eceh io eteshye (TI[). Ho`eo TI[ tfrgehtuhg ier o

`ues IET, yehg fret cukuhgehhye if ifhgeh hgeh pa`e pfhgguheeh `eceh. Ho`e Ho`eoo TI[ 

i ocotuhg ifhgeh



pfrsemeeh sfkegeo  kfr obut<

T ( 5  >,3:34 E ; (T 6>h 6>h)



  >,3:34 E >,;>53

.......................... ............ ............................ ..............

Iomehe < TI[ = resoa pf`fpeseh sfiomfh, ho`eohye > 0 TI[ 0 5




= `ues IET (ce)


= bfmorohgeh `frfhg rete-rete pfrmubeeh IET (%)


= bafjosofh bfbesereh  Mehh ohg 

^fhiugeeh `elu sfiomfhteso patfhsoe` yehg tfrleio io suetu IET iocotuhg ifhgeh pfrsemeeh Wfosdcmfofr

T-^at = F-Ebt x

ieh Tmotc, 5?63 sfkegeo kfrobut <



Iomehe < If`ovfry  [etoa TI[ = Tfiomfh If`ovfry [e

T-^at = sfiomfhteso  patfhsoe` F-Ebt = fraso ebtue` (fraso yehg tf leio ;.4

Ehe`osos Bfkutuceh Eor Kebu


Ttehier Bfkutuceh Eor Kebu

Bfkutuceh eor kebu iosoho iototob kfretbeh peie pfhyfioeeh eor kebu uhtub ioa`ec mfh leio eor

kfrsoc. Ttehier bfkutuceh eor eie ; (iue) medem yeotu < (Iotlfh Dopte Berye,



Ttehier Bfkutuceh Eor Iamfstob 

Ttehier bfkutuceh eor iamfstob yeotu bfkutuceh eor yehg ioguhebeh peie tfmpet -tfmpet cuhoeh prokeio uhtub mfmfhuco bfpfr`ueh sfcero-cero < mfmeseb, mohum, mfhdudo ieh bfpfr`ueh


rumec tehgge `eohhye. Tetueh yehg iopebeo `otfr /arehg/cer o.

Ttehier Bfkutuceh Eor Hah Iamfstob 

Ttehier bfkutuceh eor hah iamfstob eie`ec bfkutuceh eor kfrsoc io`uer bfpfr`ueh rumec tehgge, ehtere `eoh < 5. ^fhgguhe bamfrso` ieh ohiustr o _eotu pfhgguhe eor a`fc keieh-keieh bamfrso` ieh ohiustr o. ;. ^fhgguhe umum _eotu pfhgguhe eor uhtub kehguheh-kehguheh pfmfrohtec, rumec sebot ieh tfmpet- tfmpet, o keiec.  keiec.


Bfkutuceh eor hah iamfstob uhtub bate iepet iokego ie`em kfkfrepe betfgaro ehtere `eoh < (Iotlfh Dopte Berye, ;>>>)

  Bate betfgaro O (mftra)   Bate betfgaro OO (bate  kfser)   Bate betfgaro OOO (bate sfiehg)   Bate betfgaro

OZ (bate bfdo`)

  Bate betfgaro Z (ifse) Yekf` ;.5; Betfgaro Bfkutuceh Eor Hah Iamfstob  BEYFGA[O BAYE KF[IETE[BEH LVM@EC LOWE

85. >>>.>>> Ha




Bahsumso uhot semkuhgeh rume c (T[)

6>>.>>> T/I

5>>.>>> T/I

;>.>>> T/I



5>>.>>> BFDO@ 5> >

IF TE 3>

MFY[A 5?>

KFTE[ 5 7>



`/a/c ; 4

Bahsumso uhot coire h umum (CV) `/a/c Bahsumso uhot hah iamf sto d ` /a/c (%)

4> ;>- 4>

4> ; >- 4>

4> ;> - 4>

4> ;> - 4>

4> ; >- 4>


Bf co`ehgeh eo r (%)

;>- 4>

; >- 4>

;> - 4>

;> - 4>

; >- 4>


Jedtar cero mebsomum

5, ;

5 ,;

5, ;

5, ;

5, ;


Jedtar lem puhdeb

5, 6

5 ,6

5, 6

5, 6

5, 6


Lum`ec pfr T[







Lum`ec lowe pfr CV


5 >>

5> >

5> >

5 >>


Tose tf be beh io ppffhyfio ee eeh iostrokuso






(mbe) 5>

Le m apfre so







Za`umf rf sfrvaor (%me x iey ifmehi)







T[< 6 >


3> < ;>

7> < 4>

7 >< 4 >



3> *) ?>

3> ?>





Debupeh pf` eyehe h(%)

*) :> % pfrpopeheh, 4> % hah pfrpopeheh **) ;6 % pfrpopeheh, 96 % hah pfrpopeheh

(sumkfr < Iotlfh Dopte Berye, tecuh ;>>>)


Bfkutuceh eor kfrsoc hah iamfstob uhtub betfgaro O sempeo ifhgeh Z ieh kfkfrepe `eoh eie`ec sfkegeo  kfr obut<

sfb tar

Yekf` ;.54 Bfkutuceh eor hah iamfstob bate betfgaro O,OO,OO ieh OZ Ha




5 ;

Tfba`ec [umec

5> ;>>


sebot ^usbfsmes Mesloi Behtar 

4 9

@otfr/kfi/cero @otfr/cero @otfr/cero @otfr/pfgeweo/cero


;>>> 4>>>





[umec mebeh Bamp`fbs


@otfr/cfbter/cero @otfr/kfi/cero


mo`otfr Beweseh ohiustro


@otfr/tfmpet iuiub/cero


Beweseh  pero wo sete


@otfr/arehg/cero @otfr/iftob/cero




5> 55

>,;->,3 >,5->,4

Yekf` ;.59 Bfkutuceh eor kfrsoc betfgaro Z Ha





Tfba`ec [umec sebot




^usbfsmes Catf`/`asmfh


@otfr/kfi/cero @otfr/cero




@otfr/cero @otfr/cero





Yekf` ;.56 Bfkutuceh eor kfrsoc iamfstob betfgaro `eoh Ha






@epehgeh tfrkehg


@otfr/ift @otfr/ift






Ttesouh BE-Yfrmohe` kus




Beweseh ohiustro


^rayfbso Bfkutuceh Eor Kfrsoc

^rayfbso bfkutuceh eor kfrsoc iepet iiotfh otfhtubeh tubeh ifhgeh mfmpfrce mfmpfrcetobeh tobeh  pfr tumkuceh  pfhiuiub uhtub ioprayfbsobeh tfrceiep bfkutuceh eor kfrsoc sempeo ifhgeh `ome  pu`uc tecuh mfhietehg eteu tfrgehtuhg iero prayfbso yehg iobfcfhiebo (Tafmerta, 5???). Eiepuh yehg kfrbeoteh ifhgeh prayfbso bfkutuceh tfrsfkut eie`ec<



Ehgbe ^frtumkuceh ^fhiuiub 

Ehgbe pfrtumkuceh pfhiuiub iocotuhg ifhgeh prasfhtesf mfmebeo rumus<  pfhiuiub h - pfhiuiub h - 5 Ehgbe pfrtumkuceh pfhiuiub (&)  x  x5>>% 5>>% ……..(;.?4)   pfhiuiub pfhiuiub h - 5


^rayfbso Lum`ec ^fhiuiub 

Iero ehgbe pfrtumkuceh pfhiuiub ioetes ie`eh pfrsfh ioguhebeh uhtub mfmprayfbsobeh  lum`ec pfhiuiub sempeo ifhgeh `ome pu`uc tecuh mfhieteh mfhietehg. g. Mfsbopuh ie`eh bfhye bfh yete teehh ehhye ye  pfrcotuhgeh

toieb toieb sf`e`u sf`e`u tfpe tfpet, t, tfte tftepo po pfr pfrbo bore reeh eh

oho iepe iepett

io iole leio iobe behh

ieser  ieser 

va`umf bfkutuceh eor io mese mfhietehg. Eie kfkfrepe mftaif yehg

ioguhebeh uh tub  mfmprayfbsobeh lum`ec pfhiuiub ehtere `eoh yeotu<

  Mftaif Gfamftrode` Ohdrfesf (Tafmerta,5???)

^h  ^a (5 r ) h


Iomehe < ^h

= Lum`ec pfhiuiub peie tecuh bf-h


= lum`ec pfhiuiub peie ewe` tecuh


= ^rasfhtesf pfrtumkuceh gfamftrode` pfhiuiub toep

tecuh h


= ^froaif webtu yehg iotoh leu

  Mftaif  Erotcmftode` Ohdrfesf (Tafmerta,5???)

^h = ^a h.r 

………………………………………………………………….. (;.?6)

 ^a ^t t 

…………………………………………………………………. (;.?:)

[ = Iomehe < ^h

= Lum`ec pfhiuiub peie tecuh bf-h


= lum`ec pfhiuiub peie ewe` tecuh


= ehgbe pfrtumkuceh pfhiuiub toep tecuh


= ^froaif webtu yehg iotoh leu


= Kehyeb tecuh sfkf`um tecuh ehe`osos


= Lum`ec pfhiuiub peie tecuh bf-t



Hfrede Eor

^frcotuhgeh hfrede eor io`ebubeh uhtub mfhgfdfb epebec eor yehg tfrsfioe dubur mfmeieo uhtub mfmfhuco mfmfhuco bfkutuceh eor keb kebuu eteu toieb toieb.. ^frco ^frcotuhgeh tuhgeh hfrede eor oho peie ebcorhye ebeh hehto hye

mfhgceso`beh bfsompu`eh mfhgfheo bftfrsfioeeh eor sfkegeo eor kebu yehg

ebeh ioa`ec. Eie toge uhsur pabab ie`em pfrcotuhgeh hfrede eor yeotu <

  Bfkutuceh Eor   

Yfrsfioehye Eor 


 Hfrede Eor 


^fhf`usureh Kehlor (J`aai  [autohg )

^fhf`usureh kehlor iomebsuibeh uhtub mfhgftecuo berebtfrostob Ohiragre`. Autj` aw aw / bf bf`uereh, yehg sehget iopfr`ubeh ie`em pfhgfhie`oeh kehlor. ^frukeceh coiragrej kehlor ehtere aw oh j` aw

(O) ieh autj`aw (>) berfhe eiehye jebtar tempuhgeh eteu eiehye pfhempehg

suhgeo yehg toieb sfregem eteu eboket eiehye mfehifr suhgeo. Leio pfhf`usureh kehlor eie iue, uhtub mfhgftecuo pfrukeceh ohj`aw ieh autj`aw  peie weiub ieh ohj`aw  peie suetu totob ifhgeh suetu totob io tfmpet `eoh peie suhgeo suhgeo.^frukeceh .^frukeceh ohj`aw ieh autj`aw eboket eiehye tempuhgeh. Mebe peie suetu weiub tfriepet ohj`aw  kehlor (O) eboket eiehye kehlor ieh autj`aw (>) epeko`e mube

eor weiub heob, io etes  spo``wey (tfriepet `ompeseh).

O 8 A tempuhgeh weiub heob F`fveso mube eor weiub heob. O 0 > tempuhgeh weiu  b turuh F  `fveso mu  be weiub t u ruh.

^eie  pf hf  `usure h  ke  hlor  k  fr   `e bu  p frse  me eh  e h ba ht  o hu ot es < O — A = ∊T


(;.? 7)

ET = ^frukeceh tempuhgeh eor io fmkuhg ^frsemeeh bahtohuotes peie pfroaif ∊t = t 5 — t; eie`ec < O5 O ;  A5 A;    O5  xt T  ; T 5   ; t ;


................................................................. ................................................................. (;.?3)



^fhf`usureh Kehlor Mf`e`uo ^f`ompec

^fhf`usureh kehlor mf`e`uo pf`ompec kfrtulueh uhtub mfhgftecuo iomfhso pf`ompec (`fker  ieh tohggo pf`ompec). Ieh ifkot kehlor yehg ioguhebeh ie`em pfrcotuhgeh  j`aai rautohg  mftaif  stfp ky stfp eie`ec U6> tecuh. ^rohsop iero pfrcotuhgeh oho eie`ec ifhgeh mfhftepbeh se`ec setu peremftfr cotuhg epebec K (`fker pf`ompec) eteu C (tohggo  pf`ompec). Lobe K iotfhtube iotfhtubehh mebe veroekf` C cerus io troe` sfcohgge mfhiepetbeh tohggo `ompeseh eor kehlor mebsomum yehg dubup ieh fjosofh. Yohgo  spo``wey ioiepetbeh ier o f`fveso f`fve so mub mubee eor `ompe `ompeseh seh mebsom mebsomum um — tohgg tohggoo leg legeeh eeh rrfhdehe. fhdehe. ^frcotu ^frcotuhgeh hgeh oho tfrcfhto

bftobe f`fveso mube eor `ompeseh suiec mfhge`emo pfhuruheh ieh va`umf

bumu `etoj

mu`eo kfrburehg iero va`umf bumu`etoj sfkf`umhye eteu ∊Z hfgetoj yehg

ertohye U autj`aw 8 U ohj`aw. ^rasfiur pfrcotuhgeh  j`aai rautohg spo``wey sfkegeo kfrobut 2

e. Mfmesubbeh iete lem bf-h (  llem)  k. Tf`osoc we webtu btu ((∊t) ∊t) ie`em iftob  d.

U ohj`aw


U 6> tecuh kehlor rfhdehe


(m /it).


U ohj`aw rfrete = (U ohj`aw h + U ohj`aw (h-5))/; ie`em 4

m /it. f.


Za`umf ohj`aw = U ohj`aw rfrete x ∊t (m4/it).

Esumso mube eor cu  `u ifhgeh dere mfh-troe` ieh i omu `eo iero f`fveso  sp o`` we we


dake-dake (m).  g. C  spo`` wey. wey.

= tohggo mube eor cu`u — tohggo f`fveso

c. U autj`aw = ⅙ x K x ∜ ⅙g x C 4/; (m4/it). o.

U autj`aw rfrete = ( U autput h + U autput (h-5))/; ie`em 4 m /it. l. Za`umf autj`aw = U autj`aw rfrete x ∊t (m4/it).

∊Z = sf`osoc va`umf (U



rfrete — U autj`aw



Za`umf bu mu `etoj ye ot u va `umf tempuhgeh t  oep tohggo mube eor `ompeseh yehg tfrleio. Z bum = Z h


+ Z (h+5) ie`em m4.

F`fveso mube eor `ompeseh, cerus seme ifhgeh f`fveso mube eor dake-



^frcotuhgeh Za`umf Yempuhgeh Fmkuhg

Bepesotes tempuhg yehg iopfr`ubeh uhtub sfkuec fmkuhg eie`ec <


Zh = Zu + Zf + Zo + Zs

…………………………………………………. ..........

Iomehe < Zh

= va`umf tempuhgeh fmkuhg tate` (m4)


= va`umf coiup uhtub mf`eyeho kfrkegeo bfkutuceh (m4)




= va`umf pfhguepeh iero ba`em fmkuhg (m4)


= lum`ec rfsepeh mf`e`uo ieser, iohiohg, ieh tukuc fmkuhg (m4)


= ruehgeh yehg iosfioebeh uhtub sfiomfh (m4)


Za`umf Yempuhgeh Coiup Coiup Vhtub Mf`eyeho Bfkutuceh

^fhfhtuehh va`umf tempuhgeh fmkuhg iepet iogemkerbeh peie mess durvf bepesotes ^fhfhtue tempuhgeh. Za`umf tempuhgeh mfrupebeh sf`osoc mebsomum yehg tfrleio ehtere aw. bamu`etoj bfkutuceh tfrceiep bumu`etoj oh j` aw.


