Landscapes ♦ Landslides are mass movements of soil or rocs do!n a slo"e suddenly or slo!ly# t$is is "roduced !$en t$e %round &ecomes unsta&le' ♦ (n avera%e t$e landslides ill more t$an 8'000 "eo"le every year around t$e !orld' )auses* + ,$e ,$e ty"e of rocs rocs and soils + ,$e intensity of t$e rains + ,$e orientation of fractures or cracs in t$e eart$ + -eismic activity + Human activity + .rosion &y $uman and natural activity/* atural erosion ater erosion ind erosion 3nt$ro"ic erosion / ,$e erosion is t$e de%radation and trans"ort of soil or roc !$ic$ "roduce different "rocesses on t$e surface of t$e .art$' More frequent landslides ○ 4o!nfall
♦ Mudflo!s 3valanc$e )ree"in% What to do before landslides?
1 4o not &uy or rent &atc$es or &uildin%s in landslide "rone areas'
2 4o not trust in false "romises and as for secure and le%al $ousin% to t$e a""ro"riate entities : (r%ani;e "reventive actions in case of landslide in t$e "lace !$ere you live' 3void 3void &urnin%# lo%%in% and over%ra;in% 8 -o! "lants to stren%t$en land 9 4o not accumulate %ar&a%e &ecause it can clo% drains 10 Have al!ays an evacuation "lan !it$ an effective alarm system for your family and your nei%$&or$ood 11 Have a meetin% "oint 12 Have a it !it$ all t$e t$in% necessary and some !$istles and flas$li%$ts cannot lac What to do during landslides?
1 Levera%e t$e fe! seconds you $ave to alert ot$er "eo"le' 2 3void 3void t$e "anic# it is your !orst enemy' : .vacuate as =uicly as "ossi&le' .
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