Langenscheidt's German-English, English-German Dictionary (1970)
April 4, 2017 | Author: Jared Judge | Category: N/A
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German English English* German DICTIONARY Entirely
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up-to-date. Full pronunciation in both lanfeature: Over 1 5,000 German nouns and verbs
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Deutsch Btglfsches Englisch Deutsches
A Aal ichth. [ail] m (-[e]s/-e) eel; '2glatt adj. (as) slippery as an eel. Aas [a:s] n 1. (-es/S-e) carrion, carcass; 2. fig. (-es/Aser) beast; ' geier orn. m vulture. ab [ap] 1. prp. (dat.): Briissel from Brussels onwards; ~ Fabrik, Lager
ge-, h) untie, unbind, remove;
etc. 2
ex works, warehouse, etc.; prp. (dat., F ace): erstem or
ersten Marz from March 1st, on
and after March 1st; 3. prp. (gen.) less; ~ Unkosten less charges; 4. adv. time: von jetzt from now on, in future; und zu from time to time, now and then; von da ~ from that
time forward; space: thea. exit, pi. exeunt;
abander|n ['ap'-] vlt. (sep., -ge-3 h) alter, modify; parI. amend; Sung / alteration, modification; parI. amendment (to bill, etc.); Sungsantrag parl. m amendment. '
abarbeiten ['ap'-] vlt. (sep., -ge-3 h) work off (debt); sich drudge, toil. Abart ['ap'-] / variety. ' Abbau w 1. (-[els/no pi.) pulling down, demolition (of structure); dismantling (of machine, etc.); dismissal, discharge (of personnel); reduction (of staff, prices, etc.); cut (of prices, etc.); 2. (-[e]s/-e) working, exploitation; Sen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) pull or take down, demolish (structure); dismantle (machine, etc.); dismiss, discharge (personnel); reduce (staff, prices, '
etc.); cut (prices, etc.);
exploit. ' ab beifien vlt. (irr. beiBen, sep., ge-, h) bite off; ' bekommen vft. (irr. kommen, sep., no -ge-, h) get off; s-n Teil or et. get one s share; et. be hurt, get hurt. -
abberufjen vlt. ' (irr. rufen, sep., no ge-, h) recall; Sung / recall. ' abjbestellen v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) -
countermand, cancel one's order
for (goods, etc.); cancel one's subscription to, discontinue (newspaper, etc.); '~biegen vli. (irr. biegen, sep., -ge-, sein) p. turn off; road: turn off, bend; noch rechts (links) turn right (left); von e-r Strofle
turn off a road.
Abbild n likeness; image; Sen ' [ dsn] vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) figure, represent; sj e ist ouf der ersten Se/te abgebildet her picture is on the front page; ~ung [' durj] / picture, illustration. ' abbinden v/t. (irr. binden, sep., '
ligate, tie up. '
Abbitte / apology; leisten or tun make one s apology (be/ j-m wegen et. to s.o. for; 'Sn vft. (irr. bitten, sep., -ge-, h): j-m et. « apologize to s.o. for ' ab|blasen v/t. (irr. blasen, sep., ge-, h) blow off (dust, etc.); call off (strike, etc.), cancel; X break off (attack); ' blattern v/i. (sep., ge-, sein) paint, etc.: scale, peel '
s 'n: desquamate;
the leaves; '~blenden (sep., -ge-, h) 1 v/t. screen (light); mot. dim, dip (headlights); 2. vfi. mot. dim or dip the headlights; phot, stop down; ' blitzen F v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) meet with a rebuff; ~ lassen snub; ' brausen (sep., -ge-) 1. v/refl. (h) have a shower(-bath), douche; 2. F vli. (sein) rush off; ' brechen (irr. brechen, sep., -ge-) 1. vlt. (h) break off (a. fig.); pull down, demolish (building, etc.); strike (tent); fig. stop; das Lager break up camp, strike tents; 2. v/i. (sein) break off; 3 fig. v/i. (h) stop; Lbremsen v/t. and v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) slow down; brake; ' brennen (irr. brennen, sep., -ge-) 1. v/t. (h) burn down (building, etc.); let or set off (fire' work); 2. v/i. (sein) burn away or down; s. abgebrannt; Lbringen vlt. (irr. bringen, sep., -ge-, h) get off; j-n von argue s.o. out of; dissuade s.o. from; '~brdckeln v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) crumble (a. 'f). ' Abbruch m pulling down, demolition (of building, etc.); rupture (of relations); breaking off (of negotiations, etc.); fig. damage, injury; j-m tun damage s.o. .
scald; s. abgebruht; ' biirsten vft. (sep., -ge-, h) brush off (dirt, etc.); brush (coat, etc.); Lbiifien v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) expiate, atone for (sin, etc.); serve (sentence). [bet.l Abe [a:be'tse:] n (-/-) ABC, alpha-/ ' abdank en vli. (sep., -ge-, h) resign; ruler: abdicate; 'Sung/W-en) resignation; abdication. '
abldecken v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) uncover; untile (roof); unroof (building); clear (table); cover; ' dichten vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) make tight; seal up (window, etc.); © pack (gland, etc.); ' dienen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h): s-e Ze/t X serve one's time; drangen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) push aside; ' drehen (sep., -ge-, h) ~
1 u/r. twist off (wire); turn off (water, gas, etc.); £ switch off (light); 2. &, %t v/i. change one's course; ' drosseln mot. vjt. (sep., ge-, h) throttle. ' Abdruck m (-[e]s/=e) impression, print, mark; cast; 'Sen v/t. (sep., ge-, h) print; publish (article). ' abdriicken (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. fire (gun, etc.); F hug or squeeze affectionately; sich leave an impression or a mark; 2. v/i. pull the trigger. Abend I'aibant] m (sl-e) evening; am r, in the evening, at night; heute abend tonight; morgen (gestern) abend tomorrow (last) night; s. essen; ' anzug m evening dress; ' blatt n evening paper; ' brot n dammerung / supper, dinner; (evening) twilight, dusk; lessen n 5 Abendbrot; ' gesellschaft / evening party; ' kasse thea. f boxoffice; ' kleid n evening dress or gown; ' land n (-[e]s/no pi.) the Occident; Slandisch adj. ['UendiJ] western, occidental; ' mahl eccl. n (-[e]s/-e) the (Holy) Communion the Lord's Supper; ' rot n evening or sunset glow. [evening, i abends adv. [ oibants] in the! .
20 -
m departure platform; ' slauf m skiing: downhill race; ' ssignal n starting-signal; ' szeit / time of departure; a. time of sailing. ' Abfall m defection (von from), falling away (from); esp. pol. secession (from); eccl. apostasy (from); often Abfalle pi. waste, refuse, rubbish Am. a. garbage; © clippings pi. shavings pi.; at butcher's: offal; ' eimer m dust-bin. Am. ash can; ' Sen vfi. (irr. fallen, sep., -ge-, se/n) leaves, etc.: fall (off); ground etc.: slope (down); fig. fall away (von from); esp. pol. secede (from); eccl. apostatize (from); gegen come off badly by comparison with, be inferior to; ' erzeugnis n waste prod,
uct; by-product. '
abfallig adj. judgement, etc.: adverse, unfavourable; remark: dis-
paraging, depreciatory. Abfallprodukt n by-product; waste product.
ablfangen vlt. (irr. fangen, sep., ge-, h) catch; snatch (ball, etc.); intercept (letter, etc.); Aj prop; -
X check (attack); %t flatten out; mot., St right; ' farben i>/j. (sep., ge-, h): der Pullover farbt ab the colo(u)r of the pull-over runs (auf acc. on); auf (acc.) influence, af-
Abendjschule / evening school,
night-school; ' sonne / setting sim; ' toilette / evening dress; ' zeiwind m evening breeze; tung / evening paper. Abenteu|er ['a-.bantDvar] n (si-) adventure; Serlich adj. adventurous; fig.: strange; wild, fantastic;
fect. '
abfassjen vjt. (sep., -ge-, b) com-
rer ['ovrar] m (-s/-) adventurer. aber ['aibar] 1. adv. again; Tausende und Tausende thousands upon thousands; 2. cj. but; oder otherwise, (or) else; 3. int.: now then!; , come, come!; nein! no!, on the contrary!; 4. 2 n (-s/-)
pose, write, pen; catch (thief, etc.); ' Sung / composition; wording. '
ablfaulen vji. (sep., -ge-, se/n) rot off; ' fegen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) sweep off; ' feilen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) file off.
but. '
Aberlglaube m superstition; 2glaubisch adj. [' gbYbiJ] sui>erstitious.
aberkenn|en ['ap'-] v/t. (irr. kennen, sep., no -ge-, h): j-m et. deprive s.o. of (a. r r); dispossess s.o. of; 'Sung/(-/-en) deprivation (a. **z); dispossession.
aber|malig adj. ['oibarmaili?] repeated; finals adv.
abfertig|en ['apfertigan] vjt. (sep., ge-, h) dispatch (a. Si); customs: clear; serve, attend to (customer); j-n kurz snub s.o.; 'Sung f(-l-en) -
dispatch; customs: clearance;schroffe snub. [(oif), discharge.! ' abfeuern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) fire/ ' abfindjen vlt. (irr. finden, sep., ge-, h) satisfy, pay off (creditor); compensate; sich m/t et. resign o.s. to; put up with; ' Sung / (-/-en) setdement; satisfaction; compensation; 'SungCssumme) /indemnity; compensation. ' ablflachen v/t. ' and v/refl. (sep., ge-, h) flatten; flauen v/i. (sep., ge-, sein) wind, etc.: abate; interest, etc.: flag; f business: slacken; ' fliegen vji. (irr. fliegen, sep., -ge-, -
once more.
ab|ernten ['ap'-] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h)
se/n) leave by plane;
reap, harvest; essen [ ap'-] (/rr. essen, sep., -ge-} h) 1. vjt. clear
(plate); 2. v/i. finish eating; ' fahren (irr. fahren, sep., -ge-) 1. v/i. (se/n) leave (nach for), depart (for), start (for); set out or off (for); 2 v/t. (h) carry or cart away (load). ' Abfahrt / departure (noch for),
* take off,
fliefien v/i. (irr. flieBen, sep., -ge-, se/n) drain or flow off or '
away. Abflug
[parture.j * m take-off, start, de-i
start (for); setting out or off (for);
Abflufi m flowing or draining off or away; discharge (a. jF); drain (a. fig.); sink; outlet (of lake, etc.). ' abfordern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-m
skiing: downhill run; ' sbahnsteig
et. r, demand of or from s.o.
Abfuhr f'apfurr] / (-/-en) removal; fig. rebuff. '
abfiihrlen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v\t.
lead off or away; march (prisoner) off; pay over (money) (an acc. to);
2 & vli. purge (the bowels), loosen .
the bowels; ' end
adj. purgative, '
aperient, laxative; 2mittel & n purgative, aperient, laxative. '
abfiillen vft. (sep.-, -ge-, h) decant; in Flaschen
ab -f less, minus; 2. v/t. (h) measure by steps; patrol. ...
abge|hetzt adj. ['apgahetst] harassed; exhausted; run down; breathless; -kartet F adj. [' kartatj: Soche prearranged affair, put-up job; ' legen adj. remote, distant; secluded; out-of-the-way; macht adj. f maxt]: ~! it's a bargain or deal!; magert adj. t margart] emaciated; neigt adj. [ naikt] disinclined (dat. for; ~
bottle; 8/er in Fdsser
rack casks with beer. '
21 -
Abgabe / sports: pass; casting (of
zu tun to do), averse (to; from do-
s vote)i sale (of shares, etc.); mst ~n pi. taxes p/.; rates pi.. Am. local taxes p/.; duties pL \ 'Sfrei adj. tax-free; duty-free; 'Snpflichtig adj. taxable; dutiable; liable to tax or duty. ' Abgang m departure; start; thea. exit (a. fig.); retirement (from a job); loss, wastage; deficiency (in weighty etc.); & discharge; # miscarriage; noch von der Schu/e after leaving school. ' abgangig adj. missing. ' Abgangszeugnis n (school-)leaving certificate. Am. a. diploma. ' Abgas n waste gas; esp. mot. exhaust gas. [toil-worn, worn-out. 1
ing), unwilling (zu tun to do); nutzt adj. [ nutst] worn-out. Abgeordnete ['apga'Drdnata] m, f
abgearbeitet adj. [ apga'arbartat]/ '
(-n/-n) deputy
delegate; in Germany : member of the Bundestag or Landtag; Bn. Member of Parliament, Am. Representative.
abgerissen/fe. adj. ragged; shabby; style, speech: abrupt, broken. '
Abgesandte m, f (-nj-n) envoy;
abgeschieden fig. adj. isolated, secluded, retired; 2helt / (-/-en)
emissary; ambassador. '
seclusion; retirement. '
abgeschlossen adj. flat: self-contained; training, etc.: complete. abgeschmackt adj. ['apgajmakt] tasteless; tactless; 'Eheit / (-/-en)
abgeben vjt. (irr. geben, sep., -ge-, h) leave (be/, an dat. at); hand in (paper, etc.); deposit, leave (luggage); cast (one s vote); sports: pass (ball, etc.); sell, dispose of (goods); give off (heat, etc.); e-e Erklarung make a statement; s-e Meinung express one s opinion (iiber acc. on); j-m et. von et. give s.o. some of; e-n guten Ge/ehrten make a good scholar; sich mit occupy o.s. with sie gibt sich gem mit Kindern ab she loves to be among children. ' abgelbrannt adj. burnt down; F fig. hard up, si. broke; briiht fig. adj. [' bryrt] hardened, callous; ' droschen adj. trite, hackneyed; feimt adj. [' fannt] cunning, crafty; ' griffen adj. worn; book: well-thumbed; hartet adj. [' hsrtet] hardened (gegen to), inured (to); harmt adj. ['Jizimt] care'
worn. '
abgehen (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-) 1 v/i. (sein) go off or away; leave, .
start, depart; letter, etc.: be dis'
patched; post: go; thea. make one s exit; side-road: branch off; goods: sell; button, etc.: come off; sram, etc.: come out; be discharged; (von e-m Arm) ~ give up a post; retire; von der Schule ~ leave school; von digress from (main subject); deviate from (rule); alter, change (one's opinion); relinquish (plan, etc.); diese Eigenschaft geht ihm ab he lacks this quality; gut end well, pass off well; hiervon geht or gehen
tastelessness; tactlessness. '
abgesehen adj.: ~ von apart from, Am. a. aside from.
abgelspannt fig. adj. ['apgajpant) exhausted, tired, run down;
standen adj. stale, flat; ' storben adj. numb; dead; stumpft adj. [ Jtumpft] blunt(ed); fig. indifferent (gegen to); ' tragen adj. worn-out; threadbare, shabby. ' abgewohnen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h): break or cure s.o. of; j-m et sich das Rauchen give up smoking. abgezehrt adj. [ apgatseirt] emaci'
ated, wasted. '
abgiefien -
v/t. (irr.
ge-, h) pour off;
decant; © cast.
Abglanz m reflection (a. fig.). abgleiten v/i. (irr. gleiten, sep., ge-, sein) slip off; slide off; glide 1 Abgott m idol. [off. abgottisch adv. [ apgoetiJJ: j-n lieben idolize or worship s.o.; dote (up)on s.o. ' ab grasen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) graze; fig. scour; ' grenzen v/t. (sep., ge-, h) mark off, delimit; demarcate (a. fig.); fig. define. ' Abgrund m abyss; precipice; chasm, gulf; am Rande des on '
the brink of disaster. '
Abgufi m cast. ' ab|hacken vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) chop or cut off; Jbaken fig. vlt. (sep., ge-j h) tick or check off; ' halten '
vjt. (irr. halten, sep., -ge-, h) hold (meeting, examination, etc.); keep out (rain); j-n von der Arbeit keep
from his work; j-n da von et. zu tun keep or restrain s.o. from doing; et. von j-m keep handeln v/t. away from s.o.; s o .
(sep.3 -ge-, h) discuss, treat; j-m et. bargain out of s.o. abhanden adv. [ap handan]: kom-
Abkehr fig. ['apkeir] / (-/no pi.) estrangement (von from); withdrawal (from); 'Sen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) sweep off; sich von turn away from; fig.: take no further interest in; become estranged from; with-
Abhandlung / treatise (iiber acc.
[upjon), dissertation ([upjon, con-
cerning); essay. '
clivity. '
draw from. '
men get lost.
abhangen 1. v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) take down (picture, etc.); uncouple; 2 vli. (i'rr. hangen, sep., -ge-, h): .
von depend (up)on. abhangig adj. ['apherji?]: «, von depi.) pendent (up)on; 'Skeit / dependence (von [up]on).
ab|harmen [ apherman] v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h) pine away (iiber acc. '
at); Lharten vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) harden (gegen to), inure (to); sich harden o.s. (gegen to), inure o.s. (to); ' hauen (i'rr. houen, sep., ge-) 1. v/t. (h) cut or chop off; 2 F v/i. (se/n) be off; hau ab! si. beat it!, scram!; '~hauten v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) skin, flay; '~heben (jrr. heben, sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. lift or take off; teleph. lift (receiver); (with)draw (money); sich von stand out against; fig. a. contrast with; 2. vji. cut (the cards); teleph. lift the receiver; ' heilen vji. (sep., ge-, se/n) heal (up); helfen v/i. (jrr. helfen, sep., -ge-, h): e-m Ubel m
abjklingen v/i. (irr. klingen, sep.,
ge-, se/n) fade away; pain, etc.: die down;pain, illness: ease off; '~klopfen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. knock (dust, etc.) off; dust (coat, etc.); & sound, percuss; 2. v/i. conductor: stop the orchestra; ' knicken v/t. (sep., ge-, h) snap or break off; bend off; ' kndpfen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) unbutton; F j-m Geld get money out of s.o.; ' kochen (sep., -ge-, h) 1 vjt. boil; scald (milk); 2. v/i. cook in the open air (a. ); Lkommandieren X v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) detach, detail; second (officer). Abkomme ['apkoma] m (-n/-n) -
descendant. '
abkommen 1. v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, se/n) come away, get away or off; von e-r Ansicht ~ change one s opinion; von e-m Thema digress from a topic; vom Wege lose one's way; 2. 2 n (-s/-) agree'
ment. '
abk6mm|lich adj. [ apkoemlig] dispensable; available; er ist nicht he cannot be spared; Sling ['Uig] m (-s/-e) descendant. '
ablkoppeln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) uncouple; ' kratzen (sep., -ge-) 1. v/t. (h) scrape off; 2. s/. v/i. (se/n) kick
cure or redress an evil; dem ist
nicht abzuhelfen there is nothing to be done about it; ' hetzen v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h) tire o.s. out; rush, hurry. ' Abhilfe / remedy, redress, relief; schaffen take remedial measures.
the bucket; ' kiihlen vjt. (sep.,
ge-, h) cool; refrigerate; sich cool down (a. fig.). Abkunft ['apkunft] / (-l\*e) descent; origin, extraction; birth. -
s o .
ablholen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) fetch;
call for, come for; j-n von der Bahn m go to meet s.o. at the station; ' holzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) fell, cut down (trees); deforest; ' horchen & v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) auscultate, sound; ' horen v/t. (sep., ge-, h) listen in to, intercept (telephone conversation); e-n Schiiler m hear a pupil's lesson. Abitur [abi'tu-.r] n (-s/S-e) schoolleaving examination (qualifying for university entrance).
abljagen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-m et.
viation; short cut. '
abladen vjt. (irr. laden, sep., -ge-, h) unload; dump (rubbish, etc.).
Ablage / place of deposit; filing tray; files pi.; cloak-room. ' abllagern (sep., -ge-) 1. v/t. (h) season (wood, wine); age (wine); sich m setde; be deposited; 2. v/i. (se/n) wood, wine: season; wine: age;
Classen (irr. lassen, sep., -ge-, h) 1 v/t. let (liquid) run off; let off (steam); drain (pond, etc.); 2 v/i. leave off (von et. [doing]
shorten; abbreviate (word, story, etc.)', den Weg take a short cut; ' Sung/C-Z-en) abridgement; abbre-
abhobeln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) plane (away, down). abhold adj. ['aphDlt] averse (dat. to; ill-disposed (towards
22 -
th.). Ablauf m running off; outlet, drain; sports: start; fig. expiration, end; noch m von at the end of; 'Sen (nr. s
' from s.o.; ' kanzeln
laufen, sep., -ge-) 1. v/i. (se/n) run
F v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) reprimand, F tell s.o. off; ' kaufen v/t. (sep., ge-, h): j-m et. m buy or purchase
off; drain off; period of time: expire; "f- bill of exchange: fall due; clock, etc.: run down; thread, film: unwind; spool: run out; gut end
« recover
from s.o.
well; 2. v/t. (h) wear out ( shoes); scour (region, etc.); sich die Beine ~ run one s legs off; s. Rang.
town, etc.); 'Sung/notice of with-
drawal; notice of departure. '
Ableben n (-s/ no pi.) death, decease (esp. 2*j)j 2*j demise.
abjlecken v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) lick (off); '~legen (fep., -ge-, h) 1. v/r. take off (garments); leave off (£arments); give up, break o.s. of (habit); file (documents, letters, etc.); make (confession, vow); take (oar/i, examination); Zeugnis bear witness (fur to; von of); j. Rechenschaft; 2. take off one's (hat and) coat.
Ableger m (-s/-) layer, shoot. ' ablehn[en (sep., -ge-, h) 1. r/r. decline, refuse; reject (doctrine, candidate, etc.); turn down (proposal, etc.); 2. vli. decline; dankend ~ decline with thanks; ' end adj. negative; 'filing / (-/-en) refusal; rejection.
23 -
abmesslen vjt. (irr. messen, sep., ge-, h) measure; 'Sung / (-/-en) -
measurement. '
ab|montieren v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) disassemble; dismantle, strip (machinery); remove (tyre, etc.); miihen vfrefl. (sep., -ge-, h) drudge,
toil; ' nagen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h)
gnaw off; pick (botie). Abnahme ['apnarma] / (-/S-n) taking off; removal; # amputation; f taking delivery; purchase; -f sale; © acceptance (of machine, etc.); administering (of oath); decrease, diminution; loss (of weight). "
abnehrn|en (zrr. nehmen, sep., -ge-,
h) 1. v/t. take off; remove; telepk. lift (receiver); & amputate; gather (fruit); © accept (machine, etc.); j-m et take from s.o.; a. buy or purchase from s.o.; j-m zuviel overcharge s.o.; 2. vli. decrease, diminish; decline; lose weight; moon: wane; storm: abate; days: grow shorter; 'Ser * m (-s/-) buyer; customer; consumer. ' Abneigung / aversion (gegen to); .
ableit[en v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) divert (river, etc.); drain off or away (wa-
ter, etc.); gr., fie, fig. derive (aus, von iiom);fig. infer (from); Sung/ diversion; drainage; gr., derivation (a. fig.). '
abllenken r/r. (sep., -ge-, h) turn aside; divert (suspicion, etc.) (von
disinclination (to); dislike (to, of,
from); phys., etc.: deflect (rays, etc.); distract s.o. j-n von der Arbeit from his work; ' lesen v/t. (irr. lesen, sep., -ge-, h) read (speech, etc.); read (off) (values from instruments); leugnen vjt. (sep., -ge-,
for); antipathy (against, to). abnorm adj. [ap'norm] abnormal; anomalous; exceptional; Si'tat / (-/-en) abnormality; anomaly
h) deny, disavow, disown.
abnotigen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-m
ablieferjn v/t. (sep., -ge-s h) deliver; hand over; surrender; 'Sung/
extort from s.o.
abinutzen vlt. and v/refl. (sep., niitzen v/t. and vJrefL fe-j h), (sep.,-ge-, h) wear out; 'Snutzung/, Sniitzung /(-/-en) wear (and tear). Abonniement [abanfeVma:] n (-si '
delivery. '
abloschen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) blot (up) (ink); © temper (steel). ' ablosjen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) detach; take off; X, etc.: relieve; supersede (predecessor in office); discharge (debt); redeem (obligation); sich come off; fig. alternate, take turns; ' Sung / detachment; Xj etc.: relief; fig. supersession; discharge; redemption. ' abmachlen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) remove, detach; fig. setde, arrange (business, etc.); agree (up)on (price, etc.); 'Sung / (-/-en) arrangement, settlement; agreement. '
abmagerln vli. (sep., -ge-, sein) lose flesh; grow lean or thin; 'Sung / (-/-en) emaciation.
abjmahen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) mow (off); ' malen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) copy.
Abmarsch m start; X marching off; 'Sieren v/i. (sep., no -ge-, sein) start; X march off. ' abmeldlen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-n von der Schule give notice of the withdrawal of a pupil (from school); sich polizeilich give notice to the police of one s departure (from '
s) subscription (auf acc. to); »ent ' m (-enj-en) subscriber; Sieren [Jniirsn] v/t. (no -ge-, h) -
[ nent]
subscribe to (newspaper); Siert adj. U fni:rt]:
sein auf (acc.) take in (newspaper, etc.). ,
abordn|en Tap9-] vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) depute, delegate. Am. a. deputize; ' Sung / delegation, deputation. Abort [a'bart] m (-[e]s/-e) lavatory, toilet. '
ablpassen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) fit, adjust; watch for, wait for (s.o.,
opportunity); waylay s.o.; ' pfliikken vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) pick, pluck (off), gather; ' plagen v/refl. (sep., ge-, h) toil; ' platzen v/i. (sep., ge-, sein) burst off; fly off; ' prallen v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) rebound, bounce (off); ricochet; ' putzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) dean (off, up); wipe off; polish; ' raten v/i. (irr. raten, sep., -ge-, h): j-m von dissuade s.o. from, advise s.o. against; ' raumen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) clear (away); '~reagieren v/t. (sep., no -
ge-, h) work off (one s anger, etc.);
F a. let off steam.
24 -
mate; value; assess; 'Sung/valuation; estimate; assessment.
abrechn|en (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. dedua; settle (account); 2. v/i.: mit settle (acj-m settle with s.o. counts) with s.o., F get even with
Sung / settlement (of ac-
counts); deduction, discount. '
Abrede/: in
stdlen deny or ques-
Abschaum m (-[e)s/no pi.) scum; fig. a. dregs pi. Abscheu m (-[e]s/no pi.) horror (vor dat. of), abhorrence (of); loathing (of); disgust (for). abscheuern vft. (sep., -ge-, h)
abreib|en v/t. (irr. re/ben, sep., ge-j rub off; rub down (body); polish; Sung / rub-down; F fig. -
scour (off); wear out; chafe, abrade. abscheulich adj. [ap'/ovli?] abominable, detestable, horrid; Skeit / (-/-en) detestableness; atrocity .
Abreise / departure (noch for); '2n vfi. (sep., -ge-, se/ n) depart (noch '
for), leave (for), start (for), set out (for). '
abreifijen (irr. reiBen, sep., -ge-) 1 v/t. (h) tear or pull off; pull down .
(building); s. abgerissen; 2. v/i. (se/'n) break off; button, etc.: come
ab|schicken vft. (sep., -ge-, h) send off, dispatch;
post, esp. Am. mail; ' schieben vft. (irr. schieben, sep., -ge-, h) push or shove off. Abschied ['apji:t] m (-[e]s/S-e) departure; parting, leave-taking, farewell; dismissal, X discharge; nehmen take leave (von of), bid
off; 'Skalender m tear-off calendar.
farewell (to); j-m den ~ geben dismiss s.o., discharge s.o.; s-n nehmen resign, retire; ' sfeier / farewell party; ' sgesuch n resignation.
ab|richten v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) train (animal), break (horse) (in); '~riegeln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) bolt, bar
(door); block (road). Abrifi m draft; summary, abstract; (brief) outlines pi.; brief survey.
abjrollen (sep., -ge-) v/t. (h) and v/i. (sein) unroll; uncoil; unwind, unreel; roll off; ' riicken (sep., ge-) 1. v/t. (h) move off or away (von from), remove; 2. v/i. (sein) -
march off, withdraw. '
Abruf tn call; recall; auf -if on call; 'Sen v/t. (irr. rufen, sep., -ge-, h) call off (a. Y)> away; recall; Si call out.
abjrunden v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) rovrnd
(ofO; '*rupfen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) pluck off. abrupt adj. [ap'rupt] abrupt.
abriistjen X »/». (sep-, -ge-, h) disarm; 'Sung X / disarmament.
tive; ~e Antwort refusal, denial.
Abschiagszahlung / payment on account; instal(l)ment.
abschleifen vft. (irr. schleifen, sep., ge-, h) grind off; fig. refine, polish. ' Abschlepp|dienst mot. m towing -
service. Am. a. wrecking service; '
Sen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) drag off;
mot. tow off. '
abschliefien (nr. schlieBen, sep., ge-, h) 1. vft. lock (up); © seal (up); conclude (letter, etc.); settle (account); balance (the books); effect (insurance); contract (loan); fig. seclude, isolate; e-n Handel ~ strike a bargain; sich seclude o.s.; 2. vfi. conclude; ' d 1. adj. concluding; -
final; 2. adv. in conclusion. AbschluG m settlement; conclu'
priifung / final examination, finals /., Am. a. graduation; ' zeugnis n leaving certificate; diploma. sion; ® seal;
ab|schalen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) peel
abschatz|en vft. (sep., -ge-, h) esti-
(off), pare; bark (tree); '-.schalten vft. (sep., -ge-, h) switch off, turn off or out; / disconnect.
off, strike
abschlagig adj. [ apjlergi?] nega-
refuse; recall (invitation); 2. vfi. guest: decline; j-m cancel one s appointment with s.o. ' absagen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) saw off; F fig. sack s.o. ' Absatz m stop, pause; typ. paragraph; Y sale; heel (of shoe); landing (of stairs); 'Sfahig -f adj. saleable, marketable; ' markt -f m market, outlet; moglichkeit f opening, outlet. ' abschaben vft. (sep., -ge-, h) scrape off. ' abschaff|en vft. (sep., -ge-, h) abolish; abrogate (law); dismiss (servants); 'Sung/(-/-en) abolition; abrogation; dismissal.
(head); refuse (request); repel (at-
Absage / cancellation; refusal; 'Sn (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. cancel, call off;
abrutschen v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein)
* skid.
slip off, glide down;
sep., -ge-, h) shoot off; shoot, discharge, fire (off) (fire-arm); launch (rocket); kill, shoot; (shoot or bring) down (aircraft); s. Vogel; '~schinden vfrefl. (irr. schinden, sep., -ge-, h) toil and moil, slave, drudge; '*,schirmen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) shield (gegen from); screen (from), screen off (from); '~schlachten vft. (sep., ge-, h) slaughter, butcher. ' Abschlag "f m reduction (in price); auf on account; Sen [ gan] vft. (irr. schlagen, sep., -ge-, h) knock
ab|schmeicheln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-m et ~ coax out of s.o.; '~schmelzen (irr. schmelzen, sep.} .
ge-) v/t. (h) and v/i. (se/n) melt (off); © fuse; ' schmieren © v/t. (seP-, -&e-j ft) lubricate, grease;
25 '
Absenker m (-$/-) layer, shoot. absetzlen (sep., -ge-, b) 1. r/r. set or put down, deposit; deduct (sum); take off (hat); remove, dismiss (official); depose, dethrone (king); drop, put down (passenger); -if sell (goods); typ. set up (in type); thea.: ein Stiick take off a play; 2. vfi. break off, stop, pause; 'Sung / (-/-en) deposition; removal dis-
schnallen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) unbuckle; take off (ski, etc.); ,~schneiden (rrr. schneiden, sep.,
ge-> ft) !. v/t. cut (off); slice off; den Weg take a short cut; j-m das Wort ~ cut s.o. short; 2. r/i.: gut
come out or off well.
Abschnitt m A" segment; 'f coupon; ryp. section, paragraph; counterfoil, Am. a. stub (of cheque, etc.); stage (of journey); phase (0/ cfere/opment); period (of time). ' ablschopfen' v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) skim (off); schrauben v/t. (sep., ge-, h) vmscrew, screw off. ' abschrecken v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) deter (von from); scare away; ' d adj. deterrent; repulsive, forbidding. ' abschreibjen (irr. schreiben, sep., ge-, h) 1. v/t. copy; write off (debt, etc.); plagiarize; in school: crib; 2 v/i. send a refusal; 'fier m copyist; plagiarist; 'Sung T / (-/-en) depreciation. ' abschreiten r/t. (irr. schreiten, sep., -ge-, h) pace (off); e-e Ehren-
missal. '
Absicht/W-en) intention, purpose, design; 'Slich 1. adj. intentional;
absitzen (irr. sitzen, sep., -ge-) 1 vji. (se/n) rider: dismount; 2. v/t.
2 adv. on purpose. .
(h) serve (sentence), F do (time). absolut adj. [apzo'luit] absolute.
absolvieren [apzol'viiran] r/r. (tw ge-, h) absolve; complete (studies); get through, graduate from (school). -
absonderln separate;
wache inspect a guard of hono(u)r. Abschrift / copy, duplicate.
ge-, h) absorb; ' speisen fig. vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) put s.o. off. abspenstig adj. ['apjpenstic]: ~ machen entice away (von from). '
absperr|en v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) lock; shut off; bar (way); block (road); turn off (gas, etc.); 'Shahn m stopcock.
Abschufi m discharge (of fire-arm); launching (of rocket); hunt, shooting; shooting down, downing (of aircraft); ' rampe / launching
abjspielen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) play (record, etc.); play back (tape recording); sich happen, take place; ' sprechen v/t. (irr. sprechen, sep., ge-, h) deny; arrange, agree; springen v/i. (irr. spr/ngen, sep., ge-, se/n) jump down or off; 2g* jump, bale out, (Am. only) bail out; -
' '
abschiissig adj. [ apjysi?] sloping;
ablschiitteln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) shake off (a. fig.); fig. get rid of; ' vSchwachen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) weaken, lessen, diminish; schweifen v/i. (sep., -ge-, se/n) deviate; fig. digress; ' schwenken v/i. (sep., ge-, se/n) swerve; X wheel; ' schworen v/i. (irr. schworen, sep., -ge-, h) abjure; forswear; ' segeln v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) set
rebound. '
Absprung m jump; sports: takeoff.
abspiilen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) wash
abstammlen v/i. (sep., -ge-, se/n)
up; rinse. be descended; gr. be derived (both: von from); 'Sung / (-/-en) descent; gr. derivation.
sail, sail away.
Abstand m distance; interval; compensation, indemnification;
nehmen von desist from.
abseh|bar adj. [ apze:ba:r]: in ~er Ze/t in the not-too-distant future; ' en (irr. sehen, sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. ~
(foresee; j-m et. ~ learn by observing s.o.; es abgesehen haben auf (acc.) have an eye on, be aiming at; 2. r/i.: ~ von refrain from; disregard. abseits ['apzaits] 1. adv. aside,
apart; football, etc.: oft side; 2.prp. (gen.) aside from; off (the road). ' absendlen v/t. ([irr. senden,] sep., ge-, t) send off, dispatch; m post, esp. Am. mail; Ser
sender. '
platform. '
ab|sorbieren [apzDr'bitrsn] vlt. (tw
abschiirflen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) graze, abrade (skin); Sung / (-/-en) abrasion.
secrete; sich
draw; 'Sung / (-/-en) separation; &
absengen vft. (sep., -ge-,h) singe off.
ab|statten ['apjtatsn] v/t. (sep., ge-, h): e-n Besucb pay a visit; -
return or render thanks;
stauben v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) dust. ' abstechjen (trr. stechen, sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. cut (sods); stick (pig, sheep, etc.); stab (animal); 2. v/i. contrast
(von with); 'Ser m (-s/-) excursion, trip; detour. '
ablstecken vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) vmpin,
imdo; fit, pin (dress); sum. mark out; ' stehen v/i. (irr. stehen, sep., ge-, ft) stand off; stick out, protrude; s. abgestanden; ' steigen r/t. (irr. steigen, sep., -ge-, sein) -
descend; alight (von from) (carriage); get off, dismount (from) (horse); put up (in dat. at) (hotel)) '
26 -
abtreibjen (zrr. treiben, sep., -ge-) 1 v/t. (h) drive away or off; em Kind procvu-e abortion; 2. .
stellen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) put
down; stop, turn off (gas, etc.); park (car); fig. put an end to; ' stempeln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) stamp; ' sterben v/i. (irr. sterben, sep., -ge-, sein) die off; limb', mortify. Abstieg ['apjtiik] m (-[e]s/-e) descent; . decline. abstimm|en { sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/i. vote; 2. v/t. tune in (radio); fig.: harmonize; time; balance (books); ' 2ung / voting; vote; tuning. Abstinenzler [apsti'nentsbr] m (si-) teetotal(l)er. ' abstoppen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. stop; slow down; sports: clock, time; 2. v/i. stop. ' abstofien v/t. (irr. stoBen, sep., ge-, h) knock off; push off; clear off (goods); fig. repel; sich die Horner sow one s wild oats; '*Afig. adj. repulsive. abstrakt adj. [ap strakt] abstract. ' ab|streichen vlt. (irr. streichen, sep., -ge-, h) take or wipe off; ' streifen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) strip off; take or pull off (glove, etc.); slip off (dress); wipe (shoes); ' streiten v/t. (irr. streiten, sep., -ge-, h) contest, dispute; deny. ' Abstrich m deduction, cut;& swab. ' ablstufen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) graduate; gradate; ' stumpfen (sep., ge-) 1. v/t. (h) blunt; dull (mind);
v/i. (sein) drift off; 'Eung f (-/-en) abortion
abtrennen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) detach; separate; sever (limbs, etc.); take (trimmings) off (dress).
abtretlen (zrr. treten, sep., -ge-) 1 vjt. (h) wear down (heels); wear out (steps, etc.); fig. cede, transfer; 2 vfi. (sein) retire, withdraw; resign; thea. make one s exit; 'Ser m (-si-) doormat; 'Eung / (-/-en) .
cession, transfer. '
abltrocknen (sep., -ge-) 1. vjt. (h) dry (up); wipe (dry); sich dry oneself, rub oneself down; 2. «/».
(sein) dry up, become dry; Ltropfen vji. (sep., -ge-, sein) liquid: drip; dishes, vegetables: drain. abtriinnig adj. ['aptryni?] unfaithful, disloyal; eccl. apostate; £e [' ga] m (-n/-n) deserter; eccl. apostate. '
abjtun v/t. (irr. tun, sep., -ge-, h) take off; setde (matter);fig.: dispose of; dismiss; ~urteilen ['ap?-] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) pass sentence on s.o.; ' wagen v/t. ([irr. vvogen,] sep., -ge-, h) weigh (out); fig. consider care-
fig. vji. (sein) become dull.
Absturz m fall;
ablstiirzen v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein)
fall down; crash; ' suchen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) search (nach for); scour or comb (area) (for). absurd adj. [ap'zurt] absurd, preposterous.
[aps'tses] m (Abszesses/
Abszesse) abscess.
Abt [apt] m (-[e]s/--=e) abbot. ' abtakeln & v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) vmrig, dismantle, strip. Abtei [ap'tai] / (-/-en) abbey. Abl'teil E n compartment; '£teilen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) divide; A par-
tition off; '~teilung / division; teilung / department; ward (of hospital); compartment; detachment; teilungsleiter m head of a '
department. '
abtelegraphieren v/i. (sep., no -ge-, h) cancel a visit, etc. by telegram. Abtissin [ep'tisinJ/ Z-nen) abbess. l ab|toten v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) destroy, kill (bacteria, etc.); Ltragen v/t. (irr. tragen, sep., -ge-, h) carry off; pull down (building); wear out (garment); pay (debt). abtraglich adj. ['aptre:kli?] injurious, detrimental.
fully; ' walzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) roll away; fig. shift; ' wandeln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) vary, modify; ' wandern v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) wander away; migrate (von from). ' Abwandlung / modification, variation. '
abwarten (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. wait for, await; s-e Ze/t bide one's time; 2. v/i. wait. abwarts adv. ['apverts] down, downward(s). abwaschen vjt. (irr. waschen, sep.,
ge-, h) wash (off, away); bathe; sponge off; wash up (dishes, etc.). ' abwechseln (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. vary; alternate; 2. v/i. vary; alternate; mit j-m take turns; ' d adj. -
lAbwechs(e)lung / (-/-en) change;
alternation; variation; diversion; zur for a change. ' Abweg m: auf e geraten go astray;
£ig adj. [' gi?] erroneous, wrong. Abwehr/defenlce, Am. -se; warding off (of thrust, etc.); ' dienst X m counter-espionage service; Sen
v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) ward off; avert; repulse, repel, ward off (attack, enemy). ' abweichjen v/i. (irr. weichen, sep., ge-, sein) deviate (von from), swerve (from); differ (from); compass-needle: deviate; '2ung/(-/-en) deviation; difference; deflexion, (Am. only) deflection. ' abweiden v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) graze. ' abweisjen v/t. (irr. weisen, sep., -
ge-, h) refuse, reject; repel (a. X);
abweisend rebuff;
end adj. unfriendly, cool; Sung / refusal, rejection; repulse (a. X); rebuff. ' ablwenden vjt. (\trr. wenden,] sep.y ge-, h) turn away; avert (disaster, etc.); parry (thrust); sich ~ turn away (von from); werfen v/t. (irr. werfen, sep., -ge-, h) throw off; drop (bombs); shed, cast (skin, etc.); shed (leaves); yield (profit). ' abwert|en v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) devaluate; Sung / devaluation. abwesen|d adj. [ apveizant] absent; ' Sheit / (-/S -en) absence. ' ablwickeln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) un'
27 -
regard; sich in acht nehmen be careful; be on one s guard (vor j-m or et. against s.o. or; look out (for s.o. or ' achtbar adj. respectable. ' achte adj. eighth; SI n (-si-) eighth (part). '
achten (ge-, h) 1. v/t. respect, esteem; regard; 2. v/i.: auf (acc.) pay attention to; achte auf meine Worte mark or mind my words; darauf da8 see to it that, take
wind, unreel,
(business); ' wiegen v/t. (irr. wiegen, sep., -ge-, h) weigh (out) (goods); ' wiscben v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) wipe (off); ' wiirgen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) strangle, throttle, choke; mot. stall; Lzahlen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) pay off; pay by instal(l)ments; ' zahlen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) count (out, over). ' Abzahlung / instal(l)ment, payment on account; ' sgeschaft n
care that.
achten ['ectan] v/t. (ge-, h) outlaw, proscribe; ban. ' Achter m (-s/-) rowing: eight. achtfach adj. ['axtfax] eightfold. ' achtgeben v/i. (irr. geben, sep., £e-, h) be careful; pay attention (auf acc. to); take care (of); gib -
acht! look or watch out!, be careful! '
achtlos adj. inattentive, careless, heedless.
Acht'stundentag m eight-hour day. ' Achtung / (-/no pi.) attention; respect, esteem, regard; ~.' look out!, X attention!; Stufe.' mind the step!; 'Ssvoll adj. respectful.
hire-purchase. '
abzapfen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) tap, draw off.
Abzehrung / (-/-en) wasting away, emaciation; # consumption. ' Abzeichen n badge; * marking. '
ab|zeichnen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) copy, draw; mark off; initial; tick
achtzehn adj. eighteen; ~te adj.
P ta] eighteenth. achtzig adj. ['axtsi) rider: mount; spannen
(up) (meal); lay on (paint); wear out (dress); j-m et. charge s.o. with; ~geber [' k-] m (-s/-) employer; customer; principal; serteilung [' ks'ertailuq] / (-/-en) placing of an order.
spiefien v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) pierce; with horns: gore; run through, spear; ' springen v/i. (irr. springer, sep., -ge-, sein) jump up; door: fly open; crack; skin: chap; ' ptiren v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) hunt up; track down; ' stacheln fig. vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) goad; incite, instigate; ' stampfen v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) ~
Auftakt m i upbeat; fig. prelude, preliminaries pi.
v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) stretch; put up (umbrella); spread (sails); '~sparen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) save; fig. reserve; ' speichern vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) store up; ' sperren vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) open wide; ' spielen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. and vji. strike up; 2. v/refl. show off; sich als set up for;
take off; rider: mount.
aufstell|en v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) set up, put up; X draw up; post (sentries); make (assertion); set (example); erect (column); set (trap); nominate (candidate); draw up (bill); lay down (rule); make out (list); set up, establish (record);
42 -
auf|treffen v/i. (irr. treffen, sep., ge-, sein) strike, hit; treiben v/t. '
(irr. treiben, sep., -ge-, h) hunt up; raise (money); trennen v/t. (sep., ge-> h) rip; unstitch (seam). ' auftreten 1. v/i. (irr. treten, sep., ge-, sein) tread; thea., witness, etc.: appear (als as); behave, act; difficulties: arise; 2. 2 n (-s/no pi.) appearance; occurrence (of events); '
stamp (one s foot). '
Aufstand m insurrection; rebellion; uprising, revolt. aufstandisch adj. ['aufjtendij] rebellious; 'Se m (-n/-n) insurgent,
Auftrieb m phys. and fig. buoyancy; St lift;y?g. impetus. ' Auftritt m thea. scene (a. fig.); appearance (of actor). ' auf |trumpfen . vji.' (sep., -ge-, hi) put one s foot down; tun v/t. (irr. tun, sep., -ge-, h) open; sich open; chasm: yawn; society: form; ' tiirmen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) pile or heap '
rebel. '
auf|stapeln vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) pile '
stechen vlt. up; -f store (up); (irr. stechen, sep., -ge-, h) pvmcture,
up; sich
tower up; pile up; diffiwachen v/i. (sep., -ge-, se/n) awake, wake up; ' wachsen v/i. (irr. wochsen, sep., ge-, se/n) grow up. ' Aufwallung / ebullition, surge. Aufwand ['aufvant] m (-[e]s/n£? pi.) expense, expenditure (on dat. of); pomp; splendid or great display (0/ '
culties: accumulate;
43 -
wind (up) (clock, etc.); j-n tease .o., pull s.o.'s leg; Saiten auf e-e Violine string a violin; 2. v/i. (se/n) X draw up; storm: approach. ' Aufzucht / rearing, breeding. ' Aufzug m © hoist; lift. Am. elevator; thea. act; attire; show. s
aufzwingen v/t. (irr. zw/ngen, sep., ge-, h): j-m et. force upon -
words, etc.).
Augapfel ['auk9-] m eyeball. Auge ['auga] n (-s/-n) eye; sight;
Aufwartelfrau / charwoman. Am. a cleaning woman; '211 vli. (sep., ge-, h) wait (up)on s.o., attend on
bud; in me/nen n in my view; /m behalten keep an eye on; keep in mind; ous den n ver//eren lose sight of; zudriicken turn
warm up. '
s.o.i wait (at table). aufwarts adv. ['aufvsrts] upward(s). ' Aufwartung / attendance; visit; j-m s-e machen pay one's respects
a blind eye (be/ to); ins fa/Zen strike the eye; grofle .n mochen open one's eyes wide; unter v/er n face to face, privately; ke/n zutun
to s.o., call on s.o. '
aufwaschlen v/t. (irr.' waschen, sep., -ge-, h) wash up; 2wasser n dish-water.
(sep., ' -ge-, h)
blick m moment, instant; 'Sblicklich 1. adj. instantaneous; momentary; present; 2. adv. instant(aneous)ly; at present; '«-
braue / eyebrow; ' entziindung / inflammation of the eye; ',*heilkunde / ophthalmology; '«klinik / ophthalmic hospital; '~leiden & n eye-complaint; ' licht » eyesight; 'Jtid « eyelid; ' mafi n: e/n gutes a sure eye; nodi dem by eye; Mmerk [' .rnerk] n (-[e]s/«£? pi.): se/n richten auf (acc.) turn '
ization; revaluation.
aufwickeln v/t. and vjrefl. (sep., ge-, h) wind up, roll up. aufwiegel|n ['aufvirgaln] vlt. (sep., ge-, h) stir up, incite, instigate; ' Sung / (-/-en) instigation. ' aufwiegen fig. vjt. (irr. w/egen, sep., -ge-, h) make up for. Aufwiegler f'aufviigbr] m (si-) agitator; instigator. . aufwirbeln (sep., -ge-) 1. vlt. (h) whirl up; raise (dust); fig. viel Staub create a sensation; 2. v/i. (se/n) whirl up. -
aufwischjen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) wipe up; 'Slappen m floor-cloth. aufwiihlen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) turn up; g. stir.
aufzahllen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) count
vp;fig. enumerate. Am. a. call off; specify. Am. itemize; 'Sung / (-/-en) enumeration; specification ' aufjzaumen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) bridle; ' .zehren vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) .
to; have
aufzeichnjen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) draw; note down; record; 'Sung/ note; record.
auf|zeigen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) show; demonstrate; point out (mistakes, etc.); disclose; ' ziehen (irr. z/ehen, sep., -ge-) 1. v/t. (h) draw or pull up; (pull) open; hoist (flag); bring up (child); mount (picture); .
view; '~schein
nebmen examine, view, inspect; 'S scheinlich adj. evident; ' wasser » eyewash, eye-lotion; ' wimper/ eyelash; ' zeuge m eyewitness. August [au'gust] m (-[e]s, - /-e) August. Auktion [auk'tsjoin] / (-/-en) auction; Mator Uo'naitor] m (-s/-en) -
Aula ['aula]/(-/Au/en, -s) (assembly) hall. Am. auditorium.
aus [aus] l.prp. (dat.) out of; from; of; by; for; in; Achtung out of respect; ~ London kommen come from London;
this reason;
d/esem Grunde for Ihrem Brief ersehe /ch
I see from your letter; 2. adv. out; over; d/e Schule ist ~ school is over; F: von m/r for all I care; auf et. se/n be keen on; es ist ~ m/t ihm it is all over with him; das
Spiel ist i the game is up!; er weil} weder e/n noch
not to get a wink of sleep.
Augenfarzt m oculist, eye-doctor;
auflwecken vlt.
weichen awake(n), wake (up); (sep., -ge-) 1. vjt. (h) soften; soak; 2 vfi. (se/n) soften, become soft; ' weisen v/t. (irr. we/sen, sep., ge-, h) show, exhibit; produce; ' wenden v/t. ([irr. wenden,] sep., ge-, h) spend; Muhe take pains; ' werfen vlt. (irr. werfen, sep., ge-, h) raise (a. question). . aufwertjen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) revalorize; revalue; Sung / revalor-
he is at his wit
end; on instruments, etc.: an - ~ on - off.
ausarbeit|en ['aus'-] v/t. (sep., ge-, h) work out; elaborate; Sung '
/ (-/-en) working-out; elaboration; composition.
ausjarten ['aus'-] v/i. (sep., -ge-, se/n) degenerate; get out of hand; »atmen ['aus'-]
-ge-, h)
1 v/i. breathe out; 2. vlt. breathe out; exhale (vapour, etc.); ' baggern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) dredge (river, etc.); excavate (ground). ' Ausbau m (-[e]s/-ten) extension; completion; development; 'Sen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) develop; extend; finish, complete; © dismantle
44 -
arette); fig. express; '~lich adj. ex-
(engine). '
ausbedingen v/t. (irr. bedingen, sep., no -ge-, h) stipulate. ' ausbesserln v/t. (sep., -ge-s h) mend, repair. Am. F a. fix; Sung/ repair, mending. ' Ausbeutle / (-l\-n) gain, profit; yield; output; 'Sen v]t. (sep., fe-j h) exploit; sweat (workers); ' ung / (-/-en) exploitation. ' ausbild|en v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) form, '
press, explicit. '
perspiration; odo(u)r, smell.
to pieces; © disassemble, disman-
tle; ~setzen fig. v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) explain; sich m/t j-m + compound with s.o.; argue with s.o.; have it out with s.o.; sich m/t e-m Problem
get down to a problem; come to grips with a problem; Ssetzung / (-/-en) explanation; discussion; settlement (with creditors, etc.); kriege,
ausbitten v/t. (irr. bitten, sep., -ge-, h): s/c/? et.«. request; insist on
ausbleiben 1. vji. (irr. bleiben, sep., ge-, se/n) stay away, fail to appear; 2 2 m (slno pi.) non-arrival, non-
choice; select(ed). auserwahlen [ aus'-] v/t. (sep., no ge-, h) select, choose.
Ausblick m outlook (auf acc. over, on), view (of), prospect (of); fig.
outlook (on).
drill; ' brechen (irr. brechen, sep., ge-) 1. v/t. (h) break out; vomit; 2 v/i. (sein) break out; Jig. burst out (laughing, etc.). .
spread (out); stretch (out) (arms, wings); display; sich ~ spread; '
Sung / (-/S-en) spreading. ausbrennen (irr. brennen, sep., ge-) 1. v/t. (h) burn out; cauterize; 2. v/i. (sein) burn out. ' Ausbruch m outbreak; eruption (of volcano); escape (from prison); outburst (of emotion). ' auslbriiten v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) hatch (a. fig.); ' biirgern vjt. (sep., -ge-, '
h) denationalize, expatriate. '
Ausdauer / perseverance; '2nd adj. persevering; perennial. ' ausdehnjen v/t. and v/refl. (sep., ge-, h) extend (auf acc. to); expand; stretch; 'Sung / expansion; exten-
for a drive; rut (road);
sion; extent.
ausldenken v/t. (irr. denken, sep., ge-, h) think out. Am. a. think s th. up, contrive, devise, invent; imagine; '~ddrren v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) dry up; parch; ' drehen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) turn off (radio, gas); £ turn out, switch off (light). Ausdruck m 1. (-[e]s/nAuge dovon/commen get off cheaply; 2. 2 n (s/no pi.) blue (colo[u]r); Fahrt ins ~e mystery tour. [blue.) blauen ['bbvan] v/t. (ge-, h) (dye)/ ' blaulgrau adj. bluish grey; '2jacke -tfr / bluejacket, sailor. ' blaulich adj. bluish. '
/ (-[no pi.) hydro-
cyanic or prussic acid. Blech [ble?] n (-[e]s/-e) sheet metal; metal sheet, plate; F fig. balderdash, rubbish. Am. si. a. baloney;
biichse / tin. Am. can; '2ern adj. (of) tin; sound: brassy; sound, voice: tinny; '~musik / brass-band music; Lwaren flpl. tinware. Blei [blai] (-[e]s/-e) 1. n lead; 2. F n, m (lead) pencil.
67 -
bleiben ['blaiban] vji. (irr., ge-, se/n) remain, stay; be left; ruhig keep calm; «. be/ keep to, stick to b/tte bleiben S/e am Apparat teleph. hold the line, please; adj. lasting, permanent; Classen vlt. (irr. lassen, sep., no -ge-, h)
flash; '2er mot. m (si-) flashing indicator; '££euer n flashing light. blinzeln ['blintssln] vli. (ge-, h)
leave alone; laB das bleiben I
blitzt it is lightening; '-gesprach teleph. n special priority call; lichtphot. n flash-light; '2'schnell adv. vtixh lightning speed; strahl m flash of lightning. Block [bbk] m 1. (-[e]s/=e) block; slab (of cooking chocolate); block, log (of wood); ingot (of metal); parl., pol., bloc; 2. (-[e]s/=e, -s) block (of houses); pad, block (of paper); _ade X, & [Jkcnds] /
don't do it!; leave it alone!; stop that (noise, etc.)1.
bleich adj. [blai?] pale (vor dat. with); ' en (ge-) 1. vlt. (h) make pale; bleach; blanch; 2. vfi. (irr., se/n) bleach; lose coloCvOr, fade; ' siichtig # adj. chlorotic green~
sick. '
bleiem adj. (of) lead, leaden (a.fig.).
Bleilrohr n lead pipe; ' soldat m
' tlft m (lead) pencil; stifthiilse / pencil cap; ' stiftspitzer m (si-) pencil-sharpener; ' vergiftung f lead-poisoning. Blendje ['blsnds] / (-/-n) phot, diaphragm, stop; A blind or sham window; "Sen (ge-, h) 1. v/t. blind; dazzle (both a. fig.); 2. vfi. light: dazzle the eyes; J at erne ['blent-] / dark lantern. blicb [blic] pret. of bleichen 2. Blick [blik] m (-[e]s/-e) glance, look; view (auf acc. of); auf den ersten at first sight; ein bcser an evil or angry look; Sen v/i. (ge-, h) look, glance (auf acc, nach at); ' fang m eye-catcher. blieb [bli:p] pret. of bleiben. blies [bli:s] pret. of blasen. blind adj. [blint] blind (a. fig.: gegen, fur to; vor dat. with); metal: dull, tarnished; trindcno: opaque (with age, dirt); mirror: clouded, dull; cartridge: blank; er Alarm false alarm; er Passagier stowaway; auf e-m Auge blind in one
tin soldier;
blink (ar light, etc.); wink. Blitz [blits] m (-esl-e) lightning; ' ableiter m (si-) lightning-con-
ductor; 'Sen v/i. (ge-, h) flash; es
adebrecher m (-l-n) blockade; (-s/-) blockade-runner; ' haus n
log cabin; Sieren U'kirran] (no fe-j h) 1. v/t. block (up); lock (wheel); 2. v/i. brakes, etc.: jam. blod adj. [bloit], ~e adj. V da] imbecile; stupid, dull; silly; 'Sheit / (-/-en) imbecility; stupidity, dullness; silliness; 'Ssinn m imbecility; rubbish, nonsense; sinnig adj. imbecile; idiotic, stupid, foolish. bloken ['blorkan] v/i. (ge-, h) sheep, -
calf: bleat.
Blinddarm anat. m blind gut; appendix; entziindung #/appen'
Blinde ['blinds] (-n/-n) 1. m blind man; 2. / blind woman; nanstalt ['blindsn'-] / institute for the blind;
' nheim n home for the
blind; ' nhund m guide dog. Am. a seeing-eye dog; ' nschrift / .
blofi [blo:s] 1. adj. bare, naked; mere;
e Worte mere words; mit
en Auge wahrnehmbar visible
to the naked eye; 2. adv. only, merely, simply, just. Blofie ['blaisa] / (-/-n) bareness, nakedness; fig. weak point or spot;
sich e-e ~ geben give o.s. away; lay o s. .
open to attack; fce/ne ~ bieten
be invulnerable. '
blofillegen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) lay bate, expose; ' stellen v/t. (sep., ge-, h) expose, compromise, unmask; sich compromise o.s. -
bliihen ['] v/i. (ge-, h) blossom, flower, bloom; fig. flourish, thrive, prosper; Y boom. Blume ['bluima] / (-l-n) flower; wine: bouquet; beer: froth. ' Blumenlbeet n flower-bed; blatt n petal; 'chandler m florist; ' straufi m bouquet or bunch of flowers; ' topf m flowerpot; -
blindjfliegen 2? (irr. fliegen, sep., ge-) v/t. (h) and v/i. (se/n) fly blind or on instruments; Sflug Sg* m blind flying or flight; 'Sganger m M blind shell, dud; F fig. washout; ' £heit/ (-(no pi.) blindness; clings adv. [ Jiijs] blindly; at random; Sschleiche zo. f (-l-n) slow-worm, blind-worm; ' schreiben v/t. and vji. (irr. schreiben, sep., -ge-, h) -
blink[en ['blirjkan] vfi. (ge-, h) star, light: twinkle; metal, leather, glass, etc.: shine; signal (with lamps), 5*
zucht / floriculture. Bluse fbluiza] / (-/-n) blouse. Blut [blurt] n (-[e]slno pi.) blood; n, vergieBen shed blood; boses machen
' an-
drang # m congestion; 'Sarm adj. bloodless, # an(a)emic; ' armut / an(a)emia; '..bad n carnage, massacre; '~bank f blood bank; ' blase /blood blister; ' druck m
blood pressure; Sdiirstig adj. [ '-.dyrstic] bloodthirsty. Bliite fblyita] / (-l-n) blossom,
bloom, flower;
esp. fig.
prime, heyday {of life).