Za`umf Eor A`fc ^fhguepeh

Vhtub mfhgftecuo kfserhye va`umf pfhguepeh yehg tfrleio peie mube fmkuhg iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus < Zf = Fe x T x Eg x i



Iomehe < Zf = va`umf eor yehg mfhguep toep ku`eh (m4) Fe = fvepareso ceso` pfrcotuhgeh (mm/cer o) T

= pfhyohereh metecero cesoo pfhgemeteh (%)


= `ues pfrmubeeh ba`em fmkuhg peie sftfhgec tohggo tukuc fmkuhg ;

(m )


= lum`ec cero ie`em setu ku`eh

Vhtub mfmpfra`fc ho`eo fvepareso iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus sfkegeo kfrobut <

Fe = >,46(fe — fi) (5 — >,>5Z) Iomehe <

………………………………………...……..... (;.5>5)


= tfbeheh uep lfhuc peie sucu rete-rete ceroeh (mm/Cg)


= tfbeheh uep sfkfherhye (mm/Cg)


= bfdfpeteh ehgoh peie bftohggoeh ; m io etes pfrmub.eeh tehec


Za`umf [fsepeh Fmkuhg

Kfserhye va`umf bfco`ehgeh eor eboket rfsepeh mf`e`uo ieser, iohiohg ieh tukuc fmkuhg tfrgehtuhg iero sojet `u`us eor metfroe` ieser ieh iohiohg ba`em. Tfiehgbeh sojet oho tfrgehtuhg peie lfhos kutoreh tehec eteu strubtur ketu pfmkfhtub ieser ieh iohiohg ba `em.


^frcotuhgeh rfsepeh eor oho mfggguhebeh [umus prebtos uhtub mfhfhtubeh  kfserhye va`umf rfsepeh eor ba`em fmkuhg, sfkegeo kfrobut < Zo = B .Zu ……………………………………………………………………....... (;.5>;) Iomehe < Zo = lum`ec rfsepeh tecuheh (m4) Zu = va`umf coiup uhtub mf`eyeho kfrkegeo bfkutuceh 4

(m ) B

= jebtar yehg ho`eohye tfrgehtuhg iero sojet `u`us eor  metfroe` ieser ieh iohiohg ba`em fmkuhg.


= 5>%, ko`e ieser ieh iohiohg ba`em fmkuhg prebtos repet eor (b 0 5>-6 dm/i) tfrmesub


 gfamfmkreh ,"rukkfrscfft "






sfmfh tehec).



^fmo`oceh @abeso Fmkuhg

Fmkuhg eie`ec suetu kehguheh yehg kfrjuhgso uhtub mfhempuhg bf`fkoceh eor peie seet ifkot tohggo ieh mf`fpesbehhye peie seet iokutucbeh. Fmkuhg mfrupebeh se`ec setu  kegoeh iero prayfb sfdere bfsf`uruceh  kehguheh kehgu heh-  kehguheh



luge iopfhgeruco


`eoh sfpfrto kehguheh pf`ompec, kehguheh pfhyeiep pfhyeiep,, kehguheh

 pfhgf `uereh, kehguheh

uhtub pfmkf`abeh suhgeo ieh `eoh-`eoh (Tafiokya, 5??4).

Vhtub mfhfhtubeh `abes `abesoo ieh ifhec ffmkuhg mkuhg cerus mfmp mfmpfrcet frcetobeh obeh kfkfrepe jebtar  ye otu (Tafiokya, 5??4) <


Yfmpet fmkuh fmkuhgg mfrupebeh dfbuhgeh yehg dubup uhtub mfhempuh mfhempuhgg eor, tfruteme  peie `abeso yehg bfeieeh gfatfbhobhye toieb `u`us eor, sfcohgge bfco`ehgeh eorhye cehye sfiob ot ot.


@ab @abesoh esohye ye

tfr`ft tfr`fteb eb io iefr iefrec ec meh mehjee jeett

 ler ohgeh iostrokusohye

yehg m mfmfr fmfr`ub `ubeh eh eor sfcohg sfcohgge ge

toieb kfgotu pehlehg ieh toieb kehyeb bfco`ehgeh fhfrgo.

4. @abeso fmkuhg tfr`fteb io ifbet le`eh, sfcohgge le`eh mesub (eddfss raei ) toieb   kfgotu pehlehg ieh `fkoc mui muiec ec iotfmpuc.


Tfiehgbeh jebtar yehg yehg mfhfhtube mfhfhtubehh ioie`em pfmo`oceh topf fmkuhg eie`ec (Tafi okya, 5??4) <  prayfb  b  5. Yulueh pfmkehguheh  prayf

;. Bfeieeh b`ometa`ago sftfmpet 4. Bfeieeh coira`ago sftfmpet 9. Bfeieeh io iefrec gfhehgeh 6. Bfeieeh gfa`ago sftfmpet :. Yfrsfioehye keceh kehgu  kehguheh heh 7. Cukuhgeh ifhgeh kehguheh  pf `fhgbep 3. Bfpfr`ueh uhtub pfhgapfresoeh fmkuhg ?. Bfeieeh `ohgbuhgeh sft fmpet 5>. Koeye  prayf  prayfb  b 


Yopf Fmkuhg

Yopf fmkuhg iepet iobf`ampabbeh mfhleio fmpet bfeieeh yeotu (Tafiokya, 5??4) < 5.

Yopf Fmkuhg Kfrieser Yulueh ^fmkehguhehhye

Eie iue topf Fmkuhg ifhgeh tulueh tuhgge` ieh fmkuhg sfrkeguhe < (e).

iems)) Fmkuhg ifhgeh tulueh tuhgge` ( sohg`f purpasf iems

eie`ec fmkuhg yehg iokehguh uhtub mfmfhuco setu tulueh sele, mose`hy mose`hyee uhtub  bfkutuceh eor kebu eteu orogeso (pfhgeoreh) eteu pfrobeheh ieret eteu tulueh `eohhye tftepo cehye setu tulueh se le. (k). Fmkuhg sfrkeguhe (mu`topurpasf iems iems)) eie`ec fmkuhg yehg iokehguh uhtub mfmfhuc mfmfhucoo kfkfrepe tulue tuluehh mose`hy mose`hyee < or ogeso

(pfhgeoreh), eor mohum ieh ^@YE, perowosete ieh orogeso ieh `eoh- `eoh. ;.

Yopf Fmkuhg Kfrieser ^fhgguheehhye

Eie 4 topf yehg kfrkfie kfrieserbeh pfhgguheehhye yeotu < (e).

Fmkuhg pfhempuhg eor ( staregf iems iems))

eie`ec fmkuhg yehg ioguhebeh uhtub mfhyompeh eor peie mese surp`us ieh iopfrguhebeh peie mese bfburehgeh. Yfrmesub ie`em fmkuhg pfhempuhg eor eie`ec uhtub tulueh rfbrfeso, pfrobeheh, pfhgfhie`oeh kehlor ieh `eoh-`eoh.



 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh


iems)) (k). Fmkuhg pfmkf`ab (iovfrsoah iems

eie`ec eie` ec fmk fmkuhg uhg uh tub

yehg iog ioguhebeh uhebeh uhtub mfho mfhohgg hggobeh obeh

mub mubee eor eor,, koe koesehy sehyee

bfpfr`ueh mfhge`orbeh eor bf ie`em sostfm e`oreh mfhulu bf tfmpet

yehg mfmfr `ubeh.

(d). Fmkuhg pfheceh (iftfhtoah iems iems)) eie`ec fmkuhg yehg ioguhebeh uhtub mfmpfr`emket ieh mfhgusecebeh sfaptome` muhgboh fjfb e`oreh kehlor yehg mfhieieb. Eor iotempuhg sfdere kfrbe`e eteu sfmfhtere, ioe`orbeh mf`e`uo pf`fpeseh ( aut`ft )).. Eor ioteceh sf`eme muhgboh ieh iokoerbeh mfrfsep bf iefrec sfb ot oterhye. 4.

Yopf Fmkuhg Kfrieser @ftebhye Yfrceiep E`oreh Eor

Eie iue topf yeotu fmkuhg yeotu fmkuhg peie e`oreh ( ah strfem) ieh fmkuhg io `uer e`oreh

eor (ajj strfem) yeotu <

(e). Fmkuhg peie e`oreh eor ( ah s ah  st rfem) rfem) eie`ec fmkuhg yehg iokehguh uhtub mfhempuhg eor, mose`hye peie  kehguhe  kehguheh h  pf`ompec (  sp sp o`` wey). wey ).


Gemker ;.7 Fmkuhg ah strfem

(k). Fmkuhg io `uer e` e`oreh oreh eor (ajj ajj s  st rfem) rfem) eie`ec fmkuhg yehg umumhye toieb io`fhgbepo  spo``wey , berfhe koesehye eor  iokfhiuhg tfr`fkoc iecu`u io ah strfem-hye keru iosup`fso bf tempuhgeh. Bfiue  pf to pf

oho koesehye koesehye iokehguh kfrkete kfrketeseh seh ieh iokuet iero kft kftah, ah, pesehg pesehgeh eh ketu eteu

 pesehgeh ke k ete.


Fmkuhg Yempuhgeh

Gemker ;.3 Fmkuhg ajj st rr f  em


Yopf Fmkuhg Kfrieser Metfroe` ^fmkfhtubhye

Eie ; topf yeotu fmkuhg urugeh, fmkuhg kftah ieh fmkuhg `e ohhye.

(e). Fmkuhg Vrugeh (  Jo`` Iems, Fmkehbmfht Iems )

Fmkuhg urugeh eie`ec fmkuhg yehg iokehguh iero pfhgge`oeh keceh (metfroe`) tehpe temkeceh keceh `eoh kfrsojet dempureh sfdere bomoe leio keceh pfmkfhtub fmkuhg es`o. Fmkuhg oho iokego mfhleio iue yeotu fmkuhg urugeh sfrke seme (camagfhfaus iems)

eie`ec fmkuhg epeko`e keceh yehg mfmkfhtub tukuc fmkuhg tfrsfkut tfrior o

iero tehec sflfhos ieh greiesohye (susuheh ubureh kutorehhye) cempor sfregem. _ehg bfiue eie`ec fmkuhg zahe` eie`ec fmkuhg epeko`e tomkuheh tfrioro iero  ke tueh ifhgeh ifhg eh gre greieso ieso (su (susuheh suheh ubureh kutore kutoreh) h) yehg kfrkfiekfrkfie-kfi kfiee ie` ie`em em urutehuruteh

 pf`eposeh tfr tfhtu.

\ahf bfiep eor  eor 

\ahf `a`as eo eor  r 

Ireohesf Gemker ;.? Fmkuhg Vrugeh


(k). Fmkuhg

Kftah ( Dahdrftf Iem )

Fmkuhg kftah eie`ec fmkuhg yehg iokuet iero bahstrubso kftah keob ifhgeh tu`ehgeh meupuh toieb. Bfmorohgeh pfrmubeeh cu`u ieh co`or toieb seme peie umumhye  kegoeh co`or `fkoc `ehieo ieh kegoeh cu`u mfhifbeto vfrtobe` ieh kfhtubhye `fkoc rempohg. Fmkuhg oho mesoc iokego `ego mfhleio fmkuhg kftah kfrieser kfret sfhior o steko`otes tfrgehtuhg peie messehye, fmkuhg kftah ifhgeh pfhyehgge ( kuttrfss iem iem))  pfrmubeeh cu`u mfhfrus ieh ioco`orhye peie lereb tfrtfhtu ioteceh, fmkuhg  kf tah






bamk oheso.

Yempeb Etes

Yempeb Tempohg

m `

e. Fmkuhg Kftah Ifhgeh Geye Kfret (Grevoty ( Grevoty Iems ) Yempeb Etes

Yempeb Tempohg

m `

k. Fmkuhg Kftah Ifhgeh Iohiohg ^fheceh (Kuttrfss ( Kuttrfss Iems )

[  d. Fmkuhg Kftah @fhgbuhg (Erdc (Erdc Iems )

Gemker ;.5> Yopf-topf fmkuhg kftah


[fhdehe Yfbhos ^ahieso

Bfeieeh gfa`ago peie pahieso fmkuhg sehget mfmpfhgeruco pfmo`oceh topf fmkuhg, a`fc berfhe otu pfhf`otoeh ieh pfhyf`oiobeh gfa`ago pfr`u io`ebsehebeh ifhgeh  ke ob. ^ahi ^ahies esoo su suet etuu fmkuh fmkuhgg ceru ceruss mfmfh mfmfhuc ucoo 4 (to (toge) ge) pfr pfrsy syere ereteh teh pfh pfhtoh tohgg (Tafi okya, 5??4) <

yeo yeotu tu


5. Mfmpuhyeo ieye iubuhg yehg mempu mfheceh keceh iero tukuc fmkuhg ie`em kfrkegeo bahioso.

;. Mfmpuhye Mfmpuhyeoo bfmempueh pfhgcemket e`oreh  jo`treso yehg mfmeieo sfsueo ifhgeh juhgsohye

sfkegeo pfheceh eor.

 popohg ) ieh sfmku`eh (ka o`ohg ) 4. Mfmpuhye Mfmpuhyeoo bfteceheh tfrceiep gfle`e-gfle`e sujaso ( popohg  yehg iosfkekbeh a`fc e`oreh  jo`treso yehg mf`e`uo `eposeh-`eposeh pahieso tfrsfkut.

Tfsueo ifhgeh lfhos ketueh yehg mfmkfhtub `eposeh pahieso, mebe sfdere umum  pahies  pahi eso fmkuhg

iepet iokfiebeh mfhleio 4 lfhos yeotu (Tafiokya, 5??4) <

 [adb  j auhie auhietoah) ah) 5. ^ahieso ketueh ( [adb

;. ^ahieso pesor eteu bfr ob o` o` 4. ^ahieso tehec. e. Ieye iubuhg tehec (kferohg depedot  y) eie`ec bfmempueh tehec uhtub mfhiubuhg kfkeh keob iero sfgo strubtur  pahi  pahies eso meupuh kehguheh ioeteshye tehpe tfrleiohye bfruhtuceh gfsfr.  y))  k. Ieye iubuhg ketes ( u`tometf kferohg depedot  y

eie`ec ieye iubuhg tfrkfser iero tehec mfhiubuhg kfkeh ieh ioesumsobeh tehec mu`eo tfrleio bfruhtuceh. Kfserhye ieye iubuhg ketes tfruteme iotfhtubeh a`fc < 5. ^eremftfr bfbueteh gfsfr tehec tfrioro iero bacfso (D) ieh suiut gfsf gfsfrr ie`em ().

;. Kfret oso tehec () 4. Bfie`emeh pahieso iero pfrmubeeh tehec (\j ) 9. @fker ieser pahieso (K) Kfserhy Kfs erhyee ieye iubu iubuhg hg yehg iooloh ioolohbeh beh seme ifhgeh ieye iubuh iubuhgg kete ketess io keg  kego

 ^ahieso ehgbe ehg be bfe bfemeheh meheh ieh iepet ioru iorumusb musbeh eh sfke sfkegeo geo kfro kfrobut but ( ^ahieso

 Iehgbe` ieh ieh ^ahieso  ^ahieso Ie`em, [fbeyese ^ahieso OO, 5??7 ) <


qu`t  JB 

  .............................................................................................. (;.5>4)


^frcotuhgeh ieye iubuhg ketes uhtub pahieso iehgbe` peie bahioso umum < 5. ^ahieso mfhfrus  K  K

 Hd  I . I. Hq  Hq qu`t= d. Hd


.  H  . H  

......................... ............. ............................ ................ ……….. (;.5>9)

;. ^ahieso  pfrsfgo  K

 Hd5 >,4. qu`t = d. Hd



........................ ............ ..................... ......... (;.5>6)



= bepesotes ieye iubuhg oloh

q u`t

= bepesotes ieye iubuhg mexomum



jebtar bfemeheh ( sejfty  sejfty  j ed ed t ar  ar )



Yfrzegco d


 I. Hq  Hq K.>.9 .  H  H    . I

jebtar bepesotes ieye iubuhg =

bacfso tehec


= kfret oso tehec


= iomfhso uhtub pahieso mfhfrus ieh pfrsfgo (m)

^frfhdeheeh Yukuc Fmkuhg

Kfkfrepe osto`ec pfhtohg mfhgfheo tukuc fmkuhg < 5.

