Land Titles and Deeds

June 26, 2019 | Author: Jan Cee Dzaey | Category: Social Institutions, Society, Common Law, Civil Law (Common Law), Private Law
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PRESIDENTIAL PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1529 AMENDING AND CODIFYING THE LAWS RELATIVE TO REGISTRATION OF PROPERTY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, there is a need to !date the Land Re"istration A#t and to #odi$% the &arios 'a(s re'ati&e to re"istration o$ !ro!ert%, in order to $a#i'itate e$$e#ti&e i)!'e)entation o$ said 'a(s* WHEREA WHEREAS, S, to stren" stren"the then n the Torrens rrens s%ste s%ste), ), it is dee)e dee)ed d ne#es ne#essar sar% % to ado!t ado!t sa$e" sa$e"ard ards s to !re&e !re&ent nt ano)a ano)a'o 'os s tit'in tit'in" " o$ rea' rea' !ro!ert%, and to strea)'ine and si)!'i$% re"istration !ro#eedin"s and the issan#e o$ #erti$i#ates o$ tit'e* WHEREAS, the de#rees !ro)'"ated re'ati&e to the re"istration o$ #ert #erti$ i$i# i#at ates es o$ 'and 'and tran trans$ s$er er and and e)an e)an#i #i!a !ati tion on !ate !atent nts s iss issed ed !rsant to Presidentia' De#ree No. 2+ to hasten the i)!'e)entation o$  the 'and re$or) !ro"ra) o$ the #ontr% $or) an inte"ra' !art o$ the !ro!ert% re"istration 'a(s* NOW, NOW, THEREORE THEREORE,, I, ERDINAN ERDINAND D E. -ARCOS, -ARCOS, President President o$  the Re!'i# o$ the Phi'i!!ines, % &irte o$ the !o(ers &ested in )e % the Constittion, do here% order and de#ree the $o''o(in"/

CHAPTER I 0ENERAL PROISIONS SECTION 1. 1. Title of Decree.  Decree.   This De#ree sha'' e 3no(n as the PROPERT4 RE0ISTRATION DECREE. SEC. 2. Nature Nature of regist registrat ration ion procee proceedin dings; gs; jurisd jurisdic ictio tion n of  courts.  courts.  di#ia' !ro#eedin"s $or the re"istration o$ 'ands thro"hot the Phi'i!!ines sha'' e in re) and sha'' e ased on the "enera''% a##e!ted !rin#i!'es nder'%in" the Torrens Torrens s%ste).



Corts o$ irst Instan#e 1 sha'' ha&e e6#'si&e 7risdi#tion o&er  a'' a!!'i# a!!'i#ati ations ons $or ori"in ori"ina' a' re"ist re"istrat ration ion o$ tit'e tit'e to 'ands 'ands,, in#'d in#'din" in" i)!ro&e)ents and interests therein, and o&er a'' !etitions $i'ed a$ter  ori"in ori"ina' a' re"ist re"istrat ration ion o$ tit'e, tit'e, (ith (ith !o(er !o(er to hear hear and deter) deter)ine ine a'' 8es 8esti tion ons s aris arisin in" " !on !on s#h s#h a!!' a!!'i# i#at atio ions ns or !eti !etiti tion ons. s. The The #or #ortt thr thro" o"h its its #'er #'er3 3 o$ #or #ortt sha' sha''' $rn $rniish the the Land Land Re"is e"istr trat atio ion n Co))ission2 (ith (ith t(o #ert #erti$ i$ie ied d #o!i #o!ies es o$ a'' a'' !'ea !'eadi din" n"s, s, e6hi e6hii its ts,, orders, and de#isions $i'ed or issed in a!!'i#ations or !etitions $or  'and re"istration, (ith the e6#e!tion o$ steno"ra!hi# notes, (ithin $i&e da%s $ro) the $i'in" or issan#e thereo$.

