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Speed Seduction® Introductory Course Transcript:

Language Patterns Basics Part 1

Created By

Ross Jeffries The “Guru of Getting Some” For the smart guy who refuses to resort to bullying, begging, buying, B.S, booze or biceps, in his seduction of women.

Copyright © 1988-present Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This transcript may not be duplicated without written permission from the author.

Disclaimer Speed Seduction® courses may contain viewpoints that may be considered controversial by certain audiences. It is intended as a powerful guide for selfrespecting, intelligent men who are looking to avoid from "real-hate-shun-ships by default" and instead claim the happiness that they deserve. I, Ross Jeffries, Ghita Services., Inc, and/or (or any of our other websites or entities) cannot and will not be held responsible in any way for your actions, and will not be held liable for any and all claims from you or any other third party. You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact on others. This information is meant for "entertainment" purposes only. While this transcript contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are recommended by us and, in most cases, have succeeded when applied by others, this product and its contents carry no warranty or guarantee (either explicit or implied) that the purchaser or reader will achieve success with women, or in any other endeavor for which they may be used.


Talking to chicks – language. Language is extremely powerful. Language does two main things. It reflects consciousness. Language reflects consciousness. That is to say by listening to how people speak they will tell us something about how the deeper levels of their mind are structured and the way they move through their world.

For example, Ricardo started saying “What if? What if?” That told me something about the way he approaches risk and the unknown. If someone says to you, “Love is a battlefield,” that tells me a lot about how that person views love – that it’s a fight, that it’s about clash, that it’s about power, that it’s about beating the other person. People tell us a lot. When I work with female demonstration victim/volunteers, you will see how much I can learn about them just by listening because I know what to pay attention to.

Language reflects consciousness but also – and this is equally important – language structures consciousness. The way in which we use language both with others out loud and to ourselves in our head can structure the very states of consciousness that we can enter and the very ways of thinking.

Whether they’re communist, fascist or any other garden-variety of dictatorship, who are some of the first people that dictators jail or shoot or deport or exile? Intellectuals, artists, musicians. What does the Taliban do? The Taliban wants to control media and music because these are powerful ways of shaping thought. They want to control the very way in which you can think. 1 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

Have you read “1984”, George Orwell’s book? They deliberately made the populous dumber by controlling what words were in the dictionary.

Language can structure consciousness both through ourselves and the people who we are speaking to. That’s what language does.

The idea that language can open up places in the imagination and evoke emotions, that’s not new with me. That’s the basis of theatre. It’s the basis of storytelling. It’s the basis of political oratory. It’s the basis of religious ceremony. I’m just telling you how to use it in a structured, predictable, intelligent, reliable way to get chicks – but it’s based on the same ideas.

Let’s talk about the Speed Seduction language constructs known as patterns. We hear a lot about language patterns. I’m going to define what they are and show you how to begin using them.

Speed Seduction language patterns are designed to do a few things. They evoke, elicit, excite emotional responses and flows of feeling. Some of the language patterns when you use them will evoke in women a set of emotional feelings – fascination, desire, lust. They will feel these things in their body. Whether it’s an emotional state of love, whether they label love or whether it’s a feeling of warmth in their body, we’re going to use the term “feeling” to describe either one of those. Feeling could be what they call love or it could be a feeling of heat pulsing through their pussy. It will evoke a feeling response in the body is my point. 2 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

The language patterns will also get her to visualize something in her mind. One of my language patterns that I haven’t used in a long time, but it still works today, is something that deals with the difference between love and attraction. Part of the pattern talks about how you go home after you meet this guy who just really totally intrigues you. You go home and you picture this person in your mind and you begin to imagine being with this person in all sorts of ways and situations.

Maybe you imagine going on vacation or introducing them to your friends. The more you realize that’s what’s happening, the more you feel that desire to connect even deeper to the point where you can stop and imagine a time in the future, six months or even a year from now, looking back on this moment as having been the start of that connection.

My friend’s girlfriend says that her sister says that when you let that happen, it’s like you can’t even put your finger on the source of your excitement. But if you could, you’d know, there’s a new direction you really want inside yourself.

That pattern is going to get her visualizing things in her mind. Not just feeling things in her body, but she’s going to visualize things in her mind.

I didn’t just make it up out of thin air. I observe what women do. Women experience enjoyment with men in two contexts. One is when the guy is with them. But then when the guy is not around 3 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

and they dwell on the guy, they think about him. Given that process happens naturally anyway, why not use it and evoke it?

Every woman when she connects in with a guy at some point is going to go home and think about him. She’ll either think about you from that place in her mind that’s doubtful and skeptical or anxious, or she’ll think about you from that place in her mind that feels connected and desires and daydreams about me being the right guy. Those are the options. Or she won’t think about you at all. Given that that’s the case, why not use your language to trigger that process? It’s already there in her mind, she does it anyway.