Yohggo Fmkuhg

Yohggo fmkuhg eie`ec pfrkfieeh ehtere f`fveso pfrmubeeh pahieso ieh f`fveso mfrdu fmkuhg. Epeko`e peie fmkuhg ieser iohiohg bfiep eor eteu zahe bfiep eor, mebe yehg ioehggep pfrmubeeh pahieso eie`ec geros pfrpatahgeh ehtere koiehg vfrtobe` yehg mf`e`uo cu`u mfrdu fmkuhg ifhgeh pfrmubeeh pahieso e`es fmkuhg tfrsfkut. Yohggo mebsome ` 5?37).. uhtub fmkuhg eie`ec ;> m (@afkos, 5?37) Mfrdu fmkuhg

Yohggo fmkuhg

Gemker ;.55 Yohggo fmkuhg fmkuhg



Yohggo Legeeh ( jrff kaeri )

Yohggo legeeh eie`ec pfrkfieeh ehtere f`fveso pfrmubeeh mebsomum rfhdehe eor ie`em fmkuhg ieh f`fveso mfrdu fmkuhg. F`fveso pfrmubeeh eor mebsomum rfhdehe  koesehye mfrupebeh f`fveso kehlor rfhdehe fmkuhg.

Mfrdu fmkuhg Yohggo legeeh Yohggo  legeeh

Gemker ;.5; Yohggo legeeh peie mfrdu fmkuhg

Yohggo legeeh iomebsuibeh uhtub mfhgcohiero tfrleiohye pfrostowe pf`ompeseh eor mf`fweto puhdeb kfhiuhgeh sfkegeo eboket ioehterehye ier oo:)



Brotfroe OO <  C  j cw

cf ce co ;

Iomehe < Cj

= tohggo legeeh (m)


= tohggo amkeb eboket toupeh ehgoh (m)


= tohggo amkeb eboket gfmpe (m)


= pfrboreeh temkeceh tohggo eboket pfhuruheh tukuc kfhiuhgeh kfhiuhge h (m)


= tohggo temkeceh (m)


= tohggo bfmuhgbo bfmuhgboheh heh bfhe bfheobeh obeh pfrmubeeh eor fmkuhg yehg tfr  leio tomku`hye kehlor ekharme`

Yemkeceh tohggo eboket gf`amkehg (C w) iocotuhg kfrieserbeh peie bfdfpeteh ehgoh,  lereb  sfrft gf`amkehg ( jfdtc  jfdtc) ieh suiut `frfhg cu`u iero kfhiuhgeh. Ioguhebeh rumus (Tafiokya, 5??4) <

Ιc =

  ;  U > 4 U

Iomehe < Ua


c   ...…...……………………..…................... ...................... (;.5>3) c 5  UY 

= ifkot kehlor rfhdehe


= bepesotes rfhdehe = >,; uhtub kehguheh pf`ompec tfrkube


= 5,> uhtub kehguheh pf`ompec tfr tutup


= bfie`emeh pf`ompec rfhdehe


= `ues pfrmubeeh eor fmkuhg peie f`fveso kehlor rfhdehe

Yohggo amkeb yehg iosfkekbeh a`fc gfmpe (c f) (Tafiokya, 5??4) cf = f.

 g .c>   ...................................................................................................... (;.5>?)

Iomehe <



= Ohtfhsotes sfosmos car ozahte`


= Tob`us sfosmos


= Bfie`emeh eor io ie`em fmkuhg

Bfheobeh pfrmubeeh eor fmkuhg yehg iosfkekbeh a`fc bftoiebharme`eh apfreso  pohtu  kehguheh (ce). Tfkegeo stehier koesehye ioemko` c e = >,6 m. Ehgbe temkeceh to hggo  legeeh fmkuhg

yehg ioieserbeh peie topf fmkuhg (co). Berfhe `ompeseh mf`e`uo mfrdu

urugeh sehget kfrkeceye mebe uhtub fmkuhg topf oho ehgbe temkeceh temkeceh ttohggo ohggo

 legeeh (co) iotfhtubeh sfkfser 5,> m (co = 5,> m). Epeko`e ioieserbeh peie tohggo fmkuhg yehg iorfhdehebeh, mebe stehier tohggo legeeh fmkuhg urugeh eie`ec sfkegeo  kfr obut (Tafiokya, 5??4) < Yekf` ;.5: Yohggo legeeh fmkuhg urugeh


@fkoc rfhiec iero 6> m

Cj ; m

Ifhgeh tohggo ehtere 6>-5>> m

Cj 4 m

@fkoc tohggo iero 5>> m

Cj 4,6 m

@fker Mfrdu Fmkuhg

@fker mfrdu fmkuhg yehg mfmeieo iopfr`ubeh eger puhdeb fmkuhg iepet teceh tfrceiep cfmpeseh amkeb ieh iepet teceh tfrceiep e`oreh jo`treso yehg mf`e`uo puhdeb tukuc fmkuhg. Iosempohg otu, peie pfhfhtueh `fker mfrdu pfr`u iopfrcetobeh bfguheehhye sfkegeo le`eh ohspfbso ieh pfmf`ocereeh fmkuhg. ^fhfhtueh `fker mfrdu iorumusbeh sfkegeo kfrobut (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?) < 5

 k = 4,: C 4 — 4 ........................................................................................................ (;.55>)

Iomehe <


= `fker mfrdu


= tohggo fmkuhg

@fker puhdeb iero fmkuhg topf urugeh iotfhtubeh kfrieserbeh pfrtomkehgeh sfkege o  kfrobut oho.   Keceh tomkuheh es`o (e`em) ieh lereb mohomum geros rfmkfseh mf`e`uo tomkuheh peie

f`fveso mube eor harme`.

  ^fhgeruc tfbeheh gf`amkehg io kegoeh pfrmubeeh `frfhg cu `u.


 kfhiuhgeh. hgeh.   Yohggo ieh tohgbet bfpfhtohgeh iero bahstrubso  kfhiu  

Bfmuhgboheh puhdeb kfhiuhgeh uhtub le`eh

 pfhgcukuhg..  pfhgcukuhg

  ^frtomkehgeh prebtos ie`em pf`ebseheeh bahstrubso.

Jarmu`e yehg ioguhebeh uhtub mfhfhtubeh `fker puhdeb peie kfhiuhgeh urugeh sfkegeo  kfrobut (VTK[, 5?37, p.;64) < w



5> ..........................................................................................................


Iomehe < w

= `fker puhdeb kfhiuhgeh (  j j fffft )


= tohggo kfhiuhgeh io etes ieser suhgeo ( j fffft )

Vhtub kfhiuhgeh-kfhiuhgeh bfdo` (fmkuhg) yehg ioeteshye ebeh iomehjeetbeh uhtub   le`eh reye, `fker mohomumhye eie`ec 9 mftfr. Tfmfhtere uhtub le`eh koese dubup ;,6 mftfr.

@fker kfhiuhgeh bfdo` iepet ioguhebeh pfiameh sfkegeo kfrobut Yekf` ;.57 Yekf` ;.57 @fker puhdeb kfhiuhgeh bfdo` (fmkuhg) yehg io ehl ehlur urbeh beh Yohggo Fmkuhg (m)

@fker ^uhdeb (m)

;,> - 9,6


9,6 - :,>


:,> - 7,6


7,6 - ?,>


( Tumkfr < Tuyaha Tasraiersaha, 5?77)


^ehlehg Fmkuhg

^ehlehg fmkuhg eie`ec sf`uruc pehlehg mfrdu fmkuhg yehg kfrsehgbuteh tfrmesub   kegoeh yehg ioge`o peie tfkohg-tfkohg suhgeo io bfiue uluhg mfrdu tfrsfkut. Epeko`e  kehguheh

pf`ompec eteu kehguheh pfhyei pfhyeiep ep tfriepet peie uluhg-uluhg mfrdu,

mebe `fker kehguheh-kehguhe  kehguheh-kehguhehh pf`ompec tfrsfkut iopfrcotuhgbeh pu`e ie`em m mfhfhtubeh fhfhtubeh  peh lehg fmkuhg (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?).



Za`umf Fmkuhg

Tf`uruc lum`ec va`umf bahstrubso yehg iokuet ie`em rehgbe pfmkehguheh tukuc fmkuhg tf tfrm rmes esub ub

sfmu sfmuee

keh kehgu guhe hehh

pf` pf`fh fhgb gbeph ephye ye

io ioeh ehgg ggep ep

sfke sfkege geoo

va va`u `umf mf


(Tasraiersaha, 5?3?).


  ht ) Bfmorohgeh @frfhg ( T`apf  T`apf Grei oo fht  f



 pfrkehi ohgeh ehtere









pehlehg geros vfrtobe` yehg mf`e`uo tumot mesohg-mesohg `frfhg

tf tfrs rsfk fkut. ut. Kfrm `eweh ieh ireohesf prosme koesehye iomesubbeh ie`em pfrcotuhg pfrcotuhgeh eh  pfhfhtueh bfmor ohgeh hgeh `frfhg, ebeh tftepo e`es bfiep eor koesehye ioekeobeh (Tafiokya, 5??4).

Bfmorohgeh `frfhg urugeh cerus iotfhtubeh sfifmoboeh rupe eger steko` tfrceiep

`ahgsareh. Ce` oho sehget tfrgehtuhg peie lfhos metfroe` urugeh yehg iopebeo, Yekf` ;.53. Bfsteko`eh urugeh cerus iopfrcotuhgbeh tfrceiep jrfbufhso heob turuhhye mube eor, rfmkfseh, ieh cerus teceh tfrceiep gfmpe (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?). Yekf` ;.53 Bfmorohgeh `frfhg urugeh

Metfroe` Vrugeh

Met froe` Vteme

Bfmorohgeh @frfhg Zfrtobe` < Carosahte` Cu`u



Vrugeh camagfh


Co`o r 

5 < 4

5 < ;,;6

5 < 5,6>

5 < 5,;6

5 < ;,6>

5 < 5,76


^fdeceh ketu  k.

Vrugeh melfmub  e. Vrugeh Vrugeh ketu ifhgeh ohto `fmpuhg

B fr oobo` bo`-b fr eb e` e`

eteu iohiohg ioejregme  k.


ifhgeh ohto

`fmpuhg eteu iohiohg ioejregme


 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh


7. ^fhomku ^fhomkuheh heh  Kehbohg )

Fbstre Fbstre

( Fxtre

Tfcukuhgeh ifhgeh tfrleiohye gfle`e bahsa`oieso tukuc fmkuhg yehg prasfshye  kfr  le`eh `eme sfsuiec pfmkehguheh fmkuhg tfrsfkut ioeiebeh pfhomkuheh fbstre mf`fkoco tohggo ieh va`umf rfhdehe ifhgeh pfrcotuhgeh eger sfsuiec prasfs bahsa`oieso kfrebcor mebe  pfhuruheh tohggo ieh pfhyu pfhyusuteh suteh va`umf ebeh mfhifbeto tohggo ieh va`umf rfhdehe fmkuhg (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?). 3.

^frcotuhgeh Cukuhgeh F`fveso tfrceiep Za`umf Fmkuhg

Tf`uruc lum`ec va`umf bahstrubso yehg iokuet ie`em rehgbe pfmkehguheh tukuc fmkuhg tfrmesub tfrmes ub sfmue kehg kehguheh uheh pf`fhgbephye iioehggep oehggep sfkegeo va`umf fmkuhg. Ehe`osos bfehie`eh fmkuhg fmk uhg sfkegeo sumkfr eor mfhyehgbut va va`umf `umf eor yehg ttfrsfioe, frsfioe, ifkot  pfhgf`uereh uhtub bfkutuceh eor uhtub eor kebu (^IEM), pehgfhie`oeh kehlor ieh ifk ot

eor uhtub bfpfr`ueh `eoh-`eoh sf`eme webtu yehg iopfr`ubeh. Ehe`osos bfehie`eh

fmkuhg iopfr`ubeh

pfrcotuhgeh-pfrcotuhgeh ioehterehye eie`ec pfrcotuhgeh bepesotes fmkuhg yeotu va`umf tempuhgeh eor fmkuhg e or mebsomum iocotuhg kfrieserbeh f`fveso mube eor 


bfie`emeh bfie`e meh eor ieh `ues gfhehgehhye gfhehgehhye.. ^frboreeh bfie`emeh eor ieh

`ues gfhehgeh mfmfr`ubeh eiehye iete f`fveso ieser fmkuhg yehg kfrupe pfte tapagrejo ieser fmkuhg. ^fhggemkereh pfte tapagrejo ieser fmkuhg ioieserbeh peie ceso`  pfhgubureh tapagrej o. ^frcotuhgeh oho ioieserbeh peie iete pfte tapagrejo ifhgeh sbe`e 5>> ieh kfie tohggo bahtur 5m. Dero `ues pfrmubeeh fmkuhg yehg ioketeso geros bahtur, bfmuioeh ioder o va`umf yehg ioketeso a`fc ; geros bahtur yehg kfruruteh ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh rumus  pfhifbeteh va`umf sfkegeo kfrobut (Kehguheh Vteme B^->;, 5?3:) < 5 J  x  J  y  J  x )   ....................................................... Z x  x\x(( J  y   J   x\x ........................................................................ ................. 4 Iomehe < Zx




Za`umf peie bahtur S (m4) Kfie tohggo ehter bahtur (m)



@ues peie bahtur _




(bm ) @ues


peie bahtur S


(bm )



Tteko`otes @frfhg Fmkuhg

Mfrupebeh pfrcotuhgeh bahstrubso uhtub mfhfhtubeh ubureh (iomfhso) fmkuhg eger  memp me mpuu mfh mfhec eceh eh mu muet eteh eh-mu -muet eteh eh ieh gey geye-g e-geye eye yeh yehgg kfbf kfbfrle rle peie peiehy hyee ie`e ie`em m bfeieeh

epepuh luge. Bahstrubso cerus emeh tfrceiep gfsfreh, pfhuruheh fmkuhg,

rfmkfseh ieh bfeieeh fmkuhg basahg (b ), pfhuc eor (suk) meupuh pfrmubeeh eor turuh toke-toke repoi irew-iawh (set) (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?). Te`ec setu tohleueh bfemeheh fmkuhg eie`ec mfhfhtubeh epebec fmkuhg ie`em bahioso steko`, sfcohgge kfkfrepe jebtar yehg cerus iotfhtubeh eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut <   Bahioso kfkeh yehg ioe`emo a`fc fmkuhg.  y..   Berebtfrostob keceh eteu metfroe` tukuc fmkuhg tfrmesub tfgehgeh ieh ifhsot  y

Kfser ieh veroeso tfgehgeh eor paro peie tukuc fmkuhg ieh io ieser fmkuhg.


  Ehgbe emeh mohomum (TJ) yehg iopfrka`fcbeh uhtub sftoep bahioso kfkeh yehg i oguhebeh.

