Language for Teachers Task 2
Short Description
teacher's evaluation of students oral language, needs and strenghts....
ICELT 2014-2015 Villahermosa
Assignment Title: Language for Teachers 2
imena !aola !arrillat "igueroa
Can#i#ate num$er: 00% Centre Num$er: &'005 (ate of su$mission: "e$ruar) 4 th 2015
Language for Teachers Tas* 2: E+aluation of the learner,s so*en language. For this task, I was required to observe a lesson taught by a colleague and give my judgement on the English Language ability of the class as a whole. I have included samples of the spoken language used by a range of learners. he samples include accurate and inaccurate, appropriate and inappropriate language from various aspects! language, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, function, discourse and style. "L#$$ %E$"&I'I()! he class observed for this task, consisted of *+ years old students * intermediate level according "ommon European Framework. here are seven learners. -ost of them have studied English for fourteen years, since preschool. hey have achieved the "ambridge "ertifications! E and 'E. #t the moment, they are studying to present the F"E e/am. #lthough they are currently in the last year of high school, this group of students is a lower ability group. he class observed was a $peaking Language $kill lesson. he aim of the lesson, as stated by my colleague, was to 0'ractice oral fluency1. he topic of the lesson was! 0If I were famous21. he first stage was a reading, about fa mous people, which then elicit a discussion among the students. o promote the discussion eacher ask each learner, 0would you like to be famous31. his lead to several other questions from the teacher and the students.
Sample 1 Grammar/ pronunciation *.4 05e was *discover* by someone from the *TeAther* 67 "onte/t! %uring a reading from the coursebook, which theme was about 0famous people1. "omments! he first error is grammar7 morphology e/ample. he verb 0discover1 is in an incorrect form. #fter the form of the verb to be, the following verb should be in participle form. his is when used after the form of be4was. $econd mistake is a mispronunciation of the word 0heater48 ˈth94:4 t:r 7 .this word as for my e/perience can be a common issue for EFL students even more, when reading the word. For L* $panish learners having vowels together can confuse them. In this sample, the student pronounced 0;1 as 07t71. he student mispronunciation is a common mistake, although this should not be the case since the pronunciation and phonetic form has been taught many times.
Sample 2 Grammar/ word collocation ith the statement used he demonstrates e/posure to the English language.he sample is similar to the song? 0illionaire1 y runo -ars. In which lyrics sings 0I wanna be on the cover of Forbes -agaCine21. It is also an accurate sample of grammar. he student is capable of using the third conditional that is needed in hypothetical situations.
Sample " Vocaular! D.4 0es o be famous and =be= on talk shows like Gimmie immel and all that21 "onte/t! his sample is also part of the conversation task between students and teacher on the subject of fame. "omments! it is clear that the student has had e/posure to L< in 0pop culture1 conte/t like songs, .H. shows, etc. (n one side, the =be on talks shows= error did not hinder the student from
transmitting its message. # more suitable word would be to 0appear1 on the .H. show. #nd this kind of errors are to be watch. #s fossilisation errors are likely to happen when the student can e/press the message clearly enough. #s suggested by >. Littlewood 6*JK.
Sample # $luenc!/%rammar .40 =eeeeeh=2 I donAt play =the= instrument.1 "onte/t! a student said that he would like to be famous as a musician. eacher then comment? 0thatAs interesting2and what instrument would you like to play31 "omments! =eh= is a $panish e/pression. It is a performance error. 5esitation markers in English are usually 0mm1 or 0um1. he second is a grammatical wrong article. he student should have use 0any1 or 0an1. he student used present tense, and the teacherAs question was hypothetical. he student should have used the third conditional. his student shows a lack of comprehension of grammatical structures.
Sample & Grammar +.4 0I would like to learn how to play the piano.1 "onte/t! the sample is a continuation of the dialogue previously shown. #s the eacher encourage her to the possibility of learning an instrument. here was a brief conversation while the student could not remember the instrument name. "omments! he student was fluent enough and did not pay much attention to accuracy, as she carried on speaking? even when she got lost in words. $he e/pressed herself in a different form of communication 6mimicsK.
Sample ' (e)ical/*ocaular!. J.4 0I would like to be famous in other =things=1 "onte/t! the student was e/pressing his preference for profession. %uring the hypothetical topic 0If I were famous1. "omments! his mistake is common in $panish, the speakers tend to generaliCe and they use the word 0things1 to group all sort of nouns. his could be a slip of the tongue error. ut given that the
teacher had previously taught vocabulary of the topic, she even elicited the student to use the proper word. $he asked him? 0things31. he student was able to self4correct and rephrased the word with 0professions1.
Sample +. Grammar .4 0I =donAt= like to be a singer.1 "onte/t! conversation of the 0If I were famous1 topic. "omments! his sample is inaccurate. he tense was wrong as it was said in the present tense. It is a hypothetical topic. For this reason, the tense should have been third conditional. his as many of the former samples shows that the learners have not grasped the use of third conditional in hypothetical conte/ts.
Sample 1 Grammar/le)ical *M.4 0I would prefer to be famous as a soccer player because I like playing soccer.1 "onte/t! $tudents were on the free controlled stage of production, they were speaking voluntarily. $till on the topic of 0if I were famous1. "omments! the student demonstrates knowledge of the tenses. 5e conjugates both tenses that were needed correctly. #lso, the student was fluent.
Step to $ollow
In sum, a single observation does not offer a complete picture of the classN total language performance. -any of the samples above could be considered, as developmental errors. Irrespective of erroneous as well as ill4formed utterances, $s were keen to speak English. -ost of the errors were grammar related to the use of third conditional specifically. >hile others were le/ical vocabulary or pronunciation. efore the lesson, I would do a warm up activity about the vocabulary to get $s background vocabulary and its pronunciation. I would also continue with follow up lesson about the third conditional so that $s can use the accurate grammatical structure. I would complement the practice part with some fill4in4the4blank third4conditional drill worksheets where $s could hypothetically reflect on the possibilities of fame. I would also teach the students the difference in meaning between hypothetical and the real situations. "ause $s, at times continued to speak as if it was a real situation &ecapitulating, our main focus is that the $s can communicate effectively without being misunderstood. (verall the $s were successful in pronunciation and intonation was good. he vocabulary is in the standards of the class. I also was able to observe many teaching techniques. herefore, I would say this task was meaningful for me in more than one way. >ord count! *,BDD.
&eferences 5armer, G. 6
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