1. Concept of jura regalia. Generally, under the cnce!t " jura "  jura regalia, regalia, !r#$ate t#tle t land %u&t 'e traced t &%e rant, e!re&& r #%!l#ed, "r% the S!an#&h Cr*n r #t& &ucce&&r&, the A%er#can Cln#al $ern%ent, and therea"ter, the Ph#l#!!#ne Re!u'l#c+ The  'el#e" that the S!an#&h Cr*n #& the r##n " all land t#tle& #n the Ph#l#!!#ne& ha&  !er&#&ted 'ecau&e t#tle t land %u&t e%anate "r% &%e &urce "r #t cannt #&&ue "rth "r% n*here+ In #t& 'rad &en&e, the ter%  jura  jura regalia regalia-- re"er& t ryal r#ht&, r th&e r#ht& *h#ch the .#n ha& 'y $#rtue " h#& !rerat#$e&+ In S!an#&h la*, #t re"er& t a r#ht *h#ch the &$ere#n ha& $er anyth#n #n *h#ch a &u'/ect ha& a r#ht " !r!er !r!erty ty r  propriedad + The&e *ere r#ht& en/yed dur#n "eudal t#%e& 'y the .#n a& the &$ere#n+ The thery " the "eudal &y&te% *a& that t#tle t all land& *a& r##nally held 'y the .#n, and *h#le the u&e " land& *a& ranted ut t ther& *h *ere  !er%#tted t hld the% under certa#n cnd#t#n&, the .#n theret#cally th eret#cally reta#ned the t#tle+ 0y "#ct#n " la*, the .#n *a& rearded a& the r##nal !r!r#etr " all land&, and the true and nly &urce " t#tle, and "r% h#% all land& *ere held+ The thery "   jura regalia *a& regalia *a& there"re nth#n %re than a natural "ru#t " cn1ue&t+ The ca!ac#ty " the State t *n r ac1u#re !r!erty #& the State3& !*er "  d%#n#u%+ Th#& *a& the "undat#n "r the early S!an#&h decree& e%'rac#n the "eudal "eudal thery " jura "  jura regalia+ regalia+ The  Regalian DoctrineDoctrine - r jura r  jura regalia #& regalia #& a We&tern 4

 Shuld read Re#nal Tr#al Curt&+  Shuld read rea d Land Re#&trat#n Authr#ty+


 Cru5 $+ Secretary " En$#rn%ent and Natural Re&urce&, GR N+ 4676, Dec+ 8, 2999,

:; SCRA 427, !er )&$'%$ct$on e#$$n"te%

co)&t@' !ene&"#



Sect#n 2 ha& el#%#nated the d#&t#nct#n 'et*een the eneral /ur#&d#ct#n $e&ted #n the re#nal tr#al curt and the l#%#ted /ur#&d#ct#n cn"erred u!n #t 'y the "r%er la* *hen act#n %erely a& a land re#&trat#n r cada&tral curt+ A#%ed at a$#d#n %ult#!l#c#ty " &u#t&, the chane ha& &#%!l#"#ed re#&trat#n !rceed#n& 'y cn"err#n u!n Re#nal Tr#al Curt& the authr#ty t act nt nly n a!!l#cat#n& "r r##nal re#&trat#n 'ut al& $er all !et#t#n& "#led a"ter r##nal re#&trat#n "  t#tle, *#th !*er t hear and deter%#ne all 1ue&t#n& ar#&#n u!n &uch a!!l#cat#n& r !et#t#n&+8 In ther *rd&, the curt #& n lner "ettered 'y #t& "r%er l#%#ted  /ur#&d#ct#n+ It #& n* authr#5ed t hear and dec#de nt nly nncntr$er&#al ca&e& 'ut e$en the cntent#u& and &u'&tant#al #&&ue& *h#ch *ere 'eynd #t& c%!etence 'e"re+8: A& held #n *unio v. De los Santos86 Althuh the rund& rel#ed u!n 'y !et#t#ner "r  cancellat#n " the ad$er&e cla#% *ere un%er#tr#u&, #t 'eh$ed the l*er Curt t ha$e cnducted a &!eedy hear#n u!n the 1ue&t#n " $al#d#ty " the ad$er&e cla#% !ur&uant t the &ecnd  !arara!h " Sect#n 449 " the Land Re#&trat#n Act, read#n   +


uuete $+ E%'ud, GR N+ 4:?66:, rtae La* %ay 'e recrded under Sect#n 4?: " the Re$#&ed Ad%#n#&trat#$e Cde, a& a%ended 'y Act N+ ::+ SEC+ 2+ All la*&, eecut#$e rder&, ad%#n#&trat#$e rder&, rule& and reulat#n& #ncn&#&tent *#th the "re#n !r$#&#n& are here'y re!ealed r  accrd#nly %d#"#ed+It 'eca%e nece&&ary t d#&cnt#nue the &y&te% " re#&trat#n under the S!an#&h >rtae La* &#nce recrd#n under th#& &y&te% *a& !ract#cally n#l and ha& 'ec%e '&lete+ E$en &, #t %ay 'e u&e"ul t recall that the re#&trat#n " 