Bfmorohgeh tomkuheh fmkuhg peie ieserhye tfrgehtuhg peie steko`otes keceh tomkuheh. Tfmeboh kfser steko`otes kecehhye, mebe bfmorohgeh tomkuheh iepet meboh tfrle`. Keceh yehg burehg steko` mfmfr`ubeh bfmorohgeh yehg `fkoc `ehieo. Tfkegeo edueh iepet iosfkutbeh kecwe bfmorohgeh `frfhg ifpeh ( upstrfem) kfrboser ehtere 5< ;,6 sempeo 5 < 4,6 , sfiehgbeh kegoeh kf`ebehg ( iawhstrfem) ehtere 5< ; sempeo 5< 4. Bfmorohgeh `frfhg yehgg fjoso yeh fjosofh fh uhtub uhtub keg kegoeh oeh cu cu`u `u meu meupuh puh kego kegoeh eh co co`o `orr me meso sohg hg-me -mesoh sohgg

iepe iepett

i otfhtubeh

ifhgeh rumus kfrobut (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?) < T  j T j

  mm bb .m.." " teh  hb.

teh  h b .h 

............................................................. ....................


................................................................................................ (;.559)

Iomehe < T  j 

= jebtar bfemeheh (iepet ioemko` 5,5) m ieh h mesohg-mesohg bfmor ohgeh `frfhg cu`u ieh co`or.


= bafj ofh gfmpe ieh ” = 

 set  suk


Ehgbe emeh steko`otes `frfhg fmkuhg io kegoeh `frfhg cu`u ieh co`or ifhgeh veroeso  kfkeh yehg ( `omot 

ioguhebeh, iopfrcotuhgbeh kfrieserbeh peie ehe`osos bfsfomkehgeh ketes


fquo`okroum ehe`osos


Gfamftro ``frfhg frfhg tuk tukuc uc fmk fmkuhg uhg iosfsueobeh ifhg ifhgeh eh ceso`

tfrsfkut, sfcohgge iopfra`fc ehgbe emeh ( T  j ) yehg seme eteu `fkoc kfser iero

ehgbe emeh mohomum yehg pfrsyeretbeh. Bfmorohgeh `frfhg keob io soso co`or meupuh io soso cu`u fmkuhg cerus dubup steko` keob peie seet bahstrubso, pfhgapfresoeh yeotu peie seet fmkuhg basahg, fmkuhg pfhuc, seet fmkuhg mfhge`emo repoi irew iawh ieh ioto h leu seet seet eie pfh pfhge geruc ruc gfmpe gfmpe.. Tfco Tfcohg hgge ge bah bahios iosoo kfk kfkeh eh ceru ceruss iopfrcotuhgbeh  kfrieserbeh rfhdehe bahstrubso, pfhgapfresoeh rfsfrvaor , mfhlege f`fveso mube eor eor harme` io ie`em rfsfrvaor ieh bahio bahioso so fmfrgfhdy,  j`aai staregf ieh rfh rfhdehe dehe mf`fpes eor ie`em rfsfrvaor , ehto ehtosop sopeso eso pfhg pfhgeru erucc tfb tfbeh eheh eh eor eor pa paro ro ie` ie`em em tuk tukuc uc  kfhiuhgeh ieh tehec ieser jahieso. Yohleueh steko`otes kfhiuhgeh io`ebubeh ie`em kfrkegeo bahioso sfkegeo kfrobut <


 Ttfeiy-Ttetf  Tffpegf

Tteko`otes `frfhg io kegoeh cu`u io ehe`osos peie bahioso mube eor io rfsfrvaor yehg mfhomku`beh tfrleiohye e`oreh rfmkfseh mf`e`uo tukuc Fmkuhg. F`fveso mube eor  peie

bahioso oho umumhye iohyetebeh sfkegeo f`fveso mube eor harme` ( Harme` 

).  Cogc Wetfr Wetfr @fvf  @fvf` ).


to ah Apfreto  Apfre ah

^eie bahioso oho, mube eor ie`em rfsfrvaor mebsomum (pfhuc-`fkoc tohggo iero f`fveso mube eor harme`). Tteko`otes `frfhg io sfkf`ec cu`u ioehe`osos ifhgeh bahioso mube eor  tfrtohggo iomehe ie`em mese apfreso mube eor mfhge`emo turuh ifhgeh to ke ke- to ke  ke ( suiifh  suiifh irew iawh ) iero f`fveso iero mube eor mebsomum (tfrtohggo) mfhleio mube eor tfrfhiec (@W@). Ehgbe emeh yehg ioguhebeh uhtub tohleueh steko`otes `frfhg fmkuhg ifhgeh kfrkegeo bahioso kfkeh ieh tfgehgeh gfsfr yehg ioguhebeh sfpfr ttoo ie`em Yekf` ;.5? Tfdere umum ehgbe emeh mohomum uhtub `frfhg co`or ieh cu`u  luge iodehtumbeh peie Yekf` ;.;>.


Yekf` ;.5? Ehgbe emeh mohomum ie`em tohleueh steko`otes `frfhg sfkegeo juhgso iero tfgehgeh gfsfr. (*) Brotfroe

Bahioso Yohleueh



 [epoi irewiawh



TJ moh.












Mube eor pfhuc (kehlor)

Cu`u Cu`u


>% 5>>%

5,6> 5,;>


Ttfeiy Ttetf Tffpegf









(*) <  Fhgohffrohg ehi Ifsogh Tteko`oty aj Fertc ehi [adb-jo`` Iems, FM 555>-;-5?>;, 5?7>, p. ;6. Deteteh < DV < Dahsa`oietfi Vhireohfi Yfst 

Yekf` ;.;> Ehgbe emeh mohomum uhtub ehe`osos steko`otes `frfhg . Bfeieeh [ehdehgeh / Yohleueh

5. Teet

bahstrubso bahstrubso


Ehgbe Emeh Mo homum


;. Teet pfhgapfresoeh fmkuhg ieh seet fmkuhg pfhuc 4.

@frfhg co`or

@frfhg Cu Cu ` u

(I/T) (I/T)

(V/T (V/T))









[epoi irew iawh

9. Teet gfmpe

( Tumkfr < Tasraiersaha, 5?3?)

Tfdere prohsop, ehe`osos bfsteko`eh `frfhg ioieserbeh peie bfsfomkehgeh ehtere mese tehec ebtoj (patfhtoe` ruhtuc) ifhgeh geye-geye pfheceh ruhtuceh io koiehg ruhtuc. ^frkehiohgeh geye-geye io etes mfhgceso`beh jebtar emeh (Tj ) yehg ioifjohosobeh sfkegeo  kfr obut< T




Iomehe <  


= geye-geye  pfhece  pfheceh h = geye-geye ebtoj pfhyfkek ruhtuceh



Ehe`osos oho io`ebubeh peie sfge`e bfmuhgboheh koiehg pfrmubeeh ruhtuceh ieh  peie  kfrkegeo bfeieeh fmkuhg io etes. Ho`eo ehgbe emeh ceso` pfrcotuhgeh (TJ cotuhgeh) tfrsfkut io etes cerus `fkoc kfser iero ho`eo ehgbe emeh mohomum (TJ mohomum) sfpfr ttoo tfrtfre peie Yekf` ;.5? ieh Yekf` ;.;>. Geye-geye yehg kfbfrle peie fmkuhg urugeh < 5.

Kfret Yukuc Fmkuhg Tfhioro

Kfret tukuc fmkuhg iocotuhg ie`em kfkfrepe bahioso yehg toieb mfhguhtuhgbeh yeotu <


^eie bahioso `fmkek sfgfre sftf`ec tukuc pahieso sf`fseo

io kehguh.  kehguh.

 k. ^eie bahioso sfsuiec pfrmubeeh fmkuhg mfhdepeo f`fveso pfhuc iomehe  keg oeh fmkuhg

yehg tfr`fteb iosfkf`ec etes geros ifprfso ie`em bfeieeh  lfhuc.

d. ^eie bahioso iomehe tfrleio gfle`e pfhuruheh mfhieieb ( [epoi  [epoi iraw-iawh iraw-iawh))  pfrmubeeh eor fmkuhg, sfcohgge sfmue kegoeh fmkuhg yehg sfmu`e tfr`fteb io sfkf`ec

kewec geros ifprfso tftep ioehggep  lfhuc.

Kfret ie`em bfeieeh `fmkek

Geros ifprfso ie`em bfeieeh eor fmkuhg pfhuc


Kfret ie`em bfeieeh lfhuc

Gemker ;.54 Kfret keceh yehg tfr`fteb iokewec geros ifprfso

Geye-geye eteu kfkeh-kfkeh uteme yehg kfbfrle peie fmkuhg urugeh yehg ebeh mfmpfhgeruco


steko`otes tukuc fmkuhg ieh pahieso fmkuhg tfrsfkut eie`ec <

Kfret tukuc fmkuhg otu sfhioro yehg mfmkfkeho `eposeh-`ep `eposeh-`eposeh oseh yehg `fkoc  kewec

iero tukuc fmkuhg ieh mfmkfkeho  pahi  pahies eso.

 k. Yfbeheh coirastetos yehg ebeh mfmkfkeho tukuc fmkuhg ieh pahiesohye keob ier o eor yehg tfriepet ioie`em fmkuhg io cu`uhye meupuh iero eor ioie`em suhgeo io co`orhye.

d. Yfbeheh eor paro yehg tfrbehiuhg ioehtere kutoreh iero zahf-zahf tukuc fmkuhg. i. Geye  sfosmod yehg mfhomku`beh kfkeh-kfkeh iohemobe keob yehg kfbfrle peie tukuc fmkuhg meupuh  pahiesohye.



Yfbeheh Coirastetos

^eie pfrcotuhgeh steko`otes fmkuhg ifhgeh mftaif oroseh ( s`odf  s`odf mftcaif) koesehye  kfkeh coirastetos yehg kfbfrle peie `frfhg sfkf`ec cu`u fmkuhg iepet iogemkerbeh ie`em toge dere pfmkfkeheh. ^fmo`oceh dere pfmkfkeheh yehg dadab uhtub suetu pfrcotuhgeh cerus iosfsueobeh ifhgeh sfmue pa`e geye—geye yehg kfbfrle peie fmkuhg yehg ebeh ioobut sfrtebeh ie`em pfrcotuhgeh (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?). ^eie bahioso iomehe geros ifprfso mfhifbeto kfhtub carozahte`, mebe ie`em  pfrcotuhgeh `ehgsuhg iepet ioehggep carozahte` ieh kfret kegoeh tukuc fmkuhg yehg tfr`fteb io kewec  kewec geros ifprfso tfrsfkut iopfrcotuhgbeh sfkegeo kfret keceh yehg tfr`fteb ie`em eor. Yftepo ie`em bahioso pfrcotuhgeh yehg kfrcukuhgeh ifhgeh gfmpe koesehye kfret kegoeh oho Tafiokya, ioehggep ie`em bahioso lfhuc ( Tafiokya, 5??4).




Gemker ;.59 Geye tfbeheh coirastetos peie koiehg `uhdur A



V5 V; V

( V = Ww = Z w) V;

Gemker ;.56 Tbfme pfmkfkeheh yehg iosfkekbeh a`fc tfbeheh coirastetos yehg kfbfrle peie koiehg `uhdur



Yfbeheh Eor ^aro

Geye-geye yehg tomku` iero tfbeheh eor paro io fmkuhg tfrceiep `ohgbereh koiehg `uhdur. Yfbeheh eor paro iocotuhg ifhgeh kfkfrepe bahioso yeotu (Tafiokya, 5??4)< e. Geye-geye yehg tomku` ier ieroo ttfbeheh fbeheh eor paro ie` ie`em em bahioso tukuc ffmkuhg mkuhg  keru  k.

i o kehguh.  kehguh.

Geye-geye yehg tomku` iero tfbeheh eor paro ie`em bahioso fmkuhg tf`ec tfroso

 pfhuc  pfhu c ieh


pfrmubeeh eor sfiehg mfhuruh sfdere  kfrehgsur-ehgsu  kfrehgsur-ehgsur. r.

 pfhuruheh heh Geye-geye yehg tomku` iero tfbeh tfbeheh eh eor paro ie`e ie`em m bahioso tfrleiohy tfrleiohyee  pfhuru

mfhieieb pfrmubeeh fmkuhg cohgge mfhdepeo pfrmubeeeh tfrfhiec, tfrfhiec, sfcohgge  kfserhye tfbeheh eor paro ie`em tukuc fmkuhg mesoc ie`em bahioso fmkuhg tfr oso  pfhuc.


Kfkeh Tfosmos ( Tfosmod Jardf )

Kfkeh sfosmos ebeh tomku` peie seet tfrleiohye gfmpe kumo ieh pfhftepeh suetu bepesotes  kfkeh sfosmos sfdere pesto sehget suber. Jebtar-jebtar yehg mfhfhtube mfhfhtubehh kfserhye  kfkeh sfosmos peie fmkuhg urugeh eie`ec (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?)< e. Berebtfrostob, `emehye ieh bfbueteh gfmpe yehg tfr   leio. k.

Berebtfrostob iero pahieso fmkuhg.

d. Berebtfrostob keceh pfmkfhtub tukuc fmkuhg. i. Yopf fmkuhg. Bampahfh carozahte` kfkeh sfosmos iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh rumus sfkegeo kfrobut (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?) <

M . ε = f ( M . g ) ............................................................................................ Iomehe < M

= messe tukuc fmkuhg (tah)

ε f

= pfrdfpeteh carozahte` (m/s;) = ohtfhsotes  sfosmod carozahte` (>,5>->,;6)


= pfrdfpeteh grevoteso kumo (m/s;)



Yekf` ;.;5 ^frdfpeteh gfmpe carozahte`

Ohtfhsotess Tfosmos Ohtfhsote @uer koese 7 Tehget Buet : Buet 6 Tfiehg 9



Lfhos ^ahieso Ketueh >,;> g >,56 g >,5; g >,5> g

9>> 9>>-;>> ;>>-5>> ;


(bft < 5 ge` = 5dm/ift  )


Yehec >,;6 g >,;> g >,56 g >,5; g

( Tumkfr


 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh



Gemker ;.57 Tbfme pfrcotuhgeh koiehg `uhdur ie`em bahioso fmkuhg pfhuc eor

Gemker ;.53 Tbfme pfrcotuhgeh koiehg `uhdur ie`em bahioso pfhuruheh eor fmkuhg to ketoke


^fhfhtueh @abeso Yotob ^uset Koiehg @ahgsar

Vhtub mfmuiecbeh usece troe` ieh frrar tfrceiep steko`otes `frfhg, mebe totobtotob puset koiehg `ahgsar yehg kfrupe kusur `ohgbereh cerus iotfhtubeh mf `e`uo suetu pfhifbeteh.  Jf``fhous mfmkfrobeh pftuhlub-pftuhlub uhtub


mfhfhtubeh `abeso totob puset kusur `ahgsar brotos yehg mf`e`uo tumot suetu `frfhg  peie tehec bacfsoj (dd- sao`   sao` ) sfpfrto peie tekf` kfrobut <







54,…….A ….Ah. h. Yot Yotob ob B  mfrupebeh baariohet pfhifbeteh iomehe x = 9,6C ieh z = ;C, ieh peie sfpeh lehg geros Aa-B iopfrborebeh tfr`fteb totob-totob puset kusur `ahgsar. Yoep-toep totob  puse t  kusur

`ahgsar tfrsfkut ioehe`osos ehgbe bfemehehhye uhtub mfmpfra`fc ho`eo

Jb yehg

tos. pe`ohg mohomum sfkegeo ohiobeso koiehg `ahgsar br ooto












+S C B(9.6C , ;C)



Gemker ;.;> ^asoso totob puset kusur `ahgsar peie geros A>-B 


Tteko`otes Fmkuhg Yfrceiep E`oreh Jo`treso

Keob fmkuhg meupuh pahiesohye pahiesohye iocerusbeh mempu mfheceh geye-ge geye-geye ye yehg iotomku`beh a`fc eiehye eor jo`treso yehg mfhge`or mf`e`uo df`ec-df`ec ehtere  ku toreh kutoreh tehec pfmkfhtub tukuc fmkuhg ieh pahieso tfrsfkut. Ce` tfrsfkut iepet  sffpegf j`aw—hft ) yehg tfr  iobftecuo ifhgeh mfhiepetbeh jarmeso geros ifprfso ( sffpegf  leio

ie`em tukuc ieh pahieso fmkuhg tfrsfkut (Tafiokya, 5??4). Geros ifprfso ioiepet ifhgeh pfrsemeeh pereka`e kfhtub ieser sfpfrto io kewec oho < (K;-D>-E>) - geros ifprfso K;

>,4 `5


e+  e = y> /(5-das











E E>



Gemker ;.;5 Geros ifprfso peie fmkuhg camagfh

Vhtub pfrcotuhgeh sf`ehluthye mebe ioguhebeh pfrsemeeh-pfrsemeeh kfrobut < ;


 y  y    y  y   x  =  ;  yy>

y> =





c i   - i ......................................................................................