Language patterns don’t put anything that’s not already there. The language patterns don’t do something to a woman; they only awaken what’s already in there. Sometimes they awaken a process. What do I mean by a “process”? A process is anything a woman does in her mind naturally anyway to think about you when you're not around, or when you are present.

Do you understand that women will think about a guy when he’s not around? They dwell and they fantasize. Do you think they're going to do that from a place in their mind that’s skeptical and goes, “Guys are all bastards. Fuck! Johnny Fuckerfaster dumped me last week. Men are bastards.” What if they could do it from a place in their mind that goes, “Oh my God. This guy is so hot. I wonder how big his wallet is (or whatever it is).”

4 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

Given that they're going to do that, do the Speed Seduction language patterns create that process out of nothing when she’s never done it before? No. They're just using what’s already there. The difference between Speed Seduction and say Misery Method or whatever is I’m looking at the processes that they do in their mind. They're looking at social or evolutionary biology and all sorts of bullshit. No one knows how we chose our mates 100,000 years ago. They didn’t leave any written records. But I do know, through observation, how women think.

Language patterns can evoke flows of feeling in the body, they can evoke processes in consciousness where she visualizes things in her mind, make sounds to herself.

I said to the point where you can stop and imagine the time in the future, years from now, looking back on this moment as having been the start of that beautiful connection.

Sometimes women not only fantasize about us in the present; women will imagine being with us six months from now or a year from now. They do that. They pseudo orient themselves in time. They imagine being in the future with you. This is a hypnotic process, but they do it anyway.

Women fantasize about men. When they fantasize about men, it’s not just about what they want to do with that man right then and there. They’ll imagine being with that man a year from now still 5 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

feeling connected to him, being madly in love with him, maybe marrying him.

What I’m saying is women not only fantasize about you when you're not around; they fantasize about doing things in the future with you. When you fantasize about the future, that’s a very hypnotic process. If I put you in a deep trance and I said, “Now I want you to turn the clock forward, the calendar forward, it’s five years from now, tell me what your life looks like. What are you doing for a living? Who are your friends?” That’s a deep hypnotic process. I would have to train you in trance to do that.

But women do it naturally to themselves anyway. When they imagine being with a guy a year from now or five years from now giving children, they're taking themselves into the future. Sometimes it’s only six months. The point is it’s a very hypnotic process that we’re triggering using these patterns. Something is going on at the deep level of the unconscious mind that has a lot of power.

Do women ever meet a guy and you imagine being with him months into the future and looking back on the moment of meeting him as having been the start of it? It’s true. So why not use it?

One of the points about the language patterns is this. They work because this is how women think anyway. I didn’t make them up out of whole cloth, they weren’t channels from an alien being from the depths, they're not from the devil – well, most of them. They 6 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

work because they just reflect how women think anyway. That’s why you don’t have to worry about being caught because you're not shoving anything in there. You're just using what’s already there.

A language pattern also can evoke different levels of consciousness. We’ve got body feelings. A language pattern can get her to feel certain feelings in her body. It can get her to visualize. It can get her to imagine being somewhere else in time and space with you. It can get her making sounds to herself.

When I talk to women about what it’s like to meet a guy who they just really adore, sometimes you’ll see them sigh and then will start telling me about it. That sound is her trigger to open up the emotional centers of her mind and her body. So all I have to do is repeat that sound later on, and then she goes back to that chain of thoughts and associates it to me.

Patterns will also evoke different levels of consciousness. Let me explain what this means. This is only a model. I’m not saying it’s true. Please understand, I respect science. I respect the scientific method. This is not science. I am claiming it’s a pretty accurate model. If you treat it as if it were true, you’ll see the results that I predict. A good model predicts results. My model predicts certain results. You will get those results, but it’s not scientific.

This is only a model. I think women have different levels to their mind. The first is what I call get-it-done (task). This is where she makes her list of the things she has to accomplish. Some people 7 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

are very busy. We all have a checklist of things to do in the modern world.

Here’s where pickup artist can sometimes be effective. I don’t consider myself a pickup artist, by the way. I’m not a PUA.

Social approval, mass media, checklist.

This is something funny. Women often say to me, “Why don’t you teach women how to get men?”

I say, “Okay. I’ll teach you. Here’s what you do. Throw away your checklist. Raise your standards and throw away your checklist.”

They say, “What the fuck does that mean?”

“You know that checklist –he has to be five years older than me, has to make six figures a year, has to be this tall? Throw that all away. But raise your standards about the way you want to feel when you're around that guy.”

You should see them going to trance. They go back and forth, back and forth when I say that.