#n&tru%ent& a""ect#n unre#&tered land *a& !re$#u&ly $erned 'y Sect#n 4?: "  the Ad%#n#&trat#$e Cde+ Sect#n 4?: *a& a%ended 'y Act N+ 27; and later 'y Act N+ ::+ R#ht& ac1u#red under the &y&te% *ere nt a'&lute a& they %u&t y#eld t 'etter r#ht&+ Sect#n  " PD N+ 462? re#terate& the d#&cnt#nuance " the &y&te% "  re#&trat#n under the S!an#&h >rtae La*+ It al& !r$#de& that the '=& "  re#&trat#n "r unre#&tered land& under Sect#n 4?: " the Re$#&ed Ad%#n#&trat#$e Cde, a& a%ended 'y Act N+ ::, &hall cnt#nue t 'e #n "rce, 'ut all #n&tru%ent& deal#n *#th unre#&tered land& &hall hence"rth 'e re#&tered under Sect#n 44 "  the Decree *h#ch read& SEC+ 44+ Recrd#n " #n&tru%ent& relat#n t unre#&tered land&+  N deed, cn$eyance, %rtae, lea&e, r ther $luntary #n&tru%ent a""ect#n land nt re#&tered under the Trren& &y&te% &hall 'e $al#d, ece!t a& 'et*een the !art#e& theret, unle&& &uch #n&tru%ent &hall ha$e 'een recrded #n the %anner here#n  !re&cr#'ed #n the ""#ce " the Re#&ter " Deed& "r the !r$#nce r c#ty *here the land l#e&+ (a) The Re#&ter " Deed& "r each !r$#nce r c#ty &hall =ee! a Pr#%ary Entry 0= and a Re#&trat#n 0=+ The Pr#%ary Entry 0= &hall cnta#n, a%n ther !art#cular&, the entry nu%'er, the na%e& " the !art#e&, the nature " the dcu%ent, the date, hur and %#nute #t *a& !re&ented and rece#$ed+ The recrd#n " the deed and ther #n&tru%ent& relat#n t unre#&tered land& &hall  'e e""ected 'y *ay " anntat#n n the &!ace !r$#ded there"r #n the Re#&trat#n 0=, a"ter the &a%e &hall ha$e 'een entered #n the Pr#%ary Entry 0=+ (') I", n the "ace " the #n&tru%ent, #t a!!ear& that #t #& &u""#c#ent #n la*, the Re#&ter " Deed& &hall "rth*#th recrd the #n&tru%ent #n the %anner !r$#ded here#n+ In ca&e the Re#&ter "  Deed& re"u&e& #t& ad%#&&#n t recrd, &a#d ""#c#al &hall ad$#&e the  !arty #n #ntere&t #n *r#t#n " the rund r rund& "r h#& re"u&al, and the latter %ay a!!eal the %atter t the C%%#&&#ner " Land Re#&trat#n #n accrdance *#th the !r$#&#n& " Sect#n 44; " th#& Decree+ It &hall 'e under&td that any recrd#n %ade under th#& &ect#n &hall 'e *#thut !re/ud#ce t a th#rd !arty *#th a 'etter r#ht+



(c) A"ter recrd#n n the Recrd 0=, the Re#&ter "  Deed& &hall endr&e, a%n ther th#n&, u!n the r##nal " the recrded #n&tru%ent&, the "#le nu%'er and the date a& *ell a& the hur and %#nute *hen the dcu%ent *a& rece#$ed "r recrd#n a& &h*n #n the Pr#%ary Entry 0=, return#n t the re#&trant r   !er&n #n #ntere&t the du!l#cate " the #n&tru%ent, *#th a!!r!r#ate anntat#n, cert#"y#n that he ha& recrded the #n&tru%ent a"ter  re&er$#n ne c!y there" t 'e "urn#&hed the !r$#nc#al r c#ty a&&e&&r a& re1u#red 'y e#&t#n la*+ (d) Ta &ale, attach%ent and le$y, nt#ce " lis pendens, ad$er&e cla#% and ther #n&tru%ent& #n the nature " #n$luntary deal#n& *#th re&!ect t unre#&tered land&, #" %ade #n the "r% &u""#c#ent #n la*, &hall l#=e*#&e 'e ad%#&&#'le t recrd under th#& &ect#n+ (e) @r the &er$#ce& t 'e rendered 'y the Re#&ter " Deed& under th#& &ect#n, he &hall cllect the &a%e a%unt " "ee&  !re&cr#'ed "r &#%#lar &er$#ce& "r the re#&trat#n " deed& r  #n&tru%ent& cncern#n re#&tered land&+S#n#"#cantly, any recrd#n under the &ect#n &hall 'e *#thut !re/ud#ce t a th#rd !arty *#th a 'etter r#ht+-8? The #n&cr#!t#n under Act N+ :: " a tran&act#n relat#n t unre#&tered land *a& held nt e""ect#$e "r !ur!&e& " Art#cle 46:: " the C#$#l Cde, the la* n du'le &ale " the &a%e !r!erty+ The re#&trat#n &huld 'e %ade #n the !r!erty re#&try ;9 t 'e '#nd#n u!n th#rd !er&n&+ ;4 *e$er, #n ne ca&e, #t *a& held that *here the *ner " a !arcel " unre#&tered land &ld #t t t* d#""erent !art#e&, a&&u%#n that 'th &ale& are $al#d, the $endee *h&e deed " &ale *a& "#r&t re#&tered under the !r$#&#n& " Act N+ :: *uld ha$e a 'etter  r#ht+;2 A t#tle duly re#&tered dur#n the S!an#&h re#%e under the &y&te% " re#&trat#n then #n $ue %u&t y#eld t a t#tle t the &a%e land& duly re#&tered under Act N+ 8?