68 -
paper); 'Sformig adj. arched;
gang A tn arcade; ' .lampe # f arc-lamp; Lschiitze m archer
Blutegel ['bluu'eigal] m (-s/-) leech. ' bluten vji. (ge-, h) bleed (ous
bleed at the
Bohle ['borb] / (-/-n) thick plank,
Blutergufi # ['bluit?-] m effusion
Bohne ['botna] / (-/-n) bean; grilne pi. French beans pi.. Am. string
from); ous der Nose
of blood. '
Bliitezeit / flowering period or time; fig. a. prime, heyday. ' BlutlgefaB anat. n blood-vessel; gerinnsel # [' garinzal] n (-s/-) clot of blood; ' gruppe / blood group; ' hund zo. m bloodhound. ' blutig adj. bloody, blood-stained; es /st me/n
beans pi.; weilie ~n pi. haricot beans pi.; F blaue n pi. bullets pi.; ' nstange / beanpole (a. F fig.). bohnern ['bomarn] v/t. (ge-, h) polish (floor, etc.), (bees)wax (floor).
bohrjen f'borran] (ge-, h) 1. v/t. bore, drill (hole); sink, bore (well,
er Ernst I am dead
serious; er Anfanger mere beginner, F greenhorn. Blut|k6rperchen ['bluttkcerpargan] n (s/-) blood corpuscle; Lkreislauf m (blood) circulation; ' lache / pool of blood; 'Sleer adj., 'Slos adj. bloodless; ' probe / blood test; ' rache / blood feud or revenge or vengeance, vendetta; '2' rot adj. blood-red; crimson;Sriinstig adj. [' rynstic] bloodthirsty; bloody; ' schande / incest; spender m blood-donor; '2stillend adj. blood-sta(u)nching; ' sturz & m h(a)emorrhage; '2sverwandt adj. related by blood (m/t to); ' sverwandtschaft / blood-relationship, consanguinity; ' iibertragung / blood-transfusion; ' ung / (-/-en) bleeding h(a)emorrhage; ' Sunterlaufen adj. eye: bloodshot; vergiefien n bloodshed; ' vergiftung / blood-poisoning. Bo [bo] / (-/-en) gust, squall. Bock [bok] m (-[ejs/ e) deer, hare, rabbit: buck; he-goat, F billy-goat; sheep: ram; gymnastics: buck; e-n ,
shaft); bore, cut, drive (tunnel, etc.); 2 v/i. drill (a. dentistry); bore; 'Ser .
© m (-si-) borer, drill. '
boig adj. squally, gusty; bumpy. Boje ['bocja] / (-/-n) buoy. Bollwerk X ['bolverk] n bastion, bulwark (a. fig.). Bolzen © ['boltsan] m (-s/-) bolt. Bombard I ement [bombarda'ma:] n (sj-s) bombardment; bombing; shelling; Sieren U'di:ran] vjt. (no ge-, h) bomb; shell; bombard (a. -
Bombe ['bomba] / (-/-n) bomb; ?. bomb-shell; '2nsicher adj. bombproof; F g. dead sure; Lnschaden
m bomb damage;
: ,
m (-s/-)
Bon 'f' [bo:] m (-s/-s) coupon; voucher; credit note.
Bonbon [bo'bo:] m, n (-s/-s) sweet (-meat) bon-bon, F goody. Am. candy. ,
Bonze F ['bontsa] m (-n/-n) bigwig, Am. a. big shot. Boot [bo:t] n (-[e]s/-e) boat; '~shaus n boat-house; ' smann m C-[e]s/ 8oots/eute) boatswain.
schielien commit a blunder, si. commit a bloomer; den ~ zum
Bord [bort] (-[e]s/-e) 1. n shelf;
Gartner machen set the fox to keep the geese; 'Sen v/i. (ge-, h) horse: buck; child: sulk; p. be obstinate or refractory; mot. move jerkily. Am. F a. buck; 'Sig adj. stubborn, obstinate, pigheaded; ' sprung m leap-frog; gymnastics: vault over the buck; Bockspriinge machen
(ship, aircraft, etc.); Uber overboard; von gehen go ashore; ' funker , m wireless or radio operator; ' stein m kerb. Am. curb. borgen ['borgan] v/t. (ge-, b) borrow (von, bei from, of); lend. Am. a. loan (/-m et. to s.o.). Borke [lbDrka]/(-/-n) bark (of tree). borniert adj. [bor'nhrt] narrowminded, of restricted intelligence. Borsalbe ['borr-] / boracic oint-
caper, cut capers.
Boden ['boidan] m (-s/-) ground; S soil; bottom; floor; loft; ' kammer / garret, attic; 'filos adj. bottomless; fig. enormous; unheard-of; ' personal * n groimd personnel or staff. Am. groimd crew; ' reform / land reform; ' satz m grounds pi., sediment; schatze ['..Jetsa] m/pl. mineral resources/)/.; 'Sstandig adj.native, indigenous. bog [bo:k] pret. of biegen. Bogen ['borgan] m (-s/-, .*) bow, bend, curve; arc; & arch; skiing: turn; skating: curve; sheet (0/ ~
m: an
on board, aboard
Borse f'bcerza] / (-/-n) purse; t stock
exchange; stock-market; money-market; ' nbericht m market report; 'Snfahig adj. stock: negotiable on the stock exchange; ' nkurs m quotation; ' nmakler m stock-broker; ' nnotierung / (official, stock exchange) quotation; ' npapiere n/pl. listed securities pi.; ' nspekulant m stockjobber; ' nzeitung / financial newspaper.
or stigmatize s.o.; ' mauer / fire (-proof) wall; ' schaden m damage caused by or loss suffered by fire; ' Sschatzen v\t. {ge-, h) lay {town) under contribution; sack, pillage; . statte /, Lstelle / scene of fire; stifter m incendiary. Am. F a.
Borst|e ['borsts] / (-/-n) bristle {of hog or brush, etc.); 'fiig adj. bristly. Borte ['borts] / (-/-n) border {of carpet, etc.); braid, lace. ' bosartlg adj. malicious, vicious; malignant; 'Skeit / (-/-en) viciousness; & malignity. Boschung ['boejui}] / (-/-en) slope; embankment {of railway); bank {of river). bose ['beiza] 1. adj. bad, evil, wicked ; malevolent, spiteful; angry (iiber acc. at, about; auf j-n with s.o.); er me/nt es nicht ~ he means no
harm; 2. 2 n {-njno pi.) evil; Swicht ' [ vi t] m (-[e]s/-er, -e) villain, ..
bos | haft adj. ['borshaft] wicked; spiteful; malicious; Sheit/(-/-en) '
wickedness; malice; spite. '
boswillig adj. malevolent; Ab~ sicht malice prepense; es Verlassen wilful desertion; 'fikeit/ (-/-en) malevolence bot [bo:t] pret. of bieten. Botan|ik [bo'tarnik] / {-[no pi.) botany; ..iker m (-s/-) botanist; 2isch adj. botanical. Bote ['boits] m (-n/-n) messenger; ' ngang m errand; Botenfonfe .
machen run errands. '
Botschaft / (-/-en) message; pol. embassy; ' er m (-s/-) ambassador; in British Commontoealth countries:
High Commissioner. Bottich ['botic] m (-[e]s/-e) tub; wash-tub; brewing: tun. vat. Bouillon [bu'ljo:] / (-/-s) beef tea. Bowie ['bo s] / (-/-n) vessel: bowl; cold drink consisting of fruit, hock and champagne or soda-water: appr. punch. box|en ['boksan] 1. vli. (jge-, h) box; 2 v/t. (ge-, h) punch s.o.; 3. 2 n {-sfnopl ) boxing; pugilism; er m (-s/-) boxer; pugilist; Shandschuh m boxing-glove; 'Skampf m boxing-match, bout, fight; sport m boxing. Boykott [boY'kot] (-[e]s/-e) boycott; 2ieren U'tiiran] v/t. {no -ge-, h) .
69 -
firebug; ' stiftung / arson;
[Lduri] / (-/-en) surf, surge, breakers pi.; ' wache / fire-watch; ' wunde / bum; scald; ' zeichen n brand.
brannte ['branta] pret. of brennen. Branntwein ['brantvam] m brandy, spirits pi.; whisk(e)y; gin; ' brennerei / distillery. braten ['bra-.tsn] 1. v/t. {irr., ge-, h) in oven: roast; grill; in frying-pan: fry; bake {apple); am SpieB roast on a spit, barbecue; 2. v/i. {irr., ge-, h) roast; grill; fry; in der Sonne p. roast or grill in the sun; 3.2 m {-si-) roast (meat); joint; '2fett n dripping; '2soCe / gravy. ' Bratlfisch m fried fish; ' hering m grilled herring; ' huhn n roast chicken; ' kartoffeln pi. fried potatoes pi.; '..ofen m (kitchen) oven; ' pfanne/frying-pan. Am. a. skillet; ' rohre f s. Bratofen. Branch [braux] m (-[e]s/=e) custom, usage; use, habit; practice; '2bar adj. p., thing: useful; p. capable, able; thing: serviceable; '2en (h) 1 v/t. {ge-) need, want; require; take {time); use; 2. v/aux. (no -ge-): du brauchst es nur zu sagen you only have to say so; er hotte nicht .
zu kommen
he need not have
come; '..turn n (-[e]s/=er) custom; tradition; folklore.
Braue ['braua] / (-/-n) eyebrow.
brau|en ['brauan] v/t. {ge-, h) brew; '
2er m {-si-) brewer; 2erei [ 'rai] /(-/-en) brewery; 'Shaus n brewery. braun adj. [braun] brown; horse: bay; werden get a tan {on one's skin).
Braune ['brevna] / {-Ino pi.) brown colo(u)r; (sun) tan; '2n (ge-, h) 1. v/t. make or dye brown; sun: tan; 2 v/i. tan.
brach [bra:x] 1. pret. of brechen; 2 S adv. fallow; uncultivated {both a. fig.). brachte ['braxts] pret. of bringen. Branche + I'brarja] / (-/-n) line (of business), trade; branch. Brand [brant] w (-[e]s/=e) burning; fire, blaze; # gangrene; , S blight, smut, mildew; '..blase / blister; ' bornbe / incendiary bomb; Sen [' dsn] v/i. {ge-, h) surge (a. fig.), break {an acc, gegen against); ' fleck m bum; 2ig adj. V diq] S bhghted, smutted; gangrenous; '«mal « brand; fig. stigma, blemish; Smarken v\t. (ge-, h) brand {animal); fig. brand .
Braunkohle / brown coal, lignite. ' braunlich adj. brownish. Brause ['brauza] / (-/-n) rose, sprinkling-nozzle {of watering can); s
bad n shower(-bath);
'Uimonade / fizzy lemonade; '2n v/i. {ge-, h) wind, water, etc.: roar; rush; have a shower(-bath); ' pulver n effervescent powder. Braut [braut] / (-/=e) fiancee; on wedding-day: bride; ' fuhrer m best man.
Brautigam ['broytigam] m (-s/-e) fiance; on wedding-day: bride-
groom, Am. a. groom. '
Brautjjungfer / bridesmaid;
kleid n wedding-dress; ' kranz m
stinging nettle; ' glas n burning
bridal wreath; 'Ueute /., ' paar n engaged couple; on wedding-day: bride and bridegroom; ' schleier
m bridal veil.
brav adj. [bra:f] honest, upright; good, well-behaved; brave. bravo int. ['braivo] bravo!, well done!
Bravour [bra'vurr] / {-jno pi.) bravery, courage; brilliance. Brecheisen ['bres'-] n crowbar; (burglar's) jemmy. Am. a. jimmy. '
70 -
brechen (irr., ge-)
1. v/t. (hi)
break; pluck (flower); refract (ray, etc.); fold (sheet of paper); quarry (stone); vomit; die Ehe commit adultery; sich break (one s leg, etc.); opt. be refracted; 2. v/L (h) break; vomit; mit j-m break with s o 3. v/i. (sei'n) break, get broken; '
bones: break, fracture, '
Brech|mittel # n emetic; F fig. sickener;
reiz m nausea;
/ crowbar. Am. a. pry; ' ung opt. f (-/-en) refraction. Brei [brai] m (-[e]s/-e) paste; pulp; mash; pap (for babies); made of oatmeal: porridge; (rice, etc.) pudding; 'Sig adj. pasty; pulpy; pappy.
breit adj. [bran] broad, wide; zehn Meter
ten metres wide; ~e Schich-
ten der 8ev6/kerung large sections of or the bulk of the population; '
beinig 1. adj. with legs wide apart; 2. adv.: gehen straddle. Breite ['braita] / (-/-n) breadth, width; ast., geogr. latitude; '2n v/t. (ge-, h) spread; ' ngrad m degree of latitude; nkreis m parallel (of -.
holz n firewood; '..mate-
' 61 n
fuel-oil; ' punkt m focus, focal point; in den riicken bring into focus (a. fig.); im « des Interesses
stehen be the focus of interest; Lschere/curling-tongs pi.; ' spiritus m methylated spirit; ' stoff m combustible; mot. fuel.
brenzlig ['brentsli?] 1. adj. burnt; matter: dangerous; situation: precarious; er Geruch burnt smell, smell of burning; 2. adv.: es riecht it smells of burning. Bresche ['breja] / (-/-n) breach (a. fig-), gap; m die spr/'ngen help s.o. ~
out of a dilemma.
Brett [bret] n (-[e]s/-er) board; plank; shelf; spring-board; 1 ..spiel n game played on a board. Brezel ['brertsal] / (-/-n) pretzel. Brief [bri:f] m (-[e]s/-e) letter; ' aufschrift / address (on a letter); ' beschwerer m (-s/-) paperweight; ' bogen m sheet of notepaper; ' geheimnis n secrecy of correspondence; ' karte / correspondence card (with envelope); ' kasten m letter-box; pillar-box; Am. mailbox; 'Slich adj. and adv. by letter, in writing; ' marke / (postage) stamp; ' markensammlung / stamp-collection; ' offner m letter-opener; ' vordner m letterfile; Lpapier n notepaper; ' porto n postage; ' post / mail, post; ' tasche / wallet. Am. a. billfold; Ltaube / carrier pigeon, homing pigeon, homer; ' trager m postman, Am. mailman; umschlag waage / letterm envelope; balance; ' wechsel m correspondence; zensur / postal censorship. briet [bri:t] pret. of braten. Brikett [bri'ket] n (-[e]s/-s) briquet -
latitude). '
breitlmachen vjrefl. (sep., -ge-, h) spread o.s.; take up room; schlagen vlt. (irr. schlagen, sep., -ge-, h): F j-n persuade s.o.; F j-n zu et. '
talk s.o. into (doing); 'fiseite & f broadside.
Bremse ['bremza] / (-/-n) zo. gadfly; horse-fly; © brake; 'Sn (ge-, h) v/i. brake, put on the brakes; slow down; 2. v/t. brake, put on the brakes to; slow down; . curb. ' Bremslklotz m brake-block; * wheel chock; pedal« brake pedal; ' vorrichtung/brake-mechanism; ' weg m braking distance. brenn|bar adj. ['brenba:r] combustible, burnable; 'Sdauer / burning time; ' en (irr., ge-, h) 1. v/t. burn; distil(l) (brandy); roast (coffee); bake (brick, etc.); 2. v/i. bum; be ablaze, be on fire; wound, eye: smart, burn; nettle: sting; vor Ungeduld burn with impatience; F darauf zu inf. be burning to inf.; es brennt! fire! '
Brennjer m (-s/-) p. distiller; fixture: burner; ~essel ['brennessl] /
(-te) Brillant [bril'jant] 1. m (-en/-en) brilliant, cut diamond; 2. 2 adj. .
brilliant; ~ring m diamond ring. Brille ['brib] / (-/-n) (e/'ne a pair of) glasses pi. or spectacles pi.;
goggles/?/.; lavatory seat; Lnfutteral n spectacle-case; ntrager m '
person who wears glasses.
bringen ['brirpn] v/t. (irr., ge-, h) bring; take; see (s.o. home, etc.); put (in order); make (sacrifice); yield (interest); an den Mann dispose of, get rid of; j-n dazu , et. zu tun make or get s.o. to do s
th.; et. mit sich ~ involve;
deprive s.o. of; make s.o. laugh. Brise ['briiza] / (-/-n) breeze. j-n um et
j-n zum Lachen
Brit|e ['brits] m (-n/-n) Briton, Am. a.
Britisher; die ~n pi. the British
pi.; 'fiisch adj. British.
71 -
brockeln ['brcekaln] v/i. Cge-, h)
beef tea; F dirty water; drink: F
crumble; become brittle.
Brocken ['brokan] 1. m (-s/-) piece; lump (0/ earth or stone, etc.); morsel (of food); F ein barter a hard nut; 2. 2 v/t. (ge-} h): Brot in die Suppe break bread into soup. brodeln ['brordoln] v/i. (ge-, h) bubble, simmer.
dishwater; 'S'heiC adj. scalding hot; '
des Gelachter roar of laughter.
brummlen f'bruman] v/t. (ge- h) ,
p. speak
in a deep voice, mumble; growl (a. fig.); insect: buzz; engine: buzz, boom; fig. grumble. Am. F
strauch m blackberry bush. Bronchlialkatarrh & [broniji'a:!katar] m bronchial catarrh; ' ien anat. flpl. bronchi(a) pi.; itis # tis] / (-IBronchitiden) bronU
grouch; mir brummt der Schiidel
my head is buzzing; '2bar fig m grumbler, growler, Atn. F grouch; .
er m (-s/-) bluebottle; dungbeetle; ' ig adj. grumbling. Am. F
booklet; brochure; pamphlet. Brot [bro:t] n (-[e]s/-e) bread; loaf; sein ~ verdienen earn one s living; ' aufstrich m spread. Briitchen fbro-.t an] n (-s/-) roll. ' Brot|korb m: j-m den hoher hangen put s.o. on short allowance; ' filos fig. adj. unemployed; unprofitable; Lrinde / crust; schneidemaschine / bread-cutter; '~schnitte / shce of bread; ' studium n utilitarian study; ' teig m bread dough. Bruch [brux] (-[e]s/=e) break(ing); breach; # fracture (of bones); hernia; crack; fold (in paper); crease (in cloth); split (in silk); fraction; breach (of promise); violation (of oath, etc.); violation, infringement (oflawy etc.); ' band '
n truss.
['bry i?]
brittle, voice: cracked. '
/ crash-land-
ing; ' rechnung / fractional arithmetic, F fractions pi.; Ostrich A" m fraction bar; ' stiick n fragment (a. fig.); ' teil m fraction; im e-r Sekunde in a split second; ' .zahl / fraction(al) number. Briicke ['bryka] / (-/-n) bridge; carpet: rug; sports: bridge; e-e ~ schlagen Uber (acc.) build or throw a bridge across, bridge (river); '»n kopf X m bridge-head; Lnpfeiler m pier (of bridge). Bruder fbruidar] m (-s/-) brother; eccl. (lay) brother, friar; ' krieg m -
fratricidal or civil war; fraternal kiss.
'~ku£ m
briiderlich ['bryrdarli?] 1. adj. brotherly, fraternal; 2. adv.: teilen share and share alike; 'Ekeit / (-Ino pi ) brotherliness, fraternity. .
Briihle ['bryiaJ/H-n) broth; stock;
wurfel m beef cube.
briillen ['brybn] v/i. (ge-, h) roar; bellow; cattle: low; bull: bellow; vor Lachen roar with laughter;
Brombeer|e ['brom-] /blackberry;
Bronze ['broisa] / (-/-n) bronze; ' medaille / bronze medal. Brosche ['broja] / (-/-n) brooch. broschierlen [bro'Jirran] v/t. (no ge-3 h) sew, stitch (book); ~t adj. book: paper-backed, paper-bound; fabric: figured. Broschiire [bro'Jyira] / (-/-n)
Brunft hum. [brunft] / (-/=e) rut; Lzeit / rutting season. Brunnen ['brunan] m (-s/-) well; spring; fountain (a. i f g.); graben sink a well; ' wasser n pump-water, well-water.
Brunst [brunst] / (-/=e) zo. rut (of male animal), heat (of female animal); lust, sexual desire.
briinstig adj. f'brynsti?] zo. rutting, in heat; lustful.
Brust [brust] / (-/=e) chest, anat. thorax; breast; (woman's) breast(s pi.), bosom; aus voller at the top of one s voice, lustily; Lbild n halflength portrait. brtisten ['bryctan] v/refl. (ge-, h) boast, brag. '
Brust I fell anat. n pleura; ' fellentziindung 4? / pleurisy; Lkasten
thorax; '*,schwimmen n (sjno pi.) breast-stroke. Briistung ['brystur)] / (-/-en) balustrade, parapet. ' Brustwarze anat. f nipple. Brut [bruit] / (-/-en) brooding, sitting; brood; hatch; fry, spawn (of fish); fig. F brood, (bad) lot. brutal adj. [bru'tail] brutal; 2itat [ ali'teit] / (-/-en) brutality. Brutapparat zo. f'bruit9-] m incubator.
briiten ['bryitan] vji. (ge-, h) brood, sit (on egg); incubate; diber (dot.) brood over. '
Brutkasten # m incubator.
brutto "f adv. ['bruto] gross; gewicht n gross weight; registertonne / gross register ton; '2verdienst m gross earnings pi. Bube ['buiba] m (-n/-n) boy, lad; knave, rogue; cards: knave, jack; nstreich m, nstiick n boyish prank; knavish trick. Buch [bu:x] n (-[e]s/=er) book; volume; ' binder m (book-)binder; ' drucker m printer; druckerei ' U rai] / printing; printing-office, Am. print shop. '
Buche $ ['birxa] / (-/-n) beech.
buchen t'buixan] v/t. (ge-, h) book, reserve (passage, flight, etc.); bookkeeping: book (item, sum), enter (transaction) in the books; et. als Erfolg count as a success.
['by:?3r-] w
closing of or balancing of books; Lbrett n bookshelf; ei U'rai] / (-/-en) library; ' freund m booklover, bibliophil(e); ' revisor -f w (-s/-en) auditor; accovmtant;
72 -
nan'-] f/pl. stage directions p!.; Lnbild n scene(ry); decor; stage design; ' ndichter m playwright dramatist; ' nlaufbahn / stage career; ' nstiick n stage play. ,
buk [bu:k] pret. of backer). Bulljauge ['bul-] n porthole bull's eye; ' dogge zo. /bulldog.
Bulle ['bula] 1. zo. m (-n/-n) bull; 2
eccl. f (-/-n) bull.
Bummel F ['bumal] m (-s/-) stroll;
schrank m bookcase; ' wurm m
spree, pub-crawl, si. binge; ei U'lai] / (-/-en) dawdling; negli-
gence; 'Sn v/i. (ge-) 1. (sein) stroll,
Buch|fink orn. m chaffinch; ' hal-
saunter; pub-crawl; 2. (h) dawdle
ter m (si-) book-keeper; ' haltung / book-keeping; Lhandel m
(on way, at work), waste time; ' streik m go-slow (strike). Am. slowdown; Lzug m slow train. Am. way train. Bummler ['bumlar] m (-s/-) saunterer, stroller; loafer. Am. F a. bum;
book-trade; ' handler m bookseUer; ' Jbandlung / bookshop, Am. bookstore.
Biichse ['byksa] / (-/-n) box, case; tin. Am. can; rifle; '~nfleisch n tinned meat. Am. canned meat; ' noffner ['byksan?-] m tin-opener, Am. can opener.
Buchstab|e ['burxjtaiba] m (-n/-n) letter, character; typ. type; Sieren [ a'bkran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) spell. buchstablich ['buixjteiplig] 1. adj. literal; 2. adv. literally; word for word.
Bucht [buxt] / (-/-en) bay; bight; creek, inlet. '
Buchung / (-/-en) booking, reservation; book-keeping: entry. Buckel ['bukal] 1. m (-s/-) hump, hunch; humpback, hunchback; boss, stud, knob; 2. / (-/-n) boss, stud, knob. '
buckelig adj. s. bucklig. biicken ['bykan] v/refl. (ge-, h) bend (down), stoop. bucklig adj. ['buklig] humpbacked, hunchbacked.
Buckling ['bykliq] m (-s/-e) bloater, red herring; , bow. Bude ['buida] / (-/-n) stall, booth; hut, cabin. Am. shack; F: place; den; (student's, etc.) digs pi. Budget [by1 doe:] n (s/s) budget. Biifett [by'fe:; by'fet] n (-[e]s/-s; [e]s/-e) sideboard, buffet; buffet, -
bar. Am. a. counter; ko/tes ~ buffet
supper or lunch. Biiffel f'byfal] m (-s/-) zo. buffalo; F fig. lout, blockhead. Bug [bu:k] m (-[e]s/-e) * bow; nose; fold; (sharp) crease. Biigel ['byigal] m (s/-) bow (of spectacles, etc.); handle (of handbag, etc.); coat-hanger; stirrup; ' brett n ironing-board; Leisen n (flat-) iron; ' falte / crease; '2n v/t. (ge-, h) iron (shirt, etc.), press (suit,
skirt, etc.).
Biihne ['byrna] / (-/-n) platform (a. @); scaffold; thea. stage; fig.: die the stage; die polhische* the political scene; ~nanweisungen ['by:-
Bund [bunt] 1. m (-[e]s/-e) pol. union, federation, confederacy; (waist-, neck-, wrist)band; 2. n (-[e]s/-e) bundle (of faggots);
bundle, truss (of hay or straw); bunch (of radishes, etc.). Biindel f'byndal] n (si-) bundle, bunch; 'Sn vjt. (ge-, h) make into a bundle, bundle up.
Bundes|bahn ['bundas-J / Federal Railway(s pi.); ' bank / Federal Bank; ' genosse m ally; Lgerichtshof m Federal Supreme Court; '~kanzler m Federal Chancellor; Lministerium n Federal
Alinistry; ' post / Federal Postal Administration; Lprasident m President of the Federal Republic; Lrat m Bundesrat, Upper House of German Parliament; ' republik / Federal Republic; ' staat in federal state; confederation; Ltag m Bundestag, Lower House of German Parliament.
biindig adj. ['byndig] style, speech: concise, to the point, terse. Biindnis ['byntnis] n (ses/se) alliance; agreement. Bunker ['burikar] m (si-) coal, fuel, etc.: bunker; bin; air-raid shelter; X bunker, pill-box; 4»(submarine) pen. bunt adj. [bunt] (multi-)colo(u)red, colo(u)rful; motley; bird, flower, etc.: variegated; bright, gay; fig. mixed, motley; full of variety; Sdruck m colo(u)r-print(ing); ' Sstift m colo(u)red pencil, crayon. Biirde ['byrda] / (-/-n) burden (a. fig.: fur j-n to s.o.), load. Burg [burk]/(-/-en) castle; fortress, citadel (a. fig.). Biirge s% ['byrga] m (-n/-n) guarantor, security, surety, bailsman; sponsor; '2n v/i. (ge-, h): fur j-n stand guarantee or surety or security for s.o.. Am. a. bond s.o.; stand
73 -
bail for s.o.; vouch or answer for
tuft, handful (of hair); wisp (of
sponsor s.o.; fiir et. stand security for guarantee;
straw or hair).
s o.; .
vouch or answer for
Burger ['byrgar] m (-s/-) citizen; townsman; ' krieg m civil war. ' biirgerlich adj. civic, civil; Ki/che plain cooking; Verlust der en Ehrenrechte loss of civil rights; BQrgerliches Gesetzbuch German Civil Code; 'Se m (-n/-n) commoner.
Buschlholz n brushwood, underwood; 'Sig adj. hairy eyebrows, etc.: bushy, shaggy; covered with bushes or scrub, bushy; ' messer n bush-
knife; machete; ' neger m maroon; ' werk n bushes pL, shrubbery -.
Busen ['buizan] m (-s/-) bosom, breast (esp. of woman); fig. bosom, heart; geog. bay, gulf; ' freund m
Biirgerlmeister m mayor; in Germany. a. burgomaster; in Scotland: provost; ' recht n civic rights pi.; citizenship; ' schaft / (-/-en) citizens pi.; ' steig m pavement, Am. sidewalk; ' wehr / militia. Biirgschaft ['byrkjaft] / (-/-en) security; bail; guarantee. Biiro [by'ro:] n (-s/-s) office; angestellte m, / (-n/-n) clerk; arbeit / office-work; klammer / paper-clip; ~krat [ o'krait] m (-en/-en) bureaucrat; kratie Uokra'ti:] / (-/-n) bureaucracy; red tape; Skratisch adj. Uo'kraitiJ] bureaucratic; stunden///)/. office hours/)/.; vorsteher m head or -
senior clerk.
Bursch [burj] m (-en/-en), [' a] m (-n/-n) boy, lad, youth; F chap, Am. a. guy; e/n ubler a bad lot, F a bad egg. burschikos adj. [burji'kois] free and easy; esp. girl: boyish, unaffected, hearty. Burste ['byrsta] / (-/-n) brush; 'Sn v/t. (ge-, ft) brush. Busch [bu/] m (-es/=e) bush, shrub.
Caf6 [ka'fe:] n (-s/-s) cafe, coffeehouse.
Cape [ke:p] n (-s/-s) cape. Cell list / [tje'list] m (-en/-en) } [' .o] n violoncellist, ( )cellist; (-s/-s Celli) violonceUo, (')cello. Celsius ['tselzius]: 5 Grad (abbr. 5° C) five degrees centigrade. Chaiselongue [j£z(3)'lo:]/(-/-n, -s) chaise longue, lounge, couch. Champagner [Jam'panjar] m (-s/-) champagne. Champignon ['Jampinjo] m (-s/-s) champignon, (common) mushroom. Chance [7a:s(3)] / (-/-n) chance; keine haben not to stand a chance; sich e/ne entgehen lassen miss a chance or an opportunity; die ~n sind gleich the chances or odds are '
bosom friend.
Bussard om. f'busart] m (-[e]s/-e) buzzard.
Bufie ['bursa] / (-/-n) atonement (for sms), penance; repentance; satisfaction; fine; tun do penance. biifien fbyrsan] (ge-, h) 1. vjt. expiate, atone for (sin, crime); er muflte es m/t s-m Leben he paid for it with his life; das so//st du m/'r
/ you'll pay for that!; 2. vji. atone, pay (fiir for).
' '
Biifier m (-s/-) penitent.
bufilfertig adj. penitent, repentant, contrite; 'Sfertigkeit / (-/no pi.) repentance, contrition; 'Stag m day of repentance; BuC- und Bettag day
of prayer and repentance. Buste t'bysta] / (-/-n) bust; ' nhalter m (si-) brassiere F bra. Biittenpapier ['bytan-] n handmade paper. Butter ['butar] / (-jno pi.) butter; ' blume / buttercup; ' brot n -.
(slice or piece of) bread and butter;
F: fur e;n for a song; ' brotpapier n greaseproof paper; ' dose / butter-dish; ' fafi n butter-chum; ' milch/buttermilk; 'Sn vji. (ge-, h) churn. ~
Biischel t'byjal} n (-s/-) bunch;
Am. a. brush.
Chaos ['karos] n (-/no pi.) chaos. Charakter [ka'raktar] m (-s/-e) character; nature; bild n character (sketch); darsteller thea. m character actor;
fehler m fault in
s character; Sfest adj. of firm or strong character; Si'sieren v/t. (no -ge-, h) characterize, describe (als acc. as); ~i'sierung / (-/-en), vistik U'ristik] / (-/-en) characterization; Sistisch adj. U'ristiJ] characteristic or typical (fur of); Slich adj. of or concerning (the) character; 21os adj. characterless, without (strength of) character, spineless; rolle thea. f character role; ~zug m characteristic, feature, trait.
charmjant adj. [Jar'mant] charming, winning; Se Lfarm] m (sino pi.) charm jgrace.
Chassis [Ja'si:] n (-/-) mot., radio:
74 -
ral(e); hymn; ' gesang m choral singing, chorus; Lsanger m mem-
frame, chassis.
Chauffeur [Jo'foir] m (-s/-e) chauf-
ber oi a choir; chorister.
Christ [kristl m (-enj-en) Christian;
feur, driver.
Chaussee [Jo'se:] / (-/-n) highway, (high) road. Chauvinismus [Jovi'nismus] m (-/
baum m Ch istmas-tree; ' en-
heit/(-Ino o/.): die Christendom; entum n (s/n ./.) Christianity; kind n (-[e]s/wo pi.) Christ-child, Infant Jesus; 'Slicfc adj. Christian. Chrom [k o:m] n (slno pi.) metal: '
no pi.) jingoism; chauvinism. Chef [Jet] m (-s/-s) head, chief; -f principal, F boss; senior partner. Chemjie [ge'mi:] / (-/wo pi.) chem-
istry; ~iefaser / chemical fib|re,
chromium; pigment: chrome. chromatiucn J", opt. adj. [kro'ma:-
Am. -er; ikalien [u'kailjan] flpl. chemicals ph; -.iker ['geimikar] m
tij] chromatic. Chronik ['kroinik] / (-/-en) chronicle.
(sj-) (analytical) chemist; 2isch
chronisch adj. ['kroinij] disease: chronic (a. jig.). Chronist [kro'nist] m (-en/-en)
adj. [ (jermij] chemical.
Chiffr|e ['Jiwrl / (-/-n) number; cipher; in advertisement: box num-
ber; 2ieren [Ji'frirran] vjt. (no -ge-,
b) cipher, code (message, etc.); write in cod; or cipher.
Chinesle [gi'neiza] m (-n/-n) Chinese, contp. Chinaman; Sisch adj. Chinese.
[?i'ni:n] n (-s/no pi.)
chronologisch adj. [krono'loigij] chronological. circa adv. ['tsirka] about, approximately. Clique ['klika] / (-/-n) clique, set, group, coterie; Lnwirtschaft / (-Ino pi ) cliquism. Conferencier [kofera'sje:] m (-s/-s) .
Chirurg [gi'rurk] m (-en/-en) surgeon; Ue U gi:] / (-l-n) surgery; Sisch adi. [ gij] surgical. Chlor "J, [klo:r] « (s/no pi.) chlorine; Sen vlt. (ge-, h) chlorinate (water); ' kalk m chloride of '
[kloro'form] n (-/no
pi.) chloroform; Sieren # [Jmi:ran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) chloroform. Cholera # ['koibra] / (-Ino pi.)
compere, Am. master of ceremonies.
Couch ikautj] / (-/-es) couch.
Coup6 [ku'pe:] n (s/s) mot. coup6;
Couplet [ku'ple:] n (-s/-s) comic or music-hall song. Coupon [ku'po:] m (-s/-s) coupon; dividend-warrant; counterfoil.
t [kur'ta a] / (-/-n)
cholera. '
cholerisch adj. [ko le:riJ] choleric, irascible.
Cousin [ku'zS] m (-s/-s), [Ums]/ (-l-n) cousin Creme [kre:m, kre:m] / (-/-s) cream (a. fig.: only sg.). Cut [koet, kat] m (s/s), ~away ['koetave:, katave:] m (s/s) cutaway (coat), morning coat. .
Chor [ko:r] m 1. A a. n (-[e]s/-e, -e) chancel, choir; (organ-)loft; 2 (-[e]s/-e) in drama: chorus; singers: choir chorus; piece of music: chorus; ~al [ko ra:!] m (-s/--e) cho.
(of ger.); besides; nevertheless, yet,
where; fi/er und ~ here and there; bin ich here I am; ~ haben wir's! there we are!; von an from there;
for all that; was ist schon what does it matter?; /ossen w/r es let's leave it at that; bleiben stick
time: ~ erst only then, not till then; von ~ an from that time (on), since
da'beijbleiben v/i. (irr. bleiben,
da [da:] 1. adv. space: there;
to one's point, persist in it.
sep., -ge-, sein) stay with it or them; sein v/i. (irr. sein, sep., -ge-, sein) be present or there; ~stehen vji. (irr. stehen, sep., -ge-, h) stand by
then; hier und ~ now and then or
again; 2. cj. time: as, when, while; nun, ~ du es einmal gesagt hast now (that) you have mentioned it; causal: as, since, because; ich krank war, konnte ich nicht kom'
men as or since I was ill I couldn
dabei adv. [da'bai, when emphatic: ' dciibai] near (at hand), by; about,
going (zu inf. to inf.), on the point
or near. '
dableiben vli. (iir. bleiben, sep., ge-, sein) stay, remain. da capo adv. [da'kaipo] at opera, -
etc.: encore.
Dach [dax] n (-[e]s/-er) roof; fig. shelter; antenne / roof aerial; '
Dachdecker '
m (-s/-) roofer; tiler; fenster n skylight; dormer window; garten m roofgesellschaft / holdgarden; ing company; ' kammer / attic, garret; pappe / roofing feh; rinne / gutter, eaves pi. dachte ['daxta] prei. of denken. Dachs zo. [daksj m (-es -e) badger; -.
singles pi.; '£haft adj. ladylike; ' Jconiektion / ladies' ready-made clothes pi.; ' mannschaft/sports:
decker '
' »
bau m (-[e]s -e) badger's earth.
Dach.sparren m rafter; ' stube / attic, garret; stuhl m roof framework; ziegel m (roofing) tile. dadurch [da'durg, xzhen emphatic: '
da:dur -ge-, se/n) bullet, etc.: miss the target or mark; remark, etc.: miss '
s effect, F misfire.
(irr. liegen, sep., -ge-. h) be laid up (an dat. with); trade', be depressed. danisch adj. ['deinij] Danish. Dank [darjk] 1. m (-[e]s/no pi.) thanks pi., gratitude; reward; j-m sagen thank s.o.; Gott sei ~i thank God!; 2. 2 prp. (dat.) owing or thanks to; '2bar adj. thankful, grateful (j-m to s.o.; fur
for); profitable; ' .barkeit / (-jno
pi.) gratitude; 'Sen v/i. (ge-, h) thank (j-m fur et. s.o. for; danke (schon)! thank you (very
much)!; danke thank you; Jne/n, danke no, thank you; n/chts zu don't mention it; 'Senswert adj.
thing: one can be grateful for; efforts, etc.: kind; task, etc.: rewarding, worth-while; ' gebet n thanksgiving (prayer); schreiben n let'
76 -
lay open, expose, disclose; show; explain; demonstrate; point out; ' Sung / (-/-en) exposition; explanation; statement.
Darlehen ['da:rle:3n] n (-s/-) loan. Darm [darm] m (-[e]s/=e) gut, anat. intestine; (sausage-)skin; Ddrmepl. intestines pi., bowels pi. '
darstelljen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) rep-
resent; show, depict; delineate; describe; actor: interpret (character, part), represent (character); graphic arts: graph, plot (curve, etc.); '2er thea. m (-s/-) interpreter (of a part); actor; 'Sung / representation; thea. performance. ' dartun vlt. (irr. tun, sep., -ge-, h) prove; demonstrate; set forth. dariiber adv. [da'ryibar, when emphatic: 'dairyibar] over it or that; across it; in the meantime;
ter of thanks.
dann adv. [dan] then; und wann (every) now and then. daran adv. [da'ran, when emphatic: ' dairan] at (or by, in, on, to) it or that; sich festhalten hold on tight to it; ~ festhalten stick to it; nahe sein zu inf. be on the point or verge of ger. da'rangehen vli. (irr. gehen, sep., ge-, sein) set to work; set about
over it; ein Buch
darum [da'rum, when emphatic: ' da:rum] 1. adv. around it or that; er kiimmert s/ch nicht
, he does
not care; es hande/t s/ch zu inf. the point is to inf.; 2. cj. therefore, for that reason; ist er nicht gekommen that's (the reason) why
schreiben write
a book about it.
den Jahre vergehen it will take years; wir sind hinweg we got
he hasn't come.
phatic: dairauf] space: on (top of)
darunter adv. [da'runtar, when em-
it or that; time: thereupon, after it or that; am Tage the day after, the next or following day; zwe/
that; beneath it; among them; less;
under; was verstehst du ~1 what
zwe/ jahre und
two years later; ~ kommt es
two years and
do you understand by it?
an that s what matters; ~hin adv. '
[darauf'hin, when emphatic: 'da:-
das [das] s. der.
phatic: 'dairaus] out of it or that,
dasein ['da:-] 1. v/i. (irr. sein, sep., ge-, sein) be there or present; exist; 2. S n (-s/tto pi.) existence,
from it or that; ~ folgt hence it follows; was ist ~ geworden? what
dafi cj. [das] that; ~ nicht less;
raufhin] thereupon. daraus adv. [da'raus,
life; being. es sei denn,
has become of it?; ich mache mir n/chts I don t care or mind
out ger.; nicht
(about it). darben ['darban] v/i. (ge-, h) suffer want; starve.
darbiet|en ['da:r-] v/t. (irr. bieten, sep., -ge-, h) offer, present; perform; 'Sung / (-/-en) thea., etc.: performance.
darbringen v/t. (irr. bringen, sep., ge-, h) offer; make (sacrifice).
adv. [da'rain, when em' da:rain] into it or that,
da'reinjfinden vlrefl. (irr. finden, sep., -ge-, h) put up with it; mischen v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h) interfere (with it); ~reden vli. (sep.,
ge-, h) interrupt;
, interfere.
darin adv. [da'rin, when emphatic: ' da:rin] in it or that; therein; es war n/chts ~ there was nothing in it or them.
darleg|en ['da:r-] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h)
unless; ohne ~ with-
ich wulite not that
I know of. '
dastehen v/i. (irr. stehen, sep., -ge-, h) stand (there).
Daten ['da:t3n] pi. data pi. (a. ©), facts pi.; particulars pi.; '~verarbeitung / (-/-en) data processing. datieren [da'tiiran] v/t. and v/i. (no ge-, h) date. [(case).l -
Dativ gr. ['da:ti:f] m (-s/-e) dative/
Dattel ['datal] / (-/-n) date. Datum ['da:tum] n (-s/Daten) date. Dauer ['dauar] / (-jno pi.) length, duration; continuance; auf die in the long run; fur die von for a
period or term of; von sein last well; 'Shaft adj. peace, etc.: lasting; material, etc.: durable; colour, dye: fast; '~karte / season ticket, Am. commutation ticket; '~lauf m
jog-trot; endurance-run; '2n v/i. (ge-, h) continue, last; take (time); ' welle / permanent wave, F perm.
Daumen fdauman] m (-s/-) thumb; halten keep one's fingers j-tn den crossed (for s.o.); ' vabdruck m (-[e]s/«e) thumb-print Daune ['dauna] / (-/-n): (n pi.) down; ' ndecke / eiderdown (quilt). davon adv. [da'fon, when emphatic: ' darfon] of it or that; thereof; from it or that; off, away; was habe ich what do I get from it?; das kommt ~/ it serves you right!
etc.: vague; Len v/t. (ge-, h) extend; stretch; 'Sung / (-/-en) extension; stretch(ing).
da'von|kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep.y -ge-, se/n) escape, get off; laufen v/i. (irr. laufen, sep., -ge-, n) nm away. davor adv. [da'foir, when emphatic: ' da:fo:r] space: before it or that, in front of it or that; er furchtet sich ~
he is afraid of it.
dazu adv. [da'tsu:, when emphatic: ' dci:tsu:] to it or that; for it or that; for that purpose; in addition to that; noch at that; gehort Ze/ t it requires time.
Deich [daig] m (-[e]s/-e) dike, dyke. Deichsel ['daiksal] / (-/-n) pole, shaft.
deinpctfj. pron. [dam] your; der (die, das) e yours; ich b/n , I am yours; die Deinen pi. your family; erseits adv. [' ar'zaits] for or on your part; Les'gleichen pron. your like, your (own) kind, F the like(s) of you.
Dekan eccl. and univ. [de'kain] m (-s/-e) dean Deklamjation [deklama'tsjorn] / (-/-en) declamation; reciting; 2ieren U'mitran] vlt. and v/i. (no -ge-, .
h) recite; declaim.
Deklinjation gr. [deklina'tsjoin] / (-/-en) declension; Sieren gr [ ' nirran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) decline. Dekorjateur [dekora'toir] m (-s/-e) .
decorator; window-dresser; thea. scene-painter; ~ation [ .'tsjoin] / (-/-en) decoration; (window-)dressing; thea. scenery; Sieren [Jriiran] vft. (no -ge-, h) decorate; dress
da'zujgehorig adj. belonging to it;
kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., ge-, se/n) appear (on the scene);
~ -
find time.
dazwischen adv. [da'tsvijan] between (them), in between; kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein) thing: intervene, happen.
Debatt|e [de'bata] / (-/-n) debate; £ieren U'tiiran] (no -ge-, h) 1. v/t. discuss; debate; 2. vfi. debate (Uber acc. on). Debiit [de'by:] n (-s/-s) first appear-
77 -
(window). Dekret [de'kreit] n (-[e]s/-e) decree. delikat adj. [deli'kait] delicate (a. fig.); delicious; fig. ticklish; Sesse Ua'tesa] / (-/-n) delicacy; dainty. Delphin zo. [derfim] m (-s/-e) dol-
Dementji [de'menti] n (-s/-s) (formal) denial; Sieren U'tiiran] v/t. (no ge-, h) deny, give a (formal) denial -
ance, debut.
dechiffrieren [deji'friiran] v/t. (no ge-, h) decipher, decode. Deck & [dek] n (-[e]s/-s, -e) deck; Ladresse / cover (address); '
Lbett n feather bed.
Decke ['dska] / (-/-n) cover(ing); blanket; (travel[l]ing) rug; ceiling;
LI m (-s/-) lid, cover (of box or pot, etc.); lid (of piano); (book-)cover; '
2n (ge-, h) 1. v/t. cover; den Tisch lay the table; 2. v/i. paint: cover. ' Deck]mantel m cloak, mask, disguise; ' name m assumed name, pseudonym; Lung/ (-/-en) cover; security. defekt [de'fekt] 1. adj. defective,
faulty; 2. £ m (-[e]s/-e) defect,
dem|entsprechend adv., Lgemafi adv. correspondingly, accordingly; Lnach adv. therefore, hence; accordingly; L nachst adv. soon, shortly, before long. '
demobili'sierjen (no -ge-, h) 1. v/t.
demobilize; disarm; 2. v/i. disarm; Sung / (-/-en) demobilization. Demokrat [demo'krait] m (-en/-en) democrat; .ie Ua'ti:] / (-/-n) democracy; Sisch adj. [JkraitiJ ] -
demolieren [demo'liiran] v/t. (no ge-j h) demolish. -
Demonstrjation [demonstra'tsjoin] / (-/-en) demonstration; Sieren ' U striiran] v/t. and v/i. (no -ge-, h) demonstrate.
[dei'i'nirran] v/t. (no
Demontjage [deman'tarsa] / (-/-n)
ge-, h) define; Sition Ui tsjoin] / (-/-en) definition; itiv adj. Ui'tiif]
disassembly; dismantling; Sieren U'tiiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) disassem-
definite; definitive.
ble; dismantle.
Deflzit t I'derfitsit] n (-s/-e) deficit, deficiency. Degen ['deigan] m (-s/-) sword; fencing: epee. degradieren [degra'dirran] v/t. (no ge-j b) degrade. Am. a. demote.
Demut ['de:mu:t] / (-/no pi.) humility, humbleness. demiitig adj. ['deimyitig] humble; en [Lgan] v/t. (ge-, h) humble,
dehn|bar adj. ['dernbair] extensi-
ceivable; thinkable, imaginable; 2 adv.: «, einfach most simple;
ble; elastic; metal: ductile; notion,
denkjbar ['der)kba:r] 1. adj. con.
deaken '
en (irr., ge-, h) 1. v/i. think;
{ace.) think of; remember; tiber (ace.) think about; ;-m zu geben set s.o. thinking; 2. v/r. think; s/ch et. imagine or fancy; das hobe fch m/r gedacht I thought as much; 'Smal n monument; memo-
rial; 'Sschrift / memorandum; memoir; 'Sstein nt memorial stone; Lwiirdig adj. memorable; 'Szettel fig. m lesson.
denn [dsn] 1. cj. for; mehr
yc more
than ever; 2. adv. then; es sei
dafi unless, except; w/eso how so. dennoch c/. ['dennox] yet, still, nevertheless; though.
Denunz|iant [denun'tsjant] m (-en/ en) informer; Nation [ 'tsjom] f (-/-en) denxinciation; Sieren U'tsi:-
rsn] vft. {no -ge-, h) inform against, denounce.
Depesche [de'psjs] / (-/-n) dispatch; telegram, F wire; wireless. deponieren [depo'niirsn] v/t. (no ge-, h) deposit. Depositen f [depo'ziitan] pi. deposits pi.; ~bank / deposit bank. der [de:r], die [di:], das [das] 1. art. the; 2. dem. pron. that, this; he, she, it; d/e pi. these, those, they,
78 -
Detail [de'tai] n (-s/-s) detail. Detektiv [detsk'tirf] m (-s/-e) detective.
deuten ['dDYtsn] (ge-, h) 1. v/t. interpret; read (srars, dream, etc.)i 2 v/i.: auf (acc.) point at. ' deutlich adj. clear, distinct, plain. deutsch adj. [dDYtJ] German; 'Se m, f (-n/-n) German. ' Deutung / (-/-en) interpretation, .
explanation. Devise [de'viizs] / (-/-n) motto; n pi. -if foreign exchange or currency. Dezember [de'tssmbar] m (-[s]/-) December.
dezent adj. [de'tssnt] attire, etc.: decent, modest; literature, etc.: decent; behaviour: decent, proper; music, colour: soft, restrained; lighting, etc.: subdued. Dezernat [detser'nart] n (-[e]s/-e) (administrative) department. dezimal adj. [detsi'ma:!] decimal; Sbruch m decimal fraction; Sstelle
/ decimal place.
dezi'mieren v/t. (no -ge-, hi) decimate; fig. a. reduce (drastically). Diadem [dia'de:m] n (-s/-e) diadem. Diagnose [dia'gnoiza] / (-/-n) diagnosis.
them; 3. rel. pron. who, which, that.
diagonal adj. [diago'na:!] diagonal;
der'artig adj. such, of such a kind
2e / (-/-n) diagonal. Dialekt [dia'lekt] m (-[e]s/-e) dialect; £isch adj. dialectal.
of this or that kind.
derb adj. [derp] cloth: coarse, rough; shoes, etc.: stout, strong; ore, etc.: massive; p.: sturdy; rough; food: coarse; p., manners: rough, coarse; way of speaking: blunt, unrefined; joke: crude; humour: broad. der'gleichen adj. such, of that
Dialog [dia'lotk] m (-[e]s/-e) dialogue, Am. a. dialog. Diamant [dia'mant] m (-en/-en) diamond.
Diat [di'e:t] / (-tno pi.) diet; diat leben live on a diet. [yourself. \
kind; used as a noun: the like, such
dich pers. pron. [di?] you; ~ (se/bst)/
a thing; und ~ and the like; nichts nothing of the kind.
dicht [di t] 1. adj. fog, rain, etc.: dense; fog, forest, hair: thick; eyebrows: bushy, thick; crowd: thick, dense; shoe, etc.: (water)tight; 2 adv.: an (dot.) or bei close to. ' dichten1 v/t. (ge-, h) make tight.
der- ['deirjeiniga], 'die-, 'dasjenige dem. pron. he who, she who, that
which; diejenigen pi. those who, those which.
der- [deir'zslbs], die-, das'selbe dem. pron. the same; he, she, it.
Desert|eur [dezsr'toir] m (-s/-e) deserter; £ieren [Jthrsn] v/i. (no ge-, sein) desert. desgleichen [dss'glaicsn] 1. dem. pron. such a thing; 2. cj. likewise. deshalb ['dsshalp] 1. cj. for this or that reason; therefore; 2. adv.: ich tot es nur ~, weil I did it only be-
dichtjen2 (ge-, h) 1. v/t. compose, write; 2. vji. compose or write poetry; 2er m (-s/-) poet; author; ' erisch adj. poetic(al); 'Ekunst / '
desinfizieren [dss'infi'tsiirsn] v/t. (no -ge-, h) disinfect. Despot [dss'poit] m (-en/-en) despot; 2isch adj. despotic. destillieren [desti'liirsn] v/t. (no ge-, h) distil. desto adv. ['desto] (all, so much) the; besser all the better; stounter (all) the more astonished. deswegen cj. and adv. ['dss'veigsn] -
Dichtung1 © / (-/-en) seal(ing). ' Dichtung2 / (-/-en) poetry; fiction; poem, poetic work. dick adj. [dik] wall, material, etc.: thick; book: thick, bulky; p. fat, stout; 'Se/ Z-n) thickness; bulk-
iness;/>. fatness, stoutness; 'jEellig adj. p. thick-skinned; ' tlussig adj. thick; viscid, viscous, syrupy; £icht [' i?t] n (-[e]s/-e) thicket; '£kopf m stubborn person, F pig-headed
person; ~leibig adj. [ Jaibi?] cor'
pulent; i f g. bulky. die [di:] s. der.
Dieb [di:p] m (-[e]s/-e) thief. Am. F a. crook; ~erei [di:b3'rai]/(-/-en) thieving, thievery.
Diebesjbande ['dkbas-] / band of thieves; '~gut n stolen goods pi.
diebjisch adj. ['dkbij] thievish;
malicious; Sstahl [ dirp-] m (-[e]s/ e) theft, rh mst larceny. Dieie fdiila] / (-/-n) board, plank; hall. Am. a. hallway. dienen ['dirnan] vji. (ge-, h) serve p-m s o als as; zu for; dazu, zu .;
inf. to inf.); wom/'t kann ich what can I do for you? ' Diener m (si-) (man-, domestic) servant; fig. bow (vor dat. to); ' in / (-/-nen) (woman-)servant, maid; ' schaf t / (-/-en) servants pi. ' dienlich adj. useful, convenient; expedient, suitable. Dienst [di:nst] m (-es/-e) service; duty; employment; hoben be on duty; im (oufler) on (off) duty. Dienstag ['di:nsta:k] m (-[e]s/-e) Tuesday. ' Dienstjalter n seniority, length of service; Sbar adj. subject (J-m to s.o.); subservient (to); ' bote m domestic (servant). Am. help; ' fieifrig adj. (over-)eager (in one's duty); 'fifrei adj. off duty; er Tag day off; ' herr m master; employer; ' Jeistimg / service; 'Elich adj. '
official; '-jnadchen n maid. Am.
help; '~mann m (street-)porterj . stunden flpl. office hours pi.; ' Btauglich adj. fit for service or duty; £tuend adj. [' tuiant] on duty; 'Suntauglich adj. unfit for service or duty; ' weg m official channels pi.; '-wohnung / official residence.
79 -
diploma, certificate. Diplomat [diplo'moit] m (-en/-en) diplomat; diplomatist; ie Ua'ti:]/ (-/no pL) diplomacy; Sisch adj [Jmaitif] diplomauc (a. fig.). dir pers. pron. [diir] (to) you. direkt [di'rekt] 1. adj. direa; er Wagen Sf through carriage, Am. through car; 2. adv. direct(Iy); .
2ion U'tsjom] / (-/-en) direction; management; board of directors; 2or [di'rektor] m (-s/-en) direaor; manager; headmaster. Am. principal; Sorin [ 'to:rin] / (-/-nen) headmistress. Am. principal; Srice [ '111:5(3)] / (-/-n) directress; manageress.
Diriglent / [diri'gent] m (-en/-en) conduaor; Sieren [ 'girran] v/t. and v/i. (no -ge-, h) conduct. Dirne ['dima] / (-/-n) prostitute. Disharmon[ie J [disharmo'ni:] / (-!-n) disharmony dissonance (both o fig.); Sisch adj. [JmoiniJ] dis,
cordant, dissonant.
Diskont -f [dis'kont] m (-s/-e) discount; £ieren [ 'tirran] v/t. (no ge-, h) discoimt. -
diskret adj. [dis'kreit] discreet; 2ion [ e'tsjoai] / (-{no pi.) discretion.
Diskujsslon [disku'sjom] / (-/-en) discussion, debate; 2'tieren (no
ge-, h) 1. u/r. cSscxiss, debate;
vji.: ~ uber (acc.) have a discussion about, debate (up)on. 2
dispo|nieren [dispo'ni an] v/i. (no ge-, h) make arrangements; plan -
dies [di:s], »er ['di:zar], ['diiza], es fdiizas] adj. and dem. pron, tbis;diesepl. these; d/eser Togeone of these days; used as a noun', this one; he, she, it; diese pi. they. Dieselmotor ['diaal-] m Diesel engine.
ahead; dispose (iiber acc. of); 2sition [ d'tsjom] / (-/-en) disposition; arrangement; disposal. Distanz [di'stants] / (-/-en) distance (a. fig.)', Sieren [Jtsi:ran] v[refl. (no -ge-, h): sich von dis(as)so-
dies | j ahrig adj. ['diisjeiri?] of this
Distel * ['distal] / (-/-n) thistle. Distrikt [di'strikt] m (-[e]s/-e) district; region; area. Disziplin [distsi'plfcn] / (-/-en) dis-
year, this year s; '~mal adv. this time; for (tids) once; seits [' zarts] 1 adv. on this on This side of. .
side; 2. prp. (gen.)
Dietrich ['dinrig] m (-s/-e) skeleton key; picklock. Differenz [difa'rents] / (-/-en) difference; disagreement. Diktat [dik'tan] n (-[e]s/-e) dictation; noch ~ at or from dictation; mjor Uor] m (-s/-en) dictator; £o-
risch adj. [ a'torrij] dictatorial; «ur [ a mir] / (-/-en) dictatorship. '
dik'tieren vju arid v/i. (no -ge-, h) dictate.
m (-en/-en)
dilettante,, dabbler; amateur. e in good spirits; vor o//en
first of all, above all.
Dividjende -f [divi'denda] / (-/-n) dividend; Sieren U'dirran] v/t. (no ge-, h) divide (durch by). Diwan ['dirvcun] m (-s/-e) divan. doch [dox] 1. cj. but, though; however, yet; 2. adv. in answer to negative question: yes; 6/st du noch -
nicht fertig? -
aren't you ready
yet? - yes, I am; also ! I knew it!, I was right after all!; komm ~ herein! do come in!; n/'cht
Ding [dir)] n (-[e]s/-e) thing; guter ~
ciate o.s. from.
[difte'ri:] / (-/-n)
Docht [doxt] m (-[e]s/-e) wick. Dock * [dak] n (-[e]s/-s) dock. Dogge zo. ['doga] / (-/-n) Great Dane.
lDobleom.Vdo-A3]f(-l-n) Gack)daw. Doktor ['doktar] m (-s/-en) doctor. Dokument [doku'ment] n (-[e]s/-e)
document; * instrument;
arf ilm
[Jtair-] m documentary- (film). Dolch [dol?] m (-[e]s/-e) dagger; poniard; ' stofi m dagger-thrust. Dollar ['cblar] m (-s/-s) doUar. dolmetschlen ['dolmstjan] v/i. and vjt. (fe-, h) interpret; '2er m (-s/-) interpreter. Dom [do:m] m (-[e]s/-e) cathedral. Domane [do'insms] /(-/-n) domain (c. fig.); province. Domino ['doimino] (-s/-s) 1. m domino; 2. n (game of) dominoes Pi. Donner ['donsr] m (si-) thunder; ' Sn v/i. (ge-, h) thunder (a. fig.); ' schlag m thunderclap (a. fig.); ' stag m Thursday; ' wetter n thimderstorm; I- fig. telling off; F: my word!, by Jove!; F zum ! F confound it!, si. damn it.