Women have this thing about social approval. “What will my friends think of that guy?” This is also the mass media, all the messages 8 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

from Oprah. Be a slut, don’t be a slut. Be an independent woman. No, be the woman who surrenders to her man. Wear your skirts really short. No. Wear long dresses. Fuck a lot of guys. No, don’t fuck a lot of guys. Real women have multiple orgasms. No, real women squirt. No. Real women don’t need a man; they masturbate. All that stuff that’s constantly pouring into their heads.

Have you ever sat in Starbucks and you're working and then you hear a song come on and you go “No, no. I don’t want to hear it”? My last girlfriend was substantially younger than me – about 30 years younger. She liked this urban music that I fucking hated. When we lived together, it got on my fucking nerves. She loved this guy, Ne-Yo.

One day I heard this song coming on from her iPod blasting through the house. “I used to be commander-in-chief of my pimp ship flying high. But love knocked me down. Love knocks you down.” A song about a guy who used to get a lot of chicks and he falls in love and he turns into a pussy. She’s blasting that all over the house and I’m going, “Honey, if you're going to live with me, you're going to listen to that shit with headphones because I don’t want to hear it.”

Popular media messages that control the way we should think and act.

Have you seen that piece of stinking, maggot-crusted shit of a film called Hitch? What does Hitch teach these guys to do? To beg for a 9 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

woman’s favor, to stalk women. “I love her. I’m in love with her.” You haven’t even fucking touched her. It’s incredibly seven-year-old juvenile crap, but a kid is going to watch it and go, “Yeah, that’s how I’m going to act.” This is the social approval mass media checklist part of the girl’s mind.

Where this can work is like a pickup artist – someone like Misery – what they do is to tweak their entire lives so they actually need the checklist. They make themselves look, feel, act, and live a lifestyle that actually appeals to club whores, to women who live in clubs seven nights a week. They make themselves into the kind of guy with the kind of life, and the kind of values that meet those women. It’s the ultimate act of supplication and self-destruction – to shape yourself to actually be the kind of guy that women who value nothing but status and stimulation want.

They're teaching you club game – how to go into the club and pull 10s who live in the club. Women who go to clubs five or six nights a week and get drunk and five or six nights a week, what do you think their values are in life? What do you think they value most? Stimulation. The next shiniest object and status. “I’m the most popular girl in the club. I’m here with the most popular guy.” These guys live a lifestyle that appeals to those women. They dress the way they want the woman to dress. They drink as much as the women drink. They take on that lifestyle. The ultimate act of selfdestruction, begging, and supplication is to tweak yourself to become the kind of person who appeals to that.

10 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

We don’t want this. This is the problem with dating – the technical vocabulary of dating. When you say, “I want to take you out. Can I have your phone number? Can I take you on a date?” Can we go out?” When you use that kind of language, you're triggering this. When you ask the girl for her phone number and say, “I’d like to go out with you, I’d like to take you out,” you're triggering this. Her checklist is going to pop up and go “Do I want to go on a date with this man?” Then you're fucked.

The third level is what I would call her habits. A lot of women – not all women – form habits about what they like. “I only go out with surfers,” “I only go out with muscle men,” “I only go out with tall, distinguished, brilliant, Jewish men who created an entire movement and are totally brilliant,” whatever it is. Have you ever heard a woman say, “You're just not my type”? I train myself that when I hear that, I hear a zipper opening. I sometimes have said to a woman, “If I had a nickel for every time I heard that right prior to a woman dropping her pants, I’d be rich. Come to think of it, I am rich.”

Why don’t we want her type and her habitual response? Why don’t we want that? Well, we may not fit it. What if we don’t fit it?

Have you heard a woman say, “You're just not my type or you are my type”? How does she know? How does a woman know if you're her type or not? Meaning, what does she have to do inside her mind to know if you're her type or not? She has to go into her past and compare you to other men she’s been with. We don’t want 11 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

people in their past. That’s not a good direction for them to be looking at. We want them in the present and imagining themselves enjoying us in the future.

Language patterns, generally speaking, are designed to get past all of this. Instead, I’m going to call it the “suggestible place,” the “primal place.” This is the place in a woman’s mind where she’s deeply open to being led, deeply open to responding. This is a place where all the processes that would lead her to fuck us are sitting there waiting to be woken up.

The job of language patterns is to get to this place in her mind, to bypass all of this and get here. To evoke this level of consciousness and also to elicit and excite flows of emotion in her body, flows and feeling – get her visualizing and get her making sounds to herself. That’s what the seduction patterns are all designed to do. They work because they're just doing what women do naturally anyway. I’m not making anything up when I do this stuff.

Have you used these patterns and got laid? From the time you use the language pattern to the time you got laid, how much time elapsed or went by?