Vhtub zahf ohto bfiep eor geros ifprfso iogemkerbeh sfkegeo burve ifhgeh  pfrsemeeh  kfr obu t<

y =


; y  y> x  y  >



Iomehe < c i

= lerec vfrtobe` ehtere totob E ieh K = lereb carosahte` ehtere totob K; ieh E


= lereb carosahte` ehtere totob K ieh F


= lereb carosahte` ehtere totob K ieh E


= uluhg tumot co`or fmkuhg


= totob pfrpatahgeh pfrmubeeh eor fmkuhg ieh `frfhg cu`u fmkuhg.


= totob pfrpatahgeh ehtere pereka`e kfhtub kfser geros ifprfso ifhgeh geros vfrtobe` mf`e`uo totob K


= totob yehg tfr`fteb sfleuc >,4 ` 5 carosahte` bferec cu`u iero totob 


Ebeh tftepo geros pereka`e kfhtub ieser (K;-D>-E>) yehg iopfra`fc iero  pfrsemeeh tfrsfkut tfrsfk ut kubeh` kubeh`ec ec geros ifprfso yehg sfsuhgguc sfsuhgguchye. hye. Tfcoh Tfcohgge gge mesoc io pfr   pfr `ubeh  pfhyfsueoehh mfhleio geros K-D-E yehg mfrupebeh kfhtub geros ifprfso yehg  pfhyfsueoe sfsuhgguchye, sfpfrto tfrtfre peie gemker ;.;5 sfkegeo kfrobut (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?) 5?3?).. Geros ifprfso ioiepet ifhgeh pfrsemeeh pereka`e kfhtub ieser peie Gemker ;.;; iokewec oho.  E5

= totob pfrpatahgeh ehtere pereka`e kfhtub kfser geros ifprfso ifhgeh geros


vfrtobe` mf`e`uo totob K

= totob yehg tfr`fteb sfleuc >,4 ` 5 carosahte` bf erec cu`u iero totob K




e + ∊e = y>/(5-dasε)



(K;-D>-E>)-geros ifprfso

>,4c K y


_ >=



O; i x

E> e>=_>/;

Gemker ;.;; Geros ifprfso peie Fmkuhg camagfh (sfsueo ifhgeh geros pereka`e)

^eie totob pfrmu`eeh, geros ifprfso kfrpatahgeh tfgeb `urus ifhgeh `frfhg cu `u fmkuhg ieh ifhgeh ifmoboeh totob Da iopohiecb iopohiecbeh eh bf totob D sfpehlehg ∊e. reso ^ehlehg ∊e tfrgehtuhg iero bfmorohgeh `frfhg co`or fmkuhg, iomehe eor  jo`t res tfrsfmku` bf`uer yehg iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus kfrobut (Tasraiersaha,5?3?) < > ........................................................................................ (;.5;;) e + ∊e =  5  das

Iomehe < e ∊e

= lereb  ED (m) =  lereb  D > D (m)


= suiut bfmorohgeh `frfhg co`or fmkuhg

Vhtub mfmpfra`fc ho`eo e ieh ∊e iepet iodero kfrieserbeh ho`eo ε ifhgeh mfhgguhebeh grejob sfkegeo kfrobut (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?) <



c i   i 


:>> 0 ε 0 3>>   e    b    o    t   r   f   v   g   h   e    i    o    K

> . 9 > .4

D = ∊e/(e+∊e)

4 >


: >


? >


5 ; >

> .; > .5 > , >


5 6 >

5 3 >




= T u i u t  k o i e h g s o h g g u h g

Gemker ;.;4 Grejob cukuhgeh ehtere suiut koiehg sohgguhg (ε ) ifhgeh


e e e

Gfle`e Tujaso (  ^opohg ) ieh Tfmku`eh ( Kao`ohg (  Kao`ohg )

Eger geye-geye cyiraiohemos yehg tomku` peie e`oreh jo`treso toieb ebeh mfhyfkekbeh gfle`e sujaso ieh sfmku`eh yehg sehget mfmkeceyebeh keob tukuc  pahies eso fmkuhg meupuh pahiesohye, mebe bfdfpeteh e`oreh jo`treso ie`em tukuc ieh  pahi fmkuhg tfrsfkut peie tohgbet-tohgbet tfrtfhtu pfr`u ioketeso. Bfdfpeteh e`oreh bf `ue uerr

bf etes pfrmubeeh pfrmubeeh `frfhg co`or yehg bampahfh vfrto vfrtobe`hye be`hye iepet

mfhgeb o ke  ke tbeh

tfrle tfrleioh iohye ye

pfr pfrpo pohi hiec eceh eh

kut kutor oreh eh-ku -kuto toreh reh

kece kecehh

fmk fmkuh uhg, g,

bfdfpetehhye iorumusbeh sfkegeo kfrobut (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?) < D

w5 . g   g    .................. ...................................... ............................................ ............................................................ ....................................  J  .


Iomehe < D w  5 eor 

J δ ?.

= bfdfpeteh br oto otos = kfret kutoreh keceh ie`em = `ues pfrmubeeh yehg mfhempuhg e`oreh j oo`t `treso = kfret oso eor 

Bepesotes E`oreh Jo`treso 

Mfmpfrborebeh kfserhye bepesotes  jo`treso yehg mfhge`or mf`e`uo tukuc ieh pahi  pahies eso fmkuhg yehg ioieserbeh peie lerohgeh treyfbtaro e`oreh  jo`treso iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus sfkegeo kfrobut (Tafiokya, 5??4) <


Geros e`oreh jo`treso

Geros fquopatfhsoe`

Gemker ;.;9 Jarmeso geros ifprfso

Uj =



 @  H


.  B B . C . 

................................................................................ (;.5;9)




= bepesotes e`oreh  jo`t res reso


reso = ehgbe pfmkego iero geros treyfbtaro e`oreh  jo`t res

 H p

= ehgbe pfmkego iero geros fquo pa  pa t fhs fhsoe` 


= bafjosofh  jo`t res reso


= tohggo tfbeh eor tate`


= pehlehg prajo` mf`ohtehg tukuc fmkuhg

5>. [fmkfseh Eor ie`em Yehec

is) Tfmue tehec tfrioro iero kutor-kutor ifhgeh ruehgeh-ruehgeh yehg iosfkut paro (vaois)

ehtere kutor-kutor tfrsfkut. ^aro-paro oho sf`e`u kfrcukuhgeh setu ifhgeh yehg `eoh sfcohgge eor iepet mfhge`or mf`e`uo ruehgeh paro tfrsfkut. ^rasfs oho iosfkut rfmkfseh ( sffpegf  sffpegf).Yoieb eie ei e kfhiuhg kfhiuhgeh eh urugeh yehg iepet ioehggep bfiep eor, sfco sfcohg hgge ge

lum` lum`ec ec rfmkf rfmkfse sehh

mf mf`e `e`u `uoo

kfhi kfhiuh uhge gehh

ieh ieh

pahi pahies esoh ohye ye


iopfrcotuhgb iopfrco tuhgbeh. eh. Ko`e ``elu elu turuh turuhhye hye tfbe tfbeheh heh ebo eboket ket rfmkfseh mf`empeuo ieye teceh

suetu pertobf` tehec tfrceiep gfrebeh, mebe pertobf` tehec tfrsfkut ebeh


uhtub kfrgfreb. Ceso`hye eie`ec fraso kewec tehec, yeotu tfrkuehghye

 per to tobf `-  pertobf`  B  @ohs` ffy, y,

 [ey bfdo` iero iefrec tfpet ioco`or ”uluhg lero” (taf) kfhiuhgeh ( [ey


 Lasfpc K Jrehzoho,

ce` 5?:, tch 5?3?). Ce` tfrsfkut iepet iobftecuo ifhgeh

 pfmkueteh j`awhft yehg tfrleio ie`em tukuc ieh pahieso fmkuhg tfrsfku t. Bftohggoeh tfgehgeh suetu totob iohyetebeh ifhgeh rumus< u c y ..................................................................................................... δw

Iomehe < c u


 prfssurf cfei ) = bftohggoeh tfgehgeh ( prfssurf = tfgehgeh eor 


= bftohggoeh totob ioetes suetu ietum tfr tfhtu

Mfhurut (Tafiokya, ce` 3>, 5??4) kehyebhye eor yehg mfrfmkfs ieh tfgehgeh eor paro

iepet iocotu iocotuhg hg iifhgeh fhgeh rumus<

bc  H j   Hf



........................................ .................... ............................................ ....................................... ............... (;.5;:)

Iomehe < U

= lum`ec eor yehg mfrfmkfs


= bafjosofh rfmkfseh

c  Hf

= kfie bftohggoeh eor sfpehlehg  j` awhf awhft  = lum`e lum`ecc fquo pa  pa t fhs fhsoe` 


= lum`ec e`oreh

Yfgehgeh ^aro (V)

u δw

  ; I c  Hf

................................................................................ ;.5;7)

Iomehe <

;.7.: )


= tfgehgeh  par o


= kfie tohggo fhfrgo cu`u ifhgeh co`or 


= lereb mube eor tfrceiep totob yehg iotoh leu

[fhdehe Yfbhos Kehguheh ^f`ompec (  Tpo``wey

Tuetu pf`ompec kehlor mfrupebeh betup pfhgemeh uhtub suetu fmkuhg. Mebe  pf`ompec  kehlor sfcerushye mfmpuhyeo bepesotes uhtub mfhge`orbeh kehlor-kehlor kfser tehpe mfruseb fmkuhg eteu kehguheh-kehguheh pf`fhgbephye, sf`eoh otu luge mfhlege fmkuhg


eger tftep kfreie iokewec bftohggoeh mebsomum yehg iotftepbeh. Tuetu pf`ompec  keh lor

yehg iepet tfrbfhie`o meupuh yehg toieb iepet tfrbfhie`o io`fhgbepo ifhgeh

 pohtu eor mfrdu eteu serehe-serehe `eohhye, sfcohgge `elu e`oreh bf`uerhye iepet ioetur  (Tafi okya, 5??4).

^eie cebfbethye uhtub fmkuhg tfriepet kfrkegeo topf kehguheh pf`ompec ieh uhtub mfhfhtubeh topf yehg sfsueo iopfr`ubeh suetu stuio yehg `ues ieh mfhie`em, sfcohgge sfcoh gge iopfra`fc e`t e`tfrhet frhetoj oj yehg pe`o pe`ohg hg fbahamos. Kehguhe Kehguhehh pf`ompec yehg  koese ioguhebeh yeotu kehguheh pf`ompec tfrkube ifhgeh emkehg tftep (Tafiokya, 5??4). Eie

 kfrkegeo medem lfhos  spo``wey, keob keob yehg yehg kfr kfrpo poht htuu me meup upuh uh yeh yehgg kfke kfkes, s,  soif dcehhf `  spo``wey, dcutf spo``wey

ieh  sypcah spo``wey . Lfhos Lfhos-lfhos -lfhos oho iorehdehg ie`em

upeye uhtub mfhiepetbeh lfhos Tpo``wey yehg mempu mfhge` mfhge`orbeh orbeh eeor or sfkehyeb kehyebhye.  kehye bhye. ^fmo`oceh  lfhos  spo``wey oho iosempohg tfr`fteb peie pfrtomkehgeh coira`obe,  pfrtomkehgeh fbahamos sfrte apfreso apfresoahe` ahe` ieh pfmf`oce pfmf`ocereehhye reehhye..

^eie prohsophy prohsophyee

 kehguheh  spo``wey tfrioro iero 4 kegoeh uteme, utem e, yeotu <   Te`ureh pfhgerec ieh pfhgetur e`oreh   Te`uereh  pf `uhdur    ^frfiem fhfrgo


Te`ureh ^fhgerec ieh ^fhgetur E`oreh

Kegoeh oho kfrjuhgso sfkegeo pfhuhtuh ieh pfhgerec e`oreh eger e`oreh tfrsfkut sfhehtoese ie`em bahioso coira`obe yehg keob. ^eie se`ureh pfhgerec e`oreh oho, bfdfpeteh mesubhye e`oreh eor supeye toieb mf`fkoco 9 m/ift ieh `fker se`ureh meb oh mfhgfdo` bf erec co`or. Bfie`emeh ieser se`ureh pfhgerec e`oreh koesehye ioemko` `fkoc kfser iero 5/6 S tohggo rfhdehe `ompeseh io etes mfrdu emkehg  pf `ompec,  pfrobse  gemker ;.;; Te`ureh pfhgerec e`oreh ieh emkehg ifkot peie  sfkuec kehguheh pf`ompec .

Bepeso Bepesotes tes ifkot eor sehget iopfhgeruco a`fc kfhtub emkehg.