Doppel ['cbpsl] n (-s/-) duplicate; tennis, etc.:
double. Am. doubles
pi.; ' bett n double bed; ' decker m (-s/-) %t biplane; double-decker (bus); ' ehe / bigamy; ganger i gsqar] m (-s/-) double; punkt m colon; sinn m double meaning, ambiguity;1 Ssinnig adj. ambiguous, equivocal; stecker / m two-way adapter; St 1. adj. double; 2. adv. doubly; twice; ' zentner m quintal; Sztingig adj. [' xsyqiq] two'
Dorf [darf] n (-[e]s/=er) village; ' bewohner m villager. Dorn [dom] m 1. (-[e]s/-en) thorn (a. fig.)., prickle, spine; ;-m ein im Auge se/n be a thorn in s.o.'s flesh or side; 2. (-[e]s/-e) tongue (of buckle); spike (of running-shoe, etc.); © punch; 'Sig adj. thorny (a. fig.).
dorr)en ['dcenm] v/t. (ge-, h) dry; Sfleisch n dried meat; 'Sgemiise n dried vegetables pi.; Sobst n '
dried fruit.
Dorsch ichtk. [dorf] m (-es/-e) cod(fish). dort adv. [dort] there; over there; ' *
her adv. from there; '*hin adv.
there, to that place; ' ig adj. there, in or of that place. Dose f'doiza] / (-/-n) box; tin. Am. can; noffner [ doizsn'-] m (si-) tin-opener. Am. can opener. Dosis ['dorzis] / (-/Dosen) dose (a. ig.)dotieren [do'tiiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h)
Dotter ['dotar] m, n (-s/-) yolk. Dozent [do'tssnt] m (-en/-en) (university) lecturer. Am. assistant professor. Drache ['draxa] m (-n/-n) dragon; ' n m (-s/-) kite; fig. termagant, shrew, battle-axe.
Dragoner [dra'goinsr] m (s/-) dragoon (a. fig.). Draht [dra:t] m (-[e]s/=e) wire; 'Sen
80 -
v/t. (ge-, h) telegraph, wire; ' geflecht n (-[e]sl-e) wire netting; hindernis X " wire entanglement; Sig adj. p. wiry; 'Slos adj. '
wireless; ' seilbahn / funicular (railway); ' stift m wire tack; ' zieher F fig. m (-s/-) wire-puller. drall adj. [dral] girl, legs, etc.: plump; woman: buxom.
Drama ['drarma] n (s/Dramen) drama; ~tiker [dra'maitikar] m (s/-) dramatist; Stisch adj. [dra' mortij] dramatic. dran F adv. [dran] s. da ran; er ist gut (iibel) he s well (badly) off; ich bin it's my turn. Drang [drarj] 1. m (-[e]s/1*v=e) '
pressure, rush; fig. urge; 2. S pret. of dringen. drangen ['dreqan] (ge-, h) 1. vft. press (a. fig.), push; fig. urge; creditor: dun; sich crowd, throng; 2 v/i. press, be pressing or urgent. drangsalieren [draqza'lizrsn] v/t. (no -ge-, h) harass, vex, plague. drastisch adj. ['drastij] drastic. drauf F adv. [drauf] s. darauf; und dran se/n zu inf. be on the point of ger.; Sganger [ gsipr] m (s/-) dare-devil. Am. si. a. go-getter. draus F adv. [draus] s. daraus. draufien adv. ['drauson] outside; out of doors; abroad; out at sea. drechs|eln ['dreksaln] v/t. (ge-, h) turn (tsood, etc.); Sler [' sbr] m .
(si-) turner. Dreck F [drek] m (-[e]slno pi.) dirt; mud; filth (a. fig.); fig. trash; F am Stecken haben not
to have a
clean slate; F das geht dich einen on that s none of your business; Sig adj. dirty; filthy. Dreh | bank [' dre:-] f(-he) (turning-) lathe; 'Sbar adj. revolving, rotating; ' bleistift m propelling pencil; ' buch n scenario, script; ' biihne thea. f revolving stage; 'Sen f/r. (ge-, h) turn; shoot (film); roll (cigarette); es dreht sich darum zu ifif. it is a matter of ger.; sich turn; ' kreuz n turnstile; ' orgel/ barrel-organ; ' punkt m ® centre '
of rotation, Am. center of rotation, pivot (a. fig.); ' strom / m three~
stuhl m swivelphase current; chair; ' tiir/revolving door; ' ung / (-/-en) turn; rotation. drei adj. [drai] three; ' beinig adj. three-legged; 'Seek n triangle; ' eckig adj. triangular; ~erlei adj. -
lai] of three kinds or sorts; £ach adj. [' fax] threefold, treble, triple; ' farbig adj. three-colo(u)r(ed); Sfufi m tripod; jahrig adj. [' je:ri?] three-year-old; trienar
mal adv. three times;
lig adj. done or repeated three 2*5 times; three; S meilenzone /three-mile limit; 'Srad n tricycle. '
seitig adj. three-sided; trilateral; Lsilbig adj. trisyllabic. dreifiig adj. ['draisi?] thirty; '~ste adj. thirtieth. dreist adj. [draist] bold, audacious; cheeky, saucy; 'Sigkeit / (-/-en) boldness, audacity; cheek, sauciness. '
dreilstimmig $ adj. for or in three voices; ~tagig adj. [' teigi?] threeday; ' teilig adj. in three parts, tripartite; ' zehn(te) adj. thirteen(th).
dresch|en ['drejan] u/t. and vji. (irr., ge-, h) thresh; thrash; 'Eflegel m flail;
2maschine / threshing-
dressieren [dre'siiran] vlt. (no -ge-, h) train; break in (horse).
drillen X ,
fdribn] v/t. (ge-, h)
Drillinge ['drilirja] tnlpl. triplets pi. drin F adv. [drin] s. darin. dringen ['drirpn] vji. (irr., ge-) 1 (se/n): durch force one's way through, penetrate or pierce s th.; ~ aus break forth from noise: come from; in (acc.) penetrate into; in j-n urge or press s.o.; .
an die Offentlichkeit
get abroad;
(h): auf (acc.) insist on, press for; Ld adj. urgent, pressing; suspicion: strong. ' dringlich adj. urgent, pressing; ' fikeit / (-Ino pi.) urgency. drinnen adv. ['drinan] inside; in2
sure; squeeze (of hand, etc.); 2. typ. (-[e]s/-e) print(ing); bogen m printed sheet; '~buchstabe m '
block letter.
drucken f'drukan] v/t. (ge-, h) print; lassen have printed, publish. «
drucken ['drykan] (ge-, h) 1. v/t. press; squeeze (hand, etc.); force down (prices, wages, etc.); lower (record); press, push (button, etc.). F sich ~ vor (dat.) or von shirk (work, etc.); 2. v/i. shoe: pinch. . ' Drucker m (s/-) printer. ' Driicker m (s/-) door-handle; trigger. Drucker[ei [druka'rai] / (-/-en) printing office. Am. printery, print shop; Lschwarze / printer s or '
printing-ink. '
Druck|fehler m misprint; Lfehlerverzeichnis n errata pi.; '2£ertig adj. ready for press;'Jkammer / pressurized cabin; Lknopf m patent fastener, snap-fastener; £ push-button; 'JUift / compressed air; Lpumpe / pressure pump; ' sache(n pi.) / printed matter, ~
Am. a. second-class or third-class
schrift / block letters; publication; ' taste / press key. drum F adv., cj. [drum] s. darum. drunter F adv. ['druntar] s. dorunter.
Driise anat. ['dryrza] / (-/-n) gland. du pers. pron. [du:] you. Dublette [du'blsta] / (-/-n) dupUcate.
dritt|e adj. ['drita] third; '2el n (-s/-) third; ens adv. thirdly; Lletzt adj. last but two. Drogje ['droiga] / (-/-n) drug; erie [droga'ri:] / (-/-n) chemist's '
(shop). Am. drugstore;
ist [dro-
gist] m (-enI-en) (retail pharma-
ceutical) chemist.
drohen ['droian] v/i. (ge-, h) threaten, menace.
Drohne ['drorna] / (-/-n) zo. drone {a. fig.). drohnen ['drornan] v/i. (ge-, h) voice, etc.: resound; cannon, drum, etc.: roar; voice, cannon: boom. Drohung ['droiurj] / (-/-en) threat, menace.
drolligajy. ['droli?] amusing, quaint, comical.
Dromedar zo. [drDme'dair] n (-s/-e) dromedary. drosch [droj] pret. of dreschen. Droschke ['drojka] / (-j-n) taxi (-cab) Am. a. cab, hack; ' nkutscher m cabman, driver. Am. a. .
Drossel orn. Vdros3l]f(-l-n) thrush; ' 2n © v/t. (ge-, h) throttle. driiben adv. ['dryiban] over there, yonder.
driiber F adv. ['dryibar] s. daruber. Druck [druk] m 1. (-[e]s/'=e) pres6 SWEII
81 -
v/refl. (ge-, h)
duck, crouch; fig. cringe (vor dat. to, before).
Dudelsack «r ['duidal-] m bagpipes pi. Duell [du'el] n (-s/-e) duel; Sieren [dus'liiran] v/refl. (no -ge-, h) (fight a) duel (mit with). Duett .T [du'st] n (-[e]s/-e) duet. Duft [duft] m (-[e]sl-e) scent, fragrance, perfume; 'fien v/i. (ge-, h) smell, have a scent, be fragrant; ' Send adj. fragrant; 'Sig adj. dainty, fragrant.
duldjen ['duldan] (ge-, h) 1. v/t. bear, stand, endure, suffer (pain, grief, etc.); tolerate, put up with; 2 v/i. suffer; ~sam adj. V~t-] tolerant; 'Ssamkeit / (-/no pi.) tolerance; £ung [' dur)] / (-/S-en) .
toleration; sufferance.
dumm adj. [dum] stupid, dull. Am. F dumb; 'Sheit / (-/-en) stupidity, dullness; stupid or foolish action; ' Skopf m fool, blockhead. Am. si. a. dumbbell.
dumpf adj. [dumpf] smell, air, eta musty, fusty; atmosphere: stuffy, heavy; sound, sensation, etc.: dull; ' ig adj. cellar, etc.: damp, musty. Diine ['dyma] / (-/-n) dune, sandhill.
82 -
Dung [durj] m (-[e]s/no pi.) dung,
dunge|n ['dyrjan] vjt. (ge-, h) dung, manure; fertilize; 'fir m (-s/-) 5. Dung; fertilizer. dunkel ['durjkal] 1. adj. dark; dim; fig. obscure; idea, etc.: dim, faint, vague; 2. 2 n (-s/no pi.) s. Dunkelheit.
Dunkel f'dyqkal] m (-s/no pi.) conceit, arrogance; 'fihaft adj. conceited, arrogant.
Dunkeljheit/(-/mop/.) darkness (a.
JfeO; fig. obscurity; ' kammer phot, f dark-room; 'fin v/i. (ge-, h) grow dark, darken. diinn adj. [dyn] paper, material, voice, etc.: thin; hair, population, etc.: thin, sparse; liquid: thin, watery; aj r: rare(fied). Dunst [dunst] m (-es/=e) vapo(u)r; haze, mist; fume. diinsten ['dynstan] (ge-. h) 1. v/t. steam (fish, etc.); stew (fruit, etc.); 2 w/i. steam.
dringen (irr. dringen) 1. [' driqanj
v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) penetrate (through); win acceptance (mit for) (proposal); 2. U'drirpn] v/t. (no ge-, h) penetrate, pierce; water, smell, etc.: permeate. durcheinander [durc'ai'nandar] 1 adv. in confusion or disorder; pell-mell; 2.2 n (-s/-) muddle, mess, confusion; bringen v/t. (irr. bringen, sep., -ge-, h) confuse s.o.; fig. mix (things) up; werfen v/t. (irr. werfen, sep., -ge-, h) throw into -
ran] v/t. (sep., -ge-, sein) go or pass or drive through; 2. [Jfarran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) go or pass or travel or drive through; traverse (tract of country, etc.);'St/passage (through);
dunstig adj. vaporous; hazy. Duplikat [dupli'ka:t] n (-[e]s/-e)
gate(way); '
durch [dur?] 1. prp. (acc.) through; 2 adv.: die ganze Nacht all night long; und through and through; thoroughly. durcharbeiten ['dur?'-] (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/u study thoroughly; sich durch work through (book, etc.); 2 vli. work without a break. durch 'aus adv. through and through; thoroughly; by all means; absolutely, quite; nicht not at all, by no means. ' durchjbiegen v/t. (irr. 6/egen, sep., ge-, h) bend; deflect (beam, etc.); sich beam, etc.: deflect, sag; blattern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) glance or skim through (book, etc.). Am. thumb through, skim; 'Sblick m: auf (acc.) view through to, vista over, view of; '~blicken v/i. (sep.,
Durchfall m # diarrh(o)ea; F fig. failure. Am. a. flunk; Sen (irr. fallen) 1. [' falan] v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) fall through; fail, F get ploughed (in examination); thea. be a failure, 5/. be a flop; lassen reject, F plough; 2. U'falan] v/t. (no -ge-, h) fall or drop through (space).
durchjfechten v/t. (irr. fechten,
sep., -ge-, h) fight or see through; ' finden v/refl. (irr. finden, sep., -ge-, h) find one's way (through).
durchj'flechten v/t. (irr. flechten, no -ge-, h) interweave, intertwine; Jforschen v/t. (no -ge-, h) search through, investigate; explore (region, etc.).
ge-, h) look through;
lassen, daft
give to understand that.
-ge-, h)
supply with blood; Jbohren v/t. (no -ge-, h) pierce; perforate; mit Blicken look daggers at 5.0. '
durchlbraten v/t. (irr. braten, sep., ge-, h) roast thoroughly; brechen (irr. brechen) 1. [' .bre an] v/i. (sep., ge-, sein) break through or apart; 2 ['~] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) break apart or in two; 3. U'breijan] v/t. (no ge-, h) break through, breach; run (blockade); crash (sound barrier); brennen v/i. (irr. brennen, sep., ge-, sein) £ fuse: blow; F fig. run away; woman: elope; ' bringen v/t. (irr. bringen, sep., -ge-, h) bring or get through; dissipate, squander (money); 'fibruch m X break.
verboten / no thorough-
duplicate. Dur J" [du:r] « (-/-) major.
, mix up.
durchfahrjen (irr. fahren) 1. [' fa:-
breach; fig.
durch'denken v/t. (irr. denken, no ge-, h) think over thoroughly. ' durch|drangen v/refl. (sep., -ge-,h) force or push one's way through;
ultimate success.
Durchfuhr if f (-/-en) transit.
durchfuhrjbar adj. ['dur?fy:rba:r] practicable, feasible, workable; ' en v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) lead or take through or across; fig. carry out or through; realize; 'fiungsbestimmung / (implementing) regulation. ' Durchgang m passage; -f transit; sports: run; Lsverkehr m through traffic; -f- transit traffic; ' szoll m transit duty. ' durchgebraten adj. well done. ' durchgehen (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-) 1 v/i. (sein) go or walk through; bill: pass, be carried; run away or off; abscond; woman: elope; horse: bolt; 2. v/t. (sein) go through (street, etc.); 3. v/t. (h, sein) go or look or read through (work, book, etc.); ' d 1 adj. continuous; .er Zug through train; 2. adv. generally; throughout. durch'geistigt adj. spiritual. .
durchjgreifen v/i. (irr. greifen,
sep., -ge-, h) put one s hand through; fig. take drastic measures or steps; ' greifend adj. drastic; radical, sweeping; ' halten (nr. halten, sep., -ge-, h) 1. vjt. keep up {pace, etc.),' 2. W». hold out; hauen vft. (irr. hauen, sep., -ge-, h) cut or chop through; fig. give 5.0. a good hiding; ' helfen v/i. (irr. ..
helfen, sep., -ge-, h) help through (a. fig.)', Lkampfen v/t. (.sep., ge-j *>) fight out; sich fight one s way through; Lkneten v/t. (sep., ge-, h) knead or work thoroughly; ' kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., ge-, sein) come or get or pass through; sick person: pull through; in examination: pass. durch'kreuzen v/t. (no -ge-, h) cross, foil, thwart (plan, etc.).
83 -
asunder, tear in two; ~schauen (h) 1 [' /auan] v/i. and v/t. (sep., -ge-) look through; 2. fig. U'Jauan] v/t. (no -ge-) see through. ' durchscheinen v/i. (irr. scheinen, sep., -ge-, h) shine through; ' d adj translucent; transparent. ' durchscheuern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) rub through; ~schiefien (»rr. schieBen) 1. [' Ji:s3n] v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) shoot through; 2. [ ] v/i. (sep., .
ge-, sein) water: shoot or race
through; 3. U'Jrsan] v/t. (no -ge-,h) shoot through; typ.: space out
(lines); interleave (book). '
come through; take or have effect; [JJlaigan] v/t. (no -ge-, h) pierce; bullet: penetrate; 'Send adj'. effective, telling; papier ['Jc-] n 3
copying paper.
durchschneiden v/t. (irr. schneiden, h) 1. [' Jnaidan] (sep., -ge-) cut through; 2. U'Jnaidsn] (no _ge_) cut through, cut in two. '
vlt. (no -ge-, h) perforate, make holes
h) 1. v/i. see or look through; 2. v/t.
(sep., -ge-, h) filter, strain; ~setzen v/t. (h) 1. [' zetsan] (sep., -ge-) put (plan, etc.) through; force through; seinen Kopf ~ have one s way; sich opinion, etc.: gain acceptance; 2 U'zetssn] (no -ge-) intersperse. ' Durchsicht / looking through or over; examination; correcdon; typ. reading; 'Sig adj. glass, water, etc.: transparent; , clear, lucid; Ligkeit / (-/no pi.) transparency; fig. '
into '
durchmachen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h)
go through (difficult times, etc.); undergo (suffering). ' Durchmarsch m march(ing) through. ' Durchmesser m (-s/-) diameter. durch'nassen v/t. (no -ge-, h) wet through, soak, drench. '
durchlnehmen vft. (irr. nehmen, sep., -ge-, h) go through or over (subject); ' pausen v/t. (sep., -ge-,
h) trace, calk (design, etc.). durchqueren [durc'kverran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) cross, traverse. ' durchlrechnen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) (re)calculate, check; '2reise / journey or way through; reisen 1.1' raizan] v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) travel or pass through; 2. [ 'raizan] v/t. (no -ge-, h) travel over or through or across; 'Sreisende m, f (-n/-n) person travel(l)ing through. Am. a. transient; fi% through passenger; reifien (irr. reiBen, sep., -ge-) 1. v/i. (sein) tear, break; 2. v/t. (h) tear -
swert m average value.
durchjsehen (irr. sehen, sep., -ge-, see or look through; look over, go over; Lseihen v/t.
f g. investigate. i durchlochem [durg'lcegam]
Durchschnitt m cutting through; ® section, profile; & intersection; fig. average; /m ~ on an average; Slich 1. adj. average; normal; 2 adv. on an average; normally; '
durchlesen v/t. (irr. lesen, sep., ge-, h) read through. durchleuchten (h) 1. [' bv tan] v/i. (sep., -ge-) shine through; 2 [JbYgtan] v/t. (no -ge-) # X-ray;
[' Jlarganj v/t. (sep., -ge-, h)
break or pass through; strain (peas, etc.); sich get along, make one's way; 2. r~] v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) typ.
Durch|lafi ['durglas] m (DurchlasseslDurchlasse) passage; 'Slassen v/t. (irr. lassen, sep., -ge-, h) let pass, allow to pass, let through; Wosser leak; 'Slassig adj. pervious (to), permeable (to); leaky. durchlaufen (irr. laufen) 1. ['Uaufsn] v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) run or pass through; 2. r~] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) wear out (shoes, etc.); 3. [ 'laufsn] vlt. (no -ge-, h) pass through (stages, departments, etc.); sports: cover (distance). durch'leben v/t. (no -ge-, h) go or live through.
Durchschlag m colander, strainer; carbon copy; Sen (irr. schlagen)
clarity, lucidity. '
durchjsickern v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein)
seep or ooze through; news, etc.: leak out; ~sieben vft. (h) 1. [' zirban] (sep., -ge-) sieve, sift; bolt (flour); 2. [Jzirban] (no -ge-) riddle (with bullets); '~sprechen v/t. (irr. sprechen, sep., -ge-, h) discuss, talk over; ~stechen v/t. (irr. stechen, h) 1 [' Jtesan] (sep., -ge-) stick (needle, etc.) through; stick through; 2. U'/te an] (mo -ge-) pierce; cut through (dike, etc.); ' stecken v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) pass or stick through. ' Durchstich m cut(ting). .
durch'stobern v/t. (no -ge-, h) ransack (room, pockets, etc.); rum-
durchzwangen v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h) squeeze o.s. through. diirfen ['dyrfan] (irr., h) 1. v/i. (ge-): ich darf (nicht) I am (not) allowed to; 2. vjaux. (no -ge-): ich darf inf. I am permitted or allowed to inf.; I may inf.; du darfst nicht inf. you must not inf.; iro.: wenn ich bitten darf if you please. durfte ['durfta] pret. of diirfen. diirftig adj. ['dyrfti?] poor;
etc.). '
durchstreichen v/r. (z'rr. streichen, Sep., -ge-. h) strike or cross out, cancel.
-ge-, h)
roam or wander through or over or across.
durch'suchjen v/r. search
84 -
(no -ge-, h)
Sung / (-/-en)
durchtrieben adj. [durc'triiban] cunning, artful; 2heit / (-/no pi.) ctmning, artfulness. durch'wachen vlt. (no -ge-, h) pass (the night) waking. durcfa'wachsen adj. bacon: streaky. durchwandern 1. [Lvandam] v/t. (sep., -ge-, sein) walk or pass through; 2. [ 'vandam] vjt. (no ge-, h) walk or pass through (place, area, etc.). durch'weben v/t. (no -ge-, h) interweave; fig. a. intersperse.
diirr adj. [dyr] wood, leaves, etc.: dry; land: barren, arid; p. gaunt,
lean, skinny; '2e / (-/-n) dryness; barrenness; leanness.
Durst [durst] m (-es/no pi.) thirst (nach for); haben be thirsty.
diirsten ['dyrstan] v/i. (ge-, h): nach thirst for. '
durstig adj. thirsty (nach for). Dusche ['duja] / (-/-n) shower ' (-bath); 2n vlrefl. and v/i. (ge-, h)
have a shower(-bath). Diise ['] / (-/-n) © nozzle; %° jet; ~nantrieb [' n'-] m jet propulsion; mit jet-propelled; ' n flugzeug n jet(-propelled) aircraft, F jet; ' njager m jet fighter. duster adj. ['dyistar] dark, gloomy (both a. fig.); light: dim; ig.: sad; depressing; 'Sheit / (-/no pi.), ' 2keit / (-Ino pi.) gloom(iness). Dutzend ['dutsant] n (-sf-e) dozen; e/n £/er a dozen eggs; e von Leuten dozens of people; 'Sweise adv. by the dozen, in dozens.
durchweg adv. ['dur/.) genuineness; purity; reality; fastness; authenticity. Eck [ek] n (-[e]s/-e) s. £cke; '-ball m sports: comer-kick; e / (-/-n) comer; edge; Sigo f;. angiilar; fig. awkward; platz m comer-seat; '
stein m comer-stone; canine tooth. '
zahn m
(gen.) in hono(u)r of; '2n o/r. (ge-, h) hono(u)r; esteem. '
ehrenlamtlich adj. honorary; '£burger m honorary citizen; 'Sdoktor m honorary doctor; 'Serklarung / (full) apology; 2gast m guest of hono(u)r; Sgericht n '
haft adj. honourable; Skodex m code of hono(u)r; Slegion ['-legiorn] / (-{no pi.) Legion of Hono(u)r; 'Smarm m man of hono(u)r; Smitglied n honorary member; 'Splatz m place of hono(u)r; 'Srecht n: burgerliche e pi. civil rights pi.-, 'Srettung/ rehabilitation; ruhrigoJ/. defamatory-; Ssache/affair of hono(u)r; point of hono(u)r; '-voll adj. hono(u)rable; '-wert adj. hono(u)rable; ' Swort n (-[e]s/-e) word of
cious; organs of the body: vital; ' denkend adj. noble-minded; '2rnarm m nobleman; Smut m generosity; -miitig adj. [' myrti?] noble-minded, generous; '2stein m -
precious stone; gem. Edikt [e'dikt] n (-[e]s/-e) edict.
Efeu $ ['eifDY] m l-s/no pi.) ivy.
hono(u)r. '
ehr|erbietig adj. [ e 'erbirtic] respectful; 2erbietung/(-/-en) rev'
erence; £furcht/(-/S-en) respect awe; ' furchtgebietend adj. aweinspiring, awesome; -fiirchtig adj. [ fyr tic] respectful; 'Sgefiihl n (-[e]s!no pi ) sense of hono(u)r; ' Sgeiz m ambition; '-geizig adj. -
Egge ['zgs] f (-/-n) harrow; 'Sn c/r. Cge-.. h) harrow. Egoisjmus [ego'ismus] m (-/Ego/'smen) ego(t)ism; -t m (-en/-en) ego(t)ist; £tisch adj. selfish, ego(t)is-
ambitious. '
adj. honest; ccmmerce, game: fair; opinion: candid; - wahrt am langsten honesty is the best policy; 'Skeit / (-/no pL) honesty;
ric(al). ehe1 cj. I'eis] before.
Ehe2 [-j/(-/-n) marriage; matrimonjr; ' anbahnung / (-/-en) matrimonial agency; ' brecher m (-s/-) adulterer; brecherin / (-/-nen) ' adulteress; Sbrecherisch adj. ' adulterous; bruch m adultery; ' frau/wife; '-gatte m, '-gattin/ spouse; ' leute pL married people pL; 'Slich adj. confugal; child: legitimate; '-losigkeit / (-/no pi.) celibacy; single life. ehemal'ig adj. ['ersmodic] former, ex-...; old; ' s adv. formerly. ' Ehejinann m husband; '-paar n -
fairness. '
ehrlos adj. dishono(u)rable, infamous:
married couple. eher adv. sooner; rather; more likely; ;'e desto besser the sooner
the better. '
Elhering m wedding ring. ehera adj. ['ersm] brazen, of brass. '
Ehe|scheidung/divorce; '-schlieCung / (-/-en) (contraction of) marriage; ' stand m (-[e]s/no pi.) married state, matrimony; '-stifter m, ' stifterin / (-/-nen) matchmaker; ' vermittlung f s. Eheanbchnung; ' versprechen n promise of mar-
£igkeit/(-/-en) dishonesty,
edel adj. [ etdal] noble; miru pre-
Effekt [E'fekt] m (-[e]s/-e) effect; en pi. effects pl.i't: securities pL; stocks pL; -enhandel m dealing in stocks; -hascherei [Jiaja'rat] / (-/-en) claptrap; £iv adj U'tir/] effective; Suieren Uu iiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) effect; esecute. Am. a. fill; Svoll adj. effective, striking. egal adj. [e go:!] equal; F all the
Ehre ['eirej / (-l-n) hono(u)r; zu
court of hono(u)r;
Ehrabschneider ['e:r*ap/naid3r] m (si-) slanderer. ' ehrbar adj. hono(u)rable, respectable; modest; 'Skeit f(-lno pi.) respectability; modesty.
ehrlsam adj. s. ehrbar;
Sung /
(-/-en) hono(u)r (conferred on s o.)i .
vergessen adj. dishono(u)rable, infamous; 'Sverlust ft m (-es/no pi.) loss of civil rights; '-wiirdig adj. venerable, reverend. ei1 int. [ai] ah!, indeed! Ei'2 [-] n (-[e]s/-er) eggipkysiol.ovum. Eibe % ['aiba] / (-/-n) yew(-tree). Eiche ['ai?3] / (-l-n) oak(-tree); 1 [U] / (-l-n) % acorn; irds: club; -thaher cm. [' herar] m (s/-) jay. eichen1 ('ai?3n] v/t. (ge-, h) ga(u)ge. eichen2 adj. [-] oaken, of oak. Eich|h6rnchen zo. ['ai hcemcpn] n (si-) squirrel; '-mafi n standard. Eid fan] m (-es/-e) oath; 'Sbriichig -
adj.: - wercfen break one s -oath.
Eidechse zo. ['aid£ks3]/(-/-n) lizard. eidesstattlich ft adj. [ aidas-] in lieu of (an) oath; -e Erklarung statutory declaration. '
eidlich 1. adj. sworn; 2. adv. on
86 -
ein|arbeiten ['am9-] r/r. (sep., -ge-, h): j-n ~ in (acc.) make s.o. acquainted with; armig adj. ['am'-] one-armed; aschern ['ain'ejam] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) bum to ashes;
oath. '
Eidotter m, n yolk.
Eier|kuchen m omelet(te), pan-
cake; ' schale / egg-shell; ' stock anat. tn ovary; ' uhr / egg-timer. Eifer ['aifsr] m {-sjno pi.) zeal; eagerness; ardo(u)r; ' er tn (-s/-) zealot; sucht f(-lnopl.) jealousy;
cremate (dead body); 'Sascherung /(-/-en) cremation; atmen ['am9-] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) breathe, inhale;
Ssiichtig adj. jealous (ouf acc. of). eifrig adj. ['aifri?] zealous, eager;
augig adj. ['ain'oygi?] one-eyed. EinbahnstraCe / one-way street. einbalsamieren vlt. (sep., no -ge-,
h) embalm.
ardent. '
eigen adj. [ aigsn] own; particular; strange, odd; in compounds: owned; peculiar (dor. to); 'Eart/ pecviliarity; artig adj. peculiar; singular; Sbrotler f breitlar] m (-s/-) odd or eccentric person, '
crank; Sgewicht n dead weight; handig adj. and adv. [' hsndi?] '
with one s own hands;
Sheim n
language: idiom; Sliebe / self-love; Slob n self-praise; machtig adj. arbitrary; Sname m proper name; niitzig adj. f' nytsi?] self-interested, selfish; adv. expressly, specially; on purpose. ' Eigenschaft / (-/-en) quality (o/ 5.0.); property (of; in s-r o/s in his capacity as; ' swort gr. n (-[e]s/=er) adjective ' Eigensinn m (~[e]slnopl.) obstinacy; ' Sig adj. wil(l)ful, obstinate. ' eigentlich 1. adj. proper; actual; true, real; 2. adv. properly (speaking). ' Eigentum n (-s/=er) property. Eigentiimler ['aigsntyrmar] m (-s/-) owner, proprietor; £lich adj. peculiar; odd; lichkeit / (-/-en) peculiarity. ' Eigentumslrecht n ownership; '
einbettjen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) embed; 'Szimmer n single(-bedded) room.
einbild|en v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h) fancy, imagine; 'Sung / imagina-
tion, fancy; conceit. einbinden v/t. (irr. binden, sep., ge-, h) bind (books). ' Einblick m insight (in acc. into). ' einbrechen (j rr. brechen, sep., ge-) 1. v/t. (h) break open; 2. v/i. (se/n) break in; of night, etc.: set in; in (acc.) break into (house). Einbrecher m at night: burglar; by day: housebreaker. ' Einbruch m invasion; housebreaking, burglary; be/ ~ der Nocht (s)diebstahl m at nightfall; house-breaking, burglary. '
einbiirgerln ['ambyrgam] v/t. (sep., '
ge-, h) naturalize; Sung / (-/-en)
flat. '
naturalization. '
Einlbufie/loss; 'Sbiifien v/t. (sep., ge-, h) lose, forfeit. ein|dammen ['amdsmsn] v/t. (sep., ge-, h) dam (up); embank (river); fig. check; '~deutig adj unequiv-
eigenwillig adj. self-willed;
, in-
ocal; clear, plain.
dividual. '
eign|en [ aignan] v/refl. (ge-, h): sich ~ fur be suited for; Sung / '
eindringjen v/i. (irr. dr/ngen, sep., ge-, se/n) enter; penetrate; intrude; -
in (acc.) penetrate (into); force s way into; invade (country);
(-/-en) aptitude suitability. ,
m express messenger;
durch n by special delivery; brief m express letter. Am. special delivery letter. Eile ['aila] / (-/no pi.) haste, speed; hurry; 'Sn v/i. (ge-. se/'n) hasten, make haste; hurry; letter, affair: be urgent; Snds adv. ['~ts] quickly, speedily. '
Am. induct. '
copyright; Lwohnung / freehold
ein|bauen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) build in; install (engine, etc.); '~behalten v/t. (irr. ho/ten, sep., no -ge- h) detain; ' berufen v/t. (irr. rufen, sep., no -ge-, h) convene; X call UP>
house of one's own; homestead; ' 2heit/(-/-en) peculiarity; oddity;
cover. '
Eillfracht /, '~gut n express goods pi., Am. fast freight; 'Sig adj. hasty,
speedy; urgent; es hoben be in a hurry. Eimer ['aimar] m (-s/-) bucket, pail. ein [am] 1. adj. one; 2. indef. art. a, an.
einander adv. [ai'nandar] one another; each other.
Uich adj. urgent; Sling V Jiij] m
(-s/-e) intruder; invader
Eindruck m (-[e]s/=e) impression.
einjdriicken vjt. (sep., -ge-, h)
press in; crush (in) (hat); break (pane); ' drucksvoll adj. impressive; engen [ am9-] v/t. (sep., ge-, h) narrow; , limit. einjer1 [ ainar], ' e, , (e)s indef. '
pron. one.
Einer2 U] m (-s/-) & unit, digit; rozuing: single sculler, skiff. einerlei ['amsr'lai] 1. adj. of the same kind; immaterial; es ist mir it is all the same to me; 2. 2 n (s/no pi.) sameness; monotony; humdrum (of one's existence).
87 -
einerseits adv. ['amar'zaits] on the
veterate; confirmed; er Junggeselle confirmed bachelor.
one hand. '
elnfach adj. [ ainfax] simple; single; plain; meal: frugal; ticket: single, Am. one-way; 'Sheit / (-/no pi.) simplicity. einfadeln ['ainfeidaln] v/t. (sep.,
eingehen (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-) 1 v/i. (sein) mail, goods: come in, arrive; animal: die; cease (to exist); material: shrink; auf (acc.) agree to; enter into; 2. v/t. (h, sein) enter into (relationship); contract (marriage); ein Risiko run a risk, .
ge-, h) thread; jig. start, set on
foot; contrive. '
Einfahrt / entrance, entry.
esp. Am. take a chance; e-n Vergleich ~ come to terms; Verbindlich-
Einfall m X invasion; idea, inspiration; 'Sen v/t. (irr. fallen, sep., ge-, sein) fall in, collapse; break in (on a conversation), interrupt, cut
short; chime in; J join in; invade; "
occur to s.o.
Ein|falt ['ainfalt] / (-[no pi.) sim-
plicity; silliness; Sf ltig adj. [L-
felti?] simple; silly; Lfaltspinsel m simpleton. Am. F sucker. ' ein|farbig adj. one-colo(u)red, unicolo(u)red; plain; Lfassen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) border; set (precious stone); Sfassung/border; setting; ' fetten vft. (sep., -ge-, h) grease; oil; ' finden v/refl. (irr. finden, sep., -ge-, h) appear; arrive; flechten fig. v/t. (irr. f/ec/iten, sep., -ge-, h) put in, insert; ' £lieiBen v/i. (irr. flietien, sep., -ge-, sein) flow in; fn (acc.) flow into; lassen mention in passing; LfloCen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) infuse. ' EinfluB m influx; fig. influence; ' 2reich adj. influential. ein|formig adj. ['amfoermi?] uniform; monotonous; frieden L' frirdan] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) fence, enclose; Sfriedung / (-/-en) enclosure; ' frieren (irr. frieren, sep., -ge-) 1. v/i. (sein) freeze (in); 2 v/t. (h) freeze (food); Lfiigen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) put in; fig. insert;
Eingemachte ['aingsmaxts] n (-nf no pi.) preserves pi.; pickles pi. ' eingemeinden u/r. (sep., no -ge-, h) incorporate (dat. into). '
einge|nommen adj. partial (fur to); prejudiced (gegen against); von sich conceited; 'Ssandt *> n (-sj-s) letter to the editor; ~schnappt F
fig. adj. [' gajnapt] offended, touchy; ' sessen adj. long-established; '2standnis n confession, avowal; ' stehen v/t. (irr. stehen,
incur liabilities; e-e Wette
make a bet; eingegangene Gelder njpl. receipts pi.; ' d adj. detailed; thorough; examination: close.
sep., no -ge-, h) confess, avow. Eingeweide anat. ['amgavaida] pi. viscera pi.; intestines pi.; bowels pi.; esp. of animals: entrails pi. ' einge|wohnen v/refl. (sep., no -ge-, h) accustom o.s. (in acc. to); acclimatize o.s.. Am. acclimate o.s. (to); get used (to). eingewurzelt adj. [' gavurtsaltj deep-rooted, inveterate. ' eingiefien v/t. (irr. gietien, sep., ge-, h) pour in or out. eingleisig adj. ['ainglaizi?] single-
track. '
einlgraben v/t. (irr. graben, sep.,
ge-, h) dig in; bury; engrave; sich X dig 0-s- in, entrench o.s.; fig. engrave itself (on one s memory); ' gravieren v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) -
sich ~ fit in.
Einfuhr f ['ainfuir] / (-/-en) import(ation); ' bestimmungen/Zp/. import regulations pi. ' einfiihren v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) -f import; introduce (s.o., custom); insert; initiate; install (s.o. in an office). ' Einfuhrwaren 'f f/pL imports
engrave. '
eingreifen 1. v/i. (irr. greifen, sep., -ge-, h) intervene; in (acc.) interfere with; encroach on (s.o.'s
rights); in die Debatte join in the debate; 2. 2 n (-s/no pi.) intervention.
Pi. '
Eingabe/petition; application. Eingang m entrance; entry; arrival (of goods); nach on receipt; ' sbuch Y « book of entries. eingeben v/t. (irr. geben, sep., -ge-,
h) give, administer (medicine) (dat. to); prompt, suggest (to). '
einge|bildet adj. imaginary; conceited (auf acc. of); boren adj. '
native; '2borene m, f(-nl-n) native.
Eingebung ['amgerbui)] / (-/-en) suggestion; inspiration. einge|denk adj. ['amgadsgk] mindful (gen. of); ' falien adj. eyes, cheeks: sunken, hollow; emaciated; fleischt fig. adj. [Lgaflaijt] in-
Eingriff m fig. encroachment; &
operation. einhaken v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) fasten; sich bei j-m take s.o. s arm. ' Einhalt m (-[e]slno pi.): ~ gebieten (dat.) put a stop to; 'Sen fig. (irr. halten, sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. observe, keep; 2. v/i. stop, leave off (zu tun doing). '
einlhangen ([irr. hangen,] sep., -ge-,
h) 1. v/t. hang in; hang up, replace (receiver); sich bei j-m take s.o.'s arm, link arms with s.o.; 2. telepfu v/i. hang up; 'Jaeften v/t. (sep., ge-, h) sew or stitch in. ' einheimisch adj. native (in dat. -
to), indigenous (to) (a. ); & endemic; product: home-grown; '2e m, f (-n/-n) native; resident. ' Einheit / (-/-en) unity; oneness;
fc, phys., X unit; '211 ch adj. uniform; ' .spreis m standard price. ' einheizen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. vli. make a fire; 2. v/t. heat (5iove). einhellig adj. [ amheli?] unanimous. ' einholen (scp., -ge-, h) 1. u/r. catch up with, overtake; make up for (lost time); make (.inquiries); take '
(order); seek (advice); ask for (permission); buy; 2. u/i.: ~ ge/ien go shopping.
Einhorn zo. n unicorn.
einhiillen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) wrap (up or in); envelop. sem einig adj. [ ami?] united; agree; n/cht ~ sem differ (iiber acc. about); mJe/. pron. [' ga] several; some; en [' igan] vft. (ge-, h) xrnite; sich come to terms; ~ermafien adv. [' gar'maisan] in some measure; somewhat; es in'
88 -
Einkiinfte ['amkynfta] pi. income, revenue. '
einladjen v/t. (irr. laden, sep., -ge-, h) load (in) (goods) ;fig. invite; 'Sung
Einlage / enclosure (m letter); f investment; deposit (of money);
/ invitation.
gambling: stake; inserted piece; arch-support; temporary filling (of tooth); '2rn -f v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) store (up). Einlafi ['ainlas] m (Einlasses/Einlasse) admission, admittance. ' einlassen v/t. (irr. lessen, sep., -ge-, h) let in, admit; in (acc.) © imbed in; sich » in or auf (both acc.) engage in, enter into. ' ein laufen v/i. (irr. laufen, sep., ge-, sein) come in, arrive; ship: -
put in; insert; © inlay; deposit (money); pickle; preserve (fruit); Berufung ~ lodge an appeal (be; to); Ehre mit gain hono(u)r or credit by; 'Ssohle / insole, sock. '
einleitjen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) start; introduce; ' end adj. introductory; ' Sung / introduction.
ein|impfen [ am'-] vjt. (sep., -ge-, '
einjlenken fig. v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) come round; Lleuchten v/i. (sep.,
s o .
einjahrig adj. [ amje i?] one-yearold; esp. % annual; animal: yearling. '
einlkalkulieren v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) take into account, allow for; kassieren v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) cash; collect.
Einkauf m purchase; Einkaufe machen s. e/nkaufen 2; '2en (sep., -
ge-, h) 1. v/t. buy, purchase; 2. &/».
ge-, h) be evident or obvious; Hefern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) deliver (up); in ein Krankenhaus take to a hospital. Am. hospitalize; ' 16sen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) ransom (prisoner); redeem (pledge); -f hono(u)r (bill); cash (cheque); 'f meet (bill); machen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) preserve (fruit); tin. Am. can. ' einmal adv. once; one day; auf -
all at once; es war once (upon a time) there was; n/cht not even; 2leins n (-/-) multiplication table;
make purchases, go shopping. ' Einkaufer m buyer.
Einkaufs|netz n string bag; preis "Y" m purchase price; ' tasche / shopping-bag.
einlkehren v/i. (sep., -ge-, sem) put up or stop (at an inn); kerben v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) notch; kerkern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) imprison; kla-
' '
Sieren v/i. (sep., no -ge-, sein)
march in, enter. '
einlmengen v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h),
bracket; put in brackets. Einklang m unison; harmony.
clothe; fit out;
klemmen v/t.
(sep., -ge-, h) squeeze (in); jam; '
Jklinken (sep., -ge-) 1. v/t. (h) latch; 2. v/i. (sein) latch; engage;
Lknicken (sep., -ge-) v/t. (h) and v/i. (sein) bend in, break; kochen (sep., ge-) 1. v/t. (h) preserve; 2. v/i. '
(sein) boil down or away. ' Einkommen n (-s/-) income, revenue; ' steuer/income-tax. '
einkreisen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) encircle.
mischen v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h)
meddle, interfere (in acc. with), esp. Am. si. butt in.
gen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) sue for; klammern v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) typ.
ig adj. single; unique.
Einmarsch m marching in, entry;
einlege|n v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) lay or
/)) inoculate (a. fig.); ' jagen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-m Furcht scare
(in acc. to). '
def. pron. I' gas] some(thing); '2keit / (-/wo pi.) unity; concord; ment.
v/refl. (sep., -ge-, h) accustom o.s.
2ung [' g-] / (-/-en) union; agree-
Einmundung / junction (of roads); mouth (of river). einmiitig adj. ['ammyiti?] unanimous; 'Zkeitf /no pi.) unanimity. Einnahme ['ainnaima] / (-/-n) X taking, capture; mst n pi. takings pi., receipts pi. ' einnehmen v/t. (irr. nehmen, sep., ge-, h) take (meal, position, X) 5 T -
take (money); earn, make (money); take up, occupy (room);
fig. captivate; '~d adj. taking, engaging, captivating. ' einnicken v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) doze or drop off.
89 -
Einode I'am9-] / desert, solitude. ein.ordnen [ am'-] r/r. (sep., -ge-, h) arrange in proper order; classify; file {letters, etc.); Lpacken v/r. (sep., -ge-, h) pack up; wrap up; ' pferchen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) pen in; fig. crowd, cram; '.pflanzen v/t. (sep-i -ge-, h) plant;fig. implant; Lpokeln c/r. (sep., -ge-, h) pickle, salt; ' pragen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) imprint; impress; sich ~ imprint
intervene; '.scharfen c/r. (sep., ge-, h) incxilcate (dat. upon); ' vschatzen c/r. (sep., -ge-, h) assess, appraise, estimate (auf acc. at); value (a. fig.); ' schenken v t. (sep., -ge-, h) pour in or out; ' schicken t?/r. (sep., -ge-, h) send in; ' schieben vjt. (irr. schieben, sep-> -ge-, h) insert; ' schiffen vft. and vfrefl. (sep., -ge-, h) embark; ' Eschiffung / (-/-en) embarkation; ' schlafen vfi. (irr. schlafen, sep.,
itself; commit to one's mem-
ory; ' quartieren v/t. (sep., no ge-, h) quarter, billet; ' rahmen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) frame; ' raumen fig. v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) grant, concede; ' rechnen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) comprise, include; '-.reden (sep., ge-, h) 1. r/r.: j-m persuade or talk s.o. into (doing); 2. vji.: auf j-n talk insistently to s.o.; ' reichen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) hand in, send in, present; '-reihen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) insert (unter acc. in); class (with); place (among); s/ ch
ge-, sein) fall asleep; schlafern [ Jlerfam] vft. (sep., -ge-, h) lull to sleep; narcotize. -
take one s place. '
einreihig adj. [ amraii?] jacket: single-breasted. Einreise / entry; ' erlaubnis /, ' genehmigung / entry permit.
Einschlag m striking (of lightning); impact (of missile); ig. touch; 'Sen (irr. schlagen, sep., -ge-, h) 1. vft. drive in (nail); break (in); smash (in); wrap up; take (road); tuck in (hem, etc.); enter upon (career); 2 vfi. shake hands; lightning, missile: strike; fig. be a success; nicht fail; (wie e-e Somfce) cause a sensation; auf j-n belabour s.o. einschlagig adj. ['amjle:gi?] relevant, pertinent. ' Einschlagpapier n wrappingf
einjreiflen (xrr. reiBen, sep., -ge-) 1 2
c/r. (h) tear; pull down (bwlding);
vji. (sein) tear; abuse, etc.: spread;
paper. '
einlschleichen vfrefl. (irr. schleichen, sep., -ge-, h) creep or sneak in; schleppen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) & '
tow in; import (disease); ' schleusen fig. vft. (sep., -ge-, h) channel or let in; schliefien c/r. (irr. schlie&en, sep., -ge-, h) lock in or up; enclose; X surround, encircle; fig. include; '-vSchlieClich prp. (gen.) inclusive of; including, comprising; ' schmeicheln vfrefl. (sep., -ge-, h) ingratiate o.s. (bei with); ' schmei' chelnd adj. insinuating; schmuggeln vft. (sep., -ge-, h) smuggle in; ' schnappen vfi. (sep., ge-, sein) catch; fig. s. eingeschncppt; ' schneidend fig. adj.
renken [' reijksn] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) set; fig. set right. ' einrichtlen v/t. (sep. -ge- h) establish; equip; arrange; set up (shop); furnish (flat); es manage; s;ch establish o.s., setde down; economize; sich auf (acc.) prepare for; '£tmg/establishment; arrangement, esp. Am. setup; equipment; furniture; fittings pi. (of shop); -
institution. '
einjrollen c/r. (sep., -ge-, h) roll up '
rucken (sep., ge-) 1. vji. (sein) enter, march in;
incisive, drastic '
Einschnitt m cut, incision; notch.
einlschniiren vft. (sep., -ge-, h)
join the army; 2. c/r. (h) insert (advertisement in a paper); typ. indent (line, v:ord, etc.); ' riihren c/r. (sep., -ge-, h) stir (in). eins adj. [ams] one. '
einsam adj. lonely, solitary; Skeit / (-/*v -en) loneliness, solitude. ' einsammeln v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) gather; collect. Einsatz m inset; insertion (of piece of material); gambling: stake, pool; / striking in, entry; employment;
lace (up); -.schranken [' Jreqkan] vft. (sep., -ge-, h) restrict, confine; reduce (expenses); sich economize; , £schrankting/(-/-en) restriction; reduction. '
Einschreibelbrief m registered lener; 'Sn vft. (irr. schreiben, sep., -
operation; unter
s-s Lebens at the
risk of one s life.
have registered; sich
enter one's
name. '
einschreiten l.fig. vfi. (irr. schreiten, sep., -ge-, sein) step in, interpose, intervene; take action (gegen against); 2. 2 n (-sfno pi.) inter-
einjsaugen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) suck in; fig. imbibe; ' schalten o/r. (sep., -ge-, h) insert; f switch or turn on; cfen ersten Gang mot. go into first or bottom gear; s/'ch
ge-, h) enter; book; enrol(l);
enlist, enrol(l); %; register; ~ lassen
engagement (a. JgQ;
or in; s;ch «» roll up; curl up; ' rosten vfi. (sep., -ge-, sein) rust; screts, etc.: rust in;
vention. '
einlschnunpfen vfi. (sep., -ge-, sein) shrink; ' schiichtern vft. (sep., -ge-, h) intimidate; bully; ' £schuchtenmg / (-/-en) intim-
90 -
idation; ' schulen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h)
prepared for; adapt o.s. to; '2ung/ X enlistment; engagement; adjustment; focus; (mental) attitude,
put to school. '
Einschufi m bullet-hole; -finvested capital. ' ein|segnen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) consecrate; confirm (children); 'Ssegnung / consecration; confirmation. ' einsehen 1. v/t. (irr. sehen, sep., ge-, h) look into; fig.: see, comprehend; realize; 2. 2 n (-sfno pi.):
mentality. '
einsendlen v/t. ([irr. senden], sep., ge-, h) send in; 'fier m (-s/-) sender; contributor (to a paper). ' einsetz|en (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. set or put in; stake (money); insert; institute; instal(l), appoint (s.o.); fig. use, employ; risk (one's life); sich fur stand up for; 2. v/i. fever, flood, weather: set in; J strike in; ' Sung / (-/-en) insertion; appoint-
ment, installation. '
Einsicht / (-/-en) inspection; fig. insight, understanding; judiciousness; '£ig adj. judicious; sensible. ' einsickern vji. (sep., -ge-, sein)
ein|streuen intersperse; no -ge-, h) stiirmen '
f g. v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) i ' studieren v/t. (sep., study; thea. rehearse; v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein):
auf j-n rush at s.o.; 'Ssturz m falling in, collapse; ' stiirzen v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) fall in, collapse. einst|weilen adv. ['amst'vaibn] for the present; in the meantime; Vweilig adj. temporary. ' einltauschen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) exchange (gegen for); ' teilen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) divide (in acc. into); classify; ' teilig adj. one-piece; ' Steilung / division; classification. eintonig adj. ['amtorni?] monotonous; '£keit / (-l\ -en) monotony. lEintopf(gericht n) m hot-pot; stew. '
Eintracht / (-Ino pi.) harmony, concord.
eintrachtig adj. ['aintrEfti?] har-
soak in; infiltrate. '
Einsiedler m hermit.
einsilbig adj. ['amzilbi?] monosyllabic; fig. taciturn; 'Skeit / (-/ho pi.) taciturnity. ' einsinken v/i. (irr. sinken, sep., ge-, sein) sink (in). Einspannjer ['ainjpensr] m (-s/-) one-horse carriage; 2ig adj. one-
monious. '
eintragen vjt. (irr. tragen, sep., ge-, h) enter; register; bring in, yield (profit); sich ~ in (acc.) sign. eintraglich adj. ['aintreikli?] prof-
Eintragung / (-/-en) entry; regis-
ein|tref£en v/i. (irr. treffen, sep.,
ein|sparen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) save,
ge-, sein) arrive; happen; come
economize; ' sperren v/t. (sep., ge-, h) imprison; lock up, confine; ' springen v/i. (irr. springen, sep., ge-, sein) © catch; fig. step in, help out; fur j-n substitute for s.o.; Lspritzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) inject; 'Sspritzung / (-/-en) in-
true; ' treiben v/t. (irr. treiben,
sep., -ge-, h) drive in or home;
collect (debts, taxes); ' treten (irr. treten, sep., -ge-) 1. v/i. (sein) enter; occur, happen, take place; fiir stand up for; in (acc.) enter into (rights); enter upon (possession); enter (room); join (the army, etc.); 2 v/t. (h) kick in (door); sich eu
jection. '
Einspruch m objection, protest, veto; appeal; ' srecht n veto. ' einspurig adj. single-track. einst adv. [amst] once; one or some day. ' Einstand m entry; tennis: deuce. ' ein|stecken v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) put in; pocket; plug in; '«steigen v/i. (irr. steigen, sep., -ge-, sein) get in; take your seats!. Am. all
run into one's foot.
aboard! '
haben show consideration.
einstimm|en / v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) join in; '»,ig adj. unanimous; 'JSigkeit / (-/no pi.) unanimity.
einstockig adj.
einseifen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) soap; lather (beard); F fig. humbug (s.o.). einseitig adj. ['amzaitig] one-sided; jp, pol, 5% unilateral.
einstell|en v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) put in; X enrol(l), enlist. Am. muster in; engage, employ. Am. a. hire; give up; stop, cease. Am. a. quit (payment, etc.); adjust (mechanism) (auf acc. to); tune in (radio) (to); opt., focus (on) (a. fig.); die Arbeit ~ cease working; strike. Am. a. walk out; sich ~ appear; sich auf (acc.) be
Eintritt m entry, entrance; admittance; beginning, setting-in (of winter, etc.); ~ freil admission free!; verboten.' no admittance!; '~sgeld « entrance or admission fee; sports:
gate money;
skarte / admission
ticket. '
ein|trocknen vji. (sep., -ge-, sein)
dry (up); Ltriiben v/refl. (sep., ge-, h) become cloudy or overcast; uben [ am'-] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) practi se, Am. -ce; train s.o. einver leiben [ ainferlaiban] v/t. ([sep.,] no -ge-, h) incorporate (dat. -
in); annex (to); F sich et. ~ eat or drink; 'Snehmen n (-s/no pi.)
agreement, understanding; in gutem on friendly terms; '~standen
adj.i ~ sein agree;
Sstandnis n
91 '
Einzug m entry, entrance; moving in.
agreement. '
Einwand m (gegen to).
einzwangen v/t.
Einwanderler m immigrant; 'Sn
vji. {sep., -ge-, sein) immigrate;
' ung / immigration. einwandfrei adj. unobjectionable;
perfect; faultless; alibi: sound. einwarts adv. ['amverts] inward(s). '
Einwegflasche / one-way bottle, non-return bottle.
einweihlen v/t. (.sep., -ge-, h) eccl. consecrate; inaugurate; in (acc.) initiate 5.0. into; Lung / (-/-en) consecration; inauguration; initiation.
einwend|en vlt. ([irr. wenden,] sep., -ge-, h) object; 2ung f objec-
Eis [ais] n (-es/nopl.) ice; ice-cream; Lbahn/skating-rink; Lbar zo. m polar bear; Lbein n pickled pork shank; Lberg m iceberg; Ldecke /sheet of ice; Ldiele/ice-cream parlo(u)r. Eisen ['aizan] n (-s/-) iron. ' Eisenbahn / railway. Am. railroad; m/t der by rail, by train; Ler m (-s/-) railwayman; Lfahrt / railway journey; Lknotenpunkt m (railway) junction; Lungliick n railway accident; Lwagen m railway carriage. Am. railroad car;
coach. '
Eisen|blech n sheet-iron; Lerz n
tion. '
einwerfen (irr. werfen, sep., -ge-, h) 1 v/t. throw in (a. fig.); smash, break (window-pane); post. Am.
iron-ore; Lgiefierei / iron-foundry; 'Shaltig adj. ferruginous; Lhiitte / ironworks sg.,pl.; Lwaren fjpl. ironmongery, esp. Am.
mail (letter); interject (remark); v/i. football: throw in.
hardware; Lwarenhandlerm iron-
-ge-, h)
wrap (up), envelop; 'fipapier n wrapping-paper. einwillig|en fainviligan] v/i. (sep., ge-, h) consent, agree (in acc. to); ' Sung / (-/-en) consent, agreement. -
einwirkjen v/i. (sep., -ge-, h):
(acc.) act (up)on; influence; effect; ' Sung / influence; effect. Einwohner ['amvoinar] m (sj-), Lin / (-/-nen) inhabitant, resident. ' Einwurf m throwing in; football: throw-in; fig. objection; slit (for letters, etc.); slot (for coins). ' Einzahl gr. f (-/S-en) singular (number); 'Sen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) pay in; Lung / payment; deposit (ar bank). einzaunen ['aintsovnan] vlt. (sep., ge-> h) fence in. Einzel ['aintssl] n (-s/-) tennis: single. Am. singles pi.; ganger [Lgerjar] m (si-) outsider; F lone wolf; Lhandel -f- m retail trade; Lhandler m retailer, retail dealer; Lheit / (-/-en) detail, item; .en pi. particulars pi., details pi.; Sn 1. adj. single; particular; individual; separate; of shoes, etc.: odd; im «,en in detail; 2. adv.: angeben or auffiihren specify, esp. Am. itemize; Lne m (-nj-ri) the individual; Lver-
monger, esp. Am. hardware dealer. eisern adj. ['aizarn] iron, of iron. '
Eislgang m breaking up of the ice;
ice-drift; Sgekiihlt adj. [Lgakyilt] iced; 'Sgrau adj. hoary; Lhockey n ice-hockey; Sig adj. ['aizig] icy; ' S'kalt adj. icy (cold); Lkunstlauf m figure-skating; Llauf m, Llau£en n (s/no pi.) skating; skate; Llaufer m skater; Lmeer n polar sea; Lschnellauf m speed-skating; ' scholle / ice-floe; Lschrank m s. Kuhlschrank; Lvogel orn. m kingfisher; Lzapfen m icicle; Lzeit geol. f ice-age. eitel adj. ['anal] vain (auf acc. of); conceited; mere; 'Skeit / (-/-en) vanity. Eiter # ['aitar] m (s/no pi.) matter, pus; Lbeule # / abscess; 'Sig # adj. purulent; Sn # v/i. (ge-, h) fester, suppurate; Lung #/(-/-en) suppuration. eitrig adj. ['aitri?] puriilent. ' Eiweifi n (-es/-e) white of egg; albumen; 'Shaltig adj. albumin'
kauf m retail sale; Lwesen n individual. '
(sep., -ge-, h)
squeeze, jam.
einziehen (j rr. z/ehen, sep., -ge-) 1 v/t. (h) draw in; esp. @ retract; .
call up. Am. draft, induct; s% seize, confiscate; make (inquiries) (iiber acc. on, about); 2. v/i. (sein) enter; move in; liquid: soak in; in (acc.) move into (flat, etc.). einzig adj. [ amtsi?] only; single; sole; unique; Lartig adj. unique, singular. '
ous. '
Eizelle / egg-cell, ovum. Ekel ['e:k3l] 1. m (s/no pi.) disgust (vor dot. at), loathing; aversion; # nausea; 2. F n (-s/-) nasty person; ' Serregend adj. nauseating, sickening; 'Shaft adj., 'Sig adj. revolting; fig. disgusting; 'Sn v/refl. (ge-, h): sich be nauseated (vor dat. at); fig. be or feel disgusted (at). eklig adj. ['e:kli?] s. ekelhaft. elasti|sch adj. [e'lastij] elastic; Szitat Utsi'ten] / (-/no pi.) elasticity. Elch zo. [el?] m (-[e]s/-e) elk; moose.