Sec+ 44('), PD N+ 462?+


See Sec&+ 69 and 64, Act N+ :?8, n* Sec&+ 64 and 62, PD N+ 462?+


Sr#an $+ >aal#, GR N+ L464, ran, GR N+ 2:687, >arch 2, 4?28, :7 Ph#l+ 78+ ;2

 E&!#r#tu $+ aler#, GR N+ L47947, Dec+ 28, 4?8, 44? Ph#l+ 8?+



:?8+ nder the !r$#&#n& " &a#d Act, e$ery decree " re#&trat#n &hall '#nd the land, and 1u#et t#tle theret,- and &hall 'e cnclu&#$e u!n and aa#n&t all !er&n&, #nclud#n the In&ular G$ern%ent and all the 'ranche& there"+- The t#tle ha$#n  'een re#&tered 'y !r!er decree, #t *a& d, a"ter #t 'eca%e "#nal, a& t e$ery'dy, and cannt 'e attac=ed 'y any !er&n cla#%#n the &a%e land under t#tle anter#r t the decree " re#&trat#n+;


Sp"n$' t$t#e' no #on!e& )'e% "' e($%ence of #"n% o6ne&'$p.

S!an#&h t#tle& are 1u#te d#&&#%#lar t ad%#n#&trat#$e and /ud#c#al t#tle& under  the !re&ent &y&te%+ Althuh e$#dence& " *ner&h#!, the&e S!an#&h t#tle& %ay 'e l&t thruh !re&cr#!t#n+ They are, there"re, ne#ther #nde"ea&#'le nr  #%!re&cr#!t#'le+;: 0y e!re&& !r$#&#n " PD N+ 7?2, dated @e'ruary 48, 4?;8, S!an#&h t#tle& %ay n lner 'e u&ed a& e$#dence " land *ner&h#! #n all re#&trat#n  !rceed#n&+;:a  The rea&n "r th#& #& the !rl#"erat#n " du'#u& S!an#&h t#tle& *h#ch ha$e ra#&ed cn"l#ct#n cla#%& " *ner&h#! and tended t de&ta'#l#5e the Trren& &y&te% " re#&trat#n+ S!ec#"#cally, the Decree nted that "raudulent &ale&, tran&"er&, and ther "r%& " cn$eyance& " lare tract& " !u'l#c and !r#$ate land& t un&u&!ect#n and un*ary 'uyer& a!!ear t ha$e 'een !er!etrated 'y un&cru!ulu& !er&n& cla#%#n *ner&h#! under S!an#&h t#tle& r rant& " du'#u& r##n, and that the&e "raudulent tran&act#n& ha$e "ten re&ulted #n cn"l#ct#n cla#%& and l#t#at#n& 'et*een le#t#%ate t#tle hlder&, bona fide  ccu!ant& r  a!!l#cant& " !u'l#c land&, n the ne hand, and the hlder& ", r !er&n& cla#%#n r#ht& under, the &a#d S!an#&h t#tle& r rant&, n the ther, thu& creat#n cn"u&#n and #n&ta'#l#ty #n !r!erty *ner&h#! and threaten#n the !eace and rder cnd#t#n& #n the area& a""ected+ The "undat#n "r the early S!an#&h decree& n land rant& e%'raced the "eudal thery "  jura regalia+ Cn&e1uently, all land& " any =#nd, techn#cally &!ea=#n, *ere under the eclu&#$e d%#n#n " the S!an#&h cr*n+ The S!an#&h $ern%ent d#&tr#'uted land& 'y #&&u#n ryal rant& and cnce&&#n& t &ettler& and ;