Yfriepet 4 emkehg yeotu< emkehg kfkes, emkehg kfrkfhtub kfhiuhg pf`ompec, ieh emkehg kfhtub kfhiuhg pf`ompes pfhggehtuhg (Tafiokya, 5??4). Kehguheh  pf`ompec cerus iepet mfhge`orbeh ifkot kehlor rfhdehe ifhgeh emeh. [umus umum ye yehg hg

iopeb iopebeo eo

uhtu uhtubb

mf mfhg hgco cotu tuhg hg

bepes bepesot otes es

kehg kehguh uheh eh

pf`o pf`omp mpec ec

eie` eie`ec ec

( Kehguheh Vteme < ; B^->;, 5?3:)   ; U .Di   Kx  .Kx 4 4 ; 4. g   g .c




Iomehe < U Di

= ifkot e`oreh (m4/s) = bafjosofh `ompeceh


= `fker fjfbtoj emkehg (m)

g c

= pfrdfpeteh grevoteso (m/s) = tohggo fhfrgo io etes emkehg (m)

@fker fjfbtoj emkehg iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?) < @f=@—  ;(H.B  p+B e).C



Iomehe < @f

= `fker fjfbtoj emkehg (m)


= `fker emkehg sfkfherhye (m)


= lum`ec  po`er 

B  p B e

= bafjosofh bahstrebso  po`er  = bafjosofh bahstrebso peie iohiohg sempohg emkehg


= tohggo fhfrgo io etes emkehg (m) Yekf` ;.;4 Cerge-cerge bafjosofh bahtrebso po` po`er er (Bp)


Bftfr frehgeh ehgeh



Vhtub po`er kfruluhg sfgo fmpet ifhgeh suiut-suiut yehg ku`et peie lero-lero yehg cempor seme ifhgeh >,5 iero tfke` po`er 



Vhtub po`er kfruluhg ku`et

>, >5


Vhtub po`er kfruluhg ruhdohg

>, >> Tumkfr < Laftete ibb (5??7)

Yekf` ;.;9 Cerge-cerge bafjosofh bahtrebso pehgbe` kfhiuhg (Be) Ha

Bftfr frehgeh ehgeh



Vhtub pehgbe` ttffmkab sfgo fmpet iiffhgeh tfmkab cu`u peie ?>¼ bf erec ee``oreh

>, ;>


Vhtub pehgbe` tfmkab ku`et ifhgeh tfmkab cu`u peie ?>¼ bf erec e`oreh ifhgeh


>,6 C5 8 r 8 >,56 C 5 4

Vhtub pehgbe` tfmkab ku`et iomehe r 8 >,6 C 5 ieh tfmkab cu`u toieb `fkoc iero 96¼ bf erec e`oreh Tumkfr < Laftete ibb (5??7)




 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh




Te`ureh pfhgerec e`oreh Emkehg pfhgetur ifkot


Z 0 9 m/ift

Gemker ;.;6 Te`ureh pfhgerec e`oreh ieh emkehg pfhgetur ifkot peie sfkuec pf`ompec

c5 c;






Gemker ;.;: ^fhempehg mfmehlehg kehguheh pf`ompec

Bftfrehgeh gemker < 5. Te`ureh pfhgerec ieh pfhgetur e`oreh ;. Te`ureh  pf `uhdur  4. Kehguheh pfrfiem fhfrgo 9. Emkehg


(e). Emkehg Kfkes

Emkehg kfkes ioguhebeh uhtub ifkot eor yehg bfdo` ifhgeh kfhtub sfifrcehe. Kegoeh cu`u iepet kfrkfhtub tfgeb eteu morohg (5 tfgeb < 5 carosahte` eteu ; tfgeb < 5 carosahte`), bfmuioeh carozahte` ieh ebcorhye kfrkfhtub `fhgbuhg (Tafiokya, 5??4).

Epeko`e kfrkfhtub tfgeb sf`e`u ioobuto ifhgeh `ohgbereh yehg lero-lerohye


5 /4 c 5

;/ 4c 5


5 /4 c 5


5 c; . ;

; /4 c5

5/; c ;


5/; c ;

Gemker ;.;7 Emkehg kfkes (Tafiokya, 5??4)

Vhtub mfhfhtubeh `fker emkehg koesehye ioguhebeh rumus sfkegeo kfrobu kfrobutt < 4



Iomehe < U




= ifkot eor (m/iftob)


= pehlehg emkehg (m)


= bfie`emeh eor tfrtohggo ios iosfkf`ec fkf`ec cu`u emkehg (m)


= ehgbe bafjosofh uhtub kfhtub fmpet pfrsfgo pehlehg = >,3;.

o r) (k). Emkehg Kfrkfhtub Kfhiuhg ^f`ompec (Avfrj`aw Wf Wfo  r)

Ioguhebeh uhtub ifkot eor yehg kfser. ^frmubee ^frmubeehh kfhiuhg kfrkfhtub `fhgbuhg iosfsuesobeh ifhgeh e`oreh eor eger toieb eie eor yehg `fpes iero ieser  kfhiuhg  kfhiuhg.. [umuss [umu

uh uhtub tub

kfh kfhiuh iuhgg

pf` pf`ompe ompecc

mfhur mfhurut ut




 Hetoahe`  Dammottff ah @ergf Iems )

eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut <


U = d.(@ - B C H).C



Iomehe < 4

U @

(m /if t)

= ifkot eor = pehlehg mfrdu pf`ompec (m)




= bafjosofh bahtrebso bfie`emeh eor tfrtohggo iosfkf`ec cu`u kfhiuhg (m)





ehgbe bafj osofh



 lum`ec  po`er   


>,;3; Ci  >,576 Ci 




totob ha` iero baari oh et  S  S   ,_  x

a y  paras k fhiuhgeh [ = >,; Ci  [ = >,6 Ci 

S 5,36 = ; Ci >,36 _ y

Gemker ;.;3 Emkehg kfkes (Tafiokya, 5??4)


Te`ureh ^f` ^f`uhdur

Te`ureh pf`uhdur mfrupebeh kehguheh trehsoso ehtere emkehg ieh kehguheh  pfrfiem  pfrfiem.. Koesehye kegoeh oho mfmpuhyeo bfmorohgeh yehg tfrle` ieh e`orehhye eie`ec supfr  broto brotos. s. Ce` yehg yehg pfr pfr`u `u iop iopfrc frceto etobeh beh peie pfrf pfrfhd hdeh eheeh eeh kego kegoeh eh oh ohoo eie eie`e `ecc tfr   leiohye bevoteso.

Ie`em mfrfhdehebeh se`ureh pf`uhdur ( j`aai wey) cerus

mfmfhuco pfrsyereteh

sfkegeo kfrobut (Guheicerme, 5??7) <

  Eger eor yehg mf`ompec iero se`ureh pfhgetur mfhge`or ifhgeh `ehder tehpe cemketeh-cemketeh.

  Eger bahstrbso se`ureh pf`uhdur dubup babac ieh steko` ie`em mfhempuhg

sfmue kfkeh yehg tomku`.  

Eger koeye bahstrubso iousecebeh sffbahamos

muhgb oh.

Guhe mfmfhuco pfrsyereteh tfrsfkut mebe iousecebeh eger tempeb eteshye sf`urus muhgboh. Lobe kfhtub yehg mf`fhgbuhg toieb iepet iocohierbeh, mebe iousecebeh `fhgbuhgeh tfrketes ieh ifhgeh reious yehg kfser. Koesehye e`oreh teb sfregem tfr  leio  peie se`ureh ppf`uhdur f`uhdur yehg tempeb eteshye mf`fhgbuhg, tfruteme tfrleio peie  keg oeh se`ureh yehg pe`ohg durem ieh epeko`e peie kegoeh oho tfrleio suetu bf luteh gf`amkehg coira`os, pfrfiem fhfrgo ebeh tfrgehggu (Guheicerme, 5??7).



cv5 Z5 ci5






ci; ;

` Gemker ;.;? Tbfme pfhempehg mfmehlehg se`ureh pf`uhdur (Guheicerme, 5??7)


Kegoeh _ehg Kfrkfhtub Yframpft ^eie Vluhg Co`or Te`ureh ^f`uhdur

Tfmeboh bfdo` pfhempehg `ohtehg se`ureh pf`uhdur, mebe ebeh mfmkfr obeh bfuhtuhgeh iotohleu iero sfgo va`umf pfbfrleeh, tftepo ebeh mfhomku`beh mese`ec- mese`ec

yehg `fkoc kfser peie usece pfrfiem fhfrgo yehg tomku` pfr-uhot `fker e`oreh tfrsfkut. Tfke`obhye pf`fkereh pfhempehg `ohtehg se`ureh ebeh

mfhgeb o ke  ke tbeh kfserhye

va`umf pfbfrleeh uhtub pfmkueteh se`ureh pf`uhdur,

tftepo  pfrfiemeh fhfrgo pfr-uhot `fker e`orehhyeh ebeh `fkoc rohgeh ( Guheicerme, 5??7). Kfrieserbeh  peie

pfrtomkehgeh-pfrt pfrtomkehgeh-pfrtomkehgeh omkehgeh tfrsfkut ioetes, mebe

 kue t mf`fker (kfrkfhtub tframpft) sfkf`um iocukuhgbeh se`ureh pf`uhdur io kue

ifhgeh pfrfiem fhfrgo. ^f`fkereh tfrsfkut iopfr`ubeh eger e`oreh supfr-brotos ifhgeh bfdfpeteh tohggo yehg mf`uhdur iero se`ureh pf`uhdur ieh mfmesubo kegoeh oho, sfiobot ifmo sfiobot iepet ioburehgo eboket mf`fkerhye e`oreh ieh e`oreh tfrsfkut mfhleio sfmeboh steko` sfkf`um mfhge`or mesub bf ie`em pfrfiem fhfrgo.


Gemker ;.4> Kegoeh kfrkfhtub tframpft iero se`ureh pf`uhdur peie kehguheh


^frfiem Fhfrgo Fhfrg o

E`oreh eor sftf`ec bf`uer iero se`ureh pf`uhdur koesehye mfmpuhyeo bfdfpeteh eteu fhfrgo yehg dubup tohggo yehg iepet mfhyfkekbeh fraso io co`orhye ieh mfhyfkekbeh iosteko`otes kehguheh  spo``wey. A`fc berfhehye pfr`u iokuetbeh kehguheh  pfrfiem fhfrgo sfcohgge eor yehg bf`uer iero kehguheh pfrfiem dubup emeh. Tfkf`um e`oreh yehg mf`ohteso kehguheh pf`ompec iobfmke`obeh `ego bf ie`em suhgeo, mebe e`oreh ifhgeh bfdfpeteh yehg tohggo ie`em bahioso supfr brotos tfrsfkut cerus io pfr   pfr `emket

ieh iorukec peie bahioso e`oreh suk brotos. Ifhgeh ifmoboeh behiuhgeh

fhfrgo ifh ifhgeh geh ieye pfhggfrus sehget buet yehg tomku` ie`em e`oreh tfrsfkut cerus iorfiusor cohgge mfhdepeo tohgbet yehg harme` bfmke`o, sfcohgge e`oreh tfrsfkut bfmke`o bf ie`em suhg suhgeo eo teh tehpe pe mfmke mfmkecey ceyebeh ebeh bfst bfsteko eko`eh `eh e`ur suh suhgeo geo yehg  kfrsehgbuteh (Tafi okya, 5??4).

Guhe mfrfi mfrfiusor usor fhfrgo yehg tfriepe tfriepett io ioie`em ie`em e`oreh tfrsf tfrsfkut, kut, meb mebee iou luhg co`or se`ureh pf`uhdur koesehye iokuet suetu kehguheh yehg iosfkut pfrfiem

fhfrgo  pfhdfgec  pfrfiem

gfruseh. Vhtub mfyebohbe mfyebohbehh bfmempueh ieh bfemeheh iero

fhfrgo, mebe peie seet mf`ebsehebeh pfmkueteh rfhdehe tfbhoshye

i o pfr   pfr `ubeh








 kehguheh  pf`ompec bur burehg ehg ste steko`, ko`, mebe bfme bfmempue mpuehh pfrfie pfrfiem m fhf fhfrgo rgo sup supeye eye iorfhdeh iorf hdehebeh ebeh uhtub iepet mfhempuhg ifkot kehlor ifhgeh prakeko`otes ;% (eteu ifhgeh pfru`ehgeh 6> tecuh). Ehgbe tfrsfkut ebeh fbahamos ieh mfmeieo tftepo ifhgeh pfrtomkehgeh  kecwe epeko epeko`e `e

tfrle tfrleio io ifkot kehlor yehg `f `fkoc koc kfser kfser,,

mebe bfruse bfrusebeh-bfrus beh-bfrusebeh ebeh yehg muhgboh tomku` peie pfrfiem fhfrgo toieb  eb ebeh eh mf mfmke mkece ceye yebe behh bfst bfstek eko` o`eh eh tukuc fmkuhghye (Guheicerme, 5??7).

Bfie`emeh ieh bfdfpeteh eor peie kegoeh sfkf`ec


cu`u ieh sfkf`ec co`or `ahdeteh coira`os tfrsfkut iepet iopfra`fc iero rumus sfkegeo  kfrobut < q

U  K


v q .............................................................................................................  I5  I;


5  3 Jr




5........................................................................  ........... (;.549)


 Jr 5 


 g .  I I5



Iomehe < U

= Ifkot pf`ompec (m4/if t)

K Jr

= @fker kfhiuhg (m)  Jrauiff = Ko`ehgeh  Jraui


= Bfdfpeteh ewe` `ahdeteh (m/it)


= ^frdfpeteh grevoteso

(m»/ift )

I5,; = Yohggo bah lugeso I5

= bfie`emeh eor io ewe` ba`em (m)


= beie`emeh eor io ebcor ba`em (m)

Eie kfkfrepe topf kehguheh pfrfiem fhfrgo yehg pfmebeoehhye tfrgehtuhg ier o  pebeo bahioso coira`os yehg iohyetebeh ie`em ko`ehgeh  Jrauif . Ie`em pfrfhdeheeh io pebe topf ba`em a`ebeh ieh yehg pe`ohg umum iopfrguhebeh eie`ec ba`em a`ebeh ieter.

Medem topf ba`em a`ebeh ieter yeotu (e) Ba`em A`ebeh Ieter Yopf O

Ba`em a`ebeh ieter topf O eie`ec suetu ba`em a`ebeh ifhgeh ieser yehg ieter ieh tfrleiohye pfrfiemeh fhfrgo yehg tfrbehiuhg ie`em e`oreh eor ifhgeh  kfhtureh sf sfder deree

`ehg `ehgsuh suhgg

Kfhtureh `ehgsuhg

e`ore e`orehh

tfrsf tfrsfkut kut

ete etess

pfr pfrmu mube beeh eh

iese ieserr

ba` ba`em em..

tfrsfkut mfhgceso`beh pfrfiemeh fhfrgo yehg dubup tohggo,

sfcohgge  pfr`fhgbepeh-pfr`fhgbep  pfr`fhgbepeh-pfr`fhgbepeh eh to ieb iopfr`ubeh `ego peie ba`em Berfhe


`eohhye guhe pfhyfmpurheeh pfrfiemeh a`ebeh tfrsfkut (Guheicerme, 5??7).


 pfhyfmpurheeh rfiemehhye tfrleio eboket gfsfbeh-gfsfbeh yehg tfrleio ehtere ma`fbu`-ma`fbu` eor io ie`em ba`em a`ebeh, sfcohgge eor yehg mfhohgge`beh ba`em tfrsfkut mfhge`or mfmesubo e`ur suhgeo ifhgeh bahioso yehg suiec tfhehg. Ebeh tftepo ba`em a`ebeh mfhleio `fkoc pehlehg ieh berfhehye topf O oho cehye sfsueo uhtub mfhge`orbeh ifkot yehg rf`etoj bfdo` ifhgeh bepesotes  pfrfiemeh fhfrgo yehg bfdo` pu`e ieh ba`em a`ebehh a`ebehhyepuh yepuh ebeh  kfriomfhs o bfdo`. Ieh ba`em a`ebeh topf O oho koesehye iokehguh uhtub suetu bahioso yehg

toieb mfmuhgbohbeh pfmkueteh pfr`fhgbepeh-pfr`fhgbepeh `eohhye peie


a`ebeh tfrsfku t.

Z5 I5

Z; I;


@ahdeteh coira`os peie se`ureh ieter  Gemker ;.45 Kfhtub ba`em a`ebeh ieter topf O VTK[ (Tafiokya, 5??4)

(k) Ba`em A`ebeh Ieter Ieter Yopf OO

Ba`em a`ebeh ieter topf OO oho dadab uhtub e`oreh ifhgeh tfbeheh coirastetos yehg tohggo ieh ifhgeh ifkot yehg kfser (q 8 96 m 4/it/m, tfbeheh coirastetos 8 :> m ieh ko`ehgeh  Jrauif 8 9,6). Ba`em a`ebeh topf oho sehget sfsueo uhtub  kfhiuhge h urugeh ieh pfhgguheehhyepuh dubup `ues (Tafiokya, 5??4).