Elefant zo. [ele'fant] m (-en/-en) elephant.
eleganjt adj. [ele gant] elegant; smart; 2z Uts] / pi.) elegance. elektrifizier|en [elsktrifi'tsiiran] vjt. (no -ge-, h) electrify; Sung / (-/-en) electrification
Elektri|ker [e'lektrikar] m (-s/-) electrician; 2sch aaf/ electric(al); '
2sieren [Jziiran] vjt. (no -ge-, h) electrify. Elektrizitat [elektritsi'tert] / (-/no pi.) electricity; ~sgesellschaft / electricity supply company; swerk n (electric) power station, power-house. Ant. power plant. Elektrode [elek'trorda] / (-/-n) electrode.
Elektro|gerat [e'lektro-] n electric appliance; ~lyse [] f (-/-n) electrolysis. Elektron / [e'kktron] n (-s/-en) electron; engehirn [Jtrornan-] n electronic brain; ik [ troznik] / (-/no pi ) electronics sg. Elektro'technik / electrical engi'
er m electrical engineer.
elementar adj. [elemen'tarr] elementary; Sschule elementary or primary school. Am. grade school. Elend ['eilsnt] 1. n (-Ms/no pi.)
misery; need, distress; 2. 2 adj. miserable, wretched; needy, distressed; ' sviertel n slums pi. elf1 [elf] 1. adj. eleven; 2. 2/(-/-en) eleven (a. sports). Elf2 U] m (-enl-en), e ['elfa] / (-/-n) elf fairy. ' Elfenbein n (-[els/ v-e) ivory; ' Sern adj. ivory. Elf'meter m football: penalty kick; marke / penalty spot. ' elfte adj. eleventh. Elite [e'Una] / (-/-n) elite. Ellbogen anat. m (-s/-) elbow. Elle ['els] / (-/-n) yard; anat. ulna. Elster orn. ['Elstar] / (-/-n) magpie. elterjlich adj. [ Eltarlig] parental; n pi. parents />/.; ' nlos adj. parentless, orphaned; '2nteil m parent. [(-/-n) enamel. Email [e'marj] n (-s/-s), le [ ] / Emanzipation [emantsipa'tsjorn] / (-/-en) emancipation Embargo [Em'bargo] « (-s/-s) ,
Embolie # [Embo'li:] / (-/-n) embolism.
Embryo biol. ['Embryo] m (sj-s, nen) embryo. Emigrant [emi'grant] m (-enl-en) -
empfahl [Em'pfa:!] pret. of empfeh/en.
Empfang [Em'pfarj] m (-[e]s/ee) reception (a. radio); receipt (of s th.); nach or bei ~ on receipt; Sen '
vjt. (irr. fangen, no -ge-, h) receive;
welcome; conceive (child).
92 -
Empfanger [Em'pfErpr] m (-s/-) receiver, recipient; payee (of money),' addressee (of letter); -f consignee (of goods).
em'pfanglich adj. susceptible (fiir to); Skeit/ (-/no pi.) susceptibility. Em'pfangs|dame / receptionist; gerat n receiver, receiving set; schein m receipt; zimmer n reception-room. empfehl|en [Em'pferbn] vjt. (irr., no -ge-, h) recommend; commend; Sie mich (dat.) please remember me to; enswert adj. (re)commendable; Sung / (-/-en) recommendation; compliments pi. empfinden [sm'pfindan] v/t. (irr. f/nden, no -ge-, h) feel; perceive. empfindlich adj. [Em'pfintlig] sensitive (a. phot., '*) (fur, gegen to); pred. a. susceptible (gegen to); delicate; tender; p.: touchy, sensitive; cold: severe; pain, loss, etc.: grievous; pain: acute; Skeit / (-/-en) sensitivity; sensibility; touchiness; delicacy. empfindsam adj. [Em'pfintzarm] sensitive; sentimental; Skeit / (-/-en) sensitiveness; sentimentality Empfindung [em'pfinduq] / (-/-en) ~
perception; sensation; sentiment;
Sslos adj. insensible; esp. fig. unfeeling; svermogen n faculty of perception.
empfohlen [Em'pfoibn] p.p. of empfehlen. empor adv. [Em po:r] up, up'
emporen [sm'pe-.ran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) incense; shock; sich revolt (a. fig.), rebel; grow furious (iiber acc. at); emport indignant, shocked (both: iiber acc. at). '
porlkommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, se/n) rise (in the world); Skommling [ koemlii)] m (-s/-e) upstart; ragen v/i. (sep., ge-, h) tower, rise; ~steigen v/i. (irr. steigen, sep., -ge-, se/n) rise,
revolt; indignation. '
emsig adj. [ emzig] busy, industrious, diligent; Skeit / (-/no pi.) busyness, industry, diligence. Ende ['Enda] n (-s/-n) end; am at or in the end; after all; eventually; zu gehen end; expire; run short; ' Sn v/i. (ge-, h) end; cease, finish. endlgiiltig adj. [ Entgylti?] final, definitive; '~lich adv. finally, at last; los adj. ['~lo:s] endless; ' Spunkt m final point; 'Srunde / sports: final; 'Sstation $9 / terminus, Am. terminal; Ssumme / (sum) total. Endung ling. ['Enduq] / (-/-en) ending, termination. Endzweck ['Ent-] m ultimate object. '
Energie [ener'gi:] / (-/-n) energy; 21os adj. lacking (in) energy. e'nergisch adj. vigorous; energetic. eng adj. [eg] narrow; clothes: tight; close; intimate; im eren S/nne
remote (both a. fig.); Sung/(-/-en) removal; distance; range; Sungsmesser phot, m (-s/-) range-finder. ent'flammen (no -ge-) vjt. (h) and vji. (sein) inflame; Jfliehen v/i.
(irr. fliehen, no -ge-, sein) flee,
strictly speaking.
engagieren [aga'siiran] vjt. (no ge-, h) engage. Am. a. hire. Enge ['eqa] /(-/-n) narrowness; . -
straits pi.
Engel ['eqal] m (-s/-) angel. engherzig adj. ungenerous, petty. '
93 -
m (si-)
Englishman; die pi. the English pi.; '~in / (-/-nen) Englishwoman. English; englisch adj. [ eqlij] '
British. '
EngpaC m defile, narrow pass. Am. a notch; fig. bottle-neck. en gros iT adv. [a gro:] wholesale. En'groshandel "f m wholesale .
trade. '
engstimig adj. narrow-minded. Enkel ['egkal] m (si-) grandchild; grandson; .in / (-/-nen) granddaughter. enorm adj. [e norm] enormous; F fig. tremendous. Ensemble thea.. i [a'sdibal] n (s/s) ensemble; company. entart|en [ent a:rt3n] v/i. (no -ge-, sein) degenerate; Sung / (-/-en) degeneration. entbehrjen [ent beiran] v/t. (no ge-, h) lack; miss, want; do without; lich adj. dispensable; superfluous; Sung / (-/-en) want, priva'
ent'bindlen (irr. binden, no -ge-, h) 1 r/r. dispense, release (von from); deliver (of a child); 2. v/t. be con.
fined; Sung / dispensation, release; delivery; Sungsheim n maternity hospital.
ent'SloCJen c/r. (no -ge-, h) bare, strip; imcover (head);
.t adj. bare.
ent'deckjen o/r. (no -ge-, h) discover; detect; disclose; ~er m (-$}-) discoverer; Sung / discovery. Ente ['enta] / (-/-n) om. duck; false report'. F canard, hoax.
ent'ehrjen vjt. (no -ge-, h) dishono(u)r; Sung/degradation; rape. ent'eignjen v/t. (no -ge-, h) expropriate; dispossess; Sung / expropriation; dispossession.
ent'erben t>/r. (no -ge-, h) disinherit. entern ['entam] v/t. (ge-, h) board, grapple (ship). entj'fachen vjt. (no -ge-, h) kindle; fig. a. rouse (passions); Jfalien vji. (irr. fallen, no -ge-, sein): j-m escape s.o.; . slip s.o. s memory; auf j-n fail to s.o. s share; s. wegfallen; .'falten v/t. (no -ge-, h) \iniold;fig.: develop; display; sich '
unfold; fig. develop (zu into).
ent'fernlen v/t. (no -ge-, h) remove; sich ~ withdraw; *.t adj. distant,
escape (ous or dat. from); ,Jfrem-
den v/t. (no -ge-, h) estrange, alienate (j-m from s.o.). ent'fiihrlen r/r. (no -ge-, h) abduct, kidnap; run away with; Ser m abductor, kidnap(p)er; Sung / abduction, kidnap(p)ing. ent'gegen l.prp. (dat.) in opposition to, contrary to; against; 2. adv. towards; ~gehen v/i. (irr. gehen,
sep., -ge-, sein) go to meet; _gesetzt adj. opposite; fig. contrary; halten v/t. (irr. ho/ten, sep., -ge-, h) hold out; . object; kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein) come to meet; fig. meet s.o.Cs wishes) halfway; Skommen n (sino pi.) obligingness ; kommend adj. obliging; nehmen vjt. (irr. nehmen, sep., -ge-, h) accept, receive; sehen v/i. (dat.) (irr. sehen, sep., -ge-, h) await; look forward to; ~setzen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) oppose; stehen v/i. (irr. stehen, sep., -ge-, h) be opposed (dat. to); strecken v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) hold or stretch out (dat. to); -treten t>/:. (dat.) (irr. treten, sep., -ge-, sein) step up to 5.0.; oppose; face (danger). entgegn|en [ent gergnan] v/i. (no ge-, h) reply; return; retort; Sung / (-/-en) reply; retort. ent gehen v/i. (irr. gehen, no -ge-, ~
sein) escape.
entgeistert adj. [ent'gaistart] aghast, thunderstruck, flabbergasted. Entgelt [ent'gdt] n (-[e]s/no pi.) recompense; Sen v/t. (irr. gelten, no -ge-, h) atone or stiffer or pay for. entgleisjen [snt'glaizan] v/i. (no ge-, sein) run off the rails, be -
, (make a) slip; Sung/
(-/-en) derailment; ? slip. ,
gleiten vji. (irr. gleiten, no -ge-, sein) slip (dat. from). ent'halt|en vlt. (irr. halten, no ge-, h) contain, hold, include; sich (gen.) abstain or refrain from; sam adj. abstinent; Ssamkeit / (-/no pi ) abstinence; Sung / ent
ent'haupten o/r. (no -ge-, h) behead, decapitate. ent'hiilllen vft. (no -ge-, h) imcover; unveil; fig. reveal, disclose; Sung / (-/-en) uncovering; unveiling; fig. revelation, disclosure.
Enthusiasjmus [entuzi'asmus] m (-{no pi ) enthusiasm; -t m (-enf-en) .
enthusiast; film, sports: F fan; Stisch adj. enthusiastic. ent'kleiden v/t. and v/refl. (no -ge-, h) undress.
ent'kommen 1. v/i. (irr. kommen, no -ge-, se/n) escape O-m s.o.; aus from), get away or off; 2. 2 n (s/no pi.) escape. entkraft|en [snt krsftan] v/t. (no fe-, h) weaken, debilitate; fig. refute; Sung / (-/-en) weakening; debility; /z£. refutation. ent lad|en v/t. (irr. laden, no -ge-, h) unload; esp. £ discharge; explode; s/ch esp. £ discharge; gun: go off; anger', vent itself; Sung / unloading; esp. £ discharge; explosion. ent lang 1. prp. (dat.; acc.) along; 2. adv. along; er geht die Stralie he goes along the street. ent'larven v/t. (no -ge-, h) unmask; fig. a. expose. '
ent'lass]en v/t. (irr. lessen, no -ge-, h) dismiss, discharge; F give s.o. the sack. Am. a. fire; Sung / (-/-en) dismissal, discharge; Sungsgesuch n resignation. ent'lasten v/t. (no -ge-, h) unburden; £% exonerate, clear (from suspicion). Entiastung / (-/-en) relief; discharge; exoneration; ~sstrafie / by-pass (road); ~szeuge m witness for the defen|ce. Am. -se.
entjiaufen v/i. (irr. laufen, iw -ge-, se/n) run away (dat. from); ~ledlgen U lerdigsn] v/refl. (gen.) (no ge-, h): rid o.s. of, get rid of s th.; acquit o.s. of (duty); execute (orders); Jleeren v/t. (no -ge-, h) empty. [of-the-way.l ent legen adj. remote, distant, out-/ '
entl'lehnen v/t. (no -ge-, h) borrow (dat. or aus from); -Jlocken v/t. (no -ge-, h) draw, elicit (dat. from); Jlohnen v/t. (no -ge-, h) pay (off); Jliiften v/t. (no -ge-, h) ventilate; militarisieren [ militari zirrsn] v/t. (no -ge-, h) demilitarize; ~mutigen [ 'mumgsn] v/t. (no -ge-, h) discourage; .'nehmen v/t. (irr. nehmen, no -ge- h) take (dat. from); aus (with)draw from; fig. gather or learn from; Jratseln v/t. (no -ge-, h) unriddle; Jreifien v/t. (irr. reiCen, no -ge-, h) snatch away (dat. from); Jrichten v/t. (no -ge-, h) pay; rinnen v/i. (irr. rinnen, no ge-, se/n) escape (dat. from); ' rollen v/t. (no -ge-, h) unroll; Jriicken v/t. (no -ge-, h) remove (dat. from), carry off or away; ~r ' riickt adj. entranced; lost in thought. '
ent'rustlen v/t. (?io -ge-, h) fill with indignation; sich become angry or indignant (iiber acc. at, with s.o.); ,vet adj. indignant (iiber acc. at, with s.o.); Sung / indignation.
ent'sag|en v/i. (no -ge-, h) renounce, resign; Sung/(-/-en) renunciation, resignation.
94 -
ent'schadiglen v/t. (no -ge-, h) indemnify, compensate; Sung / indemnification, indemnity; compensation.
ent'scheid|en (irr. scheiden, no -ge-, h) l. v/t. decide; sich question, etc.: be decided; p.: decide (fixr for; gegen against; iiber acc. on); come to a decision; 2. v/i. decide; ~end adj. decisive; crucial; Sung / decision. entschieden adj. [ent'Jirdan] decided; determined, resolute; Sheit/ (-/no pi ) determination. ent'schliefien v/refl. (irr. schlieBen, no -ge-, h) resolve, decide, determine (zu on; zu inf. to inf.), make up one s mind (zu inf. to inf.). ent schlossen adj. resolute, determined; Sheit / (-/no pi.) resolute.
ent'schliipfen v/i. (no -ge-, se/n) escape, slip (dat. from). Ent'schlufi m resolution, resolve, decision, determination. '
entschuldigjen [snt /uldigsn] v/t. (no -ge-, h) excuse; sich apologize (be/ to; fiir for); sich lassen beg to be excused; Sung / (-/-en) excuse; apology; ich b/tte (S/e) um I beg your pardon. ent'senden v/t. (irr. senden, no -ge-, h) send off, dispatch; delegate, depute.
ent'setzlen 1. v/t. (no -ge-, h) dismiss (from a position); relieve; frighten; sich be terrified or shocked (iiber acc. at); 2. S n (-/no pi.) horror, fright; Uich adj. horrible, dreadful, terrible, shocking. ent'sinnen v/refl. (gen.) (irr. sinnen, no -ge-, h) remember or recall s.o., s
ent'spannlen v/t. (no -ge-, h) relax; unbend; sich
relax; political situa-
tion: ease; Sung / relaxation; pol. detente.
ent'sprechlen v/i. (irr. sprechen, no -ge-, h) answer (description, etc.); correspond to; meet (demand); end adj. corresponding; appropriate; Sung / (-/-en) equivalent. ent'springen v/i. (irr. springen, tw ge-, sein) escape (dat. from); river: -
rise. Am. head; s. entstehen.
ent'stammen v/i. (no -ge-, sein) be descended from; come from or of, originate from.
ent'steh|en v/i. (irr. stehen. no -ge-, sein)
arise, originate (both: aus from); Sung / (-/-en) origin. ent'stell]en v/t. (no -ge-, h) disfigure; deface, deform; distort; Sung/ disfigurement; distortion, misrepresentation. ent'tausch|en v/t. (no -ge-, h) disappoint ; Sung / disappointment. ent'thronen v/t. (no -ge-, h) dethrone. '
entvolker|n [ent foelkarn] v/t. (no
Entvolkerung -
ge-, h) depopulate; Sung /(-/-en)
wachsen vfi. (im wachsen, no ge-, se/n) outgrow. entwaffn en [ent'vafnan] vjt. {no ent -
ge-, h) disarm; Sung / (-/-en) dis-
warnen vji. {no -ge-, h) civil defence: sound the all-clear (signal). ent wasser|n vft. {no -ge-, h) drain; Sung / (-/-en) drainage; dehy'
dration. ' ent weder
cj.: *.... oder either ... or. entl'weichen v/i. {irr. weichen, no ge-, sein) escape (aus from); -
weihen vjt. {no -ge-, />) desecrate,
profane; 'wenden vjt. {no -ge-, ti) '
pilfer, purloin O m et. from ' s.o.); werfen vft. {irr. werfen, no ge-, h) draft, draw up {document); design; sketch, trace out, outline; plan. -
Enzyklopadie [entsyklope'di:] / (-/-n) (en)c> clop(a)edia. Epidemic [epide'mi:] / (-/-n) epidemic (disease). Epilog [epi'loik] m (-s/-e) epilog(ue). episch adj. [ eipij] epic. Episode [epi'zoida] / (-/-n) episode. Epoche [e'poxa] / (-/-n) epoch. Epos t'etpos] n (-/Epen) epic (poem). er pers. pron. [e:r] he. erachten [er -] l v/t. (no -ge-, h) consider, think, deem; 2. S n (-s/nopi.) opinion; m-s ~s in my opinion. erbarmen [er barman] 1. vfrefl. {gen.) {no -ge-, h) pity or commiserate s.o.; 2. S n {-s/no pi.) pity, compassion, commiseration; mercy; '
swert adj
pitiable. erbarmlich adj. [sr bermlig] pitiful, pitiable; miserable; behaviour: ~
Sung / depreciation, devaluation; cancellation. '
wickeln v/t. {no -ge-, h) develop (a. phot.); evolve; sich « develop. Entwlcklung [ent'viklur)] / (-/-en) development; evolution; shilfe / development aid. entj'wirren vjt. {no -ge-, h) disentangle, unravel; .Jwischen vfi. {no ge-, sein) slip away, escape (j-m [from] s.o.; ous from); j-m give s.o. the slip; ~w6hnen [ 'vainan] v/t. {no -ge-, h) wean. Ent'wurf m sketch; design; plan; ent
entl'wurzeln r/f. {no -ge-, h) uproot; Jziehen o/r. (irr. ziehen, no ge-j deprive {j-m et s.o. of s th.); withdraw {dat. from); s/ch avoid, elude; evade {responsibility); Jziffern vjt. {no -ge-, h) decipher, '
make out; tel. decode.
ent'ziicken 1. vft. {no -ge-, h) charm, delight; 2. S n {-s/no pi.) dehght, rapture(s pi.), transports ph). ent'zuckend adj. delightfvd; charming. Ent'zug m {-[e]slno pi.) withdrawal; cancellation {of licence); depriva-
mean. '
[snt tsyntbarr]
(in)flammable; en v/t. {no -ge-, h) inflame {a. #), kindle; sich ~ catch fire; & become inflamed; Sung&f inflammation. ent'zwei adv. asunder, in two, to
pieces; ~en v/t. {no -ge-, h) disunite, set at variance; sich quarrel, fall out {both: m/ t with); gehen ©/». (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, sein) break, go to pieces; Sung / (-/-en) dis'
union. tian.
barmungslos adj. pitiless, mer-
ciless, relentless.
er'baujen vjt. {no -ge-, h) build (up), construct, raise; fig. edify; Ser m {-sj-) builder; constructor; lich adj. edifying; Sung fig. f (-/-en) edification Am. uplift. ~
Erbe ['erba] 1. m (-n/-n) heir; 2. n {-s/no pi ) inheritance, heritage. er'beben vfi. {no -ge-, sein) tremble, shake, quake. .
erben c/r. (ge-, h) inherit.
er'beutea vjt. {no -ge-, h) capture. er'bieten vjrefl. {irr. bieten, no -ge-, h) offer, volunteer. Erbin / (-/-nen) heiress. er'bitten vft. {irr. bitten, no -ge-, h) beg or ask for, request, solicit. '
er'bitterln vlt. {no -ge-, h) embitter, exasperate; Sung / (-/S -en) bitterness, exasperation. Erbkrankheit ['erp-] / hereditary disease. erblassen [er'blasan] c/j. (no -ge-, sein) grow or turn pale, lose colo(u)r. Erblasser i% ['erplasar] m (-si-) testator; Lin / (-/-nen) testatrix. er'bleichen c/j. (no -ge-, sein) s. erblassen.
erblich adj. ['erplig] hereditary; Skeit physiol. f (-/no pi.) heredity. '
er'blicken vjt. (no -ge-, h) perceive, see; catch sight of.
erblind|en [er'blindan] v/i. (no -ge-,
wert|en v/t. {no -ge-, h) depre-
95 -
['entsjam] m (-s/-e) gen-
sein) grow blind; Sung / (-/-en) loss of sight. er'brechen 1. v/t. (irr. brechen, no ge-, h) break or force open; vomit; sich # vomit; 2. S n (-s/no pi.) -
Erbschaft ['erp/aft] / (-/-en) inheritance, heritage.
Erbse ['erpsa] / (-/-n) pea; Lnbrei m pease-pudding. Am. pea puree; Lnsuppe / pea-soup. Erb|stiick ['erp-] n heirloom; siinde/original sin; Lteil n (portion of an) inheritance.
Erdlarbeiter ['eirt-] m digger, navvy; ' ball m globe; Lbeben n (-s/-) / strawearthquake; ' beere berry; ' boden m earth; ground, soil; [ errda] / (-/«v -n) earth; ground; soil; world; 'Sen £ i>/f. (ge-, h) earth, ground. er'denklich adj. imaginable. ErdgeschoC ['e:rt-] n ground-floor, '
Am. first floor.
er'dichtlen v/t. (no -ge-, h) invent, feign; ~et adj. fictitious. erdig adj. ['eirdi?] earthy.
Erd|karte ['e t-] / map of the earth;
kreis m earth, world; ,~-
kugel / globe; '~kunde / geography; 'Ueitung / / earth-connexion, earth-wire. Am. ground wire; '
nufi / peanut; ' ol n mineral oil,
er'dolchen v/t. (no -ge-, h) stab (with a dagger). Erdreich ['e:rt-] n ground, earth. er'dreisten v/refl. (no -ge-, h) dare, presume.
er'drosseln v/t. (no -ge-, h) strangle, throttle.
er'driicken v/t. (no -ge-, h) squeeze or crush to death; ~dfig. adj. overwhelming.
Erdlrutsch ['e:rt-] m landslip; landslide (a. pol.); ' schicht / layer of earth, stratum; ' teil m part of the world; geogr. continent. er dulden vjt. (no -ge-, h) suffer, '
er'eifern v/refl. (no -ge-, h) get excited, fly into a passion.
er'eignen v/refl. (no -ge-, h) happen, come to pass, occur.
Ereignis [er'aiknis] n (ses/se) event, occurrence; 2reich adj. eventful.
Eremit [ere'mi:t] m (-en/-en) hermit, anchorite.
ererbt adj. [er'erpt] inherited. er fahrlen 1. v/t. (irr. fahren, no ge-, h) learn; hear; experience; 2 adj. experienced, expert, skil(l)ful; Sung / (-/-en) experience; practice; skill. er'fassen v/t. (no -ge-, h) grasp (a. jig.), seize, catch; cover; register, '
er'find]en v/t. (irr. finden, no -ge-, h) invent; Ser m inventor; erisch adj. inventive; Sung / (-/-en) invention.
Erfolg [er'falk] m (-[e]s/-e) success; result; Sen Ugan] v/i. (no -ge-, sein) ensue follow; happen; Slos adj. [~k-] unsuccessful; vain; Sreich adj. [Ja-] successful. er forder|lich adj. necessary; required; ~n v/t. (no -ge-, h) require, demand; Snis n (ses/se) requirement, demand, exigence, exigency. er forsch|en v/t. (no -ge-, h) inquire into, investigate; explore '
96 -
(country); Ser m investigator; explorer; Sung / investigation; exploration. er'freulen v/t. (no -ge-, h) please; delight; gratify; rejoice; sich e-r Sache ~ enjoy; Uich adj. delightful, pleasing, pleasant, gratifying.
er'frier|en vli. (irr. fr/eren, no -ge-, sein) freeze to death; Sung /(-/-en) frost-bite.
er'frischlen v/t. (no -ge-, h) refresh; Sung / (-/-en) refreshment. er'froren adj. limb: frost-bitten. '
fiilllen v/t. (no -ge-, h) fill; fig. fulfil(l); perform (mission); comply with (s.o. s wishes); meet (requirements); Sung / fulfil(l)ment; performance; compliance; Sungsort tfl [er'fylugs9-] m place of performance (of contract).
erganz|en [er'gentsan] v/t. (tw -ge-, h) complete, complement; supplement; replenish (stores, etc.); ~end adj. complementary, supplemen-
tary; Sung / (-/-en) completion; supplement; replenishment; gr. complement; Sungsband m (-[e]s/«=e) supplementary volume er geben 1. v/t. (irr. geben, no -ge-, h) yield, give; prove; sich surrender; difficulties: arise; devote o.s. to; sich aus result from; sich in (acc.) resign o.s. to; 2. adj. devoted (dat. to); st adv. respectfully; Sheit/ (-[no pi.) devotion. Ergeb|nis [er'geipnis] n (ses/se) .
result, outcome; sports: score; ~ung
[Jduij] f (-/-en) resignation; X surrender.
er'gehen v/i. (irr. gehen, no -ge-, sein) be issued; lessen issue, publish; uber sich lassen suffer, submit to; wie ist es ihm ergangen? how did he come off?; sich
(dat.) indulge in.
ergiebig adj. [er'gi:bi h) open; open up (nets market); develop (district). er'schopflen v/t. (no -ge-, h) exhaust; Sung / exhaustion. erschrak [er Jraik] pret. of er-
schrecken 2.
er'schrecken 1. r/r. (no -ge-, h) frighten, scare; 2. v/i. (irr., no -ge-, se/n) be frightened (Ober acc. at); d adj. alarming, startling. erschrocken [er /rokan] 1. p.p. of erschrecken 2; 2. adj. frightened, '
erschiitterln [er /ytam] vft. (no ge-, h) shake; fig. shock, move; Sung / (-/-en) shock; fig. emotion; jj? concussion; © percussion. er'schweren vlt. (no -ge-, h) make -
more difficult; aggravate. '
schwinglen vlt. (irr. schw/ngen, no -ge-, h) afford; ~lich adj. within j.o. j means; prices: reasonable. erl'sehen v/t. (irr. sehen, no -ge-, h) see, learn, gather (all: aus from); Jsehnen r/r. (no -ge-, h) long for; Jsetzen r/r. (no -ge-, h) repair; make up for, compensate (for); replace; refund. er sichtlich adj. evident, obvious. er'sinnen r/r. (irr. sinnen, no -ge-, h)
contrive, devise.
er'sparjen r/r. (no -ge-, h) save; spare s.o.; Snis / j-m eu ~
(-/-se) saving
er'spriedich adj. useful, benefidaL erst [e:rst] 1. adj.: der (die, das) *e the first; 2. adv. first; at first; only; till or untiL
stiffen; solidify; congeal; set; grow numb; fig. blood: ran cold; »t adj.
benumbed; £ung / (-/-en) numbness; solidification; congealment; setting. erstatt[en [er Jtatsn] r/r. (no -ge-, h) restore; s. ersetzen; Bericht (make '
a) report; Sung/(-/-en) restitution. Erstauffiihrung / thea. first night or performance, premiere; film: first run.
staunjen 1. r/:. (no -ge-, se/n) be
astonished (ui>er acc. at); 2. r/r. (no -
ge-, h) astonish; 3. S n astonish-
ment; in
setzen astonish;
adj. astonishing, amazing. '
er'suchen 1. vft. (no -ge-, h) request; 2 S n (s/-) request. erl'tappen r/r. (no -ge-, h) catch, surprise; s. frisch; Jtonen v/i. (no .
ge-, se/n) (re)sound.
Ertrag [er'troik] m (-[e]s/*e) produce, yield; proceeds pi., returns pi.; output; Sen Ugan] r/r. (irr. tragen, no -ge-, h) bear, endure; suffer; stand.
ertraglich adj. [er'treikli?] tolerable.
erl'tranken v/t. (no -ge-, h) drown; trinken v/i. (irr. trinken, no -ge-, w
99 -
stechen r/r. (irr. stechen, no -ge-,
h) stab.
er'steigjen r/r. (irr. steigen, no -ge-, hi) ascend, climb; Sung / ascent.
se/n) be drowned, drown;
gen [er'yibrigan] r/r. (no -ge-, h) save; spare (time); sich ~ be un-
necessary; 'wachen r/i. (no -ge-, se/n) awake, wake up. er'wachsen 1. v/i. (irr. wachsen, no ge-, se/n) arise (aus from); 2. adj. grown-up, adult; £e m, / (-n/-n) -
grown-up, adult.
er'waglen r/r. (irr. wdgen,no -ge-, h) consider, think over; Sung / (-/-en) consideration er'wahlen r/r. (no -ge-, h) choose, .
er'wahnjen v/u (no -ge-, h) mention; Sung / (-/-en) mention. er'warmen r/r. (no -ge-, h) warm, heat; sich warm (up). er'wart|en r/r. (no -ge-, h) await, wait for; fig. expect; Sung / expectation. erl'wecken r/r. (no -ge-, h) wake, rouse; fig. awake; cause (fear); arouse (suspicion); Jwehren v/refU (gen.) (no -ge-, h) keep or ward off; Jweichen r/r. (no -ge-, h) soften; fig. move; Jweisen r/r. (irr. we/sen, no -ge-, h) prove; show (respect); render (service); do, pay (honour); do (favour).
er'weiterln r/r. and v/refl. (no -ge-, h) expand, enlarge, extend, widen; Sung / (-/-en) expansion, enlargement, extension.
Erwerb [er'verp] m (-[e]s/-e) acquisition; living; earnings pi.; business; Sen Ubsn] v/t. (irr. werben, no -ge-, h) acquire; gain; earn.
erwerbsjlos adj. [er'verpslo:s] unemployed; ~tatig adj. (gainfully) employed; ~unfahig adj. [er' verps'-] incapable of earning one s living; Szweig m line of business. Erwerbung [er'verbur)] / acquisi'
erstens adv. ['errstans] first, firsdy. er stick'en (ru> -ge-) v/t. (h) and v/i.
erwider|n [er virdam] r/r. (no -ge-,
(se/n) choke, suffocate; stifle; Sung
Sung/(-/-en) return; answer, reply. er'wischen r/r. (no -ge-, h) catch, trap, get hold of. er'wiinscht adj. desired; desirable;
/ (-/-en) suffocation, [rate, F A 1. '
erstklassig adj. first-class, first-
er'streben v/t. (no -ge-, h) strive after or for; »swert adj. desirable. er'strecken v/refl. (no -ge-, h) extend; sich uber (acc.) cover. 7*
h) return; answer, reply; retort;
er'wurgen r/r. (no -ge-, h) strangle, throttle.
Erz J$ [e:rts] n (-es/-e) ore; poet. brass.
er'zahllen vft. (no -ge-, h) tell; relate; narrate; 2er m. Serin / (-/-nen) narrator; writer; 2ung / narration; (short) story, narrative. '
Erzlbischof ecd. m archbishop; '
eccl. n archbishopric; engel eccl. m archangel. er'zeuglen v/t. (no -ge-, h) beget; produce; make, manufacture; 2er m (si-) father (of child); if producer; 2nis n produce; production; © product; 2ung / production. '
Erzjfeind m arch-enemy; ' herzog m archduke; ' herzogin /
100 -
Essenz [e'sents] / (-/-en) essence.
Essig ['esi?] Lgurke / gherkin.
m (-s/-e) vinegar; pickled cucumber,
Efilloffel m soup-spoon; ' nische/ dining alcove. Am. dinette; '~tisch
m dining-table; ' waren flpl. eatables pi., victuals pi., food; Lzimmer « dining-room. etablieren [eta bhiran] v/t. (no -ge-, '
h) establish, set up.
Etage [e'taisa] / (-/-n) floor, stor(e)y; nwohnung / flat, Am. apartment.
Etappe [e'taps] / (-/-n) X base; fig. stage, leg.
n arch-
Etat [e'ta:] m (-s/-s) budget, parl. the Estimates pi.; ~sjahr n fiscal
er'zieheln v/t. (irr. z/ehen, no -ge-, h) bring up, rear, raise; educate; 2r m (si-) educator; teacher, tutor; 2rin / (-/-nen) teacher; governess; risch adj. educational, pedagogic
year. [or sg.\ Ethik ['eitik] f (-l\ -en) ethics/)/./
archduchess;1 Jherzogtum
. convoy.
Espe ['sspa] / (-/-n) asp(en). ' efibar adj. eatable, edible. Esse ['esa] / (-/-n) chimney. essen ['ssan] 1. vli.(irr.,ge-, h)eat; zu Mittag (have) lunch; dine, have dinner; zu Abend
dine, have
dinner; esp. late at night: sup, have supper; auswarts eat or dine out; 2 v/t. (irr.,ge-,h) eat;et.zu Mittag etc. have for lunch, etc.; 3. 2 n (si-) eating; food; meal; dish; midday meal: lunch, dinner; evening meal: dinner; last meal of the day: supper; szeit / lunch-time; dinner-time; supper-time. .
Etikett [eti'kst] n (-[e]s/-e, -s) label, ticket; tag; gummed: Am. a. sticker;
e / (-/-n) etiquette; Sieren U'ti:ran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) label. etliche indef. pron. ['sdiga] some, ~
Etui [e'tvi:] n (-s/-s) case. etwa adv. fetva] perhaps, by chance; about. Am. a. around; ig adj. V 9is] possible eventual. etwas ['etvas] 1. indef. pron. something; anything; 2. adj. some; any; 3 adv. somewhat; 4. 2 n (-/-): das gewisse ~ that certain something. euch pers. pron. [dy?] you; ~ (selbst) yourselves. euer pass. pron. ['DYSr] your; der (die, das) eu(e)re yours. Eule orn. ['dyIs] / (-/-n) owl; n nach Athen tragen carry coals to ~
euresgleichenpron. [ DYras'glaigan] '
people like you, F the likes of you.
Europajer [oYro'psiar] m (-s/-)
European; 2isch adj. European. Enter ['ovtsr] n (si-) udder. evakuieren [evaku'iiran] v/t. (no ge-, h) evacuate. evangeli|sch adj. [evarj'gedij] evangelic(al); Protestant; Lutheran; 2um [~jum] n (sjEvangelien) gospel. eventuell [eventu'sl] 1. adj. possible; 2. adv. possibly, perhaps. ewig adj. ['eivi?] eternal; everlasting; perpetual; for ever; ' fikeit/(-/-en) eternity; F: seit e-r for ages. -
exakt adj. [e'ksakt] exact; 2heit / (-/-en) exactitude
exactness; ac-
Exam | en [E'ksarman] n (s/-, Examina) examination, F exam; 2inieren Uami'niiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) examine.
Exekutive [sksaku'tiiva] / (-/no pi.) executive power. Exempel [s'kssmpal] n (-s/-) example, instance.
Exemplar [eksem'plair] n (-s/-e) specimen; copy (of book). exerzier|en [ekser tsirrsn] vfi. and vjt. (no -ge-, h) drill; Splatz X m drill-ground, parade-ground. Exil [e'ksi:!] n (-s/-e) exile. Existenz [eksis'tents] / (-/-en) existence; living, livelihood; mi-
explo|dieren [eksplo'diirsn] v/i. (no ge-, se/n) explode, burst; 2sion
U'zjom] / (-/-en) explosion; ~siv
nimum n subsistence minimum.
exis'tieren v/i. (no -ge-, h) exist; subsist.
exotisch adj. [e'ksoitij] exotic. expedjieren [ekspe'diirsn] v/t. (no ge-, h) dispatch; £ition Ui tsjorn] / (-/-en) dispatch, forwarding; expedition; dispatch or forwarding '
Experiment [eksperi'mentj w (-[e]s/-e) experiment; 2ieren U'ti:ran] v/i. (no -ge-, h) experiment.
Fabel ['farbal] /(-/-n) fable (a. fig.); plot (of story, book, etc.); haft adj. fabulous; marvellous; v/t. (ge-, h) tell (tall) stories. Fabrik [fa'briik] / (-/-en) factory, works sg pl., mill; *,ant [ i'kant] m (-en/-en) factory-owner mill-owner; manufacturer; arbeit /factory ,
work; s. Fabrikware;
arbeiter m
factory worker or hand; *,at Ui'kait] «(-[e]s/-e) make; product; ~ationsfehler [ a'tsjorns-] m flaw; be-
sitzer m factory-owner; ~marke / trade mark; stadt / factory or industrial town; *,ware / manufactured
Fach [fax] n (-[e]sf--er) section, compartment, shelf (of bookcase, cupboard, etc.); pigeon-hole (m desk); drawer; fig. subject; s. Fachgebiet; ' arbeiter m skilled worker; ' arzt m specialist (fur in); Lausbildung / professional training; '
ausdruck m technical term.
facheln ['fesaln] v/t. (ge-, h) fan s.o.
Facher ['fegar] m (-$/-) fan; 2£ormig adj. [' foermii;] fan-shaped. ' Fach|gebiet n branch, field, province; Lkenntnisse f/pl. specialized knowledge; ' kreis m: in *,en among experts; kundig adj. competent, expert; 'Uiteratur / specialized literature; Lmann m
expert; Smannisch adj. [' meni/] expert; ' schule/technical school; ' werk A n framework. Fackel ['fakal] / (-/-n) torch; n F v/i. (ge-, h) hesitate, F shilly-shally; Lzug m torchlight procession. fad adj. [fa:t], e adj. ['fords] food: ~
adj. U'ziif] explosive. Export [eks'part] m (-[e]s/-e) exportation); 2ieren [ .'tiiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) export. extra adj. ['ekstra] extra; special; blatt n extra edition (of newspaper), Am. extra. Extrakt [eks'trakt] m (-[e]s/-e) extract.
Extrem [eks'trerm] 1. n (-s/-e) ex-
treme; 2. 2 adj. extreme. Exzellenz [ekstse'lents] / (-/-en) Excellency. exzentrisch adj. [eks'tsentrij] eccentric.
ExzeC [eks'tses] zesse) excess.
insipid, tasteless; stale; p. dull, boring. Faden ['faidan] m (-s/") thread (a. fig-)i fig'' on e-m hongen hang by a thread; Lnudeln f/pl. vermicelli pi.; 2scheinig adj. [L/amig] threadbare; excuse, etc.: flimsy, thin.
fahig adj. ['ferig] capable (zu inf. of ger.;gen. of); able (to inf.); keit/ (-/-en) (cap)ability; talent faculty. fahl adj. [foil] pale, pallid; colour: faded; complexion: leaden, livid. fahnd en ['fomdsn] vji. (ge-, h): nach j-m search for s.o.; ung/ ,
101 -
(-/-en) search
Fahne ['forna] / (-/-n) flag; standard; banner; 4>., fig' colo(u)rs pi.; typ. galley-proof. ' Fahnenleid m oath of allegiance; ' flucht / desertion; '2fluchtig adj.: werden desert (the colo[u]rs); ' stange / flagstaff. Am. a. flag~
pole. '
Fahrlbahn/, ' damm m roadway.'
Fahre ['feirs] / (-/-n) ferry(-boat). fahren ['fairsn] (irr., ge-) 1. v/i. (se/n) driver, vehicle, etc.: drive, go, travel; cyclist: ride, cycle; sail; mot. motor; m/t der Eisenbahn go by train or rail; spazieren go for or take a drive; m/t der Hand
(acc.) pass one's hand over;
let go or slip; gut (schlecht) bei do or fare well (badly) at or with; er ist gut dabei gefohren he did very well out of it; 2. v/t. (h) carry, convey; drive (car, train, etc.); ride (bicycle, etc.). ' Fahrer m (-s/-) driver; ' flucht / (-Ino pi ) hit-and-run offence. Am. .
hit-and-run offense.
Fahrgast '
Fahrjgast m passenger; in taxi: fare; Lgeld n fare; ' gelegenheit /transport facilities ph; Lgestell n mot. chassis; undercarriage, landing gear; '~karte / ticket; ' kartenschalter m booking-office, Am. ticket office; 'Slassig adj. careless, negligent; 'J&ssigkeit / (-/S-en) carelessness negligence; Llehrer mot. m driving instructor; Lplan m timetable. Am. a. schedule; 'Eplanmafiig 1. adj. regular, Am. scheduled; 2. adv. on time, Am. a. on schedule; '»,preis m fare; ' rad n bicycle, F bike; ' schein m ticket; Lschule Ttwt. f driving school, school of motoring; '~stuhl fe. F skinflint; 'Sig adj. felt-like; of felt; . F niggardly, stingy; '~laus / crab louse.
Finanz|amt [fi'nants'amt] n (inland) revenue office, office of the
hut m thimble;
foxglove; '2n
vfi. (ge-, h): ~ nach fumble for; ' spitze/finger-tip; ' spitzengefiihl fig. n sure instinct; ' iibung J" / finger exercise; zeig [' tsaik] *n (-[e]s/-e) hint, F pointer. Fink orn. [figk] m (-enl-en) finch. finster adj. ['finstsr] night, etc.: dark; shadows, wood, etc.: sombre; night, room, etc.: gloomy, murky; person, nature: sullen; thought, etc.: sinister, sombre, gloomy; '2nis / (-Ino pi ) darkness, gloom. Finte ['fints] / (-/-n) feint; fig. a. .
ruse, trick.
Firma f t'firma] / (-/F/rmen) firm, business, company.
theater n cinema. Am. motion-
verbrennen burn one
fingers; er riihrte keinen he lifted no finger; ' abdruck m fingerprint; ' fertigkeit / manual skill;
Filet [fi'le:] n (-s/-s) fillet (of beef,
firmen eccl. ['firman] v/t. (ge-, h) confirm. '
Firmen|inhaber m owner of a
firm; '-Avert m goodwill. Firn [firn] m (-[e]s/-e) firn, ndv6.
First 4 [first] m (-es/-e) ridge; ziegel m ridge tile. Fisch [fij] m (-esj-e) fish; ' dampfer m trawler; 'Sen v/t. and v/i. (ge-, h) fish; ' m (-s/-) fisherman; ' erboot n fishing-boat; ' erdorf n fishing-village; ~erei [ .'rai] / (-/-en) fishery; fishing; ' fang m fishing; ' geruch m fishy smell; Lgrate / fish-bone; ' gratenmuster n herring-bone pattern; '
handler m fishmonger. Am. fish
dealer; 'Sig adj. fishy; Llaich m spawn; ' leim m fish-glue; Lmehl schuppe / scale; n fish-meal; ' tran m train-oil; ' .vergiftung '
107 -
/fish-poisoning; Lzucht/pisci-
drink: stale; colour: pale, dull; if
culture, fish-hatching; ' zug m catch, haul, draught (of fish). fiskallsch adj. [fis'kailij] fiscal, governmental. Fiskus ['fiskus] m -se, Fisken) Exchequer, esp. Am. Treasury;
market, business, etc.: dull, slack; e Ze/t slack period. Flaum [flaum] m (-[e]s/«o pi.) down, fluff; fuzz. Flauls [flaus] m (-es/-e), sch UJ] m (-esl-e) tuit(ofwool etc.); napped coating.
Fistel ['fistsl] / (-/-n) fistual; ' stimme / / falsetto. Fittich ['fiti*;] nt (-[e]sl-e)poet. wing; j-n unter s-e e nehmen take s.o. tinder one's wing.
fix adj. [fiks] salary, price, etc.: fixed; quick, clever, smart; e-e Wee an obsession; ein er Junge a smart fellow; 2ierbad phot, [fi' ksi:rba:t] n fixing bath; ~ieren [fi'ksirran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) fix (c. phot.); fix one's eyes (up)on, stare ' Sstern ast. m fixed star; Sum n (-s/F/xo) fixed or basic salary. flach adj. [flax] roof, etc.: flat; ground, ere: flat, level, even; water, plate, fig.: shallow; plane. Flache ['flega] / (-/-n) surface. A- aplane; sheet (of water, snow, etc.); geont. area; tract, expanse (of land, etc.); wninhalt A- ['fle sn9-] m (surface) area; '~nmafi n square or
at s.o.; '
surface measure. '
Flach|land n plain, flat country;
Lrennen n turf: flat race. Flachs [flaks] m (-es/no pi.) flax. flackern ['flakarn] v/i. (ge-, h) light, flame, eyes, etc.: flicker, wave; voice: quaver, shake. Flagge X ['fl ags] / (-/-/») flag, colo(u)rs pi.; '2n vji. (ge-, h) fly or hoist a flag; signal (with flags). Flak [flak] / (-/-, -s) anti-aircraft gun; anti-aircraft artillery. Flamme ['flama] / (-l-n) flame; blaze; '~nmeer n sea of flames; ' nwerfer X m (-s/-) flamethrower.
Flanell [fla'nel] m (sf-e) flannel; anzug m flannel suit; hose / flannel trousers pi., flannels pi. Flankle ['flarjka] / (-/-n) flank (a. Aj ©j Xj mount.); side; 2ieren U'kirran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) flank. Flasche ['flaja] / (-l-n) bottle; flask. ' Flaschen|bier n bottled beer; hals m neck of a bottle; ' offner
m (si-) bottle-opener; Lzug @ m block and tackle.
flatterlhaft adj. ['flatarhaft] girl, etc.: fickle, flighty; mind: fickle, volatile; ' n v/i. (ge-) 1. (h, sein) bird, butterfly, etc.: flutter (about); bird, bat, etc.: flit (about); 2. (h) hair, flag, garment, etc.: stream, fly; mot. wheel: shimmy, wobble; car steering: judder; 3. (sein): auf den Boden flutter to the ground. flau adj. [flau] weak, feeble, faint; sentiment, reaction, etc.: lukewarm;
Flausen F ['flauzan] f/pl. whimsy/., fancies pi., (funny) ideas pi.; F fibs pi.; j-m in den Kopf setzen put funny ideas into s.o.'s head; j-m vormachen tell s.o. fibs.
Flaute ['flama] / (-l-n) vfc dead calm; esp. if dullness, slack period.
Flechtje ['flefta] / (-/-n) braid, plait
(of hair); % lichen; & herpes; 'Een vft. (irr., ge-, h) braid, plait (hair, ribbon, etc.); weave (basket, wreath, etc.); wreath (flowers); twist (rope, etc.); ' vwerk n wickerwork. Fleck [flek] m (-[e]s/-e, -en) 1. mark (of dirt, grease, etc.; zo.); spot (of grease, paint, etc.); smear (of oil, blood, etc.); stain (of wine, coffee, etc.); blot (of ink); place, spot; fig. blemish, spot, stain; 2. patch (of material); bootmaking: heel-piece; ' «en m (si-) s. Fleck 1; small (market-)town, townlet; Lenwasser n spot or stain remover; Lfieber n (epidemic) typhus; 'Sig adj. spotted; stained. Fledermaus zo. ['flezdar-J/bat. Flegel ['fletgal] m (si-) flail; fig. lout, boor; ei U'laiJ/W-en) rude, ness; loutishness; 'Shaft adj. rudeill-mannered; loutish; Ljahre pL awkward age. flehen ['fleran] 1. vji. (ge-, h) entreat, implore (zu j-m s.o.; urn et. s th.); 2.2 n (s/nopl.) supplication; imploration, entreaty. Fleisch [flaij] n (-es/no pi.) flesh; .
meat; 4 P P; '~bruhe / meat-
broth; beef tea; Ler m (-s/-) butcher; erei [Jrai] / (-/-en) butcher's (shop). Am. butcher shop; ' extrakt m meat extract; ' Sfressend adj. carnivorous; hackmaschine/mincing machine, mincer. Am. meat grinder; '2ig adj. fleshy; pvilpy; Lkonserven flpl. tinned or potted meat. Am. canned meat; 'Jkost/meat (food); 'Slich adj. desires, etc.: carnal, fleshly; ' 21os adj. meatless; Lpastete / meat pie. Am. a. potpie; ' speise / meat dish; Lvergiftung / meat or ptomaine poisoning; Lware/meat (product); ' wolf m s. Fleischhackmaschine.
Fleifi [flais] m (-es/no pi.) diligence, industry; 'Sig adj. diligent, industrious, hard-working. fletschen ['fletjan] v/t. (ge-, h): die Zahne animal: bare its teeth; p. bare one's teeth.
Flicken ['flikan] 1. m (-s/-) patch;
flicken 2
2 v/t. (ge-, h) patch (dress, tyre,
etc.); repair (shoe, roof, etc.); cobble (shoe). '
Flicklschneider m jobbing tailor; '
108 -
schuster m cobbler;
(-[e]slno pi ) patchwork. .
Flieder ['fhrdar] m (-s/-) lilac Fliege ['] / (-/-n) zo. fly; bow-tie. '
fliegen 1. v/i. (irr., ge-, sein) fly; go by air; 2. o/r. (irr., ge-, h) fly, pilot (aircraft, etc.); convey (goods, etc.) by air; 3. 2 n (s/no pi.) flying; a
Floskel ['fbskal] / (-/-n) flourish; empty phrase. flofi1 [fbs] pret. offlieBen. Flofi2 [flo:s] n (-es/=e) raft, float. Flosse ['flosa] / (-/-n) fin; flipper (of penguin, etc.). flofi en ['floisan] v/t. (ge-, h) raft, float (timber, etc.); '2er m (-s/-) rafter, raftsman.
Flote / ffloita] / (-f-n) flute; '211 (ge-, h) 1. v/i. (play the) flute; 2. v/t. play on the flute.
Fliegen|fanger ['flirganfEqar] m fenster n fly(-si-) fly-paper; screen; gewicht n boxing, etc.: flyweight; ' klappe/fly-flap. Am.
flott adj. [fbt] & floating, afloat;
Flieger m (-s/-) flyer; airman, aviator; pilot; F plane, bomber; f cycling: sprinter; ' abwehr
Flotte ['fbta] / (-/-n) * fleet; X navy; ' nstiitzpunkt X ** naval
anti-aircraft defen|ce. Am. -se;
Flotille * [fb'tilja] / (-/-n) flotilla.
pace, etc.: quick, brisk; music, etc.:
gay, lively; dress, etc.: smart, stylish; car, etc.: sporty, racy; dancer, etc.:
fly swaner; ' pilz 4 »« Ay agaric.
alarm X air-raid alarm or warning; ' bombe X / aircraft bomb; ' offizier X m air-force officer.
flieh|en ['fhian] (irr., ge-) 1. v/i. (sein) flee (vor dat. from), mn away; v/t. (h) flee, avoid, keep away from; 'Skraft phys. f centrifugal
Fluch [flu:x] m (-[e]s/=e) airse, malediction; eccl. anathema; curse, swear-word; en v/i. (ge-, h) swear, curse.
force. [(floor-)tile.\ Fliese ['flfcza] / (-/-n) (wall-)tile;/ Flief3|band ['flhs-] n (-[e]s/=er) con-
[floits] n (-es/-e) seam;
layer, stratum.
Flucht [fluxt] / (-/-en) flight (vor dat. from); escape (ous dat. from); line (of windows, etc.); suite (of rooms); flight (of stairs).
veyor-belt; assembly-line;'2en vli. (irr., ge-, se/n) river, traffic, etc.
flucht|en ['flyman] (ge-) v/i. (sein)
flow; tap-water, etc.: run; 'Send 1. ajy. water: running; traffic: moving; speech, etc.: fluent; 2. adv.: lesen (sprechen) read (speak) fluently; Lpapier n blotting-paper. Flimmer ['flimar] m (-s/-) glimmer, glitter; 2n v/i. (ge-, h) glimmer, glitter; television, film: flicker; es flimmert mir vor den Augen everything is dancing in front of my eyes. flink adj. [flirjk] quick, nimble,
away; escape; ig adj. fugitive (a. fig.); thought, etc.: fleeting; fame, etc.: transient; p. careless, superficial; /2, volatile; Sling ['.Jir)] m (-s/-e) fugitive; pol refugee; '2lingslager n refugee camp. Flug [flu:k] m (-[e]s/=e) fUght; im (e) rapidly; quickly; ' abwehrrakete/anti-aircraft missile; '~bahn / trajectory of (rocket, etc.);%? flight path; ' ball m tennis, etc.: volley; ' blatt n handbill, leaflet. Am. a. flier; '~boot n flying-boat;
Flinte ['flinta] / (-/-n) shotgun; die ins Korn werfen throw up the sponge.
Flirt [flcert] m (-es/s) flirtation; ' Sen vli. (ge-, h) flirt (m;t with). Flitter ['flitar] m (-s/-) tinsel (a.fig.), spangle; kram m cheap finery; Lwochen pi. honeymoon. flitzen F ['flitsan] v/i. (ge-, sein) whisk, scamper; dash (off, etc.). flocht [fbxt] pret. of flechten. '
Flock|e ['fbka] / (-/-n) flake (of snow, soap, etc.); flock (of wool); '
2ig adj. fluffy, flog [flo:k] pret. floh1 [flo:] pret. Floh2 zo. U] m
flaky. of fliegen. of fliehen. (-[e]s/=e) flea.
Flor [flo:r] m (-s/-e) bloom, blossom; fig. bloom, prime; gauze; crepe, crape.
Florett fenc. [flo'ret] n (-[e]s/-e) foil. florieren [flo'ri:ran] v/i. (no -ge-, h)
and vjrefl. (h) flee (nach, zu to); run '
* m air service.
Fliigel fflyrgal] m (-s/-) wing (a. A» X)l blade, vane (of propeller, etc.); s. Fensterflugel, Turfliigel, Lungenflugel; sail (of windmill, etc.); J" grand piano; fenster A n casement-window; Slahm adj. brokenwinged; ' mann X m marker; flank man; Ltiir A / folding door. Fluggast ['flu:k-] m (air) passenger. fliigge adj. f'flyga] fledged; werden fledge; fig. begin to stand on '
s own feet.
Fluglhafen m airport; ' linie/ * air route; airline; Lplatz m airfield, aerodrome. Am. a. airdrome; airport; sandgeol. m wind-blown sand; '~schrift / pamphlet; sichemng / air traffic control; '
sport m sporting aviation;
wesen n aviation, aeronautics.
Flugzeug '
Flugzeug n aircraft, aeroplane, F planej Am. a. airplane; ' bau m aircraft construction;
fiihrer m
halle / hangar; ' rumpf m fuselage, body; ' trager m aircraft carrier. Am. si. flattop; ' imgliick n air crash or disaster. Flunder ichth. fflundar] / (-/-n)
109 -
Folter I'foltar] / (-/-n) torture; auf die spannen put to the rack; . F a. keep on tenterhooks; 'Sn vft. (ge-, h) torture, torment; '~qual / torture, , a. torment. Fonds [fo:] m (-/-) fund (a. fig.); funds pi. Fontane [fon'tema] / (-/-n) fountain.
Flunkerjei F [flvujka'rai] /' (-/-en) petty lying, F fib(bing); Sn vli. (ge-, ti) F fib, tell fibs.
foppen I'fopan] v/t. (ge-, h) tease, F pull s.o.'s leg; hoax, fool. forcieren [for'sirren] v/t. (no -ge-, h)
fluoreszieren [fluorEs'tsiiran] vli. (no -ge-, h) fluoresce.
force (up).
Forderlband n (-[e]s/»er)
trance-)hall. Flufi [flus] m (F/usses/f/iisse) river, stream; flow(ing); fig. fluency, flux; 2'abwarts adv. downriver, downstream; 2'aufwarts adv. upriver, upstream; Lbett n river bed. fliissig adj. ['flysig] fluid, liquid; metal: molten, melted; t" money, capital, etc.: available, in hand; style: fluent, flowing; 'Skeit / (-/-en) flviid liquid; fluidity, liquidity; availability; fluency. "
Flufillauf m course of a river;
veyor-belt; 'Slich adj. conducive (dat. to), promotive (of); ' korb
Flur [flu:r] 1. / (-/-en) field, meadow; poet, lea; 2. m (-[e]s/-e) (en-
m cage.
fordern ffordam] v/t. (ge-, h) demand; claim (compensation, etc.); ask (price, etc.); challenge (to duel).
fordern ['foerdam] vlt. (ge-, h) further, advance, promote; haul, raise (coal, etc.); zutage ~ reveal, bring to light. Forderung / (-/-en) demand; claim; charge; challenge. ' Forderung / (-/-en) furtherance, advancement, promotion; X haulage; output. [trout. \ '
miindung / mouth of a river;
Forelle ichth.
pferd zo. n hippopotamus;
Form [form] / (-/-en) form; figure, shape; model; (£ mo(u)ld; sports: form, condition; Sal adj. [Jmcul] formal; ~alitat [ ali'tEit] / (-/-en) formality; ~at U'man] n (-[e]s/-e) size; von of distinction; *el V~3l] f (-l-n) formula; Sell adj. [Jmel] formal; 'Sen vft. (ge-, h) form (object, character, etc.); shape, fashion (wood, metal, etc.); mo(u)ld (clay, character, etc.); ' enlehre £r. / accidence; ' fehler m informality; 2% flaw; Sieren U'miiran] vjt. (no ge-, h) form; draw up, line up; sich line up. formlich adj. ['foermli?] formal; ceremonious; 'Skeit / (-/-en) formality; ceremoniousness. ' formlos adj. formless, shapeless; fig. informal. Formular [formu'larr] n (-s/-e)
schiffahrt / river navigation or traffic.
fliistern t'flystam] v/i. and vlt. (ge-, h) whisper.
Flut [fhr.t] /(-/-en) flood; high tide, (flood-)tide;> . flood, torrent, deluge; 'Sen (ge-) 1. v/i. (se/'n) water, crowd, etc.: flood, surge (liber acc. over); 2. v/t. (h) flood (dock, etc.); ' welle / tidal wave. focht [foxt] pret. of fedi ten. Fohlen zo. ['foilan] 1. n (s/-) foal; male: colt; female: filly; 2. 2 vji. (ge-, h) foal. Folge t'folga] /(-/-n) sequence, succession (of events); instalment, part (of radio series, etc.); consequence, result; series; set, suit; future; pi. aftermath. ' folgen v/i. (dat.) (ge-, se/'n) follow; succeed (j-m s.o.; auf acc. to); follow, ensue (ous from); obey (j-m s.o.); dermal3en adv. [' darma:san] as follows; ' schwer adj. of ~
grave consequence, grave. '
folgerichtig adj. logical; consistent.
folger|n ffolgam] vft. (ge-, h) infer, conclude, deduce (aus from); 'Sung
form. Am. a. blank.
formu'lieren v/t. (no -ge-, h) formulate (question, etc.); word, phrase (question, contract, etc.).
forsch adj. [forj] vigorous, energetic; smart, dashing. forsch|en ['forjan] v/i. (ge-, h): nach (dat.) search for or after; in (dat.) search (through); 'Ser m
/ (-/-en) inference, conclusion, deduction. '
folgewidrig adj. illogical; inconsistent.
folglich cj. ['folkli?] therefore, consequently.
folgsam adj. ['folkzaim] obedient; Skeit/ (-/no pi.) obedience. '
Folie ['fo:lj3] / (-/-n) foil.
[fo'reb] / (-/-n)/
(si-) researcher, research worker. '
Forschung / (-/-en) research (work); ' reise / (exploring) expedition; ' sreisende m explorer. Forst [forst] m (-es/-e[n]) forest; aufseher m (forest-)keeper, gamekeeper.
