Land Titles and Deeds Complete Compilation of Cases

April 23, 2018 | Author: aaa | Category: Title (Property), Foreclosure, Deed, Estoppel, Lawsuit
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Land Titles and Deeds Case Digest


Wigmore – II SR Edition CONCEPT OF TITLE AND REGISTRATION ISS3E4  7as t!e contract of sale &alid8 92S s a public docu"ent needed for transfer of o ners!ip8 $

A. B. C. D. E. F.

History Cone! Cone!tt o" t#e term term $L%nd $L%nd Tit&e Tit&e'' (ind (inds s o" o" Est Est%t %tes es Ty!es !es o" o" Est Est%t %tes es Tit&e it&e )ers )ers*s *s Deed Deed +ode +ode o" %, %,*i *isi siti tion on SPS DALION -. CA /0012

Petitioners: Spouses Dalion Respondents: CA and Sabesaje, Jr. Ponente: Medialdea, J. Doctri Doctrine: ne: A contra contract ct of sale sale is a consen consensua suall contra contract, ct, !ic! !ic! "eans t!at t!e sale is perfected b# "ere consent. $o particular  for" is re%uired for its &alidit#.

HELD4 RE4 -ALIDIT5 OF THE CONTRACT People !o itnessed t!e e+ecution of t!e deed positi&el# testified on its aut!enticit#. T!e# T!e# stat stated ed t!at t!at it !ad !ad been been e+ec e+ecut uted ed and and sign signed ed b# t!e t!e signatories.

RE4 P3BLIC DOC3+ENT T!e pro&ision of $CC -;4< on t!e necessit# of a public docu docu"e "ent nt is onl# onl# for for con& con&en enie ienc nce, e, not not for for &ali &alidi dit# t#


enforceabilit#. T!at t!is be e"bodied in a public instru"ent is not a re%uire"ent for t!e &alidit# of a contract of sale of a parcel of land Dalion argued: T!at t!e sale is in&alid because it is e"bodied in a pri&ate docu"ent. T!at 1acts and contracts !ic! !a&e for t!eir object t!e creation, trans"ission, "odification or e+tinction of real rig!ts o&er i""o&able propert# "ust appear in a public instru"ent.1 )$CC -;4< par. -* •

S!ort S!ort &ersio &ersion: n: A land as regist registere ered d in Dalion Dalion's 's na"e. na"e. (e allege allegedl# dl# sold sold t!is t!is to Sabesa Sabesaje. je. Dalion Dalion denies denies t!e sale e&er  e&er  !appened )sa#ing !is signature as forged* and also sa#s t!at assu"ing t!e signature as &alid, sale is still in&alid because it as not e+ecut e+ecuted ed in a public public docu"e docu"ent. nt. SC sa#s Dalion' Dalion's s argu"ent is rong. n a contract of sale, no particular for" is re%uired.

 A contract of sale is a consensual contract, !ic! "eans "eans t!at t!e sale is perfected b# "ere consent. $o particular for" is re%uired for its & alidit#. alidit#. =pon perfection of t!e contract, t!e parties "a# •

 A land in Sout!ern Le#te as declared in t!e na"e of Segundo Dalion. Sabesaje sued to reco&er oners!ip t!is land based on a pri&at pri&ate e docu"e docu"ent nt of absolu absolute te sale, sale, allege allegedl# dl# e+ecut e+ecuted ed b# Segundo Dalion.

reciprocall# reciprocall# de"and perfor"ance perfor"ance )$CC ->?4, $CC*, i.e., t!e &endee "a# co"pel transfer of oners!ip of  t!e object of t!e sale, and t!e &endor "a# re%uire t!e &endee to pa# t!e t!ing sold )$CC ->4* T!e sa"e applicatio application n as as publis!e publis!ed d in to nespapers. nespapers. 4* T!e record record s!os t!at eac! of of said said persons persons recei&e recei&ed d a cop# cop# of said notice, including t!e representati&e of t!e !eirs of   Antonio 2nri%ueE )(artigan, Ro!de  utierreE*. T!e record furt!er s!os, b# t!e certificate of Ja"es J. Peterson, s!eriff  of t!e cit# of Manila, t!at said notice as posted upon t!e land in %uestion. T!e record furt!er s!os t!at said notice !ad been publis!ed in to dail# nespapers of t!e cit# of  Manila. -he Manila -imes and $a Democracia. Democracia. /* T!e Cit# Cit# of Manila Manila %uest %uestion ioned ed in court court t!e border borders s of Parcel Parcel  A. T!e Court ordered ordered t!e correction but none as as e+ecuted. ?* T!e court court appro appro&ed &ed t!e t!e applica applicatio tion n and Consuel Consuelo o as gi&en gi&en t!e titles. / pro&ides: 1f no person appears and anser it!in t!e ti"e alloed, t!e court "a# at once, upon "otion of t!e applicant, no reason to t!e contrar# appearing, orde orderr a gene genera rall defa defaul ultt to be reco record rded ed and and the applicati application on ) petition*  petition* be taen for confesse . # t!e description in t!e notice 3-o all whom it ma" concern,3 all  the worl are mae parties efenant an shall be concl!e b"  the efa!lt an orer . T!e court s!all not be bound b# t!e report of t!e e+a"iner of titles, but "a# re%uire ot!er and furt!er proof.1 T!e pro&isions of section ;4 see" to be directl# contrar# to t!e contention of t!e appellants. t see"s to directl# contradict t!e re%uire"ents of personal notice as an absolute prere%uisite to t!e granting of a &alid title under t!e Torrens s#ste".