>.; I5


Gogo  pfmfhder e`oreh

Emkehg mf`fhgbuhg


Bfmorohgeh ; < 5

Gemker ;.4; Kfhtub ba`em a`ebeh ieter Yopf OO VTK[ (Tafiokya, 5??4)

(d) Ba`em A`e A`ebeh beh Ieter Yopf OOO

^eie cebfbethye prohsop bfrle iero ba`em a`ebeh oho sehget morop ifhgeh sosto m bfrle iero ba`em a`ebeh ieter topf OO, ebeh tftepo `fkoc sfsueo uhtub  mfhge`orbeh eor ifhgeh tfbeheh coirastetos yehg rfhiec ieh ifkot yehg egeb bfdo` 4

(q 0 53,6 m /it/m, Z 0 53,> m/it ieh ko`ehgeh  Jrauif 8 9,6). Vhtub mfhgurehgo  peh lehg ba`em a`ebeh koesehye iokuetbeh gogo pfmfhder e`oreh io tfpo cu`u ieser ba`em, gogo pfhgceiehg e`oreh (gogo kfhtureh) peie ieser ba`em a`ebeh. Ba`em a`ebeh topf oho koesehye koesehye uhtub kehguheh pf`ompec peie kfhiuhgeh urugeh rfhiec (Guheicerme, 5??7).


I; I5


Gogo pfmfhder  Gogo kfhtureh e`oreh Emkehg  pfrete

Bfmorohgeh ;¾

e = >.5 [  `ehteo `ohiuhg Y

f`fveso ieser `fhgbuhgeh Gemker ;.46 ^freiem fhfrgo topf keb tfhggf`em (kudbft  (kudbft )

^eremftfr-peremftfr pfrfhdeheeh yehg sfkegeomehe iokfrobeh a`fc VTK[ su`ot uh tub  iotfrepbeh kego pfrfhdeheeh ba`em a`eb topf oho. A`fc berfhe otu,  peremf tfr peremftfr ieser sfpfrto lero-lero keb, tohggo fhfrgo ieh bfie`emeh eor cerus iorukec mfhleio peremftfr-peremftfr tehpe iomfhso ifhgeh dere mfmkegohye ifhgeh bfie`em brotos (c d ) ifhgeh pfrsemeeh bfie`emeh brotos eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut <



 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh



q  cd 4  g   

..................................................................................... ................................................................................................ ...........


Iomehe < cd = bfie`emeh brotos (m) q

= ifkot pfr `fker setueh (m4/ift.m)


= pfrdfpeteh grevoteso (m;/it) (=?,35)

Lero-le Lero -lero ro moho mohomum mum yehg pe`oh pe`ohgg iool ioolohb ohbeh eh ([moh ([moh)) iep iepet et iot iotfht fhtube ubehh ifhgeh mfhgg mfh gguhe uhebeh beh pfr pfrkeh kehio iohg hgeh eh bfto hggoeh

kfi kfiee m mube ube eor eor

cu cu`u `u ieh co co`o `orr (∊ C ) ifhgeh

brotos (cd) sfpfrto yehg iotuhlubbeh ifhgeh Gemker ;.4: kfrobut <

Gemker ;.4: Grejob Vhtub Mfhdero Lero-lero Mohomum ([moh) Keb 

Ifmoboeh pu`e ifhgeh ketes mohomum tohggo eor co`or (Ymoh). Ymoh iokfrobeh  peiee  pei

Gemker ;.47 kfrobut <

Gemker ;.47 Grejob Vhtub Mfhdero Ketes Mohomum Yohggo Eor



Vhtub ho`eo



io etes ;,9 geros tfrsfkut mfrupebeh ketes mebsomum uh tub 

mfhfhtubeh kfserhye ho`eo Ymoh. Tfiehgbeh uhtub ho`eo


yehg `fkoc bfdo` iero ;,9


mebe ioemko` ho`eo bfie`emeh bahlugeso sfkegeo bfie`emeh mohomum co`or, ifhgeh  C   pfrtomkehgeh kecwe uhtub ho`eo yehg `fkoc bfdo` iero ;,9 eie`ec io`uer  cd

 lehgbeueh pfrdakeeh VTK[. Kfserhye pfrfiem fhfrgo iotfhtubeh a`fc  pfrkehiohgeh c; ieh c5 Gemker ;.43. Epeko`e tfrhyete  

c; c5

`fkoc kfser ier o

; 4

, mebe toieb eie fjfb 

 pfrfiemeh yehg kose iocerepbeh. Yfr`fpes iero otu, pfhge`emeh tf`ec mfhuh lubbeh  kecwe kehyeb fmkuhg ruseb sfkegeo eboket iero gfruseh `abe` yehg tfrleio io sfkf`ec co`or, co`o r, tfrut tfruteme eme eboket ifgreieso ieser suhgeo. A`fc berfhe otu, ioehlurbeh ie`em mfhfhtubeh mfhfhtub eh bfie` bfie`emeh emeh moh mohomum omum eor co`or luge kfrieserbeh ifgrei ifgreieso eso ies ieser  er  suhgeo

yehg ebeh tfrleio iomese ietehg.

   m   4   m   e    `   e c;   i ;    ;    c


5 >

 koes yehg iopebeo >

; 4 5 c5 ie`em m



Gemker ;.43 Ketes Mebsomum tohggo eor co`or

;.7.: ;.7.:.: .: o`` wey)  Tpo``   Tp wey)



( Toif  Toif

Tuetu kehguheh pf`ompec yehg se`ureh pf`uhdurhye kfrpasoso mfhyempohg tfrceiep se`ureh pfhgetur e`oreh io cu`uhye/uiobhye. Tfrohg luge iosfkut se`ureh  pfhgetur  e`oreh typf pf`ompec sempohg (rfgu`etoah pert aj soifweri avfr j`aw typf ) io`fhgbepo ifhgeh suetu kfhiuhg pfhgetur ieh beiehg-beiehg iopesehg pohtu. Toif Tpo``wey oho


iorfhdehebeh uhtub mfhgeteso/mfhempuhg ifkot kehlor ekharme` (5,; be`o ifkot  keh lor 


Tpo``wey sfa`ec-a`ec tfrkego mfhleio ; tohgbeteh rfhdehe). E`oreh yehg mf`ohteso Toif Tpo``wey

ifhgeh ; kuec pfrfiem fh fhfrgo frgo yeotu tfr`fteb iokegoeh ebcor se`ureh pfhgetur ieh  pfrfiem fhfrgo iokegoeh ebcor iero kehguheh  pf `ompec.

^frsyereteh yehg pfr`u iopfrcetobeh peie kehguheh pf`ompec topf oho eger ifkot yehg mf`ohteso mf`oh teso toieb mfhyfkekbeh e`oreh yehg mfhfhggf`e mfhfhggf`embeh mbeh kfhiuhg peie se`ureh  pfhgetur mebe se`ureh sempohg iokuet dubup rfhiec tfrceiep kfhiuhg tfrsfku t. Kehguheh Kehguh eh iorfhd iorfhdehebeh ehebeh sfifmob sfifmoboeh oeh rupe eger peie seet mfhge`orbeh ifkot  keh lor  ekharme` pfrkfieeh f`fveso pfrmubeeh eor iouiobhye/cu`uhye ieh io co`or  kfhiohg toieb burehg ;/4 be`o tohggo io etes mfrdu kfhiuhg tfrsfkut. Tfmeboh  kfser  bfmorohgeh soso se`ureh sempohg ebeh `fkoc keob berfhe iepet mfhgurehgo va`umf ge`oeh. Ebeh tftepo cerus ioohget kecwe tohggo letuchye kfrbes e`oreh eor iero bf ie`em e`oreh tfrsfkut, sfcohgge bfbueteh ketueh io etes kehguheh


 pf`ompec yehg ebeh iokehguh pfr`u iopfrcetobeh. Vhtub ^frtomkehgeh steko`otes ieh bfmuieceh ie`em pf`ebseheeh bahstrubso. Mebe ioserehbeh `fker ieser Toif ioemko`


sfbfdo` muhgboh ifhgeh `fker ieser yehg sfmpot sfcohgge va`umf

 pfrhgge`oeh ebeh  kfrburehg ieh ebeh mfmpuhyeo fjfb pfrfiem fhfrgo yehg tohggo. ^eie  kehguhe  kehguheh h  pf`ompec yehg bfdo`, koesehye `fker ieser sfpehlehg ieser  se`ureh sempohg io kue  kuet sfregem. Tfiehgbeh peie kehguheh pf`ompec yehg kfser,  koesehye `fker ieser ba`em ebeh ebeh sfmeb sfmeboh oh mf`f mf `fwe wetb tbeh eh

ifko ifkott

kehl kehlor or


kfse kfserr

bf co` co`or. or. Tfc Tfcoh ohgg ggee

seet seet

 pfrmubeeh eor io ie`em ba`em tfrsfkut

mfmkfhtub koiehg yehg cempor ieter ifh ifhgeh geh  pfhempehg kesec pe`ohg fjfbtoj. Vhtub se`ureh sempohg peie kehguheh  pf`ompec sempohg, rumus iero  O. Cohis sfkegeo ieser pfrfhdeheeh. [umus  O. Cohis eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut < U  x

q . x




v e . x ………………………………………………………………………  y

h 5 h

  . c v ……………………………………………………………..

Iomehe < Ux


= ifkot peie totob x (m /it)



 kfhiuhg g ifkot kehlor tfpo uiob kfhiuhg ifhgeh suetu totob peie mfrdu  kfhiuh



tfrsfkut (m) = bfdfpeteh rete-rete e`oreh eor io ie`em se`ureh sempohg peie suetu


totob tfrtfhtu (m/it)

 H = fxpahfht uhtub bfdfpeteh e`oreh eor ioie`em se`ureh sempohg (ehetere >,9 s/i >,3) = pfrkfieeh f`fveso eehtere htere mfrd mfrduu kfhiu kfhiuhg hg ifhge ifhgehh pfrm pfrmubeeh ubeeh eor io


ie`em se`ureh sempohg peie koiehg  Ex yehg mf`e`uo totob tfrsfku t.  Cv

= tohggo tfbeheh bfdfpeteh e`oreh (cv=v; / ;g  ;g ))..

;.7.7 ;.7.7 ^fhyeiep

[fhdehe [fhdehe



Yfbhos Yfbhos

Kehguheh Kehguheh







 pfhgetur ieh pfhye`ur e`oreh ( I^V,  I^V, 5?7>). ^eie ceb cebfbet fbethye hye kehg kehguhe uhehh


 pfhyeiep sehget  kehyeb medemhye tftepo yehg sfrohg ioguhebeh eie ; medem yeotu  kehguheh  pfhyeiep topf sehier ieh kehguheh pfhyeiep topf mfhere. ;.7.7.5

Kehguheh ^fhyeiep Tehier ( Ohd`ohfi Aut`ft Dahiuot ))..

^ohtu ieh serohgeh `ukehg pfhyeiep ^ohtu pfhggf`ahtar  sfiomfh [uehg apfresoahe`

Te`ureh pfhgf`eb 

 pope pfhye`ur 

Gemker ;.4? Bampahfh kehguheh pfhyeiep topf sehier

Kehguheh pfhyeiep sehier eie`ec kehguheh pfhyeiep yehg kegoeh  pfhge turhye tfrioro iero tfrawahgeh morohg yehg kfr`ukehg-`ukehg ieh kfrsehier peie tfkohg suhgeo. Berfhe tfr`fteb peie tfkohg suhgeo mebe iopfr`ubeh pahieso ketueh eteu  pahieso yehg tfrioro iero `eposeh yehg babac uhtub mfhgcohiero bfmuhgb oheh bfruhtuceh peie bahstrubso sehiereh a`fc pfhgeruc j`ubtueso iero pfrmubeeh eor ieh


bf`ahgsareh fmkuhg. Tuiut bfmorohgeh pahieso sehiereh sokuet toieb `fkoc iero :> a bfdue`o pahiesohye tfrioro iero ketueh yehg dubup babac (I^V, 5?7>).

Kfret tomkuheh tukuc fmkuhg koesehye mfhgeboketbeh tfrleiohye  pfhuruhe  pfhuruhehh pfhuruheh tukuc tfrawahgeh. Vhtub mfhdfge mfhdfgecc tfrleiohye pfhuruheh yehg mfmkeceyebeh, mebe keob peie tfrawahgeh pfhyeiep meupuh peie pope  pfhye `ur  ieter iokuetbeh pfhyehgge ( suppartohg  suppartohg pa`f) yehg kfrjuh kfrjuhgso gso pu`e sfkegeo tfmpet semkuhgeh kegoeh-kegoeh pope yehg kfrsehgbuteh. Kfkeh-kfkeh `uer yehg  kfbfr  le  peie tfrawahgeh pfhyeiep eie`ec < 5.) Yfbeheh eor yehg kfserhye seme ifhgeh tohggo pfrmubeeh eor fmkuhg ie`em bfeieeh  pfhuc.

;.) Yfbeheh tomkuheh tehec peie tfrawahgeh. 4.) Kfret pohtu ieh pfhyerohg sfrte jeso`otes-jeso`otes pfhgehgbethye sfrte bfbueteh apfreso ieh jeso`otes  pfhgehgbethye. 9.)

Geye-geye coira coiraiohemo iohemoss yehg tomku` eboke ebokett eiehye e`oreh eor ie`em


6.) Bfbueteh epuhg tfrawahgeh yehg iocotuhg 5>>% tfrceiep va`umf tfrawahgeh `uer.

:.) Epeko`e tfrleio

vebum io ie`em tfrawahgeh,

yehg iotomku`behhye,

7. 7.))

mebe ge geye-ge ye-geye ye

mfrupebeh tfbeheh-tfbeheh hfgetoj.

Ge Geye ye-g -gey eyee  sfosmod ieh geye-geye iohemos


@ukehg ^fhyeiep

Bepesotes `ukehg-`ukehg pfhyeiep iepet iocotuhg ifhgeh rumus sfkegeo kfrobut <


Vhtub `ukehg pfhyei pfhyeiep ep yehg


U =

D .  E E.   ; gc  gc  ......................................................................................

Iomehe < U D

= ifkot pfhyeiep sfkuec `ukehg (m4/ift) = bafjosofh ifkot, µ>,:; ;

E g

= `ues pfhempehg `ukehg = grevoteso (?,3 m/ift;)

(m )



= tohggo eor iero totob tfhgec `ukehg bf pfrmubeeh (m)


;. Vhtub `ukehg pfhyeiep yehg  kfser. 4 ; 4  K  K..D .   ; g   g  C   C  ; ce  C 5 ce ............................................. ;

U =




Iomehe < K = `fker `ukehg pfhyeiep (m) C5 = bfie`emeh eo eorr peie tfpo etes `ukehg (m) C; = bfie`emeh eor peie tfpo kewec `ukehg (m) ce = tohggo tfbeheh bfdepeteh ioifp ioifpeh eh `ukehg pfhyei pfhyeiep ep (m) Z e;

;  g  g 

Ze = bfdfpeteh e`oreh eor sfkf`um mesub bfie`em `ukehg pfhyei  pfhyeiep ep (m/ift)

Koesehye ioehggep cerge Ze = >, sfcohgge rumus ioetes kfrukec mfhleio <  




U = 4 K  K..D . ; g   g  C ;  C 4 .................................................................   ; 5


Epeko`e `ukehg pfhyeiep yehg morohg mfmkfhtub suiut γ ifhgeh  koiehg car osah te`,

mebe < Uo = U sfd γ........................................................................................


4. Vhtub `ukehg pfhyeiep ifhgeh pfhempehg  ku`et. ;

U = D .  . r Iomehe < r


; gC    ......................................................................