Forster ['fcerstar] m (s/-) forester; ranger.
Forstlhaus n forester's house; revier n forest district;
wesen «,
Lwirtschaft / forestry.
Forti X [fo:r] n (-s/-s) fort. fort8 adv. [ton] away, gone; on;
gone, lost; in e-m m continuously; und so
and so on or forth; 5. a.
weg. '
fort|bestehen v/i. (irr. stehen, sep., no -ge-, h) continue, persist; ' bewegen v/t. {sep., no -ge-, h) move (on, away); s/ch move, walk; '2dauer/continuance; ' dauern v/i. ( sep., -ge-, h) continue, last; ' fah.
ren v/i. (irr. fahren, sep., -ge-) 1. (sein) depart, leave; drive off; 2. (h) continue, keep on (et. zu tun doing s th.); ' fiihren v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) continue, carry on; 'Sgang m departure, leaving; continuance; gehen v/i. (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, sein) go (away), leave; ' geschritten adj. advanced; 'Skommen n (s/no pi.) progress; ' laufend adj. consecutive, continuous; ' pflanzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) propagate; sich bial. propagate, reproduce; phys., disease, rumour,' be propagated; pflanzung / propagation; reproduction; ' reiflen u/r. (irr. reilien, sep., -ge-, h) avalanche, etc. sweep or carry away; ' schaffen »/t. (sep., -ge-, h) get or take away, ' remove; schreiten t»/i. (irr. schreiten, sep., -ge-, sein) advance, proceed, progress; ' schreitend adj. progressive; 'Sschritt m progress; ' schrittlich adj. progressive; .
110 -
1 v/t. ask; question; es fragt sich, ob it is doubtful whether; 2. v/i. ask; ' er m (-s/-) questioner; ' ewort gr. n (-[e]s/=er) interrogative; ' ezeichen n question-mark, point of interrogation. Am. mst interrogation point;21ich adj. ['frark-] doubtful, uncertain; in question; 21os adv. ['frark-] undoubtedly, unquestionably. Fragment [frag'ment] n (-[e]s/-e) fragment. fragwiirdig adj. ['frark-] doubtful, dubious, questionable. Fraktion parl. [frak'tsjoin] / (-/-en) (parliamentary) group. frank]ieren [fraq'] vft. (no ge-, h) prepay, stamp; ~o adv. V o] free; post(age) paid; parcel: carriage paid. Franse ['franza] / (-/-n) fringe. Franz|ose [fran'tsoiza] m (-n/-n) Frenchman; die .n pi. the French pi.; ~6sin Uorzin] /(-/-nen) Frenchwoman; 26sisch adj. [ 0:zij] .
fras en © f'frerzan] v/t. (ge-, h) mill; 2maschine ['freis-] / millingmachine.
Frafi [fra:s] 1. F m (-es/-e) si. grub; 2 2 pret. of fressen. Fratze ['fratsa] / (-/-n) grimace, F face; ~n schneiden make grimaces. Frau [frau] / (-/-en) woman; lady; .
wife; ~ X Mrs X. '
adv. constandy, always.
Forum ['forrum] n (-s/Foren, Fora and -s) forum. Foto... ffoito-] s. Photo... Foyer [foa'je:] n (-sf-s) thea. foyer, Am. and parl. lobby; hotel: foyer, lounge. Fracht [fraxt] / (-/-en) goods pi.; Sk carriage, freight; * freight (-age) cargo; ' brief m ft consignment note. Am., it- bill of lading; ' dampfer m cargo steamer, freighter; ' er m (-sj-) freighter; frei adj. carriage or freight paid; ,
Vfxihrer m carrier. Am. a. team-
geld n carriage charges pi., Am. freight; ' gut n goods pi., freight; Lstiick n package. Frack [frak] m (-[e]s/=e, -s) dress coat, tail-coat, F tails; ' anzug m dress-suit.
Frag|e ['fraiga] / (-/-n) question; gr., reth. interrogation; problem, point; e-e ste//en ask a question; in stellen question; ' ebogen m
questionnaire; form; '2en (ge-, h)
klinik / hospital for women; rechte ntpl. women s rights pi.; ' stimmrecht pol. n women s suffrage; ' zimmer mst contp. n '
setzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) continue, pursue; '2setzung / (-/-en) continuation, pvu uit; folgt to be continued; ' wahrend 1. adj. continual, continuous; perpetual; 2.
female, woman.
Fraulein ['froylam] n (-si-, F -s)
young lady; teacher; shop-assistant; waitress; X Miss X. fraulich adj. womanly. frech adj. [free] impudent, insolent, F saucy, cheeky. Am. F a. sassy, si. fresh; lie, etc.: brazen; thief, etc.: bold, daring; heit / (-/-en) impudence, insolence; F sauciness, '
cheek; boldness.
frei adj. [frai] free (von from, of); position: vacant; field: open; parcel: carriage-paid; journalist, etc.: freelance; liberal; candid, frank; licentious; ~ Ho us franco domicile; er Tag day off; im Freien in the open air. ' Frei I bad n open-air bath; beuter ['JsoYtar] m (-sj-) freebooter; ' 2bleibend -f adj. price, etc.: subject to alteration; offer: conditional; ' brief m charter; fig. warrant; ' denker m (-sj-) freethinker. Freier ['fraiar] m (-si-) suitor. ' Freilexemplar n free or presentation copy; ' frau/baroness; '~gabe / release; geben (irr. geben, sep., -ge-, h) 1. vlt. release; give ~
Ill -
boarding house; nindustrie ['frsmdan9-] / tourist industry; ' nlegion X / Foreign Legion;
(i.o. an hour, etc.) off; 2. v/i.: j-m give s.o. time off; Sgebig adj. gebigkeit / generous, liberal; '
(-/-en) generosity liberality; ' ge,
lirr. haben, sep., -ge-, h) have a
holiday; have a day off; ' hafen m free port; 'Shalten v/t. (j'rr. halten, sep., -ge-, h) keep free or clear; in
traffic; ' nzimmer n spare (bed-)
pack n free luggage; Shaben v/i.
room; tourism: room. '
Fremdlherrschaft / fofeign rule;
Freiheit / (-/-en) liberty; freedom; d/'chter/sche poetic licence. Am. poetic license.
' korper & m foreign body; 21andisch adj. [' IsndiJ] foreign, exotic; ' sprache / foreign language; l£sprachig adj., 'Ssprachlich adj. foreign-language; ' wort n (-[e]s/=er) foreign word. Frequenz phys. [fre'kvsnts] / (-/-en)
Freilherr m baron; Lkarte / free (thea. a. complimentary) ticket;
fressen ['fressn] 1. v/t. (irr., ge-, h)
2Iassen vjt. (zrr. lassen, sep., -ge-, h) release, set free or at liberty;
eat; beast of prey: devour; F p. devour, gorge; 2. v/i. (irr., ge-, h) eat; F p. gorge; 3. £ n (slno pi.)
restaurant, etc.: treat;
handel m
free trade. '
gegen Kaution
j% release on bail;
feed, food.
lassung / (-/-en) release; ' lauf
Frefilgier / voracity,
m free-wheel.
freilich adv. indeed, certainly, of course; admittedly. ' Frei lichtbiihne / open-air stage
or theatjre. Am. -ex; Smachen o/r. (sep., -ge-, h) % prepay, stamp (letter, etc.); sich undress, take '
one '
s clothes off;
maurer m freemason;
rei U'rai] / (-/m? pi.) freemasonry; ' mut m frankness; 2mutig adj. ' ' [ mytti?] frank; Sschaffend adj.: er Kiinst/er free-lance artist; scharler [L/sirlar] m (si-) volunteer, irregular; ' schein m
licen|ce. Am. -se; 'Esinnig adj. liberal; 'Ssprechen vjt. (irr. sprechen, sep., -ge-, h) esp. eccl. absolve (von from); 2% acquit (of); release (apprentice) from his articles; ' prechung / (-/-en) esp. eccl. absolution; release from articles; = ' spruch 2% m acquittal; ' staat
pol. m free state; 'Sstehen vji. (irr. stehen, sep., -ge-, h) house, etc.: stand empty; es steht //wen frei zu
inf. you are free or at liberty to inf.; £stellen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h): j-n « exempt s.o. (von from) (a. Q; j-m et.
leave open to s.o.;' stofi
m football: free kick; ' tag m Friday; ' tod m suicide; 'Etragend A adj. cantilever; ' treppe / outdoor staircase; willig 1. adj. voluntary; 2 adv. a. of one's own free will; willige I viliga] m (-nj-n) volun.
' zeit / free or spare or
leisure time; Sziigig adj. V~xsyigiq] free to move; ' ziigigkeit / (-/«o pi.) freedom of movement. fremd adj. [fremt] strange; foreign; alien; extraneous; ' artig adj. strange; exotic.
Fremde ['frsmda] 1. / (-/no pi.) distant or foreign parts; in der far away from home, abroad; 2. m,f (-n/-n) stranger; foreigner; Lnbuch n visitors' book; Lnfiihrer m guide, cicerone; ' nheim n
napf m feeding dish. Freude ['froYda] / (-/-n) joy, gladness; delight; pleasure; hoben on (dat.) find or take pleasure in. ' Freudenlbotschaft / glad tidings pi.; ' fest n happy occasion; ' feuer n bonfire; ' geschrei n shouts pi. of joy; ' tag m day of rejoicing, red-letter day; ' taumel m transports pi. of joy. ' freudjestrahlend adj. radiant with joy; '.Jg adj. joyful; happy; es Ereignis happy event; los adj. ['froYtlois] joyless, cheerless. freuen ['frovan] v/t. (ge-, h): es freut mich, do8 I am glad or pleased (that); sich iiber (acc.) be pleased about or with, be glad about; sich auf (acc.) look forward to. Freimd [frornt] m (-es/-e) (boy-) friend; Jtn [' din]/(-/-nen) (girl-) friend; 'Elich adj. friendly, kind, nice; cheerful, bright; climate: mild; U'chkeit / (-/-en) friendliness, kindness; ' schaft / (-/-en) friendship; schlielien make friends (mit with); 'fischaftlich adj. friendly. Frevel ['freifal] m (-s/-) outrage (an dat., gegen on), crime (against); ' Shaft adj. wicked, outrageous; impious; '2n w/i. (ge-, h) commit a crime or outrage (gegen against). Frevler ['freiflar] m (-s/-) evil-doer, offender; blasphemer. Friede(n) rfri:d3(n)] m (Fr/edens/ Friederi) peace; im Frieden in peacetime; laB mich in Frieden I leave me alone! '
Friedens|bruch m violation of (the) peace; ' stifter m peacemaker; ' storer m (-si-) disturber of the peace; '«,verhandlungenflpl. peace negotiations pi.; ' vertrag m peace treaty.
fried|fertig adj. ffrirt-] peaceable, peace-loving; l2hot m cemetery, graveyard; churchyard; '~lich adj.
friedfertig; peaceful; ' liebend
adj. peace-loving. frieren ['fritran] v/i. (irr., ge-) 1 (se/n) liquid: freeze, become frozen; river, etc.: freeze (over, up); window-pane, etc.: freeze over; 2 (h) be or feel cold; m/cfi fr/'ert .
or ich fr/ere an den Fulien my feet are cold.
Fries A [fri:s] m (-es/-e) frieze. frisch [frif] 1. adj. food, flowers, etc.: fresh; egg: new-laid; linen, etc.:
clean; auf er Tat ertappen catch red-handed; 2. adv.: ~ gestrichen! wet paint!. Am. fresh paint!; 2e V~3] f ( fao pi.) freshness. Friseu|r [fri'zorr] m (-s/-e) hairdresser; (men's) barber; se [ za] / (-/-n) (woman) hairdresser fri'sierjen v/t. (no -ge-, h): j-n -
do or dress s.o.'s hair;
Wagen mot. tune up or soup up or hot up a car; s/'ch ~ do one's hair; Skommode / dressing-table; 2salon m hairdressing saloon; £tisch w i. Frisierkommode.
Frist [frist] /(-/-en) (fixed or limited) period of time; time allowed; term;
j% prescribed time; £*, -f- respite, grace; 'Sen v/t. (ge-, h): se/n Dasein living.
scrape along, scrape a
Frisur [fri'zuir] / (-/-en) hair-style, hair-do, coiffure.
frivol adj. [fri'vo:!] frivolous, flippant; £itat Uoli'teit] / (-/-en) frivolity, flippancy. froh adj. [fro:] joyful, glad; cheer* ful; happy; gay (a. colour). frohlich adj. ['fro'.li?] gay, merry, cheerful, happy. Am. F a, chipper; ' Skeit / (-/S -en) gaiety, cheerfulness; merriment.
frohj'locken v/i. (no -ge-, h) shout
for joy, be jubilant; exult (tiber acc. at, in); gloat (over); 'Eslnn m (-[e]s/M£» pi ) gaiety, cheerfulness. fromm adj. [from] p. pious, religious; life, etc.: godly; prayer, etc.: devout; horse, etc.: docile; Luge .
112 -
Frost [frost] m (-es/=e) frost; chill; ' beule / chilblain. frosteln ['froestaln] v/i. (ge-, h) .
feel chilly, shiver (with cold). frostig adj. frosty (a. fig.); fig. cold, frigid, icy. ' Frost salbe#/chilblain ointment; ' schaden m frost damage; schutzmittel mot. n anti-freezing mixture; ' wetter n frosty weather. frottierjen [fro'ti n] v/t. (no -ge-, h) rub; S(hand)tuch n Turkish '
Frucht [fruxt] / (-/=e) fruit (a. fig.); com; crop; fig. reward, result; 2bar adj. fruitful (esp.fig.); fertile (a. biol.); ' barkeit / (-/no pi.) fruitfulness; fertihty; 'Sbringend adj. fmit-bearing; fig. fruitful; 'Sen fig. v/i. (ge-, h) be of use; ' knoten m ovary; '21os adj. fruitless; , a. ineffective. friih [fry:] 1. adj. early; am en Morgen in the early morning; es Aufstehen early rising; ~e Anzeichen early symptoms; er former; 2. adv. in die morning; aufstehen rise early; heute ~ this morning; morgen tomorrow morning; er earlier; formerly, in former times; ~estens at the earliest; '2aufsteher w (-s/-) early riser, F early bird; '2e / (-/no pi.): in alter very early in the morning; 'Sgeburt / premature birth; premature baby or animal; ' Sgottesdienst m early service; . Sjahr n, Sling [' liq] m (-s/-e) spring; 'morgens adv. early in the morning; Lreif fig. adj. precocious; port w early morning exercises; '2stuck n breakfast; ' stiicken (ge-, h) 1. v/i. (have) breakfast; 2. v/t. have for breakfast; 'Szug m early train. Fuchs [fuks] m (-es/=e) zo. fox (a. fig.)t horse: sorrel. Fiichsin zo. ['fyksin] / (-/-nen) she'
fox, vixen. '
Fuchsljagd/fox-hun tfing); ' pelz ' nt fox-fur;
S'rot adj. foxy-red, sorrel; ' schwanz m foxtail; ©
Frommelei [frcema'lai] / (-/-en)
pad-saw; amarant(h); '2 teufels' wild F adj. mad with rage, F
thinking, idle wish. affected piety, bigotry. '
Frommigkeit / (-/-en) piety, religiousness; godliness; devoutness.
Fron [from] / (-/-en), ' arbeit /,
hopping mad. fuchteln ['fuxtaln] vji. (ge-, h): mit (dat.) wave (one s hands) about. Fuder ['fuidar] n (si-) cart-load; '
tun (of wine).
[J" fugue.j
dienst hist, m forced or com-
Fuge ['fuiga] / (-/-n) © joint; seam;/
pulsory labo(u)r or service; fig. drudgery. fronen ['froman] v/i. (dat.) (ge-, h) indvdge in; be a slave to. Front [front] / (-/-en) A front, facade, face; X front (line), line; pol., "f, etc.: front. fror [frorr] pret. of frieren. Frosch zo. [frof] m (-es/=e) frog; ' perspektive / worm s-eye view
fiiglen ['fyigsn] vlrefl. (ge-, h) sub-
' .v
mit, give in, yield (dat., in acc. to);
comply (with); ~sam adj. [ fydc-j '
(com)pliant; manageable. fiihl|bar adj. ['fy:lba:r] tangible, palpable; fig. sensible, noticeable; ' en (ge-, h) 1. c/t. feel; be aware of; s/ ch glucklich feel happy; 2 v/i.: mit j-m feel for or sympathize with s.o.; 'Ser m (-s/-) feeler '
(a. fig.); 'Sung / (-/-en) touch, contact (a. X); haben be in touch (m/t with); verlieren lose touch. fuhr [fu ] pret. of fahren. Fuhre ['furrs] / (-/-n) cart-loacL fiihren ['fytrsn] (ge-, h) 1. f/r. lead,
guide (bltnd person, etc.); show (zu
dar. to); wield {paint-brush, etc.); X command (regiment, etc.); have, bear (m&, fc.); cany on (convrrsaticm, etc.); conduct (campaign, etc.); run (shop, etc.); deal in (goods); lead (/i/e); keep (diary, etc.); ft try (cai«); wage (cxzr) (m/t, gegen against); durch show round; sich conduct o.s.3 behave (o.s.); 2. r/i. par/r, etc.: lead, run, go (noch, zu to); sports, etc.: (hold the) lead, be ahead;
zu lead to, result in;
113 -
fungieren [fuq'giiran] v/i. (no -ge-, h): - als officiate or act as.
Funk [fui)k] m (sjno pi.) radio, wireless; '-anlage / radio or wireless installation or equipment; ' bastler m do-it-yourself radio ham; '-bild n photo-radiogram. Funke ['fuijks] m (-nsf-n) spark; -.
fig. a. glimmer. '
Fuhrer m (-s/-) leader (a. pol., * sports); guide(-book); ' raum m cockpit; ' schein mot. m driving
* pilot s seat; stand S m (driver s) cab. ' Fuhr geld n, 'John m cartage, carriage; ' mann m (-[e]s =er, Fohr/eute) carter, carrier, wag(g)oner; '
broadcast. '
Funkier m (si-) radio or wireless operator; '-gerat n radio (communication) set; '-spruch m radio or wireless message; ' station / radio or wireless station; ' stille / radio -
ni sn] v/i. (no -ge-, h) function,
Funk'turcn m radio or wireless tower; '-verkehr m radio or wire-
less communication; '-wagen m radio car; wesen n (sino pi.) radio '
fiir prp. (acc.) [fya-] for; in exchange or return for; in favo(u)r of; in
haulage contractor, Arru a. trucker, teamster; '»werk n (horse-drawn) vehicle; cart, wag(g)on. Fulle ['fyb] / (-Ino pi) fullness (a. fig.) I corpulence, plumpness, stoutness; fig. wealth, abundance, profusion.
fiillen1 ['fylan] vju (ge-, b) fill (a.
tooth); sniff (cushion, poultry, etc).
Fiillen2 zo. U] n (si-) foal; male: colt; female: filly. '
Fulller F m (-s/-), ' federOialter
m) / fountain-pen; '-horn n horn of plenty; '..ung / (-/-en) filling; panel (of door, etc). Fund [funt] m (~{e]sl-e) finding, discovery; find. Fundament[funda'ment]n(-[e]s/-e) A foundation; fig. basis. ' Fimdlburo n lost-property office; '
gegenstand m object found; grube fig. f rich source, mine. fiinf adj. [fynfj five; 'Seek n pentagon; -fadb adj. [' fas] fivefold, quintuple; '£kampf m sports: pen'
tathlon; £linge ['Ui p] mfpL quintuplets pL; '« e adj. fifth; '2tel » (si-) fifth; '..tens ait?, fifthly, in the fifth place; '-ZehnCte) adj. fifteen(th); zlg adj. [' jsi?] fifty; ' zigste adj. fiftieth. .
s place; Schritt ~ Schritt step by step; Tag Tag day after day; ich s o .
me/ne Person ... as for me, I
wagen m radio patrol car. Funktion [furik'tsjom] / (-/-en) function; -ar Utsjo'nsir] m (s/-e) functionary, official; Sieren Uo-
driver; '-park m fleet (of lorries), Am. fleet (of trucks). ' Fuhrung / (-/-en) leadership; conduct, management; guidance; conduct, behavio(u)r; sports, etc: lead; ' szeugnis n certificate of good
Funken1 esp. fig. m (-s/-) *. Funke. ftmken2 c/r. (ge-, h) radio, wireless,
m mot. driver s seat,
licence. Am. driver's license; ' sitz '
adj. leading, prominent. Am. a. '
glitter; star: twinkle, sparkle.
das Fur und Wider the pros and cons pi. ' Furbitte / intercession. Furche ['furip] / (-/-n) furrow (a. in face); rut; © groove; '£n c/t. (ge-, h) furrow (a. face); © groove. Furcht [furtt] / (-Ino pL) fear, dread; ous « vor for fear of; 'Sbar adj. awful, terrible, dreadful. fiirchten ['fyrftsn] (ge-, h) 1. v/t. fear, dread; sich * vor (dat.) be afraid or scared of; 2. v/t.: urn fear for. '
fiirchterlich adj. s. furchtbar. ' furchtilos adj. fearless; 'Slosigkeit/(-JnopL) fearlessness; '-sam adj. timid, timorous; 'Ssamkeit/ (-Ino pL) timidity Furie fig. ['fu p] / (-/-n) fury. Furnler © [fur'ni ] n (-s/-e) veneer; Sen vju (no -ge-, h) veneer. ' Fiirlsorge / care; Cffentliche public welfare work; '-sorgeamt n welfare department; ' sorgeerrfehong / corrective training for juvenile delinquents; ' sorger m (-s/-) social or welfare worker; ' £sorglich adj. considerate, thoughtful, solicitous; '-sprrache / intercession (fur for, be; with); ' sprecher m intercessor. Furst [fyrst] m (-enI-en) prince; sovereign; ' enhaus n dynasty; .
Lenstand m prince's rank; Centum n (-s/=er) principality; 'Slich 1 adj. princely (a. fig.), royal; fig. magnificent, sumptuous; 2. adv.: leben live like a lord or king; '~lichkeiten flpl. royalties pi. Furt [furt] / (-/-en) ford. Furunkelj? [fu'rurikal] m (-s/-) boil,
2611 vji. (ge-, h): auf (dat.) be jased or founded on; ganger ' gerjar] m (-s/-) pedestrian; Lgeenk anat. n anlde joint; ' note / footnote; ' pfadm footpath; ' sack m foot-muff; ' sohle anat. f sole
of the foot; ' soldat X m footsoldier, infantryman; ' spur/footprint; track; ~stapfe ['Jtapfa] / (-/-n) footprint fig. a. footstep; ' steig m footpath; ' tritt m kick; ' wanderung / walking tour, hike; ' weg m footpath.
furuncle. '
Fiirwort gr. n (-[e]s/=er) pronoun. Fusel F ['fuizal] m (-s/-) low-quality spirits, F rotgut. Fusion 'f [fu:'zjo:n]/(-/-en) merger, amalgamation. Fufl [fu:s] m (-es/Ke) foot; ~ fossen find a foothold; fig. become established; auf gutem (sch/echtem) stehen m/ t be on good (bad) terms with; zu on foot; zu gehen walk; gut zu sein be a good walker; ' abstreifer m (si-) door-scraper, door-mat; ' angel / mantrap; Lball m (association) football, F and Am. soccer; ' ballspieler m football player, footballer; ' bank / footstool; ' bekleidung / footwear, footgear; ' boden m floor ' (-ing); bodenbelag m floor covering; '»,bremse mot. f foot-brake; '
gab [ga:p] pret. of geben. Gabe ['garba] / (-/-n) gift, present; alms; donation; dose; talent. Gabel ['gaibal] / (-/-n) fork; '2n v/refl. (ge-, h) fork, bifurcate; ' ung / (-/-en) bifurcation. gackern ['gakam] v/i. (ge-, h) .
gafien ['gafan] v/i. (ge-, h) gape; stare.
Gage ['gaisa] / (-/-n) salary, pay. gahnen ['geman] 1. vji. (ge-, h) yawn; 2. 2 n (s/no pi.) yawning. Gala ['gala] / (-/no pi.) gala; in ~ in full dress. '
galant adj. [ga lant] gallant; courteous ; 2erie [ a ri:] / (-/-n) gallantry; '
Galeere * [ga'leira] / (-/-n) galley. Galerie [gala'ri:] / (-/-n) gallery. Galgen ['galgan] m (-s/-) gallows, gibbet; ' frist / respite; Lgesicht n gallows-look, hangdog look; ' Jtiumor m grim humo(u)r; ' strick m, Lvogel m gallows-bird, hangdog. Galle anat. ['gala] / (-/-n) bUe (of person); gall (of animal) (a. fig.); ' nblase anat. f gall-bladder; '»,nleiden & n bilious complaint; ' nstein m gall-stone, bile-stone. Gallert ['galart] n (-[e]s/-e), [ga'lerta] / (-f-n) gelatine, jelly. ~
114 -
Futter ['futsrj n 1. (-s/m> pi.) food, si. grub. Am. F a. chow; feed, fodder; 2. (-s/-) lining; A casing. Futteral [futa'ra:!] n (-s/-e) case (for spectacles, etc.); cover (of umbrella); sheath (of knife). ' Futtermittel n feeding stuff. fiittem ['fytam] vft. (ge-, h) feed; line (dress, etc.); A case. '
Futter|napf m feeding bowl or dish; '~neid fig. m (professional) jealousy; '..stoff »i lining (material). ' Futterung/(-/-en) feeding; lining; A casing. Futur gr. [fu'tu:r] n (-s/-e) future (tense).
gallig g. adj. bilious. Galopp [ga'bp] m (-s/-s, -e) gallop; canter; 2ieren U'pirran] v/i. (no ge-, sein) gal'op; canter. gait [gait] pret. of gelten. galvani|sch adj. [gal varnij] galvanic; sieren [ ani -] v/t (no -ge-, h) galvanize. Gang1 [garj] m (-[e]s/»e) walk; 5. Gangart; fig. motion; running, working (of machine); errand; way; course (of events, of a meal, etc.); passage(-way); alley; corridor, gallery; in vehicle, between seats: gangway, esp. Am. aisle; g§ corridor, Am. aisle; fencing: pass; anat. duct; mot. gear; erster (zwe/ter, dritter, vierter) low or bottom (second, third, top) gear; in bringen or setzen set going or in motion. Am. operate; in «, kommen get going, get started; im sein be in motion; ® be working or running; fig. be -
in progress; in vollem swing.
~ in full
gang2 adj. [J] r«. und gabe customary, traditional. '
Gang)art / gait, walk (of person); pace (of horse); '2bar adj. road: practicable, passable; money: current; -if goods: marketable; s. gangig-
Gangelband ['gerjal-J n leading-
115 -
fuhren keep in
beit / gardening; ' bau m horti-
leading-strings, lead by the nose. gangig adj. fgerjig] money: current;
culture; ' erde/(garden-)mo(u)ld; Lfest n garden-party. Am. a. lawn party; Lgerate nfpl. gardeningtools pi.; ' stadt / garden city.
strings pi.; am
f goods: marketable;
er Ausdruck
oirrent word or phrase. Gans om. [gans] / (-/=e) goose.
Ganse|bliimchen 4 ['genzablyim-
gan] « (-s/-) daisy; Lbraten m roast goose; ' feder / goose-quill; fuOchen [' fyis an] n/pl. quotation marks pi., inverted commas pi.; Lhaut / goose-skin; fig. a. gooseflesh, Am. a. goose pimples pi.; ' klein n ( s/no pi.) (goose-)giblets pi.; ' marsch m single or Indian file; «rich om. [' rig] m (-s/-e) gander; ' schmalz « goose-grease. ganz [gants] 1. adj. all; entire, whole; complete, total, full; den en Tag all day (long); 2. adv. quite; entirely, etc. (s. 1.); very; Auge (Ohr) all eyes (ears); «, und gor wholly, totally; und gar nicht not at all; im ~en on the whole, generally; in all; "f* in the lump; 'Se n (-n/no p/ ) whole; totality; aufs gehen go all out, esp. m. i/. go the whole hog. ganzlich adj. ['gentsli?] complete, ~
total, entire. '
/ full-
time job or employment.
gar [ga:r] 1. adj. food: done; 2. adv. quite, very; even; «, nicht not at all. Garage [ga'rarsa] / (-/-n) garage. Garantie [garan'tiiJ/W-n) guarantee, warranty, s% guaranty; 2ren v/t. (no -ge-, h) guarantee, warrant. Garbe ['garba] / (-/-n) sheaf. Garde ['garda] / (-/-n) guard. Garderobe [garda'roiba] / (-/-n) wardrobe; cloakroom. Am. checkroom; thea. dressing-room; ~nfrau / cloak-room attendant. Am. hatcheck girl; ~nmarke / check; *,nschrank m wardrobe;
Gartner ['gertnar] m (-s/-) gardener;
ei U'rai] / (-/-en) gardening, horticulture; nursery; ' in / (-/-nen) gardener.
Garung ['geirurj] / (-/-en) fermentation.
Gas [ga:s] n (-es/-e) gas; geben mot. open the throttle. Am. step on the gas; ' anstalt / gas-works, Am. a. gas plant; Lbehalter m gasometer. Am. gas tank or con-
tainer; Lbeleuchtung / gaslight; ' brenner m gas-burner; 2formig adj. [' foermig] gaseous; '-Jiahn m gas-tap; ' herd m gas-stove. Am. gas range; '-leitung / gas-mains
pi.; ' messer m (-s/-) gas-meter; ' ofen m gas-oven; ' pedal mot. n accelerator (pedal). Am. gas pedal. Gasse ['gasa] /(-/-n) lane, by-street, alley(-way); '~nhauer m (-s/-) street ballad, popular song; ' njunge m street arab. Gast [gast] m (-es/=e) guest; visitor; customer (of public house, etc.); thea.: guest (artist); guest star; ' arbeiter m foreign worker; ' bett n spare bed. Gaste|buch ['gesta-] n visitors' book; '~zimmer n guest-room; spare (bed)room; s. Costs tube. ' gastlfreundlich adj. hospitable; ' fifreundschaft/hospitality; 'figeber m (-s/-) host; 'Egeberin / ' (-/-nen) hostess; fihaus n, '2hof m restaurant; inn, hotel; 'Shorer univ. m guest student. Am. a. .
auditor. '
gastieren thea. [gas tiiran] vji. (no ge-j h) appear as a guest.
gastjlich adj. hospitable; 'Smahl n feast, banquet; 'Srecht n right of or to hospitality; 'Srolle thea. / guest part; starring part or role; ' 2spiel thea. n guest appearance or performance; starring (performance) ;' 2statte /restaurant;12stube / taproom; restaurant; '2wirt m innkeeper, landlord; '2wirtin / innkeeper, landlady; '2wirtschaft / inn, public house, restaurant;
m coat-stand, hat-stand, hall-stand. Garderobiere [gardaro'bjeira] / (-/-n) s Garderobenfrau; thea. .
wardrobe mistress.
Gardine [gar'dirna] / (-/-n) curtain.
gar|en ['geiran] vfi. (trr., ge-, h, se/n) ferment; '£mittel n ferment. Garn [gam] n (-[e]s/-e) yam; thread; cotton; net; j-m ins ~ gehen fall into s.o.'s snare.
garrison, post.
Garnitur [gami'tuir] / (-/-en) trimming; © fittings pi.; set. garstig adj. ['garsti?] nasty, bad; ugly. Garstoff m ferment.
Garten ['gartan] m (-s/O garden; ' anlage / gardens pi., park; ' ar~
2zimmer « s. Gastezimmer.
garnieren [gar'niinm] vjt. (no -ge-, h) trim; garnish (esp. a dish). Garnison X [gami'zoin] / (-/-en)
/ (-/-n)
Gas|uhr / gas-meter; '~werk n *. Gasanstalt.
Gatte ['gata] m (-n/-n) husband; spouse, consort.
Gatter ['gatar] n (-s/-) lattice; rail'
ing, grating. Gattin/(-/-nen) wife; spouse, consort.
Gattung ['gatuq] / (-/-en) kind; sort; type; species; genus. gaukeln ['gaukaln] v/i. (ge-, h) juggle; birds, etc.: flutter.
Gaul [gaul] m (-[e]s/=e) (old) nag. Gaumen anat. ['gaumsn] m (-s/-) palate. Gauner ['gaunsr] m (-s/-) scoundrel, swindler, sharper, si. crook; ei I 'rai] / (-/-en) swindling, cheating, trickery. Gaze ['garza] / (-/-n) gauze. Gazelle zo. [ga1tsel3]/(-/-n) gazelle. Geachtete [gs'sgtsts] m, f (-n/-n) outlaw.
Geback [ga'bek] n (-[e]s/-e) baker's goods pi.,' pastry; fancy cakes pi. ge'backen p.p. of backen. Gebalk [ga'belk] n (-[e]s/«o pi.) framework, timber-work; beams pi. gebar [ga barr] pret. of gebaren. '
Gebarde [ga'beirdaJ/ -Z-n) gesture; 2n vlrefl. (no -ge-, h) conduct o.s., behave; ~nspiel n (-[e]s/«o pi.) gesticulation; dumb show, pantomime; ~nsprache / language of gestures.
Gebaren [ga'barren] n (-s/no pi.) condurt, deportment, behavio(u)r. gebaren [ga berran] vlt. (zm, no ge-, h) bear, bring forth (a. fig.); give birth to. '
Gelbaude [ga'bDYda] n (-s/-) building, edifice, structure; ~bell U'bel] n (-[e]s/nu pi.) barking. geben ['geibsn] vtt. (im, ge-, h) give (j-m et. s.o.; present (s.o. with; put; yield; deal (cards); pledge (one's word); von sich ~ emit; utter (words); bring auf up, vomit (food); et. (n; chts) (acc.) set (no) great store by; sich geschlagen ~ give in; sich zufr/eden '
content o.s. (m/t with); sich zu erkennen
make o.s.
known; es
116 -
[ 'blyrmt]pattern, design: flowered; material: sprigged; 'bogen l.p.p. of biegen; 2. adj. bent, curved; boren U'borran] 1. p.p. of gebaren; 2. adj. bom; e/n er Deutscher German by birth; e Schmidt nee Smith.
ge'borgen 1. p.p. of bergen; 2. adj. safe, sheltered; 2heit / (-Ino pi.) safety, security. geborsten [ga'bDrstan] p.p. of bersten.
Ge'bot n (-[e]s/-e) order; command; bid(ding), offer; eccl.: die Zehn pi. the Ten Commandments pi.; 2en p.p. of bieten. ' ge|bracht [gs braxt] p.p. of bringen; brannt [ 'brant] p.p. of brennen; Jbraten p.p. of braten. Ge'brauch m 1. (-[ejsjno pi.) use; application; 2. (-[e]s/=e) usage, practice; custom; 2en v/t. (no -ge-, h) use, employ; 2t adj. clothes, etc. -
gebrauchlich adj. [ga'breYsli?] in vise; usual, customary.
Ge'brauchsjanweisung / direc-
tions pi. or instructions pi. for use; artikel m commodity, necessary, requisite; personal article; 2fertig adj. ready for use; coffee, etc.: instant; muster n sample; registered design. Ge'brauchtlwagen mot. m used car; ~waren f/pl. second-hand articles pi. Ge'brechen n (-si-) defect, infirmity; affliction. ge'brechlich adj. fragile; p.: frail, weak; infirm; 2keit / (-/-en) fragility; infirmity. ~
gibt there is, there are; was gibt es? what is the matter?; thea.: gegeben
gebrochen [ga'braxan] p.p. of bre-
werden be on.
Gelbriider [ga'bryidar] pi. brothers pi.; -briill U'bryl] n (-[e]s/no pi.)
Gebet [ga'beit] n (-[e]s/-e) prayer. beten p.p. of bitten. Geblet [ga'biit] n (-[e]s/-e) territory; district; region; area; fig.: field; province; sphere. '
roaring; lowing (of cattle). Gebiihr lg9[by:i]f(-l-en) due; duty; charge; rate; fee; en pi. fee(s pi.), dues pi.; 2en vji. (no -ge-, h) be
ge'bietlen (zrr. b/eten, no -ge-, h)
due (dot. to); sich be proper or fitting; 2end adj. due; becoming; proper; 2enfrei adj. free of charge; 2enpflichtig adj. liable to charges, chargeable. gebunden [ga bundsn] 1. p.p. of binden; 2. adj. bound. Geburt [ga'buirt] / (-/-en) birth; enkontrolle /, ~enregelung / birth-control; enziffer / birth-
v/t. order, command; 2. v/i. rule; 2er m (-s/-) master, lord, governor; 1
2erm / (-j-nen) mistress; erisch adj. imperious; commanding. Gebilde [ga'bilda] n (-si-) form, shape; structure; 2t adj. educated; cultured, cultivated.
Gebirg e [gs'birga] n (-si-) mountains pi.; mountain chain or range; 2ig adj. mountainous; bewohner m mountaineer; szug m mountain range.
gebiirtig adj. [ga'byrtig]:
aus a
native of.
Ge'bifi « (Gefa/sses/Geb/sse) (set of) teeth; (set of) artificial or false teeth, denture; harness: bit.
gefbissen p.p. of be/flen; Jblasen of blasen; Jblichen p.p. of bleichen 2; ~blieben U'bli-bsn]
Ge'burtslanzeige / annovmcement of birth; ~fehler m congenital defect; .heifer m obstetrician; hilfe / obstetrics, midwifery;
tive country; ort m birth-place; schein m bixxh certificate; tag m
jahr n year of birth; Jland n na-
birthday; ~urkunde / birth certificate.
Gebiisch [ga'byj] n (-es/-e) bushes pi., undergrowth, thicket. gedacht [ga daxt] p.p. of denken. Gedachtnis [ga'degtnis] n (-ses/-se) memory; remembrance, recollection; im « behalten keep in mind; zum (gen.) in memory of; ~feier / commemoration. Gedanke [ga'daqka] m (-ns/-n) thought; idea; in ~n (versunken or verloren) absorbed in thought; sich machen iiber (ace.) worry about. '
Ge'danken|gang m train of thought; leser m, ~leserin / (-/-nen) thought-reader; 21os adj. thoughtless; strich m dash; 2voll adj. thoughtful, pensive. Geldarm [ga'derm] n (-[e]s/-e) mst pi. entrails pi., bowels pi., intestines pi.; ~deck U'dek] n (-[e]s/-e) cover; menu; ein auflegen lay a place. gedeihen [ga'daian] 1. vfi. (irr., no ge-, sein) thrive, prosper; 2. 2 n (s/no pi.) thriving, prosperity. ge'denken \.vli.(gen.) (irr. denken, no -ge-, h) think of; remember, recollect; commemorate; mention; zu inf. intend to inf.; 2. 2 n (s/no pi.) memory, remembrance (on acc. of). -
Ge'denkjfeier / commemoration; stein m memorial stone;
tafel /
commemorative or memorial tablet.
Ge'dicht n (-[e]s/-e) poem. [ga'diigan] gediegen adj '
solid; pure; 2heit / (-jno pi.) solidity; .
purity. '
gedieh [ga di:] pret. of gedeihen; en p.p. of gedeihen. Gedrangle [ga'dreip] n (s/no pi.) crowd, throng; 2t adj. crowded, packed, crammed; style: concise. ~
dreschen; Jdriickt fig. adj'. depressed; drungen U'drurjan] 1 p.p. of dringen; 2. adj'. compact; squat, stocky, thickset. Geduld [ga'dult] / (-/no pi.) patience; 2en Udan] vfrefl. (no -ge-, h) have patience; 2ig adj'. Udig] patient. gejdunsen adj. [gs'dunzan] bloated; .
Jlurft U'dvurft] p.p. of diirfen 1;
hrt adj. U'e:rt] hono(u)red; correspondence: Sehr ~er Herr N.t Dear Sir, Dear Mr N.; eignet adj. U'aignat] fit (fur, zu, als for s.tfu); suitable (to, for); qualified (for). Gefahr [ga'fair] / (-/-en) danger, peril; risk; auf eigene *, at one s own risk; laufen zu inf. run the risk of ger. gefahrden [ga'feirdan] v/t. (no -ge-, h) endanger; risk. ge'fahren p.p. of fahren. Me
gefahrlich adj. [ga'feirli?] dangerous.
117 -
ge'fahrlos adj. without risk, safe. Ge£ahrt|e [ga'feirta] m (-en/-en), in / (-/-nen) companion, fellow. Gefalle [ga'fela] n (-s/-) fall, slope, incline, descent, gradient, esp. Am. a grade; fall (of river, etc.). Ge'falien 1. m (si-) favo(u)r; 2. n finden an (dat.) take (-s/no pi ): (a) pleasure in, take a fancy to or for; 3. 2 vji. (irr. fallen, no -ge-, h) please (j-m s.o.); er gefallt mir I like him; sich et. « lessen put up with; 4. 2 p.p. of fallen. gefallig adj. [ga felig] pleasing, agreeable; p.: complaisant, obliging; kind; 2keit / (-l\-en) complaisance, kindness; favo(u)r; st adv. (if you) please. ge'fangen 1. p.p. of fangen; 2. adj. captive, imprisoned; 2e m (-n/-n), / (-nj-n) prisoner, captive; 2enlager n prison(ers') camp; 2nahme/(-Ino pi.) capture; seizure, arrest; ~nehmen t»/r. (irr. nehmen, sep., -ge-, h) take prisoner; , captivate; 2schaft / (-Ino pi.) captivity, imprisonment; ~setzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) put in prison. Gefangnis [ga'fegnis] « (-ses/se) prison, jail, gaol. Am. a. penitentiary; direktor m governor, warden; strafe/(sentence or term ~
warder, gaoler, jailer, (prison) guard. Gefafi [ga'fers] n (-es/-e) vessel. gefafit adj. [ga fast] composed; auf (acc.) prepared for. '
Ge|£echt [ga'fegt] n (-[e]s/-e) engagement; combat, fight; action; £ieder [Jfirdar] n (-s/-) plumage,
feathers pi.
gepfleckt adj. spotted; ~flochten [Jfbxtsn] p.p. offlechten; flogen [Jflorgan] p.p. of fliegen; flohen [Jfloran] p.p. of fliehen; [Jfbsan] p.p. of fliefien.
Gel'fliigel n (-s/no pi.) fowl; poultry; ~fluster [Jflystar] n (-s/no pi.) whisper(mg). '
gefochten [ga fDxtan] p.p. of fechten.
n (-s/no
train, followers pi.; attendants pi.; schaft [Jcjaft] / (-/-en) foUowers pi. gefrafiig adj. [ga frersi?] greedy, voracious; 2keit/(-/no pi.) greediness, gluttony, voracity. ge'fressen. p.p. of fressen. ~
ge'frierlen v/i. (irr. frieren, no -ge-, sein) congeal, freeze; Sfleisch n frozen meat; 2punkt m freezingpoint; 2schutz(mittel n) m antifreeze. '
gefroren [ga froiran] p.p. of frieren; 2e n (-n/no pi.) ice-cream. Gefiige [ga'fyiga] n (si-) structure; texture.
ge'fiigig adj. pliant; £keit / {-Ino pi.) pliancy.
ge|funden [ga'fundan] p.p. of finden; ~gangen [ 'gaqsn] p.p. of gehen. ge'geben p.p. of geben; enfalls adv. in that case; if necessary. gegen prp. (acc.) ['geigsn] space, time: towards; against, 2*5 versus; about. Am. around; by; compared with; (in exchange) for; remedy: for; freundlich sein be kind to bar for cash. (-wards);
Gegen|angriff m cotmter-attack; ' antrag m counter-motion; antwort / rejoinder; ' befehl m
counter-order; ' beschuldigung / besuch m return countercharge; visit; Lbewegung/counter-move'
Gegend ['ge:g3nt] / (-/-en) region; area. '
Gegenjdienst m return service, service in return;
druck m coun-
. reaction; Sei'nan-
der adv. against one another or each other; ' erklarung/counterstatement; ' forderung / counterclaim; ' frage /counter-question; .
geschenk n return present;
gewicht n counterbalance, counterpoise; ' n antidote; kandidat m rival candidate;
klage / countercharge; ' leistung / return (service), equivalent; lichtaufnahme phot, ['gaiganli t'-]/back-lighted shot; ' liebe/ requited love; kerne finden meet
vriih no sympathy or enthusiasm;
Lmafinahme / counter-measure; ' »,mittel n remedy (gegen for), antidote (against, for); ' partei / opposite party; probe / checktest; '~satz m contrast; opposition; '
zu in contrast to or with, in
opposition to; Ssatzlich adj. zetsli?] contrary, opposite; ' seite/ opposite side; 'Sseitig adj. mutual, reciprocal; '~seitigkeit/(-/no pi.): auf assurance: mutual; auf ~ beruhen be mutual; ' spieler m games,
nist; 'espionage / counter-espionage; '~stand m object; subjea, topic; '~str6mung / counter-current; stiick n counterpart; match; Lteil n contrary, reverse; im on the contrary; 'Steilig adj. contrary, opposite; S'iiber 1. adv. opposite; 2 prp. (dat.) opposite (to); to (-wards); as against; face to face with; Jiiber n (si-) vis-a-visj '
v/i. (irr. stehen, sep.,
ge-, h) (dat.) be faced with, face; Jiiberstellung esp. / confrontation; Lvorschlag m coimterproposal; ~wart [' vart] /(-/no pi.) presence; present time; gr. present tense; £wartig [' verti?] 1. adj. present; actual; 2. adv. at present; ' vwehr / defen|ce. Am. -se; resistance; '~wert m equivalent; ' wind m contrary wind, head wind; wirkung / counter-effect, reaction; ' Szeichnen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) covmtersign; ' zug m counter-move (a. fig.); corresponding train. ge|gessen [ga'gessn] p.p. of essen; glichen U'gli93n] p.p. of gleichen; »,'gliedert adj. articxilate, jointed; glitten [ 'ghtan] p.p. of gleiten; ~glommen [ 'gbman] p.p. of glimmen. Gegner ['geignsr] m (-s/-) adversary, opponent; ' schaft / (-/-en) -
Gefiihl [gs'fy:!] n (-[e]s/-e) feeling; touch; sense (fur of); sensation; Slos adj. unfeeling, insensible (gegen to); Ssbetont adj. emotional; £voll adj. (full of) feeling; tender;
118 -
ge I golten [ga'goltsn] p.p. of ge/ten; goren [ 'goiran] p.p. of garen; gossen [ 'gosan] p.p. of gieBen; graben p.p. of graben; griffen U'grifan] p.p. of greifen; habt U'haipt] p.p. of haben. ~
Gehalt [ga'halt] 1. m (-[e]s/-e) contents pi.; capacity; merit; 2. n (-[e]s/=er) salary; Sen p p. of hal.
ten; 21os [Jo:s] adj. empty; , 8empfanger [gs'halts9-] m salaried employee or worker; ~serh6hung [ga'halts9-] / rise (in salary). Am. raise; 2voll adj. rich; substantial; urine: racy. gehangen [ga'harjsn] p.p. of hangen 1. gehassig adj. [gs'hesig] malicious, spiteful; Skeit / (-/-en) malice, spitefulness. ge'hauen p.p. of hauen. Ge|hause [ga'hoyza] n (-s/-) case, box; cabinet; shell; core (of apple, etc.); ~hege U'heigs] n (-$/-) enclosure. '
geheim adj. [ga haim] secret; 2dienst m secret service.
n (-ses/-se) secret; mystery; kramer m mysterymonger; 2voll adj. mysterious.
Ge'heim]polizei / secret pohce; ~polizist m detective; plain-clothes man; ~schrift / cipher; tel. code. ge'heifien p.p. of heiBen. gehen ['geian] v/i. (irr., ge-, sein) go; walk; leave; machine: go, work; clock, watch: go; merchandise: sell; toind: blow; paste: rise; wie geht es Ihnen? how are you (getting on)?; das geht n/cht that won t do; in sich repent; wieviel Pfennige ~ auf e-e Mark? how many pfennigs go to a mark?; das Fenster geht '
nach Norden the window faces or
looks north; es geht nichts fiber
119 -
adj. insane, mentally ill;
(acc.) there is nothing like; wenn es nach mir ginge if I had my way. Geheul [ga'hsYl] n (-[ejs/no pi.) howling. Ge'hilf |e m (-n/-n), / (-/-nen) assistant;/? , helpmate. Ge'hirn n (-[e]s/-e) brain(s pi.)',
erschiitterung # / concussion (of the brain); ~schlag jj? m cerebral
schwach adj. feeble-minded, im-
becile; Lverwandt adj. congenial; 2wissenschaften f/pl. the Arts '
pi., the Humanities pi.;
m state of mind. '
geistig adj. intellectual, mental; spiritual;
e Getronfce n/pl. spirits
pi. '
gehoben [gs ho sn] 1. p.p. of heben; 2. adj. speech, style: elevated; Stimmung elated mood. Gehoft [ga'hoift] n (-[e]s/-e) farm .
geholfen [ga hDifsn] p.p. of helfen. Geholz [gs'hoelts] n (-es/-e) wood, coppice, copse. Gehor [ga'hoir] n (-[e]s/rjo pi.) hearing; ear; nach dem by ear; schenken lend an ear to s.o.; j-m sich verschaffen make o.s. heard. ge horchen vji. (no -ge-, h) obey O m s.o.). ge'horlen v/i. (no -ge-, h) belong (dat. or zu to); es gehort sich it is proper or fit or right or suitable; das gehort nicht hierher that's not to the point; ig 1. adj. belonging (dat. or zu to); fit, proper, right; due; F good; 2. adv. duly; F thoroughly. gehorsam [gs'horrzarm] 1. adj. obedient; 2. 2 m (s/no pi.) obedi'
Gehlsteig m, Lweg m pavement,
Am. sidewalk; '~werk © n clockwork, works pi. Geier orn. ['gaiar] m (s/-) vulture.
Geige J ['gaigs] / (-/-n) violin, F fiddle; (auf dec)
spielen play (on) the violin; ' nbogen J m (violin-) bow; '~nkasten J" m violin-case; ' r J m (-s/-), Lrin J" / (-/-nen)
geistlich adj. spiritual; clerical; sacred; '26 m (-n/-n) clergyman; minister; keit / (-/no pi.) clergy. geistjlos adj. spiritless; dull; stupid; ' reich adj., ' voll adj. ingenious, spirited.
Geiz [gaits] m (-esfno pi.) avarice; hals m miser, niggard; 'Sig adj. ~
avaricious, stingy, mean.
Gejammer [gs'jamar] n (s/no pi.) lamentation(s pi.), wailing. gekannt [gs'kant] p.p. of kennen. Geklapper [ga'klapar] n (s/no pi.) rattling.
Geklirr [ga'klir] n (-[e]sJno pi.), e [ a] n (s/no pi.) clashing, clank-
gejklungen [Jklurpn] p.p. ofklingen; Jkniffen p.p. of kneifen; Jkommen p.p. of kommen; konnt U'kont] p.p. of kdnnen 1,2.
Gejkreisch [gs'kraij] n (-es/no pi.) screaming, screams pi.; shrieking; kritzel [Jkritssl] n (s/no pi.) ~
scrawl(ing), scribbling, scribble.
heit / insanity, mental illness;
ge|krochen [gs'krDxsn] p.p. of kriechen; ~kunstelt adj. [Jkynstslt] affected.
ge'laden p.p. of laden. Ge'lage n (si-) feast; drinkingbout.
Gelande [gs'lsnds] n (-s/-) ground; terrain; coimtry; area; 2gangig mot. adj. cross-covmtry; ~lauf m sports: cross-country race or run.
geil adj. [gail] lascivious, wanton; luxuriant.
Geisel ['gaizal] / (-/-n) hostage. Geifi zo. [gais] / (-/-en) (she-, n (-[e]s/nw pi.)
busde; milling crowd.
gewunden [ga'wundan] 1. p.p. of winden; 2. adj. twisted; winding. Gewiirz [ga'vyrts] n (-es/-e) spice; condiment; ~nelke / clove. ge'wufit p.p. of wissen.
Ge|'zeit /: mst ~en pi. tide(s pi.); Jzeter n (s/no pi.) (shrill) clamo(u)r.
tsorgan] p.p. of ziehen. Gezwitscher [ga'tsvitjar] n (sjno pi.) chirping, twitter(ing). gezwungen [ga'tsvuqan] 1. p.p. of zw/ ngen; 2. adj. forced, con[
Gicht £ [gi?t] / (-Ino pi.) gout; ' Sisch # adj. gouty; ' knoten £ m gouty knot. Giebel ['grbal] m (si-) gable(-end). Gier [gi:r] / (-Ino pi.) greed(iness) (noch for); 'Sig adj. greedy (noch for, of). '
Giefibach m torrent.
Ge'wirr n (-[e]s/-e) tangle, entanglement; streets: maze; voices: confusion. '
gewifi [gs vis] 1. adj. certain; e/ n gewisser Herr N. a certain Mr. N., one Mr. N.; 2. adv.: ! certainly!, to be sure!. Am. sure!
Ge'wissen n (s/-) conscience; Shaft adj. conscientious; Slos adj. unscrupulous; ~sbisse mlpl. remorse, pangs pi. of conscience; sfrage / question of conscience. gewissermafien adv. [gavisar' maissn] to a certain extent. Ge'wifiheit / (-/-en) certainty; certitude.
/ thundercloud. ' ge[woben [gs voibsn] p.p. of weben; ' wogen 1. p.p. of wagen and wiegen1; 2. adj. (dat.) well or kindly disposed towards, favo(u)rably inclined towards.
pour; @ cast, found; water (flowers); 2. v/i.: es g/eflt it is pouring
(with rain); 'Ser m (s/-) founder; Serei [Jrai] / (-/-en) foundry; Skanne / watering-can or -pot. Gift [gift] n (-[e]s/-e) poison; venom (esp. of snakes) (a. fig.); malice, spite; 'Sig adj. poisonous; venomous; malicious, spiteful; '~schlange/venomous or poisonous snake; zahn m poison-fang. Gigant [gi'gant] m (-en/-en) giant. Gimpel orn. f'gimpal] m (-$/-) '
ging [giq] pret. of gehen.
Gewitter [gs'vitar] n (-s/-) (thunder)storm; Sn v/i. (no -ge-, h): es gew/ttert there is a thunderstorm; «,regen m thunder-shower;
giefi|en [ girsan] (irr., ge-, h) 1. v/t.
Gipfel ['gipfal] m (s/-) summit, top; peak; '~konferenz pol. f summit meeting or conference; '2n v\i. (ge-, h) culminate. Gips [gips] m (-es/-e) min. gypsum; © plaster (of Paris); ' abdruck m, ' abgufi m plaster cast; '2en vlt. (ge-, h) plaster; ' verband # m plaster (of Paris) dressing. Giraffe zo. [gi'rafa] / (-/-n) giraffe.
127 -
girieren -f [si'riiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h)
believer; 2er -f l gar] m (-s/-)
endorse, indorse (bill of exchange). Girlande [gir'landa] / (-/-n) gar-
glaubwiirdig adj. ['glaup-] cred-
creditor. ible.
Giro 't Vsi'.ro] n (-s/-s) endorsement, indorsement; ' bank / konto n current clearing-bank; ~
gleich [glaig] 1. adj. equal (on dat. in); the same; like; even, level; in
er We/se likewise; zur en Ze/t at the same time; es ist mir it's all
girren f'giran] v/t. (fe-, h) coo. Gischt [gijt] m (-es/S -e) and f
the same to me; das
froth; spray; (-/S -en) foam spindrift. Gitarre J [gi'tara] / (-/-n) guitar. Gitter ['gitar] n (-s/-) grating; lattice; trellis; railing; ' bett n crib; ,
alike, equally; immediately, presently, directly, at once; just; es ist ocht (Uhr) it is close on or nearly eight (o'clock); ~altrig adj. [Laltrig] (of) the same age; ' artig adj. homogeneous; similar; uniform; ' bedeutend adj. synonymous; equivalent (to); tantamount (mit to); ' berechtigt adj. having equal rights; '~bleibend adj. constant, steady; ' en v/i. (irr., ge-, h) equal;
Lfenster n lattice-window.
Glac handschuh [gla'se:-] m kid glove. Glanz [giants] m (-es/no pi.) bright-
ness; lustlre. Am. -er; brilliancy; splendo(u)r. '
glanzen [ glentsan] v/i. (fe-, h) d adj. bright, glitter, shine; brilliant; fig. splendid. ' Glanzjleistung / brilliant achievement or performance; ' papier n glazed paper; ' punkt m highlight; ' zeit / golden age, heyday. Glas [gla:s] n (-es/ er) gkss; »,er [' zar] m (-s/-) glazier. glasern adj. ['glsrzam] of glass; fig. '
resemble. '
gleichlfalls adv. also, likewise; formig adj. [' foermig] uniform; ' gesinnt adj. like-minded; 'Egewicht n balance (a. fig.); equilib-
rium, equipoise; poL: der Krofte balance of power; '.vgiiltig adj. indifferent (gegen to); es ist mir
I don't care;
Glas | glocke /(glass) shade or cover; globe; bell-glass; ' hiitte / glassworks 5jr., pJ.
glasieren [gla'zirran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) glaze; ice, frost (cake). glasig adj. ['glaizi?] glassy, vitreous.
Glasscheibe / pane of glass. Glasur [gla'zuir] / (-/-en) glaze, glazing; enamel; icing, frosting (on cakes).
glatt [glat] 1. adj. smooth (a. fig.); even; lie, ere: flat, downright; road, etc.: slippery; 2. adv. smoothly; evenly; anliegen fit closely or tightly; rasiert clean-shaven; et. ableugnen deny flatly. Glatte ['gleta] / (-/-n) smoothness;
road, etc.: slipperiness. '
Glatteis n glazed frost, icy glaze, Am. glaze; F: ;-n oufs fuhren lead s o. up the garden path. .
glatten v/t. (ge-, h) smooth. Glatze ['glatsa] / (-/-n) bald head. Glaube I'glauba] m (-ns/S-n) faith, belief (on acc. in); '2n (ge-, h) 1 v/t. believe; think, suppose. Am. a. guess; 2. vfi. believe (j-m s.o.; an .
acc. in). '
wos du tust no
matter what you do; 'Sgiiltigkeit/ indifference; 'Sheit/ (-/-en) equality; likeness; 'Sklang m unison; consonance, harmony; ' kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein): e-r Sache amount to; j-m , equal s.o.; ' laufend adj. parallel; ' lautend adj. consonant; identical; Lmachen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) make equal (dat. to), equalize (to or with); 'Smafi n regularity; evenness; fig. equilibrium; Lmafiig adj. equal; regular; constant; even; ' fimut m equanimity; '~mutig adj. even-tempered; calm; namig adj. [' natmig] of the same name; Snis n (-sesl-se) parable; rhet. simile; ' sam adv. as it were, so to speak; ' schalten vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) (& synchronize; pol. co-ordinate, unify; ' seitig adj. equilateral; ' setzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) equate (dat. or mit with); ' stehen v/i. (irr. ste/ien, sep., -ge-, h) be equal; ' stellen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) equalize, equate (dat. widi); put 5.0. on an equal footing (with); 'Sstellung / equalization, equation; 'Sstrom / m direct current; 'Sung f (-/-en) equation; ' wertig adj. equivalent, of the same value, of equal value; ' zeitig adj. simultaneous; synchro-
glassy. '
the same;
as much; er /st n/cht (mehr) der e he is not the same man; 2. adv.
profession or confession of faith; ' lehre /, Lsatz m dogma, doctrine.
glaubhaft adj. ['glaup-] credible;
nous; contemporary.