Twenty minutes.


How much money did you have to spend on the girl? 12 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –




Was she hot?


Really hot.


Were you able to get women at that quality in 20 minutes prior to this material?


Not in 20 years.


So here’s my question. When you first used the patterns, tell me honestly, did you think they’d work?


I was not sure.


Brother Tom, did you believe they would work?


No. They worked way too well.


So when they did work, what was your response inside? When you saw that’s actually working, what did you think inside?


It wasn’t that it was working. It’s just the response is so intense, I wasn’t prepared for it initially. 13 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –


What kind of response did you get?


She sexually assaulted me.


She sexually assaulted you? In what way? What did she do – like grab your cock?


She threw me down the couch and ripped my pants off and blew me.


Wait. She threw you down, ripped your pants off, and started blowing you? This is great stuff.


I had the basic home study course from the ‘90s.


From ’94?


From 1999. I had for less than 48 hours and I got laid.


Will you come on camera and talk about that?




We’re going to get some good testimonials. The thing is the language patterns work really, really well and they work really 14 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

quickly when you do them right. Did you get caught using it? Did she yell at you?


Never. I would step on the commands just to see what happens. I never got caught.


I want you to model him. Go to lunch with him and figure out how he does it. Ask him, how do you do this? Let him teach you a little bit. Would you be willing to go and have lunch with him?




One more thing. These women who pulled down your pants and blew you, were you able to do that prior to Speed Seduction that quickly with women?




Were they good looking women? On a scale of 1-10 what were they?


A 9.




A 7 or 8. 15

Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –


Were you able to get a 9 to blow you in 20 minutes prior to this?




Why did that work on her? Because it bypassed all of this and went to here. That’s how it works.

The reason I do a lot of stuff is to overwhelm consciousness deliberately. Half of my job is taking people’s old ways of thinking and kicking it to the ground and stomping on it so they can’t get back to it. Half of my way of doing this is to overwhelm. I promise you we will put it together if you trust me.

It’s a lot to take in but you have even more. When you say it’s a lot to take in, you have a lot more mind than I can give you to take in. You have billions of brain cells with trillions of possible combinations. Anything I offer you at most is 150 different combinations. You have more than enough process and probably get this if you don’t talk to yourself in your mind. If you're constantly saying, “Am I getting this? Am I getting it wrong? Is he going too fast?” then you're talking to yourself and you can’t process what I’m saying. This is a parasitic way of learning. If you shut that little bit down, then the way in which you learn will improve massively.


I noticed resistance comes up when I first got your materials.


Resistance in you or in them? 16 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –


In me. Let’s say you went to school to be a car mechanic, you spend all this time, you graduated, and then got a sales job. There’s this kind of attachment to all this time and energy you invested.


So you did it wrong for so long, it’s your best friend and you don’t want to let go?


Something like that. It’s similar with the language patterns about how I used to approach women and also with the stuff that you were doing yesterday, that somehow there’s this emotional attachment to all these years and decades.


No, there’s not. It may seem that way.


That’s what it feels like.


It may seem that way but that’s not what it is. It’s just momentum. That’s all it is.

What makes a good language pattern? How do we know when you're doing a good language pattern? How are you going to do language pattern?

First of all, a good language pattern – an effective, powerful language pattern – has the right themes. Let me talk about the idea of themes. You could think of a theme as a subject or a topic of 17 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

conversation. Generally speaking, as a general rule (there are always exceptions), if the topic of your conversation, the theme of your conversation, has to do with facts, data, numbers, anything that you can put on a chart or graph or CV (curriculum vitae, your resume), it’s not a useful theme for seduction.

Remember, with seduction, you want to capture and lead her imagination and emotions and activate the deeper levels of her mind.

Here’s an example. When I was in college, I knew everything about the United States nuclear arsenal and the Soviet nuclear arsenal. I can tell you the kind of ballistic missiles, what their range was, what their payload was, and what their accuracy was. Somehow I would go on about this and 20 minutes later, the girl disappeared. My conversation could turn girls invisible because they’d always disappear on me.

I was interested in it, I was passionate about it, but it was giving her facts and statistics and geeky data. Facts, data, and numbers don’t work. A good seduction pattern deals with themes, subjects, and topics that capture and lead the imagination and emotions and activate that deeper place in her mind.

Here are some examples of the kind of themes that will do that: connections, escape, fantasies, indulgence, body sensations, peak experiences, sex. But watch talking about sex directly. It has to be done right. If you get a woman talking about these things and you 18 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

can talk to her about these things in a certain way, they're far more likely to capture and lead the imagination and the emotions.

19 Speed Seduction® Introductory Course "Language Patterns Basics, Part 1" Transcript Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Website –

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