= reious `ukehg pfhyeiep (m)  C

[umus tfrsfkut kfr`ebu uhtub 




@ukehg pfhyeiep e. bfdo` (kulur


@ukehg pfhyeiep yehg  k. kfser  kfser (pfrs pfrsfgo fgo fmpet)


@ukehg pfhyeiep yehg  kfser  kfser (`ohgbereh)



C5 C;

C @

(Tumkfr < Tuyaha Tasraiersaha), Gemker ;.9> Tbfme pfrcotuhgeh uhtub `ukehg-`ukehg pfhyeiep

Bftohggoeh `ukehg pfhyeiep iotfhtubeh a`fc pfrboreeh tohggo sfiomfh sf`eme umur fbahamos fmkuhg. ;.7.7.;

Kehguheh ^fhyeiep Mfhere (aut`ft t awfr  awfr )

Kehguheh pfhyeiep mfhere eie`ec kehguheh pfhyeiep yehg kegoeh  pfhge turhye tfrioro iero suetu mfhere yehg kfrahgge io ie`emhye ieh peie iohiohg mfhere tfrsfkut tfriepet `ukehg-`ukehg pfhyeiep yehg io`fhgbepo pohtu-pohtu. ^eie cebfbethye bahstrubsohye sehget bamp`fbs sfrte koeyehye puh tohggo. Ce` oho io sfkekbeh a`fc ce`-ce` pfhtohg yehg mfhgeboketbeh eiehye bftfrketeseh yeotu < e.

Kehguheh pfhyeiep mfhere mfrupebeh kehguheh yehg kfrioro sfhioro, sfcohgge sfmue kfkeh `uer yehg kfbfrle peie mfhere tfrsfkut cerus iotempuhg bfsf `uruceh.


Kehguheh pfhyeiep mfhere mfrupebeh kehguheh yehg kfret, sfcohgge mfmkutucbeh pahieso yehg babac ifhgeh bfmempueh ieye iubuhg yehg  kfser.


Kehguheh ioieserbeh peie pfrtomkehgeh-pfrtomkehge pfrtomkehgeh-pfrtomkehgehh fbahamos ieh  kehguheh,  pfmkuet kehguheh pfhyeiep mfhere burehg m mfhguhtuhgbeh fhguhtuhgbeh epe`ego ko`e mfhere yehg iokutucbeh dubup tohggo.


Gemker ;.95 Kehguheh ^fhyeiep Mfhe Mfherre


^ohtu-pohtu Eor ieh Betuk peie Kehguheh ^fhyeiep

^frkfieeh ehetere pohtu-pohtu eor ieh betuk eie`ec pohtu eor tfrioro iero iue  keg oeh

yehg tfrposec yeotu pohtu yehg kfrgfreb ieh kohgbeo yehg mfrupebeh tfmpet

i omehe  pohtu betuk

iopesehg. Tfiehgbeh peie betuk ehtere betuk yehg kfrgfre kfrgfrebb ieh iiohiohg ohiohg

(yehg kfrjuhgso sfkegeo kohgbeo) mfrupeb mfrupebeh eh setu bfse bfsetueh. tueh. ^frco ^frcotuhgeh tuhgeh

bahstrubso pohtu eor

ieh betuk ioieserbeh ppeie eie kfk kfkeh-kfkeh eh-kfkeh yehg kfbfr kfbfrle le yeotu <

  Kfret ieuh pohtu sfhi or o   Yfbeheh coirastetos peie p ohtu   Yfbeheh sfiomfh   Bfbueteh epuhg    kumo

Bf`fmkemeh ieh tfbeheh coiraiohemobe peie seet tfrleiohye gfmpe


Yfbeheh eor yehg kfbfrle peie koiehg ku`et yehg morohg (^>), ifhgeh sbfme  peie Gemker ;.9;



Gemker ;.9; Yfbeheh coirastetos yehg kfbfrle peie koiehg ku`et yehg morohg

Iomehe < ^

= [fsu`teh sf`uruc tfbeheh eor (t)


= kfret pfr uhot va`umf eor (` t/m4)


= `fker ieuh pohtu yehg mfhempuhg tfbeheh eor (m)


= tohggo ieuh pohtu yehg mfhempuhg tfbeheh eor

(m) C5

C; C4

= tohggo eor io uiob ieuh pohtu (m)

= pfrkfieeeh eht ehtere ere f`fveso eor io uiob ieh co` co`or or ieuh pohtu (m) = tohggo eor io co`or ieuh pohtu (m)





Yohleueh Vmum

^frfhdeheeh fmkuhg ioewe`o ifhgeh mf`ebubeh survfy ieh ohvfstogeso io `abeso yehg  kfrsehgbuteh uhtub mfmpfra`fc iete pfrfhdeheeh yehg `fhgbep ieh tf`oto. Mftaia`ago yehg  keob ieh kfher mfrupebeh edueh uhtub mfhfhtubeh `ehgbec-`ehgbec bfgoeteh yehg  pfr`u ioemko` ie`em pfrfhdeheeh (Tafiokya, 5??4). Mftaia`ago pfhyusuheh pfrfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya sfkegeo kfrobut <   Turvfy ieh ohvfstogeso  pfhiecu`ueh   Oifhtojobeso mese`ec   Ttuio pustebe   ^fhgumpu`eh iete   Ehe`osos coira`ago   ^frfhdeheeh bahstrubso fmkuhg   Tteko`otes bahstrubso fmkuhg   Gemker Bahstrubso   [BT Ieh [fhdehe Ehggereh Koeye ([EK) meh pawfr   pawfr    Yomf Tdcfiu`f,  Hftwarb ^`ehhohg ieh meh


^fhgumpu`eh Iete

Tftoep pfrfhdeheeh ebeh mfmkutucbeh iete-iete pfhiubuhg keob iete promfr meupuh iete sfbuhifr (Tafiokya, 5??4). 4.;.5

Iete ^romfr

Iete promfr ioiepet iero poceb-poceb yehg kfrbfpfhtohgeh ieh iete-iete ebtue` `eohhye yehg kfrbeoteh kfrbeoteh ifhgeh bahio bahioso so seet oho. Mftaif pfhgumpu`eh iete promfr eie`ec sfkegeo  kfrobut <


 ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya Bekupetfh T`fmeh




Mftaif Aksfrveso

Ifhgeh survfy `ehgsuhg bf `epehgeh, eger iepet iobftecuo bahioso rfe` io `epehgeh sfdere geros kfser, uhtub iete ifteo`hye kose iopfra`fc iero ohstehso yehg tfrbeot . k.

Mftaif Wewehdere

_eotu ifhgeh mfwewehdereo heresumkfr yehg iepet iopfrdeye uhtub mfmpfra`fc iete yehg iopfr`ubeh.


Iete Tfbuhifr

Iete sfbuhifr yeotu iete-iete bfersopeh yehg iopfra`fc iero ohstehso tfrbeot, sfrte iete-iete yehg kfrpfhgeruc peie pfrfhdeheeh. Eiepuh iete sfbuhifr ehtere `eoh < e.

Iete Yapagrejo

Vhtub mfhfhtubeh f`fveso ieh tete `fteb `abeso io mehe ebeh ioiorobeh fmkuhg ieh `ues iefrec e`oreh suhgeo k.

Iete Gfa`ago

Iete gfa`ago iepet kfrupe iete josoagrejo, marja`ago ketueh, bahioso sfiomfh sfrte bahioso `ota`ago peie ketueh. Iete tfrsfkut ioguhebeh uhtub mfmpfrcotuhgbeh topf pahieso yehg ebeh iopo`oc ieh sfkegeo keceh pfrtomkehgeh ie`em pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg. d.

Iete Yehec

Iete yehg ioceso`beh iero pfhyf`oiobeh tehec io sfboter wo``eyec fmkuhg. Iete oho ioguhebeh uhtub mfhgftecuo strubtur ieh topf iero tehec meupuh ketueh yehg eie,  pfrmfeko`otes tehec, sojet-sojet josob tehec, pfhfhtueh ieh pfrcotuhgeh lfhos pahieso yehg  pfra`fc iopo`oc sfrte ieye iubuhg tehec tfrceiep bahstrubso fmkuhg. Eiepuh iete yehg io pfra`fc

iero iete tehec ehtere `eoh <   Iete sahior    Yfst DK[     Iorfdt Tcfer Yfst    Tao` Yfst , isk.



Iete Coira`ago

Iete oho kfrupe iete b`ometa`ago yehg kfrupe iete durec culeh, fvepatrehsporeso ieh ieteiete pfhiubuhg `eohhye. f.

Iete ^fhiuiub.

Vhtub mfhfhtubeh prayfbso pfhiuiub peie kfkfrepe tecuh bf ifpeh ieh mfhgftecuo  pfrtumkuceh pfhiuiub peie iefrec tfrsfkut. Iete oho iepet iopfra`fc mf`e`uo ohstehso tfrbeot yeotu ohstehso Kora ^uset Ttetostob. j.

Iete B`ometa`ago

Iete B`ometa`ago mf`oputo < Iete tfmpfretur ku`eheh rete-rete (aD)   Bfdfpeteh ehgoh rete-rete (m/ift)   Bf`fmkemeh uiere rf`etovf rete-rete (%)   @eme pfhyohereh metecero rete-rete (%)


Mftaia`ago ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg

Mftaif pfrfhdeheeh ioguhebeh uhtub mfhfhtubeh `ehgbec-`ehgbec yehg ebeh io`ebubeh ie`em pfrfhdeheeh Fmkuhg Yemkebkaya. Eiepuh mftaia`ago pfrfhdeheeh yehg ioguhebeh eie`ec < 4.4.5

Turvfy ieh Ohvfstogeso ^fhiecu`ueh


ieh ohvfstogeso pfhiecu`ueh io`ebubeh uhtub mfhgftecuo bfeieeh sasoe`, fbahamo,

 kuieye mesyerebet ieh pfhgemeteh `abeso io `epehgeh sfrte tehggepeh mesyerebet tfrceiep rfhdehe pfmkehguheh fmkuhg. 4.4.;

Oifhtojobeso Mese`ec

Vhtub iepet mfhgeteso pfrmese`eceh sfdere tfpet mebe pabab pfrmese`eceh cerus iobftecuo tfr`fkoc iecu`u. Ta`uso mese`ec yehg ebeh iokuet cerus mfhgedu  peie  pfrmese`eceh yehg tfrleio.



Ttuio ^ustebe

Ttuio pustebe oho io`ebubeh uhtub mfhiepetbeh mftaif ie`em ehe`osos iete,  pfrcotuhgeh ieh pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg yehg tf`ec tfrkubto bfkfherehhye 4.4.9

^fhgumpu`eh Iete

Iete ioguhebeh uhtub mfhgftecuo pfhyfkek mese`ec ieh uhtub mfrfhdehebeh fmkuhg yehg ebeh iokuet. Iete yehg iopfra`fc kfrupe iete promfr ieh sfbuhifr. 4.4.6

Ehe`osos Iete

Iete yehg tf`ec ioiepet ioa`ec ieh ioehe`osos sfsueo ifhgeh bfkutucehhye. Mesohg-mesohg iete kfrkfie ie`em pfhga`eceh ieh ehe`ososhye. ^fhga`eceh ieh ehe`osos yehg sfsueo ebeh iopfra`fc veroekf`-veroekf` yehg ebeh ioguhebeh ie`em pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg. 4.4.:

^frfhdeheeh Bahstrubso Fmkuhg

Ceso` iero ehe`osos iete ioguhebeh uhtub mfhfhtubeh pfrfhdeheeh bahstrubso fmkuhg yehg sfsueo, ieh tfpet iosfsueobeh iosfsueobeh ifhgeh bahioso-bahioso `epehgeh yehg mfhiubuhg bahstrubso fmkuhg tfrsfkut. 4.4.7

Tteko`otes Bahstrubso Fmkuhg

Ie`em pfrfhdeheeh bahstrubso fmkuhg pfr`u eiehye pfhgfdfbeh epebec bahstrubso tfrsfkut suiec emeh iero pfhgeruc geye-geye `uer meupuh kfkeh yehg ioeboketbeh iero bahstrubso otu sfhioro (Tasraiersaha, 5?3?). ^fhgfdfbeh steko`otes bahstrubso peie tukuc  kfhiuhgeh mfrupebeh usece uhtub iepet mfhgftecuo bfemeheh bahstrubso. Geye-geye yehg kfbfrle iobahtra` tfrceiep toge pfhyfkek ruhtuchye kehguheh grevoteso. Yoge  pfhyfkek ruhtuchye kehguheh grevoteso eie`ec gf`ohdor, gu`ohg ieh fraso kewec tehec (Tafiokya, 5??4). 4.4.3

Gemker Bahstrubso

Ceso` pfrfhdeheeh ieh steko`otes bahstubso fmkuhg iowuluibeh ie`em kfhtub gemker  yehg ifteo` ifhgeh ubureh, kfhtub ieh sbe`e yehg iotfhtubeh 4.4.?

[BT ieh [EK

Tfkf`um pf`ebseheeh pfbfrleeh peie pfmkehguheh suetu kehguheh bahstrubso bahstrubso sehget iopfr`ubeh [BT. Ce` oho uhtub mfmkehtu bf`ehdereh prayfb tfruteme syeret-syeret


spfsojobeso. Ie`em [BT peie pfrfhdeheeh fmkuhg tfrioro etes syeret-syeret umum, syeretsyeret tfbhos ieh pfhgeweseh bue`otes  keceh. [EK iosusuh ifhgeh tulueh uhtub mfmpfra`fc ho`eo / cerge setueh pfbfrleeh  kfrieserbeh cerge upec ieh keceh yehg kfr`ebu io `abeso pfbfrleeh, ehe`ose cerge setueh ieh buehtotes / va`umf. 4.4.5> Yomf sdcfiu`f, sdcfiu`f,  Hftwarb ^`ehhohg ieh ieh Meh  Meh  ^awfr 

Yomf Tdcfiu`f

eie`ec suetu pfmkegoeh webtu tfrpfrohdo yehg iosfioebeh uhtub mesohg-

mesohg kegoeh pfbfrleeh, mu`eo iero pfbfrleeh ewe` sempeo pfbfrleeh ebcor sfrte sfkegeo serehee baar sereh baariohes iohesoo suet suetuu lfhos pfbfrleeh pfbfrleeh..  Hftwarb ^`ehhohg mfrupebeh gemker yehg mfmpfr`ocetbeh susuheh uruteh pfbfrleeh ieh `agobe bftfrgehtuhgeh ehtere bfgoeteh yehg setu ifhgeh yehg `eohhye kfsfrte webtu pf`ebseheeh.  Meh ^awfr mfrupebeh tfrbeot ifhgeh lum`ec sumkfr ieye mehusoe yehg ebeh ioguhebeh ie`em  pf`ebseheeh  pfmkehguheh.


Kegeh E`or Yuges Ebcor

Bfehie`eh ceso` pfrfhdeheeh fret beotehhye ifhgeh e`ur bfrle yehg lf`es, mftaie ehe`osos yehg tfpet ieh bf`fhgbepeh iete pfhiubuhg io ie`em mfrfhdehebeh fmkuhg. Eiepuh teceptecep ehe`osos ^frfhdeheeh Fmkuhg eie`ec sfkegeo kfrobut <


M u m u ` ` eo e o

Turvfo Ieh Ohvfstogeso ^fhiecu`ueh

Oifhtojobeso Mese`ec

Ttuio ^ustebe

^fhgumpu`eh Iete

MMffmmgfghgucccoc T y e r  fhu c o s y e t  e ret


n Ehe`osos Coira`ago





Ehe`osos Coira`obe

^frfhdeheeh Bahstubso Fmkuhg

Tteko`otes Bahstrubso Fmkuhg

Y Emeh


Gemker Bahstrubso

[fhdehe Ehggereh Koeye

[fhdehe Bfrle Ieh Tyeret



Tdcfiu`f, Hftwarb  , Hftwarb  Yomf Tdcfiu`f  ^`ehhohg ieh Meh  Meh ^awfr   ^awfr 


Gemker 4.5 Kegeh e`or tuges ebcor

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