Gleis [glais] n (-es/-e) s. Geleise. gleiten ['glaitan] v/i. (irr., ge-, sein)
plausible; authentic.
glaubig adj. ['gloybig] believing, faithful; 2e [' ga] m, f (-n/-n)
glide, slide. '
Gleit|flug m gliding flight, glide, volplane; ' schutzreifen m *
- 128 -
non-skid tyre, (Am. only) non-skid tire; '*schutz(vorrichtimg /) m anti-skid device.
Gletscher ['gletjar] m (-s/-) glacier; ' vSpalte / crevasse. glich [gUg] pret. of gleichen. Glied [gli:t] n (-[e]s/-er) anat. limb; member (a. anat.); link; rank, -
file; 2ern [' darn] o/r. (ge-, h) joint, articulate; arrange; divide O n acc. into); ' rung / (-/-en) articulation; arrangement; division; formation; wmafien [' tmaisan] pi. limbs pi., extremities pi. glimmen ['gliman] v/i. ([irr.,] ge-, h) fire: smo(u)lder (a. fig.); glimmer; '
glimpflich ['glimpfli?] 1. adj. lenient, mild; 2. adv.: ~ davonkommen get off lightly. glitschig adj. ['glit/ig] slippery. glitt [glit] pret. of gleiten. glitzern ['glitsarn] v/i. (ge-, h) glitter, glisten. Globus ['gloibus] m (-, -ses/Ghben, Globusse) globe. Glocke ['obka] / (-/-n) beU; shade; (glass) cover. '
Glocken|schlag m stroke of the
clock; ' spiel n chime(s pi.); ' stuhl m bell-cage; ' turm m bell tower, belfry. Glockner ['gloeknar] m (-s/-) bellringer. glomm [gbm] pret. of glimmen. Glorie ['gloirja] / (-/-n) glory; '.uischein fig. m halo, aureola. glorreich adj. ['glorr-] glorious. glotzen F ['gbtsan] v/i. (ge-, h) stare.
Gliick [glyk] n ( [e]slnopl.) forttme; good luck; happiness, bliss, felicity; prosperity; auf gut on the off chance; « hoben be lucky, succeed; das hoben zu inf. have the good fortune to in/.; j-m M wiinschen congratulate s.o. (zu on); vie/ ~/ good luck!; zum fortunately; ' £bringend adj. lucky. Glucke om. ['gluka] / (-/-n) sitting hen. [gen.l -
gliicken v/i. (ge-, se/n) 5. gelin-f
gluckern I'glukarn] v/i. (ge-, h) water, etc.: gurgle. ' gliicklich adj. fortunate; happy; lucky; '.er'welse adv. forttmately. ' Gliicksbringer m (-s/-) mascot. ' gliick selig adj. blissful, blessed, happy.
glucksen ['gluksan] v/i. (ge-, h) gurgle. '
Gliickslfall m lucky chance, stroke of (good) luck; Lgottia/ Fortune; ' kind n lucky person; 1.pfennig m lucky penny; ' pilz m lucky person; ' piel n game of chance; fig. gamble; ' stern m lucky star; ' wtag m happy or lucky day, red.
letter day.
liappy); 'Swunsch m congratulation, good wishes pi.; compliments pi.; zum Geburtstag many happy returns (of the day). Gliihlblrne / ['gly:-] / (electriclight) bulb; 'Sen v/i. (ge-, h) glow; ' Send adj. glowing; iron: red-hot; coal: live; fig. ardent, fervid; lS(end)lheifi adj. burning hot; ' wlampe / incandescent lamp; '
wein m mulled wine;
[' vyrmsan]
Glut [glu:t] / (-/-en) heat, glow (a. fig.); glowing fire, embers pi.; fig. ardo(u)r. Gnade ['gnaida] / (-/-n) grace; favo(u)r; mercy; clemency; pardon; X quarter. '
Gnadenjakt m act of grace; '»,brot
n (-[e]slno pi.) bread of charity; ' frist/reprieve; '~gesuch n petition for mercy. gnadlg adj. ['gnerdi?] gracious; merciful; address: 2e Frau Madam.
Gnom [gno:m] m (-en/-en) gnome, goblin. Gobelin [goba'le:] m (-s/-s) Gobelin tapestry.
Gold [golt] n (-[e]slno pi.) gold; ' barren m gold bar, gold ingot, bullion; ' borte / gold lace; Sen adj. [' dsn] gold; fig. golden; ' Jfeder / gold nib; 'Mfisch m goldfish; 'Sgelb adj. golden(-yel*,
low); rgraber [' greibar] m (-s/-)
gold-digger; '-grube / gold-mine; ShaltIg adj. gold-bearing, containing gold; Sig fig. adj. V sweet, lovely. Am. F a. cute; ' xnine / gold-mine; '*,munze / gold coin; 'vschmled m goldsmith; ' schnltt m gilt edge; mit ~ giltedged; ' stiick n gold coin; ' wwaage / gold-balance; Lwahrung / gold standard. Golf * geogr. [golf] m (-[e]s/-e) gulf. Golf2 U] n (sjno pi.) golf; 'Mplatz m golf-course, (golf-)links pi.; ' schlager m golf-club; ' spiel » golf; 'spieler m golfer. Gondel ['gondal] / (-/-n) gondola; '
mst car.
gonnen ['goensn] v/t. (ge-, h): j-m et. 8.0.
allow or grant or not to grudge
Conner m (-s/-) patron; Am. a. sponsor; 'Shaft adj. patronizing.
gor [go:r] pret. of garen. Gorilla zo. [go'rila] m (s/s) gorilla. gofi [gos] pret. of gieBen. Gosse ['gosa] / (-/-n) gutter (a. fig.). Gott [got] m (-es, -s/ser) God; god, deity; 'Sergeben adj. resigned (to the will of God).
service; 'Sfiirchtig adj. godfearing; ' whaus n church, chapel; '.laste-
rer m (-s/-) blasphemer; ' lastemng / blasphemy. ' Gottheit / (-'- n) deity, divinity. Gdttin t'gcetin] / (-/-nen) goddess. gottlich adj. t'gcEtli?] divine. gott lob int. thank God or goodness!; Jos adi. godless; impious; F fig. deed: unholy, wicked; '£ver'
trauen n trust in God.
129 -
Grat [gra:t] m (-[e]s -e) edge, ridge. Grate I'giz-.xa] f (-.-n) (fish-)bone. Gratifikation [gratifika'tsjo:n] / (-/-en) gratuin bonus. gratis adv. ['grains] gratis, free of charge. Gratul ant [gram lant] m (-en/-en) congratulator; ation [ tsjoin] / ( l-en) congratulation; £ieren f lirrsn] c z. (no -ge-, h) congratulate (j-m zu et. s.o. on; j-m zum Gebunstag wish s.o. many happy returns (of the day). grau adj. [grau] grey, esp. Am. gray. grauen1 r z. (ge-, h) day: dawn. grauen2 1. vli. (ge-, h): mir graut vor (dat.) I shudder at, I dread; 2 2 n (-s no pi.) horror (vor dat. of); erregend adj.,' Jiaft adj., 'woll adj. horrible, dreadruL graulich adj. ['grorli?] greyish, esp. Am. grayish. Graupe ['graup?] / (-/-n) (peeled) barley, pot-barley; ' In 1. f'pL sleet; 2. £ v i. (ge-, h) sleet. grausam adj. cruel; Skeit/W-en) cruelty. grausen [ grauzsn] 1. v,i. (ge-, h) 5 greuen2 J; 2. 2 n (s'no pL) horror (vor da. Ci). grausig adj. horrible. [graver. Graveur [gra'vorr] m (-s -e) engravieren [gra viirsn] r/r. (no -ge-, h) engrave; ~.dfig. adj. aggravating. gravitatisch adj. [gravi ieitij] grave; dignified; solemn; stately. Grazie ['grartsp] / (-/-n) grace(ful*
Gotze ['gcetss] m (-n/'-n) idol; ' Jibild n idol;' jidienst m idolatry.
Gouvemjante [guver'nants]/" /-!!) '
eur [ narr] m (-s/-e)
Grab [gra:p] n (-[e]s/=er) grave, tomb, sepulchre. Am. -er. Graben ['grarbsn] 1. m (-S/=) ditch; trench; 2. 2 v t. (z'tt., ge-, h) dig; ammal: burrow.
Grab'gewolbe [ gra:p-] n vault. tomb; ' mal n monument; tomb, sepulchjre. Am. -er; ' rede/funeral sermon; funeral oration or address; '
schrift / epitaph;
statte /
burial-place; grave, tomb; ' stein m tombstone; gravestone. Grad [grart] m (-[e]s/-e) degree; grade, rank; 15 ~. Kalte 15 degrees
below zero; ' einteilung/ graduation; ' mes.ser m (-s/-) graduated scale, graduator; fig. criterion; Jietz n map: grid. Graf [gra:f] m (-enZ-en) in Britain: '
earl; count,
Grafin ['gre:fin]/(-'-nen) countess. ' Grafschaft / (-/- n) county. Gram [grarm] 1. m (-[e]s no pL) grief, sorrow; 2. 2 adj.: j-m sein bear s.o. ill will or a grudge. gramen ['grermsn] v t. {ge-, h) grieve; sich grieve (ui>er acc. at,
' '
ness). '
grazios adj. [gra tsjers] graceful. greifen [ graifsn] (jrr., ge-, h) 1. v,t. seize, grasp, catch hold of; / touch (string); 2. v,i.: an den Hut touch '
for, over).
Gramm [gram] n (-s/-e) gramme, Am. gram. GrammatTk [gra'matik] / (-/-en) grammar; 2sch adj. grammaticaL Granat min. [gra'nart] m (-[e]s/- ) garnet; shell; grenade: splitter X m shell-splinter; trichter X m shell-crater; werfer X m (-s'-) mortar. Granit m-n. [gra'ni:t] m (-s/-e) granite. Granne ['grana] / (-/-n) awn,
s hat; nach grasp or snatch at; um sich spread; j-m unter die Arme give s.o. a helping hand; zu strengen iMitte/n resort to severe measures; zu den Wcffen take up arms. Greis [grais] m (-esi-e) old man; one
2eiihaft adj. [' zan-] senile (a. &); [ zin] / (- -nen) old woman. grell adj. [grel] light: glaring; colour: loud; sottnd: shrilL
Graphi;k ['grcufikl/C-'-en) graphic arts pL; £sch adj. graphic(al). Graphit min. [grafirt] m (-s/-e) graphite. Gras [gra:s] n (-es/=er) grass; '
Sbewachsen adj. [' bavakssnj grass-grown, grassy; Sen [' zsn)
vli. (ge-, h) graze; jialm m blade of grass; narbe / turf, sod; ' platz m grass-plot, green. grassieren [gra'siirsn] vfi. (no -ge-, '
h) rage, prevaiL
grkfilich adj. [ greslig] horrible; hideous, auocious.
Grenze ['grents?] / (-/-n) limit; territory: boundary; state: frontier, borders pi.; e-e - ziehen draw the line; £n v/i. (ge-, h): cn (acc.) border on (a. fig.); fig. verge on; 20105 adj. boundless. ' Grenzlfall m border-line case; Jand n borderland; '.Jinie / boundary or border line; ' schutz '
m frontier or border protection;
frontier or border guard; ' stein m boundary stone; ' iibergang m frontier or border crossing(-point). Greuel ['groTsl] m (-s/-) horror;
abomination; atrocity.
Grossist [gro'sist] m (-en/-en) s.
Griechje Vgriiqa] m(-nl-n) Greek;
grofi|jahrig adj. Cgroisjerrig] of age; werden come of age; 'Sjahrigkeit / (-/no pi.) majority, full (legal) age;
130 -
adj. Greek; A> features:
[ griisgrsimig]
morose, sullen.
Griefi [gri:s] m (-es/-e) gravel (a. jgB1) grit; semolina; ' brei m semolina pudding. Griff [grif] 1. m (-[e]s/-e) grip, grasp, hold; J touch; handle (0/ knife, etc.); hilt (of sword); 2. 2 pret. of gre/fen. Grille ['grib] / (-/-n) zo. cricket; fig. whim, fancy; 'Snhaft adj. ,
Grimasse [gri'masa] / (-/-n) grimace; schneiden pull faces. Grimm [grim] m (-[e]slno pi.) fury, rage; Sig adj. furious, fierce, grim. Grind [grim] m (-[e]s/-e) scab, '
/ (-/no
pi.) generosity;
adj. [ myiti?] magnanimous, gen-
erous; mutter / grandmother; ' 2neffe m great-nephew, grandnephew; nichte / great-niece, grand-niece; Sonkel m greatuncle, grand-uncle; Sschreibung / (-/-en) use of capital letters; capitalization; ' sprecherisch adj. boastful; ' spurig adj. arrogant; stadt / large town or city; stadtisch adj. of or in a large town or city; 'Stante/great-aunt, grand'
aunt. '
grinsen [ grinzan] 1. v/i. (ge-, h) grin (uber acc. at); sneer (at); 2. 2 n (-s/mo pi.) grin; sneer.
Grippe # ['gripaj / (-/-n) influenza,
[ groistantails]
mostly, chiefly, mainly. grofi|tun v/i. (irr. tun, sep., -ge-, h) swagger, boast; sich mit et. boast or brag of or about; Svater m grandfather; Sverdiener m (-s/-) big earner; '2wild n big game; ziehen vlt. (irr. ziehen, sep., -ge-, h) bring up (child); rear, raise (child, animal); ~zugig adj. [ tsyigig] liberal; generous; broad-minded; planning: a. on a large scale. grotesk adj. [gro tssk] grotesque. Grotte ['grota] / (-/-n) grotto. grub [gru:p] pret. of graben. Griibchen ['gryip an] n (-s/-) '
F flu(e), grippe.
grob adj. [grop] coarse; gross; rude; work, skin: rough; heit / (-/-en) coarseness; grossness; rudeness; en pi. rude things pi. ' grolen F [ grerlan] v/t. and vji. (ge-, h) bawl.
Groll [grol] m (-[e]s/«o pi.) grudge, ill will; 'Sen vli. (ge-, h) thunder: rumble; ;-m bear s.o. ill will or a grudge.
Gros1 -f [gros] n (-ses/-se) gross. Gros2 [gro:] n (-/-) main body. Groschen ['grojan] m (-s/-) penny. grofi adj. [gro:s] great; large; big; figure: tall; huge; . great, grand; heat:
chant; kraftwerk f n superpower station; 'Smacht / great power; 'Smaul n braggart; mut
intense; cold:
Grube ['gruiba] / (-/-n) pit; 55 mine, pit.
brooding, musing, meditation; 2n
heavy; die 2en pi. the grown-ups pi.; im en wholesale, on a large
['Un] v/i. (ge-, h) muse, meditate, ponder (all: uber acc. on, over),
scale; im en (und) ganzen on the whole; ~er Buchstabe capital (let-
ter); das ~e Los the first prize; ich bin ke/n ~er Tanzer I am not much
of a dancer;
artig adj. great,
grand, sublime; first-rate;
nahme f film: close-up. GrolJe ['groisa] / (-/-n) size; largeness; height, tallness; quantity (esp. fc); importance: greatness; p. celebrity; thea. star. ' Grofieltern pi. grandparents pi. ' grofienteils adv. to a large or great extent, largely. ' Grofienwahn m megalomania. ' Grofijgrundbesitz m large landed property; ' handel "f m wholesale trade; ' handelspreis "f m wholesale price; ' handler "f m wholesale dealer, wholesaler; ' handlung "f f wholesale business; herzog m grand duke; 'Jmdustrielle m big industrialist.
Am. F a. mull (over).
Grubenlarbeiter gas
n fire-damp;
m miner; lampe Rf
miner s lamp.
Gruft [gruft] / (-/-e) tomb, vault. griin [gry:n] 1. adj. green; er Her/ng fresh herring; er Junge greenhorn; ~ und blau schlagen beat s.o. black and blue; vom
en Tisch aus
armchair (strategy, etc.); (sino pi.) green; verdure.
2. 2 «
Grund [grunt] m (-[e]sl e) ground; soil; bottom (a. fig.); land, estate; foundation; fig.: motive; reason; argument; von auf thoroughly, fundamentally; ' ausbildung / basic instruction; X basic (military) training; ' bedeutung/basic or original meaning; Lbedingung /' basic or fundamental condition; begriff m fundamental or basic idea; e pi. principles pi.; rudiments pi.; Lbesitz m land(ed prop-
erty); besitzer m landowner; buch n land register. grund[en [ gryndsn] r/r. Cge-, h) establish; T promote; sich auf (acc.) be based or founded on; 'Ser m (si-) foimder; T promoter. grundl falsch adj. fundamentally wrong; Sfarbe / ground-colo(u)r; opt. primary colo(u)r; £flache / base; area (of room, etc,); 'Sgebiihr / basic rate or fee; flat rate; 'Sge'
131 -
Grutze ['grytsa] / (-/-n) grits pL, groats pL gucklen [ guksn] r/i. (ge-, h) look; peep, peer; Sloch n peepn or spy'
Sgesetz n fundamental law; fz appr. constitution; Skapital T " capital (fund); Slage / foundation, basis; 'Jegend adj. fundamental, '
basic. '
griindlich adj. [ gryntli?] thorough; knoizledge: profound. Grund linie /base-line; 'Slos adj. bottomless; fig.: groundless; unfounded; ' mauer / foundationwalL [Thursday. 1 Grun'donnerstag eccl. m Maundy/ ' Grundtregel / fundamental rule; ' rifi m A ground-plan; outline; satz m principle; compendium; Ssatzlich [' zetsli?] 1. adj. fundamental; 2. adv. in principle; on principle; schule / elementary or primary school; stein m A foundation-stone; fig. comer-stone; steuer/land-tax; ' stock m basis, foundation; ' stoff m element; '
strich m down-stroke; ' stuck n
plot (of land);
(real) estate; prem-
ises pi.; ' stiicksmakler m real estate agent. Am. realtor; / keynote; ground shade. '
ton m
GrundujQg / (-/-en) foundation, establishment.
grundlver schieden adj. entirely different; 'Swasser geol. n (under-) ground water; 'Szahl gr. / cardinal number; '£zug m main feature, characteristic
griinlich adj. greenish. Grunischiiabel fig. m greenhorn; whipper-snapper; ' span m
(-[e]slno pi ) verdigris. .
giiltig adj. [ gylti?] valid; effective,
danke m basic or fundamental idea;
guer(r)illa war.
in force; legal; coin: current; ticket: available;
Skeit / (-/no pi.) validity; currency (of money); availability (of ticket). Gummi ['gumi] n, m (sf-s) gum; (india-)rubber; ' ball m rubber ball; ' band n elastic (band); rubber band; ' baum m gum-tree; (india-)rubber tree. gum'mieren v/t. (no -ge-, h) gum. '
Gummi handschuh
glove; ' kniippel m truncheon, Am. club; ' schuhe m!pl. rubber shoes pi.. Am. rubbers pi.; sohle / rubber sole; ' stiefel m Wellington (boot). Am. rubber boot; ' zng m elastic; elastic webbing. Gunst [gunst] / (-/rw pi.) favo(u)r, goodwill; zu en (gen.) in favo(u)r '
of. '
gunst.ig adj. [ gynsti?] favo(u)rable; omen: propitious; im slen Fall at best; zu en Bedingungen y on easy
terms; Sling ['JLu]] m (-s/-e) favo(u)rite.
Gurgel ['gurgal] / (-/-n): j-m an die springen leap or fly at s.o.'s throat; 'Sn vfi. (ge-, h) & gargle; gurgle. Gurke ['gurks] / (-/-n) cucumber; pickled: gherkin. gurren ['guaran] vH. (ge-, h) coo. Gurt [gurt] m (-[e]s/-e) girdle; harness: girth; strap; belt. Giirtel ['gyrtsl] m (si-) belt; girdle; geogr. zone. Gufi [gus] m (GusseslGusse) © fotsnding, casting; typ. foimt. Am. font; rain: downpour, shower; eisen n cast iron; cast-iron;
Seisern adj.
stahl m cast steeL
gut1 [gu:t] 1. adj. good;
grunzen [ gmntssn] v/i. and vju
fair words; es Wetter fine weather;
(ge-, h) grunt. Grupple ['grups] / (-/-n) group; X section. Am. squad; Sieren f ' pi an] v/t. (no -ge-, h) group, arrange in groups; sich - form
er Dinge or en Mutes se/ n be of good cheer; e Miene zum bosen Spiel machen grin and bear it; so.' good!, well done!; werden get well, heal; fig. turn out well; ganz not bad; scnon never mind!, all right!; sei so und ... (will you) be so kind as to inf.; auf deutsch in plain German; sein love or like s.o.; 2. adv. j-m
Gruselgeschichte ['gruizsl-] / tale of horror, spine-chilling story or tale, F creepy story or tale. Grufi [gru:s] m (-es/=e) salutation; greeting; esp. X, salute; mst Griifle pi. regards p/.; respects pi., compliments pi. grufien [ gryis n] vft. (ge-, h) greet, esp. X salute; hail; ~ Sie ihn von mir remember me to him; j-n lassen send one's compliments or regards to s.o. '
well; e/n
gehendes Geschaft a
flourishing business; du hcst lachen it's easy or very well for you to laugh; es haben be lucky; be well off.
Gut3 U] n (-[e]s/=er) possession, property; (landed) estate; goods PL
132 -
Gutlachten n (-s/-) (expert) opin-
ion; ' achter m (-s/-) expert; consultant; 'Sartig adj. good-natured; # benign; diinken [' dynkan] n (s/no pi.): nach at discretion or pleasure. Gute 1. n (-n/no pi.) the good; ~s tun do good; 2. m, f (-nl-n): die n pi. the good pi. Giite ['gyita] / (-/no pi.) goodness, kindness; if class, quality; in amicably; F: me/ ne good gracious!; haben S/e die zu inf. be so kind as to inf.
approve (of); ' herzig adj. goodnatured, kind-hearted. '
giitig adj. good, kind(ly). ' giitlich adv.: sich einigen settle s th. amicably; sich tun an (dat.) .
regale o.s. on. '
gutlmachen v/t. (sep.s -ge-, h) make up for, compensate, repair; miitig adj. [' my:ti?] good-natured; 'Smiitigkeit / (-/** -en)
Giiterjabfertigung / dispatch of goods; = ' annahme / goods office, Am. freight office; ' bahnhof m goods station. Am. freight depot or yard; gemeinschaft s%/community of property; ' trennung /separation of property; ' verkehr m goods traffic. Am. freight traffic; '
gut gelaunt adj. good-humo(u)red; Lg aubig adj. acting or done in good faith; s. leichtglaubig; ' haben v/t. (irr. haben, sep., -ge-, h) have credit for (sum of money); '£haben Y n credit (balance); LheiCen v/t. (irr. he/Oen, sep., -ge-, h)
Haar [ha:r] n (-[e]s/-e) hair; sich die e kammen comb one s hair; sich die r*e schneiden lassen have one's '
hair cut; aufs
to a hair; um e/n
by a hair's breadth; ' ausfall m loss of hair; ' biirste / hairbrush; ' Sen v/i. and v/refl. (ge-, h) lose or shed one s hairs; ' esbreite/: um by a hair's breadth; '2'fein adj. (as) '
fine as a hair; fig. subtle; ' gefafi anat. n capillary (vessel); 'Sge'nau adj. exact to a hair; £ig adj. hairy; in compounds: ...-haired; 'S'klein '
adv. to the last detail;
klemme / hair grip. Am. bobby pin; ' nadel/ hairpin; ' nadelkurve / hairpin bend;
n hair-net;
' ol n
hair-oil;'2'scharf 1. adj. very sharp; fig. very precise; 2. adv. by a hair's breadth; ' schneidemaschine / (e-e a pair of) (hair) clippers pi.; ' Schneider m barber, (men s) hairdresser; ' schnitt m haircut; '
good nature. Gutsbesitzer m landowner; owner
of an estate. '
Gutlschein m credit note, coupon; voucher; fischreiben v/t. (irr. schreiben, sep., -ge-, h): j-m e-n Betrag put a sum to s.o.'s credit; ' schrift -f / credit(ing). ' Gutsjhaus n farm-house; manor house; Lherr m lord of the manor; landowner; ' hof m farmyard; estate, farm; ' verwalter m (land'
wagen m (goods) vvag(g)on. Am.
freight car; offener (goods) truck; geschlossener (goods) van. Am. boxcar; ' zug m goods train. Am. freight train.
schwund m loss of hair; ~spal-
te'rei / (-/-en) hair-splitting; ' JSstraubend adj. hair-raising, hor' rifying; tracht / hair-style, coiffure; ' wasche / hair-wash,
lord's) manager or steward. '
gutwillig adj. willing; obliging. Gymnasi|albildung [gymna'zja:!-] / classical education; ~ast [ ast] m (-enj-en) appr grammar-school boy; um U'narzjum] n (-s/Gymnasien) appr. grammar-school. .
Gymnasti|k [gym'nastik] / (-jno pi.) gymnastics pi.; 2sch adj. gymnastic.
Gynakologe 4? [gyne:ko'lo:g3] m (-nl-n) gyn(a)ecologist .
shampoo; ' wasser n hair-lotion; ' wuchs m growth of the hair; '
wuchsmittel n hair-restorer.
Habe ['haiba] / (-Ino pi.) property; belongings pi. haben ['hcr.ban] 1. vlt. (irr., ge-, h) have; F fig.: sich (make a) fuss; be of (no) etwas (n/ chts) auf sich consequence; unter sich be in '
control of, command; zu obtainable, to be had; da
goods: '
wir sl
there we are!; 2. 2 Y n (-s/-) credit (side). Habgier ['harp-]/avarice, covetousness; '2ig adj. avaricious, covetous.
habhaft adj. ['harphaft]: werden (gen.) get hold of; catch, apprehend. Habicht orn. ['haibi t] m (-[e]s/-e) (gos)hawk.
Hab|seligkeiten ['ha:p-] f/pl. property, belongings pi.; ' sucht / s. Habgier; '2suchtig adj. s. habgierig. Hacke ['haka] / (-/-n) S hoe, mattock; (pick)axe; heel. Hacken ['hakan] 1. m (-s/-) heel;
s heels; 2. 2 v/t. (ge-, h) S
hack {soil); '
133 -
kat © n semi-finished product; gar adj. underdone. Am. a. rare; ' 2gott m demigod; 'Ofaeit / (-/-en)
mince {meat); chop
(wood). Hackfleisch n minced meat, Am. ground meat.
Hacksel ['hEksal] n, m (-sjno pi.) chaff, chopped straw. Hader ['haidar] m (-sjno pi.) dispute, quarrel; discord; '2n vji. (ge-, h) quarrel (mit with). Hafen ['haifan] m (s/-) harbo(u)r; port; Lanlagen f/pl. docks pi.; ' arbeiter m docker. Am. a. longshoreman; '~damm m jetty; pier; ' stadt / seaport. Hafer ['haifar] m (-s/-) oats pi.; ' brei m (oatmeal) porridge; ' flocken flpl. porridge oats pi.; ' griitze / groats pi., grits pi.; ' schleim m gruel. Haft j% [haft] / (-/wo pi.) custody; detention, confinement; '2bar adj. responsible,2% liable (fiir for); ' befehl m warrant of arrest; 'Sen v/i. (ge-, h) stick, adhere (on dat. to); fur j% answer for, be liable for. Haftling fheftliri] m (-s/-e) prisoner. ' Haftpflicht & f liabUity; 'Sig adj. liable (fiir for); '~versicherung / third-party insurance. ' Haftung / (-/-en) responsibility, 2% liability; mit besdironkter
halbieren [hal'birran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) halve, divide in half;
Halb|insel / peninsula; ' jahr n half-year, six months pi.; 2jahrig adj. [ je'.ri?] half-year, six months; of six months; 'Sjahrlich 1. adj. half-yearly; 2. adv. a. twice a year; kreis m semicircle; Lkugel / hemisphere; 'Slaut 1. adj. low, subdued; 2. adv. in an undertone; '
Smast adv. (at) half-mast. Am. a. (at) half-staff; ' messer A" w (-i/-) radius; mond m half-moon, crescent; 'Spart adv.: ~ machen go halves, F go fifty-fifty; ' schuh m (low) shoe; ' schwester / halfsister; tagsbeschaftigung/parttime job or employment; 'Stot adj. half-dead; Swegs adv. [' .'verks] half-way; fig. to some extent, tolerably; ' welt / demi-monde; Swiichsig adj. [' vy:ksi?] adoles'
cent, Am. a. teen-age; sports: half(-time).
hager adj. ['hargar] lean, gaunt; scraggy, lank. Hahn [ha:n] m 1. orn. (-[e]s/=e) cock; rooster; 2. © (-[e]s/=»e, -en) (stop)cock, tap. Am. a. faucet; ' enkampf m cock-fight; ' en~
schrei m cock-crow.
Hai ichth. [hai] m (-[e]s/-e), Lf isch m shark.
Hain poet, [ham] m (-[e]s/-e) grove; wood.
hakeljn ['heikaln] v/t. and vji. (ge-,
Halde ['halda] / (-/-n) slope; dump.
half [half] pret. of helfen. moiety; die von half of. Halfter ['halftar] m, n (-s/-) halter. Halle ['hate] / (-/-n) hall; hotel: lounge; tennis: covered court; hangar. hallen ['haten] vli. (ge-, h) (re)sound, ring, (re-)echo. '
Hallen|bad n indoor swimmingbath, Am. a. natatorium; ' sport
m indoor sports pi. hallo [ha'lo:] 1. int. hallo!, hello!, hullo!; 2. 2 fig. n (-s/-s) hullabaloo. Halm * [halm] m (-[e]s/-e) blade; stem, stalk; straw. Hals [hals] m (-es/*e) neck; throat; tiber Kopf head over heels; auf dem haben have on one s '
back, be saddled with; sich den verrenken crane one s neck; ' ab-
h) crochet; 'Snadel/crochet needle
or hook.
schneider fig.
Haken ['harkan] 1. m (-s/-) hook (a. boxing); peg; fig. snag, catch;
2 vji. (ge-, h) get stuck, jam. ' hakig adj. hooked. halb [halp] 1. adj. half; e/ne .e Stunde half an hour, a half-hour; erne ~e Flasche Wein a half-bottle
er Ton / semitone. Am. a. half tone; 2. adv. half; voll half full;
so//e/ half as much; es schlug it struck the half-hour.
Sbruder m half-brother; 'Sdun-
kel n semi-darkness; dusk, twi-
er prp. (gen.) ['halbar] on
account of; for the sake of; 'Sfabri-
extortioner, F
(for dog, etc.); ' entziindung #/
of wine; e/n ~es }ahr half a year; Note «r minim. Am. a. half note;
shark; '~band n necklace; collar
' zeit /
Halfte ['helfta] / (-/-n) half, s«j
Hagel ['haigal] m (-s/-) hail; . a. shower, volley; ' .korn n hailstone; 2n vli. (ge-, h) hail (a. fig.); schauer m shower of hail, (brief)
throat; ' kette / necklace; string; chain; ' kragen m collar; ' schmerzen m/pl.: ~ hoben have a sore throat; 'Sstarrig adj. stubborn, obstinate; '~tuch n neckerchief; scarf; ' weite / neck size. Halt [halt] m (-[e]s/-e) hold; foothold, handhold; support (a. fig.); fig.: stability; security, mainstay. sore
halt 1. int. stop!; halt!; 2. F adv. just; das ist so that's the way it is. ' haltbar adj. material, etc.: durable, lasting; colour: fast; fig. theory, etc.: tenable.
halten (irr.,ge-, h) 1. vjt. hold (/erf,
position, water, etc.); maintain (position, level, etc.); keep (promise, order, animal, etc.); make, deliver (speech); give, deliver (lecture); take in (newspaper); fur regard as, take to be;
134 -
handshake; ' klatschen n (-s/no pi.) (hand-)clapping; applause.
Handel ['handal] m 1. (-s/no pi.)
m/t side with; be fond
commerce; trade; business; market; traffic; transaction, deal, bargain; 2. (-s/=): Handel pi. quarrels
of; kurz keep s.o. short; We/ (wenig) von think highly (little) of; s/ch hold out; last; food: keep; sich gerade hold o.s. straight;
pi., contention; 'Sn v/i. (ge-, h) act, take action; -f trade (m/t with s.o., in goods), deal (in goods); bargain (um for), haggle (over); von treat
s/ch gut in examination, etc.: do well; p. be well preserved; sich ~ an (acc.) adhere or keep to; 2. v/i. stop, halt; ice: bear; rope, etc.: stand the strain; ~ zu stick to or by; auf (acc.) set store by, value; auf sich pay attention to one s appearance; have self-respect. ' Halte punkt m etc.: wayside stop, halt; shooting: point of aim; phys. critical point; ' r m (-s/-) keeper; a. owner; devices:... holder; ' stelle / stop; §5 station, stop; ' signal n stop signal.
of, deal with; es handelt sich um it concerns, it is a matter of.
take for; es
Handels | abkommen n trade agreement; ' bank / commercial bank; ' Seinig adj.: werden come to terms; ' genossenschaft/traders' co-operative association; Lgericht n commercial court; gesellschaft '
/ (trading) company; '~haus n business house, firm; ' kammer/ Chamber of Commerce; ' marine
/ mercantile marine; ' minister m minister of commerce; President of the Board of Trade, Am. Secre-
haltflos adj. ['haltlo:s] p. unsteady, unstable;
etc.: baseless, without foundation; machen v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) stop, halt; vor nichts stick or stop; at nothing; 'Sung / (-/-en) deportment carriage; pose; fig. attitude (gegenuber towards); self-control; stock exchange: tone. hamisch adj. ['he:mij] spiteful,
tary of Commerce; ' ministerium n ministry of commerce; Board of Trade, Am. Department of Com-
mutton chop. Hammer f'hamar] m (-s/=) hammer;
man; Lschiffahrt / merchant shipping; ' schule / commercial school; ' stadt/commercial town; ' Siiblich adj. customary in trade; ' vertrag m commercial treaty, trade agreement. ' handeltreibend adj. trading. '
Handlfeger m (-s/-) hand-brush; fertigkeit / manual skill; 'Sfest '
adj. sturdy, strong; , well-founded, sound; ' feuerwaffen flpl. small arms pi.; ' flache / flat of the hand, palm; 'Sgearbeitet adj. hand-made; Lgeld n earnest money; X bounty; ' gelenk anat. n wrist; ' gemenge n scuffle, melee; gepack n hand luggage. Am.
(auctioneer's) gavel; unter den kommen come under the hammer.
hammern ['hemarn] (ge-, h) 1. vjt. hammer; 2. v/i. hammer (a. an dat. at door, etc.); hammer away (auf dat. at piano); heart, etc.: throb (violently), pound. Hamorrhoiden # [hemDro'iidan] flpl. h(a)emorrhoids pi., piles pi. Hampelmann ['hampalman] m jumping-jack; fig. (mere) puppet. Hamster zo. ['hamstar] m (-s/-) hamster; '2n vjt. and v/i. (ge-, h)
hand baggage; ' granate X / hand-grenade; 'Sgreiflich adj. violent; fig. tangible, palpable; werden turn violent. Am. a. get
tough; '~griff m grasp; handle, habe grip; fig. manipulation; fig. f handle; 'Shaben vjt. (ge-, h) handle, manage; operate (machine, etc.); administer (law); ' karren m '
Hand [hant] / (-l-e) hand; j-m die geben shake hands with s.o.; an (gen.) or von with the help or aid of; ous erster first-hand, at first hand;
be/ cfer , zur at hand; und FuB haben be sound, hold water; seine
im Spiele haben have a finger in the pie; Larbeit / manual labo(u)r or work; (handi)craft; needlework; ' arbeiter m manual labo(u)rer; '
reisende m commercial
F drummer; '~schiff n merchant-
Hammel f'hamal] m (-s/-, =) wether; ' fleisch n mutton; ' keule / leg of mutton; ' rippchen n (-s/-)
traveller. Am. traveling salesman,
' .koffer
Am. a. valise; ' kufi m kiss on the
hand; 'clanger m (-s/-) hodman, handy man; fig. dog's-body, henchman.
Handler ['hendlar] m (-si-) dealer, trader. '
bibliothek / reference library; breit 1. / (-/-) hand's breadth; 2 2 adj. a hand's breadth across; bremse mot. f hand-brake;
handlich adj. handy; manageable. Handlung ['handluq] / (-/-en) act, action; deed; thea. action, plot; if shop. Am. store.
buch n manual, handbook.
Hande|druck ['henda-] m (-[e]s/ae)
HancIlungs|bevollmachtigte m proxy; ' gehilfe m clerk; shop-
assistant. Am. salesclerk; Lreisen-
de m s. Handelsreisende; ' weise / conduct; way of acting.
Handlriicken m back of the hand;
schelle / handcuff, manacle; ' schlag m handshake; ' schreiben « autograph letter; ' schrift / handwriting; manuscript; '2schriftlich 1. adj. hand-written; 2 adv. in one's own handwriting; ' streich m schuh m glove; surprise attack, coup de main; im nehmen take by surprise; Ltasche /handbag. Am. a. purse; Ltuch n towel; ' voll / (-/-) handful; ' wagen m hand-cart; '«werk n (handi)craft, trade; ' werker m artisan; (-s/-) (handi)craftsman workman; ' werkzeug n (kit of) tools pi.; ' wurzel anat. f wrist; ' zeichnung / drawing. Hanf [hanf] m (-[e]s/no pi.) hemp. Hang [hag] m (-[ejs/ e) slope, incline, dechvity; hillside; fig. inclination, propensity (zu for; zu inf. to inf-),' tendency (to). Hange boden ['herp-] m hangingloft; briicke A / suspension bridge; 'Uampe / hanging lamp; Lmatte / hammock. hangen ['hegan] 1. v/i. (irr., ge-, h) hang, be svispended; adhere, stick, cling (on dat. to); an (dat.) be attached or devoted to; 2. v/t. (ge-, h) hang, suspend; ' bleiben v/i. (irr. bleiben, sep.t -ge-, sein) get caught (up) (an dat. on, in); fig. stick (in the memory). hanseln ['hsnzaln] v/t. (ge-, h) tease (wegen about), F rag. Hansestadt ['hanza-] / Hanseatic -.
Hanswurst [bans'-] m (-es/-e, F =e) merry andrew; Punch; fig. contp. clown, buffoon.
Hantel ['hantal] / (-/-n) dumb-beU. hantieren [han'tirrsn] vli. (no -ge-, h) be busy (m/'t with); work (an dat. on).
Happen f'hapan] m (s/-) morsel, mouthful, bite; snack. Harfe / fharfa] / (-/-n) harp. Harke S ['harka] / (-/-n) rake; 'Sn v/t. and v/t. (ge-, h) rake. harmlos adj. ['harmlo-.s] harmless, innocuous; inoffensive.
harmony (a. /); Sieren v/i. (no ge-, h) harmonize (mit with); fig. a be in tune (with); ~ika / [ 'mo:nika]/(-/-s, Harmoniken) accordion; mouth-organ; 2isch adj. [Jmo'.nifi -
Harn [ham] m (-[e]s/-e) urine; Lblase anat. f (urinary) bladder; '
Sen v/i. (ge-, h) pass water, urinate. ['hamif] m (-es/-e) armo(u)r; in ~ geraten be up in
arms (iiber acc. about).
135 '
Harnrohre anat. f urethra. Harpun e [har'pu:na] / (-/-n) harpoon; Sieren Uu'ni:ran] v/t. (no ge-, h) harpoon. hart [hart] 1. adj. hard; fig. a, harsh; heavy, severe; 2. adv. hard; -
arbeiten work hard.
Harte ['herta] / (-l-n) hardness; fig. a hardship; severity; 'Sn (ge-, h) l.v/t. harden (metal); temper (steel); case-harden (iron, steel); 2. v/i. and vfrefl. harden, become or grow hard; steel: temper. ' Hartlgeld n coin(s pi), specie; ' gummi m hard rubber; Y ebonite, vulcanite; 'Sherzig adj. hardhearted; Skopfig adj. [' koepfi?] stubborn, headstrong; Snackig adj. ' [ neki?] p. obstinate, obdurate; effort: dogged, tenacious; # ailment: refractory. Harz [ha:rts] n (-es/-e) resin; $ rosin; mot. gum; 'Sig adj. resinous. Hasardspiel [ha'zart-] n game of chance; , gamble. haschen ['hajan] (ge-, h) 1. vlt. catch (hold of), snatch; s/ch children: play tag; 2. vji.: ~ nach snatch at; fig. strain after (effect), fish for (compliments). Hase ['ha:za] m (-n/-n) zo. hare; e/n .
an old hand, an old-timer.
['haizalnus] / hazel-
nut. '
Hasenlbraten m roast hare; Lfufi F fig. m coward, F funk; ' panier F '
n: das ergreifen take to one s heels; ' scharte # / hare-lip. HaC [has] m (Hasses/no pi.) hatred. ' hassen v/t. (ge-, h) hate. haClich adj. ['hesli?] ugly; fig. c, nasty, unpleasant. Hast [hast] / (-/no pi.) hurry, haste; rush; in wilder in frantic haste; ' Sen v/i. (ge-, sein) hurry, hasten; rush; '2ig adj. hasty, hurried. hatscheln ['heitjaln] v/t. (ge-, h) caress, fondle, pet; pamper, coddle. hatte ['hata] pret. of haben. Haube ['hauba] / (-l-n) bonnet (a. @, mot.); cap; orn. crest, tuft; tnot. Am. a. hood.
[hau'bitsa] / (-l-n)
Hauch [haux] m (-[e fK-e) breath; fig.: waft, whiff (of perfume, etc.); touch, tinge (of irony, etc.); 'Sen (ge-, h) 1. v/i. breathe; 2. v/t. breathe, whisper; gr. aspirate. Haue ['haua] / (-l-n) f hoe, mattock; pick; F hiding, spanking; '2n (['"'.,] ge-, h) 1. vlt. hew (coal, stone); cut up (meat); chop (wood); cut (hole, steps, etc.); beat (child); sich (have a) fight; 2. vli.: nach cut at, strike out at.
Haufen ['haufan] m (-si-) heap, pile (both F a. fig.); fig. crowd. haufen ['harfan] v/t. (ge-, h) heap
Jhalterin [Lheltarin] / (-/-nen) housekeeper; l halt(s)plan parl. m budget; ' haltung / housekeeping; household, family; 'Jhaltwaren flpl. household articles pi.; ' Jherr m master of the family;
(up), pile (up); accumulate; s;ch pile up, accumulate; Jig. become more frequent, increase. '
'Skeit /
(-/wo pi ) frequency. Haufung fig. f (-/-en) increase, fig. .
Haupt [haupt] n (-[e]s/=er) head; fig. chief, head, leader; Laltar m high altar; '~anschlufi teleph. m subscriber s main station; '
hausierjen [hau'ziiran] vli. (no -ge-, h) hawk, peddle (mit et.; M gehen be a hawker or pedlar; 2er m
hof m main or central station; ' beruf tn full-time occupation; ' buch 'f n ledger; ' darsteller thea. m leading actor; Lfach univ. n main or principal subject. Am. a. major; ' film m feature (film); ~
Lgeschaft n main transaction; main shop; Lgeschaftsstelle / head or central office; ' gewinn m first prize; ' grund m main reason; handelsartikel -f ['haupthan-
(si-) hawker, pedlar. '
knecht m boots; ' .lehrer m private tutor.
hauslich adj. ['hovslig] domestic; domesticated; '2keit / (-/mo pi.) domesticity; family life; home. '
Haus|madchen n (house-)maid; Lmannskost / plain fare; ' .meister m caretaker; janitor; ' mittel n popular medicine; ' ordnung / mles pi. of the house; ' rat m household effects pi.; '~recht n domestic authority; ' sammlung / house-to-house collection; '~schliissel m latchkey; front-door key; ' .schuh m slipper. ~
dals9-] tn staple.
136 -
chief(tain). '
Hauptllinie Si / main or trunk line; '~mann X m (-[e]s/Houpt/eute) captain; ' merkmal n characteristic feature; ' .postamt n general post office. Am. main post office; ' punkt m main or cardinal point; ' quartier n headquarters sg. or pi.; ' rolle thea. f lead(ing part); ' sache / main thing or point; 'Ssachlich adj. main, chief, principal; Lsatz gr. m main clause;
Hauss|e -f [ 0:3(3)] / (-/-n) rise,
landlord; ' wirtin / (-/-nen) landlady. Haut [haut] / (-/-e) skin; hide; film; bis auf die ~ to the skin; ous der fahren jump out of one's
stadt / capital; stadtisch adj. metropolitan; ' .strafie / main ~
street; major road; ' .treffer m first prize, jackpot; ' .verkehrsstrafie / main road; arterial road; ' verkehrsstunden ///>/., ' verkehrszeit / rush hour(s pi.), peak
boom; ~ier [hos'je:] m (-s/-s) spec-
ulator for a rise, bull. Hausjstand m household; e-n
grilnden set up house; ' suchung 2% / house search, domiciliary visit, ~
Am. a. house check; ' tier n domestic animal; ' tiir / front door; ' verwalter m steward; ' wirt m
skin; F e-e ehrliche
F prep; 'Sbacken fig. adj. homely; bar / cocktail cabinet; ' bedarf
m household requirements pi.; besitzer m house-owner; ' diener
m (man-)servant; boots S£.
hausen ['hauzan] v/i. (ge-, h) live; play or work havoc (in a place). ' Haus flur m (entrance-)hall, esp. Am. hallway; ' frau / housewife; ' halt m household; '2halten v/i. (irr. ho/ten, sep., -ge-, h) be economical (mit with), economize (on); «.
an honest
soul; ' abschiirfung # / skin abrasion; ' arzt m dermatologist; ' ausschlag # m rash; 'Seng adj. garment: skin-tight; ' farbe /
hour(s pi.); ' versammlung / general meeting; ' wort gr. n (-[e]sl-er) substantive noun. Haus [haus] ?z (-es/=er) house; building; home, family, household; dynasty; -f (business) house, firm; parl. House; nach home; zu at home, F in; ' angestellte / (-n/-n) (house-)maid; apotheke/ (household) medicine-chest; ' arbeit / housework; ' arrest m house arrest; ' arzt m family doctor; ' aufgaben flpl. homework,
Hautgout [o'gu] m (s/no pi.) high taste.
hautig adj. ['hovtig] membranous; covered with skin. '
Hautjkrankheit / skin disease; ' pflege / care of the skin; ~
schere / (e-e a pair of) cuticle scissors pi. Havarie [hava'ri:] / (-/-n) average.
X t'ha:-] / H-bomb. he int. [he:] hi!, hi there!; I say! Hebamme ['heip'ama] / midwife. H-Bombe
Hebejbaum ['he:b3-] m lever (for raising heavy objects); ' buhne mot. /lifting ramp; '~eisen n crowbar; ' kran m lifting crane. Hebel © ['herbal] m (si-) lever; ~
arm m lever arm.
heben ['heiban] v/t. (irr., ge-, h) lift (a. sports), raise (a. fig.); heave (heavy load); hoist; recover (treas-
ure); raise (sunken ship); fig. promote, improve, increase; sich rise, go up. Hecht ichth. [hegt] m (-te]s/-e) pike. Heck [hek] n (-[e]s/-e, -s) & stem; mot. rear; * tail. Hecke fheka] / (-/-n) S hedge; zo. brood, hatch; 'Sn v/t. and v/i.
(fe-, h) breed, hatch; 1 jirose dog-rose. heda int.
[hallo! (there)!,
Heer [he:r] n (-[e]s/-e) army; fig. a. host; ' esdienst m military ' service; esmacht / military force(s pi.); ' eszug m military expedition; fiihrer m general; lager n (army) camp; ' schar / army, host; ' strafte / military road; highway; zug m s. Heeres'
heilig adj. ['haili?] holy; sacred; solemn; 2er Abend Christmas Eve; 2e [' ga] m, / (-n/-n) saint; .en [ gan] vlt. (ge-, h) sanctify (a. fig.), hallow; '2keit / (-/no pi.) holiness; sacredness, sanctity; sprechen vlt. (irr. sprechen, sep., -ge-, h) canonize; '2sprechung / (-/-en) canonization; '2tum n (-[e]s/=er) sanctuary; sacred relic; Sung [' gurj] / (-/-en) sanctification (a fig.), hallowing. ' Heil|kraft / healing or curative power; '2kraftig adj. healing, curative; '.kunde / medical science; ' 2105 fig. adj. confusion: utter, great; '.mittel n remedy, medicament; '.praktiker m non-medical practitioner; '.quelle / medicinal spring; 2sam adj. curative; fig. salutary. [Army.\ Heilsarmee ['hails'-] / Salvation) ' Heil|ung / (-/-en) cvire, healing, '
Hefe fherfa] / (-/-n) yeast; barm. Heft [heft] n (-[e]s/-e) dagger, etc.: haft; knife: handle; fig. reins pi.; exercise book; periodical, etc.: issue, number. '
heftlen vft. (ge-, h) fasten, fix (an acc. on to); affix, attach (to); pin on (to); tack, baste (seam, etc.); stitch, sew (book); 'Sfaden m basting thread.
heftig adj. storm, anger, quarrel, etc.: violent, fierce; rain, etc.: heavy; pain, etc.: severe; speech, desire, etc.: vehement, passionate; p. irascible; ' Ekeit / (-/S -en) violence, fierceness; severity; vehemence; irascibility. ' Heftiklammer / paper-clip; pflaster n sticking plaster. hegen fheigsn] v/t. (ge-, h) preserve (game); nurse, tend (plants); have, entertain (feelings); harbo(u)r (fears, suspicions, etc.). Hehler ['he:br] m (si-) receiver (of stolen goods); ei U'rai] / (-/ en) receiving (of stolen goods). Heide f'haida] 1. rn (-n/-n) heathen; 2 /(-/-n) heath(-land); = '.kraut n heather; 'Uand n heath(-land).
successful treatment; '.verfahren
n therapy. heim [harm] 1. adv. home; 2. 2 n (-[e]s/-e) home; hostel; Sarbeit / '
homework, outwork.
Heimat [ 'haima:t] / (-/S -en) home; own country; native land; '.land n own country, native land; '21ich adj. native; '21os adj. homeless; ' ort rn home town or village; vertriebene m expellee. Heimchen zo. ['haimtpn] n (-s/-) .
cricket. '
heimisch adj. trade, industry, etc.: home, local, domestic; zo., etc.: native, indigenous; . werden settle down; become established; s/ch
fuhlen feel at home.
Heim|kehr ['haimke: / (-/no pi.) return (home), homecoming; 2 kehren v/i. (sep., -ge-, se/n), '2kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., '
ge-, se/n) return home. heimlich adj. plan, feeling, etc.: secret; meeting, organization, etc.: clandestine; glance, rrwz-ement, etc.: stealthy, furtive.
Heidenlgeld F n pots pi. of money; Jarm F m hullabaloo; ' spafl F m '
Heiin|reise / homeward journey; 2suchen vIt. (sep., -ge-, h) disaster,
capital fun; '~tum n (-sjno pi.) heathenism. [(-ish).l heidnisch adj. ['haidnij] heathen/ heikel adj. ['haikal] p. fastidious, particular; problem, etc.: delicate,
etc.: afflict, strike; ghost: haunt; God: visit, punish; '.tiicke/underhand malice, treachery; tiickisch adj. malicious, treacherous, insidious; 2warts adv. [ verts] homeward (s); ' weg rn way home; weh n homesickness, nostalgia; '
heil [hail] 1. adj. p. safe, unhurt; whole, sound; 2. 2 n (-[e]s/no pi.) welfare, benefit; eccl. salvation; 3 int. hail! .
Heiland eccl. f'hailant] m (-[e]s/-e) Saviour, Redeemer. '
Heiljanstalt / sanatorium. Am. a. sanitarium;
bath; '
137 -
spa; 'Sbar adj. curable; Sen (ge-) 1. vlt. (h) cure, heal; von cure s.o. of; 2. r/j. (se/n) heal
(up); '.gehilfe m male nurse.
haben be homesick.
Heirat ['hairart] / (-/-en) marriage; ' 2en (ge-, h) 1. v/t. marry; 2. v/i. marry, get married. '
Heirats|antrag m offer or proposal '
of marriage; 2fahig adj. marriageable; kandidat rn possible marriage partner; ' schwindler m vermittler marriage impostor; m matrimonial agent. '
heiser adj. f'haizar] hoarsej husky; ' 2keit/(-/wop/.) hoarseness; huski-
Henker ['herjkar] m (-s/-) hangman, executioner; F: zum hang it (all)!
heifi adj. [hais] hoi; jig. a. passionI am or feel ate, ardent; mi r ist '
heifien f'haisan] (irr., ge-, h) 1. v/t.: call 5.0. a liar; wille-n Lugner kommen welcome; 2. v/i. be called; mean; w/e Sie? what is your name?; wos he/fit das auf englisch? what s that in English? heiter adj. ['hartar] day, weather: bright; sky: bright, clear; p., etc.: cheerful, gay; serene; 2keit/ (-/no pi.) brightness; cheerfulness, gaiety; serenity. '
heiz|en ['haitsan] (ge-, h) 1. v/t. heat (room, etc.); light (stove); fire (boiler); 2. v/i. stove, etc.: give out heat; turn on the heating; mit Kohlen burn coal; 'Ser m (-s/-) stoker, fireman; Skissen n electric heating pad; 'Skorper m central heating: radiator; / heating element; 'Smaterial n fuel; Sung / (-/-en) heating Held [helt] m (-en/-en) hero. ' Heldenlgedicht n epic (poem); ' Shaft adj. heroic, valiant; ' mut m heroism, valo(u)r; Smiitig adj. ' [ my:tig] heroic; Ltat / heroic or valiant deed; ' tod m hero's death; ' tum n (-[e]slno pi.) heroism. helfen ['helfen] v/i. (dat.) (irr., ge-, h) help, assist, aid; gegen be good '
for; sich nicht zu » w/'ssen be helpless. '
Heifer m (-s/-) helper, assistant; ' shelfer m accomphce. hell adj. [hel] sound, voice, light, etc.: .
clear; light, flame, etc.: bright; hair: fair; colour: light; ale: pale; ', blau adj. light-blue; '~bIond adj. horig adj. p. quick of very fair; hearing; fig. perceptive; A poorly sound-proofed; Sseher m clair'
Helm [hslm] m ([-e]s/-e) helmet; A dome, cupola; & helm; '~busch m plume. Hemd [hemt] n (-[e]s/-en) shirt; vest; ' bluse / shirt-blouse. Am. shirtwaist. [hemisphere.!
Hemisphare [he-.mi'sfeira] / (-/-n)/
hemmjen fheman] v/t. (ge-, h) check, stop (movement, etc.); stem (stream, flow of liquid); hamper (free movement, activity); be a hindrance to; psych.: gehemmt sein be inhibited; 'Snis n (sesj-se) hindrance, impediment; 'Sschuh m slipper; fig. hindrance, F drag (fur acc. on); 'Sung / (-/-en) stoppage, check; psych.: inhibition. Hengst zo. [herjst] m (-es/-e) stallion.
Henkel ['heqkal] m (-s/-) handle, ear.
138 -
Henne zo. ['hena] / (-/-n) hen. her adv. [he:r] here; hither; es ist schon ein Jahr da3 ... or seit ... it is a year since w/e lange ist es , seit ... how long is it since ...; h/'nter (dat.)
sein be after;
mit! out with it!
herab adv. [he'rap] down, down-
ward; ~lassen v/t. (irr. lassen, sep., ge-, h) let down, lower; fig. sich condescend; ~lassend adj. condescending; setzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) take down; fig. belittle, disparage 5 0.; Y reduce, lower, cut (price, etc.); Ssetzung fig. f (-/-en) reduction; disparagement; ~steigen v/i. (irr. steigen, sep., -ge-, sein) climb down, descend; wiirdigen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) degrade, belittle, -
heran adv. [he'ran] close, near; up; nur come on!; ~bilden vjt. (sep., ge-, h) train, educate (zu as, to be; ~kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein) come or draw near; approach; an (acc.) -
come up to s.o.; measure up to;
wachsen v/i. (irr. wachsen, sep.,
ge-, sein) grow (up) (zu into). herauf adv. [he'rauf] up(wards), up here; upstairs; ~beschw6ren vjt. (irr. schwdren, sep., no -ge-, h) evoke, call up, conjure up (spirit, etc.); fig. a. bring about, provoke, give rise to (war, etc.); ~steigen v/i. (irr. steigen, sep., -ge-, sein) climb up (here), ascend; ~ziehen (irr. ziehen, sep., -ge-) 1. vjt. (h) pull or hitch up (trousers, etc.); 2. v/i. (sein) cloud, etc.: come up. heraus adv. [he'raus] out, out here; zum Fenster out of the window; mit der Sprache! speak out!; bekommen v/t. (irr. kommen, sep., no -ge-, h) get out; get (money) -
back; fig. find out; ~bringen v/t. (irr. bringen, sep., -ge-, h) bring or
get out; thea. stage; ~finden v/t. (irr. finden, sep., -ge-, h) find out;
fig. a. discover; Sforderer m (-s/-) challenger; ~fordern v/t. (sep., ge-, h) challenge (to a fight); provoke; Sforderung / (-/-en) challenge; provocation; ~geben (irr. geben, sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. surren-
der; hand over; restore; edit (periodical, etc.); publish (book, etc.);
issue (regulations, etc.); 2. v/i. give change (auf acc. for); Sgeber m (-s/-) editor; publisher; kommen v/i. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein) come out; fig. a. appear, be pub~
lished; nehmen vjt. (irr. nehmen,
-ge- h) take out; sich vie! take liberties; ~putzen vjt. (sep., ge-, h) dress up; sich dress (o.s.)
sep. -
ing; ' einzel n tennis: men's singles
reden v refl. (sep., -ge-, h) s way out; «stellen vft. (sep., -ge-, h) put out; fig. emphatalk one
pi.; ' haus n manor-house; 2los adj. ['Jois] ownerless; ' reiter m sports: gentleman-jockey;
emerge, mm out; strecken v,t. {sep., -ge-, h) stretch out; put out; streichen c/r. (irr. streichen, sep., -ge-, h) cross out, delete {zsord, etc.); fig. extol, praise; winden fig. vlrefl. {irr. winden, sep., -ge-, h) extricate
size, set forth; s/ch
schneider m men s tailor; '
herrichten ['he:r-] c'r. {sep., -ge-, h) arrange, prepare. '
herrisch adj. imperious, overbearing; voice, etc.: commanding, per-
herrlich adj. excellent, glorious, magnificent, splendid; £keit / (-/-en) glory splendo(u)r. ' Herrschaft / (-/-en) rule, dominion (uber acc. of); fig. mastery; ,
herjrnhren «./»"- {sep., -ge-, b):
Herd [he:rt] m (-[e]s -e) hearth, fireplace; stove; fig. seat, focus. Herde ['heirda] / (- -n) herd {of cattle, pigs, ere.) {contp. a. fig.); flock {of sheep, geese, etc.). herein adv. [he'ram] in (here); come in!; ~brechen fig. v'i. {irr. brechen, sep., -ge-, se/'n) night: fall; uber {acc.) misforzzme, etc.: befall; _
fallen fig. v i. {irr. fallen, sep., ge-, se/n) be taken in.
von come from, originate with; sagen c/t. {sep., -ge-, h) recite; say {prayer); ' stammen v i. {sep.,
ge-, h): von or ous be descended from; come from; be derived from; -
' -
tellen v't. {sep., -ge-, h) place
make, manufacture, pro-
duce; '£stellung / {- -en) manufacture, production. heriiber adv. [hE'ryibar] over (here), across.
her'.falien r'/".(jrr. fallen, sep., -ge-, se/n): uber {acc.) attack {a. fig.), fall upon; F fig. pull to pieces; '2gang m course of events, details pi.; '~geben c t. {irr. geben, sep., ge-, h) give up, pan with, return; yield; s/ch zu lend o.s. to; gebracht fig. adj. traditional; custom-
ary; 'Jialten {irr. balten, sep., -ge-, h) 1. c/r. hold out; 2. v i.:
be the one to pay or suffer (fur for). Hering ichth. [ he:rii)] m {-$ -e) herring. ' her kommen r i. {irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein) come or get here; von
from; fig. a. be due to. be caused by; kommlich adj. [ kcemlig]
traditional; customary; Skunft l' kunft] / (- no pi.) origin; birth, descent; Ueiten v't. {sep., -ge-, h) lead here; fig. derive {von from); '
Sleitung/z?. / derivation.