 >an#la Ra#lrad C+ $+ Rdr#ue5, GR N+ ?::9, ar#an &uht ad/u&t%ent *#th#n the t#%e !re&cr#'ed, a& he &huld ha$e, then, &er#u&ly t 'e cn&#dered here are the Ryal Order& " N$e%'er 26, 4779 and " Oct'er 28, 4774, *h#ch l#%#ted ad/u&t%ent t 4,999 hectare& " ar#d land&, 699 hectare& " land *#th tree& and 499 hectare& " #rr#a'le land&+ And, at the r#&= " re!et#t#n, #t &huld 'e &tated aa#n that PIADECO3& 8itulo #& held ut t e%'race ;2,999 r ;:,999 hectare& " land+ 0ut #" %re *ere needed, *e ha$e the >aura La* (Ryal Decree "  @e'ruary 4, 47?:), !u'l#&hed #n the Gaceta de >an#la n A!r#l 4;, 47?:+ That decree re1u#red a &ecnd !et#t#n "r ad/u&t%ent *#th#n &# %nth& "r% !u'l#cat#n, "r th&e *h had nt yet &ecured the#r  t#tle& at the t#%e " the !u'l#cat#n " the la*+ Sa#d la* al&



a'l#&hed the !r$#nc#al 'ard& "r the ad/u&t%ent " land& e&ta'l#&hed 'y Ryal Decree " Dece%'er 28, 477:, and cn"#r%ed  'y Ryal Decree " Auu&t 4, 4777, *h#ch 'ard& *ere d#rected t del#$er t the#r &ucce&&r&, the !r$#nc#al 'ard& e&ta'l#&hed 'y Decree " >un#c#!al Oran#5at#n #&&ued n >ay 4?, 47?, all recrd& and dcu%ent& *h#ch they %ay hld #n the#r !&&e&&#n+ Du't n PIADECO3& t#tle here &u!er$ene& *hen *e c%e t cn&#der that that t#tle *a& e#ther dated A!r#l 2? r A!r#l 26, 47?:, t:elve or eight days after the publication of the 0aura La:+ Let u& n* ta=e a l=, a& near a& the recrd all*&, at h* PIADECO eactly ac1u#red #t& r#ht& under the 8itulo+ The r##nal *ner  a!!ear#n theren *a& Dn >ar#an San Pedr y E&te'an+ @r% PIADECO3& e;planation  not its evidence  *e cull the "ll*#n On Dece%'er , 47?:, Dn >ar#an %rtaed the land under pacto de retro, redee%a'le *#th#n 49 year&, "r P7,999+99 t ne Dn Inac# Cnrad+ Th#& tran&act#n *a& &a#d t ha$e 'een re#&tered r #n&cr#'ed n Dece%'er :, 47?:+ Dn >ar#an "a#led t redee% *#th#n the &t#!ulated !er#d+ When Dn Inac# d#ed, h#& dauhter, >ar#a Scrr Cnrad, h#& nly he#r, ad/ud#cated the land t her&el"+ At a'ut the &a%e t#%e, PIADECO *a& ran#5ed+  /ts certificate of registration :as issued by the Securities and   ar#a Scrr, he#r  " Dn Inac#, 'eca%e a &harehlder " PIADECO *hen &he cn$eyed the land t PIADECO3& trea&urer and an #ncr!ratr, Tr#n#dad 0+ E&trada, #n cn&#derat#n " a certa#n a%unt "  PIADECO &hare&+ Therea"ter, Tr#n#dad 0+ E&trada a&&#ned the land t PIADECO+ Then ca%e t the &cene a certa#n @a'#an Ca&t#ll, a!!ear#n a& &le he#r " Dn >ar#an, the r##nal *ner " the land+ Ca&t#ll al& eecuted an a""#da$#t " ad/ud#cat#n t h#%&el"  $er the &a%e land, and then &ld the &a%e t PIADECO+ Cn&#derat#n there"r *a& !a#d !art#ally 'y PIADECO, pending  the re#&trat#n " the land under Act :?8+ The 1ue&t#n %ay *ell 'e a&=ed Why *a& "ull !ay%ent "  the cn&#derat#n t @a'#an Ca&t#ll %ade t de!end n the re#&trat#n " the land under the Trren& &y&te%, #" PIADECO *a& &ure " the $al#d#ty " 8itulo de &ropiedad #o. $)%  Th#&, and ther 


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