Maria Consuelo Consuelo applied applied for a registratio registration n of title title of of > parcels parcels of land in -0/. )under torrens s #ste"*

T!e sa"e idea is furt!er confir"ed b# t!e pro&isions of section ;< of said Act $o. >/. Said section ;< pro&ides t!at: 1/&er"  1 /&er"  ecree ecree of re0ist re0istrat ration ion shall bin the lan an !ite !ite the title title thereto, s!bect onl" to the eceptions state in the followin0  section. section. t s!all be conclusi&e upon and against all persons,

Land Titles and Deeds Case Digest

Wigmore – II SR Edition including t!e nsular o&ern"ent, and all t!e branc!es t!ereof, !et!er "entioned b# na"e in t!e application, notice or  citations, or included in t!e general description 6-o all whom it  ma" concern.61 It will be note also that the petitioner in re0istration cases is not  b" law re!ire to 0i&e an" notice to an" person. T!e la re%uires t!e cler@ of t!e court to gi&e t!e notices. )Sections ;and ; of Act $o. >/.* t is true t!at 1t!e court "a# also cause ot!er or furt!er notice of t!e application to be gi&en in suc! a "anner and to suc! persons as it "a# dee" proper.1 T!us it is seen t!at t!e applicant is b# e+press pro&ision of la relie&ed fro" an# obligation !atsoe&er to gi&e "oti&e to an# person of  t!e pendenc# of !is application to !a&e !is land registered under  t!e Torrens s#ste". Section -0- and -0 )Act $o. >/* see" to contain a re"ed# for  persons !o !a&e suffered da"ages for t!e failure on t!e part of  court officials to co"pl# it! t!e la. (is re"ed# is not to !a&e t!e registration and certificate annulled, unless !e co"es it!in t!e pro&isions of section ;/, are in rem  and not in personam. A proceeding in rem, dealing it! a tangible res, "a# be instituted and carried to judg"ent it!out personal ser&ice upon t!e clai"ants it!in t!e state or  notice b# na"e to t!ose outside of it. )ADDT$AL: notice as ser&ed to t!e !eirs of 2nri%ueE: Records s!o t!at t!e counsel of 2nri%ueE recei&ed a notice. 2&en if it is denied b# t!e part#, personal notification is not a re%uire"ent of t!e la. Registration is a proceeding in re" and not in persona". t is t!e onl# practical a# t!at allos t!e Torrens s#ste" to fulfill its purpose.*

LEGARDA -S SALEEB5 FACTS: A stoneall stands beteen t!e adjoining lot of Legarda and Saleeb#. T!e said all and t!e strip of land !ere it stands is registered in t!e Torrens s#ste" under t!e na"e of Legarda in -0/. Si+ #ears after t!e decree of registration is released in fa&or of Legarda, Saleeb# applied for registration of !is lot under  t!e Torrens s#ste" in --, and t!e decree issued in fa&or of t!e latter included t!e stoneall and t!e strip of land !ere it stands.

ISS3E: 7!o s!ould be t!e oner of a land and its i"pro&e"ent !ic! !as been registered under t!e na"e of to persons8


t!e title, e+cept clai"s !ic! ere noted at t!e ti"e of  registration, in t!e certificate, or !ic! "a# arise subse%uent t!ereto. T!at being t!e purpose of t!e la, once a title is registered t!e oner "a# rest secure, it!out t!e necessit# of  aiting in t!e portals of t!e court, or sitting in t!e 5miraor e s! casa,6  to a&oid t!e possibilit# of losing !is land. T!e la guarantees t!e title of t!e registered oner once it !as entered into t!e Torrens s#ste".

TIB3RCIO -S PHHC FACTS4 Tiburcio et al filed an action alleging t!at for "an# #ears prior to Marc! 4, -
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