Herold I'he.rDlt] m {-[e]s -e) herald. Herr (her] m (-n, S -en -en) lord, master; eccl. the Lord; gentleman; Maier Sir Maier; mein Sir; m-e en gentlem.n; der Situation master of the situation. '
Am. a. fall.
ladies and gendemen!; 'Slich adj. belonging to a master or landlord; fig. high-class, elegant. herrsch en ['herjan] r/i. (ge-, b) rule (uber acc. over); monarch: reign (over); govern; ?, prevail, be; er m (-s/-) ruler; sovereign, monarch; Ssucht/thirst for power; ..suchtig adj. thirsting for power; impe-
Herbst [herpst] m (-[e]s -e) autumn,
come or draw near;
mer n study; smoking-room.
(aus from).
herb adj. [herp] fruit, flavour, etc.: tart; trine, etc.: dry; features, etc.: austere; criticism, etc.: harsh; disappointment, etc.: bitter. herbei adv. [har'bai] here; .' come here!; eilen [her bai*-] t- i". {sep., ge-, seifi) come hurr>-mg; fiihren fig. vjt. {sep., -ge-, h) cause, bring about, give rise to; schaffen vU. {sep., -ge-, h) bring along; procure. Herberge [ herberga] / (-/-n) shelter, lodging; inn. Herbheit/C- no pi.) tartness; dryness;fig.: austerity; harshness, bit-
139 -
Herren ekleidung / men's cloth-
herum adv. Ihe'rum] (a)round; about; fiihren r t. {sep., -ge-, h) show (a)round; in {dat.) show
over; jungern v i. {sep., -ge-, h)
loaf or loiter or hang about: reichen v t {sep., -ge-, h) pass or hand round; sprechen v refl. {irr. sprecben, sep., -ge-, h) get about, spread; treiben v refl. {irr. treiben, sep., -ge-, b) F gad or knock '
[he runtar]
(here); downstairs: von oben down from above; bringen v t. {irr. bringen, sep., -ge-, b) bring down;
fig. a. lower, reduce; kommen vli. {irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein) come down(stairs); fig.: come down in the world; deteriorate;
v/i. {sep., -ge-, h) take down; turn {collar, etc.) down; fig. give s.o. a dressing-down; fig. pull to pieces; reifien vjt. {irr. re/Ben, sep., -ge-, h) pull or tear down; fig. pull to pieces; sein F fig. v i. {irr. sein, sep.. -ge-, sein) be low in health; wirtschaften v t. {sep., -ge-, h) run down.
hervor adv. [her'foir] forth, out;
bringen vjt. {irr. bringen, sep.,
hervorgehen -
ge-, h) bring out, produce (a. fig.);
yield (fruit); fig. utter (word);
gehen v/i. (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, sein) p. come (aus from); come off (victorious) (from); fact, etc.: emerge (from); be clear or apparent (from); ~heben fig. vjt. (irr. heben, sep., -ge-, h) stress, emphasize; give prominence to; ~holen v/t. (sep., fe-, h) produce; ragen v/i. (sep., -
ge-, h) project (uber acc. over); fig. tower (above); ragend adj. projecting, prominent; fig. outstanding, excellent; ~rufen vjt. (irr. rufen, sep., -ge-, h) thea. call for; fig. arouse, evoke; stechend fig. adj. outstanding; striking; conspicuous. Herz [herts] n (-ens/-en) anat. heart (a. fig.); cards: hearts pi.; fig. courage, spirit; sich ein fassen take heart; mit ganzem en whole-heartedly; sich et. zu en nehmen take -
th. to heart; es nicht ilbers
gen zu inf. not to have the heart to inf.; '~anfall m heart attack. ' Herzens|brecher m (-s/-) ladykiller; ' lust /: nach to one's heart's
' wimsch
heart's desire. '
herzjergreifend fig. adj. heart-
moving; 'Sfehler j? m cardiac defect; 'Sgegend anat. f cardiac region; haft adj. hearty, good; ' ig adj. lovely. Am. a. cute; Sinfarkt # [' 'infarkt] m (-[e]s/-e) cardiac infarction; 'Sklopfen # ?j (-sjno pi.) palpitation; ' krank adj. having heart trouble; ' lich 1. adj. heartfelt; cordial, hearty; ~es Beileid sincere sympathy; 2. adv.: gem with pleasure; ' los adj. heardess; unfeeling. Herzog t'hertsoik] m (-[e]s/ae, -e) duke; ' in / (-/-nen) duchess; tum h (-[e]s/=er) dukedom; duchy. '
Herzjschlag m heartbeat; # heart failure; ' schwache # / cardiac insufficiency; ' verpflanzung #/ heart transplant; 'Szerreifiend adj. heart-rending.
Hetz|e ['hetss] f(-l-n) hurry, rush; instigation
baiting (of); '2en (ge-) 1. v/t. (b) course (hare); bait (bear, etc.); hound: hunt, chase (atiimal); fig. hurry, rush; s/ch hurry, rush; e-n Hund auf j-n set a dog at s.o.; 2 v/i. (h) fig.: cause discord; agitate (gegen against); 3. fig. v/i. (sein) hurry, rush; ' er fig. m ' (-s/-) instigator; agitator; Serisch adj. virulent, inflammatory; ' jagd fhunt(ing);fig.: virulent campaign; rush, hurry; ' presse / yellow .
Heu [hov] n (-[e]slno pi.) hay; '.v boden m hayloft. Heuchel|ei [hDY s'lai] / (-/-en) hypocrisy; 'Sn (ge-, h) 1. v/t. sim-
140 -
ulate, feign, affect; 2. v/i. feign, dissemble; play the hypocrite. Heuchler m (-s/-) hypocrite; 'Sisch adj. hypocritical. heuer ['hoYsr] 1. adv. this year; 2 2 & f (-l-n) pay, wages pi.; ' n vjt. (ge-, h) hire; & engage, sign on (crew), charter (ship). heulen ['hDYlsn] v/i. (ge-, h) wind, etc.: howl; storm, wind, etc.: roar; siren: wail; F p. howl, cry. ' Heu|schnupfen # m hay-fever; « chrecke zo. f' Jreks] / (-l-n) grasshopper, locust. '
heut|e adv. ['hoYts] today;
this evening, tonight; margen this morning;
fruh, in acht
Tagen today or this day week; var acbt Tagen a week ago today; Lig adj. this day's, today's; present; zutage adv. ['hDYttsutaiga] nowadays, these days. Hexe fheksa] / (l-n) witch, sorceress; fig.: hell-cat; hag; Sn v/i. (ge-j, h) practice witchcraft; F fig. work miracles; nkessel fig. m inferno; ' nmeister m wizard, sorcerer; ' nschufi # m lumbago; rei U' rai] / (-/-en) witchcraft, sorcery, magic. Hieb [hi:p] 1. m (-[e]s/-e) blow, stroke; lash, cut (of whip, etc.); a. punch (with fist);fenc. cut; ~e pi. hiding, thrashing; 2. 2 pret. of '
hielt [hi:lt] pret. of halten. hier adv. [hi:r] here; in this place; present!; entlang! this way!
bier|an adj. ['hh'ran, when emphatic '
hi:ran] at or by or in or on or to it or this; ~auf adv. [ hii'rauf, when emphatic hiirauf] on it or this; after this or that, then; ~aus adv. ' ['hi: raus, when emphatic hi'.raus] '
from or out of it or this; ~bei adv.
['hiir'bai, when emphatic 'hirrbai] here; in this case, in connection '
with this; durch adv. [ hiir'durg, when emphatic hiirdur?] through here; by this, hereby; ~fur adv. ['hi:r fy:r, when emphatic 'hiirfyir] for it or this; ~her adv. ['hiir'heir, when emphatic hhrherr] here, '
hither; bis
as far as here;
in adv.
['hii'rin, when emphatic hi:rinj in it or this; in here; mit adv. ['hirr' mit, when emphatic hiirmit] with it or this, herewith; .nach adv. t'hiir'naix, when emphatic 'hi:rna:x] after it or this; according to this; '
iiber adv. ['hii'ryibar, when emphatic 'hiiryibsr] over it or this; over here; on this (subject); unter adv. t'hii'runtar, when emphatic ' hiiruntsr] under it or this; among these; by this or that; ~von adv. ' ['hi:r fDn, when emphatic 'hiirfon]
of or from it or this; ~zu adv. ' ['hi:r tsu:, when emphatic 'hhrtsu:]
hiesig with
or this; (in addition) to
141 '
Hinjblick m: im
hiesig adj. ['hiizig] of or in this place or town, local.
hinder|lich adj. ['hindsrlig] hindering, impeding; j-m se/n be in s o s way; Ln vjt. (ge-, h) hinder hamper (be/, in dat. in); an (dat.) '
Hilfslaktion / relief measures pi.;
arbeiter m unskilled worker or
labo(u)rer; 'Sbediirftig adj. needy, indigent; ' lehrer m assistant teacher; ' mittel n aid: device;
remedy; expedient;
hin'durch adv. through; all through
throughout; across. hinein adv. [hi'nain] in;
m/t d/r/ in you go!; gehen vli. (irr. gehen sep., -ge-, se/n) go in; m (acc.) go into; in den Topf gehen ... hinein ,
Fahrrad mit
motor-assisted bicyquelle/resource; ' schule/
cle; ' elementary '
school for backward werk relief organiza[berry, i
the pot holds or takes ... '
Hinlfahrt / journey or way there; Sfallen v/i. (irr. fallen, sep., -ge-, se/n) fall (down); 'Sfallig adj. p. '
['himbeira] / rasp-/
Himmel ['himsl] m (-s/-) sky, heavens pi.; eccl.,fig. heaven; ' bett n tester-bed; 'Sblau adj. sky-blue; ' fahrt eccl. f ascension (of Christ); Ascension-day; 'Sschreiend adj. crying. '
Himmelsjgegend / region of the sky; cardinal point; korper m celestial body; richtung / point '
of the compass, cardinal point; direction; ' strich m region, climate zone. '
himmlisch adj. celestial, heavenly. bin adv. [hin] there; gone, lost;
hinab adv. [hi'nap] down; steigen v/i. (irr. ste/gen, sep., -ge-, se/n) climb down, descend.
hinarbeiten ['hin9-] v/i. (sep., -ge-, h): auf (acc.) work for or towards. hinauf adv. [hi'nauf] up (there); upstairs; gehen v/i. (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, se/n) go up(stairs); prices, wages, etc.: go up, rise; steigen vji. (irr. ste/gen, sep., ge-, se/n) climb up, ascend. hinaus adv. [hi'naus] out; m/t euch.' out with you!; auf (v/e/e) Johre ~ for (many) years (to come); gehen r/i. (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, se/n) go or walk out; iiber (acc.) go beyond, exceed; auf (acc.) vnndotv, etc.: look out on, overlook; intention, etc.: drive or aim at; Jaufen v/i. (irr. laufen, sep., -ge-, se/n) run or rush out; auf (acc.) come or amount to; ~schieben fig. vjt. (irr. sch/eben, sep., -ge-, h) put off, postpone, defer; ~werfen vlu (irr. werfen, sep., -ge-, h) throw out (ous of); turn or throw or F ~
chuck s.o. out.
hing [hiq] pret. of hdngen 1. ' Hinlgabe / devotion (on acc. to); Sgeben v/t. (irr. geben,sep., -ge-,h) give up or away; s/ch (datj give o.s. to; devote o.s. to; ' gebung / (-/-en) devotion; 'Sgehen vfi. (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, se/n) go or walk there; go (zu to); path, etc.: lead there; lead (zu to a place); 'Shalten v/t. (irr. ho/ten, sep., -ge-, h) hold out (object, etc.); put 5.0. off. hinken ['hiriksn] v/i. (ge-) 1. (h) '
limp (auf dem rechten FuB with one's right leg), have a limp; 2. (se/n) limp (along).
und wieder now and again
or then; * und zuriick there and
regulation, etc.:
und her to and fro, Am. back and
etc.: fence; 'Snisrennen n obstacle-
hilfjlos adj. helpless; ' reich adj.
prevent from; '2nis n (-ses/-se) hindrance; sports: obstacle; turf
auf (acc.) in view
of, with regard to; '2bringen vjt. (irr. br/ngen, sep., -ge-, h) take there; while away, pass (time).
hiefi [hi:s] pret. of heilien. Hilfe ['hilfs] / (-/-n) help; aid, assistance; succour; relief (fur to); ! help!; m/t von with the help or aid of; ' ruf m shout or cry for help.
hinjlanglich adj. sufficient, adequate; ' legen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) lay or put down; s/ch lie down; ' nehmen v/t. (irr. nehmen, sep., ge-, h) accept, take; put up with; ' raffen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) death, etc.: snatch s.o. away, carry s.o. off; ' reichen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/t. -
reach or stretch or hold out (dat. to); 2. v/i. suffice; ' reifien fig. v/t. (irr. reifien, sep., -ge-, h) carry away; enrapture, ravish; ' reifiend adj. ravishing, captivating; ' richten v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) execute, put to
death; 'Srichtung / execution; ' »»setzen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) set or put down; s/ch sit down; Ssicht / regard, respect; in ouf (acc.) = ' sichtlich prp. (gen.) with regard to, as to, concerning; ' stellen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) place; put; put down; et. als represent as; make s th. appear (as). '
hintan|setzen [hint'an-] v/t. (sep., ge-, h) set aside; Ssetzung / (-/-en) -
setting aside; stellen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) set aside; Sstellung/ (-/-en) setting aside. hinten adv. ['hintan] behind, at the
142 -
back; in the background; in the
auf (acc.) point at or to, indicate (a
hinterprp. ['hintar] 1. (dat.) behind,
sich lassen out-
throw down; ?.: dash off (sketch etc.); say casually; 'Swirken v/i. (sep., -ge-, h): auf (acc.) ,
distance; 2. (ace.) behind; 'fibein n
hind leg; Sbliebenen pi. U'bliibanan] the bereaved pi.; surviving dependants pi.; Jbringen v/t. (irr. bringen, no -ge-, h): j-m et. inform s.o. of (secretly); ei'nanderacf .one after the other; in succession; 'Sgedanke m ulterior motive; gehen vjt. (irr. gehen, no -ge-, h) deceive, F doublecross; S ehung/C-Z-en) deception; ' Sgrund m background (a. fig.); ' Shalt m ambush; ~haltig adj. V heltiq] insidious; underhand; ' £haus n back or rear building; her adv. behind; afterwards; l2hof m backyard; Skopf m back of the head; -. lassen vjt. (irr. lassen, no -ge-, h) leave (behind); 2'lassenschaft / (-/-en) property (left), estate; Jlegen v/t. (no -ge-,h) deposit, lodge (be/ with); S'legung /(-/-en) deposit(ion); 'Slist/deceit; craftiness; insidiousness; ' listig adj. deceitful; crafty; insidious; ' Smann m X rear-rank man; fig.: Y subsequent endorser; pol. backer; wire-puller; instigator; 'Sn F m (-s/-) backside behind, bottom; '
work towards; use one's influence
to; '2ziehen (irr. ziehen sep., ge-) 1. fig. vjt. (h) attract or draw there; sich space: extend (bis zu ,
to), stretch (to); time: drag on; vli. (sein) go or move there; ' Szielen fig. vji. (sep., -ge-, h): auf (acc.) aim or drive at. hin'zu adv. there; near; in addition; Jfiigen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) add (zu to) (a. fig.); Sfiigung / (-/-en) addition; kommen vfi. (irr. kom2
Srad n rear wheel;
riicks adv.
[ ryks] from behind; fig. behind
his, etc. back; 'Sseite / back; 'Steil n back (part); rear (part); F s. Hintern; .'treiben vjt. (irr. tre/ben, no -ge-, h) thwart, frustrate; ' Streppe / backstairs pi.; 'Stiir / back door; 'ziehen tfi v/t. (irr. ziehen, no -ge-, h) evade (tax, duty, etc.); 2'ziehung / evasion. hiniiber adv. [hi'nyibar] over (there); across. Hin- und 'Riickfahrt / journey there and back. Am. round trip. hinunter adv. [hi'nuntar] down (there); downstairs; ~schlucken vft. (sep., -ge-, h) swallow (down); fig. swallow. ' Hinweg1 m way there or out. hinweg2 adv. [hin'vek] away, off; gehen vji. (irr. gehen, sep., -gesein): uber (acc.) go or walk over or across; fig. pass over, ignore; kommen vji. (irr. kommen, sep., ge-, sein): uber (acc.) get over (c. fig.); ~sehen vji. (irr. sehen, sep., -ge-, h): uber (acc.) see or look over; fig. overlook, shut one's eyes to; setzen vjrefl. (sep., -ge-, h): sich uber (acc.) ignore, disregard, make light of.
(and) moreover; rechnen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) add (zu to), include (in, among); ~setzen vjt. (sep., ge-, h) s. hinzufugen; treten vli. (irr. treten, sep., -ge-, sein) s. hinzukommen; join; ziehen v/t. (irr. ziehen, sep., -ge-, h) call in (doctor, etc.). Hirn [him] n (-[e]s/-e) anat. brain; fig. brains pi., mind; '~gespinst n figment of the mind, chimera; 'Slos fig. adj. brainless, senseless; schale aitat. f brain-pan, cranium; ' schlag m apoplexy; verbrannt adj. crazy, F crack-brained, -
cracky. Hirsch zo. [hirj] m (-esf-e) species: deer; stag, hart; ' geweih n (stag's) antlers pi.; '~kuh / hind; '
Hin|weis ['hinvais] m (-esj-e) reference (auf acc. to); hint (at); indication (of); 'Sweisen (z rr. we/sen, sep., ge-, h) 1. v/t.: j-n auf (acc.) draw or call s.o. s attention to; 2. »/«.: '
leder n buckskin, deerskin.
Hirse ['hirza] / (-/-n) millet. Hirt [hirt] m (-en/-en), [' .a] m (-nj-n) herdsman; shepherd hissen ['hisan] vji. (ge-, h) hoist, .
raise (flag); & a. trice up (sail).
Histori|ker [hi'sto:rikar] m (-s/-) historian; 2sch adj. historic(al).
Hitz|e ['hitsa] / (-/no pi.) heat; '
Sebestandig adj. heat-resistant, heat-proof; '~ewelle / heat-wave, hot spell; '2ig adj. p. hot-tempered, hot-headed; discussion: heated; '
kopf m hothead; ' schlag # m
men, sep., -ge-, sein) come up (zu to); supervene; be added; es kommt (noch) hinzu, dad add to this that,
fig-);fig-' point out; hint at; 'Swerfen v/t. (irr. werfen, sep., -ge- h)
Am. a. back of;
hob [ho:p] pret. of heben. Hobel © ['ho:bal] m (-s/-) plane; ' bank / carpenter's bench; '£0 v/t. (ge-, h) plane. hoch [ho:x] 1. adj. high; church spire, tree, etc.: tall; position, etc.: high, important; guest, etc.: distinguished; punishment, etc.: heavy, severe; age: great, old; hohe See open sea, high seas pi.; 2. adv.: lebe long live ...! 3. 2 n (-s/s) cheer; toast; meteorology: high (-pressure area) -.
hoch|achten vit. (sep., -ge-, h) esteem highly; Sachtung / high '
hochachtungsvoll esteem or respect;
achtungsvoll adj. (most) respectful; 2. adv. correspondence: yours faithfully or sincerely, esp. Am. yours truly; ' Sadel m greater or higher nobility; ' 2amt eccl. n high mass; 'Santenne /overhead aerial; 'Sbahn/elevated or overhead railway. Am. elevated 1
Ebetrieb m intense ac-
Hocke ['hoka] / (-/-n) gymnastics: squat-vault; skiing: crouch; 'Sn v/i. (ge-, h) squat, crouch; ' r m (-s/-) stool .
Hocker ['hoekar] m (-s/-) surface, etc.: bump; camel, etc.: hump; p. hump, hunch; 'Sig adj. animal: humped; p. humpbacked, hunchbacked ; surface, etc.: bumpy, rough,
tivity, rush; 'Sburg fig. f stronghold; ' deutsch adj. High or standard German; 'Sdruck m high pressure {a. fig.)', mit arbe/ten work at
high pressure; 'Sebene / plateau, tableland; ' fahrend adj. highhanded, arrogant; '~fein adj. in top superfine; Sform /: in form; 'Sfrequenz / / high frequency; Sgebirge n high mountains />/.; '2genufi m great enjoyment; Sglanz m high polish; Shaus n multi-stor(e)y building, skyscraper; herzig adj. nobleminded; generous; Sherzigkeit / (-/-en) noble-mindedness; generosity; 'Skonjunktur Y / boom, business prosperity; 'Sland n upland(s pi.), highlands pi.; Smut m arrogance, haughtiness; miitig adj. [' my:ti?] arrogant, haughty; wnasig F adj. [' neizi?] stuck-up; ' Sofen © m blast-furnace; ' 'rot adj. bright red; '£saison / peak season, height of the season; ' schatzen vjt. (sep., -ge-} h) esteem highly; 'Sschule/university; academy; 'Sseefischerei / deep-sea fishing; 'Ssommer m midsummer; ' Sspannung / / high tension or voltage; 'Ssprung m sports: high jump. bochst [hoicst] 1. adj. highest; fig.
Hode anat. ['hoida] m (-n/-n), / (-/-n)
a : supreme; extreme; highly, most, extremely.
(-/-en) swindling;
ler m (-s/-)
confidence man, swindler.
hochstens adv. [W.gstsns] at (the) most, at best. '
Hochstlform / sports: top form; ' geschwindigkeit / maximum speed; speed limit; Lleistung / sports: record (performance); © maximiim output (of machine, etc.); ' ~
lohn m maximum wages pi.; mafi n maximum; ' preis m
maximum price. '
hochltrabend fig. adj. high-flown; pompous; Sverrat m high treason; '
Swald m high forest; 'Swasser n high tide or water; flood; ' wertig adj. high-grade, high-class; 'Swild n big game; 'Swohlgeboren m (-si-) Right Hono(u)rable Hochzeit ['hoxtsait] / (-/-en) wedding; marriage; 'Slich adj. bridal, nuptial; ' sgeschenk n wedding present; '~sreise / honeymoon (trip). .
anat. m (si-) testicle.
, '
Hof [ho:f] m (-[e]s/=e) court(yard); farm; king, etc.: court; ast. halo; j-m den
mochen court s.o.; ' da-
me / lady-in-waiting; '£fahig adj.
143 -
presentable at court.
Hoffart ['hofart] / (-/no pi.) arrogance, haughtiness; pride. hoffen ['hofan] (ge-, h) 1. v/i. hope (auf acc. for); trust (in); 2. v/t.: das Beste hope for the best; ' tlich adv. it is to be hoped that I hope, let's hope. Hoffnung ['hofnuij] / (-/-en) hope (auf acc. for, of); in der zu inf. in the hope of ger., hoping to inf.; s-e setzen auf (acc.) pin one's hopes on; 'Sslos adj. hopeless; ' Ssvoll adj. hopeful; promising. ' Hofhund m watch-dog. hofisch adj. ['heifij] courtly. hoflich adj. ['hoifli?] polite, civil, courteous (gegen to); 'Skeit/(-/-en) pohteness, civility, courtesy. ' Hofstaat m royal or princely household; suite, retinue. Hohe fhoia] / (-/-n) height; 2?, fr, ,
ast., geogr. altitude; hill; peak; amount (of bill, etc.); size (of sum, fine, etc.); level (of price, etc.); severity (of punishment, etc.); S pitch; in g/eicher mit on a level with; auf der sein be up to the mark; in die , up(wards). Hoheit ['ho:hait] / (-/-en) pol. sovereignty; title: Highness; '~sgebiet n (sovereign) territory; ' sgewasser nlpl. territorial waters pi.; ' szeichen n national emblem. '
health resort; Lluft / mountain air; ' sonne / mountain sun; #
ultra-violet lamp; ' steuer
elevator; ' zug m mountain range. ' Hohepunkt m highest point; ast., fig. culmination, zenith; fig. a.: climax; summit, peak.
hohl adj. [ho:l] hollow (a. fig.); cheeks, etc.: sunken; hand: cupped; sound: hollow, dull.
Hohle ['ho.ia] ./ (-/-n) cave, cavern; den, lair (of bear, lion, etc.) (both a. fig.); hole, burrow (of fox, rabbit, etc.); hollow; cavity. ' HohllmaC n dry measure; '~raum m hollow, cavity; ' spiegel m concave mirror.
Hohlung ['hoilurj] / (-/-en) cavation; hollow, cavity.
144 -
kuchen m honey-cake; ginger-
bread; '2suB adj. honey-sweet honeyed (a. fig.); ' wabe / honey,
Hohlweg m defile. Hohn [ho:n] nt (-[e]s/no pi.) scorn, hohnen ['homan] v/i. (ge-, h) sneer, jeer, mock, scoff (uber acc. at). ' Hohngelachter « scornful or derisive laughter. ' hohnisch adj. scornful; sneering, derisive.
Hoker f'hoikar] m (-s/-) hawker, huckster; '2n vji. (ge-, h) huckster, hawk about.
holen ['horbn] vjt. (ge-, h) fetch; go for;
a. ~ lassen
Hopfen f'topfan] m (-s/-)
hops | a int. fhopsa] (wh)oops!; upsadaisy!; ' en F vji. (ge-, se/n) hop,
m (-s/-) eavesdropper. Horde ['horda] / (-/-n) horde, gang.
h6r|en ['hoiran] (ge-, h) 1. vjt. hear; listen (in) to (radio); attend (lecture,
haben be
etc.); hear, learn; 2. vji. hear (von dat. from); listen; au f (acc.) listen to; schwer be hard of hearing; S/e mal! look here!; I say!; 'Ser m (-s/-) hearer; radio: listener(-in); univ. student; teleph. receiver;
in-a mortal fright or F blue funk; ' larm F fig. m infernal noise; ' maschine / infernal machine, time bomb; ' pein F fig. f torment of hell. '
brewing: hops pi.
horchjen ['honjan] vji. (ge-, h) listen (auf acc. to); eavesdrop; 'Zer
Hollenlangst fig. f: e-e
tsjoiran] pi. notabilities/)/.; 2ieren [Jriiran] vjt. (no -ge-, h) fee, pay a fee to; if hono(u)r, meet (bill of
catch seek
Holle ['hoeb] / (-1%-n) hell. '
atioren Ua-
jump. horbar adj. ['hoirbarr] audible.
s advice.
royalties pi.; salary;
(breath); sich e-e Krankheit a disease; sich bei j-m Rat s o
Honor|ar [hono'rarr] « (-s/-e) fee;
disdain; derision.
hollisch adj. hellish, infernal (both a fig.). .
holper|ig adj. ['holparif;] surface, road, etc.: bumpy, rough, uneven; vehicle, etc.: jolty, jerky; verse, style, etc.: rough, jerky; ' n (ge-) 1 vji. (se/n) vehicle: jolt, bump; .
vji. (h) vehicle: jolt, bump; be jolty or bumpy. Holunder [ho'lundar] m (-s/-) 2
Serschaft/X-Z-en) audience; 'figerat n hearing aid; ' ig adj.: j-m se/n be enslaved to s.o.; 'Sigkeit / (-jno pi ) subjection. Horizont [hori'tsDnt] m (-[e]s/-e) horizon; skyline; s-n erwe/tern broaden one's mind; das gebt uber me/nen that s beyond me; 2al adj. [ 'ta:!] horizontal. Hormon [hor'morn] n (-s/-e) hor.
Holz [holts] n (-es/-er) wood; timber, Am. lumber; ' .bau A m wooden structure; ' bildhauer m woodcarver; ' blasinstrument / n woodwind instrument; ' boden m .
wood(en) floor; wood-loft. holzern adj. ['hoeltsarn] wooden; fig. a. clumsy, awkward. '
Holzlfaller m (-s/-) woodcutter, woodman. Am. a. lumberjack, logger; 'whacker m (-s/-) woodchopper, woodcutter. Am. lumberjack; 1 chandler m wood or timber merchant. Am. lumberman;
Horn [tiDrn] n 1. (-[e]s/=er) horn
(of bull); i, mot., etc.: horn; X bugle; peak; 2. (-[e]s/-e) horn, horny matter; ' haut/horny skin; anat. cornea (on eye). Hornisse zo. [hor'nisa] / (-/-n) hornet.
Hornist / [hor'nist] m (-en/-en) horn-player; X bugler. Horoskop [horo'skoip] n (-s/-e) horoscope; j-m das ste//en cast s o .
oscope; ' saal m ' spiel n radio play;
schuh m wooden
shoe, clog; stofi m pile or stack of wood; stake; ' v/egfig. m: auf dem se/nbeon the wrong track; ' wolle / wood-wool; fine wood shavings pi.. Am. a. excelsior. .
Homeopath # [homoo'pait] m (-en/ en) hom(o)eopath(ist); ~ie [ a'ti:] / (-jno pi.) hom(o)eopathy; 2isch -
adj. [ 'paitij] hom(o)eopathic. Honig ['homi?] m (-s/-e) honey;
n wooden house. Am. frame house;
2ig adj. woody; ' kohle/charcoal; platz m wood or timber yard. Am. lumberyard; ' schnitt m woodcut, wood-engraving; ' schnitzer m
s horoscope.
Horlrohr n ear-trumpet; # steth-
' .
weite/: in
within earshot.
Hose ['horza] / (-/-n) (e-e a pair of) trousers pi. or Am. pants pi.; slacks pi. '
Hosenjklappe/flap; latz ['Uats]
m (-esj-e) flap; fly; ' tasche / trouser-pocket; ' trager m: (em Poor) pi. (a pair of) braces pi. or Am. suspenders pi. Hospital [hospi'ta:!] n (-s/-e, =er) hospital. Hostie eccl. ['hostja] / (-/-n) host, consecrated or holy wafer. Hotel [ho'tel] n (-sj-s) hotel; besitzer m hotel owner or proprietor;
145 -
hundred; 2. 2 n (-s/-e) hundred; funf vom five per cent; zu en by hundreds: ' fach adj., ' faltig adj.
gewerbe n hotel industry; »ier U'je:] m (-s s) hotel-keeper. -
© [hu:p] m (-[e]s'= ) mot. stroke (ofpiston); lift (of valve, etc.); raum mot. m capacity. hiibsch adj. [hypj] pretn', nice; good-looking, handsome; attractive. Hubschrauber m (si-) heli-
hundredfold; 2'jahrfeier / centenary, Am. a. centennial; jahrig adj. [ jEirig] centenary, a hundred years old; st adj. hundredth.
steuer / dog tax. zo. [ hyndin] / (-/-nen)
Hiindi n
bitch, she-dog; 'Ssch adj. doggish; fig. servile, cringing. '
hunds ge'mein
F adj. dirty, mean,
Huft;e anat. ['hj-fts] / (-/-n) hip; gelenk n hipesp. 20. haunch; joint; ' giirtel m girdle; suspender belt. Am. garter belt. Httgel I'hyrgal] m (si-) hill(ock); £ig adj. hilly. Huhn orn. [hu:n] n (-[e]s,=er) fowl, chicken; hen; junges chicken. Hiihnchen [ hy:n?3n] n (si-) chicken; ein zu rupfen haben have a bone to pick (mit with).
days pi. Hiine [ hyrna] m (-nj-n) giant. Hunger ['hurpr] m (slnopl.) hunger (fig. nach for); bekommen get hungry; haben be or feel hungry; kur / star -ation cure; ' leider F m (s -) starveling, poor devil; lohn m starvation wages pi.; '2n v i. (ge-, h) hunger (fig. nach after, '
Hiihnerlauge # ['hymsr-J n com;
for); go without food; lassen starve s.o.; .snot / famine;
ei n hen s egg; 1 Jiof m poulm*' hund yard. Am. chicken yard; '
m pointer, setter;
' -
streik m himger-strike; '.tod m
Jeiter /
death from star\-ation; '.tuch fig. n: am nagen have nothing to bite. ' hungrig adj. hungry (fig. nach for). Hupe mot. ['hu:pp] f (-/-n) horn, hooter; klaxon; 2n v/i. (ge- h)
Kuld [hult] / (-Itio pi.) grace, favo(u)r; Sigen [ digan] v/i. (dat.) (ge-, h) pay homage to (sovereign, lady, etc.); indulge in (vice, etc.); '
sotmd one s hom, hoot. '
igung / (-/-en) homage; 'Sreich
hupfen [ hypfan] r/j. (ge-, se/n) hip,
adj., Svoll adj. gracious. Hiille [!hyl3] / (-'-n) coverCing), wrapper; letter, balloon, etc.: envelope; book, etc.: jacket; umbrella, etc.: sheath; '2n f/f. (ge-, h) wrap, cover, envelope (a. fig.); sich in Schweigen wrap o.s. in silence. Hiilse I/hylza] / (-/-n) legume, pod (of leguminous plant); husk, hull (of rice, etc.); skin (of pea, etc.); X ' case; nfrucht / legume(n); leguminous plant; 1 jifriichte f,pl. pulse. human adj. [hu'marn] hiamane; Sitat [ ani'tsit] / (-ino pi.) humanity. Hummel zo. ['humsl] / (-/-n)
skip; gambol, frisk (about).
Hurde ['hyrd3]/(-/-n) hurdle; fold, pen; '.nrermen n hurdle-race.
Hure [ h\i:ra] / (-/-n) whore, prostitute.
hurtig adj. ['hurtii;] quick, swift; agile, nimble. Husar [hu'za:r] m (-en/-en) hussar.
husch int. [huj] in or like a flash; shoo!; .en vji. (ge-, se/n) slip, dart; small animal: scurry, scamper; bat, etc.: flic
husteln ['hyistaln] 1. vji. (ge-, h) cough slightly; 2. 2 n (slito pi.) slight cough. husten ['hirstsn] 1. c/i. (ge-, h) cough; 2. 2 m (-s/S-) cough. Hut [hu:t] 1. m (-[e]s,=e) hat; den
abnehmen take off one s hat; . ab
Humor [hu'moir] m (-s/S-e) humo(u)r; ist [ o'rist] m (-en/-en)
vor (dui.)l hats off to ...!; 2. f (-Ino pi.) care, charge; guard; auf der se/n be on one s guard (vor dat.
humorist; Sistisch adj. [ o'ristij]
humpeln ['humpaln] vfi. (ge-) 1 (se/n) hobble (along), limp (along); 2. (h) (have a) limp, walk
hiiteln ['hyitan] c/r. (ge-, h) guard, protect., keep watch over; keep
with a limp.
Hund [hunt] m (-[e]s/-e) zo. dog; tub; ast. dog, canis; auf den kommen go to the dogs. '
Hundeihiitte/dog-kennel. Am. a. doghouse; ' kuchen m dog-biscuit; leine / (dog-)lead or leash; peitsche / dog-whip. ' '
hundert ['hundsrt] 1. adj. a or one 10 SW E II
mise rabel F adj. ronen,
wretched, lousy; 'Stage m!pl. dog-
Hunde sperre / muzzling-order; '
Huf [hu:f] m (-[e]s/-e) hoof; ' eisen n horseshoe; schlag m hoof-beat; (horse's) kick; ' schmied m far-
(secret); tend (sheep, etc.); das Belt be confined to (one's) bed; sich '
vor (dat.) beware of; 2r m (si-) keeper, guardian; herdsman. ' Hut futter n hat-lining; '.krempe / hat-brim; '.macher m (s/-) haner; '.nadel/hat-pin. Hiitte ['hyts] / (-/-n) hut; cottage, cabin; © metallurgical plant; mount. .
refuge; ' nwesen © n metallurgy,
146 -
metallurgical engineering.
Hyane zo. [hylE:n3]/(-/-n) hy(a)ena. Hyazinthe [hya'tsinta] / (-/-n) hyacinth. [hydrant. 1 Hydrant [hy'drant] m (-en/-en)l Hydrauli|k phys. [hy'draulik] J (-Ino pi ) hydraulics pi.; 2sch adj. hydraulic. Hygien|e [hy'gjems] / (-/mo pi.) hygiene; 2isch adj. hygienic(al). Hymne ['hymns] / (-/-n) hymn. Hypno|se [hyp'nozza] / (-/-n) hypnosis; Stisieren [ oti zitran] v/t. and v/i. (no -ge-, h) hypnotize. .
ich [ig] 1. pers. pron. I; 2. 2 n (-[s]/ [s]) self; psych, the ego.
Ideal [ide'a-.l] 1. n (-s/-e) ideal; 2. 2 adj. ideal; Sisieren Uali'zirran] vlt. (no -ge-, h) idealize; ismus Ua'lismus] m (-/Idealismen) idealism; ist [ a'list] m (-enj-en) idealist.
Idee [i'de:] / (-/-n) idea, notion. (no -ge-, h) identify; sich identify o s sch adj. [i'dentij] identical; 2tat U'tsrt] / (-/no pi.) identity. .;
Ideolog|ie [ideolo'gi:] / (-/-n) ideology; 2isch adj. [JloigiJ] ideological. Idiot [idi'on] m (-en/-en) idiot; ie [ o ti:] / (-J-n) idiocy; 2isch adj. [ Jo:tiJ] idiotic. Idol [i'do:!] n [ mando] n (-s'-s) X command, order; order(s p/.), direcave(s p/.); X detachment: obrticke / navigating bridge. kommen ['komsn] vli. (irr., ge-, '
se/n) come; arrive;
lassen send
for order; et. sehen foresee; an die Reihe it is one s turn; '
ouf (acc.) think of, hit upon; remember; zu dem SchluB ~, da6 de-
cide that; hinter et. find out; urn et. lose; zu et. - come by s
th.; wieder zu sich ~. come roimd
or to; wie Sie dazu! how dare you! Komment ar [komen'toir] m (-s/-e)
commentary, comment; ator [-.or] m (-s'-en) commentator; £ieren [ 'ti an] v t (no -ge-, h) com'
ment on.
Kommissar [komi'sarr] m (-s/-e)
commissioner; superintendent; pot commissar.
KommiCbrot F [ko'mis-] n army or ration bread. Am. a. G.I. bread.
Kommode [ko'mords] / (-/-n) chest of drawers,
m. bureau.
mus] m (-Ino pi.) communism; «.t m (-en/-en) commvinist; £tisch adj communistic). .
Komod ant [kome'djant] m (-en/ en) comedian; fig, play-actor; «ie U'me-.djs] / (-/-n) comedy; - sp/ e /en play-act. Kompagnon [kompan'jo:] m (-s/-s) (busmess-)partner associate. Kompanie [kompa'ni:] / (-/-n) -
Kompafi ['kompas] m (Komfxjsses/ Kompasse) compass. kompetent aJ;'. [kompe'tsnt] com-
(-[e]s/-e) compliment
Komplize [kom'plirtsa] m (-n/-n) accomplice.
komplizierlen [kampli'tsuren] r/t. (tw -ge-, h) complicate; «.t oJ/. nwcmn£, etc.: comphcated; argzamru, sinuuum, etc.: complex; *er Bruch # compound fracture. Komplott Dom'pbt] n (-[e]s/-e) plot, conspiracy. 11 SWEII
r r. am/ c/i. (m? -ge-, h) compose; S nist m (-en/-en) composer; £sition [ zi'tsjorn] / (-/-en) composi'
Kompott [kom'pDt] n (-[e]s/-e) compote, stewed fruit. Am. a. sauce. komprimieren [kompri'mursn] c/r. (no -ge-, h) compress. Kompromi fi [kompro'mis] m (KompromisseslKompromisse) compromise; £filos adj. uncompromising; £ttieren U'tia n] v/t. (no -ge-, h) compromise. Kondensjator [konden'zanar] m (si-en) / capacitor, condenser (a. Sieren U'zi n] v't. (no -ge-, h) condense.
Kondenslmilch Don'dens-] / evaporated milk; streifen Ss* m condensation or vapo(u)r trail; *wasser n water of condensation.
Konditor [kon!di:Dr] m (-s/-en) confectioner, pastry-cook; « ei [ ito'rai] / (-/-en) confectionery, confectioner's (shop); eiwaren f pL confectionery. Konfekt Don'fskt] n (-[e]s/-e) sweets pL, sweetmeat. Am. a. sort candy; chocolates pi. Konfektion [konfek tsjo:n] / (- -en) .
ing; ~sanzng [konfek'tsjoins9-] m ready-made suit; sgeschaft n ready-made clothes shop. Konferjenz [konfe'rents] / (-/-en) conference; Sieren U'rursn] v/L (no -ge-, h) confer (ufaer ace on). Konfession [kDnfe'sjom] / (-/-en) confession, creed; denomination; Sell adj. Uo'nd] confessional, denominational; sschule [ 'sjouis-] / denominational school. Konfirmjand eccL [konfir'mant] m (-en/-en) candidate for confirma-
tion, confirmee; . ation [ 'tsjoai] / (-/-en) confirmation; Sieren U' miiran] o/f. (no -ge-, h) confirm. konfiszieren [konfis'tsuran] o/t. (no -ge-, h) confiscate, seize. Konfitnre [konfi'tyaa] / (-/-n) preserve(s pi.), (whole-fruit) jam. Konflikt [kon'flikt] m (-[e]s/-e) conflict.
komplett ai/. [kom'pkt] complete. Komplex [kom plsks] m (-es/-e) complex (a. psych,); block (o/ Kompliment
(manufacture of) ready-made cloth-
Kommission [komi'sjoin] / (-/-en) commission (a. 'f); committee; ~ar [ o'ne ] m (-s/-e) commission
Kommunis]mus poL
161 -
konform adv. [kon'form]: gehen mit agree or concur with. konfrontieren Donfron'tursn] r/t. (no -ge-, h) confront (mit with). konfus adj. [kon'fuis] p., a. ideas: muddled; p. muddle-headedKongrefi [kan'grss] m (Kongresses/
Am. part
Congress; Jtalle / congress hall. Kbnig ['kfnni?] m (-s'-e) king; Slich adj. C k-] royal; regal; reich t'Oc-] n kingdom; »swiirde [' ks-]/ royal dignity, kingship; wtaia '
n (-s =er) monarchy; kingship
Konjtigiation gr. [kbnjuga'tsiom] /
162 -
(-/-en); 2ieren U'girran] v/t. (no
sul; ~atpol. Wla:t] n (-[e]s/-e) con-
ge-, h) conjugate. Konjiuikt|iv gr. ['lonj'uriktr.f] m (-s/-e) subjunctive (mood); ur t IJtuir] f (-/-en) trade or business cycle; economic or business situa-
sulate; 2ltieren v\t. (no -ge-, h) consult, seek s.o. s advice.
konkret adj. [kon'kreit] concrete. Konkurrent [konku'rent] m (-en/ en) competitor, rival. Konkurrenz [konku'rents] / (-/-en) -
competition; competitors pi., rivals pi.; sports: event; £fahig adj. able to compete; competitive; geschaft n rival business or firm; Jkampf m competition. konkur'rieren v/i. (no -ge-, h) compete (mit with; urn for). Konkurs -f, j% [kDn'kurs] m (-es/-e) bankruptcy, insolvency, failure; ~ anmelden file a petition in bankruptcy; in gehen or geraten become insolvent, go bankrupt; erklarung £% / declaration of insolvency; .masse 2% / bankrupt s estate; .verfahren jft n bankruptcy proceedings pi.; verwalter 2% m trustee in bankruptcy; liquida'
konnen ['kcenan] 1. vli. (irr., ge-, h): ich kann nicht I can't, I am not
able to; 2. vlt. (irr., ge-, h) know, understand; e-e Sprache ~ know a language, have command of a
language; 3. v/aux. (irr., no -ge-, h) be able to inf., be capable of ger.; be allowed or permitted to inf.; es kann sein it may be; du kannst hingehen you may go there; er kann schwimmen he can swim, he knows
how to swim; 4. 2 n (s/no pi.) ability; skill; proficiency.
Konnossement -f [konDsa'ment] n (-[e]s/-e) bill of lading konnte ['konta] pret. of konnen. .
konsequen|t adj. Donze'kvsnt] consistent; 2z Uts] / (-/-en) consistency; consequence; die ~en ziehen do the only thing one can. konservativ adj. [konzerva'tirf] conservative.
Konserven [kon'zervan] flpl. tinned or Am. canned foods pi.; biichse / dose/tin. Am. can; fabrik/ tinning factory, esp. Am. cannery. konservieren [konzer'viiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) preserve. ,
Konsonant gr. [lonzo'nant] m (-en/ -
Konsum [kon'zurm] m 1. (-s/no £/.) consumption; 2. (-s/-s) co-operative shop. Am. co-operative store, F co-op; 3. (s/no pi.) consumers' co-operative society, F co-op; ~ent Uu'msnt] m (-en/-en) consumer; Sieren Uu'mirran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) consume;
Konsortium -f [k3n,zortsjvim] n (-s/Konsort/en) syndicate konstruieren [kDnstru'irran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) gr. construe; ©: con.
struct; design.
Konstruk|teur © [lonstruk'to ] m tion © [Jtsjoin]
/(-/-en) construction; .'tionsfehler © m constructional defect. Konsul pol. ['lonzul] m (-s/-n) con-
verein m s. Konsum 3.
Kontakt [kan'takt] m (-[e]s/-e) contact (a. f); in ~ stehen mit be in contact or touch with.
Kontinent ['kantinent] m (-[e]s/-e) continent.
Kontingent [kontirj'gent] n (-[e]s/ e) X contingent, quota (a. -f). Konto -f ['konto] n (-s/Konten, Kontos, Konti) account; ' auszug if m -
statement of account;
konto Y [ lo'rent-] n current account.
Kontor [kon'toir] n (-s/-e) office; ist Uo'rist] m (-en/-en) clerk. Kontrast [kon'trast] m (-es/-e) contrast.
Kontrollje [kon'trob] / (-/-n) control; supervision; check; 2ieren [ 'liiran] vlt. (no -ge-, h) control; supervise; check. Kontroverse [kontro'verza] / (-/-n) controversy.
konventionell adj. [kDnventsjo'nsl] conventional.
Konversation [konverza'tsjom] / (-/-en) conversation; slexikon n encyclop(a)edia. Konzentr|ation [kontssntra'tsjo:n] / (-/-en) concentration; 2ieren [~' triiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) concen~
trate, focus (attention, etc.) (auf acc. on); sich concentrate (auf acc. on).
Konzern [kon'tsern] m (-s/-e) combine, group. Konzert i [kDn'tsert] n (-[e]s/-e) concert; recital; concerto; saal $ m concert-hall.
Konzession [kontse'sjorn] / (-/-en) concession; licenjce. Am. -se; 2ieren Uo'nirran] vlt. (no -ge-, h) license.
Kopf Dopf] m (-[e]s/=e) head; top; brains pi.; pipe: bowl; ein fahiger a clever fellow; ~ hoch! chin up!; j-m iiber den wachsen outgrow s.o.; . get beyond s.o.; '-.arbeit ~
/brain-work; ' bahnhof minus,
en) consonant.
(-s/-e) designer;
m ter' bedek-
kung / headgear, headwear. kopfen ['kcepfan] v/t. (ge-, h) behead, decapitate; football: head (ball).
Kopf|ende n head;
'.Jiorer m
headphone, headset;
pillow; '2108 adj. headless;./fe. confused; ' nicken n (s/no pi.) nod; ' rechnen n (s/no pi.) mental arithmetic j ' salat m cabbage-lettuce;
schmerzen mlpl. headache; ' tuch n scarf; E'iiber adv. head first, headlong; ' vveh n (-[e]s/-e)5. Kopfschmerzen; ' zerbrechen n (s/no pi.): j-m ~ machen puzzle s.o.
spning m header;
Kopie [ko'pi:] /(-/-n) copy; duplicate; phot., film: print; rstift m indelible pencil. Koppel I'kopsl] 1. / (-/-n) hounds: couple; horses: string; paddock; 2 X " (-s/-) belt; 'Sn v/t. (ge-, h) couple (a. ©, /). Koralle [ko'rala] / (-/-n) coral; n.
fischer m coral-fisher.
Korb [korp] m (-[e]s/=e) basket;/fe. refusal;
cock of
163 '
Kosten2 1. pi. cost(s pi.); expense(s pi.), charges pi.; auf (gen.) at the expense of; 2. S v/t. (ge-, h) cost; take, require (time, etc.); ' anschlag m estimate, tender; 'Sfrei 1 adj. free; 2. adv. free of charge; .
£los s. kostenfrei.
Kostjganger ['kostgeipr] m (si-) boarder; ' geld n board-wages Pi. kostlich adj. ['kcestlig] delicious. Kostjprobe/taste, sample (a. fig.); Sspielig adj. [' /piili?] expensive, '
Kostiim [kos'tyrm] n (sl-e) costume, dress; suit; fest n fancydress ball.
mobel nlpl. wicker furni-
Kot [ko:t] m (-[e]s/no pi.) mud,
I'kordal] / (-/-n)
Kotelett [ko 'let] n (-[e]s/-s, N -e) pork, veal, lamb: cutlet; pork, veal, mutton: chop; _en pi. sidewhiskers pi.. Am. a. sideburns pi.
mire; excrement.
twine; cord.
Korinthe [ko'rinta] / (-/-n) currant. Kork [kork] m (-[e]s/-e), ' en m (si-) cork; '»(en)zieher m (-s/-) corkscrew.
Kotjflugel mot. m mudguard. Am. a fender; 'Sig adj. muddy, miry. Krabbe zo. ['kraba] /(-/-n) shrimp; .
Korn [korn] 1. n (-[e]s/=er) seed; grain; 2. n (-[e]s/-e) com, cereals pi.; 3. n (-[e]s/S-e) front sight; 4 F m (-[e]s/-) (German) com whisky. kornig adj. ['koemi?] granular; in compounds: ...-grained.
krabbeln ['krabsln] v/i. (ge-, sein) crawl.
Korper ['koerpsr] m (-s/-) body (a. phys., llJi solid; ' bau m build, physique; Sbehindert adj. [ bahindart] (physically) disabled, handicapped; ' beschaffenheit / confiille / corstitution, physique; pulence; geruch m body-odo(u)r; ' grofie / stature; kraft / physical strength; Slich adj. physical; corporal; bodily; pflege/care of the body, hygiene; ' schaft / body (corporate) (-/-en) body; verletzung £z f corporation; bodily harm, physical injury. korrekt adj. [kD'rekt] correct; £or [or] m (si-en) (proof-)reader; £ur [ 'turr] / (-/-en) correction; 2urbogen m proof-sheet. Korrespondjent [korEspDn'dent] m (-en/-en) correspondent; enz [ ts] / (-/-en) correspondence; Sieren [ dirran] v/i. (no -ge-, h) correspond (mit with). korrigieren [kori'giiran] v/t. (no ge-, h) correct. Korsett Ikor'zet] n (-{e]s/-e, -s)
Krach [krax] m (-[e]s/-e, -s) crack, crash (a. 'f); quarrel, si. bust-up; F row; mochen kick up a row; 'Sen v/i. (ge-) 1. (h) thunder: crash; cannon: roar, thunder; 2. crash (a. -f), smash.
corset, stays pi. Kosename ['kotza-] m pet name. Kosmetik [tos'meitik] / (-/no pi.)
beauty culture;
erin / (-/-nen)
beautician, cosmetician.
Kost [lost] / (-Ino pi.) food, fare; board; diet; '2bar adj. present, etc.:
krachzen ['kre tssn] v/t. and v/i. (ge-, h) croak. Kraft [kraft] 1. / (-/=e) strength; force (a. $0; power (a. S, ©); energy; vigo(u)r; efficacy; in ~ sein (setzen, treten) be in (put into, come into) operation or force; ouSer ~ setzen repeal, abolish (law); 2 2 prp. (gen.) by virtue of; '~anlage / / power plant; ' briihe / .
beef tea; ' fahrer m driver, motor-
ist; ' fahrzeug n motor vehicle. kraftig adj. ['krefti?] strong (a. fig.), powerful; fig. nutritious, rich; ~en
i gan] (ge-, h) 1. v/t. strengthen; '
2 '
vji. give strength.
kraft|los adj. powerless; feeble; weak; 2probe / trial of strength; ' Srad n motor cycle; 'Sstoff mot. m fuel; voll adj. powerful (a.fig.); ' 2wagen m motor vehicle; '£werk '
£ n power station. Kragen ['kraigsn] m (si-) collar; ' knopf m collar-stud. Am. collar button.
Krahe orn. fkrera] / (-/-n) crow; ' Sn vli. (ge-, h) crow.
Kralle ['krala] / (-/-n) claw (a. fig.); talon, clutch.
costly, expensive; health, time, etc.:
Kram [kra:m] m (-[e]s/m> pi.) sniff, odds and ends pi.; fig. affairs pl.3
valuable; mineral, etc.: precious. ' kosten1 v/t. (ge-, h) taste, try, sample.
Kramer I'kreimar] m (si-) shopkeeper.
Krampf & [krampf] m (-te]s/«e) cramp; spasm, convulsion; ' ader & f varicose vein; 'Shaft adj. & spasmodic,
164 -
Krebs [kre:ps] m (-es/-e) zo. crayfish, Am. a. crawfish; ast. Cancer, Crab; # cancer; e pi. If returns pi. Kredit -f [kre'diit] m (-[e]s/-e) cred-
[kra:n] m (-[e]s/=e, -e)
it; auf ~ on credit; Sfahig -f adj.
krank adj. [kragk] sick; organ, etc.: diseased; ~ se/n p. be ill, esp. Am.
Kreide ['kraidal/X-Z-n) chzlk;paint.
be sick; animal: be sick or ill; ~
Kreis [krais] m (-es/-e) circle (a.fig.); ast. orbit; £ circuit; district. Am. county; fig.: sphere, field; range. kreischen ['kraijan] (ge-, h) 1. vlt. screech, scream; squeal, shriek; circular saw, etc.: grate (on the ear); 2 vlt. shriek, screech (insult, etc.).
Kran ©
werden p. fall ill or esp. Am. sick; animal: fall sick; 'Se m, f (-n/-n) sick person, patient, invalid. krankeln f'krerikaln] vji. (ge-, h) be sickly, be in poor health. ' kranken fig. v/i. (ge-, h) suffer (on dat. from).
kranken ['kregkan] v/t. (ge-, h) offend, injure; wound or hurt s.o. s feelings; sich ~ feel hurt (uber acc.
Kreisel ['kraizal] m (-s/-) (whipping-)top; kompafl m gyro-com'
at, about). '
Krankenjbett n sick-bed; ' geld n '
haus n hospital; kasse / health insurance (fund); ' kost / invalid diet; ' lager n s. Krankenbett; ' pflege / nursing; Lpfleger m male nurse; ' schein
kreisen ['kraizan] vji. (ge-, h) (move in a) circle; revolve, rotate; bird: circle; bird: wheel; blood, money: circulate. kreis|f6rmig adj. ['kraisfoermic] circular; 'Slauf m physiol., money, etc.:
health or sickness insurance; ' wa-
gen m ambulance; ' zimmer n
roundabout (traffic).
' .
ical; '2heit / (-/-en) illness, sick-
'Sverkehr m
rubbish, stuff, lumber.
erscheinung / ogenic agent; symptom (a. fig.). ' kranklich adj. sickly, ailing. '
Krankung/(-/-en) insult, offen|ce,
krepieren [kre'piiran] v/i. (no -ge-, se/n) shell: burst, explode; si. kick the bucket, peg or snuff out; animal: die, perish.
Krepp [krep] m (-s/-s, -e) crSpe; crape; apier [ kreppapiir] n crepe paper; ' sohle / crepe(-rubber) '
Am. -se.
Kranz [krants] m (-es/«e) wreath; garland. Kranzchen . ['krents an] n (-s/-) tea-party, F hen-party. krafS adj. [kras] crass, gross. kratzen I'kratsan] (ge-, h) 1. v/i. scratch; 2. v/t. scratch; sich ~
Kreuz [kovts] 1. n (-es/-e) cross (a.
fig.); crucifix; anat. small of the back; # sacral region; cards: club(s pi.); J sharp; zu ~(e) kriechen eat humble pie; 2. 2 adv.: ~ und quer in all directions; criss-cross.
scratch (o.s.).
kraulen ['kraulan] (ge-) 1. v/t. (h) scratch gently; 2. v/i. (se/n) sports: crawl.
kraus adj. [kraus] curly, curled; crisp; frizzy; die Stirn ~ ziehen knit one s brow; Se / (-/-n) ruff(le), '
krauseln ['krovzaln] v/t. (ge-, h) curl, crimp (hair, etc.); pucker (lips); sich ~ hair: curl; waves, etc.: ruffle; smoke: curl or wreath up.
Kraut [kraut] n 1. (-[e]s/«er) plant; herb; 2. (-[e]s/no pi.) tops pi.; cabbage; weed. Krawall [kra'val] m (-[e]s/-e) riot; shindy, F row, si. rumpus. Krawatte [kra'vats] / (-/-n) (neck-) tie.
Kreatur [krea'turr] / (-/-en) creature.
Krempel F ['krempal] m (s/no pi.)
ness; disease.
Krankheitsjerreger & m path-
Krempe ['krempa] /(-/-n) brim (of
/ (sick-)nurse; ' versichervmg /
kranklhaft adj. morbid, patholog-
cycle; 'Slaufstorungen # flpl. circulatory trouble; ' rund adj. circular; Ssage © / circular saw,
m medical certificate;
kreuzen (ge-, h) 1. v/t. cross, fold (arms, etc.); zo. cross(-breed), hybridize; s/ch roads: cross, intersect; plans, etc.: clash; 2. & vji. cruise.
Kreuzer & m (-&[-) cruiser.
Kreuzlfahrer hist, m crusader; fahrt / hist, crusade; & cruise; ' feuer n cross-fire (a. fig.); Sigen [' igan] vjt. (ge-, h) crucify; Ugung [' iguq] / (-/-en) crucifixion; hotter zo. f common viper; fritter hist, m knight of the Cross; ' schmerzen m/pl. back ache; spinne zo. f garden- or cross-spider; ' ung / (-/-en) , roads, etc.: '
crossing, intersection; roads: cross-
zo. cross-breeding, hy-
bridization; ' verhor fa n crossexamination; ins
nehmen cross-
165 -
viewer; 2sch adj. [ kriitij] critical (gegenufaer of); 2sieren [kriti'zi:ran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) criticize; re-
weise adv. crosswise, crossways; ' wortratsel n crossword (puzzle); ' zug hist, m
view (book).
kriechjen t'kri an] vji. (irr., ge-, se/n) creep, crawl; fig. cringe (vor dat. to, before); '2er contp. m (-s/-) toady; 2erei contp. [Jrai] / (-/-en) toadyism. Krieg [kri:k] m (-[e]s/-e) war; tm m at war; j. fuhren. kriegen F ['kriigan] v/t. (ge-, h) catch, seize; get.
kritt|eln fkritsln] vjt. (ge-, h) find fault (on dat. with), cavil (at); 21er [Vlar] m (-s/-) fault-finder, caviller.
erdenktnal n war memorial; . Serisch adj. warlike; militant; ' Sfiihrend adj. belligerent; ' fiihrung / warfare.
Kriegsjbeil fig. n: das begraben bury the hatchet; 2beschadigt adj. [ bsjerdigt] war-disabled; ' beschadigte m (-n/-n) disabled exserviceman; dienst tn war service; ' dienstverweigerer X m er(-s/-) conscientious objector; klarung / declaration of war; flotte / naval force; '-.gefangene m prisoner of war; gefangenschaft X f captivity; ' gericht tft n court martial; ~gewinnler I gavinbr] m (-s/-) war profiteer; hafen m naval port; ' kamerad m wartime comrade; list / stratmacht / military forces agem; pi.; ' minister hist, m minister of '
war; Secretary of State for War, Am. Secretary of War; ' ministerium hist, n ministry of war; War Office, Am. War Department;
rat m council of war;
X »» theatjre or Am. -er of war;
schiff n warship; ' schule / military academy; teilnehmer m combatant; ex-serviceman. Am. veteran; ' treiber m (-s/-) warmonger; ' verbrecher m war criminal; ' zug m (military) expedition, campaign. Kritninal|beamte [krimi'na:!-] m criminal investigator. Am. plainclothes man; ~film m crime film; thriller; polizei / criminal investigation department; roman m detective or crime novel, thriller, si. whodun(n)it. kriminell adj. [krimi'nel] criminal; 2e m (-n/-n) criminal. Krippe ['krips] / (-/-n) crib, manger; creche. Krise ['krhza] /(-/-n) crisis. Kristall [kris'tal] 1. m (-s/-e) crystal; 2 n (slnopl.) crystal(-glass); 2isieren Ui'ziiran] v/i. and v/refL (no ge-, h) crystallize. Kriti|k [kri'ti-.k] / (-/-en) criticism; /, thea., etc.: review, criticism; F unter alter ~ beneath contempt; '
iiben an (dat.) s. kr/t/s/eren; ~ker ['krirtiksrj m (-s/-) critic; books: re-
kroch [krox] pret. of kriechen. Krokodil zo. [kroko'di:!] n (-s/-e) crocodile.
fkroms] / (-/-n) crown;
coronet (of duke, earl, etc.). kronen ['kroman] v/t. (ge-, h) crown (zum Konig king) (a.fig.). '
Kronjleuchter m chandelier; lust|re. Am. -er; electrolier; '
prinz m crown prince; prinzessin / crown princess. ' Krdnung / (-/-en) coronation, crowning;/ , climax, culmination. ' Kronzeuge s% m chief witness; King's evidence, Am. State's evidence.
Kropf # [kropf] goitjre. Am. -er. Krote zo. I'kroits] / (-/-n) toad. Kriicke ['kryks] / (-/-n) crutch. Krug [kru:k] m (-[e]s/-=e) jug, pitch-
scrawl(ing), scribble, scribbling; n v/t. and vfi. (ge-, h) scrawl,
Krieg|er ['kriigsr] m (-s/-) warrior;
er; jar; mug; tankard.
Krume ['] / (-/-n) crumb; S topsoil. Kriimel ['kryrmsl] m (si-) small crumb; '2n w/r. and v/i. (ge-, hi) crumble.
krumm adj. [krum] p. bent, stooping; limb, nose, etc.: crooked; spine: curved; deal, business, etc.: crooked; ' beinig adj. bandy- or bow-legged. kriimmen ['kryman] v/t. (ge-, h) bend (arm, back, etc.); crook (finger, etc.); curve (metal sheet, etc.); sich ~ person, snake, etc.: writhe; worm, etc.: wriggle; sich vor Schmerzen writhe with pain; sich
with laughter. '
Kriimmung / (-/-en) road, etc.: bend; arch, road, etc.: curve; river, path, etc.: turn, wind, meander; earth s surface, spine, etc.: curva'
Kriippel f'krypal] m (-s/-) cripple. Kruste ['krusts] /(-/-n) crust. Kubel Ckyrbal] m (-si-) tub; pail, bucket.
Kubik)meter [ku'bi:k-] n, m cubic met|re. Am. -er; wurzel A'/cube root.
Kiiche t'kyga] / (-/-n) kitchen; cuisine, cookery; s. katt. Kuchen ['kurxan] m (-s/-) cake, flan; pastry. '
Kiichenlgerat n, ' geschirr n kitchen utensils pi.; ' herd m (kitchen-)range; cooker, stove; ' schrank m kitchen cupboard or
Riichenzettel '
166 -
zettel m bill of fare,
buddy; el f' pal] m (si-, F -s) pitman, collier; F work-mate; F s.
Kuckuck om. ['kukuk] m (-s/-e)
Kumpan. Kunde fkunda] 1. m (-n/-n) cus-
cabinet; menu.
Kufe ['kurfa] / (-/-n)
skid; sleigh,
etc.: runner.
Kiifer ['kyrfar]
m (-s/-)
Kugel I'kurgsl] / (-/-n) baU; bullet; A-, geogr. sphere; sports: shot, weight; 2£6rmig adj. [ fcermiq] spherical, ball-shaped, globular; ' .gelenk @, anat. n ball-andsocket joint; Jager @ n ballbearing; 'Sn (ge-) 1. o/i- (sefn) ball, etc.: roll; 2. w/r. (h) roll (ia//, ere); '
S(ch ~ children, etc.: roll about; F
double up (vor with laughter); schreiber ball(-point)-pen; stofien « (-slno pi.) sports: putting the shot or weight. Kuh zo. [ku:] / (-/=e) cow.
kiihl adj. [ky:l] cool (a. .); 'Sanlage / cold-storage plant; 'Se / (-Ino pi ) cool(ness); ' en vlt. (ge-, h) cool (wine, wound, etc.); chill (wine, etc.); 'Ser mot. m (-s/-) .
radiator; 'Sraum m cold-storage chamber; 'Sschrank m refrigerator,
audacious. '
Kuhstall m cow-house, byre. Am. bam.
Kiiken om. f'kyrkan] n (-s/-) chick. kulant -f adj- [ku'lant] firm, etc.: accommodating, obliging; price, terms, etc.: fair, easy. Kulisse [ku'lisa] / (-/-n) thea. wing,
side-scene; fig. front; pi. a. scenery; hinter den behind the scenes.
Kult [kult] m (-[e]s/-e) squash; mud, slush; '2ig adj. pulpy, squashy; muddy, slushy.
matt adj. [mat] faint, feeble; voice, etc.: faint; eye, colour, etc.: dim; colour, light, t* stock exchange, style, etc.: dull; metal: tarnished; gold, etc.: dead, dull; chess: mated; / bulb: non-glare; - geschliffen glass: ground, frosted, matted; ~ setzen "
at chess: (check)mate 5.0. Matte ['mata] / (-/-n) mat. ' Mattigkeit / (-/no pi.) exhaustion, feebleness; faintness. '
Mattscheibe / phot. focus(s)ing screen; television: screen.
massig adj. massy, bulky; solid. mafiig adj. ['msrsig] moderate; food, etc.: frugal; if price: moderate reasonable; result, etc.: poor; -en [ -
gan] v/t. (ge-, h) moderate; s/ch ~ moderate or restrain o.s.; Sung / (-/-en) moderation; restraint '
massiv [ma'sirf] 1. adj. massive, solid; 2. 2 geol. n (-s/-e) massif. '
Mafilkrug m beer-mug. Am. a. stein;
Mafl [ma:s] 1. n (-es/-e) measure; proportion; fig. moderation; ~e pi. und Gewichte pi. weights and measures pi.; ~e pi. room, etc.: measurements pi.; 2. / (-/-[e]) appr. quart (of beer); 3. 2 pret. of messen.
masten ['msstan] v/t. (ge-, h) fatten,
Masern # ['marzam] pi. measles pi.
21os adj. immoderate; boundless; exorbitant, excessive;
Mauer ['mauar] / (-/-n) wall; bliimchen . ['-bly:m?an] n (-s/-) wall-flower; '2n (ge-, h) 1. v/i. make a wall, lay bricks; 2. v/t. build (in stone or brick); '-stein m brick; ' werk n masonry, brickwork. -
Maul [maul] n (-[e]s/=er) mouth; 5/.: halt s shut up!; 'Sen F v/t. (ge-, h) sulk, pout; '-esel zo. m mule, hinny; ' held F m braggart; ' korb m muzzle; '-schelle F / '
box on the ear; '-tier zo. n mule;
181 '
Lwurf zo. m mole; Lwurfshiigel
mals adv. [] several times, repeatedly; sprachig adj. polyglot; ' stimmig J" adj.: er Gesang part-song; verbrauch m excess consumption; wertsteuer f f (-/wo pi.) value-added tax; '2zahl / majority; gr. plural (form); '
Maurer f'maurar] m (-s/-) bricklayer, mas">n; ' meister m master mason; ' polier m bricklayers '
Maus zo. [maus] / (-/"e) mouse; efalle [' za-] / mousetrap; Sen [' zan] (ge-, h) 1. vli. catch mice; 2 F vlt. pinch, pilfer, F swipe. Mauser ['mauzar] / (-/no pi.) mo(u)lt(ing); in der ~ sei n be mo(u)lting; '2n vfrefl. (ge-, h) ~
die ~ (gen.) most of. meiden [ maidan] v/t. (irr., ge-, h) '
avoid, shun, keep away from. Meile ['mails] / (-/-n) mile; '~n-
stein m milestone.
mein poss. pron. [mam] my; der
(die, das) ~e my; die £en pi. my family, F my people or folks pi.; ich habe das e getan I have done
Maximum ['maksimum] n (siMaxima) maximum.
Mayonnaise [majo'neiza] / (-/-n) mayonnaise. Mechani|k [me' amik] / 1. (-/no pi.) mechanics mst sg.; 2. © (-/-en) mechanism; ~ker m (-s/-) mechanic; 2sch adj. mechanical; Ssieren [ ani'zi'.ran] vIt. (no -ge-, h) mechanize; smus © [ a nismus] m (-/Mechanismen) mechanism; clock watch, etc.: works pi. meckern ['mskarn] v/i. (ge-, h) bleat; fig. grumble (liter acc. over, at, about), carp (at); nag (at); si. grouse. Am. si. gripe.
all I can; ~e Damen und Herrenl Ladies and Gentlemen!
Meineid j% ['mam'-] m perjury; 2ig adj. perjured. meinen [ maman] v/t. (ge-, h) think, believe, be of (the) opinion, '
Am. a. reckon, guess; say; mean; wie ~ S; e das? what do you mean '
by that?; ~ Si'e das ernst? do you (really) mean it?; es gut ~ mean
meinetwegen adv. [ mamat' ] for my sake; on my behalf; because of me, on my account; for all I care; '
Medaill|e [me'dalja] /(-/-n) medal; U'jo:]
Medikament [medika'ment] n (-[e]s/-e) medicament medicine. Medizin [medi'tsim] / 1. (-/no pi.) (science of) medicine; 2. (-/-en) medicine, F physic; er m (-s/-) medical man; medical student; 2isch adj. medical; medicinal. Meer [me:r] n (-[e]s/-e) sea (a. fig.), ocean; Lbusen m gulf, bay; ' enge / strait(s pi.); ' esspiegel m sea level; Lrettich m horse-radish; ' schweinchen zo. n guinea-pig. Mehl [me:l] n (-[e]s/-e) flour; meal; ' brei m pap; 'Sig adj. floury, mealy; farinaceous; ' speise / sweet dish, pudding; ' suppe / gruel. mehr [me:r] 1. adj. more; er hat Geld als ich he has (got) more money than I; 2. adv. more; nicht no more, no longer, not any longer; ich hate nichts I have nothing left; 'Sarbeit / additional work; overtime; 'Sausgaben f/pl. additional expenditure; 'Sbetrag m surplus; ' deutig adj. ambiguous; '2einnahme(n pi.) /additional receipts pi.; ' en vlt. (ge-, h) augment, increase; sich ~ multiply, grow; ' ere adj. and indef. pron. several, some; ' fach 1. adj. manifold, repeated; 2. adv. repeatedly, several times; gebot« higher bid; ' 2heit / (-/-en) majority, plurality; ' Skosten pi. additional expense; Vmalig adj. repeated, reiterated; ,
m molehill.
I don't mind or care. '
Meinung / (-/-en) opinion (iiber acc, von about, of); die offentliche (the) public opinion; meiner ~ nach in my opinion, to my mind; sagen give s.o. j-m (gehorig) die a piece of one s mind; ~saustausch ['mamugs9-] m exchange of views (titer acc. on); ' sverschiedenheit / difference of opinion (iiber acc. on); disagreement. Meise orn. ['maiza] /(-/-n) titmouse. Meifiel ['maisal] m (-s/-) chisel; 'Sn vjt. and v/i. (ge-, h) chisel; carve. meist [maist] 1. adj. most; die en Leute most people; die ~e Ze/'t most of one s time; 2. adv.: s. meistens; am ~en most (of all); 2bietende [' biitanda] m (-n/-n) highest bidder; ens adv. [' ans], ' en'teils adv. mostly, in most cases; usually. Meister ['maistar] m (-s/-) master, si. boss; sports: champion; 'Shaft 1 adj. masterly; 2. adv. in a masterly manner or way; 'Sn vlt. (ge-, h) master; ' schaft / 1. (-/no pi.) mast-ry; 2. (-/-en) sports: championship, title; ' stiick n, ' werk n ~
masterpiece. '
Meistgebot n highest bid, best offer.
Melanchol|ie [melaqko'li:] / (-/-n) melancholy; 2isch adj. [ ko ij] '
melancholy;» se/ n F have the blues.
Meldejamt ['mslda-] n registration '
Uiste / sports: list of enn v/t. (ge-, h) announce; imorm s.o. of; offij-m et cially: notify to s.o.; j-n
enter s.o.'s
name (fur, zu for); sich
report o.s. (be/ to); school, etc.: put up one s hand; answer the telephone; enter (one s name) (fur, zu for examination, etc.); sich zu
apply for; sich auf e/ n
mane; keit / (-Ino pi.) human nature; humanity, humaneness. Mentalitat [mentali'tert] / (-/-en) mentality.
merk|bar adj. ['merkba:r] s. merklich; 'Sblatt n leaflet, instructional
pamphlet; '2buch n notebook; '»en (ge-, h) 1. v/i.: ~ auf (acc.) pay
answer an advertisement. '
Meldung / (-/-en) information, advice; announcement; report; registration; application; sports: entry.
attention to, listen to; 2. v/t. notice,
perceive; find out, discover; sich et.
melke|n ['melkan] v/t. ([:Vr.,] ge-, h) Melod|ie J [melo'di:] / (-/-n) melody; tune, air; 2isch adj. [ lordij] '
melodious, tuneful.
Melone [me'loina]/(-/-n) melon; F bowler(-hat). Am. derby. Membran [mem'brain] / (-/-en), e / (-/-") membrane; teleph. a. diaphragm. Memme F fmema] / (-/-n) coward; poltroon. Memoiren [memo'airan] pi. memoirs pi. ~
remember; bear in
lich adj. noticeable, perceptible; '2mal n (-[e]s/-e) mark, sign; characteristic, feature. ' merkwtirdig adj. noteworthy, remarkable; strange, odd, curious; erweise adv. [' gar'-] strange to say, strangely enough; '2keit / (-/-en) remarkableness; curiosity; peculiarity. mefibar adj. ['mesbarr] measurable. Messe ['mesa] / (-/-n) -f fair; eccl. mass;
compete with s.o.; sich nicht mit konnen be no match for s.o.;
Menge ['mega] / (-/-n) quantity; multitude;
groBer ~ in abundance; persons, animals:
plenty of money, F lots pi. of money; e-e * Bucher a great many books; '2n vjt. (ge-, h) mix, blend;
gemessen an (dat.) measured against, compared with. Messer ['mesar] n (-s/-) knife; # scalpel; bis aufs ~ to the knife; auf des ~s Schneide on a razor-edge or
being; man; person, individual; die en pi. people pi., the world, man-
battle; '~stich m stab with a knife.
Messing f'mesir)] n (-s/no pi.) brass;
Menschen|affe zo. m anthropoid ape; alter n generation, age; '»feind m misanthropist; 'Sfeindlich '
fresser m adj. misanthropic; cannibal (-si-) man-eater; freund m philanthropist; '2freundlich adj. philanthropic; gedenken n (-s/no pi.): seit * from ,
time immemorial, within the mem'
ory of man; geschlecht n human haf5 m misanrace, mankind; thropy; ' kenner m judge of men or human nature; kenntnis / knowledge of human nature; '»leben n human life; '21eer adj. deserted; 'Uiebe / philanthropy; ' menge / crowd (of people), throng; '2m6glich adj. humanly possible; raub m kidnap(p)ing; ' rechte n/pl. human rights pi.; ' Sscheu adj. unsociable, shy; seele /: keine not a living soul; '
verstand m human understand-
ing; gesunder ~ common sense, F horse sense; ' wiirde / dignity of man. '
Menschheit / (-/no pi.) human race, mankind.
interfere with.
Mensch [menj] m (-en/-en) human kind; kein
s edge; griff m knifehandle; '~held m stabber; ' klinge /knife-blade; ' schmied m cutler; ' schneide/knife-edge; stecher m (-si-) stabber; » techerei [~Jtega'rai] / (-/-en) knifing, knife'
sich ~ mix (unter acc. with), mingle (with); sich ~ in (acc.) meddle or
messen ['mesan] vft. (irr., ge-, h) measiire; sound; sich mit j-m
menagerie. amount;
milk; 'Sr m (-s/-) milker.
182 -
menschlich adj. human; fig. hu-
blech n sheet-brass.
Mef51 instrument n measuring instrument;
Jatte/surveyor's rod; tisch m surveyor's or plane table. Metall [me'tal] n (-s/-e) metal; ~arbeiter m metal worker; 2en adj. (of) metal, metallic; ~geld n coin(s pi.), specie; glanz m metallic «
metalliferous; ~industrie / metallurgical industry; »waren f/pl. hardware.
Meteor ast.
meteor; (-nl-n)
[mete'o:r] m (-sf-e) «ologe [ oro loiga] m meteorologist; ologie '
[\,orolo'gi:]/(-/n£> pi.) meteorology.
Meter ['me:tar] n, m (-s/-) met|re, Am. -er; '»maC n tape-measure. Methodje [me'torda] /(-/-n) method; © a. technique; 2isch adj.
methodical. [metropolis.! Metropole [metro'po:la] / (-/-n)/ Metzel|ei [metsa'lai] / (-/-en) slaughter, massacre; n v/t. (ge-j h) butcher, slaughter, massacre. Metzger ['metsgar] m (-s/-) butcher; ei U'rar]/(-/-en) butcher's (shop). Meuchel|mord ['movcal-] m assas~
sination; ' morder m assassin.
Meute ['morta] / (-/-n) pack of
hounds; fig. gang; *rei U'rai] / (-/-en) mutiny;
rer m (-$/-) mu-
tineer; 'Srisch adj. mutinous; 'Srn vii. Cge-, h) mutiny (gegen against). mich pers. pron. [mid me; (se/fa$t) myself. mied [mi:t] pret. of me/den. Mieder fmirdar] n (-s/-) bodice; corset; waren flpl. corsetry. Miene ['mirna] / (-/-n) coimtenance, air; feature; gute zum bbsen Spiel machen grin and bear it; mochen zu inf. offer or threaten to inf. mies F adj. [mi:s] miserable, poor; out of sorts, seedy. '
Miet|e ['mirta] / (-/-n) rent; hire;
tatig adj. charitable; 'Statigkeit
/ charity. Milieu [mil'je:] n (-s/-s) surroundings pi., environment; class, circles pi.; local colo(u)r. Militar [mili'te-.r] 1. n (-s/no pi.) military, armed forces pi.; army; 2 m (-s/-s) military man, soldier; attache [-ataje:] m (-s/-s) military attache; dienst m military service; .
Sisch adj. military; ».musik/military music; regierung / military government; zeitf (-jno pi.) term of military service. Miliz X [mi'li:ts] / (-/-en) militia; soldat X m militiaman. Milliarde [mil'jarda] / (-/-n) thousand millions, milliard. Am. billion.
zur ~ wohnen live in lodgings, be a tenant; 'Sen v/t. (ge-, h) rent (land, building, etc.),' hire (horse, etc.);
Millimeter [mili1-] n, m millimetlre,
Million [mirjorn] / (-/-en) million; ar [~o ne:r] m (-s/-e) millionaire. Milz anat. [milts] / (-/-en) spleen,
(take on) lease (land, etc.); ' er
lodger. Am. a. roomer; lessee; Sfrei adj. rent-free; ' shaus n block of flats. Am. apartment house; ' vertrag m tenancy agreement; lease; ' wohnung / lodgings pi., flat. Am. apartment. Migrane [mi'grerna] / (-/-n) migraine, megrim; sick headache. Mikrophon [mikro'forn] n (-s/-e) microphone, F mike. Mikroskop [mikro'sko:p] n (-s/-e) microscope; Sisch adj. microscop'
ic(al). Milbe zo. ['milba] / (-/-n) mite. Milch [mile] / (-Ino pi.) milk; milt, soft roe (offish); ' bar / milk-bar; '
. m stripling; ' brotchen gesicht n baby face; '-glas n frosted glass; 'Sig adj. milky; kanne / milk-can; ' kuh / milk cow (a. fig.); '-.madchen F n milkmaid, dairymaid; mann F m milkman, dairyman; pulver n milk-powder; reis m rice-milk; ' strafie ast. f Milky Way, Galaxy; ' wirtschaft / dairy-fann(ing); ' zahn m milk'
n (French) roll; '
mild [milt] 1. adj. weather, punishment, etc.: mild; air, weather, light, etc.: soft; wine, etc.: mellow, smooth; reprimand, etc.: gentle; adv.: et. faeurte/7en lenient view of s. th.
milde ['milda]
1. adj. s. mild 1; adv.: gesagt to put it mildly; 2 / (-/no pi.) mildness; softness; smoothness; gentleness. milder|n ['mildarn] r/r. (ge-, h) soften, mitigate; soothe, alleviate (pain, etc.); ~de Umstande j** extenuating circumstances; 'Sung / (-/-en) softening mitigation; alle2 3
Am. -er. '
milt. '
minder [ mindar] 1. adv. less; nicht no less, likewise; 2. adj. less(er); smaller; minor; inferior; '
begabt adj. less gifted;
telt adj. [' bamitalt] of moderate means; 'Sbetrag m deficit, shortage; 'Seinnahme /shortfall in receipts; Sgewicht n short weight; ' Sheit / (-/-en) minority; jahrig adj. [' jeiri?] under age, minor; ' Sjahrigkeit / (-/no pi.) minority; ' n v/t. and v/refl. (ge-, h) diminish, lessen, decrease; 'Sung / (-/-en) decrease, diminution; ' wertig adj. inferior, of inferior quality; '
Swertigkeit/(-/no pi.) inferiority; f inferior quality; 'Swertigkeitskomplex m inferiority complex. mindest
least; slightest; minimum; nicht die ~e Aussicht not the slightest chance; nicht im en not in the least, by no means; zum
[ mindast]
en at least; 'Salter n '
minimum age; Sanforderungen flpl. minumum requirements pi.; Sbetrag m lowest amount; 'Seinkommen n minimum income; ens adv. at least; Sgebot n lowest bid; 'Slohn m minimum wage; '2mafl n minimum; auf ein ~ herobsetzen minimize; Spreis m minimum price. Mine ['mi:na] / (-/-n) A ' , X, mine; pencil: lead; ball-point-pen: '
viation. '
183 -
mild|herzig adj. charitable; Sherzigkeit / (-/no pi.) charitableness;
Mineral [mina'ra:!] n (-s/-e, -/en) mineral; Sisch adj. mineral; «ogie Ualo'gi:]/(-/no pi.) mineralogy; ~wasser n (-s/=) mineral water. Miniatur [minia'tuir]/(-/-en) miniature; «gemalde n miniature. Minirock ['mini-] m miniskirt. Minister [mi'nistar] m (-s/-) minister; Secretary (of State), Am. Sec-
retary; ~ium [ 'teirjum] n (s/Ministerien) ministry; Office, A?n. Department; prasident m prime minister, premier; in Germany, etc.: minister president; ~rat m (-[e]s/=e) cabinet coimcil.
minus adv. ['mirnus] minus, less, deducting. Minute [mi'nuits] / (-/-n) minute; nzeiger m minute-hand. mir pers. pron. [mi:r] (to) me.
Mischjehe ['mij9-] / mixed marriage; intermarriage; 'Sen vjt. (ge-, h) mix, mingle; blend {coffee, tobacco, etc.) i alloy (tnetal); shuffle (cards'); sich ~ in (acc.) interfere in; join in (conversation); sich ~ unter
(acc.) mix or mingle with (the crowd); ling V Uq] m (-s/-e) halfbreed, half-caste; , zo. hybrid; /vmasch F [' maj] m (-es/-e) hotchpotch, jumble; Lung / (-/-en) mixture; blend; alloy. mifi|achten [mis ] vjt. (no -ge-, h) disregard, ignore, neglect; slight, despise; 'Sachtung / disregard, neglect; Lbehagen 1. vli.(no -ge-, h) displease; 2. 2 n discomfort, uneasiness; Sbildung/malformation, deformity; Jbilligen v/t. (no ge-, h) disapprove (of); Sbilligung / disapproval; 'Sbrauch m brauchen v/t. abuse; misuse; (no -ge-, h) abuse; misuse; brauchlich adj. ['-.brDvgli?] abusive; improper; 'deuten v/t. (no ge-, h) misinterpret; Sdeutving / misinterpretation. missen f'misan] v/t. (ge-, h) miss; do without, dispense with. '
Mifilerfolg m failure; fiasco;
ernte / bad harvest, crop failure. Misseltatt'misa-l/misdeed; crime; '
mifi|'fallen v/i. (irr. fallen, no -ge-, h): j-m displease s.o.; 'Sfalien n (slno pi.) displeasure, dislike;
Lfallig 1. adj. displeasing; shocking; disparaging; 2. adv.: sich autiern iiber (acc.) speak ill of; Sgeburt / monster, freak (of nature), deformity; '2geschick n bad luck, misfortune; mishap; ~gestimmt fig. adj. [Lgajtimt] s. miBmutig; gliicken v/i. (no -ge-, se/n) fail; gonnen v/t. (no -ge-, h): j-m et. ~ envy or grudge s.o.; 'Sgriff m '
mistake, blunder; JSgunst / envy,
jealousy; Lgiinstig adj. envious, jealous; Jhandeln v/t. (no -ge-, h) ill-treat; maul, si. manhandle; S'handlung / ill-treatment; mauling, 5/. manhandling; jfe assault and battery; Sheirat/misalliance; Lhellig adj. dissonant, dissentient; ' 2helligkeit / (-/-en) dissonance, '
dissension, discord.
Mission [mis'join] / (-/-en) mission
184 -
(a. pol. and fig.); ~ar Uo'na:r] m (-sl-e) missionary '
Mifijklang m dissonance, discord
(both a. fig.); Lkredit fig. m bringen (-[e]slno pi ) discredit; in bring discredit upon s.o. mifil'lang pret. of mifilingen; lich adj. awkward; unpleasant; Uiebig adj. ['~li:big] unpopular; lingen [~'lir)3n] v/i. (irr., no ge-, sein) fail; 2'lingen n (-slno pi.) failure; 'Smut m ill humo(u)r; discontent; Lmutig adj. illhumoured; discontented; 'raten 1 vji. (irr. raten, no -ge-, sein) fail; turn out badly; 2. adj. wayward; ill-bred; Sstand m nuisance; grievance; Sstimmung / ill humo(u)r; 'Ston m (-[ejs/ e) dissonance, discord (both a. fig.); trauen v/i. (no -ge-, h): j-m ~ distrust or mistrust s.o.; 'Strauen n (-s/no pi.) distrust, mistrust; Ltrauisch adj. distrustful; suspicious; 'Svergniigen n (-slno pi.) displeasure; Lvergniigt adj. displeased; discontented; 'Sverhaltnis n disproportion; incongruity; 'Sverstandnis n misunderstanding; dissension; ' verstehen vjt. (irr. stehen, no ge-, h) misunderstand, mistake (intention, etc.); 'Swirtschaft/maladministration, mismanagement. Mist [mist] m (-es/-e) dung, manure; dirt; F fig. trash, rubbish; '~beet n .
['mistal] / (-/-n) misde-
Mist|gabel/ dung-fork; Lhaufen
nt dung-hill. mit [mit] 1. prp. (dat.) with; ~ 20
Jahren at (the age of) twenty; ~ e-m Schlage at a blow; ~ Gewalt by force; ~ der Bahn by train; 2. adv. also, too; ~ dabeisein be there too, be (one) of the party.
Mit|arbeiter ['mit'-] m co-worker; writing, art, etc.: collaborator; colleague; newspaper, etc.: contributor (on dat. to); 'Sbenutzen v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) use jointly or in common; ' besitzer nt joint owner; Lbestimmungsrecht n right of co-determination;
competitor; Lbewohner m coinhabitant, fellow-lodger; 'Sbringen vjt. (irr. bringen, sep., -ge-, h) bring along (with one); bringsel [' brir)Z3l] n (-si-) little present; Lbiirger m fellow-citizen; Sein~
gether, jointly; with each other, with one another; empfinden ['mit'-]
n (-slno pi.) sympathy; erbe ['mit'-] m co-heir; esser # ' [ mit'-] m (-s/-) blackhead; Sfah-
ren v/i.(irr. fahren, sep., -ge-, sein): mit j-m ~ drive or go with s.o.; j-n lassen give s.o. a lift; 'Sfiihlen
(sep., -ge-, h) sympathize (m/t with); 'Sgeben v/t. (irr. geben, sep.,
ge-, h) give along (Jar. with); Lge-
fiihl n sympathy; 'Sgehen vli. (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, sei'n): m/t j-m go with s.o.; Lgift / (-/-en) dowry, marriage portion. . Mitglied n member; ' erversammlung / general meeting; ' erzahl/membership; ' sbeitrag m subscription; ' schaft/ (-/wopi.) membership. 2inhaber
fig. m lunch, dinner; Lzeit/noontide; lunch-time, dinner-time. Mitte ['mita] / (-/-n) middle; cent|re. Am. -er; die goldene the golden or happy mean; aus unserer
from among us; ~ Juli in the middle of July; ~ Dre/C/g in the
middle of one s thirties. '
mitteillen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-m
et. communicate to s.o.; impart to s.o.; inform s.o. of s th.; make known to s.o.; Lsam adj. communicative; 'Sung / (-/-en) communication; information; communique. Mittel ['mital] n (s/-) means s£., way; remedy (gegen for); average; mean; phys. medium; ~ pi. a. means pi., funds pi., money; ~ pi. und Wege ways and means pi.; .
mitphln adv. consequently, therefore;
185 -
kommen v/i. (irr.
kommen, sep., -ge-, se/n) come along (m/t with); fig. be able to follow; ' 21au£er pol. m nominal member; contp. trimmer. ' Mitleid n (-[e]s/no pi.) compassion, pity; sympathy; aus ~ out of pity; hofaen m/t have or take pity on; enschaft / (-Ino pi.): in ~ z/ehen affect; implicate, involve; damage; ' 2ig adj. compassionate, pitiful; 2(s)los adj. ['~t-] pitiless, merciless; 2(s)voll adj. ['~t-] pitifiil, compas-
sionate. '
mitlmachen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. vfi. make one of the party; 2. vjt. take part in, participate in; follow, go with (fashion); go through (hardships); '2mensch m fellow creature; ' nehmen vjt. (irr. nehmen, sep., -ge-, h) take along (with one); fig. exhaust, wear out; j-n (im Auto) give s.o. a lift; nichten adv. [ 'ni tan] by no means, not at all; ' rechnen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) include (in the account); nicht ~ leave out of account; nicht m/tgerechnet not counting; ' reden (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/i. join in the conversation; 2. v/t.: ein Wort or ~
Walter n Middle Agespl.; '2alterlich adj. medi(a)eval; bar adj. mediate, indirect; Lding n: ein zwischen ... und ... something between ... and ...; ' finger m middle finger; Lgebirge n highlands pi.; grofl adj. of medium height; medium-sized; 'J&ufer m sports: centre half back. Am. center half back; '2105 adj. without means, destitute; 'Smafiig adj. middling; mediocre; Lmafiigkeit / (-jno
pi.) mediocrity; Lpunkt m cent|re, Am. -er; fig. a. focus; '2s prp. (gen.) by (means of), through; Lschule/ intermediate
school; Lsmann m (-[ejs/ er, Mitte/s/eute) mediator, go-between; Lstand m middle classespL; Lstiirmer m sports: centre forward. Am.
say (be/ in); ' reifien v/t. (irr.
center forward; ' .v/egfig. m middle course; ' v/ortgr. n (-[e]sl-er) participle. mitten adv. ['mitan]: in oy an or auf or unter (ace; dat.) in the midst or middle of; ~ entzwei right in two; ~ /m Winter in the depth of
re/Ben, sep., -ge-, h) tear or drag
winter; ~ in der Nacht in the middle
along; fig. sweep along.
or dead of night; ~ ins Herz right into the heart; Jdrin F adv. right in the middle; Jdurch F adv. right through or across.
Wdrtchen mitzureden haben have a
Mitschuld / complicity (on dat. in); ig adj. accessary (an dat. to crime); ' ige m accessary, accomplice.
Mitschiiler m schoolfellow.
mitspiellen (sep., -ge-, h) 1. v/i.
play (be/ with); sports: be on the team; thea. appear, star (in a play); join in a game; matter: be involved; j-m arg or ubel play s.o. a nasty trick; 2. fig. vjt. join in (game); '2er m partner. ' Mittag m midday, noon; heute 2 at noon today; zu essen lunch, dine; Lessen n lunch(eon), dinner; '28 adv. at noon. '
Mittagsjpause / lunch hour; Lruhe / midday rest; Lschlaf m, ' /vschlafchen n after-dinner nap, siesta; ' stunde / noon; '~tisch
Mitter|nacht ['mitar-] / midnight; um
at midnight; 2nachtig adj. nachtlich adj. mid-
V~mqti$], night.
Mittler ['midar] 1. m (si-) mediator, intercessor; 2. 2 adj. middle, central; average, medium; 'weile adv. meanwhile, (in the) meantime.
Mittwoch ['mitvDx] m (-[e]s/-e) Wednesday; '28 adv. on Wednesday(s), every Wednesday. mitpunter adv. now and then, sometimes; Lverantwortlich adj. jointly responsible; '2welt / (-jno pi.): die ~ our, etc. contemporaries pi.
mitwirkjen v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) cooperate (be/ in), contribute (to), take part (in); ende m (-n/-n) thea. performer, actor, player (a. J ); die ~npl. the cast; 'Sung f(-Jno pi.) co(-)operation, contribution. ' Mitwisser m (-s/-) confidant; tfz accessary. [rechnen.i ' mitzahlen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) s. mit-f Mix|becher ['miks-] tn (cocktail-) shaker; Sen v/t. (ge-, h) mix; *,tur [ tu:r] / (-/-en) mixture. Mobel [Wibal] n (-s/-) piece of furniture; ~ pi. furniture; '..handler m furniture-dealer; ' spedi-
mogen ['morgan] (irr., h) 1. v/i. (ge-) be willing; ich mag nicht I don't like to; 2. vlt. (ge-) want, wish; like, be fond of; nicht
teur m furniture-remover; ' stiick n piece of furniture; ' tischler m '
like better, prefer; 3. vjaux. (no ge-) may, might; ich mochte wissen
I should like to know; ich mochte
lieber gehen I would rather go; das mag (wohl) sein that s (well) possible; wo er ouch sein mag wherever he maybe; mag er sagen, was er will let him say what he likes. moglich [ morklig] 1. adj. possible; practicable, feasible; market, criminal, etc.: potential; alle ~en all sorts of; o//es ~e all sorts of things; '
sein ~stes tun do one s utmost or
wagen m pan-
level best; nicht ~.' you don't say (so)!; so 6o/d etc. wie ~ = 2. adv.:~st bald etc. as soon, etc., as possible; ' ' er weise adv. possibly, if possible; perhaps; 'Skeit/(-/-en) possibility; chance; noch ~ if possible.
technicon, Am. furniture truck.
mobil adj. [mo'bi:!] X mobile; F
active, nimble; ~ mochen X mobilize; Siar Uil'jatr] n (-s/-e) furniture; movables pi.; isieren Uili' zirran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) mobilize; f realize (property, etc.); 2machung X [mo'biilmaxur)] / (-/-en) mobilization. '
moblieren -
[mo bliiran]
furnished room, F bed-sitter.
mochte ['mDxta] pret. of mogen.
Mode ['morda] / (-/-n) fashion, vogue; use, custom; die neueste ~ the latest fashion; in ~ in fashion or
vogue; ous der ~ kommen grow or go out of fashion; die ~ bestimmen set
Mohammedan|er [mohame'da:nar] m (si-) Muslim, Moslem, Mohammedan; Sisch adj. Muslim, Moslem, Mohammedan.
ge-, h) furnish; mobliertes Zimmer
artikel m/pl. fancy goods pi., novelties pi.; '..farbe / fashionable colo(u)r. Modell [mo'dd] n (-s/-e) ©, fashion, paint.: model; pattern, design; © mo(u)ld; j-m stehen paint, pose for s.o.; ~eisenbahn / model railway; Sieren U lirran] v/t. (no -ge-, '
h) model, mo(u)ld, fashion.
Mohn [mo:n] m (-[e]s/-e) poppy. Mohre ['morra] / (-/-n) carrot. Mohrriibe ['mo:r-] / carrot. Molch zo. [molg] m (-[e]s/-e) salamander; newt.
Mole ['mo:la] / (-/-n) mole, jetty. molk [molk] pret. of me/ken. Molkerei [molka'rai] /(-/-en) dairy; produkte n\pl. dairy products pi. Moll $ [mol] n (-/-) minor (key). mollig F adj. [ molig] snug, cosy; plump, rounded. Moment [mo'ment] (-[e]s/-e) 1. m moment, instant; im at the moment; 2. n motive; fact(or); © momentum; © impulse (a. fig.); San U'tarn] 1. adj. momentary; ~
Moden|schau / dress parade, fashion-show; ' zeitung / fashion
magazine. Moder ['mo:d3r]
m (-s/no pi.) must, putrefaction; ' geruch m musty smell; 'Sig adj. musty, putrid. modern1 [ mordam] v/i. (ge-, h) putrefy, rot, decay. modern2 adj [mo'dsm] modern; progressive; up-to-date; fashionable; isieren [U zirran] v/t. (no ge-, h) modernize, bring up to date. ' Mode | salon m fashion house; ' schmuck m costume jewel(le)ry; ' waren flpl. fancy goods pi.; ' zeichner m fashion-designer. modifizieren [modifi'tsiiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) modify. modisch adj. ['mo:diJ] fashionable, stylish. [liner. 1 Modistin [mo'distin]/(-/-nen) mil-/ Mogel|ei F [moiga'lai] / (-/-en) cheat; Sn F vli. (ge-, h) cheat. ~
2 adv. at the moment, for the time .
being; ~aufnabme phot, /snapshot, instantaneous photograph. Monarch [mo'narg] m (-en/-en) monarch; ie U gi:] / (-/-n) monarchy. Monat ['mornat] m (-[e]s/-e) month; '
Selang 1. adj. lasting for months; adv. for months; 'Slich 1. adj. monthly; 2. adv. monthly, a month. Monch [moeng] m (-[e]s/-e) monk, 2
dislike; not
to be keen on (food, etc.); lieber
186 -
friar. '
Monchslkloster n monastery; kutte / (monk's) frock; ' leben n monastic life; ' orden m monastic order; ' zelle / monk s cell. '
Mond [mo:nt] m (-[e]s/-e) moon; hinter dem
leben be behind the
' fahre / lunar module;
jHnsternis /lunar eclipse; 'S'hell adj. moonlit; ' schein m (-[e]s/«o
pi.) moonlight; ' sichel / crescent; Ssiichtig adj. moonstruck. Mono|log [mono'loik] m (-s/-e) '
soliloquy; Jpol if n (-s/-e) monopoly; Spolisieren Uoli zirran] vjt. (no -ge-, h) monopolize; S'ton adj. monotonous; ~tonie Uto ni:] / '
(-/-n) monotony Monstrum ['monstrum] n (-s/Mon.
stren, Monstro) monster.
rock m peignoir, dressing-gown, wrapper (for woman); rote / dawn; '2s adv. in the morning; ' zeitung / morning paper. ' morgig adj. of tomorrow. Morphium pharm. ['morfium] n (sjno pi.) morphia, morphine. morsch adj. [morj] rotten, decayed; ~
Montag ['mo:n-] m Monday; 'Ss adv. on Monday(s), every Monday.
Montage © [mon'ta s] / (-/-n) mounting, fining; setting up; assemblage, assembly. Montan Industrie [m3n'ta:n-] / coal and steel industries/)/.; ~union / European Coal and Steel Community. Mont|eur [nrm'terr] m (-s/-e) © fitter, assembler; esp. mot., mechanic; euranzug m overall; Sieren U'tiirsn] v/t. (no -ge-, h) mount, fit; set up; assemble; ur [ 'tu:r] / (-/-en) regimentals pi. Moor [mo:r] n (-[e]s/-e) bog; swamp; ' bad n mud-bath; 'Sig adj. boggy, marshy.
187 -
Morser ['moerzar] m (si-) mortar (a. X). Mortel ['moertal] m (-s/-) mortar. Mosaik [moza'i:k] n (sl-en) mosaic; fufiboden m mosaic or tessellated
Moos § [mo:s] n (-es/-e) moss; 'Sig adj. mossy.
moped. Mops zo. [maps] m (-es/=e) pug; ' Sen v/t. (ge-, h) F pilfer, pinch; si.: sich * be bored stiff.
Moral [mo'ra:l] / (-/S-en) morality; morals pi.; moral; etc.: morale; 2isch adj. moral; Sisieren Uali'ziiran] v/i. (no -ge-, h) moral-
Moschee [mo'Je:] / (-/-n) mosque.
Moschus ['mojusj m (-Inopl.) musk.
Moskito zo. [mos'kiito] m (s/s) mosquito; netz n mosquito-net. Moslem ['moslem] m (s/s) Muslim, Moslem.
Most [most] m (-es/-e) mu$t, grapejuice; of apples: cider; of pears: perry.
Mostrich ['mDstrig] m (-[e]slno pi.) mustard.
Motiv [mo'ti:f] n (-s/-e) motive, reason; paint., S motif; Sieren Ui'viiran] v/r. (no -ge-, h) motivate. Motor ['moitor] m (sl-en) engine, esp. £ motor; ' boot n motor boat; ' defekt m engine or £ motor trouble; ' haube / bonnet. Am. hood; 2isieren [motori'ziiran] vlt. (no -ge-, h) motorize; isierung [motori'zi:rur)] / (-Ino pi.) motorization; ' rad n motor (bi)cycle; .
' radfahrer m motor cyclist; roller m (motor) scooter; ' sport m '
slough, morass; s. Moor; mire, mud; 2ig adj. marshy; muddy, miry. Mord [mort] m (-[e]s/-e) murder (on dat. of); e-n begehen commit murder; anschlag m murderous assault; Sen f dan] v/i. (ge-, h) '
commit murder(s). Morder ['mcerdsr] m (-s/-) mur-
derer; 'Sisch adj. murderous; climate, etc.: deadly; Y competition: cut-throat. '
Mordlgier/lust of murder, bloodthirstiness; 'Sgierig adj. bloodthirsty; ' kommission / homicide squad; LprozeC rh m murder trial. ' Mordsl'angst F / blue funk, si. mortal fear; gliick F n stupendous luck; ' 'kerl F m devil of a fellow; ' spek'takel F m hullabaloo. Morgen ['morgan] 1. m (si-) morning; measure: acre; am ~ s. morgens; 2 S adv. tomorrow; ~ friih (abend) '
morning (evening or night); ~ in ocht Tagen tomorrow week; ' ausgabe / morning edition; ' blatt n morning paper; ' aiammerung / dawn, daybreak; Lgebet n morning prayer; '~gymnastik / morning exercises pi.; ' JLand n (-[els/wop/.) Orient, East; .
motoring. Motte zo. ['mota] / (-/-n) moth. '
Mottenlkugel / moth-baU; '2sicher adj. mothproof; 'Szerfressen
adj. moth-eaten. Motto ['mDto] n (sis) motto. Mowe orn. ['meivaJ/ Z-n) sea-gull, (sea-)mew.
Miicke zo. ['myka] / (-/-n) midge, gnat, mosquito; ous e-r e-n £/efonten machen make a mountain out of a molehill; nstich m gnat'
Mucker f'mukar] hypocrite.
m (si-) bigot,
miidle adj. [ myida] tired, weary; e-r
se/'n be weary or tired of; 'Sigkeit / (-/no pi.) tired~
ness, weariness.
Muff [muf] m 1. (-[e]s/-e) muff; 2 (-[e]slno pi.) mo(u)ldy or musty smell; ' e © / (-/-n) sleeve, socket; ' Seln F v/i. (ge-, h) munch; mumble; 'Sig adj. smell, etc.: musty, fusty; air: close; fig. sulky, sullen. Muhe ['myia] / (-/-n) trouble, pains wert (not) worth pi.; (n/ cht) der while; j-m machen give s.o. trouble; sich ~ geben uke pains (m/t over, with; 'Slos adj. .
effortless, easy; '2n vjrefl. (ge-, h) take pains, work hard; 'Svoll adj. troublesome, hard; laborious. Miihle fmyib] / (-/-n) mill. ' Miihlsal / (-/-e) toil, trouble; hardship; '2sam, 'Sselig 1. adj. toilsome,
adv. laboriously; with difficulty. Mulatto [mu'lata] m (-n/-n) mulatto. Mulde ['mulda] / (-/-n) trough; depression, hollow. Mull [mul] m (-te]s/-e) mull. Miill [myl] m (-[e]s/«o pi.) dust, rubbish, refuse. Am. a. garbage; ' abfuhr / removal of refuse; Leimer m dust-bin. Am. garbage 2
Miiller ['mylar] m (-s/-) miller. ' Mull|£ahrer m dust-man. Am. garbage collector; haufen m dustheap; ' kasten m s. Mulleimer; ' kutscher m s. Mullfahrer; ' wagen m dust-cart. Am. garbage cart. Multiplilkation A" [multiplikatsjorn] / (-/-en) multiplication; Szieren A* t~'tsi:r3n] v/t. (no -ge-, h) multiply (m/t by). Mumie ['muimja] / (-/-n) mummy. Mumps # [mumps] m, F/(-/no pi.) '
188 -
munkeln F ['murjkaln] (ge-, h) 1 v/i. whisper; 2. v/t. whisper, .
rumo(u)r; man munkelt there is a
rumo(u)r afloat. [lively; merry.'* munter adj. ['muntar] awake; fig.:f Miinz e ['myntsa] / (-/-n) coin; (smal) change; medal; mint; fur bare ~ nehmen take at face value; j-m et m/t gleicher heimzahlen pay s.o. back in his own coin; einheit / (monetary) unit, standard of currency; Sen v/t. (ge-, h) coin, mint; gemiinzt sein auf (acc.) be .
meant for, be aimed at;
sprecher teleph. m coin-box telephone; ' fufi m standard (of coinage); ' wesen n monetary system. miirbe adj. f myrba] tender; pastry, etc.: crisp, short; meat: wellcooked; material: brittle; F fig. worn-out, demoralized; F j-n ~ '
machen break s.o.'s resistance; F
werden give in. Murmel ['murmal] f (-l-n) marble; Sn v/t. and v/i. (ge-, h) mumble, '
tier zo. n marmot.
vji. (ge-, h) grumble, F grouch (both: uber acc. at, over, about). miirrisch adj. [ myrij] surly, sullen. Mus [mu:s] n (-es/-e) pap; stewed '
Mund [munt] m (-[e]s/=er) mouth; den ~ halten hold one's tongue; den~voll nehmen talk big; sich den~ verbrennen put one s foot in it; nicht auf den ~ gefallen sein have a ready or glib tongue; j-m iifcer den fahren cut s.o. short; '~art / dialect; 'Sartlich adj. dialectal. Miindel ['myndal] m, n (si-), girl: '
f (-/-n) ward, pupil; 'Ssicher adj.: ~e Papiere rt/pl. Y gilt-edged securities pi. miinden [ myndan] v/i. (ge-, h): - in (acc.) river, etc.: fall or flow into; a
street, etc.: run into. '
mundjfaul adj. too lazy to speak; gerecht adj. palatable (a. fig.);
Muschel ['mujal] / (-l-n) zo.: mussel; shell, conch; teleph. ear-piece. Museum [mu'ze:um] n (s/Museen) museum.
Musik [mu'zirk] / (-/no pi.) music; alienhandlung Ui kailjan-] / music-shop; Salisch adj. [ .i ka:lij] musical; ant [U'kant] m (-en/ en) musician; automat m jukebox; ~er ['muizikar] m (-s/-) musician; bandsman; instru'
ment n musical instrument; ,Jehrer m music-master; stunde / music-lesson; truhe / radio-
gram(ophone). Am. radio-phono-
graph. musizieren [muzi'tsi:ran] v/i. (no
Sharmonika J" / mouth-organ; ' Shohle anat. f oral cavity. miindig j% adj. ['myndi?] of age;
werden come of age; '2keit / (-/no pi ) majority. miindlich ['myntlic;] 1. adj. oral, verbal; 2. adv. a. by word of mouth. .
Mundjpflege / oral hygiene; raub 1*2 m theft of comestibles; ' stiick n mouthpiece (of musical instrument, etc.); tip (of cigarette); .
2tot adj.: ~ machen silence or gag
s o .
Miindung /(-/-en) mouth; a. estu-
ary (of river); muzzle (of fire-arms). Mundjvorrat m provisions pi., victuals/)/.; ' wasser n (-s/») mouthwash, gargle; ' werk F fig. n: e/n gutes haben have the gift of the
kater F m stiffness and soreness,
Am. a. charley horse; ' kraft / zerrung & f muscular strength; pulled muscle. Muskul | atur [muskula'tu:r] /(-/-en) muscular system, muscles pi.; 26s adj. [,Jl0:s] muscular, brawny. Mufi [mus] n (-/no pi.) necessity; '
es /st e/n ~ it is a must.
Mufie ['mu:sa] / (-/no pi.) leisure; spare time; m/t at one s leisure. Musselin [musa'lim] w (-s/-e) '
ge-, h) make or have music. Muskat [mus'kan] m (-[e]s/-e) nutmeg; nufi / nutmeg. Muskel ['muskal] m (-s/-n) muscle;
[muni'tsjo:n] / (-/-en)
['mysan] (irr., h) 1. v/i.
(ge-): ich mu8 I must; 2. v/aux. (no -ge-): ich mufi I must, I have to;
I am obliged or compelled or forced to; I am bound to; ich habe gehen I had to go; ich mulite (e/gent/ich) w/ssen I ought to know. miifiig adj. ['myisi?] idle; superfluous; useless; 'figang m idleness, laziness; 2ganger f' geqar] m ( si-) idler, loafer; lazy-bones. mufite ['musta] pret. of mussen. Muster f'mustar] n (-s/-) model; example, paragon; design, pattern; specimen; sample; ' betrieb m model factory or S farm; ' gatte m model husband; 'Sgiiltig, haft 1 adj. model, exemplary, perfect; -
Mutter ['mutar] / 1. (-/«=) mother; 2 @ (-l-n) nut; ' brust/mother's .
breast; 'Jteib m womb.
miitterlich adj. fmytsrli?] motherly; maternal; erseits adv. [' ar' zaits] on or from one s mother s side; uncle, etc.: maternal. '
Elos adj. motherless; ' mal n birth-mark, mole; ' milch / mother s milk; ' schaft / (-/no pi.) maternity, motherhood; 'S seelenal'lein adj. all or utterly alone; Msohnchen [' zomgan] n (-s/-) milksop, si. sissy; ' sprache / mother tongue; ' witz m (-es/no pi.) mother wit. '
na int. [na] now!, then!, well!, Am. a. hey! Nabe [] / (-l-n) hub. Nabel anat. ['ncr.bal] m (-s/-) navel. nach [na:x] 1. prp. (dat.) direction, striving: after; to(wards), for (a. fst ... bin or zu); succession: after; time: after, past; manner, measure, example: according to; ~ Gewicht by weight; ~ deutschem Geld in German money; e-r ~ dem andern
one by one; funf Minuten e/ns five minutes past one; 2. adv. after; und ~ little by little, gradually; ~ w/e vor now as before, still.
nachahm|en ['narx'aiman] v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) imitate, copy; counterfeit; ' ens'wert adj. worthy of imitation, exemplary; 'Ser m (-s/-)
imitator; '2ung / (-/-en) imitation; copy; counterfeit, fake. Nachbar ['naxbair] m (-n, -s/-n), ' in / (-l-nen) neighbo(u)r; .
Mutterjliebe / motherly
2 adv.: s/'ch ~ benehmen be on one's
best behavio(u)r; ' kollektion f range of samples; fin vlt. (ge-, h) examine; eye; X inspect, review; figure, pattern (fabric, etc.); schutz m protection of patterns and designs; ' ung / (-/-en) examination; X review; pattern (of fabric, etc.); ' werk n standard work. Mut [mu:t] m (-[e]s/«o pi.) courage; spirit; pluck; ~ fassen pluck up courage, summon one s courage; den ~ sinken lassen lose courage or heart; guten ~(e)s se/n be of good cheer; 'Sig adj. courageous; plucky; ' 2los adj. discouraged; despondent; ' Uosigkeit / (-/mo pi.) discouragement; despondency; Smafien [' maissn] v/t. (ge-, h) suppose, guess, surmise; 'Smafilich adj. presumable; supposed; heir: presumptive; ' mafJung/W-en) supposition, surmise; bloBe en pi. guesswork.
189 -
Mutwillle m wantonness; mischievousness; 'fiig adj. wanton; mischievous; wilful.
Miitze ['mytsa] / (-/-n) cap. Myrrhe ['myra] / (-l-n) myrrh. Myrte ['myrta] / (-/-n) myrtle.
mysteri|os adj. [myster'jois] mysterious; Sum U-'terrjum] Myster/en) mystery.
Mystifi|kation [mystifika'tsjotn] / (-/-en) mystification; £zieren U'tsiiran] v/t. (no -ge-, h) mystify.
Mysti|k ['mystik] / (-jno pi.) mysticism; Ssch adj. mystic(al). Myth e f'myna] / (-l-n) myth; ' Sisch adj. mythic; esp.fig. mythical; ologie [mytolo'gi:] / (-l-n) mythology; Sologisch adj. [mytoloigij] mythological; *,os ['~ds] m us [ us] m (-/My(-/Mythen) '
then) myth.
schaft / (-/-en) neighbourhood, '
vicinity. Nachbehandlung # / after-treatment.
nachbestelllen v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) '
repeat one s order for; 'Sung/ repeat (order). '
nachbeten v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) echo. Nachbildung / copy, imitation; replica; dummy. nachblicken v/i. (sep., -ge-, h)
look after.
when; j e ~ according as. '
nachdenklen v/t. (irr. denken, sep.,
ge-, h) think (iiber acc. over, about); reflect, meditate (iiber acc. on); 'Sen n (s/no pi.) reflection, meditation; musing; 'Jtich adj. meditative, reflecting; pensive. ' Nachdichtung / free version. -
(-[e]slno pi.)
stress, emphasis; 2. typ. (-[e]s/-e)
reprint; unlawfully: piracy, pirated ' Sen vjt. (sep., -ge-, h) reprint; unlawfully: pirate. nachdriicklich [ natxdryklig] l.adj. emphatic, energetic; forcible; positive; 2. adv.: ~ betonen emphasize. nacheifern ['na:x?-] vji. (sep., -ge-, h) emulate s.o. nacheinander adv. [narx'ai'nandar] one after another, successively; by or in turns. nachempfinden ['norx9-] v/t. (irr. empfinden, sep., no -ge-, h) s. nachfuhlen. nacherzahl|en ['narx'-] v/t. (sep., no -ge-, h) repeat; retell; dem Englischen nacherzahlt adapted from the English; Sung ['noix'-] / repetition; story retold, reproduction. edition;
190 '
Nachkriegs... post-war. Nachlafi ['narxlas] m (Nachlasses/
Nachlasse, Nachtasse) 'if reduction
nachlassen (irr. lassen, sep., -ge-, h) 1 v/t. reduce (price); 2. v/i. deteriorate; slacken, relax; diminish; .
pain, rain, etc.: abate; storm: calm
down; strength: wane; interest: flag. nachlassig adj. careless, negligent. nach|laufen v/i. (irr. laufen, sep., ge-, sein) run (dat. after); '~lesen
v/t. (irr. lesen, sep., -ge-, h) in book: look up; S glean; 'Uiefem v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) deliver subsequently; repeat delivery of; ' losen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h): e-e Fahrkarte ~ take a supplementary ticket; buy a ticket en route; ' machen »/t. (sep., -ge-, h) imitate (j-m et. s.o. in; copy; counterfeit, forge; ' messen vlt. (irr. messen, sep., ge-, h) measure again.
Nachfolge / succession; 'Sn vji. (sep., -ge-, sein) follow s.o.; j-m im Amt ~ succeed s.o. in his office; ~
r m (si-) follower; successor.
nachforschjen v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) investigate; search for; 'Sung / investigation, inquiry, search. Nachfrage / inquiry; + demand; Sn v/i. (sep., -ge-, h) inquire (noch
after). '
nachlfiihlen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): es
feel or sympathize with s.o.; fiillen vlt. (sep., -ge-, h) fill up, refill; geben v/i. (irr. geben, sep., -ge-, h) give way (dat. to); fig. give in, yield (to); Sgebiihr f surcharge; gehen v/i. (irr. gehen, sep., -ge-, sein) follow (s.o., business, trade, etc.); pursue (pleasure); attend to (business); investigate s th.; watch: be slow; 'Sgeschmack m (-[e]sjno pi.) after-taste. nachgiebig adj. [ naixgiibig] elastic, flexible; fig. a. yielding, compliant; Skeit / (-/-en) flexibility; compliance. nachgriibeln r/i. (sep., -ge-, h) j-m '
Nachmittag m afternoon; '2s adv. in the afternoon; ' svorstellung thea. f matinee. Nach|nahme ['narxnaima] / (-/-n) cash on delivery, Am. collect on delivery; per schicken send G.O.D.; ' name m surname, last name; ' porto %j n surcharge. ' nachlpriifen v/t. (sep., -ge-, h) verify; check; ' rechnen v/t. (sep., ge-, h) reckon over again; check ~
ponder, brood (both: over), muse (on).
nachhaltig adj. [ noixhaltig] lasting, enduring. nach her adv. afterwards; then; fa/s see you later!, so long! Nachhilfe / help, assistance; lehrer m coach, private tutor; unterricht m private lesson(s p/.), coaching. ' nachlholen v\i. (sep., -ge-, h) make up for, make good; Shut / bilden (-/-en) rear(-guard); die bring up the rear (a. fig.); ' jagen v/i. (sep., -ge-, sein) chase or pursue 5.0.; klingen v/i. (irr. klingen, sep., -ge-, h) resound, echo. Nachkomme m (-n/-n) descendant; n pi. esp. i% issue; 'Sn vji. (irr. kommen, sep., -ge-, sein) follow; come later; obey (order); meet (liabilities); ' nschaft / (-/-en) de'
(bill). '
Nachrede /: Uble » rf» defamation (of character); oral: slander, im'ften: libel; 'Sn v/t. (sep., -ge-, h): j-m Ubles slander s.o. Nachricht ['na:xri
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